#twi hard like twilight but die hard
bokettochild · 2 months
I cannot BELIEVE no one told me we had an update!!!!!
Anyways, here's my favorite bits as always, because I need to SCREAM about this one!
The rupee acquisition!
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I love how JoJo included that traditional *item acquired* pose that all the Links do, and gave it a reason in the comic (Wind insisting he hold it up is just so fun)
Sky's comment though, "don't spend it all in one place". Isn't that a line you get in Skord when you acquire rupees? The cute little easter eggs here are so fun!
I also really love how Legend is taking an instructional role here, both with Wars and the champion!
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While also letting his veteran show
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and I love that the rest recognize that! Wild calling Legend "an expert" and actually listening to what he has to say, even if he doesn't agree with it.
I also super like the panels of Twilight's interaction with Legend here
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Very eldest and middle sibling discussing the youngest child, and I love it. It reminds us that, even for all the cuteness we got between them in the last arc, Twilight still sees Legend as too rough around the edges, enough that it borders on bullying when it comes to some of the rest, and he's trying to curb that. And Legend is LISTENING, because (as I've said a thousand times) Legend respects Twilight and values his opinion. Twilight is his big brother too now and Legend, while still being himself, genuinely seems to care about his opinion.
Twilight's just tense in general, although why, I think is mostly because of Time's sharp scolding in the last update. Even though he's snapping back at the younger ones, he's not very happy to be snapped at right now, and he's eager to get out from under Time's watchful eye.
Time and Warriors
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Because while he feels e has grounds to correct Legend for telling Wild what to do, Warriors straight up subtly scolding his protege is different. And the difference is that Legend and Wild and Twi had camaraderie (see Dawn p.3), they're brothers, but Wars is approaching this as a commander, a captain, and Twi doesn't appreciate that. Warriors isn't their leader though, but he's taking that role anyways. (Old habits die hard, I'm sure)
I mean, we all knew Wars was going to confront Wild sooner or later, but I'm glad he was so calm about it. Twilight's ruffled feathers (fur) is more from Time being overbearing, I believe, so it aggravates any slight annoyance Warriors might present.
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Even despite some of our suspicions earlier, I like this bit here. Wild was a soldier once, and the captain is very much the image of what he would have worked with before. JoJo mentioned wanting to play with that dynamic, with them bothering having military background, and I think this is that training (hundred years ago though it was) kicking in and making the champion defer to the man who outranks him (as far as they know). Granted, they all call Wars "Captain" but this felt pointed.
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I do love Four acting as the word of wisdom here, advising Time, just like he does Twilight, as to the best way to handle a team. it's a reminder that he's done this before, and he knows how teamwork can be, but also that sometimes you need space and working together means working in different areas.
Anyways, here's a couple bonus things that make me happy!
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Bunny stance!
(shh, I know he's making a point by stepping on Wild's toes, let me have this)
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Wars being so freaking pretty! Dear Hylia help me! (Is it wrong I understand Cia a bit now?)
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Wind being the youngest sibling who is Done With Your Chatter
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A competent boy being competent (and not as experienced as Ledge, but pretty darn close (if you've played both their games you know))
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Showing off items! (I can hear the little ✨da nana na✨)
And of course, I love Time being a tired, overprotective parent (he looks like my mom here, good grief!)
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birb-boyo · 6 months
This is basically me describing backrooms based on the Chain, one on the safer side and one deadly and how to survive them :]
@trippygalaxy @vio-starzz @mushr0oms-and-m0ss @shadowlinktheshadow @raven-does-artstuff-894 @treasure-goblin idk who cares about this but I spent all day on it-
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His first liminal space is fairly safe. You can’t die unless you do something diabolical.
His safe room like would be basically like this
You fall down somewhere, probably on your walk home, but you pick yourself up and see that this is very much not the side of the road. This is a grassy field.
There weren’t many grassy fields where you lived. And even those fields were no where near as expansive as this one.
Upon looking around, you see a giant wall and a drawbridge. You start walking to it, thinking that you somehow fell hard enough to pass out.
You reach Castle Town and get weird glances from many. While you’re scouting the area, you spot a little boy in green picking up random dogs. You look at him weird when he puts one dog down and chases after another one.
The boy catches you staring and with one glance, you’re suddenly in that big grassy field again
So yeah, if bro looks at you, you get set back. After a while, this space will easily drive someone insane. This is because no matter what you do, you will meet him, and you both will meet eyes, and you’ll be sent back to the beginning.
So in a way, Survival Rate: 98% but it’s gradual and you might get out of there before you go insane
For his “You’re most likely gonna die” room
I wanted to incorporate Majora’s Mask into it, saying that the masks are hunting you.
There goal is to capture you and bring you to Fierce Deity. He thinks that you killed Link.
But you didn’t because this little kid who told you that he was who the deity was looking for is literally following behind you-
This kid could be regular young Link or Ben Drowned, though it would change the survival rate massively
Survival Rate for young Link: 67%
Survival Rate for Ben Drowned: 15%
This is because the only way to stop being hunted and/or not die is to present a piece of Link to the deity when you’re eventually caught
If it’s Link, he’ll accept it and call the masks off and you’ll be free to move on to the next hell or, if god loves you, you’ll go home
If it’s Ben, you better be fast on your toes because you’ll be hunted until you die or get out of there.
I want to also want to add that the masks don’t just pop up out of no where when they find you.
You know how you have to follow the music in order to learn Saria’s Song? Don’t do that. You’ll be caught
When they emit the Song of Healing, run, Link/Ben will be right on your trail and even if he wasn’t when you stopped running, he’ll always find you even if he leads a mask to you
I forgot to mention that Link/Ben will give you hints as to how you need to give Fierce a piece of his tunic or hair or something close to it
Also that Link/Ben physically can not get close to FD as they are, as the boy says, “part of the same soul”
Idea given from @tiercel13 and @link-posting
That whole game has this unsettlingly warm ethereal quality where it's like- you're comfortable but uncomfortable at the same time and it's so weird
But basically I would say somewhere like a large field that's in perpetual twilight. You've never seen it before but it feels safe and familiar, like you've been there a thousand times. Still, there's something just slightly off, and it prevents you from ever being able to truly relax
It’s a village, deserted in the canyons, it’s wooden houses crumbling with time and weathering
Survival Rate: 100%
I think we all expected this one but you’re being hunted. It’s just you, the flora, the fauna, and a big wolf trying to kill you
It’s Wolf Twi but it’s not wolf Twi. Like, that’s the Blue-eyed Beast alright, but that’s definitely not Twilight. That’s a Wolf hardened by the need to survive. A need to eat.
The thing about this room is that it’s very survivable, but only to a select few people
For people who know how to manage in the woods, who know how to make fires without lighters, who know how to properly cook wild animals without utensils and iron, for those who are experienced in the wilds, they have a much easier time surviving this
But for those who are always inside and have little to no outside knowledge, you’re cooked almost immediately
This is a genuine hunt. This wolf can hear god knows how far, this wolf can track you with even the faintest scent
The only reason why the survival rate is as high as it is, is because it hesitates.
