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Hava soğuktu, rüzgar acımasız. Burası bir kar küresiydi, biz de içindeki figürler. Gün gelecekti, birileri bu kar küresini eline alıp sallayacaktı. Kar yağıyor sanacaktık, oysa alt üst olacaktık.
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İnsanların en büyük zayıflığı pes etmektir. Başarılı olmanın en kesin kuralı ise her zaman bir kez daha denemektir.🌥️
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Toprak mı vefalı, yürek mi bilmiyorum...
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Sana tutunabileceğime inandığım her an için nefretle doluyum, senin elini tutmaya adım attıktan sonra düştüğüm ve o günden beri ayağa kalkamadığım için öfkeyle çevrelenmiş haldeyim.
Aklım almıyor adam, nasıl içime kendine ait bir oda yaratmak istersin de başarmışken ve ben o odaya tam adım atmışken, beni o odada kapıyı üzerime kilitlersin!? Yetmezmiş gibi her kapıya vurup çığlıklar atarken nasıl gidebilirsin başka bir yere? Odada zaman nasıl geçti, ne kadar kaldım o odada ya da ne kadar bağırdım inan bilmiyorum tek bildiğim ve hatırladığım o odanın eski düzeninden eser olmadığı. Özenle ne koyduysan hepsini tek bir seferde yerle bir ettim, yalandan ne fısıldadıysan bu duvarlara hepsini tırnaklarımla kazıdım, renklere boyadığın bu odayı kendi siyahıma mahkum ettim...
Sonra krizlerim ve enkaz ettiğim o odaya uzaktan bakarken kapıyı çaldın, içeri girmek ve düzeltmek için her şeyi... 'Elini tutacağıma bu enkaz ile bir asır geçireceğimi' söyledim, toparlanmak güçtü ama öfkem vücudumda volkan misali kaynarken yapabileceklerim akla ve kalbe zarardı. Bir sürü cümle kurdun o yalan dolu ağzından kapının altından bana ulaşıp yüreğime dokunacağını sandığın, olmadı.
Bir zamanlar güvenip girdiğim, renkler ve güzelliklerle dolu bu oda şimdi enkazdan hallice bir siyahlığın koyunundaydı. Ne kadar geçirdi isen o kapının önünde, odadan çıkarken ayaklarımın önüne düşüp hemen ayağa kalkıp ağzını açtıktan sonra gözlerinin odaya kayması ile durduğunu hatırlıyorum, yüzündeki o şok olmuş ve inanamayan mimik ve bakışlarını. Elimin tersiyle itip geçecek iken bileğime dokunduğunu ve bu odayı bu hala getirmemin şoku, acısı, emeğinin gidişi ile ilgili birkaç cümle kurdun ama beni hiç cümlelerinde geçirmedin adam, hep "sen" vardın ve hep senindi bunlar. Yüzüne öfke, nefret, bitkinlik ve dahası duygularımın hangisi yansıdı bilmeden baktım ve çektim bileğimi senden. Anlamadın ya da ciddiye almadin ki beni tekrar aynı cümleler bağırarak yüzüme vurdun beni tutarken, bileğimi senden kurtarmak ilk hareketim iken üzerine yürüyüp bağırdığımı hatırlıyorum ve seni o enkaz içine iterken "aynı böyle yok olacaksın, hiçbir şeyini hatırlamayacağım ve bu odayla birlikte geride kalacaksın!.." dediğim ve senin arkada kalmayı sindirmeyip bağırdığın o anlar zihnimde şimdilerde. Arkamı dönmem, tökezlemem ve seslenmenle kulaklarımı kapatmam... Odanın içinden çıkmamla, etrafa bakıp bağırman ve yumruk atman tırnak izlerimle dolu duvarlara sana dair gördüğüm son şeydi.
Şimdilerde ne o oda içimde, ne senin gösterdiğin renkler, ne de sana ait herhangi bir şey. Seni geride bıraktım, yok ettim ve o odayla birlikte unufak edip söküp attım. Yandım, acıdım, kahır oldum, umudumu ve inancımı da kaybettim ama bak buradayım her halükarda dik ve hürüm. Adım yek, umut ile inançla, ruhum özgür ve zihnim temiz ilerliyorum. Ben, seni geride bırakalı bir asır oluyorken o enkaz ile seni bitirip yakalı acım ile eş değer özgürlüğümle paha biçilemez oluyorken inançtan doğma umutla benliğimi kazanıyorum.
