#tw: miscarriage shaming
halfyearsqueen · 2 months
visenya’s stillbirth genuinely is so devastating to think about because the implications of it are ?
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pylopenpolo · 2 years
I’m actually fucking disgusted from the pure rotten shit I’m seeing in Twitter regarding Adam Driver’s Wife Pregnancy.
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You should be absolutely ashamed even thinking like this.
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tatumxkeller · 1 year
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✦ ALYCIA DEBNAM-CAREY, CIS WOMAN, SHE/HER ✦ TATUM KELLER the TWENTY NINE year old has been in Hidehill for HER ENTIRE LIFE and was a FRIEND to Carter Thompson, one of the shadows. Whispers on the streets are that the WAITRESS AT MEL’S who lives in HADLEY PARK are said to be TRUSTWORTHY and DITSY but I guess we’ll find out for ourselves. { DANI, 27, GMT, SHE/HER. }
Full Name: Tatum Marie Keller
Nickname: Tate, Tay
Age: 29
DOB: November 12th 1993
Parents: Maria and Patrick Keller.
Siblings: Older and younger brother.
Hair colour: dirty blonde, kept long and tidy
Eye colour: green
Piercings: here
Tattoos:  here
Sexuality: heterosexual
Occupation: Waitress at Mel’s
character playlist
TW: alcohol, drugs, miscarriage, body shaming
TW DRUGS AND ALCOHOL: Tatum grew up in what felt like a very unloving or supporting household. Her father a drunk and her mother a drug addict. They were brought up in Hartley Avenue.
TW BODY SHAMING: Her parents seemed to favour her brothers and from a young age she could tell that her mother didn’t want her. She was never pretty enough, smart enough, she was always too ‘chubby’ for her mother. The older she got it felt as though her mother resented her.
She tried her hardest in school, she wanted to get good grades so that she could get out of Hidehill and leave her parents behind but the more her mother pressured her and told her she wasn’t smart enough the more she doubted herself. Her grades quickly dropped, she started skipping school and she had no idea what she wanted to do in life anymore.
TW DRUGS AND ALCOHOL: At 16 she started hanging with an older crowd, they liked to party so she joined in too but for the longest time she avoided touching drugs and booze because she didn’t want to end up like her parents. She went for a good time, hung out with friends, slowly but surely she gave in and started drinking. 
TW DRUGS AND ALCOHOL: Drugs are something she never touched but once she ended up developing feelings for one of the older boys she wanted to impress him, she started drinking more to ‘impress’ him, she became more careless, the two of them would hang out alone and drink on the streets, before she knew it the two of them were hooking up and she fell pregnant at 17.
She could never tell her parents about it, she kept it a secret from them but her and the man she fell pregnant with decided they would keep it. They were going to find a place together, he was going to get a job and provide for the two of them and everything was going to be okay. It wasn’t logical but they talked themselves into the plan.
TW MISCARRIAGE: The two of them felt very loved up with the idea of their soon to be family, things were going great even though they were keeping everything very hush-hush. That was until Tatum miscarried at 8 weeks pregnant, she felt lost and heart broken and fell to pieces. Of course he left her too, he didn’t stick around to pick up the pieces or support her in anyway.
Once she was able to get out of her home she got herself a place in Hadley Park, she doesn’t speak to her parents and only speaks to her brothers occasionally, she has some sort of resentment to them because her parents clearly favoured them over her.
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blingblong55 · 7 months
Bigger than the whole sky- Simon "Ghost" Riley
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Photo credits: @ave661
Based on a request:
It was a dream all over again, the excitement to have yet another little one in the place Simon and you call home. You are around three months along. Your soon-to-be oldest child kisses your soft belly. Simon chuckles, "I think we know who the favourite relative will be." A smile appears on you. This is all too perfect.
"Alright lovie, we'll let you go and decorate. You need us, we'll be playing outside," he kisses your forehead. The puppy, kid and Simon all race to the backyard. Giggles and barks follow along and you make your merry way to the nursery.
As Simon is running around the backyard with the kid and the puppy, you feel cramps. The pain is more intense and it's of concern.
As you rush to the bathroom, you feel it. Warm, thick liquid runs down your thighs and to the ground. In a hurry, you call out for Simon, who in a rush, carries your child with him to the room. "Lovie?!" His voice filled with panic and once he saw the blood, his heart nearly stopped. Tears run down your face.
"Oh god lovie," he says with a frown. With strength, he picks you up with his free arm, your child in the other and he rushes to the car.
The way to the emergency room was filled with tears, panic and a lot of reassurance.
Nurses wheel you in, Simon and your child fight to stay with you but the doctors don't let them. A nurse stays with him. She begins to try and get their minds off you for a second and as hard as it seems, it is the only thing she can do.
While this worked with his kid, it didn't for him. "Just, be careful with her, she's pregnant and we need her in our lives." He says between silent tears. "I can reassure you the doctors are doing all they can to help your wife."
Nearly an hour into being under the care of doctors and staff, they let Simon and your kid in.
The room is thick in silence and fear.
"Lovie, what's wrong?"
"I'm sorry," you cry. There is shame in you. Guilt and utter disgust for yourself fills you.
"Sorry for what?" He says almost unaware of the situation.
"I'm so sorry, Tommy," you cry. How can one tell their son the baby died? How can one accept this piece of their life?
There are things one can't say, things one can't feel and some things will never be.
"Lovie, tell me, what's the matter?"
"…The baby-fetus…i…I miscarried," you confess between mumbles that cover your mouth as tears fall like a waterfall. Your hand goes to the now empty belly. The fetus that would never grow now sits elsewhere as you grieve its death.
At home, the sun sets. Curtains stay open since no one is home. The nursery loses its colour with the sun. All is silent. No one is home, no one will be home for a while more.
In the pale grey room, Simon holds his son in his arms. The small child is asleep in the comfort of his father's arms. Meanwhile, Simon's stare is on you. A frown is now temporary on him. The sight in front of him is of you.
Distraught by the news, you've denied food.
Two nurses come into the room, and in their hands, a teddy named Angel. You look up. "We are so sorry for your loss, we wanted to gift you, your very own angel," the main nurse says. She hands it to you, the weight of it is comforting, you look up and give them a knowing look.
In the darkness of the night, Simon stays awake. You hold the teddy as you sleep.
"I will always love you," he whispers to the teddy and then to his son who still sleeps in his arms. "I love you more," Simon whispers once more as he kisses your forehead.
Light comes back in, the only giggle is of your son who plays with the teddy. You haven't been able to stop the tears.
What would have been? Two little kids running around, the mindless babble. The beautiful sound of a baby giggling is something you won't experience.
You and Simon haven't said much since you told him the news but he never left your side. His hand has been glued to yours for this time and as you look at him, you have this stare that begs for forgiveness. You cup his face and he nods, "I love you too," he says the words he understands you too wanted to say.
Days pass, and you lay in bed. Simon has been home, and not once has he touched his phone. He lives his days giving you all the care and love you need. His son sees him more, the car rides to school are filled with some tune and as he drives back, you find yourself back in the nursery.
The blood was now gone from the floor, all that stayed in the room was the crib and the teddy.
The walk to the room is painful, the sight of the kitchen makes you frown. All the food you craved now disgusts you. The clothes you wore to hide the bump are hidden.
Now, as you lay in bed, you believe this is some sort of punishment. The day is beautiful outside, if only that angel would be here to listen to you as you describe it.
You want to take it all back. The annoyance when your son left his toys everywhere when he was learning how to walk to different places. You want to clean the crayon marks on the wall again, you want the sleepless nights, and the silly little babbles and Simon just nodding and pretending words were said.
"I would've met you in five months…" you say to the wall. You needed something, just a second with that baby. One smile, or even for it to hear you say you love them beyond the world.
You'd give anything to have done anything right. The once colourful room now feels like it's covered in blue.
As you lay in bed, that's when you wish you'd just di- "Lovie?" Simon was back from dropping Tommy off at school. When he doesn't hear your response, he walks to you, wrapping his arms around you and then picking you up, bringing you to his lap as he lays back, your head on his chest. "Let it out, it's okay, I'm here," he whispers.
Sobs escape your lips. You cry, and in between the tears, you keep asking why.
You're not enough, are you? Losing this feels like it.
"Simon-" "Don't go there, it isn't your fault, you did everything right and maybe it just wasn't time for us to have another one but don't you dare speak about yourself like that." His voice is soft but there is some commanding tone behind it all.
Some time passes, and Simon has been home this whole time. He grieves with you, and you with him.
You finally come to terms with this and on some beautiful day, your son organises a picnic in the backyard. A blanket laid upon the grass, tea, snacks, lots of laughter and much talk greets you. For the first time since the miscarriage, you feel it, that funny feeling when all is well and your heart slowly heals.
"I love you," Your son happily says. "To the moon and back," Simon and you say back at the same time.
A/N: Tagged all those on the list...so sorry for not making a "comment to be tagged"...surprise comeback????
Tags: @goldenmclaren @ghostslillady @moonsua1 @rvivienner @Krinoid24 @iruzias @idklols @saoirse06 @vampsquerade @juneonhoth @tiredmetalenthusiast @jinxxangel13 @enarien @simonssweetgirl @luvecarson @willowaftxn83-87 @coralwitchdreamland @nobodys-coffee @strawberrychita @sae1kie @queen-ilmaree @pbcartii @llelannie @macnches2 @bbyfimmie @avidreadee123 @talooolaaloolla @skelletonwitch @bittermajesties @honestlyhiswife @ikohniik @who-can-appease-me @ghostwifeyy @konigssultwithghost @kaoyamamegami @beansproutmafia @soapybutt17 @asianbutnotjapanese @a-goose-with-a-knife @foxface013 @anonxasian @thegreyjoyed @marshiely
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cyllres · 2 months
Promise | KNY x Reader
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Chapter 00
TW: implied sexual assault, reader is a fucking child (9-11? I forgor lmao), arrange marriages
You lived a pretty insignificant life.
You were born, unfortunately, a woman, whose only task was to be owned by men, to bear heirs for the next generation and to make her father wealthier.
Of course, you'd never subject yourself to that fate, especially since you already saw the effects of it on your equally deranged mother.
Not that you blame her, honestly—who wouldn't go insane when the very first wife of the wealthy man of the Toshiro clan dares to bore a daughter as his first and oldest child? As his successor? Such a shame!
A woman has no place to lead clans; their only purpose is to serve their husbands—the head, their sons—the heirs, and teach their daughters the way to a married life. After several attempts, which unfortunately only led to multiple miscarriages due to the stress and pressure, your father eventually gave up and decided to take in multiple concubines with the promise to make them wealthy if they bore him a male heir.
