#tugs blair
el amor platonico de burke ☠🖤
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toast-com · 2 years
Burke and/or Blair. 😈
Two animals raced toward the graveyard. They were wolves, with identical dusky black pelts.
"Mr. Burke..." Blair growled as the two wolves stopped at the graveyard's entrance. "Are you sure the bones will still be here?"
"I'm sure Mr. Blair," Burke tipped his head back and sniffed the air. "The bones, all of them, will be there for us to collect." Blair's eyes glowed eerily in the light of the moon.
"Our buyers will be pleased." And with that, the two wolves sprinted into the graveyard.
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princessbrunette · 10 months
if anyone understands having a tricky relationship with their father, it’s nate archibald. ౨ৎ
somethin small i wrote abt nate bc a few people asked. cw: daddy kink, daddy issues, smut
that distant stare of yours, that pout as you stare out over the city from his apartment window. he knows it all too well. approaches you softly with a slight sympathetic pout of his own, running a hand over your head and bringing your cheek to his chest so he can kiss the top of your head. he couldn’t give you a better father, but he could give you that guidance and love you crave so much. he could do better.
so he gives you everything — you want that dress costing an arm and a leg? it’s already hanging in your side of the closet at his apartment. you too sleepy as you sit at the kitchen table in the morning after a long night with him? he’s forking up a perfect biteful of pancake and bringing it to your lips with a grin, happy to do so. he never gets mad when you snap at him, something deeper clearly triggering such a sudden reaction— only frowning and shaking his head, closing in on you to thumb at your cheek. “whats with the attitude? somethings on your mind. talk to me.” he coo’s empathetically.
it’s not just you that noticed— blair’s smug but somewhat gleeful smile as she totters alongside nate on the street, nudging him with a sharp elbow through her maison margiela coat. “well, you know how thrilled i am for you to finally be tugging along a girl of taste. even if i have to watch you treat her like you snatched her from the cradle yourself.”
he huffs out a laugh, shooting her a confused glance, walking alongside her with his hands in his pockets. “what are you talking about? she’s like one year younger than me. nearly two.”
“age isn’t nothing but a number, nate— i’m talking about the coddling, tell me — does she call you daddy in just the bedroom or do you extend that to all hours of the day?”
“jesus— need i remind you of boundaries blair, what i do with my girlfriend is none of your business… but— no, she doesn’t call me that.”
but it stayed bouncing around his brain like a ping pong ball. started noticing all the little things, how much more you’d cling to him after an argument with your father. selfishly, he almost started wishing you’d fight more— just so he could dote on you like that. the whole ‘daddy’ thing wouldn’t be so weird right? the thought of it had him reaching down to readjust in his tight suit pants, clearing his throat. uncomfortable? yes. but sexy, crazily so.
maybe he could milk it out of you. enforce a little more guidance until you’re putty in his hand. it wouldn’t be hard, he saw the way you’d blink at him all doe eyed when he’d tell you not to stay up too late, both thumbs stroking your cheeks. he’d speak slower, calmer, stand closer, make him the only thing you can see, think about even. he was gentle, loving, held eye contact super well — too well, made your face get hot and wanna look away. made you wanna shrink, go all mushy in your brain. “hey, look at me when i talk to you sweetheart. i don’t bite, you know.” he smiles, and there’s no threat present but god you’d never disobey him. never your nate.
it finally slips out when he’s got your thighs pinned open, strong arms wrapped around them whilst he sucks on your clit. he was always good at that, making you cum. nate knew just how to destress you after a long stressful day, far too stressful for his sweet girl. he laps you up, pressing thick fingers deep inside gummy walls, dribbling over your slit.
“nnnnnn—” you can’t even get his name out, clutching a pink throw pillow.
“i know, baby.” he hums.
“daddy!” you cry, and he doesn’t even bat an eyelid as if he was expecting it. if you’d been more with it, you would have seen him bite back a proud chuckle, shoulders relaxing just a little. he keeps at it, stroking the inside of your sensitive thighs.
“thats right. tell daddy how it feels.”
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signoferoda · 4 months
summary: a fic based on this post by @harrysblackcoat about ex husband!harry
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The bustling aisles of the supermarket were crowded with shoppers, each lost in their own little world of grocery lists and meal plans. Among them, Harry navigated with practiced ease, a small smile playing on his lips as he tossed items into his basket. He glanced at his watch, noting the time. It wouldn't do him any favours being late for their weekly family dinner.
These weekly family dinners were something he cherished, a remnant of the time when things were simpler between him and y/n. Even though they were no longer together, they both agreed to keep the routine for the sake of the kids—and perhaps, for themselves as well.
As Harry scanned the shelves, his eyes landed on a familiar sight. There, nestled among the other sweets, was Y/N's favourite chocolate. Without a second thought, he reached out and grabbed a few bars, adding them to his basket, ignoring the pang of longing in his chest. It was a small gesture, but one that brought a smile to his face, nonetheless. Friendly, he told himself. Just a friendly gesture.
He continued down the aisle, picking up the last few items on the list y/n had sent him when he told her he was popping into Tescos before meeting her at her house. As he turned the corner to the checkout, he couldn't help but think about Y/N. It had been months since their divorce, but the feelings he had for her hadn't diminished. If anything, seeing her every week only made him realise how much he still loved her.
With the groceries bagged and paid for, Harry headed to his car. The drive to Y/N's house was a short one, but it gave him enough time to replay the memories of their time together. The laughter, the late-night talks, the way she used to cuddle up to him on the couch. He sighed, pushing those thoughts away as he pulled into her driveway.
Y/N opened the door before he could knock, a warm smile on her face. "Hey, come on in."
"Hey," he replied, stepping inside and handing her the bags. "Got everything on the list."
She glanced through the bags and paused when she saw the chocolates. "Harry, you didn't have to—"
"I know," he interrupted, his heart beating a little faster. "I saw them and thought of you."
Y/N's heart fluttered at his words, her resolve wavering for a moment.
But then she remembered why they were no longer together-the hurt, the betrayal, the shattered dreams-and she pushed the thought aside.
"Thanks," she said, forcing a smile as she took her seat at the table.
As they moved to the kitchen to put away the groceries, their 4 year old daughter, Blair, came running in. "Daddy!" she squealed, wrapping her small arms around Harry's legs.
Harry scooped her up, laughing. "Hey, my buzzing bee! Missed you."
Blair grinned, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "Missed you too, Daddy."
Y/N watched them, a fond expression on her face. Seeing Harry with their children always tugged at her heartstrings. Despite everything, he was an amazing father, and she couldn't deny the connection they all still shared.
"How's Rosa?" Harry asked, referring to their other daughter.
"She's upstairs napping," Y/N replied. "Should be up soon."
"Good," he said, setting Blair down. "I can't wait to see her."
As they all sat down for dinner after Blair woke up, Harry found himself stealing glances at Y/N. She looked beautiful as always, her laughter lighting up the room. He missed the days when that laughter was for him, when their life was uncomplicated and full of love. But those days were gone, and he had to accept that.
After dinner, as they cleared the table, Harry noticed Y/N sneaking a piece of the chocolate he'd bought. She caught his eye and smiled, a small, private moment that made his heart ache.
"Thanks again for the chocolates," she said quietly.
"Anytime," he replied, wishing he could say more, wishing he could tell her how much he still loved her.
But as the evening drew to a close, Harry knew he had to leave sooner or later. He helped tuck Rosa and Blair into bed. He read them a story, their little faces glowing with happiness. It was moments like these that made everything worth it, even if it was bittersweet. They needed stability, and he wasn't going to let his personal feelings between their mum get in the way.
When it was finally time for him to leave, he lingered at the door, hesitating. Y/N walked him out, the night air cool and crisp around them.
"Thanks for coming," she said, her voice soft.
"Wouldn't miss it for the world," he replied, looking into her eyes. "You know that."
She nodded, and for a brief moment, it felt like old times. Like they were a team again, facing the world together. But the moment passed, and reality set back in.
"Goodnight, Harry," she said, stepping back.
"Goodnight, Y/N," he replied, turning to leave. As he walked to his car, he couldn't help but glance back one last time. She stood in the doorway, watching him, and he wondered if maybe, just maybe, there was still a chance for them.
Driving away, Harry resolved to keep trying. He wasn't ready to give up on her, on their family. He'd keep coming to these dinners, keep being there for the kids, and keep loving her from afar. Because sometimes, love was about persistence, about holding on even when everything seemed lost.
A few weeks had passed since that family dinner, and Harry had found himself thinking about Y/N more often than usual. He was determined to win her back, no matter how long it took. The family dinners had become a regular reminder of what they once had, and each time he left her house, he felt a renewed sense of purpose. He knew it wasn't going to be easy, but he was willing to fight for the woman he loved.
One evening, as he was about to head out for their weekly dinner, his phone buzzed with a message from Y/N.
Y/N: Hey, can you come over a bit earlier for dinner tonight? Blair has been asking about you all day.
Harry smiled at his phone, feeling a warmth spread through his chest. He quickly typed back a response.
Harry: Of course. I'll be there in an hour. Kiss the kids for me
He grabbed his keys and headed out, a sense of excitement bubbling up inside him. It wasn't just about seeing the kids; it was about seeing Y/N. Every moment with her was precious, even if it was just for a short while.
When he arrived at Y/N's house, she greeted him at the door with a warm smile. "Hey, come on in. Blair is in the living room, and Rosa is finishing up her nap."
Harry stepped inside, shaking off the rain from his coat. "Thanks for inviting me early."
"Of course," she said, leading him to the living room. "Blair has been looking forward to seeing you."
As soon as Blair saw Harry, her face lit up. "Daddy!" She shouted, running into his arms.
"Hey, bee!" Harry lifted her up, spinning her around before setting her down. "How's my big girl doing?"
Blair giggled, clinging to Harry's leg. "Good! We made cookies today!"
Y/N smiled, watching them. "Yes, we did. And they're cooling in the kitchen if you want to try one."
"I'd love to," Harry said, following Y/N to the kitchen with Blair still attached to his leg.
