#tw: lightsaber fucking
casiavium · 2 years
It is 2pm and I am drunkkkkk hell yeah last day of fall semester classes
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brucewaynehater101 · 2 months
Emperor Tim and his life partners, once Bart introduces the Death Star (without planet killing capabilities) will absolutely make lightsabers for themselves and who says they have to limit themselves to just one color? If they can't change the spectrum of color on a lightsaber for whatever reason, they have more than one.
Tim goes classic blue most of the time but his lightsaber also has a rainbow setting. All of C4 has a rainbow setting for their lightsabers.
Kon likes green because why not? He will use TTK to pretend to be General Grevious when they're being ridiculous.
Cassie is all about purple for her lightsaber.
Bart figures out how to change his lightsaber color and generally goes with the vibe of the day. Usually he defaults to yellow.
The only time any of them bother with a red setting is when they're re-enacting scenes from the movies or how the scene should have gone in their opinion.
Rainbow colored ones!!!!
I agree that they'd probably have multiple ones. I'm not sure how the science would work, but there theoretically shouldn't be any issues with them being able to change colors? Maybe it's something to do with the very specific chemical reactions or light refractions that cause the lightsabers to be set in their colors?
Even if it was expensive and tedious to make, they would definitely at least have two each.
YJ should have fun with very very dangerous weapons. Fuck if I know the science, but lightsabers are hot and cut through tough stuff, right?
TW: severe burns, injuries
Shit.... I looked it up. Apparently, it's so hot that they cause 6th degree burns (charring bone).... Hmm. Maybe they'd use them more as tools then as weapons due to their serious harm? If we're chatting them making real life replicas.
Maybe they also make settings? So they have setting one that's basically a hot enough to cauterizing wounds baton up to melt your bones.
Would be cool either way!!!
Also, feel free to comment, reblog, ask, or whatnot what you feel the other YJ member would have for their lighsaber colors ^^
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Checkmate (Part One)
By @spencerreidswhore187 for @sackofpissandshit
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five
Summary: Spencer finds out that reader is not who he thought they were. (Lots of angst)
Pairings: Spencer Reid x Unsub (g!n) Reader
Word Count: 2.3K
TW: Death, violence, brief mentions of kidnapping, rape, alcohol/substance abuse and guns.
A/N: Hi! This is my first Spencer Reid fanfic and I’ve also not proof read it so please don’t judge if it’s not very good. It’s inspired/named after the song Checkmate by Conan Gray and influenced a little by the film Mr and Mrs Smith.
“I’m sorry Reid,” Emily whispered. When the team found out, they had to draw straws in order to decide who’d be the one to tell Spencer. Penelope had tears in her eyes and Emily chewed her nails down to the finger. None of them wanted to be the one to break his heart, not after Meave.
Spencer had experienced heartbreak before but not like this. Whereas before, when he watched the girl he loved get shot, his heart shattered into a thousand pieces. It hurt him so much, like a physical wound. But now? His heart was fine and, yet, it were as if the rest of his organs had shut down. He couldn’t feel anything. He was floating. He could see Emily’s lips moving but all he could hear was your voice, playing over and over and over again in his head.
Spencer remembered the day he told you that he loved you as though it was yesterday. It was late at night, stars splattered across the midnight sky; your legs were draped over his as you lay stretched across Spencer’s sofa. You both had spent the day binging the Star Wars franchise for what was probably the a hundredth (in release order, much to Spencer’s dismay.) You’d looked so beautiful with the crimson and azure lights reflected from the lightsabers on the TV dancing across your skin.
Your mouth was full of pistachio ice cream when the words slipped out, “I love you.” Spencer recalled the way your eyes widened - as if no one had ever said those words to you before. “I love you y/n. I love you, I love you, I love you.” Your lips stretched into a soft smile.
“I love you, too, Spence. More than anything, never forget that.”
Spencer would have sacrificed anything to go back to that moment: every IQ point, every novel in his possession, his role in the FBI. But no matter what happened, Spencer could not turn back time. He could not return to a time before he knew you were a killer.
“He’s a fucking FBI agent.” Ben spat.
“No he’s not,” you protested, “he’s a surgeon.”
It’s why he had so many spontaneous shifts, why he’d suddenly have to leave in the middle of the night or during a date, it’s why he’d sometimes be gone for long periods of time.
You hated the way Ben laughed at you. You hated Ben. Full stop.
“How can you be so ignorant y/n. You are so god damn naive.”
“He’s a doctor. I swear.” Spencer wouldn’t lie to you. He’d promised you, the night he said he loved you, that he would never lie to you.
Ben slung an arm around your neck and pulled you into him, overwhelming you with the vile scent of alcohol and piss.
“Then fucking explain this,” he grinned, showing you a photo of your boyfriend. You lurched forward as you read the headline of the article: ‘Dr Spencer Reid of Quantico’s Behaviour Analysis Unit’.
It hurt. So much. This betrayal consumed you. You shoved your boss off of you and vomited. You could hear Ben’s laugh reverberating off the grim walls of the basement you were in as he stumbled away.
You scrubbed at your lips, trying to rid yourself of taste.
Your boyfriend, your best friend, worked for the FBI. And you were a killer.
You were eight years old when it happened, they’d grabbed you off the street as you were walking home from school. The police would have found you if they’d looked. Then men go took you did not wear masks, nor did they bother disguising themselves or the van they tied you up in the back of. It had taken your parents four days to realise you were gone. It had taken the police two hours before they gave up searching. No one had cared enough to find the little lost child. No one had ever cared about you, until Spencer.
You learnt quickly that the only way to survive was to do what they say. Deal drugs, steal, you didn’t care. You would do anything to live. And these men exploited that. They manipulated you. They corrupted you. They were the first people you killed. You slept better than ever that night, in an abandoned alley. Alone. Free.
That’s where Ben had found you. Ben, the leader of a minor gang, paid you to go after those who’d wronged him. The people who broke his rules - rapists, pedophiles, murderers. You enjoyed being a vigilante at first. But soon you learnt you could hurt them in way worse than death…Ben agreed with you.
You would frame them for crimes, rob them, plant drugs in their possession. You would stand from the sidelines at watch their lives collapse.
And now it was your turn. This was a strange sense of Karma.
You and Spencer played a game of Chess every night before you went to sleep. You were waiting for him to come home as you slipped a vail of hemlock into his drink and placed the glass next to the board. Staring at pieces, you heard the front door open.
“Checkmate,” you whispered.
Spencer pressed his loaded gun firmly behind his back, breathing heavily as he climbed the stairs to the bedroom. He knew what would be waiting for him, the same thing that awaits him every evening when he returns from work.
You were sat crossed legged in your chair, leaning over the chess board analysing the pieces. You’d been playing this game for the last three weeks - both of you always managed to escape being checked.
You had a glass of water in hand and there was a glass for him next to his seat. Neither of you drank alcohol. Spencer had been sober since his drug addiction and you refused to drink after he told you that he was ten years sober. It was things like that, the small things you did, that made Spencer believe you were gentle and kind. He chided himself for being so stupid.
You looked up grinning at Spencer who was leaning against the doorway. He loved that smile. He hated himself for still loving it.
“Hey Spence.”
How could you be so glib when your hands are covered in the blood of innocents?
