#tw: Koshiro
sandreeen · 1 year
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Koshiro Shimada as Sanji || New footage of One Piece On Ice 2023
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kenshirodaimon · 2 years
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@ninja-go-to-therapy , I guess I will take this opportunity to torture Koshiro for hurting the cinnamon rolls
//tw: violence, attempted kidnapping, death, murder, koshiro//
Based on devistated because it’s extra angsty that way!
So you know how anger makes powers go out of control? Yeah, angering a demigod was a baaaaaaad idea,,,
(this also includes some hc I have for Lloyd powers)
Lloyd loved going out to the park.
It had a beautiful little lake, with pretty fish swimming around, flowers bloomed everywhere and the birds would sing beautifully!
It was simply… peaceful.
The only problem is that it left him alone with his thoughts. And the only things that he’s been thinking about for the last couple years were depressing. His friends, no, his brothers, they were gone.
No, they weren’t gone! They couldn’t have been. He won’t loose hope! He’s going to find them. He promised himself that he would find Cole and that he would find Kai and everything is going to be okay. Everything will be back to normal and they will be happy. They will be a happy family again. He won’t break that promise.
Who was he kidding?
At this point Lloyd was sure that he was just repeating a lie, over and over again, just to comfort himself.
Ninja never quit, he won’t give up on them, because they wouldn't give up on him. He won't give up, even if he wishes that he could. He wishes he would just accept it and move on with his life already, but he can't. Ninja don't leave friends behind.
This isn’t why he came here. He snuck out because he wanted to get away from all these thoughts… clearly it wasn’t working.
He decided that going on a walk might help. It doesn’t hurt to try. Nothing really hurt anymore, he just feels numb.
He was right, walking did beat sitting on a bench feeling sorry for himself.
He'd only been walking for a few minutes before he heard a voice behind him.
“Excuse me!”
Lloyd turned around to see a tall young man approaching him.
“I’m sorry to bother you but, are you the green ninja?”
Oh great, another fan. Lloyd didn’t really like being in the spotlight or interacting with strangers in general. Nonetheless, the man seems excited to meet him. He’s used to fans, they ask a couple questions, ask for a selfie and an autograph and are gone as fast as they showed up. Besides, he didn’t want to be rude.
“The one and only! How may I help you?”
“I’m just such a big fan! I’ve been admiring you for quite some time now!”
Lloyd decided to keep walking with the man following next to him. He has been sitting around enough. Besides, the man didn't seem to mind walking with him.
Something about this guy did seem fishy, but he was probably just paranoid. He has been quite paranoid since-
“Oh I’m so glad to finally meet you! You ninja are so amazing! I must have a lot of luck! First Black, then Red and soon Green!”
Oh, he met Cole and Kai before. Well, there goes any chance Lloyd will have a break from thinking about them. He should try to ignore the comment. It was rude of the man to say it, since everyone already knows they disappeared, but he shouldn't ruin the man's day with a rude attitude.
But the way the man worded it is quite strange. “soon green"? What's that supposed to mean? Perhaps he’s collecting autographs or photos with the team? Yeah, that’s probably it, some fans do that. But this man is just giving Lloyd such a weird feeling. Something is off. He should ask him to clear it up
“Oh, you’ve met them before?”
“Yeah, a couple years ago!”
“Did you get pictures, autographs?”
“Well, I have gotten many pictures over time!”
Over time? What does he mean by that? Is Lloyd overthinking this? Perhaps if he causally asked about it without it sounding too obvious?
“That’s nice! Making a collection?”
“Well, yes. I already have Black and Red, and I will soon have Green!”
“Um? You're collecting photos of ud? Would you like a picture with me? I can sign it for yo-"
“Oh, I don’t think you understand, I'm not here for photos. I mean can't have any photos of you looking like that. I have to make you look pretty for me first!"
Before Lloyd got the chance to ask him what that was supposed to mean, he felt a powerful grip around his neck. He tried to scream, but a rag was placed over his mouth and nose. It smelled funny, Lloyd knew too well that this would knock him out in a couple minutes. No matter how much he struggled, he couldn’t get the man off of him.
“Shhh, shhh, it’s okay Green, it’s okay!” his voice trying to soothe him sounded disgusting “don’t be scared, I will take such good care of you!”
Take care of him? What does that even mean? And was he culling him while trying to knock him out?
“You'll be such a wonderful pet!”
“Oh you don’t have to struggle! You’ll just get tired pet! Don’t worry, I’ll train you to be calmer and obeying. Just like I trained Black and Red!”
He- he did what?
He took them. He’s the one.
Lloyd didn’t even acknowledge his kidnapper's words anymore. He zoned out.
He took them.
All he felt was rage. He didn’t hear the attempt to calm him, he didn’t hear the confusion, nor the sudden scream of pain.
No, but he did feel the cold darkness surrounding him. A shadowy fog coming out of his body. He felt pain in his entire body, he felt it changing, but he didn’t care. This man took away his brothers.
Koshiro didn’t worry when Green turned pale, he was about to pass out so it was normal!
But he did start to worry when his skin darkened, and he could swear Green’s eyes were red. He couldn’t get a good look because he suddenly felt a sharp pain in the arm he was holding Green with.
The pain made him let go. It made his vision blur and he collapsed. It was agonizing. Green would definitely get a stern punishment for this!
He was just about to get back up and yell at Green for daring to hurt his new master, but when he looked up-
The- the thing starting down at him wasn’t human. No. It was huge, with glowing red eyes, black scales, grey horns, huge jaws, standing on two big feet (claws? Talons? He wasn’t sure what to call them) with four arms- no two more claws and two wings.
It was- it was some kind of monster. Like a demonic dragon.
Lloyd wasn’t even sure what was going on. The man was now tiny, everything was, and he was frozen in terror. Good.
“Where are they!? Where are my brothers!? What did you do to them!?”
Silence. Everything was dark and silent.
“Where and Cole and Kai? Where. Are. They? Answer me!?”
The creature's voice was familiar. Green? It sounded like him, but- more demonic. How did this happen?
“I- I won’t say! You- you will try to, to take them from- from me! They’re mine! My pets! They- they- you won’t take them!”
The man was clearly not going to give an honest answer.
Well, it looks like Lloyd is just going to have to persuade him.
He raised his head and spread his wings. The darkness that surrounded him started to spread out around the two of them. Everything it touched- the grass, trees, flowers- withered away and perished. It slowly spread, careful not to touch the man. No- Lloyd won’t give him such an easy way out.
Soon the cloud surrounded them and it was pitch black, except for the red eyes and a tiny purple light shining from Lloyd’s chest. The light that slowly spread across his body. Across his chest, down his belly and back, all the way down his tail, up his wings, and slowly building it’s way up his neck towards his mouth.
It was a surge of destruction, fuelled by rage, a ticking bomb waiting to explode. He could feel the power building up, getting stronger.
All he had to do was open his mouth and he would be gone. It was so simple, yet he couldn’t get himself to do it. Not yet.
Koshiro was frozen in horror as the creature started to glow, inching closer to him. He knew this beast wouldn’t hesitate to end him.
If it did-
His pets would be left alone! Without their master! No, he couldn’t let that happen! He had to tell this beast where they were. Yes, he would end up in jail, but he could break out and rescue his pets the first chance he gets!
“They’re in my basement!”
The beast paused, now standing still, the light no longer growing.
“It’s- it’s a small house in the- in the Blackwood forest.”
The light from the creature started to fade out.
“It’s a two story wooden house on the north side of the village. The village is a few miles east from here! You can’t miss it!”
The light faded out completely, the only visible thing were the monsters glowing red eyes. It let out a horrifying chuckle.
“Thank you. But you didn’t really think you would get out of this so easily, did you?”
Before Koshiro realized what the creature meant by that, shadowy tentacles grabbed him and a purple light flashed and quickly found it’s way from the chest, up the neck and out of the beasts jaw.
