#tw i talk about gore
saccadesoup · 1 month
snuff director alex kralie au. this is what i think about when i’m ill
him and jay (jay’s a little freak we all know this) being friends in college. eventually realising they’re both into the same liveleak gore stuff. getting high together one night and alex - in all his infinite film student wisdom - offhandedly suggests making their own video.
ok so then they make a plan, right? lure in one of the girls from jay’s photography class. invite her over under the pretence of movie night (ft. free booze, which is what actually convinces her to go) then knock her out, tie her up. set up the camera.
it’s all incredibly amateur - grainy footage, slightly off-putting camera angle, muffled audio - but the people watching don’t seem to care. there’s something about the way alex captures the experience, dragging shallow, decorative cuts across her flesh in all the right places before disembowelling her in a strangely artistic way, a way rarely seen on an underground gore site like this, zooming in on her eyes as they slowly glaze over. the video gets a decent amount of traction, and the comments call for more.
so he decides to make another. this time, a girl from his film studies class. jay’s a little more hesitant this time, saying it’ll be “too suspicious” if people from their classes keep going missing - but, reluctantly, he joins in once more. same deal, “movie night”, knock her out, tie her up, set up the camera. alex makes jay take the lead this time, instead opting to stand behind the camera and direct his movements with hand gestures (he finds he much prefers it like this, surprising absolutely nobody). jay wears an old halloween skull mask he found in the attic to protect his identity - leading to him being dubbed ‘skully’ by the people in the comments. and this is the video that kickstarts alex’s career as a director. it goes viral, does the rounds on twitter, becomes about as infamous as the laser girl death gif. he’s filled a niche in the market with slow, intimate scenes rather than senseless brutality that’s become all too common nowadays, and people seem to love the change of pace.
so he makes another video. and another. he recruits his brian and tim, who become regulars alongside jay, each with their own unique masked identity - known as hoodie and masky by the fans (u get it by now right⁉️). alex runs a tight ship, hand-picking each victim, spending hours trawling through forums, local facebook pages, old yearbooks.
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chickenchirps27 · 2 months
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Last night after reading a bit of the Book of Bill i went to sleep.
i had a dream that i had to team up with Bill Cipher to assassinate an angel.
I had to carve out its heart so that Bill would let me go.
I woke up very tired.
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shepscapades · 9 months
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[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [PART 4] [Part 5] [Part 6] [Part 7] [Don’t Let it Reach the Heart]
Part 4 is finally here!! The last few months got so busy, but I would be lying if i said i didn't spend almost every day daydreaming about/ wishing i could be working on this instead; this project has been such a fun break from work and i feel like each part makes me crazier and crazier as things gets worse and worse (better and better) LOL. The composition has been sooo fun to play with, and I've been having a blast trying to figure out how to write these guys in character despite the angst and chaos :] And, considering this comic project kinda came out of nowhere and disrupted some other comic plans i had for dbhc, finding little ways to rearrange how i'm presenting lore has been really fun >:3
[This comic is part of my dbhc au, following the chaos and panic that ensues after Doc and Xisuma try to get Etho back online at the start of s9 after a very rough s8 finale that leaves him a little. broken. It's set to the vibes of Joywave's Destruction!]
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gatoburr0 · 2 months
awwwhh callie taking care of marie...wait whered she get the pelt from
From skinning an octarian alive of course
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She’s so happy about it though
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glitterrgalax · 12 days
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i was trying to finish this b4 the twitter ban as a last farewell to my dbd moots but my internet providers took that shit down Fairly Quickly so. yeah. took my time or whatever
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poppy-s-rampage · 27 days
Once a Hero.
Chapter 1: Too late!
Warnings: Blood, Gore and violence. You can't sue me now!
Prologue| Masterpost| Chapter 2!
The Master of time leaned over the unmoving form of his young protegee, forceps needle and thread in hands. The old ghost deftly redid the stitches on the youngest torso. Slowly but surely closing the jagged ‘Y’ shaped wound shut.
‘How did it come to this?’
All it took was one minute of inattention for the young Halfa's timeline to be put in jeopardy. In a single moment of inattention, Daniel’s timeline tangled with another stray unstable one and merged. By the time Clockwork noticed, the timelines were already fused to the point of no return. Reality wrapped to fit the new Frankenstein series of events. So he did what he could, snip at some parts, and twist at others to make it so his protegee could have a chance of survival and still having a goodish timeline.
The gaping wound now finally shut, the old ghost went to treat the boy’s muzzle cuts and throat. The apparatus, when destroyed by the wail, had split open the right cheek’s flesh from the corner of the Halfas mouth, carving a morbid half smile. The boy’s tongue was bloody but could still be salvaged with diluted ectoplasm. The real problem was the throat; it was impossible to currently heal to a usable level with the concentration of ectoplasm he could safely use on Danny.
