#tw:car accident
callme-harris · 2 years
closed for @stasistone​
Since his accident and the fallout of the band, he hadn’t really expected the others to stick around or come back, but he was relieved when he caught word of Anastasia’s return and felt like maybe that meant his music dreams and friendships that came from the band were still intact. When thing’s seemed to be the same as they always were between them, the relief only grew. 
He wasn’t huge on surprises, but it still felt like a good idea to surprise one of his oldest friends at work and as he walked into the tattoo parlor it was like the drama that happened in the last few years from his accident had never hit any of them. “ Don’t work too hard today, cause some idiot drummer is dropping off some food for their friend and definitely wants to hang out a bit. “
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Platonic connection
[RHETT HARRIS (LEWIS PULLMAN)] are looking for their [BANDMATES(1/2)]. They are [25-27], and look an awful lot like [DANNY RAMIREZ, CHARLIE HEATON, RACHEL SENNOTT, JESSE MEI LI, RUDY PANKOW, TOMMY MARTINEZ [UTP]. Muns [DO] have to contact mun before applying
TW:Car Accident They were a promising band formed in high school that was hoping to hit it big. Consisting of Harris(Drums, songwriting and backing) and Ellie(Keyboard and additional vocals), and Harris’ soon to be ex(Lead vocals) . Soon they had offers for a recording contract and possible fame but it was put on hold when Harris got into a devastating car accident that broke several bones including his left hand. Due to how severe the injuries were, the offer was going to end. While the rest of the bandmates wanted to wait for Harris’ recovery the ex left taking the offer before time ran out. Since then the band had unofficially broken up and taken day jobs and other careers. Now Harris is back to playing shape he wants to start playing again and help get the band back together. They don’t know if their chance for fame is over but there is a definite hole left in their lives. They want to rekindle their love of music and their friendships.
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chilligyu · 3 years
never let me go
info: seokmin/reader, angst, pg15 word ct: 400 | warnings: implied character death, description of a car accident, hospitals summary: it wasn't supposed to happen this way
“Is this Lee Seokmin’s emergency contact?”
In all her life, she never expected to get that sort of call. She hadn’t seen Seokmin for a couple of years, not since he moved to Seoul to be a singer. When she waved him off with a smile, he was healthy, he was happy. Her heart hurt seeing him go, but she wasn’t going to stop him. As much as she loved him, he loved his music more. That’s where he should’ve gone, where she couldn’t go.
How then, how did it come to this? How did he wind up in that hospital bed, a symphony of beeps and clicks filling his room? How did his pursuit of his dreams end with him being hit by a car? Leaving him battered and bruised, bleeding on the operating table as they dug metal and glass from his fragile body. How did he—how did he almost die?
She had her hand wrapped around his, desperate to feel him, to tell herself that he was still with her. He hadn’t woken up for several days, his doctors said that—said that it didn’t look good. They wanted to call his parents, and you did too, but Seokmin had all but erased them from his life. He was alone. All alone when they found him in the middle of the street.
Their relationship had always been strange, on and off dating since they were in high school. He meant everything to her, and she to him. But they both went their separate ways to accomplish all that they set out to do. Had she known that he—that he was going to—she would’ve said a lot more.
“I’m scared, Seokmin.” She admitted one day as they overlooked the city.
He cast a look of confusion towards her. “About what?”
“About us.” She said quietly, pulling her knees into her chest. “I—I hate this.”
“You—” He halfway stammered. “You hate this?”
Realizing what she just said, she shook her head. “Not like that. I’m just—I hate that I need you around to feel safe. Because—because what if I lose you? What if one day I lose you out of the blue and I can never say goodbye?”
“That’ll never happen.”
That’ll never happen.
He said so himself.
So, please, please wake up Seokmin.
Please wake up.
You promised me.
“I’ll keep you safe. I’ll never let you go.”
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londonscallingrpg · 3 years
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“ Own your identity. Love who you are in the world. Love your deafness. ”
TWs: Car accident, cancer mention, hearing loss
Sydney could not say that her childhood was particularly difficult. Sure, it could have been a bit easier, but for the most part, Sydney was relatively happy. She was born to two very loving parents and was the youngest of two children. While money was tight, they made things work well enough. They couldn’t exactly afford nice, designer clothes, nor new, expensive furniture. Most of Sydney’s clothes and belongings were hand-me-downs, which was never something that really bothered her. Her father typically worked two full-time jobs to try to make ends meet, so he was rarely home throughout the week. She only ever go to see him on the weekends, and he always made an effort to spend ample amount of time to spend with his children and wife when he should have rested up. And her mother mostly stayed home to watch over the kids when they were little up until Sydney’s brother was able to watch over her. Not much significance is to be noted for her earlier years. She excelled in school, made good grades, was decently popular amongst her peers, which made sense. She was kind to just about everyone she met and made friends easily.
Despite money being incredibly tight, Sydney had convinced her parents to get her a violin. She’d been interested in learning how to play after having gone to a friend’s birthday party and someone had played. While the other kids lost interest almost immediately, Sydney’s eyes remained glued on the violinist, utterly mesmerized by the way they played, how pretty the instrument sounded. It had taken a few years for them to save up the money to buy her one. Though they could only afford her the violin and her first few lessons. Anything more, Sydney would need to come up with herself. Luckily, she’d taken up a few odd end jobs here and there until she could get an actual one. Mostly dog-sitting for her neighbors and her aunt. She found a job around then as well. She picked it up pretty well, and one evening, she was on her way to perform at a recital, her violin teacher having suggested she take part of along with the other students in her music class. That was when it happened.
