#tw: dentist work
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acronym49 · 1 year ago
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Just a quick lil creature sketch!
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fox-bright · 1 year ago
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ronmanmob · 10 months ago
Thoughts on Ron  👓
That Affect He Has (and part of how he copes with it)
The effect flat affect has on Ron's ability to express his emotions facially and vocally is quite profound. No matter where or when he's found in writing it'll be there, though time's passing - and access to better support and understanding of his condition in modern settings - lets him learn to cope with and combat (with varying degrees of success) the most visible and audible signs of the struggles he has emoting. He'd loathe sitting for speech therapy -- it's too vulnerable a thing, even in modern times, for him to stomach. But the one session he'd attend before jacking it in would yield an interesting suggestion that would stick.
"You like music, right Ron?"
"So sing along."
And he would. Invariably it'd be when he was alone - so that vulnerable bit weren't exposed, right? - but he'd work himself up from mouthing along to getting some voice along with it and while there'd be no revelation of intense vocal talent there...it'd help. For all he struggles with keeping track of his own tone and pitch, he can hear it in others when they're singing. And he can mimic. And he can learn through mimicry what the right notes sound and feel like as he picks up spits and spats of melody and purrs along low in his chest.
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torgawl · 2 years ago
is this the man people thirst for?? 😭
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strxnged · 2 years ago
uh oh ! spaghetti o. nerve damage
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ssamorganhotchner · 2 years ago
y’all i’ve been up for 20+ hours bc of a toothache and my god i can’t wait to go to the dentist 😭
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annamelia-art · 1 year ago
I'm 41, I got my top 2 removed in my 30s under local in my dentist practice, and they basically just popped out. I had one of my bottom ones removed last year under local after it started to decay, no gas or sedation or anything (but it was in an operating theatre, so those were an option).
I have an NHS dentist, so they only take em out if they're a problem. The one that's still in my face is partially erupted but isn't decayed or anything, so they haven't felt it was necessary to take it out yet. My dentist keeps warning me it might have to come out some time in the next few years, and if it does, it will be fine.
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mosspapi · 6 months ago
Note to self, it is damn near impossible to check urself out for strep throat using nothing but a bathroom mirror and ur phone flashlight, and you will inevitably end up with dozens of disgusting pictures of the back of ur throat in varying degrees of blurriness
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prozac-shaped-urn · 1 year ago
saw the dentist today. a lot of work has to be done but thankfully most of it can wait until it starts to fall apart completely if i keep everything clean.
bought a waterpik so i can (hopefully!) reverse some developing periodontal pockets and clean under my cracking maryland bridge better. when that fails i'll possibly need a root canal if there's been decay but definitely a standard bridge. obvs i'm keeping that bitch as long as possible.
will need to get a tiiiiiiny baby cavity (my first one in 30 years of having adult teeth!) filled soon-ish. doc says it's a 2/10 on the emergency scale but it's small atm and things that are small are easily cleaned out. two molars are under a cavity watch.
my molar implant could benefit from a gum graft.
my gums are receding in a few places but they aren't terrible. gotta keep 'em healthy to delay more recession.
my roots are small but my teeth are strONK. clearly! i've never had a cavity before.
can't do jack shit about my crooked incisors except file down the veneers. the bone has descended and y'know somethin BONES DON'T MOVE BACK UP. whatevs. i wouldn't be me without a fucked up smile.
FUN!!!!! :))))
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ynseeun · 1 year ago
have to keep telling myself if i can just get through today i have a sunmi album tonight
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candlesnuff404 · 2 years ago
We got a tooth pulled out yesterday lmao- we spend most of the day spitting out blood/neg here’s a picture of it!! ( under the cut) (tw tooth and a bit of blood)
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0dotexe · 2 years ago
My body was a pin cushion today but in doing so I feel heaps better. A blood test, a steroid shot, AND a dentist appointment in one day? You fuckin' bet.
