#tw assault threat
TW for (maybe?) assault threat
About your post asking about discrimination for aspec identity... one time a straight guy tried to hit on me, and when I told him I was ace he joked about putting drugs in my drink. I got away before anything worse happened, but still... eugh. I think I have it better than a lot of aspecs because I live in a fairly liberal area, but I still lie that I'm straight and have a boyfriend because that seems to work better than telling people I'm ace.
Oh fuck, honestly people like that should be on a list. I'm glad you got out of there Anon!
Its honestly so sad AFAB (and some AMAB) have to lie and say they are in a relationship to avoid unwanted advances. It happens far to often, even if they aren't ace spec/aro spec and are attracted to the persons gender. I had to do it, I've had friends who had to do it. I don't really know any AFAB who haven't had to. Its so fucked up
Stay safe anon and I hope you know you are always valid and it is your box!!!
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evasive-anon · 10 months
Everyone always wants to talk about Tim at Titans Tower or the decapitations when they bring up Jason being unhinged but no one wants to talk about that random lead goon who got a flare shoved up his ass.
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Today, this fandom anti is in favour of actually raping people. Way to let everyone know you're a future rapist if someone dares to write or draw anything depicting things you don't approve of. Please be wary of this one people, they're incredibly dangerous.
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sophieinwonderland · 1 year
1) unless you're a Tibetan Buddhist monk, you are not/do not have a tulpa. Tulpamancy is a specific closed practice that belongs to and isn't shared outside of a very specific ethnic and religious group. You are racist for using that term, and you factually don't know how to create a tulpa because the only way to learn is at a Buddhist temple in Tibet. The ways taught online are fake and are made up by little racist white girls like yourself, because you don't have a real life or culture.
2) there's no scientific evidence that someone can willingly create a dissociative identity. Most scientists recognize what you're doing as a factitious disorder, aka you're lying about having a mental health condition for attention and sympathy. This is extremely ableist against people with real dissociative disorders. So you're racist and ableist.
3) comparing your actions to transgender people coming out is offensive on multiple levels. People don't decide to be trans for fun, they don't do it for attention, it's not a game. You are extremely transphobic for pulling that shit. So that's racist, ableist, and transphobic.
4) You're just an intrusive, disingenuous, mean, pathetic little creep and you need help. Eventually you'll pull this with the wrong trans, mentally ill, Tibetan Buddhist like myself and we'll show you what happens to disgusting racist little foreigners who like to mock our culture because you're too boring to get a real hobby, culture, or personality.
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Let's go!
1. "Tulpamancy"
"Tulpamancy" was coined in 2009. While sharing an etymology with the Tibetan Buddhist sprul-pa, there is no Tibetan or Buddhist practice that has EVER EXISTED called "tulpamancy".
And even for the sprul-pa, I've never heard a valid source claim the practice can only be done by "monks."
Also not fake. At least according to the psychologists who are investigating the practice, and believe it to be a real psychological phenomenon. But surely you know more than psychiatry professors. 🙄
2. No Evidence You Can Create a Dissociative Identity
I have NEVER seen a scientist claim you can't create a "dissociative identity" or any synonym thereof without a dissociative disorder. The closest any doctor has come to accusing endogenic systems of a factitious disorder was in the McLean Hospital video, which was infamously so shameful that the hospital took it down!
Here is what I have seen...
The ICD-11, created by the World Health Organization, states you can have multiple "distinct personality states" without a dissociative disorder.
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Transgender Mental Health, published by the American Psychiatric Association, states that you can be plural without trauma or a disorder.
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The creators of the Theory of Structural Dissociation have mentioned that mediumship and hypnosis may result in "self-conscious" "dissociative parts of the personality."
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The science is overwhelmingly in favor of endogenic systems to the point where it's not even a contest.
3. Comparisons
While no comparison is exact, endogenic systems are discriminated against whether intentionally created or not. And even as a tulpa, I was only somewhat intentionally created.