The accident. Sydney doesn’t remember much other than pain and her body being tossed around as her parents’ car was hit. Everyone was mostly fine. Sydney… Well, Sydney ended up with a concussion, a few scrapes and bruises, a broken bone or two, and ruptured eardrums in both of her ears. The first thing she noticed was just how different the world sounded to her. While she could still hear, everything was muffled, and she strained to discern individual sounds. A few broken bones was not the only thing she had suffered from the crash… Both of her ears had a varying degree of hearing loss, and she was outfitted with a shiny pair of hearing aids. The medical bills were high, and, as if to add fuel to the fire, her father had grown sick as well, developing a pretty bad cough, and he seemed catching pneumonia and bronchitis far too frequently than they liked. A visit to the hospital and a couple of weeks of waiting lead to the diagnosis of his lung cancer. The road to recovery was a difficult one, long, hard, and frustrating. Which also meant more hospital bills. Which meant that they could not afford for Sydney to take sign language lessons. She eventually learned, teaching herself, learning from an interpretor her school had so graciously provided her, despite not being able to offer her BSL lessons either.
By the time she was at the age of twenty, Sydney’s father had been in remission for four years, a wonderful victory that came to an end when his cancer came back, much worse than before. Sydney had moved out of her parent’s home and into her own place, and she had gotten herself a service dog to further her independence. A cute, well behaved German Shepard named Rusty.At some point, she had picked up photography as a hobby. Mostly because she was upset at the loss of being able to play violin, though eventually, it became a passion of hers pretty quickly.
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rosalie-roberts · 4 years
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( Danielle Campbell+ Female ) — have you seen Rosalie Roberts ? this twenty three year old is the next in line to Bishop Industries/ Night Club owner who resides in manhattan. She’s been living in nyc for nineteen years, and is known to be loyal and hardworking but can also be ruthless and manipulative if you cross them. people tend to associate them with thigh hight boots and crowns — ( Katie, 21, she/her, central ) @codstarters On July 22nd 1997 a baby girl was born in a nasty summer storm in Manhattan New York. The babies name was Rosalie, named after her grandmother’s favorite flower. Her parents marriage was already in shambles by their own malicious games with one another and the baby’s arrival was the couples Hail Mary. Unknown to the world that Rosalies mother had an affair and the babies father wasn’t Andrew Roberts. Her mother kept it a secret for her own selfish reasons as well as not wanting the news to become a scandal. Elijah, Rosalie’s older brother, was always looking out for the little girl and making sure she felt loved. Both of their parents had handed them off to nannies while they were off at socialite events or pursuing their own careers. Her parents were rarely home and when they were negativity only followed. Rosalie felt her mom could always find something to pick at that wasn’t good enough in her eyes. For her dad she didn’t think she was enough. Whatever she did he never gave her a second glance, a case he was working on was more important. In High School she joined anything and everything under the sun hoping that would be the thing that made her parents proud. Even to intern at her fathers law firm when she was old enough. Her Grandpa Roberts was the only parental figure she had in her life that was genuine. He didn’t want to overstep his boundaries and cause tension with his son Andrew. He did the best he could and Rose knows that. When she thinks back she wished he had fought a little harder for her and her brother. Her grandfather was the first person to notice the dancing talent his granddaughter possessed. He always joked to whoever would listen that Rosalie could dance before she could walk. He would always be front row at her dance competition and recitals. Rosalie would dance whenever and anywhere she could. Tragically her grandfather passed away in her sophomore year of high school. The two Roberts siblings became even closer while dealing with the hard loss. Another tragedy struck on May 10th 2016. It was the night of her big dance rectal and the amount of work that had gone into the production was astronomical. She wanted her older brother to come and see all the effort she had poured into her solo piece. He was currently in med school studying for his final and he needed to study. The young girl begged him to come back to the city that never sleeps. After her dance number Rosalie searched the crowd to see if she could spot her older brother. With no such luck she stepped off of that stage unaware her life was going to change forever. Her brother never made it back home. He had been hit by a drunk driver and killed on impact. Rose was devastated by the news, her cracked heart had completely shattered. Her once bubbly, selfless, compassionate personality changed. She had turned distant and cold. To deal with her pain she turned to the partying life. Where drugs and drinking and whatever else helped her to distract herself from her pain were her new best friends. After months of this behavior Rose knew she needed to get out. She packed a black duffel bag and left New York city. When Rose arrived to Chicago she only contacted a few people to let them know where she was and that she was okay. Rosalie went to business school and got a masters degree. Over the years she invested her money in different businesses and properties. She’s been back in New York for six months at first it was a good fresh start back. During that time she found out that her father wasn’t her birth father. That caused a dark cloud to come into her life once more. Instead of drowning her pain she has used it to fuel her. She’s gunning to take Bishop industries away from her mother. It had been her mothers dream to take over her fathers dynasty. For a hobby Rosalie opened up her own night club one that is symbolic to her own life. She needed a place to grieve without the judgement or worry from the people who cared for her. Ceux Qui Sont Tombe (Those who Fell) first two floors is what looks like to be an elegant, fancy night club. However there is a stair case that leads you to a different entrance. As you go down the stairs the colors of the stairs change from white stairs to black. The railings also change from white to gold, the atmosphere changing from a carefree to a much darker vibe. Once you reach the bottom of the stairs you will need to recite the nights password to let you access your dark and deepest desires. Each guest is required to wear a mask to hide their identities. The real question is are you a saint or a sinner? I’m Katie! I’m excited to get to know and interact with all of your lovely characters. I’m always down to plot so feel free to message me or like this and I’ll come to you.