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Kendini hiçbir şey için üzme . Hiçbir yolda düştün diye üzülme. Bir yere giderken başımıza bir sürü şey gelebilir, yollar bizi yorabilir, hava bizi üşütebilir ve hatta terletebilir, ayağımıza taşlar takılabilir, böcekler bizi ısırabilir, rüzgar bizi savurabilir. Karşımıza insanlar çıkabilir, aşık olabiliriz ve hatta terk edilebiliriz. İnsanlar bizi güldürebilir, ağlatabilir. Birileri bizi mutlu edebilir ama bazen ve hatta üzebilir. Bazen yürür bazen koşar bazen de dizlerimizin üstüne yığılıp kalabiliriz. Bir yere gitmeye karar veririz, yola çıkarız, ama o yolun sonuna bazen olmayabiliriz. Ama bunun bir önemi var mı? Çünkü yol bizim onun sonuna ulaşabilmek için yaptığımız her şeye şahit, yollarımız bizim üstlerinden geçerken çektiğimiz acılara, döktüğümüz gözyaşlarına şahit. Varsın ulaşamasın ayaklarımız o sonuna. O yollarda düşmek bile güzel."
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Part 2 of my season 12 reaction posts! Find part 1 (Resolution of the Daleks to Fugitive of the Judoon) here!
Thoughts on Doctor Who - Praxeus!
OKAY FIRST. THANK YOU, SHOW, FOR FIXING A BIG ISSUE I HAD WITH THE FIRST SEASON. So they were doing a thing where they’d introduce incidentally queer characters, have a female character mention her wife, stuff like that, only for them to die. This episode had Jake and Adam, married/separated/it’s complicated couple, who face huge amounts of danger, who both come close to dying, but who survive! And have a Big Damn Kiss! And walk off together holding hands! They survived!!
Plotwise, I enjoyed it a ton while watching, although in retrospect it did feel a bit free of danger. The companions were never in true peril because the Doctor can home in on them automatically, and we never got the true scale of the risk of infection, since the only people we saw get infected were in isolated areas. I would have liked to see, for instance, the threat of Praxeus spreading beyond just the very Hitchcockian birds; all of the peril was on an individual level.
Good message, if unsubtle. Mind you, that’s kind of Doctor Who’s thing, and it pisses off conservatives, so all for it, really XD (They must have loved the core relationship in this episode, too!) Like. Subtle doesn’t work. There are literally climate change deniers that exist. Sometimes you actually do have to tell a message with all the finesse of a sledgehammer because .
(Side note, I was deeply concerned when I saw the cowriter was the guy who did the hot mess that was Kerblam!, so at least this was just an unsubtle and kind of questionably written story instead of an actively harmful one.)
The companions: Ryan seems a fair bit more confident on his own? His initial scenes with Gabriela showed that he’s starting to work well even without backup, and picking up the bird proved to be a damn good call. Yaz and Graham were a fun pair, and Yaz got a lot to do when she and Gabriela (again!) got to explore, and I can definitely understand the conflict between curiosity/doing what’s right and safety when it came to the teleport scene. She does seem to be bordering on the reckless. Intriguing!
Minor plot snag - Graham knows how to set up an IV, presumably because of the shitload of time he spent in hospital! …And yet he doesn’t know what a pathogen is?
Friend note!
“fun fact about graham seemingly not knowing what a pathogen is! in my reading of the scene, i saw it as graham knowing what one was. with "Well, I’m glad you asked that…!” he seems like he’s actually sort of pleased with himself, like he’s about to launch into an explanation, and then IIRC there’s a very brief shot at Ryan giving him a Look and Graham immediately changes tone to “…cause I didn’t want to look stupid.” he immediately changes from boosting his own ego to bolstering ryans and im love"
In which case, good shit gooood shit.
SFX - the infection was creepy as shit. The very obviously puppet bird near the lab was hilariously bad.
Apparently the filming was tricky because it was super windy so all the shorts of Thirteen with her hair Like That weren’t planned, it just kind of happened. Love a fluffy ruffled Thirteen.
