#twisters Jeb
tempesttamers · 2 months
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“Hey Siri, play Tongue Tied by GROUPLOVE”
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rqgnarok · 1 month
can't stop thinking about kate, eyes clenched shut and holding on for dear life as a tornado passed through, with tyler's arms wrapped around her and the reassurances from the child's mother echoing i got you i got you i got you. not only was she caught in a tornado twice but the circumstances were so fucking similar to the incident that killed her dreams and her friends, it's insane. kate, eyes shut and desperation growing as she waited and waited and waited for tyler to be ripped away from her like jeb was.
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twistersobsessed · 28 days
this isn't much of a plot or anything but i cannot stop thinking about storm par crowding into a small diner somewhere after a long day and reader falling asleep on scott's shoulder
Tired | Scott x Reader
A/N: Jealous Scott! Kinda short, please leave more requests!
The diner was cute, quaint and filled with locals who stared at Storm Par as they filed into the establishment. You were behind Scott and in front of Javi, barely able to focus on keeping your feet in front of you.
Your group split in two, most Storm Par members filing into a six person booth, leaving you, Scott, and Javi a four person booth. Not really thinking, you sat next to Scott, too tired to abide by your usual nervousness around him. Javi sat across from the two of you.
“Are you okay?” You barely registered that Scott was talking to you.
“What? Oh, yeah, I’m just really tired.”
“What the hell did you do last night?” Javi laughed.
Well, in fact, what you had done last night was smoke a bong with Boone, get violently too high, and throw your guts up for two hours as soon as you got back to your motel room. You bit your lip.
Javi had been half joking, but your silence raised both men’s suspicions. “Oh my god,” Javi chuckled. “What did you do?”
“Would you kill me if I said I was maybe smoking with the enemy?”
Javi cackled. “Which one of them?”
You didn’t notice Scott stiffen beside you.
“Makes sense,” Javi smirked. “Dude screams stoner.”
“Yeah,” you groaned. “He had good shit. Too good. I got sick, didn’t sleep much.”
“He got you sick?” Again, you missed Scott’s tight, angry tone. Javi didn’t, raising a brow at his partner.
“It wasn’t his fault,” you defended Boone. “He loaded the bowl with keef and I’ve only smoked my pen for the last three months.”
Scott didn’t smoke, so he didn’t really understand, but Javi did, nodding. “Yeah, that’ll do it.”
The waitress interrupted. “What can I get you guys?”
Scott ordered first, then you, who ordered nothing but a coffee, and finally Javi. Scott tried to circle back to your night with Boone but you shrugged him off, yawning.
You were quiet as he eventually fell into conversation with Javi. Everytime you blinked, your eyes remained closed a little longer each time. Scott and Javi’s low voices lulled you to sleep. You stopped understanding what they were talking about, eyelids drooping, head hanging to your side. You fell asleep over your coffee.
Right onto Scott’s shoulder.
He’d been mid-sentence when he felt weight on his shoulder, immediately pausing his statement. He glanced over to see your head, resting on his shoulder as you breathed shallowly.
Javi chuckled. “You were so worried about Boone, but look who’s shoulder she fell asleep on.”
Scott didn’t blush, but if he did he would have. “Whatever,” he grumbled. He slouched in his seat to lower his shoulder, making you more comfortable. You sighed and nuzzled into him. Javi smirked at the look on Scott’s face. “Shut up,” Scott snapped, but even he couldn’t help the small smile that tugged at his lips.
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missnancychavez · 19 days
So I am on my third rewatch of Twisters. So here are some of my own personal headcanons and theories for the movie and some parallels that may add weight to those theories.
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1. The original 5 friend group dynamic: Jeb and Praveen have known each other for years and are each others best friend. Javi and Kate are the dynamic duo (basing it on the fact that they were the only ones to do the handshake together). And Addy is everyone's little sister. Her and Kate were extremely close, but in a different way than her friendship with Javi.
2. Tyler Owens is the nephew of Bill and Jo on Bill's side (As we knew Jo didn't have any sibling). He spent his summers with them as a kid, and then as a teenager, he moved in with them full time. He started chasing with them around then, too. He even pays homage to that as he is driving a newer model of Bill's red dodge ram.
3. Boone and Lily have something going on. The way Boone screams her name as she gets picked up by the wind. And their personalities are perfect together. You can't convince me otherwise.
