#tw predatory behaviour
djsherriff-responses · 9 months
I can't stop thinking about how Bullfrog would feel about Dolph having a past relationship with Ramon and the implications of that, because the manga sure did put a lot of Dolph ships into a really uncomfortable perspective and it's not even been released yet
Dolph was 19 when he and Ramon had a brief but consenting relationship and this is going with an alternative season one ending where the three team up for context to this post
Also to clarify: don't support this type of relationship irl and this is purely an exploration of a fictional situation with fictional characters. I'm not gonna get graphic with this but it will be touching on uncomfortable topics involving age gap relationships, drugs , alcoholism , slight dubious consent involving those substances and general nonsense that celebrities get away with. Please don't read further if that makes you uncomfortable especially if you're a minor, please stop reading this and go watch a Rayman play through instead
We don't know exactly what Bullfrog's upbringing was like but we can make a bet it was at least more "normal" and stable than Dolph's, and because of that Bullfrog is more aware of what a healthy and unhealthy relationship is (as well as him being an outsider with a different perspective then Dolph's)
Ramon is the one to spill the beans, because Dolph rarely ever wants to actually talk about his issues
Bullfrog has .... a lot of conflicting feelings upon learning that information. Confused on how either of them even got to that point. Disgusted and Angry at Ramon because hey, Bullfrog thought Ramon was a FRIEND who needed his support, how DARE RAMON do that!? How DARE Ramon expect Bullfrog to be friendly with him after telling him all that!? Especially after the Pey'J situation
But also saddened by what Dolph had gone through, and also guilty for feeling more intense about the situation then Dolph
Ramon starts off treating it more as a naughty little thing he did then the seriously messed up situation it was, I mean, all the other celebrities had hot young partners and secret affairs so it wasn't weird, its a normal thing on earth, right?
But after distancing himself from stardom and learning the full extent of how his face was used to train child soldiers , how Dolph was taken from his own parents to be one oy those soldiers, remembering how often he and Dolph got drunk and used drugs before... Before they.... It really dawned on Ramon then just how horrible the power imbalance was between him and Dolph and it makes him feel (justifiably) sick with himself
Dolph probably expresses his opinion on it the least as he didn't see it as any different to his other relationships (Like Alex) and just wants the topic dropped, especially since Bullfrog keeps looking at him with pity. Though Dolph is probably more effected by it and other relationships he had then he even realises
When Ramon tries to apologise it just , makes Dolph really annoyed and pissed off because "hey I was a consenting adult you ass" and he just wants to move on already and Ramon repeatedly trying to say sorry and bringing up all the awful things that happened between them is just making Dolph more uncomfortable by the second
.... Other than ripping off BoJack horseman idk where to go from that
TBH I probably won't touch on this particular way to portray Dolph and Ramon's relationship but I did want to throw these out the window
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flowerycoffin · 1 year
Andre and Stella relationship and why I’m deeply concerned
I know few people already adressed that, but this one really ircs me. Andrealphus and Stellas relationship is not at all sibling/family like and changes almost every frame from bussiness partners to a lawyer and client with very predatory Andre’s behaviour.
1. Bussiness partners/lawyer-client relationship
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(Thank God for giving subtitles this time)
This one is much less concerning and could be coined as Andre caring for his sister so I’ll just briefly mention only most eye-catching things. 
Stella is presented as an idiot who doesn’t know how her own world works and Adrealphus is this “brain of operation” who seem to also wanting something from divorce (always says that “we will gain this” “we will do that” and have overall vibe of expecting something for himself). Still- the relationship presented looks a lot like dump wife wanting a divorce and finding wheeler-dealer lawyer who is done with this affair after five minutes in. Or shows two just-met people who want similar things from rich man (Stolas) and plot to get it from him.
This doesn’t say or hint it’s family at all except one or two dialogs where Andre calls Stella sister and when they start a conversation in the castle. If I didn’t knew they were siblings from Vivz Twitter I’ll never guess they are related.
2. Predatory behaviour 
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We have nice things from the way, now to the real problem which is veeerrryyy questionable manners towards Stella.
For people not knowing what words vixen and minx mean:
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Yeah; hope writters had in mind fierce and bold as meanings. Still doesn’t explain however why Andre gives attractiveness of Stella as something she makes up for being stupid (just ew man).
Also his body language is very flirtatious and reminds me of all the patients who think that just because I’m a girl working in hospital they can touch me how much they want and say how pretty future nurse I am (I’m on paramedic/medical rescue studies and have nothing to do with nursery). He litterally has the same gestures as those +40 freaks with libido problems whenever they see a woman with stetoscope or ECG!
Wanna write more, wanna show how inappropriate Andrealphus-Stella relationship is, but I think that these few words say more than whole essay.
If someone wants to add something or argue that I see this wrongly go on, I’m open for discussions <3 
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intothedysphoria · 24 days
Going from a social outcast to seemingly universally desired was a change that Billy found himself sorely lacking the capacity to deal with.
It felt like barely a year ago he was just the fat kid with the asshole dad. The kid who was more comfortable speaking Irish than English. The weird kid who couldn’t sit still in class and had “outbursts” that would leave a classroom completely overturned.
Now he’d lost weight (not by choice), had to speak English if he didn’t want to be uprooted for a third time and was supposedly taking his adderall post ADHD diagnosis. Neil was still an asshole but that would never change.
He was desirable now. A hot commodity. Had the approval of everyone apart from his own fucking dad.
In short, Billy was absolutely miserable.
He missed California a lot. He missed Belfast even more. He missed being fat. He missed his mam and grandad. He missed everything.
Showing any signs of weakness was how it started though. So Billy did what he always did. He adapted.
Harrington was weird. Taking the crown from him was almost too easy. For all the talk he’d been fed about King Steve, what Billy got was a teenager who couldn’t make eye contact, spent an hour reading two pages of a textbook and walked like a penguin when nobody was watching.
Good thing Billy didn’t mind weird.
The usual taunts didn’t really work. All it really achieved was getting Harrington flat on his back on the gym floor and that got Billy thinking about sex which wasn’t helpful.
Harrington just stared up at him with these big startled eyes. Like a damn deer. The pointed star he wore around his neck swayed as Billy let him up. Jewish maybe. Billy felt his hand unconsciously drift down towards his own pendant, the one his granny had given him.
The one that would help him find his way back home.
They fought within a week. Arsehole had Max holed up in a strangers house. It made Billy’s skin crawl just thinking about it. Especially after having to flirt with Karen Wheeler just to get any answers, All he could remember was that he was winning then the world started going black.
When he woke up there was a dead something in the fridge. He probably hadn’t woken up at all then. His body took that hint as a sign to collapse again.
He woke up again. A small woman with mousy brown hair and a nervous tic was cooking. Billy could hear The Clash drifting from another room. Christmas lights were scattered across the wall. It was the first place in Hawkins that had actually felt like home.
The woman’s name was Joyce. The house he’d found Harrington and Max and the nightmare in had been her house. She was dressed practically and smelled like paint and reminded him so much of his own mam that his heart hurt.
She was a good cook. The soup wasn’t like anything he’d ate before, probably Polish but it was fantastic. She asked if he wanted to stay the night. He said no.
Neil would be waiting. He always was.
Neil had burned the damn book. The one Billy had wrote when he was seven, colouring all the words in orange and white and green. It hurt more than any punch every could have.
He was under house arrest again. Only let out when Max needed a fucking taxi to a Christmas dance. Harrington was a couple of cars away, fussing over a boy of about thirteen who could have been his younger brother.
They weren’t biologically brothers. But Henderson was his cousin. So they were in spirit. Those were some of the things Billy learned from a few strained sentences of conversation.
He apologised in a way so Billy reluctantly returned one. Apparently he hadn’t realised how fucking dodgy he’d looked with Max.
Billy was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.
Neil kicked him out of the house on Christmas Day for hanging an Irish flag on his door. Billy went to the Byers. Joyce’s family didn’t exactly celebrate Christmas but she still gave him a present.
She gave him gorgeous Polish cakes which were fucking delicious and some of Jonathan’s old vinyls which he didn’t listen to anymore.
That day Billy discovered The Specials and tucked the vinyl under his weed stash in the Camaro boot. Somewhere Neil would never think to look.
Harrington was tolerable after Christmas break. Tolerable in an infuriating way because Billy still wanted to fuck him. The queerness wasn’t something he’d told anyone about though apart from Patrick McKinney so he kept those thoughts to himself.
