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animals-nature-landspaces · 2 months ago
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(via "FLOWERS: Tullians - one line art (no. 3)" Poster for Sale by Animals, Nature & Landscapes)
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aroaessidhe · 2 months ago
metal from heaven fans i have character design sketches for most of the cast I would love if anyone has Thoughts Ideas or Suggestions (gay sketches as a reward if you read to the bottom)
i did..... not quite every on page character, but pretty much everyone who's there more than once and at least vaguely described (or like. I'd do gwyar if it wouldn't be a spoiler)
all the character descriptions I have recorded are here by the way !!
some of the characters are described a lot but most are like.....their face/hair but nothing about their clothes, or the other way around, so for a lot of them I just winged it - part of the reason I wanted to do so many characters roughly was so get a sense of the overall styles and vibes? august said they were thinking about john galliano for fashion so I took a lot of inspo from that and also a heavy dose of western vibes.....fashion is not my strong point though. truly just stuck it all in a blender and slapped it on.
and also for most of these it's sort of first-or-second-pass designs - basically just getting an initial feel rather than really solidly Designed. so likely to change. I could definitely push a lot of them further!!!
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fingerbluffs/choir etc!
sisphe is described with having sunlight trapped in her hair and then also a dark curtain of hair and it's PROBABLY dark but I did imagine her blonde initially because of that. going with blonde hair as a kid that got darker to compromise...
her disguise outfit isn't really described other than gloves but I kinda matched it to marney disguise (below)
harlow took me so long to figure out getting her face like I imagined and also like how I described....I'm not sure still. i love her sm
amon is accidentally giving victor arcane. the character archetype + colour palette I guess. I specifically made it blue/black with pink highlights because of the tullian gender colours though..
tbh I still haven't figured out how their bandit hoods work. I think they pull over from the back of the head but I can't figure out how to draw that in a way that works so they're bandanas for now
not pictured but what are we imagining the lurchers like. just fun punky sff motorbikes?
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aristrocrats !!
i am pretty happy with my marney and goss (though goss could be shorter...)
wanna do more vikare outfits
yann i. chauncey supposed to be quite boring and nondescript but also. sure does like Like A Random Dude in this lineup huh
basically all of the bottom row are only lightly described so I just went with the initial vague mental image I had tbh!
could I put more effort into giving them more cultural distinctions / make the areas they're from more visually distinct? yes probably. it's hard to get a sense of some of that when some of the places are within ignavia and some are like.. separate continents - and there's no map to sort it out in my head. (you may notice i wrote where they're from in blue by the names though)
description: 'detailed traditional tullian/drustish/etc embroidery' me: here's some vague scribbles
could deffo get some more body diversity in here
anyway genuinely very interested if anyone is like 'I imagined x to be completely different in y way' or fancasts or anything else! i am so open to and interested in making changes if other people have thoughts (and like if you're not an artist so can't draw it yourself) (or even if you are an artist but don't have the time and want to make me draw it instead. i know the feeling)
thanks for reading here's sketches:
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I promise I will post these properly on my art blog sometime. also if anyone has ideas for little sketches like these, of any particular interactions or whatever....
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minstrel-in-the-gallery · 1 year ago
How is no one else backing up jethro tull here 😭 where are the other tullians at cmon guys 😢 clearly they would win guys cmon
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fundieshaderoom · 2 months ago
Fundie Families and Adjacents I Follow: Graham (Gigi)
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William Franklin Graham Jr. "Billy"- November 7, 1918; d. February 21, 2018
Ruth McCue Bell- June 10, 1920; d. June 14, 2007
Billy and Ruth married in 1943 and were married until Ruth's death. They shared 5 children.
Virginia Leftwich "Gigi"- September 21, 1945
Anne Morrow- 1948
Ruth- 1950
William Franklin Graham III "Franklin"- 1952
Nelson Edman "Ned"- 1958
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Gigi married Stephan Berdj Tchividjian (July 29, 1939) in 1962. They divorced but shared 7 children, 6 children-in-law, 14 grandchildren, 9 grandchildren-in-law, and 13 great-grandchildren. She remarried Jim Wilson in 2012.