In the kitchen, the smell of freshly baked cookies filled the air. Harry couldn't help but feel a pang of nostalgia. This used to be their life, their home filled with the simple joys of family. Harry remembers standing in that very kitchen, late at night, answering Y/N's pregnancy cravings so many times he's lost count. They used to joke that Blair inherited a sweet tooth because all Y/N wanted during her pregnancy were the homemade cookies Harry used to bake.
"They smell amazing," Harry said, reaching for a cookie. He took a bite and closed his eyes, savouring the taste. "These are perfect."
Y/N laughed softly. "Glad you like them."
As they stood there, enjoying the cookies and each other's company, Harry felt a sudden impulse to speak up. He wanted to tell her how much he missed her, how much he wanted them to be a family again. But before he could find the words, Amelia's cries echoed from the nursery.
"I'll get her," Y/N said, giving Harry an apologetic look.
"No, let me," Harry offered, already heading towards the nursery.
Y/N hesitated for a moment before nodding. "Okay, thanks."
Harry walked into the nursery, his heart swelling at the sight of his baby girl. Rosa’s big, tear-filled eyes met his, and she instantly stopped crying, reaching out for him. He scooped her up, holding her close. "Hey there, princess. Daddy's here."
Rosa nestled into his shoulder, her tiny fingers clutching his shirt. Harry rocked her gently, humming a lullaby. Moments like these reminded him of the preciousness of family and how much he wanted to be there for every little moment.
When he returned to the living room with Rosa in his arms, he found Blair playing with a puzzle on the floor. “Where’s your mum love?” He asked, setting Rosa down onto the carpet.
“In the kitchen” Blair replied, reaching for another piece of her puzzle.
“Keep an eye on your sister, bee. I’ll be right back” Harry requested as he began making his way to the kitchen. Y/n was stood by the stove, checking on the stir fry she was making.
"Do you need any help?" he offered, standing in the doorway of the kitchen.
Y/N glanced at him, her expression softening. "Sure, you can dry the dishes. The cookies made a right mess" she chuckled softly making Harry smile as he walked over to the dishes.
They worked in companionable silence, the sizzling of the stir fry and clinking of the dishes being the only sounds filling the room. Harry stole a few glances at Y/N, her profile bathed in the soft glow of the setting sun. She looked serene, but he could see the faint lines of worry etched on her face, lines he knew were partly his doing.
As he dried the last dish, Harry finally spoke. "Y/N, there's something I need to tell you."
Y/N looked up, meeting his gaze. "What is it, Harry?"
He took a deep breath, his heart pounding in his chest. "I know I've made mistakes. Big ones. And I know I hurt you. But these past months, spending time with you and the kids, it's reminded me of how much I still love you."
Y/N's eyes widened, surprise and confusion flickering across her face. "Harry, I..."
"Please, just hear me out," he interrupted, his voice earnest. "I know I can't change the past, but I want to make things right. I want us to be a family again. Not just for the kids, but for us. Because I love you, Y/N. I never stopped loving you."
Tears welled up in Y/N's eyes as she listened to his words. She had built walls around her heart to protect herself from the pain, but now those walls were crumbling. She had missed him too—their shared moments, the way he made her feel safe and loved.
"I don't know, Harry," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "I need time to think."
Harry nodded, understanding the gravity of her words. "Take all the time you need. I'll wait for you, Y/N. No matter how long it takes."
One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a golden glow over the world, Y/N found herself standing outside Harry's house. Her heart raced as she rang the doorbell, her mind swirling with thoughts and emotions.
When Harry opened the door, his eyes widened in surprise and hope. "Y/N, what are you doing here?"
She took a deep breath, her heart pounding in her chest. "I've been doing a lot of thinking, Harry. And I've realised something important."
Harry's expression was a mixture of hope and fear. "What is it?"
"I realised that I never stopped loving you either," she confessed, her voice shaking. "We have a lot of things to work through, and it's not going to be easy. But I want to try. I want us to be a family again."
A slow, relieved smile spread across Harry's face as he stepped forward, pulling her into a tight embrace. "You have no idea how happy that makes me, Y/N. I promise I'll do everything I can to make things right."
Tears of joy streamed down Y/N's face as she held onto him, feeling the warmth and comfort of his embrace. For the first time in a long while, she felt a glimmer of hope for the future.
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httpknjoon · 4 months
the crown | jjk
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plot | While staying in Blaire's beach house, your friends cannot help but notice your new tattoos. The ones you got with your secret boyfriend.
words | 2.7k+
genres | fluff, crack,  secret relationship au, established relationship au, friends to lovers au
pairing | jungkook x reader
note | we're back at the beach house!! things are about to get sloppy lol I love love LOVE this one so much, I had fun writing it. i hope you'll enjoy reading it too!
main masterlist  |  drabble series masterlist
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Jungkook was still deep in his slumber when he sensed a rustling sound near him. At first, he didn’t mind it. Maybe you were just shifting on the bed. But then, he figured there wasn’t any movement in the foam mattress you two were sleeping on. That’s when he hears your voice.
“Oh, you’re coming? Do you want to go with me, baby?” your voice was hushed, trying not to disrupt your boyfriend’s sleep.
But with Bam jumping up and down excitedly while you walked around the room, Jungkook slowly opened his eyes. His vision was a little blurry but he could see your figure standing in front of the mirror. Rubbing his eyes, he stretched his limbs under the sheets. He sees you clearly under the dimmed light, wearing your plain black sports bra and shorts.
“Where you going?” he asked with his voice still deep and groggy.
You turned around, “Oh, you’re awake? Did I wake you?”
Still comfortable on the bed, Jungkook lazily nodded his head. You frowned before walking up to him.
“I’m sorry, babe.” you leaned in, kissing the tip of his nose. “Me and Blaire will go on an early jog. We’ll try to catch the sunrise too.”
You’re taking Bam with you?” he looked up and you smiled at his doe eyes.
“Yeah, he seems excited already.” you chuckled. “You can join us if you wanna.”
Jungkook grunted, “It’s Saturday.”
Saturdays are synonymous with rest days to him and you are very much aware of it. Jungkook already has a workout schedule and routine for six days a week. He saves up Saturday as his cheat day. He gets to do everything he wants for the whole day without any schedule. It’s a routine he picked up sometime when he got his first job. It took a whole lot of discipline for him to get used to it.
“Well, okay. It’s just me and Bam.” 
You hooked the leash to Bam’s collar. Jungkook watched you tie your hair up with the classic bun in front of the mirror, exposing one of the tattoos you got on your forearm. His lips stretched into a small smile whenever he remembered he drew that tiger lily himself. Then, he smiled even wider when he spotted the small crown inked on your left ribs, slightly covered by your top. You turned around, instantly scrunching your eyebrows in confusion why is he smiling like a fool.
“You’re so pretty. How are you even mine, princess?” he grinned. He sat up on the bed, exposing his bare top while the sheets pooled around his hips.
“I don’t know, babe. Maybe you just tricked me into all of this,” you utter.
Leaning in once again, you aimed for his lips. One of Jungkook’s hands reached for your cheek. It began as a slow and gentle kiss. Until you had to sit down on the mattress while still kissing him. You placed a hand on his chest as the kiss deepened. Jungkook’s hands moved from your cheek down to your waist, pulling you closer to him until there was no space left. Like a rhythm, your lips move together.
“Ah,” you moaned when he bit your lower lip, making his tongue gain access easily.
Lost in what’s happening, you just cannot keep your hands to yourself. From his chest, shoulders, and arms, to his hair. Jungkook shivers at your touch. He was so ready to carry you on top of him when you tugged on his hair, pulling him away. 
“I gotta go, Blaire’s already waiting outside,” you whispered, breathlessly. 
Your chests were both heaving with your lips swollen and red from this unexpected intense session. You were about to stand up but his hold on your waist stopped you. His eyes pleaded for you to stay, but you shook your head. You laughed when he began peppering kisses on your neck, tickling you at some spot.
“Twenty minutes?” he asked, in between kisses.
“Ten?” he continued bargaining for your time while planting his lips from the skin on your neck to your shoulder.
And when you shook your head again, he stopped and looked at you. You can feel his thumb tracing circled on the skin where you got your dainty crown tattoo.
“Five? I can be quick, princess.” He smirked.
You laughed, pushing his face away as you stood up, “I doubt that. Me and Bam are just gonna go..”
He frowned when he saw you pick up your phone and Bam’s leash. Jungkook slides down the bed again, wrapping himself with the blanket. Before you walked out the door, you turned around.
“Don’t forget to go back to your room, okay? Sleep well, babe.”
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“Good morning,” Blaire nodded when she noticed you and cooed when she saw your big baby, who was also happy to see your friend.
Blaire was already waiting outside the beach house, stretching her arms, when you and Bam saw her. You looked around the beach. The crescent moon was still visible in the purplish-blue sky. The waves were calmer as they met the ends of the sand. You took in the fresh breath of air, calming you down.
“You can release Bam from this. He doesn’t really have anywhere to run to here.” Blaire suggested.
She was right. Considering that the whole area is private property, white wooden fences are placed on the spots where your dog might want to go. You agreed, unhooking the leash. Almost instantly, Bam ran near the ocean where he could watch the waves. You didn’t really worry as you can still see him from a distance. You began stretching next to Blaire.
“I was knocking on Dara’s door to ask her to join us but she wasn’t answering.” She shared.
You snickered, “We know her, she’s a deep sleeper.”
“Yeah, I wish I could sleep everywhere that great all the time.” She quipped, making you two laugh. “How about Jenny?”
“She said, she’ll try to show up. But won’t promise to. I think she had a long day yesterday in the restaurant.” You replied.
“Ah, yes. She talked about her suppliers stressing her out.” Blaire recalled. “She was ranting the whole time we were on our way here.”
