#tw implication of suicide
hecateisalesbian · 1 year
“Did you see the way that little girl looked at me…? Kids. Little kids. They grew up believing that they can be a hero if they drive a sword into the heart of anything different. And I’m the monster? …I don’t know what’s scarier. The fact that everyone in this kingdom wants to run a sword through my heart. Or that sometimes…
I just wanna let them.”
-Nimona (2023)
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bamsara · 7 months
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jamieenthusiast · 1 month
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You look so tired, unhappy - No Surprises
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edennill · 3 months
Obsessed by the implications that by the time kidnap fam is happening, Maglor is dealing with so much responsibility he never asked for. Basically becoming the person on whom the wellbeing of all his remaining family and soldiers depends on.
Like, Maedhros is technically in charge, politically, but he's also depressed and suicidal, perhaps actively so at times. Even if he's capable of managing the remaining Fëanorian forces, he's very much not capable of managing himself, or the twins. Or Maglor. Maglor is not used to this.
And at the same time, I think this is probably him taking small steps towards becoming the kind of person that is capable of throwing away the Silmaril and living on, despite the oath, despite his father's dying wish. The problem with growing up among Fëanorians is that you never learn how to decide without multiple very strong and overbearing wills influencing you, but this here is when Maglor begins to learn.
He will fall back on Maedhros at the crucial juncture once more and give in to his will regarding the Silmarils, but he will not follow him into death next. And then he will be alone, but he will tear off a scrap of linen, wrap the hand holding the Jewel in it and make a step towards the sea, and the step shall be his own.
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theatre-apocalypse · 11 months
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Sharing my “Paul has MDD” propaganda.
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uncanny-tranny · 2 years
To those of you who feel lost because you never imagined being around on earth for this long: I see you. You are doing amazing - spectacular, honestly, and I mean that in the most beauiful way. I know how hard it is to feel like this, just know that it can be okay. Please be gentle with yourself. It's okay to feel lost - it's okay to be lost. There doesn't have to be a set "plan" for your life, just be here with us.
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tangledinink · 1 year
So. Leo and Donnie grew up under Big Mama's care to eventually become the infamous Gemini in the Battle Nexus... And Mikey has been raised by Baron Draxum to fulfill the prophecy... Well, where's Raph?
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(treasure of the shrine) (tireless devotee) (pledged martyr)
enter -> raphael, child of the foot clan
raph grew up under the protective eye of the foot, raised on endless tales of the clan's grand mission and the essential role he would play in it. his value was very clear from the moment he came into the clan's possession as an infant, given the inherent, powerful mystical energy already laying dormant inside him. though he cannot wield any magick himself, he often spends long hours meditating in the clan's shrine, bathing in mystic energy, awaiting the day he can don the dark armor and awaken their master shredder with his life force. as per clan tradition, he was never given a name and is instead officially referred to by his title-- oblation.
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though he is just as devoted to his ninja training as any other clan recruit, his future role makes him far too valuable to be sent on missions or risk combat. in fact, he very rarely leaves the safety of shredder's shrine. this doesn't bother oblation, however. he is perfectly content in his role, and proud of what his anticipated sacrifice will achieve. his faith and trust in the clan are absolute and unwavering. however...
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though small children are rarely recruited by the clan, there was one other. recruit calls oblation "obby." and obby calls her "cru." they met when obby was nine and cru was ten and have been inseparable ever since, training side by side. though obby is technically considered a higher rank than her, neither of them have achieved full clan membership yet. obby will not earn his place until he completes his one and only mission, and one that he will do entirely on his own-- bring forth the shredder.
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(and recruit is loyal. recruit believes fully in the clan's divine mission. recruit will give whatever the foot asks of her. but as obby's promised sacrifice looms ever closer, she finds herself harboring more and more doubt.)
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zeb-z · 9 months
There’s something so important about Gillion - who never heals himself, who rushes into danger, who hides his wounds- facing death and realizing he isn’t unafraid as he was raised to be. He uses his magic on himself to help with the exhaustion, to keep his life intact. And still he tries to comfort Jay and Chip while he’s coherent, being realistic about his chances but refusing to make it painful. Wanting their possible last moments to be light, to be about seemingly inconsequential things, small favorites that still mean the world to him purely because they’re Chip and Jay’s favorites. And then when all is said and done, he makes a raccoon for Jay. He talks about raspberries for Chip. He uses his last saved up arcane energy to try desperately to stay awake, and it works, and it saves him in the final hour.