4. Kate and Tyler kiss in the truck after the chase they go on straight from the airport at the end of the movie. (Refer to point 8)
5. Kate puts in her resignation almost immediately, and Javi cuts ties with Riggs and Scott. The wranglers and Kate join StormPAR. Kate and Tyler spend the off-season working with Javi while the others do their own gigs, but during the storm season, they are all chasing and gathering data.
6. Cathy is so encouraging of her daughter because she's been through loss before. They called her Mrs. Carter, meaning she was married. Kate's dad died when Kate was a little girl. Cathy had to learn how to navigate being a young mom and tending a farm on her own. But she also knows that it could stop her from living her life. So she didn't. She grieved, and she learned to live with the grief and still do what she loves. It's why she is so encouraging of Kate getting back out there.
7. Kate stayed in OK for another couple of weeks after the tornado (neither her nor Tyler appeared injured in the final scene, and the truck looks great, all things considered, so clearly they had time tp heal and fix the truck.) They all were forcibly invited back to the farm by Cathy after Tyler and the wranglers went to drop Kate off post El Reno. Cathy took one look at Tyler and forced him in the house. Kate gave herself a headache from laughing so hard. She was then sent inside alongside him. Cathy made everyone stay for as long as they needed. But she did, however, get some free labour from it. It was an unspoken agreement that Kate's was now home base.
8. By the credit scenes, Kate and Tyler are together. Their first kiss was immediately after the two of them went chasing from the airport. Something about their adrenaline rushing, and it being just the two of them. It was electric. It was immediate. It just happened, and when they pulled back, they both started laughing. It reminded him of the first time they chased together, just the two of them. Kate delayed her flight for another two days. She was back home within the month. Tyler quickly realised he would have to start bribing Boone afterwards on the days he and Kate went out.
9. Kate and Boone will play card games at night to see who gets shotgun the next day, when Boone isn't riding with Lily, of course. Turns out, Kate's damn good at playing poker. On the rare occasion that Kate drives, Boone automatically hops in the back of the truck. He won't tell anyone, but he loves it when she drives. She gets this manic energy about her in the drivers seat and his adrenaline always ends up pumping. Tyler loves it, too, but he has no qualms verbalizing his affections toward her.
10. Tyler has nightmares now. Of watching Kate drive into the tornado. Of finding her body, discarded and broken by his truck. Of her slipping through his fingers during a storm. He wakes up sweating and panicking. And it's only when he sees her that he can calm himself down. The two of them, those first two weeks after El Reno, would spend hours each night, sitting in the barn, going over formulas. Or sitting outside on the tree swing, talking until they were both too exhausted to have any nightmares. When she left to go back to New York, she wasn't particularly surprised when one night she awoke to her phone ringing, Tyler close to having a full blown panic attack as he tried and failed to reassure himself that she was okay without her help. They would always call each other before bed after that, usually falling asleep over facetime.
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Dani: Good morning. Lily: Good morning. Javi: Good morning. Kate: Good morning. Dexter: Good morning. Tyler: You all sound like robots. "Good morning. Good morning." Spice it up a bit! Boone, opening the door so hard it slams into the wall: Howdy, fuckers!
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sophiphi · 1 month
Guys. GUYS. listen to me- kate carter is a natural brunette. no i’m not just saying that because daisy edgar jones has brown hair naturally, there’s a picture of young kate and her mom that is shown in the scene where she comes back home. I caught it on my second rewatch. I mean ofc you could chalk up her darker roots to it just being a dirty blonde but no, she really is a brunette.
Which brings me to this thought- I wonder what Tyler’s reaction (along with the others ofc) would be when they see Kate with brown hair. Let’s say her blonde dye was growing out enough for her to decide to dye it back. Maybe she does it when she went back to NY for a bit before going back to Oklahoma. Will there be chaos? Definitely. Will Tyler Owens get a heart attack? Duh. Like, imagine the possibilities guys, hellooo
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captainsophiestark · 14 days
Take A Break
Javi Rivera x Reader
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Written for my personal fic writing challenge for 2024, Sophie's Year of Fic! Featuring a new fic being posted every Friday, all year long :)
Fandom: Twisters
Summary: As part of Kate's original crew of tornado-tamers, you're as much of a workaholic as she is. Thankfully, Javi's around to help pull his girlfriend out of her notes when she really needs a break.
Word Count: 1,123
Category: Fluff, Humor, kind of angst just because of what happens to the original crew, but you can easily pretend that doesn't happen in the timeline of this fic :)
Putting work into an AI program without permission is illegal. You do not have my permission. Do not do it.
"Hey, enough work for tonight. Come join the party with the rest of us."