“Hi y/n,” he said, fist tightening around the gun.
“How was work? I saw or the news there was crash near the hospital. Did many people get-” you were interrupted by the sound of a gun cocking.
You abruptly stood up and stumbled away from Spencer.
“W-what are you doing.” You tried your best to sound scared when he pointed the gun at you.
“What do you think I’m doing? You are a criminal. You are a fucking murder!” Spencer did not feel guilty when you flinched.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. Baby, please, I’ve never heart anyone. Please put the gun down and we can talk.”
Spencer had never noticed your tell before but it was clearer than ever, now. You chewed on the corner of your lip. This was all the confirmation he needed.
He would not be played like a pawn.
“Cut the act, y/n.” You searched his eyes but they were void of any emotion. Her loving Spencer was gone. Dead.
“What act?”
“You know what bloody act. No more games.”
Fine. You couldn’t help but think that things were finally getting fun.
“You’re not going to shoot me, Spencer, you’re an FBI agent. You have a code of conduct. You have morals.” You mocked, disdain evident in your words. “That’s right, isn’t it? You have doctorates but you are not an actual doctor. What you are is a fucking liar.”
That was the first time you’d ever called him Spencer. It had always been ‘Spence’. The facade was truly gone and he felt wretched.
How could you use him like that?
He walked towards you, pressing the barrel of his gun against your temple, forcing you to walk backwards until you hit the wall.
“You’re not going to shoot me,” you repeated.
And you were right. Despite Emily telling him to shoot if necessary, Spencer could not bring himself to do it. He was better than you. He had to be better than you.
“Yes I am,” he whispered.
He was not surprised when he felt the cold metal of a blade kiss his neck. Spencer had walked into your trap.
He was surprised, however, when a lone tear slipped down your cheek. His fingers itched to brush it away.
You looked up at him, “did it mean nothing to you?”
“What are you talking about?”
“This. All of it. You knew who I was…what I was the whole time and still you made me love you. You made me believe that you actually loved me.”
This was perhaps the first time Dr Spencer Reid had ever been confused.
“Why did you have to make me love you?” You breathed.
“Y/N. I don’t understand.”
“You lied about being a doctor. You were undercover. You orchestrated this entire relationship just so you could arrest me. I want to, no, I need to know why.”
“That’s not true. I lied to protect you. My job gets people hurt, it gets people killed!” Spencer cried, “I lied to protect you!”
You pulled your knife away from his neck.
“I don’t believe you.”
“I would never hurt you.”
“You have a gun aimed at my fucking head!”
Spencer dropped the gun and kicked it away from the two of you. You were so close that your noses kept brushing with every movement.
He inhaled sharply, “how many people have you killed?”
“Margaret Sheppard, Claire Daugherty, Travis Smith, Lance Chen and Aidan Keith. Do those names ring any bells?” Spencer pressed into you, his long fingers curled around your upper arms.
Spencer tried not to think of the nights of the murders, the ones you spent as a knot of limbs - not knowing where one of you began and the other ended. He tried not to think of the way you would gasp or how, afterwards, you would pull him to you, leaning your forehead against his, whispering sweet nothings into his ear. The betrayal was the most painful thing Spencer had ever experienced.
“I did not kill any of them. I didn’t,” you protested.
“So explain to me how they all ended up dead within days of each other. Their necks slit and an ‘x’ cut into their wrists?”
“Spencer, I promise you, I did not kill any of those people.”
“It’s your MO y/n. We know it was you.” Or, he thought he did. You weren’t chewing your lip. “You’re telling me that you have never killed anyone?”
“That’s not-”
“Don’t lie to me!” He shouted, slamming his hand against the wall. “Please. Please just tell me the truth.”
“I have killed people before. I have killed to survive. I have killed because I had to. I have killed because I wanted to. I have killed for fun. But I have not murdered anyone in the last three years. I have not taken a single life since the day I met you!”
Spencer couldn’t breathe.
You continued, “Margaret Sheppard drowned her newborn baby because it was crying too loud. Daugherty ran a sex trafficking ring, Smith and Chen took turns raping their 15 year old daughters. Aidan Keith beat his wife black and blue. They are…were…rich. They were going to get away with it. I did what I was told to, I made them stop.
“I stole millions of dollars from Sheppard. She had no choice but to claim bankruptcy. I helped every single girl escape Claire Daugherty before I put her in a coma. I planted very incriminating evidence on Travis Smith and Lance Chen - evidence that landed them both a life sentence in a high security prison. And Keith? I wanted to kill him. He was one of the men who kidnapped me when I was a child, but I didn’t. I saved him for last. I destroyed what mattered most to him: his reputation.
“I lied and I stole and I hurt but I did not kill any of them. I would not have done anything that would have risked my relationship with you, Spencer.”
He pulled away from you and started pacing around the room. You stood frozen as he reached for his drink.
I have killed to survive. Those words were replaying in his head (curse his eidetic memory). He wanted to know what you meant. He needed to know. What did you mean by one of the men who kidnapped me? Neither Emily or Rossi had told Spencer any of this. None of the BAU had. He mentally went through all of the cold case kidnappings from around eighteen years ago in the area but none stuck out. Were you lying? Was this some elaborate trick? A trap? His head was spinning.
Spencer reached for the untouched glass of water next to the chess board and took a sip.
You lurched foreword and pulled the cup out of his hand, throwing it against the wall. Tiny fragments of glass flew around the room as it shattered, water staining the wall.
It all made sense to Spencer, in that moment, as his eyelids grew heavy, you had poisoned the drink. That was why you had kept glancing at the glass. But, if you wanted to kill him, why did you stop him from drinking more? Why did you break the glass? The last thing he did before the world went dark was whisper “I love you.”
A/N: Thank you for reading! Part two soon ◡̈
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eightbitpale · 4 months
I wrote a funky little Codywan fic
I wrote my first proper, multi-chapter fic! It's all edited and published now and I'm actually pretty damn happy with it, so I thought I'd link it here.
Set My Mind at Ease by Eightbitpale on AO3
Teen And Up Audiences. M/M. 16.3k words
Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types
CC-2224 | Cody/Obi-Wan Kenobi, CC-2224 | Cody & Obi-Wan Kenobi, CC-2224 | Cody & CT-7567 | Rex, Obi-Wan Kenobi, CC-2224 | Cody, Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka Tano, CT-7567 | Rex, Original Clone Trooper Character(s) (Star Wars), Various Clone Troopers
Canon-Typical Violence, Field operations, Miscommunication, please don’t leave i promise it’s not obnoxious, Sith Temples (Star Wars), Spooky cave shit, furthering my obi-wan can’t cook agenda, Anakin Skywalker is an acquired taste (affectionate), problems that could have been solved much faster if Cody was allowed to open carry a flamethrower, bit of whump, as a treat, Jedi Lineages as Family (Star Wars), CC-2224 | Cody Has a Lightsaber, Kenobi and his competence kink, Pre-Slash, could be read as platonic but honestly why would you, Some light angst for flavour, tw arachnophobia, canon typical clone dehumanisation, Humor, Cody voice: i love Rex and all my non-Rex brothers equally
Marshal Commander Cody - clone commanding officer of the 7th Sky Corps, second in command of the 212th attack battalion and, currently, the proud caretaker of one still-warm lightsaber - was having a very long day.