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kiame-sama · 5 months ago
Hello, I have some questions for Humans are Extinct au that kept me up last night. Tw. Teeth and oral surgery
Is Sebek’s dad still a dentist in your au? And what if human needs their wisdom teeth removed? What would be the laws and regulations of disposing human teeth in this context? If human asked, would they let them keep their teeth? I once asked my dentist if when they remove mine if I could keep them and they said sure so I’m kinda curious if they would let reader keep theirs
Who is offering to buy reader’s wisdom teeth if they are allowed to keep them? Or are they gonna be put in a museum bc hey, modern human teeth?
Yes, he will remove them, there are complex laws regarding Human teeth, yes, they all would try to buy them, and yes museums will fight for those teeth.
- Sebek's father is still a dentist and is likely the only dentist Malleus will allow near his Human as he is the father of one of Malleus' Hoard members. Naturally, Sebek's dad will be sweating bullets and very nervous to be the only dentist allowed to operate on an extinct species. Those nerves and stress will begin to fade as he realizes the Human has teeth like that of many Fae- duller and less sturdy, but still close enough- and his own professional confidence will return.
- He will likely be the only one who can remove the Human's wisdom teeth and will genuinely feel badly for the Human when their face gets all swollen and painful after surgery. He will want to keep the teeth- because Human teeth are good luck and these are Premium Human Teeth- but will happily let the Human keep them should they want them. He may ask to keep one just because of the Fae's proclivity towards Human teeth and he is excited to show he is trusted enough to work on a Human (literally a trophy to him that other Fae would be exceeding jealous over).
- There are laws about the buying, selling, and trading of Human artifacts and many Historical societies demand all Human artifacts be taken and put on display/studied but most Fae will not part easily with remnants of their Humans. Human teeth are Fae family heirlooms and are considered good luck, often passed down through generations from Fae who raised their own Humans and gathered the baby teeth. Some places such as the Queendom of Roses and the Coral Sea also have family heirloom Human artifacts that they hold tightly to. (Crowley has a full collection of Human artifacts, from baby toys to several sets of teeth, the crow loves the shiny things Humans made and loved Humans in general)
- Malleus and Lilia both desperately want those teeth to keep but they won't push for the teeth if the Human wants to keep them. Leona may offer to buy one or two just for the hell of it. Riddle will honestly cry if he is given one of these teeth and he will literally put it on a pedestal to show it off. Rook wants one and will wear it as a necklace ornament for the remainder of his life. Vil will add it to his collection of beautiful things and won't let anyone take it from him. Malleus, Ortho, and Idia would get the teeth to gift to their respective ancestor. Malleus would give a tooth to Maleficent who will be pleased as punch with the offering. Ortho and Idia would give a tooth to Hades (who has literal hundreds of Human teeth already due to his genuine love for the Humans he kept on the Isle of Woe) but he would treasure it all the same.
- Museums can try to push to get those teeth, but they would have to go to the Human directly about it as Malleus will burn them and none of the others would willingly give up such a gift. If the Museum wants the teeth, they will have to fight for them and there is no one who would win against Malleus in a fight other than Hades or Maleficent.
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crows-in-the-house · 5 months ago
The human form
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Summary: Hcs for Bill in his human (canon) form
pairing: Bill Cipher x reader
tw: none
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Ok so let's get it straight - this guy doesn't care about his human looks at all. Like there's milions of great looking species and you would be asking him to look attractive in this vile-monkey-fleshy form? Come on, he has standards!