As usual, everyone was in buddy-buddy mode on their way here to Blaire’s beach house last night. You, Jungkook, and Bam were all in his Jeep Wrangler. Blaire came with Jenny. While Dara picked up Wooshik at his house. now that Blaire is aware of you and Jungkook the last time you were here, she put you and your boyfriend in rooms next to each other. The house was massive, thanks to her wealthy aunt. So it would be weird to make you share a room. This time, Blaire warned you and Jungkook about doing anything everywhere if you don’t want to be caught unexpectedly, referencing that early morning she saw you all tired in the kitchen. The warning didn’t stop him from sneaking into your room at midnight.
As soon as you two began jogging beside the sea, Blaire pointed out something.
“I never noticed you had tattoos.”
“Oh, these? It’s all new. I and Kook got it last Valentine’s. He drew it himself.” You replied in a matter-of-fact tone.
As part of your Valentine's surprise for him, you two got matching tattoos of crowns, your favorite flowers, and a clock pointing to twelve o'clock. You got the crown on your left rib, near where he likes to hold you every single time, out of habit. On the other hand, he got the crown on his knuckles with his other tattoos from before. It was the same size as yours, placed in the center. He already had tiger lilies inked on his arm before while you placed your in your right forearm that is only visible when you raise your arm. The last tattoo is on your right wrist. It was all dainty and small so it can be unnoticeable at times.
“That’s cute.” She mumbled before turning her head to you. “I’m so happy for you guys. You two seemed really happy with each other.”
“I love him so much.” You giggled, feeling your blood rushing to your cheeks. It felt like you’re in elementary all over again, having a childish crush on someone.
“I just cannot understand why you kept it a secret from us.” She spoke. “And for two years? That’s fucking impressive. Hats off to you two.”
You laughed at the recognition, “Thank you. We try our best.”
You two jogged and walked and jogged again for almost thirty minutes straight, back and forth on the sand, along with Bam. The sun was already peeking in when Jenny came down with a coffee mug to see you both. She was still in her pajamas.
“I’ll prepare everyone breakfast. How do y’all like your eggs?” she asked when you passed by where she was standing.
“Scrambled!” Both you and Blaire answered in unison.
“Orange juice or coffee?” she asked once more.
“Coffee!” You two replied together again.
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If it wasn’t for the random 6:30 AM alarm in his phone, Jungkook would have not woken up from his peaceful and satisfying slumber.  He would have slept until noon with how comfortable the whole room was. He groaned as he stretched his arms and legs. For a few more minutes, Jungkook buried his face on the soft pillow he was hugging. After five more minutes, he sat up on the corner of the mattress.
That’s when he realized where he was.
He’s still in your room and he promised to come back in his before everyone wakes up. But he can already hear pop music playing downstairs, indicating that someone or maybe everyone is already up. He put on his slippers, scratching his head. He makes his way to the door and as soon as he steps outside, another door on the floor opens.
“Morning, JK.” Wooshik greeted him.
And it didn’t take Wooshik to notice something unusual. Jungkook watched him look at him to the door then at him again. His best friend squinted at him.
Wooshik raised an eyebrow, “What were you doing in YN’s room?”
Jungkook’s heart stopped for a second. His hold on your door knob tightened as the gear in his brain works quicker than it usually does in the morning. Once he thought of something, he pushed it close.
“I was… looking for Bam. I thought I could take him with me outside.” He reasoned out, that even he is not buying it totally.
“But you look like you just woke up.” Wooshik’s tone is too curious like that Sheldon kid from that show.
“Yeah, I went as soon as I woke up.” Jungkook crossed his arm over his chest. He looked directly at his best friend. That is when he noticed something too. “And what were you doing in Dara’s room?”
They exchanged glares from one another. Jungkook nods his chin in a sassy way while Wooshik squinted his eyes to him. It’s a way to say something like I know that you did something I just cannot prove it.
“I borrowed her charger. I left mine at home.” Wooshik showed the charger he was holding. “Everyone is already downstairs. Dara’s helping Jenny with breakfast.”
He didn’t wait for Jungkook to answer and strolled down the stairs. Jungkook didn’t say anything and followed. The appetizing smell of bacon immediately enters his nostrils as he makes his way to the dining area. That’s when he sees Dara carefully pouring coffee on every empty mug on the table while Jenny fries some bacon. There’s already toast and eggs on the table so Jungkook reached for a slice. Wooshik, who plugged his phone into the living room, entered and sat on the chair opposite his.
“Bam’s already outside, by the way.” He told him.
“Is he?” Jungkook asked, acting naïve.
“Yeah, Blaire and YN are jogging outside.”
“Oh, they are?” Jungkook asked again.
It’s obvious Wooshik is suspicious and teasing him so he teases him back. His best friend glared at him, Jungkook scrunched his nose, taking a bite from his toast. The tension was only broken when Dara asked Wooshik,
“Milk? Sugar?”
“Sugar, please.” He replied, smiling at her. Then, frowning back to Jungkook.
Jungkook mocked, “Shugar, pleash.”
The backdoor to the beach opens, letting the sunshine enter. Bam was the first to come in, wagging his tail as he made his way to Jungkook. Blaire enters, greeting everyone. You followed behind like a ray of sunshine in your boyfriend’s eyes. Your hair bun is now a little loose while your skin glistens through your sweat.
“Now, everyone here. Let’s all have our breakfast.” Dara said, sitting next to Blaire and Wooshik.
You sat next to Jungkook, while on your other side was Blaire. He handed you the plate of scrambled eggs. He also placed two slices of toast on your plate, one with spread butter on top. Everyone began talking about what do they wanted to the whole weekend since you all our staying in the beach house the entire time.
“Can we do bonfire later?”  Dara suggested.
Blaire nods, “Yeah! We can barbecue too and those marshmallows stuff.”
“Then, we should go out later to buy groceries,” Jenny said.
You just listened, enjoying your food and coffee. Many other suggestions were made since everyone is taking their rest days before returning to their lives next week.
“YN, can you pass me the bacon?” Blaire asked.
You did, unaware that your top slightly raised when you moved.
“Is that a tattoo?!” Dara pointed out to the crown on your skin. 
Then, Jenny saw the other one, “Wait, you have two?”
“Three actually.” you smiled, showing off the clock on your wrist.
You seemed proud as they complimented the color of the lilies or the design of the clock. Jungkook hides the growing smile on his lips while sipping in his mug. Also, on the other side of the table, Wooshik was the first one to ask.
“Are there meanings behind them?”
You nodded, “Yes, of course.”
“Well, the tiger lily here represents confidence and good fortune. I like that,” you explained.
“Wait. Jungkook, you have those too right?” Dara asked him.
Jungkook nods and shows off his forearm. “Yeah, right here. YN is just a copycat.”
You rolled your eyes, “For the record, I am not. Someone suggested it to me.”
“Who?” they asked collectively, including Blaire as if she was unaware of who.
Instead of answering the question, you just smiled eating your toast. They groaned. During your Galentines with the girls, you already told them about meeting someone special. And you assume that the news already reached Wooshik.
“It’s her secret boyfriend!” Wooshik exclaimed like he solved a murder mystery.
Again, you didn’t say anything. But your ex[ression is enough to show that you and your love life are currently in a happy state.
“Seriously, when are we gonna meet this guy? You seemed like floating on cloud 9 just thinking of him right now.” Jenny said.
You heard Jungkook chuckle beside you. You secretly pat his lap under the table, stopping him from getting too prideful from what he’s hearing.
“Soon. We’re already talking about planning something so you guys can meet him,” you told them. “Anyway, moving on…”
With you talking about your secret boyfriend, one person at the table cannot help but recall the same statement he heard from Jungkook when he found out about Princess. Wooshik eyes you while pointing to the tattoo on your wrist and Jungkook, who’s just watching everything, specifically you. For the first time, Wooshik noticed how different his best friend looked at you. Jungkook has his head resting on his hand, looking at you like you are the most precious gem in the world. There was this adoration and fondness in his best friend’s eyes as he looked at you. Jungkook’s quiet glance at you speaks so loud that Wooshik feels so dumb that this is the first time he has seen this.
“And what about the crown?” Jenny asked.
You showed off the said tattoo, “Oh, I’ve been feeling lucky and loved lately. You know, like a princess.”
Like a princess.
And that was the confirmation Wooshik got.
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TAGLIST (closed)
@hobiuwusunshine @alinerl @bbangtanlove95 @daydreamiies @craftymoonchaos @awseokjin @yoonabeo @luvrsofbts @bloopkook @chvngbiin @takochelle @wildarmy @cuddlysoftbear @luv-minhyun-world @shydestinyyouth @bbtsficrecs @fan-ati--c @rjsmochii @jkbabiey @hopeworldjimin @chieftoadturkeynickel @ppeachyttae @tannies-luv @loomipee @sanctify-mp3 @stuffy1985 @di0rgguk @tswisal1 @amara-mars @jksgirlhere @callmejimmeo @rapmonie2047 @daemontargaryenwhore @juju-227592
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sourcherryandsprinkles · 10 months
conrad thanksgiving fic please!!
This has been in my drafts for a long time...sorry. I might delete later, I don't really like it. It's not giving what I wanted it to...
Request: You’ve done Conrad dating a Haley James type of character, what about a Blair Waldorf type character? Old money, fiercely strong, rich, and outspoken. She and Belly would NOT get along, at all. He takes her to Thanksgiving dinner and Susannah is still there and she loves her
my taglists are here + you can send requests here at any time
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Thanksgiving had always been a massive celebration in your family. Every year, your parents would go all out and host a dinner with their closest friends and their families. Your mother would direct the caterer team and make sure everything was perfect before the guests’ arrival. At the end the meal by having a slice of your father’s infamous pumpkin pie — which was your personal favorite part. 
This year, Thanksgiving was going to be different. Your father was in Paris for business and your mother somewhere in Europe, expanding her collection of vintage designer handbags. Had you not been in college, you would have happily joined her.
‘’Why don’t you come with me to Boston?’’ Conrad asked as you watched him pack a bag for the weekend.  ‘’My mom keeps asking me when she’ll get to meet you.’’ 
The thought of spending Thanksgiving alone had been looming over you, and Conrad's invitation was like a ray of light. 