Actually, fuck that. It had been more than a long day. Long days were Cody’s bread and butter, practically his comfort zone. Marshall Commander Cody ate stim shots for breakfast and every shiny this side of Coruscant knew it. Long days were his bitch.
No, this had been more than a long day. Today had been a bad day.
The one where Cody and his general try their best to tell each other that they care. At least they’re trying.
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talesfrommedinastation · 10 months
My redneck neighbor Doug on 'Tribe'
When not turning his home into a giant light hazard for Jesus's Birthday or getting into yelling fights in the alley with Bobby Lee (another redneck neighbor who is a DIE HARD 'Bama fan) about SEC football, Doug's been randomly texting me things about the Jedi.
I'll update y'all on that soon enough. (Plo Koon = Sexy Shrimp Daddy?!)
Meanwhile, here is his review of his favorite episode of Season 2 of The Bad Batch...TRIBE, or as Doug calls it 'Chewbacca Junior and the Weed Business'.
Yes, a random fetch quest one in which Clone Force 99 helps out a random Wookiee kid. His favorite. Don't ask.
Need a Doug refresher? Check it out under Doug Talks Star Wars here.
TW: Doug Doug's as is his Doug-like wont. Hold onto your butts. A little calmer since Daddy Warcrimes is MIA in this one.
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So we got Daddy Rambo and the gang making counterfeit licenses for underage drinkers or whatever. You gotta do what you gotta do, I guess, and Daddy Rambo will do a lot of things, but obtaining gainful employment ain’t one of them. 
Ryan-from-Accounting is smug as hell about his counterfeiting operation. You’re so smart, Ryan-from-Accounting, why don’t you go to law school and start practicing corporate licensing? At least you can get equity there, ya dingaling.
And Little Orphan Blondie runs away because she’s embarrassed to be seen around them. I get it, kid.
Woah, it’s Chewbacca Junior! Are the lizard and robot people trying to sell him to the circus or something? Oh, he’s a Jedi?! When did this happen, this is awesome! I loved Chewbacca! I love Wookiees! AWESOME!!!
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And Little Orphan Blondie is protecting him, go Little Orphan Blondie, go! 
I hope they adopt Chewbacca Junior and get him a collar and a nice bed on the floor of the HMS Search Warrant. They need a pet. Little Orphan Blondie can brush him and put bows in his hair! Do you think he uses a litter box?
They’re taking him home, and look! Little Orphan Blondie is giving him her Lunchables. I’m proud of the Dad Batch, they’re teaching Little Orphan Blondie good morals. Oh, poor wee Chewbacca Junior, he has no family and when he talks it sounds like Jimmers when he’s treed a squirrel*.
But Ryan-from-Accounting can understand him! Ya know, I wonder if his helmet can translate Bitch and that’s how Ryan-from-Accounting talks to his Bitch Wife Laura. 
It would be awesome if they adopt Chewbacca Junior and he attacks people with his lightsaber. He’s like a pet version of an MR-15! Imagine the DAMAGE his furry ass would do on the battlefield! 
Ooh, they made it to Wookieeland! Ya know, it always reminded me of where Jenny and I used to camp in northern California. I wonder if there’s a brewery nearby? I bet Toaster Strudel needs to throw back, that man needs a beer and a restraining order from Daddy Rambo. 
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Oh SHIT, looks like the bugs from Klendathu made their way down to Wookieeland. Somebody call the Starship Troopers! Oh, wait, they can talk to those things like Dougie Houser did? Woah. Neat. 
Looks like the Empire found the Wookiee weed farm and torched it. Poor Wookiees, they’re just trying to make an honest living growing herb. Leave ‘em alone!
Which planet makes meth, my money’s on Tatooine, it looks like New Mexico and that place is meth Disneyland, there was a whole TV show about it. 
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(Above is...Tatooine?! - Dr Meat Muffin)
Oh man it’s Houma-BBQ-Bitch’s shitty brothers and they’re burning the whole weed operation to the ground. Guess they work for the DEA.
Kick their asses, Wookiees! Now they want Chewbacca Junior, but the Dad Batch is saying FUCK YOU! 
Go Dad Batch go! Fire ‘em up! Destroy the tanks! GO JULIO GO! It’s like Apocalypse Now with Bigfoot!
More Wookiees! And they’re riding giant monkey-cats! AWESOME. Man, I feel stoned just watching this episode. Why can't I stop giggling.
Granny Wookiee says come on in and have some weed! Oh, shit, are they doing ayahuasca? Toaster Strudel ain’t having it, but Julio’s down. Julio’s down for anything, he’s probably gonna stick around, use his pipe laying skills, and get some free ganga out of the deal. Man, we all need a Julio in our life. Love him. 
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Oh, poor Chewbacca Junior can’t find a home. Come on, Granny Wookiee, just let him crash with you guys! He can clip weed on the side, he’s got that lightsaber, let ‘em have it. But first, let’s talk to the trees! Did they take mushrooms before this scene, Jesus Christ this really does take place in Humboldt County, doesn’t it.
Ah, nevermind, the gators that run the DEA are here. With Stormtroopers. Oh shit, are the gators wearing Wookiee pelts while fighting Wookiees? That’s some Silence of the Lambs shit right there.
Welp, time for fire fights, Smokey the Bear does not approve of this episode, especially as one of the lizard men chases Chewbacca Junior and Little Orphan Blondie into the woods with a flamethrower. 
Oh shit, there are the bugs! Shit, am I actually cheering on the bugs from Starship Troopers? What is going on here, I’m so confused. Whelp, they’re eating Houma-BBQ-Bitch’s brother, good for them.
Back to Granny Wookiee’s Pot Palace, where Toaster Strudel and Julio throw back her questionable moonshine and smile at each other. If they end up with Wookiee girlfriends, it will be weird, but I will be happy for them. 
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And Little Orphan Blondie and Chewbacca Junior are talking to the trees, again. Just watching this episode makes me wanna go back to Electric Forest. Except I don’t think Oceana County has wookiees, but it does have crazy people in the woods I guess. 
*=Jimmers is Doug’s extremely handsome poodle mix dog. His full name is Jimmers Jimothy Jimerson III and they found him as a stray when he was eating trash behind a bowling alley in Nacogdoches. 
Where my Doug fans at? @amalthiaph @eyecandyeoz @merkitty49 @sued134 are the biggest, but let me know if ya wanna be tagged in the next installment!
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Happy Star Wars day!
MAY THE FOURTH BE WITH YOU! bound this little sneaky cheeky bind just in time for Star Wars day.
Yet another blind bind - leftover from Binderary. This bind is Remedial Jedi Theology by MarbleGlove.
Beautiful typeset was made by Aether from Renegade for the Bind Renegade Exchange last year.
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51,336 words || 155 pages
Cover titling font: Tw Cen MT Condensed
I still haven't read this fic, though I kind of skimmed it enough to get a sense of the point of view. Exasperated Obi-Wan Kenobi seemed to be a prime feature, so despite not knowing very much about lightsaber designs in general, I decided to find the closest image vector I could find to Obi-Wan's lightsaber, which i wanted to use as a focal point of this bind.