He will make it look as bad as he can just to spite you. Of course he could make it handsome and interesting for you, but since you still don't want to make a deal with him - why bother?
this is when this canon form comes into place
little does he know you don't really care about the outer layer - it's the insides that matter!
hold his cheeks and poke them while he speaks. He may act like he wants to bite them off, but until he doesn't actually do it, it's just a play! Wanna see how long your fingers will last?
talking about his mouth, make him wash his teeth. They are crooked, and sharp, ready to bite off a dentists hand.
style his hair! And wash them! And burn them if you see another bug crowl out of them!!!
you can also sprey him with a cologne cuz he smells like rotten flesh. But atleast it's your rotten flesh, right?
actually give you two a self care day. He doesn't know how to take care of anything, and the longer he uses this form, the worse it looks.
can he change it back to make it look clean and neat with a snap of his fingers? Yes. Will he do that to spare you work? No.
give him glasses for actual depth perception, he may be in a 3D sensing form, but it doesn't change the fact that he's a 2D seeing being. Same with a cane.
also, give him other clothes! He definitely likes fancy outfits so whatever you bring that isn't a mystery shack merch (and is from you) will be accepted.
you better get him two top hats tho.
why? Mind your business that's why.
he will help out with your skincare as a little payment - he's a benovolent demon after all! Get ready for lots of mud, nettle and leeches kid!
do his make up! He would just love you sitting on his laps, firmly holding him in place, lightly pulling the mascara on his lashes, and then smudging all your work and laughing at your expression!
not that he would do that all the time, he enjoys spending time with you like that.
he will try to open himself up. Litteraly. Better hide all knifes in his proximity, he wants to see his insides!
he also likes to loom over you. It's funny how scared or tired of his bullshit you can get. Imagine going to your kitchen for water at night, it's dark, quiet, it doesn't help you watched a horror film earlier. Suddenly you hear a raspy breaths against your back. You move your head a little, seeing the gums of a sharp canines, stuck in a smile. Large, claw like hands keep you in place, they could dig into your flesh-
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if only you didn't pour the water on this fucker
since he has a higher build now, he likes to hold you, rest his head on your shoulder or dramatically lay his chin on your head - just so he can iritate you and laugh at how small you are now
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thatdumbdog · 21 days ago
Dental Tw.
Had to go to the dentist this morning for a cleaning and some dental work (simple cavity) and I have to say this new dentists office works so well with Alterhumans its crazy.
I was given a pre-sedative before even going there (my partner drove me), they helped me up onto the chair had more sedative ready so I was nice and loopy and had my partner stay close by to pet my legs and monitor what was going on.
They worked quickly and left the room as soon as they were done so my partner could take me out to the car with no one getting in our way and I could slowly come to in the back seat with my plushie and blanket.
It went well and I swear even that experience alone made me feel so validated in my identity. It took a while but finally the animal I am is getting its needs met.
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soursturniolo · 1 year ago
Scare • Matt Sturniolo
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pairing: matt sturniolo/fem!reader
summary: matt and you handle a pregnancy scare.
tags: angst and then fluff, with some humor sprinkled in. happy ending.
tw: light discussion of periods and pregnancy
It feels like my heart stops as I look at the calendar on my phone.
9 days late. And I’m never late.
I noticed this morning that my box of tampons still sat in the cabinet, unopened, in Matt and I’s shared bathroom. I hadn’t thought anything of it, until I opened my calendar to see when my next dentist appointment is.
I swallow dryly as I lock my phone and slip it back into my pocket, dropping down to sit on Matt and I’s bed. All I can think about is that damn calendar. 9 days late. 9 whole days. One or two days is normal I guess, but nine entire days?
I can feel my thoughts spiraling already. Matt and I are safe. I’m on a good birth control and we use condoms often. But even those aren’t foolproof. I do remember forgetting my pill twice this month.
Oh god. What if I’m pregnant? I’m not ready for a kid right now.
Oh god, and Matt. Matt isn’t ready either. With his career and plans with his brothers there’s no way this could even work right now. It would ruin everything. I feel tears of worry and anxiety fill my eyes and begin to drop down my cheeks.
My thoughts just continue to spiral and spiral, until I feel the bed dip next to me. I turn to see Nick, who had stayed behind with me while Matt and Chris went out to pick up some groceries.
“Babe, what’s wrong?” He asks concerned, his arm wrapping around my shoulder, pulling me into a side hug as we sat together.
