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power-rangers-faves · 22 days ago
I’d like to clarify a couple of the current polls, because I got confused even after making them.
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There are 3 very similar Megazords in Turbo, those being the Turbo Rangers’ original Turbo Megazord (left) made up of the Turbozords, the Rescue Megazord (middle) made up of the Rescuezords (which also have individual “Battle/Warrior Modes”), and the Rescue Turbo Megazord (right) made up of 2 Turbozords and 3 Rescuezords.
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The first 2 have been shown in battle at the same time, the third is made up of the pieces of the other 2.
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superman-2050 · 4 years ago
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#turboapowerrangersmovie #powerrangersturbo #turbozords #turbomegazord #1990s #1997 #zordon #divatox #hillaryshepard #jasondavidfrank #tommyoliver #catherinesutherland #kimberlyhart #amyjojohnson #jasonscottlee #austinstjohn #stevecardenas #lerigot #jonsimanton #rockydesantos #johnnyyongbosch #adampark #angelgrove #nakiaburrise #tanyasloan #blakefoster #justinstewart #maligore #shiftintoturbo https://www.instagram.com/p/CGxezLopiZh/?igshid=jvawd8qx43lh
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lordrensuniverse · 5 years ago
🙎🏻‍♂️Power⚡Rangers Turbo 🚙🚗🚘was an amazing show!!
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otakusatsu · 7 years ago
OTD in Otakusatsu fandoms: "Turbo: a Power Rangers movie" begins In US theaters. As with all #PowerRangers productions, this was made FOR THE FANS of #MightyMorphinPowerRangers not OUT OF TOUCH critics. It serves as a bridge between the #PowerRangersZeo and #PowerRangersTurbo tv seasons. It opened at number 7 in the box-office, but reviews are low. ⠀ ⠀ #gogopowerrangers #supersentai #gekisousentaicarranger #zordon #megazord #turbozord #saban #sabanentertainment #mecha #film #mech #videospiele #1997 #turboapowerrangersmovie #scifi #litty #powerrangersthemovie #onthisdate #onthisday #奥特曼 #kaiju #daikaiju #漫画 #特撮 #怪獣 #OtakusatsuOTD
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recyclegoods · 5 years ago
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Check out my awesome eBay store, tons of cool stuff on sale now, store link on bio @recycledstufff . . . #zord #zords #megazord #turbo #turbozord #turbomegazord #powerrangers #powerrangersinspace #powerrangersturbo #powerranger #actionfigures #actionfigure #robot #transformers #transformer #vintage #antiques #midcentury #collectibles #toys #etsy #ebay https://www.instagram.com/p/B3ooAN0Ajnd/?igshid=1naxbmivcpp7y
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juniaships · 4 years ago
My Power Rangers OCs because I have neglected them for far too long 😥😥😥😥 here's the lineup for the Fox Kids Era!
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Maria Sanchez
Designation: Purple Power Ranger
Zord: Megalodon
Weapons: Power Darts, Zeo VI Crossbow, Turbo Wave Crasher
Duration from MMPR to first half of Turbo
Formerly a teenage slacker; learned to become more responsible; pursues music career
Always trying to hide her amd her friends secret from her nosey sister
Had low self esteem due to not being a model student
Was very close to her abuela, not so much for her Chihuahua
Initially didn't get along with her four yo niece Rosita but became closer and protective; eventually becoming her Ranger Mentor
Keeps track of all the rangers in their family since she was the first lol
Love Interest: Rocky De Santos
Faceclaim: Thalía
Bianca Sanchez
Designation: Turbo Purple/White Space Ranger
Zords: Wave Cruiser Turbozord, Wave Douse Rescuezord
Weapons: Turbo Wave Crasher, Cosmic Cannon
Maria's twin sister and a reporter for Angel Grove High newspaper
Was always trying to expose the Rangers but thwarted due to own recklessness or incident out of her control
Eventually found it in the Turbo movie which led to a falling out with her sister; they made up in time to stop Divatox and rescue Kimberly and Jason
Decided to keep it a secret and this act of loyalty earns her the right to succeed Maria as the purple ranger
Went to space with Carlos, TJ, Cassie and Ashley to save Zordon; recruited by Andros to become the White Space ranger
Love Interest: Zhane
Faceclaim: also Thalía
Maggie Phenomenous
Designation: Galaxy Purple
Zord: Reindeer Galactabeast
Even-tempered niece of the zany Professor Phenomenous
Astrologist and horseback rider
Was part of an expedition group to Terra Venture
Enjoys horseback riding and snowboarding, dislikes hot weather and has dietary restrictions
Eventually writes a children's series all about her adventures
Has worked on a farm after returning to Earth
Love Interest: Leo Corbett
Faceclaim: Undetermined
Alya Moonstone
Designation: Lightspeed Purple Ranger
Zord: Police Car she's not a cop
Weapon: Rescue Blasters, V Lancers, Rescue Shield
College Student who wants to go into tech