A small smile tugged at the corners of your lips. ‘’You told your mother about me?’’
‘’Not really,’’ Conrad explained, picking another sweater and adding it into his bag. ‘’She heard your voice when she called the other day and Jeremiah told her all about you. He’s such a big mouth...’’ He shook his head, wishing his brother could hold his tongue sometimes. 
Susannah was ecstatic to have another guest for dinner. It was on very short notice and most of the preparations were already done when Conrad informed her of your addition to the table, but she would never pass up an opportunity to meet her Connie’s new girlfriend.  
When you and Conrad walked in, Susannah was all over you, complimenting your dress and how gorgeous you looked. You were quick to return her compliments, pointing out how her eyes looked exactly like Conrad's.
You met the other guests — Conrad’s father and brother, then Laurel and her kids —, and all were surprised by who Conrad had brought home. No one ever expected him to date someone born of old money. He’s dated Nicole, but she was nowhere as rich as your family. 
‘’Look at this amazing table,’’ Susannah said as she brought in the turkey, looking very proud of herself. ‘’Martha Stewart can kiss my ass!’’
Your eyes went wide for a short second, not expecting such words from her. She looked so sweet and delicate. 
Conrad shook his head at his mother, happy to see her being herself again. 
Everyone got seated, then Susannah spoke again. ‘’Before we eat, let’s go around the table and say one thing that we’re thankful for. Jere Bear, you can start.’’  
You lifted your eyes at Jeremiah across the table, who looked nothing like his brother. If you hadn’t known, you would never have guessed they were related. 
‘’I’m thankful for my mom,’’ the younger Fisher began, ‘’who reconsidered trying this new treatment for us. I don’t know what I would do without you, Mom.’’ He glanced at his mother, his eyes shiny with unshed tears. 
Susannah squeezed his hand over the table while everyone was trying to not get emotional. 
Conrad had told you about his mother’s breast cancer having come back in the spring. He tried to hide her sickness from you, but when you found him crying in his dorm on a Saturday afternoon, you knew something wasn’t okay. It was a tough subject for the entire family — especially since it was the second time she was going through this. For that, Susannah didn’t like to talk about cancer. She didn’t want her whole life to revolve around it just because a nasty tumor had returned in her body. She wanted to live her life the way it’s always been…and take a few more sitting breaks when needed.
In turn, the other guests said what they were thankful for. It went from Steven getting a car for his birthday to Belly becoming captain of her school’s volley-ball team and Laurel being a typical mom and being thankful for her children. 
‘’Connie, it’s your turn,’’ Susannah said, motioning to her eldest son.
Conrad nodded at his mom, then cleared his throat. ‘’Jeremiah took the words out of my mouth, so I’ll say something else I’m equally thankful for.’’ His lips tugged up into a little half smile and he reached over the table to take your hand in his. ‘’I’m thankful for meeting my amazing girlfriend, who came into my life at the most unexpected, yet perfect moment.’’ 
You smiled back at Conrad, giving his fingers a little squeeze. 
Seated before you, Belly snickered lightly. ‘’Can we eat now? Mom didn't want us to get snacks on the way here and I’m starving.’’ 
Laurel gave her daughter a pointed glare, wishing she would behave. 
Although the pumpkin pie didn’t come close to your father’s recipe, you made sure to tell Susannah it reminded you of home. 
‘’I hope your parents are not too sad that you came to Boston instead,’’ Susannah said, incapable of imagining spending Thanksgiving without her family — especially her boys. 
‘’Not at all, Mrs. Fisher,’’ you politely replied. ‘’My parents were both out of the country this Thanksgiving. Business related travel.’’
Susannah raised an eyebrow. ‘’Oh? What is it that they do?’’ 
You didn’t mean to brag, but she had asked. ‘’My mother is a fashion designer and my father is a lawyer at my grandfather’s firm.’’ 
You caught Belly rolling her eyes and muttering something. You didn’t care what she thought of you, you were the one who got to share Conrad’s bed at the end of the day. Ignoring her childish reactions, you continued talking to Susannah about your parents. She was very interested in your mother’s designs.
When dinner was officially over, you all vacated the table. Jeremiah and Steven went to the living room to set up a game for the five of you to play — another family tradition. You had never played cards against humanity before, but you’ll give it a try. 
Before you reached the living room, Conrad pulled you in a corner near the stairs, wanting some time alone with you. 
‘’Belly despises me,’’ you pointed to him, keeping your voice down so no one would hear.
Conrad rolled his eyes as he curled an arm around you, knowing how you had the tendency to exaggerate things. ‘’She does not. She’s just…having difficulty accepting that I moved on.’’
You made a face at him. ‘’Don’t you defend her. Have you seen all the sour looks she gave me during dinner? Your eyes might be the most beautiful shade of blue, my love, but I believe they are in need of a visual acuity test. You should schedule one when we get back to Palo Alto.’’ 
Conrad chuckled, amused by your theatrics. 
‘’Belly is going to be tougher to win with your charm. Like every ex-girlfriend, she’s gonna try to paint you as a mean girl, so you just have to show her that you’re the opposite. Compliment her. Tell her you like her sweater.’’
‘’But it looks itchy. It’s probably polyester.’’ 
The corner of Conrad’s lips turned into a smile.
All and more taglist: @spiokybirdstarfish @kenqki @liidiaaag @hawkegfs  @gillybear17  @areaderinlove @acornacreacure @black-rose-29 @fudge13 @cece05 @rosie-cameron @Caxddce @laylasbunbunny @gemofthenight @beautyb1ade  @hi-bored-as-fcuk-rn  @lovelyy-moonlight @mellabella101 @vxnity713  @marzipaanz  @bisexualgirlsblog @queenofslytherin889 @thatbxtchesblog @softb-tterfly @ethanlandrycanbreakmyheart  @xyzstar  @graceberman3  @Heartsforneteyamsully  @aerangi  @hallecarey1  @bxbyyyjocelyn @mikeyspinkcup @jackierose902109 @daisydark @laurasdrey @mischieftom @fanatic4niall @peterholland04 @idkwhattonamethisblogs @grxnde-dwt @lexasaurs634 @teeeree13 @notasadgirlipromise @zoeynicolas @thejuleshypothesis @multi-fandom-bi-bitch @lexasaurs634 @teeeree13 @notasadgirlipromise @thejuleshypothesis@Shasta89 @sierraluvz @specialk6802  @CZARINERA
TSITP taglist: @msmarvelknight  @maritaleane @dingus0401 @idontknowwhatimdoing777 @nomorespahgetti @lomlolivia @5sosbands @bloodyhw @depthsofdespairr @a-band-aid-for-your-heart @gilbertscurls @brandirouse86 @leilani-nichole @bloody-mf-bsc @papayaboyluvr  @bchindureyes @bellysbeach  @slytherinambitious @darylscvmdumpster  @johannelis2302nely  @aqshua @foockingasshole @straberryshortcake143 @luiise  @sickntiredtoo  @adrluvh @mymultiveres @Rosekar16 @hopeurokays @amysangrl  @hopelessromantic727  @beth-gallagher22 @lonelywitchv2  @arinexeisnotworking @cloudrainy342 @theflcwer  @alllriseabove  @angelxxrose @angelxxrose-blog  @r1vrsefx
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tosomeonessomeone · 7 months
f*cking mine.
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words・ 5.8k /pairings・ Vampire Lee know x Afab!reader / genres・ thrilling?/ warnings・ intercourse, mentions of alcoholic drinks and drugs, minors DNI.
Hello lovely ones! At last, it has arrived ✨ I might have gotten a bit carried away with the plot and added some extra spice 😅, so if you’re underaged, you know the drill. 🐈‍⬛ anon, hope you enjoy it! Ps. yes.. I did a mood board for this fic.
YN and her friends eagerly embarked on their October adventure, seeking the thrill of Halloween in the heart of an eerie forest. Nestled among the trees stood their chosen sanctuary: a rustic cabin, beckoning with promises of mystery and excitement.
As the night deepened, laughter mingled with the rustle of leaves outside. After a lot of booze and a couple joints, truth or dare became their group game of choice, fueling the evening with daring challenges and revealing confessions. Amidst the flickering candlelight, an irresistible dare emerged from the shadows.
One of YN's friends, eyes glinting mischievously, proposed the ultimate challenge: to explore the forbidden path marked by a foreboding sign that declared, "road not taken." The warning was clear, but so was the allure of the unknown.
Despite the lingering doubt, YN felt a surge of adrenaline coursing through her veins, heightened by the warmth of intoxication.
As YN stepped cautiously along the winding trail, her friends' voices lingered in her mind, their laughter echoing through the dense foliage like a distant melody.
"I can't believe you're actually doing this, YN!" Ella’s voice chimed in her memory, tinged with a hint of disbelief.
"Yeah, this is like straight out of a horror movie," remarked Mia, her tone laced with excitement.
YN couldn't help but chuckle at the thought, her breath forming a misty cloud in the cool night air. "Well, what's life without a little adventure, right?"
"True that," came Hyo’s voice, her tone filled with encouragement. "Just don't get lost out there, okay? We don't need a real-life Blair Witch situation on our hands."
The mention of the infamous horror film elicited nervous laughter from YN, the hairs on the back of her neck standing on end. "Don't worry, I'll find my way back," she reassured them, her voice carrying a note of determination.
With determined steps, YN ventured into the darkness, guided by the faint glow of moonlight filtering through the dense canopy above. Each footfall echoed against the forest floor, mingling with the whispers of ancient trees and the flutter of unseen creatures.
The path stretched before her, winding deeper into the heart of the forest with every passing moment. Shadows danced on the edges of her vision, casting doubt and uncertainty upon her path. 
The forest enveloped her in its embrace, shrouding her senses in a cloak of mystery and wonder. Every rustle of leaves, every creak of branches, held the promise of adventure and danger intertwined.
As she ventured further along the winding trail, the night itself seemed to hold its breath, anticipation hanging heavy in the air. Yet, despite the whispers of caution that echoed in her mind, YN pressed on, driven by an insatiable thirst for discovery.
