#tw: dentist work
acronym49 · 1 year
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Just a quick lil creature sketch!
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rainbowcrowley · 5 months
i dodged a root canal today and had the best dentist experience ever, yay
at least some positive news, regarding all my ongoing health issues atm gjfkdgdkl
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fox-bright · 7 months
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ronmanmob · 5 months
Thoughts on Ron  👓
That Affect He Has (and part of how he copes with it)
The effect flat affect has on Ron's ability to express his emotions facially and vocally is quite profound. No matter where or when he's found in writing it'll be there, though time's passing - and access to better support and understanding of his condition in modern settings - lets him learn to cope with and combat (with varying degrees of success) the most visible and audible signs of the struggles he has emoting. He'd loathe sitting for speech therapy -- it's too vulnerable a thing, even in modern times, for him to stomach. But the one session he'd attend before jacking it in would yield an interesting suggestion that would stick.
"You like music, right Ron?"
"So sing along."
And he would. Invariably it'd be when he was alone - so that vulnerable bit weren't exposed, right? - but he'd work himself up from mouthing along to getting some voice along with it and while there'd be no revelation of intense vocal talent there...it'd help. For all he struggles with keeping track of his own tone and pitch, he can hear it in others when they're singing. And he can mimic. And he can learn through mimicry what the right notes sound and feel like as he picks up spits and spats of melody and purrs along low in his chest.
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Out of curiosity, I have a question
probably missing something but I'm sleepy and doing this on a whim
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torgawl · 2 years
is this the man people thirst for?? 😭
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alilaro · 2 years
hey remember one and a half years ago when my dad got arrested for domestic abuse and me and my mom had to flee the house bc he was stalking us afterwards, but i had really bad stockholm so i was like 'yeah he's evil but he's my dad i guess'
ANYWAY thank FUCK i grew out of that huh
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kellterntempest · 1 year
So I got these flexible silicone straws for when I had major surgery right. And today I started chewing on them. Like really really chewing on them and stimming. And I started crying because it felt so good and so relieving. Why hadn't I tried this before.
Anyways shout out 2 my therapist ✌️
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strxnged · 1 year
uh oh ! spaghetti o. nerve damage
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thinkingnot · 2 years
wait, you guys do know that having braces means the possibility of metal nails nailed into your jaws right?
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ssamorganhotchner · 1 year
y’all i’ve been up for 20+ hours bc of a toothache and my god i can’t wait to go to the dentist 😭
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a-star-that-fell · 2 years
not to whine about my tooth again. and i know tylenol and amoxicillin aren’t psychoactive. but between the random pokey electric shock pain and the fact that one of my right lower molars is currently covered in a substance alarmingly similar to dried up marshmallow fluff i really fucking wish they were
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Hot New Diet Tip:
Go to the dentist over a dozen times in 4 months and your appetite will be pretty much gone by the end of it
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mosspapi · 25 days
Note to self, it is damn near impossible to check urself out for strep throat using nothing but a bathroom mirror and ur phone flashlight, and you will inevitably end up with dozens of disgusting pictures of the back of ur throat in varying degrees of blurriness
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prozac-shaped-urn · 9 months
saw the dentist today. a lot of work has to be done but thankfully most of it can wait until it starts to fall apart completely if i keep everything clean.
bought a waterpik so i can (hopefully!) reverse some developing periodontal pockets and clean under my cracking maryland bridge better. when that fails i'll possibly need a root canal if there's been decay but definitely a standard bridge. obvs i'm keeping that bitch as long as possible.
will need to get a tiiiiiiny baby cavity (my first one in 30 years of having adult teeth!) filled soon-ish. doc says it's a 2/10 on the emergency scale but it's small atm and things that are small are easily cleaned out. two molars are under a cavity watch.
my molar implant could benefit from a gum graft.
my gums are receding in a few places but they aren't terrible. gotta keep 'em healthy to delay more recession.
my roots are small but my teeth are strONK. clearly! i've never had a cavity before.
can't do jack shit about my crooked incisors except file down the veneers. the bone has descended and y'know somethin BONES DON'T MOVE BACK UP. whatevs. i wouldn't be me without a fucked up smile.
FUN!!!!! :))))
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ynseeun · 1 year
have to keep telling myself if i can just get through today i have a sunmi album tonight
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