Selected to join the rangers due to her expertise on the paranormal
Came from a family of paranormal experts but had no interest in taking part in such preferring to find a normal job
Actually betrothed to Prince Olympius due to a deal her uncle made to the demons many years ago in exchange for power
Discovers there's a lot more to the demons vs human conflict than originally stated; ends up helping demons
Love Interest: Titanium Ranger; Very one-sided Prince Olympius
Faceclaim: Undetermined
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Wendy Collins
Designation: Time Force Purple Ranger
Weapon: Chrono Blaster, Chrono Saber
Adopted sister of Wes Collins
Street smart, "gives no fucks about anything" mentality
Still mourning the loss of her mother
Learns to value her time with friends and family, and to be mindful of personal health
Actually befriends Nadira lol which helps the latter's redemption
Doesn't like cops, initial tension around the Rangers
Love Interest: Eric
Faceclaim: Devon Aoki
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Kyra Lyons
Designation: Wildforce Pink Ranger
Zord: Tree Frog
Weapon: Pink Frog Ribbon
Granddaughter of Professor Lyons and Cole Evans' cousin
Zoology student who discovered her cousin during a trip to South America
Helps Cole learn about their family, in contrast to their grandfather who is still grieving the loss of his daughter and son in law
Wants to preserve her family's conservatory from a greedy businessman cliche I know but come on it's Power Rangers
Attended the same school as Wendy and Wes
Love interest: None
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tobiasdrake · 5 years ago
The Phantom Ranger should be Billy Cranston
Note that I say “should be”. Not “is” or “was”. There’s a reason for that. In fiction, until a mystery is resolved, it has no canon answer. There is no true statement that can be made for who the Phantom Ranger actually was, because his identity was never revealed. He can only be retroactively revealed to have been someone all this time by another writer in the future, should anyone ever see fit to revisit the unanswered question.
This is how writing works. In real life, the present is beholden to the past and the future is beholden to the present. But in writing, the past is beholden to the present, which is beholden to the future. If a writer tomorrow says that Jason Lee Scott was not the original Red Ranger and that Bulk and Skull were actually Rangers in an older team before the original MMPR team took over, then that becomes the new past, no matter how ridiculous it might be.
This is why people complain about later additions to a series “ruining” older ones; future additions can change characters, alter plot points, flip perspectives, etc. New information can be revealed about the stories you consumed that irrevocably alters the experience of consuming them, and if that alteration is for the worse, then the audience is left with a choice: to accept a less interesting or engaging reality that has replaced the one they liked, or to break away from the canon and accept that their version of events is no longer the “real” one, so to speak.
In writing, the future defines the past.
So the "truth”, so to speak, of the Phantom Ranger’s identity is that he can be literally anyone. No canon answer has been revealed, so the question is still up in the air for any writer interested in answering it to take it up. But he should be Billy, because Billy would be the character who most consistently fits the clues regarding his identity. Here’s why.
The Case for the Phantom Ranger being Billy
When the Phantom Ranger first arrives on Earth, Dimitria traces his power signal and determines that it’s coming from Planet Eltar, where Zordon and Alpha-5 have retired. This is our first clue to his identity: the Phantom a) comes from space and b) is likely powered by Zordon.
Note that “from planet Eltar” doesn’t have to mean Zordon. That’s an assumption. But Zordon is literally the only narrative reason to care about Planet Eltar. There is nothing on Eltar that matters to the plot except Zordon, a guy who empowers Power Rangers. So if a Power Ranger was empowered on Eltar, then Zordon is the logical conclusion.
So we have a guy who got powered up by Zordon on Eltar and then came to Earth. What’s particularly interesting about this is that “One Last Hope” reveals the Phantom Ranger’s specs are in the Turbo Megazord’s database. While our team of Rangers have been running around trying to figure out what this guy’s deal even is, a detailed printout of his powers up to and including his power source was sitting somewhere in their computer files.
This suggests that not only did Zordon create the Phantom, but that he’s been planning to create the Phantom since before he left Earth. Zordon’s been working on this since some point between the Turbo film and the “Shift Into Turbo” three-parter; possibly even before, there’s nothing stopping him from having copied his files into the Turbo Megazord after its creation.