He wasn’t sure what was worse, the cold from the tentacles or the heat of the destructive flame. The only thing he really cared about was what would happen to his precious pets now that he was gone.
Hope you enjoyed reading my shitty 2-3 AM sleep deprived fic because inspiration hits at the worst times!
Yes, Lloyd can transform into a demonic dragon. Koshi is gone. Lloyd managed to track down his house with the help of the scent of Koshiro's remains. They found and rescued Cole and Kai and lived happily ever after.
(Or, you know, happily for a few weeks before Ninjago got attacked again)
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yarichin-imagines · 3 years
can i get some toxic relationship headcanons with each of the boys? thank you <3
TW: toxic relationships, jealousy, gaslighting, mindbreak (reader getting used to/happy with toxicity), dubcon, hints of yandere, etc.
toono - insecurity
Toono just can’t seem to convince himself you truly love him. It leads to him closing off and pitying himself quite a bit. He treats the relationship like something else he’s bound to fuck up, and he shouldn’t get too attached. That leads to your relationship feeling half-baked.
kashima - jealous
Kashima is not paranoid! He trusts you 100%. It's everyone else he doesn't trust. He gets a little more than hot under the collar when he starts noticing you do nothing to stop guys from buying you drinks at a club— you accept the drinks! that you apologize to the perverts who grope you when the try to slide past you on a crowded metro, and blush when you catch them staring. Steam practically pours out of his ears. He will drag you by your wrist, his grip searing hot and twisting hard against the skin -- it hurts, but he's too angry to notice now. Doesn't matter if it's at school, at a club, and it doesn't matter if it's the morning, noon or night. He'll have you against something in seconds, muttering expletives, even going so far as to threaten live's if someone has the audacity to cozy up to you right in front of him. It's unfathomable, it's like nobody can see that you so obviously belong to him. After all, you're his girl. He's the one you come home to, the only one who gets to touch you, hold you, to fuck you, to see you in every state of mind, to see you break, and to see you cum. For him. Just for him. If he wasn't such a good fuck when he's all worked up, surely you'd have had the sense to leave him, but that just isn't the case with Kashima. . .
yacchan - communication issues
Yacchan can’t communicate, but it isn’t for a lack of talking. He has built up a wall after years of being inferior, so when someone tries to push the boundaries a bit and open him up, he gets very defensive. He gets hostile and sarcastic, even in his body language, moving as if he’s preparing to fight. He just can’t handle criticism because he’s been given so much shit through his life, he interprets criticism as hate and feels a need to defend himself. He doesn’t want to let anyone break down his walls that he has spent so long putting up to protect himself.
Shikatani - perfectionist
Shika doesn’t want anything to happen if he doesn’t know it’ll go exactly as he planned. All the dates need to go perfect or it ends with him in tears because he ‘fucked it all up’. Even if the mess up ends in you two having an equally great time, he can’t get over how it didn’t go perfectly. This also sort of plays into a lack of communication as he doesn’t want to bring up things that could cause arguments.
akemi - gaslighting
To be honest, it gets a little fuzzy trying to remember what life was like before Keiichi Akemi.
“Why worry about it?” he would always say. “I’ll take care of everything. Just don’t think about it, ‘kay?”
How could you refuse a life planned out for you down to the tee? Schedules were structure, and without structure, you’d definitely fall apart.
“What would you do without me?”
Please don’t leave me!
“If you don’t exercise, you’ll get fat again, like before. You don’t want to be fat again right?”
You’re right! I’m sorry!
“I’m only doing this because I love you, ya know.”
You don’t remember before, but you do know that nobody has ever loved you the way Akemi does now, nobody else loves you as much as Akemi does now.
And nobody ever will.
itome - lack of communication
While Yacchan and Shikatani have their own communication issues, Itome doesn’t communicate at all, mostly due to his crippling insecurity. He is silent most of the time, always defaulting to whatever you want to do. He just hopes that you won’t leave if he agrees to do what you want all the time. He gets so scared of losing you, he’ll end up crying late at night. If you notice and ask him what’s wrong, he violently insists he’s fine and nothing’s wrong. “It’s fine” is a catchphrase of his. This leads to a relationship in a stalemate where neither of you know if the other is genuinely happy.
yuri - disrespect (being late, “forgetting” events, unsupportive)
When it was three minutes past your reservation, you didn’t even notice. You weren’t even bothered when he forgot about your recital banquet, after all, he probably just got tied up with club logistics, a vice president does have a lot of responsibilities.
He never really saw the point of your artwork, but what was one opinion out of many? After all, yours was the one that mattered. Right?
At least he was looking at it, although, for extended periods at a time, with a puzzled expression, that would morph into a frustrated confusion before it transformed into complete disgust.
But so what?
Soon, he was a half hour late to reservations, an hour when the days were really bad. He started blowing off your showcases. And when you found the card you’d designed yourself for his birthday in the trash? Or overheard him describing your art as “kiddy! kiddy! ugly?” What were you supposed to do?
Flowers and orgasms were fine and dandy of course, but every anniversary forgotten and every piece you found hidden in a closet was just another knife to your chest, albeit a warning that went in one ear and out another.
tamura - controlling
"Absolutely not."
It has to be the tenth outfit you've presented for your boyfriend's approval, and despite your opaque tights (an improvement over the lace ones the last few 'fits) the dress is "still too short." If not the dress nor the tights, the heels are "too alluring" and your makeup is "too provocative."
Tamura takes it upon himself to pick your outfit and makeup, and unless you're putting on his own personal burlesque show, chances are the colors are neutral or non-flattering and the makeup is almost completely natural, truly.
Sometimes it's nice not having to worry, knowing you can sleep in a little later because your boyfriend has planned out your daily look and perfectly portioned your breakfast and lunchbox. Then there’s the rest of the times, when you have to time out your trips to the mall so that you come home when Tamura is out and hide your shopping bags in your car. But all of it’s no use.
He’s one step ahead of you every time. He has pictures of your gas meter daily, he tracks your location, and eventually, he takes you everywhere you go and sets a curfew.
If you post a picture with a guy on your socials, he wants the receipts, he wants the goddamn family tree proving that the schmuck’s your first cousin, or else. Or else, being that he shuts down your socials, happens anyway of course.
You get used to it. You don’t get to decide anymore, he decides for you, when you wake up, eat, cum, and what you wear, what you know, what you think and isn’t that just sweet?
jimmy - stalking
This one is kind of obvious. Jimmy HAS to know where you are, what you’re doing, who you’re with, and when you’ll be back. He can be found following you places or looking through your things. Though, when he finds out these things, he doesn’t get angry. He just broods and pities himself for a long time. He ends up making you feel obligated to tell him everything, and there’s always something that makes him upset about it.
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dinosaurchicken567 · 4 years
Aight, ybc’s my special interest,
so its time to make dumb headcannons:
Toono- monster fucker/“y’all”/Homestuck
Kashima- wanted to be Spider-Man when he was younger/still wants to be Spider-Man/unironically listens to Bring me To Life
Yacchan- furry/had an Emo phase in middle school/also unironically listens to Bring me To Life
Tamura- weeb/gets turnt to I Write Sins Not Tragedies in private/“what? Your trans gener? That’s so cool”
Yuri- religiously watches Barbie movies/ate glitter glue when he was younger and shit glitter for a week/never uses emojis. Ever
Akemi- closet brony/lactose intolerant/had a My Little Pony doll until 8th grade
Shikatani- fuckin loves pirates/gamer/owns a sword for some fuckin reason
Itome- identifies with Bubbles from the Powerpuff Girls/excellent knife-thrower/listens to My Chemical Romance
Fujisaki- conspiracy theorist/reads to cope/absolute shit at Among Us
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ninja-go-to-therapy · 3 years
For koshi: 39, 54, 56
39. Favorite method of restraint?
Restraint is a punishment. It pains me as much as it pains my poor pet. Though I do enjoy stringing him up from that pole from time to time…
54. Why?
It was meant to be. You wouldn’t understand.