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malakhai-ozera · 4 years
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@khai0zera: Hello, my name is Sasha and I’m Khai’s sister. I know a lot of you may have heard about what happened last night and have been waiting patiently for an update. But, for those of you who don’t know. Khai was in quite a bad car accident last night. He flipped his car four times until it came to a stop against a guard rail on the opposite side of the road. He has two cracked ribs, a broken arm, major head trauma, and has been put into a medically induced coma. Aside from some major cuts and bruises he is doing really good though considering, and doctors are wanting to wake him up sooner rather than later. I know he would really appreciate all the well wishes, and for anyone who wants to come see him. Visiting hours are between 8am and 10pm. I know he would love to see you all, and thank you for all the prayers.

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ayliemonroe · 5 years
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*insert crazy kermit gif here* hiiii angel goblins, i’m tay and this here brave cinnamon roll is my girl aylie greer !! let me just say how excited i am to be part of this ridiculously cute group. i already know i’m lucky to be part of this group of angels. but okay, below the cut you’ll find the need to know (maybe, who knows if you really need to know it) about my girl. she’s a new muse so she’s def still being developed. i’m open to any and all connections so like this and i’ll come to you or you can just message me here or on discord bc i’m assuming we’re all going to be the best of friends okay.
tw: death, car accident
( sophie turner, cisfemale ) hey ! have you seen AYLIE GREER around ? SHE works as a SNOWBOARD INSTRUCTOR at big bear resort, but they must be off their shift by now. well, if you do see them can you let me know ? they’re 22 years old & they’ve been working here for 4 YEARS. they tend to be COMPASSIONATE & PERSONABLE, but can also be IMPULSIVE & JUDGMENTAL. the other employees have labeled them THE HALCYON. thanks a lot ! ( hot chocolate in front of the fireplace, candy canes in her jacket pockets, nights snowboarding down the mountain, polaroid lined walls, shelves full of old records, iced cofee in a snowstorm )
aylie harper greer was born in london, england - youngest of three with two older brothers. because of that, she was a natural born fighter. she had a sense of humor that was bred from being surrounded by boys and an outgoing personality that would make anyone fall in love. her dad was a retired musician who met their american mother when he was touring through the states and they fell in love. 
more importantly, she had a heart that was bigger than herself. a heart that gave everyone a chance, whether they deserved it or not. it definitely got her into trouble and caused a few unnecessary heartbreaks, but aylie is one of the most compassionate people you will ever meet. 
her biggest passion is music. she writes her own songs and you will always find her with her nose in her songbook, but chances of hearing any original songs is slim - she has to really trust you. she will, however, be the first one to step onto the stage at karaoke or sing along to anything, no matter where it is. 
she spent a lot of her winters in colorado, which is where her mother was from, despite them all having moved to london before she was even born, so aylie is a natural on the slopes. when she was 18, her mother was in a terrible car accident that took her life. ever since then, aylie has been avoiding talking about it. the last she’d acknowledged her mom’s death was the funeral, and even then, she acted as if it didn’t happen. (think bridgett in sisterhood of the traveling pants)
she’s been coming back for the winter season to work as a snowboard instructor for the past 4 years and she can’t imagine being anywhere else. big bear is her second home and a place that reminds her enough of her mom that it feels good to aylie, but far enough from her home in london, that she feels like she is able to really be with people who don’t know her as the girl who’s mom died. 
aylie was born to be with people, which is why she makes such a good snowboard instructor. she has the personality of sunshine, so just being around her will instantly make someone smile. seeing the good in people has gotten her trouble plenty of times, but she loves love and heartbreak has never deterred her from letting it happen. 
she loves to have fun. ski shots - she’s probably the instigator behind all of them. she enjoys hooking up, making out just for the hell of it, etc. she just thinks life is short and she wants to make some memories.
i have a few wanted connections in mind, but i haven’t finished the page so i’ll get those posted up later. i am more than happy to talk them over though! thank you for coming to my ted talk, please like this if you want to plot some things out <3
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willaflanagan · 4 years
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TW: Death, Car Accident
Willa had got the call that earlier that day her mom had been taken to hospital after getting into a car accident on the way to work. Her whole life flipped, she didn’t know what ot do she was worried, her best friend was her mom and she was very close to her the idea that she wasn’t going to be around scared her. She made it her effort to leave what she was doing and meet her dad at the hospital. She got there and her dad was telling her all this stuff but she couldn’t pay much attention her head was all over the place and she felt sick, she felt her life crashing and she didn’t know what to do. 
As the time went by, her dad and her had been sitting there waiting for what felt like the longest time. She was hoping it would be like the movies, that she would miraculously get better and things would be good but she didn’t have hope that it was going to get better. After hours, a doctor came out and broke the news that she had passed away and those words broke her, she saw her dad become weak, not the way she had ever seen him and she felt like she was lost and she had nothing. She was broken, she didn’t know how to go one, she couldn’t even remember the last words her mom said to her and it scared her to think that she thought after their last conversation that she had more time. 
