#tvd 1x21
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forbescaroline ¡ 9 months ago
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235 FAVORITE SHIPS OF ALL TIME (ranked by my followers) 41. jeremy gilbert and anna zhu - the vampire diaries
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tvdlover101 ¡ 1 year ago
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The Vampire Diaries 1x21
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thebellekeys ¡ 1 year ago
damon meeting isobel again… my god. this man.
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msanonships ¡ 11 months ago
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Kat Graham as Bonnie Bennett on The Vampire Diaries
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thesecretgossipdiary ¡ 2 years ago
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↳ request: diana meade & bonnie bennett doing magic together
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tangleddd ¡ 7 months ago
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"Because he's in love with you." Louise's breath hitched, her heart beat was wilding at her announcement and she caught Damon's icy blue gaze from over Isobel's shoulder. He doesn't say anything. His lips pressed together into a neatly straight line and he just stood there, clenching and unclenching his jaw subconsciously. Tangled Diaries 1.21 'Isobel'
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blackcoloursplash ¡ 6 years ago
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THE VAMPIRE DIARIES EPISODE MEMES - Characters per Episode  [1x21] →Elena Gilbert 
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wahlsamberg ¡ 6 years ago
oh my god Jeremy cut your damn hair
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gilbertstelena ¡ 3 years ago
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Stefan rubbing Elena’s shoulders in 1x21 and Bonnie being a badass.
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zalrb ¡ 8 years ago
TVD 1x21 Review
1. Legit, everything about this Isobel plot line is unnecessarily convoluted. Why exactly does she need to get Alaric to set up a meeting with Elena? Why not just show up like hey, Elena I’m your cold-hearted vampire mother, let’s chat. Get her cell number. 
2. “Have fun with the Mystic Queen. I know I did.” *laughs* really, Elena? Remember that time you saw bite marks all over her body and then she broke down in your arms? Seriously.
3. Also again, Damon disrespecting boundaries from Day One. Why are you in Stefan’s room first of all, second of all, you’re just going to pick up his phone?
4. Omg those Bonnie Bennett bangs. UGH.
5. Stefan communicates so much to Elena just by looking at her from across the room. The way he grins when she says she’s nervous and the slow blink he does when she says that she’s happy he’s here. Omg I looooooove them. And of course the “I love you” :)
6. Damon contradicted himself in this sentence. “I mean Stefan is different, he wants the whole human experience, he wants to feel every episode of How I Met Your Mother so he shuts his feelings out, the problem is as a vampire, your instinct is not to feel.” so which is it, Damon.
7. Also Alaric being like “You’re a dick and you kill people but I still see something human in you” as if human beings aren’t capable of murder? Like very blase about a serial killer, fam. Isobel having her humanity switched off, which she doesn’t because it’s all an act or she does but still seems to care about things which defeats the entire purpose of a humanity switch and why TVD shouldn’t have introduced it, doesn’t mean that Damon is better.
8. Something else that really bothers me about the Bonnie/Elena scene this episode is that Elena didn’t try reaching out to Bonnie in the weeks since they last spoke, I’m sure Bonnie had moments where she was crying and thinking about Grams and vampires and freaking out but Elena didn’t call so the onus on Bonnie to make up with her because she saw her cry after Isobel left just makes me roll my eyes.
9. Still super creepy and gross that Damon has slept with Elena’s ancestor, mother and Elena herself. Like no.
10. Lol he still has more chemistry with her than Nina though. And she actually looks age appropriate.
11. Bonnie has a whole speech about being Elena’s friend but when Grams died Elena was just like ... sorry? Girl bye.
12. They really needed to flesh out Matt and Tyler’s relationship. It would’ve been cool if we had some detail like when they were younger Matt would stay over at Tyler’s house when Kelly was being Kelly or something like that.Most friendships like the one they have do something like that. It could even be the other way around, if Tyler’s dad was being a dick, he’d crash at Matt’s.
13. “I’ve been going through it since Grams died” Elena *stares*, like not even a touch on her shoulder? DETAILS, TVD. If Elena is supposed to be so compassionate and thoughtful that actually needs to be shown.