I open my mouth to speak as my eyes meet his, but all that comes out is a sob. My hand moves to cover my mouth as more sobs follow. Nicks face creases in worry as his other arm wraps around me, pulling me into a hug as he rubs my back soothingly.
“Deep breaths, babe. Whatever it is, it’ll be okay,” he tells me, making me jerk back as I shake my head.
“No it won’t! He’s going to hate me!” I cry.
“If you’re talking about Matt, that kid could never hate you,” Nick tells me, voice calm and reassuring.
“I don’t know, Nick,” I laugh without humor, “this might.”
“Did you cheat?” Nick asks face calm, but apprehensive.
“No! God no,” I immediately answer.
Nick gives a small smile at the quick response.
“Okay, highly doubted it when I asked anyway,” he laughs, “but I don’t know what else could have you so upset thinking he’s going to hate you. You can talk to me, I want to help. What’s wrong?” He asks again.
I sigh. Nicks my best friend. He’s how I met Matt in the first place. I really wanted to just talk to Matt about this first, but with LA traffic and all Matt probably won’t be back for another hour. I don’t think I can survive another hour keeping this all bottled up.
“Nick, it’s bad,” I begin, voice shaken.
“I don’t care how bad, I’m here,” he immediately responds.
I take a deep breath.
“I’m late.” I state.
If this wasn’t so serious, Nicks reaction would have been funny. He stares at me blankly for a moment, before his head cocks to the side a bit in confusion.
“Like, to an appointment?” He asks, lost.
“No, Nick,” I sigh, shaking my head, “my period is late” the last part comes out like a whisper.
Once Nick connects the dots his jaw drops open a bit in surprise, confirming my feelings.
“See! It’s so bad, Nick, this is so bad!” I yell, jumping up from the bed and beginning to nervously pace in front of where Nick sits, still shocked.
“N-no, it’s not bad!” He stutters as he watches me with wide eyes.
I stop pacing and just look at him.
“Really? Not bad? Your jaw dropped open like that because you were trying to catch a fly, then?” I ask sarcastically.
“Listen, I just got confronted with the fact that my best friend and brother fuck, I needed a second,” he defends, hands up.
“Nick, we’ve been dating a year. We dont go to bed and play clash of clans together,” I tell him, making him roll is eyes.
“I know! I know but I also don’t think about it and now we kinda have to think about it and I don’t like it!” Nick exclaims.
“Don’t think about it!” I yell back.
We pause for a minute, staring at each other before we both crack smiles at how ridiculous this has become. We laugh and I return to sitting next to him. Nick wraps his arm around my shoulder again and rests his head against mine.
“So, how late are we talking?” He asks, getting back to the important point.
“9 days,” I whisper.
“Okay. Not horrible. Could be later,” he says, nodding. I nod too. A moment of silence passes as I nervously pick at my nails and Nick stares at the wall, thinking.
“Well, I think we know what we gotta do.” He says, softly.
I turn to him, knowing too.
“Let me call Matt, he should still be at the store with Chris. They can pick up a test,” Nick says. I take another shaky breath before nodding in agreement. I get my phone out and go to Matt’s contact, dialing his number before handing my phone to Nick.
“Hey baby,” Matt’s voice comes through the speaker softly.
“Hey, it’s Nick,” Nick says, earning a confused noise from Matt.
“Nick? Why do you have her phone? Is she okay?” He asks quickly, his concern making me smile softly despite the stressful situation.
“Um,” Nick pauses, which only worries Matt further.
“‘Um’, isn’t a good answer when a guy asks about his girlfriend, Nick,” Matt responds quickly.
“Sorry, she’s okay, but we need you to pick up something else for her while you’re at the store,” Nick says.
“Okay, what?” Matt asks.
Nick looks at me, encouraging me to speak. I take a breath before taking the phone out of Nicks hands, taking it off speaker and holding it to my ear.
“I need a pregnancy test,” I tell him softly.
I cringe as there’s a moment of silence on the other end of the line.
