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location: The Swinging Door with: open | @tupeloextras
Hunter pushed himself up onto the wooden countertop and sat on the bar, watching the crowd dancing not too far away. Well, what was left of it, at least. It’d been a typically busy night but now he was watching the bar wind down enough to where he could actually sit on his ass and not do anything, a rarity when things were busier like they’d been earlier. Always around to help out his bartenders, Hunter didn’t usually mind a little relaxing as things settled. “You know, it never ceases to amaze me at just how badly people will dance out there,” he said to the nearest person.
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- where: wherever your heart desires
Going new places was always difficult for Joe because he had a tendency to overthink his every move. He had to think through what he was going to say before he said it - as in about a million times before he opened his mouth - and he still fucked it up half the time. It was what he was doing now as he walked up to the closest person and smiled. He wasn’t exactly sure who he was supposed to be talking to, but they seemed close enough. “Hi, I’m Joe,” he waved a little bit, “I just need a bit of help, if you have a moment?”
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Open, @tupeloextras
Location: Downtown Tupelo
Jack was many things, but being forgetful of the animals at Whiskey Hollow was not one of them. However, he had found himself working on the fence that kept three mischievous donkeys corralled up behind the barn and when he had finished he had failed to turn the electric fence part back on. This discovery had only been made when he had returned to the pasture later on and found it completely vacant. The Three Amigos had vanished without a trace and were surely downtown wreaking havoc (where they had been found before the last time Jack had forgotten to turn the fence back on).
So there he was, sitting atop one of his most trusted steeds who was affectionately named “Pork Chop”. The name neatly etched onto the leather breast plate around the animal’s shoulders, one side saying ‘Pork’ and the other ‘Chop’ to give a clear indication of the legend who wore it.
The two meandered casually down the side of the road into the downtown area of Tupelo, seeking out every alley alongside the buildings to see where these donkeys had run off to. A few people seemed to be surprised by the vision of Jack and Pork Chop wandering around, but most behaved as if it were perfectly natural. As he passed by someone he gave a wave. “Hey!” He said, bringing the little buckskin horse to a halt. “Have you by any chance seen three donkeys around here? They look like... well... donkeys.”
#tupelostart#.starters#LOOOOL#why is this so long#98% of it is just to instill the VISION of what is going on#i told myself i'd never do another open starter#yet here we are#and they all gotta be weird#also PLEASE feel free to assume any type of connection#links are to show what im talking about for non horsey ppl
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location: The Swinging Door
with: open starter
Natalie was definitely nervous, she had barely been in Tupelo and she didn’t know anyone in Tupelo and she wasn’t really sure how to make conversation with someone at this current moment. She had decided to go to the Swinging Bar to get a drink as she felt that might help her confidence but also give her the chance to meet people as a lot of people went to bars right? As she got there, she ordered a drink, and then looked around as she saw someone standing there and she smiled, “What is your go to alcoholic drink and why?” She smiled looking over at the person there, “Oh Hi, I’m Natalie, I am new to Tupelo, very sorry to just come up to you, I’m just trying to make some friends.”
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travis could feel the sweat trickling out from under his cowboy hat and rolling down his forehead. it wasn’t all that hot but he couldn’t help but sweat when he was hard at work. he had on a white t shirt and a pair of jeans, his cowboy boots paired with it and he was trying to feed the cattle while he had a slow moment. he turned as he heard his hound dog’s loud barks. he was harmless, clyde wouldn’t hurt a fly, and the only reason he was really barking was to let his own know someone was here. a friendly smile appeared on his face as he approached them, “how ya doin’ today? ya here for some milk or are ya here just to say hi?” he asked, his arm reaching up to finally wipe the sweat from his forehead.
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location: bob and ringos
with: open starter @tupeloextras
Troy loved to socialise at bob and ringos and he was always admiring the place but also thought it would be nice for the place to have live music, like open mic nights. He stood there as he took a sip of his drink that he only just noticed the person standing to the side of him, “Okay but hear me out, I would love to see live music here, like open mic nights, I love to sing and perform but like it would be nice to see some live music don’t you think?” She asked laughing a little looking over at them.
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location: Iain’s flower shop
Iain absolutely loved his job because he felt like he was doing something good. Being surrounded by beautiful flowers didn’t hurt either, but being able to put other people’s emotions into a gorgeous display always made him feel giddy. “Welcome in!” He called when the bell rang. “If you need any help, let me know.” Iain hoped they would need his help, he was dying to make something today. As long as it wasn’t roses, because he was fine if he never sold another rose as long as he lived.
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location: gumtree park
with: open starter
Sierra and Kiera were out for a picnic at the park, it had been a while since they just spent time together like this and she just wanted to spend some quality time with her daughter. After they had eaten the picnic, she let Kiera go and have a little run around the park and to feed the ducks in the pond but told her to not go to far in order for her to still see her. As she sat and waited, she saw someone approach her, “Oh my gosh, you scared me. Hi, what are you doing here?”