14. Emily pledging her loyalty to Katherine and then secretly spelling the Gilbert devices to help the town while Jonathan Gilbert takes the credit is much like Matt taking the credit for saving Mystic Falls when Bonnie was the one who went up against the hellfire and the writers obviously don’t see the problematic nature of black women doing work that white men take credit for.
15. LOL I do love the shade Isobel throws at Matt. “Aw and there’s Matt, friend ex, Yappy’s future ex” LOL Matt is ALWAYS going to be someone’s ex. Rude.
16. This episode was supposed to show all the romantic tension between Elena and Damon and Stefan noticing it but guys, legit, it feels like Elena learning that she can emotionally manipulate Damon to see things her way and it feels like Damon has a soft spot for Elena not in love with her, nothing romantic, it just feels like she grew on him a little and even that doesn’t make sense because nothing particularly special or meaningful happened between them. She said sorry Katherine died. He kidnapped her and they had a beer together. They danced. He “helped” her save Stefan.
17. Elena has literally seen people get murdered in front of her but the fire intensifies when Bonnie does her spell and that’s when she’s scared? Absolutely adorable that Stefan holds her to comfort her when that happens though. Seriously, when it’s SE, the show is good with details.
18. Why does Isobel always go “Your brother, Jeremy”? Why not just your brother or Jeremy?
19. “Because he’s in love with you“ I love how Stefan just has this look like, “This shit ... again ...”
20. Also LOL bout in love. HOW.
21. “As long as you have a Salvatore on each arm, you’re doomed” but like ... I guess? It’s really more like as long as you run with vampires shit is going to be messy.
22. “Katherine was smart. She got out.” That doesn’t make sense considering that Katherine is the one who started everything.
23. I remember DErs making a huge deal that Elena glanced at Damon when she hugged Stefan. I dunno, if I was told that some dude loved me, I’m sure I would glance at him too while hugging the man I love because that’s an awkward af situation.
24. Again, Isobel’s regret at a being vampire doesn’t make sense when the show doesn’t explore what is so different between vampires and humans except for the fact that they are apparently eternally hungry which is something they actually only ever portray with Stefan. In True Blood there are actual sacrifices to be made, there are no spelled rings that let’s vampires walk in the sun so they give up the day. They can’t eat any other food, it has to be blood. Being around human food makes them nauseous. They cry blood. Families reject them/recoil from them. They’re stuck in their time. Like becoming a vampire is very different from being a human so if someone regrets being a vampire that can make sense. With TVD it’s like ... OK but why.
25. What is the age difference between John and Elena’s father if John got Isobel pregnant at 15 and Elena’s dad was already a doctor with his own practice and could adopt Elena?
26. “And when you tell Elena and she needs a friend to talk to about anything, I’ll be here for her.” I like how they make it seem like Elena and Damon have conversations when all they talk about is Stefan. Their entire relationship is about Stefan.
27. Bonnie freaking out about Elena finding out she didn’t de-spell the Gilbert device, I’d just be like oh damn, I thought I de-spelled it, I thought I was powerful enough. Sorry, Elena. *shrugs* but like I’m not a Gryffindor, so :P
Thanks for reading!
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jabberedits ¡ 5 years ago
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Favorite Delena Moments (4/?) 
I can’t decide if I chose this for the way Elena knows she can convince Damon (before Isobel drops the because he’s in love with you bomb) or the way Damon can’t help but do what she’s asking or the way he holds her hand in that completely unnecessary way when he gives her the device. Or, for Stefan’s reaction. Again, this is before the Isobel bomb, but you can see Stefan look between them, see him see something as he watches Damon give in to her, and watches again the way Damon holds her fingers for just a little too long. Because it makes the weight of Isobel’s words, when they come, all the heavier.