“Okay, I can grab that. Do you need anything else, sweetheart?” He asks softly. I smile again despite the tears I can feel coming again.
“No, that’s it,” I whisper.
“Okay, we’ll be back soon, I love you,” he tells me.
“Love you too” I say back before hanging up.
Nick and I move downstairs, where he puts on a movie for us to distract us while we wait. I let myself be pulled into its predictable plot line as we wait for Matt and Chris to come home.
We both are startled out of our focus on the movie when we hear the front door unlock, followed by it opening to reveal Matt coming in with a mostly empty plastic bag in his hand, while Chris came in carrying the other groceries. Nick moves to help Chris and grabs some of the heavier bags from him, both of them walking to the kitchen while Matt walks over to me.
I stand as he meets me by the couch. He looks surprisingly calm, while meanwhile I feel like my insides are shaking with the anxiety I’m feeling right now. He gives me a small smile before wrapping me in his arms. I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding as I relax into his arms, resting my head against his chest. He gives me a gentle squeeze as I feel him press a kiss to my head.
“Let’s head to my room, baby,” he whispers, pulling back from the hug and grabbing my hand to lead me that way. Once in his room, he hands me the bag with the pregnancy test in it before sitting on his bed. Before walking to our bathroom, I pause.
“Matt, I need to know what this will mean,” I tell him.
He gives a small smile and holds his hand out to me. I walk over and grab it. He gives my hand a gentle squeeze, before bringing it up to lips to give it a kiss.
“We’ll do it together. Whatever it is. Sure, I thought kids would be later. But, if now is the time, now is the time. I think I’d be more freaked if this was with some random girl. But with you? I know whatever happens, we will be just fine,” he tells me, before giving the back of my hand another kiss.
“You promise?” I ask.
“I swear,” he tells me.
I smile and nod, before heading to the bathroom. The test is quick and easy, and I’m soon done. I leave the test on the bathroom counter, set my timer for fifteen minutes, and come back out to sit next to Matt on our bed. I rest my head on his shoulder as Matt wraps his arm around me. We just quietly sit, both of us lost in our thoughts as we wait, only to be shaken out of our trances by my phone loudly going off.
I sigh as I stand and walk back to the bathroom to grab the test. I pick it up, careful to not flip it over to show the result, and walk back out to Matt. I stop in front of him. He gives me another reassuring smile as his hands come up to rest on my hips.
“Ready?” I ask, voice cracking.
“Yeah, baby,” he says.
I take a deep breath, knowing this small test in my hand could change everything for the both of us. But I look at Matt, looking up at me with so much warmth and comfort in his eyes, and it’s not so scary anymore.
I flip the test over, both of our eyes moving to see the result.
“It’s negative!” I say, laughing. He smiles too, standing and pulling me into a tight hug. We both rock back and forth as we hug, feeling relief. We pull back from the hug and Matt kisses me softly. We both smile into the kiss.
After we part, we walk hand in hand out to the living room where Chris and Nick both sit. They both give us smiles when we walk in.
“So, are we going to be uncles?!” Chris yells, practically bouncing on the couch in excitement.
Matt rolls his eyes, shaking his head while I laugh.
“No, it’s negative. My periods just late, that’s all. It happens sometimes,” I tell them, almost feeling bad when Chris pouts a bit.
We spend the rest of the night laughing and watching movies together, Matt holding me snug in his arms. That night when we go to bed, Matt says something that surprises me.
“Is it bad that I was just a little disappointed?” He asks me softly.
“What do you mean?” I ask.
“Well, when you first called and asked for the test I was freaking out on the inside. But then I talked to Chris a bit and the whole drive home I thought about it. And then I thought about a little us, a mix of you and me. And as life changing as a kid right now would be, I got excited,” he says, voice soft and quiet.
I smile, leaning in to press my lips softly against Matt’s.
“We’ll have a little us someday, just not quite yet.” I tell him.
“You promise?” He asks.
“I swear.”
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