#tv financing
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halfbaked00q · 2 months ago
I think we should put Bond in more "normal people" situations where like sure his spy-training social mimicry can get him by, but there's still a limit to what that can do and he will have to defer to Q to actually successfully navigate the situation due to his own lack of real-world experience and like, context with said situation.
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aroaceleovaldez · 8 months ago
So, in your last post about the Percy Jackson TV show, I felt you lacked a few pieces of information/points. While it is true that the CGI in the film is pore and not constructed well, please note that while they have a large budget Disney has made a lot of restrictions to the show. In the original scrips there was a significantly larger amount of violence that would have needed more CGI. This was latter edited out of the script due to both restrictions and budget cuts for other parts in the show(sadly). Also to bring into prospective Sea of monsters the movie was made 10 years ago. Inflation has juristically affected the way money is used in films. Another thing to note is typically movie budgets are less than TV shows because they only are filming for one larger block of time. TV however they can take years meaning the acters need to be paid even for the time off set. This is not to say movies cannot take years, but it is to show that TV shows are filmed longer. I would also like to say I am genuinely not trying to be rude or unkind about your opinion and thoughts on the subject. I am just someone who has a different insight into the topic because of the things I know about the topic (I myself, am an actor and for the most part I think this is why the CGI was not the best as well as some of the script work). 
I did actually calculate inflation for Sea of Monsters versus the PJO TV show. We know the PJO TV show allegedly had a budget of $12-15 million per episode. For comparison, this is the type of budget Disney+ usually uses for stuff like The Mandalorian. I was doing a generous underestimate for the entire season which comes out to $96mil (12mil per episode x 8 episodes). Sea of Monsters' budget was 90mil. Here's that inflation:
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So lil over $120mil. Going for a top estimate for s1 of the show (15x8) that's $120mil. And as far as I'd heard that may also not include stuff like budget for casting for the show. They are still roughly in similar ballparks.
Regardless of this - as an animator, i can tell you there is no excuse for that wonky CGI trident other than it being extremely quickly done. That's literally a transform error, like ctrl+t type stuff. That is a lazy and cheap trident, probably because Disney notoriously overworks and cheaps out with their CGI. The CGI problems in the show are majority because Disney's being cheap about it. This shows in nearly all the CGI in every episode.
If they had to remove violence from the script and so remove CGI scenes with it, then theoretically they should have more room in the budget for more or better CGI where it already is in the show. That money doesn't just vanish. Changing that in the script gives them less of an excuse, actually.
Also, as i mentioned in my previous post - if you don't want to CGI hydrokinesis, don't pick the franchise where the main character's defining power is hydrokinesis. If you can't have much violence, DON'T PICK THE GREEK MYTHOLOGY SERIES WHERE THE MAIN CHARACTER BEHEADS TWO PEOPLE IN THE FIRST BOOK AND IT ONLY GETS BLOODIER FROM THERE. You cannot have PJO without some level of violence. It's kind of very inherent to the series. Rick actually talks in his original Teaching Guide for The Lightning Thief about how, in argument against attempts to ban TLT (in this specific instance for "being too violent"), that monsters in the books poof into golden dust for a reason, because then they haven't "died." There is no blood. They can and will come back. Because it's fantasy. That is the excuse for all the violence. Of which there otherwise technically is a lot of.
If you are doing live action PJO you are going to have to have some amount of violence (and there is absolutely a level that is perfectly suitable for a PG13 audience. The show right now is leagues below that level. PG13 just means parental guidance for under 13 - this majority has to do with concerns about children under 13 replicating behavior on-screen. Past 13 kids know better than to do that, which is why that rating is a thing. There are plenty of film/media/etc that are way more gory and violent and are still PG13). You are going to have to CGI monsters/creatures to some degree regularly (alongside demigod powers like Percy's hydrokinesis even more regularly). And between those two things, characters are going to have to look like they're physically interacting with the CGI at times. Disney is capable of doing this. Disney does have the budget for this for the show. They're not doing it because they're being cheap. Disney has done this before and does it regularly. This is not anything new. It entirely has to do with CGI not having as many unions. They have no excuses. If they didn't expect to run into these problems then they clearly did no planning for what adapting the series would entail and didn't think at all of what the series actually featured before diving into it. And they have no excuse for that! That is step one!