This which i absolutely fucked within 5 minutes of applying HTV because I IRONED IT ON THE WRONG WAY AROUND - contemplated leaving it but I could not do it (I know enough hardcore Star Wars fans and they would definitely notice). Fast forward to 3 hours later where me and a tweezer had an intensely hot date where I flipped my book a million times while trying to get a grip on the last dastardly bits of HTV that were really hard to get off. I mostly succeeded, and here we are.
I loved the half-title page designed by Aether, and I wanted a strong counterpoint to it for the cover titling, with a bold dramatic (but relatively simple) font and hence decided in the end to stick with something sans serif. I love this particular holographic HTV, it is absolutely one of my favourites, other than the metallics.
Endbands are yet again, me trying my best to practice my french double core with silk. They are getting better, slowly. I frequently never remember but I think this bookcloth is Hollanders Japanese bookcloth in wine. Lastly endpapers are from my stash from Renato Crepaldi.
Noun project icons from Vectors Market and Joe Wisneski.
Now that we are in May proper, my plan is to finally target all the author binds I've been meaning to do, as well as finish a couple of important projects I need to get done by end July. Am very excited for an event that's coming up soon!
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vilsoo · 1 year
can you walk me thru the inquisitor situation just briefly (i'm not on tiktok so i'm not clued into any of these things)
tw: pedo/grooming mentions, suicide
inquisitor was a popular 23 yo ghost cosplayer on tiktok. he literally did nothing wrong except make silly fun tiktoks in his ghost cosplay with a lightsaber until one day this dumb fucking 17 yo girl lied about her age and started talking to him. when that information somehow got leaked by another popular cosplayer (their user was keegensmask or something like that, but idgaf bc fuck that bitch) inqusitor was obviously getting LOTS of backlash and accusations for being a groomer/pedo. these were proven to be false allegations in less than a day. i believe around yesterday or so, inquisitor started a tiktok live where he hung himself. there are some rumors that he might’ve survived his attempt, but there are some where he sadly passed. but gone or not, i’m so fucking pissed at what these bitches did to him. and all for what exactly??? what did they gain from falsely accusing this man as a pedo???
i hope they rot in fucking jail. i dont fucking feel bad for these kids that are gonna suffer the consequences of their dumbass actions. that’s gonna haunt them for their years and i legitimately wish them the worse in life. even the fact that they keep denying everything about spreading these harmful rumors? yeah they definitely don’t deserve anything nice in life.
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Slipping Through my Fingers Chapter 7! It's temporarily going to be here as AO3 is still down but if you'd prefer to read it on AO3 when back up, feel free to. ♡
Under the cut ♡
Tw for child kidnapping, and past violence. Please don't read if you haven't read the rest of the story on Archive of Our Own
"Mario! Spike, where have you two gone off to?"
Luigi had his knees up to his chest, his phone hidden between them and his body. He wasn't sure if they'd take his phone away from him if they caught him with it, so he decided it'd be best to hide it.
He smiled sadly at the video playing. They used to go to so many places so often, and Luigi always liked to document the fun they'd have. Pauline's voice rang through his head, and oh how much he longed to be held in his auntie's arms again.
He still remembered the day in the video like it was yesterday.
Luigi had his phone out, recording the entire situation. Pauline had his other hand in her's, just a natural instinct she had at this point. Mario had practically drilled it into them.
They were currently at the mall, Luigi had needed a new part for his computer, so they'd gone to get one, only for Mario and Spike to have apparently spotted something, resulting in them running off somewhere unknown.
Luigi knew they were doing something strange.
He had chosen not to mention to Pauline how he noticed Mario packing his lightsaber and Jedi robe in his bag that morning. It was too good of an opportunity to watch him embarrass himself.
Pauline led him through, her grip on his hand firm. She was always more of a worrywart then the rest of them, coming second to Mario.
"It's over Anakin! I have the High Ground!"
He smiled at the familiar call, taking the lead and pulling Pauline closer to the chaos. There was a new ball pit that had been installed, probably for a small carnival, in the center of the mall.
Mario was standing against the top of the railing on the second floor, whilst Uncle Spike was standing in the ballpit. Both of them had their robes on with their lightsabers drawn.
"You underestimate my power!" Spike called, and a hoard of laughter erupted from everyone around. Mario dropped down a ladder, which definitely wasn't stable, and Spike began to climb up.
"Oh fuck- fuck, ANAKIN STAY BACK! BACK I SAY!" Spike began to chase Mario through the mall, before an epic lightsaber battle took place. The security couldn't even apprehend them, because they were laughing too hard.
Luigi laughed weakly as the video ended, though winced as it brought a stinging pain into his throat. His throat constantly felt like he had just accidentally swallowed a gulp of salt water.
How he wanted for everything to go back to normal. But he knew that even if Mario did rescue him, things would never be the same. Not even getting a dog, like he'd always wanted, could fix this.
His finger moved across his phone and before he knew it his finger was hovering over Mario's contact once again. He listened to the ringing of the phone, praying to God that Mario would answer this time.
"Uh- hello?" His heart lifted as he looked at the phone. Had he answered?! "Luigi- is it on? How the fuck do I turn it on? The vocmal thing. Yeah, that thing. Oh it is on? Uh, okay. If I missed your call it's either because you're not Weegee or I can't turn my phone on. I'll try to figure out how to get back to you. Okay, how do I turn it off?"
He faltered slightly, though he loved the memory of teaching him how to make a voicemail. But he wished he had actually answered the phone, then he could know if he was coming, how far away he was. If anything he'd just kill for Mario to tell him everything would be okay.
But that wasn't going to happen. He desperately wished that this would all be over, or that it'd be some sick dream that he just hadn't woken up from yet.
But it wasn't. Because he could feel the pain all over his body, he could feel the jolts of every single scrape and bruise littered across his skin. How much longer would he keep going on for?
He found he was questioning that more and more now.
With a small sigh, he went back to his photos app, and clicked on another video.
"Oh look at you! You look amazing." Pauline smiled behind the camera. Luigi posed proudly, before jumping up and down excitedly. Mario was in the hospital, so he was staying at Pauline's house. Spike was staying over with them as well. "You look like a little scientist."
She always knew the best things to say to him to make him smile. Luigi was about to reply, when all of a sudden he heard a grating voice from across the street.
He grinned as he looked across the street, a giggle erupting from his lips. Spike was stood across the street, dressed like Earl from Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs - it was one of Mario's favourite movies, so they all decided to dress as the characters to show him in hospital. It'd cheer him up.
Pauline had even dressed as Sam, and she HATED dressing up.
"Whatchu doing, Flint Lockwood?!" Spike asked as he ran over to him, doing the signature run, and getting in his face. Luigi tried to keep up the act as well as Spike was, but he just kept on giggling.
"You look silly." He laughed, poking his nose. Spike cracked a smile, before regaining his composure and frowning again.
Luigi screamed out a laugh and took off down the pavement, Spike chasing after him with a matching laugh. Pauline's giggles could be heard behind the phone, though he noticed a phrase she said. One he'd never heard before when watching the video.
"Oh Mario, what would we do without you?"
He remembered going to the hospital, sitting at Mario's bedside and reciting the tale of the day to him. Mario hadn't even been awake, the blow he took to his head leaving him unconscious for weeks.