I smiled to myself as I made a few last notes off the computer screen. I knew Jeb was mostly talking to Kate, but I also knew that if I stayed here and tried to keep working after he managed to get Kate to take a break, my boyfriend wouldn't be far behind to literally drag me away from my notes.
I scribbled down a few last things as Jeb herded Kate away to the campfire, then started the process of shutting down my computer. Just as the last program finished closing, two arms wrapped tightly around my waist and picked me up, pulling me away from my work at the back of the truck.
"Javi!" I squealed, laughing as he slung me over one shoulder and started heading for the campfire.
"Yeah babe?"
"I was about to head over!"
"Oh yeah, I've heard that one before. Sorry, I know you too well. I know how fast another minute can turn into another hour. I care about this project as much as you do, but you need to take a break."
I sighed, rolling my eyes even though Javi couldn't see me. Even so, I couldn't totally hold back a smile.
"You know, Jeb just came and threw an arm around Kate."
"That's because Jeb lacks commitment," Javi responded as we neared the fire with the rest of our friends. He made sure to speak loudly enough that Jeb could hear him, too. "And because Kate's easier to convince than you are."
I scoffed, but the impact was lessened as Javi flopped into one of the chairs around the fire, pulling me around to sit in his lap in one smooth move. I shook my head and grinned up at him once we landed.
"You don't want your own chair?"
"My girl's had her head in her work, completely ignoring me for hours. No, I don't want my own chair."
I laughed, snuggling in closer to Javi and resting my head on his chest. He wrapped his arms tighter around me, and I smiled to see the rest of our friends settled comfortably around the fire, too.
"Glad you could finally join us!" called Praveen, Addy grinning beside him. I grinned right back.
"Don't act like I'm the only workaholic in this group," I said, fake-scowling as I curled closer into Javi's side. "You're all just as bad as I am. That's why we're friends."
"Alright, I resent the implicaiton that I don't know how to have a healthy work-life balance," said Javi, drawling his words a little as he held up his hands on either side of me to help illustrate his point. "I know how to have fun and how to work my ass off with Dorothy."
I twisted in Javi's lap to look up at him with a frown.
"Is it a healthy work-life balance to go way too hard on work and fun?"
He just looked down at me with a grin, leaning in for a quick kiss before pulling back with the same roguish smile.
"Hell yeah it is."
I just laughed and shook my head, leaning back on his shoulder as he tigthened his arms around me.
"Alright, whatever you say. I guess that's what college is for anyway, even if it's grad school."
"We're making memories. We have to have something to say when we're being interviewed for our incredible scientific breakthrough. Some good memories for the memoir."
"He's right," Jeb chimed in, leaning back and stretching his arm out across Kate's chair. "Most people won't want to hear that we spent every hour of every day in the lab. They want to know the people behind the science."
"I don't think any of the journals we want to publish in are going to care about who we are outside of the lab," Kate countered, flopping back against Jeb. "Or the people reading our grant proposals."
"Still works for the long-term headlines," Addy chimed in. "'Brilliant scientists tame the tornado, protecting the home where they spent countless nights together'."
"I think that's a little long," mused Kate.
"It makes it sound like we were all sleeping with each other or something," I added.
"Yeah, that's just the two sets of lovebirds over there," Praveen added.
Kate and Jeb smiled, Kate tucking her head into Jeb's shoulder, and I shot Praveen a wink before leaning up to give Javi a quick kiss. Praveen and Addy liked to make a big show of covering their eyes and shouting at any sign of PDA, but we knew it was all in good fun. They loved the four of us, both separately and as couples, even if they'd both developed strong ten minute comedy sets on the fact that they weren't dating each other or anyone else in our little group.
"Alright, enough of this," Kate said, leaning forward and raising an eyebrow. "I came over here with the promise of s'mores. So where are they?"
"Javi packed them," said Jeb, nodding in our direction. Javi shifted under me, settling further into the chair and wrapping his arms a little tighter around me.
"They're in the back of the van, but somebody else is gonna have to get them. I'm settled in here, and if I don't keep an eye on this one, she might just run right back to her computers."
Most of our friends rolled their eyes, but even so, Addy stood up.
"Lucky for both of you, I want s'mores enough that I'm willing to get up and take one for the team."
"Thank you, Addy," we chorused. She just waved us off with a smile. I waited until she passed Javi and I and got all the way to the truck, then leaned up to whisper in my boyfriend's ear.
