#tv moster
mo-ok · 4 months
fighting for my life trying to remember what season a side character centric episode is from
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graciebrams · 1 year
castle crumbling destroyed me nobody talk to me
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woso-dreamzzz · 4 months
Captain II
Hardersson x Daughter!Reader
Fridolina Rolfö x Hardersson!Reader
Part of The Big Adventures Universe
Summary: You come home after being announced as captain
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In true Magda fashion, everyone in her contact list gets a call. A quick 'did you hear my kid's Sweden Captain?' call where she ends it before the other person can reply.
You get a text and several missed calls that you just ignore until you're free to go to your mothers' house. It was a slip that had you forgetting to tell them that you were Sweden's new captain.
There wasn't much time between your discussion with Emma and walking out to the press conference.
The best you could have given them was a text in warning but, judging by the messages your Morsa sent and all the uncharacteristic emojis she sent with it, you assumed she was happy.
You also assumed that you wouldn't be yelled at for not giving them a heads up.
You pull up at their house and sigh.
Frido's car is also in the driveway and you roll your eyes.
You don't want to think about how many traffic laws she broke to get here before you.
You unlock the front door, unbothered with using the bell, and slip inside.
The low hum of the tv is apparent as you slide off your shoes and hang up your coat. Frido's definitely in the house because you have to put your shoes next to hers and her bag is sitting on the stairs.
You're not entirely sure why she keeps bringing a bag when all her clothes are in the spare room but you don't dwell on it long before making your way into the living room.
Momma is sitting on the sofa, watching the last five minutes of a random show before what she actually wants to watch comes on.
"Your Morsa and moster are in the garden," She tells you," Calling everyone they know to brag."
"Are you angry I didn't tell you? Are they?"
"I'm not angry and those two are much too smug to be angry as well."
You smile and sit next to Pernille, one of her arms being thrown over your shoulder comfortably.
"At least tell me you told Natalia at least. She's not got access to you while on camp like we do."
"I told Talia," You reply.
In fact, Talia was the first and only person you told before the press conference. She'd congratulated you with a laugh before teasing and saying to take it in while you could because she would be gunning for the Spanish captaincy next.
She'd get it eventually, you knew that. It was only a matter of time but, still, you were the only national captain in the relationship at the moment and you just knew she'd have something to say about it when you finally reunited.
"Good girl," Pernille says," I'd hate for her to suddenly appear at the house unexpectedly. You know what your Morsa gets like."
In sync, you both lean forward to peer out of the windows leading to the garden.
Magda's still on the phone, waving her hand around excitedly as her mouth moves quickly before she drops the call only to immediately make a new one.
Frido's also pacing around the garden doing the exact same thing and you can't help but roll your eyes at both of them.
Magda catches your eyes and instantly makes her way back inside.
"Look at you!" She cries, bursting into the room," My little captain! Look at you!"
You're pulled away from Pernille and crushed into a hug as Magda all but sobs into your hair.
"I remember the first time you wore the armband! So small! You couldn't even walk yet! It kept slipping off! Now look at you!"
"Morsa," You groan, trying to escape from her suffocating hug," Let go!"
"My baby!" She's definitely crying now. "Carrying Sweden to greatness!"
(One day, you do lead Sweden to greatness. One day, you make your mark as one of Sweden's captains. One day, you pass off the armband to a young player you saw greatness in like your captain did for you.)
"Come on," You complain," Let go!"
You're released, only to be forced right back into another hug, from your moster Frido now.
Her hugs is just as suffocating as Magda's. She rocks side to side with you as you struggle to get away.
She speaks to Magda over your head. "Do you think I can borrow your old armband? I can't just wear her shirt to matches anymore. Got to complete the look."
"Please don't," You beg but she ignores you.
"Er..." Magda says," I'm not sure actually. I'll have a look-"
"It's on the bedside table," Pernille cuts in," Magda insisted on wearing it last night when we-"
"Gross!" You complain," Please don't talk about your sex life. You know I wear the armband now. Please don't make me think about you guys having sex every time I wear it."
You peak your head over Frido's shoulder to look at your mothers.
Magda shrugs. "A healthy sex life-"
"Stop!" You clamp your hands over your ears. "Stop talking or I'll go straight back to camp. Stop talking!"
Magda waves a hand dismissively. "You'll find out what I mean as soon as you see Natalia again."