The discrimination and pluralphobia systems face is very real. And there are huge overlaps in pluralphobia and transphobia.
Both face misgendering and people intentionally calling them by names they don't identify with. Both experiences are falsely regarded as things that can only be mental illnesses, and have medicalist branches within those communities who engage in sending hate to those who don't identify their experiences as a disorder.
4. "Get help"
Always worth reminding people that this phrase is just another way of calling people crazy, insane, lunatics, etc. It's an inherently ableist term designed to silence people for perceived neurodivergencies.
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This is still you, right?
Dear, you don't even have the guts to come off of anon.
You're a coward.
You know, at times like these, I think it's important for you to collect yourself. Think of things that bring you joy and comfort. Friends. Family. Your favorite fandoms. Whatever communities you're a part of that you love.
And I want you to know that those are the things we're going to take from you.
Piece by piece, as the world becomes more aware of and accepting of plurality, people like you will be ostracized and cast out of every space you feel safe.
The research will be a huge boon. Every study that comes out makes it that much easier to brand anti-endos as science-deniers. If neurological studies show different brain activity in tulpa systems, it will be confirmed beyond any reasonable doubt for most people. After you lose that last thread of deniability, it won't be long until the hate group label sticks too. After all, what else would you describe people bound together solely by hate for a marginalized community?
I want you to know that I am not merely seeking to turn system spaces against you, but every space, every support network you have. I want you to know that everyone in your life will realize what a terrible person you are and they'll abandon you just like you fear deep down they will.
I want you to know that this is where the tide is going, and that despite all your best efforts, you'll be powerless to stop it.
So please, enjoy your fandoms and your support networks and your time with your loved ones while you still can.
Have the day you deserve.
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pinkpinkmermayyy · 7 months
tw for fatphobia, racism, slurs, sexual harassment, death threats, homophobia, and harassment in general. This is extremely disgusting and discretion is advised. I can’t believe this troll had the audacity to say any of this
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also them:
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hm. I wonder why.
just block and report this person in hopes that they can get removed from tumblr please
Also support the original cars blogs they’re reblogging from and spread some positivity to them
(Also, these might be a bit difficult to discern from which is the actual post and which is the screenshots, and I apologize for that)
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lowlifesymptoms · 1 year
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john in some peril :)
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sorry everyone, anons have to stay off for a while :( if you wanna be mad about it feel free to go be mad at the people who were telling me I should be raped or whatever
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sophieinwonderland · 1 year
It's maddening how people are trying to make YOU out to be the villian for responding to the hate anon
Like yeah, maybe you were a bit dark about it but someone literally threatened to BASH YOUR HEAD IN if they ever saw you. Yeah, you don't HAVE to answer it but you're not automatically at fault if you do, anon shouldn't be sending hate messages!
It feels like a defense of violent criminals tbh
Same. And something I'm seeing more lately is them taking an extra step and implying, essentially, that by responding to an anon I'm responsible for the anon's words too, which feels even more weirdly victim-blamey.
So not only am I responsible for my own words which they ridiculously claim are even worse than telling someone to die, but I'm also responsible for the anon's threats of violence against myself. 😔
To me, it all just reeks of desperation.
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hautevaux · 6 months
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ANONYMOUS ASKED: holds a knife to his throat 'give me all of the jewellery and watches here and i leave you with your life'
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There comes no hesitation from the tailor of whom gradually raises a small chain with two dainty keys upon from a pocket - each to a lock of the vast, glass cabinets that held such expensive accessories within his store.
The hour was late, few people were aeound within the streets and Vaux himself had simply been finishing a commission when the door was kicked in and his person brutally manipulated into the back room, out of view from the windows.
The cold of the knife edge against his through restricted depth of breath, the pale tone of eyes watching as his assailants company took no time in emptying as much as he could get his hands on from the cabinets ere fleeing.