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lobotomy-lady · 5 months ago
I am on a "mildly trashy TV shows that were super popular 20 years ago" kick & i cannot STAND those on again off again romances that seem to plague it (meredith & derek, carrie & big) like it is so exhausting idc if it's realistic it just sucks. I actually hate an exes to lovers again story in any capacity, even if it's only a single breakup & not a terrible tedious series of breakups. I've seen a lot of popular modern romance novels on goodreads with descriptions like "so & so called it off ages ago but now they're on a vacation together with friends and old feelings are stirring back up" I literally can't think of anything more boring. second chance romance is a shit trope. the only interesting part of the genre to me is two characters developing feelings for each other for the first time & seeing how that plays out. just give the characters new love interests & have them wistfully imagine their ex being hit by a bus . much more relatable
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mommy-thot-speaketh · 5 months ago
Jeff, on one of his long motivational monologues: Say, why do we pay interest on loans?
Annie: Because of the time value of money?
Britta: So now time is under capitalism's control?
Troy: Wait... does this mean...
Abed: That time is money-
Troy: And the only difference is that we own it-
Troy and Abed together: so let's stop time and enjoy this moment!
Jeff, handheading: No, you idiots, time value of money is not a Pitbull reference, it is a finance concept that we'd know if we spent our time studying for the gODDAMN FINANCE TEST!
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skinntyy · 5 months ago
Harper and Yasmin’s argument was everything 😭
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somaligovernment · 6 months ago
Employed people found out about industry three seasons in and are making it insufferable to watch
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martin-boober · 6 months ago
analyzing House Hunters as a monster of the week show
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TVS Supply Chain Solutions stock jumps 9% after company secures 5-year contract with Daimler Truck AG
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filmcourage · 2 months ago
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I Said I Would Never Risk These 3 Things To Make A Movie - Bill Mikita
Watch the video interview on YouTube here.
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hiya-im-mary · 2 years ago
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Sometimes friendship really is a sleazy worm EAGLE and a small,wide eyed clay creature!!
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the-monkey-ruler · 1 year ago
Can you elaborate on Yao Ji having her husband and first son killed? Because I looked her up but that part of her story didn’t show up in either version of her origins
So looking into it, it turns out that this was another case of a single piece of media making headcanon so popular that other pieces of media copy it. It was Lotus Lantern the TV series that makes Yao Ji Erlang's mother when she is more considered a daughter of the jade emperor (something the 1996 series kept right). And from there other series or stories have copied that format giving Yaoji that attention.
But the real name of Erlang Shen's mother is Yunhua 云花女. She is still considered a daughter in some myth but it is hard to tell which myths are the most popular. Yunhua, also known as Cloud Flower Girl, is a character also known as Zhang Xiangu, Zhang Sanjie, Zhang Yuntai, and San Shengu, her titles are Princess Bailian and Princess Lotus. The records mainly come from classical literary works such as "Erlang Baojuan" and "Journey to the West " as well as folklore. 
She is the wife of Yang Tianyou, the third princess of Heaven, and the owner of the Bullfighting Palace. Yunhua is either the third daughter of the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother of the West (other theories believe that Yunhua is the sister of the Jade Emperor, and the Third Holy Mother is the daughter of the God of Huashan Mountain in Xiyue).
So sorry for the confusion! Here are links to both Yunhua and Yaoji if you wish to read more!
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mommy-thot-speaketh · 5 months ago
me when i A+ my finance quizzes: is this what annie felt during high school
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almondcroissantsandink · 1 year ago
uh so the internet has been down at my house for ten days now (I got hit with the windstream update thing where it fried like thousands of modems), and we were supposed to have been sent a new one and we haven’t, so all my new art is stuck on my laptop until further notice :’)
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toddbarrowcountry · 1 year ago
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dancingplague · 1 year ago
Still enjoying working my way through the dimension 20 backlog but I will say that it is occasionally an odd show to be watching on the clock at my bank job
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carnasnow · 2 years ago
My dad doesn't usually say anything about *that*, but it's Pride Month so I guess it was to be expected. Super annoying to hear your parent rant about this 'bullshit' when you're aroace. I have to restrain myself to not reply because I am absolutely *not* in a position where I can be kicked out.
I'm just glad he waited until we were like what? 15? At least for me, before he started ranting about those things. Made it possible to have my own opinion on things and not become like him :D Also made it really weird when he started ranting about the whole Pride thing, kinda like a slap in the face? Like 'oh, okay, you think like that too'. Sigh
I really don't want to argue with him because first of all, I suck at it, and second of all idek if he'd listen to me, so listening and not saying anything it is.
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