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Cecily was weaving her way through the remnants of the Halloween festivities the night before. She wasn’t meant to work overnight as she did, but when the job called for it, the job called for it. And panicky moms usually called for the full work up before she could calm them down. “Nana, I'm home!” She walked through the decorated foyer, empty cauldrons and candy wrappers sitting next to the front door. “Cece, are you just now getting home? How was the party?” Squeezing her sore feet out of her shoes, she plopped down on the couch. “I just got off. I wasn’t able to make it” Within ten minutes of Cecily’e unsuccessful pity party, her nana had convinced her to at least head out of the house and ‘have some fun before the real world kicks in’, although, if working 60 hours a week isn’t the real world, then Cecily wasn’t looking forward to what was n store for her. Nevertheless, the headed down to Red’s, sat at the counter and ordered a coffee and some fries. It was. nothing fancy, but they were easily the best fries in town. where: Red’s who: open
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melina leaned against the brick building, a puff of air escaping her lips. she wasn’t really one for crowds or parties or anything that included that many people. the girl was definitely feeling a little claustrophobic and she needed the fresh air. she closed her eyes and pushed her hair back behind her shoulder before turning to look at whoever came out and stood next to her. she offered them a polite smile and then looked away so that they didn’t think she was looking at them for too long. “this can’t be the only halloween party going around in tupelo but it sure does seem like it with the amount of people stuffed inside that bar, right?”
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Where: Kinkaid Family Home Open; @traviskinkcid @spencekinkaid
It had been a quiet day so far. It was one of Gracie’s days off, so she had slept into until 8am and has been up cleaning the house since. She had things to do, but she was putting those things off. So cleaning the house, stopping by her mom’s and doing everything but what she needed was how she spent her morning. After her mother found out what she needed to do, she all but kicked her out and told her to “get shit done”. So she stopped by Do or Dye to get her client books and to stock up, then she headed to Bean There to grab the baked goods that had been requested. Then she did the dreaded errand; go her to ex’s family house. It was a soft knock on the door of the owners of Kinkaid Dairy, but the door opened before she even finished. “Oh, Gracie, it’s so good to see you, dear.” Mrs. Kinkade wrapped her up in a warm hug, and her eyes peaked over her shoulder to see an empty foyer; good. No Travis. “You too. I brought over the baked goods you ordered and threw in some banana bread.” She went to hand the items to the older woman before she ushered her inside, not even reaching for the bread. “Come. I’ll make you some coffee!” @tupeloextras
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location: monster mash with: open | @tupeloextras
“So,” Hunter said as he lifted the beer in his hand, almost taking a sip from it, “I told her that I wasn’t actually the one in charge of the voting for the costume contest, but I swear this woman would not take no for an answer. Before I commit to anything either way, Is it technically prostitution if she gives me a blow job and ends up winning a cash prize?”
#have my trash child#one of two i guess#tupelostart#tupeloevent#tupeloevent01#makes the tags and promptly forgets what they are.#total laura move
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dj had his feet on the counter and his eyes closed as the music blared over the speaker in his day job. spins was beginning to be his favorite job. mostly because it was so laid back and he could listen to anything he wanted to. truthfully, both of his jobs were pretty cool though and he didn’t seem himself leaving either one of them any time soon. he was nodding along to the music, his feet moving to the beat as well and he hand’t even realized anyone was in here until they spoke up. his eyes shot open and he sat up, “shi-” he stopped himself, pursing his lips. “my bad. what can i do for you?” he asked as he pushed himself up from his seat.
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She sat on the steps of her colonial style childhood home in cartoon pumpkin covered shorts and an oversized sweater that she was using more like a blanket. Misty, her darling, grey furred child, was busy batting at the windows from the bench on the wrap around front porch. When Matty spotted someone walking by, she dashed down the steps, waving her hand to get their attention. “Hey, hi, how’s it going? Do you know how to get a bird out for a house without killing it?” she asked, arms wrapping around herself in an attempt to block out the early morning chill. “My cat wants to kill it, but that just seems like it’d be a lot of feathers to clean up.”
#tupelostart#she grew up here and has been back for two years after moving for college#so feel free to assume a connection!
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location: ballard park
with: open starter @tupeloextras
Eloise was trying to get start back on her photography on her day off work and it was definitely hard to motivate herself but finally she had it. She was standing there shooting and she suddenly saw someone just walking past, “Excuse me, couldn’t you see me.” She shouted at the person before she soon realised that they could work in the shot, “Wait actually, would you like to be part of my shoot?” She asked, “You look fantastic in that and would really work for what I am trying to get.”
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Open: @tupeloextras Where: outside orchard street properties
Eli had a daily routine. Wake up, work out, get his coffee, get work done, football practice, sleep, repeat. It was a boring, repetitive life that he had lived for the last twelve years, and it was something that he didn’t anticipate would change much. Don’t get him wrong, Eli loved his life. He had good friends, good kids, a good team; he had a good life. Was he getting up there? Yes and no. He was 32, but the most he’s accomplished was when he was 20-ish and got recruited by the NFL. Sure, that dream ended as quickly as his back had broken, and shortly after his recovery, he moved to Tupelo. He was still convincing his parents to move there, but they were thriving, so he knew it was unlikely. He missed his parents and visited them as often as he could, but he had family here, too, so it made things less lonely.
After his morning workout, Eli decided to walk through town, see if there was anyone he could stop by and talk to on his way to coffee. Coming across the familiar relator building, he figured it wouldn’t hurt to stop by and see if Arielle was in. He was probably going to see her after school, and hear about her from Adrianna during school, so why know throw another encounter in?
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