#tw: zverev
footballffbarbiex · 1 year
i noticed you havent continued with the Sascha zverev imagine...
and i was wondering why
ngl there wasn't much interest at the time or since that update went up and i'm someone who thrives on interest for players etc in order to want to write them. he wasn't someone that people came to me for content for him or really reached out to say they wanted more.
i tend to write what sparks joy and what brings inspiration and for the past year or so it hasn't been him. plus the allegations that were presented haven't sat well and i'd rather focus on what makes me happy and that isn't writing him.
i dont really watch tennis so i can't say i'm an avid fan who needs to follow and keep up with it and so it doesn't seem appropriate or right to write for someone/something far down the priority list when i already have so many for this fandom which does need my attention.
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tennisarchives · 4 months
yeah sorry if there are genuine zv*rev fans or neutrals on here pls just block me now
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youreamonocoque · 8 months
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This was the only english language question asked to him today. Good. Keep it up. Fuck him. Don't care if you just played 4 hours, you're going on trial
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jabeur · 4 months
all the wta singles matches in a slam being during the day is evil many people have jobs and why would i spend my evening watching a domestic abuser instead of paolini rybakina
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fritzes · 24 days
I haven't followed the rat since he lost during Wimbledon and I was so happy the entire day, my folks were worried.
But uh, I would like to know your thoughts on zverev's draw for usopen. So, I can properly use my prayers.
honestly, I can’t do one on my normal writeups about this. just the thought of him being in this stage of the tournament and potentially going further makes me so angry and just so sad that this is the state of the sport I really love. I desperately hope taylor can beat him. he’s proven that he can and he’s playing some great tennis but I don’t know if that’s enough and I hate that
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bluespring864 · 11 months
i am once again having thoughts about how we as a society treat abuse allegations... i was sitting close to a dad with two kids at the tennis yesterday and the younger (i guess around six years old max) was holding up a handmade "Sascha can i get your shirt because i love you" sign, cut out photo of Zverev and all. The girls were very loudly supporting him during the match, and the dad was, as well.
Cut to the Andrey+Karen doubles match and the dad is talking with his friend about how they like Andrey but how Karen is problematic because he's a Russian nationalist and war supporter. He didn't support Karen like he'd done with Sascha and his kids didn't either.
Which, fair enough, if you follow tennis you will have probably either heard rumours to that effect or even seen those rumours in the media. But however credible they are, i have never seen him confirm them publically, so all they are is just that. Now Sascha Zverev has had domestic abuse allegations levelled against him by two women, there were multiple news articles about it. Yes, he denied them, yes, there was an ATP investigation (whatever that means, they don't have a proper process for that) into the first set of allegations that cleared him because nothing could be proven and innocent until proven guilty obviously is a thing and for good reason, but he has just been issued a penalty order for the second case (with a fine of nearly half a million euros; he is contesting it).
So, if that dad was enough of a tennis fan that he knew about Karen i think it's pretty safe to assume he has also heard about the abuse allegations against Sascha. Yet he clearly believes what he heard about Karen's politics (and seemed to have instilled enough mistrust for him in his daughters that they weren't actively supporting him either) yet had not done the same in any way when it came to Sascha Zverev and was perfectly fine with his daughters supporting him.
so i am having thoughts about how we as a society treat domestic abuse allegations today
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naomiosakas · 4 months
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me too, bitch
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pain-to-my-auchocolat · 4 months
oke I have one thing to say: it is cruel that they made a fault at this exact point, cause that ball was out. And it would’ve been a Break and it would’ve been a different match. And I am a fan of justice in sports
BUT at given circumstances I call this fate and karma.
And I normally don’t believe in this stuff, but today I am convinced it exists.
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tennis-shenanigans · 1 year
What does it take for the atp to ban zverev
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game-set-canet · 1 year
I watch tennis but pretty casually so…. What’s the beef w Zverev ? Why don’t we like him?
oh, that's a long story and i'm not sure if i'm the right person to explain that bc i just get angry whenever i see him or his name somewhere but i'll try (but only an overview). Also: I'm writing this now as far as I can remember, so if I mixed up a date, etc. - I'm sorry.
domestic violence
already in 2020 there were allegations of domestic violence against Zverev. His ex-girlfriend Olga Sharypova has made public that Zverev has become violent towards her.
Zverev - of course - denied everything. Said it's a lie and he didn't do anything etc. etc.
the ATP did a "investigation" on the allegations but quickly came up with a "no further investigation needed" - oh wonder, of course they want to protect their golden boy (what he was back then).
As far as I know(!!) his laywers even made slate.com remove their article(s ??) to this topic. quote from their website: "This article has been temporarily removed due to an emergency injunction that was issued by a German court and obtained before Slate could appear and present evidence. Slate is now contesting that injunction and stands by its fair and accurate reporting based on multiple sources and interviews."
this week new allegations got public, this time by his ex, the mother of his child, Brenda Patea.
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aggressive behaviour on court:
he attacted the chair of an umpire (and nearly hit the umpire) with his racket bc he didn't decide like Zverev wanted:
and apart from that (and yes, that's just my personal opinion): he is a very arrogant a**hole. He thinks of himself that he is the most talented and best tennis player ever, he makes fun of other players (admittedly only semi-publicly, but still) and if he loses, everyone else is to blame except him (Monte Carlo 2023).
he is definitely no one to support. and it's very sad to see that there are still so many people supporting him ("iNnOcEnT uNtIl PrOvEn GuIlTy" and all this bullsh*t). in my opinion he should get expelled from the ATP tour. We have no room for a domestic abuser.
i hope i was able to help you with this overview.
also: I hope i explained it all in the right way. if not: pls correct me. or add other important things!
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tennisarchives · 4 months
Can't believe I just said 'wish Djokovic was here' like I feel sick saying this
im not watching but like. yeah. i had the same thought the other day. literally anyone else yknow like im very much not a djoko fan but its incomparable to a goddamn criminal
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youreamonocoque · 4 months
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The courts in Berlin did make a decision though. He got a penalty order. The trial is him appealing against that decision. Right now the German court considers him guilty.
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tennismutiny · 4 months
I cannot listen to the final tomorrow. As much as I love Carlos Alcaraz, Win or lose, I cannot stand hearing the name of that abuser over and over again.
Even without the domestic abuse. He attacked a chair umpire. They can’t pretend they don’t know he is dangerous. And the ATP is still keeping him front and center. It makes me so mad.
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aprilias · 8 months
Touché, Sascha. Touché. Enjoy your flight.
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uptheredslfc · 2 years
Isn’t Zverev’s girflriend the girl Karius cheated on his ex with😂
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bluespring864 · 8 months
The devil works fast but Alexander Zverev's lawyers work faster
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This is the article. It was already inaccessible in several European countries 2 days ago, having been published 3 days ago (during the weekend!)
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