So anyway. People calling for more plot focus - literally this is the Doctor trying to distract herself and not focus on the plot! This is her avoidance tactic! Emotional honesty? Who’s she? She’ll get back to it eventually, but for now she needs a distraction after being punched in the emotions. Give her that for one episode, c'mon.
Ryan: “…I do a lot of running.”
Graham: “Whatever is giving off those weird readings… is on the other side of that wall!” Yaz: *silently turns scanner around* Graham, not skipping a beat: “…is on the other side of that door!”
Yaz: “I don’t want you to panic, but… we followed one of those things through a teleport and now I think we’re on an alien planet.” Thirteen: “…well, you don’t do things by halves!”
Thirteen: “That’s why you smell of dead bird! I thought you’d changed your shower gel.”
Thirteen: “I’m having half a thought. Ooh, this one tickles!”
Thirteen: “What can I say? I’m a romantic~”
In conclusion, Doctor Who said gay rights.
Can You Hear Me?
Thoughts on Doctor Who - Can You Hear Me?
Trigger warning for discussion of depression and suicide.
You know you're in for a wild ride when iView warns for horror themes instead of science fiction themes.
Overall: at first impression, it felt sort of mashed together? There's 14th century Aleppo, and there's 21st century Sheffield, and there's a deep space station, and there's creepy monsters and dream villains; I do kind of wonder why Zellin targeted a random girl in Aleppo as source for his pet monster, although targeting people like Ryan's best friend makes sense if he's deliberately trying to lure the Doctor to him.
The theme, on the other hand, of mental health resiliance and reaching out, was done incredibly well. Oh yeah there'll be more comments about it - the Guardian described it as 'adventures in Wokeness' - but damn, sometimes you need to hear it. I loved getting more of Yaz' backstory, about being a desperate teenage runaway at the point of being suicidal, and her reunion with the older woman legitimately made me tear up.
But like, goddamn. Her nightmare - she's still hearing that. She's still hearing her sister saying that she should "do it right this time" and that this time she won't call and that no one is coming and holy fuck. God this makes so many of Yaz' scenes incredibly painful in retrospect, knowing that she was at that point only three years before and that she's still dreaming that shit! It makes her recklessness terrifying!
Ryan's nightmare, and his experience with Tibo - it's quite reflective of the Doctor, too. She wasn't there, and Gallifrey burnt. And Ryan is realising this now, and really thinking about the potential future in Orphan 55. I think this is absolutely foreshadowing Ryan leaving at the end of the season (there's been a lot of speculation given Tosin's new TV role), and I think Ryan and Yaz' discussion at the end of the episode was a definite hint in the direction of Ryan choosing to going back to Earth.
Would have really liked Graham, during his talk with the Doctor, to gently remind her that she can talk about her own problems, although I can understand the narrative choice on why she didn't (although, yeah, would have been good for Graham to ask). Because, yeah, if anyone needs a sympathetic ear (...sans fingers) or a shoulder to lean on, it's her!! The entire theme of this episode was like... reaching out. Conquering your fears with the help of others. Sharing your fears to lessen them. Getting help. And the Doctor deliberately... not doing that makes it into an actual Thing that I think is going to seriously be addressed by the end of the season.
It's been such an ongoing theme. A bunch of episodes have started with an obviously depressed Doctor. The Fam has tried to raise the issue multiple times and have discussed it amongst themselves even more. Scenes like Yaz' reaction after being abducted in Spyfall (...which makes her, "I thought I was dead" part even more worrying) and being comforted by Ryan, not the Doctor... her whole reaction to Graham being like, "I'm glad you talked to me but I literally can't do the same in return" - if it's not addressed by the end of this season, it's at least going to have to be an ongoing theme, because it's becoming very deliberate now.
An interesting note: the actor who played Zellin (an immortal manipulator of nightmares) also voiced the Remnants (who were the first to mention the Timeless Child in The Ghost Monument). Coincidence or deliberate?
Assorted thoughts:
"I'm still quite socially awkward." There's socially awkward and there's emotionally repressed... (I saw a description of it on Tumblr as 'weaponised dissociation' and... yeah. And also yikes.) Also the way she was so closed in on herself, basically hugging her arms to her body! On a semi-related note, talking to herself in Aleppo was a bit depressing. Like it's continuing the theme of The Doctor Does Not Like Being Alone.
