#turns out she’s his sister which is still cool! I was just like hello?? at first
marilynsweet · 2 years
Did anyone else think the Hades II protagonist was a ThanZagMeg kid at first or was that just me
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vacayisland · 10 months
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@!; Meet the Wifie JD / Female! Reader
"Summary"! You had always heard about JD's brothers, but you had never met them before as you had gotten with JD after the band had broken up. Yet, while on a mission to save Floyd, you were slowly introduced to his brothers, each in their own silly yet loving ways. "Tags"! Fluff? Idk somehow a fight almost breaks with between the Reader and poor Clay. Also tumblr is being weird so praying this posts this way.
@storydays @chamille-trash @valvalentine69 @gtdkibf6jshhshjd
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@!; Branch and Poppy would be the first to know the truth about JD; A truth he might have forgotten to tell his brothers back in the band days, and something he even forgot to tell Branch and Poppy before they rode in Rhonda for the first time. It wasn't like he was trying to keep secrets, far from it; JD was more than proud of this little secret he has managed to cheek, yet in the flurry of re-meeting Branch and meeting Poppy and getting them both down to help save Floyd, he might have forgotten this tiny detail. "Branch! You never told me you guys has a sister!" Poppy exclaimed as she bounced into Rhonda, beaming from ear to ear as she noticed another Troll inside; they were looking over a few scattered papers, receipts, post cards, anything that she's been able to dig up. Yet her attention was caught away from her search and study when three Trolls entered the little RV, even more so calling her JD's brother. She tried to explain to Poppy that she wasn't JD's sister, that she was in fact his girlfriend, yet JD stopped her before she could; raising a hand in her direction as soon as he saw her open her mouth. He playfully wiggled a finger at Poppy, "That's the wifie!" "You're married?!" Poppy exclaimed with excitement, while Branch seemed taken aback instantly; his attention filtered from you to JD, a silent question engulfing his eyes as he tried to fathom a world where someone would have interest in his older brother. "Well, uh, not technically?" JD rubbed the back of his neck and chuckled with nerves; While you chuckled, a bit more sweetly, along side of him. Poppy tilted her head in confusion, her arms dropping to the side as she tried to think of how JD called you his 'wife' but you guys weren't married. Branch stood next to Poppy, still trying to fathom this whole situation. Wondering how you, someone who seemed so... not JD, ended up with someone like his older brother. As in given example, you were careful to stand up and walk around all the evidence you had dug up from boxes of old things that JD had kept since his band days. While JD, while turning around to reach for your waist, almost stepped and step a whole stack of papers flying to the floor! You had stopped him before he did so, thankfully, playfully smacking his leg away from the stack so he would yelp but realize his mistake and draw his leg back. "Hi, it's so very nice to meet you two." You would extend your hand towards Branch and Poppy; In which, Poppy grabbed your hand first and shook it enthusiastically. "Hello! It's so very nice to meet you!" Exclaimed Poppy as she almost made your arm fall off with how vigorously she was shaking it, "I'm Branch's, JD's younger brother, girlfriend. And can I say, you have very lovely hair." You smiled at Poppy, though were glad to be able to pull your hand away when she finished the hand shake. With your other hand, you grabbed onto the closest hand JD had to you, interlocking your fingers.
"Well, it's very nice to meet you both. I expect you both know what's happening?" You received a nod from Poppy, while Branch just kept his eyes square on JD; who tried to play it cool, but you noticed the tiniest sweat drop rolling down his forehead. "Well then, Poppy, would you like to help me search for clues? I'm trying to find where Spruce is-" You didn't even have to finish before Poppy bounded over, grabbing your hand and rushed over to the pile of documents and files you had pulled out. It genuinely shocked you how much energy she had. But you were not going to let that scare you! What you and Poppy didn't notice, as you were sorting and shuffling around clues, was the 'I'm watching you' fingers that Branch gave to JD. In which JD just extended his arms, wondering what Branch was going on about. Branch, in response, glanced over at you and then back to JD with a cock of his eyebrow. Confused, JD turned towards you and Poppy and then back at Branch wondering what he was getting on about. But Branch wasn't going to say his thoughts out loud, not yet.
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@!; Bruce would be the second one to meet you, and much like Branch he was confused on how this even happened. Unlike Branch, he was happy that JD finally had someone who could tolerate him and his bossy ways; That's not to say that Branch was unhappy for you or JD, he was just a little jealous and sour that after all this time JD had changed yet he couldn't have been there for Branch when he needed it. Those feelings shifted from time to time the more Branch saw you and JD interact, and he couldn't help but slowly feel guilty; Yet, still standing the fact that it wasn't all that fair. Either way, Bruce met you when Poppy, Bruce, and Branch came back to Rhonda after a successful mission and a dance number about Brozone being back. You were sat in the driver's seat, mindlessly shuffling a deck of cards; You had been asked if you would like to join the three, mostly by Poppy and JD, but you had declined as you weren't much of a people person. It's what drew you to JD at first, when you heard he was going solo around the globe in a 'soul-searching' journey. You asked more about it and slowly the two of you had grown closer than you ever thought would be possible. As such, you always tended to miss him dearly when he stepped off Rhonda. And, subsequently, is why you bounded onto your feet when you heard the door open. You didn't even mind that the deck of cards had spilt all over the floor as you heard your boyfriends all too familiar voice shout, "Honey, we're home!" Which was followed by a confused new voice, "Honey?" "You'll get used to it." And Branch's snarky comeback. They had managed to grab Spruce, no doubt, thanks to the post card. Yet, before JD could introduce you both, he had to take care of the loving and attentive girlfriend that had appeared right in front of him; Grabbing both his hands and welcoming him back with a big smile, while also accidentally stopping those from behind JD; Who had to awkwardly shuffle around the two of you. "What did you do?" JD quipped, smirking down at you with a curious look. He hadn't notice the stack of playing cards that had been left on the ground yet, which Poppy had began to pick up out of habit. "Nothing! I just missed you." Branch, standing next to Bruce, could swear he could see the definition of heart eyes in your eyes. He wasn't sure if he was actually happy for his brother, or a little grossed out, or jealous, or all the above with some plausible explanation for his emotions that he didn't feel like going into. JD, having forgotten that you two had company over, was quick to scoop you up into his arms, as he usually did when you greeted him back home. His arms rested under your thighs, supporting you as you sat on his forearms, and as you wrapped your arms around his neck while your legs wrapped around his waist. There was something always so peaceful yet exciting being this close to JD; Being able to clearly see his eyes, as you cupped his cheeks and leaned down to connect your foreheads. You were able to smell his cologne, which you swore you could get drunk off of. You could just feel his warmth and be able to take a moment to stop and breath and remember that he's here and he isn't going anywhere. You could just, be; Be here with JD and not have to worry about anything. And the way that JD tightened his hold, the way he looked back up at you with adoration... you knew he wouldn't have it any other way. Even if you almost kicked him out of his own bus one time because he was being a pain in your ass. A cough from Branch, and awing from Poppy, snapped you both out of your love-drunk dazes. Causing you to sit up properly and glance over at the company, all the while you kept JD's cheeks cupped with your hands and he couldn't really tilt his head to see everyone. "You both are!... adorable!" Poppy shouted, bouncing on her toes as she held onto Branch's arm. You couldn't help but laugh as her reaction, noticing that she was refraining from shaking Branch with all her might.
"Yeah, very cute." Sarcasm leaked out of Branch, "But have you both realized we've been standing here for a minute? We need to go out and look for Clay so we can save Floyd!- Yet, Bruce only patted Branch on the shoulder, "Calm down, Bitty B! I wanna meet JD's partner." Along with giving you both a smile as you slide out of JD's arms and onto the floor. At least, you were attempting to do so, but JD only tightened his hold. "Bruce, meet the wifie; Wifie, meet Bruce one of my younger brothers. Good, there you guys meet. Now if you excuse us," And, though Bruce seemed to have wanted to met more, he simply walked away with you still in his arms. Which caused you to flush but laugh, playfully smacking his shoulder and asking what has gotten into him! But, then again, this was your boyfriend and he was usually this selfish with you.
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@!; Clay met you in Putt-Putt Village, where you had been convinced by JD to come out with everyone else. He had claimed that it was simply too dark and spooky to let you stay home alone and he couldn't make sure you were properly safe in Rhonda. You tried arguing saying that he's left you in worse conditions, which seemed to get a rile out of Bruce who questioned him what you had meant. It was funny to watch JD sputtering out reasons and excuses and examples, but in the end you decided to join them. It would do you good to get some fresh air after so many hours of basically non-stop traveling. To say you regretted your choice as soon as the clown-head started talking would be an understatement. To say you weren't about to kill JD when gulf balls began to animate and roll around you, was an understatement. To say that you then didn't smack JD behind the head when everything turned out to be alright was... actually, that's not an understatement because that's exactly what you had done. "And you said I wouldn't be safe in Rhonda! When has she ever let me get surrounded by gulf-balls that actually turned out to be Trolls." You had 'scolded' JD as you smacked him behind the head. It wasn't anything hard, just a small one-two to see if he still had some sort of brain in there. JD jerked towards you with the most betrayed look you've every seen him give, "Babe!" JD sputtered, not knowing how to respond to you assault! "I'm about to go back to the trailer." You muttered, a little salty. Crossing your arms you turned away from JD and towards Viva, who was screaming about how the new guests needed friends and milkshakes; Which the other Trolls in the village jumped onto getting. "If you go back I might have to follow you to correct this attituded we're having." JD snirked slyly, crossing his arms as he flashed me a knowing glance. Wiggling his eyebrows and winking playfully, leaving you slightly baffled at his boldness in front of everyone. "JOHN D-" You started, yet was quickly cut off as you hadn't noticed Clay's sudden appearance; or how he had rushed over to say hello to baby Branch and Bruce, giving a lack luster response to JD. That itched you wrong. Sure, you knew JD hadn't been the best to his brothers in their band days but that still gave him no right to look and act like that towards JD. You momentarily forgot JD's comment, or the fact that he probably almost killed you earlier (to which he would rightly remind you about your flare for dramatics, and how much he loved them) and marched over to where Poppy, Branch, and Bruce where. Poppy was attempting to introduce herself to Clay, who stood in front of them, yet you pushed past them and stood as a barrier between the three and Clay; Who gave you a weird look, and was slightly taken a back by your forwardness. "Hel-" Clay tried, but didn't get very far in his greeting. "I'm sorry, I didn't know that you had a stick up your ass that someone needs to remove, Cupcakes." You spat at him as you crossed your arms, shooting him the nastiest glare you could fathom at this point. Which was nasty enough to get both Bruce and Poppy to back up a little, and Poppy to slowly inch Branch away from you and Clay.
Though Branch didn't seem to enjoy the way you were talking to his third eldest brother. He opened his mouth to say something, yet you cut him off, "Furthermore, is that how you're really going to greet your brother after all these years? With plain favoritism to the others despite everything he's had to go through and is trying to actively change because of everything that went wrong, huh?" "Oooh'kay, Babe," JD carefully walked over to you, knowing you were a little on the edge; That and you had smacked him behind the head earlier and he wasn't looking for another one of those. "How about we take a step back and go calm down-" "Nah, Imma beat his ass!" It wasn't the best first meeting you could have had with one of JD's brother, and it also put a little sour kick into the two you had met before, yet it was eventful, that was for sure. Who wouldn't find it eventful for having their older brother's spunky girlfriend almost beat their ass over a few choice words and actions towards him? Yeah... you were going to have to do a little bit of work to mend that with Clay.
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@!; You officially, without the fear of him dying or any of the other brothers for that fact, met Floyd before the KISMET and BroZone concert backstage. You were there to support JD, and in turn his brothers. Sure, you had seen and heard all about Floyd before this moment but you weren't exactly sure what to expect from him. Especially since you knew that Clay or at least Bruce or Branch had told Floyd about the whole Clay fiasco on the way back. "You're (Y/N), right?" Floyd's voice from behind you caught your attention despite the current list of groceries you were writing. "Huh?" You muttered at first, having been caught off guard by Floyd's sudden approach. You couldn't help but wonder if he was here for some other reason than first greetings. "Yeah.. that's me... and you're Floyd, right?" Floyd would nod as you set down your pad and pencil on your lap, which was cross-crossed as you sat on the floor. Floyd, still a little worn down from all the talent that was taken from him, joined you on the floor and had decided to sit next to you. You weren't sure why, nor did you completely understand the sudden nerves that had struck in your body. You weren't this nervous when you met any of JD's other brothers; So, how come you were nervous now? Floyd seemed to notice this. His eyebrows frowned up as he smiled softly at you, placing a comforting hand on your shoulder. "Hey, I'm not here to scold you if that's what you're expecting." There was a hint of laughter in his voice, "I mean, I know what happened when you first met Clay but that's in the past, yeah? Plus, you were only trying to stand up for JD... which is sweet, I appreciated it." You jerked your head up to look at Floyd, a little baffled that he was so different from his other brothers. Before, you had been nervously fiddling with your notepad and pencil, unable to form a word to say to him. Yet, he seemed to somehow calm your nerves. Not instantly, like JD had always managed to do, but slowly with a firm reassurance. "Oh," You mouthed, before smiling, "Yeah, I still don't think I've made that up to Clay yet. I mean," You paused for a second, "I did kind of almost attack him just because he rolled his eyes at JD. It struck a wrong cord with me." Floyd chuckled, "Hey, don't worry, I get it. I always get that icky feeling whenever my brothers fight, but that's just how they are." "A ragtag team of brothers who both love yet hate each other at the exact same time?" You joked, cocking up an eyebrow. "And yet, we wouldn't have it any other way." Floyd replied with a smile, turning to look at his other brothers, who were all warming up and stretching. You glanced down at your notepad, reading the list of groceries you would need to get for the bus when JD and you set off again. There wasn't many placed to stop and get food on the road, unless you and JD gathered and hunted. "Hey, I don't know if anyone has told you this.." Floyd snapped you out of your thoughts again, "But thank you." You were baffled, "Thank you?" "Thank you," Floyd shrugged his shoulders, but his smile was so genuine and sweet. "For being there for John Dory when we weren't. For helping him at his lowest. You know, he talks a lot about you when you're not around and I don't think I would want any other Troll to be with JD than you. Welcome to the family, Sister-in-law." Floyd held out a fist bump, though knew you might need a minute by the tears welling in your eyes.