All of it. I chose this moment for all of it. (1x21)
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itachi86 ¡ 3 years ago
you cannot trust elena damon damnit
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userlaylivia ¡ 3 years ago
tsc & tvd for the tv ask game? <3
favorite male character: adam
favorite female character: cassie, diana, faye
least favorite character: john blackwell!!
prettiest character: diana <333
funniest character: faye
favorite season: there's only one unfortunately 😭
favorite episode: 1x01, 1x04, 1x05, 1x07, 1x08, 1x11, 1x12, 1x14, 1x16, 1x20, 1x21, 1x22
favorite romantic ship: I ship them all but my faves are adam/cassie, jake/faye, adam/diana, faye/diana, cassie/faye, jake/cassie, nick/melissa
favorite family ship: cassie/diana, cassie/jane, adam/ethan, charles/diana
favorite friend ship: faye/melissa, faye/diana, diana/melissa, diana/cassie, faye/cassie, faye/melissa/diana, the circle, adam/faye
worst ship: none really the only one I didn't like was adam/melissa
favorite male character: damon, tyler
favorite female character: elena, caroline
least favorite character: matt (I love him but he's not my fave), alaric (after legacies)
prettiest character: caroline
funniest character: damon
favorite season: season 2!!
favorite episode: most of s1&2 lol to name a few.... 1x06, 1x07, 1x11, 1x13, 1x14, 1x17, 1x19, 1x21, 1x22, 2x01, 2x04, 2x07, 2x08, 2x09, 2x11, 2x12, 2x16, 2x17, 2x20, 2x21, 2x22, 3x05, 3x10, 3x19 and more!!
favorite romantic ship: damon/elena, stefan/caroline, tyler/caroline, bonnie/enzo, jeremy/anna
favorite family ship: elena/jenna, caroline/liz, damon/stefan, jeremy/elena, elena/alaric, jeremy/alaric
favorite friend ship: caroline/elena, bonnie/caroline, bonnie/elena, bonnie/elena/caroline, matt/tyler, matt/jeremy, damon/alaric, damon/liz
worst ship: stefan/elena, klaus/caroline, damon/bonnie, jeremy/bonnie
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tangleddd ¡ 10 months ago
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"But you can trust me." Louise said, her chocolate eye begging him to believe her. He does. And that's why it goes against every instinct in his body to hand over to her. As he does, he squeezed her fingers, holding onto them and hoping to convey what it's taking for him to put his trust in her. "Thank you." Tangled Diaries 1.21 'Isobel'
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thevampirediariesdiary ¡ 5 years ago
[1/7] HELLO! so i just had to come here bc i found your blog through your 1x19/1x20 fic on ao3, and i've also been rewatching tvd (very slowly) lately, and trawling your tags to get a fix of delena lol, but there's something i've been thinking about for yearssss but your fic recently made me think of it differently as did your posts, so i would love to hear your opinion properly... so it is confirmed that damon fell in love with elena in 1x19 during the dance, but it was always MY opinion
[2/3] that he didn't KNOW-like, consciously-that he had fallen in love with her, and i’ve often debated with myself about when he could have realised it; i think the easiest answer is that isobel saying “because he’s in love with you” is when he was like Oh Shit because he after that moment DOES become a lot more flirty with her (and in the next episode kisses “her” cheek/lips lol, romantic feelings for sure)… but the way you wrote it in in the 1x19-1x21 posts and the last a/n on your fic makes [3/7] me think that you think he WAS aware he had fallen for her in 1x19? so he was what just not sure how to deal with it? i guess i just have always wondered about this because damon’s behaviour doesn’t seem to indicate he had fallen in love and Knew about it, 1x20 damon and elena are definitely a lot closer but they’re closer because they’re trying to help stefan together so it’s natural for them to be spending a lot more time together. and he goes with alaric with some hope that he can [4/7] find a clue about katherine/he still has katherine on the brain…?1x21 damon has some of the BEST moments imho that support both sides (he knew/he didn’t know yet); he is all Elena you don’t have to see isobel if you don’t want to, we should be in there; and then the threatening of isobel’s life to leave elena alone [5/7] this is so jumbled. i guess i just want to know how you feel about this Very Important question: did he know he had fallen in 1x19 and if so WHY (and if not, was it isobel saying it out loud for the first time that made him realise?). lmfao (also sorry about the many asks…blame tumblr for that.) [6/7] ooh also a follow-up question because i would love to hear it (and bc i just watched rose last night so it’s very fresh in my mind lol): why do you think damon chose to tell elena he loved her at that moment? is it just bc she didn’t have her necklace, so he had the opportunity to do it and then walk away? it’s so romantic to me that if this is true it seems like he was bursting to tell her “i just have to say it once” like it was always on the tip of his tongue??????? [7/7] would he have told her if she had never lost her necklace…probably not, he definitely needed to know he could erase her memory of it lol… ahhh yes would love ur thoughts… anyways, sorry for all these messages again... also just would love you to know how much i love your fic it brings me such joy, i did leave a message on there (most recent one lol) but may as well tell you again it is sooooo good!!! i love how you write them so in character!! 
