osatokun · 1 year
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These pictures are actually 2 days from Charlie's un_life. I don't think I ever posted them in chronological order! So here they are, all together! I added description for every one! Not pictured-frekin mummy offering a temporary armistice to vampires. City is under attack and vampires don't have resources to fight with this asshole. (oh no one but Charlie and his family knows said asshole is a mummy hah). So he won't hurt vampires. For now. Unfortunately for Charlie his family are changelings and that mummy boy wants his daughter for a ritual. He used a good opportunity to get pesky Charlie out of the way. Well now vampires won't help, but Charlie won't stop while his family is in danger. He will find a way to trap and cage this monster. Somehow.
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latelyloxiv · 1 year
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[ I haven't drawn my demon ocs in awhile, so I wanted to change that!
The bunny entity is 'Dune.' They're the fifth and false/outcast king of Limbo. Once human, they stumbled into Limbo and in act of survival consumed wandering souls to survive. Turning them into what they are now.
The horned entity is referred to as "The End". They're the first and ruling king of the inner circle of Limbo. They're responsible for keeping the other king's 'seals' intact. They have a crude playful disposition and think humans are just so neat! ]
(Both use any pronouns.)
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anewbieartist356 · 3 months
Tw:bodyhorror,death violence
my brain thinking up a infection au called “rock candy contamination” or “r.c.c”
stage1: sluggishness and exhaustion followed by a craving for pure sugar (usually jellybeans)
If allowed to eat at least 5 pounds of sugar in a matter of 2 days cog/toon will become a stage2
stage2: temporarily blindness and paralysis followed by a random color of sugar crystal slowly growing out of skin/metal
stage3: infected becomes hostile and prone to violence though still retains memories crystals stop growing after reaching 2ft long and 1ft wide
stage4:infected no longer retains memories nor mercy as this stage wants only to spread and eat if seen RUN they are incapable of fast movement due to weight but are very weak to fire
Infected:Featherbedder,marshall,duck shuffler,pacesetter,stenographer,case manager,more
Not infected:Witchhunter (cut off infected part of arm),cole declan,treekiller,firestarter,Ursa major,Carn E.Val,dave brubot,more
dead:ursa minor,octavia,kristine,plutocrat,most of the satellite investors,Derrick man and Derrick hand,multislacker,more
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cadavre-diadem · 4 years
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── IN THE NAME OF THE MOTHER the high council is prepared to welcome ( AGRAFENA OZORO ), ( SHE/HER ) to the harvest. however, in myth they were once known as ( BABA YAGA ), as a ( MAGE ). we might have mistaken them as ( EVA GREEN ) appearances may be deceiving, with immortality being so common among supernatural community. this being has walked the earth for ( UNKNOWN ) years, and their face reflects an age of ( FORTY-ONE ). as we prepare for the harvest they have found refuge in( BLIGHTBIRD ) and are noted as a ( RESIDENT ) they’re known for ( 'ATTENDING TO' THOSE THAT SEEK HER OUT AND BEING A FREELANCE JEWELER ).
full name: agrafena maev ozoro meaning:  ❛ feet first & she who intoxicates ❜ nickname(s) | aliases: fena, bone mother, the hag | tsaritsa of the wood occupation; current | former freelance jeweler, scavenger | unknown affiliation | alignment: unknown | chaotic neutral  disposition { positive }; jovial, percipient, venturesome disposition { negative }; abstruse, reserved, esurient
tw: mention of blood, tw: death, tw: body horror? ( tagging it just in case )
× upon her sanguine arrival into the living plane the ice cold, thin, bony hands ripped herself out of the world's womb using blunt serrated nails, it was a quiet occurrence in the means of notice regardless of the appalling nature of the deformity, not a cry passed her lips nor a scream at least not from her. the earth in time however would weep as one such as her tread upon it.
× baba yaga is a name that crawls up the spine, a paranoiac glance left, right, down, and up in order to make sure the murmur did not summon the creature who flies on a mortar and wields a pestle. as names are a powerful entity and are to be hoarded by one such a she with a greedy, insatiable stomach. not even a whisper is secreted away between lips. designations teased with as if a game of cards.