56. What do you look for when selecting a target? Certain traits?
My pet is beautiful. And I did enjoy getting him to be the sweet and submissive little thing he was always meant to be.
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yariibu · 4 years
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// it’s been a while since i’ve over-analyzed yarichin☆bitch club , so i’m back at it again , posting at an ungodly hour to keep with tradition .
this time , i’m gonna be talking about koshiro’s seriously overprotective side . or , to keep with anime tropes , his mildly “ yandere “ tendencies . which i often joke about myself , but this side of him is extemely important to both his character development & with understanding his relationship with keiichi .
as always , reminder that there are merely my own headcanons . take them as you will .
so , first of all , lemmie just define what a “ yandere “ is , despite being fairly sure that most of you already know .
yandere: a character who is often sweet , caring , & innocent before switching into someone who displays an extreme , often violent or psychotic , level of devotion to a love interest . 
now , koshiro doesn’t fit this definitely to the exact , but there certainly are resemblences .
the first two panels are from the school camping trip , where koshiro drifts off from the group for a session with a client he’s presumably been with before , which i only assume because the two of them seem to get into a casual conversation afterwards . during this conversation , the other student mentions keiichi & makes a comment about how it’s weird that him & keiichi are dating while having sex with other people . he then proceeds to suggest that koshiro & keiichi break up .
overcome with anger , koshiro grabs the other student’s head hard & claims that they were never going to break up . 
now , koshiro is an incredibly soft & a very simple pleasures type of person , but he clearly has a different side to him when his loves ones are insulted ( or , what he translates as them being insulted ) . because he’s so overprotective of keiichi , even knowing that their relationship is not entirely perfect & the he was the one who suggested they still carry on with yari-bu activities despite being a couple , he resorted to violence whenever something even remotely damaging to keiichi’s character is said .
however , keiichi is not the only person he’s protective of .
the third panel comes from the chapter where the entire yari-bu works at getting matsumura’s data about him & itsuki destroyed & inevitably gets him fired . the look that koshiro has on his face is very telling of his feelings toward matsumura the moment he’d learned of what he was doing to itsuki & what information he had against him . in the panel that would eventually come after this , you see that just by his look & tone of voice , he was able to get matsumura to hand over his phone without fighting him back . which proves just how scary koshiro can get .
now the next question is , why is koshiro like this ? why does he get so scary when his loved ones are wronged ? because he’s both selfless & selfish . let me explain:
he’s selfless because he cares more about other people than whatever would happen to himself . he keeps information from people regarding his own feelings , he never speaks on his own discomforts , & he succumbs to anything keiichi would tell him to do without second thoughts . he doesn’t speak up when things are bothering him , but he will speak up when things are negatively said about the people he loves .
he’s selfish because he also does this out of a desperate need to keep people around him . thought quiet & to himself , koshiro is an extrovert . he prefers to be around other people . his love for keiichi is so strong & passionate that he’ll do anything to keep him & not give him to anyone else . as far as his friends , he selfishly wants to keep them around as long as he possibly can , too . 
it’s about a fear of not having control of the things he doesn’t want to lose . which i can also compare back to my personal headcanon backstory for koshiro - his r*pe story . something was taken away from him & he could never properly get it back . virginity , a father figure , a stable childhood , all things that were ripped out of his hands & he couldn’t fight back . so now - he does fight back to keep things in his life . 
that , i feel , is why koshiro’s so violently overprotective .
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embretheworld · 4 years
This is what Koshrio needs to do
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nxctiphany · 4 years
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✿ // to ingram from koshiro
Send ✿ for a random kiss / 5. firm kiss
                                              ★ ☆ ✮ ✯ ―☽ ―★ ☆ ✮ ✯  
     Soft, golden locks fall against his slender shoulders, tangling with long, pink stands that tumble over his chest as the taller man leans over him - a silent, almost non-existent breath slipping from his throat as the heat from Koshiro’s body brushes past his own, frigid skin. Beige sheets drape over thin legs and luxuriant hips - hugging almost perfectly about his figure; shadows highlighting each curve and dip sheltered beneath thin fabric, almost sheer below the glare. Flickering yellow and red hues that had danced across his delicate features from the low lights handing overhead now clung to the contours of other man’s back and shoulders, and the newfound darkness he had been plunged into painted ivory skin rose against shallow scars, and pink lips. While glossy, scarlet eyes that peered up at the other through long lashes - almost bashful (though he is truthfully anything but) in how they watched him, but not without a hint of anticipation within their foggy reflection. It wasn’t a role he was unused to playing, but there was always something a bit liberating about the sensation of letting go and relinquishing control; of giving in.
      Nimble fingers reach up to comb through blond hair; touch feather-light and weak - as soothing as it is gentle before they fall again. Arms coming up, instead, to wrap about the other’s shoulders; palms resting upon his back as digits explore the outlines of muscles he can’t see from where he is, and, if only for a moment, the warmth of Koshiro’s skin against their tips - the faint sensation of the other’s pulse alongside the constant drum of heart that made his chest rattle against Ingram’s own. In contrast to the heat that pooled against him, he was still and devoid of the same life that pumps through the other man. But it’s not something he chooses to focus on; he doesn’t yearn for crimson liquid - to taste copper upon tongue or know its fleeting warmth as it slides down his throat. He never has. 
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     Hands flex slightly against his shoulders when he feels them roll within his meager grasp. Heavy eyelids fall shut as he tilts his chin to meet him - lips already tender and plump beneath Koshiro’s. And they sting slightly from the impact - numbness settling in from the pressure where mouths meet; head pinned against the pillow where strands of pink hair are splayed against the off-white fabric. The heat from the other’s tongue lighting a fire against his own. The taste sweet and acidic at the same time, and fingers curl against his back, arms moving to wrap tighter about his neck - chest flush against one another. If there had been any air trapped within his lungs it would have heaved against the other’s hold. Instead, a hushed, yet soft moan spills against the other’s lips - so quiet it can barely be heard. When Koshiro pulls back, he’s left feeling cold and paralyzed as his eyes open again - the edges of his vision blurred as he looks up at the other.
      A low him plays in his throat as he lifts his fingers to twirl strands of golden locks against his knuckles before pulling himself up against the other to place a light kiss upon his jaw - a smile dancing upon worn, damp lips. “Hmm, aren’t you ever the polite one?” He sighed, voice low, but smooth as it played upon his tongue; just the barest hint of teasing nestled within his words. At least until he pushes his feet against the bed, moving his leg from where it was penning beneath him to press his knee gingerly between the other’s thighs, as his fingers traced along the firm line of his jaw - nails dragging softly over delicate skin, but never enough to leave marks; just barely enough to leave behind the ghost of his fleeting touch as he leans down to rest his forehead against the other’s shoulder and whispers into his ear, “Care to try something more?”  
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razzle-zazzle · 5 years
i'm going to hell for this
497 Words; Damage (non-canon)
Work was, in Koshiro’s opinion, a necessary evil.
Sure, it paid the bills, and it wasn’t terrible, but his job had the one small drawback of keeping him away from his pet. His beautiful, perfect, lovely pet that Koshiro had spent hours training, taking care of, loving.
Fortunately for Koshiro, he was done with work for the day, and could finally get home to his precious pet. Just a short drive, and he was there.
Koshiro was practically bouncing as he made his way to the basement, excitement thrumming in his veins as he unlocked and opened the door.
And oh! There was his pet. His lovely, gorgeous pet, lying quite happily on the little dog bed Koshiro had gotten him.
His pet didn’t move to greet Koshiro, simply staring at his master with empty eyes. But Koshiro didn’t mind—his pet was there, waiting patiently for him, and really, what more could Koshiro ask for? That his pet was so willing to wait there for him was more than enough, really.
“I’m home, pet.” Koshiro cooed as he made his way over, scooping up his lovely little pet in his arms. His pet’s head fell forwards to bury itself in Koshiro’s chest, as usual, though the action seemed to be lacking the intent.