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luuv-zomby · 4 months
Lagoona Blue Gen 1 Alter
pt. "Lagoona Blue Gen 1 Alter"
✿ —⁠ name : Lagoona Blue ✿ —⁠ pronouns : she/her ✿ —⁠ gender terms : feminine terms ✿ —⁠ presentation (masc, fem, neu) : feminine and masculine ✿ —⁠ age : 15 ✿ —⁠ labels : female, straight ✿ —⁠ birthday : June 10th
✿ —⁠ role(s) : athlete ✿ —⁠ type : introject, fictive ✿ —⁠ source : moster high
✿ —⁠ general mood / emotion : happy ✿ —⁠ traits : athletic, social, friendly, laid-back, easygoing, environmentalist ✿ —⁠ mannerisms / habits : chooses fun over her extra credit, but otherwise will do school work ✿ —⁠ priorities : having fun in the water, school work ✿ —⁠ pet peeves : anyone dumping trash and the ocean ✿ —⁠ introvert / extrovert / omnivert / ambivert : extrovert ✿ —⁠ aesthetic : tomboy ✿ —⁠ theme : n/a ✿ —⁠ theme song : n/a
✿ —⁠ body type : slim, hourglass ✿ —⁠ species : water monster ✿ —⁠ height / weight : ✿ —⁠ voice / accent : light, american accent ✿ —⁠ hairstyle / hair type / hair color : long blonde hair with blue highlights ✿ —⁠ facial shape : heart shaped ✿ —⁠ eye shape / eye color : round green eyes ✿ —⁠ nose shape : upturned ✿ —⁠ lip shape : round ✿ —⁠ other features : freckles, fin-shaped ears, webbed-hands, fins on her arms and lower legs ✿ —⁠ clothing aesthetic : baggy clothing, basics
✿ —⁠ dream job : professional swimmer ✿ —⁠ fears : losing her family/home ✿ —⁠ regrets : nothing ✿ —⁠ insecurities : if she's doing enough ✿ —⁠ core values : everything happens for a reason ✿ —⁠ philosophies : no regrets
✿ —⁠ likes : skating, cleaning, volunteering ✿ —⁠ dislikes : being upset ✿ —⁠ loves : swimming, her family ✿ —⁠ hates : anyone who puts trash in the ocean ✿ —⁠ hyperfixations : water, water sports ✿ —⁠ unbearable : loosing her home ✿ —⁠ comforts : her boyfriend in source ✿ —⁠ favorite color : ocean blue ✿ —⁠ favorite activity : anything that involves being in, on or around the water ✿ —⁠ favorite song : n/a ✿ —⁠ favorite music genre : rock music ✿ —⁠ favorite game : n/a ✿ —⁠ favorite TV show : the olympic games ✿ —⁠ favorite movie : n/a ✿ —⁠ favorite food : sushi ✿ —⁠ favorite drink : water ✿ —⁠ favorite scent : chlorine ✿ —⁠ favorite flower : n/a ✿ —⁠ favorite feeling : being happy, being loved ✿ —⁠ favorite season : summer ✿ —⁠ favorite weather : sunny
✿ —⁠ other : n/a
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livingfast04 · 2 years
Hi, I have a question for the moster au!
Is there controversy regarding humans and monsters in fiction (books, movies, etc.)? Like a human writing a love novel between a human and a vampire (like Twilight) and they receive backlash because what does a human know about vampires? Does writing a book automatically make them an expert on all vampires? How do the vampires feel about it? The same goes for if a monster wrote about other monsters. Like a mermaid writing about faes and hellhounds. Like each monster being a bit protective of their species in fiction because nobody else is really going to understand than themselves.
In all my planning and then world building. I did not think about this-
And now I'm mad that I didn't think about this. Meaning I've spent the last several weeks, trying to answer this question.
Short Answer, Yes.
Long Answer- Oh, my god you absolute genius.
I realized, I touched on this briefly with all of this being super inspired by Frankenstein (praise be Mary Shelley), and then mentioning the book like- a little too much. Was reading it for a Class, and was super frustrated with the teacher- and I coped with it my own way.
They are a lot of controversy regarding writing Monsters in books that are not written by monsters. Specifically if they are not the type of monster written in the book. Or whenever they are presented in any type of media.
Will remark- Movies and TV shows are an acceptation to this, mostly because they have to hire those types of Creatures to play those parts. Thought about this one a lot, and that was a long legal issue with discrepancy's and discrimination within the Filming industry with letting Humans play roles of Creatures. And then not telling creatures rightfully have those roles.
Books! In fiction-
No one cares about general pairings. Vampire - Human, Werewolf - Vampire, Human - Witch. Witch - Vampire
And so on.