× the witch in the woods, the hag with iron teeth, bone mother, tsaritsa of the night yet never yaga the good are few among many titles the mage has acquired like a noose given the tales that spread far and wide via travelers, heroes, and royalty of her reputation either a benevolent wise teacher or janus faced crone inclined to feast on your flesh if so much as provoked into a sudden whim to execute so. lips curled into a grin that stretched and stretched wider. ear to ear. even farther. smile like that of a wolf. eyes like that of an owl. teeth like knives that gleamed to the idea of drinking up spilled by her hand blood.
× specifically the woman lives in a chicken footed hut that was once an egg, toeing the edge of blightbird, a fence of mortal bones with varying stages of decay leading up to the plot of land where her home usually is as the house is prone to the appetite to stroll or dance to unheard tunes, to fill it's belly on whim. the chimney is always alive, smoke wafting upwards into the sky and a iron pot perched above a fire inside. to place upon the words of summoning however, “ little hut, little hut, turn your back to forest and your door to me! “ stops any motion and the house will drop immediately to allow entrance into its maw. even if the mage is not there she feels who is in her abode, her soul crawls with the many feet that have found their way inside and touched the floorboards.
× agrafena ozoro is a name she procured from a previous victim years ago, stole, seized, plucked from her small bones as the corpse had no need for it now. baba yaga wears it as her own, fits into it with water like ease. has almost gone through with a full accommodation by taking forth the ghost of the human’s personality as well to better assume the act. unfortunate then, that she even appears to wear her skin. despite eyes being too empty, too husk like when she fiddles at warmth.
× in spite of being from the cloth of solitary the mage is all to eager for interactions of any kind, nearly becoming a thing that fills her up like sustenance would her stomach. though that too could be a double-edged sword in terms of which meal one would become. estonia, the mother, the harvest, the summons that called her forth baba yaga answered with the notion of peace, of slipping the veil of agrafena the nurturing onto features before the doors open and she steps down the aisle. not entirely vacating her nature. 
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biggs-regretti · 3 years
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This was very different than my usual commissions but I'm happy how it came out!
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Stranger (Mahito x reader)
Pairing: Mahito x virgin, nun, female reader
Word count: 4,456
Warnings: 18+, noncon, loss of virginity, unprotected sex, body horror, religious stuff
Notes: I think out of all the fics I wrote on here, this may be the one I put the most time into. Because of that I thought the word count would have been more than it actually was 😂 And I'm glad I was able to take my time and refine it instead of rushing. And there's something done in this fic that I don't know if Mahito can do in canon, but I've always wanted to see it.
Extra notes: I did do some research about modern day nuns, although this was only surface level and there are bound to be some inaccuracies. For example, most nuns aren't required to wear habits, though I kept whether the reader wore it by choice or rule ambiguous. And most nuns aren't required to be virgin, Mahito probably just learned about that vow they had to make in the past and assumed they still did that.
Your breathing hitched and your pupils went small.
"What… are you?"
"A curse. Call me Mahito."
"Sister, we require your assistance."
You were dragged out of your train of thought. You turned to the person speaking to you. She was just slightly younger than you. She wore a simple, religious habit, the clothing of a nun. Exactly like the one you were wearing.
"What is it, Sister May?"
"We've learned of some people with a strange illness. Mother Rebekah called us to assist with taking care of them and pray over them."
You nodded, eager to help. "Okay. Where are they?"
"In a hospital near the convent. We should be okay on foot."
She turned and began to walk down the corridor of the convent's second floor. Assuming you'd follow, which you did.
"And Sister May? You don't have to speak to me quite so formally." A small laugh was in your voice.
She blushed and averted your eyes. "Okay."
A few other sisters were heading in the same direction. Perhaps on their way to the hospital too.
"Do you know which disease it is?" You asked Sister May. "How contagious is it?" Not that you wouldn't help if it were, but you did want to know if you should take extra caution.
"I don't know, but I've heard it's very peculiar."
"Peculiar how?"