The finger thing - ew ew ew ew it's in their EARS ewww D:
Stylistic comment: the traditionally-styled animation for the Immortals' game was gorgeous.
"Try not freak out, yeah, but you're on a floating space platform trapped in a gravitational pull between two colliding planets."
"Thanks for lending a helping hand!" Companions just being, "...Doctor p l s."
On an old lore note, loved the callback to Eternals, Guardians, and the Toymaker! On a concerning note, man, the Doctor has so many issues with immortals. They abandoned Jack, there was the punishment they gave the Family of Blood, they had those Issues with Ashildr (from what I've read), now this, an eternal punishment with no chance of redemption, perhaps because she knows what immortality does? Parallels with the Doctor as quasi-immortal too, which Zellin even pointed out.
"You're wrong about humans. They're not pathetic. They're magnificent. They live with their fears, doubts, guilt. They face them down everyday and they prevail. That's not weakness. That's strength. That's what humanity is."
(Contrast: "That's what humanity is." The Doctor isn't human. She's not prevailing against her fears, doubts, and guilt.)
In conclusion, literally everyone but the creepy immortals needs a hug.
The Haunting of Villa Diodati
Thoughts on Doctor Who - The Haunting Of Villa Diodati!
tfw you think you're just going to get a nice spoopy historical and instead get major plot?
Overall impression: Well, Jack is going to be pretty miffed, given that the Doctor had to do precisely what he didn't want to happen - giving the Lone Cyberman what it wanted. To save Shelley, and also to save the future, although that does bring up the question on if the death of one person can rewrite the future, why doesn't that apply to literally everyone? Fletcher the valet and Elise the nurse died too, do their deaths have the same impact? Either way, the Doctor takes the Cyberium for herself - then realises that the Cybermen are inevitable, and returns it. And now she's trying to go and stop them. So... a bit conflicting in the message there, I think.
Yeah. Bit of a Trolley Problem there.
The characters were really fun. I did enjoy seeing Mary's sense of morbidness, but also her kindness and sympathy towards the Cyberman; you can see the foundations of Frankenstein there. I'm seeing some criticism of how Byron was portrayed as a coward, but eh. Nice little callback to Ada. Also I love how one of the rules was 'no one snog Byron'. Put that dirty boy back, you don't know where he's been! Glad Claire realised that too, although historically, she was already pregnant with his daughter at that point (and that didn't go well at all)... Either way. Good display of all these bright young reckless things.
(And yes, they were young. Byron was the eldest at 28. Shelley was 23, Polidori was 20, Mary and Claire were just 18. And while Claire lived to 80 and Mary to her 50s, the three men all died young, too - Byron at 36, Shelley at 29 - yes, from drowning, Polidori at just 25. Also wasn't mentioned that Polidori also created something on that Dark And Stormy Night along with Mary's Frankenstein - he wrote The Vampyre, the first modern vampire story!)
The Lone Cyberman (and I am deliberately using that instead of 'Ashad') - creepy as shit. Not just the whole Frankenstein look, but the way he acted! Not emotionless and blank, but actively manipulative and sadistic! Mary showed empathy and he actively threw it back in her face! I mean, yikes.
House was terrific and also spooky as hell. (Am lowkey miffed that no one went "VIBE CHECK!") The jumbled layout was quite Castrovalva, and I actually really dig that Graham got to see some actual ghosts. Ghostly sandwiches!
I think we got actual confirmation here that Yaz does have feelings for the Doctor? (Bleeding Cool News is pretty sure that it was for Ryan, but... lmao no.) BBCA twitter certainly thinks so!
Claire: "His answers only increase the enigma." Yaz: "I know someone like that." Claire: "This enigmatic person of yours... would you trade them for reliable and dull?" Yaz: "My person's a bit different..."
(It got deleted. So. There is that.)
Thirteen: "Hmm. Fourteenth... no. Fifteenth century... touch more umami." (Doctor, have you been playing Detroit: Become Human again?)
Mary: "I don't think they're really from the colonies!" Byron: "No, she... is from somewhere much, much stranger." Polidori: "The North."