Those concubines achieved something your mother couldn't: to give your father a son. That's why, despite still being the wife, your mother was constantly degraded by the concubines. Your mother couldn't do anything else but to endure, after all—she had already lost the affection of her husband.
Her only hope was you. Despite spending her whole life loathing your existence, she knows she might have her husband’s affection back if you manage to marry into another worthy family. Eager to please your mother, you did everything to woo your much- much older finacé and who wouldn't be eagered when a beautiful child from a wealthy clan is practically submitting to him.
Your only goal was to marry, that was until your fiancé decided to force himself onto you.
It was short, traumatic, and if a servant from your clan hadn't passed by it would've escalated further. You were only ten for fuck's sake. The promise was till you have your first menstruation, you're owned by your father and it wasn't something your finacé wanted to be caught offending.
You tried telling your mother how scary that experience was but her reaction was not concern but fear. Not because she was scared that her young daughter was almost sexually assaulted but fear that maybe the promise of marriage would be offed.
Scared for your life you decided to run away. It was a gamble. It's either you end up dead or found in one of those prostitution houses but it was a decision you had to make because you can't let your fiance near you. It took your father several weeks to find you and the state you were in wasn't to his satisfaction. That's why he decided to offer you to another clan.
The Ubuyashiki, a wealthy clan with a very private life. According to your father, despite having a privilege to know this wealthy clan, he still did not like the fact that it's a very sickly bloodline. The current leader— just like every leader is very ill and is being taken care of by his wife. Your father thinks, by offering his good for nothing daughter as a concubine to help the wife, he's doing something noble.
At first the head refused��was it because you were already dirty? Unpure? That was what your mother told you. But after a few days of being convinced by your own father and his own wife, the leader eventually gave in and accepted you into his clan. You weren't entirely sure what your position was, but all you knew was that you were no longer under your father's ownership but this man’s.
Kagaya Ubuyashiki was a rather strange man, he had light skin and black shoulder-length hair. You were taught by your mother not to look him or his wife in the eye, fearing that you might offend them. You were very well aware that this man was dying because of a curse you couldn't quite grasp. You were treated coldly by him for the first few days of your marriage, and you didn't mind that, especially since you were occupied with helping his wife take care of their 1-year-old children.
Amane possessed the same quiet, strict, and serious disposition as her husband, but she was much—much more softer to you. She was like a mother you never had sometimes, she even helped you bathe even though your position was lesser than hers.
Amane, with her gentle guidance, became your anchor. She showed you the ropes of managing the household and the delicate art of tending to Kagaya's needs. Despite the cold treatment from Kagaya, you noticed fleeting moments of curiosity in his eyes, as if he was trying to understand the enigma that you were. You reciprocated by maintaining your distance, respecting his space and waiting for the right moment to bridge the gap.
One particularly chilly night, as you sat by the engawa with the children, Kagaya and Amane joined you. The children, excited to have their father and mother's attention, clambered onto their laps, giggling and chattering away. The warmth of their small bodies contrasted with the cool night air, creating a cozy, familial atmosphere.
Kagaya looked at you over their heads, a faint smile tugging at his lips. “Thank you,” he said softly, his voice barely above a whisper. “For caring for my family.” You nodded, a bit giddy from the praise, feeling a sense of belonging you had never experienced before.
"Y/n," Kagaya continued, his tone shifting to one of solemnity, "you've been with us for some time now, and I must commend you for your dedication and care. However, I must speak with you about a matter of great importance."
You nodded, listening intently, feeling the weight of his words settle over you.
"Being involved with the Ubuyashiki clan is dangerous. We are constantly under threat from demons, and the curse that plagues our family is relentless. I do not wish to subject you to a life of perpetual fear and danger unless it is your choice to stay. You have a right to decide your own fate." His words struck a chord deep within you. No one had ever given you a choice before. Your entire life had been dictated by the whims of others, and now, here was a man offering you agency over your own destiny. “The marriage ceremony wasn't serious but a front to take you from your father's grasp.”
Bewildered, you asked, “Why did you agree to take me from my clan, Ubuyashiki-sama?”
“At first I refused. I couldn't possibly bring a child into this family without their consent, without them fully grasping the consequences of being part of this clan. But Amane convinced me, and even I, could see so much potential in you, Y/n.”
Touched by his sincerity and the kindness you had experienced from Amane, you found yourself speaking from the heart. "I want to stay. Not as a wife, but as someone who can protect this family. I want to become a swordsman and serve Kagaya-sama and Amane-san."
Kagaya's eyes widened slightly, but then a small, approving smile appeared on his lips. "If that is truly what you wish, then I will support you. But from now on, you should train on your own." You glanced at Amane, who gave you a soft smile, then you glanced at their children: Hinaki, Nichika, Kiriya, Kanata, and Kuina, all watching you with wide, curious eyes.
“I think, no I know, I want to serve this family, and I'll work hard for that,” you said, determination clear in your voice.
Kagaya nodded, his expression one of approval and respect. "Very well, Y/n. Your dedication will not go unnoticed. From this moment on, you are a protector of the Ubuyashiki family. Train hard.”.
Tears continue to stream down your face as you look up, or down? In fact, you don't know. Ever since you saw your family’s mansion explode in front of you, you lost your senses. All you know is that you heard a biwa strike and you are falling into infinite rooms. Not having a chance to recover, some demons managed to impale you, leaving a gaping hole in your stomach, resulting in you just laying on the floor, or the roof, or the wall—you have no idea. You were dying.
You did not even have the chance to prove to them that you were strong enough. You did not have a chance to be a slayer. Despite failing the final selection two times (it was even a miracle you were still alive), you were convinced by Kagaya to lead the Kakushi instead.
The pain in your stomach is overwhelming, but the confusion and betrayal hurt even more. Your mind races, trying to piece together the fragments of what led to this moment. You recall Kagaya’s serene yet firm voice when he spoke to you, urging you to focus on supporting the Hashira, to ensure that the Kakushi were well-trained and prepared.
But now, lying here, bleeding out, reality crashes down on you. You remember the countless hours spent with the Kakushi, training them, guiding them. You remember the memories you made with the Ubuyashiki clan. The trinkets you brought for the children who you started treating as your younger siblings.
You think of Amane, her gentle hands guiding you, her soft voice reassuring you during those times of self-doubt. Was she part of this too? Did she intentionally not tell you what the plan was because you were not part of the family? The questions swirl in your mind, each one a dagger of betrayal.
Why? Why are you dying right now without having any idea that their plan was to have their whole mansion explode? Was that the reason why Kagaya asked you to focus on Hashira's training? To busy yourself with making sure that your fellow Kakushi were knowledgeable enough?
As your vision blurs and your strength fades, you think back to the moments of warmth and acceptance you found in the Ubuyashiki household. The children's laughter, Amane’s kindness, and even Kagaya’s smiles.
In your final moments, you whisper a prayer, to have another chance to prove yourself strong enough. Strong enough to bravely be part of the front lines. To be strong enough to be part of the plans.
As darkness envelops you, a single tear slips down your cheek, a silent testament to the dreams left unfulfilled, the questions left unanswered, and the love that was never truly yours.
buy me a coffee♡: ko-fi.com/cyllres
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siriusleee · 2 years
You can feel it: his rage right beneath the surface of that Statue of David façade he wears so well. You're not sure if it's the exhaustion or the blasé way he was sitting on your couch when you walked in, but you want to pull at his threads - unravel them the way he unravels you. 
"Was it mine?"
tw: child-loss, miscarriage ghost x reader request a fic here
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"Dinner's in the kitchen."
He doesn't greet you as you step into your apartment; the four walls are barely enough to contain the two of you. You're exhausted in the way you've never been before, the excitement of him being in your home barely enough to keep you from diving straight into bed. He shifts on the couch as you sit down beside him, eyes never leaving the television. 
You haven't seen him in three months; for the first time since he'd started gracing your presence when he was home you'd gotten a field call from him - a quick midnight call just long enough for one "'m alright" before you were joined by static from the other line. 
You can feel him staring at you from the corner of his eye, a move so uniquely Simon that it used to unnerve you. 
"Your toes are painted."
It's a question disguised as a statement. Who were you out with?
"They are."
You can feel it: the two of you balancing on some precipice. You lean away from him, feet propped up on the coffee table, head against the back of the couch. You feel him shift, the cushions underneath you shifting; something soft lands on your lap. You know by the weight of it what it is. You refuse to look at him, refuse to open your eyes to see the way his are boring holes into yours. 
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"Why would I need to tell you?"
You can feel it: his rage right beneath the surface of that Statue of David façade he wears so well. You're not sure if it's the exhaustion or the blasé way he was sitting on your couch when you walked in, but you want to pull at his threads - unravel them the way he unravels you. 
"Was it mine?"
"Why does it matter?"
Your couch groans under his weight; you know that he's drawn up to his full height without having to look at him. Finally you open your eyes, the folder from the hospital lies on your lap. The only sheet of paper you had ever taken out of it after you discharge is folded up on the top of it: How To Deal With Loss: Resources for Parents. 
"What do you mean: why does it matter?" Simon's voice grows, fills the small apartment. For the first time, you feel a shred of shame for not saying anything to him. You'd hoped that he'd give you a heads up the next time he decided to swing by, enough time to hide the folder in your dresser. You know the argument is coming - you can see it in the way he's standing, you can hear it in the way his accent grows thicker. You push yourself into a standing position opposite of him, the folder dropping to the floor and spilling its contents. You don't want to fight with him, but you will. 
"Yes, Simon. Why does it matter?"
For the first time you make eye contact with him; not for the first time are you struck still by him. His collar hangs loose, stretched out - there's just a peek of black tattoo from his shoulder. You can't see his expression - can't try to steel yourself or prepare for what he's going to throw at you, what vitriol is about to spill from him. 
"It matters if it was mine."
You want to collapse, want to stomp your foot on the ground at his statement. Of course it was yours! You want to scream it at him, hurl the words at him until they wear him down, but when you speak it's in barely a whisper - just enough voice to carry over the television. 
"It wouldn't have been anyone else's."
The dam breaks then; his shoulders drop a quarter of an inch and he's yelling, and you're yelling - you know your neighbors are going to hear, but you don't care. 
"What was I supposed to tell you Simon? That you fucked me without a condom and I got pregnant?"
His hands are gripping the arm of your couch, the fabric pulled taunt beneath them. You don't think, just yell.