“Something wrong, pet?” Koshiro hummed, carding his fingers through his pet’s hair. Hmmm. A bit greasy, and a little tangled. Before his pet could respond, Koshiro decided it was about time for a bath.
Well, no, not a full bath, Koshiro realized, but he could at least wash his pet's hair.
"Alright then, pet," Koshiro grunted as he stood up, his lovely pet in his arms, "let's get you cleaned up."
All throughout, his pet offered no resistance, though, oddly enough, his pet didn't lean in to the touch either. His pet had been doing this for a week now, and Koshiro wondered if maybe there was something wrong with his pet. But his pet was perfect—Koshiro had made sure of that.
His pet also didn't sit up very well, slumping over multiple times while Koshiro was washing his hair. It was annoying, and his pet's lack of response after the fifth scolding left Koshiro angry enough to slam him to the floor, creating an awful cracking noise.
"Alright then, if that's how you want to be." Koshiro grumbled, rinsing out his pet's hair before dragging him over to the cage. He removed his pet's collar, then shoved him not uncruelly into the cage.
Frustrated, Koshiro left in a huff. His pet would quickly learn not to be so difficult.
But when Koshiro left, his pet did not whine. Did not cry. In fact, his pet did not react at all, staring blankly at the wall.
But of course there was no response. Because in that cage was no pet, nor a boy in need of rescuing. No, in that cage lay a corpse, slowly rotting.
Not that that kept Koshiro from his delusions.
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cal-leandros-fan001 · 5 years
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I feel like the Kanassa(Frieza Planet 419) Aliens in TeamFourStar because as soon as Panel 4 came up in volume 19, I said: "I CAN SEE THE FUTURE!!" :O 
Well, the future of the English release, anyway... XD 
This is my version of Yakuma breaking down because of all the stress he's under. He has to make sure his family stays alive against their powerful foes.   He IS basically the person that's kept the group together. =3  Poor guy just doesn't want his family to die.  
My dA posts: https://www.deviantart.com/kehxkeova/art/Itsuwaribito-Yakuma-s-Breakdown-Pt-1-673616405  &  https://www.deviantart.com/kehxkeova/art/Itsuwaribito-Yakuma-s-Breakdown-Pt-2-673618802  
Itsuwaribito belongs to Yuuki Iinuma!! 
I only own the fanart!! 
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hadesisnotevil · 6 years
So, I just binged Switched, the new jdrama on Netflix, and I've got Feelings. I guess there will be spoilers ahead.
1) it's really good. I mean, it's a teenage jdrama so the (romantic) melodrama is laid on thick, but overall it's a very serious, sincere examination of the isolation and self-hatred a person can feel when they fall far outside societal ideals, while offering ways to combat it (i.e. empathy, compassion, and friendship). Also, I'm a big fan of deconstructing established tropes, as this does to body switching.
2) Speaking if the romantic drama--its a little exhausting but it's got some great moments, particularly from the male lead, Kaga. He's probably the most understanding and considerate dudes I've run across in a teen drama. He literally apologized for confessing (in an outburst) because he recognized that the female lead had bigger problems and shouldn't have to deal with his emotions. He literally said "focus on your self right now" like whoa. Basically everything he did was trying to help people, often at the cost or in front of his own feelings.
3) I've got to address the ending (i.e. spoilers)--specifically, the big love triangle. Obvi, I was Team Kaga all the way and was upset (if not surprised) by Ayumi/Koshiro, but I think my shipping woes have more to due with wanting Kaga to have a happy ending, and having Ayumi decide, after a season of (mutual) pining for her boyfriend Koshiro, that she really likes Kaga, feels a lot more like rewarding Kaga for being a good guy then it being an organic and natural part of the story. Honestly, I'd rather Kaga be heartbroken and find happiness later then reduce Ayumi's agency. Also, while Koshiro is not nearly as interesting or likeable as Kaga, imo, he's still solidly a Good Dude who got caught in a drama ball, so I can't say Ayumi liking him makes no sense or is an ass pull or anything.
4) another ending note: I am excessively glad that it is ultimately Umine's mother who talks her down. It was clearly the mother, physically and emotionally abusive as she was, who was the driving force behind Umine's self hatred and depression. And it was clear that the mother's abuse was a result of her own warped views and bitterness, so it was a cycle. Umine learned to be the way she was from her mother, so it was only by the mother apologizing for how she hurt her daughter, for acknowledging not just her own horrid behavior but Umine herself, her emotions and her turmoil, and valuing Umine above her pride enough to apologize (as opposed to making Umine apologize to others, a reoccurring element), that Umine could properly feel guilty for and rectify her own actions. Also, imo, Umine would never be safe from her suicidal thoughts until her mother provided her love and a safe, comfortable home, so, above all, Umine and her mom needed to reconcile or Umine would need a safety net that's not just 3 confused teenagers.
4) a final ending note: I love how Umine needs more encouragement to interact with her peers and I love that it was from Kaga, who was the most antagonistic towards her (though I really wished someone would have comforted him in the end, too). I headcanon that the other 3 steadily draw her out and show that they're not going to abandon or ignore her. The problems Umine faced aren't going away with dramatic rooftop speeches and a hug, afterall. Even in the stinger she seems a little shy and unsure, imo, until the natural, friendly atmosphere takes over and she's clearly more comrortable.
5) the two lead actresses are fantastic. they're both teenagers who had to play two polar opposite character going through intense emotional crisis. And whoever they played at whatever moment, I always wanted to give the character a hug and a strawberry milk (which is to say their performances totally won me over).
Anyway I'm done spieling. I very much enjoyed this show (and will forever be devastated by everything Kaga went through in the final 10 minutes).
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yarichin-imagines · 3 years
Hey, could you maybe do a scenario where Itome calms down/takes care of the reader that is having an anxiety/panic attack? I just need sum fluff rn.
Itome is a very good presence for grounding.
He never needs to say much to get through to you, a soft smile washing across his features as his tilts his head to assess how deep you are in your anxieties. When he opens his arms, it’s instinct for you to float into them.
He changes his breathing so it’s slower and deeper, making each breath audible, and counting in a voice barely above a whisper to help you time out yours. The rhythm of his heart right in your ear lulls you further out of the calamity inside your mind.
Itome will hold you until you’ve calmed down, then he starts the other preparations. He fetches you a hot towel, ice water and a weighted blanket: all things to bring your senses back to baseline. He’ll wrap you up all cozy and turn on ASMR videos while he draws a bath, keeping the door open so you can still see him.
He might not be the most muscular member of the club, but he can pull weight when it counts: carrying you to the tub and performing all the cares for you, humming softly, and even when you fall asleep, he’ll dress you and stay awake at your side until the morning.
The morning after, he makes you a balanced breakfast and if you’re too tired he understands, offering to feed you if you really want him to, being very aware of what he says and how he touches you. And when you tell him at this point all you want is a lil kiss or too, he’s more than happy to oblige.
-admin yari xx
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ninja-go-to-therapy · 4 years
Febuwhump 17: Field Surgery
Alternate Prompt: Identity Reveal
I have legitimately no idea how this legal stuff works, but since Ninjago is a fictional world, I physically cannot be wrong.
Summary: Koshiro is arrested. His family isn't thrilled.
Trigger Warnings: kidnapping mention, abuse mention, violence
956 words
Gabe woke up on the couch, rubbing the sleep from his eyes as the world came into focus. It was pitch black out, the TV still on with an “are you still watching?” message displayed on the screen. He must have fallen asleep watching that baking show again.
The phone rang and he quickly realized that that had been what had woken him up. He groaned, rolling off of the couch so he could stand and pick up the house phone.
“Hello?” he asked, sounding, in his own opinion, something like a frog with how croaky he was. “I guess I can put her on, hold please.”
He quietly entered his mom’s room, shaking her awake. “Someone’s on the phone for you,” he whispered. “It sounds important.”
She thanked him, and he left, shutting the door on his way out.