Thirteen: "YOU HAD ONE JOB."
Cyberman: "You appear courageous. But your vital signs betray a heightened state of anxiety." Thirteen: "Or as I like to call it... Tuesday."
Thirteen: "Yeah, 'cause sometimes this team structure isn't flat. It's mountainous, with me at the summit, in the stratosphere, alone. Left to choose. Save the poet, save the universe. Watch people burn now, or tomorrow. Sometimes even I can't win."
Claire: "You pursued Mrs Doctor without a care for my presence, belittled my thoughts and opinions... and then proceeded to use my person as a human shield." Byron: "...And?" Claire: "And the spell is broken... my lord." Polidori's face: "haha you fucked up dude"
Next week: Shit Hits The Fan.
Ascension of the Cybermen
In lieu of a proper post for Ascension of the Cybermen, here are a list of questions we need an answer for.
Will Graham and Yaz survive, on a giant carrier full of Cybermen?
Who is Brendan, and what is his relevance to the story?
What is the Boundary?
How is Gallifrey in the Boundary?
How was the Master in Gallifrey, and not trapped by the Kasaavin?
Who is Ko Sharmus and why am I getting Yana vibes?
Who is Ashad and what is his story? (And why is his theme such a literal banger?)
Is he an actual Cyberman? Because I'm totally getting this impression he's human in armour?
How did Brendan survive being shot, and why did his non-ageing father and mentor do that?
Why did it look like a chameleon arch?
Is Ethan's tech-savvy just warzone familiarity or something more sinister?
Are there any other large human populations left?
Was I detecting a hint of romantic tension between Graham and Ravio?
What's up with Yaz?
Why did the Cyberium get sent to that time period?
Who or what is this alliance Jack is a part of?
How do the Time Lords and the lie of the Timeless Child come into it?
The Timeless Children
While I gather proper thoughts on The Timeless Children, here are the questions I had from Ascension of the Cybermen, now with answers!
Will Graham and Yaz survive, on a giant carrier full of Cybermen?
Yup! Disguises for the win!
Who is Brendan, and what is his relevance to the story?
Brendan is a filtered overlay memory of one of the Doctor's former lives.
What is the Boundary?
An anomaly, as far as I can tell.
How is Gallifrey in the Boundary?
No idea!
How was the Master in Gallifrey, and not trapped by the Kasaavin?
No idea!
Who is Ko Sharmus and why am I getting Yana vibes?
A big damn hero.
Who is Ashad and what is his story? (And why is his theme such a literal banger?)
We're still not actually sure. Either way, he's an action figure now.
Is he an actual Cyberman? Because I'm totally getting this impression he's human in armour?
Yeah, sort of.
How did Brendan survive being shot, and why did his non-ageing father and mentor do that?
Because Time Lords.
Why did it look like a chameleon arch?
It's probably related technology! If the chameleon arch rewrites memories, this one just wipes them.
Is Ethan's tech-savvy just warzone familiarity or something more sinister?
Just warzone familiarity. Poor li'l bean.
Are there any other large human populations left?
Possibly! If the Boundary really did send them to random places, there still could be surviving pockets elsewhere in the universe.
Was I detecting a hint of romantic tension between Graham and Ravio?
Maybe a bit XD And now they're all on Earth, who knows?
What's up with Yaz?
Who knows?
Why did the Cyberium get sent to that time period?
Ko Sharmus sent it. Didn't send it far enough.
Who or what is this alliance Jack is a part of?
Same organisation Ko Sharmus is part of. Also, young!Ko Sharmus/Jack please.
How do the Time Lords and the lie of the Timeless Child come into it?
In so many ways.
The Doctor!
More thoughts later!
Thoughts on Doctor Who - The Timeless Children.
...Actually, first thought is the title. Timeless Children? Hmm.
Anyway. That is... sure a literally mind-blowing revelation for the Doctor, yes! Like, damn, the discovery that you're not even the species you thought you were, that your adoptive parent spent lifetimes abusing and experimenting on you, that your memories were routinely erased by people you thought you could trust (including your adoptive parent), that you're literally the progenitor for your entire species, that you've lost who knows how much time and who knows how many memories... yeah. Damn.
What's an appropriate birthday present for someone turning ten million?
