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It has been proven by experts that a beautiful china teapot improves the taste of tea.
#tile #teapot #tileteapot #tileart #wholesaletile #wholesale #tilesales #onlineshopping #turkishtile #ceramic #ceramictile #ceramicteapot #tileproducts
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The 16th century tiles of the Mosque of Rüstem Paşa in Istanbul feature all kinds of floral and geometric patterns, but it isn't the rose or hyacinth, the carnation, plum, or stylized thistle leaves that stay in my mind; it's those pointy tulips. Abstracted tulip forms and their blue leaves and stems are what linger in my memory. Istanbul. My favourite city. I might have been there ten times or so, starting in 1989 when I visited as a College of the Atlantic student, but I will never get enough and I will never stop wanting to return. Fortunately, it is close! #ceramictile #istanbul #rüstempaşa #turkishtulips #turkishtile #iloveistanbul #sinan #iznik #izniktiles #speciestulips #hornedtulip #clarkanthonylawrence https://www.instagram.com/p/CcOTStyIhMl/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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While we were scrolling through old pictures, couldn’t resist sharing this installation by @bloomriot back in 2015✨✨ Design: Turkish Repost: @bloomriot #turkishinspiration #bleucoin #tiledecal #kitchenbacksplash #kitchendesign #turkishtile #tile #tilepattern #kitchentile #tilediy #kitchenremodel #kitchendecor #pattern #vibrant #kitchendecor #interiordesign #interiordecorating #interiorstyling https://www.instagram.com/p/CC2grRfJ6JP/?igshid=1rlnbkxy0dxlt
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greenfaeriedesignsTurkish tile design on extra large goose egg. I love the patterns and design of Turkish tile and the way the colors work together on the tiles. You can find this egg on my etsy shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/GrnFaerieDesigns
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Antique turkish ceramic / tile, handmade kutahya ceramic wall plate, tile 👉http://etsy.com/shop/TadesCollection 🌎 worldwide shipping 💯reasonable prices #turkishtile #iznictiles #handmadetile #bluemosque #turkishceramic #kutahyaceramic https://www.instagram.com/p/CPAVlV3j5T3/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Fritware tile panel, painted in blue, turquoise, and moss green under a transparent glaze. Turkey, Iznik; c. 1540 #turkishtiles #turkishtileart #bluey #blueandturquoise #fritware #glazedceramic #artworks (at Catalina Foothills, Arizona) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cpanx97JwHhatncI8bRYVF3xH_nSX7mlygYWoY0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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#tiledesign #tilestyle #tileart #belindamooreart #banburyartist #oxfordshireartist @your_tiles @ottotiles @cementtileshop #tileaddict #turkishtiles #morrocantiles (at Banbury, Oxfordshire) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cpni_YnoeiU/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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التنقيب عن الآثار المغمورة بالمياه (Underwater Archaeology)

الآثار المغمورة بالمياه
المرحلة التمهيدية: البحث والتحضير
دراسة المصادر التاريخية:
- تحليل الخرائط القديمة، مذكرات الرحالة، نصوص تاريخية، أو حطام سفن معروفة (مثل سفن التجارة الرومانية أو سفن الحرب العالمية الثانية).
- مثال: استخدام سجلات شركة الهند الشرقية لتحديد مواقع حطام السفن في المحيط الهندي.
المسح الجيوفيزيائي:
استخدام تقنيات مثل:
السونار الجانبي (Side-Scan Sonar) لاكتشاف التضاريس تحت الماء.
المغناطيسية (Magnetometers) للكشف عن المعادن في الحطام.
الرادار المخترق للأرض (Sub-bottom Profilers) للكشف عن الأشياء المدفونة تحت الرواسب.
مرحلة الاستكشاف الميداني
الغوص الاستكشافي:
- استخدام فرق غوص مدربة مع معدات متخصصة (مثل غوص السكوبا أو غوص التشبع).
- توثيق الموقع عبر:
- التصوير الفوتوغرافي والفيديو تحت الماء.
- رسم خرائط ثلاثية الأبعاد باستخدام برامج مثل GIS أو Photogrammetry
الروبوتات والمركبات تحت الماء:
- استخدام المركبات التي تعمل عن بعد (ROVs) أو المركبات المستقلة (AUVs) لاستكشاف الأعماق الكبيرة (أكثر من 100 متر).
- مثال: استخدام ROVs في استكشاف حطام سفينة تايتانيك.