"How? I see you a handful of times throughout the year-"
"You have a number to call me-"
"- I lost it before I would have even got a chance to tell you-"
"- it's like you don't even care!"
You can't speak, no way to verbalize the words inside of you. So you leave him in the living room as you disappear into your bedroom before emerging with a small battered cardboard box. You shove it into Simon's chest, with the most force you can muster up.
"Open it up." Your voice is wild, a monsoon hidden just beneath. You shove it again into Simon's chest, forcing him to take it from you.
"Open it."
His hands are steady, years of work with the military hardening him. He stares into the box before dropping back onto the couch, cradling the box to his chest. 
"What is this?"
You don't move from your spot - you don't want to see inside the box; you haven't looked at it since you shoved it into the back of your closet. 
Simon reaches into the box, hands pulling out a small black onesie, a white skull on the front. His hands shake almost imperceptibly as he drops it gently back into the box. 
"The doctor said-" your voice cracks, you turn away from Simon - your eyes fixed on the wall - before starting to speak again. "The doctor said it's not that uncommon when you're as early along as I was. I didn't…I didn't say anything to you because I didn't want to be a burden to you out in the field."
"You wouldn't be-"
You don't let him speak, you don't want to hear it, don't want to hear any sincerity. 
"I'm not your wife Si. I'm not even your girlfriend. I didn't even know what I would have said. God forbid you'd been doing something dangerous, and I called you to tell you what happened and distracted you."
You hear the box get sat down on the table, and in a moment his hands are on your shoulders, gently pressing until you turn around. He keeps you at arms length, his palms warm through your shirt. 
"We could have got married - fuck - we can get married tomorrow. We can be there as soon as the courthouse opens, Johnny'll witness for us.."
You try to shrug him off, but his hands are firm on your shoulders. 
"You're only saying that Si."
"I'm not."
You can tell that he's telling the truth - if you told him to meet you at the courthouse tomorrow, he'd be there. His calloused fingers trace across your cheeks, brushing away the tears that had started to fall. He drops to his knees, arms wrapping around your waist, forehead resting on your chest. Your arms reach up instinctively to wrap around him, burying your face in the hood of his jacket. 
The two of you linger there, hands tangled in each other before collapsing onto the couch, your face buried in Simon's chest. From the corner of your eye, you can see Simon's hands outstretched towards the box once before pulling away. 
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One Year
A/N: Hey guys!!! Sorry its been ages and ages and ages since my last fic. Genuinely so sorry. Idk how I feel about this one and the next one I'm posting, so let me know what you think. I live off of comments, reblogs and likes btw!!! Also this is NOT BETAD. SORRY!!
TW: mention of sex, mention of pregnancy, mention of miscarriage
Simon stands next to you, hands shoved deep in his pockets. For a long while, neither of you says anything. After a few minutes, days, months, years, he breaks the silence with a mumbled "Remember when we got our first house?"
When you dont respond, he continues.
"You were so happy. I was so happy. We were young and in love and everything was good." He says 'we were in love' as if he ever fell out of love with you.
A deeply sad and bitter chuckle sounds from him.
"It was just a shitty flat. Not even safe to live in, probably. But it was ours." It was really yours, if he was being honest. Everything in his life was yours. But once he'd puttered about the place, tightening screws and greasing hinges, it felt like it could be a little bit his. Just a little.
He pauses, swallows, squeezes his eyes shut.
"I fucked you in every room of that house." His voice is hoarse, pained.
"We called it fucking because we wanted to be, I dunno, mature. Cool. But it was making love. Everything we did together was making love." His voice gets quieter and quieter before finally cracking.
"You got pregnant. It was the singular best moment of my life when you told me." He makes a choked sound, "A kid would have been lucky to have you as a mom. We would have been lucky to have a id. But luck was never on our side for long, was it?"
He shakes his head sharply, moves on.
"Remember when we bought our house? When we got married? When we went to the ocean for our honeymoon? I do. I remember every blissfully happy moment." He chuckles again, but this time its actually a slightly happy sound.
"Every time I looked at you I was struck dumb by how beautiful you were. How lucky I was to have you."
He snorts. "I say 'was' as if you ever got less beautiful."
"You always used to asked me if I was okay, if I was having flashbacks. But most of the time I was just stunned by how perfect you were."
He takes a deep breath, opens his eyes.
"Remember all our anniversaries? The flowers and the smiles and the photo albums and the extra kisses?"
He waits for a second, as if he expects you to say something. When you dont, he continues.
"I loved our anniversaries, but really they were just like any other day. We always loved each other. We would always go do things together."
His voice drops again like he's admitting something shameful.
"I dont know what to do with my days anymore."
He confesses. "I'm re-enlisting, I think. If they'll take me. Maybe as a training officer. Although I always did hate the rookies..."
He pauses, almost smiles.
"I remember whenever I came home complaining about them, you'd just give me a kiss on the forehead and say they 'just wanted to be me'." "I always told you that that was stupid, because why would anyone want to be me? I'm nothing."
"And you would always say 'you're mine' and then I had to agree: all the rookies probably did want to be me. Anyone would." The silence creeps back in, thick and suffocating. "I have too many things at home now."
He whispers. "Too many florals. I dont know what to do with 'em."
His voice is barely audible. "I miss you. I love you." He gently caresses your headstone and lets a few tears fall. Its been a year since you died, but he still visits you daily. After all, the both of you had promised to talk every day, even if you were mad at each other. Who was he to break that?
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IkePri: The Unhappy Ending
Shared this angst fuel and @scummy-writes suggested I post it here, so here's some misery for everyone! This isn’t a full fic, just a rough idea I’m rambling about after being balls deep in angsty novels where an AFAB MC, chooses Chevalier as king but can't escape the political scheming at court and it destroys them.
TW: angst, enforced multiple marriages, assassination, miscarriage, depression, s*icide
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Belle chooses her king, it's a love story that brings joy to all who hear it.
However, what happens after? As much as your king loves you, you're still a commoner with no backing, no family and with an uproar at court that threatens his authority something comes to pass. Like the previous king, he has to take a consorts from several of the more prestigious families to quell the dissent and secure your safety as Queen. They will not be granted the title queen, that is only for you and your beloved seems more heartbroken than you at this development. But, this is court life, court politics and no matter what you tried to do, there was no other solution that allowed you safety. So your beloved welcomes his new consorts to court.
You decided to be the bigger person, try to make friends with the new women you will have to share your husband with, but it is clear they hold nothing but contempt for you. Even going so far as to publicly disrespect you for your lowly origins and lack of nobility, shaming your efforts and making it clear that you do not belong in this world. But, your beloved King defends you and ejects them from the palace.
However there are consequences. An important trade deal falls through, taxes from other nobles are withheld and many other sabotages take place, despite Chevalier's skills and even with all the princes on your side the country needs to appease those with connections. So they are welcomed back, and finally it comes to the first night he has to spend with each because this was another clause that was negotiated and it could no longer be avoided.
It hurts, those nights you fall asleep crying but feel guilty because you know that your beloved is being coerced into something he does not want and is taking the brunt of it all. You wake up to your beloved comforting you and trying to make it better. This is for the kingdom after all, you know he has a duty and this is painful for both of you, but the kingdom must come first, that is the deal you agreed to when you chose to love him.
Eventually you both get used to the new routine, although you feel your authority as Queen is being undermined; your lack of political education and connections, no powerful family backing you so you feel somewhat excluded from the day to day running of things. But, you accept it, do your best to learn so you can do better, be better and after all you are the one with the kings heart. This is your safety, security, but it also puts the biggest target on your back. The other consorts may cause you to be a bit ostracised from social circles, because what noble really wants to go to a tea party with a commoner. Then finally, one joyous day you find out that you're pregnant, you will be the one to give your beloved his first heir. You're both happy, for the first time in a long time things feel right again.
Until you miscarry. Someone slipped poison into your tea, and thanks to that you may never be able to get pregnant again. It's a blow, it leaves you depressed for months, realising the maids you had come to trust sold you out at the first opportunity. Heads roll throughout the castle, but deep down you have an idea why it happened and who was behind it, this becomes more evident when the consorts say words of condolence but cannot hide the triumphant glint in their eyes. But your rivals are too powerful to fight. The king orders that your condition is protected, no one finds out that you may be infertile, however somehow it gets out still and creates a world of turmoil both in court and in public opinion.
An infertile Queen? How terrible, a queen who was barely doing her job to begin with and now cannot even do the very thing she must for the security and the kingdom? There is outcry, anger but your king protects you as best he can. But with the cries growing louder and the concerns mounting day by day he realises no matter how he feels, the king needs an heir, it's his duty. It's what he must do for the kingdom. It breaks your heart more, but you realise that you married a king and that he is doing his duty. So you swallow your pain even though it's killing you.
Months later is the happy news, a consort is pregnant. Soon the power shifts more, even with the kings favour you are alone, powerless, childless and you feel the palace become a colder and colder place. Your maids no longer hide their contempt, even the few friends you have made sense the shift in power. You may have the kings love, but you are all alone.
Then the baby is born, a healthy happy prince who is the spitting image of his father. The boy you are allowed to briefly greet for fears over his safety from a jealous queen who may try to eliminate the threat to her power. Because that is what this game is, and you realise too late that you've been playing without the pieces.
You see a scene that shatters what is left of your heart. The beautiful noble consort, in her arms a prince and your beloved looking like they are the ones that truly belong together, what a royal family should look like, love never really mattered for the equation did it? You feel like you may die right there from the pain.
Soon there are demands that the position of queen is given to the woman who is actually a noble, has given your beloved a prince, who has actually done her duty. The beautiful love story of a simple commoner turning a beast to a human is now remembered as the schemes of shameless woman, aiming above her station and throwing the stability of the nation into chaos for her own desires. Denying the king his true family.
A plot is discovered, someone attempts to assassinate the most powerful consort and first prince. Everything is ironclad and leads back to you. It leads to the execution of Sariel and the exile of Rio a lost Benotite prince (saved by the connections of another consort, you couldn't even save your best friend) you're last true allies at court. Even though your beloved knows that you would never do this, knows that you are innocent trying to prove it is another matter.
