cadavre-diadem · 4 years
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── IN THE NAME OF THE MOTHER the high council is prepared to welcome ( AGRAFENA OZORO ), ( SHE/HER ) to the harvest. however, in myth they were once known as ( BABA YAGA ), as a ( MAGE ). we might have mistaken them as ( EVA GREEN ) appearances may be deceiving, with immortality being so common among supernatural community. this being has walked the earth for ( UNKNOWN ) years, and their face reflects an age of ( FORTY-ONE ). as we prepare for the harvest they have found refuge in( BLIGHTBIRD ) and are noted as a ( RESIDENT ) they’re known for ( 'ATTENDING TO' THOSE THAT SEEK HER OUT AND BEING A FREELANCE JEWELER ).
full name: agrafena maev ozoro meaning:  ❛ feet first & she who intoxicates ❜ nickname(s) | aliases: fena, bone mother, the hag | tsaritsa of the wood occupation; current | former freelance jeweler, scavenger | unknown affiliation | alignment: unknown | chaotic neutral  disposition { positive }; jovial, percipient, venturesome disposition { negative }; abstruse, reserved, esurient
tw: mention of blood, tw: death, tw: body horror? ( tagging it just in case )
× upon her sanguine arrival into the living plane the ice cold, thin, bony hands ripped herself out of the world's womb using blunt serrated nails, it was a quiet occurrence in the means of notice regardless of the appalling nature of the deformity, not a cry passed her lips nor a scream at least not from her. the earth in time however would weep as one such as her tread upon it.
× baba yaga is a name that crawls up the spine, a paranoiac glance left, right, down, and up in order to make sure the murmur did not summon the creature who flies on a mortar and wields a pestle. as names are a powerful entity and are to be hoarded by one such a she with a greedy, insatiable stomach. not even a whisper is secreted away between lips. designations teased with as if a game of cards.
× the witch in the woods, the hag with iron teeth, bone mother, tsaritsa of the night yet never yaga the good are few among many titles the mage has acquired like a noose given the tales that spread far and wide via travelers, heroes, and royalty of her reputation either a benevolent wise teacher or janus faced crone inclined to feast on your flesh if so much as provoked into a sudden whim to execute so. lips curled into a grin that stretched and stretched wider. ear to ear. even farther. smile like that of a wolf. eyes like that of an owl. teeth like knives that gleamed to the idea of drinking up spilled by her hand blood.
× specifically the woman lives in a chicken footed hut that was once an egg, toeing the edge of blightbird, a fence of mortal bones with varying stages of decay leading up to the plot of land where her home usually is as the house is prone to the appetite to stroll or dance to unheard tunes, to fill it's belly on whim. the chimney is always alive, smoke wafting upwards into the sky and a iron pot perched above a fire inside. to place upon the words of summoning however, “ little hut, little hut, turn your back to forest and your door to me! “ stops any motion and the house will drop immediately to allow entrance into its maw. even if the mage is not there she feels who is in her abode, her soul crawls with the many feet that have found their way inside and touched the floorboards.
× agrafena ozoro is a name she procured from a previous victim years ago, stole, seized, plucked from her small bones as the corpse had no need for it now. baba yaga wears it as her own, fits into it with water like ease. has almost gone through with a full accommodation by taking forth the ghost of the human’s personality as well to better assume the act. unfortunate then, that she even appears to wear her skin. despite eyes being too empty, too husk like when she fiddles at warmth.
× in spite of being from the cloth of solitary the mage is all to eager for interactions of any kind, nearly becoming a thing that fills her up like sustenance would her stomach. though that too could be a double-edged sword in terms of which meal one would become. estonia, the mother, the harvest, the summons that called her forth baba yaga answered with the notion of peace, of slipping the veil of agrafena the nurturing onto features before the doors open and she steps down the aisle. not entirely vacating her nature. 
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chaoswithinthestars · 4 years
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── IN THE NAME OF THE MOTHER, the high council is prepared to welcome ( khaos aka silas in alias), ( he/they ) to the harvest. we might have mistaken them as ( charles michael davis ) they're known as a ( godyr; God of Chaos ). appearances may be deceiving, with immortality being so common among the supernatural community. this being has walked the earth for ( unknown ) years, and their face reflects an age of (35). as we prepare for the harvest they have found refuge in ( marbrook ) and are noted as a (resident though its quite the stretch) they're known for ( organizing underground fights ).