That’s how many survive their first encounter with the wolf, the wolf hesitates to take that final bite
I feel like the only real way to get out of here if to survive for a certain amount of time
Survival Rate: 52%
Another idea by @tiercel13 because they are so big brained
For safe it's the castle barracks but they have a completely nonsensical layout
there's random doors where they shouldn't be and some of the actual ones are gone, there's things in the rooms like it's just been vacated but a layer of dust covers everything
It must be vacant right? Those shadows that lurk behind the corners are just you going crazy right? Nobody is here. Nobody is here. Nobody is here. Nobody is here-
Survival Rate: 87%
Idea given by @hyrules-feral-hero
You got claustrophobia? That’s too bad, you’re stuck in a fairy bottle now
You don’t get ripped apart or anything like that
Your death will be slow and painful
Conserve oxygen? There’s no reason to, you’re not going to be set free :)
Survival Rate: 0%
I feel like being blunt with this one
Safe space is just a vacant Skyloft
No one is around, just the occasional keese and Remlits and rapid Loftwings flying about so watch your head!
It’s peaceful and welcoming and airy but empty.
I imagine that this would bring about some sort of uncanny valley feeling, but that is probably the wrong word for it. Because who lived here? Why are these birds so big? Why are these raccoon cats so aggressive at night?
Survival Rate: 100%
Get Silent Realmed😌
Basically just that. If you don’t know what the Silent Realm is, it’s basically a thing you do in SS where you have to get 15 tears
You have to get 15 orbs, if you step into waking water or a spirit’s light or take too long to get one of the orbs, the guardians will be after you
The guardians are what make this space dangerous. If they catch you, no matter how insignificant the gash was, you will die
You can get these guardians off of you when you get the next tear, but until you get all of them and retreat back to where you started, you are at the mercy of the guardians
Survival Rate: 73%
Picture this, you just woke up in this weird place so naturally, you ask someone where you are.
“This is Faron woods, are you a traveler?”
“Great! I can’t really leave this stable with my condition, so could you do me a favor and give this to my wife?” The old man asked
“She lives over in Hateno, up passed the Dueling Peaks!” He shoves a note in your hands
“Sir I-“
“Thank you so much! Here’s your pay for your kindness!” Upon inspecting what he had given you, you see that this is a bare diamond
You were bringing this man’s wife this letter.
Survival Rate: 85%
Evermean forest, good old homicidal trees, need I say more?
Survival Rate: 95%
Imagine chilling on a boat with your grandpa but your grandpa is the boat.
Yes, the waters are expansive, you haven’t seen an island in days if at all, but this boat is keeping you company, telling jokes, soothing your nerves
Maybe you should be freaking out that this boat is talking, but his voice is nice so what can you say?
You start to joke around, singing dumb sea shanties, he chuckles with your antics, but keeps moving forward.
The sea is vast, but at least you’re not alone
Survival Rate: 98%
Imagine this: You’ve just been dropped in this random place. Now you’re on a random raft in the middle of the sea
Suddenly, the wind isn’t strong enough to push you forward and you’re on top of a tidal wave
Your raft finally gets back on steady water, but now there’s a shadow looming over you
You turn around and you can even comprehend how big it is
It’s probably the Kraken btw
Survival Rate: 0%
You’re cooked 100%
I’m realizing that a good bit of these rooms are in the woods, well, Rulie’s is no better🤷🏽‍♂️
Except these woods don’t have anything trying to actively murder you and eat you
These woods have things trying to help you
Little floating glowing grandmas if you will😌
As soon as you fell into these woods you smelled sugar and sweets, you were still very discombobulated from your fall and now you were suddenly in woods?
Soon enough, you’re swarmed by lights of different colors, they ask you if you’re alright, if you’re ok, what is someone like you doing here
Then they guide you out of the Fairy woods, whether that means that you end up in another room or go home is up to god
Survival Rate: 100%
Idea given to me by @tiercel13
A neverending cave slowly circling further and further down. The deeper you go the more it seems to close in, the air seems thicker, and the voices of people you almost recognize begin to echo off the walls, crying for help
This room, similar to Time’s “safe space” is mostly a “you’re going to go insane” rather than “that thing is gonna fucking kill you” :)
Survival Rate: depends how sane you were when you entered
Imagine going on a wild goose chase for coins kinstones in a field with all the pieces hidden in tall grass
Survival Rate: 100% but it’s hell
This is gonna make some people mad but let me cook rq
You guys know Poppy Playtime? The Smiling Critters that chase you? That one clip from the Hour of Joy when they were eating that one guy alive?
That, but Minish :)
Survival Rate: 0%
As you traverse these woods, you realize that there are no animals in the wake. No rabbits, no mice, not even a wolf.
But this forest is littered with the bones of those lost animals.
So basically for backstory, minish got overpopulated and that meant they ate meat religiously. It was enough to feed, but soon enough, they ran out of food and now they’re hungry again
There is no survival here
There are too many Minish and you are locked in their woods
You can here their chittering and chatting, but if they spot you, you’ll only know by the dead silence of the forest
You can try breaking the bones you find on your path, opening the middle so they can smell the marrow rather than your flesh
But you only have little time and some bones are thick
And- wait…who’s bones are these? These are Hylain bones-
There are so many choices with Legend…
For his safe room, you’re just chilling on the walls. Not in the walls, on them. Your image is planted on the wall. You can move freely, you’re just glued to the wall, 2D
You’ll probably use this to scare the weird people who live around the house who’s walls you currently inhabit.
Survival Rate: 99.9% (Someone played too much and the family who lived there destroyed the house)
You guys no the movie Us? It’s basically that
There are different versions of you running around and they kinda really want you dead-
Survival Rate: 65%
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cafecourage · 5 months
Late to the party but can I request just- spoiling the Chain with love and affection and care (including First!) because these boys deserve it
- Softie, who can't remember if this has been asked for already
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I think these can combine nicely. 😊 Because all of these boys have a lot of trauma I am going to make a Hc’s to cover everything.
This man crumbles when you care for him. He is literally always the person that take's care of others so having someone care for him is new. Even if he knows your not flirting he is still receptive to it. Though Time is going to try to give back everything.
Making Time flustered is actually fairly hard. Yes, I just said he crumbles when cared for. However, he more or less soaks it in. Getting him to go all red and mushy and just flustered is extremely hard. You can pull out all the stops and he will not stray from that calm exterior. Maybe he would be blushing but its not as bad as you when he goes to fluster you.
The most nightmares that he would have are from OoT however the most comforts he needs is more from the Majora's Mask adventure.
Because most of the things he has been through was when he was a child, he probably has some sort of childhood memory lost from it. But its more of he knows what happen but the memories he would have just aren't there. It's not like he can see it in his mind eyes. Though I would imagine he would have nightmares of the future hyrule he saw in the adult timeline. That part of the adventure was more horrifying to him then the child portion of the adventure. When this happens he tends to not go back asleep unless you urge him to. He really doesn't want to wake up in a future with out those he cares about.
Time, I would think still has some anxiety towards not being able to keep track of the days. It's mainly because he did lose track of the time while in Termina and he does flinch every time when a clock tower bell chimes. Time has kept most of his masks including the ones with spirits inside, though he assumes they had moved on to the afterlife at this point as even he can sense the lack of magic. Honestly on days that he is more anxious, you would need to ground him. Hold his hand. Give him a hug. Quiet reassurance.
Twilight's suffering comes from abandonment. I am just gonna call him out. He might have a body horror fear, aiming on himself as transforming into a wolf is disgusting and painful.
Honestly even though it hurts he will still become Wolfie to feel some comfort from the other boys. Just as much as he goes wolf to help the others with comfort. Twilight isn't one to ask for physical affection mainly because he was used to just receiving it
What he wants for affection is hugs and kisses. He needs that reassurance that everything is going to be ok. That your not going to leave him as well, also that everything is going to be ok. He really just needs the love and attention.