You had told yourself many, many years ago (when you first got with JD and heard about his band days) that you would never pick a favorite brother of his; Just incase it would cause some sort of family drama to arise. You didn't exactly have siblings, so you didn't really know what they fought about and what they didn't. So you told yourself if you ever met the brothers you would do your best to quell anything that came up. Yet, Floyd was making this very difficult right now... "JOHN DORY FLOYD IS MY FAVORITE BROTHER!" You rushed out, snagging Floyd's wrist and shoving it up in the air; To which he yelped, not having expected such a sudden reaction. John Dory, peaking in front backstage, stared for a moment. He hadn't fully heard you, but was able to quickly piece together what you had said: "WHAT?! BABE I'M MEANT TO BE YOUR FAVORITE!" "I don't make the rules JD, maybe you shouldn't have almost killed me!" "IT WAS ONE TIME AND NOTHING HAPPENED!" "Should have let me stay with Rhonda." You playfully shook your head towards your boyfriend, who stood in the doorway completely baffled and a little butt hurt. But, you couldn't help but laugh as his goofy expression, absolutely loving every part of him; His grumpy sides, his loving sides, and even his down-right baffled and confused sides.
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.ᐟ this work is published and owned by @vacayisland. please do not plagiarize, copy, or steal this work; like, reblogs, and saves are appreciated :D
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sweetnergirl · 6 months
No bc like… just imagine plug!connie and you being his bsf sister.
“S-stoppp…CONNIE PLZZZ!!”you cried out in the most whiniest voice you’ve ever made
“Shhh, baby you non’t want you’re brother to here how much of a slut you’re being for his best friend.” He rasped in your ear as his fingers moved in and out of you as he curled them on that spot that he knows make you crumble under him. “B-b-baby plz, I’m gonna cum if you keep doing that”, you said as tears that you were holding finally came sliding down the sides of your face.
“Aww you gonna cum, come on. Go ahead come for me”. Connie whispered in your ear then sat up on his hind legs and smirked(his bottom diamond grills shining) as he watched that chubby tummy of your’s that he loved so much(the reader also has a hello kitty belly piercing), quiver as he watched you fall apart. You couldn’t take it as his fingers continued to move and his thumb rubbed that swollen little nub of yours…So you tried to push is hand away by grabbing his wrist. “Nahh this what you wanted right mamas, what happen to you being all big and bad when you was teasing me wit them lil as shorts tryna show off to my friend” he stated in a firm and slightly aggressive tone while never slowing down.
Though you could only respond with a string of whiny and pornographic moans from him just playing with your pussy like it was nothing. You knew exactly what he was referring to, you didn’t know ony was going to have company over you had just woken up from a nap and taken a shower by then throwing on a plain cropped wife beater w/hello kitty shorts that you’ve had since you were nine and yea they had gotten shorter and tighter over the years… But HEY! They still fit. You walked out of your room welcomed by the strong smell of weed and the three boys in the living room smoking(Eren, Connie and ony).
While Connie’s eyes stayed on you roaming up and down your body as if he could eat you along w/the stare of Eren Yeager. “Aye y/n, look at you all grown up it’s been too long we should hang out together just like old time’s” Eren tells you while also eyeing you. “Nah she’s still annoying, the only reason she used to hang out w/ is because she would beg me to and if I say no she would be a little snitch”. Ony complains as I roll my eyes and strolled to the kitchen. “Yeah but she cool now right y/n?”Eren asked taking a puff of the jay and Turing his head to look at me in the kitchen eating a fruit roll up, “yepp I’m cool now… right Connie?” I questioned as I walked over the the side of the sofa Eren was sitting on and taking the jay from his hand then taking a puff. “Earth to con, you good bro”,ony asked while waving a hand in his face. “Yeah I’m good just, just thinking”.
As time went on me and Eren just talked while ony and con did they’re thing but even then I noticed Connie staring the whole time with dark eyes filled w/lust and irritation rolling his eyes any time i laughed at ren’s jokes or touch his arm or me showing him my fresh nail set when he asked.
By the end of the night I was high out of my mind from all the smoking and decided it was time for me to go back in my room and probably go back to sleep, which is when Connie shows up in my room during the middle of the night confronting me about whatever he called “the situation” which was just me catching up w/ an old friend. It wasn’t that big of a deal to me.
“Shut the fuck up I’m sick of hearing you mouth, matter of a fact turn that ass around im bout to tear that ass up”.
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kingofthe-egirls · 1 year
how about an God au with gear 5 luffy?
He's the sun god bored out of his mind until a new girl, Y/N arrives in town. Y/N is a new temple maiden by the way.
He's quickly enamored with her as she is sweet and kind to everyone, but he doesn't like that she has sutiors. She turned them all down though.
One gets handsy to her discomfort but Luffy intervenes with a lightning strike and people see it as an omen and Y/N becomes off limits!
One day to his luck, Y/N arrives to his temple to do cleaning at night, he appears to meet her. Saying he has been watching her since she arrived.
And with some soft coaxing, Luffy starts to spend a real steamy time with her. There won't be a part of her he won't touch! Or taste!
And through that time he makes Y/N his goddess! Which kind of Goddess is up to you!
i have done my best
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(cw: sun god!au, sorta spoilers, sfw, cheek kiss, reader can't see luffy, food mention)
(a/n: okay so sorry this took so long, this is sorta what i have so far, i just haven't written the smut yet. it's sorta plot heavy, so i hope you still enjoy this!)
words: 1.1k
Sun God Nika is bored. 
She's dusting the altar again, singing to herself. He peers down from the marble pillars, legs wrapped around the column as he stares at her working. She's wearing a soft chiton, pastel pink like the rose petals she sprinkles on the golden offering dish. Luffy'd much prefer meat.
"Hmm," he stares down at her, swinging upside down from the pillar. She doesn't see him yet. He wonders if he should say something, maybe get her attention. Most priestesses can see him, if he speaks up. She's singing now, murmuring little lullabies with a songbird's voice. 
Luffy smiles.
She's pretty.
So he spirals down the marble pillar, letting his limbs snap back to his torso with a whack as he lands. He stands, grinning, his fists on his hips. He's shirtless, wearing nothing but his clouds and snow-white shorts. His sash swishes violet around his waist, as he steps up behind her with a shit-eating grin on his face. He's sending out rays of sunlight, he can tell, since she's all lit up sparkly and gold as he approaches her. 
She's sweeping as she hums, brushing away the dried rosebuds and sunflower seed shells from this week's previous offerings. He likes the seeds, but since he can't eat roses he wishes she'd leave the petals out of it. She stops, suddenly. She shifts, as she starts to sense his presence.
She turns, and Luffy stands with his biggest grin to greet his newest friend.
She's staring right at him, but her eyebrows are furrowed as she scans the room. He waves. 
She screams.
"Ah!" She yelps, jumping in place as she drops the broom. It clatters to the floor, scattering shells and petals everywhere. She swirls around, shaking visibly in surprise. "Wh-what the fuck?! Is there someone here?" She's breathing heavily, nostrils flaring as she tries to keep her cool. Her soft dress sways around the scattered rosebuds. Luffy's confused.
"Hello?" He says again, head tilted. She stares at the space he's occupying, but sort of past it. Luffy waves again, but she doesn't respond. Oh. She can't see him.
That's a first.
"Huh!" He says, stumped. But then he gets an idea, and he's smiling again as he saunters up to her. "It's me!" He smacks a kiss on her cheek, expecting the swoon he usually gets, but she screams and slaps him in the face. She scrambles backward, swiping up her broom to wield in front of herself like a bo staff. She's flushed, chest heaving in fear. 
Luffy scrunches his lips to the side: he's somehow made a mistake. 
Nami, his sister-goddess (she governs stars, currency, and navigation), would smack him upside the head for something like this. He frowns, sitting cross-legged in midair as he stares at the frightened human. She swallows heavily, starting to shuffle around to behind the altar. She looks like she's going to bolt at any second.
"Okay, okay, sorry!" He waves his hands in surrender, but then drops them as he realizes she can't see his gestures. He casts about him, searching for a way to calm her down. "Ah…uhh," he swirls around to the other side of the altar with her, sending as much radiance and light as he could. "See that? See the sunlight?" He asks hopefully, seeing the gold reflections in her eyes.
She stares.
"S-sorta…," she allows, still brandishing her bo-staff-broom. 
Luffy snickers, setting his feet down on the marble floor. His sandals crunch over the scattered shells. "It's me! Sorry ya can't see me, I dunno what that's about…" He frowns, scanning over her face. She seems like she can see other stuff, like how she stares at the rose petals and the flickering candle lights. Or her own fists wrapped tight around the handle of her broom.
"Here," he says softly, alighting his fingertips onto the tip of the handle. He pushes it down, just so she can feel his weight manipulating objects in the mortal world. She gasps, but doesn't drop the broom. He slowly slides his hand down the handle, until his fingertips are almost touching hers. He doesn't want to scare her again, so this time he asks. 
"S'okay if I touch ya?"
She hesitates, but nods.
So he softly traces the backs of her knuckles, before wrapping his hand around her fist. She's smaller than him. She seems to glow a little bit, being touched by a god. She breathes in a sigh of relief, shoulders visibly relaxing. She lets go of the broom with one hand, letting her fingers tangle with his invisible ones. She's soft as feathers.
"Doesn't hurt, does it?" He asks cheekily, and she smiles as she shakes her head.
"S'warm," she confesses, letting his fingers trail up her inner forearm to dance at the crease of her elbow. She scrunches her nose, "Tickles."
"Shishishi," Luffy snickers and pulls away. He sits back up in midair, legs crisscrossed under him. "So, what's it like serving me? S'fun so far?" He tilts his head, floating along behind her as she sets the broom to the side. She seems much more comfortable now, since she knows he's real. She's all melty and relaxed, like she's been sunbathing for a while.
She smiles dreamily, fingers playing in her hair. It's decorated with gold jewelry, with a sparkling jewel at the center of her forehead. Third eye, Nico Robin would call it. She's much better at this spiritual stuff than Luffy is, truthfully. But his temple priestess is suddenly flustered again, except this time she's blushing instead of breathing heavily. 
"Oh, um! I should have offered you sunflowers, or something–"
"You're good!" He's sick of flowers, "Is there any meat instead?"
Luffy flicks a sunflower seed off the gold offering dish. He sits on the marble slab, relaxing amid the candles with his head propped up on his hand. "S'my favorite! Any kind of meat will do," he watches her cast about breathlessly, a soft blush decorating her cheeks.
She's cute.
Luffy likes her, he decides, although he'd already liked her singing. 
She shakes her head, comma of displeasure forming between her eyebrows. "I-I don't think so… I'd have to go to the market," she twists her fingers in front of her, tangling them in the soft pink fabric of her dress. She stares to the left of where Luffy stands. "Is…that okay?"
"Sure!" Luffy chirps, sliding his warm hand into hers. She blushes ferociously, but she squeezes his hand in comfort, anyway. He swings their arms between them as he starts leading her toward the front door. "Let's go!"
She stops, stricken. "Wh-what?"
Luffy snickers, "Let's go together! Cmon, it'll be an adventure!"
She swallows, letting him start dragging her back towards the door. She scuffs her sandals along the sandstone floor, but she doesn't refuse. "Okay," she says quietly, "I think I'd like an adventure," she smiles at him, sorta to the side, and Luffy beams back. He squeezes her hand.
"Let's have an adventure, then!"
She smiles, and lets Luffy drag her all the way to the town square.
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starhvney · 6 months
Halo! Anon who said 'PLEASE KEEP LIVING' again ^^!! Anyway, I wanted to try requesting so can I request a Gene x reader oneshot where the reader has to babysit her little brother/sister (you decide the name and gender!) with the help of her boyfriend, Gene? I imagine their friends teasing them a little bit about it and when they go to the supermarket with the kid the cashier'll give a small comment about them being 'a cute married couple'
Thank you, and don't rush!
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𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: mystreet gene x fem!reader
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘: after you were asked to babysit your little sister, your boyfriend helps you with the adorable task
𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐒: fluff, slice of life, established relationship
𝐂𝐖: none
𝐀/𝐍: i went ahead with little sister because i only have sisters so it was easier to write tehe. this is adorable btw thank you for the prompt anon! i am still living!