Maybe Billy designed the Phantom Ranger at some point during Zeo. Wouldn’t that be neat? A writer could totally claim that Billy created his own spec sheet for a new Ranger powerset for himself. It wound up in the Turbo Megazord’s files because Zordon copied everything over after the rest of the team built the Turbozords, while Billy kept working on his design on Aquitar.
Or they could not. Again: past is beholden to the future. It’s just one example of how Billy being the Phantom Ranger could be written.
In any case, the Phantom Ranger a) came from space, b) was empowered by Zordon, and c) was being designed before Zordon left Earth.
So the Phantom Ranger comes to Earth. At some point, he either builds or acquires brand new Zords for the entire team: the Rescuezords! No explanation is given for these beyond “Phantom Ranger got ‘em”. Though it’s worth noting that he must have either completed or discovered them during the events of “One Last Hope”.
At the end of “The Darkest Day”, the Phantom shows up to assure the Rangers that something is in motion to fix the problem of their Megazord being gone. He’s very vague but assures them that there’s hope. Then in “The Last Hope”, he just shows up like, “Come get these Zords.”
The only reason that makes sense for him not to have taken them to the Rescuezords in “The Darkest Day” is if they weren’t ready yet. So he’s either actively building them after he arrives on Earth or trying to find them or something. He didn’t just bring them with him from space. 
Throughout Zeo, Billy is the Zord architect; with the exception of the Gold Ranger kit and the Super Zeozords, every weapon and Zord the Zeo Rangers have came out of Billy’s workshop. Pulling new Ranger tech out of his ass is what Billy does.
So the Phantom Ranger
1 - Came from space. 2 - Was empowered by Zordon. 3 - Is familiar and friendly towards the Power Rangers. 4 - Was being designed before Zordon left Earth. 5 - Built or discovered new Zords right after arriving on Earth.
There’s nothing stopping him from being some brand new character like Trey of Triforia. Or from being, I don’t know, Lt. Stone or whoever. But there is no existing character who fits those criteria better than Billy Cranston. Furthermore, being revealed to be Billy isn’t just good for the Phantom Ranger as a character. The Phantom Ranger is good for Billy.
The Case for Billy being the Phantom Ranger
Here’s the thing: Billy’s story ends on a dour note. Billy spends much of Zeo talking about how bad he feels that he can’t suit back up and become an active Ranger again. This is a recurring subplot that builds up to the intrigue of the Gold Ranger arc, culminating in Billy accepting the Gold Power Staff and becoming the Gold Ranger.
Except he doesn’t; in a mean-spirited twist, the rug gets yanked out from under Billy’s feet. There’s some technobabble about how the events of Alien Rangers screwed Billy up on a genetic level and now he’s physically barred from accepting the Gold Power. Tommy has to go out and find Jason to make him the Gold Ranger instead.
Behind the scenes, David Yost has mentioned that the producers at the time felt that him being gay made him unfit to be a superhero. I don’t know if this is the exact reason for why he was abruptly denied an appropriate and satisfying resolution to a series-long subplot. But it still felt very pointed and very cruel to his character.
Whether or not Billy was being punished for the creators’ disdain for David Yost’s sexuality, the fact remains that Billy’s anxiety about his inability to join the other Rangers in the field was never resolved. David Yost left the show at the end of Zeo, and the creators wrote him out by having him move permanently to Aquitar so he can embrace heterosexuality and bang his hot alien girlfriend.
The way David Yost was treated is abhorrent. And I really do believe that’s important to talk about when discussing these early seasons of the show, especially as they pertain to Billy. But that’s not the reason that Billy should be the Phantom Ranger.
The reason for Billy to become the Phantom Ranger is to provide resolution to his anxiety over being unable to be a Ranger again. Regardless of the motives behind it, this is still an unresolved plot point from Billy’s arc in Zeo. And it’s not the only one.
Hey, remember that secret project Billy was working on during the Gold Ranger arc? The writers made Billy into a red herring for the Gold Ranger’s identity by having him keep vanishing mysteriously and claim that he had a secret project.
What was his project? This is never explained. As soon as the Gold Ranger is revealed to be Trey of The Legend of Zeldia, this subplot is abruptly dropped. I’ve heard fan theories that this secret project was actually the Turbozords, culminating in the designs Zordon presented the team to build in the Turbo movie.
But imagine: what if Billy was designing the Phantom Ranger?