"I don't know. I have yet to see them myself."
"I pray they're alright."
She nodded. "Me too."
The way to the hospital was uneventful. People in the street shuffled by, not sparing a second glance to the nuns. The black of your habit intensified the heat of the sun, but you ignored it and continued on your way.
However, in a small amount of time, as Sister May had promised, you could see the hospital. Its clean windows reflected the sun, making you squint. You nodded to other nuns of your convent as you entered.
"Hello, Mother Rebekah. Where are the patients?" Sister May asked upon seeing her.
"Hello." She let out a breath of relief. "I'm glad you're here. They are isolated a few rooms over. They were intended to be on the second floor, but were too hard to move."
"Really? What are they sick with?" You repeated your question to your superior.
She shook her head. Her wrinkles deepened. "Nothing human. Something like this has to be the work of Satan or one of his demons," she mumbled. Seemingly more to herself than to you.
Your heart stopped in your chest. Mother was never this worried.
Sister May noticed this too. "I-is it really that bad?"
"You will have to see for yourself. I'm afraid the only thing we can do for them is make them comfortable, pray, and leave it in God's hands."
You followed behind her as she led you to the ward that would hold the patients. What would they look like? You found yourself unable to think of what it might be that would warrant such a reaction. Nothing except things only in horror movies. And to your surprise… horror was what you got.
You couldn’t breathe the first few seconds after the doors opened.
The horrors you had envisioned at least still retained a humanoid form. But these… you would have never known they were once human if you had never been told. The only sign they were ever human was their contorted faces, that seemed to stare straight into you.
You weren't able to speak as you walked in. How could these lumpy figures made of twisting matter be humans? Could they be called humans now? What could have possibly happened.
Not one of them looked similar to the other. Each one took on a whole new form and appearance. You continued to follow Mother, unsure of what else to do. She stopped in front of one. It was lying on one of the many beds. It was then that you noticed they weren't so much as moving. Either frozen or dead. Their screaming faces forever engraved onto them.
Sister May had the same expression as you. Though, she seemed to be taking it worse.
"How did this happen?" You finally asked.
"No one knows. These have just been found scattered throughout the area. I pray that God heals them and will protect everyone from this."
Mother clasped her hands together. You and Sister May did the same. But it was hard to focus on praying.
The rest of your time there you did whatever you could. Getting water, preparing medicine trays, and various small jobs. But it felt like no progress was ever made. Everything only seemed to confirm how mysterious it was and that these people were virtually dead. It felt like you stayed there for an eternity.
But one thing stayed imprinted in your mind. Something you would never be able to forget and would haunt you for the rest of your life. When you walked by one of them with a tray, you heard it speak. You didn’t know they could do that. With great surprise, you stopped and tried to help it- them.
"It's okay. We're doing everything we can to help you." You did your best to comfort the beige colored blob.
"Please…" it whispered.
You leaned in closer to hear it.
"Please… kill me…"
You stumbled backwards and hit the bed behind you, subconsciously throwing yourself as far away as you could. Your breath was shaking and unsteady. You didn’t even notice your hand clenching anything or nothing it could hold onto. Your brain ran in circles, again and again, and could never truly process what you just heard. All that would come to mind later was a single phrase,
"A fate worse than death."
As soon as you could, you stood on weak legs and took one step after another away. Ignoring the thi- person begging after you. Ignoring the every "please" entering your ear, willfully making your mind numb to its meaning.
"Are you alright?" The words took you two seconds longer to process than it should have.
You blink and looked over to Sister May. "Yeah."
And never before had your smile felt more strained.
It was unpleasant walking back. The horrid forms stained into your mind. Trying to block out that one's words. Most of all... there was something not right about it all.
But all thinking did was give you a headache and a horrible sense of dread. You really needed to get your mind off of it.
In an attempt to think about something else, anything else, you focused on what you would eat once you got back. Then what you'd eat tomorrow. It was then you suddenly remembered you were low on food.
"I'm going to go pick up a few things at the store," you told your sisters.
They nodded understandingly.
"Okay. Make sure you make it back safely," one of the sisters said.