It's more of a Creatures that aren't super open with their general happenings. Or a, they don't truly mind as long as it is not written from the perspective of the creature- (brief moment where my power goes out for maybe 5 seconds, and then my wifi takes 30 minutes to come back on- had to copy paste all of it into an offline google doc. Apologizes if the format is fucked.) Most don't mind speculation, roughly done research. As long as it is told as another creature looking in on a different creature. It's when, lets say a Werewolf, writes book or such from the point of view of a Dragon- It's when discrepancies show up and people get angry. Because while yes, that is a Monster writing a book about well A monster's story- it's not their type, and their experiences with life are completely different. You used Twilight as an example- I say, from the way like- vampires are more in media, as well as how this Au's vampires work. And people are very aware of that, at the point the book is released. There's very little talk about it being, such a huge piece of like- Inaccurate standards- and more it circles the Vampire covens because everyone thinks its hilarious. So I think it just depends. In the 80s? They are all very, very feral and protective when it comes down to their species. It's very frowned upon for other monsters to write about other monsters as if they know more, and it's even more frowned upon when humans do anything monster related. However not the other way around, because they've already picked apart that certain human looking monsters are humans, but also not- but saying they can't write books about human hero's and human villains. Is saying they aren't human at all. Most Monsters don't actually care to write about humans. There are few monster published books about humans falling in love with Monsters- than there are human published books about monsters falling in love with humans. There's all sorts of different standards. A lot of controversy, a lot of discussion about it. And a lot of things are considered taboo- or just simply frowned upon. But there are no real laws about what people can publish- humans and no-humans. In Fiction. outside of fiction there are heavy rules, regulations, consent, permission, permits, laws. Though! more common to see co-author's on extremely popular fiction novels. Different species of Monsters will band together to write a series, or just a novel. To show case both different voices, write their creature in their most accurate way. Humans and Monster also do this! It's very common for there to be a general- "If you have a monster based idea, toss the idea to another writer. see if they want to co-author it." I think- I covered, most of what you asked??? I got excited when you asked- and then I got a little carried away- Ha.
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dipolardruid · 1 year
What type of shows did you watch in ur childhood?? Because I’m asking all my friends this and they say they never watched ‘Atla’(avatar the last airbender) and I’m all like BRO ITS LIKE SAYING YOU NEVER WATCHED POKEMON, MONSTER HIGH, OR ED EDD N EDDY 😨 Like bro you ain’t have a childhood if you never watched Moster high/SpongeBob/Atla BUT back to the qorginal question have you ever watched Atla or what type of shows have you watched as a child?
Everything you've mentioned in your ask I've watched, kids next door, Ben 10, everyone hates Chris, that's so raven, good luck Charlie, DBZ, Naruto, etc I can go on but it'd get too long but every Disney show, Disney XD, anime I've pretty much have watched it all even those few hidden gems like pucca and samurai jack, you name it I've seen it.
When you have nothing else to do but watch TV because your school days were only 6 hours long and didn't start until 1PM and ended at 6PM with no homework it was bound to happen.
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Pairing: Andy Barber x Annie Johnson (OFC)
Summary: Working and single parenting is not easy. Andy needs to find a nanny for his son Jacob. Annie, an education degree student at Lasell University, comes to their lives just in time for the big changes in Andy’s life.
Warnings: none.                      
A/N: I did some research about Lasell University and their programs, and apparently students can study for 5 years in order to graduate with a master’s degree.
Disclaimer: I do not give permission for any of my works to be copied, used, translated nor reposted anywhere else but here on this blog. Do not steal what you didn’t work for. Minors and ageless blank blogs don’t interact with me or my works. Reblogs and likes are always welcome. Thank you for reading this work of fiction.
Word count: 1559
GIF not mine, if its yours, please let me know to give you credit :) 
Annie came back to the living room, where Jake was closing his eyes fighting to sleep.
“How about if we take a nap?”
The boy yawned and nodded, she held him in her arms and went upstairs to Jake’s room. She put him to bed, gave him his stuff animal and Jake yawned.
“Is you a liar?” the boy said rolling to his side.
“A liar?”
“Yes, like daddy.”
“Oh! You mean lawyer. No Jake, I’m a student and for now I’m gonna take care of you. Is that ok with you?”
Jake smiled and closed his eyes, she waited a little just to make sure he was truly sleeping and then headed back to the living room to work in the project.
An hour later Annie had finished her part and send it to Mark. She was about to send a text to his brother when she heard small steps coming for the stairs. He found Jake with sleepy gaze and his pants all wet.