Motivated by his desire to become a Ranger again, Billy was creating a new method of connecting to the Morphin’ Grid, separate from the Zeo Crystal. Maybe he became disillusioned with it after he was rejected by the Gold Power Staff. Or maybe he kept working on it in secret and just got better about not being so flaky.
And maybe either Billy or Zordon completed the design after Billy moved to Aquitar and Zordon returned to Eltar. One contacted the other, Billy and Zordon met up on Eltar, Zordon helped Billy make his design a reality, and Billy returned to Earth as the Phantom Ranger to finally rejoin the fight he’s been wanting to rejoin for like a year.
This is not the only explanation for the Phantom Ranger. Nor is it even the only way to explain Billy being the Phantom Ranger. But I can think of nothing that would be more satisfying, both for the Phantom Ranger mystery and for Billy’s own character arc.
There is even a precedent for it; hooking up with an ex-Ranger who felt bad about having to leave and empowering him with these brand new powers that Zordon just created? That is literally the story of how the White Ranger happened. This is how Zordon rolls.
So why not Billy?
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thvndring · 5 years ago
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❝ Shift Into Turbo! Red Lightning Turbo Power! ❞
Theodore Jay "T.J." Jarvis Johnson is the Red Turbo Ranger & the leader of the Turbo Rangers. T.J. wanted to be a Power Ranger ever since he was a very young boy, unaware that his fantasies would actually come true one day. 
While on a bus to Angel Grove, both he and Cassie witnessed an attack by the villain Divatox, who captured the then-current Red Turbo Ranger, Tommy Oliver. T.J. fought off the Piranhatrons, and freed Tommy from his prison. Because of his bravery and his assistance in saving others, he was hand-picked by Tommy to be his successor in forming the new formation of Turbo Power Rangers as the second Red Turbo Ranger. The team consisted of himself, Cassie, Ashley, Carlos, while Justin stayed on as Blue Ranger. T.J. was friendly and warm hearted, as well as intelligent in his decision making. He also was a star baseball player.
While a very capable leader, T.J was unable to stop Divatox from finding the Command Center & almost fully destroying the Turbo powers. When she departed for space at Dark Specter’s order, TJ & the Turbo rangers followed her; becoming the Space Rangers. After the Turbo powers were restored to the morphing grid, TJ left the Blue Space mantle behind & resumed his position of the Red Turbo Ranger.
As the Red Turbo Ranger, TJ commands the Red Lightning Turbozord.
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visforvictini13 · 6 years ago
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Name: Pink Turbo Ranger / Katherine Hillard / Cassie Chan Trainer Card Number: 213 Gender: Female Series Of Origin: Power Rangers Turbo Type Specialty: Normal / Fairy Decidueye: The Bow
Togekiss: Wind Chaser Turbozord
Chansey: Wind Rescue Rescuezord (Repetitive Much?)
Chatot: Cassie’s Love Of Music
Mr. Mime: After leaving the team, Kat moved to London, just a thought
Kanghaskhan: ‘Stralia M8
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camleecomics · 8 years ago
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T.J. Johnson dreamed of becoming a Power Ranger when he was a young boy. Little did he know, his dream would one day become reality. After T.J. bravely assisted in rescuing Power Ranger veteran, Tommy Oliver, from the clutches of Divatox, Tommy chose T.J. to succeed him as the Red Turbo Ranger. T.J. led the Turbo rangers in their battle against Divatox’s army of space monsters. Even after the loss of their Turbo Powers and Zords, T.J. continued to fight as a Ranger and assist in the search for Zordon as the Blue Space Ranger.
T.J. first appeared in an episode of Power Rangers Turbo that first aired on September 10th of 1997. As the Red Turbo Ranger, he piloted the Red Lightning Turbozord and the Lightning Fire Tamer Rescurezord. As the Blue Space Ranger, his personal Zord was the rocket ship, Mega V3. T.J. also appeared in a special episode of Power Rangers Wild Force titled, Forever Red, which assembled a team of Red Rangers past and present to defeat the remnants of the evil Machine Empire.
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coordiiinated · 8 years ago
kelly’s power ranger eras. please note; this is still undergoing construction.
MMPR.  Aquamarine Ranger.  
SUIT → Aquamarine-colored. ZORD → Aquarius, a mermaid Zord (ThunderZord) that morphs into a Warrioress.  To summon, she uses the Siren’s Flute; which can also compel said foes.  Aquarius can also wield a scimitar, called the Aquatic Blade.  In mermaid form; her tail is lethal.   ARSENAL → Wrist Communicator, Power Morpher (Mermaid Power Coin), Power Blaster. WEAPON → Siren’s Flute  (it’s a pan flute or pan pipe, that is aquamarine-colored and adorned with shells and starfish).  