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avaharts · 6 years
❝ BRIDGET SATTERLEE + CISFEMALE + SHE/HER ❞ watch out, polly romanson was just talking about their new move-in, twenty one year old ava hartley. yeah, that’s floor 3. i saw the junior carrying in a potted cactus earlier, ridiculous, right? in the cheifowitz facebook group, they described themselves as +independent and +insightful, but i’m getting an -audacious and -prideful vibe from them – i mean, they always see the glass half-empty. oh and before you go say hi to them, make sure to bring up brooklyn 99 during the conversation, they’ll love it. okay, go – say hello to the pre-law for me!
so hi. welcome to the terror dome. it is me. trash goblin vee (she/her). that kind of rhymed and it’s cool because it was a complete accident and i’m rolling with it. i’m a complete mess and so is this intro but honestly, what do you expect in this day and age ok. it’s still twenty gayteen. but hit that cute AF heart down there and i’ll hit you up for plots or to gush over ur fc choices bc perfection. 
okay kiddies. let’s dive into all the good stuff:
her mom was really loving and kind and did her best to be there for her daughter always. her dad had a job that required they travel a lot, so they were always moving from place to place, never really letting ava develop any lasting friendships
tw: car accident. when ava was fourteen, she was out with from kids from school and it was way past her curfew so her mom was pissed and driving to pick her up when she got into an accident.
after that things were rough. ava blamed herself a lot for what happened. her dad didn’t really recognize how messed up she was about it until she basically screamed at him, demanding he start showing the fuck up bc she didn’t need a part-time parent. 
he stopped travelling for his job and they settled down for once and he started to get his shit together and try to bond with his daughter.
tw: cancer. he ended up getting sick and passing away from cancer when she was sixteen.
she’s lived with a family friend after that. all of her blood relatives were on opposite ends of the country or in other countries and her dad wanted some kind of stability for her so he asked one of his best friends to take her in.
we stan a snark queen in this house. it honestly can’t be helped. it’s her default.
she’s pre-law. she’s thinking of going into family law or like just prosecuting the hell out of the scum of the earth u know? 
she lives on floor 3 but tbh would probably fit in better on floor 4. she tends to keep her distance from people out of self preservation and she’s on a floor of girls who bond harder then a sorority house so she’s kinda out of her depth lol
girl is lowkey lonely. she pretends to be cool with it bc she kinda does it on purpose but come on. everyone needs friends ok. girl needs a squad or honestly anyone to talk to lol 
not one for second chances. like at all. she’s big on honesty and trust and if you break that or lie to her, ur basically fucked. it takes a LOT to earn that trust back
honestly though, she’s a pretty rad person. she’s got this whole mysterious thing going on but she’s kind and open minded and loyal AF. 
she’s tough but fragile if that makes sense? like she’s been through a lot and she’s got a hard outer shell but she’s got a soft heart and it shows a lot even if she doesn’t want it to
she’s somehow a bit of a romantic. not sure how that happened ?
tends to let her heart lead a lot of decisions instead of her head
basically she’s maya hart meets hope mikaelson meets joey potter
this is a disaster but i hope you get the point lol
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warcats-cat · 6 years
A/N: Hey friends! It’s me again! So, I want to preface this one with MAJOR TRIGGER WARNINGS which will be posted just below this paragraph. This fic is about a car accident. Specifically, it is (roughly) the story of the accident I was in not too long ago. I’ve changed a few things to fit the characters and tried to fill in details that I don’t remember, but I was told about later. This is a coping fic; I won’t be offended if you don’t want to read it. However, as always, thanks so much to my amazing, wonderful, and super duper nice beta @ironwoman359 for everything she does and in general being a really cool person, and to my two best friends in the whole world @bleustatic and @radioactivecitylights for being with me through everything. 
Trigger warnings for: Car Accident, panic attack, hospitals, medical talk, shock, trauma, minor injury, rude/uncaring hospital staff, talk if chronic medical conditions. If you would like me to tag anything else on this, Please PLEASE let me know. Thanks for reading! I love you all!
There was rain falling on his head, dripping onto his glasses, and making it harder to see.
“You’re going into shock, sweetheart.”
He was shaking all over. His ear was still ringing, and it hurt so badly.
“Can you tell me your name?”
He was trying to just remember how to breathe.
“I’m sorry.” He responded. “I didn’t see him.”
“It’s ok.” There was a woman sitting next to him. She had told him she was a nurse, but he couldn’t remember her name. “Accidents happen. That’s why it’s called a car accident. What’s your name, sweetheart?”
“Patton. Patton Hart.”
An umbrella was suddenly above him. He must have missed the other woman with him leaving to get it. Patton could hear sirens in the distance.
He hadn’t even seen the other driver. He had stopped and looked both ways. He had never seen him.
Patton could remember looking out the window as he turned, and the panic of realizing there was another car hurtling towards him in the rain. He could remember his foot pressing the gas as hard as he could, hoping in that split second for a miracle.
Patton could remember the split second in between, when he gripped the steering wheel as hard as he could and tucked his head down just slightly, not even consciously, as his car was sent spinning and finally landing.
Patton could remember the seconds after, dimly thinking that he had never known there was an airbag above his window, and that the one in the steering wheel hadn’t gone off. That his car was talking to him. That his left ear was burning, and ringing, and it felt like a gunshot had gone off right next to his face.
Patton could remember jumping out of his car and running over to the other driver, the only thing he could manage to say was to ask if he was ok. The other driver wouldn’t even talk to him.
Now he was sitting on the curb of a parking lot just off the road. There was a woman who apparently was a nurse talking to him. He was going into shock. He couldn’t stop crying.