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With one last shove to the wall, Vaux was left to crumple quietly to his knees, still able to feel the ghost of the blade against his neck, blood running cold and person plunging into a state of shock. He chooses to stay there for some time, simply on the floor, trembling and frightened.
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fallen-leibchen · 1 year
I don't think I'll ever be over my ex fiance's dad hitting on me after getting drunk at my first dinner at their house. Then I had a dream he r*ped me
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butwhatifidothis · 2 years
Is it bad that when I got to the last point on your Ch 58 about Cornelia showing up and stabbing Dimitri, I honestly thought for a second you were joking? And I had to go to the chapter to confirm it?
I mean, I’m fine with the idea of what Cornelia says (it would make a neat AU or twist on canon in a vacuum) but she just… shows up, in the middle of two enemy armies, just to… brag? And then kill Demitri so once again, a main character can be killed by someone else besides the ‘heroes’? I. Wow. Jeralt was one thing, but he was at least killed by the same faction if I remember right-
No, it's definitely true - Cornelia does in fact pop up at the conclusion of the fight just to alleviate from Woobiegard the act of killing Dimitri herself.
Now, mind, Dimitri is still alive by the end of that chapter, but spoiler alert Cornelia does kill him in the next one. And Cornelia and Thales themselves just kinda... exist to be threats? But not threatening.
Thales is lauded as this mastermind giga genius who has spies and and eyes and ears any and everywhere and that's why Woobiegard just totally couldn't tell anyone anything about what he was doing... but also she'll just, like, punch him in the face. And face no repercussions for doing so. More than once. He has spies everywhere that can look like anyone, but apparently, um... doesn't know that his spies can shape-shift? According to Kronya? He brainwashes his spies for all of their lives to do what he wants, but also the brainwashing can be completely erased from one singular conversation. He's the leader of Agartha and rules it with an iron fist and the culture is rife with ideas of hatred and vengeance and it's been like this for (presumably) centuries, but also literally everyone not a bigwig can completely reject everything they ever knew because One (1) resident told them that Thales is Cringe. He's the one wearing the pants of his and Woobiegard's partnership and Woobiegard has to act submissive towards him... as he has to ask her to use the Death Knight... and needs her okay to use his men alongside hers... and needs her to consent to using Aymr instead of, like, I dunno, blackmailing her into using it by force or something? Y'know something a bad guy that's threatening would and could do?
Cornelia, in a double-edged sword kinda way, both benefits and loses from not ever being really a thing before the later chapters - there's literally no build-up for her being the one to end up being the bigger threat than Thales so it comes out of nowhere, but there's also nothing to contradict to "make up" for that. But even then she still somehow manages to be contradictory - she was distraught at the death of Thales, but did literally nothing to try and stop it despite her escaping Woobiegard's side from a slight distraction doing more than enough to show off that she very much could have helped Thales during that moment. She has all these golems and all this magic, but then kinda just... gets captured? Somehow?
They're there to suggest the idea that there is something Woobiegard ought to be wary of, but they never actually do anything in the story to prove that they're something that needs worrying about. All of their competence and fear factor that Woobiegard feels about them is left in their backgrounds; Thales conducted the experiments on Woobiegard, Cornelia helped instigate the Tragedy, and because of that they should be feared. But not for anything they're doing now - Woobiegard can Fortnite dance on their mother's graves and they still wouldn't do shit to her, because they never actually do anything to her. They wait until the very last minute to attempt to try something, and once they do Thales is immediately killed and then made into a literal joke. Cornelia only fares slightly better by Whack-A-Moling back into the story to kill Dimitri for Woobiegard, but that's about it.
So while it's HILARIOUS that you thought I was joking I honestly don't blame you for thinking that, because Thales and Cornelia are themselves jokes lmao
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polychives · 2 years
To that person who made those horrible TMA takes on TikTok about a year ago.... I remember. And I still hate you.
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