#tumblr sermon
unknownhomosapien · 10 months
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a living she/he god/ess
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zalliafawn · 4 months
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Arbiter 😎👊 (please look at all the little things on the screens, i spent so long on them, i passed out while working on this drawing last night)
Its @hr-arbitration 😎👊😎👊. I'm taking art inspiration where I can get it. I think this blog counts on my journey to drawing all the SQUiP ask blogs, so we got another one down😎😎🫶
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pitiful-sermon-ask · 4 months
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[[Finished an actual full body design, putting this here to be seen]]
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If you give up whenever you fail, you'll never become what God has called you to be.
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@pitiful-sermon-ask from tumblr
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wordsbyhisheart · 3 months
Al-Fudayl ibn 'lyad (Allah mercy on him) said in one of his sermons: It is strange that you wish to live in the Paradise of Firdous and in the neighborhood of the Merciful with Prophets, truthful, martyrs and pious men but what actions you have done for it, what passions you have given up for it, what tie of relationship you have united after it was severed, what faults of your brother you have forgiven, and what distant persons you have brought near for God.
(Ihya' 'Ulum al-Din, Vol. II, Love & Brotherhood)
Al-Fudayl ibn 'lyad's sermon highlights the inconsistency between desiring a place in the highest level of Paradise (Firdous) alongside prophets, martyrs, and the righteous, and failing to perform the actions that would warrant such a reward.
the sermon calls for sincere introspection and encourages actions that align with the lofty spiritual aspirations of a believer.
— wordsbyhisheart
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tmarshconnors · 2 months
"It will be a sad day for the church and the world when there is no distinction between the children of God and those of this world."
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Charles Haddon Spurgeon was an English Particular Baptist preacher. Spurgeon remains highly influential among Christians of various denominations, to some of whom he is known as the "Prince of Preachers."
Born: 19 June 1834, Kelvedon Died: 31 January 1892 (age 57 years), Menton, France
Prolific Preacher: Charles Spurgeon was one of the most prolific preachers of the 19th century, delivering thousands of sermons. His powerful and eloquent preaching earned him the title "Prince of Preachers."
Metropolitan Tabernacle: Spurgeon became the pastor of the Metropolitan Tabernacle in London in 1861, where he preached to large congregations. The Tabernacle became one of the most famous churches in England under his leadership.
Published Works: He authored numerous books, including "The Treasury of David," a commentary on the Psalms, and "Morning and Evening," a popular daily devotional. His sermons were widely published and remain influential to this day.
Philanthropy: Spurgeon was also known for his philanthropic efforts. He founded several charitable organizations, including an orphanage and the Pastor's College (now Spurgeon’s College) to train future ministers.
Calvinist Theology: Spurgeon was a staunch Calvinist and held firmly to Reformed theology. His preaching and writings emphasized doctrines such as the sovereignty of God, salvation by grace, and the perseverance of the saints.
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just-null · 9 months
I was wondering if there was any other platform that you post your art in! Since I think tumblr fucks up the quality I can’t really, see well? (/nf)
i only really post on tumblr and twitter (_JUSTNULL). I forgot i had it for a hot minute, though i'll post things there soon too! if theres any way i can raise the quality though or prevent my art from fuckin up, please let me know!
then again.. it could be the rgb reverb i like to use w the noise filter.. if so, rip my guy.
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pitiful-host · 4 months
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[ Listening ]
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At some point last night (admittedly while h!gh) my partner and I came up with an idea to start a YouTube channel kind of like drunk history, but instead high sermons. And I’m curious to know if this is too niche or if would people actually be entertained by it.
The backstory is that my partner and I were both raised conservative evangelical and have plenty of religious trauma, and we’re always making jokes to process it, especially when we’re high. The sermons get lit (pun intended)
Anyway. Does that sound entertaining??? We’d ofc edit out any boring or nonsensical ramblings and the inevitable moments when I’m super out of it and convinced I can’t move my body at all (does anyone else experience that while high XD)
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jtownraindancer · 1 year
Benedict Marley woke up one Sunday morning and chose violence. 💛
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westvocap-ocbracket · 8 months
Poffin Vs. Alatori
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brazengears · 1 year
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Sketchdump of Sermon, an alternate sona/design of my usual tvhead one. They're more of a static void demon with a funny head than anything else, and I do still love the idea of them interacting with pictures :]
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pitiful-sermon-ask · 4 months
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} Thank you to all my loyal devotees. You all mean the world to me! <3 I am so happy to have received such positive reactions from all of you. I wasn't expecting my mission to take off, and receive so much attention so quickly. I wish there was more I could do to show you all the same love you have shown me. It has been a wonderful journey so far. Thank you for your time, and your loyalty. You make all of this worthwhile. I do not know what I would do without you all. Even you Heretics grant me the space to do what I do best. You're all so kind, and fun, and I'm glad I have piqued your interest. Even having just one of you interested in what I am doing here is a dream come true. I wish to be of service to all of you, and grant you the space that you want. I want to continue being a beacon for you all. I care for all of you very much. Thank you, again, for all of your support, and welcoming behavior. Even if some of it isn't always appropriate. <3
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cinematics06 · 9 months
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tmarshconnors · 5 months
"If you do not find salvation in Christ, you will never find it elsewhere."
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Charles Haddon Spurgeon was an English Particular Baptist preacher. Spurgeon remains highly influential among Christians of various denominations, to some of whom he is known as the "Prince of Preachers". 
Born: 19 June 1834, Kelvedon
Died: 31 January 1892 (age 57 years), London
Early Start in Preaching: Charles H. Spurgeon was born on June 19, 1834, in Kelvedon, Essex, England. He began preaching at a very young age and, at 19, became the pastor of the New Park Street Chapel in London, which later became the Metropolitan Tabernacle.
Influential Baptist Preacher: Spurgeon is often referred to as the "Prince of Preachers." His eloquence, deep theological insights, and charismatic preaching style drew large congregations. Despite being a Baptist, his influence extended across denominational lines.
Prolific Author: Besides his preaching, Spurgeon was a prolific author. He wrote numerous sermons, articles, and books. One of his most famous works is "The Treasury of David," a commentary on the Book of Psalms. His writings continue to be widely read and studied.
Founding of the Pastors' College: Spurgeon founded the Pastors' College in London in 1856 to train ministers. He was deeply committed to equipping the next generation of preachers and leaders for effective ministry. The college aimed to provide practical training for pastors.
Controversies and Theological Legacy: Spurgeon was involved in various controversies during his lifetime, including the Downgrade Controversy, where he expressed concerns about the perceived theological drift in some Baptist circles. Despite facing challenges, his legacy endures, and his writings continue to impact Christian thought and preaching.
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