“I’m soddy…”
“It’s ok buddy. Wanna tell me what happened?”
“Da moster wants to take me” Jake yawned
“What?! Oh, no! The monster can’t get you, cuz I’m here and I won’t let him.”
“Daddy is gonna be angy.”
“Of course not Jake, your daddy loves you very much. I will tell him about the monster ok? But for now, you need a bath and a change of sheets.”
Annie bathed Jake and changed the bed sheets. She was about to leave the boy’s room when she saw the picture of a woman with a baby in her arms, a picture she didn’t notice earlier, the dark-haired woman was beautiful and seemed to be so happy holding her baby. She smiled and went to the kitchen to make dinner. They didn’t have much so she just make pasta with marinara sauce and mushrooms. While she cooked Jake was on the floor drawing something. It was 7:10 when the door opened.
“I’m back!” Jake jumped to his feet and ran towards his dad. “Hi, buddy! Did you have fun?”
“Yes, dad. Da moster…”
“Oh God. The monster came back?” Jake nodded. Andy walked to the kitchen with the boy in his arms, then put him on the floor. “Go watch TV, I need to talk to Annie.”
The boy ran, while said: “tell’im bout da moster!” and Andy laughed at his son.
“Did he wet the bed?” Andy said leaning against in the counter.
“Yes, he took a nap, and it happened. I gave him a bath and changed the sheets.”
“I should’ve told you about it. He has trouble sleeping, he crawls to my bed some nights because of the ‘moster’.”
“That explain the bags under his eyes. Don’t worry, is just pee. It happens more often than you think.” Annie smiled at him. “You didn’t have much in the pantry, so… Pasta!”
“Fuck, I have a lot of things to do.” Andy rubbed his temples and then his eyes.
“You know, being a single parent is difficult already, don’t make it worst with that kind of thoughts.” Andy smile at her words. “If you don’t need anything else, I’m gonna take off.”
“Wait. Just a couple of things. While you are here, your friends or boyfriend can’t come to the house. Understood?”
“Of course.”
“And about your payment, do you want me to pay you at the end of the week or per day?”
“Ammm on Thursdays is fine.”
“Perfect, I’ll pay you today and I’ll see you on Monday.”
“At 3.”
Annie took her things, and headed to the door to leave.
“Bye Jake.” she waved at the toddler on the couch.
“Wha? No, stay…pease!” the boy leaned against the back of the couch.
“I’ll be back on Monday, we can play then.”
“You pomise?”
“I promise. Take care of your dad, ok?”
“Good night Andy.”
Andy looked at the girl walking to her car, Pam was right, she was perfect. And she basically told him everything he had found during his research, except for the Disney film, that wasn’t in the report. Andy walked back in, and went to the kitchen, served 2 plates and sat with his son in front of the TV.
“So, buddy, what do you think about Annie?”
“Your fiend is pritty.” a fork full of pasta went to his mouth.
“She is.” the image of her came through his mind.  “But you know, do you like her?”
“She is funny, and pritty and she don’t let da moster taked me.”
“You know, I was thinking that maybe, she can come and play with you while I’m working. Would you like that?”
“Like a mommy?”
“No…” Jake was so little to understand what happened with his mom, and Andy didn’t have the courage to talk to him about it, not yet. “…mommy loved you so much buddy, but Annie is just our friend ok?”
“Yes, fiend.”
Around 7:30 Annie arrived to the apartment she shared with Daniel, her boyfriend. He was in the living room, books on the coffee table and his laptop in front of him, while he typed quickly.
“Hi, love!”
“Hi, dove” Daniel answered without looking at her. “Where were you?”
“I had a job interview.” she sat on the couch next to him.
“Really? Where?”
“Newton, you know as a nanny.”
“Dove, you need to get a real job.”
“It is a real job! He wants me to be there 4 days a week, 4 hours a day.”
“He?” Daniel raised his brow paying attention to her.
“Yes, he. Mr. Barber is a single dad. I will take care of his son Jake.”
“Mr. Barber?”
“Yes, he is a lawyer or something.” she thought a little bit. “ADA!”
“Wait! You are gonna be the nanny of Andrew Stephen Barber?” Now fully paying attention to what her girlfriend was saying.
“Do you know him?”
“Well, not personally, but the news about his promotion were all over the campus. Apparently, he is the youngest ADA Newton has ever had.”
“You know sometimes I just think we go to different schools. Anyways I have to be there at 3 till 7, Monday to Thursday. And I have to learn how to cook cuz I have to make them dinner.”
“Babe that’s not being a nanny, that’s housekeeping.”