His parents' attacks had been getting worse every time they did it. Luigi had always thought they were the main villains of his life.
He had been stupid to think that, really. Now he was at the hands of a beast, a beast who he didn't know if Mario was strong enough to fight.
Would he even see Mario again?
"Okay, okay. Remember though, the doctor said you can't put pressure on your ankle, Mario." Pauline's voice of reason came through the video as they entered the arcade. Mario waved his arm dismissively, enticing a laugh from Luigi.
"It was a recommendation, not an order." He insisted, before allowing himself to be pulled away by Spike. They always reverted back to being kids when in the arcade, and it was always hilarious to watch. "Besides, me and Spike got a date with dancing."
"Date, yes. Best way to word it. You two are practically married."
Spike pointed a joking finger at her, a teasing grin on his lips. "I may be aroace, but Mario's my soulmate." Luigi giggled and clapped his hands as Mario got down on one knee and pretended to propose to Spike randomly. He jumped up and down as his uncle wiped a fake tear and accepted the proposal.
"What are we gonna do with them, Lu?" Pauline asked him from behind the camera.
"Run away and take all the candy." Luigi suggested reasonably. He remembered the aftermath of that, Pauline bought out the entire sweetshop in the arcade. There were still sweets left in her closet to this day, and they had never let Mario or Spike have any of it.
"Let's celebrate our marriage."
"By dancing?"
"Fuck yeah, man!"
Mario and Spike, like little kids, ran towards the dance machine and inserted their coins, before absolutely getting into it. They certainly knew how to strut their stuff, their arms stretching out and their hips swaying.
Auntie Pauline had told him they always did that. Ever since they were teenagers, they'd always gone straight to the dance machines. He knew he was there for it, but he was a baby so he honestly couldn't remember it.
"Come on, Mario! You can do it!" Pauline cheered as Luigi jumped up and down excitedly. A song from the 80's was playing, Mario and Spike were into it. Even with a twisted ankle, Mario was still heaps above Spike in the points.
Not that they both weren't amazing at it.
The laughter still rang through his ears even as the video ended. Tears were streaming down his cheeks at this point, his head resting uncomfortably against the bars.
The sound of family felt bittersweet now.
The sound of his family.
He wanted to go home, go back to normal. He'd take a thousand kidnappings from his parents over this, because at least he knew there that Mario would always come and find him, without fail.
Now he didn't know where Mario was. He was alone, he didn't even have Spike or Pauline. Hell, he'd even give anything to see Gemma right now. Luigi just needed someone to hold onto, something, anything.
But nothing would come. No matter what, he'd still be trapped in this cage, hung above what was quite literally certain death with no way of escaping.
His head was burning, and not from the lava, but from the dread that had surged through his entire body.
He wasn't going home.
Was he?
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queenofalpaca · 6 months
“Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss/Mansplain, Manipulate, Malewife”
Jesus fucking Christ.
Of course you’d pick the single darkest and most fucked up wip I own. Alright, I said I’d do it, here goes:
TW for gaslighting, drugging, murder, child death, other death, Bode being entirely unhinged (I swear I love him very much), and Cal having a very bad time (I swear I love him too)
This one’s inspired by a Tweet I saw once about drugging someone and then gaslighting them about it, and pushed along by The Evil Chuckle (1:1 what I called it in that wip) that Bode can do in the final battle.
I guess I’ll just slap down some notes from the wip and you can… do with that what you will (except judge me, keep that to yourselves)
Kata dies, Bode kills Merrin (and Greez too I guess), BD gets broken? I dunno. And Bode ends up completely fucked in the head and treating Cal like a pet one second and his dearest beloved lil boi the next
Start out with Cal thinking he can fix Bode
Willingly gives in to some of Bode’s demands
There’s no fixing that man
They end up killing each other
Shove medication/drugs down his throat and then pretend he didn’t
Tell him that his memory is so unreliable, that why he always needs BD around, but now that he’s not here, Bode can take over that task
Brutally murder some people to keep Cal “safe” (they might’ve been trying to save Cal from Bode)
And now for some snippets, because this is never getting finished or published anyway, so I might as well.
Bode reached out and caressed Cal’s freckled cheek with the back of hand. He looked so… soft while he was asleep. All of the weight, the struggle, the pain of the day gone and replaced with vulnerability and compliance. He traced Cal’s eyebrow with his thumb, smoothing out the slight crease in his forehead.
He really was beautiful. His eyelashes splayed elegantly against his pale skin, the freckles across his nose, his soft, slightly parted lips. Bode ran his thumb over Cal’s bottom lip. It yielded readily to his touch. The skin was a little dry. Maybe he should buy Cal some chapstick. Cal liked practical gifts. He’d told Bode once that non-functional gifts just sort of felt like a burden. It was a shame. Bode would’ve happily showered him in gifts, but he didn’t want his Scrapper uncomfortable. But chapstick would be fine.
He stroked over Cal’s upper arm. “I’ll be back in a little bit. Still have some stuff to take care of,” he murmured. “Love you.”
He stood from the bed and made his way out of the room quietly, safe in the knowledge that the drugs would keep Cal under for at least another five hours. Making him swallow another pill then would be easy as long as he was still soft from sleep. Bode smiled to himself.
Bode gasped softly as Cal ignited the saber through his stomach.
Cal tried to stumble away, but Bode gripped his arms and held on tightly. Cal squeezed his eyes shut so he didn’t have to see Bode’s face. Bode had no right to look so- so scared and confused. His heart felt like it was being ripped out of his chest. It wasn’t fair. None of this was fair. Bode had hurt him. He should’ve been the one to feel guilty for his actions. Cal just… he just wanted it to stop, why did it hurt? He wanted Bode gone.
Bode sunk to his knees, pulling Cal with him. They hit the floor with a dull thud.
“I’m sorry,” Cal whispered.
“W-Why?” Bode placed one hand against Cal’s shoulder, bracing himself.
Cal looked up, into Bode’s hurt eyes. “I can’t take it anymore.”
“I just-“ Bode whimpered as the lightsaber in his gut shifted a little. “I just wanted to take care of you.”
Cal sobbed. No. No, this wasn’t fair. He hadn’t- he’d hurt him. He’d drugged him and beaten him and humiliated him and now he wanted to be thanked? No! It wasn’t- he didn’t-
Cal shook his head. Bode had fed him and cuddled with him and soothed him when he couldn’t sleep. He… he had taken care of Cal. And now Cal was thanking him by murdering him.
But then why did Cal flinch every time Bode touched his lower back? Why did he cringe away from any glasses of water Bode offered, afraid of what he might have in his other hand?
Why was there a collar in the drawer upstairs?
“I’m not your pet. I’m a p-person.”
Bode laid a hand against his cheek. “It’s okay.”
A scream got stuck in Cal’s throat as a searing hot pain stabbed through his gut. He looked down to see Bode’s hand on the lightsaber, thumbing the ignition of the other half. His hand dropped away as he swayed into Cal.
“I love you.”
Cal dropped the lightsaber like he’d been burned. It turned off and rolled away with a soft clatter. There was- there was a hole through him. It still felt like the lightsaber was inside.
Bode fell into him and pressed against his shoulder, his hands tightly gripping Cal’s back. Cal hesitantly wrapped his own arms around Bode. He… he was dying. He’d killed Bode and then Bode had killed him and now they were both dying.