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come over?
i can’t today, have to babysit angie and get groceries :,)
you blink down at your phone, pausing while buckling angelina into her car seat as your eyebrows pinch together at your boyfriend’s message.
i’ll go with you.
you huff out a laugh, and angelina responds with a confused giggle of her own, her small hands bouncing against the sides of her seat in anticipation. you finish buckling her into her tiny constraints, to which she pouts at you, kicking her chubby legs in protest with a whine. you merely poke her nose, whispering a “shush” and clambering into the driver’s seat.
okay, i’m leaving right now though
ok, pick me up on the way then
i’ll be there soon
it’s only a few songs into your jam sesh with angelina before you make it to gene’s apartment. you decided to take her up to the door with you, knowing how excited she got to see your friends. before you could knock, gene opened the door for you, dark blue eyes crinkling as he smiled at the pair of you.
“hey.” he leans forward to greet you with a short-lived kiss.
“gaaa!” angelina calls out, leaning forward from your hold with outstretched arms as she eagerly babbles for gene to hold her.
it doesn’t take much convincing on her part, as he snatches her from you instantly, giving her a short toss in the air and planting a kiss on the small girl’s cheek.
“hello there, angel.” he whispers, voice uncharacteristically high as he hugs angelia to his chest.
“eeewwww, stinky baby!” zenix’s voice calls from deeper in the apartment.
soon both sasha and zenix appear by gene’s side, curiously peaking around him to gaze at the one year old like she was a spectacle.
“tell him he’s the stinky one, angie,” gene says, using his hand to raise her fist up in a threatening—as a baby could be—manner. “say you’re stinky!”
“ooohhhhoho, you just got burned by a baby, loser.” sasha laughs.
“not cool, angelina.” zenix pouts, poking her stomach and wiggling his fingers, causing her to break out into giggles.
as all of your amused laughter dies down, gene steps out of the apartment with you,  angelina still snug in his arms.
“see you guys later.” you say, turning and grabbing her tiny hands to help her wave goodbye at the duo still in the doorway.
“say bye bye, angie!” gene encourages her.
“look at them, they look like a cute family already.”
“sickening.” zenix jokingly scoffs.
“gene, who knew you’d be such a girl dad.” sasha says, her expression slightly perturbed by his sudden shift in character.
“are you kidding? if he had a son that ended up like him he’d go into cardiac arrest by thirty.” zenix leans forward with a teasing smirk on his face. “he wouldn’t know what to do.”
gene sighs and rolls his eyes at his friends’ conversation, knowing they were definitely right. 
“whatever,  byeee.” he sarcastically drawls out, beginning to walk away.
“bababa!” angelina waves her stubby hand over gene’s shoulder as you follow along beside them.
“bye mom and dad! bye little baby!” they call out behind you.
“since you’re holding her you get to try and put angie in her car seat.”
after gene gets her in her car seat with ease–much to your chagrin–the three of you are soon in the grocery store with angelina kicking joyfully in the basket seat. as you’re busy looking down at your list, gene races off down the empty aisle, giggling along with angie’s contagious laughter.
“gene!” you attempt to scold him, racing after him as he steers off out of sight. as you turn the corner you nearly run over an elderly woman holding a small basket of baking goods.
“oh, i’m so sorry, excuse me!” you frantically apologize, backing up to make sure she was okay.
you’re surprised to see a joyful expression on her face as she waves her worn hands in dismissal.
“oh, you’re alright dear. my husband used to do the same thing with our baby when we were younger,” she beams.
you don’t have the heart to tell her that you are, in fact, not married to gene nor is that your child as she reaches out to pat your arm.
“it’s nice to see young couples who aren’t so serious all the time. enjoy these moments while they last.”
“oh, um, of course.” your eyes dart down to the end of the store, where gene has now disappeared in another aisle with an ecstatic angelina in tow. 
looking back, the granny is already shuffling away, waving you to go on. “go on and make sure they don’t get up to too much mischief, now.”
“thank you, have a nice rest of your day!” you wave back. her face wrinkles joyfully as she disappears down another aisle, prompting you to take off after the runaway pair.
you turn into the toy aisle, panting as you finally catch up. gene is gently shaking an adorable duck plushie in front of angie, who is pointing and grabbing at it insistently.
“you like this one? yeah i was thinking the same thing. good choice, angel.” 
after handing the toy to angelina, he turns to look at you with puppy eyes and the face of a scolded child.
“yes ma’am?”
you lift your arms in exasperation, eyebrows raised to say, “what the hell, man?” without actually saying it.
“look!” he points insistently to your younger sister, who is donning a gummy toothed smile as her small fingers grip onto the small duck. she innocently lifts it up to showcase it to you, it’s beaded eyes somehow as pleading as the looks gene and angelina were throwing your way.
rolling your eyes, you give in, turning with your list in hand. “fine, but that’s it. we’re here for groceries.”
by the end of your perusal through the different aisles, gene managed to convince you that him and angelina absolutely needed ice cream, fruit snacks, and lollipops as a sweet treat. after the fourth item, you sent him a stern glare that he groaned at.
“your sister is so mean to me, angie.” he teasingly pouts, leaning in to you with a fake sob.
angelina stares at the both of you in confusion, before turning her attention back to the toy gene had snagged for her.
“wow.” he deadpans, sighing as he take his weight off of you to help place the groceries on the cashier’s conveyor belt.
the bored looking teen smiles at angelina, her face lightening up a bit.
“your baby is so adorable.” she gushes, reaching over to scan the teddy bear without taking it from her.
“thanks, but she’s not-“
“i know right, she looks just like her mom doesn’t she?” gene wraps an arm around your waist, slouching over to lean his head onto your shoulder. 
blood rises to your cheeks as you flusteredly go quiet, unable to come up with any words. you can’t see his face, but you’re sure he’s got a shit eating grin plastered all over it. the cashier nods, completely buying his lie.
“yeah! it’s funny, people usually the first born looks like their dad…” she shrugs, finishing up her check out with a content smile.
“have a nice day!”
the three of you leave the store, with gene snickering behind you. you shoot a side eye at him, but your resolve quickly crumbles once again.
“what?” he nonchalantly asks, shrugging his shoulders in faux innocence.
all you can do is merely sigh, the red in your cheeks still prominently visible.
“we got her, angie! look at her cute face.” he grins, reaching over to pinch your cheeks, planting a kiss to your forehead.
angelina cheers, lifting her new teddy bear in celebration. you finally break out in laughter, conceding to your loss as gene triumphantly smiles in victory.
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©starhvney, 2024. please do not steal or repost my works as your own.
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ghostboneswrites2 · 6 months
hello my sister is deaf so ive known asl my whole life so i was thinking that could you maybe write one where fem wife reader knows asl and shes really close with connie so when she connie and daryl go on a mission together connie just teases reader about daryl behind daryls back bc he now knows asl ❤️❤️
Summary: Daryl had a rough night and an even tougher morning. To avoid letting his soggy mood soil yours and Connie’s, the two of you resort to picking innocent fun behind his back.
Note: the ASL dialogue was in italics but somehow that disappeared when I posted this :’)
Warnings: profanity, Daryl is sensitive // mostly just a silly little fic
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        “Why is he always so grumpy?” Connie signed to you as Daryl stomped up ahead. You smiled. 
        “He’s not always grumpy. Just usually.” You signed back. You both laughed silently, straightening your faces quickly and unconvincingly when he peered over his shoulder and shot you both a glare. 
        Daryl was annoyed about a few things. For one, you kept him up all night tossing and turning and swearing about not being able to find a cool spot on the bed. That was just one of your quirks, and while usually he could ignore it, he also had a killer knot in his back muscles that just made it harder to sleep through your flipping and flopping. Then, absolutely nothing on this mission had gone according to his plan so far. The route he wanted to take was too walker-infested, and the detour out you all an hour behind schedule. He specifically wanted to be back home by noon, which was why he dragged your well rested ass out of bed just before sunrise to get going. 
        To top it all off, he didn’t even plan on bringing Connie. You invited her without running it by him, and all these minor things compiled into one big majorly grumpy huntsman. 
       Connie smirked again when he turned his attention away from the two of you and back ahead. She quickened her pace to that she was ahead of you, but still behind him, and began to mimic his walk comically, right down to the way he lifted and dropped his feet and the way his fists balled up by his sides. You slapped a hand over your moth and stifled a laugh, which earned his attention. Connie immediately dropped the act and bit down on her cheeks to suppress a grin. She stiffened a bit, forgetting how she normally walked. 
        Daryl stopped and turned, staring at you both with suspicion and irritation. 
        “The hell y’all got goin’ on?” He asked. In unison, you and Connie both shrugged nonchalantly. “Mm.” He grumbled and turned away again, stomping onward, boots meeting the ground and crunching the leaves with a heavy thud. 
        Connie stopped and waited for you to catch up before she walked again. 
        “Jeez. He’s in a moody mood.” You signed to her. She shook her head.
        “What’s wrong?” She asked.
        “Just didn’t sleep well I think.” You signed. She nodded and the rest of the trip carried on with no conversation, vocal or otherwise.
        When the three of you had reached the destination and secured the guns you set out for, it was more or less the same. Daryl stalking ahead, brooding about this or that, while you and Connie hung back and chatted.
         “He needs a haircut.” She said.
        “You try telling him that.”
        “It looks like a mop.” She joked. This made you laugh. Daryl turned and stormed over to you both. 
         “Alright, cut the shit. Y’all got somethin’ to say?” He snapped.
        Connie glanced at you before signing, “Your head looks like a mop.”
        Daryl was caught off guard by the comment. Most people avoided picking at him or otherwise vexing him when he was in those moods, but Connie showed no fear. Really, he expected it from his wife, of all people. But Connie, too? He could never catch a break.
        “I like my mop, thank you very much.” He scoffed and turned away. Again, you both laughed at your attitude-riddled husband. 
        “That was brave.” You signed to her. She shrugged and pretended to dust off her shoulders pridefully. You just grinned and shook your head. By then you were nearly home, maybe twenty minutes out. 
        “Did he brush his teeth today?” She asked.
        “Don’t think so.” You admitted.
        “His breath stinks.”
        “Wanna tell him that too?” You chuckled as you signed your response. She waved you off. 
        “You know I will.” She warned.  
        “Trust me. I know.”
        Back home that night, when you were cleaning up after dinner and Daryl helped wash dishes because he’d feel lazy if he didn’t, he seemed to be deep in thought. 
        “Something on your mind, love?” You asked absently as you wiped down the counters.
        “Nah.” He shrugged. You stopped and eyed him, determining that was a lie. You crossed your arms, kitchen rag slapping over your side.
        “Tell me.” You demanded. 
        “Daryl.” You pressed on.
        “Don’t worry ‘bout it.” 
        “Don’t shut me out.” You insisted. “We don’t do that, remember?”
        He finally let out a deep sigh and shut the water off before he turned to you. His eyes were steady and prying. He only looked at you that way when you did something that got under his skin and he didn’t know how to bring it up.
        “We’re ya talkin’ ‘bout me with Connie that whole time?” He asked. His eyes flickered to the floor once before returning to meet your own.
        “Oh.” You blinked. “We were just joking around to lighten the mood.”
        “Can’t lighten a mood if I don’t know what you’re sayin’.” He pointed out. 
        “Did we upset you?” You asked, suddenly dropping your arms to your sides. “I’m sorry if we did. Really, it was nothing bad. We got bored picking at each other so we picked at you instead.” 
        “Mm.” He nodded. “My hair looks like a mop?”
        You snorted. 
        “No. But you do need a trim.” 
        “Nah.” He shook his head. You raised your eyebrows. 
        “Suit yourself, mop-boy.” You smirked as you turned back to the counter to finish polishing it up. 
        “It’s mop-man.” He corrected. He internally smacked himself upside the head. Mop-man? Really? He couldn’t think of anything better? You chuckled and shook your head to yourself quietly. 
tags: @kissmeunicornbaobei @thesadcatt0 @clairealeehelsing @duckybird101 @tmntfixationxreader @ryoujoking @blackvelveteen1339 @yondus-girl @ladylincoln @sunshinebug9 @saylum559 @yoowhatthefuck @duffmckagansbandana @celtic-crossbow @virginsexgod69 @dazzling-roaring-20s @l0kilaufeys0n7 @uhnanix
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eatmeandbirthmeagain · 4 months
Baldwin x reader where he brushes and braids her hair before bed.
♡ Your Touch - King Baldwin x Reader ♡
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♡ Fluff ♡
A/N: Hello Anon, thank you for this cute little request! As always, this is based on the film Kindgom Of Heaven, not the real historical figures. Enjoy!
TW: Leprosy
Baldwin returned to his chambers for the night as he did every evening.
The day had been surprisingly peaceful and he was looking forward to spending a quiet evening with his beloved y/n. He entered the room to find the young queen sitting at her vanity, running an ivory brush through her beautiful, long hair.
A soft sigh escaped his lips, his body relaxing at just the sight of her. As if sensing his presence, y/n turned around to look at her husband, a small smile crossing her face.
“How was your day my love?” she asked in a soothing tone, standing to greet him. “Quite alright angel, but I'm glad to be back with you” he replied, wrapping his arms around her waist and resting his forehead against her neck.
The cool metal of his mask against her skin was pleasant, as was the feeling of him melting into her embrace. “Go lay down sweetheart, I'll be right with you. I just need to finish with my hair” she told him, pulling away slowly, not wanting to let go of his warm body.
“Could I do your hair myself?” he asked, tilting his head to the side. Like a curious dog she had thought. Y/n smiled at his request, “of course you can” she answered. 
Y/n returned to her place at the vanity, handing him the brush. As gently as possible, Baldwin began to run the brush through her hair. His touch was so careful and soft, his affection was just wonderful. It always was.
Y/n treasured the times of intimacy she had with her beautiful husband. He always knew how to make every second perfect. She closed her eyes momentarily, relishing in the sensation of his touch.