You aren't locked up in the dungeons, exiled to an annex in the palace grounds while your beloved and his brothers do their best to prove your innocence. But the stain on your reputation is already there, no matter the truth you will always be the jealous queen who tried to kill the infant first prince. All the years of pain finally bubble to the surface, how much you have sacrificed, had stolen from you. All for loving the king. You still love him so and that makes it all the worse, but all that is left now is pain. Resentment and regrets. Your love begins to turn to hate, not directed at him, but you. You for being such a fool, clause 99 existed for a reason, for this very reason. Love cannot overcome all, your stations too different, your lives too different and now despite all your efforts, your making the kings life harder, destabilising his rule by existing. Most of all, it just hurts too much, it's been so long since you felt like you, not a hollow shell existing. So you do the only thing that you can to alleviate some pressure on him, you beloved. You stop existing.
Except, you don't.
You wake up, back in the days of being Belle, back in the days where your love is young, happy and you have hope. But the woman who wakes up as Belle again is no longer the girl who chose a king, she's broken, jaded and so overwhelmed that Rio finds you sobbing, inconsolable for hours but you cannot even explain why. In the days that follow everyone notices the change, especially your beloved, it's like you've become a different person.
Perhaps this is a fresh start? Maybe you can have your happy ending? Or maybe you know that no matter what you do, there is no happy ending. What do you do? You avoid Chev, you can't face him knowing what you know, seeing Sariel and Rio shatters you with guilt and in the swirl of all these emotions the whispers of a black tiger at a ball both long ago and yet to happen come to mind. He offered you an out, an escape but he was a worldwide disaster, even his kindness is deadly, but would it be as deadly as repeating the past?
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ghuleh-witch · 3 months
And We Are Tied As One Eternally-VII
Fandom: Ghost Rating: Explicit Warnings: This chapter contains several CW and TWs. They include mentions and talks of miscarriage, abortion, assault, domestic violence, stalking, depression, and suicide. Relationships: Papa Emeritus IV/Copia x OFC Additional Tags: soft!dom Copia, eventual smut, developing relationship, kind of a slow burn, no beta reader Chapter Word Count: 2639 Summary: Ellie Moran just wanted to make a new life for herself. Running to escape the people in her past, she ends up in a small town in the middle of nowhere that happens to be home to a Satanic church. She never expected her life to change again after she started attending the public masses at said church. Ao3 || Masterlist Chapters: 7/? Previous Chapters Tag list: @sodoswitchimage
Ellie was sitting on the stoop outside her building as she waited for Copia. She made sure she could be seen by anyone on the street in case Ethan was watching and waiting to pounce. Copia would be there soon, and in the meantime, Ellie played music on her phone to distract her. 
She was listening through all of Ghost’s albums. She started listening to Copia’s first album, Prequelle. His voice was her favorite of the Papas. She just got to the growly bit of Faith when she heard a chuckle. 
“Listening to my songs, cara?” Copia said as he approached. Ellie had been so engrossed she didn’t even see him pull up and park. She looked up at him. He was in black sweatpants and a red hoodie. His face was still painted making him stand out among passersby. 
“Yeah,” Ellie answered. “Your album might be my favorite so far”
“Might be? Ellie, I’m hurt” Copia teased before sitting down next to her. “Do you know if anything was stolen?”
Ellie shook her head. “I didn’t look, but I doubt anything was taken. He just wants to scare me” Ellie said absentmindedly 
“He? Ellie? Do you know who did this?” Copia asked, his head cocking to the side slightly. 
Shit , she thought. She hadn’t meant to say that aloud. Well, it was too late now. She would have to explain everything. The thought sent terror through her. He was going to think she was pathetic and weak. 
Tell him, the voice in her head insisted. Trust him. 
“I believe it was my ex-fiancé,” Ellie said after a pause. “And now I’m going to have to explain, I guess I should start from the beginning because it’s all gonna come out eventually.” She readjusted her position so she was sitting facing him. She noticed how he mirrored her so they could be face-to-face. “Eleven years ago I was starting my second year of university. It was also the year my mother allowed me to live on campus. It was my first time being away from home, and despite going to a Christian school, I felt free. 
“I got invited to a party off campus and I got super drunk, you know first time experimenting with alcohol and rebelling and all that. At the party, I met a guy named Ethan Rossi. We hit it off. He was nice and also super drunk. We had sex in some back bedroom. It was my first time and I don’t even remember much of it.” Ellie shook her head in shame. “Anyway, we continued to hang out after the party and a month later I missed my period. I got pregnant because we were too drunk to remember to use a condom. 
“I didn’t want a baby though. I was 19. I was thinking about going to get an abortion but the guilt hit me hard, and when I told Ethan I was pregnant and didn’t want to keep the baby, he begged me over and over not to kill our baby or put it up for adoption. He promised to make it work. He promised to take care of me and the baby and provide for us. I was stupid and believed him. We dropped out of school and got a place together and he proposed to me. He went to work full time and left me to play homemaker. My mother was ecstatic. In her eyes, this was all God’s plan. She was planning our wedding and couldn’t wait to be a grandmother. Everyone around me was so happy and excited, but I was miserable. My life was over and there was nothing I could do about it. 
“Things with Ethan were going smoothly until I had a miscarriage at three and a half months. He found me passed out on the bathroom floor and took me to the hospital. They informed us that I miscarried. The ride home was horrible. All Ethan did was scream at me saying it was my fault and that I did this on purpose because he wouldn’t let me get an abortion. I was never more terrified of him in that moment.” 
Ellie took a deep breath and slipped her hands under her thighs to hide the fact she was shaking. “Eventually things settled down, as in he wasn’t screaming at me anymore. He was mean and cold towards me and even got my mother to side with him. They treated me like crap, but I had nowhere else to go and no money so I stayed with him and hoped it would all blow over. Just before my twenty-first birthday, he came home drunk. He kept apologizing to me and saying that we could try again and make another baby.” Ellie closed her eyes tight against the burning tears. “I told him no and he hit me so hard on the cheek that he cracked one of my molars. He let me sit on the floor and cry while he got online and told his friends how much of a bitch I was.”
Ellie cleared her throat, her eyes looking everywhere but at Copia. She didn’t want to know how he viewed her, especially not after what she was about to tell him next. “I tried to kill myself the next morning after he left for work. I didn’t want to live anymore. I was trapped in this relationship with no way to get out. My mother didn’t even care. I wasn’t her daughter anymore. I was a man’s property and he could do whatever he wanted with me. 
“I didn’t care if I was going to hell. It was my only way out. I got in a hot bath and cut my wrist. I was about to cut the other when my mother let herself into our apartment. She was coming to get all the baby stuff she bought so she could return it and get her money back. She found me and called an ambulance and then proceeded to tell me how stupid and selfish I was.” Her fingers trailed over the scar on her wrist hidden by her tattoos. 
“I turned twenty-one in the hospital, and on my birthday a lawyer came to visit me. She was friends with my dad and somehow tracked me down. My dad left me money in an inheritance fund that I could access once I was twenty-one. It wasn’t a ton of money in the grand scheme of things, but it was enough to get me out. Once I was out of the hospital I packed all my things and left. I didn’t tell anyone where I was going. I didn’t tell anyone I was even leaving. I just got in my car and drove until I was almost out of gas.
“That’s when Ethan started stalking me. He somehow found where I was living and would show up at my work. I was able to get a restraining order but he violated it the very next day. The cops didn’t do anything, so I packed up and left again. Sometimes he would find me and I would move again, and sometimes if I knew I was in one place for too long, I’d just go to a new place. I’ve seen a lot in the nine years I’ve been running—did a lot too. I found a doctor who would remove my tubes for me so there was no chance I could ever have kids against my will. I found a tattoo artist who specialized in covering scars and he recreated all the plants I used to see at my grandmother’s before she passed away. I saw therapists to help me through all the shit I went through, and even now I still try to see one virtually.” She let out a breath. Ellie could feel her heart racing in her chest. “But Ethan’s found me again. I saw him the other night while I was at work, and I know he’s the one that broke into my apartment.”
Ellie finally looked at Copia. His mouth was slightly ajar and he had a look of concern and horror in his eyes. “I’m sorry for dumping this all on you. Please don’t think I’m pathetic and stupid and weak.”
“Tesoro,” Copia said with such tenderness that it made Ellie’s heart speed up even more. “You are not weak or pathetic or stupid. You are the bravest person I’ve ever met. You are a survivor. I am so sorry you experienced so much pain and trauma.” 
Ellie was wiping stray tears from her cheek. “Really?” 
“Really,” Copia said putting a hand on her knee and squeezing it. “Thank you for trusting me with your story. I could tell you telling me all that wasn’t easy.”
“I don’t know what to do, Copia,” Ellie sniffled. “I’m afraid of what he will do. I’m going to try to get another restraining order, but I know that won’t stop Ethan. And I can’t afford to move again. I barely have any money left from my dad and I feel like a complete idiot for wasting it all on running.” 
“Answer me, yes or no. Don’t think about it. Do you want to leave and move elsewhere again?”
“No,” Ellie said immediately. “I don’t. I…I like it here and I like the people who are in my life right now.” 
“Then let’s take this one step at a time,” Copia said. “Let’s talk to the police when they get here and then for tonight, at the very least, you’ll come back to the abbey to stay. I’m sure we can find a dorm for you to sleep in or you can stay with Gemma perhaps.” 
Ellie nodded her heart swelling. “Okay, thank you.” 
“Of course, cara, and for the record, I don’t want you to have to leave again either.” 
Copia never wanted to commit murder more than he did after Ellie told him everything. Copia knew if he ever encountered Ethan the man would not live long after. How could anyone hurt the sweet and strong woman that sat next to him? Copia wanted nothing more than to take her in his arms and keep her safe. 
When the police finally showed up, Copia stood aside as Ellie showed them the damage to her apartment. They took her report and then listened to her as she explained the situation with Ethan. Copia clenched his fists when the cops explained they didn’t have enough evidence to investigate Ethan or take him in for questioning even after Ellie showed them the previous restraining order she had against him.
Fucking useless pigs, Copia thought.
After a phone call to her landlord, Ellie packed a bag with a couple of changes of clothes and gathered up anything she’d need to take with her to the abbey. In the morning someone would come replace her door and get her a new set of keys. 
“Do you want to get any of this cleaned up before you go?” Copia asked looking around her apartments. It was sparsely furnished with secondhand furniture. There was nothing on the walls. She had a tiny flat-screen tv sitting on an old coffee table. Hooked up to it was a Playstation, but Copia didn’t know which one it was. He never used a Playstation before. As Ellie shuffled around in her bedroom, he got a peak at some of the games she had, which were all for the Playstation 3 it seemed. He spotted The Last of Us, Portal 2, Skyrim, and Minecraft. He never played any of them before and only ever heard of a couple of them.