He spent more time at the Byers, learned what Shabbat was, came out to Joyce in a flood of tears, kissed Harrington, wrote a letter back to Ireland for the first time in two years and made a plan to get the hell out of Hawkins Indiana.
Harrington managed to pass high school with a lot of bribery and tutoring and kissing at his place. Jesus but Harringtons house was a bloody mansion. Billy had spent his first eight years in a terraced shared accommodation where his entire extended family had lived. Harrington had five bathrooms and his own television. Not even in black and white.
Billy got his predicted mix of A’s and B’s so he was happy and spent most of the weekend post graduation floating on his back in the Harrington pool, beer in hand. He couldn’t afford to slack off completely though. So he got a summer job.
Working at the community pool was fine. As long as Billy didn’t think about the middle aged women staring at him like a piece of meat. Fucking perverts. Heather was fun though. Funny. The only lesbian he’d met in Hawkins apart from Buckley.
Neil had started acting even weirder than usual after a night Billy had slept over at his boyfriends. He’d taken to ice baths and Billy swore he’d seen the man drinking bleach. Ugh.
Max was pretty obviously freaked out though so Billy slowly phased her into spending most nights at the Byers or the Sinclairs or Steve’s. Susan wouldn’t budge. Something in Billy’s chest felt a bit sick about that.
The Fourth of July they were in the mall, the one Steve worked at. Something even more hellish than the thing in the fridge stood above them. And Neil just stood by with blank, hateful eyes and let it happen.
He died. Billy killed him. Stabbed him in the chest then the monster went away.
Steve was gripping his shoulders as he stood there, Neil’s blood on his jacket and he cried.
Susan left.
Social services took Max. Billy cried a lot that day. She was living with some family in Michigan. They promised to keep in touch.
Billy went to therapy twice a week. A guy from County Mayo who Billy trusted immediately.
There was no point really in Joyce adopting him as he was over eighteen. Besides she didn’t need to. Billy knew who his family were.
A letter came back from Belfast. Inviting both him and Steve back to his grandparents house. Steve had never left the US, had never really left the Midwest actually. Billy wanted to show him everything.
The years went by and Billy regained weight. He stopped speaking English as much and was determined to teach Steve Irish. He still sometimes forgot to take his adderall and had awful nightmares but Steve was there to make it better.
He was alive. And life was pretty ok.
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terrence-silver · 1 year
Honestly, how would terry react if beloved always brushed off the topic of children or the mention of legacies, just for it all to boil over one day and beloved say they don’t think he’ll be a good father?
Best of all, Terry Silver doesn't even consider himself bad father material and this is a statement he'd absolutely loathe. Heck, if nobody, abject failure people like Johnny Lawrence can be a parent multiple times over, he is convinced, then why can't he, accomplished, wealthy, cultured, put together, worldly, successful, sleek and on top of the world as he is? He has all the right then. The only right. He can give them so much, he feels. Be so devoted to them. Like nobody else. Protect them so fiercely. Teach them so much. Kill for them. Die for them. Ensure the world is their oyster. Never abandon them. He has so much love and zeal to pour into somebody and it is just left there, sitting, festering into resentment and darkness inside of him, having done so for years and decades. He'd never neglect, he doesn't think. No. Never. He is too giving and devoted for that. Not in ways other lesser parents would neglect. It is just that he never found a worthy vessel and a worthy someone to birth these figurative children for him. And he is convinced with every atom of his being he'd do excellently.
Truth of the matter, Terry Silver might be jealous.
Of all the people he considers worthless and subpar who simply had the chance to be fathers and mothers over and over and over again, breeding like rabbits and not even really putting any substantial thought into it, seldom getting criticized or judged for it, it is him who is singled out as the rotten apple. Why? He feels life has left him bereft of something crucial in him having no kids and due to it, he has ascribed the role of legacy to other things and abstractions. Other ideas. Cobra Kai is also his child. His brand of Tang Soo Do. His multiple companies and ventures, undoubtedly. His wealth. That too. But, the fact that some parents let their children roam the streets, that they can be easily scooped up, influenced, molded, used, ironically, mainly by people like him, because there's no present parental figure to defend them, again, from people like him (and even John Kreese) on a pathological level, he resents that. He gleefully and sadistically takes advantage of the weakness of it, sure, but he also knows that if he was the father, he would never allow that. In the most meta sense imaginable, Terry Silver would know he'd never allow a person like Terry Silver to be in his child's life or anywhere near them. Maybe these parents should be punished for their oversights then. By Terry Silver himself. The punishment will be that he will lure their kids and do whatever the heck he wants and have all the fun in the world doing so, changing these ripe minds until they're unrecognizable, bending to his will, either doing it through advice, teaching Karate, mentoring, favors, gifts, being the aspirational figure they always craved --- you name it. But, that's the price you pay. For being callous with your kid. Not vigilant enough. Just plain bad.
That's what the likes of Johnny Lawrence deserve, is what Terry would think. What Shannon deserves, not as much for her abuse of narcotics, her string of men and her alcoholism, but rather for not even bothering to be able to be there for longer than not at all. What Terry probably thinks Tory's mother deserves too merely for being sick, with her attentions not where they should be, allowing her children to practically raise themselves. Carmen too, for having the bad call of making, again, Johnny Lawrence, of all people, her kid's father figure. Literally a test of intelligence (or lack thereof) if he ever saw one. Back in the days, what he felt Lucille Larusso deserved also for just ditching and letting her kid practically be raised by the elderly Japanese neighbor while she was just doing quite literally anything else. Undoubtedly felt the same way about Amanda and Daniel for pretty much overlooking what was happening to Antony the whole time it was happening.
It is a form of elaborate revenge on Terry's behalf.
To both the parents and the children. To life itself.
A big 'fuck you'.
In nature, you leave your cub behind long enough and a predator comes and eats it, but Terry doesn't believe that the predator is inherently evil for it. It is their nature. Their natural killer instinct. It is the survival of the fittest. The cycle of life. It is the animal mother who is bad and a failure for not defending her nest, den or burrow well enough from intruders fiercely enough. Didn't want your newly hatched nest of eggs to be devoured by a snake? Why'd you leave your eggs then, huh? If he had them, he'd never leave his behind, so I suppose yours are free real estate then.
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braverytattoos · 2 years
tell me why kid nasty POS harpoon felt the need to literally grab harrys ass???????????????
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normaltothemax · 1 year
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After a pretty shitty day, all she'd wanted was a fruity little cocktail and some peace and quiet. Had sat down at the bar, pulled out a notebook, and started sketching out some random patron across from her, just to keep herself busy while she worked on her drink. She hadn't expected some guy to take the seat right next to her and start up a conversation. A very one-sided conversation, at that. Riley couldn’t get a word in edgewise; got cut off every time she opened her mouth. She didn’t want to be rude, but she really hadn’t been looking for company. She certainly wasn’t pleased with the way he kept calling her “sweetheart.” Not to mention his comment on her hearing aids and how she was “too pretty to be deaf.”
What the hell did that even mean?
And then he'd put his hand on her thigh. She’d tensed, stomach twisting uncomfortably. Her requests for him to let go went unheard. The guy just kept going on about whatever the hell it was he did for a living—she hadn’t quite paid enough attention to remember what that was, nor did she care to ask—and how much money he made. Even “I have a boyfriend” was just scoffed at and met with a line about how he could treat her better, sweetheart.
Riley wanted out. She didn’t like the situation, didn’t like how this guy was making her feel, but when she went to grab her purse to pay for her drink and leave, the hand tightened. He leaned in closer, grinned, asked if she was really that eager to take this somewhere else, and she froze. Panicked. She couldn’t think. Didn’t know what to say, didn’t know what to do. Before she managed to figure that out, someone cleared their throat behind her. Both she and the creep turned towards the sound, and, upon seeing yet another man, Riley prayed to whatever god was out there that this wasn’t about to get even worse.
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th3sun-4nd-th3st4r · 8 days
Percy Jackson fandom, we need to have a talk.
tw: for mentions of pdf-files
Ive been noticing a rapid normalization of very much illegal ships, especially ones including Nico Di Angelo.
The first point I want to bring up, YOU SHOULD NOT BE SHIPPING ANY OF THE CHARACTERS WHO ARE MINORS WITH THE GODS‼️‼️‼️ Ships like Nico x Cupid, Nico x Zephyrus, Nico x Poseidon, Nico x Triton, Perpollo, Percy x Triton, ect., These are all disgusting ships, and Apollo said himself in the books that the gods do not date minors.
