#[ ;;ooc ]
nerdynanny · 2 days
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ayo dash i got a question.
which characters i write made you follow me [if any]? i might put together a poll of all my muses to figure out which are the most in demand/popular so consider this a baseline of what names go in the hat!
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woodblxssomcrowned · 5 months
Kakuzu doesn't get enough credit
This 91 year old man survived like 28 years in the WS era, attempted to assassinate Hashirama, fought and lost but survived a battle with him, was subsequently imprisoned by his village for his failure for who knows how long, escapes with a forbidden jutsu and then pends like 30 years as a missing nin, stealing hearts and taking names, survives the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Shinobi world wars only to finally end up with the akatsuki and stayed fine as fuck the whole time like Madara with his godly Hashirama life support couldn't even
What a fucking unit of a man
He should have been given a much cooler end
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subjectivemortality · 20 days
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Hi hello, Ammy here! I got a couple of unexpected bills and I thought it might be fun to do some of these little aesthetic moodboards as commissions!
Want a piece of art that sums up your favorite character's vibe? Part of a fandom that doesn't have quite enough vague esoteric art? Just like stuff with pretty colors and an unsettling aura? Have I got the opportunity of a lifetime (or just like, just this month) for you!
- $15 flat rate for a simple limited palette ✨️moodboard✨️
- You're welcome to use one of the palettes above, mix and match, send me a totally different one you want me to use, or make it a surprise based on vibes. If you want to look for your own palette, I can't recommend this site enough
- 8-color limit (not including black and white)
- Make specific requests for included elements or give me a run down on your character/story/astral chart/etc. and I can pick the motifs/elements (will communicate along the way to make sure we align on ideas!)
- Happy to do: animals, plants, body parts, gore, nsfw +more (feel free to ask!)
- Not doing: actual portraits (this is abt the vibes and vibes alone)
- I'm limiting myself to 5 slots because I know after that I'll get sick of drawing and need to go learn macrame or something
- I take venmo, paypal, or blood sacrifice
Shoot me a DM if you're interested!
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faebhaal · 11 days
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what if...small starter call while I work on other things? even if we already have stuff going on, feel free to give this a like.
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greenxprof · 3 months
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|| Just a simple doodle because I don't feel too well today. Green Oak timeline :3
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iwritemilfs · 9 months
Will never forget the newsreader p.odcast hosts asking if Helen and Dale are even intimate bc the show doesn't have any explicit sex scenes
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sandzephyr · 29 days
;; hi there! Little update under the cut!
Short verion: I am incredibly eager on coming back as soon as possible! <3
But...despite all of that I'm really hodling up on my mental health work, really happy for that, if I was in a slightly worse state of mind these past weeks would've killed me. But God damn it I cook myself a warm meal every day and shower up to four times a week! Something I can be proud of :p
life things are so ridiculously much rn that I have decided to schedule hobby time...for my sanity! I live in an old house with 6 other 20-32yos and we've been having old-house-problems, and like all of them at once. rats (due to our home being right in between a public pool and a popular river bank), disgusting pipe...problems..., fleas (roommate works at a vet clinic and brought them home to her cats), a roommate moving out in the most chaotic way possible!!! and squirrels nesting right outside my windows... Also, two monogamous friends of mine decided to break up with each other which has been a challenge on all my social capacities... and my part time job went bankrupt very suddenly and I'm basically unemployed. Sooo I rearranged the garden, did plumbing for the first time and it worked (!?!?!?) and pulled fucking (partially molded) flooring out of our living room and renovated that, got a new fridge...etc. and idk life decided it all needed to happen within like 2 weeks lmao I hate being an adult so much y'all
...damn I didn't realize this would turn into a life rant, very sorry for that. :")
I have all of you drafted and I cannot wait! My next scheduled hobby time is coming up! Please don't forget meeee<3<3
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helluvasins · 3 months
I know I haven't gotten like anyone asking about this, but besides like certain ships that I won't really touch due to muses sexualities, I don't touch Cha/lastor
And it's not like I actually hate Chalastor, I'm actually pretty neutral about it in general
But it's like--I've said this before, but I've been in this fandom before--like in 2018, and Cha/lastor was like extremely popular, popular enough that it was common for people to attack Chaggie constantly--and even spitefully. Like, spiteful enough that people straight up drew Vaggie decapitated constantly in art, or did some weird cheating shit, and I just. Never have forgotten that DSFSD...It was REALLY bad back then
That's not to say people who ship it now are bad at all really, but from the Cha/lastor drama era it's hard to look past the nonsense from the past
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soulflatter · 7 days
That being said, literally all my other muses are free reign for you to do what you want, evil, good, manipulation, bad ect.