The brush going through her silky hair mesmerized the young king. Y/n always took such amazing care of her appearance and her hair was no exception. So soft and smooth. Never a single strand out of place, even in the mornings. Unlike his hair, which was almost always messy and uncontrollable. Mostly on account of the veil which had a tendency to flatten his hair down, causing it to stick out in all strange positions when he removed his headpiece. Never hers though.
Her hair smelt like lavender oil, the scent was so soothing to him. He always smelt it whenever he hugged her. 
Once he finished brushing her hair, he began braiding it slowly so as to make it as neat as possible.
His sister had taught him to braid hair when he was young. She told him that he “would need it for when he had daughters or a beautiful wife”. She was right about one of those things.
Once completed, y/n handed him a thin, white ribbon for him to tie it off. As best as he could with gloves on his hands, Baldwin tied the ribbon into a bow at the end of the braid. 
He smiled at his work behind the mask. “Thank you my love” y/n said quietly, standing to wrap him in a warm embrace. “Shall we lay down now?” she offered. “Yes please” the young king said through a soft yawn, suddenly very tired. 
The two climbed under the covers of the large bed as Baldwin removed his mask, placing it on the nightstand.
He buried himself into the warmth of the bed as y/n wrapped her arms around him, pulling him closer to close whatever gap was already there.
“I love you so much, y/n” Baldwin mumbled against her chest. “I love you too my darling” y/n replied, running her fingers through his golden curls.
He loved her so much, there was no doubting it. There was nothing better than feeling her soft, warm skin against his. Despite the lack of sensation, the knowledge that she was there holding him was enough to make his heart melt.
It still confused him that someone so beautiful and perfect would agree to marry somebody such as him. A leper, deserving of nothing more than a life out in the streets with all the other filth, but here in these walls, he was loved. Cherished and doted on by such a kind soul.
He could not possibly be more grateful for her. He would do anything for her and she would do anything for him.
Despite his thoughts, Baldwin was the most important thing in the young queen's life. She adored him just as much as he adored her. He was everything to her and the thought of him one day not being in her life sickened her.
But for now, the two would enjoy moments such as these. Just laying in eachothers arms, enjoying the silence of the night and each other's warmth. There is nowhere either of them would rather be.
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rae-pottah · 1 year
His Weakness
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Fandom: The Rookie
Pairing: Tim Bradford x Reader
Y/n= Your name
L/n= Last Name
N/n= Nickname
S/n= Special Nickname
Warnings: She/Her Pronouns, Little spaced!reader, kissing, shitty writing?, it's a BBF so Y/n's brother's name will be Ryan, people know Ryan and Tim are good friends but don't know you and Tim get along this well.
If before today someone had told anyone who hadn't witnessed the two of you interact that Timothy Bradford had never been rude to you, they wouldn't have believed them.
*Y/n's POV*
As I walked into the precinct with two lunches in my right hand and a container of cookies in the left I made my way over to the front desk.
"Hello, how can- Y/N! Pleasure as always! You here to see Ryan?" Kai, Ryan's Boyfriend asked with a bright smile
"And his side piece!" I feigned offence as I held up the lunches
"Awe, Tim isn't in at the moment but you can go see Ryan and then draw at Tim's desk till he gets back!"
"Works for me!" I smile and make my way over to my brother. As I walk by people they smile and wave, knowing me from Ryan of course, Angela and Jackson stopped to actually say hello.
*Angela's POV*
After a few minutes of talking with Y/n, we heard her brother call
"N/n!" I had just put my bottle of water up to my lips when I heard the most beautiful word.
"Hey Ryan, I made you and Timmy-" I didn't hear the rest because I had spit near all of the water in my mouth on West and doubled over in laughter
"Are you okay?" Y/n ran the 20 feet back over to me worried
"I'm great!" I eased her mind, and she reluctantly left me and went to Tim's desk with Ryan, he ate while she quietly drew with the blue, red, and black pens Tim had in his pencil holder.
*Tim's POV*
I walked into the precinct after telling Chen to book the douchebag we got
"Tim, she's at your desk!" Kai called I didn't notice the huge smile on my face until-
"Aww, Timmy's smiling!" Angela called out
"You ever call me that again and you're dead" I snapped
"She calls you that." she pointed out with a smile on her face
"Yes, and she is the only one that calls me that."
"Alright, I'm sorry Tim." as I walked to my desk I heard the faintest "me" and laughing right after, it didn't bug me as much because I finally got to my desk
*Ryan's POV*
Y/n didn't notice Tim when he walked in, she always gets so locked into her doodling. He crouched down next to the chair and she gasped
"Hey S/n, what you doing?" he asked with his best smile
"Just coloring and waiting for you. I made you and Ryan lunches and cookies!" she said happily as she handed him his lunch and showed him the container of cookies
"Thank you so much, S/n!" giving her a kiss on the nose, now I knew he had a crush on my sister, which I most definitely gave him a huge talk about if he hurts her I'll crush his skull in, but the way he said thank you... had everyone around stopping. Anglea and Lucy were Awwing, and Grey, and Nolan were probably having heart attacks, while West just pursed his lips trying not to smile. I just gave him a warning look as he pulled another chair over and sat in that one
*Tim's POV*
While I was eating some people still looked on and off, not used to the domesticated me, but they weren't ready for what was about to happen, and to tell you the truth neither was I.
"Um- so I was thinking, you wanna go to dinner with me?" I asked slowly not ready for the answer. Everyone was shocked, except the girls... I think they might have been more nervous for her answer than I was
"L-Li-Like a date?" she asked, her entire face turning red looking down to hide her blush. I put my finger under her chin and began lifting her head up
"If that's okay" Somehow I think my face was redder than hers
"That'd be awesome" she said in a small voice
"Yeah?" I had to double check
"Yeah!" she nodded quickly
"Cool" I nervously laughed out
"Cool" she laughed out nearly the same
"DAMNIT" We turned to Kai standing next to Ryan getting his wallet out and handing him a twenty
"W-what?" Y/n asked confused
"I knew he would break first, he thought you would just kiss him one day" Ryan explained
"Well, I've waited this long" She shrugged and turned to me next thing I know her lips are on mine and I never want to let them go
I moaned into the kiss luckily as cheering erupted in the precinct.
Thanks lol
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rxmqnova · 9 months
Can i please request a Wanda x little sister reader.
Reader uses powers (they didn't know she had) when Steve is being extra hard on Wanda. "Stop making Sissy cry" as she turned the floor under Steve's feet to liquid. After getting the captain stuck up to the knees, reader only calms down once Wanda picks us up and cuddles us close. We refuse to release Steve though, not until Nat gets back (she tries hard not to laugh), and bribes us with the present she brought us back.
(Very brief WandaNat .... maybe)?
Anyway, thanks for reading 👍
No worries if you don't want to write this or can't.
Little protector
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Y/N: 6 years old ——————————————————
NO ONE'S POV A loud gasp escapes Y/N's lips as soon as her house made of lego falls on the ground. The little girl has been playing in her room when suddenly a red magic ball formed in her hand and flew away, hitting her lego house.
"Cool!" She grins, happy that she can be like her big sister Wanda now.
Speaking of Wanda, the older Maximoff is currently in the gym, training with Steve. Y/N knows her sister needs to know about it and the little one really wants to train with Wanda and become an Avenger just like her sister.
Y/N immediately sprints to the gym, knowing her sister is there. As soon as she steps in, she sits down on a bench, loving to watch her sister train and completely forgetting why she came to the gym in the first place.
Though suddenly Steve raises his voice at Wanda on which the little Maximoff furrows her brows, a pot forming on her face. Y/N's very protective over her big sister, so Steve not being nice to her sister is making her really angry.
Once Y/N notices a few tears escaping her big sister's eyes, that's it for her and she immediately makes her way over there, standing in front of Wanda with her arms crossed and a pout on her face.
But because Y/N is still really small compared to Steve, he doesn't even notice her which makes Y/N even more angry.
"Stop making sissy cry!" Y/N shouts, stomping her foot which makes the ground under Steve's feet turn into liquid, causing him to fall down into it.
Wanda gasps, protectively wrapping her arms around her little sister and pulling her back a little bit while Y/N just puts her hand over her mouth, trying to hold her giggles.
"What have you done, Wanda?" Steve asks irritated, trying to get back on the floor, the weird form of the liquid not really allowing it.
"Don't be mean to Wanda!" Y/N shouts with a pout, not liking the tone of Steve's voice and stomping her foot once again.
The liquid turns back into its previous form, trapping Steve completely while Wanda's just standing there completely shocked.
"What are you doing?!" Steve raises his voice, still trying to get out, but can't move at all now.
"I said-"
"No, no, no, that's enough, honey" Wanda's quick to lift her little sister up, sitting her on her hip and holding her close before she can stomp her foot once again.
"But I don't like when someone's mean to you, Wanda" Y/N pouts once again, twirling her little finger around a strand of Wanda's hair.
"Honey, that's really sweet of you, but we can't use our powers on friends, even if they're sometimes mean" Wanda explains, tucking a strand of hair behind her little sister's ear. "When did you even get those powers?"
"Just now! I was just about to tell you. Now we can train together!" Y/N grins, kicking her legs happily.
"Hello? I'm still here" Steve reminds.
"Okay, bubs. It's time to free him" Wanda orders.
Y/N looks at Steve who still seems to be really angry and just shakes her head with a giggle.
"What do you mean no, missy?" Wanda raises an eyebrow, making Y/N giggle once again.
"When I'm not being nice you always sit me on a step, so Steve has to stay here, because he wasn't nice to you" The tiny girl reasons, looking at her sister seriously.
"Seriously? Get me out of here!" Steve orders, crossing his arms over his chest and not believing his ears right now.
"No" Y/N shakes her head, crossing her arms over her chest as well. "What's going on here?" Natasha asks, appearing in the gym as she just got back from the store and was about to train for a bit.
She gotta try really hard not to laugh when she sees Steve stuck up in the floor, not being able to get out.
"Ask this little monkey, it's her job" Wanda sighs.
"Oh, really? You did this, Y/N/N?" Natasha asks, a chuckle escaping her lips at the sight of mad Steve stuck in the floor.
"How about some help instead of making fun of it, Romanoff?" Steve rolls his eyes.
"Can you let him go, sweetheart?" Natasha asks softly, tucking a strand of hair behind Y/N's ear.
"No" Y/N shakes her head no, crossing her arms over her chest again.
"And why is that, missy?" Natasha raises an eyebrow playfully.
"He was very mean to Wanda. She even cried" Y/N explains seriously.
"Well, but that's not nice, is it? I think Steve is very lucky I wasn't here otherwise he'd end up much worse than just stuck in the floor" Natasha says, giving Steve a glare for making her girlfriend cry. "I don't know, Steve. Maybe we should just leave you here" She teases, making Y/N giggle.
"What?! You can't be serious right now" Steve's eyes widen, watching the three girls in disbelief.
"Just get him out already" Wanda jumps in, knowing her overprotective little sister and overprotective girlfriend would let Steve here for god knows how long.
"Alright" Natasha sighs. "I might have bought you a little something in the store, детка. So how about you let Steve out and I'll give you that little something?" Natasha offers, knowing Y/N can't say no to presents. (baby)
"Hmmm…. Okay, but can I sleep with you and Wanda today?" Y/N asks, pulling out her best puppy eyes on which Natasha lets out a chuckle.
"Alright, I think we can make an exception. What do you think, Wands?" Natasha questions, looking at Wanda who smiles and nods.
"We can, but now let Steve out, honey" Wanda stands her little sister on the ground, placing her hands on Y/N's small shoulders.
"But how?" Y/N asks, looking at Wanda with hope she'd help her while Steve's eyes widen, already thinking he'll stay there forever.
"Oh… Close your eyes, honey" Wanda tries to help, kneeling down to her little sister when Y/N does what she was told. "Okay, now you need to really concentrate. You need to think really hard about what you want to do"
Y/N does what her sister said, thinking really hard about getting Steve out of the floor and after a few minutes, the floor around Steve turns into liquid once again, so Natasha's quick to help him out.
"Good job, honey" Wanda smiles, pulling her sister in for a hug and pressing a kiss to her little cheek.
"Natty, what did you get me in the store?" Y/N asks impatiently, making Natasha and Wanda let out a small laugh.
"Alright, you cheeky little girl. Come with me" Natasha chuckles, taking Y/N's tiny hand in hers and leading her out of the gym.
Wanda follows the pair, leaving soaked Steve in the gym. One thing is sure now… everyone should know not to mess with Wanda otherwise Y/N will teach them a lesson.
Sorry for the long wait, guys! I'm pretty busy with school, but I promise I'm working on all your requests!! <33
Wanda Maximoff masterlist
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babycandle · 4 months
kindergarten teacher!reader x john price imagine 🖍️🧨❤️‍🩹
You first meet John when he comes to pick up his niece and nephew with his sister-in-law.
According to Lucy, his brother’s wife, he’s a government worker who is constantly traveling for work, and the kids missed their super cool uncle dearly. You’d heard many stories from the kids themselves, but this Uncle John remained sort of an enigma to you, like an imaginary friend.
Nothing could have prepared you for the real Uncle John.
He stands at a good head (and maybe half) taller than you, dressed in a casual navy shirt and utilitarian cargo trousers, a baseball cap embroidered with the British flag atop his head. Thick facial hair covers most of his lower face, but it doesn't do much to hide the bright smile he gets as soon as he lays eyes on the kids. The ease with which he picks up his niece and nephew, Olivia and Oliver, nearly leaves you breathless – not to mention, the sight of his thick, fuzzy arms flexing and unflexing as he tosses a kid over each shoulder, eliciting delighted squeals from them both.