"And please pick up some soup for me too, if you can. I'll make sure to pay you back," Sister May added.
"Okay. I'll see you back at the convent."
Thankfully, there was a store only five to ten minutes away. It was on the road on the other side of the buildings. Your eyes searched for the quickest way to the next road until you found it. An alley.
That was helpful, you'd be back faster than you expected.
The tall buildings on either side of you blocked out the light, making the area murky. Part of the pavement beneath you was cracked. There were stains on the walls that you assumed were from water. And there were three men, two standing on your left, the other sitting to your right, smoking a cigarette. You did your best not to cough.
Their presence made you uneasy, but you tried not to think about it. Focued on taking one step after another. It would be fine. Just walk past and try not to attract attention.
"Where are you going?"
Arms suddenly snared around you. Like a trap snapping onto you. Restricting your movements. You began to scream, but a nasty hand clamped over your mouth. Anything of your mouth was muffled, and would never carry far enough to get help. Your mind blurred and you were only partially aware of the other two men. Coming up to snicker at you.
You thrashed, tried screaming again, but the hand over your mouth prevented any sound. In your panic, you almost didn't notice their heads turning to stare at someone new. It was a man wearing odd, ragged clothes. At first he seemed completely normal, but as you looked closer, you found him more and more unnatural. His long blue hair was the least of it. He had visible stitches on his skin. His mismatched eyes stared at the scene before him… in a strange excited amusement, or anticipation.
"Who the hell are you?" One of the men, with a tattoo snaking up his arm, said.
You flinched at his language.
The strange man only laughed, a strange, eerie laugh. The stranger walked closer to the one who had addressed him. He stepped back, but that didn't prevent the stranger from getting in his face. The stranger brought up his hand to the other man's face.
And what happened next was something you would never forget.
The second his fingertips met the skin of his face, it started to bend and warp. The man screamed. All while the blue haired demon smiled, a cruel and terrible smile. Everyone stepped back. You almost forgot you were still being restrained. All you could hear was your heartbeat, breath, and the ringing of his scream in your ears. In the end, what shook you most was when the awful twisting finally stopped. You were left staring at what was almost identical to the things you saw at the hospital.
Your whole world temporarily stopped as you focused on it. You hadn’t even noticed the stranger continuing to do the same to every other person there, even as they begged and scrambled to get away. He seemed blind to their screams for mercy, no, he was relishing them.
It was when the man holding you had been touched that you woke up. You tore out of his grip before you were stuck. The hollow eyes of the sick transformation stared into you when you looked back. It made you nauseous to think that it was a human just seconds ago.
The stranger stood before you. He licked his lips, like a lion would after enjoying a meal. Or like a predator about to have one.
He lunged at you. You tried to run, but he caught your wrist. Your heart stopped. Tears trickled down your cheek in pathetic fear. His eyes were wide in excitement as his fingers pressed against your arm. But his smile quickly faded. He tapped on your arm. Then tapped again. He pressed harder into you, hurting you to the point you started to hit him with your other hand without a thought.
"Why can't I touch your soul!?"
"Spirit of God, protect me, save me," you whispered prayers through your tears.
You had no idea how or why he would touch your soul, but you didn't want to find out. You prayed that your guarded soul would make him lose interest.
Unfortunately, he only seemed to take it as a challenge.
He shifted his hand to hold just above your elbow. His other hand touching and prodding at you all over. Ribcage. Stomach. Breast. Thigh. His prodding became more erratic. You were mortified when you found your nether region reacting.
He loosened his grip to slide the hand holding you in place further up your arm. Your brain ran a mile a minute. In one quick, terrifying moment you managed to slip free and bolt.
You ran as fast as you could, never looking back. Somehow you could still feel his hands lingering over you. His face, the stitches, the way he looked at you was stained into your mind. No matter how you thought about it, he only reminded you of something trying to pretend to be human.
As soon as you made it back to the convent, you told Mother about the encounter. That you encountered a demon or demon possessed person, who was the cause of the ailment and almost got you. You explained it in detail, but left out specifically which areas he touched you.