YN ventured deeper into the forest, her footsteps echoing against the tangled undergrowth, she stumbled upon another cabin, its weathered facade a stark contrast to the one she and her friends called home for the night. The sight of the aged structure sent a shiver down her spine, its timeworn exterior whispering tales of long-forgotten secrets and untold mysteries.
Pausing at the foot of the rickety stairs, YN couldn't help but feel a surge of curiosity tugging at her senses. The door, oddly ajar, beckoned to her like a siren's call, promising a glimpse into the unknown depths of the past. For a moment, she hesitated, torn between the allure of exploration and the lingering sense of caution that gnawed at her conscience.
"Okay, YN, let's not get too carried away here," she murmured to herself, her voice barely above a whisper. "This is definitely starting to feel like something out of a horror movie."
As YN turned to leave, her heart skipped a beat as she was startled to find a man standing at the foot of the steps, his presence looming like a shadow against the fading light of dusk. In the dimness, his features were cast in obscurity, a silhouette shrouded in mystery and intrigue.
Frozen in place, YN's eyes traced the outline of the stranger's figure, noting the striking contrast of his dark hair against the pallor of his skin. His attire, adorned with chains that glinted in the fading light, spoke of a persona both enigmatic and alluring, drawing her gaze inexorably towards his face.
Caught off guard by his sudden appearance, YN struggled to find her voice amidst the silence that hung heavy between them. And as the stranger's gaze met hers with an intensity that sent a shiver down her spine, he spoke, his voice a low murmur that echoed in the stillness of the forest.
"Can I help you?" His words, tinged with an air of mystery, hung in the air like a question waiting to be answered, his eyes searching hers for some semblance of recognition or understanding.
Summoning her courage, YN met the stranger's gaze with a steadiness born of determination. "I... I was just exploring," she replied, her voice trembling slightly with a mixture of apprehension and curiosity. "I didn't mean to intrude."
As the words tumbled from her lips, YN found herself caught in the currents of a moment suspended in time, the air alive with the promise of possibility and the lingering scent of uncertainty. 
"Uhh..." YN hesitated, her voice trembling with uncertainty. "I was dared to travel down the trail..." Her words faltered as she reached out to steady herself against the door frame, the weight of the man's scrutiny bearing down upon her.
As the man's gaze lingered on her, YN felt a flush of embarrassment color her cheeks, acutely aware of the disapproval etched into his features. His raised eyebrow spoke volumes, a silent accusation that hung heavy in the air between them.
"So you thought you could explore my house, huh?" The man's words cut through the silence like a knife, his tone laced with thinly veiled contempt.
YN mumbled her explanation, a quick shake of her head accompanied her apology. "No, just the trail. I apologize, I wasn’t going to enter,” she muttered, her voice quivering with a mixture of fear and apprehension.
The man stood there, his gaze piercing through her, his silence hanging heavy in the air like a looming storm. Seconds passed like eternities as YN waited, her nerves on edge, her senses heightened to the slightest movement.
"You do realize that you’re lucky to come across me here. These woods are not a safe place for a young girl like you to be wandering all alone," he murmured, his words a somber reminder of the dangers that lurked in the shadows.
YN swallowed hard, her throat dry with fear, her mind racing with a myriad of possibilities. The gravity of the situation weighed heavily upon her, the realization sinking in that she stood on the precipice of something far more sinister than she had ever imagined.
Then, with deliberate steps, the man began to approach her slowly, each footfall echoing ominously in the stillness of the night. YN's heart raced as she felt the weight of his presence bearing down upon her, making it difficult for her to even lift her gaze to meet his.
With each step backward, YN's heart pounded against her chest like a drumbeat of impending doom. The urge to flee surged within her, fueled by the primal instinct to escape the clutches of the unknown.
But fate, it seemed, had other plans.
As YN edged backward, her back hit the wall near the door, a momentary lapse that threatened to plunge her into the depths of uncertainty. Her pulse quickened, her breath caught in her throat, as she teetered on the brink of danger. The rough texture of the wall against her skin served as a stark reminder of the confined space, trapping her in the predator's den. 
He stopped just in front of her, his figure towering over her like a specter in the moonlight. His voice, soft yet laden with an undercurrent of warning, sent shivers down YN's spine.
Every fiber of her being screamed for escape as she stood pinned against the barrier, her senses heightened to the looming threat that loomed before her.
Her mind raced with a thousand thoughts, each one a desperate plea for escape, as she stood frozen in the shadow of his presence. The weight of his touch pressed against her, a tangible reminder of the darkness that lurked within the depths of the forest.
"These are my woods,” he leaned in, whispering close to her ears.
YN's voice trembled as she whispered, her words echoing in the stillness of the night. "Y-your woods?" she repeated, her disbelief palpable in the quiver of her tone.
The man's response sent a chill down her spine, his voice dripping with possessiveness and entitlement. "Yes, dear, my woods," he murmured, his words a chilling reminder of the power he held over the domain in which they stood. "This place belongs to me, and anyone who wanders in is fair game for me to play with."
YN's breath caught in her throat, the weight of his words sinking in like an anchor dragging her deeper into the abyss. The realization dawned on her with a sickening clarity: she was at the mercy of a predator, a wolf among sheep, lurking in the darkness of the forest.
In that moment, fear and defiance warred within her, each vying for dominance over her trembling form. 
"Would you like to know my name, darling?" His voice was a sinister whisper, laden with promises of power and submission. "I shall warn you, however, that once you say it, you will become subservient to my every whim and bound to serve me."
Her heart hammered against her chest as he spoke, the weight of his words hanging heavy in the air like a dark cloud. YN's mind raced with uncertainty, torn between the allure of knowledge and the fear of what it might entail.
As he stepped back, giving her space to consider his offer, YN felt the weight of his gaze bearing down upon her. His challenge hung in the air like a dare, tempting her to take the plunge into the unknown.
"Are you brave enough to take on the challenge?" His words echoed in the stillness of the night, a test of her courage and resilience in the face of overwhelming darkness.
With a mixture of trepidation and curiosity coursing through her veins, YN summoned her courage and faced the man with the glowing red eyes. Despite the warning echoing in her mind, she couldn't resist the pull of the unknown, the tantalizing allure of discovering his name.
"I... I want to… know your name," she whispered, her voice barely above a breath, her heart pounding with anticipation and fear.
With a sly smile curling his lips, the man leaned in closer, his eyes glowing with an otherworldly intensity. "My name is Lee Minho, but for a sweet thing like you, you can call me Minho," he murmured, his voice a seductive whisper that sent a shiver down YN's spine.
As the revelation of Minho's name hung in the air like a shroud of darkness, YN felt a momentary lull in the tension that gripped the forest. The weight of his identity settled upon her like a heavy cloak, its implications stretching far beyond the confines of the haunted woods.
In the stillness of the night, Minho regarded her with a knowing smile, his eyes gleaming with an otherworldly light. Yet, amidst the shadows that danced around them, a spark of curiosity ignited within him.
"And what, may I ask, is your name, my dear?" Minho's voice carried a hint of amusement, his words tinged with a sense of intrigue.
YN hesitated for a moment, the gravity of the situation weighing heavily upon her. Yet, in the face of the unknown, she summoned her courage and met his gaze with determination.
"My name is YN," she replied, her voice steady despite the tumult of emotions swirling within her.
As the sound of her name echoed in the darkness, YN felt a sense of empowerment wash over her, a reminder of her own agency amidst the chaos that surrounded them.
In that moment, she knew that she had crossed a threshold from which there was no turning back. YN found herself inexplicably drawn to Minho, like a moth to a flame, unable to resist the magnetic pull of his presence. There was something about him that transcended the darkness surrounding him, something that spoke to the depths of her soul.
As she stood in his shadow, YN felt a strange sense of familiarity, as if she had known him in another life, in another time. His eyes held secrets untold, mysteries waiting to be unraveled, and despite the danger that lurked within their depths, she couldn't tear her gaze away.
With each moment that passed, the fear that once gripped her heart began to wane, replaced by a curious fascination that defied reason. There was an allure to Lee Minho, a darkness tempered by a glimmer of something more, something that called out to her in the depths of the night.
In his presence, YN felt a sense of belonging, a connection that transcended the boundaries of time and space. And as she stood on the precipice of the unknown, she knew that her fate was intertwined with his, bound by the threads of destiny that wove their way through the tapestry of their lives.
As YN's voice quivered with a mixture of fear and anticipation, she summoned the courage to voice the question that weighed heavily on her mind. "What are you going to do to me?" she asked, her words echoing in the stillness of the night, tinged with uncertainty.
Minho regarded her with an enigmatic smile, his gaze piercing through the shadows that enveloped them. There was a depth to his eyes, a wellspring of secrets and mysteries waiting to be unveiled.
"My dear YN," he began, his voice a melodic whisper that danced on the edge of the wind, "I am bound by the laws of this realm, as are you. What happens next is a journey that we must embark upon together, guided by the currents of fate."
His words held a cryptic resonance, a promise of truths yet to be revealed. YN felt a shiver run down her spine, the weight of his words settling upon her like a heavy cloak.
"In the heart of these woods, we will confront the shadows that linger within our souls," Minho continued, his voice a solemn declaration of intent. "But fear not, for I will be your guide, your protector, and your companion on this journey through the darkness."
As he spoke, YN's gaze lingered on Minho, a chill ran down her spine as she noticed something unsettling: his elongated canines, gleaming in the moonlight, betrayed his true nature—he was a vampire.
The realization struck her like a bolt of lightning, sending shockwaves of fear coursing through her veins. Her heart pounded with a mixture of terror and disbelief as she struggled to comprehend the truth before her.
Finally, YN found her voice, her words trembling with uncertainty. "What... what are you?" she whispered, her voice barely above a breath, her eyes never leaving his.
Minho's smile widened, revealing his gleaming fangs in the moonlight. "I am what you fear most, my dear," he replied, his voice a velvet caress that sent shivers down YN's spine.