Also, huh. Amidst all the old lore and casual mentions (like Borusa!) that got mentioned - were they taking hints from the Cartmel master plan? About the Doctor being some kind of founding figure for Gallifrey? Not exactly written as Cartmel had it, but that big main concept of the Doctor as a sort of... foundation piece of Time Lord culture was still actually there.
Brain of Morbius Doctors confirmed, I guess. I guess even Four was going, "...the fuck?"
Cybermen = still scary. Regenerating Cybermen = felt somehow obscene. Like, no, that's just fundamentally not right. Like the TARDIS responding to Jack by noping the fuck out kind of not right. God. And the Master was completely and utterly magnificently batshit, like, more than usual, come on, dude, you know they'd kill or convert you the second you turned your back.
Still. Deeply, deeply entertaining to watch just from a villain perspective, completely Chaotic, and like... I do understand where he was coming from? His entire life is a lie. His entire life is because of the Doctor, who, I think it's fair to say, he has Complicated Feelings regarding. (Their entire interaction this episode was a giant power play. Like damn guys just get into BDSM and leave the would-be genocide and universal takeover.)
Tecteun = Rassilon, I'm assuming. Goddamn. Like they were a pompous abusive asshole from the outset, this just kind of makes it worse. I also wonder if Rassilon chose the Master specifically to get the drums because he was friends with the Doctor? That actually may have been something the Master worked out himself, too. I mean, I'd be pissed off as well :-\
Also, how many people know about this? I assume Gat knew, since she was implied to be responsible for the mind wipes, but was it like... a super tightly-held secret or was it something a lot of higher-ups knew? Because that's fucked up tbh
Thought on the Master. Okay, he's hugely furious that he's been lied to, that the entire origin of his people is based on a lie, that his greatest friendrivalloveenemy is incredibly special and that a part of her is in him and not in the fun way, but like... I'm also wondering if he's looking at the Time Lords, the way they turned him into their puppet, how they drove him insane for their own purposes, then looked at the Doctor - someone who has also been used, abused, experimented on, manipulated, controlled, and went, "No. This is an injustice and the Time Lords need to be punished for it."
Oh, saw a nice theory regarding the TARDISes - Ruth!Doctor had the original busted police box TARDIS. When she was eventually taken in to be mind-erased, they sent the TARDIS off to storage to be eventually repaired. The Doctor manages to steal that one, goes to Earth, and it immediately gets stuck again because it's still broken. Explains how Ruth!Doctor can have the police box while also being pre-everything.
I really want the Doctor and Jack to sit down and have a nice chat about being timeless undying constants of the universe. Also for Jack to get one of the spare TARDISes around. Be kinda funny if he got the Master's old one, given the Year That Never Was, but it really is just sitting there. (Poor TARDIS stuck as a tree on a random wartorn planet in the far future, though!)
Also, Jodie was fucking magnificent in this episode. The hurt, the absolute fury, the almost glee when she's telling the Master he can't break her, her refusal to press the button at the end (so much like Nine's "coward or killer?" moment!)... just... so good.
Beautiful post I saw here on Tumblr - the Doctor as the Timeless Child, making the choice to help.
Amazing post here on Tumblr about abuse and repressed memories. Even if the Doctor doesn't remember it all, the abuse they underwent at the hands of a beloved parent figure still informs a hell of a lot of their behaviour, but it doesn't define them. The Doctor's need to run = informed by abuse. The Doctor's desire to help crying children = informed by abuse. The Doctor being an inherently good person = being their own person, no matter what their upbringing, no matter what their past was. They made the choice to be the Doctor, and that's a hell of an important thing.
Extremely painful post I saw on Tumblr about the Doctor being 'hip with the kids' by calling her companions her Fam but hell if they're not more family to her than her actual adoptive mother ow my heart.
Also, the scene between Yaz and Graham was so sweet <3 I do want to see Yaz, at some point, admit that sometimes she's so terrified she can barely move, and to tell him what she came so close to doing when she was sixteen, and Graham to just go, "Yeah, but you keep going." Also I'm trying not to think about how Yaz would respond to the Doctor going off on a suicide mission when Yaz was suicidal just three years earlier because ow my heart. She knows that Ko Sharmus went after her, she knows the Doctor might be alive, but either way, she's just seen someone she loves leave with the intention of dying (and Ko Sharmus too, actually). Someone please give her a hug. Actually please just let the Fam have a big group hug in general.