(In some decrepit corner in your mind, you wonder if he could do the same to you. Probably.)
As you're chatting with her and updating her about her kids’ day, Lucy motions him over so she can introduce you to each other. “This is my husband's brother, John!”
“Hello there, lass.”
The smooth, brassy tones of his voice wash over you like a tidal wave that you’d happily drown in. You introduce yourself as the kids’ kindergarten teacher, and he gives you a good-natured smile as his niece and nephew start climbing all over him like a tree. “I hope they haven't been causing you much trouble,” he chuckles, a twinkle in his eye.
You try your best to swallow the dryness in your mouth. “Of course not! It’s a joy to watch them learn and grow everyday,” you reply sheepishly, clearing your throat as you avert your gaze.
You're too busy internally cursing yourself for not looking a bit more put together; there's dirt and sand all over the bottom half of your overalls, paint splatters going all the way up your arms and maybe even on your face, and your hair is matted and frizzy. Self-consciously scuffing the soles of your sneakers against the floor as you try and fail to get the sand off of it, you miss the way his gaze rakes over you from head to toe, the corner of his mouth curling in interest.
It's at that exact moment that Lucy plucks her kids off of John and hands them each their backpack to carry themselves. You deflate a little, knowing that that's their cue to leave.
However, you instantly perk back up again when John turns to you, his arms now empty, and extends a hand for you to shake. “‘Twas a pleasure meeting you, lass. Hope to see you around more often, yeah?”
Your heart catches in your throat as you reach out to shake his hand. When he grabs you in a firm, warm grip, you feel his calloused fingerpads brush over the back of your hand, and you have to suppress a shiver from running down your back.
“It was nice meeting you too, John.” You offer him a shy smile, praying that your cheeks don't look as warm as they feel.
You distantly wonder if you were imagining his touch lingering just a tad too long before he finally lets go.
As he turns around to leave with his family, you're quickly whisked away by the other kids demanding your attention. Consequently, you don't notice the way his eyes stay on you even as he walks out the gates, nor do you notice the way his sister-in-law waggles her eyebrows at him suggestively as soon as they're out of earshot.
You don't have high hopes of seeing him after that, of course. Maybe it's just the fact that you've been single for several years since your first serious relationship ended – yes, you convince yourself, that's why you can't stop thinking about him all night. That's why you still feel the weight of his hand in yours, the brush of his fingers on your skin tickling like a phantom touch. That's why the sound of his voice echoes in your mind like a broken record, and that's why you keep thinking back to the way his eyes crinkled when he looked fondly at his niece and nephew.
But you can't deny the way your chest squeezes when, the next day at kindy, he comes by to pick up the kids again – this time, alone.
bonus (an alternative pov):
There's a very short, concise list of the things Price lives for. Since the birth of his brother’s daughter, she’s been undoubtedly added to the top of that list. Then followed the birth of his nephew as well, who obviously followed suit and quickly became a serious contender for the number one spot.
He makes it a point to visit his brother’s family every single time he gets time off without fail. The kids grow up absolutely adoring their super cool, super strong uncle who always comes back from his business trips with funny stories to share. (Their favourite activity to do with him is hanging off his arm, almost using it like a monkey bar.)
So, when he’s finally granted leave after nearly a year of bouncing all over the world and eliminating several apocalypse-level threats, the first thing he does is call his brother and fly back straight to them.
He lands while the kids are at kindergarten, so when Lucy offers to bring him along to pick them up, he jumps at the chance. (He made sure to take a very thorough shower before hopping on the flight here, not wanting a single speck of dirt from foreign lands or speck of blood on him. Even so, before he leaves with Lucy, he takes extra care to wash his hands and scrub underneath his fingernails again. Just in case.)
It goes without question that he's absolutely over the moon to see Olivia and Oliver – the sight of them running to him, screaming his name in joy is nearly enough to make him melt. He sweeps them up in his arms, holding onto them like a lifeline.
Occupied with the kids for a few minutes, he glances up to see where Lucy has gone. Then, he sees you.
You're chatting with Lucy, your smile bright and your eyes brighter. There's wildflowers tucked into every pocket on your overalls and rainbows of paint on your arms, as well as a smudge of yellow on the side of your cheek. The soft afternoon sunlight hits your hair at just the right angle that it highlights the stray strands of hair on your head, making you look like you're wearing a halo.
For a moment, all the bustle and noise around him winds down into a fuzzy, white silence. You're the prettiest thing he's ever laid eyes on.
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idontplaytrack · 2 months
Regina(big sister of reader) connects the dots and realizes reader has a massive crush on Janis
Some fighting
Good ending 🫡
Janis ‘Imi’ike x fem! reader(+ older sister Regina)
Warnings: coarse language, reader & Regina quarrel a little
In which Regina steps up and becomes reader’s wingwoman when reader’s crush on a certain someone becomes annoying (in Regina’s terms)
Part two / Part three
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(Pictures used are from Pinterest & Auli’i’s IG)
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After your Mom and Dad split up, you and your sister’s bond only grew stronger. Individually, you could still love your parents to an extend, and definitely appreciated them for what they’ve given you and Regina. But everything was still tumultuous so you and your sister have learnt over the years to stay away from them as much as possible. As a result, Regina pretty much paid for your food, new clothes and even your phone bill. Heck, she was the one who got you a proper working phone after a four-year old handed down device from your Mom had become absolutely just useless. You never asked for anything unless you needed it, but she would always get you a little something every now and then without telling you anything.
Regina was two years older than you, so when you first started high school, she was already in junior year. And that was the craziest year of all to you. Not just because of the Burn Book wrecking total havoc in her year but also the first time you’ve seen someone in a damn long time. You walked into school with Regina on one of your first morning of freshmen year, eyes curiously observing your surroundings. You had completely stopped in your tracks when your gaze fell on a familiar face. You couldn’t tell who it was, but definitely knew who it was.
Let’s put it this way…your brain couldn’t remember but your heart sure did. “Who are you looking at?” Regina noticed, closing her locker after getting out a book she needed.
“Is that— um, what’s her name? Wasn’t she your best friend?”
“Oh, that’s Janis. Yes, we were friends. Probably why you recognise her because she used to come over a lot and you would always cling onto her like a koala bear or something.”
“Are you still on that?” You grumbled, “I was four.”
“What did you want?”
“I don’t know. Reintroduce myself? I don’t know anyone here except you and Cady.”
“I could help with that.” Regina shrugs, “You…just go up to her and say hello.”
“Uh…no way, Regina.” You scoff, studying your schedule closely, “Where’s room 217?”
“I’ll take you there. Just go say hi.”
“Not doing that, just take me to the classroom.” You sigh.
“Whatever.” Regina smirked, “Let’s go then.”
Being in different years, the sisters obviously did not have any classes together. But, they did run into each other again at lunch since they had their break at the same time-slot. You had no one to sit with, so you just found a table in the corner and settled down to eat while Regina sat with her friends and Cady. “Hey.” You heard a voice walking up behind you. Your back stiffens as you sat up. Hold on…
You turned around and you saw her getting closer to you. “Wow, I thought I saw you earlier.” She says. “Haven’t seen you in forever. y/n, right?”
“Janis.” You chuckled, “Hi.”
“Mind if I join you?”
“Not at all, go ahead.” You shrug, trying to keep it cool.
She sits down opposite you, “So…how’s your first day so far?”
“Made a friend, we don’t have lunch together though. My two best friends from middle school got assigned to a different high school, so it kinda sucks a little to have to start all over.”
“Ah, just take it easy and let things happen on its own. Don’t stress yourself out over things that you can’t really control, you’ll meet the right people with time.”
You hummed, shrugging your shoulders as you stabbed the food with your fork and ate some of it.
“You know, I remember when you were probably like— 3 or 4. And you would always cling onto me while me and Regina played board games or cards or something.” Janis mentions.
“Oh, my God— you remember that too? Regina keeps bringing it up to make fun of me.” You sigh, but couldn’t help it and laughed a little anyway.
Janis grins, “I thought it was sweet that you trusted me that much.”
“Is that so?” You guffawed.
“Oh, very much so.” She nods, “I don’t have siblings so having you to dote on the way I did was great.”
Siblings. Well, what a weird feeling you were having in your heart right now. Staring at your tray, you twirled the spaghetti with your fork, avoiding her eyes.
Pushing that feeling aside, you soon continued to chat with Janis for the remainder of lunch, saying bye to her when the two of you went your separate ways to your respective classes.
After classes were all done for the day, you made your way to the parking lot to wait for your sister by her Jeep as discussed. You waited just a few minutes before she showed up with Cady. “Hi, y/n!” Cady waved at you cheerfully.
“Hey!” You smiled in return, getting into the car when the both of them did.
“How was your day?” Regina asked casually as she started to drive away from school grounds.
“It was okay, Janis talked to me at lunch, I made a friend in my art class.”
“Good— wait—” Regina nearly gasped but stopped herself, “She did?”
“Almost made a fucking fool of myself.”
“What? It couldn’t be that bad, you guys know each other.”
“The last time I saw her, I was 10. It’s been four years.” You glared at your sister, “You know what the first thing she brought up was? Exactly what you mentioned this morning.”
“Come on, bubs. It was cute.”
“Yes! Because I was four.” You groaned, “Did you remind her?”
“Hey, we’re not close like we used to be. Don’t overestimate either of us.”
“What…what are you guys talking about?” Cady asks, confused.
“She took forever trying to figure out who Janis was this morning. But that’s beside the point, what she’s referring to is, I told her how she used to always basically climb onto Janis and snuggle while I was trying to hang out with my best friend.”
“Oh, enough.”
“y/n, what’s the big —”
“You better watch it.” You warned.
“Ooh.” Regina glances at you with wide eyes, “Moody much. Cramps?”
“Shut up.” You huffed, crossing your arms as you looked outside while she drives.
You got home and just went straight to your room. Regina sighs, “I don’t even wanna know what’s going on.”
“She’s upset.” Cady pointed out, “She clearly didn’t want you to tell people that. You didn’t need to tell me.”
“It’s not a big deal, though. She always laughs at that and suddenly today she has a problem with it?”
“Well, things change?” Cady sat down, Regina does so as well.
“I only told you. I didn’t tell anyone else, so what I don’t get it why she’s so pissed off— oh my God.”
“What?” Cady asks, panicking a little inside.
“She said she almost made a fool of herself at lunch. Janis was with her.”
“Do you think she likes Janis?” Regina gasped, “Like actually, has feelings for her?”
“I mean, it’s a possible explanation as to why she had such a big reaction to something she usually couldn’t care less about.”
“Janis talked to her.” Regina continued, “Janis doesn’t just talk to somebody.”
“She talked to your sister. Someone she knows.” Cady says.
“Not after four years of being practically strangers.” Regina smirks.
“What on Earth are you planning, Regina?” Cady asked nervously.
“Do you think…it’s possible that Janis would go out on a date with y/n?”
“I mean…”
“I’m gonna go talk to y/n. One sec.”
That did not go well, you two ended up yelling at each other and that subject subsequently got dropped. You cried yourself to sleep that night, not because Regina yelled at you, but because you were afraid Regina was right. That she was right about you having a raging crush on Janis. This was what scared you, you didn’t want to admit it because it will make you act more awkward around her. It was as if when she said it, it became real to you. So you freaked out and yelled back at her. Regina screamed back at you, frustrated and you told her to leave you alone so she did.
Fast forward to present day, six months after your first day at North Shore. Things have been okay with you and Regina after like a week, but since then, every time you somehow spent time with Janis(and Damian), you became so hyper aware of your feelings for the girl. And how your cheeks seem to heat up when you saw her, how you could barely look her in the eye when she talked to you. How nervous you felt. It was ridiculous. You felt like a crazy person in her presence. Each school day felt terribly long, and you couldn’t wait to get home every day.
“Okay, y/n. Honestly, you’re being way too stressed out about this.” Regina declared. “Sit down.”
“Like you weren’t this way with Cady.” You shot back. “I remember it, okay?”
“Let me help you.” She continues, unfazed.
“How? You don’t like her, still.”
“Do you have her number?”
“Yes, why?” You eyed her suspiciously.
“I could text her for you. Ask her out?”
“Are you crazy?!” You shrieked.
“Maybe a little.” Regina laughs, amused. “But I can definitely help you out, okay? I get it, you feel insane trying to keep calm. But nothing works— I get that. It’s very frustrating, but once you take that first step, everything just falls into place.”
“You can’t be so sure, Regina.”
“What makes you think that?” She squinted at you.
“She said, and I quote ‘I don’t have siblings so having you to dote on the way I did was great.’ So, Regina…do you still think I have a chance?”
“Yes.” Regina said confidently.
“I can’t— okay? What if I just make an even bigger fool out of myself? What if she rejects me and just cuts me off?”
“Okay, first thing’s first. You need to take some deep breaths and calm the hell down because we didn’t even do anything about the situation yet.” Regina started. “Give me your phone.”
“Must I?”
“Do you want to get your girl or not, y/n?” She spoke through gritted teeth, holding out her hand for you to put your phone in it. You surrendered it to her, “Match my tone, please? That’s all I’m asking.”
“I’m not an amateur, relax, y/n.”
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“There. It’s done— didn’t even take her a minute to respond.” Regina smirks, “She asked you where you’d like to hang out.”
“Oka— what?!” You stared at her, stunned, “Really?”