Twilight's second worse fear is that he will be left alone for the rest of his life. He has abandonment issues which mixing with his wolf protection instincts is just a complete mess of emotions. Just sit his butt down when he gets overbearing a hug him. From that moment on just ban Twilight from moving. If he needs to walk he is gonna have to carry you.
Sometimes you would also need to drag Twilight away to a more quiet location. Being turned into an animal also heightens your senses. We both know the boys are loud. So if its pampering time. You two wont be seen for hours :D
Warriors will rather die then let his demons be known. Which is really good that you know about his adventure! But seriously, Link hates his weakness showing even in private. The man has bad anxiety, he consistently feels like he is being watched. It's not just because of Cia, but knowing that she was always watching him the whole time didn't help, he also had to deal with traitors.
That being said Warriors is another Link that needs the silent affection and comfort. He might twist it on you. That just so he can twist what it looks like to other people. He will 100% take advantage of 'comforting you' to comfort himself as well. Don't point it out, don't even mention it. He will stop and get defensive.
That being said if he is hurt, then call him out on it. Warriors is more willing to be comforted because he is already hurt. He loves his hair being played with, its an instant relaxer for him when he isn't on high high alert. For example, at bed time he is out like a light, but if you play with his hair while walking through town he will tease you.
Warriors is going to need reassurance from time to time. He doesn't think anyone in the chain is going to betray him. But his brain just tells him to always be on edge just incase of an attack. I think when you get to know him better you would be able to notice it. In case of this emergency. There isn't much you can do, other then hold his hand through it. Distracting him wont do much but when he focus's on you he feels a bit better.
All this to say he doesn't get much sleep. He actually is a nightmare when it comes to nightshifts and wont wake people up because he is to anxious to not be awake and on watch. You might just have to throw him down on the bedroll and lay on top of him.
First is hard to read. No matter how long you've known him. It's hard to know if he is ok. You just know that sometimes First comes up to you, hug you and not say anything. You can be in full conversation with someone and he just hugs you from behind. Face in your hair as he takes in your present.
He really doesn't want you to disappear on him. First lost a lot of people then almost lost his life. So let him just seek you out when he is feeling a bit... out of body.
First in general wont tell you what's the matter with him because he doesn't know what's wrong half the time. I image first is a bit no brain cell type. So like when there is a out of body moment it just confusion. Also it doesn't happen to often.
If he does look bothered by something or maybe a bit more out of it then normal. Hugging typically works. Kissing works as well. But he adores hugs and will pick you up so he could cuddle.
Either way you want to spoil first? Cuddle or hugs. Just make sure your touching him that's all he wants. Adores it even.
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breannasfluff · 11 months
Neglectful Moments
Whump Rating: 1/5
“Everyone grab a partner for the portal!” Time’s call had the group shifting in a well-organized pattern.
“Twi, want me to put your stuff in my slate?” Wild with Twilight.
“Hyrule, we don’t have to hold hands every time we go through!” Legend and Hyrule.
“Ready, old man?” Warriors with Time.
“Where do you think we’ll go next?” Wind with Sky.
And that left Four. Alone. Sure, he could join with one of the other groups, but they had each other.
As he does every time, Time says, “You good, Four?”
“Ready to go!” His smile is a little more strained each time. How did he end up the odd one out in the group? He met Sky first! Yet the chosen hero gravitated to their youngest.
It didn’t matter; Four had himself. Blue and red swirl into a muddy purple; anger and longing for what the others have. He’s a hero. Heroes don’t need partners. Even if everyone else has one.
“Legend! Hurry up!” Wild is bouncing in place as he waits for the vet to reach him. “I want to hit the market early before all the good produce is gone!”
“An extra 20 seconds won’t kill you,” Legend snarls. Aches and pains, acquired over several adventures, are made worse by the nipping cold of the air. Why can’t he be home, curled up in front of the fire? Ravio can bring him a cup of hot cider. Or, at the very least, he could still be in bed in the inn.
But no, he had to open his big mouth and volunteer when Wild said he wanted to go into town last night. Never mind that his feet ached and his scars were tight. Never mind that he’s ready to snap the Champion over his knee for the audacity of moving without pain.
What does Legend need to do to get some of that Shrine healing? Die, according to Wild, but some days that sounds like the better option.
“Hey c’mon! I bet I can beat you to the first stall!” And he’s off, ducking and weaving through the early morning crowd.
Legend suppresses a sob as his leg throbs and forces himself to keep going. Heroes don’t get to rest, even grouchy ones. Especially grouchy ones, if the Goddesses have anything to do with it.
“Old man? You doing okay?”
Warriors’ worry is not what Time wants to deal with. Sometimes it’s nice to know others care, but not today. “I’m fine. We need to keep going.”
Wind cries behind them, being carried by Twilight. His leg is broken. Hyrule is passed out in Sky’s arms after a nasty knock to the head. He won’t be providing healing until he wakes up. The rest of them are banged up as well.
Time didn’t escape; there’s a wound to his side that’s slowly spreading a bloody patch through his tunic. He squeezes his arm tighter to his side. The group needs a strong leader right now. They can’t afford to deal with his injury.
Even if—to borrow a phrase from Legend—Din’s tit’s it hurts. Stab wounds tend to do that and Time curses the fact that he has enough knowledge to generalize.
“How much further until we reach the town?”
“Another few hours, I think.” He keeps the waver of pain from his voice and straightens, despite how it pulls on his wound. “Let me know when Hyrule wakes up.”
With a nod, Warriors falls back into line. Time refuses to glance at the wound; as soon as he does the others will notice. If he can make it to the town before it bleeds all the way through, it will be a miracle.
If nothing else, he’s going to delay the inevitable panic. It’s not fatal, and curse that he knows this, too.
Warriors, as he’s now called, works hard to uphold his confident mask. Insecurity is covered by a flashy personality. Fears hidden in jokes. Worries brushed away. When asked how he’s doing, the response is I’m good, even if it’s not true. It’s not a conscious decision. It’s all he’s ever known.
The first fight he’s in, he checks over Wind obsessively.
“I’m fine! Jeez, I’m a hero just like you, don’t baby me!” The sailor fends him off with a growl.
“I’m just worried about you!” Warriors says. “Is there anything I can do? Or get you? Do you want me to take your bag?”
“You’re such a mother cucco.” But Wind passes his bag over, so the captain takes it as a win.
Later, when Wind is distracted with a snack, he cleans and bandages his wounds. It never occurs to him to share that information with his fellow hero.
It gets hard to hide when Time joins the group. By then, half the Chain are used to his mothering and fussing. They let him help, let him baby them to a degree, even if they grumble. Sometimes, they say thank you.
Whenever Warriors helps, it adds another drop to the endless bucket. If he tries harder, if he’s nicer, if he does more—he’ll be able to stay with them. Each time he’s injured he keeps it to himself. Either he bandages it on his own, or he lives with the pain.
The captain is also the most likely to jump in the way of an incoming sword to save the others. At the end of the day, Warriors isn’t as important as them. He’s already disappointed so many people; the most he can do is try to make up for it.
“Aryll, don’t forget your snack!” Wind waves the bag at her, ignoring the eye roll he gets in response. Then he falls into step beside her.
“Hey!” Twilight grabs his shoulder and spins him around. “Where are you going?”
“To walk with Aryll to her friend’s house?” Why is this a question? Wind goes everywhere with his little sister when they are home.
The rancher gives him a flat look. “Is it far?”