Tears were rolling down his cheeks. He wasn’t sure if he was crying again or if he hadn’t stopped. He wished… he wished someone was here. He wished someone would hold him and tell him that it’d all be fine.
But he’d killed Bode. He could feel his presence in the Force fading. The ever present threat of punishment going with it. Cal missed the way he’d once felt. That steady boulder in the stream, the safe haven in a chaotic galaxy. But that been a lie. This toxic whirlpool of anger and fear and obsession had always lurked beneath the surface.
But Bode really had loved him. And he’d loved Bode. And now it was all broken. It would all be over soon.
He didn’t know how long they kneeled there, hugging, before Bode’s muscles went slack and his arms dropped. He didn’t know how long it took after that for death to claim him too.
More Unhinged Stuff
“Hey, Scrapper.”
Cal couldn’t hide the flinch at the familiar nickname. Bode forced down a smile at the visceral reaction. “Brought you some food.” He crouched down a safe distance away from Cal, watching Cal’s body move with slightly stuttering breaths.
“What did you do?” Cal was trying oh so hard to sound hard, grounded. But his voice couldn’t hide the fear threading its spidery web through the wildfire that burned inside of him.
Bode sighed. “I don’t think you want to know. Come on, you’ve gotta eat something.”
“I’m not hungry.” Cal curled in on himself further, as much as his splinted leg would allow him.
“I don’t care.” Bode stood and stalked toward Cal, primal pleasure curling around his shoulders as Cal tried to scramble away. This time, he couldn’t suppress the grin that stretched across his face. “You do as I say, now, Cal.” A sloppy kick was easily sidestepped, and without much effort, Bode had his little Jedi pinned under him.
“I gave you a choice. I gave you so many chances. And you wasted them all.” He grabbed Cal’s wrists and pinned them beside his head. Cal thrashed under him, anger bleeding into rage, trying to relight the dark spark he’d gripped during their fight. Bode let the dark wave of his own presence crash over Cal, suffocating the attempt. He was in control now. The Dark Side was his. Cal was his. He leaned down and set his forehead against Cal’s as the man under him gasped through the shock of being blanketed by Bode’s presence.
“No more choices now. Now, I’m deciding what’s best for you.”
I love Kata, Merrin, and Greez, also. I promise.
This is your last warning. Turn back now or suffer the consequences
“Stay back!” Why did she insist on trying to get in the way? Couldn’t she see that he was doing this for her? He just needed a little bit. He’d defeat them soon enough. Cal was struggling futilely against his headlock and Merrin, hah, her grasp of the Force was wholly different. He could rip through her little spells faster than she could chant them. As long as Kata just-
A resounding crack splintered something anchored in his heart. He gasped, his vision greying out for a moment as freezing numbness swept through him. What- what was that? What had just happened?
“Kata?” He let go of Cal, who dropped to the ground with a harsh wheeze. Merrin’s hurried approach was ignored as he staggered to his feet and over to where he’d pushed Kata. He almost fell to his knees a few times, every other step either too light or practically cracking straight through the floor. “Sweetheart?” Why couldn’t he sense her?
His daughter’s tiny little body laid unmoving on the ground beside a large fallen boulder. Bode dropped to his knees at her side. “Little Star?” He gently shook her shoulder. Her head lolled weakly with the movement. The numbness began turning to fear.
He hadn’t pushed her that hard. It had just been meant to get her out of the way - out of danger; she should’ve barely stumbled; why- why wasn’t she waking up? “Kata.” He picked her up, cradling her body in his arms. She was so small. “Kata, sweetheart.” He brushed the hair out of her face. She had that little furrow in her brow when she was asleep, like Tay had said he did too. Bode had spent many nights sitting by her bedside and smoothing his thumb over it. It wasn’t there now.
Kata wasn’t asleep, was she? She was gone.
His body shook as he curled over her, a feeble attempt to shield her body. From what? She was dead. He’d killed her. He hadn’t meant to. She was dead. He’d killed his own daughter. He’d killed the last person who meant anything.
Soft footsteps approached from behind. Cal. Merrin. “Bode?”
He took a shuddering breath and carefully put down Kata’s body. There was nothing he could do for her now. It was over. His body wouldn’t stop shaking. He clenched his hands into fists. Everything he’d done. All of it for nothing. What good was Tanalorr now? The person it had been meant to shelter was dead.
He laughed quietly. Well, if nothing mattered anymore, there was no sense in trying to hold on to any semblance of sanity. What was there to fear? Nothing. Nothing left. And the Dark beckoned so sweetly.
“Bode?” The sound of Cal’s lightsaber igniting hissed through the air. Bode climbed back to his feet with measured movements, then rolled his shoulders back.
If he couldn’t have Kata, he’d take Cal. He whirled around and grasped the power at his fingertips to wrap it around Merrin’s neck and crush.
Cal’s anguished scream echoed through the room. Bode ducked under his swing and rammed his shoulder into Cal’s stomach. His lightsaber turned off as it fell from his hand and bounced harmlessly off Bode’s back. Bode followed with his momentum to send them both crashing to the ground. Before he was even able to draw in another breath, Cal was already clawing at him, mad with grief.
A handful of hair and a slam into the floor left Cal dazed for long enough to let Bode flip him onto his front and press his arms into his back. Bode tilted his head in thought as he watched Cal struggle under him. Now what? Oh. Right.
He shifted so he could lay a hand on Cal’s thigh. “Sorry about this, Scrapper. But I can’t have you running away while I take care of some stuff.” Cal was all blunt force, sweeping waves of power blasting groups of stormtroopers off of cliffs. Bode’s talents were a bit different. A pinpointed attack had bones cracking clean in two, and Cal screaming in pain. That would do.
Now, where was that annoying Lateron?
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halateez-sun · 2 years
Seonghwa X Reader One Shot
Genre: apocalyptic, syfy, sad
TW: mentions of death by fire
Description: you’re a storm trooper working for Sith Lord Seonghwa during an apocalypse.
A/N: this is my first one shot so please no negative comments. I’m basing this off a dream I had last night so that’s why it’s not the best to start off.
Running a health facility was the last thing on our list as storm troopers. An unexpected apocalypse ambushed us all, a viral fungal infection spreading from person to person, child to child. I’ve taken hundreds of families to the medical building. Seonghwa watched from his office, my heart beating faster each time new people start coming up to us. After taking the last family to the doctors, I was making my way out to greet two parents with their daughter, who all seemed to be in really bad shape.
As I was about to approach them, Seonghwa’s voice boomed through my ears. “Y/N! No more taking these poor people to the medical building. It’s getting full and we don’t have the space to wait for anymore to show up.” “But what about the rest of the people needing our help?” Seonghwa sighed and shook his head and I knew what was coming. “Take them to the furnace down in the mines, we can’t hold anymore.” I stepped aside from the family, looking at Hwa through my visor. “They have a child Hwa. We can’t just kill her off.”
He sighed and looked over at the family. “Fine, take them to a room in the medical building, leave the child to get checked, and you take the parents to the furnace to die.” I sighed, only nod in silence. “That’s an order, Y/N.” “Yes sir.” I walked over to the family as Seonghwa walked away to the other troopers guarding the mines. “Follow me please.” I led the family to the last open room available.
