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hello all, this is my darling cecily; let me know what plots you need and want! @tupeloextras TW: cancer, death
the facts: - Cecily Adler - Twenty-Six | Cisfemale | she/her | bisexual - OBGYN Resident - New York City, NY
the story: - Cecily is the youngest of a stock broker and lawyer in the heart of New York City. Chloe is her older, and only, sibling, and as far as she knows, it’s just the four of them. Her parents raised her and her sister to live a no bullshit, bitches get stuff done kind of mentality, and Cecily will admit it got her through this life she’s been handed. - Growing up in New York City, Cecily learned quickly there were 2 groups you were in, the popular, and the outsiders. Cecily knew she didn’t want to be an outsider, so right away, she made sure she was known. It was easy enough since her father was a big shot lawyer that all the rich knew. Starting at a young age, Cecily made sure she was either at the top, or with the top. - In high school, it was always common to go into nursing, and she is no different. Cecily got her CNA at the age of 14, and while she acted tough, it actually brought her a lot of joy, being able to comfort those in pain and give them a glimmer of happiness in their dark times, which, in turn, gave her a joy that she felt very seldomly. -[tw death] Shortly after Cecily’s new found joy, all joy was taken from her. Her parents were on their way to a gala, one she was going to meet them at. It was in the middle of the silent auction when she was pulled to the side and told the tragic news. It was also in that moment that Cecily lost all of that ‘bitches get stuff done’ mentality. She shut people out, including her sister. While now she’s grateful for what her sister did for her, at the time she definitely took it for granted. - Meeting their grandmother at the funeral was a blessing in disguise. She didn’t;t know it at the time, but it’s really what got her to turn around in the future. She doesn’t remember many of the stories that her grandmother told her, or many of the conversations, but ultimately, her grandmother was the one who turned her around. After one trip to Tupelo, Cecily was ready to get her life on track. - Cecily went to college the moment she was out of high school. She went the route of medicine, sticking with what she found she really loved, and she went into the world that started everything; labor and delivery. When she graduated, she started her masters as an OBGYN doctor, and made herself well acquainted at New York-Prespetarian hospital in the heart of the city. - [tw cancer] Cecily has loved her job since she started it when she was 22, knowing quickly this world was the place for her. She graduated and was finally starting to figure out how to not be numb or drink the pain away when her grandmother told her and Chloe that she had cancer. It took her about 20 seconds to know she needed to go back to Tupelo, and luckily, her sister was going to be by her side. Her grandmother got her through her parents’ death, but Chloe was the one who held her together. Lucky for her, an OBGYN was needed in Tupelo, and she was able to get her residency approved, with weekly teleconferences with her superiors.
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Joey Moore
Full Name: Josephine Moore Nickname/s: Joey (she’ll hate any other nickname someone tries to give her) Gender: CIS Female Date of Birth: September 2, 1993 Age: Twenty Seven Ethnicity: Black, Native American, Creole Place of Birth: New Orleans, Louisiana�� Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Occupation: Bartender at Bob & Ringo’s Faceclaim: Tristin Mays
@tupeloextras | tw: witchy things, death mention, bullying (sort of)
Joey is a witch, allegedly. Not the wiggle your nose to make things disappear or flying on a broomstick through the night sky kinda deal. But, depending on your beliefs about the supernatural and people’s abilities to connect to the other side, she might just be a little magical.
She was never a fan of academics, so she just barely graduated high school and didn’t have the gpa to get into any sort of high education institution, not that she’d voluntarily go anyways.
Joey was raised by her mother and grandmother. Her aunt was often in and out of her childhood home, but she didn’t do any of the “raising”.
Her mother and grandmother ran a hair salon in the front parlor of their home. The rest of the house was closed off from the salon with a pair of French doors. It’s been said that behind those doors was where another sort of business was being carried out. There were rumors of potions and love spells and serums to make lovers speak their truths were just beyond those doors
During her senior year of high school, Joey was dating the schools star receiver, which was a shock to everyone. People said she had him under a spell or that she was somehow giving him the ability to be the top recruit in the state of Louisiana. They both ignored the pestering gossip as best they could.
The night they found out her boyfriend was being given a full ride to LSU on a football scholarship, they had a bonfire to celebrate, but when they ran off the road into a swamp afterwards, the bonfire was no longer a fun celebration, but a voodoo ritual that Joey intentionally lured her boyfriend to in order to sacrifice him— or something along those lines.