Now that he was awake, he began tidying up, turning off the TV and straightening the couch cushions, then picking up the pieces of popcorn that had gotten all over the floor when he’d apparently overturned the bowl in his sleep.
The sound of running water as he began to wash said bowl cut through the dead of the night, the only noise in an otherwise dead world.
Just as he finished cleaning, about to go back to his very comfortable and very warm bed, his mom finally emerged from her room.
She looked… bad. Most of it was probably from the fact that she’d been completely unconscious no more than ten minutes ago, but some of it was definitely… more than that.
“Mom?” he asked, worried. “Are you okay?”
“Koshi’s been arrested,” she whispered, like she couldn’t even believe it.
“I have to go down there,” she said, already grabbing her keys.
“I’m coming with you,” he said.
“Why not?”
“Gabe, it… it sounds serious. Whatever’s about to happen, I don’t want you there for it.”
“But I—!”
“You need your rest. Go back to sleep. Please?”
Gabe sighed, reluctantly giving in. “Fine. Drive safe?”
She smiled, giving him a quick hug and an order to not open the door for any strangers, like how she did when he was younger.
As curious and worried as he was, he was a man of his word, and so, he went to his room, got under the covers, and sat there until the sun came up.
His best guess as to why Koshiro had been arrested was something minor, like a traffic violation or something. Maybe he’d jaywalked, he didn’t know. Hell, maybe some random officer was a racist prick immune to his big brother’s charms.
Because he just couldn’t imagine that Koshiro had done anything legitimately bad. It was probably a big misunderstanding. Yeah.
Eventually, the exhaustion took over, and he fell asleep telling himself that when he woke up, everything would be fine.
Early in the morning, Akari quietly entered her mom’s house, making her way into Gabe’s room.
“Gabe,” she hissed, shaking him a bit. “Wake up.”
“Kari?” he mumbled, eyes still half-closed. “Wha’ are you doin’ here?” he slurred tiredly.
“We’ve gotta go meet mom,” she said.
She watched as Gabe thought about it for a moment. “Koshi?” he asked after a moment, suddenly looking much more awake.
“I don’t know. But we’ve gotta go.”
She went out to the car as Gabe got dressed.
God, she hoped everything was okay.
As they drove over in anxious silence, Akari could only think of the absolutely worst possible scenarios. He’d gotten in a fight. He’d committed vehicular manslaughter. He’d hurt himself or someone else.
So many possibilities, and none, not one of them, could have possibly prepared her for the truth.
“What did he do?” Akari demanded as the officer inside the building finally led them to the room Koshiro was being held in.
The man looked at her brother, who narrowed his eyes at him.
“Evidence of kidnapping,” the cop said, beginning to list off several other charges.
Akari, absolutely bewildered, looked between Koshiro and the cop again, eventually cutting him off. “Whoa, whoa, you’re saying Koshiro did this? I’m sorry, but you’ve got the wrong guy.”
When Koshiro didn’t agree with her, something ugly settled in her stomach, but she ignored it. He was probably just… trying not to give them ammunition. Yeah.
“Kari…” their mom said.
“No, she’s right!” Gabe said. “This is crazy, he would never.”
“I’m sorry,” the cop said, and he genuinely looked like he meant it. Addressing their mother, he continued. “But a person was found in your son’s basement, with disturbing signs of abuse.”
Akari’s heart sank into a cold, icy pit. Slowly, she turned to face Koshiro again, who still wasn’t denying anything.
“Koshi…” she began carefully, trying to keep the horror from her face. “Is this true?”
“Yes,” he replied. It wasn’t necessarily casual, but it was so… unbothered. Like he wasn’t even sorry about it.
She looked at him. He didn’t break the eye contact, just waiting for her to do something.
Those eyes weren’t the warm, caring eyes of the little brother she’d always known.
They were cold and unfeeling, and so dark they could have swallowed her whole.
The man in front of her wasn’t her brother. He was a complete stranger wearing his face.
A sudden wave of rage clouded her mind, turning her vision red. Her whole life, she’d done her best to stand up to bad people. She hadn’t seen it before, but Koshiro? As much as she wanted to deny it, it was all right here, in front of her. He was a bad person.
So she treated him like every other bad person she’d ever interacted with.
She punched him in the face.
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ninja-go-to-therapy · 4 years
Your screams. Hand them over.
@grungekitty-77 ;)
Summary: What if Kai had gotten kidnapped first?
Trigger Warnings: kidnapping, stockholm syndrome, drugs and drugging, pet whump, dehumanization, brainwashing, intimate whumpers,  and just like… general uncomfy vibes associated with the aforementioned warnings. If that sounds like it would bother you, please don’t read!
4413 words
“Let go of me!” Cole screamed, struggling to the best of his ability. His head was  fuzzy, and his limbs felt heavier than usual, but he kept struggling. He wasn’t going down without a fight, especially not when he and his siblings had yet to find Kai. He couldn’t help if he was locked in a basement.
He didn’t know much about his kidnappers. He knew that the guy did most of the work and the woman really only stepped in when Cole was making progress in getting away. He knew that they purposefully avoided using names in front of him. And he knew that they were both absolutely psycho.
He’d hardly been here a couple of hours.
They chained Cole to the wall, even as the earth elemental screamed and thrashed and fought. Cole hated knowing that if he had just been a little quicker, a little stronger, he could have gotten away.
“Don’t you worry, pet,” the man said, kneeling down and smiling at him from just outside the range that the chain offered. “I’m not so cruel as to leave you down here alone. You’ll have a friend, and he’s going to help you learn how to behave.”
Cole’s heart was already broken for whatever poor soul he was referring to. Had they really managed to do this before? And get away with it? Oh God, what kind of mental state would this so-called “friend” be in?
The woman quietly slipped out.
Cole glared after her, thrashing once more against the chains.
“Shh, shh, you’re okay, my pet. I’ll take care of you, you don’t have to worry,” the man said, reaching out his hand. Cole jerked away.
“Let me go!” he demanded, trying his best to break the handcuffs with his super strength. Oh great, they’d taken his super strength. Fuck vengestone. 
His captor caught his hands, forcing them to stop attempting to pry the cuffs open. “You’ll hurt yourself, pet,” he said, gentle. “Settle down, now.”
Cole opened his mouth to tell this guy to go to hell, but before he could, the door opened back up. Cole tore his attention away from the man and onto the doorway, hoping he could figure out an escape.
He went still, taking in what he was looking at in horror.
The woman had come back with a friend all right. Cole’s friend. Cole’s brother.
Cole could only stare at him. That was Kai. It was actually, really Kai. He looked a little off, but it was without a doubt him. He looked small, and young, in a way. And he was smiling. He was smiling so brightly. His eyes were so bright. It was so, so wrong to be seeing him like this. But it was him. His brother. His friend. Kai.
“Say hello,” the woman quietly prompted.
Kai turned to the man, his smile unwavering. “Hi Teacher!”
Cole felt something ugly plant itself in his stomach. He hated the way Kai was talking. He hated the brightness of his eyes. He hated it all.
But if he knew Kai, then it had to be an act. There was no way that this was real. Kai was just trying to survive. Under the surface, he was surely terrified.
“Good boy! Oh, I love you so much, I’m going to miss you! You be good for Sir now, okay baby?” she asked, speaking to Kai like he was a toddler, or a dog. Cole wanted to vomit.
“I will, Mama!” Kai said.
“I know you will,” she said, hugging him tightly.
Cole watched the exchange in nothing short of horror, thanking the first master himself when the dark haired woman finally left.
“Kai,” Cole said, hoping that he would drop the act now that at least one of them was gone. “Kai, are you alright?”
Kai’s smile only grew. “Hi!” He exclaimed.
The man turned to Kai, looking unpleased. “Now now, Pup, surely you haven’t forgotten my rules? No talking without permission!”
Kai withered, his eyes trained on the floor. “I’m sorry, Sir,” he muttered.