— D E T A I L S -------------------------------
FULL NAME: Khaos/Chaos NICKNAMES: Silas, on Earth AGE: Unknown TIME ON EARTH: This time around, about a decade. Khaos has come to earth many times in history. This isn't his first rodeo with mortals or other supernaturals CURRENT PLACE OF RESIDENCE: Marbrook GENDER: Male on Earth, uses They/Them pronouns, but is accepting of He/Him without fault SEXUALITY: Pansexual SPECIES: Godyrs OCCUPATION: Organizes underground fighting between supernaturals, handles the money/betting, and his natural charismatic tone draws an easy crowd. Khaos feeds on the energy of the fight generated, and they get easily swept up at the moment because of it. It's euphoric anytime emotions in an intimate space are running high and make their powers/abilities stronger and effective.  FASHION: A bit chaotic at times, clothes uncaringly picked, something practical or socially appropriate. He prefers thin fabrics and loose fitted jeans. Usually found barefoot if they don't have to keep up appearances.   FAVORITE COLOR: Purple, any shade pushing into pinks.  FAVORITE FOODS/FLAVORS: Salmon, pecans, vanilla, fresh herbs, and curry
— P H Y S I C A L -------------------------------
EYE COLOR: Brown/Golden HEIGHT: 6'2" BUILD: Lean athletic SCARS + DISTINGUISHING MARKS: Their body is unnaturally perfect. No blemishes, no imperfections. 
— P O W E R S  &  A B I L I T I E S (to be further explored) -------------------------------
DARKNESS/NOTHINGNESS: Khaos needs darkness for many reasons. It's a piece of them that is natural, and they thrive within it. It's not unusual to find them with the lights out while cooking or sleeping days away to spend time up at night getting chores done. Khaos doesn't have to see in total darkness to function. They are the manifestation of the void, and such restraints are overcome with sense/instinct.  ENERGY/EMPATHY: Emotions on Earth are what feed Khaos and allow them to stay in a manifested form. Especially ones that push beyond what is expected and swing on the furthest scales. Khaos only has to be near the area to absorb their energy, and they aren't limited to adrenaline, though that particular area quenches their needs the best. If they aren't careful, the people around them can also be fueled by this chaotic energy and can lose control of their emotions. This can quickly take situations out of hand, and Khaos can get lost in it, making such things extremely dangerous to their corporal form.  CREATION/LIGHT: Khaos can snuff out lights, move them, and if having fed well, can create them. Light is a companion and their greatest enemy. The yin/yang to their being, the cure to their eternal loneliness. Their consciousness expands into the vast void of space, knowing every star, every planet, and cosmos within their being, but of everything, pure starlight is a 'magic' of creation they find beautiful and untouchable. VESSEL: Being a god, Khaos' consciousness is merely contained within this vessel. It is an object required to keep healthy by eating, hydration, and injury can happen quickly enough even though Khaos can take a great deal of it. Healing takes energy and time should Khaos need to spend it on such things, and they aren’t opposed to allowing things to play out just to see how much they can handle in this form. CHARISMA: Khaos has a way with words that can seem alluring and easy to follow. They enjoy speaking, allowing their mind to have opinions, and seeing the effects it has on mortals, and other supernaturals make visiting earth all the more entertaining. 
— P E R S O N A L I T Y -------------------------------
STRENGTHS: Genuine. They don't lie and are bluntly upfront about their position on things, sometimes to the detriment of people's feelings. They know what they want and usually will stick with it unless something shifts to bring about curiousness. He is a critical thinker, enjoying the game of figuring things out, especially anything challenging. Khaos is ridiculously patient, having waited hundreds of years to react to wrongs against them. Time is never an issue. WEAKNESSES: Khaos can be easily distracted. Especially if emotions are high or something unexpected happens to unfold near them. They can be forgetful of things simply because of their expansive consciousness; it's impossible to know everything. This can make them almost comically unaware in some situations where they forget another God's name or speak to someone they should already know. On bad days, they can be cold and unattached. These low swings of mood place them into a quiet, calculated, and dangerous place mentally. Khaos is not opposed to watching people die, much like when a star snuffs out of his sky.  INTELLIGENCE: Above average in most things, but socially he's lacking.   ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Neutral HOBBIES: Khaos on earth had found joy in making stained glass. Finding naturally created glass in the world and melting it into shapes, and creating trinkets that catch the light into prisms in the window is a delicate side of him a few people witness. They enjoy taking the time to find the perfect flora, or watching the sunset, or feeling the rain. Though chaos reins naturally, the order will find it's way to them, and Khaos allows things to fall into place. If only to watch it all fall apart. 
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godweary · 4 years
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── IN THE NAME OF THE MOTHER the high council is prepared to welcome ( benjamin franklin pierce ) to the harvest. however, in myth they were once known as ( captain hawkeye pierce ). we might have mistaken them as ( aaron tveit ) they’re known as an ( angel ) while noted as an ( angel of healing ). appearances may be deceiving, with immortality being so common among supernatural community. this being has walked the earth for ( unknown ) years, and their face reflects an age of ( thirty-six ). as we prepare for the harvest they have found refuge in ( blightbird ) and are noted as a ( resident ) they’re known for being a ( surgeon ). 