“I’m just going to leave it in case the cops want to come back and get pictures,” Ellie said coming out of the bedroom with a backpack. “See you found my games. I noticed you had some nice retro consoles when I was in your room.”
“Si, I like the games I grew up with. Can’t go wrong with a good old Nintendo,” Copia said.
“A bit before my time, I had an N64 when I was a kid before my mother got rid of it. I played a lot of Zelda on that thing,” Ellie reminisced. “Maybe…”
“Maybe what?”
“Maybe once all this nonsense blows over, maybe you can come over and we can play some games?”
His heart rate skyrocketed at that. His lips turned upward into a smile. “I’d like that.” He stared at her and blinked, coming to his senses. “We should get going.”
“Yeah, I don’t want to be here in case Ethan decides to come back,” Ellie said, a slight tremble visible in her frame. 
Copia led the way out and helped Ellie seal the door some some tape the cops left. He then led her out of the building and down the street where his white 1968 Buick LeSabre sat.
“Oh, wow,” Ellie said. “This is a sick car.” 
“Thank you, cara,” Copia preened. “This baby is all mine.” He walked around to the passenger’s side and opened the door for her. “I’ll take your bag.”
“Thanks,” Ellie said shrugging her backpack into Copia’s waiting hands. He put the pack in the trunk as Ellie slid into the seat. 
The drive up to the Ministry was silent. Copia was trying to figure out the best way to help Ellie. Part of him wanted to sick the ghouls on the man making Ellie’s life hell. He glanced at her before his eyes refocused on the road ahead. He was still in shock at how much she revealed to him. She had trusted him enough to tell her story without must hesitation. Copia felt like he didn’t deserve that trust. 
When Copia parked his car in his usual spot, he got out and hurried around to Ellie’s side, opening her door and holding out a hand to help her out. He then grabbed her bag and led her inside the abbey and to his office.
He felt for his bonds with his ghouls, grasping onto a thread and tugging it to bring one of them to the office. Seconds later,  Aether was appearing in the doorway, hands tucked behind his back.
“Ah, Aether, perfect,” Copia said, watching Ellie jump slightly at the sudden appearance of the ghoul. “Could you find Ellie an empty room? She will be staying here for a night or two.”
“Of course,” Aether responded, bowing his head slightly to Ellie. “I’ll be back in a minute.”
When Aether departed, Copia turned back to Ellie. “Can I get you anything? Food? Something to drink? Anything?”
“Thanks, but I’m okay,” Ellie said softly. “I just want to lay down and sleep quite honestly.”
“Fair enough. You’ve had a very long day,” Copia nodded. “Please, let me know if there is anything you need. I mean it. Even if you need to talk after you wake up.” 
Ellie nodded. “Thanks.”
“Found a room,” Aether’s voice once again came from the open door.
Copia looked from Ellie to the ghoul and nodded. “Lead the way.”
Aether took them to a room on the second floor of the residence wing for the Siblings. The room was clean and empty holding a full-sized bed, wardrobe, private bathroom, and dresser. 
“I’ll have someone bring your sheets and towels and all that stuff,” Copia said setting Ellie’s bag on the bed. “Is this okay for you?”
“This is perfect, thank you, really,” Ellie said looking around the room. Her eyes rested on Copia and he could see such gratitude and warmth in them. “If there’s anything I can do to repay you…”
“Bah,” Copia said waving the suggestion off. “You don’t have to repay us. This is what we do. We help those who need help and shelter those who need sheltering.” 
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wait-shesaid-what · 3 months
TW: pregnancy loss
I get wanting more representation and I’m sure I’ll be able to thoroughly enjoy Francesca’s season however I’m very disappointed that her journey of wanting to be a mother will be erased. I feel like this means they’ll not have her have a miscarriage and just throw out that storyline all together which I think would be a real shame as I feel like showing her coming back from those two losses and finding love and starting a new family was what drew me to her book and made it so impactful for me.
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waynes-multiverse · 2 years
Plastic Hearts – Part 5
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Pairing: Director!Dean Winchester x Actress!Reader
Series Summary: Los Angeles, 1985. Y/N’s a young actress without any success, hopping from one failed audition to the next until one desperate mistake brings her to her breaking point. Dean Winchester, on the other hand, is a grade A asshole and washed-up director at the end of his career, known for his godawful slasher movies in the 70s and his love for blow, booze, and women. Lost in the toxic Hollywood life, their paths cross when one hopeless little wrestling show changes their trajectory.
Chapter Warnings: +18, strong language, tw: a morbid reenactment of a miscarriage, humiliation/degradation/slut-shaming, asshole!Dean, mean girl vibes, crack depending on pov, sexism
Word Count: 3.1k
A/N: There’s a Regina George amongst the wolves! I don’t know about you guys, but I’ve met the occasional Ruby before. Don’t you just wanna put them in a sleeper’s hold, too? Be strong, my friends. The most offensive shit is behind you soon 😘
<< 4 || Series Masterlist || Main Masterlist
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5. Welcome To The Jungle
Dean’s a fucking genius.
His insane plan is actually working. He’s got Barbie on the hook. Who would’ve thought? Surely not him.
As Dean enters the gym with Joanna in tow, however, he instantly picks up on the weird atmosphere. There’s no vivid chatter or annoying giggling this time, only deafening tension filling the room. The women are scattered on the bleachers, sitting apart with enough space between their bodies that a pink elephant could fit as they silently shoot each other little glares with their arms passive-aggressively crossed over their tits.
Jesus fucking Christ... What the hell happened here while he was gone? Did these fucking bitches actually start fighting in the short few hours he was away? Dear God, can he just catch a fucking break?!
Apparently, he doesn’t because Billie charges right at him. “We need to talk.”
“In a minute, okay? Just lemme finish this, sweetheart,” he dismisses her.
“No. Now, Dean,” she insists glaringly.
Shit. Joanna’s eyes found Strindberg. She’s sitting next to wolf girl on the bleachers and slouching her shoulders, hiding submissively behind the girl’s back as wolf lady seems to coach her.
“She’s the alpha. You’re the omega. Just lower to the ground and submit,” Meg whispers to Strindberg. “She still might kill you, though.”
“What the fuck are you doing?” Joanna lifts an irritated eyebrow at her frenemy.
Strindberg’s mouth opens, almost having trouble pushing air into her lungs. “I, uh–”
However, Jo cuts in before the rest can come out, “No, you know what? Don’t even fucking talk to me.”
“She’s submitting,” Meg assures the blonde, taking a protective stance over Strindberg, to which Jo dismissively rolls her eyes.
Christ… But also kind of poetic. Dean feels a little like he’s watching a wildlife documentary unfold in front of him.
“Are you insane? Am I on fucking candid camera?! Why is she here?” Joanna hisses hysterically as her anger turns on the puppet master himself. “Take me home! Give me your fucking car keys. Now.”
Dean fucking hates this job.
“Okay, okay… just calm down, alright? Let’s talk a little,” the director tries to reason with the blonde and puts his palm on the small of her back, gently leading her to sit down on the bench like a fragile little bird. “I know I lied. I’m sorry, okay? But it’s about where the lie takes you.”
“Fine. You’ve got fifteen minutes, asshole, but only because it’s fucking rush hour,” Joanna hisses with a grim look.
“It’s still gonna be rush hour in fifteen minutes,” he grumbles under his breath and rolls his eyes behind her back before Billie jumps him again.
“Hey boss, we got some miscarriage bullshit to show you,” the stunt woman deadpans with a sour look.
His head snaps up at those words, brow furrowing wildly. “I’m sorry, what?”
“Oh, now I have your attention?”
These fucking women… Someone save him from this hellhole.
He pinches the bridge of his nose and exhaustively runs a hand over his face. “Okay, what’s going on here?”
“Party girl, why don’t you show him? Since you like attention so much,” Billie sneers at Ruby, who’s sitting in the back row and sucking on a cigarette.
“Shit,” the brunette curses and flicks the smoke away as she rises from her seat and hops into the ring. “In my defense, I only did it because she tried to kill me. I could’ve, like, fucking died, okay?”
Dean arches an eyebrow at Billie and waits for her explanation. Managing an entire cast of women ain’t easy. He’s the only cock in a coop full of hens. He’s their director, their babysitter, their teacher, their friend, their enemy, their father, their boyfriend, and their fucking therapist. He’s doing it all.
“She was only unconscious for a few seconds,” Billie explains with an eye roll. “I put her in a sleeper’s hold after she said I only got this job because I fucked the director,” she adds bitterly, staring daggers at him.
Shit, yeah… That’s on him.
Dean gives his judgment call, “I’ll allow it. Sorry, party girl.” He owes that much to Billie. Granted, he’s also a little scared of her and doesn’t want to be next in that woman’s chokehold. “So, what fucked up shit did you do, sweetheart?”
Ruby takes a deep breath before telling her tale, “So, uhm, we were, like, supposed to do back drops, so I pretended to hit my back really hard and then faked having a miscarriage. So I was like, screaming and crying, ‘Oh no, the poor baby! Help me. What’s happening to the baby?!’ You know? And then I squirted ketchup out of my vagina.”
Holy fucking Christ, Mary, and Joseph… What the fuck is wrong with these women, huh? Nietzsche was right – God really is dead.
People always say, ‘Oh, girls. They’re so sweet and nice and warm.’ But Dean knows the fucking truth. He knows women are vicious, violent, and fucking cruel creatures. Women are the spawns of Satan. Just look at what evil shit they’re willing to do to each other! They’re not fooling him. He’s not falling for their little act of innocence.
“That was fucking terrible. I didn’t buy a second of that,” Dean scoffs, shaking his head at the girl. “But let’s not throw out the baby with the bath water, alright?” Shit. Billie’s death stare is intensifying. “Sorry, uh, probably picked the wrong metaphor…,” he subtly clears his throat and offers her an apologetic shrug before focusing back on the little shit-starter. “Look, I know you were just being a fucking cunt, but I still think there’s something there. Let’s get inside this thing. If this were a real scene, there’d be context, there’d be characters… What was motivating this thing, huh? Was it bad sushi? Was it a pack of smokes? What happened? Let’s brainstorm, ladies.”
Without a doubt, it was an asshole move of party girl. But he wouldn’t be a good director if he didn’t use this little moment of debauchery as a teaching lesson. And it’s also the perfect opportunity to further his genius plan. Trust him.
“She was kicked in the stomach by her swim coach, who was jealous she lost her virginity to the captain of the diving team,” Jailbait eagerly suggests.
Yeah… She’s still in the mix. But she’s a fan of his movies, okay? Leave him be. Strindberg isn’t the only one here who wants praise.
