romeo ross
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lawyerromeor · 4 years ago
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lawyerromeor · 4 years ago
It was always hard to accept a compliment, but he thought that disagreeing with him again, would come off as rude, so instead, he decided to just thank him, “Thank you,” he gave him a smile, “Oh, yeah, it’s one of my favorite parts about it,” the birthday parties he had, were often costume parties, “Understandable, sometimes can be overwhelming to do a more elaborated.”
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Romeo stood there and smiled for a moment taking a sip of his drink before nodding, “You’re welcome. Well that is good, it is a fun part of the event.” He smiled, “I do love seeing everyone’s costumes and getting inspiration for next year.” He laughed a little for a moment. Nodding, “Well I have been so busy the last few weeks didn’t really have time to actually dress up properly.” He smiled, “Did you come with anyone?” 
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lawyerromeor · 4 years ago
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chloe was very lucky to get a seat in the diner, insanely busy. but she had a lot of writing to do, and editing for the paper. and yet she was still looking over the menu, not too sure what to order. just as someone had come up to her, asking to join her. normally chloe would just brush him off, but seeing all the people in the diner, with no place, she seemed the only one with an empty chair. she sighed. “today’s you’re lucky day. go ahead.” she said looking back down at the menu. “you know anything good here? i’m not exactly from around these parts.”
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The diner was busy usually but not as busy as it was right now. Romeo knew he should have got here earlier. As he stood there near a girl, he smiled when she had agreed to let him sit down. “Thank you, so glad to actually have somewhere to sit now.” He smiled looking over at the girl and smiled, “Well what stuff do you usually like? I can recommend the burgers the most, as I genuinely love the burgers. Oh how long have you been here? Was going to say I don’t recognise you. I’m Romeo by the way.” 
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lawyerromeor · 4 years ago
If anyone had happened to glance her way, it would look like Ivy was Very Busy, doing Very Important Work Things, which was entirely her goal. In truth, she was reading something smutty on her phone, strategically placed next to a stack of black folders so one could easily believe she was referencing something relevant. Definitely not reading a romance novel about an improbably ripped duke. A figure appeared in her peripheral vision, and she turned her phone screen off as she turned up to face her visitor, trying to place where she’d seen him before. “Go right ahead, I’m just looking through some paperwork. It’ll be nice to have a distraction.” As she pulled her things back to occupy just her half of the table, she filtered through the names and faces, finally landing on one that seemed right, “It’s Ross, right? Or- maybe something Ross? I know we’ve met, I just can’t figure out where.”
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Romeo was in desperate need to eat his food, he was getting hungry and he wasn’t even sure if the person he stopped at to see if he could sit down. He smiled over at the girl who told him he could sit and smiled for a moment. “Thank you, it’s so busy its crazy.” He smiled for a moment looking over at the girl and laughed a little and nodded as he ran a hand through her hair for a moment, “It’s actually Romeo. But my last name is in fact Ross so you were close.” 
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lawyerromeor · 4 years ago
Augie was moping for not being able to bring his dog who happened to be the real showcaser to his costume. He wasn’t sure how long he planned on staying at the party, or who he had his eyes set on for the night. The party was going well, he was enjoying the spooky themed drinks and seeing what everyone came dressed up as. It wasn’t until a rather handsome lawyer AND he was dressed up as an Hufflepuff. He thought it couldn’t get better than this. Augie would enjoy the eye candy as long as it lasted. “Yes, it’s been pretty good. Though, I’m only here for the Boos,” he joked. “I didn’t but I wouldn’t have came alone but sadly, they don’t allow furry friends into the bar.” He wasn’t about to pull out the cheesy harry potter pick up lines just yet, Augie didn’t want to make a fool of himself. “I enjoy Halloween very much, the whole year of it,” he mused. “Not just the dressing up, decorating, or scary moves. I just love taking the opportunity to scare the shit out of everyone,” Augie teased. “I’m pretty sure the whole precinct hates me by now and is plotting my death because of it.”
“Can I buy you a drink?” he questioned. 
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Romeo stood there, Halloween was a great time of year and he would always make it out for it even though he disliked partying. As he stood there looked over at the guy for a moment. He laughed and looked at him for a moment, “Well I think a lot of people are here for the boos to be honest.” He laughed a little looking over at the guy for aq moment, “Oh well at least you’re having a good time right?” He laughed a little looking at him. “Oh well that makes sense, was thinking Halloween doesn’t last a year.” He laughed.