“No, just a few minutes down the road.”
“And you are walking her because…”
Wind stares, brows crinkling in confusion. “Because I always do?”
“Sailor, let your poor sister walk down the road on her own.” Twilight waves Aryll on. She hesitates, looking between the two of them, then finally turns and trudges down the road.
Wind watches her go, discomfort rising. He should walk her there. He always does!
Twilight nudges his shoulder. “You aren’t her mom. You don’t need to act like the parent, here. Weren’t you going to show Sky your shell collection this time?”
He was looking forward to that. Still—“I’d really feel better if I went with her.”
“She’s not going to vanish as soon as she’s out of your sight.”
Wind throws him a flat look and mocks flapping wings. The rancher has the grace to wince, at least. “Look, you can’t control her life. And you can’t protect her every second. We’ll be leaving soon.” Wind is still mulish. “I know you care for her but…who’s caring for you?”
The sailor snorts and tosses his curls from his eyes. “I take care of myself.”
“That’s what I’m afraid of.”
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crazylittlejester · 6 months
Peak characterization for Twilight is your last fic where the fact that Twi is the mature responsible village babysitter who spends his free time playing with/teaching the kids hard skills and would fucking die for them is SUCH a goody two shoes that when someone asks him to keep a secret (not even a bad one it's a little surprise to lighten someone's day) his brain encounters an error code.
Twi is such a cinnamon roll
ALSKDKD EXACTLY, like yes, Twilight is so responsible and a bit of an anxious mess, and the second Time was like “I need your help, I’m surprising Wars with a good day” Twilight’s brain just turned off and the only obvious solution to his problem was to do everything in his power to ignore Wars
But then he missed Wars so much and it turned into him awkwardly staring at tree and turning into Wolfie so he couldn’t be questioned 😭
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legendofmorons · 6 months
911, my prophecy sucks please help
Pairing: First & Wild, Fierce & Wild
Rating: T
Summary: Wild goes to see his mentors psuedo grandfather for advice on an unlucky prophecy
Warnings: cursing?
Other: Part of the PJO AU, if I missed anything please let me know
Wild dosen’t actually want to go see the old man who's earned the name Fierce - the elder has always been quiet and looks as if he knows you die in a horrible way. Honestly, maybe Fierce does know that.
But his mentor has instructed him to go to Fierce- and enlist his help before Wild goes on a quest to save Flora.
So he stands on the porch of a grand home - and he waits for the door to be answered.
a young woman opens the door, she's got on elegant jewlry- and Wild sort of recognizes her. He thinks she's in the first cohort with him. She's in her first year.
"Oh! Centurion Wild!" She says with a smile, "Are you here for dad?"
"I am here to seek help from Fierce." Wild says, try to be as polished as possible.
"Of course! Come in, I'll fetch him. Dad can help you if you need it." She says, running off and up the stairs.
Wild steps inside, shutting the door behind him and standing there hands behind his back and as straight spine as he can.
A man descends the stairs - looking to be in his mid to late thirties. He's got stubble and messy blonde hair.
"Hello, Centurion." The man says.
The man just motions towards the doorway of the living room.
Wild would argue- but he's sure it would just cause issues. So he walks to the living room, standing beside a leather armchair.
"Time and his family speak highly of you." The man says.
"Thank you, First. That is good to know." Wild answers simply.
"I am sorry to hear about Flora. She has been a very capable soilder and Centurion."
Wild nods in acknowledgment, once again unsure how to interact with an elder. Especially one so well loved.
First has a list of accomplishments, almost as grand as his father's. He'd served as a Centurion in the first cohort and quickly earned a spot as senator.
First soften a little, though he still looks like a soilder. "You can relax, you know. Our formality does not require yours."
"I appreciate that." Wild says, knowing that he will not be relaxing. Thank you very much.
First just nods. He's much less chatty than his daughter, but that's not a surprise.
Footsteps alert Wild to the return of Diana. She has her grandfather in tow.
Fierce comes in, with hair like snow and a beautifully carved cane that looks like Twilight's work.
"Hello, young Centurion." Fierce says as he enters the room.
"Elder Fierce."
"None of that, just Fierce." He says simply, "You are Time's grandson, yes?"
"I am not." Wild says simply.
As much as he looks up to his mentor and his mentors father- he is not their family. He never will be even if they have filled in as familial figures for him.
"That's hard to believe, I've heard how Time and Twi talk about you."
Wild just looks at the wall, trying not to let any hope into his heart. None of this is what needs to be focused on.
"Don't be so humble, little one. You live up to your family - blood and chosen."
"Please, Elder Fierce, I need your guidance to save Centurion Flora." Wild says in an effort to redirect to the reason he's here.
"Ah- Roahm's girl. She's like her mothers." Fierce says, eyes falling to Wild again.
"What prophecy do you have?"
"Bellona's son must walk alone without his memories or help from his home. To find the one who makes him whole, he must travel back to Rome. When the ancient one brings him to his knees, he will either win or freeze. The end of his path will reveal that which is lost, but only at a heavy cost." Wild recites, grim and displeased with the whole thing.
Fierce frowns, and he looks angry. Not at Wild- but angry.
"That sounds like you're got to lose yourself."
"I know... Twilight suggested I ask if you had advice."
"Prepare more first aid... and make your peace... You will not come back the same."
"Go to Urbosa, ask her to give you her jewel."
"If you think it wise."
"Of course. Ask Daruk for aid, as well as Revali and Mipha."
"Of course."
"Does your sister have someone to watch her?"
"Senator Time is. As well as our temporary centurions."
"Good. I will ask Diana to watch her as well."
"Thank you."
"Do not fear - Wild... You are the type to win despite odds."
"That's very kind, sir."
Fierce just tilts his head. "You seem unaware of your abilities. You are impressive, Wild. I've watched you hold your own against twelve others at once."
"It's not that impressive."
"At ypur age, I could only defend against six at once. You are incredible. I don't know how you will come back, but I know you will."
Wild just rubs the back of his neck. He dosen’t know what to say. At all.
But it's nice to know such a respected veteran and leader has so much faith in him. He might actually succeed.
"Father is right, you know." First adds. "I know we haven't been able to spend much time with you, but you are one of the best the legion has turned out in either of our lifetimes."
"Thank you."
"And make sure you talk to Legend. He's always got something up his " First says woth a soft smile, "And he likes you."
"I will. He is important to me. I wouldn't leave without telling him goodbye." Wild admits.
He means it, too. While Time, Malon, and Twilight have filled in as family, Legend might as well be his brother. (Even of Twilight is also like a brother. We're ignoring the parental roles Time and Malon have filled.)
"And do talk to Sky as well," Fierce adds, "He seems to have a way with traveling."
"He already helped me." Wild admits.
Because of course he went to Sky. Sky is-
Sky is someone close to Wild. Not family, officials.
But Sky is basically family to Wild.
Not that any of the people he thinks of as family have been told that.
Officially, Wild only has his two younger sisters.
Thankfully, Time and Malon have agreed to take care of them while Wild is gone.
"I am sorry I can't offer you more." Fierce says.
"I appreciate your time." Wild says as he stands.
"Good fortune to you, Wild. And when you come back, we will happily host a dinner for you." First says evenly.
Wild just nods. He's talked a lot to people he barley knows. Today has been too much.
After Wild arrives back home, he allows himself to truly panic.
He's going to go solo and probably loose his memories. He might not even remember what he's supposed to do!