"Have you ever been limited by who you were before?" "Huh. Now that does sound like me talking."
So, remaining questions to be answered next season!
What actually is the Doctor? Since they were found near the Boundary, they could be from anywhere. It's fair to say they now are recognised genetically as a Time Lord, but what were they originally, why were they abandoned in the first place, and are there any more of their original people out there?
How do the Remnants know about the Timeless Child, or were they just picking up on that unconscious knowledge from the Doctor's own mind?
Like... we're generally under agreement that the Master, the eternal cockroach, survived, right? Despite definitely being lowkey suicidal like oh, was hoping the Death Particle would kill me? Like the Death Particle was made by the Cyberium, it could have gone, "Nah, keeping this one."
What's going on with the Kasaavin? Remember them? Still out there, stationed all through time and space? And are we going to see Daniel Barton again?
Is something going on with Yaz?
Will the Fam stay on? (I personally think Ryan will elect to stay on Earth to account for Tosin Cole's new TV role, and if Graham and Ravio enter a relationship, he might too.)
When will we see Jack again? If he was connected to the Lone Cyberman arc, that seems... pretty conclusively finished, unless we're going to learn more about it?
Is it Christmas yet?
............so the Christmas/NY special is going to start with Jack using his vortex manipulator to bust the Doctor out of prison and get back to the Fam and it'll never be mentioned again, right.
"At least buy me diNNER!!"
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Transcendence Chapter 9 (13th Doctor X reader) Sneak peak
Chapter summary: You have the greatest morning in the history of mornings and Yaz has a somewhat okay one trying to jog your memory
Where to find the full chapter: my AO3, whittakerjodie. Tumblr won’t let posts with external links show up in the tags.
Whispers seemed to follow Yaz as she made her way through the halls of the school Monday morning. They only made her more nervous- she was on a mission. The disappearance of the police woman and newly established attention on other missing individuals had put her back in adventure mode. The tracker felt heavy in her hand as she stomped towards your classroom. She didn't interact with you as much as she did Jane; by approaching you first, she was eliminating the risk of making things too awkward and causing conflict.
Finding that the door to your classroom was unlocked she walked in, pausing when she saw two students scribbling away on your chalkboard.
"Excuse me!" She yelled. They jumped, dropping the chalk. She read the words on the board as they ran past her. Much love! surrounded by dozens and dozens of chalk hearts with you and Jane's name in them. With a groan she grabbed the eraser and began wildly wiping at the chalk. Before she got halfway through, footsteps in the hallway cause her to pause. You stepped in the classroom, fingers moving through a stack of paper. When you looked up and noticed her, you smiled brightly.
"Hi, Ms. Khan! How are you today?" Then, your eyes landed on the chalkboard and your eyebrow raised. Yaz slowly set the eraser down, clearing her throat.
"Um. Good, yeah. Sorry, the kids left a little present for you and I thought i'd erase it" She took note of your red cheeks and kept erasing until there was only a ghost of the words left over.
"Thank you, Ms. Khan. " You set your papers on your desk and Yaz fiddled with the Tracker nervously. "Anything else?" you asked her. She bit her lip and held the tracker out to you.
"Do you know what this is?" She asked, searching your eyes for recognition. There was a brief flash of it, but not enough to satisfy. "Here, hold it"
Sensing hesitation, she placed it in your hand carefully. You looked over it, turning it over in your hand with a shake of your head. Yaz frowned. Surely there was some way she could get answers on how to use the tracker without fully ruining your cover. "It doesn't look familiar? not in the slightest?"
"I suppose it does a little..." You hummed. Your brows were pulled together like you were trying to grasp onto something far away from you. She supposed the information was far away from you, at least in this state. Come on she urged. There's got to be some of you left in there still. But with another blink, any recognition was gone. "No, sorry. What is it?"
Yaz slumped, grabbing the tracker back. "Just... something I confiscated from a student. I was hoping you'd know what it was"
"Miss L/N, Miss Khan," the two of you turned and Yaz felt her stomach drop when she saw the headmaster in the doorway, the secretary standing behind him.
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