#tw 6x03
forbescaroline · 10 months
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TOP 5/10 CHARACTERS PER SHOW (as voted by my followers) ↳ teen wolf edition #7. Malia Tate portrayed by Shelley Hennig
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spnstillstudies · 21 days
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107/327 (KO-FI♡)
S6E03, “The Third Man”
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bloodydeanwinchester · 3 months
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🩸Bloody Dean Every Episode🩸 ↳ 6x03 || The Third Man
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maximilff · 1 year
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Hiiii ❤ I'm looking for a fic but I don't remember much of it. It's about when Ian was at that bridge with the car accident, he ends up on the hospital and I think the police saw the camera footage and starts to asking him what he was doing there. Maybe Lip and Fiona gets worried with him. Do you guys know what fic is?
And do you guys have any rec about the scene in the bridge?
Thank you guys so much ❤️
Hi!! ☺️ The fic you're looking for is when the party's over.
Other fics about the bridge scene:
could've followed my fears all the way down - Mickey asks Ian one night why he wanted to be an EMT, which leads to Ian telling him about the car crash and the night on the bridge.
I'm So in Love With You - Mickey never went to jail in s6. Ian calls Mickey when he’s standing on the bridge.
balancing on the ledge [chapter 3] - Ian listens to Mickey's voice messages while on the bridge.
The Echo I Created - AU. Ian and Mickey meet while standing on that bridge.
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eusuntgratie · 3 years
6x03 Sundowning
more spoilery than usual, i think, so be warned.
“i think i loved him” from the recap ruuuuuuuuuude on so many levels
the “hot” teacher (he isn’t) talking about a metal rod and power? mmmkay, teen wolf.
IS THIS GUY THE NAZI? I told you he was suspicious
wait malia is back in the credits? i swear she wasn’t in 1 & 2 but maybe i was engrossed in folding and missed it
oh damn if he only knew how awkward that moment was. but yay for being chill about nudity. love it.
papa you are KILLING ME
ok is the stilinskis house totally different or have i just concocted a fictional one in my brain bc of the fic i’m writing?
okay i’m overly fixated on this bc it was a whole thing to figure out for my fic but has scott always called papa sheriff? that’s weird, right? why would scott call him sheriff? he hasn’t been sheriff the whole time he’s known him...he’d call him mr. stilinski, right? unless... *sobs quietly in the corner*
DADDYYYYYYYYYYYY (argent). oof. that jacket, that voice. i’d give that man whatever he asked for. mama mccall deserves some fun, yeah? ruin her a little, she deserves it.
baby pack! wtf scott? love malia. so much wasted potential but i love her.
ah yes, love those high school parties with DJ’s they’re my favorite
fun facts this isn’t how you should talk to someone with dementia
Mason, baby <3
like are they gonna bone in the morgue or what?
baby wolves doin’ their best <3
I’M TOTALLY RIGHT about Scott calling him sheriff. They wouldn’t have a relationship without Stiles. Elias only knew who he was bc he didn’t forget bc hand-wavy-memory shit. Otherwise he’d have no reason to know Scott. AHHHHHHH
HOLY FUCK. papaaaaaaa omg 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
OKAY please address why they would call him Stiles?!?! If that is where his name comes from? I AM BEGGING YOU. Why would you (nick)name him after that man? WHAT IS HAPPENING?!
that was a fuckin’ lot. i need a nap. is the whole season like this? good lord i’m tired.
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spuffygifs · 3 years
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spike + grieving buffy’s death & resurrection (requested)
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booasaur · 3 years
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The Expanse - 6x03 - One Ship: Win or Lose
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archidrews · 3 years
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aceofwhump · 2 years
Outlander 6x03
Fergus tries to end his life but Jamie stops him in time.
TW: Suicide Attempt
mod note: I've been watching this scene so many times that it was just easier for me to cut the scene and share it. The emotions going on are just so good. I love the father son relationship between Jamie and Fergus and both César Domboy and Sam Heughan were amazing in this part.
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The 100 - 6x03
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thewanderingace · 3 years
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Outlander 6x03
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quietmonologues · 5 years
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— Tyler Knott Gregson
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blodreina-noumou · 5 years
The Salt, 6x03
Okay, we all knew this was coming.
How and why does Bellamy suddenly trust Clarke so much that he’s willing to say “she is” to the question of whether or not she’s their leader?? (Oh man I just realized that shippers must’ve gone nuts for that 5x03 callback.) She left him to die like a week ago!! They have had exactly zero conversations about anything important in their histories, and no, the fucking radio calls do not count. It just feels so fan-servicey and wrong. I don’t know if the new writers missed all of last season or only got a synopsis of what each character has done, but a lot of people are regressing and Bellamy is getting the worst of it. I now completely see what Bob Morley meant when he responded to a fan’s question about what s6 Bellamy would say to s1 Bellamy with, “They’re not that different.”