I look down at the little girl and I set her on the bed, a doctor coming in to check on her. I instruct the parents to follow me out of the room. “Where are you taking us? We should be with our child!” The mother was upset, but thankfully two other storm troopers followed behind them to make sure they didn’t run off. “Just keep quiet and follow me.”
We get to the mine entrance and the father yanks me to a stop. “Where the fuck are you taking us? You’re all worthless assholes who do nothing but kill is all off, turing poor children into robots for the empire.” Standing there in silence, the other storm trooper grabbed the man by his arm and drug him to the furnace. The other nudged the woman and she silently protested, but continued to make her way to the line of people waiting to burn to death.
The other two troopers who accompanied me stayed behind with the parents as I made my way back to the child. I exit the mine and I felt a hand grab my arm, and I look up to see Seonghwa standing there. I pulled away and made my way down the hallway back to the little girl. “Y/N! We need to talk.” I sigh and stop right outside her door. “What is there to talk about? You made me tear a family apart, yet all these other families get to stay together? Why?” Seonghwa grabbed my shoulders and pulled me in for a hug.
I dropped my weapon and felt my mask grow warm from the sweat and tears. “There was a reason why I did that. That little girl is my brother’s child. He died before she was ever born, and her mother gave her up for adoption. The two with her…they were not nice people. I did what I had to do to protect my niece.” I felt my heart being ripped out of my chest and I heard silent sobs coming from Seonghwa.
“They hurt her didn’t they?” He pulled away and sighed softly. “Yes.” I reached up to remove my helmet, my scar from a Jedi lightsaber apparent across my face. “Then take her home.” I look at him, his hands reaching up to remove his own mask. “I was thinking…you and I both adopt her.” “Me? Why me?” Just before I could get anymore questions out, a pair of lips fell onto mine, hoots and hollers were the only noise to fill my ears.
“Because I love you, and I wouldn’t be asking you to do this, if I didn’t love you.” He took my hand and we both walked into the room and saw her sound asleep in her bed, hooked up to machines monitoring her. “I was also thinking of letting you go from your storm trooper role and make you my Queen. That is if that’s okay with you, Y/N.” I looked at the helmet in my hand and up at him, his eyes soft. “That’s more than okay with me Seonghwa.”
Days later, Seonghwa and I were ruling the empire side by side, Nabi, our daughter had finally felt like she could be happy and free from whoever and whatever had happened to her. That was all I ever wanted, a family, even if the child wasn’t my own. I was happy. I am happy.
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hey friends!
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some of you have been following me for a while, some of you are new, welcome! i’m gonna go on a bit of a personal rant here so, feel free to read or not or just read the tldr.
cw/tw: mentions of separation, toxic relationships, moving towns, haven rambles about their personal life for a while, medical discussions, autoimmune disorders
tldr: life flipped me upside down and fucked me and that’s why i haven’t been posting or super active
i don’t often talk about personal stuff on here but figured i’d provide some context as to why everything’s a mess and i haven’t been writing/posting like i said i would, or like i used to.
back in january i split from my long term partner who’d i thought i would marry, right down to having matching tattoos, and calling him my husband on here often. to make a long story short; the relationship was very toxic. it wasn’t a healthy situation for me anymore, and im happy to be where i am now. luckily my name wasn’t on any paperwork for our apartment (since i live in BC Canada there’s something called “common law” if your names on paperwork), and i was able to get out of living there quite quickly and easily. i’ve traveled the country since then, got to see sleep token, made new friends, seen and done tons of new things, and feel truly blessed with the life i have now.
as some of you may know from my posts, i have been diagnosed with celiac disease, and im also in the process of being diagnosed with POTS, both of which can be super draining on my body and mental state. im trying really hard to push through and continue to move my body as much as possible to maintain my health. i’ve taken to bringing my ipad to the gym and reading fics on it while running on the treadmill, as apparently thats supposed to be good for me, the juries still out on that one.
i also graduated university during this time and will be starting my career in the fall! i’m hoping that having a proper work life balance will allow me to start publishing more on here and on ao3 like i’ve wanted to, and being a more active part in my fandoms.
i’m still a huge SW fan, even if my page has shifted more into the bad omens/sleep token genres. Star Wars is still very near and dear to my heart, but was something my partner and i watched together, hence the matching lightsaber tattoos, and can sometimes be a little hurtful sometimes. but alas, you will still see me reblogging SW content that i read on here, as a lot of my mutuals are from that fandom, and i love to support them.
i’ve got all sorts of stuff on this page, I will be going through and organizing it now that i have more time to make my page a little less confusing. i’ll be posting my current readings, fic recommendation lists and my own fics again in a masterlist either today or tomorrow, once i have the whole thing organized. i’ve been writing a ton to keep my mind off everything and as an outlet while dealing with my issues, and hopefully i’ll be able to edit and post some of those soon. for now, you’ll continue to see me reblogging art, fics and some other nonsense stuff about bad omens, sleep token, and whatever else i come across.
i’ll probably go back to posting some incorrect quotes as i come up with them, since that’s how i gained a lot of my traction. i’m also planning on starting up streaming on twitch again, so i’ll be posting a stream schedule once i get my room all set up for it!
anyways, if you made it this far, thanks for listening to my rambling. as always, if yall ever need anyone or are going through something similar to what i went through, please reach out, i’m always happy to talk about literally anything. this blog has always been my outlet and has been and always will be a safe space for everyone.
love always,
haven <3
0 notes
cummingforkylo · 4 years
I can't stop thinking about Kylo making you fuck yourself on the hilt of his lightsaber. *sighs* I'm horny
Exactly As I Say
Rating: Explicit
Kylo held the lightsaber out to you, you just stared at it, not moving to take it. You could tell he was offering it to you but you couldn’t understand why he would be handing you his lightsaber so you just stared.
“Take it.” He said, that deep, resonating voice made it impossible to question him so you reached out and took it. The cold metal was surprising against your hand, you always thought of it as a thing of heat and fire.
“W-why?” You whispered feeling nervous.
“I’m going to ask you to do something for me, little girl. Will you be able to do what I say?” His voice was steady and there was a tone in that sent tingles running up and down your spine. Like you could sense the danger. “Say, yes sir. Don’t make me ask you again.” He said, the warning of danger growing ever present. Tentatively, you nodded.
“Y-yes sir.” You said.
“Good girl. I’ll tell you just exactly what you need to do, do you understand?” He asked, he sank down on a chair by the desk in his quarters. “I want you to get naked.” Immediately your cheeks flushed a deep red and your eyes flicked down to the floor and then back up to meet us. You had been naked around him a few times, but you had never gotten used to it.
“Y-Yes sir.” You mumbled, rocking back and forth.
“Go on.” He said. He sat with his legs splayed out, watching you calmly. You nervously reached down and pulled your dress up and over your head, dropping it onto the ground quickly, you moved clumsily, trying to hold the saber in your hand as you took you dress off. You tried not to think about how your nipples were hardening in the cool air and soon your whole body would be exposed to him. You felt his eyes raking over your body, pausing on your breasts. You had to pull off your underwear next and your hands trembled, still clutching the lightsaber. You tucked your thumbs into the side of your underwear, the saber was pressed into your side. You tugged them down carefully, avoiding the button on the saber that would ignite it .