Secondly, ships like Percico (14-15 x 17-18 IS WEIRD AS MINORS), Lukercy (12-16 x 20 something) Lukico, Lukethan, and many other ships like that ARE WEIRD AND GLORIFY PREDATORY BEHAVIOUR‼️‼️ Percico is a hot topic in this fandom, but as of tsats, a canon book wither you like it or not, Nico is assumed to be at least 15, landing Percy at 18 and in college presumably, making shipping it weird. An argument I often see for both Percico and Lukercy is “Well Percy/Nico had a crush on Luke/Percy” and I would like to remind you that one sided crushes do exist. Percy was 12 when he met Luke, and Nico was 10 when he met Percy, those feelings would never of been reciprocated because thats weird.
This is getting out of hand, at this point it’s getting almost as bad as a 2020 anime fandom, this behaviour anf glorification of toxic relationships, pedophilia, and at times even incest needs to stop. Using your fucking brains you weirdos.
Thank you for listening and please don’t send hate or threats to people who do ship anything mentioned in this post.
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ctheathy · 7 months
Yandere Changelings w/ human!Darling
The Changelings x Reader
Yandere Headcanons
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Author's note: Gotta love these big buggo babies
reformed Changelings < unreformed Changelings
The Changelings/Reader [Platonic+Romantic-ish?]
[Gender-neutral Darling|Female Darling|Male Darling]
Potential ⚠️TWs⚠️ :
The Reader is quite humble • Abduction • Jealousy between changelings • Stalking • Invasion of privacy • Co-dependency • Aggression • Use of adhesive/the green goo • Violence • Possessiveness • Overprotective behaviour • Predatory behaviour • Love feeding • Overfeeding/“Overdosing” on love • Heart failure • Corpses of changelings mentioned
Changelings have certainly never had a very positive reputation around Equestria. The species of bug-like creatures mainly known to have ruthless mannerisms that only acts on instinct. Especially when considering the changelings eat love and love alone to keep them from starving. As you can see... These creatures, too, need to feed. And so steal the love hidden within ponies and other living entities for themselves with brute force. And this tiny human here... has love, and a lot of it.
But despite being an aggressive species, they are also known to be rather curious towards creatures they've never seen or heard of before. Which is why being a human is really just a saving grace for you in this scenario. Cause instead of pouncing immediately purely from starving impulse, they know they'd need information to report back to the Queen first. And since this is the first human the changelings have ever met, their natural reaction to encountering a new species is to learn more about it instead of feeding off of it, atleast not before they got all the answers they'd be satisfied with. Considering you are the only source of love and affection around.
The first changelings that have noticed your presence may start seeing you as a tasty morsel. if love is like meat for them, then they're being deprived of it, and then the one creature comes along that's a walking talking buffet of love. They'd observe your actions and behaviours from a safe distance for a little while, taking note of aggression signs or being a potential threat to the hive. But in truth... you weren't. You were more of a lover than a fighter, which gave the changelings the signal to not waste any other opportunity to abduct you into the hive for some answers.
And that's... when something sparked.
Being calm and sedate in your position would usually cease a changelings’ natural instinct to hunt and would often cause in less aggression and forceful measurements. But even if they did try feeding from your love, that would be similar to essentially trying to suck from a dry well, because the transporting process from the human realm to Equestria drained you of many strong emotions to begin with, and it takes a lot more time for your entire alternation from universe to universe to take full effect. And the changelings wouldn't budge from their stubbornness until you reached out to one of them... Brushing a gentle hand over its malnourished frame.
The love that you'd contain would be a tad bit ‘different’ from normal love they'd consume, mainly due to the fact that they never had to actually take it with force. You gave it to them willingly, making the love inserted into them a lot stronger and effective than if they were to steal it. Which results in giving their bodies an intense emotional ‘shock’ as you basically feed them little by little... The shock would still feel good to them, like it would make them feel warm and light headed, but their heart would begin beating rapidly by the shot of immense adrenaline they just got.
The reason why changelings need love and affection in the first place was because they need it for their survival. The value feeds them. As they learn you're capable of feeling and giving love, they would want to keep you around permanently to feed. However, in extreme cases it might lead to a changeling becoming dependent upon one person's love. And their survival might be based on that person's love and affection. and what happens when that person's love and affection starts to falter? There is such a darker side to something so innocent as eating some consensual love.
Which could go either two ways...
Plan A being a bit more complicated. Since they ended up taking a ‘sample’ of you to basically extract the hormones and emotions of love, you had proven yourself to be more productive than all of the ponies they've held captive combined. Feeling more satisfied with the mere sip of love you've happily handed out to them than with any usual prey they had ripped the love from. But the Queen desires love too, because it is essential for their race. And because the hive is almost completely devoid of any love in the first place. You could become a sample for the Queen... Just keeping you there and farm you for love.
But there's also a considerable chance the changelings who captured you would scrap plan A and would instead focus on a plan B... Keep you a secret from Queen Chrysalis and prevent you from being cocooned at all costs, but only under the condition if you keep blindly feeding them with your lovey-dovey personality. Changelings tend to function with a very strict hive mentality... conclusions are set by the swarm's majority of drones’ standpoint. They all have a strong tendency to fall for group decision-making, but they're also quick to swap their beliefs if it seems like the right choice for the best of the colony. So it likely wouldn't even take long for the entire swarm to come to an agreement to keep you secured under high protection and warding.
Due to being a good source, you would give them more positive energy than any other creature who would falter in their fright after being captured... which would make you a rather popular target for the swarm of drones. To a point where the entire hive would start to view you as the "heart of the colony" of sorts. Because a changelings emotions are based on their diet. And the more love they receive, the more addicted and obsessed they'll become with it. So they would all be head over heels at some point, bordering on complete worship ...viewing you as an object of their affection and admiration. And getting even more physically violent to defend and protect you from what they consider a threat to their food source.
They might be feeding off of the love you give them and emotional positivity for now. But if they keep feeding and feeding, eventually they are probably going to want something else than just your emotions, which isn't good... But at the end of it all, they will want to protect you. But their methods might be a bit morally questionable. They have been looking for a more ‘sustaining’ source of love their entire lives. And from what we know... love only grows stronger.
So what happens when a creature becomes utterly emotionally dependant on someone?
What if... they begin to get obsessive?
Instead deciding to ensure no one else gets to have you?
Signs of attacks outside of the hive would become more apparent as time went on, a variety of breeds beginning to disappear aside with half dead creatures covered in adhesive emerging from their hideout as no entity even dares to get close to the shapeshifters. Some changelings would begin arguing with eachother over the delightful taste of your love. But knowing how naturally greedy and hostile they can get, these would convert to physical violence sooner or later, causing a bunch of internal conflict in the colony. A bunch of love starved changelings just riskily fighting over a single human.
It would get so bad, in fact, that there's possibly not even second you'll spend in the hive without a changeling being nearby, just ... watching you. With or without you knowing, there to strike and pull you back in at a moments notice if your demeanor gets too close to flight response. The changeling that you first bonded with would feel remorse about doing it, but the rest of them won't really care much as long as they can keep you in their grasp. Though you would still be allowed to travel closely outside of the hive, they'll keep their little eyes on you anyway...
You'd have this love that's a bit diluted, but even with just having a weaker type of love to feed off of, they'd have to feed for a longer time and drain their energy in order to get it. Which in terms causes in them taking more than they can physically handle. You aren't necessarily a dry well, but rather more of a dripping faucet while they are all dying of thirst. So they could still eat from your given love for a while, but if they try to go all out, there could be horrific consequences...
Because each of them are essentially trying to take enough to survive, their individual feeding sessions can become more aggressive. They don't want to kill you, nor do they understand how strong of a heart you have. So they don't see that they need to be gentle. Because in their eyes, you're considered weaker as a mortal. And your emotions, not being very strong, make their hearts race and they aren't feeding slowly and cautiously enough to keep the heart beating at its normal pace. You're basically a complete reverse card on them. To the point of them becoming so infatuated with you, that they literally forget what they are doing, and basically, accidentally kill themselves with a massive case of overdosing love.
The more of your love they take, the more they will like you. And the more they like you, the more they would try to suck it out. And the more they try to suck it out, the more it would turn into a "want" instead of something more natural. And then, that's when some would begin to die from overfeeding. The emotional shock and overdosing on love being much more overwhelming than the changeling's bodies are capable of handling. And of course, you wouldn't really understand why they were all suddenly lifelessly scattered around you...