It feels like s5 basically didn’t happen for them. Everyone else is still rightfully seething at Clarke, questioning her leadership abilities (Raven you’re doing amazing sweetie), and Bellamy’s just blindly trusting her again. They keep sharing these tender, quiet moments that, without shipper goggles, just feel unearned. 
I’m worried unearned emotional moments are going to be a theme this season. We are diving headfirst into the dynamics and problems that come with Sanctum as a society and Alpha as a world. The reasonable gap for actual, meaningful conversations about these things is narrowing faster and faster. I suppose I shouldn’t have expected anything else, but I am disappointed.
On some level, I can see the writers’ attempts to make this feel genuine. All of the emphasis on “a second chance” and “a new world” is supposed to make us feel like the slate has been wiped clean. But only for Clarke, and only in Bellamy’s eyes? It’s just weird that everyone else is demanding she give better apologies, is demanding she do “good works” to redeem herself, and Bellamy suddenly understands everything because Madi told him about some radio calls, and Marper woke them up first, and yadda yadda yadda. Even Echo’s defenses of Clarke have been more practical than anything else, in line with how she tends to defend Octavia. Murphy and Raven are the only ones having reasonable reactions to things, and Murphy is now going to be distracted with trying to drink away his existential crisis. Emori has gotten 5 minutes of screentime, and while the spectacle of her breakdown was fun, it was so devoid of any complexity towards anyone but Murphy.
I’m not fooling myself, I know the B/C dynamic is the major focus of the show. But since that’s the case, I want their relationship to feel fleshed-out and fully conveyed to the audience. Bob and Eliza do some amazing work, and they have great chemistry, and thank god for that, because they’ve carried every single B/C scene alone since like, s3, on the workhorse that is their acting abilities. The writers have not helped them in the slightest. If I’d been given these scripts, I would’ve been confused as fuck.
I know it’s television, it’s a bombastic post-apoc teen drama on a network known for its cheesy teen drama. There have just been enough bright spots in The 100′s narrative overall that I expect a little better from them.
My main issue with this whole narrative is that if B and C are endgame, but if they’re not going to start forcefully moving that potential plotline forward, they are wasting everyone’s time by not actually addressing the issues between them, on-screen. And it is clear that there are still issues! Psychosis or not, Bellamy was speaking the truth when he asked Clarke how many times he’d tried to kill her, when he told Clarke he didn’t need her anymore. But everyone’s just kinda goin’ “Wow what a crazy day lol” and moving on.
I’m intrigued by Murphy’s arc, his new belief in an afterlife - specifically one where he’s doomed to an eternity of torture. I’m also anxious about how it’s going to pan out, because The 100 has rarely treated religion with any level of dignity, grace, or reverence. Even the Faith of the Flame has been stripped down to a science-fiction explanation, so far removed from the original spiritual grounder belief of “reincarnation” that everyone pretty much just accepts that Madi is walking around with a computer program in her brainstem. And yes, this show plays with the whole idea that “any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic” but I think we can all agree that the way The Flame works is a Little Much. Even I know that, and I am a sucker for that storyline. Just knowing how it plays out makes me concerned about where this Sanctum stuff is going, and the Children of Gabriel, and how “two opposing cults” it all is. 
There are a lot of things about this season I’m enjoying. Unfortunately, too many of our main characters and their arcs don’t make that list. I’m going to do my best to distract myself with the strangeness and wonder of Sanctum and Alpha moving forward, and try to lower my expectations in terms of what this show will actually do in terms of meaningful, character-driven conversations that exist to do more than just further the plot. This season has been an exposition overload, and on some level, it feels like they’re trying to distract from how quickly s5 was tied up, and how so much was left unaddressed.
I don’t think I hated it as much as a lot of people did. But I was definitely disappointed, and I’ll be relying a lot on a good plot to keep me interested, since the character moments have been so lacking, and so frustrating. Given how haphazard the plots have been the past few seasons, I’ve got low expectations. They have planted quite a few seeds for an interesting conflict, one with two distinct sides and a host of main characters who all have different motivations around which side will be best. Obviously I think the Children of Gabriel are basically the grounders in s1 again - they seem really scary now, but they’ll be friends later. And while Sanctum is beautiful, there’s a lot of potential pitfalls there. I’m absolutely expecting Sanctum folk to end up as “the bad guys” and the CoG to end up as “the good guys”.
Spill your salt, my friends. Tell me what bothered you. Air your grievances. Even if I don’t agree, I always love seeing what other people think.
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naturallyglamorous · 3 years
okay, but the guilt veronica feels regarding nick??? she was friends with this monster for years, she invited him into her hometown, she trusted him only for him to do that to her? to cheryl? she definitely blames herself for what went down even if she might not show it
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spuffygifs · 3 years
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Same to you. BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER | S6E3: After Life
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