“Good. Now, sit up here.” He reached out and patted the desk in front of him. You were nervously switched hands holding Kylo’s light saber and walked over to the desk. You moved past him and felt his hand brush against your side, you pushed yourself up onto the desk so he was sitting directly in front of you. Your legs were pressed together and you sat there, unsure of what to do, waiting for instruction. Kylo just looked at you for a long time, his eyes moving from you nervous, blushing face to your breasts where your nipples were rock hard from the excitement and the cold, down your stomach and then to your legs that were pressed tightly together. Kylo’s hand found your ankle a second later and his fingers wrapped tightly around it. He pushed it back so your foot rested on the desk and you legs were forced open.
“Keep that there.” He said. “Keep you knees spread,” he instructed. You let out a nervous little whine.
“Y-yes sir.” You managed.
“I want you to reach your hand down to your pretty pussy and spread your lips open.”  Kylo’s voice was still calm easy  and you still knew that there was no questioning him. He watched as you glanced down, almost towards you hands, your right one still wrapped tightly around his lightsaber. “Do it with your left hand. Now.” He said. You reached down, your fingers trembling so much you were nervous you wouldn’t be able to spread yourself like he wanted. You were really beginning to worry about what he wanted you to do, this was already humiliating enough but you knew there was more. Using your thumb on one side and your pointer and middle on the other you gently pulled your outer labia open, feeling your inner lips open a little too as you did it. You felt horribly exposed, open, wet  and waiting. Kylo’s eyes drank you in, looking at your pussy, examining the way you spread yourself open for him. You let out a little whine, your breath catching in your throat. Flames burned inside of you, igniting something deep inside of you. As his eyes examined your cunt you felt yourself getting wetter by the second.
“Now,” Kylo started, his eyes moving from your pussy for only a second. “I want you to take my lightsaber, and fuck yourself with it.” He said.
“Wha-what!?” You asked, you almost dropped the saber in surprised.
“You heard me, little slut. Take my saber and drive it deep into your pussy…wouldn’t that feel good?” he asked. Your pussy clenched around nothing at the mere thought of it. Feeling it in your hand terrified you, it was long, thick, the hard metal ridges were intimidating. You had never had anything that big inside of you, you had only ever had him inside of you a couple times.
“I…I can’t.” You breathed.
“You can. And you will. Now start before I decide to do it myself.” He growled. You swallowed hard and brought the end of the hill of his lightsaber towards your open and exposed, twitching pussy. “Good, are you nice and wet?” he asked. You nodded. “Speak.” He commanded.
“Yes, sir.” You breathed.
“Good…start to ease it in. I wanna see you stretch open to take it.” He said. His voice sent shivers of fear, of excitement, of need coursing through you. The cold end of the saber touched your pussy and it sent a jolt through you, you jumped at the feeling and then you started to push it in. Your cunt stretched open farther, your inner lips were catching on the cold metal. You let out a harsh gasp as you felt the icy metal opening you up. It was good you were soaked and that your fingers were holding your lips open, even though keeping your lips spread was entirely to give Kylo a good view of your pussy taking his light saber. Kylo stood up from his chair and stepped to the side he pulled your leg back farther for you and reached out and adjusted where you held your hand on the hilt.
“You better be careful that you don’t ignite it, little girl.” He breathed, “I don’t think it’d feel very nice to have those crossguards so close to your delicate little pussy lips—keep yourself spread open. I’m still watching.” He insisted. You swallowed and adjusted your fingers, making sure your cunt was spread open. “Now, keep going.” He instructed. You continued pushing the saber into you, each ridge, and wire made you ache with need and pain. It was cold, unforgiving, rigid, but you wanted to feel it slide deep inside of you.
“Its…too much,” You breathed, you were hot all over, sweating, and panting. Kylo was watching as you inched it inside of you.
“No its not, give it a little twist, thats right…” He breathed, “You’re going to take all of it and I’m going to watch your little pussy twitch around it, do you understand?” He asked. You whimpered but nodded. You twisted your wrist, pushing in the next bit. You cunt clenched down around it, pulsating because of the big weapon buried deep inside of you.
“How’s your clit doing, slut? Burning with need, isn’t it?” he asked.
“Y-Yes.” Your voice was shaking.
“Good.” His voice was so calm and cruel, his eyes watched your pussy, as you kept it spread open, as he stood next to you, looking down at you exposing yourself for him. “Get it all the way in, be a good girl.” He said. You pressed the lightsaber in deeper, and deeper, the burning pain and pleasure mounting inside of you until it couldn’t go in any deeper.
“Fuck yourself with it.” He instructed. “I want to see it sliding in and out of your dirty little cunt.” His voice dropped into a growl, the only sign of his emotions. You were twitching around the saber now, you didn’t want to have to slide it out, for fear of how good it would feel, and how much it would ache to push it back in, but with your trembling hand you did. You pulled the weapon out, slowly, every ridge dragging along your pussy, your soft pink folds clinging to it as if to try and hold it in. Kylo’s breath caught in his throat as he sucked in a shaky breath. “Good, now back in, nice and slow feel how big it is, how much its stretching you.” He breathed. You pushed it back in, aching with the need for more, your clit was pulsing because it had been so neglected. You tried to do it slowly the way he asked but you wanted it so badly you almost rushed. As you got to the point where you felt like you couldn’t take any more again you felt a flickering across your clit. Feather light. Almost not there. Kylo was using the Force to tease your clit, invisible tendrils stroked across it. You twisted your wrist and pushed the saber all the way into you again.
“Good girl. Let go now. Leave it there.” He breathed. Unwillingly you dropped the hand holding the lightsaber. “Keep your cunt open,” he instructed. You kept your lips spread and Kylo stepped back around right in front of you and looked down at your pussy.
“Oh…Yes…” you sighed as the tendrils of the Force worked over you clit, so lightly, almost not there. “Please…more.”
“We’ll see.” He breathed as he looked down at your pussy, spread out before him, twitching with need, his lightsaber buried deep inside of you, pulsing as your cunt clenched around it.
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silverduckie · 3 years
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Apparently I’m not only posting Sims in 2021, but I’m giffing them now too.
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lesbianlothcats · 3 years
fallen order is just. all about grief and the pain of losing yourself because you could have been better, you should have been better, that it wouldn’t have happened to you if you had just been better, but how that just isn’t true. you were enough and it wasn’t your fault. you didn’t need to do better because you were doing your best and it just wasn’t your fault. that your pain and hurt doesn’t have to define you, and that you can and you will live past it. you can’t change what happened now and you couldn’t have changed it then, but you can make the choice to not just survive, but live.
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cheapbourbon · 5 years
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was talking today over on my twitter about Cal being all bruised the shit up where BD sits, because every time he lands on his back he's driving BD into his spine, and that's got to be a party Jesus Cal be more reckless with yourself please? anyways-.... Cal would absolutely crawl into Hux’s bed after a long away mission, seeking somewhere safe to sleep and rest- and well sometimes Hux has to face what he’s putting his Jedi though with this war... 
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rbeljedi · 4 years
kyle! did! nothing! to! redeem! himself!      his! soul! is! not! saved!     he! is! no! vader!
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