Fear and fascination warred within her, each vying for dominance over her trembling form. As Minho's gaze bore into YN's, his voice, smooth and velvety, pierced the silence like a dagger.
"Shall we have dinner?" he asked, his words laced with a subtle invitation that sent a chill down YN's spine.
Minho's question hung in the air, the weight of its implications echoing in the silence that enveloped them. YN's heart raced as she grappled with the surrealness of the moment, the reality of dining with a vampire sinking in like a heavy stone.
The invitation, so innocently posed yet laden with sinister undertones, sent a shiver down YN's spine. Her instincts screamed at her to refuse, to flee from the darkness that threatened to consume her.
With a trembling breath, YN met Lee Minho's gaze, her voice barely above a whisper. "I... I suppose so," she replied, her words tinged with uncertainty, her heart pounding in her chest.
And as they ventured deeper into the heart of his cabin, YN knew that the dinner they shared would be more than just a meal—it would be a dance of shadows and light, a journey into the depths of the unknown, where danger and desire intertwined in a delicate balance.
As they reached the dinning room lit in the soft glow of moonlight and a couple candles, Minho gestured towards a rustic wooden table set with an array of fruits and delicacies. "Please, have a seat," he said, his tone inviting yet tinged with an air of mystery.
YN hesitated for a moment, her mind racing with a thousand questions and uncertainties. But something about Minho's demeanor reassured her, drawing her closer to the table with a sense of cautious curiosity.
As they sat at the rustic wooden table, YN couldn't shake the sense of surrealness that hung in the air like a thick fog. Minho's presence, though captivating, sent shivers down her spine, a constant reminder of the darkness that lurked beneath his charming facade.
Minho poured a glass of deep red wine, his movements graceful and deliberate. "Please, indulge yourself," he said, offering the glass to YN with a small, enigmatic smile.
YN hesitated for a moment, her fingers hovering over the glass, before finally accepting it with a nervous nod of thanks. As she took a sip, the rich, velvety taste flooded her senses, warming her from the inside out.
"So, YN," Minho began, his voice low and melodic, "tell me more about yourself. What secrets do you carry in that beautiful mind of yours?"
YN's heart raced as she searched for words, her thoughts a jumbled mess of fear and fascination. "I... I'm just a girl, really," she replied, her voice barely above a whisper. "Nothing special."
As YN sat there, she couldn't shake the feeling of being nothing more than prey in the presence of a predator. His gaze, though captivating, held an intensity that sent a chill down her spine, a reminder of the darkness that lurked behind his charming facade.
Minho's eyes danced with amusement as he listened to YN's hesitant words, his lips curling into a small, knowing smile. "Just a girl, you say?" he mused, his voice a soft purr that sent shivers down her spine. "I find that hard to believe."
YN's heart raced as she met his gaze, her pulse quickening with each passing moment. She could feel the weight of his scrutiny, his eyes devouring her with a hunger that sent a thrill of fear and excitement coursing through her veins.
As they sat and dined in the flickering light of the moon, YN couldn't shake the feeling of being nothing more than a mere mortal in the presence of a creature far beyond her understanding. And as Minho's gaze lingered on her, she knew that she was merely a pawn in a game of shadows and light, a game where the stakes were higher than she could have ever imagined.
Minho got up at some point and walked closer, closing  the distance between them, YN's heart thundered in her chest, her breath catching in her throat as she felt the heat of his body leaning over hers. Trapped between him and the chair, she could feel the weight of his presence pressing in on her, suffocating her with its intensity.
With a gentle touch, Minho reached out, his fingers brushing against her cheek skin like a whisper of silk. YN's breath hitched at the contact, her senses ablaze with a mixture of fear and anticipation.
"Shh, my dear," Minho murmured, his voice a soft caress against her ear. "There's no need to be afraid."
As Minho's breath caressed YN's neck, she couldn't suppress the shiver that coursed through her body. His words, a whispered caress against her skin, sent a thrill of fear and excitement dancing along her spine.
“You smell viciously delicious," Minho murmured, his voice a low, seductive whisper that sent a shiver down YN's spine. "Makes me hot."
YN's heart pounded in her chest as she struggled to find her voice, the intensity of the moment rendering her speechless. Her mind raced with a thousand thoughts, each one a tangled web of fear and desire.
"Wh-what do you mean?" YN stammered, her voice barely above a whisper, her eyes wide with uncertainty.
Minho's eyes gleaming with a hunger that sent a thrill of anticipation coursing through YN's veins. "It means," he murmured, his voice dripping with temptation, "that you are unlike anything I've ever encountered before, you are special."
YN's eyebrows furrowed with confusion, her mind swirling with a whirlwind of emotions. "Wait.. what?" she whispered, her voice barely above a breath, her heart pounding in her chest.
Minho's lips curled into a knowing smile, his eyes shining with an otherworldly light. "I'm simply showing you the truth, my dear," he replied, his voice a velvet whisper that sent shivers down YN's spine. "The truth of who you really are… mine… my mate”
The air crackled with tension as YN felt the heat of his gaze upon her, his proximity igniting a firestorm of emotions within her. She could feel the weight of his words hanging in the air, each syllable laden with a hunger that sent her heart racing.
In that moment, YN's senses were overwhelmed by the heady scent of danger and desire that surrounded her. His words, though filled with a darkness she could scarcely comprehend, held a seductive power that she found herself unable to resist.
As Minho's tongue traced a soft line along YN's neck, a tremor of sensation rippled through her body, sending a jolt of electricity coursing through her veins. His touch, though gentle, ignited a firestorm of desire within her, awakening a primal instinct she never knew existed.
YN's breath caught in her throat as Minho's lips kissing a sweet spot near her ear, his kiss sending waves of heat cascading through her. In that moment, the world around them seemed to fade away, leaving only the intoxicating allure of the night and the enigmatic figure who held her captive with his touch.
"Your skin," he whispered, his voice a soft caress in the night air, "it sings to me. A melody of temptation and longing."
YN's pulse quickening with each word that fell from his lips. She felt herself drowning in the depths of his gaze, lost in a world where desire and danger danced in a tantalizing embrace.
"In the darkness," he continued, his voice low and melodic, "we are free. Free to explore the depths of our desires, to succumb to the pull of the night."
With a graceful step backward, Minho gently took YN's hand, his touch sending a surge of electricity coursing through her veins. In the dim light of his cabin, his eyes gleamed with an otherworldly allure, drawing her deeper into the shadows.
"Come," he murmured, his voice a soft echo in the night, "there is much to discover.".
With a silent nod, YN followed Minho into the darkness, her heart ablaze with the promise of adventure and discovery. For in the depths through the walls, she would find the truest expression of herself, and the secrets that lay hidden in the depths of her soul.
Minho's touch was gentle yet possessive as he guided her through the labyrinthine corridors, each twist and turn a step deeper into the heart of the unknown.
And as they reached his room, bathed in the soft glow of candlelight, YN felt a surge of anticipation course through her veins. 
As she felt his grip tighten around her waist, YN's eyes widened, her heart racing with a mixture of fear and desire. The air crackled with tension as she met his gaze, her eyes searching for answers in the depths of his own.
As Minho's hand trailed from her side to her nape, she felt a shiver run down her spine. She knew that this kiss was going to be different, that it was going to be dangerous. And as his lips met hers in a slow burn kiss, she felt his fangs brush against her lower plump lip.
She knew that she should pull away, that she should resist the temptation that Minho offered. But she couldn't help herself. She was drawn to him like a moth to a flame.
As his tongue slipped into her mouth, she tasted the danger and the passion that he offered. She knew that this was a kiss that could destroy her, that could leave her broken and shattered. 
And as the kiss finally ended, she knew that she was lost. Lost in the passion and the danger that Minho offered, lost in a world where pleasure and pain were one and the same. But she didn't care. She had tasted the forbidden fruit, and she knew that she would never be the same again.
As Minho's hand slid down to her back, she felt a jolt of electricity run through her. His touch was electric, sending shivers down her spine. And as his other hand played with the bare skin on her waist, she felt a warmth spreading through her body that she had never felt before.
As he kissed his way down to her neck, she felt her heart racing with anticipation. As his lips brushed against her neck, she felt a surge of desire wash over her. 
"Are you going to bite me?" she whispered, her voice trembling with uncertainty.
Lee Minho's eyes held a glimmer of amusement, a knowing smile playing at the corners of his lips. "Not unless you want me to," he murmured, his voice a soft caress against her skin.
With a trembling breath, YN met Minho's gaze with unwavering resolve, her heart ablaze with the thrill of the unknown. 
As Minho's lips brushed against her skin, YN's breath hitched in her throat, her heart pounding with a mixture of fear and longing.
"I want to taste you fully," His voice was a soft murmur against her ear, his words sending a shiver down her spine, "before dragging my teeth on your beautiful neck and drinking your blood… marking you as mine"
As Minho slowly undressed her, YN felt a thrill of excitement run through her body. She slowly undressed him in return, she felt a sense of power and control wash over her. She knew that she had him in her grasp too, that she could make him do anything she wanted. 
As YN's naked body glowed under the moonlight, Minho couldn't help but let out an animalistic sound, like a predator who had found its prey. He was consumed with desire for her, and he kissed her with a passion and need that left her breathless.
YN surrendered to Minho completely, knowing that she was his to do with as he pleased. She felt his hands roaming over her body, exploring every curve and crevice, and she moaned with pleasure as he took her to new heights of ecstasy.
As Minho moved YN's body slowly towards his king-sized bed, she felt a shiver of excitement run through her. She knew that she was completely at his mercy, and she surrendered to him willingly.
He leaned her down onto her back, and as he kissed down her chest, she felt a wave of pleasure wash over her. He tasted her breasts, making her let out soft moans of pleasure, and she arched her back in response.
Minho's actions were possessive and dominant, and they sent a thrill of excitement through YN's body. She knew that she was completely under his control, and she loved every moment of it.
He whispered in her ear, "You belong to me, and only me. I'll never let anyone else touch you like this."