مرحلة التنقيب والرفع
الحفر والتنقيب:
- إزالة الرواسب بعناية باستخدام **مضخات شفط** (Airlifts) أو أدوات يدوية لتجنب تلف القطع.
- مثال: تنقيب حطام سفينة **Antikythera** اليونانية (القرن الأول ق.م) التي عُثر فيها على آلية Antikythera الشهيرة.
رفع القطع الأثرية:
- استخدام الحقائب العائمة (Lift bags) لرفع الأشياء الثقيلة.
- معالجة القطع فوراً لمنع التآكل (مثل نقع المعادن في محلول خاص).
مرحلة التوثيق والتحليل:
التوثيق المختبري:
- تحليل المواد (خشب، معدن، فخار) لتحديد العمر والمنشأ عبر:
الكربون المشع (Radiocarbon Dating).
المجهر الإلكتروني (SEM) لدراسة البنية الدقيقة
النمذجة الرقمية:
- إعادة بناء الحطام والقطع عبر برامج مثل Blender أو AutoCAD
- مثال: إعادة بناء سفينة فاسا السويدية الغارقة عام 1628م.
النماذج العالمية الرائدة
مشروع الإسكندرية الغارقة (مصر):
- اكتشاف آثار قصور ومنحوتات من العصر البطلمي تحت ميناء الإسكندرية.
- استخدام تقنيات المسح المغناطيسي والغوص.
حطام سفينة (San José) كولومبيا:
- سفينة إسبانية غرقت عام 1708، وتُقدَّر كنوزها بمليارات الدولارات.
- استخدمت ROVs التابعة لشركة Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
موقع (Uluburun) تركيا:
حطام سفينة من العصر البرونزي (1300 ق.م) يحتوي على سلع من 10 حضارات مختلفة.
التحديات والقوانين:
- تكاليف عالية، صعوبة الوصول إلى الأعماق، وتدهور القطع بسبب الملوحة والكائنات البحرية.
- الالتزام باتفاقية اليونسكو 2001 لحماية التراث الثقافي تحت الماء.
- الحصول على تصاريح حكومية ودولية مثل منظمة (IMO) .
أدوات ومراجع مقترحة:
-Maritime Archaeology: A Technical Handbook by Jeremy Green.
- معهد INA (Institute of Nautical Archaeology) في تكساس.
- منظمة UNESCO لقواعد التنقيب الأخلاقي.
التنقيب تحت الماء ليس مجرد "بحث عن كنوز"، بل هو عملية علمية دقيقة للحفاظ على التاريخ. إذا كنتَ مهتماً بالدخول إلى هذا المجال، ابدأ بتدريبات في الغوص الآثاري ودراسة علوم الآثار البحرية! 🌊⚓
استمارات العمل
باللغة العربية: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1k0fQDBJVpQN50cSQPj4AJFY4cnH_uId2/view?usp=drive_link
باللغة الإنجليزية: https://drive.google.com/file/d/171ZgnnCwDe5W5hp2ax5FgONKYg1yVoys/view?usp=drive_link
Source: التنقيب عن الآثار المغمورة بالمياه (Underwater Archaeology)
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🇬🇧 I’ve chosen My Name Is Red by Orhan Pamuk for my book club. Most of the ladies in the club do not read translated fiction (😒) so I always choose a book that wasn’t written in English. (😏) . To be honest, I’ve been meaning to read Pamuk for a really long time. I read his The New Life when I was 16, didn’t understand it and quit Pamuk altogether. After only 16 years later, I can say that I’m loving this book. My Name Is Red, is a novel about miniaturists in the Ottoman Empire of 1591. One of the miniaturists is murdered at the first chapter and all the chapters have different narrators; the best part is that the narrators are highly unusual. It is always a delight reading about İstanbul in Ottoman times, especially if there is a love story as well. ♥️ Have you read Orhan Pamuk before? Which book is your fave? . 🇹🇷 Orhan Pamuk’un Benim Adım Kırmızı adlı kitabını kitap kulübüm için seçtim. Kulüpteki hatunların çoğu çeviri kitap okumadıklarından sıra ne zaman bana gelse ana dili İngilizce olmayan bir yazar seçiyorum. (Çok hayranım yok anlayacağınız 😂) . 16 yaşındayken Yeni Hayat’ı okumuş, anlamamış ve Pamuk okumaya son vermiştim. Aradan 16 yıl geçince Pamuk okumaya geri dönmenin vakti geldi diye düşündüm. İyi de etmişim. Benim Adım Kırmızı güzel bir kitap. Sadece birkaç bölüm okumuş olsam da yazarın neden bu denli popüler olduğunu anlayabiliyorum. Neden bu zamana kadar okumadığımı da daha iyi anlıyorum. Eskiden olsa hakkını veremezmişim. Bir de elbette Osmanlı’nın İstanbul’u hakkında okumak benim için her zaman büyülü bir deneyim oldu. Bu kitap da büyünün hakkını veriyor kanımca. . Siz Orhan Pamuk seviyor musunuz? Hangi kitabı favoriniz? 🎈 . . . . . #orhanpamuk #mynameisred #benimadımkırmızı #turkishliterature #türkedebiyatı #ottomanempire #ottomanart #translatedfiction #diversebooks #diversereads #okumahalleri #kitap #turkishart #turkishtiles #kitapkurdu #kitapaşkı #booklove #nobelprizewinner #nobelprizeforliterature #mustread #greatread #bookcover #metafiction #okumaaşkı #bookaesthetic (at London, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bvj28VkFo9h/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ouytlo8n3d28