“Could … could one of you please get the lamb from my car?” he asked quietly. He felt stupid as it came out of his mouth. An air freshener that doubled as a stuffed animal that Roman had bought him for some reason he couldn’t remember. He needed something in his hands. Maybe it would keep his brain and body from falling apart.
Logan was still at work, and wouldn’t be home for at least another hour. But Logan would know what to do. What to say. Virgil was halfway across town. Roman was somewhere for an audition, and Patton was kicking himself for not being able to remember where.
“I need to call my housemate.” Patton told the nurse, as the stuffie-lamb was passed into his hands. At some point he had taken off his glasses, trying to keep them from getting more speckled with rain. He kept the lamb in one hand and wiggled his cell phone from his pocket with the other. His hands were shaking as he tried to dial, even using speed dial was difficult.
“Hello? Patton?” Logan’s voice started Patton’s crying again in full force.
“Logan I was just in a car accident.” The words rushed out of his mouth, pinched with his crying. “I didn’t even see the other driver. Oh my god. I don’t know what to do.”
“Patton you have to breathe. Are you alright?” Logan asked. His voice was tight, and he spoke quickly.
“My ear hurts. And my shoulder.” Patton felt like he was fixating on his ear. He had only just stopped holding onto it, in the same way a child holds onto a paper cut or a pained wrist.
“Did you speak with the other driver? Did you get his information?”
“No, I…” Patton didn’t know what to say. The other driver wouldn’t even talk to him, and kept loudly proclaiming that his back ‘kinda hurt, a little.’ Patton could hear sirens getting louder. “I don’t really know what happened. I didn’t see him. I was turning and I was fully stopped and I looked both ways twice and I swear I didn’t see him.”
“Patton, please, you need to try to breathe. Have the police gotten there? Are you still in the road?”
“No, they’re not here yet but I can hear them. There’s some ladies here with me.” Patton said. He gave the lamb another squeeze. The woman holding the umbrella was speaking with the other driver now, and taking down notes for Patton. When had that happened?
“That’s good. May I speak with one of them?”
Patton nodded in response. It wouldn’t occur to him until later that Logan couldn’t actually see him doing that. He pulled the phone just slightly away from his good ear. The left one had stopped ringing but still stung pretty badly.
“My housemate wants to talk to you. Is that ok?” Patton asked the nurse quietly. She smiled gently at him and gave an affirmative, and Patton passed over the phone.
As soon as the phone was out of his hand, there were too many people talking to him. There was a man he was fairly sure was a firefighter trying to ask him questions, and someone he hadn’t yet spoken with trying to interpret all of his answers to the fireman as answers to her, and other people making noise and the sounds of cars slowly being allowed to pass and it was all far too much.
He snapped, “Please there’s too many people and I can’t think!”
The fireman took that as an attack on him, and made a face and dismissive motion, and then Patton was tripping over himself to apologize. The nurse handed back the phone and smiled again.
“It’s alright, sweetheart; it’s ok to be overwhelmed.”
“Patton?” Logan’s voice sounded again on the phone. “I’m on my way home right now. Can you have them take you to Mercy Hospital when the ambulance arrives? I will meet you there as soon as I can. I will also call Virgil and Roman. Do you want me to stay with you on the phone?”
“No.” Patton said. His phone made a mid-call beep to tell him that someone was trying to get ahold of him. “I think someone else is trying to call.”
“Alright. It’s going to be ok, Patton. The important thing is that everyone is conscious and speaking. No one was seriously injured. I’m going to hang up now. I’ll see you soon. I love you.”
Logan never said that unless something was wrong. If nothing was wrong, why had an ambulance been called? He hung up with Logan and was immediately greeted with a call from Virgil. “H-Hey, Virge.” He tried, but couldn’t help the shake in his voice.
“Pat? Patton are you ok? I got a text from Logan like twenty minutes ago that you were in a car accident?? Are you ok?” Virgil was almost as upset as Patton was. At least, he sounded that way. But Virgil was also prone to over-panicking, especially concerning his housemates. They often felt as though they were all each other had, and Virgil felt that loneliness the most keenly of the four.
“I’m scared.” Patton responded honestly. “I’m scared and I’m upset and I wish I had just gone home.”
“Don’t.” Virgil started. “You can’t do that, remember? You can’t stick on the what-if’s. If I can’t, you can’t.”
“I know that. But it’s hard.” Patton heard more sirens. The ambulance this time. He was thinking about the costs and insurance and his car and everything else their house of four was splitting between them that was now going to be significantly strained. “I think the ambulance is here. I have to go.”
“Ok, Pat. I’ll see you there.” Virgil’s voice was soft. The ambulance had arrived and Patton was being escorted onto it. He felt like he was running out of time. He had never been on an ambulance before. He toyed with the plastic clip on the lamb in his free hand.
“You’d better drive safe, mister.” It was automatic. Patton had always worried about his friends, his family, and always told them to drive safe. It was out of his mouth well before the irony of the statement registered with him. Virgil chuckled, and it was a little watery.
“I will. Always.” And with that he hung up. Patton was loaded into the ambulance. The person sitting in the back with him strapped him onto a rolling bed and looked miffed when Patton responded to the question of whether he needed anything with a request to retrieve his nearly-forgotten dinner. The rest of the ride was filled with only the noise of both medic’s radios reporting in and out and making noises that Patton couldn’t really make out.