She went to stay with a cousin out of state after the funeral to get a break from the offended looks and wild imaginations of the Bible thumpers that didn’t like what they didn’t understand, which is how she landed herself in Tupelo, Mississippi.
[full bio coming soon]
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Hi I’m Amelia, I have 3 chars and Natalie is one of them and I love her obviously.
TW: Drugs
Natalie grew up in LA with her mom Julie Fisher, her father left the picture when she was 1 and it was just her and her mom. When she was younger, her and her mom had a really good relationship and in some ways they did now but things were definitely different.
She was always an outgoing girl, could be very clumsy and very ditsy at times. But that didn’t mean she wasn’t smart, she was a person who loved to read and loved to learn new things no matter what.
She was a very outgoing girl but the quiet kind because she liked her own world, so when people started to notice her it shocked her a lot especially when she didn’t make the effort to be seen.
She loved baking and anything to do with the idea of not being stuck in a book all the time even though she loved learning and reading.
When she started to grow up, her mom turned to drugs because she felt like she wasn’t needed anymore and that she felt lost and din’t know what to do with her life.
This lead to Natalie having to be like a carer to her mom. In the end her mom got some help and they are on an okay relationship now but it is still hard.
At college she met Amelio Ramos, this guy who ended up becoming someone she really loved, he was her person and she was happy to have him in her life.
After college, Natalie got a job in journalism and she loved it, because she had always wanted to work in a paper and be a journalist.
As time went by her and Amelio got stronger and he proposed and she was over the moon and fell in love with him even more and of course said yes.
Things were great with them until a few weeks before the wedding when she got closer with a guy from work and thought that was love. Clearly it wasn’t but when the wedding day came she stood Amelio up at the alter because she loved this guy. She knew she broke his heart.
Now she realised after all that, that she didn’t love that guy from work and now she wanted Amelio back in her life some how but figured that wasn’t going to happen. But she missed him and loved him.
After realising she needed to get out of that job, she went hunting for a new journalist job and she got a job offer in Madison so she moved to Madison and she has now started her new job and is slowly meeting new people. She is hoping to reconnect with Amelio, knowing he is living here.
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「 ms. louella ‘lou’ dunn 」
Full Name: Louella Marie Dunn
Nickname/s: Lou, Lou Lou, Ella (only by her siblings)
Gender: CIS Female
Date of Birth: October 15, 1985
Age: Thirty Five
Ethnicity: White
Place of Birth: Tupelo, Mississippi
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
@tupeloextras || [tw: none]
35 years old and works as the head of operations at Whiskey Hollow Rescue, the rescue portion of her family’s ranch.
Oldest sibling of @jacksdunnit + three other sisters
Has always been considered either a “wild child” or a “space cadet” because she’s usually getting distracted by animals/nature in just about every possible situation. Is actually not very “wild” or “spacey” just really freaking loves animals and wild flowers!
Has a weird habit of finding horses (and dogs and cats and more) that need homes/rescuing so good news is that if you need help finding a pet, this girl knows every rescue in this county and the next two. Finally figured out she can’t bring home any more dogs or cats but the horses are still coming to Whiskey Hollow, sorry Jack
100% has a few donkey on the ranch and also a whitetail deer she named Venison.
Came home from college with a boyfriend who turned out to be a real jerk so they broke up after about 4 years together (which was about 4 years too long for her to keep him around tbh)
She lives in an old one-bedroom ranch hand house on the ranch
Protective of her siblings!!! Would literally do anything for them, even if it meant hiding a body or slashing some tires but please find someone who is a little more skilled at either ‘cause she’s not going to be as helpful as she wants to be
Tends to see the best in everyone even if they don’t deserve it
Has two dogs (links on full bio page) and is constantly taking them anywhere she can (esp. on the ranch)
Is found in boots and jeans 98% of the time but when she has to clean up, she cleans up really freaking well.
Has a really big goofball side to her that you’ll see if you stick around long enough, and trust me, she’s worth sticking around for
[ full bio here ]
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Hello but from over here this time, I’m Sarah and this is my other baby Ivy!
Grew up in Tupelo, as did her parents and grandparents. She never really expected to leave and when she came home from college single and pregnant that coffin was well and truly nailed shut.