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arecaceae175 · 1 year
(tw: blood mention)
Four grunted as he dug his elbows into the rock. He felt the threads of his sleeves rip open and rocks dig into his skin.
Twilight's sweaty hand slipped, just barely. Four gasped and strengthened his tenuous hold as much as he could.
"Four, you have-"
"Shut up, Twi!" Four growled.
"You-" Twilight's voice broke. He coughed violently , and Four watched in horror as a small stream of blood trickled down his cheek.
"You have to let me go," Twilight said.
There was a growl behind him. Four whipped his head around just in time to see the bokoblin raise its sword. Four kicked it as hard as he could, and it stumbled backwards a couple of steps.
"I'm not letting go!" Four yelled. Twilight made a noise that almost sounded like a sob. Four grit his teeth and tightened his fingers around Twilight's.
"If you don't, you'll die!" Twilight argued.
Four couldn't respond. He had to turn and kick the bokoblin again. This time he got it in the face, and it fell backwards and tumbled a short distance down the rocky mountain.
"I'm not letting go!" Four yelled.
Send an ask with a word or phrase and I'll write a "three sentence" fic in response!
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sky-squido · 2 years
more seriously, though, it just dawned on me this update that:
twi has known since like the beginning of LU that time was going to die with regrets—regrets that were specifically eased by teaching twi swordplay.
at the beginning of divine dark reflections, twilight alludes to the fact that time is filled with regret and we can tell it’s kind of always on his mind.
twilight just got injured (in-universe, it was earlier this same day) and it’s clear he’s not going to get better like he normally does.
i mean, we saw how fatalistic he was being in that first invalid-twi update, but honestly? is it really that much of a stretch for twi to just... infer that he dies here?
like, oh, yeah, the hero of time. that guy over there. my ancestor. he’s watching me bleed out on a bed after sustaining a wound in battle. he’s then going to die with regrets so strong that he lives on as a stalfos and is only pacified after training me in combat. he must... really regret.... something bad that happened to me.... because i wasn’t good enough in battle......
*is dying because of something bad that happened to him in battle and time is standing right there, visibly feeling horrible*
and i feel like, it just makes sense. twi doesn’t want to die. i mean. obviously. he just said so. but he’s still fully convinced that he will. he wants to live, but in a sense, he’s already given up, resigned himself to his fate because he put the pieces together and it makes a horrible kind of sense.
THAT’S why this pep talk works so well. THAT’s why this is what he needed—not fairies or potions, but to be reminded that he’s still got a fighting chance. his story hasn’t ended yet. his night hasn’t fallen just yet. and he can’t give up on himself—not whenever everyone else is fighting so hard not to give up on him.
as always, all the props to jojo. absolutely stunning work.
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teekerteeks · 5 months
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>student of twilight's at her school
>btw i havent finished mlp. past like season 6?
>unicorn w stubby horn, erratic?? magic control , i cant find the synonym LOL
>due to stubby horn, magic is multicolored
>her coat is blue, green, pink + yellow (roan inspired) and extra fuzzy
>cutiemark is 4 multicolored stars with multicolored bubbles, denoting her personality and the 4 stars representing her tendency to *try* to be a perfectionist also her penchant for collecting anything
>fav teachers (in order) applejack, rarity, fluttershy, pinkie, twilight, and rainbow (hates pe, loves rainbow)
>DIE HARD twi stan
>Jesus pony follower (idk the implications of this)
>"erm...akshually" 😎☝️
>loves fashion & music, wears clothes despite the norm being being naked
>etc..im still working on her
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somer-writes · 7 months
I read you're newest fluff fic with Twi and Wars and I just wanna say I absolutely sobbed over it I WAS GOING INSANEE
they make me smile and giggle and feel so warm inside I cannot express how happy I was reading through all of it you're a master at how you write, fr!!
the notions in the fic we're perfect- Wars feeling bad for having lost Twi's cord and trying to make it up to him truly shows how much he cares for his brother and Twi trying not to let Wars get too stressed and upset over it is utterly adorable.
AND THEM TALKING ABOUT VISITING EACHOTHER WHEN THEY DIE IM DEADDD THAT HIT SO HARD OMG and Twi also getting upset whenever Wars talking about his past :(( I'm about to cry all over again help me
They are honestly the. brothers. EVER. They care so much about each other and they have such unconditional love it's too sweet. I also appreciate the fact that you added in Twi's deal to wanting to see Wars after everything is done and over with. It just shows the dedication to their relationship as brothers and best friends. You capture their dynamic so perfectly and I couldn't be happier <3
so sorry for all the yapping I did, I just really love twi and wars, they bring so much comfort and I absolutely adore the way you write them. you're easily one of my most favorite authors in the LU fandom and I love reading all your work, it's absolutely fantastic. I genuinely believe that you have a talent with this and I'd love to see all your upcoming works!! I hope you know how appreciated you are and I hope for good things in your lifetime. You deserve all the support you can get, I'm so glad to be you're friend and I'm so glad I'm able to enjoy the things you write. Keep up the great work!! ❤
also dont apologize! i love sharing the brainrot with others <3 i too am extremely feral for the brothers ever XD
its like even though theyre separated by perhaps thousands of years, their love persists through time and space and theyre better people because of it! even if twilight isnt there anymore in wars era, his presence still is and so is his memory and the impression he made on somebody <3
i just love exploring memoriam and how there is no time limit or boundary on love and theres love that isnt romantic! theyre like found family soulmates XD
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miniscrew-anon · 2 years
HSH Febuwhump Day 20 - Knife Wound
I think Hyrule can be dumb and stubborn every now and then. No one is responsible 100 percent of the time.
Warriors watched in silent horror. Right beside him, Sky cringed with his whole body, neck tensing and teeth fully exposed in a pained grimace.
Four’s attention was fully on the knife, mouth wobbling like he wanted to say something. Twilight looked ready to leap over the table and put a stop to it himself.
Legend winced with every hit, hissing in anticipation of blood. Even Wind, who usually didn’t care much what the others did, flinched every time the knife came down.
The whole room held their breath, watching. Like the worlds slowest train derailment, all they could do was await the inevitable. 
They knew their words would do nothing. This was a matter of pride, now. They knew it just from the look in Hyrule’s eyes as he slammed the knife down again, glancing off his target and digging the blade into soft flesh. Everyone inhaled sharply. 
But there was no blood. Yet.
The avocado wasn’t looking too good though. 
“Hyrule, please.” Twilight tried to intervene again. He reached for the knife, terrified of Hyrule’s de-pitting methods. But the doctor just turned away from him and stabbed the fruit again. 
“I got it, Twi.” Hyrule’s tone was unusually harsh. He would conquer this avocado, or die trying.
No one knew what he had against avocados.
“Is he always like this?” Four asked. He’d brought up his magazine to his chin, as if hiding behind the glossy pages. 
“Yes. With avocados exclusively.” Legend grit his teeth as Hyrule missed the seed again and mangled the green flesh of the fruit further. He would usually step in to stop Hyrule from making poor choices, but he already knew this wasn’t a battle he’d win. He’s been living with the doctor long enough to know this only ends one way. “I don’t know why.”
“It’s his mortal enemy.” Sky breathed. The ex-guard recognized that hard look in Hyrule's eye. That was a stare one reserved for their greatest foe. 
“This is so stupid - Hyrule let Twi help.” Warriors reached his limit. The blonde stood up and attempted to flank the doctor as Twilight went in for another grab. “You’re going to stab yourself. Let’s be reasonable, yeah?”