But you know this lol.
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arc-knights · 2 years
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|| gee maybe he'll even save your life -
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sacrxdfire · 4 months
Public vs Private Knowledge
Public (general public, easily found on the internet)
Johto's League and Pokeathlon Champion for 11 years.
25 years old, born july 29th.
He's Nippo-Brazilian. He can fluently speak Portuguese and Japanese, and knows JSL.
Often visits The Dragon's Den in Blackthorn City.
He's currently on his green belt in Judo (sankyu), black belt in Karate (judan) and yellow-white belt in Capoeira.
He's best at Stamina and Skill courses in the Pokeathlon.
He goes by Ethan Kakeru for the general public.
Ethan often avoids paparazzi by simply flying above them with his dragon pokémon. Despite that, whenever caught, he is quite friendly and enthusiastic to them.
Often shows up in advertisements for sports accessories or healthy snacks.
Walks around with several piercings. Often shows up full of blood because he refuses taking them off for exercise or training.
Proudly exhibits a Ho-Oh tattoo on his left shoulder. Despite complaints he never covers it.
Semi-Private (friends)
His starter pokémon was cyndaquil.
Best friends with Kotone/Lyra. Thinks to be Besties with Silver too but unsure if that's mutual.
Training a mysterious martial art deep inside the Dragon's Den.
Was born in Brazil but moved to Japan with his parents to live close to his Grandparents (the DayCare Couple) at age 11.
Often scolded by his manager for not being able to keep up with schedule or for simply getting distracted on the way. An airhead if you will.
Despite the spiky looks and fiery heart, Ethan is very fond of cute things. Has an enormous soft spot for cute pokémon and often crochets cute accessories for his team.
Went by "Gold" during his journey. Still answers by this name.
Has beaten Archer in his attempt to revive Team Rocket with his childhood friends' help.
Has beaten Red upon Mt. Silver. Came back down and prepared medical help for his descent.
Really looks up to Red (but he thinks this is a secret lmao)
Often bandaged up because he keeps getting new wounds from training with dragons and without taking off his piercings.
Private (only close friends)
Ho-oh has deemed him worthy and allowed him to capture it. They're partners but Ethan refrains for battling with them if possible.
His real name is Hibiki Kakeru de Oliveira. His father is japanese and his mother is brazilian.
Despite the optimistic and bright behavior, he seems to have quite the hard time putting himself first or talking about his own feelings.
He can swim. But he'll avoid it at all costs, traumatized from the day the Red Gyarados almost drowned him to death. Silver caught it later.
Archer's Houndooms have left nasty burn scars on his left arm. He covers them with bandages to avoid scaring people, specially kids.
Despite his puppy looks he is quite fond of sleeping around with people he finds interesting and trustworthy. Those are very often just one-night-stands.
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nerdynanny · 1 month
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Personally, I think this is hilarious. But I’ve also been told my humor is “Tumblr coded”. Whatever that means.
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woodblxssomcrowned · 4 months
:・゚❋ || My askbox is OPEN to art suggestions & requests! || :・゚❋
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❋ I am open to suggestions of most characters, prompts, scenes and themes but please keep it related to the Naruto universe.
❋ Ships and generally shippy content is accepted
❋ NSFW themes are accepted
❋ I accept suggestions that includes others OCs but visual references is a requirement.
❋ Suggestions does not have to include my OCs, but I’m happy if they do.
❋ Please submit as an ask or IM
❋ Leave your suggestion with the knowledge that I might not draw it exactly as you suggest it, or at all. I do this for fun and for practice, not as a job.
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subjectivemortality · 18 days
when another Salmon blog follows me
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faebhaal · 1 month
I love how there's just a group of us durges/bhaalspawn that are living our best horror comedy experience.
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greenxprof · 19 days
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|| haven't been writing here but worry not, Green has been in my mind every single day without fail.
I'm just thinking of his mafia AU. .. a gambler :3
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