It took a few years before she was able to talk about more than custody weekends and diaper supplies with her ex, but she and Milo are close now and it’s almost always totally fine. One day her mom might even stop asking when they’re going to get back together. Maybe. Probably not.
Her daughter Evangeline is nearly 10 now, and she’s the light of her mama’s life and doted on by an assortment of grandparents, aunts, uncles, and old people.
Owns and operates Watershed & Sons funeral home, just like she always expected to, and she’s pretty damn good at it too. Mostly she handles the actual bodies side of things, but she does a bit of everything and always makes a point to speak to the family. It’s a relationships business, and she’s actually really good at dealing with grieving families.
She’s less good at dealing with not-grieving people, because she will validate every feeling you have and hates to push people when they’re upset, so she’s best for when you want to vent about the man what done you wrong and not when you want to consider what role you may have played in the whole thing. That’s important, we need those friends.
Very into the Death Positive movement, but Tupelo is still a tiny southern town and things are pretty traditional.
Probably due for a midlife crisis but honestly who has the time?
Wanted connections!
Mom Friends - Anyone with a kid in the 9-12 age range, or anyone who would probably be up for trading kids once in a while so people can get a damn night off would be excellent, please hit me up.
Book Club - Please let this single mom have friends who she doesn’t have to talk about soccer schedules or whatever show disney is hyping at the moment. She needs to drink wine and read something recommended by Oprah once in a while.
Former Clients - Probably more of a thing to connect on than a thing to build a relationship on but if your character has lost someone in the last 8 years or so then Ivy probably was involved somehow.
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Hey hi I’m Sarah, this is Ethan, he’s Trying His Best
35 cis male, Bev Rep, native enough to Tupelo that he’s not “the new guy”, single, no kids
Canadian dad, mom is from Tupelo and her family still lives in town. His aunts are like, the Reigning Lesbians and they’re involved with All The Gay Stuff so if your character is at all involved in the LGBT community they’ve probably met
He’s bi himself but he’s not super out about it cause he likes his privacy
Grew up playing hockey, went pro when he got drafted out of college
He’d hoped to spend at least a decade in the NHL, but 2 years in a trucker ran a red light into the side of his car, ending his career and also his left leg at the knee.
It’s been a while since it all happened, he’s mostly learned to live with it but some days are worse than others.
Got super into wine when he was 19 because he was trying to impress a girl, which did not work even a little bit. Wound up going back to it when he retired, and works for a statewide bev rep. If your character works at a bar or restaurant, or anywhere that would host wine tasting events, they probably know him.
Kinda sarcastic/sardonic/occasionally a bit rude when he doesn’t remember to not be a dick, but he does mean well. Deals with all interpersonal problems with Very Clear Communication which he think should work but obviously people are nuanced so it doesn’t. Will tell you if he thinks you’re in the wrong unless you do it first.
But then he’ll still drive to your house at 2 in the morning if you need a sink fixed or got dumped or something. Even if you’re fighting, as long as you didn’t maliciously hurt anyone he cares about.
Literally wears nothing but jeans and hockey or alcohol branded shirts. He has like 5 dress shirts for events but otherwise he’s in a shirsey or he’s got the fireball logo stamped across his back. His mother hates it.
Wanted Connections!
Ex - I would really prefer some kind of unhealthy/combative dynamic here honestly, maybe they tended to fight so they broke up because they were arguing all the time but there’s still a lot of ~feelings~ there or the breakup took a couple tries to actually stick? I’m open to suggestions.
Drinking buddies - he doesn’t cook for himself much (like he can but all he can make is grilled chicken and veggies) so he’s a regular at a lot of bars and restaurants in town, most employees and regulars would know him at least by sight. He likes to buy a round for whoever he’s talking to because drinking alone is just sad.
Neighbor but like literally - He bought a condo because the idea of lawn care makes him want to kill something, so I’d love to see him have get along really well with his neighbors in the building to the point that they petsit for each other and have block parties and shit
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Matilda Stone
Full Name: Matilda Elizabeth Stone Nickname/s: Tilly, Mat, Matty, Stoner, Tilda Gender: CIS Female Date of Birth: February 15, 1988 Age: Thirty two Ethnicity: White Place of Birth: Tupelo, Mississippi Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Occupation: Defense attorney Faceclaim: Megan Fox
@tupeloextras | tw: abortion mention
She’s never really gone by Matilda, it was Tilly when she was younger and then Mat or Matty after she was 18.