As the ambulance drove on, Patton was hyper-aware of every bump and crack and tumble that passed under the wheels. His face was sticky and his nose was stuffed and he rubbed his thumbs along the soft fur of the lamb now clutched in both of his hands. He felt terribly unsafe as the ambulance made a wide turn onto the highway and his rolling bed rolled widely to one side before the medic caught the bed and held it in place. All at once the trip to the hospital was achingly long and passed in a blur. The what-if’s of his evening clogged his brain. His ear had finally stopped hurting.
The ambulance finally stopped at the emergency entrance, and he was being unloaded. His glasses were sitting in his lap with his phone, but when the doors opened he could still see someone just outside. Someone in loose black yoga pants and a red top, someone who had clearly been doing something entirely different just a half hour ago. Patton started to tear up again.
“Is that your brother?” the medic asked. Patton felt stupid and small all over again, and couldn’t even understand why.
“No, he’s my housemate. But he might as well be my brother.”
The medic didn’t respond, but Roman walked over to the bed, and once again, Patton was told to breathe. Roman walked alongside the bed as it was pushed in through the maze of hallways and doors.
“Lean back, Padre. Relax. You’re ok.” He said. Patton hadn’t even realized he was forcing himself to lean up. He let his shoulders and head lay back against the slightly inclined bed and watched the ceiling as it passed above him. People were talking. Probably talking to him. But as he tried to lean up again, he felt a gentle hand on his shoulder, closer to his collarbone than the forming bruise and strained muscles. “Easy. Just lay back, ok? You’re ok. Logan and Virgil will be here in just a few minutes.”
Patton tried to lay back again. He fiddled with the lamb. He was pulled into a hospital room and the bed was lowered, and he had to sit up to move off the ambulance’s bed and onto the hospital’s bed. There were too many beds, quite frankly, and not a single one of them comfortable.
The hospital’s bed, at least, was inclined better, so he felt like he was sitting up and could see everyone. Roman sat in one of the chairs next to him, politely smiling at the nurses, while they worked to confirm Patton’s name, date of birth, etc. Patton was given a plastic bracelet with a barcode and finally they left.
Finally, Patton was alone.
He couldn't help himself, he started crying again, and Roman moved to the bed and took Patton carefully in his arms for a hug. It was awkward, but it helped and Patton finally started to feel grounded.
And, of course, Roman’s phone began buzzing in his pocket right then. “Ah, the others are here. I’ll be right back to show them in, ok?”
Patton almost didn’t want to let him go, but he watched as Roman left and fiddled with the lamb and wormed his own cell phone back into his pocket, and then wormed his wallet out to give a passing nurse his insurance hard.
Logan all but stormed into the room, taking up a spot close to Patton’s feet after giving him a one-armed hug, bumping his left shoulder on accident. Roman came in after with Virgil not far behind. Virgil’s face was pinched, his upper lip curled slightly as he looked up and forced himself to breathe through his nose.
He’s scared. He’s been scared. It’s starting to hit all four of them.
Roman pulled him aside slightly; not out of the room, but away from his first position just a few inches from the foot of Patton’s bed. Roman took Virgil by the shoulders and looked into his eyes.
“Look. He’s fine. He’s fine, and he’s awake, and he’s talking. He’s gonna be ok. We’re all gonna be ok, Virge.”
Virgil swallowed hard and moved over to Patton’s right side, and stood there for a minute. He leaned over and gently pressed his forehead against Patton’s. It was affectionate and gentle, and Patton reached up with his good arm and wrapped it around Virgil’s shoulders to pull him closer, because they were both still scared out of their minds. But they could finally start to relax.
The four spent the next three hours in the hospital just waiting. Patton’s request to use the restroom was met favorably. His request to eat his dinner was met with an angry nurse loudly and rudely reminding him that he is in a hospital and was in a car accident and ‘if you’re only worried about eating right now then you shouldn’t have come to the hospital in the first place.’
Patton tried not to cry again as he explained that he hadn't had anything since early this morning, and his medical record did show a condition induced by stress and low blood sugar, and he didn't want to faint on top of everything else. The nurse left in a huff. The doctor came in to ask if he wanted anything to eat or drink. The doctor returned with apple juice, just in case.
Virgil was the only one who remained standing through everything. Maybe he just couldn't make himself sit. Patton was sure that, if their positions were reversed, he would have done the same thing. Roman sat in a chair to his left. Logan was sitting in a chair at his feet, and right next to the door. Patton could feel himself starting to relax as the fear wore off and he continued to be surrounded by his family.
Roman had to tell him, gently, to stop obsessing on what-if’s and maybes, saying that they would only eat him alive in the end. Roman was right, of course, but Patton couldn't stop. He didn't want to be there, in that moment. He wanted to be at home, talking about his day at work, and looking forward to tomorrow, and listening to the others talk about whatever they did today, and seeing their happy faces.
Instead, everyone’s faces are pinched, and the room is largely silent.
They sat in the hospital for three hours and finally, the doctor came in with papers. One for insurance. One for the bill for their copay. One for work tomorrow, in case he wakes up and doesn’t want to go in. (His boss had already called, frantically, and told him that he would ‘not be coming in tomorrow for any reason because you need to rest.’)  There are other papers, but Logan took them all, likely to keep Patton from worrying.
Someone offered Patton a wheelchair for his walk out to the main exit where Roman’s car was. Roman would be the one driving him home, and then the duty of rides to and from work and other places would be split. Patton declined the wheelchair. There were other people who probably needed it a lot more than he would. Still, Virgil took his good arm and carefully walked alongside Patton all the way to Roman’s car, and didn't let go until Patton was seated in the driver’s seat. Virgil pressed his forehead against Patton’s again, and Patton gave him a little kiss on his nose.