“And what’s wrong with that??” Annie stood up and walked to their room. Daniel followed her. “Besides we need the money, I can’t be depending on my brother all the time, he has a family.”
Annie knew Daniel hated when she worked as a nanny cuz he thought it was not a serious job, but for her it was, she liked to take care of kids. She saw this as experience for when she finally became a teacher.
“Dove, you worth more than that, you were born to be more than just a nanny.” He put his hands on her waist pulling her closer. “And I told you once I graduate, I will take care of you, you don’t have to work.” he gave her a peck on the lips.
“I can’t do that, I love my major, and I want to work. I won’t quit my major.”
“Of course not baby, I’m not asking you to do that. I will never do it. I just want you to know that I can provide everything you might need in the future.” She smiled and hugged Daniel. “Did you miss me?
“Yeah, a little.” Annie kiss him slowly.
“I need to finish that paper, but after I’m done I’ll come back to you. Promise.”
Annie was left in the room, sat on the bed and called her brother.
“‘Sup kiddo?”
“Hi, Tom, just came back, guess what? I got a new job as a nanny. You have to see this kid, he is so precious! And ammm the dad is kind of a hunk.”
“Hahahaha, I’m sure Daniel is not around, otherwise you would’ve never said that. Speaking of, how are things going?
“Good, he keeps saying he is gonna take care of me once he graduates, but…”
“You don’t want that.”
“I know he means well, is just that I came so far not to graduate or even tried to get a job as a teacher. I don’t think I can do the trophy girlfriend thing. Also, I’ve been thinking about doing the extra year, so I can have my Master degree.”
“If that’s what you wanna do, I’ll support you. Mom and dad would’ve been proud of you.”
Annie sniffed at the thought of her parents.
“Hey, I didn’t tell you that to make you cry.”
“I know, is just… I miss them.”
“I know, I miss them too. If you decide to take the extra year, just let me know.”
“Do we still have money?”
“Yes, I think mom and dad really thought this trough. And I’m saving the money of the rent of the house, just in case.”
“Thank you, you are the best brother ever. I have to go, I have to research some things.”
“Alright, good luck with the kid. The missus says hello.”
“Tell her I say hi too, and kiss Denisse for me.”
After the call ended, she grabbed her laptop and look for easy recipes to practice during the weekend, hoping she didn’t burn the kitchen in the process.
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cryptid-stimming · 2 years
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Dexter Morgan x Rudy Cooper (Dexter) Stimboard (with themes of the riddles left for Dexter and intense lovecore) for Anon
x x / x x x / x x
[Image ID: a 9 gif stimboard; from left to right. First line: a gif from the TV show Dexter of the main character twisting a small doll arm with a ribbon in front of his face, a gif with the moving words ‘you’re mine’ and a still image of Rudy Cooper/Brian Moster. Second Line: a gif or a heart-shaped vinyl record spinning on a record player, a gif from the TV show Dexter of an email being typed reading “Barbie, Be patient” and a gif of a hand slowly rotating a heart-shapd lollipop. Third line: a still image of Dexter Morgan, a gif of moving lyrics with ‘I wanna be yours, I wanna be yours’ and a gif from the TV show Dexter where the main character is looking at a Barbie Doll in a clear plastic evidence bag. End of image description.]  
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miradanii · 3 months
Cyberverse s3 ep 21
Okay right after the Wild West Transformer is now the Aussie Transformer.
In a different show I'd rather have full episodes of established characters and see what they're up to. But I guess they really are just relaxing and rebuilding Cybertron. I mean there could be but then we wouldn't have the Aussie monster hunter Transformer.
This episode was also wild and this is when something that's more of a light hearted kid show just makes it 10x funnier. Meteorfire is a drunk old man who used to have a tv with his partner Cosmos until they got taken by a monster. Bee comes in asking for help and wow does Meteorfire just steal the show. Yeah it's about him Finding a piece of Windblade but I can't believe how much that's such a background plot in this.
The sheer calm of this man...i...maybe I'll post a clip. It's a moment I luckily haven't seen in clip complications so watching this organically to find this moment was such a joy.
Just. Okay in the end, they find Cosmos. Bee easily defeats the moster that Cosmos and a fragment of Windblade is trapped inside. And what a trooper is very much okay with going back to doing the show. Seriously this show has no chill. Bots come out of stasis and have to fight for their lives. Coming out of a coma and fight like it's nothing. Which is fine....pls give them a break first.
Also this is by no means relevant to the episode but I miss Hot Rod's new paint job after the goo. I guess going back to pure red is to wash away the trauma but I did really like the color...oh well.