Standing there, she smiled for a moment, “Thank you. I would love a drink.” 
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lawyerromeor · 4 years ago
dixie stumbled slightly and right into somone, stepping on the back of their costume. she assumed it was a dress but when she turned around and noticed just what the man had dressed up as, she flashed him an apologetic look. a nervous giggle escaped her lips, mostly because she didn’t know what to say and so, she spit out the first thing that came to mind. “a hufflepuff. that was always the best house, if you asked me.” she pursed her lips, “sorry about your…cloak. is that even the right word? i’m not sure, either way. i totally fell and i’m embarrassed. if it’s ruined, i’ll get you another, i promise.”
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Romeo stood there as he felt like he was bumped into for a moment, as he looked over at the girl for a moment. When she stopped and spoke to him for a moment he smiled, “Hufflepuff is definitely the best house! I have always been a hufflepuff and always will be.” He laughed a little looking over at the girl for a moment, “Oh it’s totally fine, It’ll be fine but thank you. Are you okay though?”
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lawyerromeor · 4 years ago
“If it isn’t my favorite customer”. Maverick saddled the stool beside Romeo with a friendly smile and a gentle nudge of her elbow. The night was young, spirits were high and Mav was riding the euphoric ripple. Aside from dodging her ex boyfriend parading around in all his irritatingly splendid magnificence – lord help her – she wasn’t having too bad of a time. Though that didn’t mean she wasn’t eager to get home into more comfortable attire, snuggled up with Jasper. 
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“I love your costume, Harry Potter’s just bout the only book series I’ve gotten though that wasn’t poetry” she confessed. 
“I am your favourite customer? Well that makes me very happy and makes me smile.” He flashed a big smile to the girl for a moment. The party looked amazing, he wasn’t that much of a partier so the whole thing confused him a little but also learnt to enjoy it because otherwise he knew he would just be missing out. 
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“Well it’s an iconic costume. Who couldn’t love wearing a harry potter costume.” He laughed, “What exactly is your costume? I mean you look great in that costume and well quite attractive, but what is it exactly?”
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lawyerromeor · 4 years ago
“this isn’t just a costume, i’m actually a doctor.” he informed the girl, his eyebrows furrowing in concern as he looked at the guy next to him. “you look like you were hit pretty hard. some of these costumes are dangerous. are you alright?” he asked, tilting his head to try and look at the wound better. “why don’t you let me clean you up? i have a first aid kit in my car. it doesn’t look serious but you probably shouldn’t just leave it like that.”
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Romeo stood there taking a sip of his drink for a moment, “What kind of doctor are you though?” He looked at him as he felt the small pain that ran through him after being hit. He laughed a little looking over at the guy for a moment, “Are you sure you can do this right now? How much have you drunk? I am okay I promise. I don’t feel it too much.” He sighed taking a sip of his drink, “Okay Okay, I will let you look at it but don’t do anything to damage my face.” 
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lawyerromeor · 4 years ago
Luciana was used to eating alone. Not many people enjoyed the company of the brunette, especially when she wasn’t in a good mood. After a long day down at Scotty’s the first thing Lucy wanted was a large meal. She kept in shape herself but wasn’t afraid to eat like some of her clients. Which she often tried to get them to steer away from. A voice caught her attention shortly after she received her food and she thought it was the waitress again. Asking if everything was okay. A sigh crossed her lips and she slowly dragged her eyes up to someone that was not the waitress. “Yeah, sure,” she gestured to the empty seat across from her, “busy night, hm?” She was not great at small talk but wasn’t going to deny tidbits of company when she could get it. Whether she wanted to admit to that or not. 
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Romeo stood there, he hated the place when it was busy because he couldn’t have his time alone and he was just being stressed right there. But since it was busy he was going to have to enjoy his time with someone else. He looked over at the girl for a moment who was sitting at the table he had asked to sit at. He looked over at her and smiled as he took a seat and smiled, “Just a little, which is annoying. Sorry that I just got in the way of your alone time.” 
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lawyerromeor · 4 years ago
“I think it’s perfect,” Luca tried to compliment, “I almost dressed up as a Harry Potter character, not going to lie, but I couldn’t think of an Asian one.” He chuckled to himself and lifted his cup to his lips. Dressing up was confusing for him, and dressing as a doctor seemed like a cop-out, so he put on way too much body glitter, shorts, and hoped nobody asked. They would at some point, he was sure, but hopefully, by then he’d have a plan.