“I’ll see you at home, kiddo.” He couldn't say ‘drive safe’ again. He didn't know why he couldn't.
Logan comes over next, and gave Patton another gentle hug, carefully wrapping his right arm under Patton’s left to avoid the bruising. He said nothing, but that was ok. Logan’s eyes gave the impression that his brain was running a marathon. The hug said everything that needed to be said.
Roman got into the driver’s seat as Logan and Virgil went to find their own cars and head home. Patton pulled the seatbelt across his chest as Roman started the car, already buckled in. Patton looked out the window the entire time. Roman had turned the radio off. The drive was silent save for the sounds of the road.
Patton could feel the car move. The road was familiar; the one he took nearly every day to work, and back-and-forth from the craft store, and some old friend’s houses, and in general when he would drive. He’s never noticed all the cracks and bumps under the wheel before. He’s never noticed the noises that the tires make against the asphalt. He’s never noticed anything other than the cars around him as he drives, and the path ahead that he has come to know like the back of his hand.
In that moment, however, those were the only things he could focus on; the cracks and the potholes and the bumps. Every turn picked up the pace of his breathing, just for a moment. Every car that passed on the two-lane road was the sole object of his focus until it was past once again. The road was dark in the evening light, and the blinding headlights of other cars were, mercifully, few and far between.
He’s never had trouble driving before. Now he sat wondering how long it would be before he had that comfort back.
They arrived home in the blink of an eye; Logan and Virgil already there. Patton walked upstairs to his bedroom almost like a zombie. He dressed for bed, and took his medicine, and laid his glasses on his nightstand mechanically. He had carried the lamb up all the way to his room, and now it sat there on his desk. He went over to grab it and laid back down, holding it tightly.
Patton cried himself to sleep, confused and scared and exhausted.
He never saw the other driver.
He should have gone straight home from work.
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callme-harris · 5 months
🤸‍♀️ - How active is your muse? Do they exercise regularly? Do they do things like yoga? What else do they do to keep fit and active? Are they flexible? Can they do parkour
" I have to be active because of my accident. If I don't the muscles and bones in my body just sort of feel like I've been ran over. I usually go for a run every morning. I go hiking once a week, I've gotten back into surfing recently. I still check in with my physical therapist to make sure I'm staying active. I was a lot more flexible back then, but I'm just trying to make it to forty without my body breaking down on me"
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dearhongjoong · 6 years
Wow, getting into a car accident really fucking hurts, I was going to make a post about it but like everything hurts and I’m covered in bruises that are just getting worse everyday that passes smh
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ivyblight · 7 years
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White noise.
The fading whir of a car’s engine.
Distant police sirens
Approaching lights from an ambulance.
Smoke, thick and black.
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batarangtotheheart · 7 years
Accidents Pt. II (Batsis)
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A/N: Ignore my shitty unrealistic writing please. IM SORRY THIS ENDED HORRIBLY AND ITS STUPID AND SHIT BUT I JUST- i dont have an excuse sorry  i rushed the ending im sorry
okay but does anyone else wince at that gif bc it looks very painful for the patient i mean-
Tags: @protegoparacosm​ @geeky-girl-394 @3lue3utterfly​ @just-a-girl-maybe​ @queen-of-all-the-fandoms @femdamian @glitter--sparkle-shine
Sorry if I missed anyone!!!
You ask and you shall recieve!!
Pt. I
White walls were what Dick was greeted with when he opened his eyes. He groaned and shifted so his head fell into his arm. His back ached against the uncomfortable hospital chair.
He spared a glance at the figure laying in the hospital bed beside him and sadness simmered inside him.
He had slipped into a small slumber soon after his fight with you. Regret ate at him as he sat up and stretched.
He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, missing the small twitch in the hand of the figure on the bed.
Dick left the room soon after, aching for a cup of coffee.He’d been at the hospital for days, only allowed to stay because he was the son of one of the richest people in Gotham. Others had visited, of course. But none stayed too long as they were always busy.
Damian had been asleep for 5 days now. After the fight last night he was surprised he wasn’t woken up. At the same time he was thankful because he knew Damian would shun him for the way Dick treated you.
While Dick waited for the cup to fill with the free coffee the hospital provided, he turned on his phone and nearly dropped it in shock after seeing he had 3 missed calls from you. He considered calling you back but decided against it.
He walked slowly through the halls, the argument flashing through his mind. His thoughts were interrupted when a few nurses rushed by, heading for what seemed like Damian’s room. His eyes widened and ran into the room.
He stared in shock at Damian who was very much awake. “Get your hands off me you pe-” Damian’s words were cut off by a loud “DAMIAN” from Dick’s mouth.
“Grayson, finally. What happened?” Damian questioned, a rough tone to his voice as he once again snatched his arm from the nurse.
Dick chuckled nervously. “I’ll tell you once they finish up.”
After having the details explained to him, Damian stared at Dick. His mouth was drawn into a tight line. “Where is Y/N?” He said.
Dick looked down. “I don’t know. We got into a... fight.” Damian glared at him. “About what?”
“...I.. blamed her.” Dick whispered.
“WHAT?” Damian yelled. “You are an incompetent-” He cut off. “Call her.”
Dick stared. “What?”
“You heard me, call her.”
“She won’t want to talk to me.”
“I don’t care.”