Her dad was the high school principal starting when she was in kindergarten.
Her mother suffered from an untreated mental illness and had a bit of a “town crazy lady” reputation. Tilly started to notice her mother was different from other mothers when she entered the second grade.
By the time she was a freshman in high school, her dad was still the principal and having an affair with the school nurse. It wasn’t a very well kept secret, but people around town were (usually) too kind to say anything to Tilly’s face about it.
She was a cheerleader in high school.
There were a lot of rumors that floated around about Tilly (she was sleeping with a teacher, she aborted a baby, she slept with the whole wrestling team in one night, etc.), but she never took the time to confirm or deny them, which only made more rumors sprout up.
She took the SAT for people for money and received a 1590 on her own SAT, which got her into Stanford University.
[full bio coming soon]
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「 mr. spencer kinkaid 」
Full Name: Spencer James Kinkaid
Nickname/s: Spence, Skid, Spencekaid, Evie’s Dad
Gender: CIS Male
Date of Birth: May 11, 1988
Age: Thirty two
Ethnicity: White
Place of Birth: Tupelo, Mississippi
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
@tupeloextras || [tw: alcohol use, alcoholism, poor parenting choices]
spencer hails from the kinkaid family, is the younger brother of @traviskinkcid
wanted absolutely nothing to do with his family’s farm so he followed his high school sweetheart ( @watershedivy ) off to college in Oklahoma so he could study communications instead
ended up getting Ivy pregnant toward the end of college and instead of being a man and marrying her like he was already planning to do, he panicked and ended things with her
got a job in Nashville, Tennessee, after college working for the mayor. stuck around long enough that he was working as the asst. press secretary there up until last month
when it came to visitation, he started out strong by making it home every other weekend for visits with Evie, but over time he started to get busier with work and such. Lately, it’s mostly been a one weekend every other month kind of thing. his family steps in at home whenever they can but Evie adores her dad regardless of how inconsistent and generally bad he is at making time for her. When she does come to town to spend the weekend with him, he usually drags her out to fancy restaurants and takes her shopping. He buys the flashy gifts and spends money hoping that she’ll love him for it (and she kind of does ‘cause she’s only ten ya know?) There’s also a good chance he drinks when she’s around but he won’t get wasted until they’re home.
(tw: alcohol, tw: alcoholism) he showed up drunk to work one day and while it wasn’t the first time, it was absolutely the worst time and he was unable to cover it. being drunk at events was one thing, but being drunk at the office was a real problem so he was let go
when the mayor of Tupelo found out he was looking for a job, he offered him the position of press secretary and Spence took it because he knew he probably wouldn’t find anything better out there with a lack of a reference from his previous employer. the mayor knew his situation and said he’d hire him if he completed a 30-day rehab program
spence doesn’t really want to be sober or anything, but he knows that he’s got to keep up a good front in order to keep his jo
Nashville really turned him into a bit of a prick. He likes gambling and smoking cigars and drinking like nobody’s business. He got used to having a sense of power and money in Nashville but now that he’s home, he’s lost most of that and he’s just an asshole most of the time.
his family is hoping that being home will help him find his roots again and help him become the kid he used to be aka down home, good ol’ boy with a sense of manners and doing what’s right
[ full bio coming soon ]
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「 mr. hunter dixon 」
Full Name: Hunter Alexander Dixon
Nickname/s: Hunt, Big H, Dixon
Gender: CIS Male
Date of Birth: November 27, 1983
Age: Thirty six
Ethnicity: White
Place of Birth: Tupelo, Mississippi
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual and horny af
@tupeloextras || [tw: alcohol, neglect, death of a parent, car accident, cheating]
Hunter’s dad died in a car accident when he was 3. His mom never really got over it and started drinking pretty heavily. Because Hunter was essentially a spitting image of his dad, his mom harbored a lot of resentment toward him and he spent most of his childhood attempting to stay out of her way.
Once he became a teenager, the drinking reached an even new high and Hunter spent most nights helping take care of his mom.
Hunter has an older sister who is his world. In addition to her, he’s really close with @austinxkirby who is like his little brother. @jordanxkirby is essentially his little sister as well.