It would be quite a challenge for many changelings to have the self control to prevent that fate. I doubt the majority of them would even understand the concept of death enough to avoid it even when their heart rate was going at unsafe speeds. The situation would honestly be safe for the changelings that have enough self-control to hold themselves back, but those who don't would become history real quick... Especially as changelings mainly seem to cocoon their prey. You may have more love to give when you're out in the open, but perhaps you even walking freely might just be enough to push many changelings over the edge.
Though this would also highly depend on the distinct personality of each changeling. Those who were more reasonable would try to just suckle in love. Then we have those who would become a bit feral and aggressive trying to tear the love out of you. Making it like a really twisted irony that they want love, but by trying to obtain love, in this way, they could essentially doom themselves. The ones who are more in control and more disciplined may survive. But either the greedier or younger, more immature changelings might get too excited and just want more and more. Which leads into them destroying their bodies via the very thing they wanted. The ones that do manage to control themselves will remain very interested in you however. But even if their fair sense of attachment and perhaps even bond towards you won't fade...
This is nothing more and nothing less than a parasitic relationship
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ssailormoonn · 5 months
❛ Princess ❜
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GoldenAge!Griffith X fem!princess!Reader
WC; 1.3k + | !MDNI! | TW/CW; reader is implied to be charlottes sister!! use of '{Y/n}', yandere themes, just griffith choosing his next victim, dark content, possessive behaviour
i spent a lot of time writing this and making sure everything i wrote was perfect, i hope you all enjoy😣 - honey
m.list | berserk m.list
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His armor was reflected with all the colors of the light that entered through the stained-glass windows on the building: deep red and orange hues that symbolically presented unity and power in the kingdom of Midland. The weight of the moment: heavy with expectations on your shoulder, rests while you stand amidst the gathering of nobles.
"Commander Griffith," your father meted the acknowledgment, and Griffith stepped in front of the King, Queen, and the two princesses, bowing in respect, his cascading white hair lying over his shining silver armor.
"Princess {Y/n}," your father called out in command, gesturing for you to proceed forward. You step forward with elegance as the waves in your waves of elegance in your navy dress continued to spread behind you. You step with exactness, moved with exactness—in exactness, in every motion that had been rehearsed over and over before attaining the said standing you were in. The eyes of court watched observantly, discreet in their surveillance of your every movement.
The moment you arrived at Griffith, you extended your hand with fingers so graceful and poised. He took it gently. His armor was cold against your skin. His lips were elusive as a soft kiss and lingered a second too long; the kiss hung at the edges of the proper and correct.
He was flexing power in such a subtle way—it was subtle, but he knew.
There was something kind in the manner and, at the same time, some veneer into which intention had been collected.
A shiver ran down your spine as his ice-blue gaze caught yours, his eyes raising from his bow. Something predatory glistened in his eyes, something that made one wonder or a key piece of a game that only he knows if one was nothing more than a pawn in his grand design.
"It is truly an honor to finally meet you, Princess," came that smooth, well-oiled voice of Griffith's. The crowd murmured in approval; all sounds echoed through the cavernous cathedral.
Yet, somewhere beneath the polite exchanges, a person could sense something more going on here: the veiled calculations, the faint flickers of ambition that had put Griffith in this position of power.
His gaze never left yours as he dropped your hand. He was watching you, looking through you, perhaps, for the best way to bend you to his whim.
You belonged to him, whether you understood that you were a pawn, queen, or maybe something between.
It was a sea of faces, the whole of the cathedral at that moment respectfully concentrating over the play unfolded in front of their eyes. Nobles, ecleastics, distinguished guests filled the pews, eyes glued to the action being played out between Griffith and yourself. The tension in the room was tangible; together, they breathed as if they awaited the next moment.
There is something commanding in Griffith's presence, captivating in his aura, but unconsciously repellent. Consciously, even the way he was holding your hand was soft, and his kiss, in which almost imperceptible pressure was put, was calculated.
You could feel the pulse of that moment, the silent exchange between the two of you speaking volumes more than the mere touch could have done. It was as though he had claimed you, staked his territory—marking you as his before the whole court.
Your father stood immovable behind you, his face stoic, although you knew the tiny glint in his eyes betrayed a hint of his concern. Generations had passed with the royal family playing this game of power and politics, but Griffith was a new breed; he was silky, composed, with a burning will like the colored rays cast off the stained glass across his armor.
Griffith eventually released your hand but he did not break the eye contact. There was something in the way he looked at you, something that seemed as though, if he needed to, he could see through all of the falseness and look way past it.
There was something uncanny in this silence, something perhaps even rather fascinating in another way, something that simply could not fail to grip the attention. Breath was heard murmuring from all the corners when whispers spotted around in the crowd: Where the discussions carried would be so imperative in the history books for the fate of the kingdom?.
"For me, to serve Midland and its royal family is an honor," Griffith spoke, and there was just a subtle current of authority in his voice. His gazes never left yours, and you realized this wasn't just a formal introduction.
This was more.
A relationship that would all be about his control and your compliance.
Something dark glinted beneath those warm eyes of Griffith. It wasn't the supple quality in his voice, or even the grace in his movement; it was the way his eyes locked onto yours, as though no one else in that room counted.
You were regarded, Princess, as if he'd your life already mapped out: each decision you'd make.
And that, somehow, no matter what, you belonged to him.
During dinner, his eyes never left you for long. He listened to everyone else, chuckled at their stories, contributed some bromide to some noble's question, but you knew his attention was on you.
You rose from the head table; his eyes followed you, following every step you made.
You could feel the weight of it, a possessive intensity making you hyperaware of his presence.
You would see, as others tried to draw you into a conversation, his expression never waivered—just a polite smile—but that little tightness in the jaw, that cold flash in the eyes. You could see him staring as if to say, 'Back off'—with the eyes.
Featuring the eventual success of placing yourself in one of the quieter corners, far enough from the hustle, Griffith was now standing at your side, seemingly as if he emerged from the shadows. His steps soundless, his calves dragging his tensiled body closer and closer to you, so close that he might have been radiating heat.
"Princess. Princess {Y/n}," he began, his voice a bare hiss overlaid with tension. "I've been waiting for this moment."
He was so near it was unnerving; there he stood, quite imposing. It's as if he were ever growing near to your personal space, one and two feet at a time, awaiting you to crack. He had a twinkle in his eye, almost as if he were sick with pleasure.
"Great Lord Griffith," you replied, trying to hold your bearings, "I never knew you to be so interested in the lines of succession for the royal family."
Griffith's smile slowly grew slightly predatory. "The royal family is dear to my heart," he said, though his look stayed upon you. "And you, Princess, are perhaps the most interesting of them all. Your beauty, your grace, it is as if it was a destiny made for greatness; I could not conceive of this land without you being lined up in some succession for the throne."
His words were full of praise, as if he spoke with a possessor's lilt, but not like he was talking of you, but to you, and ever watching your eyes, and you were cold in that warm hall. Not that he was interested in you; by the way he spoke, you belonged to him already, as if he had a right to determine your future as his property.
Griffith touched his fingers to your wrist—just an elusive touch, and yet it sends shivers down your spine, not out of pure love but out of a silent claim, as if he were thinking of you as something to be owned or to be mastered in existence.
"We could do so much together," he murmured as his voice lowered, becoming intimate. "Just think of the power, the influence. Together, there is nothing we could not do. You're mine, Princess, and you know you're mine too, right?"
His words were a trap, expertly laid to draw you in, to make you feel that you had no choice but to agree with him. The possessiveness in his gaze, the way it seemed to lock out the rest of the world—well, that was all according to his masterful maneuvering.
You stood there, very aware of the weight of his presence. You realized Griffith was not just some leader; he was nature itself, something unbreakable by his will for something and with the intent of taking it.
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m.list | berserk m.list
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iaure · 1 year
𝗱𝗲𝗮𝗿𝗲𝘀𝘁; 𝗮𝗿𝗱𝗼𝗿
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚the dearest collection - part one/beloved 𓆩♡𓆪 part two/prized 𓆩♡𓆪 part three/devoted 𓆩♡𓆪 part four/desperate 𓆩♡𓆪 part five/blind 𓆩♡𓆪 part six/watcher 𓆩♡𓆪 part seven/ardor 𓆩♡𓆪 part eight/fervor this is very heavily inspired by @//clusterfuck-yandere's yandere leon headcanons; please check out their works. this is something of a love letter to their puppy obsession series.