“Wow, uhm, yeah. Good,” Dean splutters because he obviously didn’t expect that answer. Jailbait smiles happily at him upon his praise. “Kick in the stomach. I like that. Maybe let’s lose the swim coach. We need a better assailant.”
Now, Dean will apologize in advance for what he has to do next. Really, he’s sorry. He doesn’t like it either, alright?
Well, that’s an obvious fucking lie. You got him there, okay? Dean’s gonna fucking enjoy this part because he’s a sadistic asshole. Again, he’s sorry. It’s his nature.
“What kind of animal would kick a pregnant woman in the stomach, huh?” Dean throws his rhetorical question to the wolf pack. “What kind of person would ruin the life of a gorgeous, successful, pregnant woman? What kind of homewrecker would do that, hm?”
His green eyes wander to Strindberg, who’s cowering behind Meg, trying to hide away from the shame. Oh, she knows it’s coming. But Dean won’t let her hide. He’s gonna punish that little slut.
“Y/N!” Loudly, he calls her name with the broadest grin. He forgoes using her nickname because what comes next will be humiliating enough for her. “That doesn’t seem too far out of reach for you, right? Come in the ring. Join us!”
Strindberg scratches her throat uncomfortably, nervously shaking in her little leotard. “Oh, uhm, I’m actually not feeling so well right now, so…”
Dean licks his lips, suppressing the devilish chuckle. “You know, Gene Kelly had the flu when he did Singin’ in the Rain?”
“That’s true. He did,” she scowls and sighs dreadfully, “Fine.” Courageously, she rises from her seat and enters the ring. She’s like his fucking puppet – his perfect little toy. He knows exactly which strings to pull.
Dean jumps into the ring after her, and once he’s made it to the center, he claps his palms together and begins his narration, “Look at this asshole! She doesn’t care about anyone but herself. Not even tiny, innocent lives that haven’t started yet. You’re a horrible person, and you don’t deserve to live.”
“I think I deserve to live,” Y/N throws in, clearly upset.
“Hey Strindberg, learn to take some fucking direction,” he barks. “Just go with it. Is that too much to ask? I’m sure you’ve been to an improv class before.”
A deep exhale leaves her flaring nostrils as she defiantly crosses her arms and averts her little glare.
Oh, she’s seething. Dean’s got her exactly where he wants her.
“Okay, now circle each other,” he instructs both girls. “Alright, shit-starter, let’s work on your side.” In his peripheral, he can see Joanna watching interestedly. His genius plan is right on track. “So, what kind of woman were you before you lost everything, huh? You were ambitious, smart, talented… And no one ever sees that. All they see is the blonde knockout–”
“I’m not blonde?” Ruby pipes up.
“Shut the fuck up,” he snaps at her and watches her cower down. Good. Hoping no one interrupts him again, he continues his dramatic tale, “Alright, you’re here… you’re a custodian of new life… you’re a fertile harvest goddess, okay? Now strut through the ring like you own it… No, strut… No… no… strut, strut, STRUT!”
“Like, I am strutting!”
“No, that’s a saunter,” he bites, running a palm over his freckled face. Look, he knows he’s a perfectionist when it comes to this shit. “Okay, now, everything is ideal. Everything is fine until… homewrecker arrives!” While Y/N is darkly glaring at him, he begins to circle her until he towers inches behind her and leans in close to her ear, his hot breath fanning against her cheek as he sneers, “She’s got nothing. No man… no love… no friends. She’s a sad, insecure slut who spreads her legs for anyone who pays her a little attention. And she looks and smells like shit.”
She doesn’t. But Dean’s gotta do what he needs to do, alright? Unfortunately, it’s his goddamn job. He’d like to note, though, that Y/N smells extremely nice. So nice, in fact, that he has to amble into the middle of the ring again and get some distance between them before he gets a fucking boner.
“Okay, Y/N, time for the big move. Kick her in the stomach,” Dean instructs. “Set off a miscarriage that will not ruin one, not two, but three lives in the process. Let’s go!”
Strindberg hesitates and blinks at him shyly, “Can I just do the lock-up move where I hug her instead?”
Dear God, these fucking girls…
“Kick,” he demands sharply with a warning look, his jaw setting.
With a harsh swallow, Strindberg unenthusiastically lunges forward and fake-kicks party girl, who feigns to tumble back into the ropes and agonizingly clutches her belly, wailing, screaming, the whole shebang.
“Good, good… Now, give words to the pain,” Dean directs the shit-starter as he reaches over the ropes and holds out his hand, yelling, “Ketchup!”
Legacy hands him the bottle, and as soon as Ruby hits the ground, he spurts some ketchup around her crotch area. “Since we’re not making Apocalypse Now here, let’s add some fun back in,” he grins like a kid on Christmas before shooting red sauce on Strindberg as well, covering her from head to toe while she stands there and fucking takes her punishment. “Now, that’s what I call a fucking miscarriage, yeah?”
With a bitter glare, Y/N stomps out of the ring and flees into the changing rooms, holding back the tears. Billie also sends him a death stare before storming out of the gymnasium, the metal door harshly slamming shut behind her.
Don’t look at him. Dean just finished what they started. But guess who enjoyed the show and is shining brightly?
His fucking star.
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That giant fucking asshole! 
Y/N has never met a guy before who she hates more than that fucking piece of shit director. She’s also certain she’s never been more furious in her entire fucking life, either.
Her heart is racing. Her blood is boiling. She’s fucking seething.
What the hell even happened? Why the fuck would he bring Joanna here? Is the blonde actually going to join this shit show and replace her again? Does she still have a job, or is she out? And why did that son of a bitch feel the need to fucking humiliate her so much? What did she ever do to him, specifically, to deserve all of this?
Worst of all, she could tell that fucking coked-up bastard enjoyed every single minute of her degradation. It’s like her misery fueled that sadistic asshole.
With a deep breath, Y/N stares at her own reflection in the dirty mirror and bitterly swallows her tears down. She won’t give that dick the satisfaction of making her cry, even though she’s fucking devastated and feels like absolute shit.
Donna then quietly joins her in the changing room and helps her clean the ketchup from her body with some paper towels and water. It helps that the blonde is not saying anything and just smiles kindly at her the whole time. God knows she needs a little kindness. She’s glad she’s got at least one friendly face in this group. The other women pretty much can’t stand her and mostly ignored her the whole day. Oddly enough, it was her lucky break. For once, the drama wasn’t about her… until that asshole showed up with her frenemy, that is.
As she’s changing into her casual clothes and rummaging for her bra in her duffel bag, she hears footsteps on the tiles and then shrieks loudly, covering her exposed boobs with her arms.
“Whoa, shit… Sorry!” The director spins on his heel, turning his back on her as he covers his green eyes with his flat palm for good measure.
“Why the fuck would you come into the women’s changing room like that?!” Swiftly, she throws on her bra and a black AC/DC shirt to cover her naked body.
“I-… I didn’t think about it, alright? I just wanted to check if you were okay,” he explains in a panic, his back still turned and eyes covered.
“What d’you care,” she scoffs angrily and shoves her feet into her sneakers. She just wants to get the fuck out of this goddamn gym.
“Hey, uh, Legacy? Can you give us a minute?”
Donna shoots her a sympathetic look before answering him, “Sure… Bye, Y/N.”
“Bye, Donna. Thank you,” she swallows thickly and tries not to fucking cry as the blonde exits the locker room and leaves her alone with the devil.
“Can I turn around?”
“Whatever,” she grumbles and glaringly meets his gaze when the green-eyed director finally faces her.
“Hey, AC/DC! You a fan?” He points at her shirt with a nervous chuckle, his smile showing his pearly white teeth and the creases around his green eyes irritatingly displaying joy.
“Are you really trying to make fucking small talk with me right now?” Y/N bites with a furiously raised eyebrow. Can that dick just fucking leave her alone? Hasn’t he done enough? Does he want to watch her wallow in her misery now, too?
And forget about her; he did that shit to his own fucking friend.
The asshole smacks his lips and clicks his tongue, muttering, “Guess not.”
“So, what? Am I fired?”
Irritated, his brow furrows, head shaking wildly. “Are you an idiot? No, you’re chum. You’re blood in the water. Joanna is the hero, and you’re the villain, sweetheart.”
Her mouth drops at his words, her brow crinkling in apprehension. “I don’t wanna be the villain.” So, what? Jo is going to shine while she gets to feel like a failure next to her? How is that fucking fair? She’s been playing that particular role her entire life. No fucking thank you.
“Oh, it’s gonna be great. They’re all gonna boo you and throw things… Everyone’s gonna fucking hate you, sweetheart,” he beams.  
God, she would love to kill that fucking asshole. But she refuses to let a dick like him turn her from a homewrecker into a murderer, so she supposes she’s goddamn stuck with him.
“I don’t want everyone to hate me,” Y/N whines and is close to tears at this point. It’s not fucking fair.
Yes, she made a horrible and awful mistake. Dear God, she fucking knows, okay? But what about the guy she cheated with, huh? Is Sam getting humiliated and degraded and slut-shamed right now? No, she doesn’t fucking think so.
The director runs a palm over his face and rubs his beard with a frustrated sigh. “Jesus fuck, the crying, the caring, the desperation… That’s what makes you fucking unbearable,” he snaps. “Look, I don’t like you, Strindberg. Take it in. Hold onto it and embrace it. Try not giving a fucking shit... Trust me. There’s a lot of power in that.”
A beat passes between them as Y/N suspiciously narrows her eyes at him and cocks her head. “Did you do this to me on fucking purpose?! What kind of Hitchcock type of bullshit is this?”
“Look, that out there wasn’t about you personally, okay? I don’t give a shit who you fucked or didn’t fuck, sweetheart. What, you think I haven’t bedded the occasional wife or girlfriend? I’m not a fucking saint. I have no fucking leg to stand on here, but I am the director and I will do whatever the fuck I need to get what I want,” he explains sternly, his gruff voice like thunder in her ears.
“Clearly,” she mutters under her breath and dismissively grabs her bag, throwing it over her shoulder. Trust her – she would quit in a heartbeat if she had any other options… or money… or more job experience.
“Hey, wait, look…” Dean softly grabs her arm as she tries to shoulder past him but instantly drops his hand when she meets his eyes with a warning scowl. “Just relax, okay? I write the script. And the devil gets all the best lines,” he winks, smirking broadly.
God, she hates that cocky fucking asshole with every fiber of her being.