“I said I got it.” In a show of uncharacteristic childishness, Hyrule wriggled away from them, holding his hands outstretched and sticking his butt to them to stop them from taking the knife away. “If you just let me do this-”
“-You’ll cut your hand.” Twilight grabbed for the knife again, using his superior arm length to reach over Hyrule’s shoulder. He almost got it, fingertips brushing the handle. 
But this was a mistake. Seeing the end in sight, Hyrule narrowed his eyes. With the clock having run out, he took one last desperate stab at the pit, this time holding the knife straight down in a stabbing motion in hopes of piercing it with sheer force. 
Well, he pierced something. 
But it wasn't the pit.
(Don’t google avocado hand unless you’re okay with blood. Because yikes this must be the most dangerous fruit in the world)
Hyrule can’t cook and I now headcanon that his mortal enemy is avocado. The fruit has wounded him one too many times so now it’s just a matter of dumb pride that he deals with it himself.
So far the score is Avocado: 17, Hyrule: 0
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#give me one good reason why anyone who’s so offended would stick around in a fandom lead by someone they claim to be so horrible
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Four and Twilights friendship is so underrated.
Look at this tiny guy just holding his friends shield because he can’t be with him right now. He’s not moving it or anything he’s just holding it as a way to feel closer to Twi and that just makes me so sad for these two. And he only puts it down when Wind and everyone else gets back. This is just like when he went out to hang out with Epona.
I know everyone is always focused on Time and Wild when it comes to Twilight but real talk I think Four is just as close to Twi. These two hang out often, they share secrets, and they have a very mutual respect for each other.
Four and Twilight are best friends and this is hill I’m going to die on
299 notes - Posted July 22, 2022
Did someone say Minish Cap
Things about the Minish Cap that more people should talk about because it’s adorable and hilarious
The Power Braceletes. Makes Minish Four strong enough that he can move things regular sized Four can move. That means Four can canonically throw people around when he's two inches tall. Time's Golden Gauntlets can get dunked on (Only when Four is tiny tho. He doesn't have enhanced strength when he's big. The bracelets were made for Minish so I guess they don't work when he's big lol).
His Gust Jar sucked up a ghost. Just slurped it right up. And Four can see spirits too, apparently, because not everyone saw that ghost.
Kinstones are fucking weird - they make doorways open, repair fallen trees, create chests, summon ladders, AND OPEN PORTALS? They can also create Golden enemies.
Golden enemies are extra hard to kill like in BOTW and they also drop a lot of extra loot. I guess all those Golden enemies in BOTW were spawned from Kinstones too???
He has a Grip Ring which helps him climb and his cap can be used like a paraglider. Why does no one ever address this?
Four also has Remote Bombs - a Minish inventor living in a mushroom gave them to him.
Can use his ocarnia to summon a tiny bird named Zeffa to carry him around. Normal-Sized Four can be carried by a little bird.
Din, Nayru and Farore exist in his time. Din is from Holodrum and is a dancer while Nayru is an oracle who comes from Labryanna. Are these the same from Legend's time? Who knows - certainly not the timeline
Vaati was a minish. He was Ezlos apprentice.
Ezlo is a super talented Minish. He made a cap that grants the wishes of those who wear it. He literally made his own triforce.
Hilariously, Zelda is a shoe lover. She is the shoemakers main source of income. That's canon. This princess has a closet full of shoes.
Four has fused Kinstones with mysterious walls. Yes, I said walls. Don't ask me how that works.
He also fuses kinstones with clouds. Literal clouds. This kid is crazy.
Town Picori apparently live in town because they really, really like humans. They used to be Forest Minish but they moved to be closer to the humans 🥺
Mountain Minish are not native to the mountain. There are only eight Minish on Mt. Crenel and seven of them are students who chose to follow their master, Melari, when he moved.
Apparently Gorons are in short supply during Four's era. They used to live on Mt. Crenel but now they live in a cave because there are so few of them. What happened to them?
Clouds are solid? Four walks on them. They aren't floating platforms or anything - it's just straight cloud. Idk man.
All kids in Hyrule go to the school in Hyrule Town, including Zelda and Link. Yes, Zelda actually attended a public school. Elementary school fic anyone?
Acrobandits. There's not much to them I just like to mention them whenever I can. They're little bandit ducks who stack on top of eachother, what's not to love?
Grandpa Smith and King Daltus (Zeldas Father) have a history. Both of them were talented swordsmen back in the day. They were friends and rivals. They even faced each other in the Picori Festival Swordfighting Tournament me year and eventually fought to a draw.
Zelda and Four are confirmed to have met through their father and grandfather. They are second generation friends.
Zelda is kind of a badass. In the beginning of the game Vaati wins the swordfighting tournament and the thus the right to approach a magically sealed chest with all of Hyrule's evil trapped inside. When he announces his evil intentions to open it the guards try to stop him. He attacks, blowing back the King and all of the Guards. Then he tries to approach the chest. But Dot, instead of fleeing, summons her magic ability and actually squares up like she's going to fight him. In the cutscene she actually approaches him like she and Vaati are in that Jojo Walking Meme. It's great and I love her.
This game has a bad ending. In the leadup to the final battle against Vaati, Four has to fight his way up the castle before a bell chimes three times. There is no visible counter or timer but you can actually take too long. If you do, then the bell chimes a final time and you get a small cutscene of Vaati taking Dot's lightforce. So there is actually a way to lose this game without dying.
The Lightforce. There is no triforce in this game. The Lightforce is a magical energy that was gifted to the Royal Family by Minish. There is no real description of what it is other than pure magical energy.
Two out of the five dungeons Four goes through are Minish sized. The Temple of Droplets and the Forest Temple. The Bosses are a single octorok and one (1) Chu, respectively. Do what you will with that information.
For the first part of the game Four uses Smith's Sword, the sword made by his grandfather, until he exchanges it for the White Sword, which he eventually forges into the Four Sword.
The Four Sword can break curses. Everyone in the castle gets turned into stone and Four saves them all by charging up his sword and hitting them with a sword beam.
Anyone in Four's Era can just buy a pair of Pegasus boot. They aren't dungeon items. (Zelda definitely has a pair)
See the full post
324 notes - Posted February 22, 2022
Alright let's just get one thing clear here-
Four is 100% right here. Wild absolutely needs to be stopped. By force, if necessary (and it looks like it will be necessary).
Twilight is hanging on by a thread. Last we saw him the guy was barely conscious, unable to even keep his eyes open. He's making death speeches that may or may not be because he's delirious. He's drifting in and out of consciousness. He has no strength to waste on anything but breathing.
He most certainly doesn't need Wild bursting in and stressing him out. Let's not forget; Twilight is Wild's emotional support wolf. He's there when the champion has nightmares and stays with him through his memories. He's been there for Wild all through Wild's known life. He feels responsible for Wild's emotional state, even stating that he wished he could do more.
You really think seeing Wild so distraught is going to be good for him? Because it won't. The only one who'll benefit is Wild, and even that is questionable at best.
Because Wild is living in denial. He's insisting that no one can die, refusing to even hear Four name it as a possibility. He's volatile to the point of manhandling Four out of the way and shouting at anyone who doesn't give him the answers he wants to hear. Can you imagine the damage he could do just by being in the room? Yelling at Twilight to get up, yelling at Hyrule to heal him, yelling at Time for getting in the way?
Any extra stress could tip the scales when Twilight's on the razor's edge.
Four sees the writing on the wall.