The man sighed. “Well, I guess you’re more used to your Mama’s rules than mine, hmm? I’m gonna let it slide just this once, okay?” Kai nodded hurriedly. “What do we say now, pup?” he prompted.
“Thank you, Sir!”
Kai was a little too convincing with this.
Their captor turned back to Cole. “Now, my pet, you’re going to have to learn how to behave just as well as my little success here,” he spared an affectionate pat to Kai’s head. “He’s such a polite and respectful little one. He wasn’t to start with. Why, he was worse than you at first, but he learned eventually. He’s come so far and I’m so proud of him.”
Kai smiled so big, so happy, and if Cole didn’t know why he was smiling, he would have thought he’d just won the lottery. But no, he was smiling because of this sicko and his twisted praise.
What had they done to his brother?
“I’ll let the two of you talk when I’m not around but — as this little one knows — you are absolutely not to speak around me without explicit permission. Are we clear?” Their captor asked.
Cole opened his mouth to tell him off, but then glanced at Kai. If Cole could act like Kai was, then maybe… maybe their captor would leave them alone. It was a long shot, but it certainly seemed to be working for Kai.
So, swallowing his anger and his pride, he lowered his head, giving a small nod.
“Oh, you absolute darling!” His captor said, sounding absolutely delighted. “You see, pup? Just you being here is already helping so much!”
Cole fought the urge to scream, keeping his eyes trained on the floor. Please leave please leave please please please.
He just needed to get his captor out so he and Kai could get away. With nobody around, Kai would drop the act, they could plot their escape, and then they’d be home free. This guy may have managed to keep one ninja kidnapped for this long, but with two of them, he didn’t stand a chance.
Kai looked up at their captor imploringly.
“Yes, pup?” he asked, kneeling down so he was more even with Kai.
“Um, sir, do you think I can play with him?” Kai asked.
“Mm, not yet, little one,” their captor hummed. “He’s not trained yet, we wouldn’t want him lashing out and hurting you! I don’t think your mama would forgive me,” he chuckled. 
Kai nodded, though he looked sad about it.
Cole dug his nails into the palm of his hand, staring hard at the floor. He hated the way this bastard was talking to them. He was going to smash his face in the first chance he got.
“Now, I have to go take care of some things,” their captor said, standing up fully again. “You be good now,” he said, heading for the door.
Cole waited until the man’s footsteps receded before he did anything.
“Kai,” he said, moving as close to him as the chains would allow. “I’m so sorry, I’m so so sorry, after you disappeared we haven’t stopped looking, I promise we haven’t, and we knew something horrible must have happened, but this… this is so much worse than anything we could have imagined, I’m so sorry.”
Kai cocked his head, saying nothing.
“But, but its all gonna be okay,” Cole said, probably assuring himself more than he was Kai. “I’m here now, and we’re going to come up with a plan, and we’re going to get out of this hellhole.”
Kai’s next words filled Cole with absolute dread. “Get… out? Why would I want to get out?” he asked, looking genuinely confused.
Cole’s words died in his throat. He stammered for a moment, then laughed uncomfortably. “Kai, come on dude, they’re gone, you can drop the act.”
“What act?”
“The — dude, stop acting like that!” Cole said, his body flashing hot with fear when Kai only looked more confused. “Seriously, we have to leave!”
“But if I leave, then how will my Mama know where to come get me?” Kai asked.
No. Kai was not actually acting like this, he was not actually convinced that that horrible woman was his mother, he was not really under the impression that this was okay. Cole was being messed with, or, or… or they were controlling Kai, somehow! They had done something to him, some sort of sick mind control that Cole would figure out how to break!
Cole breathed a quiet sigh of relief when Kai stood up. Thank goodness, he was probably going for the keys to get Cole unchained, or — Kai came back with a small ball.
“Do you wanna play?” Kai asked, excited. “Well, Sir says I can’t really play with you, but I think it’ll be okay if I don’t get too close! Do you wanna?”
“No!” Cole yelled. “Come on Kai, you’ve got to snap out of it!”
Kai’s smile faded, tears pricking his eyes. “Oh… okay…” he said.
Okay. Okay okay. Kai was obviously under some sort of mind control shit. He just had to figure out how to stop that. Cole could do that. Probably.
“You know what?” Cole asked, forcing himself to seem calm and nonthreatening and not like this was absolutely fucking terrible. “I’m sorry, that was very, um, mean of me. I do want to play a game! But, not a game like that.”
Kai brightened. “What kind of game? Will it be fun?”
“Uh… yeah… but to play it, I need you to help me out first,” Cole said, the words leaving a rotten taste in his mouth.
“Oh… well…” Kai scratched at his neck, fiddling with his collar. “I don’t know…”
Cole glanced at it. Kai had been messing with it this whole time. And sure, it was likely that it was just regular fidgeting, but Cole was more keen to believe that it was what was keeping his friend under. If he could get it off, maybe Kai would come to.
“No, no, see, I just need you to come a little closer,” he said, trying to make himself seem sincere. “I won’t hurt you or anything!”
“Well… okay…” he agreed, hesitant. He scooted over, just a little.
“Come on, Kai, please just a little closer,” Cole all but begged. 
“...you promise to be good?” Kai asked. “I don’t want Sir to get upset…”
“I promise,” Cole ground out.
“Okay!” He smiled, sitting right next to Cole. “How do you play?”
Cole opened his mouth, but footsteps from the other side of the door sent Kai all but flinging himself away.
While Kai passed the ball between his fingers rigidly, Cole steeled himself for another encounter with his captor.
The door swung open, and their captor walked in with an enthusiastic bounce in his step. “Good news, my pet!” He said, shutting the door behind him and gripping a small box in his hands. “It came in sooner than expected!”
Cole was scared to find out.
His captor continued on anyway, sitting down just out of Cole’s reach and delicately opening the box. He lifted the contents out carefully, a twisted smile on his face.
Cole stared at the dark black collar in horror, pressing himself back against the wall, as far away from his captor as he could get. 
No, no, absolutely not. 
If his theory was right, that collar was going to fuck him up just as bad as Kai. 
“Hold still, now,” he hummed, all but corralling Cole further into the corner. The only upside to this was that now he was actually close enough to attack.
Cole waited until his captor was just close enough, then kicked him as hard as he could. Even with the drugs running through his system, even with the vengestone, his captor still toppled to the floor.
Kai looked horrified.
Their captor very slowly rose, his eyes dark. “You little…” he took a deep breath, regaining his composure. “Come here, little stray. I need your help with this.”
Kai made his way over slowly, sparing occasional glances at Cole but quickly tearing his gaze away every time. Cole’s heart sank.
“Now stay. Still,” he hissed, directing Kai to hold Cole down.
Cole thrashed to the best of his ability, but he couldn’t hurt Kai. Not when he was so lost and confused and scared. This wasn’t him, not really. It was this bastard that had ruined his mind. 
But Cole would fix it. He just couldn’t allow the collar to be put on him, too.
But before he could even begin to gather the strength to get Kai off of him, the collar fastened around his neck.
Cole froze.
He didn’t feel any different (except for a new wave of disgust and horror), but the thick band around his neck was still anything but pleasant. There was a small bell jingling on it, the sound of which was already driving him over the edge. He needed to get this thing the hell off.
“Oh, you just look so gorgeous like this,” his captor crooned, waving Kai away and crouching down, reaching out a hand and threading it through Cole’s hair. “You are so, so pretty, my pet,” he hummed.
He slapped Cole hard across the face.
Cole yelped in surprise and pain.
“So pretty,” he said again, looking almost regretful. “But so bad.”
Their captor sighed, standing up. “I do wish I could admire you some more, my pet, but Master still has some work to get to. I’m counting on you to help him, little one.”
And with that, they were left alone again. 
Cole immediately began to pull and tug at the collar, grunting in frustration when it wouldn’t come off. 
“Your collar is so pretty!” Kai chirped. “Why are you trying to take it off?”