Stephan Nelson- 1964
Virginia Berje "Berdjette"- 1965
Basyle Johnathan "Boz"- 1968
William Graham Tullian "Tullian"- 1972
Aram Franklin- 1975
Jerushah Ruth-1978
Graham Antony "Antony"- 1983
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Stephan married Lisa West (1964) in 1986. They share 5 children, 4 children-in-law, and 8 grandchildren.
Stephan Nelson- November 12, 1987
Hope Elizabeth- 1990
Charlotte Virginia "Charlee"- March 1991
Blesi Bell- 1997
Zumarie Grace "Zulu"- 2007ish; adopted
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Stephan married Angeles Burke in 2022. They share 1 daughter. Stephan has two children from a prior relationship.
Kendall Rose- December 2023 / January 2024
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Hope married Stephen "Steve" Saliba in 2013. They share 4 children.
Leon- August 26, 2015
Caden- 2018ish
Luca James- September 2020
Judah- August 2024
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Charlee married Matt Sherry on July 11, 2014. They share 2 sons.
Jacob Matthew- July 28, 2015; adopted
Levi- December 15, 2017
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Blesi is engaged to Garry Tichy.
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Berdjette married David Knox Barker (1962). They share 3 children, 1 daughter-in-law, and a grandson.
Seth Lemuel- 1992
Clayton Stephan- 1994
Virginia Isabella "Isabella"- 1998
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Clayton married CrysAne. They share 1 child.
Ara Knox- 2022
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Boz married Lydia Ruth (1968) in 1990. They share 3 daughters and 3 sons-in-law.
Hannah Ruth- 1995
Adalie Julia- September 29, 1997
Charlotte Faith- July 24, 2000
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Hannah married Brian Davidson on August 10, 2019.
Adalie married Alex Campbell
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Charlotte married Dayton Ingersoll in October 2024.
Tullian married Kim in 1994. They shared 3 children and 3 grandsons and then divorced in 2015. Tullian married Stacie Phillips in 2016. Stacie has two sons from a previous marriage.
Gabriel Tullian "Gabe"- 1995
Nathaniel Stefan "Nate"- 1997
Genna Ruth- 2001
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Gabe dated Jamie Warsager. They share two sons. Gabe dated Arianna Payan. They share a son.
Luka Gabriel- June 21, 2022
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Aram married Julie Claire Temple (1976). They share 3 children but are now divorced.
Riley W- 2000
Lily Claire- 2002
Jerushah married Christopher Alan Armfield. They share 2 children and 1 son-in-law. She married Kyle Duford in 2019.
Anabelle Ruth- 2001ish
William Christopher "Lee"- 2004ish
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Anabelle married Isaac Arnold in 2022.
Lee is in a relationship with a woman named Della Driver.
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Antony married Christina Martin (1982) on August 12, 2023.
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algoworks · 2 years ago
Check out this inspiring #client video testimonial featuring Louis Palazzo, Founder of Tullian Inc.
Hear how our services helped him achieve his business goals and take his company to the next level. 
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christophe76460 · 10 days ago
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En ce lundi,
en me remémorant le culte
que nous avons eu en église hier,
en lisant notamment un post de Tullian Tchividjian,
je me suis dit que ce temps là était un moment suspendu
entre le ciel et la terre
l'échelle de Jacob qui apparaît encore et encore
en somme
La Bonne Nouvelle de l'Évangile
pour un monde perdu
un faisceau puissant de lumière
au milieu des ténèbres
Jésus-Christ célébré dans la force de sa grâce
Et des personnes de tout horizon
se réjouir ensemble
qu'Il vienne lui-même les rejoindre
dans leur misère, leurs afflictions, leurs douleurs,
leurs inquiétudes, leur questionnement,
mais aussi dans une joie indescriptible,
les envelopper de son amour.