He grew up not too far down the street from the Kirby’s and Austin’s mom would constantly invite Hunter and his sister over for dinner, etc. Austin’s mom is the one who taught him how to dance for his first school dance and helped him get ready. Basically, she’s the mom he always wanted.
He’s owned The Swinging Door for 4 years, worked there as a bartender when he graduated high school (2001) before he moved to Dallas.
Moved to Dallas in 2010 (age 27) with his girlfriend. They lived together for a while until he found her cheating on him with a guy from her job. He moved back to Madison 5 years ago.
He was pretty sure he and his girlfriend, Leah, were going to get married. He’d started looking at rings and was saving up some money for a while when they broke up.
Moved back to town and got his job back bartending at The Swinging Door, eventually moving up to manager. The owner wanted to retire 4 years ago so he bought the place. He’d kept saving money from when he was going to buy a ring and added to it, so he had the cash.
He’s a bisexual hoe so like if you want to throw your babes at him, just lmk
He’s got a crosseyed siamese named Butters who is 2 years old and he loves him. I don’t make the rules.
He’s going to flirt with your muse(s). Again, I don’t make the rules. I’m serious when I say this guy would hit on a lamp post if he thought he had a shot.
Oh btw if your muse works for him, there’s a chance that he’s hooked up with them or is currently hooking up with them, so let’s plot that out.
[ full bio here ] - coming soon.
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Hi I’m Amelia, this is one of my 3 babies and I love her too.
TW: Death, Depression
Victoria was born and raised in the big city, New York by her two parents who were very loved up and loved her so much.
Karen Grace Greene was a well known author of children fiction books and Martin Richard Greene who was originally born in London, United Kingdom, was a well known author of murder mystery books.
From a young age, Vick was brought up with books all the time, she was always advanced in reading but she obviously fell in love with it from her parents.
Vick was very creative and imaginative that she was able to write anything from a young age, she had many short stories saved from when she was a young girl and she still loves to look at from time to time.
Even though she solely focused on writing fictional stories, she had dabbed into writing songs which was something she never thought she would be able to do but her imagination helped her write songs.
She also had a talent for singing but she hated to sing in public, she never did, she was very much a hidden singer and would only sing in front of really close friends and her room.
Vick was always known to be sweet, if you asked around, there was no one ever saying a bad word about her apart from the few people were age who said she was always in her room and she didn’t spend much time partying and socialising like most her peers.
When Vick left college after studying creative writing, she knew she wanted to go into writing properly and she had started writing a fictional story based kind of on her college experience. She also got a job at Barnes and Nobel to earn some money.
At 26 she properly got into her writing where she actually started writing the book she had planned but then tragedy struck and her parents got into a car accident that led to them both losing their lives which Vick didn’t take too well.
She tried to stick it out in New York but it really wasn’t working for her, so she figured it wasn’t home anymore and she needed to leave and move out and move somewhere else to kick the depression she was holding onto.
She found a place in Tupelo where she found peace with the incident and fell in love with the place when she moved there. She got a job as an online journalist and a job in a Library.
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i’ve got another baby; let me know what plots you need and want! @tupeloextras TW: death, alcoholism
facts: - Gracie Justine Hartly - Thirty-Two |Cisfemale | she/her | heterosexual - Hairdresser (Do or Dye) and opening barista and baker (Bean There) - Tupelo, MS
the story: - Gracie is the youngest of 3 to Presley and Jack Hartly, and the only girl, next to her mom. Gracie and her 3 older brothers were always close, and her parents kept their family life nearly perfect. She has always been thankful for the life she was given, and has always planned on giving back to her parents in any way possible.
- When Gracie was 2, her parents moved to Tupelo, her mom opening up a bakery in the back of a coffee shop and her father being a police officer. Around the same time, her parents adopted a young boy, about 18 months older than herself, and their perfect family grew to the perfect number. Her perfect life, with her perfect family, it seemed as if nothing could go wrong.
- Gracie had always been popular, her kindness and optimism encouraging those around her to feel the same. Plus her mom's baking was top of the town, and her father was always the laid back officer that would show up to the house parties to make sure everyone got him safe and sound. Her friends would always talk about how they were so jealous and how they wished they could have the same family with the same happiness.