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yandere leon s. kennedy headcanons; reader is a survivor of raccoon city.
tw: general yandere behaviour, stalking, harassment, ptsd, entrapment, delusional thinking
notes: the formatting will be slightly different in some parts, as using the headcanon format with dialogue can feel quite clunky.
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ it's here it's here! the confrontation! leon being needy and begging! it's here! there were some zingers in this that made me laugh, and i hope they make you laugh too! i want to write the nsfw accompaniment after part 8 or 9 Ꮚ☆ꈊ☆Ꮚ i'm also getting a new pc!! which will be so so nice!! but that might mess with my writing for a bit, as i'll be getting it set up !
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this was too much.
♡ you know, you'd imagine a situation like this a handful of times.
♡ a man sitting before you, with flowers and candles and clothes that looked divine and an expression of reverence beyond worship.
♡ in your head, it weas usually after a year or two of dating, followed by a proposal and living life happily ever after.
♡ but this situation felt like a cruel parody of that.
♡ when you saw Leon on your couch, your blood ran cold.
♡ this was something you'd hear about on some shitty crime podcast or an even shittier show on some late night cable channel.
♡ what was he going to do? drug you? kidnap you? kill you, even?
♡ when he said that you needed to talk, it was like a waking nightmare.
♡ he seemed like he was trying to be as non-threatening as possible, though.
♡ he was staring up at you with big puppy-dog eyes, and his floppy hair fell over his eyes.
♡ he looked absolutely desperate, and when you froze in your tracks, he held up his hands.
♡ "i'm not mad at you! i swear!"
♡ his voice was a bit pitched up, and his nervousness would've been if he hadn't blocked off your door and broken into your home.
♡ "get out of my apartment."
♡ Leon was clearly distressed, trying to placate you with fear on his face.
♡ "wait, wait, please!" he begged. "please, i just need you to listen to me!"
♡ and just for a moment, something wavered.
♡ he was, at one point, your friend. he deserved at least a chance to explain himself before you had him thrown in prison with a sturdy restraining order.
♡ you hesitated, but crossed your arms. "then talk."
♡ and the proverbial dam broke.
♡ Leon, at first, was just babbling, hands waving everywhere as he tried to spit everything out at once before you lost what little patience you had left.
♡ it was almost cartoonish, but you put your hand up. "i don't understand gibberish."
♡ he stopped immediately, eyes wide, and took a breath. he began padding down his pockets for something, and you realised that he was fumbling for flashcards that were sticking out.
♡ when he finally got to them, he took a second to read over the first, and you saw that his hands were shaking.
♡ and as he took a breath to compose himself, you watched his face.
♡ he had a ruddy, blotchy blush across his cheeks, and his mouth was slightly agape.
♡ when he looked up at you past his bangs, you saw his eyes, and they were by far the most expressive part. they were fully on you; not predatory, but oozing devotion. not lust. not childish infatuation. love.
♡ love, dedication, worship.
♡ all for you.
♡ there was a second where he just looked between you and the flash cards, before tossing them onto your coffee table.
♡ "i love you!"
♡ the look you gave him was...unimpressed to say the least.
♡ "and why does that warrant you breaking in?"
♡ you could see his heart plummet at your questioning.
♡ "i...i needed to talk to you. and you've been avoiding me, so..."
♡ "and how does that translate into you harassing me? stalking me? scaring the hell out of me?"
♡ were he a dog, his puppy ears would've been plastered to the side of his head.
♡ it was like you were kicking him while he was down.
♡ you began walking over to your landline, about to dial 911, when he shot up form the couch.
♡ before you could even react-was he going to attack you?!-he made an abrupt dive and clung to your legs, holding steadfast and almost making you fall over.
♡ it was, truthfully, pathetic.
♡ and you stared down at him.
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Leon looked closed to tears, placing his head against your thighs and locking his hands around the back of your knees.
"Please! Please don't!" He was whimpering and borderline about to shout, breathing hard. "If you leave, I'll die! My heart would just stop beating! I can't live without you! You're everything to me! You're my world, and-! Please!"
You stared down at him. He looked helpless, like he really would just drop dead if you picked up the landline. And there was a second where you just felt...bad.
Everything he had done was with good intention, even though it was creepy. He never did hurt you, and it was clear that something was just...wrong with him.
He saw your silence, your stillness, and looked up at you with those big hopeful eyes, wide and glittering from his tears. He slowly stood, still staring at you, and began gently guiding you back to the couch.
"Please. Just hear me out."
He sat down, and you sat down, and there was a beat of silence. Then he opened his mouth, and everything came out like a waterfall.
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♡ he admitted to being K.
♡ you knew-suspected-guessed-had a hunch-but it still made you ache. how long had he been like this?
♡ his devotion was obvious. he began listing off things he did for the sake of honesty.
♡ he admitted to stealing your clothes, to breaking in and stalking you. at first, it was like a sick joke with everything he said.
♡ but slowly...you started to get less mad.
♡ he broke into your house...to clean.
♡ he followed you to and from work...to protect you.
♡ he never once meant to harm you or others. physically, at least, as he confessed wanting to get Selia fired.
♡ he admitted to having to build up the courage to talk to you, standing outside, watching...out of love.
♡ he tried everything to take care of you.
♡ and something in your heart shifted.
♡ he did this, and certainly he needed help, but was it really fair?
♡ he risked so much to do what he perceived as love. as care.
♡ maybe...you could help him get help. you doubted he was lucid enough to know he needed it.
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While you thought, Leon kept on talking, trying to keep you hooked on his words until your patience was gone again.
"I've loved you for...god, so long now. It's been months, I think. You were always just so nice, even to people you didn't know, you know?" He played with his hands, the desperation in his voice beginning to edge away. "Back on the forum, I didn't like that you were trying to help everyone by yourself. And you were always so sweet when you responded to me. It felt like I knew you my entire life. The people from Raccoon City, the people that know what happened...it's really a world of it's own."
You nodded. It really was. Leon sighed.
"Trying to save those two...I never said their names, did I? Sherry and Claire. Sherry was maybe ten, I think. She was under my care for a while, and I saw how the outbreak was scary. Caring for someone like that is scary. And you were trying to do it for so many people. I wanted to help you."
"You know stalking someone is scary?" You glanced up at him, breaking your gaze from the flashcards that sat on the table.
"I'm sorry." He whimpered. "I'm sorry."
"When you sent those messages, I was scared shitless, Leon." Your voice was firm, but quiet. "I thought you were going to kill me or kidnap me or something."
"Never!" Leon's voice jumped. "I'd never do that! Swear to god! I wouldn't ever hurt you! I just-! I was scared. Scared that you hurt yourself, or something. I wanted to respect your privacy for as long as possible, but...I really wasn't sure what happened."
You stayed silent.
"And I love you. I really do." Leon bit his lip, trying not to cry again. "I know I didn't really talk about my family."
"Mhm." You watched him bite, eyes going up and down and across his face. "You knew all about mine."
"I'm sorry."
"Your family?"
"They're...well, my parents died when I was a kid. And a cop took me in. And there was a lot of people liked me when I was a teenager for my looks, and it really messed me up. Literally right before the outbreak, I had just broken up with my girlfriend."
You raised an eyebrow, and Leon gulped.
"Am I a rebound or something?"
"No! No! I didn't mean it like that!" Leon gasped, jumping out of his seat and reaching across the table. Your hands had been right on the edge, and when he touched them, you pulled back a bit. "She didn't really seem to love me, and I wanted someone who wanted more than just a guy who was nice-looking. And you were nice to me when you didn't even know who I was. And you were nice to me at the bakery, and during the power outage, and it was just a lot."
You were silent again, biting the inside of your cheek. Leon began panicking again.
"I wanna marry you someday. If you want to get married, that is. I wanna do everything for you. I want you to just stay home or go out and have fun or do whatever you want while I take care of the house. I want to see you happy. I want to see you safe. I want you to live out the best life you possibly can, and I want to be next to you during all of it."
You finally spoke, and your hands reached forward a bit to actually hold Leon's. He gave a stuttering gasp, and you could feel the sweat building up.
"What do you want out of this?"
"What?" He tilted his head, squinting. He took a second for it to compute, before making a confused expression. "What?"
"You came in today hoping for an outcome." Your words were eerily clinical. "What's that outcome? The best case scenario?"
Leon went still, thinking hard. His eyes glanced to the side, before nodding.
"I want to marry you."
"Okay." He gave a bitter chuckle at your quick response, face falling with a wince.
"However?!" He gasped, lighting back up again.