“Can I hear the voicemail first?”
“You are a coward, Grayson.”
Dick ignored him and played the voicemail. “Hello, this is Mara Karell, I’m informing you that the owner of this phone has been in an automobile accident and is on their way to being admitted to Gotham General.”
Damian grabbed the phone and threw it across the room. “You were just shot, lay down!” Dick yelled. “This is your fault!” Damian yelled.
Dick looked away. His chest still ached from guilt and pain. “I know.”
“I’ll go to the desk and ask about her. Stay here, you were just shot..” Dick whispered as he silently walked out of the room.
Beep. Beep. Beep.
Dick stared at your cold, seemingly lifeless body and a feeling of icy dread washed over him. It was his fault, or so he believed.  
“Hey, Y/N.... I see Jason left you some chocolates,”
Dick looked away from your pale figure, toward the red  heart-shaped box with a yellow sticky note that said “don’t die”, a very Jason thing to do.
You and Jason had always been close. You knew each other’s likes and dislikes. He cooked for you every Sunday and you baked him a special pie he adored. You were broken after he died and when he came back, your eyes shone with a light nobody had seen since before what happened.
Dick wasn’t there when Jason found out what had happened and he was thankful for it. “I.. I’m so fucking sorry Y/N..” He trailed off.
He tried to speak but his throat was clogged. "I didn't know.." He choked, "I'm really, truly, a dick." He chuckled miserably. He expected a laugh and a "you finally agree" but he recieved only silence. "I don't.. I don't know why I yelled at you," His throat tightened, "Blamed you.."
He took your pale hand but looked at the tiled floors instead of your face. Whenever he looked at you the arguement rushed through his mind and he felt icy numbness strike his heart.
"I'm sorry.. I'm so sorry.." "Wake up, forgive me!" "Even if you don't forgive me just wake up!!"
He shook your shoulders harshly, yelling for you to wake up. Your form remained still. Or so it seemed. 
"Dammit.. DAMMIT" Dick continued to yell. "Jesus, shut up, Dickhead." A voice croaked. Dick raised his head at the hoarse whisper and tears fell from his wet eyes. "Y/N..." You looked into his eyes and smiled brokenly. "Hi." Dick lunged forward, wrapping his arms around you and hugged you, careful of your wounds.
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thomasgrimcs-blog · 7 years
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hey guys, i’m shay and excited to be here. not sure how many of you are still awake right now. i’m a little late but i passed out early last night but finally i’m here to introduce my boy, thomas. i don’t have a full bio for him but i’ll list a few points so that you can all get to know him. and i anyone wants to plot, hit me up or like this and i’ll come to you. i can’t wait to get started. 
just a little head’s up, i like torturing my characters so he’ll definitely have a sad backstory. it does have a trigger warning, a car accident. 
officially, thomas is from san diego, california. he didn’t go to a university over there because he wanted to escape his life there so he moved as far away as possible, or at least end up in New York as he got accepted at Columbia University. 
he’s part of the Kappa Delta Rho fraternity, being the vice president. him and two of his friends moved to the apartments because a fire burnt their frat down. 
his background is a little sad because he used to have a younger brother, seth, who fell victim to a car accident and didn’t make it. the worst part is that thomas was the one driving and he got out of it unharmed, only with a few cuts and bruises. it happened after his high school graduation when he was out partying with some friends to celebrate the end of an era. his younger brother called him there to say he wanted to go home and not stay at this sleepover he was at. not sure whether it was a good idea to get behind the wheel while intoxicated, thomas still did what he was asked as he loved the little man and didn’t want him to have a bad evening. things like that never end well and they were hit ont he side by another car, making thomas hit his head against the steering wheel and lose consciousness, only to wake up in the hospital and finding out his younger brother didn’t survive the crash. eventhough it was the fault of the other driver, he still feels extremely guilty and it’s why he moved so far away from home. he can’t stand being in that house anymore with all the memories and his parents’ sad looks. not that he isn’t close to them but the guilt is just eating at him and a part of him think that his parents do blame him. (this might remind you a little of the movie charlie st cloud bc kind of took it from that but with a twist)
personality wise, thomas is just very outgoing and social and very kind. he wouldn’t hurt a fly, only if you hurt someone he loves or cares about. very intelligent and clever but also a little mischievous and adventurous which could land him in trouble sometimes. but overall he’s very easy to get along with and he loves to have a good laugh, even if his humor can be childish at moments. (basically a mix between the actual dylan o’brien and stiles stilinski)
that’s about it for now, but i might add more as i go
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pierrejax · 7 years
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Hey everyone! How’s it going? I’m Jax. I’m Twenty-Five years old and I reside on the west coast also known as PST timezone but I’m a night all and am pretty much around all day unless I’m passed out. I prefer He/His. I have a little bit about Pierre under the read more. I hope you’re having an amazing night. Please message me if you would like to plot. I’d love to plot with all of you.
Pierre is the oldest of two kids (has a younger sister who’s twenty-one. Will make put out a wanted connection in a bit.)
He’s a pro basketball player and a published writer
He was the star quarterback at folsom high school back in 2010 but was better at basketball so that’s why he chose to go pro for basketball even with the many scholarships for football.
He was engaged til his late girlfriend passed away last year in a bad car accident.
He got his first book called That look in her eyes published at the age 22 and made it number one on the list of the best books of the year.
His mom passed away when he was 23 when made him move away from his hometown in Northern California.
He is the Point guard for the Golden State Warriors.
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