Marc Doulos
Eglise Baptiste de Cahors
Toile: Marc Chagall - L'échelle de Jacobins
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cuteenglishquotes · 4 months ago
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I got my first tennis racket on my seventh birthday. And because we had a tennis court in our backyard, I played every day. By ten I was playing competitively. Tullian Tchividjian
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sense-chaser-bob · 10 months ago
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korrektheiten · 1 year ago
JF-Serie „Das Wiegenlied vom Schafott“: JF-Serie „Das Wiegenlied vom Schafott“ Die Siechenbande und ein Phantom terrorisieren das Land
Die JF schreibt: »In den ersten Jahrzehnten des 18. Jahrhunderts schießen in Deutschland Räuberbanden wie Pilze aus dem Boden. Am Niederrhein mordet die Große Siechenbande, in Kursachsen wütet die „Schwarze Garde“ des Räuberhauptmanns Lips Tullian. Dieser Beitrag JF-Serie „Das Wiegenlied vom Schafott“ Die Siechenbande und ein Phantom terrorisieren das Land wurde veröffentlich auf JUNGE FREIHEIT. http://dlvr.it/SzYj6Q «
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*Not all TGC Pastors are “bad”. Kevin DeYoung, Alistair Begg and a few others teach solid, Bible-based truths. However the time for them to leave TGC has come and I have voiced my concerns with them about the TGC’s failings. I encourage others to do the same.
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animals-nature-landspaces · 2 months ago
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(via "FLOWERS: Tullians - one line art" Poster for Sale by Animals, Nature & Landscapes)
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faithfulnews · 4 years ago
Billy Graham's Grandson Tullian Tchividjian Says He's 'Haunted' by Day He Told Children about Extramarital Affair
Two years after he lost his church and wife to an adultery scandal, Tullian Tchividjian, the grandson of well-renown evangelist Billy Graham, admitted he's still "haunted" by the fact that he deeply hurt his children with his past transgressions -- even though they have forgiven him.
Go to the article
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christophe76460 · 20 days ago
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Quelque part le long de cette route, j'ai demandé à Dieu quoi faire. Comment continuer. Et aussi clair que si cela avait été dit à haute voix, j'ai entendu : Tu t'occupes des gens que je t'envoie, et je m'occuperai de toi.
C'était ça. C'est simple. Pas de solution magique. Pas de recharge instantanée du réservoir d'essence de mon âme. Juste une promesse. Mais elle a coulé profondément.
Je reviens souvent à ces mots -
surtout quand le poids de l'agonie des autres
semble trop lourd.
Il y a encore des moments où je me sens sec,
où je n'aime pas la lourdeur de la souffrance des autres
qui s'imposent alors que je respire à peine moi-même.
Je n'ai toujours pas d'endurance illimitée.
Je suis encore épuisé.
Mais sept ans plus tard, je peux dire ceci : Dieu a tenu parole.
Chaque fois que je verse, il me remplit.
Pas toujours comme je m'y attends -
parfois d'une façon qui me défait
avant qu'elle ne me restaure -
mais toujours assez.
Parfois, juste assez
pour passer à l'étape suivante.
Et parfois, assez pour me rappeler
que même dans le versement,
je ne suis jamais vraiment vide.
La grâce, toujours ravitaillant la grâce. #grâce #épuisement #récupération #Dieu
Tullian Tchividjian
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sendablequotes · 7 years ago
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'God loves broken people because broken people are all that there are.' -Tullian Tchividjian | Go to Sendable Quotes to view more motivational quotes and inspirational images.
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bookmarkquotes · 7 years ago
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'You can be sure that your deepest desires reveal important truths about your spiritual condition.' -Tullian Tchividjian | Click here for more quotes.
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ryananunez · 7 years ago
God doesn’t love us because we’re good. He loves us because HE’s good!
Tullian Tchividjian
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