She nodded grimly and said, "Be grateful that God was protecting you. I would have hated to see that fate befall upon you. From now on I think it would be best that you only travel with your sisters."
You agreed and every other nun in the convent was told the same and to pray that God would strike down the demon and protect them, as well as continuing to pray God healed the ones who already suffered such a fate.
The air was tense the first few days, but soon calmed down. The way your sisters turned to hope encouraged you and made you feel full and content. And yet you couldn’t quite forget about the stranger. You'd wake up in a cold sweat, remembering nothing about your nightmare except that you were running from something.
But as time passed, so did the nightmares. You continued to pray, and no longer felt worried.
You walked on the second floor, deciding to find a nice place to read before the day ended. Orange light filtered through the window. The floor creaked beneath your feet. The sisters were either talking amongst themselves, whispering about someone watching the building. Or they were reading a book or on their laptops.
"Hello, Sister Airi," you said as you were passing.
"Hello." She waved.
“By the way, were you planning on helping at the children's clothing drive?"
You came to a subtle halt.
"Of course. Why wouldn't I?"
"I was just wondering, with what happened after going to the hospital. It sounded terrifying." Her intelligent eyes were filled with concern.
"Yeah, it was, but it's been a while." You stood tall. "I should be safe now. And I know God will protect me."
"Okay. I'm really glad you're safe." Her expression brightened
You smiled. "Me too."
You walked through the crowd, your sisters around you. On your way to the charity.
A man, with slicked back, black hair, passed with a number of folders in his arm close to his chest. The briefcase he carried bulged. The folders were slipping from his grasp until they finally spilled out, the papers along with them.
His eyes went wide and he repeated, "No, no, no," as he grabbed for the papers before the wind or human feet could trample them.
Seeing his distress, you turned and kneeled down to collect the papers. You had to lean in several directions to get all of them before they were out of reach, but you managed and handed them to the thin man.
"Thank you!" He bowed twice before running off again to wherever he was in a hurry to get to.
You stood, then suddenly realized how far ahead the sisters were. You had been in the back of the group. Clearly, they didn't notice when you stopped. You would have ran to catch up, but it was hard in the crowd of people. Your head turned for no particular reason, maybe to find another path to catch up to them. Then you saw something terrible.
It was him. The man or demon, you weren’t which. Your breath became quick. Your heartbeat in your ears. His mismatched eyes stared at you intently. It was okay. As long as you stayed in the crowd, he couldn't do anything to you.
You hurried your pace and pretended not to notice him. Until a shrill scream went up in the air. You turned to see people scrambling. To get away from something. It was hard to see, but you managed to catch it. That strange terrible form. Brown and dry and in the shape of a twisted tree. Its hollow eyes seemed to stare at you, like all the others. Except, this time it seemed to silently say "You're the reason I'm like this now."
The stranger was looking straight at you. Your eyes locked with his as he moved closer. He reached out to the next closest person. His hand grazed against his skin, and the poor victim began to bubble. Huge growths erupted onto his body, making his shape indistinguishable. That horrible, familiar twisting you had never wanted to see again. It shrunk into a shape not unlike a key before it became too small to notice anymore.
It was clear now you couldn’t stay there. How many more people would he change before he reached you? You had to lead him away.
You shoved your way through the crowd, trying to get to the closest alleyway as soon as you could. Maybe lose him and find somewhere to hide if you were lucky. Each movement was desperate. You needed to get away. You needed to get him away from everyone else.
When you finally broke out into an alley, you ran as fast as you could. Pulling your dress up as your feet slapped the ground. Each step sent shock waves through your body.
For a fleeting second, you thought that you might actually get away. Then it ended as arms wrapped around your waist and pulled you back into despair.
"Hello again." You could feel him smile into your neck.
You didn’t say anything.
"I think I figured out how I can touch you. You’re a nun, right?" He played with your hair. "If you were to become tainted, and break your vow, then your god, if there is one, will stop protecting you and I can touch your soul."
"No, no," Tears poured from your eyes, "please don't."