"You absolutely know I wouldn't choose computers over s'mores. Probably ever."
"Of course I know," Javi said, leaning down to whisper in my ear with a smile, nuzzling into the crook of my shoulder. "But I'm enjoying sitting with you like this. We're too comfortable to be getting up for s'mores when we have friends that'll take care of that for us."
I laughed, nodding and resting my forehead against his.
"You're right. Genius decision."
"I know."
We shared a smile, one of Javi's hands gently squeezing my thigh as I leaned in to give him another quick kiss. Sitting by the fire with him, surrounded by all our friends, was my absolute favorite happy place. It made all the work and risk and long nights spent huddled over calculations and theories worth it, to be able to do it with Javi and the rest of our crew.
Everything Taglist: @rosecentury @kmc1989 @space-helen
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cat-in-a-box13 · 1 month
Twisters Headcanons Time!
Because this movie has been living rent-free in my head for the past two weeks
Javi, Kate, and Addy were absolutely friends in high school. I would even argue that Kate and Javi go back as far as middle school because I too, would do anything for the people that saw me through my warrior cats girl phase and still agreed to be seen in public with me.
Addy met Praveen in college and he took one look at her and decided she was absolutely insane and he wanted nothing to do with her, only to discover that his best friend was dating her best friend when they introduced the friend groups a month later
Speaking of introducing the friend groups, it was absolutely a disaster. No one can convince me that any of the Tornado Tamers (is that the name we're going with? Because it's honestly awesome) were functional human beings at any point in their lives
Addy was a disaster lesbian and I will except no criticism on this. She had terrible taste in women, and every time she walked out of the room after introducing the Tamers to her latest girlfriend, they were all side-eyeing each other like "This one was... interesting" "She was a bitch." "Oh, thank god somebody said it. I hate her."
Jeb was the dad of the group, but Praveen was absolutely the mom. Neither of them know how the original trio survived this long.
Javi gets horrendously carsick if he's in the backseat. He is always either driving or in the front passenger seat as the navigator.
This means that whenever Javi and Kate chase together, she's always stuck in the passenger seat because it's harder for her to navigate and drive at the same time, and Javi doesn't have the same instincts that she does.
After the "lightning incident" as they later termed it, Praveen kept a first-aid kit that a paramedic would be jealous of stuffed in the back of the car under the seat. When Javi went looking for everybody after the tornado passed, it was the only thing he was able to recover from the car. He still uses it to this day, and he thinks of Praveen every time he has to open it.
Kate hasn't visited the graves since the funeral. Javi visits the graves monthly, except for when he was active-duty military and couldn't get away.
The first time Kate tries to visit their graves after she comes back to Oklahoma, she had a panic attack when she tried to get out of the truck and had to call Tyler to come get her because she couldn't drive home. It took another week, and a pep talk from her mom before she managed to stand in front of the graves and say hi.
Speaking of her mom, Cathy liked to joke that she had five kids when the Tamers were using her barn as their home base. When Jeb, Addy, and Praveen died, she knew something was wrong hours before Javi called her sobbing from the hospital where her baby had just gone into surgery. She had never driven that fast in her life, until she gets another call from a considerably calmer Javi five years later. He still cried when he saw her the second time, and she hugged him just as tightly as she had before.
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logan-bear-bear · 1 month
I need more people talking about Dexter and Ben and Lily and Dani and Boone and that one guy from Storm PAR who said “Chase it” when we meet the wranglers and Addy and Jeb and Praveen and Kate and Tyler and Javi and Scott and Kathy and and
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americanhoney913 · 1 month
Twisters Dæmons!
A dæmon is the physical manifestation of a human soul, made from Dust, that appears at the moment of the child’s birth. The gender of the dæmon is usually opposite their human. This manifestation takes the form resembling the personality of the human when they reach full maturity.
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Kate and her kestrel dæmon, Pip.
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Tyler Owens and his Redbone Coonhound dæmon, Annie.
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Javi and his raccoon dæmon, Dayja.
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Boone and his spotted hyena dæmon, Riley.
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Lily and her Great Eared Nightjar dæmon, Ozzie.
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Dani and her opossum dæmon, Kenny.
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Dexter and his bearded dragon dæmon, Elena.
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Ben and his hedgehog dæmon, Edith.
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Cathy and her Tobiano American Paint dæmon, Earl.
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Addy and her clouded leopard dæmon, Henry.
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Praveen and his burrowing owl dæmon, Navi.
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Jeb and his black bear dæmon, Delilah.