He was no Frostbite, but he was more than capable of putting back together the young ghost in a Time out. Daniel was too unstable to stay in the infinite realms, his core still too raw for pure Ecto. It would be like feeding a 10-year comatose patient a buffet after being kept alive via IV, transfer the concept to a fragilized and forcefully balanced core, and you get the idea.  It was also a way to better realize the consequences of his mistake. But not to apologize, nothing would ever be enough to fix what Daniel had endured.
Clockwork stopped believing in apologies an eternity ago.
It all had happened so fast, Phantom had no chance of changing the course of events. Ironically, the current timeline was the best possible outcome after the incident.
While his protegee’s original timeline’s parents would have been accepting of his heritage, the ones of the intruding unstable timeline were not. ‘Monsters’ would have been too kind of a word to describe them. Curiosity plagued individuals who could have given Dan a run for his money. The origin of a world’s collapse, the cause of too many deaths, terrifying geniuses with an unquenchable thirst for knowledge and slaves of their obsessions. Even their children didn’t hold enough value for them to spare.
Thankfully, this world didn’t come to that and was still salvageable. Unfortunately, too many people have already lost their lives and existence to his mistake.
It had been like any tranquil day in young Daniel's life. He woke up groggy after a night of patrolling, went to school, hung out with his friends, patrolled a bit, saved a few weaker ghosts, stopped a few accidents and then went back home. The young Halfa had planned to finally reveal his identity to his parents- with no little insistence and encouragement from his sister and the reassurance of the previous Freakshow happenings. (He, of course, delayed the moment as much as he could.)
Of course, Clockwork had already watched and analyzed all the possible futures caused by this decision. He had assured Danny that no harm would befall him.
And since every possible happening was in Daniel’s favor, the ghost of time left the timeline out of his watch in favor of fixing yet another mess the Speedster’s had caused.
Seriously, what kind of mentally challenged troglodyte would erase an entire timeline to enjoy a cheap burger in loop instead of buying another!
The forceps broke in his hand. The Ancient summoned another one. Moving to stitch the lacerations on his king’s arms and legs.
It had, sadly, taken a while for the Master of Time to fix the Flash themed issues. It then took him an even longer while to salvage the tangled mess of timelines. He was far too late to save Danny’s loved ones. Humans, even Liminals, were fragile.
The reveal had gone well at first, Jack and Maddie had accepted their son’s new nature. But then the timelines merged, the Fenton parents became one with their alternates and the world was set ablaze.
The youngest Fenton was promptly drugged and knocked out, only to wake up on a dissection table. His parents and a few GIW agents circling him, tools in hand. The hours, maybe days, Daniel spent in these creatures’ grasps were a nightmare made real.
His sister and friends tried to free him, only to be captured and fall victim to the same fate. Amity Park’s younger population mutinied against the agency and scientists but quickly got shut down. Brutally. The city was deemed a lost cause and put on lock down. The elder Fentons and the GIW galvanized by their success, went after every single being standing in their way in the name of science and self-defense.
It was too much for the young Halfa. His every waking moment being haunted by monsters wearing the skin of people he used to know and love. To hear the same people who raised and loved him gloating at the harm they caused his fraid. At the harm they caused him, vindictive. Every ounce of strength Danny had went into figuring out a way to save what he had left. But alas, he was too late.
Everything culminated the moment the agents and his parents reentered the room for the how manyth time. Their make believe faces fixed into a cruel smirk, smiles too wide, eyes too bright and too many teeth. Were the ghosts truly the monsters ?
Black opaque bags were dragged into the room next. A dreadful foreboding feeling caressed his spine. It was different. What were they planning?! What did they do?!
Panic seized the Halfa’s heart, hair standing on end. Eyes wide and pupils dilating as he noticed the strong smell of copper permeating from the bags.  His restrained limbs shaking at the realization of the truth he oh so wanted to deny. 
The monsters kept talking, taunting and accusing him of something. Blaming him. But he didn’t ‘hear’ them over his ever rising dread.
They opened the bags and his world came crashing down.
Three lifeless barely recognizable corpses. Chest opened in a bloody imitation of a butterfly. Missing limbs and organs. An innumerable number of lacerations. All indicators of a painful and slow death. But yet their eyes remained closed into acceptance and welcoming the relief of death.
He wailed.
Despite the muzzle, despite his already severed vocal cords. The wail coming from his very core blasted everything in his surroundings. The muzzle shattered, the monsters vaporized into a red mist and the walls became debris.