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lucy-shining-star · 1 year
So I keep mentioning of Scooby Doo and Reluctant Werewolf and it’s Dracula, how he is pretty acurate to book, and outright evil, not made for sympathy and now I decided to rewatch to fresh my meomory and talk about how Dracula is presented and maybe some of other things that will make me think of Dracula daily or fandom
So narrator’s first introduction to Dracula is calling him ‘World’s most evil menace’. Strong start 
Well so Dracula is boss of some monsters and one just freaking. Decided to go on retirement and wrote a postcard with ‘Glad you are not here’. 
Oh there is woman that I kind of assumed was Dracula’s wife when I was watching this when I was kid but know I think there might be nothing saying it at all. ...I mean I checked tv tropes and wiki and she is called ‘Dracula’s assistant so. ...Well it’s kind of weird what I assumed given something’s later. Oh also I don’t know if she is vampire or even a monster? She has like normal human skin
I was also kind of wondering if she was meant to be like vampire Mina or Lucy dunno like creators watched some adaptation and took her kinda from here and changed her? ...Although that was mostly to make some jokes later
Now there are playing to make new werewolf so making someone moster motive is here
‘It shows the one to became a werewolf’ Well that makes me think of all that ‘Jonathan is supernatural and Dracula/being around Dracula activated it’
Dracula’s assistant says ‘Mmm man he is cute’ at Shaggy’s picture when she is standing right next to Dracula and it’s not like I forgot about that when I was a kid I saw that woman swooning about another man openly and I still assumed she is Dracula’s wife. Anyway so about jokes I wanted to make is that if she is inspired by Mina or Lucy and is Dracula’s wife when she doesn’t show any signs of being attracted to him and swoon over food-loving, fast-running, brown haired guy with dogs. ...Oh and American. ...I don’t have anything to link him to John, sorry John :(
Dracula’s reaction ‘a cute werewolf. Blah’ hmm I must admit I don’t think that would be Dracula from reaction
‘If it fails it means unspeakable torture’ -Dracula
Hmmm. Shaggy is sceptic in this. Maybe he has something of John
Oh Shaggy is turned into werewolf (he doesn’t know that yey) and as he is escaping from Dracula henchmen shouting ‘monsters’ people are wanting to catch him shouting ‘monster’
Hmm assistant adressed Dracula as ‘Draccy, honey’ so maybe my assumptions weren’t wrong. Or ast least not baseless
When they are awake in Castle Dracula Shaggy think at first it’s a nightmare. Even when Googie (oh btw, Googie is Shaggy’s girlfriends, there is also Scrappy here. Neither Daphne, Fred or Velma are here) asks ‘all of us?’ he is like ‘it has to be’ 
Oh rest believed him it’s a dream. Or at least are willing to prove this theory ‘If it’s all a dream let wake up’. I don’t know why though Shaggy did a good job with turning monsters against each other by saying mean things and making monsters argue about which it isXD
Dracula says to gang they can leave just like that. They are surprised Dracula ‘Would I lie?’ All other monsters ‘Aaaa? Yeah! Sure!’ ...Hmm did what’s happening to Shaggy happen to any of them?