He ignored your protests and shoved you against the wall. His eyes wandered your body in curiosity. One grab at your black dress, one tug, and it ripped, giving him access to your underwear.
"No! Help!" You started to cry out. "Help, please!"
He put a hand over your mouth.
"Do I need to remind you what happened to the others who were in my way?"
The image of their warped figure flashed into your mind. You didn’t want that to happen to anyone else. You stayed quiet, only whispering "Please, don't," and the stranger smirked and continued.
Every attempt to push him off was futile, not even gaining a reaction from him. Or maybe that wasn't right, because the front of his pants seemed to be growing tighter.
"Is this what humans call arousal?" A fluid movement had his finger in his waistband and his pants being pulled down.
You briefly saw a flesh colored length and turned your head away. You weren't supposed to see that. You weren't supposed to see anything like that. The man's chuckling met your ears.
He pushed his nose against your clothed heat, taking in a deep breath. A gesture that seemed strangely sweet considering the situation. His finger dipped into the only thing protecting your sex from him. As he pulled it down, his digit changed into a blade, tearing the fabric until it dropped as nothing but a disheveled piece of clothing.
He licked a long line up your slit, making you whimper. He continued his assault, slurping you up. Tears made your vision cloudy as you wished you could erase the sound from your mind.
His tongue caught your clit. A whine echoed in your throat. You hated his impossibly strong hands holding you in place. You hated that you felt so dirty. And you hated that your body was reacting, even slightly, to what he was doing to you.
His finger tapped at your entrance. Then pushed it in. The invasion hurt. New sensations from the unused part of your body filled you with panic.
Suddenly, he pulled out and released your clit with a pop. You almost laughed as relief flooded over you. But it was short lived.
He lined up his cock with your hole. He licked his lip and sucked your essence off of his finger.
"No, please, no," you pleaded between sobs.
He ignored every word. In fact, it only seemed to excite him.
Without warning, he snapped into you. You wanted to cry out, but all noise had been stolen from you. You were sure your hymen had been torn, taking your precious virginity away.
He left you no time to adjust. He began his brutal pace, ramming into you, forcing your walls to fit him, searching for a rhythm or position he liked best. All you could hear was his groaning, laughing, and wet slaps. You hadn’t even noticed the salty tears running down your face.
You thought it couldn't get any worse. Your back scraped against the rough wall. All you could think about was the brutal thrusts and how big he was inside you. It only seemed to get bigger with each thrust.
But a few more seconds passed, and you began doubting that was your imagination.
His length was growing bigger and bigger, even when you felt impossibly full. Your eyes and tummy bulged.
Who was this monster? Why was he doing this to you? And why…? Why did it almost feel good? Why were you almost enjoying the feeling of him in you, when he rubbed against that part in you that made you see stars. There was pain, but it mixed deliciously with the pleasure in a way you were ashamed to admit.
Your body seized at feeling a suction on your needy bud. You bit your tongue, your senses far too overloaded to notice you drew blood. You looked down to see his finger morphed into a tentacle attached to your clit. The feeling made you squirm. His cock dragged against your g spot perfectly.
As pleasure and desire built up in you, the more you forgot about how wrong it was. A moan you'd been holding back so long flew free. Sinful noises tumbles out of your mouth. Your mind slipped and you found yourself unable to stop from rutting your hips back into him.
"I can touch your soul now." His sinister voice tickled your ear.
Your eyes widened in fear right before your body started contorting to his will.
You felt the area between your legs start to bubble and change. You tried to kick him away, but it was no use. Once it stopped changing, you came almost instantly, an overwhelming amount of pleasure drowning you.
Your mind was too cloudy to remember to pray, to pray that it would stop. It felt too full of cotton to even comprehend that he was still changing you. And you almost wished it had stayed that way when your head cleared.
You could feel your organs moving and rearranging inside of you. Making your stomach churn and feel like you were going to vomit. He kept thrusting deeper and deeper. And deeper and deeper.
Your breathing hitched and your pupils went small. You were a virgin, but you were sure he was never meant to go that far in. There was no way your hole went that deep.
"What… are you?"