It’s just. There’s something about how he hasn’t had a chance to rest since the Feywild, really, truly rest. How this whole time he’s been down on himself and taking extreme risks. And now, at what might be the end of it all, he realizes he doesn’t want to die. He wants to live. And not to be able to save others, not to fulfill his destiny, not out of obligation to anyone else - but purely for himself. For all the little things. And though it’s not quite healing in the literal term, his nearly final act was spent trying to save himself - and it worked.
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carriondell · 4 months
if ghost got stuck in a timeloop with you he'd sacrifice himself for you every time even as it becomes increasingly likelier that letting you die and moving on is the way out. when you die before him he massacres your killers then immediately resets the timeloop. it'll work eventually.
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transmasccofee · 1 year
saiki k is absolutely a comedy it’s just that it has an air of underlying tragedy to it and also sometimes Asou gets randomly overtaken with the desire to make his characters miserable
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syscultureis · 16 days
System culture (fictive culture) is being very sensitive about your source cause What do you mean my source is getting cancelled what if I just Offed myself /nsrs
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cozyqueerchaos · 30 days
i'm sure this is old news but im hyperfocusing so hard on the worldbuilding here that i wanna talk about it anyway-
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so, if i'm reading the lore here correctly, the initial meteor hit caused the development of psychic abilities in humans, but also, caused the NEED for psychics (as opposed to, like, therapists) as the meteor's fallout increased the development of mental illness in the population to such a wild degree. (not exactly sure in what way it increased it, but that does seem to be the implication here)
which could explain why people in these games can have breakdowns over such seemingly odd things (looking at you fred), as well as the blasé approach that everyone has to mental illness and dysfunctional mental processes
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(^ obligatory sasha screenshot)
that difference in their societal development is also probably why raz (and all the kids, really) can witness and say shit like this without flinching:
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tygin-ant · 2 months
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My little manic lovecore silly. Their design was originally made for me by @rainbow-neko-main! They is cool -w-
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priestess-draws · 11 months
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Chugging poison, promised land
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kyntypes · 19 days
My mood has been so up and down recently. I'm randomly feeling depressed out of nowhere. I don't want to participate in society. I don't feel built for it. I don't think I was ever meant for it.
I just don't feel like the future is the brightest. With prices of everything going up in my country, capitalism is the priority, I feel like I'm not going to have a good future. I don't even want to stick around to find out, sometimes.
The environment is starving of nourishment, I hate seeing trash everywhere I go. I yearn to be out somewhere else. I don't know where, but not here. I just wish I could fully shift into my maned wolf form completely. Or maybe even my bat one. Make a bunch of bat friends, or find a mate as a maned wolf. I wish my current human mate could turn into a maned wolf or something, and we could run off somewhere, meeting at our own time of the year.
I just don't want to be a part of society. I hate it here. I want to go home, but to where? I feel so trapped in this body, in general with even living, I feel trapped. I feel hindered. I don't feel like I'm at my full potential just by being alive. It's such a depressing feeling. I get these moments where I realize just how *alive* I am, and the thought of it makes me irritated. I just want to be free. I don't want to be here. I don't even know where I want to go, just not here.
My life's good. So why do I feel this way? I have a great human mate, I have nice friends, my coworkers are lovely, my parents are nice, my siblings aren't completely unbearable, I have two little guinea pigs that are my pride and joys, I have almost all the Tamagotchis I could ever want, I have things about myself that I like, etc. but I can't shake the feeling of just not wanting to live anymore.
I don't think I'll do anything, don't worry. The most I do is ponder about the thought, anyway. I'm not going to necessarily harm myself. I'm just thinking. Maybe some sleep will blow the feeling over and "reset" myself as per usual. Even that makes me feel trapped. There's just a cycle. There's no end. Patterns never end. Cycles are just cycles. Even the life cycle is nearly endless. It's impossible for me to not feel trapped in this scheme I never asked to be in.
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
Like obviously the whole "they're just doing [x] for attention!" is completely asinine because humans are social creatures who need attention to some capacity, but also... in your narrative, does everybody do things specifically for your attention? When somebody does something drastic or shocking, is it not because they're desperate for help but just because they crave your attention specifically? Does the sun rise and set at your command as well?
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