Ninjetti/Ninja.  Aquamarine Ninja Ranger.
SUIT → Aqua-colored.   ZORD → Ninja FishZord.  Large aquamarine and white Koi fish; and its fins act as wings so it can fly through the air.  Much like the Dragonzord, it does first surface from the ocean when summoned.  When joining to the Ninja Megazord, the Koi folds and connects to the back, offering up its large fin-like wings as another part of the Zord.  In Warrioress form, its keeps the body and fins of the Koi, but gains legs, arms, and a head.  Which look more robot-like than fish-like.  In this form its has a scimitar blade which you swear sings when it hits targets. ARSENAL →  WEAPON →
Zeo.  Zeo Ranger VII, Aqua.  
SUIT → Aqua-colored; with the face part of the helmet having a conch shell spiral.   ZORD → ZeoZord VII, Super Zeo Zord VII. ARSENAL → WEAPON →
Turbo.  Aquamarine Turbo Ranger.  Zest Spark.  
SUIT → Aquamarine-colored; with the face part of the helmet having a conch shell spiral. ZORD → Zest Spark Turbozord (Aquamarine Honda Zest Spark), Spark Buggy Rescuezord (Aquamarine Dune Buggy). ARSENAL → WEAPON →
In Space.
Wild Force.
Dino Thunder.
SUIT → ZORD → Cryptozord.  Cryptoclidus. ARSENAL → WEAPON →
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superman-2050 · 4 years ago
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#turboapowerrangersmovie #powerrangersturbo #turbozords #turbomegazord #1990s #1997 #zordon #divatox #hillaryshepard #jasondavidfrank #tommyoliver #catherinesutherland #kimberlyhart #amyjojohnson #jasonscottlee #austinstjohn #stevecardenas #lerigot #jonsimanton #rockydesantos #johnnyyongbosch #adampark #angelgrove #nakiaburrise #tanyasloan #blakefoster #justinstewart #maligore #shiftintoturbo https://www.instagram.com/p/CGxeXBkpkEJ/?igshid=1qwa25iol7eq8
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superman-2050 · 4 years ago
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#turboapowerrangersmovie #powerrangersturbo #turbozords #turbomegazord #1990s #1997 #zordon #divatox #hillaryshepard #jasondavidfrank #tommyoliver #catherinesutherland #kimberlyhart #amyjojohnson #jasonscottlee #austinstjohn #stevecardenas #lerigot #jonsimanton #rockydesantos #johnnyyongbosch #adampark #angelgrove #nakiaburrise #tanyasloan #blakefoster #justinstewart #elgar #shiftintoturbo https://www.instagram.com/p/CGxdeeXJt7o/?igshid=j6napno7y8of
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superman-2050 · 4 years ago
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#turboapowerrangersmovie #powerrangersturbo #turbozords #turbomegazord #1990s #1997 #zordon #divatox #hillaryshepard #jasondavidfrank #tommyoliver #catherinesutherland #kimberlyhart #amyjojohnson #jasonscottlee #austinstjohn #stevecardenas #lerigot #jonsimanton #rockydesantos #johnnyyongbosch #adampark #angelgrove #nakiaburrise #tanyasloan #blakefoster #justinstewart #maligore #shiftintoturbo https://www.instagram.com/p/CGxdT_kJJPg/?igshid=1ryet0pys9poo
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superman-2050 · 4 years ago
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#turboapowerrangersmovie #turbozords #turbomegazord #shiftintoturbo #hopefortheworld #fulflej #powerrangerssongs #powerrangersturbo https://www.instagram.com/p/CGxb5uOJt_H/?igshid=bjzlxwjldez
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superman-2050 · 4 years ago
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#turboapowerrangersmovie #powerrangersturbo #turbozords #turbomegazord #shiftingintoturbogear #1990s #1997 #zordon #divatox #hillaryshepard #jasondavidfrank #tommyoliver #catherinesutherland #kimberlyhart #amyjojohnson #jasonscottlee #austinstjohn #stevecardenas #lerigot #jonsimanton #rockydesantos #johnnyyongbosch #adampark #nakiaburrise #tanyasloan #blakefoster #justinstewart #greggbullock #ltjeromestone #maligore https://www.instagram.com/p/CGxakvGJKWI/?igshid=1salptvc7gimq
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