“Yeah— look.” She handed your phone back to you.
“Where do you think—”
“Honey, that’s your choice.” Regina nudged.
You thought about it for a while then decided on just going to the mall. You two could grab a lunch then watch a movie, whatever works best for that day, you guessed.
“Oh, God.” You muttered, “What do I wear?!”
“Oh, you poor thing.” Regina teased, “You just wear whatever you like, be yourself. She’ll love it.”
“Yeah, yeah, thanks.”
Well, Friday night you stayed up late texting Janis. You weren’t even sure how it started but you guys were nearly three hours into the conversation.
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You were this close to tossing your phone across the room after sending her your response with that emoji. But when she replied, your worries went away, and you get sucked back into the conversation quickly enough. Eventually, she tells you to go to bed.
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Were you seeing things? Did she just send you a heart?! Nearly squealing, you rolled over, face down in your pillow to muffle the noise. Needless to say, you went to sleep the happiest you’ve felt, probably ever.
Oh, and…
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🏷️ Tag list:
@ashecampos @auliisflower @cheesysoup-arlo @frogs00 @ludoesartnstuffs @pda128
Uh so…part 2?
(Yes I gave Janis a Hawaiian name)
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icycoldninja · 4 months
Hello!! Can I request for a platonic one for the Sparda bros with Nero and V? Like what if the twin have a younger sister who got most of their mom’s features, but still as strong as them. She’s kinda like Nero, stubborn, reckless, but has a big heart and like the twin she got an obsession with video games
Please n thank u 🙏
Yes, of course! Enjoy 💜
Sparda boys + V x Reader platonic headcannons
¤ Dante ¤
-Dante is reminded of you guys' mom every time he looks at you. You're basically a younger clone of Eva, which is both a good thing and a bad thing, because as much as he loves his mother, he is reminded of everything that happened when he looks at you.
-Dante trained you to be as strong as he is, (Vergil helped too) and is glad you turned out to be a badass devil hunter just like the rest of your family.
-Dante loves you, as any big brother does, but, being your sibling, he is obligated to argue with you at least twice a day.
-Will steal your food when you're not looking, especially if it's pizza.
-Sometimes your arguments turn into full on wrestling competitions where the victor usually isn't clear for several hours.
-However, Dante will always be around to play games with you when you want him to.
■ Vergil ■
-Vergil is that overprotective older brother that scares away all your friends and potential dates cause he doesn't trust them.
-He takes very good care of you because you remind him of his mother, whom he failed to protect. He'll make up for it now by protecting you.
-He'll train you to be a swordswoman who is at least half as good as he is so if you're ever in danger and he's not around to help, you can defend yourself.
-You are the only person who can get between him and Dante and stop a fight without getting injured or called deadweight in the process.
-Still, as siblings are inclined to do, you guys still fight a lot, usually over menial things. For instance, Vergil will insist you misplaced his copy of William Blake, you'll deny it, an argument starts, Vergil rises from his seat in anger, discovers he was sitting on it the entire time, and sits back down sulkily as you give him the silent treatment. About an hour later you'll be back on speaking terms.
-Doesn't know how to play video games because he's your boomer bro, but he won't object to being taught.
□ Nero □
-Nero finds you to be the cool aunt, though you're really more like his best friend since you have less of an age gap.
-Plays video games with you all day, every day, whenever you want.
-Is amazed that you have the power to stop an argument or fight between Dante and Vergil and that they actually listen to you.
-It must be because you look like their mom, Nero reasons, and he's right. Also, the fact that you look almost like a carbon copy of Eva means that Nero gets a chance to bond with his grandma and aunt at the same time.
-Loves to spar with you to test your strength and see how well Dante and Vergil trained you.
-Is really more fond of you than he is of his own dad.
● V ●
-V, being the human half of Vergil, knew who you were and had some level of familiarity towards you, but carried none of the brotherly love Vergil had.
-Because the memories he gained from Vergil are somewhat fuzzy, he mistook you as Eva herself when he first saw you and had to do a double take. Then when he saw you and Trish standing side by side, he thought the two of you were twin sisters.
-Does not know what video games are as he's only ever read poetry, but with your guidance, he might learn...someday...when he finally understands that the controller is not magic and that the TV is not a window to another universe...
-Is very glad you're as strong as the Sparda twins because his condition warrants a bodyguard, ashamed as he is to admit it. You, the younger sibling, must now protect her older brother's human half because said human half is trying to protect you.
-V cares for you, and even though he doesn't see you as his sister, he does see you as a very dear friend.
-He will divulge Vergil's secrets to you, and also spill the beans on how this MOTIVATED man feels about his baby sister so you can use it to tease him later.
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bellysoupset · 6 months
"Figured where do I know your face from," Vince said, sitting in front of Max in the teacher's lounge. Mr. Daniels was pushing the food around on his plate.
"Yeah?" he asked, uninterested, "where's that?"
"You broke my arm when I was 10," Vince glared at the other man, who let out a little snort, still staring at his plate. When Vince didn't chuckle too, he frowned and looked up.
"Wait, you're serious?"
"Yeah," Vince sat before him, eyebrows raised, "you're the big kid in the playground who bullied me when I moved here."
Max let out a groan, letting his fork fall back down on the plate, "aw man, I'm sorry. Middle schooler me was a shithead," he grimaced, "I don't remember breaking anyone's arm, though, I'm really really sorry."
Vince rolled his eyes, unimpressed, "well, but you did..." he frowned then, noticing Max waxy pallor, "what's wrong with you?"
"Generally? Right now?" the other man shrugged, quirking an eyebrow and causing Vince to let out an annoyed sigh.
"We've established you're a shithead generally, so I meant specifically at this moment," he clarified and Max let out a chuckle at that, scratching at his cheek.
"I think it's just a hangover," he shrugged.
Vince raised his eyebrows, on a Tuesday? Damn whoever said teachers didn't have fun.
"Shithead indeed," he sighed, getting up once more, "don't hold my kids back today."
"Sure, sure, I never do," Mr. Daniels waved him off and Vince wrinkled his nose with annoyance, before walking out of the teacher's lounge.
Most teachers ate in the lounge, but it wasn't a requirement, so Vince went to the parking lot and found a nice bench in the shadow, unwrapping his lunch and scrolling through his social media. It was a nice break after a morning packed with kids, to be reminded the adult world still existed out there.
Luke had already flooded his DMs with memes and there were two texts from Wendy, one being an outfit check of her in gym clothes that had his heart skipping a beat.
Vince typed a cheeky response to her texts, smiling at his phone, only to hear a snort.
"Well, hello, Mr. Monacelli," he would recognize his sister's voice anywhere. Sophia's hair was up in a ponytail and she sat next to him on the bench, "why are you smiling at your phone?"
"None of your business, now, is it?" Vince scoffed, "where's the rest of your mean girls pack?"
"Hurling up their lunches in the bathroom," Sophia said, jokingly putting her finger inside her mouth and Vince wrinkled his nose in distaste. He really couldn't understand how his middle sister had such an acid sense of humor, nothing like the rest of the family.
"That's horrible to say, Soph-"
"Yeah, yeah," she rolled her eyes, criss-crossing her legs, "you can't embarrass me in class."
Vince snorted, "embarrass you?"
"Yeah," Sophia glared at him, "none of your i'm-a-cool-teacher jokes, nu-uh. Don't even mention you're my brother, you're gonna ruin my reputation."
"I'll make sure to fail you, just so they know there's no special treatment," Vince turned back to his sandwich, "or maaaybe I'm gonna bring up your super embarrassing crush on my best friend."
"Are you never gonna let that go?" Sophia jumped up, glaring at him, her cheeks turning red, "I was a kid!"
"It was literally six months ago," Vince grinned, "get out of my sight, kid."
"You're so mean," she pouted, "I'm gonna leave you a terrible teacher review."
Vince rolled his eyes, chuckling as the girl stomped away. He loved her dearly and it was really nice to be back in her life, but Sophia was also the most annoying person he knew.
She was also a senior, which wasn't a good thing, because Vin was already struggling to make the older kids respect him and he knew it wouldn't be any easier if his influential little sister decided to make his life a living hell in the classroom.
Hopefully Sophia was just bark and no bite.
It was to no one's surprise when his last class rolled on and yet he met an empty classroom. Vince sighed, glancing at his watch. Fucking Daniels, again.
He was going to strangle that man.
Vince was already ready to stomp out of the room and forcefully retrieve his kids, when suddenly the door opened. He straightened up, ready to face the swarm of frustrated teenagers, as they always were after chemistry class, but instead it was just Sophia.
Alone, which was all the more worrying, her blue eyes were huge on her face.
"What's wrong?" Vince asked, talking over her as his sister said:
"Mr. Daniel's is really sick and we don't know what to do... Can you help?"
Oh great, Vince thought, stepping out of the classroom, "what happened exactly?"
"He was off all class, but we said nothing- And then like, just now he suddenly stopped talking and barfed everywhere and-" her voice dipped, switched to Italian as Sophia groaned, "it's so gross, Vin."
Vince sighed as he followed her down the hallways to the chemistry room, "why didn't you call up a nurse?"
"We didn't want to get him in trouble..." Sophia frowned, planting her hands on her hips, "you're not gonna get him in trouble, right? He's cool."
And hungover, Vince thought bitterly, but despite his feelings he nodded, "I'm not," he promised, "stay out here, I know vomit makes you sick."
She let out a grateful sigh, slumping against the hallway wall as Vince entered the room.
It was truly a sight to be seen, fucking spectacular. Vince had no idea how he was supposed to not report the fact that Mr. Daniels had somehow managed to puke on his own boots and in a large puddle in the middle of the room.
He was folded in half, bracing against one of the tables and most of the teenagers were pushed to the opposite side of the room, looking completely horrified.
"Alright everyone show's over," Vince said, gesturing to the kids, "you have history class now, go get some water and then to the classroom, shoo."
Despite his somewhat harsh words, most of them looked visibly relieved there was an adult in the room. Vince cringed as he saw some kids that were almost green with sympathy nausea, he just hoped he wouldn't have to deal with that as well.
Once the classroom cleared out, Vince approached the other teacher, who was still mute, save for a couple hiccups and little sniffles.
"Okay... So hangover, uh?" Vince couldn't help but say, touching the man's back and Max let out a loud groan.
"No," he rasped, "no way this is a hangover. I'd never- Not in front of them..." his voice trailed off and he shuddered violently, "my head is killing me."
That didn't really help his i'm-not-hungover case, Vince thought, forcing the shorter guy to straighten up. He immediately grimaced, realizing why Max had stayed in that position. There was vomit down his band t-shirt and clinging to his auburn beard.
Without thinking Vince touched his cheek, then forehead and let out a sigh. The guy was burning up.
"I have good news and bad news," Vince said, side stepping the beige mess on the floor and pulling Max to a clearer patch, before pushing him to sit down in one of the chairs.
The blonde fell like a ragdoll, spreading his legs and wrapping an arm around his stomach, "good news is that I didn't shit my pants?"
Vince scowled, "good news is that you're sick, so this means we can tell the nurse and you're not gonna get penalized for hurling in front of the kids."
Max let out a little huff at that, "terrible good news-" then he hiccupped and groaned, "get me the bin..."
Vince couldn't believe there was anything in the guy, after seeing such copious amount of vomit. He also couldn't help a wave of sympathy as he thought of how much Mr. Daniel's reputation was fucked after getting sick in front of the seniors.
He planted the bin in front of the guy and then crouched next to him, carefully pulling Max' curtain of blonde hair and tying it on the back of his neck, "you're gonna be fine for a minute? I'm gonna go get a janitor."
Max let out a sickly burp inside the bin, raising a thumb up.
Once Vince got back in the room, now followed by the janitor - Maurice, who was also a relic from his school years - Max had folded on himself all over again, both arms wrapped around his stomach, head resting on the school desk.
"Man, c'mon," Vince sighed, frustrated, "try and help yourself, the principal is gonna have your head..."
"Uhm," Max groaned, "I don't- I don't feel well..."
Maurice let out a snort, "you'd think he's feeling fine after throwing up everything he ever ate," the man teased and Vince couldn't help but chuckle at that, grabbing Max' arm.
"You'd think," he agreed, pulling the blonde up, "c'mon, nurse's office. You have someone who can pick you up?"
"What...?" Max's gaze was all dazed. At least he had managed to clear the vomit from his beard, probably with his hand and wiped on his jeans. Vince grimaced at the mental image.
"Someone to come get you?" Vince repeated, pulling the guy down the hallway, "you're out of it."
There were curious faces on the hallways, kids out for a bathroom break stopping to watch them and Vince sped up, causing Max to stumble and collapse against his side.
"I'm gonna hurl again," the man mumbled and Vince shook his head.
"C'mon, we're almost there-" he wrapped an arm around the other teacher's waist and pulled Max against him, making them walk even faster.
The minute they got inside the nurse's office, Max turned to the big flower pot and heaved, his whole back arching as he let out a deafening retch and brought up a mouthful of bile.
"Goodness heaven's, Mr. Daniels!?" the nurse exclaimed. Mrs. Doyle was elderly and never used to do anything back when Vince was a student but tell the kids to go back to class. At least now she couldn't tell them that.
"He's got a really high fever," Vince said, keeping a hand planted on Daniels' back, as the man braced against the wall and continued to heave, not a thought given to Mrs. Doyle's sad palm tree, "and he's been sick," a lot, Vin mentally completed.