If he didn’t get it off, it could kick in, and he would go just as crazy as Kai. Fuck, how long did he have? Was it a slow thing, or would it kick in all at once? How long until he submitted to this?
“Is the tear bothering you?” Kai asked.
“What?” Cole asked, his hands pausing over it.
“There’s a little tear in it! Maybe Sir didn’t notice, but if you tell him, I’m sure he’ll get you a new one! My Mama has so many pretty collars for me, but this is my favorite one. It’s red! Mama says that I look cutest in red!”
There was a tear in it. The collar was broken. And his captor hadn’t noticed.
And if it was broken, then that could be why he wasn’t being affected by whatever mind control properties it obviously had. Because there was no other way Kai would be talking like this. There was absolutely no other reason Kai would be happily babbling about his “mama”.
He needed to get Kai’s collar off of him.
“Do you still want to play a game?” Cole asked, cutting off Kai’s rambling.
“Sure!” Kai exclaimed. “How do you play?”
“Remember, you have to come over here to play it,” Cole said, forcing down an actual physical gag. He was so close, he could do this.
Kai scampered over — or, whatever you would call scampering when it was on all fours — settling easily beside Cole. “What’s the game?”
Cole’s mouth went dry. He only had one chance to do this. If he didn’t get it off, or at least break it, on the first try, and their captor heard… Cole had a feeling that a lot worse would be done to him then a slap.
Cole didn’t even notice he was staring at the stupid thing until Kai spoke up again. “Oh, do you like my collar? Isn’t it so pretty?”
Kai was fucking obsessed with that thing, wasn’t he? That only affirmed Cole’s suspicions further. He needed to get it off.
He nodded slowly, moving his arms up as subtly as he could. “Yeah…” he said distractedly. “It looks great…”
Cole latched his hands onto the collar. Kai only had a second to look confused before Cole focused all his strength into breaking it. Kai shrieked, trying to get away, but Cole was stronger.
The collar broke, falling open and to the floor.
Kai stared at him, probably in shock. He didn’t move.
It was probably all hitting him at once, and it was more than likely pretty overwhelming to clear whatever haze he’d been in, of course he’d still be processing —
Kai began to sob.
Shit, this had really affected him, hadn’t it? Kai must have been so distressed, he was totally freaking out. God, poor Kai. This whole thing must have been so traumatic.
He reached out with the intent to comfort him to the best of his ability, but Kai just flinched back, his body trembling with sobs.
Very loud sobs.
If he didn’t quiet down, their captor was going to hear them.
“Hey, hey, deep breaths,” Cole said, hoping Kai would at least make an attempt.
“You broke it,” Kai said between horrible cries. “You broke it!”
Was it just Cole, or did Kai sound upset about the fact that it had actually been broken, rather than the trauma from all the shit that had happened to him? It was probably just Cole, of course it was just Cole.
Or maybe it was taking its time to wear off. Cole had no idea how long Kai had been wearing it, maybe it got worse over time?
“You’ve got to quiet down, Kai, he’ll hear!” Cole begged.
Kai wailed, tears continuing to pour from his eyes.
A surge of panic overtook Cole. If their captor came down here before Kai helped Cole out of these restraints, they were done for.
Out of sheer panic, his arm lifted almost of its own accord, and suddenly — he hit Kai.
Oh fuck. He’d just hit Kai.
He’d only been trying to snap him out of it, why had he hit him, fuck fuck fuck.
Kai screamed.
Heavy footsteps sounded from somewhere above them.
No no no, fuck, this wasn’t happening.
Because if it wasn’t the collar that had made Kai act like this, then that meant that he had actually been reduced to this, and that meant that Cole could be broken down too.
Their captor was coming. He was going to be pissed.
The door swung open, and their captor rushed over to Kai, who was hugging his knees and sobbing violently.
“What happened, little one?” he asked, sounding genuinely concerned.
“He — he broke it,” Kai cried, “He broke my collar!” he sniffled, wiping his eyes, though it didn’t do much. “I’m sorry Sir, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have tried to play with him, you were right, I’m so sorry!” his breath hitched on another sob. “I’ve been bad, please punish me Sir, I’ve been so bad!”
To Cole’s surprise and disgust, their captor sighed, sitting down and gently pulling Kai into his lap. “There there, little one,” he hummed, carding his fingers through Kai’s hair. “This isn’t your fault. You’re just a pup, you didn’t know any better. I should have been more careful, I shouldn’t have left you alone with my pet when he wasn’t trained yet. I should have known this would happen, really. You don’t need to be punished for this.”
Kai just leaned into the touch.
“That’s right, you’re safe, I’m here,” he said, continuing the soothing motions. “You’re gonna be okay, Pup. And don’t you worry, I’ll talk to your Mama and we’re gonna get you a brand new collar that’s even prettier than this last one, okay?”
That actually seemed to work. Kai’s sobs began to quiet down. 
Cole swallowed down the bile rising in his throat. This was disgusting, this was so disgusting, how could someone like this man even exist? What was the goal? How had he gotten Kai to be like this if it wasn’t through mind control? And worse, how soon would Cole be just the same as Kai?
“That’s right, good boy,” he said, switching from Kai’s hair to rubbing his back lightly. “Good boy, yes.”
Cole didn’t know what else to do at this point. The collar hadn’t been the reason Kai had gone over the deep end. He really thought this was good.
“You’re — you’re crazy!” Cole yelled, prompting Kai to turn his head slightly from where it lay against their captor’s chest. “You’re out of your goddamn mind! How could you fucking do this?”
His captor gently nudged Kai out of his lap, then approached Cole angrily. “You are on thin. Ice. My pet,” he said, his voice low and angry. “One more peep from you and I may have to hang you from the pole all night.”
What the fuck did that mean what the fuck did that mean what the fuck did that mean.
Their captor stood to his full height. “Come little one, let’s get you some juice, okay?”
Kai brightened up even more than that, following their captor out of the room.
Cole was left alone.
First master, this was so bad. Kai was effectively totally brainwashed, Cole was locked in a psycho’s basement, and the others were probably losing their goddamn minds. If they hadn’t been able to find Kai in all this time, how would they be able to find Cole?
This was so bad.
A few minutes later, Kai was carried back in, and set on a little dog bed that Cole hadn’t had the time to notice until now.
This guy was nuts.
Their captor said something quietly to Kai, who nodded sleepily, and then their captor left again.
The next few minutes passed in silence, until Kai spoke up again.
“Why’d you have to do that?” Kai pouted, sounding genuinely upset. “You could have been good, but then you went and ruined the whole visit! If you don’t be good, we won’t get to play together! Don’t you want to play with me?”
Unless they were playing video games, safe and at home, hell no.
“Maybe we can play when you get better trained,” Kai muttered, his anger fading. He shifted on the dog bed. “You know, I kind of think I remember you,” he mumbled, his eyes only half open. “From before. And it’s almost kind of nice to remember, but I don’t want to think about it cause it makes me sad and it’s bad and there’s no reason to think about it.”
Cole, growing increasingly concerned at his brother’s sleepy ramblings, could only listen.
“Sometimes I have to remind myself that I’m happier now. Cause sometimes I think I remember being happy before, but I can’t think like that cause that’s bad. That’s how I get abandoned.”
What the fuck was Kai talking about? Why was he saying all this?
His words were slurring together and his voice was droopy and his eyes were even droopier.
Was he drugged?
No, no that was ridiculous. But it certainly seemed like he was. He was showing a little too many of the symptoms for Cole to be confident that he wasn’t. But why would he be drugged? What was the point?
Their captor wasn’t… he wasn’t going to kill Kai, was he? He wouldn’t do that, right? Surely he was going to keep Kai alive?
“But it’s time for my nap, now,” Kai said, letting out a quiet yawn. “Night night…”
No, wait, fuck, no, stop, Cole wasn’t letting Kai fall asleep. What if he never woke up?
“Kai, you’ve gotta stay awake, please,” Cole begged, his panic spiking.
“After my juice, it’s always nap time,” Kai insisted, his eyes closed and his voice barely a mumble. 