- [tw: death] Her life turned upside down on the day of her high school graduation. Her family was there, and they were waiting for her father to arrive. He wasn't supposed to be working, but he could never not work. He was passing a typical traffic stop that looked to be heating up. He noticed the officer didn't have backup yet, so he wanted to be the backup. Both officers were shot and killed on scene and the son of a bitch who killed her father ran. He was caught shortly thereafter, but the fact that he got away once before, it's what caused the rest of her siblings to go into the same profession. Gracie did everything she could to stay far away from that world.
- [tw: alcoholism] Gracie started to live a numb life, making her way through cosmetology school during the day, and drinking her liver to death at night. It wasn't until she had one of the out-of-body spiritual experiences that she realized she was killing herself. She was 25 at the time, and has been sober ever since. That was, until she met Travis. Well, she had known Travis, but not in the way that their relationship took them to. It was quick, it was lust that turned into love, and it was naïve and stupid. He tested her, sometimes pushing her to wish she could have just one drink, but he also reminded her that life isn't just working and breathing; it's being naïve and stupid.
- They were married for 2 years before Gracie left him. She told herself she couldn't stand by and watch him die, but she would never give him an ultimatum of choosing her or alcohol. She asked for a separation, in hopes that he would change. And he did. But their separation turned into a divorce, and ever since, Gracie has been lost and confused. She still has a tremendous amount of love for the man, but she's not sure he'd ever take her back. And word has it, he has a girlfriend, which makes the sting just a little more painful and a little more real, and the bottle just that much closer.
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「 mr. deacon james 」
Full Name: Deacon Allen James
Nickname/s: Deac, DJ, Dekes, James, Big D
Gender: CIS Male
Date of Birth: April 13, 1987
Age: Thirty three
Ethnicity: White
Place of Birth: Birmingham, Alabama
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
@tupeloextras || [tw: mention of drugs, divorce]
33 years old. Moved to Tupelo as a wee boy at the age of 4 so he claims it as home.
Father of twins aged 6. (Delaney + Dylan)
His partner at work is @breezydanvers and sometimes he wonders how he got so incredibly lucky (sarcastic, obv. she is both one of his best friends and the bane of his existence)
His older sister is @sadierae-james and his baby sister is @sydneyxjames. He is super protective over both of them, but more so over Sydney.
Started working as a cop right outta high school
His wife, Darby, got busted by Tupelo PD for drugs in 2015 and he put his neck on the line for her to keep it under wraps. She went to rehab for 90 days.
Surprise! It didn’t stick. She started using again a couple years later and he kicked her out when he found out. They ended up getting divorced and he hasn’t spoken to her since.
Since then, it’s just been him and the twins, but he has a village of people who are supporting them and that’s how he survives tbh
He is a simple country boy who likes fishing, drinking beer, grilling and tailgates
100% has a bad habit of being sexually attracted to any woman with a maternal bone in her body and has a really bad habit of sleeping with them.
Dad jokes for days, okay, listen
Has a horse named Dallop (because her mom’s name was Daisy) so like when I say ‘dad jokes for days’ I mean it
Is kinda lame but you’ll never find someone with a bigger heart than this guy
[ full bio here ]
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Here’s my Lawyer Guy! So I said only 5 chars and here I am with 6 oops but heres my fave boy.
TW: depression and death
Growing up Romeo had a great life, he was treated like a little prince by his parents and when his little sister Juliette was born it was like the perfect little family. Romeo definitely picked some fights with his sister, but he was also very protective over her and she was like his best friend as well as his sister.
Romeo was definitely very academic and hard working he spent a lot of his time in his books. He loved being quite smart, he never thought of himself as a nerd and he never thought it was a bad thing.
Growing up he got really interested in Law and really wanted to become a lawyer to the point where he studied Law at college before taking on years of education and then taking the Bar.
Being a lawyer was his dream and he managed to get a job at the law firm in Tupelo at Bryson Law Firm, and was really enjoying it.
When his sister Juliette died from a car accident, he felt like his life fell apart, he was very much close with her and he felt depressed and lost for quite a while after she died. He remained close friends with Weston who was the father of his nephew.
Romeo is a true romantic and he always knew that he wanted to treat a women properly. He met his first love in high school and they were together until his 30th birthday where is girlfriend broke up with him, she told him she just wanted to be single. 2 years later he found out she was engaged to someone else.