"Uhm- Well, he can lie down in my office... I'll get him so gatorade, until he feels-"
"Just let me go home, for fuck's sake," Max groaned, his voice all raspy and Mrs. Doyle frowned at the swear word.
"I don't think I can release you when you're this sick, I need-"
"I'm not a fucking kid," Max turned to glare at her and Vince stepped between them, glaring at the man.
"Then don't behave like one. You can't drive like this, either let Mrs. Doyle call someone or sit in the office and wait until classes are over and I'll drive you," he said strongly, causing Max to raise his dazed eyes at him and scowl.
"There's no one to pick me up," he groaned and Vince sighed, dropping his shoulders.
"Then go lie down, I'm just gonna finish my class and I can drive you," he turned to Mrs. Doyle, who was stunned into silence, "he can stay, right?"
"Of course..." She frowned, "you're the Monacelli's kid? Little Vince?" she suddenly held her hand down to her hip and Vince blushed, while Max let out a raspy chortle.
Vince nodded, his whole face aflame, "I'm gonna go, I have a bunch of teenagers to calm down. Hopefully you're not contagious, otherwise our lives will be hell for the next weeks."
Max groaned, stumbling forward towards the nurse's office, "yeah, don't count on it."
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The Problems With TMNT 2012 April O'neil (And Why It's The Writer's Fault)
(side note this accidentally low-key turned into an April O'neil defense post, and I apologize.)
Hello everyone! This post was seven pages on google docs so that's fun :D
When I was younger, I thought April O'neil was so cool. She was part Kraang, had multiple guys chasing after her, and was training to be a kunoichi.
As I got older though, and rewatched the show, I realized that while her character was cool, there were a lot of issues with said character.
Now, before I really start, I want to clarify, I do not dislike April! In fact, I still think she's a really cool character with a lot of potential. Unfortunately, said potential has been lost to the grasp of time and space, but that's not her fault.
A lot, and I mean a LOT of people don't like April. The most common complaints I hear about her are as follows. A, she led Donnie and Casey on. B, she's a Mary Sue. C, she got too powerful too fast. D, she's just annoying and two-faced.
Let's start with point number 1.
The Love Triangle between Donnie, April, and Casey is one of the most controversial things in the show. Some people love it, most people hate it, not that I blame them. The biggest point against the love triangle was that it deterred from the characters, and was honestly just kinda gross and cringey.
This could not be more true.
I could make whole other posts on why Donnie and Casey's characters would've been so much better without the love triangle, but this is an April post, so let's talk about April and the first point where the writer's screwed up.
Introducing April as a love interest
If there was one thing that I could take away from TMNT 2012, it would be the fact that they introduced April not as her own character, but a love interest. The fact that they did this set the stage for what April's character was meant to become.
If they had simply introduced April as her own character, then we would've been able to get a better grip on her personality.
But no.
April had never really been a love interest in the iterations before tmnt 2012, and that was because she usually stood in as an older sister figure for the turtles. Yes, some fans shipped April with the turtles, but it was never implied in any of the previous shows that any of the turtles had a crush on April or vice versa.
I don't know why TMNT 2012 decided to change that, but they did.
Making April the same age as the turtles wasn't the problem, and honestly, neither was shipping Donnie and April in the show.
It was how they did it.
In shipping the two of them, they dumbed April's character down to just a love interest, and made her seem bitchy. They wrote her having romantic moments with both Donnie and Casey, and supposedly turning both of them down at other moments.
A Foot Too Big is one of the most controversial episodes in TMNT 2012 period. The episode consists of Donnie rescuing Bigfoot. Bigfoot then proceeds to follow Donnie around like a lost puppy, invade his personal space, touch him without consent, blah, blah, blah. This causes Donnie to realize that just like how Bigfoot is acting is making him uncomfortable, how he's acting around April is probably making her uncomfortable. He then proceeds to tell April that he was going to try and start leaving her alone, and that he understood he was probably making her uncomfortable.
Then, in one of the most controversial moments ever, April grabs him and kisses him, saying "You're my mutant."
Prettttyyyy bad.
I think this incredibly out of character for April, and I think that the entire reason this scene happened was so that they wouldn't lose their most played gag, well tied with making Mikey look stupid after proving him to be smart time and time again, but that's a post for another time.
An excellent point that I've seen made by others was that the whole love triangle was never planned to have a solution, it was there to be played for laughs, which in turn, made April's character suffer for it.
I do believe that April's character would've thrived if not for the love triangle, and I believe that Donnie and Casey's characters would've been better off as well.
Point 2: April's a Mary Sue
Boy oh boy.
First of all, let's look at the definition of a Mary Sue.
Tumblr media
"Unrealistically lacking in flaws or weaknesses."
So...people want to call April bitchy, and then call her a Mary Sue, as if being bitchy isn't a character flaw?
This is argumentatively one of my LEAST favorite arguments against April's character, because usually the argue-r defeats themself when they say the statement.
"She's annoying." That's a character flaw.
"She leads people on." That's a character flaw.
"She let herself get controlled by the stupid crystal." That's a character flaw.
April has a lot of flaws, and that's one of the reasons why I think her character could've been really interesting!
Let's take a look at some of the things that build April's character, and therefore make her not a Mary Sue.
April is shown from the very beginning of the show to be more of an action-oriented person, not always thinking things through.
(i.e. in S1 EP6 Metalhead when she went to go investigate the Kraang warehouse by herself or even in S1 EP1 Rise of the Turtles when she tries to come up with a plan to escape the Kraang's holding her hostage)
This is a character flaw, and it's one that we see a lot throughout the show.
April is also shown to be very empathetic. You can see this in multiple instances, such as when Karai admitted that she believe Splinter was her father, and April believed her.
This isn't necessarily a character flaw, but it has gotten her into trouble a few times. Usually her empathetic attitude helps more than harms.
April stands up for what she thinks is right. This is an important piece of her character that ties into her empathetic attitude.
April is sassy sometimes.
April can hold a serious grudge.
But, she can also be forgiving.
April is stubborn.
So, as I've pointed out, April definitely has a personality. It's just that usually, these elements of her character were ignored in favor of the love triangle, dulling down her character overall, and making her sometimes seem like a Mary Sue.
Speaking of the Mary Sue argument, let's take a gander at another requirement for being a Mary Sue, which is "everyone likes them, and people who don't like them are shown to be wrong for not liking them."
This is NOT true for April.
TMNT 2012 had no problems making Karai and April have serious beef, and Karai was never shown to be in the wrong for disliking her, except for when Karai took it a step too far.
Obviously, most of the other characters (who aren't villains) like April, because the other characters that are shown are her friends, or friends of friends.
Another aspect of the Mary Sue argument was that the character was usually too powerful without a reason, or out of nowhere.
This also ties into point number three:
April got too strong too fast/April's too strong
So let's get into this point.
When I was a little younger, I used to think that people who argued this had a point, but again, as I've gotten older and applied my critical thinking skills, I realized that this isn't actually true.
Some people didn't like that the show made April half-Kraang, claiming it was too strange, just a way to make a female character seem like a 'girlboss', and of course a variety of sexist comments.
I am among the lovers of half-Kraang April, mostly because I think it was a really interesting take on the character.
But! A lot of people claimed that her "kraang" powers were too strong, making her unlikeable.
You want to know how the writers remedied this?
By making April get possessed by the Aeon crystal! (In my opinion, this was actually a really interesting writing direction)
Whiiichhh...of course a bunch of people also had a problem with.
Look, I can't make you like the Aeon crystal writing choice, and I'm certainly not about to try, but, by making April get possessed, the writers inadvertently added a flaw to their apparent "flawless" glorified love interest.
Now, it's been a hot minute since I watched any of the later seasons of TMNT 2012 (mostly because paramount plus is my mortal enemy (side note if anyone has seasons 3-5 downloaded feel free to DM me wink wink)), but I think I remember April losing some fights.
It wasn't like the narrative made her invincible, is my point.
So yes, April was strong, but she wasn't insufferably strong to the point where it was annoying.
I often see this argument used against Captain Marvel from the MCU as well, and I loathe it with my entire being so.
Now for the "April got too strong too fast" complaint.
I just gotta ask, did we watch the same show? /hj
April was shown to have something strange going on with her since season 1! Her powers were alluded to multiple times, so it wasn't like this was a last minute writing decision.
Her power grew stronger as the seasons went on, and there were a few episodes in each season that showcased this, such as S3 EP7 Eyes of the Chimera.
Yes she was strong in season 5, but that's because it was the last season!
As for her ninjutsu skills, it's the same thing. She'd been training since season 1! She grew as a ninja over time.
Now, for the last point:
April's just annoying.
Yeah, if this is you, I don't know if I can change your mind. Also if this is you, there a many times per season where I agree with you!
But let me tell you dear reader the same thing I tell myself.
It's not the character, it's the writers.
Unless the very idea of April O'neil makes you mad, my guess is that most of the gripes you have with her character are the writers' fault. The not choosing between Donnie and Casey, the 'character trait swaps', all of that was the writers.
None of those things are April's character.
If you made it all the way down here, and read all of it, I applaud you.
Overall, I can't make you like April, but I can attempt to analyze her character and give you the finished analysis, that is mostly just me blaming all the problems of her character on the writers.
April had the opportunity to be an amazing character, and that opportunity was poured down the drain.
But, there are still some redeeming things about her character, and those things are the things that made me like her.
So, like most things in life, if you focus on the positives, you'll be okay.
This was CJ and her April O'neil analysis, that accidentally turned into a defense post.
Sorry if none of this post made any sense, I wrote it at midnight after a very long day.
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sentientgolfball · 1 year
Hello! Can I request a Phantom x Reader where reader is heavily tattooed? Like from her fingers to her feet, but it's typically hidden by her uniform and dress glove, and Phantom finds out. Can be Sfw or Nsfw, which you feel like writing! Thank you!
All of you are personally responsible for my Phantom brainrot only getting worse <3 I hope you enjoy it anon
Went nsfw for this one cause why the hell not sooooo
18+ MDNI
My requests are open !
Your head shot up at the sound of multiple voices getting louder and louder. You immediately noticed a gaggle of ghouls making their way to the dock, arms full of various beach day supplies and copious amounts of alcohol. You grumbled and sunk below the surface, letting the water envelope you in its cool embrace. It has been extraordinarily hot for the past two weeks and you were over it. The Ministry was so stuffy with all the bodies and the habits weren’t exactly made out of the most breathable material. The only people who seemed even remotely comfortable were the fire ghouls who resided on site. 
You were sick of it. Everyday you woke up and prayed to the Lords below that it would be cooler, or at least let a breeze pass through, and everyday it seemed to only get hotter. You had reached your limit. You worked yourself half to death over the weekend and early into the week so that you could squeeze in a day off or two to go be lazy at the lake. And that’s exactly what you were doing, or it was. You resurfaced when you felt your lungs start to burn with lack of oxygen and began to swim back to the beach. You were a bit annoyed about the fact that your lazy day got interrupted. It’s not that you didn’t like the ghouls per say but they were very energetic and very loud and you had really been enjoying quietly floating around. 
Oh well. 
You had been at the lake for hours now so you can’t complain too much. When you got to the shallows you stood and walked the rest of the way to where your stuff was set up and the moment you did you heard the calls from the ghouls. You weren’t all that surprised. You had worn a swimsuit that left little to the imagination. You always did when you went to the lake, it was just about your only chance to really show off the ink that adorned every inch of your body. You were proud of them. You hated that your everyday habit covered up almost all of them. 
You ignored the ghouls while you packed up your things and dried off. When you were finished you wrapped your towel around your waist forgoing the clothes you brought to put on. It was still too damn hot. As you turned to leave you made eye contact with one of the ghouls at the dock and immediately recognized him as the new quintessence ghoul. Phantom. Oh the look on his face was priceless. He was completely frozen in place staring at you as you walked past, slack jawed, eyes roaming over your body. His cheeks were dusted a deep plum color and you would bet money that it’s not from the heat. You felt a surge of confidence, suddenly completely forgetting about your earlier annoyance. You gave him a little wave before you completely passed the dock on your trek back to the Ministry. Just before you were out of earshot you heard the teasing voices of Dew and Rain. 
“Aww the new kids got a crush on the sister.”
“I mean can you blame him? You’ve seen how that back tat looks when she—“ 
The thought was quickly cut off by a yelp and a splash. You laughed at the mental image of Phantom shoving the little fire ghoul into the water. You also couldn’t help your own blush creeping onto your face. You thought the quintessence ghoul was very cute. He was always so eager to help and learn about human things. He constantly looked like a puppy seeing a Christmas tree for the first time and it made you smile. You also really wanted to wreck him. Something about the thought of getting a ghoul to beg and cry as a human turned you on. You pocketed that thought for later, though, because right now your focus was on finding a way to spend your day off not dying in a pool of your own sweat. Maybe the kitchen staff would let you read in the walk in? 
You ended up taking a nice long shower to wash the lake smell away and binge watched a series a friend had recommended to you for the remainder of your day. You groaned when you heard the bells chime signaling that dinner was ready in the feast hall. You had begrudgingly pulled your habit and gloves back on. You didn’t hate your position as an occultist-in-training but the uniform was a bit much in your opinion, especially compared to other Sibling’s outfits. You sighed, adjusted yourself one final time in the mirror and left. 
That’s where you are now. Sitting in the hall trying your hardest to focus on whatever gossip your friends were sharing, but that was almost impossible with the feeling of Phantom burning holes into the back of your head. You noticed him staring the minute you entered the feast hall and he hasn’t looked away since. You considered walking over to him, trying to speak with him, but you didn’t want to seem too forward. Then you contemplated returning his gaze, but you know your group would’ve clocked what you were doing immediately and you were not in the mood to entertain an interrogation. So you sat there quietly wolfing down your meal so you could get the hell out and back to your room. 