Shaggy and Scooby got tempted to stay by promise of food
Hmmm. That Dracula definitelty doesn’t sure book Dracula knowledge of how to cook for humans. That’s tough luck for Shaggy and Scooby
He didn’t let them go
Scrappy got the ‘go by window down the castle’ idea(with help of rope made of sheets). That castle is lower, or at least that tower is lower but it’s also surronded by water. And instead of wolves there is crocodile)or alligator)? Let’s not think to much about how they are in Europe. Maybe that Dracula also went to zoo to steal
Trap door leading to Dracula’s henchman telling them ‘I did request you do not try to escape’ 
They tried another hidden door and now ghost is chasing them and I dunno why they are so scared of ghost after seeing all of other monsters
They ended up on party
Hmm Scooby and Shaggy ate something and they liked it until Dracula said what it is but I didn’t understand what it is. Maybr that Dracula can cook after all...If it was he who prepared that
These witches likes dogs. Funny considering witches are associated with cats
Did Scrappy just kill mummy
Now they ended up in a trap room with wall full of spikes that is moving towards them. And Dracula is speaking from above
Dracula said if Shaggy agrees to do race he will change him back to human and send them all back to home
Dracula teleported to their room in morning at the cockrow
Hmm. That Dracula had to stay out of daylight but now he wears sunblock. Number ‘5022′ 
Oh again something tasty but suspicious cause it’s made of beans that grow in torture chamber. And makes who eat this howl. (...though it’s also werewolf and dogs that ate those cause Googie didn’t touch so I dunno if it would make everyone howl)
Gang want to test ride and Dracula didn’t allow to take werewolf car for that saying there are some changes made for Shaggy but did allow their own car after some hestitation. Later one henchmen asks if that was wise cause what if they try to escape but Dracula said they won’t if Shaggy want to turn him back to normal and that’s it’s also chance for some good rotten fun
Also now I’m wondering if they did escape before Dracula promised to turn Shaggy back to normal if he wins how would Shaggy live later? Would they even escape from people in Transylvania and would having two speaking dogs help in that situation? I doubt it 
Oh there are more crocodiles/alligators. That Dracula went to zoo more often
Scrappy called them ‘crooks’ so I guess crocodiles. Also Dracula just put their car on some tiny piece on land on this water intentionally
Oh they were later with it so it wasn’t that hot alright
...Did Dracula just call his henchman bimbos
Oh Dracula’s hechnman are named Crunchy and Brunchy. Probably was mentioned before but I forgot now gonna adress them like that
Dracula wants to make Shaggy not sleep
They didn’t manage to do anything to disturb Shaggy’s sleep yet he still is super tired? I thought maybe they decided to start race earlier but even if. Scooby, Scrappy and Googie don’t seem sleepy so idk
Peasants seems more tired than scared of Dracula though
Shaggy seems sleepy still maybe changing into werewolf cause him to be sleepy during day
Oh kiss from Goggie woke him up
I don’t know if Dracula made something for Shaggy’s car to work worse but he played himself if he did cause Shaggy just caused huge crash before race started cause he couldn’t control it
Oh there is a gun. I mean Dracula’s assistant or whoever that is to him anyway her name is Vanna Pira has a starting gun
Vanna Pira shot Dracula and it didn’t even really look like accident to be honestXD
Dracula wanted to shoot Crunchy and Brunchy but something happened with gun and he shot himself. Peasants cheered
Hmm. Dracula called Vanna Pira darling
‘That hunch bunch would break my heart. If I had one’ -Dracula
Oh there is spider here. Big spider
Vanna Pira called Shaggy ‘Cutie Pie’
Dracula causing Shaggy to get lost
Scrappy used pepper to save Shaggy and Scooby from monster
Oh there is train
Dracula got hit by train
Vanna Pira called Shaggy precious and said that he is so cute in his fur
Oh she wants to have fur herself
Dracula stole Shaggy’s engine
‘And now that he can’t win, Shaggy will a werewolf forever and under my power’
Shaggy did you really have to say it would be bad if anything happened to Googie and Scrappy. You gave Dracula an idea
‘The monster is not real’ ‘Yikes. Like are you sure the monster knows that?’ lmao
Hunch bunch kidnapped Googie and Scrappy so now Shaggy and Scooby are out of race going to rescue them
Vanna Pira is sad at perspecitve of Shaggy not being werewolf anymore
Shaggy won race and Dracula is denying to change him back 
He claims there isn’t a way
Vanna Pira says it’s not true and holds a book that can do it
Dracula took book from her Scooby stole book from him
There was a bit of taking book back-and-forth
They are escaping Dracula still trying to catch them
He destroyed his own transportation by one way in which he was trying to catch them
They landed on plane
Shaggy transformed back at home
Dracula is being chase by shark. I guess that Dracula can swim
0 notes
take me as i am
by herkind
"You might not be prepared to see me as I am."
And Stede thinks it's nonsense, he is more than prepared for that, in fact this is his deepest desire. 
After seeing it, he is speechless.
"Told you I was the kraken", Ed's voice is part proud, part shy as Stede can't say a word. • kinktober day 11: tentacles/moster-fucking
Words: 820, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 10 of Multifandom Kinktober
Fandoms: Our Flag Means Death (TV)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Blackbeard | Edward Teach, Stede Bonnet
Relationships: Blackbeard | Edward Teach/Stede Bonnet
Additional Tags: Actual Kraken Blackbeard | Edward Teach, Blackbeard | Edward Teach's Kraken Era, Tentacles, Tentacle Sex, Porn with Feelings, Fluff and Smut, Smut, Blackbeard | Edward Teach Loves Stede Bonnet, Stede Bonnet Loves Blackbeard | Edward Teach
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/42724179
0 notes
woso-dreamzzz · 6 months
The Talk
Hardersson x Teen!Reader
Fridolina Rolfö x Hardersson!Reader
Part of The Big Adventures Universe
Summary: The sex talk
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"This is it," Moster Frido says," This is our legacy to the world."