THANK YOU for this message!!  I’m so glad you enjoyed You’re Still Here!!  and I definitely feel you on the whole “they confirmed that x moment was when so-and-so fell in love….but like…was it?” thing, because my kneejerk response to almost everything I learn from the commentaries is “yeah right”, haha.  BUT once I got over the initial resistance, the moments they name – the MMF dance for Damon and the birthday necklace for Elena – do have a kind of internal consistency, they work.  so yeah, I do think Damon knew he was in love with Elena in 1x19.  the big things for me are his face during the waltz (awed and affectionate), his face when he walks into the room after she drugs Stefan (oddly vulnerable almost), and the line “I’ve had a no good very bad day” (if he hadn’t just figured out that he was in love with a girl he could never have, I honestly don’t know why the day would be that bad haha).  plus, the way he reacts in 1x20 when she says that he’s been punishing Stefan for letting Katherine get caught – it’s really dramatic. it’s very important to Damon, suddenly, that Elena not be deceived about him.
on the other hand, though, the thing with Damon always is, what kind of love? throughout the show, I’m always pretty willing to give the answer, “yeah, Damon’s in love with her”.  but is he only in love with her, or is he also in love with Katherine at the same time?  does he truly love her, or is it a grasping, desperate, clingy love?  does he love her and think they could be together, or is he determined to love her from afar, for her own good?  and at the point of 1x19 I think the answers are still pretty mixed up: he knows he loves her but he also knows she loves Stefan, and so he clings to his love for Katherine as a kind of escape.  he thinks Elena might love him back when he kisses “her” in 1.22, but even then, that brief illusion isn’t enough to push out all of his old feelings for Katherine – Katherine has to totally reject him before he makes his feelings for Elena truly the guiding principle of his life.  finally, he has nothing else left, and so he can focus purely on keeping her safe and tending his love for her.
as for 2x08, I think it’s actually very intrinsically tied up with 1x19!!  before both episodes, Katherine’s been set aside in a significant way, taking her out of the picture.  in both episodes, Damon arrives at the bottom of a staircase to rescue Elena.  but where in 1x19 he knew she didn’t love him, but he still had a place in her life – her friend, her protector, her warrior – in 2x08 there’s no clear place for him.  Stefan’s drinking blood and in control, and Damon lost her trust; she runs down the stairs and into Stefan’s arms, and he’s left alone.  and Damon accepts it!  he feels all over again the devastation of losing Katherine and never having been loved by her or Elena, and still he loves Elena.  even though she hates him (she doesn’t) and he doesn’t deserve her, he finds that her “thank you” is enough for him.  compassion and gratitude from her is worth more than anything from someone else, it’s worth staying for.  he loves her, only her, without any hope of return, and he makes his peace with that.  and I think the only way he knew to let her go is tell her and then to very literally take it away, set her free even from the memory.  
I think he’d never said it before because on the one hand, she didn’t need to be told because she already knew, every villain of the week comments on it, but also because if he held back from saying it then maybe the perfect moment would come along and he’d tell her and it would mean something, she’d say it back.  he can say it now because he knows she’s not gonna say it back, and he’s okay with that. it’s still the deepest truth of his heart, and it deserves to be spoken and heard, even if it’s a hopeless truth.
it’s definitely a difficult scene to interpret, though, because he prefaces the whole thing by saying “this is maybe the most selfish thing I’ve ever said”, but then says that he doesn’t deserve her and erases her memory, which doesn’t seem selfish – and years after the fact when she recovers the memory he calls it selfish again??  which I don’t understand, unless he thought hearing it would cause her pain, which it…doesn’t seem to???  so I tend to just ignore that entire aspect of the scene.  I think this is Damon being unselfish, acknowledging his own capacity for selfishness which ruined everything in 2x01, and then rejecting it. 
this is quite a rambley answer haha.  I hope I answered everything adequately, and I hope it makes sense!
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sarcasm-myfriend ¡ 8 years ago
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