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Scott and his asp viper dæmon, Sierra.
You can find the first part of the series here!
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tempesttamers · 2 months
Kate and Javi and their team loved those storm chaser parking lot parties. Javi would play his guitar and Addie would leap to her feet, dragging Kate along with her. Jeb was easily persuaded by Kate and it was only a matter of time before they convinced a reluctant Praveen to join them. They would sing and dance and laugh well into the night.
Javi hadn’t picked up his guitar since their last night together, fearing that the notes, too, would be carried away by the wind.
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kaizsche · 3 days
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TWISTERS (2024) for @americanhoney913
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iminloveedits · 1 month
I was NOT expecting the beginning to happen the way it did
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twistersobsessed · 29 days
more scott and boone please!!! thank youuuuu
Scott & Boone | NSFW Headcanons
Boone loves like a dog
He’s a giver, through and through
He’s typically the dominant party, but sometimes he’ll let you ride him, and he looks up at you with these big brown eyes full of reverence; he worships you
Gives absolutely phenomenal head, prefers giving to receiving but he’s definitely not one to complain if you want to suck him off
Has a thing for marking you up with hickies and bites; he’s possessive and loves to show people who you belong to
Lowkey a turn on for him when people point out the hickies he’s given you in their YouTube comments
While Boone is the dominant one in bed, he’s much more focused on worshiping your body than actually dominating you
He gets off on your pleasure
His favorite positions are ones where he can see your face; he likes to be able to watch your expressions of pleasure
He’s not incredibly kinky, he’s one to make love rather than have sex
He’s turned on by the sounds you make as he pleasures you, as well as you begging; he loves to listen to you beg
Sometimes he’ll tease you but he can never stand to do it for long, he always gives in
Makes sure you cum before he does
Hates condoms; he wants to feel you to the fullest, and there’s something especially intimate to him about cumming inside
Boone is all about eye contact; it embarasses you sometimes
Unfortunately, you’re usually having sex in motels and the walls are thin so you have to keep quiet, which sucks for Boone because he likes to hear you moan, but he stuffs his bandana in your mouth to muffle you and it’s almost equally as hot
He’s a tits man and he loves sucking titty
Has lowkey called you mommy before
This man loves to dominate, but he’s a soft dom
100% talks you through it, this man is mouthy in bed; a healthy mix of praise and degration
He has a size kink; how could he not, he’s 6’4
Likes giving head just as much as he likes receiving it
You’ve tried 69ing but you both get sloppy from pleasure so you tend to give head one at a time now
His favorite position is either mssionary or the mating press
Scott has a breeding kink, he never uses condoms
Even if you’re on birth control this man insists on trying to get you pregnant
I’m talking he’ll finish in you, pull out, and fuck the cum back into you with his fingers
Makes you overstimulated every time, but manages to pull at least one mind-blowing orgasm first
Scott’s the kind of a guy to press his hand down on your lower stomach while he fucks you and it makes you cry out every single time
He’s a tits man like Boone and loves to suck on them
Loves fingering you; no particular reason why he just really enjoys it, sometimes he’ll do it to you in the car while he’s driving and you’re in the passenger seat
Calls you “baby,” “honey,” “sweetheart,” and “princess”
Kisses you while you cum and while he cums, but he’s a pro at making you cum together
Loves to lick his fingers clean after fingering you, making direct eye contact while doing so
Sometimes he enjoys hitting it from the back so he can watch your ass, he’s not strictly a tits man
Doesn’t allow it often because he’s so dominant, but once in a while lets you ride him and looks up at you with stars in his eyes
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Twisters headcannon!!!!!
(Mainly going to be the tornado tamers)
Addy and Javi were like siblings, and when she died, it felt like Javi had lost a part of him
When Javi told kate that he would have done anything for her, it wasn't in a romantic sense, but because they had been friends for so long that she would have done the same for him
Jeb and Kate were so in love that he was planning to propose after she had gotten the collage grant
Addy and praveen were together when he was struck by lightning
Kate's scar still gives her pain
Kate and Javi both have survivors guilt kates, being that she led her friends into an E5 and Javi, being that he didn't warn them quickly enough
Javi is bisexual and has hooked up with everyone in his friend group except addy
Addy is a lesbian whose gay awaking was jo harding
Javi was the one who told everyone parents what happened
That is all I got. I might do one for the tornado wranglers later!
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Kate: When have I ever done anything rash or irresponsible? Javi & Lily: *nods in Tyler's direction* Kate: I said someTHING not someONE.
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