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6. Pour Some Sugar On Me
Pretty sure we’re collectively on reader’s and Billie’s side here 🙈 Do we want more of this insanity? Dean will get (some of) his consequences in the next part(s), promise 😉
Tell me HERE if you’re excited for the next batch, what you liked/laughed about the most in the first one, and when you want #2! Love you guys and thank you so much for reading 😘🖤
Plastic Hearts Series: @spnexploration​​ @jessjad​​ @siospins2​​ @mrsjenniferwinchester​​ @akshi8278​​ @xlynnbbyx​​ @wayward-dreamer​​ @foxyjwls007​​ @smellingofpoetry​​ @justrealizedimmascifygurl​​ @ladysparkles78​​ @leigh70​​ @4getfulimaginator2022​​ @globetrotter28​​ @b3autyfuldisast3r​​
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jojoblessed365 · 1 year
TW: discussions of pregnancy and miscarriages
Okay, this is a question and I hope I'm not too insensitive about it: why should people automatically assume that Rory will become a mom post AYITL?
Now, I'm pro choice, but has anyone considered that maybe, just maybe, that Rory could miscarriage? That it doesn't have to end the way AYITL is supposed to end?
Don't get me wrong, it's not because I hate Rory or because I hate that it's Logan's baby or anything, but why hasn't anyone considered that a possible scenario includes a miscarriage?
Now ASP (for those who haven't watched Mrs Maisel) is not afraid to go to dark places (see the first of S5 for context), so it's not incredibly out of the imaginary that ASP could go for a darker trajectory? What happens when Rory's path suddenly changes with something that I think often invokes grief, shame and doubt?
I feel that sometimes a lot of media depicts miscarriages but they never deal with the drama that can stem from that. Maybe I'm wrong, but I feel that instead of taking that full circle route, what happens when something breaks that loop?
I would really like to know @ernestonlysayslovelythings @disasterbiwriter @lorelaiileigh @stellaluna33 @sagesfandomspot @jessmmariano @anxiouspotatorants thoughts about this
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385bookreviews · 11 months
2.230 The Spirit Bares Its Teeth by Andrew Joseph White
Pages: 381
Read Time: 4 hours and 51 minutes
Overall Rating: ★★★★★ Storyline: ★★★★★ Dialogue: ★★★★★ Characters: ★★★★★
Genre: YA Historical Fiction/Gothic Horror
TWs for the book: Transphobia, gore, body horror, medical content, deadnaming, forced institutionalization, medical trauma, abortion, misogyny/sexism, blood, death, SA/CSA, ableism, murder, torture, violence, physical/mental/emotional/child abuse, pregnancy, gender dysphoria, child death, confinement, p*dophilia, gaslighting, self harm, mental illness, homophobia, r*pe, domestic abuse, discussions of miscarriage, su*c*dal thoughts, panic attacks/meltdowns, vomit, animal death, cursing, abandonment, bullying, death of a parent, kidnapping, outing, classism, body shaming, religious bigotry
POV: First person; Silas Bell
Time Period/Location: 1883-1884 London, England
First Line: At least the doctors had the decency to kill me before they opened me up.
Set in Victorian Era England, autistic trans boy Silas Bell is a violet-eyed medium. People with violet eyes are members of the Royal Speaker Society, and are tasked with summoning the dead and taming hauntings. But only the men are allowed to do so, and the women are married off to rich, non-medium men in order to create more children for the Society. As young as 16, Silas' parents have already engaged him off to Lord Luckenbill's (the head of the Speaker Society) son, Edward Luckenbill. Silas, who wants to run away to transition and become a surgeon, forges his identity and dresses as a different boy in order to gain his Speaker's seal. However, when he arrives, he is given to his brother George to be chaperoned by, who recognizes him immediately. George tentatively agrees to help him, and he goes up in front of the whole society to perform his test and receive his seal. Unexpectedly his test is to execute a woman who practiced opening the Veil, by opening the Veil himself and suffocating her in the land of the dead. He refuses, giving the woman time to stab the guard holding her. Silas and George immediately rush over to help him, and Silas stitches him back together. When George's medical license is threatened over the incident, Silas reveals himself in the presence of his parents. Before he can be taken to jail or executed for such a crime, Lord Luckenbill tells him and his parents of Braxton's Finishing School, a sanitorium for violet-eyed women afflicted with "Veil sickness" to go and be trained to be perfect wives. Veil sickness was nothing more than a hysteria label for women who weren't perfect in the eyes of society, but his parents believed he was afflicted by it and agreed to send him there. Silas tries to flee but is assaulted by his father, before being whisked off by Lord Luckenbill and Edward. He arrives at the school and is immediately made to strip and bathe in front of Mrs. Forrester, a teacher at the school.
He then meets Isabella, another student at the school, along with Mary, a seemingly cruel and manipulative girl, Ellen, a tall girl with a lot of anger who listens very closely to Mary, Louise, who is a little bit of a coward, Charlotte, who believes everything the Headmaster tells her and plays the perfect woman, and 14 year old Agnes. Agnes, who is pregnant by her much older suitor, Dr. Bernthal, is made prepared to leave the school. Angry and encouraged by an equally wrathful Mary, Ellen throws Agnes over the banister of the stairs. When asked who did it, Silas says it was Ellen, and she is taken by the Headmaster and doesn't return. Upon his first meeting with Edward, it is revealed that her name is actually Daphne and she is trans just like Silas. She is very accepting of their engagement and of his autism, and Silas is relieved. During their meeting, letter tiles that Speakers use to communicate with spirits fly out of the cabinet, claiming to be Ellen and another former student Frances, telling Silas to run. Daphne and Silas dedicate themselves to finding out what happened to the girls and bringing it to Lord Luckenbill's attention so he would shut down the school. During this time, Silas is subjected to lessons about being a good wife, and the Headmaster uses physical violence to try and make Silas realize he isn't a boy, and also s*xually assaults him. Silas meets the groundskeeper, who is autistic just like him, and they try to work together to figure out the mystery until they are caught by Mrs. Forrester, the Headmaster's wife. As punishment, the girls are shown one of Dr. Bernthal's patients, a former student named Harriet. Afflicted with "Veil sickness", Dr. Bernthal had removed her tongue, eyes, and teeth, leaving her a tortured shell. Mrs. Forrester has a breakdown as Harriet was one of her fellow students while she was a student there as well.
Desperate for help, Silas writes George to come and visit. He tries to tell him of the missing girls but he calls him sick and crazy, and then shows him why he was really there: to treat Mrs. Forrester. The Headmaster made her walk with glass in her shoes to keep her "Veil sickness" at bay. At the Garden Party, Daphne and Silas discover that the bodies are being kept in the dressing room and wonder how to find a way in. It is also announced that Isabella is to be married to her much older suitor, another doctor, like Agnes. That night, Silas walks into the bathroom to find Isabella cutting her stomach open to remove the three month old fetus inside so she wouldn't be married off. Silas helps her and performs the rest of the C-section, Mary and Louise helping as well. Just as Silas finishes the procedure, the Headmaster and Mrs. Forrester walk in, and he takes Isabella away and the rest of the girls are locked away in their room. Upon being freed, the other girls are allowed to go but the Headmaster and Dr. Bernthal try to detain Silas. Mary attacks the Headmaster and steals the keys to the dressing room. Silas runs down and finds a hidden basement with Isabella's body, where she was vivisected (dissected alive). Frances and Ellen's ghosts are also there. Mary and Silas are then locked in the basement. When the door opens again sometime later, the Headmaster, Dr. Bernthal, and another man are there to vivisect Silas. Silas realizes the other man is his brother George, and begins pleading for his life. He is about to be cut open when Daphne arrives demanding to see Silas, and they get him up and presentable, but threaten to kill Mary if he says anything to Daphne. He manages to tell Daphne anyways, and sneaks into the Headmaster's office with the help of the groundskeeper. He begins searching through files to find evidence of their crimes, but is tricked by Charlotte and Louise and Charlotte calls for Mrs. Forrester. When she arrives, Silas grabs the letter he needs and rips open the Veil, and all of the ghosts Headmaster killed in the war come flooding out, freezing the school and causing it to collapse under the frost. Daphne and Silas race to the basement, where his brother is gone, but Headmaster and Dr. Bernthal are frozen to death. They grab Mary and run and are picked up by Lord Luckenbill.
After a long sleep at Luckenbill Manor, Silas awakes and lets Lord Luckenbill into his room. He shows him the proof of the vivisections, a letter from his brother to the Headmaster, but Lord Luckenbill knew about it. He is only angered by the fact that they touched Silas. Then he reveals that he wants to marry Silas instead of marrying him to Daphne, and that he had been watching Silas since he was a child and waiting for him to be old enough to marry as Silas reminded him of his dead wife. Silas refuses, and Luckenbill tries r*pe him. Silas kills him with a piece of glass to his throat and chews out his eyeballs. Daphne and Mary saw the whole thing, and they escape the manor.
One year later, Silas and Daphne are married and living as their respective genders. Mary invites them to Manchester for Christmas, and when they go, they discover she has also invited Agnes and her baby. Agnes asks Silas if he wants to kill his brother, and the book ends.
Silas Bell (Gloria Bell, Silas Barry): Silas is one of, if not the most, relatable characters I've ever read. His autism was very accurately portrayed, and shows that even if someone "looks normal" they can still be autistic, just masking due to trauma. His anxiety is also portrayed as a rabbit that lives inside of his chest and repeats the words of the people who have abused him. When he decides to refuse Lord Luckenbill and then subsequently kills him, there is a wonderful metaphor/description of him strangling the rabbit and snapping its neck. This isn't a permanent cure for his anxiety, however he no longer lets it govern him and no longer hears his insecurities in the voices of the people who hurt him. I loved his constant stimming, and how it wasn't overdone but definitely still relevant in his every moment. The struggle he has of constantly being around people and sometimes wanting touch and other times not resonated a lot with me personally, as did his feelings about his gender and how that intersected with his feelings about being born female. Another huge thing that I love about the way Andrew Joseph White writes his trans characters is that none of them hate being trans, even when faced with so much hardship because of it. Silas explains that he has a much deeper understanding of himself than most people and even if he could magically make himself "normal" he never would. Silas still experiences trans joy even in the most trying of times and that is one of the most beautiful things about his entire character.
Daphne Luckenbill (Edward Luckenbill, Daphne Barry): I loved Daphne the whole book and how gentle and understanding she was with Silas. She always made a safe space for him, and he did the same for her, and was willing to help him no matter what. I also loved that she didn't at all blame Silas for her father's death, and made no justifications for his disgusting actions.