The building shook. The creatures in human skin panicked trying desperately to flee the premise but they were too late.
The latest experimental portal meant to be mass produced by the GIW resonated with the Wail and destabilized. The explosion that followed erased the facility and its surroundings and triggered the original Fenton portal which in turn wiped the city above off the maps.
Every single being died. The GIW agents, the Fentons, the citizens and some of the weaker ghosts. The stronger Phantom rogues weren’t even in the range or succeeded in escaping. The Fentons and GIW were still ‘thankfully’ useless when it came to capturing them.
And then there was Phantom.
Unfortunately or fortunately for him.
Forever the exception.
Prologue| Masterpost| Chapter 2!
Author note:
Hello! Thank you for reading! This time I didn't write this at 3 am!
I wrote it at 5am! Insomnia says what?
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noughticalcrossings · 5 months
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Dr Alexander McDonald
Stand back! I’m cutting through!
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morgombie · 8 months
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happy 2014 :3 new year, new creepypasta art!
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beaulesbian · 2 months
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THE TERROR (2018) S01E03 "The Ladder"
There'll be nothing. You hear? Nothing lives there. Nothing grows. You'll eat your shoes again. You'll eat worse.
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bythewoodsitgrows · 8 months
yes i know it's a tiktok video. sit with me and visualize this. 🇵🇸
this is a video of a person making 22,000 individual soap hearts to visualize the amount of confirmed lives lost in palestine as of january 7th, 2024. the actual confirmed number is 22,835.
free palestine.
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happyk44 · 9 months
Nico grabbing an enemy by the wrist before they can strike down on him and it would be easy to steal the life from the pulse beneath his fingertips, turn the air in their lungs into his own, but there's a myriad of fighters around him and one life isn't going to power him enough to blast away them all when he's already so tired as it is. He wishes he was bigger, stronger.
He squeezes his hand tight around the wrist he holds back. It shatters. Their sword clatters to the ground. It's not a human noise they make - well, it is, they're human.
Until they aren't. Until boney spikes rip through their clothes, emerging sharp and dangerous from their spine. He squeezes harder. The skin around their skull ripples, like bugs crawling underneath. Then bursts blood and spit and flesh as their jaw unhooks. Teeth pitter-patter onto the ground as larger, sharper, whiter fangs emerge violently in their place.
Their face splits just above the nose as another jaw grows around their eyes, as their esophagus snaps and elongates upwards, as blood and flesh and viscera pour like an unholy flood, arms tearing, legs cracking, flesh hanging off bloody bone, nothing but a monster left behind.
Nothing but a nightmare.
It croons at him. The soul beneath is twisted, ugly, beautiful, spread thin across their new body, new bones, like the veins of their now still and battered heart. It pulses like the lungs torn by their feet once did.
The world has silenced itself in the emergence of Nico's new pet. He squeezes the new wrist, the bone firm and clean beneath his touch.
"Defend me," he whispers.
It croons again, shuffling back on four feet. The world quakes as it turns. The world shivers as it regards them, predator to prey, standing larger than them all, and far more dangerous as they ever recalled it to once be.
And the world screams when it lunges.
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quamaii · 5 months
[TW: Cannibalism, gore. My Neighbor Enide spoilers.]
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"She's A Maneater"
Staring to notice a pattern with my favorite characters... Anyways, thanks to @arcadekitten for making such an amazing game, and an absolutely lovely cannibal snail lady! Hope to see her in your future projects. ♡
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shepscapades · 11 months
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[Part 1] [Part 2] [PART 3] [Part 4] [Part 5] [Part 6] [Part 7] [Don’t Let it Reach the Heart]
Finally! Part 3 is here!! yippee!!! As a refresher, this takes place at the beginning of season 9, when Doc and Xisuma try to boot Etho back up after he shuts down pre-Season 8 Finale, set to the vibes of Joywave’s Destruction from DBHC Etho’s playlist! Ouguguh I’ve been looking forward to posting this part so much; it has some of my favorite shots so far… something about the grey-fade of Doc going into shock, something about the last two pages with xisuma and doc’s expressions… idk!! i really loved working on these :] Hope you’re enjoying the horrific, horrific ride!! =w=
As a partially insignificant but Special-To-Me note: Xisuma has always referred to dbhc doc as “Docm”— this is actually the first time X ever calls him “Doc.”
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pigswithwings · 11 months
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wouldn't you want to be a human? (0000, xhe/xher and xey/xem)
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xerndrawz · 4 months
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what the FUCK did he mean by this ??????? HELLO????
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fear-no-mort · 10 months
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evil morty after morty tries to get rick to shoot him + tells him to leave
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