"I'm open to dating-"
Before you could even finish, Leon leapt up with a cheer, picking you up and swinging you around in a hug. The sudden brute strength was startling, but he was too busy rejoicing to notice your gasp.
"I'll be the best boyfriend ever, I promise! I'll do everything for you, I'll move in right away-or you can move in with me! We'll figure it out! I love you! I'm so excited! This is the best day of my life! I love you so much!"
"L-Leon!" You gasped, trying to get some words out past his bear hug. "On some conditions!"
Leon stopped swinging you around, putting you on your feet with a big grin.
"Of course! Anything!"
"One-don't threaten Selia."
"My coworker?" At your words, Leon's eyes went wide, with a 'ooohhh'. "I, believe or not, like hanging out with her."
"Okay." Leon nodded.
"Stop stealing my stuff. Ask first."
"Sounds good!"
"And just walk me home. Don't stalk me."
"I mean, I was doing that before..."
"Don't sass me."
"You're the boss!" Leon bent over to kiss you with a happy smile, but you blocked him with your hand, putting it over your mouth. He laid a full smooch onto your palm, opening his eyes with a questioning look.
"Mmh mmh? (Too soon?)"
"Yes, Leon. Too soon."
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ʚ♡ɞ taglist @theybotomy ⸜❤︎⸝‍ @kujosuke ⸜❤︎⸝‍  @je-suis-argent-miel  ⸜❤︎⸝‍ @xxacademy ⸜❤︎⸝‍ @apollodarling-writes  ⸜❤︎⸝‍  @gettingsilly ⸜❤︎⸝‍ @yumekos-gamble
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another-lost-mc · 8 months
karasu is on the borrowing clothes side of the spectrum ?! omg that is so cute i'm actually gna cry is it bcs of his crow tendencies? does it have anything to do with nesting or something similar? <33
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scent marking + nesting
featuring: azra, karasu, zekhan (others very briefly mentioned)
cw: nsfw/mdni content is below the read more. includes scenting as a possessive/mating behaviour; sharing/borrowing clothes and sharing a bed; references to non-explicit sexual activity (masturbation, cum marking/eating; tw: slightly dubious behaviour and blood mentioned briefly mentioned).
a/n: the nsfw behaviours described are slightly darker and more indulgent. they may appear in headcanons or one-shot fics for them but won't be present/prominent in their "official" canon stories.
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Being a crow is definitely part of it! It drives a lot of Karasu's impulses to give MC things and he's honoured if MC gives him things too. His nest used to be bland, cold and almost sterile, but over time it slowly fills with more colourful items and luxurious fabrics and comfortable furniture.
In terms of general world building, scent is important for all the other demons too (or that's how I like to write them).
Karasu and Zee are more attuned to scenting behaviour because they’re “born” demons with animalistic demon forms. (Demons like Diavolo, Barbatos and Mephisto would fall into this category as well.)
Azra and the demon brothers use scenting behaviors too, but for fallen angels the instinct and urges are usually less intense. (Satan is an exception due to his unique circumstances, his are quite strong compared to his brothers.)
There’s a bit of nuance to show the subtle differences between them when it comes to borrowing/sharing clothes with MC as a way of sharing their scents:
Azra and Zee want you to smell like them. They lend you their clothes or scent you somehow whenever they see you. They also want their clothes and bed/linens to smell like you.
Karasu technically borrows your clothes but he also doesn't want to inconvenience you. He buys you some oversized shirts or sweaters or pajamas to wear at the nest. When you’re not there, he wears them himself until the smell fades away.
Nesting is a factor too. All three are very protective of their homes and they don't like visitors. Karasu has the strongest nesting urges. He fills his nest with things you like and the gifts you give him. He buys things for your room at the House of Lamentation and leaves his feathers there. Azra and Zee are both motivated to make their homes comfortable and safe for you to stay (because in a perfect world you'd never want to leave).
Speaking of scenting and marking...(nsfw portion below)
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All three of them want to mark you with their cum—inside if you'll let them, but your skin and clothes are perfectly fine alternatives.
Your scent also helps them get off if they're a bit desperate or lonely without you.
Azra is the most "tame" of the three. He's content to lay on your side of the bed and breathe deep while he jerks himself off.
Karasu is a bit more needy. He'll put your clothing on his pillow and bury his face in it while he ruts against his mattress. He'll hold something up to his nose (or just drape it over his face) if he's on his side or back.
Zee is similar to Karasu, but he has a higher predatory instinct. Sometimes he has the extra impulse to lick or suck on fabric that might be freshly stained with your slick or cum or blood.
(They might do these things privately in early stages of your relationship, but they'll stop if you don't want them to continue doing so once you're in a relationship. They'd rather fuck you than jerk off alone anyway.)
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read more: oc masterlist
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lexa-hippb · 4 months
A bit of an unusual post for me, but I'm not going to just let the situation slide this time.
TW/CW: SA mentions
About the @brwnerinq-89 drama. The twitter document providing allegations and evidence of their so-called "fetishizing" art that they post from time to time.
First things first: the person who made the callout post quite literally leaked personal information that was NEVER supposed to be seen outside the closed community they joined.
Those who were acquainted with Era before and know about their life situation (those being most of the members of this community/shitpost page that were just watching what their fav artist/friend is going through rn) are aware of them being a SA survivor and know that such art is nothing more than a coping mechanism. Era is a deeply traumatized individual that had to suffer such shit since their very youth, and leaking the vent art they do is just straight up an asshole move for me.
You people send death threats. You send death treats to a SA survivor that makes personal art just to cope with the trauma that forever changed their life and made them the person they are now. Just because some douche said "hey lookie here they fetishize SA and treat it as something silly!" Go fuck yourselves if you think this way.
I understand that it truly is confusing sometimes, but please don't mistake coping with predatory behaviour. No party in this situation supports SA, and this art was never supposed to see the light of day outside the private community.
Hope this helps and thanks for reading. Please take care of your own lives and stop trying to ruin others.
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jayteacups · 4 months
Sending some asks your way too! eheh Here are some questions that I'd love to know about them:
💔, 🍓 and 🍄, for both of them, if that's okay!
Have an amazing day and thank you for sending some as well. ♥
Hiii @missnobodymadness thank you sm for sending in these question prompts! <3 These were fun to think about! As always I kinda rambled so it's under the cut but I do think about Nüwa and Odelia a lot lol so here you go :))
TW for mentions of torture and parental abuse
💔 (broken heart) - Who has your character hurt most? Physically or emotionally? How did it feel? Do they regret it?
Zheng Nüwa: Not to spoil too much but when one of her best friends gets brutally murdered in the Underground, she goes on a bloody path of revenge and spends a long time tracking down the man responsible, tormenting him psychologically by ruining every aspect of his life, and then at his very lowest, she tortures him and kills him. It's dark ik 😭 she was not in a good place after losing her friend, and she's allergic to healthy coping mechanisms 😭 (which is honestly very on brand for AOT so 🤷🏻‍♀️) but!! revenge stories are fun to write so I'm having a good time even if she isn't 😂😭
Odelia Kreutz: I can't think of anyone she would really hurt emotionally? She and Jean would get into arguments in their cadet days, but that does eventually get resolved as they both mature as people. Physically, though... she's a lot stronger than she looks (ballerinas are very athletic and disciplined and she has a ballet background). I think she'd really fuck up a bunch of Jaegerists in Season 4 - she would never join them, knowing just how insidious and predatory their beliefs can be. She doesn't regret fighting against the Jaegerists, but when some of those people were people she trained alongside... yeah I can see her wishing she'd found another way to deal with them.
🍓 (strawberry) - Does your oc believe in anything? Are they superstitious? Religious? Atheistic? Has anything in their past made them this way?
Zheng Nüwa: She grew up atheist, since her parents were as well. Nüwa's mother did enjoy telling folk stories from their homeland and culture, since that is what her parents did too. These folk stories were one of the very few things that could help Nüwa's mother connect to her culture, which was being rapidly erased with the persecution of their kind. (It's why Nüwa was given this name). But Nüwa never took those folk stories as truth and in general doesn't buy into religion. She doesn't like the idea of fate either, as she believes in free will.