"I can't let you go through like this"
Wild is in no state to be around someone so weak. If he were calmer then there might be an argument here but as it is Wild is just too wound up.
And what Wild wants right now is, frankly, selfish. He isn't listening to Four and choosing the best course of action for Twilight; he's thinking about himself. He's worried for Twilight, sure, but it's a selfish worry. Instead of wondering "what can I do to maximize the chance Twilight survives" he's instead thinking "I need to see him no matter what". No matter who he has to abandon, walk away from or fight through. Even though he's told, in no uncertain terms, that it wouldn't be helpful unless he knew a way to help Twilight heal (and he's given no such indication).
He is straight up told that Twilight "doesn't need this right now" but still insists on seeing him anyway.
Because he wants what he always wants from Twilight: comfort. He wants to be told that it's all going to be fine and the longer he's denied the crutch he's been counting on the more hot headed he gets. Because he's freaking out, in a full blown PTSD meltdown and of course he's searching for support in the once person he’s always counted on.
Which is understandable, but not excusable. Trauma explains shitty behavior but it doesn't vindicate it; You can't endanger other people just because you're triggered - it doesn't work like that.
And let's not forget he's not the only one suffering right now. He might have the strongest bond with Twilight but he doesn't have the only one. Every Link is Twilight's friend. Each and everyone of them would miss him if he were gone. Wild does not hold the monopoly on grief and it's not fair to forgive Wild's actions while damning everyone else.
Four himself is pretty close to Twilight and he had enough sense to tell Twilight not to worry about them. If Four can look past his own wants for Twilight's sake then why is it too much to ask Wild to do it too?
So I'm not hoping Four kicks his ass because I want Wild to be hurt, okay? I want Four to kick his ass so that he's forced to confront his own selfishness. Because no matter how sad or distraught Wild is it does not matter more than Twilight's life. Even if seeing Twilight will help Wild a lot and only hurt Twi a little, that little is still much more important in this scenario.
Because feelings can be fixed later. Death is permanent.
(To be very clear I'm happy Wild is being selfish here from a narrative standpoint. I love my characters flawed and I think it's good for Wild in the long run. There is absolutely nothing wrong with a character making a bad choice in the heat of the moment. Even on my personal favorites I welcome character flaws because overcoming those flaws make for stronger characters. I just typed this up because I don't like that some people are acting like Wild is a victim here when he is very clearly the aggressor. Because that's not a bad thing to be! It just means there's character development in the works!)
354 notes - Posted February 16, 2022
The Great Warriors Misconception
It’s been noted that there’s been a steady uptick in Warriors content in the fandom recently. Although not all of it has been flattering. Fanonization of a character is pretty normal; once a characteristic has been identified it tends to get thrown around the fandom echo chamber until it’s permeated through most of the fandom. So there’s nothing unusual there. It’s happened with Sky’s sleepiness, Time’s mystique, and Wild’s angst. But in the case of Warriors it gets a little strange. See, his canon character didn’t really translate over to fandom so cleanly.
In fact, I found that many of his supposedly “well-known” traits don’t actually have any canon basis. Even the ones you think are rooted in canon are actually fandom constructed on some small misconceptions.
First, let's get the basics out of the way: Warriors is not a flirty pretty boy. In fact, I’d go so far as to say he’s not flirty at all. I can see where this idea started but upon closer inspection it's actually way more complicated than you’d expect. In ‘Doodles 6’ on the archive we’re treated to this:
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Where we see Wars hiding from a few women. Now, we’ve all been kinda taking this to mean that he was flirting with all the women in the tavern. But when you look at it objectively it actually appears to be the opposite; women are approaching him. And not only are they flirting with him but he doesn’t seem to be enjoying it. Jojo’s notes below actual lend this this idea too:
“Hero of warriors has so many ladies after him… you know, for his heart…and soul…and his head 💀”
There’s nothing there about Warriors being a flirt. The whole pretty boy thing is a reference to his game where the main conflict started when Cia fell in love with the hero's spirit, thus causing the whole war. So him being desirable has nothing to do with a playboy personality and everything to do with his appearance.
And speaking of his appearance, he’s not all that concerned about his. Again, another misconception. In ‘mirror shield’ he’s examining his black eye, yes, but it’s nothing egregious. It’s only natural to check on your injury. And in ‘Regroup’ he doesn’t seem to have a problem with a scratched up face; he’s smirking and joking as usual. So he’s clearly not that bothered.
Moving on, his core personality. I don’t know where anyone got the idea that he was a jokey/comical character but he’s not. When it comes down to it he’s right up there with Twilight in seriousness during battles. He’s usually the one helping Time to come up with plans (‘the shadow pt1’ & ‘new time new place’) and in situations where Time isn’t there Warriors steps up and takes charge (‘Divine Dark Reflections pt8’ and ‘Sunset pt4-5’). In Sunset in particular we see him displaying a huge range of his leadership abilities; he stays with Twilight when Time and Sky are speaking, convinces Twilight to leave the battlefield, fills in the group upon return and send Four and Hyrule ahead once he learns about Life, takes control of the battlefield and comes up with a plan. Even when Wild deviates from the plan, Warriors again demonstrates his leadership abilities by putting aside the lecture and focusing on solving the problem of the leftover monsters.
And even when he’s not in battle he’s able to take things seriously and read the room. In ‘Memories pt1’ Twilight and Time subtly try to move the group along to spare Wild when the champion gets stuck in his head. Warriors picks up on it immediately, even without knowing the specifics, and helps herd Wind away. And in ‘Heroes Legacy’ he notices Time being quieter than normal and asks about it. He’s so much more emotionally intelligent than he gets credit for.
There’s also this thing in the fandom about him thinking titles are important? Like, respecting someone more if they are a knight or something. And that’s baloney, actually, because Wars canonically does not give a shit. He doesn’t care about formalities (‘Doodles 6’) nor that Hyrule isn’t officially a knight (‘Divine Dark Reflection pt8’). He doesn’t seem to care about any titles, actually, based on his discussion with Legend in ‘The Bet’:
See the full post
536 notes - Posted April 1, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I gotta say I love the dynamics here. Everyone is all “You got so much to live for!” and “You can fight this!”
Meanwhile Warriors is just
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“What are you? A little bitch?”
These two really do just embody Older Sibling Energy and I’m here for it
594 notes - Posted October 2, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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smilesrobotlover · 2 years
Heeeeyyy :)
8 and 16 for Time and Twi? pls
(i love them)
Favorite outfit and childhood headcanons! :D
Time: my fav outfit of his… I think it has to be this:
Idk what it is about it but everytime I see him in it I get super happy
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And for childhood headcanon… hmmm that’s kinda hard to do since his childhood is very… you know. I guess after the events of Majoras mask he lived on the road, a lot of people tried to buy masks off of him but he just couldn’t bring himself to let it go
And for twilight! I don’t care what people say, his casual outfit in the beginning of the game is amazing and I will die on that hill. I also really love the Zora’s tunic.