You waited for a lull in the conversation before standing and leaving, bidding everyone a good night. You walked down the hallways a few feet before glancing around to make sure no Clergy or higher Siblings were around before ripping your gloves. It was still too damn hot to be wearing your full uniform. 
“So it is you.” 
You jump at the sound of a voice. You spin around only to find Phantom standing right behind you. 
“Where the hell did you come from?” 
“I think you answered your own question.” 
You crack a smile at his joke before moving to put the gloves back on. He grabs your wrist. 
“Don’t. I like them” he brushes his thumb over the design of the raised skin “I think they’re pretty.” 
“Is that why you were staring all night?” You tease knowing damn well none of your tattoos are visible in uniform. He blushed and when he speaks his voice is a bit higher. 
“Well no I mean yes I was just…confused? You smelled the same but you looked completely different. I wasn’t sure if I had the right person.” 
His explanation gives you the perfect idea to end your little lazy day. 
“Do you wanna see them again?” you step closer to him “all of them?” 
It’s adorable how quickly he nods his head, tail wagging in the air behind him. 
You really have no idea how it happens. You close the door to your room and he’s immediately on you, though not in the way you expected. He’s squeezing you tight against him, wrapping his tail around your leg, but you don’t miss the way the spade sways dangerously close to your clothed clit. Or the way you can feel his dick getting chubby with interest. You’ve been with ghouls before. You know he can smell your arousal. Hell, he’s a quintessence ghoul he can probably feel it. You assume he’s just trying to draw out the electric energy of anticipation. He laughs and you get your answer.
 You decide to ruin his plans and pull him straight into a deep kiss that’s all tongue and teeth. He kisses you back just as passionately, tightening his grip on your hips. You shudder at the feeling of his claws digging in. He pulls back suddenly panting ever so slightly. 
“Can I see them now?” His eyes roam your form. 
“Only if you ask nicely.” 
He huffs a laugh and you’re about ready to respond when you feel the tip of his tail ghost over your clit. You gasp at the sudden feeling and smack him lightly on the arm. 
“I said ask.” You say as you begin to pull your top off. 
“It worked didn’t it?” He shrugs his shoulders with a smile. You throw the ball of fabric at his head. He pulls it off with a laugh, but stops when he sees your bare chest. You can see the outline of his cock straining against his pants. 
“You can touch them.” You whisper suddenly feeling a bit flustered by the way he’s looking at you. He slowly brings his hands to your forearms, trailing them up to your shoulders before letting go and tracing the design on your abdomen. 
“Have you never seen tattoos before?” You ask, watching his hands. 
“Of course I have but I just…I’ve never seen a human with so many. They’re all so different. They’re so beautiful. You’re beautiful.” 
You wrap your arms around the back of his head and pull him into another kiss sliding the tip of your tongue into the fork of his. You moan into his mouth when you feel his hands slide up to squeeze and knead your tits, swiping his thumb over your nipples. You thread your fingers through his hair, giving it a light tug before taking a few steps backwards towards your bed. You pull him without breaking contact as you fall into the plush mattress. You pull his head up by his hair to meet your eyes eliciting a breathy moan from him. His hands are rubbing circles into your hips, gently sliding over the hem of your pants. 
“Please?” He whines out not taking his eyes off the tattoo that dips below the waistline. 
“Fuck go right ahead baby boy.” You wiggle your hips to help him as he makes quick work of taking your pants and underwear off in one go before tossing his own shirt off who knows where. 
You’re both left staring in awe at each other, him completely enamored by the art adorning your skin, you mesmerized by the lichtenberg figure scars cutting through the entire left half of his body. Of course you had seen the scars on his face, but you had no idea they continued down so low. 
“You can touch them.” He says mirroring your positions from earlier. You prop yourself up on your elbows and lean forward to trail soft kisses from the epicenter to the branch that strikes up his neck pulling little whines and whimpers from him. You gasp and pull back when the scars pulse purple and little sparks of magic zap through you. 
“Shit sorry. I’m sorry. I can’t control it when I get excited.” He looks a little fearful. 
You just laugh and brush your hands over your lips “No it’s alright. It just shocked me.” 
There’s a heartbeat of silence before Phantom busts out laughing and you throw your head into the pillow with a groan at the accidental pun. 
“Alright that’s it, no more sex. That was too embarrassing.” 
“Nah you’re stuck with me now.” He lays his whole weight on you and buries his face into the crook of your neck purring wildly. The laugh you felt bubbling up turns into a moan when you feel him drag his fangs over your pulse point. He sucks a bruise into the skin before biting hard enough to leave a mark. He trails his lips from your shoulder to your collarbone, pausing briefly to add some art of his own on your tits before continuing down your abdomen to your hips. He makes sure to take his time, practically worshiping each design with his mouth when he passes over them. The whole thing has you shuddering and squirming beneath him. 
He scrapes his fangs from the tattoo on your hip to the one on your thigh. 
“I wonder if they’d make you taste different.” 
You knock him in the head gently with your knee.
“Don’t even think about it. I like that one too much for you to give me a piercing.” 
He hums in disappointment “Fine. I can always taste something else.” He says before burying himself between your legs. 
You gasp at the suddenness of it and scramble to find something to grasp. Your hand makes its way right back into his hair as he drags his forked tongue from your slit to your clit. He circles his tongue before taking it into his mouth and sucking, causing you to moan and push your hips closer to him. You feel him loop his tongue around your clit before snaking down to lap at your entrance. 
“Shit Phantom. Just like that. You’re such a good boy.” He moans against you as more sparks of quintessence ripple across his skin and over yours. You make a mental note of that reaction before you feel his impossibly long tongue sliding into you. 
You arch against his face, involuntarily squeezing your thighs around his head as you feel him lick places you didn’t even know existed. Your legs tremble as the gentle probing of his tongue becomes steadier, more earnest. 
“If you keep doing that I’m gonna fuck—“  He flexes his claws against the meat of your thighs as his brow furrows in a concentration you’ve never seen from the ghoul. He swirls his tongue through your folds before pushing it all the way back in, burying his nose against your clit. You can feel the swell of your orgasm deep in your stomach as he fucks you with this tongue. Another pulse of quintessence shoots through you and you can’t hold back. Your eyes slam shut as you cum against his face, moaning out a string of curses and praises. 
He pulls back and sits up, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand before licking it. His eyes roll to the back of his head. 
“I need you. Right now.” 
“You can fucking have me baby boy.” 
He lets out a pleased trill and makes quick work of unbuckling his belt and wiggling out of his pants and boxers. As he’s doing this, you flip over onto your back. You feel him run the tips of his claws reverently tracing the tat there before sliding down to squeeze your ass. You look over your shoulder at him only to be met with the biggest, blown out eyes you’ve ever seen. 
“What?” You say cocking your head innocently “Just wanted to show you exactly what Dew was talking about.” 
He blushes so deep he’s practically glowing. The sight makes you laugh as you slowly lift your hips and tuck your knees to your stomach. He wastes no time in getting behind you. He digs his fingers into your hips to steady himself as he slowly drags the head of his cock against your slick. 
“Still can’t believe how wet humans get.” He mutters more to himself before he’s sliding gradually into you. You both moan when he bottoms out. He pauses for a moment letting you get accustomed to the feeling of him before he gives you a few experimental thrusts. You push your hips back against him searching for more and he gives it to you. He slides almost all the way out before pushing back in with one snap of his hips. He starts up a rhythmic pace as you arch your back and moan into the pillow. 
“You’re beautiful. You’re so beautiful. You’re so good.” He whines watching the way the design of the ink shifts and stretches with each movement of your body. His head rolls back on his shoulders when you clench around him. He snakes his hands between your thighs and rubs at your clit as he snaps into you, dragging the head of his cock against your walls. The air pulses with quintessence and when you turn your head to breathe you can see the room aglow with purple lighting. You steal a glance behind you and see his scars pulsing with magic, his head thrown back in absolute ecstasy. You can see his lips moving but you can’t hear anything coming out. 
You feel another ripple of quintessence and you squeeze around him with a moan. He keens forward and drapes himself over you searching for your hands while he desperately ruts into you. You feel the rubber band snap within you.
“Phantom oh fuck I’m gonna—“ another spark of magic and you’re done for. You cum on his cock, crying out little praises of ‘good boy’ as the wave of pleasure engulfs you. 
It only takes a few more thrusts before you feel him pull out and splash hotly onto your back. 
“Holy shit.” You pant out, letting yourself go limp into the bed. 
“Blasphemous.” he laughs and grabs his discarded shirt off the floor to wipe his spend off of you. 
When he’s done you roll back over only to be met with his glowing eyes looking down affectionately at you. You open your arms and he practically jumps into them shifting your positions around so that he’s the one holding you. You give him a kiss and scratch behind his pointed ear, smiling when you hear his tail thump against the bed. He keeps you pressed close to him. You can already feel his dick stiffening again. 
So maybe you were in for a longer night than you expected.
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howlingday · 1 year
So I just thought of an angsty Rwby au involving jaune being Ravens kid. But here’s the kicker Raven would y’know still be behind the scenes watching Yang as she does, but with Jaune and his siblings she actually gets to be a mom for them in ways she couldn’t for Yang.
And I just imagine Jaune being a huge mamas boy and having a great relationship with raven.
And I just also envisioned him with statkillers sword skills for some reason
Is this idea evil? Yes.
But it is a good idea imo
"I can't wait!" Nora bounced in her seat like a little kid going to the fair. She got some odd looks from the other hangar patrons. "We're gonna meet Jaune's whole family! His mom, his dad, his brothers-"
"Sisters." Jaune corrected.
"-his brothers and sisters-" Nora continued.
"No, Nora, I only have sisters. I'm the only brother." Nora looked him up and down. "What?"
"Nothing, nothing." She looked away. "Figured a brother would be bigger."
"What's your family like, Jaune?" Pyrrha asked, steering the conversation away from Nora.
"They're great!" Jaune said with a smile. "Though, not everybody is gonna be there. Saph's moving into her new house in Argus and getting ready for her wife to give birth, the twins are living somewhere close to Vytal, and Mom is probably on a mission again."
"Oh, is she a huntress?" Ruby asked.
"She used to be. Now she's in charge of her own mercenary company. She gets really busy."
"Wow..." Ruby had stars in her eyes. "Your mom sounds really cool~!"
"Well, she clearly dropped the ball on you." Weiss rolled her eyes. "Seeing as you arrived at Beacon with no training." Jaune gave a sheepish chuckle. "Honestly, how did that even happen?"
"To be fair," Jaune gave his cheek a scratch, "Beacon was kind of a last minute decision. Mom didn't know until it was too late."
"What was her reaction when she found out?" Blake asked.
'Flight 2314 for Ansel is now boarding.'
"Let's just say she wasn't too thrilled."
"Hey, Dad!" Jaune walked up to and hugged an older man with faded blond hair. Twice Jaune's size and wearing a white and gold t-shirt and business slacks, he looked exactly what everyone expected Jaune to look like in twenty years. "These are my friends. This is Nora, Pyrrha, and Ren from my team, and my sister team of Ruby, Weiss, Blake, and Yang."
"Weiss Schnee."
"Hey, 'sup!"
"Pleasure to meet you all! I'm Nick, and Jaune's told quite a bit about you kids." Jaune's dad shook each of their hand, shaking some off their feet. "So where's baggage claim? Don't want to keep everyone waiting at the house."
"I don't know about everyone." Jaune chuckled.
"Yup, everyone. Even your sisters came down!" He grinned. "I'd hate to keep your mother waiting."
"Mom's home?!" Jaune asked with a gleam of excitement in his eyes. At a nod from his dad, Jaune lept for joy and walked quickly to baggage claim.
"Huh." Yang smirked. "Never seen someone so airsick move so fast AFTER throwing up."
The group hurried after Jaune, weaving around other passengers to catch up. Meanwhile, Nick kept a close eye on Yang. There was a scowl to his face, andhe knew exactly why.
"Here we are." Nick sang as he parked the... well, to call it a 'car' would be misleading. Turns out, it was a vehicle well suited for ten people and their luggage, eight of which would be teens and younger. "And how is the man of the hour?"
"Uh..." Jaune took deep breaths. Even as a kid, he got carsick easily. Thankfully, cars were a lot easier for him now than bullheads. "I'm good."
"You sure?" Nick chuckled. "Wouldn't want your mom to see her only son thrown up on himself."
"Like it's the first time." Jaune climbed out and looked at his home. It was a fairly big house in the country-side; two-stories, basement, attic, outdoor pool with patches of tape. He couldn't help but smile.
"Wow..." Nora gasped in wonder. "So this is where you grew up?" She nodded. "Guess it makes sense. Nothing about you says 'city kid'."
"Uh, thanks, Nora?" Jaune wasn't sure if he should take it as a compliment or an insult. What he did know, though...
"It's about time you showed up!" ...was whose voice that was.
Jaune whirled and saw an older woman with long, black hair and piercing red eyes. He smiled back at the woman who raised him almost all of his life. He raised his hand in the air.
"Hey, Mo-"
"RAVEN!" Jaune whirled again, catching a bit of motion sickness, and saw Yang huffing like a bull, ready to charge. Her eyes were red, just like when she was mad. Just like his mom's always were.
"Oh..." And just like that, Jaune had another sister.
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