"This is IKEA."
Frido rolls her eyes. "This is single-handedly the greatest thing Sweden has ever produced. Take it in. This is where you come from."
"Denmark has Lego," You say," I think I prefer Lego."
"Didn't you nearly die eating Lego?"
Your face goes a little red. "Jessie saved me...It wasn't that bad!"
Moster Frido shrugs. "Just, take it all in. Isn't an IKEA trip better than being cooped up with your mums?"
You frown at the mention of your mothers, aimlessly looking around the winding hallways of this IKEA.
"What did they tell you?"
"My mums. You turned up randomly this morning like we'd been planning this trip for ages. You sweep me away without even giving me a chance to say no. What did they tell you?"
"Can't I spend time with my favourite niece?"
"At IKEA?"
Frido's façade drops. "Okay," She says," Magda may have said something."
"Is that something about sex?"
Frido looks alarmed at how easily you say it, the tips of her ears turning pink as she looks around the empty IKEA for someone that might have heard you.
She clears her throat. "You're at that age now where hormones-"
"Are you trying to give me the talk?" You ask, a smile peaking out from your lips," In IKEA?"
"Is it obvious that I'm out of my depth here?"
You laugh, grabbing something off the shelf and putting it in the cart. If Frido was taking you on an IKEA trip then you would definitely take advantage of her bank card.
"I don't know why everyone is so nervous. I just asked a question."
"What question was it? Because Magda wouldn't tell me over the phone last night."
"I just asked how you know that you want to have sex with someone. Like, how do you know that you think for someone sexually?"
"Is this about the Spanish girl? Natasha or something?"
"Natalia," You say," And...yes...Kind of? I don't know. We kissed, last time I saw her and...I don't know. I think I've got a crush on her but...Are all crushes sexual? I don't know. I just asked."
Frido freezes. "You kissed her?!"
Your cheeks grow warmer and warmer and you busy yourself with checking the price of something. "She kissed me! As friends! We were practising!"
"Practising?" Frido says in disbelief," You were practising?! Jesus, what kind of teen movie is this? So, what, she kissed you and now you think you want to have sex with her?"
"Maybe? I mean, she's my friend and I know this completely breaking friendship boundaries but..." You look down at your feet. "Yeah, I don't think having sex with her would be bad." Your cheeks grow even redder until steam is practically coming out of your ears. "She was a good kisser."
"I need to sit down," Frido says," I think I need a minute."
You puff out your cheeks in outrage. "You asked!"
"I thought this was just a sex talk!" Frido says back," I didn't realise I was meant to take you through the feelings part of it!"
You roll your eyes. "We can just forget about this and get lost in IKEA. I can work it out myself."
"No! No! Wait...I mean...Give me a minute to wrap my head around this."
In the end, your moster Frido did not end up wrapping her head around it at all. She gave a very stilted explanation of how to know you were ready to have sex though she couldn't make eye contact throughout it all and ended up just sweeping random items into the cart to buy as a 'gift' just to get out of the explanation.
She kept muttering under her breath as she took you home and then promptly made herself scarce, still muttering under her breath as she waved you goodbye.
Momma laughs as she guides you inside. "Your Morsa is very excited," She whispers," Just smile and nod. It'll get it over and done with more quickly."
"What do you mean? What-"
You freeze.
Morsa is standing in the middle of the lounge. Her laptop has been connected to the tv and she smiles when she looks at you.
The screen is horrifying.
'Sex: What to know, beginner and expert levels'.
"Did you get this off the internet or...?"
Morsa shakes her head. "I made it myself! Sit down! Sit down! I spent all day on this. I've got everything you need to know."
"It's lovely, Magda," Momma assures her," I'm sure it's going to be very informative."
It was the worst two hours of your life.
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laurabalde002 · 5 years
"All monster are human"
-teen wolf
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Thought about this kinda situation for some reason, and while drawing the hands, I realized that drawing something with sharper/skinnier body parts would probably be fun
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sunspira · 6 years
I’m like irrationally sympathetic have compulsive failure saying no when it’s in my best interest because that annoying part of my brain second guesses and second guesses and I think watching true crime shows as a kid put fear in me and saved my life
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worldlibertytv · 6 years
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See 45th Annual Village Halloween Parade New York City -2018 in World Liberty TV Cos Play Channel @ https://www.worldlibertytv.org/45th-annual-village-halloween-parade-new-york-city-2018/                                
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