And childhood headcanon: this was just a dumb little headcanon that def is not true but I like to think that the Hero’s shade watched over him when he was really young, kind of like a guardian Angel. He only made himself known when he needed to actually teach twilight things
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nonbinarv · 1 year
📃💔🍀 ^^
📃 - lu is a webcomic alternate universe of loz! it started off as a series of drawings the creator did to differentiate the different links of the games and kinda spiraled from there into a links-meet, and that started as different drawings which then culminated into a storyline. so far: each link found a dark portal in their own eras and, in typical link fashion, chose to enter it. cue meeting with 8 others for an unclear purpose and just kinda vibing for probably around a few months. stuff happens in the form of black-blooded monsters that are more powerful than regular ones, monsters appearing in the wrong eras, and a mysterious creature called the shadow. it's the best lead our heroes have, especially after watching it create one of the same dark portals that they went through to meet up in the first place, so they decide to follow it.
the new era is an odd one because there are no heroes. there haven't been any great disasters that needed saving, and anything we are able to get from people, they dismiss stuff like the triforce and demon king as myths. so that's unusual for all considering. you know. all the firsthand experience with that sorta stuff- anyways from there another encounter with the shadow leads to its shapeshifting capabilities being displayed, as it goes from a lizalfos to an iron knuckle. in this new form, it attacks twilight, whose so heavily wounded that he believes he's going to die. this leads to turmoil within the group, multiple bouts of infighting (four after a confrontation with wild, then four and wind against legend in an argument about the master sword), and general emotional turmoil. but twi heals! he gets better. the last main story update left off with sibling bonding moments, everyone being very relieved about twi being okay and saying that they can't lose a single one of them- things still being broken a bit with all the tension from before but on the mend, displayed by four holding a (shattered) sword they had made for wild and saying "i've got to fix something. i think this is a start." right now it's at a relatively happy part ^w^ still a lot of plot left but it's been really strong and impactful so far
💔 - okay so. i don't have a least favorite in the chain. most of the side characters i don't dislike. even the shadow (most likely dark) who almost killed twi i'd be okay with an eventual redemption arc perhaps (not that i think there's gonna be one or not, i'm just side glance at shadow fsa here). so it was kind of hard picking a least favorite.
however. it actually wasn't because there is one. this bastard likelike. zel won us that shield!!! she could have gone with either of the other prizes but instead she chooses the tiny shield because she thinks it's adorable and "doesn't this shield suit you perfectly?" at us and. this motherfucker tries to eat it. yeah it's easy to get your stuff back but not allowed that's our stuff the stuff zel got especially for us ;-;
🍀 - i kin red from lu!!! in loz terms this equates to 5 whole people actually since lu consolidated hero of men, minish cap link, and the 3(/12) heroes of the four sword into one guy (four). even then though i feel no connection with the hero of men (i don't have red memories but based purely on the vibes and how right things feel one way or another the hero of men was our predecessor whose story we loved as a kid and then perceived in a different light when we were older and after going through the whole hero thing ourselves). i also feel pretty distanced from fs red versus fsa red but that's most likely just because fsa is a lot more developed than fs i feel in terms of plot stuff (even excluding the manga which adds actual differences between each besides voice pitch). so in loz terms i mainly id with minish cap link and fsa red (plus palace of the four sword from a link to the past but that's another story). and for comfort characters… the whole chain from lu of course, smith and ezlo and zeffa from mc, zelda from mc and fsa, and shadow from fsa ^w^ vaati too to a certain extent- he brings me joy but also it's like. bastard in the affectionate sense with turning zel into stone and everything y'know
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draculaney · 2 years
This is an intro, baby
Hi there, My name is Laney. I'm back on tumblr and I'm working on a personal project about the Twilight Saga and its impact on culture and media.
I don't exactly have a specific end goal in mind, maybe a limited run podcast, but this as been a massive wave of hyperfixation in my life for the last year or so. In this little space, I'm going to start trying to write out my notes and ideas in a more longform way to have a place where I can brain vomit but in a structured way.
How does Twilight find its place in the grand genre of ~Vampires in Media? Is Twilight Good or Bad? Why was it SO popular when the writing and acting left much to be desired? What sort of influences did Twilight have from literature to world politics?? Is Bella Swan a Mary Sue - what even is a Mary Sue? Was this series the worst thing to exist, the downfall of literature, the scourge of feminism? Is the fandom still active and what does it look like?
This is also a deeply personal project for me, so while I'm going to talk about specific papers and speaking about a large audience, I'll also be diving into the journey and impact this series had on me.
So! Enjoy!
I've also got a short survey about your experience with the Twilight Saga if you have a couple of minutes to spare! I would love all types of responses, whether you're a die hard twi-hard or only know about it in passing.
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Beautiful Spouse’s Rewatch Thoughts SPN 06x05
Live Free or Twi-Hard
“You shouldn’t have said anything about Twilight. It’s going to be horrible now” “Oh yeah what’s her name. Fuck I can’t remember her name” “The song Jolene comes to mind, but you were singing it earlier today” “is this where Nandor says no?” “On the internet!” “uh huh” “Do they put that tropey shit into everything? She cut herself and now it’s heavy breathing” “If you didn’t know it was vampires by now…” “More heavy breathing” “That’s all I remember about twilight. Something something running through the woods. Something something heavy breathing” “uh huh” “heheheheheh” heavy breathing
“She just came dude” “heheheheh” heavy breathing
“Hee hee hee” then gave me an eye
“He definitely didn’t get 6 girls in 7 days” “typical” “idk if that’s how that works but ya know we don’t have kids.” “A red laptop huh? Real dedicated to this whole thing” “Idk girls get horny” “Goth girl Kristen with the blonde hair” “I gotta look at it again. This is hilarious” “heheheheh” heavy breathing
“Standard issue, mouth-breathing pervs” “Gotta jack the blood bank.” “Aren’t they indirectly killing people? Where’s the moral higher ground? What if they grabbed the rare blood type” “Idk. You figure it out” “The bartender has cute hair” “Couldn’t they come up with a smarter way to do this? Like a silver bebe in the drink or something?” “So they’re targeting girls” “Sam I don’t think you’re wearing enough eyeliner for this establishment” “Don’t jumpscare that kid” “what the fuck” then laughed
“Don’t just stand there. Fkn do something” “Dean just said he didn’t play for his team” “How..? Fine I guess it can still be homoerotic” “He just let him fkn die just by staring at him” “No, you get hit by a nail. It’s fine” “Why is Sam being so weird?” “Mr. Wizard” “That’s an awful lot of bone to grow in such a short amount of time” 🎶Sneaking out the window🎶
“Couldn’t have done that over the phone. Gotta freak her out” “She already knows what you do. Just tell her” “Is that a voice over?” “something got fucked up with the audio but it’s fine” “Throwing the kid across the room. She’s going to hate you now” “Still not my favorite guy” “Wouldn’t blood outside the body become dead man’s blood eventually?” “uh huh” “Already didn’t like Sam and now he’s trying to kill Dean” 🎶please don’t take my Dean away🎶
“Idk how blood banks deal with their blood I guess” “Is this guy an actor in the show again later on?” laughing
“They’re talking about twilight” “That’s one horny sonuvabitch” “the fuck?” “crunchy” “sure” “oh it’s that guy from The Magicians” “Did they get raptured?” “No, quite the opposite” “delicious” “What’s that fruit game on the phone?” 🎶I’m on the whale trail🎶
“So much for captain obvious” “Throwing the bodies in the street doesn’t count as undercover. That’s correct” “He hasn’t eaten yet so he’s not at full power, right?” “What’s that supposed to mean? I thought both sides were hunter” We don’t know about the Men of Letters yet
“Fkn sitting there with his sword up” laughed
“I don’t think it’s working but he’s puking up blue juice” “If this is a twilight parody, is it just juicy blood sounds and heavy breathing?” “Now he knows” “I like Dean’s jeans” “yeah of course” “Rewound to look at Dean’s face” “Thats a good background”
Giggling about Dean’s face
“The Nite Owl”
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