LIKES: drinking, feeling the effects of alcohol, humans, ocean sunsets, mountain sunrises, every single plant on the planet, the feeling of fresh rain on his face, the smell of rain, the human spirit, drinking a piping hot cup of coffee in the morning, the first cries of a newborn, teaching people new things, learning new things, volcanoes, bernie sanders 
DISLIKES: those who think they are better than everyone else, arrogance, those who belittle humans, dictators, people who are driven by greed, plastic, the leaders of nations, those who deliberately hurt people/humans 
POSITIVE TRAITS: determined, patient, understanding, quick to learn, observant 
NEGATIVE TRAITS: impulsive, stubborn, calculating, possibly vengeful 
HOBBIES: photography, painting, horticulture, people watching, drinking ( a lot ) 
PERSONALITY: laid back, cracks jokes during serious times, knows when to stop cracking jokes though, a big dumb flirt (likes the chase, afraid of what comes after) 
AESTHETICS: hiking to a secluded lake in the mountains | a focused surgeon who constantly cracks jokes in the middle of a very serious surgery to keep the moral up | the morning sunlight poking through a window 
ALIGNMENT: chaotic/lawful good
ok so when humans were created, ben took a great fascination in them and how fragile their bodies were
he didn’t want to just “watch over” them from another realm, he wanted to be with them, watch them, help them, guide them - all in person.
so he took it upon himself to create himself a human body and blend in amongst them.
despite being an angel of healing, despite being able to use his celestial powers to heal mortals, he decided to learn their ways and became a doctor amongst them.
he will admit, he has cheated when humans did not have the tools to help and used his powers. but he has no shame in that.
as time goes on and humans and their practices in medicine evolve, so does ben.
but every now and again he’s had to disappear due to too many questions being asked about why he did not seem to age. despite this, he’s been the best surgeon time has seen over and over again.
during these times, he flees back to estonia, where he has an apartment in blightbird.
but every now and again he’s had to disappear due to too many questions being asked about why he did not seem to age.
he chooses to blend in with mortals and not really follow the high council not because he doesn’t believe in it - but because he would just rather be hidden, within the ranks of mortals.
he hides well, for even though he’s an angel, his vice has become drinking over the many, many years he’s been walking with them.
not quite a fallen angel but not quite an angel that belongs with celestials either.
a good bean, but has issues with authority.
doesn’t take kindly to people mistreating others. or his plants. or animals.
he’s had a few human “love of his life” kind of deals. but never children.
often strays away from relationships due to the fact that he’s seen all but one of his partners die ( he’s always falling in love with humans )
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godweary · 4 years
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IN THE NAME OF THE MOTHER the high council is prepared to welcome ( thanatos ) to the harvest. we might have mistaken them as ( mads mikkelsen ) they’re known as a ( godyr ) while noted as ( the god of death ). appearances may be deceiving, with immortality being so common among supernatural community. this being has walked the earth for ( unknown ) years, and their face reflects an age of ( fifty-five ). as we prepare for the harvest they have found refuge in ( charmire ) and are noted as a ( resident ). they’re known for ( selling books ).
LIKES: tea, museums, art galleries, coffee, flowers, reading. 
DISLIKES: his job, not being able to keep flowers around. 
POSITIVE TRAITS: forgiving, wise, empathetic, patient. 
NEGATIVE TRAITS: cold, apathetic, distant, merciless. 
HOBBIES: playing instruments, people watching, reading, painting, waiting. 
PERSONALITY: calm, sarcastic, gentle, quiet. enthusiastic about coffee and loves to talk about art. the complete opposite of what you'd think a god of death would be. 
AESTHETICS: black leather gloves, books piled to the ceiling, the smell of coffee in the morning, a cold night in the forest, morning fog, a warm hand on cold flesh, standing around an oil drum fire pit. 
PERSONALITY TYPE: ISFJ - the defender. 
ALIGNMENT: True Neutral
first there was life. and then there was death. death goes by many names and many faces. death does not discriminate nor does death choose sides. it just is.
death has seen kingdoms rise and fall, ages come and go, and people born and die. most do not look forward to death, and they understand why. he’s always understood why. death is the end of life─ life, the most beautiful thing in the world to death. because it is so beautiful, death has fallen in love with life. it’s a jealous love, but appreciative. without life itself, death would not exist.
sometimes death can be cold and merciless. other times death will be forgiving and patient. during the end, he feels everything. but before, they feel absolutely nothing. how could it, when his entire existence is based upon the end of life.
in this modern day and age, death takes the name of thanatos. they can be seen working at crossroads bookshop most days. other days he can be found by a lake reading, or in a coffee shop people watching when he’s not taking lives.
super lenient on taking lives and will wait if say a family member won’t arrive for another few days and the person dying ( or the person arriving ) needs more time to say their goodbyes
LOATHES those who cheat him ( so like he hates benjamin lmfao )
carries books supernaturals would need/read but those are in the basement under lock and key
really fucking hates his job ( taking life ) sometimes. like it just depresses him lmfao
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