That broke him and he longs to in that situation again one day but for now he was just living his life and getting to know people.
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So I love Nina Dobrev and missed playing her so here I brought her as well and please come love her!
TW: Bullying
Eloise grew up pretty ditsy, she was always brought up to be optimistic no matter how many people told her otherwise but she chose not to listen to them.
Being the girl optimistic about everything, she was very bubbly and very excited for everything, a lot more when she was younger than when she got older.
She was very creative and very much into her art when she was younger and she would always put images together and make things look nice on paper and could be classed as a work of art.
Her parents brought her her first camera when she was 10 and she loved it, she definitely was happy to be given a camera and she was shooting images from that moment onwards.
Although Eloise was bullied throughout high school it never stopped her positivity even if it did sometimes nearly knock it, she knew in the future things would get better in the future and there were more things out there for her.
Eloise is a very caring person, she might fight back at tiems and she will be openly honest with people but she is also very caring friendly, and she will always try to be optimistic for people who felt less so.
Eloise was definitely a little flirty but she just knew how to use her body and how to make the girls like her.
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So could I control myself no! But Hi this is my new baby Troy Clements, a beautiful face of Darren Criss!
TW: Death
Troy grew up with his loving parents for his whole life and it seemed like he had the perfect life and he did for a lot of his childhood.
But when he was a teenager and his younger brother and sister was there too, it was like he wasn't there and he felt like he wasn't wanted in his own family.
He was definitely the outsider in his family because although he wanted to study business just like his dad in the future, he had a massive passion for performing and he never knew how to pursue it or even talk about it because every time he brought it up, is parents just kind of ignored it.
He left Tupelo for college and moved to New York and he was definitely in the right place, he loved the city and he made loads of friends and made a lot of memories there. He went to study Business there in NYU and it was the best experience he got.
Growing up he always questioned his sexuality, he was never sure, but when he was in college he came out as Bisexual, he was definitely interested in girls but he was also very much interested in guys. Though he experimented in his first year of college where he slept with both girls and guys. By his second year of college, he got into a serious relationship with this girl Quinn. She was everything and they were together for a very long time, up until he was 25.
When he was 25 he got a phone call from his brother and was told that his mom had passed away suddenly, it wasn't expected and he was in shock, although he felt like an outsider in his family, it got him a lot more then he thought, so when this happened he made the decision to leave his favourite city and move home, and when Quinn said she wasn't ready to leave the city, that ended their relationship and it broke him because he had brought an engagement ring for her but he accepted his decision to move home and be with family and get a job in Tupelo.
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「 mr. tate medina 」
Full Name: Tate Antonio Medina
Nickname/s: Tater Tot, TaeTae, Medina, QB, Coach
Gender: cis male
Date of Birth: August 27, 1989
Age: Thirty Two
Ethnicity: Mexican-American
Place of Birth: Tupelo, Mississippi
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
@tupeloextras || [tw: injury, drugs, addiction]
Listen this dickhead was 100% the kind of teenager who thought he ruled the town let’s just get that clear
Played quarterback like his dad and his dad’s dad and probably 8 other Mitchums before him
Took his team to the playoffs his sophomore, junior and senior years
Won a state championship as a senior (’06) and graduated in ‘07
Went off to college thinking he was hot shit he was okay and had a good run with the University of Mississippi
Was drafted in the first round by the New Orleans Saints which was awesome until it wasn’t because in his first game as head quarterback he got tackled and broke his arm so badly he’ll never play professionally again and trust me it c r u s h e d him
He had a nice lil bout of being a whiny brat after the surgery that repaired his arm when he got back to town. He was def. on some hefty painkillers and had a hard time going off them, but then his old coach hit him up to take a coaching position at the HS and he took him up on it
Head coach (finally) retired last year so Tate’s worked his way up to Head Coach and this will be his first season leading the team
He’s 100% too confident for his own good tbh, always has been and always will be probably
Post accident Tate has a lil bit of a bigger anger management problem but the kid has always been pretty laid back when the stakes are low (so any time football’s not involved, basically)
Growing up, his best friend was always @billiexdawson but he’s close to the @deaconxjames, @sadierae-james, @sydneyxjames trio, too.
[ full bio here ]
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