Odelia Kreutz: Oh boy this is a good question as it's a key theme with Odelia as a character. Her father is a high-ranking clergy member of the Wall Religion; high enough to know what the real truths of the Walls are. However, he obviously isn't going to pass this information on to his daughter until she's old enough to really comprehend the secrets being hidden by the Wall Religion, so he raises her with the same beliefs as most others practicing this religion. He also abused her and her mother (mostly emotional but he also hit them on occasion to discipline them) and justified his behaviour through his beliefs, and she internalised those beliefs, so she has a fair bit of religious trauma that she has to work through later on in life. What helps her begin to deconstruct these beliefs are the outside perspectives she encounters when she goes to a ballet academy; where some of her fellow dancers don't quite subscribe to this religion. Nüwa is her auntie through marriage, and has a bit of influence in getting Odelia to start to question her beliefs and to not blindly follow them. She becomes more sceptical, and her main motivation to run away and enlist in the 104th is to find out the real truths, see the world for herself and form her own opinions without the shackles of her father and his religion facing her to think in a certain way. This is also the reason why she really really freaks out at someone when she finds out someone has lied to her, it deeply upsets her and she reacts more than the average person would, because it's genuinely triggering. Honestly and truth is the most important thing to her. (You can imagine she doesn't take the RBA titan reveals very well.) TLDR Odelia's relationship with religion is a complicated and difficult one, poor baby :((
(Disclaimer: I don't think all religions are toxic in the way that it is being portrayed through Odelia's father and the trauma she has from being raised under the beliefs of the Wall Religion. I'm extrapolating from canon, from what we already know about the Wall Religion. But I have no problems with IRL religions and the people who practice them without harming others. Just thought I'd make that clear!)
🍄 (mushroom) - Does your character like being in nature or do they prefer the indoors? Do they have any outdoor hobbies like camping or fishing? If they prefer the indoors, why?
Zheng Nüwa: Despite her surface job being very indoor-oriented, I think she's fairly outdoorsy, but especially after she gets to the surface and realises just how much she's missed out on in the Underground. Different weather types, flora, fauna, etc. Now that she's aboveground, she wants to take the opportunity to experience what she never could as a child, it's honestly very healing for her inner child. It also makes her realise that the surface citizens take a lot of things for granted, so experiencing nature and the outdoors is yet another motivator for her to keep working hard to improve things for other Underground people, knowing what they could've experienced growing up. Also, being outdoors in the rural areas away from the industrial areas is much better for her health, as her asthma is triggered by air pollution. As for outdoor hobbies, I think she'd enjoy hiking, and learning to swim in natural bodies of water! She sometimes gets invited on outdoor hunting trips with other nobles, so I can see things like falconry being something she'd come to like.
Odelia Kreutz: Similarly to Nüwa, experiencing the outdoors is a way to heal her inner child. After a lifetime of being a noble, cooped up indoors and being raised for nothing but marriage, she cherishes every expedition, as it is an opportunity to see more of nature and what lies outside the Walls. Since she's a soldier and joins the Survey Corps, learning to ride a horse is absolutely essential, but she genuinely enjoys horse riding as well! I haven't come up with a name for her horse yet but rest assured they have a close bond not unlike Levi and his horse.
Red Emoji OC Asks Game
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thinkdust · 1 month
21st August 2024
TW : a whole lotta cussing n s*xual subjects mentioned
I fucking hate dating apps. I was pressured by people and society to join. In our cult-like community, girls are "adviced" to be married off at like 18-19 or atleast be engaged, lest she go awry (live her goddamned life in her own way, plus she's a child, this is predatory behaviour). But being 23, I'm basically considered an "approaching old age" girl, which is so awful.
Like, i still have never left home or lived according to my needs, you'll take away my freedom before I even get a taste of it?
Well with all this ever-mounting, sometimes blatantly obvious, sometimes subtle pressure, i had to do something. I haven't dated any one ever. All I've had are awful "situationships", unrequited love and just a lot of idiots. Also you'd think being bi would increase your chances, considering your target demographic is now increasing. Welk guess what? No. It isn't! Mine was already small. It has somehow managed to shrink.
So i did what anyone on the brink of insanity would do in my situation. I started using online dating apps. I'm so socially inept. I kept my identity hidden as much as i can. I know people worry about getting catfished but like, what the hell! Can't we just have a normal conversation n then I'll reveal my fucking face?
But no. All these assholes with gym-bods and stupid greasy smiles and awfully stale pick up lines, with their "i wanna be deep with someone", "have a deep conversation with u" bullshit. Like you're as deep as a puddle, u actual waste of air!
And then, when finally one of them FINALLY connects with u, u are laughing and chatting n imagining fuckin fake scenarios of your future together in your head; full of gentle sweet nothings, n BAM! u find out they just wanna fuck around. Which is so, why would u not be straight up about that before this? And i will never understand the "casual hookup culture" thing people do, nowadays or at any time honestly. It's so lame n idiotic.
U wanna be intimate with people without actually caring for or respecting them? I understand if you're aro or ace or anything of the sort, but these straight ass men, have the audacity to say "our conversations need to be deep" n u find out they were actually talking about the depth of your fucking vagina!
I'd rather be a hermit than do this!
Rant over.
- @thinkdust 💌
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anti-radqueer-zone · 1 year
TW: discussions of child sexual abuse
I had to report (not to the FBI because of several reasons, but like people who get accounts taken down for predatory behavior) somebody who is almost certainly a child putting themselves in danger. When they saw this they apparently ‘wanted to be preyed upon’ (more or less), and now I don’t know how to feel. Because the account definitely needs to be taken down, predators should not have easy access to this child; I also understand that to them is feels like internet harassment (and they probably have unfortunately gotten hate which is fucked up) and this could potentially push them further into this.
so….yeah. I Guess I just want to , I dunno, ask for advice? Sorta
The only thing I am able to say is to report their account and any content on their account alluding to being prayed upon or pursued by adults. Unfortunately this is an extremely common thing in many communities, specifically the radqueer community but there isn't much we can do to actually get rid of the accounts. You could attempt to contact the person and talk them out of this type of behaviour but usually they don't listen. It's messed up that people would harass a minor but yeah.
If anyone else has any other advice, feel free to comment or reblog with it!
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ctheathy · 1 year
Yan! Miles Prower(Where was my Hero) or Yan! Nine(Prime) your choice please.Just basic headcannons for either one is fine please. Have a good day too
Yandere Miles Prower [Where Was My Hero] Headcanons
Miles “Tails” Prower x Reader
Yandere Headcanons
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Author’s note : Good afternoon, Nonnie~! You’re in luck, I’ve been having immense brainrot about these two for the past month or so, because of this I’m willing to write for the both of them in separate posts.
We’ll start with Miles from Where Was My Hero? due to him being the first when it comes to the villain Tails concept. He also feels a whole lot more personal on my end, so that’s why =}
Yandere Nine + Differences ➷
WWMH Tails/Reader [Romantic]
+Slight Nine x Reader in bonus section [Romantic//platonic]
[Gender-neutral Darling|Female Darling|Male Darling]
Potential ⚠️TWs ⚠️ :
Possessive+Predatory behaviour • Sadistic behaviour [Not directed torwards darling] • Cunning characteristics • Descriptions of intense bullying • Delusions • Co-dependency • Implications torwards mass murder • Suicidal implication • stalking • Abuse of power
This version of the Miles we all love and adore has been a very ... Ill-treated character. He’s been met with uncountable variants of both harassment and bullying, having him shown specifically being pushed around a lot by his persecutors. Other examples being his work getting destroyed to bits, nasty stares being given, insults being thrown left and right when given his presence, and pretty much just tormenting the poor thing to no end, for absolutely no reason nonetheless. The invalid reasonings and arrogant choices having turned his life into a living hell for the longest time. Yet even so, he still remained to be a sweet and gentle soul, but all it took was one last hit to completely push him over the edge.
You could have met the fox throughout his youth or perhaps even through adulthood, but that wouldn’t change anything within the unnatural behaviours the mobian would indicate torwards you in particular. Though there would certainly be quite the difference in both states when it comes to how his emotions seem to appear, the potential for yandere characteristics have always been there. And pushing him to that condition wouldn’t even be too difficult in itself, it honestly only requiring holding the bare minimum of decent behaviours. But as mentioned before, there will definitely still remain a few important changes out there in both his habits and mannerisms to take note of when describing the specific ageing state of his.