“Kai, stay awake!” Cole insisted.
Kai groaned quietly.
Shit shit shit. 
Okay, he had to think logically about this. What good reason would their captor have to kill Kai? Besides the fact that Cole had done nothing but fight back this entire time, not to mention sending Kai into that meltdown earlier.
Oh no, was this to teach Cole a lesson?
But surely their captor wasn’t crazy enough to kill Kai just to prove a point? Maybe there was a different goal in mind here. Maybe he was just going to hurt him. Maybe he wouldn’t hurt him at all. He’d said he wouldn’t, after all.
But that still begged the question, why was Kai drugged?
With all his worrying, Cole hadn’t even noticed that Kai was now fast asleep.
Okay. Okay okay. It was very likely that he wasn’t going to die. Cole could hear his breathing from across the room, so there was at least that. Kai was okay. Kai was fine. 
Well… as fine as one could be in this situation.
Frustrated, he pried at his collar again. Even if it wasn’t some evil mind control device, it was still humiliating and uncomfortable. And that stupid little bell wouldn’t stop ringing. It made him feel like a — well, like a dog.
He supposed that was the point.
Some time later, the door swung open once more. The woman from before came through, hurrying over to Kai. “Oh, my poor baby,” she fretted quietly, careful not to wake him. “Let’s get you home…”
She was taking Kai?
No, she couldn’t take Kai! That left Cole no chance to help him. That left Cole alone.
His panic must have shown on his face, because his captor, who’d followed in behind the woman, tsked. 
“This wouldn’t have happened if you’d just been good, pet,” he said, shaking his head sadly. “Maybe when you learn how to behave, you can see him again.”
The woman carefully picked Kai up. Even in his sleep, he sighed contentedly.
She was taking Kai.
And it was his fault.
He needed to do something.
He needed to fight, he needed to scream, he needed to break out of these chains and save his brother and get them both home.
But he couldn’t move. He was absolutely paralyzed, unable to so much as beg for them not to take him.
The woman was gone before he could find his voice.
All he was left with was this horrible man and a worse question.
If Kai could be reduced to that… what was going to happen to him?
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ninja-go-to-therapy · 4 years
Stalking, Take 2
Summary: Cole can’t help but feel like he’s being watched. But, such is the life of a celebrity ninja. He thinks.
Trigger Warnings: stalking, obsessive behavior, planned kidnapping, mentioned pet whump, mentioned stockholm syndrome
1190 words
Koshiro’s father had once told him that when you first saw someone meant to be a pet, your pet, you would know. Koshiro hadn’t quite known what to think about it at the time, but had stored it away in his mind for years.
Until now.
As he was looking at the earth ninja, he just knew. Looking into those eyes, those beautiful, perfect eyes, he could practically see it now. He was meant to be Koshiro’s pet.
If only he wasn’t surrounded by people who had such power. It wouldn’t stop him, of course, but it would make it all so much more difficult. But he would have him. Oh, he would have him.
The soon-to-be former earth ninja was close to perfect already. Koshiro could hardly wait to see what he would be like once he truly and completely belonged to him. Oh, how gorgeous he would look with a pretty little collar around his neck… 
Koshiro couldn’t keep the grin off his face as he thought of it. He’d always imagined what it would be like to have a pet, but it had always been more of an abstract idea. But now, knowing who his pet would be? He was practically shaking with excitement.
He could see it so clearly in his mind: his pet, fully trained, curled up in Koshiro’s lap by the fire while Koshiro pet him. He would make a small, happy noise, knowing he wouldn’t be allowed to talk by then, but wanting to express his joy nonetheless. 
Yes, his future pet would be so much happier in Koshiro’s loving care. 
Sure, at first he would no doubt fight and refuse and be very, very bad, but he wasn’t logical enough to see what his life was supposed to be. He would think, at the beginning, that the abuse he suffered every day at the hands of the world was good for him, desirable, even.
He was thrown into life-endangering battles more often than not, every day getting beaten and bruised. It was a noble thing to do, Koshiro supposed, but children shouldn’t have been sticking their noses into such business, and a pet certainly shouldn’t have been. And yet he was, and his acquaintances had the audacity to treat him like they treated the rest of them.
Someone as beautiful, as perfect, as that deserved to be all but worshipped if he couldn’t be the one doing the worshipping. Yes, he would be much happier with Koshiro.
Koshiro would happily spend a thousand years in hell if it meant just one day with his future pet.
He would do whatever it took to tame him, to claim him, to make him his.
“Mine,” Koshiro whispered, loving the way the word felt on his tongue. “He’ll be mine.”
Cole wasn’t one to be paranoid. He was observant, he liked to think, but not to the point of giving himself ridiculous anxiety over nothing. Until recently.
It was just… a feeling. He couldn’t quite pinpoint it, but something was making him uneasy. He had no idea what it was, and that almost made it worse.
Everything was… normal, currently. They had no big villains to face, no horrible apocalypses to stop, and no people to save (unless the few side jobs they took up counted as saving people, but it wasn’t much, just helping out with minor emergencies, really). Still, Cole couldn’t shake the feeling that something was wrong.
In public, he felt like he was being… watched. It shouldn’t have been concerning, because, being a bit of a celebrity, he was always being watched. There were fans everywhere, no matter where he went, and he and the others were used to it by now.
So why was he so bothered?
There was no reason to be. He was definitely being watched, and sure, if he were a normal civilian, that would have been creepy. But he wasn’t! So why was he so unsettled?
It was probably just his social anxiety seeping through. He’d managed to get a hold on it, but stuff like that never fully went away. That’s all it was, right?
Yeah, definitely. There was no reason to be worried. No reason at all.
Koshiro wasn’t particularly thrilled to be in the city this weekend. Day of the Departed meant everyone was out and about, and he hated large crowds. The sidewalks were flooded and the traffic was awful, and he wanted to crawl out of his skin. 
He’d always seen the holiday as way over-commercialized, anyway. There was no need for all the pointless things stores tried to sell. Day of the Departed was supposed to be about honoring your ancestors, not about whatever stores were saying to sell things these days. Sure, there was nothing wrong with a little candy, but everything else? Stores may have just been screaming that they didn’t really care. And somehow, people just ate it right up.
This was why life was so much better in more rural areas, and he was very much looking forward to getting home.
From somewhere up ahead, a commotion stirred up. People were gasping, and a gap was being made; was someone seriously trying to go against the flow of people-traffic right now? Could they not at least get on the outer edges of the sidewalk, rather than cut through the very middle?
Something WHAMMED into him and he fell, quite painfully, to the ground. For the First Master’s sake, did people even try to watch where they were going anymore?
“I am so sorry!”
“Are you okay?”
That voice.
He knew that voice.
He’d know that voice anywhere.
“Great going, you killed him!”
Ugh, he’d know that voice anywhere, too.
He opened his eyes, squinting against the harshness of the sun and ignoring whatever was being said about “knocking someone over won’t kill them, Jay.”
And there, above him, the sun shining over him and presenting him like the angel he was, was Cole. His Cole.
And, unfortunately, the other brats.
 “Oh, good, you’re okay.” Cole extended his hand, and Koshiro took it. His smile was soft, his eyes were as radiant as the glow the sun was giving him, and Koshiro could have melted on the spot. Because finally, finally, he got to see him, to really see him, face to face. And this might have been the closest he’d ever been to speechless.
“I’m alright,” he said, dusting himself off and forcing those thoughts back. He wanted so badly to do anything more, but if he didn’t present himself as perfectly generic, it could throw a huge wrench in his plans. “I really have to get going.”
“Yeah, us too,” Kai said, followed by Cole’s polite call of,
“Stay safe!”
Fuck. That beautiful voice.
He stared after him long after he’d gone. His mind was running wild with ideas and images. That boy was going to be his, no matter how long it took. The process of getting him would be hard, and without a doubt, training him would be even harder. But he would learn to love him.
He would learn.
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