YN shivered with pleasure at his words, feeling a sense of safety and security in his possessiveness. She knew that he would always protect her, no matter what.
As YN laid on Minho's bed, her body aching with desire, he continued to explore her with his lips and tongue. He moved down her chest, taking one of her breasts into his mouth and teasing it with his tongue.
YN moaned softly, arching her back and offering herself up to him completely. She had never felt so alive, so desired, so wanted.
Minho continued to kiss and lick his way down her body, stopping only to tease her belly button with his tongue before moving further down.
He leaned in, kissing the inside of her thigh before moving to her center, where he began to explore her with his tongue, sending waves of pleasure coursing through her body.
YN moaned louder, her body writhing with pleasure as Minho continued to pleasure her in ways she had never imagined possible. And as she reached the heights of ecstasy, she knew that she was his, completely and utterly, forever.
As Minho continued to kiss and lick his way up to YN's body, he couldn't help but feel a sense of dominance and ownership over her. 
"You're mine," he growled, his voice low and husky. "No one else can ever have you like this. You're my little plaything.”
YN moaned in response, her body trembling with desire as Minho continued to explore her with his lips and tongue. She had never felt so wanted, so desired, so owned.
As Minho locked YN in between his arms, he looked deeply into her eyes and asked her, "Whose are you?"
YN whimpered in response, feeling a sense of pleasure and submission at his possessive words. She looked up at him with desire-filled eyes and replied, "I'm yours, all yours. I belong to you completely."
Minho smiled, a look of satisfaction on his face. He knew that he had complete control over her, and that she would do anything he asked of her.
"Good girl," he said, his voice low and commanding. "You're mine now, and I'm going to make you feel so good."
And with that, he leaned down and captured her lips with his, kissing her deeply and passionately as they lost themselves in a world of pleasure and desire.
As Minho continued to kiss YN deeply, he let his hand travel down between her legs to find it wet. He chuckled as he felt how wet she already was, his fingers tracing up and down on her lower region.
"Already so wet for me?" he whispered in her ear, his voice dripping with desire.
YN whimpered and moaned in response, her body trembling with pleasure as he continued to pleasure her with his fingers. She had never felt so alive, so desired, so wanted.
As YN reached down for Minho's manhood, she couldn't help but gasp at how big and hard it felt in her hand. She stroked it slowly, feeling his body tense up with pleasure as he let out a groan.
YN smirked, feeling a sense of power and control as she continued to pleasure him with her hand. She knew that she was driving him wild with desire, and that he would do anything to make her feel good in return.
As YN lined up Minho's member above her wet folds, she bridged closer to him with her other hand on his back. He took the cue and slammed himself into her without warning or waiting for her to adjust, his lips whispering profanities to her.
"Too big for my new plaything, huh?" he taunted. "Wasn't ready for it, baby girl?" He promised her that his fangs would break into her skin later, making her cry out in fear and pleasure.
Her nails found their way to his back, scratching him as he pounded into her with increasing force. She was overwhelmed by the intensity of their passion, and she knew that she was completely at his mercy.
And as Minho continued to take her to new heights of pleasure and pain, YN surrendered completely to him, knowing that she was his forever, body and soul.
YN felt herself getting closer to orgasm, Minho sensed it and brought his face near her neck, kissing and licking it. Her walls clenched around him, and in the right moment, he bit her neck, his canines deep, drawing out her blood, savoring the taste of her blood and the pleasure that he was giving her.
She let out a deliciously moan alongside a groan of pain, the sensation of the pain and her orgasm taking her higher than the things she used with her friends earlier. 
Minho continued jamming into YN's feminine parts, he slammed harder and harder until he finally came, painting her walls white with his release.
YN cried out in pleasure as she felt him release inside her, her body trembling with the intensity of their passion. She knew that she had given herself completely to Minho, and that he had taken her to new heights of pleasure that she had never even dreamed of before.
“You taste so good, baby girl," he said, lapping his tongue over the fresh bite. YN felt completely under his spell, lost in a world of pleasure and desire where nothing else mattered except for the two of them and the love that they shared.
As they lathere, spent and breathless, YN felt a chill creeping into her bones, sending a shiver down her spine. Panic flickered in her eyes as she struggled to catch her breath, her mind racing with uncertainty.
Minho's arms wrapped around her, a reassuring presence in the darkness. "It will be quickly," he murmured, his voice a steady anchor in the turmoil that surrounded them.
Her heart pounding, YN's eyes widened in disbelief. "Quick what?!" she exclaimed, her voice tinged with anger and fear, her breaths coming in short gasps.
"Your transformation," Lee Minho stated firmly, his tone unwavering. "You. Are. Mine. Now."
YN's throat tightened at his words, the weight of their implications settling over her like a suffocating blanket. She swallowed hard, her mouth dry with fear, her mind reeling with the enormity of what lay ahead.
In that moment, YN knew that she stood at the precipice of a journey that would irrevocably alter the course of her destiny. With a trembling nod, she silently acknowledged the truth of his words, bracing herself for the darkness that awaited her on the other side.
to be continued?
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tomssexdoll · 5 months
so you and bill are in his car and got into a bad argument on the way home. it was about the party you and him just went to and how he was constantly talking to other girls. but how could he not? he’s a worldwide superstar. eventually the argument goes silent and bill speeds into an empty parking lot. “get in the fucking back” he says and you look at him with pure confusion. “did i fucking stutter? get in the back and take your panties off” WOOF WOOF WOOF and you’re wearing a dress so once you get in the back you just hike your dress up and slide off your panties. he crawls into the backseat with you and puts your legs on his shoulder. “you’re so fucking bratty. can’t just trust me anymore, huh? gotta fuck some sense into you” i came so incrjejdifiti hahhejHEHWS anyways. then ofc he fucks you and the car from the outside is SHAKING LMFAO. and he puts his hand on your neck, not to choke you but just lightly to show possessiveness 🌚🌚🌚🌚 “fuck, prinzessin, so wet f’me”
okay there stop harassing me 😡
ofc my pookie lookie dookie
jealous jealous girl
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PAIRINGS: Bill 2011 x Female reader CONTENT: ANGST + SMUT SYPNOSIS: Y/N is jealous from Bill constantly talking to girls at this party, you start an argument with him while driving home and then he snaps, ordering you to the backseat A/N: hi blair WARNINGS: yelling, arguing, dom!bill, sub!reader, p in v (missionary), degrading, light choking
"You always fucking do this Bill! Always talking to other girls" I raised my voice. Me and Bill had gotten into a very heated argument, it started when Bill wouldn't get his attention off random girls at the party, forcing me to be left alone at the drinks table.
When we got into the car I instantly confronted him, and of course it exploded into the heated argument we were currently having, his jaw clenching and hands clenching on the steering wheel.
"I can't talk to my fans? I cant talk to people?" he grunted, "it's not that Bill, it's always girls you're talking to!" I sighed heavily, he was obviously not getting my point. "How is it my fault that most of my fans are women?" he yelled, slowly picking up the speed.
He wasn't wrong, how could he not be talking to other girls? He was a worldwide superstar..But it still made me fucking furious, other girls talking to him, flirting and batting their eyes, purposefully showing their cleavage, not like there was much to show.
"You are so fucking controlling!" he screamed, "controlling? CONTROLLING?" I yelled, turning to face him, "you make me fucking crazy! You always do shit like this!" he took a harsh turn, softly flinging me into the door.
"For fuck sakes slow down!" I complained, "oh shut up! Just fucking shut up!" he yelled. I just decided to leave it at that, not bothered to deal with his bullshit any longer.
Suddenly he sped into an empty parking lot, the car stopping with a loud screech. "What the fuc-" "get in the fucking back" he cut me off, staring directly at me, his eyes intimidating. I couldn't say a word, shocked to my core and utterly confused.
"Did I fucking stutter?" he snapped his fingers at me, "get in the back and take your panties off, now" he said sternly, his tone scaring me. I decided to be a brat, show him how pissed I was.
"No." I said coldly, crossing my arms. He chuckled, "no?" raising his eyebrows, "I said get in the back" he growled lowly, grabbing my arm roughly and pulling me closer to him, our faces nearly touching.
"Now" he raised his voice, I flinched and instantly obeyed, climbing into the back seat and laying back on the black leather seats. He got out of the car, walking to the other side, opening the door and climbing inside, slamming the door behind him.
He crawled to me, I was fiddling with my panties, shaky hands trying desperatly to get it off. "Let me do it, fucking hell" he grunted, tugging my panties down and exposing my wet pussy, needy for him.
"Dress up" he ordered, "o-ok.." I murmered, hiking my dress up. He grabbed my legs, harshly slinging them over his shoulder. "You're so fucking bratty, can't trust me anymore, huh?" he scoffed, dragging his pants down, his cock straining against his dark grey boxers, the ones he knows I love.
"Gotta fuck some sense into you" he growled, pulling his boxers down, his cock smacking against his abdomen. "Bill.." I whined, growing impatient, "be fucking patient or else you'll get nothing, you don't want that right?" he spat, I pouted and shook my head, "exactly..shut up and wait" he grunted.
After what felt like hours he brought his tip to my entrance, shoving it in. Usually he'd slowly push it in, let me adjust to his thick length but no, he was punishing me this time.
"Fucking slut" he grunted, thrusting in and out harshly, holding my legs as they rested on his shoulders, his cock fucking me deeply, pleasure coursing through my body.
"Mmm.." I whimpered softly, holding onto the leather seats beneath me, trying to stabilize myself from his cruel thrusts. "So fucking bratty..always teaching you lessons" he groaned, pounding his cock into my tight hole.
People from outside stared in horror as they saw the car shake violently, luckily Bill had his windows tinted. "Imagine if everyone could see how dumb I make you, how hard I fuck this pussy.." he grinned, slamming his fat cock into me, stretching me out deliciously.
"Oh fuck!" I whined as his tip abused that gummy spot in me, waves of pleasure and shock crashing in me as it hit the spot every time. I loved riling Bill up, sometimes I did it for no reason to get this reaction out of him, I loved the way he could dominate me so easily when he was mad.