Mary Carter: You really hate Mary at first because she seems to be very cruel and conniving, but you end up gaining a lot of understanding and sympathy for her. Her connection with Frances and their love surpassing the Veil was moving, and she had an excellent character arc throughout the whole book.
Storyline: I was on the edge of my seat for this entire book. I really thought Silas wasn't going to make it at certain parts and was preparing myself for a tragedy. While some of the plot twists (such as George being one of the doctors doing vivisections) I saw coming, it didn't matter as the reveals were still just as gut wrenching. The body horror was insane but not at all overdone, and the whole thing overall was a beautiful and gory commentary about misogyny, ableism, and transphobia, not just in Victorian England, but even in today's day and age.
Representation: Silas is FtM transgender and bisexual and has autism, anxiety, and trauma. Daphne is MtF transgender. Mary and Frances are lesbians. The groundskeeper was non-speaking autistic. There were not any people of color in this book, but there is an author's note at the end speaking to the historical accuracy of the book where Andrew Joseph White explains that it is important to acknowledge that a lot of the torture and abuse Silas faces in the book was most commonly done on people of color throughout all of history.
Summary: Not only was this book incredibly well written and well researched, it gave very accurate representation of autism that I've never seen before. Just as in Hell Followed With Us, Andrew Joseph White portrays the trans experience as so much more than what people think it is on the surface. The way Daphne, Silas, Mary, and Isabella all changed the usage of names and pronouns immediately upon finding out either Daphne or Silas was trans was such a relief after reading the atrocity that was The Art of Being Normal (see earlier book review 2.96 for all of the reasons I violently despise that book). This is definitely one of the best books I have ever read and I will continue to be reading any and everything that Andrew Joseph White writes.
Quotes: "They can't keep scraping away layers of me thinking they can find the girl they want underneath... All of this is me. They can't just remove whatever they want."-Silas Bell (p. 87) "A strange thing about being a boy like me is how difficult it is to untangle the truth of yourself from the world's perception of you. Because, yes, I am a boy. I am just as much a man as my father and brother, just a different kind. Acknowledging this has made my life almost bearable; it's taken a terrible weight off my shoulders, given me an answer for why I feel the way I do. But I still connect with women. I find companionship with them, closeness that cannot be denied, because the world will always do its damnedest to see me as one of them. As long as we are seen the same, we will experience the same. Our lives will be linked. I will be held to the same unfair standards, punished under the same unjust rules. To separate how you are seen from who you are sometimes feels nigh impossible."-Silas Bell (p. 94) "'... I like being like this. All of it. Even if it makes things hard.' And that's true. Knowing these things about myself has given me an insight, an understanding of the way I move through the world that a great many people lack. I would never give that away."-Silas Bell (p. 204) "I tell her that the two of us are the same, mirror images of each other, our experiences so fundamentally opposite that they become identical again."-Silas Bell (p. 301) "If you're expecting some grand wisdom about love... you're sorely mistaken... It's merely asking the other person what they want for supper every day for the rest of your life."-Daphne Luckenbill (p. 378)
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(TW: Pregnancy)
Please ignore this if you're uncomfortable! I'm sorry if that is the case.
How would the F!ROs react if very deep in the relationship with MC (maybe they're even married now) they become pregnant with MC's child? How would M!ROs react if F!MC was pregnant in a similar scenario?
Another anon also asked,
What would the female ros be like if they found out they were pregnant and the male ros finding out that female mc is pregnant.❤️❤️❤️
So, I'll answer both in one post. I am also super cool with pregnancy asks and topics.
Cassandra: If she is pregnant, your both married. There is no way otherwise this is happening; she will be overjoyed once she finds out though. She will question why she is feeling so sick and once her doctor confirms she is positively ecstatic. She can't wait to rush home and tell you, she will sit MC down and hold his hand as she tells him the news. She is planning everything from what the baby will need, possible names, the school they will attend, possible tutors, and everything in between. Of course, your input is highly taken into account. She might be a bit put off if you want homeschooling just like Mother/Mentor did for you, but she is willing to make compromises and figure out something you two can come to an agreement on.
Valeria: Is sooo whiny that she feels sick and complains to MC to help her with stuff around the house. Meanwhile she calls her mom over to help give her some advice or remedy, when her mom puts the morning sickness and vomiting together and asks Valeria if you two have been "active" lately, in which Valeria answers honestly with no shame, she will tell her she is probably pregnant before squealing at the prospect of a possible grandchild. Valeria is conflicted between excitement and nervousness, she is excited to be a mom but nervous she won't do a good job. After her mom assures her she will do fine and won't be alone as she has her whole family to help and MC as well she will be comforted. She will tell MC during family dinner and while her family is very happy, if you two aren't married, her father and brothers will "subtly" ask and pester you to.
Tomás: His day went from normal to utterly mind breaking in a few moments. He sort of just... sits there for a moment with no expression as he process the information. Once you give him a minute, as you should know to do by now when he is dealing with complex emotions, he will slowly smile and slowly bounce in his seat. "I'm going to be a dad?" he asks and once you confirm he will be dumbstruck with a smile on his face as he repeats the fact to himself over and over again. If you two were actively trying for a while he will pick you up and hold you close as he gets progressively louder. "I am going to be a dad!!!" He kisses you and can't believe just how wonderful everything is right now.
Ludovica: She will suspect she is pregnant once she experiences the symptoms. She had a scare once with her ex-husband and is more cautious this time around saying anything if it's too soon to say for sure. Most very early pregnancies (in our world and in omwat) tend to lead in miscarriage as the process simply didn't take and the egg is discarded by the body. That is what happened last time to her and while she is glad she didn't have to carry that man's child, it still broke her heart to of had come to terms with expecting a child to just have that so suddenly taken from her. This time she will wait to be much further along before saying anything, she will tell MC the symptoms she is having are probably just from her anxiety.
Once she is about a little over a month in she will cautiously confide her suspicions to MC, she is hopeful he will respond positively and be a little nervous he might not want this. She is deep down very excited, not only at just the prospect of being a mother; but being the mother of MC's child. She is in love with the idea that she will forever of had created something that has a part of you and a part of her. She will cherish this child with every fibre of her being and devote her very life to givinging them the life she wish she had as a child. One of unconditional love and happiness, with two absolute perfect, loving parents.
MC: "Love, I am pregnant."
Aurelio: "Ha! No your not."
MC: "Yes Aurelio, I am."
Aurelio: "Noo your not."
MC: "I most certainly am."
Aurelio: "I refuse."
MC: "How are your refusing? Are you leaving me?"
Aurelio: "No, never, but your not pregnant and I am rejecting the concept."
MC: Sigh "Yeah well, let me know how that goes for you when the baby is here and crying."
Goes back to what he was doing, "Will do my love because you're totally NOT pregnant."
9 months later and it turns out she was, in fact, pregnant and he had the equivalent of an "Aw, well shit." moment and proceed to buy everything they needed and embraced fatherhood beautifully by caring the baby everywhere he went.
Elio: Elio is actually sterile but that conversation would play out like this.
MC: "Elio, I am pregnant."
Elio: not even looking up from his book "With a food baby perhaps, but definitely not from me."
MC: ...
Elio: ...
Elio was then never seen again.
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yaoxsblog · 1 year
Can you give us some mother Herzegovina headcanons?
tbh it probably won't be a lot, but sure thing
TW: short mention of potential miscarriage
doesn't seem like it, but she is super protective
teaches Ilija how to safely use a gun ( does that mean he now knows how to cause another massacre? well, yes but at least he knows how to do it and not hurt himself)
she absolutely will go soft if she sees a baby, literally just melts.
On that note, gets super shocked when asked if she wants to hold one. And when she does it’s like a trance, she loses perception of the outside world
"I'm not mad, just dissapointed"
both her and Enis discipline Ilija, the only difference is Bos does it physically with a slipper, and she does verbally (either yells at him, or actually sits him down and says something like "your dad and I are very dissapointed in you")
This is gonna sound weird but whenever srpska does something dangerous she’s obv mad but also… weirdly proud. She’s like ugh what Did he do this time and then upon learning he set government buildings on fire she tears up a little and goes „my boy…”
This makes Enis explode btw. He hates it when she does that
Actually always calls srpska her son. Enis calls him names or just says „serbia’s son” but herze? Never
Also possibly calls him „my little terrorist”
I don’t think Ilija was ever a baby, maybe a toddler a long time ago but more or less stayed the same age all his life, which is a Real shame because Idri would totally have an album filled with stuff like pics of him as a toddler holding an ar15
Im not sure wether i should add this because it’s sort of like an au? But some time ago I was thinking about a possibility of herze having a miscarriage (maybe more than one) and then her relationship with srpska being stranded because of that, because of the fact she wanted biological children and instead got a mean little serbian tot.
I wrote some very short fic about it but i font think I’ll ever publish it or even talk about this au more because really it’s too heavy and serious of a topic for my silly tumblr acc
This is more about me because im constantly on the fence about this: is where ilija actually came from, but for now my headcanon is he just… appeared from the ground. Idk maybe it was a blood moon and a storm was raging and a thunder struck the ground and he jumped out of there. Idfk but the important part is what it was like for herze: Bos one day came home with a kid. Thats it.
Last point doesn’t apply if you’re a true vukist - then you know the story in the bible
Puts notes in his lunchbox. Some of them are like „i love you, have a great day” and others are „don’t blow up the school today (optional)”
Ok i think thats it byeeee
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topguncortez · 2 years
I never got the sex talk (not my parents’ faults) my extended family who was supposed to take care of me was EXTREMELY Catholic and basically said sex and periods are shameful. Don’t talk about either of them. This led to me being pregnant at 15, wanting an abortion (fatal fetal anomaly), not getting one, 10 million complications, and supposedly not being able to have kids anymore. Have the sex talk with your kids. (I ended up getting pregnant and almost died. That was fun)
tw: miscarriage & abortion
My first pregnancy resulted in a missed miscarriage, which means that I had a miscarriage and missed the signs of it. I also didn't know I was pregnant at the time. And I almost went into septic shock because of the dead tissue in my body and needed a D&C, and my mom nearly flipped her shit when my ex told her that because in her mind a D&C means an abortion and that's not what happened. She tried convincing him to tell me to not get it the abortion and wouldn't get it through her fucking head that I was not having an abortion I was having a miscarriage and was dying from dead tissue in my body.
the shame that woman put me through for YEARS is outrageous. The amount of damage she put me through physically AND mentally. . .
long story short, have the conversation with your kids. It could save their lives.
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