"A curse. Call me Mahito."
"Wh-what are you d-? Hnnn," a moan cut you off
"It's a good thing I perfected this curse technique, so I can still see your pretty face." He caught your chin between two fingers and pulled you down to face him.
It didn’t even hurt, the way your neck stretched abnormally long. It felt so strange. Like your it was made of play dough, being pulled, except that the thickness didn’t change. The panic at the sensational and realization of this must have been obvious. He giggled.
"That's a good look on your face." He stared at you, almost dreamily. It almost made you forget that he was destroying your body, both literally and figuratively.
He licked your face. The wet muscle dragged up and down, all over it, leaving a thin layer of saliva on your skin. You didn't have the energy to do anything but rest your head in his hands. His tongue lingered on your lips before replacing it with his finger. He pushed it down. Exhausted, you made no effort to resist and opened your mouth. The finger shot in immediately. The texture was grimy, whether from dirt or something else, you didn't know.
It expanded and grew in your mouth and began to push down your throat. You gagged, and were almost sure you felt balls slapping heavily against your chin. It was hard to even remember to breathe, being filled to the brim from both ends. The stranger never let up, still pounding into your mangled hole mercilessly.
You instinctively began sucking on the appendage in your mouth and concentrated on breathing the split seconds he pulled out of your mouth to shove it back in.
You came again in a searing flash. Your walls and throat spasmed and squeezed around him. His sloppy thrusts became sporadic, until gave one final slam into you and stopped.
Warmth spilt all over your insides and down your throat. Your whole body went limp, the last straw of stimulation drained you. He gave a few teasing, slow thrusts, then pulled out of you at last.
He chuckled and took a few steps to examine his work. With no one holding you up, you crumpled to the ground. You choked up white. Never in your life had you felt more exhausted, sticky, and dirty.
The horrible, inhuman stranger picked you up and sat you with your back against the wall. He stared at you with a sick smirk.
Something told you looking at yourself was a bad idea. But curiosity got the best of you. You hesitantly looked down. There were small bumps in your intimates that weren't there before. You shakily touched there and you flinched back from the hypersensitive nerves. Your vagina, at least the base of it, was coated with clits. Even in your folds, there were too many. The sight both intrigued and horrified you.
You felt lightheaded. Vision blurring in and out. Everything was heavy. It took everything to hold on. You couldn’t pass out around him again. Who knew what he would do.
He reached his hand out. You flinched, squeezing your eyes shut. The back of his fingers gently ran down your cheek. The soft gesture was enough to defeat the small resolve you had left and you felt yourself drifting into a honey laced sleep.
But just before your mind went dark, you heard,
"I think I'll keep you."
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theeldritchgemsau · 4 years
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Eckhart and Amalgam Fusion with @zilathehusky‘s @amalgamau !
This is Bloodstone! He’s not the most STABLE of fusions! Note that he’s always constantly holding himself back, and if he ever lets loose- You better run~
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bitescops · 3 years
I'm in if at the end the debauchery of our act transcends the borders of our flesh and we all merge into one glorious goopy monstrosity a la the 1989 classic, Society!!!!!
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Isn't it dreamy? ❤️❤️❤️💜💜💜🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🧡💜💜💜🖤🖤🖤💙❤️❤️
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xeno-bot · 5 years
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Day 67!
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rinas-ninjas · 5 years
Undead Lloyd with #47?
Okay quick story - I asked K if undead meant zombie or possessed, and you want to know what she said?
Undead means not dead - draw him alive and happy.
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bimbles-and-simbles · 6 years
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Hyssop: Argh!
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chaotic-genius · 5 years
I had a (quite) disgusting dream that woke me up...
I'll put it in the tags
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xeno-bot · 5 years
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Day 120!
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xeno-bot · 5 years
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me: I got attacked by a were-elephant. mom: A were-elephant. me: Yeah. So I drew one today. But I'm having trouble with the arms. Would they be hooves or were-claws?
what if his hooves have fully formed human fingers on them mom: Oh,
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bimbles-and-simbles · 6 years
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bimbles-and-simbles · 6 years
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