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Romeo stood there and looked over at the guy for a moment as he ran a hand through his hair for a moment, “Oh Oh now I am trying to think of one. You could have created your own character.” He laughed a little looking over at the guy for a moment before raising his eye brows for a moment, “Wait what exactly did you dress up as?” He laughed a little as he took a sip of his drink. 
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lawyerromeor · 4 years ago
Every party he went to, he tried to take slow when he drank, he disliked being drunk, so he always avoided it. There were times it happened, as he didn’t always have a good self control, but it wasn’t always, so he most likely wouldn’t get drunk that night, “There are people with better costumes, but I sure tried,” he laughed, “You look good too tough.”
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Romeo was definitely not a party person but he also knew that he needed to try and be more social. He laughed a little looking over at him, “Well you put in the effort with all the costume and the fake blood, you did well. Do you enjoy dressing up for Halloween?” He asked looking over at him for a moment. “Thank you, thought I would do something simple this year.” 
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lawyerromeor · 4 years ago
location: the halloween party
with: @latinxfirefighter​
Romeo was probably on his third drink but he felt tipsy already, he was not used to drinking that was for sure so it was a shock to his system. He stood there waiting to use the toilet when he looked at the guy in front of him, “Well you went all out on your costume didn’t you?” He laughed a little, “You’re looking good though. Well done for doing Halloween right unlike me.”
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lawyerromeor · 4 years ago
location: the halloween party
with: @drlucakim​
Romeo dressed up as a Hufflepuff was jus this plan for a good night, he was a Harry Potter nerd and he definitely used to pretend he was Cedrick Diggory a while back. As he stood there looking around he realised how basic he was, “Oh my gosh, everyone has gone like all out there. How basic was I to just dress up as a Harry Potter character this year.” He sighed looking at the guy he was talking to for a moment. 
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lawyerromeor · 4 years ago
location: the halloween party
with: @augieraub​
Romeo wasn’t a massive drinker, it wasn’t his thing even though he did like to go on a night out sometimes. He was definitely excited for the halloween party though and it was a pretty great one! He was there taking a sip of his gin and tonic as he looked over at the guy who was waiting for a drink for a moment and looked over at him, “So this is a pretty great party, did you come with anyone?” He smiled over, “Do you enjoy Halloween?”
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lawyerromeor · 4 years ago
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Romeo loves Harry Potter so he dressed up as a Hufflepuff. 
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lawyerromeor · 4 years ago
location: reds diner
with: open starter @tupeloextras​
Romeo had just finished work and he was very hungry and ready to go for food, it was something he looked forward too and he had decided to go to Reds Diner that evening. When he got there it was quite busy so he wasn’t even sure he was going to get a seat, he needed to sit and eat and his plan was to look over his case for now but that probably wasn’t going to happen. As he received his food, he saw no empty table just a few empty seats. He looked over at one and walked over and smiled briefly, “I am very sorry to be a bother but could I join you, just to eat my food and maybe keep you company?” 
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lawyerromeor · 4 years ago
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Here’s my Lawyer Guy! So I said only 5 chars and here I am with 6 oops but heres my fave boy. 
TW: depression and death
Growing up Romeo had a great life, he was treated like a little prince by his parents and when his little sister Juliette was born it was like the perfect little family. Romeo definitely picked some fights with his sister, but he was also very protective over her and she was like his best friend as well as his sister.
Romeo was definitely very academic and hard working he spent a lot of his time in his books. He loved being quite smart, he never thought of himself as a nerd and he never thought it was a bad thing.
Growing up he got really interested in Law and really wanted to become a lawyer to the point where he studied Law at college before taking on years of education and then taking the Bar.
Being a lawyer was his dream and he managed to get a job at the law firm in Tupelo at Bryson Law Firm, and was really enjoying it.
When his sister Juliette died from a car accident, he felt like his life fell apart, he was very much close with her and he felt depressed and lost for quite a while after she died. He remained close friends with Weston who was the father of his nephew.
Romeo is a true romantic and he always knew that he wanted to treat a women properly. He met his first love in high school and they were together until his 30th birthday where is girlfriend broke up with him, she told him she just  wanted to be single. 2 years later he found out she was engaged to someone else. 
That broke him and he longs to in that situation again one day but for now he was just living his life and getting to know people. 
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