For example; there should be noted that he’d be one to fall a whole lot quicker at a younger age, the immense shock yet immediate admiration already glowing in his eyes right off the bat when you do as much as defend him from the bystanders’ ridicule. Even just not looking down upon him like any other he has crossed paths with can already make the fox completely smitten with ease, almost making the fox cling to you like it’s the only bit of life support left for him. His adoration is also one to grow rather quickly over time, inserting his obsessive streaks who are slowly starting to find themselves into both of your lives right off the bat. Young Miles isn’t necessarily one to stand to violence at any early points, but that really does not mean he’s not capable of it if it fits his desires. But for now on, he’d much rather prefer to just let you do whatever you want to him, and perhaps acts on the unsavoury side that include watching you from afar and collect any of the potential items you may leave behind right for the taking, having no realisation over the fact how creepy his ways truly are, despite how much his delusions may try to convince him otherwise. Other than the stalker-ish tactics he may hold, he couldn’t really be considered harmful torwards his darling in any way, but it’s rather his own stability and the safety of anyone around which is put at intense risk.
Where the real threat comes in is how he’d quite literally do anything his beloved asks of him, and while these may just be small and innocent gestures, this could also include those who could be considered dangerous or even meant as ill-intented. If his darling is one to be the manipulative type, it’s only then when real victims start to appear. It unquestionably confirming the fact that he’d really be just as dependent on you as the original Tails Prower would, and while Miles may have been identical to him at some point, you’d be able to notice how careless he actually grows torwards any other life over time. Starting to view them as lack of priority and instead just wanting to concentrate on the goal of keeping you satisfied with him.
When he became an adult, however ... He is described to have straight up become a sadistic, uncaring and perhaps even considered detached mobian right after the accident; being robbed of all emotion and feelings zero remorse for any other being out there in a way of advancing the little bird that had lost its life for his sake. The most fitting way to directly say it would just be saying that he’s apathetic; apathetic torwards any life around his own. Though I don’t believe that to be entirely true. Not for this case, at least. As right on the other hand, when having met him around the matured years of his, he’d fall harder than his younger self, but he seems to have trouble showcasing this; while clearly being more gentle with his darling in indirect mannerisms, he’d unfortunately still remain rather dispassionate when it comes to their affectionate demeanour showing, the fear of both betrayal and slight distrust in their genuineness holding him back, much like it would with Nine aswell.
But unlike Nine, Miles could be considered to be a whole lot more low-key; operating as a cold and calculated mobian and usually keeping to himself in order to keep his schemes under control, where Nine instead has no hidden motives to concentrate on. Miles’ behaviour would very much symbolise that of a chess player; gaining the upper hand and power through manipulation and being more patient in the category than Nine is. Another thing that should be mentioned is how you can barely even read the fox’ facial expressions and body language, it almost seeming as if it has been plastered into a mere poker face on the daily, making it difficult to keep up with any plans and tricks he might have up his sleeve.
Another thing I’d wish to concentrate on is how forceful and cunning he can become in his position of power when the darling is one to be disobedient. Though never wishing to cause any physical harm onto his darling, and absolutely demolishing anything and everyone that manages to even lay a finger on them; I can however see him enjoying the idea of toying with them. May that be through small tactics that could affect you emotionally or overall just playing with your desire for escaping, even if he has made it very obvious that leaving isn’t even an option for you anymore. He’d likely be one to get your hopes up, only to crumble all of it into bits at the last second. Much like the adjustments he’s made on his own self over the years, specifically the spider-like antennae on his back would also be something that could definitely describe the fox and his characteristics. When you manage to find your way into his heart, there’s unquestionably no getting out of it. This part of the dynamic could very much resemble the prey and predator trope, much like being stuck in the web of the insect itself.
Having worked himself up to an incredibly high rank, he’s most certainly going to take you in with or without your consent. It’s not like he doesn’t care about your feelings and boundaries, but he believes other topics to be prime concern, especially when being very well aware of the fact that it’s quite the opposite of safe out there. All he’s doing it for is in order to keep you secure and sheltered-! Yeah... Atleast, that’s what he tells himself. When realistically, hidden somewhere in the back of his head, it’s much closer to keeping the core that keeps his mental state stable locked up for his own stability. Even as he got older, the only real things who’d ever treated him decently being his machinery creations aside from-well-- you. But he’d never be able to admit to himself that he is still this reliant on another, especially after making himself out to be so independent as the feared and well-known mastermind everyone knew him as. But another thing that would have pushed him on edge even further would be the fact that it’s still undoubtedly dangerous out there. He knows his creations have the mechanics to target and attack anything moving, and he sure as hell doesn’t want you to fall victim to his robotic comrades.
Even when abducted, I can the fox being rather on the paranoid side, questioning his ability to keep you safe while being such a wanted delinquent. If anything, you may or may not already be able to notice a pinch of his sanity slipping away even further if you manage to get hurt in the slightest. I can also see the fox having quite the struggle when it comes to showing you his genuine intentions and emotions. Hiding his true feelings behind a large wall that seemingly lacks any kind of emotion... But if anything, it might even be the complete opposite when paying attention to the little details; perhaps when diving deeper into it, he might even be considered as emotional. In a way, he behaves incredibly repulsive torwards any of the affection you offer, often flinching at the slightest hint of a touch and usually even just avoiding it at a regular basis. But right at the same time, he clearly craves it; unintentionally leaving out small hints here and there when he longs for the simplest act such as holding your hand. Making it more than obvious that despite wanting to deny it on severe levels, he is just vulnerable as his younger self would be.
Something on a sweeter note, however, he’d certainly compare you to the little bird he nursed back to health when he was younger. He’s never had many creatures whom he could share his love with ... Aside from his pet bird, practically none, even. And because of this, he feels incredibly understood and puts a lot of trust in you for even allowing him to adore you like this, especially when considering your position. He hasn’t experienced a lot of joy in his life, but you? You make him happy. He understands your feelings may not be mutual to his own, but to him; you truly are his forever. The longer you’re with him, the closer he becomes to reaching the point of believing you to be the only dream and motive left for Mobius entirely. And though feeling a bit guilty for not showing it as much as he should have, he had always already found you to be the one hope left in this pitiful universe. You’re one of a kind to him, and he had finally gotten his hands onto a true motive to keep himself going; making you shine at your best.
Even if it requires his own demise in order to get you to that point.
Bonus section #1 : Similarities
An early yet important part to take note of is that both would absolutely not hesitate to get violent when it comes to their darling. Both live in fairly dangerous environments and given the circumstances with their behaviour, they’re definitely going to be ferociously overprotective when it comes to you. When looking at both foxes, I do however see Miles as a much bigger threat when it comes to the safety of any other living being out there. Instead of attacking them out of pure instinct and an obvious outburst of rage like Nine would, Miles is eerily calm about the entire situation, instead making a mental note of the said mobian and making very well sure to make their life a living hell before coldly finishing them off in a brutal manner. And tho they’d both usually be the type preferring to avoid conflict, neither would be uncertain to shed blood or better said, even take lives for your sake.
However, there would definitely be a major weak point that could be used against the both of them with ease; affection. They both have no clue on how to indicate it and how to react to it. Being as lonely as the two have always been in their lives, it’s no surprise to say that such acts leave them completely bewildered and perhaps even somewhat flustered with zero doubt. It may often even be considered awkward in a way, but they seem to crave it to severe extends right at the same time. Unquestionably, they could be seen as touch starved, acting reserved and perhaps even defensive about the entire thing, but melting in your hands when you do the simplest thing such as giving a scratch behind their ears. Over time they’d have a higher chance of getting dependent on your physical love, it literally becoming closer to a need to get through the day. And having no real reasons to hold them back and restrict their limits this time, both foxes might even become somewhat overbearing torwards their darling in response to it.
Another thing is how they’d both seem like the type to get attached rather quickly torwards those who are decent enough to treat them properly. They’ve honestly lacked any kind of politeness for so long that they’d immediately get completely faithful torwards those who show them kindness. The only thing truly holding them back being the question lingering in the back of their heads how long they’ll be able to put up with them before they start treating them like everyone else had done. But like most variants of Tails do, they are honestly in such a high class of emotional devotion to a point where they cannot get themselves to care for it for long.
At last I’d like to mention is how they both wished for the better in the world at atleast some point in their lives. They want to live in a place where all is well and good, wanting to get back the childhood that they’ve been robbed of. Wanting to create a future with you next to them. And though Miles never got the chance to recreate a world to his own favour, he wants to improve the world for your sake. He knows the amount of power he holds over their entire societies, and he will make damned sure to make good use of it, not seeming to care much about the clear misuse of power. Every act shall be done to fit your benefits and they shall not stop until it’s completely adjusted to your preferences. Hypocritically believing it would validate each and every single death and perhaps even the fall of Mobius itself during the process. It would really just become your own world, and they, including Miles are only just living in it.
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