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There are so many reasons why you should visit Turkey at least once in your life !! Amazing Food, beautiful beaches, archaeological sites, excellent museums, natural wonders, the people, Turkish tea,and very unique gift shops ..Like this one, entire outside was made from little cracked Turkish tiles 💙 I loved it. #unique #visitturkey #traveler #wunderlust #handmade #turkishtiles #architecture #travelphotography #free #bohostyle #tbt #picoftheday #vintagelife #handmadelove (at Sigacık, Izmir, Turkey) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtmkfRtlUZd/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1d0nwqajwikug
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#colorpalette #HolyMother #hope #safe #mothersday #therightway #help #angel #light // #rosetan #misty #toasty #cosmos #tricornblack #envy #saguaro #bluechip #turkishtile #naval => www.facebook.com/nanadecoloresbr
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"Do not dismiss the dish saying that it is just, simply food. The blessed thing is an entire civilization in itself. " For those who travel engaged in culinary pursuits, the Turkish Cuisine is a very, curious one. The variety of dishes that make up the Cuisine, the ways they all come together in feast-like meals, and the evident intricacy of each craft offer enough material for life-long study and enjoyment. Whether in a humble home, at a famous restaurant, or at a dinner in a Bey's mansion, familiar patterns of this rich and diverse Cuisine are always present. It is a rare art, which satisfies your senses while reconfirming the higher order of society; community and culture. A practical-minded child watching Mother cook "cabbage dolma" on a lazy; gray winter day is bound to wonder: "Who on earth discovered this peculiar combination of sauted rice, pine-nuts, currants, spices, herbs and all tightly wrapped in translucent leaves of cabbage all exactly half an inch thick and stacked up on an oval serving plate decorated with lemon wedges? How was it possible to transform this humble vegetable to such heights of fashion and delicacy with so few additional ingredients? And, how can such a yummy dish possibly also be good for one". #traditional #turkishstyle #turkishtile #turkey #lahmacun #sofra #bosphorus #turkishcuisine #turkishkitchen #kitchen #breakfast #dessert #pastry #snack #wrap #bread #kebab #meze #stuffedgrapeleaves #kofta #shishkebab #rice #pilav #turkishdelight #vegetarian #platter #fastfood #istanbul #antalya #meal
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Inspired by Turkish Tile designs I decided to do another design. I also wanted to try out some new color combinations and decided to use the orange background. You can find this egg in my Etsy shop: https://www.etsy.com/your/shops/GrnFaerieDesign
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Turkish kutahya ceramic plates, turkish tea glass plates, ceramic coasters 👉http://etsy.com/shop/TadesCollection 🌎 worldwide shipping 💯reasonable prices #coasters #ceramiccoasters #turkishteaplates #teaglassplates #turkishtile #bluemosquetiles #bluemosqueistanbul https://www.instagram.com/p/CPAVRmrDUcD/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Stainless-Steel / Kitchen Sinks / Kitchen & Bar Sinks Manufacturer
#sink #bathroom #interiordesign #shower #basin #bathroomdesign #kitchen #bathroomremodel #design #india #basindesign #turkishplates #brassdesign #studiolamp #turkishlamps #mexicantiles #englishplates #handlebrass #chinacabinet #turkishtiles #teakwood #antiquechina #lampt #chinastyle #wastafel #style #like #interior #toilet #leizintlernational
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JUMA home #pillow #turkish #turkishtiles #tiles #shanghai #home #accessories #interiors (at Shanghai, China)
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#turkishtiles #ottomanera #iznikcinisi
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