Usually he was pretty gentle and I loved that but sometimes I needed a little spice. Rough, passionate sex.
"Fuck prinzessin, so wet f'me.." he groaned, throwing his head back, his cock pounding into my sopping cunt, bringing tears to my eyes. His hand moved to my neck, lightly squeezing, "takes me fucking you like this for you to fucking behave, when will you learn your lesson, huh?" he raised his voice, ramming his cock into my g spot, his tip kissing my cervix.
I whined more, desperatly holding onto the seats, trying not to fling around the car. His thrusts were powerful, passionate and full of rage, as if he wanted to destroy my pussy, teach me a lesson not to be such a raging bitch.
I felt a knot slowly form in my stomach, coiling down to my core and burning my heat. "i'm close...fuck..." I cried out, his pace quickened, hand tightening around my neck but only a little bit, not so much to the point where it hurt me, yes he was mad but he just wanted to show a little bit of possessiveness, not murder me.
"Cum for me..cum on this fucking cock" he grunted, his other free hand going to my clit, rubbing rough circles. "Oh fuck!" I whined loudly, my boobs bouncing like crazy as his thrusts became even harder, stabbing my sweet spot harshly, my cunt burning with pleasure.
"Soo good!" I moaned loudly, my whole body shuddering as I came on his cock, soft moans leaving my lips after my orgasm, he kept on fucking me hard, nearing his orgasm too.
His hand detatched from my clit, focusing on his orgasm now, I felt his cock twitch in me and decided to help, clenching my pussy around his cock tightly, a loud groan coming from him as he shot his seed into me, thick ropes of cum coating my insides.
"Holy fuck.." he panted, setting my legs down onto the seats and collapsing on top of me, stroking my hair gently. "Did so well for me..surprised you didn't act out while I fucked you" he chuckled, our chests heaving up and down on each other, "I figured I'd just shut up this time, you were already so mad" I smirked, leaning closer and kissing him softly.
After we calmed down he helped me get dressed then got dressed himself, carrying me out of the backseat and plopping me into the passanger seat, strapping me in.
He hopped into the drivers seat, resting a hand on my thigh, rubbing his thumb over the soft skin.
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tags: @itsmealaiah @itsangelll @kaulitzsbabyy @ballhair @ge-billsgf @estxkios @tomkaulitzloverr @charliesgoodboy @bkaulitzlover
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⚠️ warning gore⚠️
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concentrateandpush · 7 months
I wouldn’t have left the house past 39 weeks if I didn’t need to, but my Grandfathers funeral wasn’t one I was willing to compromise on. We have the hospital bag in the car, but have agreed to get in the funeral car with my family to ride over to the parlour. Which I’m already uneasy about.
It’s a rough day already, but Mom is fussing over the flowers and my Grandma is worrying that family members from overseas won’t make it, my aunt, as usual is just sat there and there’s so many things to get ready.
“I’ve got that” I sigh as I go and help my Grandma with all of her things to take “it’ll be okay, you know, I know it’s not what you want to hear but he was 98 and is resting happily now” I say as I take her into my arms, rubbing her back “I’ve got you” I whisper. “You shouldn’t even be here, you’ve got enough happening.. I don’t want to rely on you to do anything” she tears up. “I want to do whatever I can” I assure her before heading off with her bag.
“Ready?” I sigh as we head out to the car. Luckily, my wife and I have a whole area on the back row and I look at her with a sigh “I don’t know why I agreed to the obituary” I say as I rub my bump in small circles. “You’ll be amazing, you always are” she smiles.
The journey is short and sweet but as we get to the roundabout, there’s a fuss from up front. “Wo-woahhh!” The driver shouts before we all get jolted back, jerking our bodies forward as the seatbelts pull us back. My heart jumps into my throat as I feel my body being tugged and thrown. “Baby!” My wife shouts as she turns to me, checking straight away on my facial expression. “I-I’m fine, I’m fine, are you?” I ask and she nods “I’m okay.. baby okay?” She asks and I rub softly feeling a little kick and I nod “baby’s fine”.
“Everyone okay?” The driver asks and everyone is fine, but when he gets out, he sees that all of the bonnet is crushed. “Okay, I need to order a taxi for all of you, on us obviously” he sighs heading off to call them and I look at my phone checking the time “we have twenty minutes”. “It’s a ten minute walk, can we just get there? Madge?” My wife asks my Nan and she nods but I feel the heaviness in my body grow. “Baby, I don’t know” I say quietly and she nods “okay, let’s see the taxi times”.
“They won’t be here for another twenty” he explains. I just get out of the car and start walking, knowing we have no choice. “Lena!” my wife, Blair calls and I look back “come on” I sigh.
The walk is quick but painful and I feel movements in places I haven’t felt them before. We get there with a few minutes spare and I find the nearest bench, sitting straight away and putting my hair up. “I like your hair down” Gran sighs and I shake my head “too hot” I mutter. “Baby, do you need water? Anything?” Blair asks and I just shake my head. “Back rubs” I say softly letting her give me some love.
“Family?” The director addresses and I look to Blair “I need a minute, you go in..” I sigh and know I have to go in. “Come on I’ve got you” she says holding her hand out. I stand up and as I do I feel my inner thighs warm up under my dress. “My waters” I mutter, grabbing the bench “My waters just broke” I whisper and they are met with so much pain in my back, I find myself bent over the bench taking long deep breaths.
“Not now baby, not now” I whisper. “Lena! Blair! Come on” Gran demands and I look to Blair pleading for help. “Right, let’s get you in there, I know you’d kill me if I let you leave” she sighs as she supports my back, guiding me in.
We are the champions by queen plays on the speakers as I walk towards the front row, passing people who notice the flushed colour of my skin and sweat droplets on my forehead. “Let me help” Blair whispers as we get to the seats and it’s a good thing she helps because I couldn’t have got down on my own.
The service is nice and luckily, the contractions are slow and I’m able to breathe quietly through them, but one hits so hard that all I feel I can do is open my legs a little and cry so I can let some frustration out, normal in a funeral I guess. “And Lena has some words to say..” the director announces. Shit.
I fumble up to the top, standing in front of the room filled with hundreds of friends, family and acquaintances of my Grandfather. Clearing my throat as I open the paper I start to talk. “My Grandfather would be over the moon with the turn out, he always said that-“ I start well but the pain comes over me like a wave. “He said that-“ I start and find my hands gripping the stand. “He-“ I mutter before I just buckle, my knees give out and I find myself being caught by the director as he lowers me to the ground.
“I’m here, sweetheart, I’m here” my wife announces as she gets to the front. The pain is making me pant uncontrollably and I’m not keeping it a secret anymore. “Do the speech” I mutter to her and she shakes her head “do it, please” I cry as I lean against a wall, panting and shaking.
She stands and delivers, better than I probably would have. Everyone is distracted anyway, by me, legs parted, sweating and panting, slightly covered by the coffin. The final music starts and I look up, seeing people leave, trying to catch a glance of what I’m doing. “I’m here, I’m here” she states as she comes to my attention. “I’ve called an ambulance” a member of staff announces and I just shake my head “there’s no time”.
“It’s okay, I’ve had 3, she’s had 2” the staff member says as she comes over. “Towels, water and scissors” she demands of the director and I look to my wife, tears in my eyes “thank you for doing that” I smile and she laughs, rubbing my belly and taking my underwear off. “Come on, let’s have a baby” she smiles.
“Shit, you’re.. like, open” she whispers as she gazes between my legs. “I know” I say as I grab my thigh, panting in and out. “Can I push?” I ask softly and she looks to the women “yes, you absolutely can” one of them laughs. “O-okay” I mumble as I scrunch my face up, taking a breath and baring down for the first time ever. “Nnnnggg” I groan quietly, feeling movement but no spreading.
“Okay, like you’re doing a poo” the woman smiles and I look to Blair grabbing her hand and squeezing “nngaahahh!” I cry out, taking some quick rounded breaths after letting it out. “Pick her leg up” one of the women demand to my wife and I shake my head “I need her” I moan and the other woman takes a leg, pushing back.
“Mmmphhh” I cry out “I can’t fucking do it” I cry and my wife smiles “You! Are Lena fucking Lovell, you can do anything” she laughs.
“Gaaaaah!” I cry, feeling myself split. “Am I tearing?” I ask and the woman between my legs shakes her head “I’m Mel” she laughs and I nod “thank you Mel” I smile before baring down again “ccccaaaaah!” I screech “that’s it, harder sweetheart, you’re doing it” she smiles and I shake my head before pulling my other leg back and giving everything I’ve got “GAAAHHH!” I cry out feeling a pop “fuck” I moan, trying to catch my breath.
“Heads here” she smiles “again” she demands and I shake my head “I need a break”. “You’re doing amazingly baby, you’re so beautiful” Blair smiles lovingly and I laugh, wiping my head. “I love you” I whisper and she smiles “I love you too”.
I find myself getting up onto my knees, leaning forward “sorry” I mumble and the woman smiles “you’re in control” she says softly.
“Fuck.. fu-UUHHH” I cry out, feeling the shoulders stretch me out “ohhhh, oh god” I moan, reading down “come on baby, come out” I whisper as I tug a little. “Come on, work with mommy” I whisper. “Baby, you catch” I instruct Blair as I hold on to the stand. “Ready?” I whisper before letting out a huge scream “aahhhhhhh!” I howl as I feel the baby leave my body and splash into my loves arms, followed by the sweetest cries.
“Oh my god..” she whispers “you did it” I hear her sob before the two women help me on to my back a little propped up. “It’s a boy” Blair grins, handing him to me “a boy” I grin, taking him into my arms “oh your great grandfather would love you” I smile. “Trevor?” My wife smiles, my grandfathers name. “Trevor?” I whisper to baby as I kiss Blair softly.
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callsign-magnolia · 1 year
Undiagnosed // Ch. 17
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Mature Content 18+
Jake Seresin x Neurodivergent OC
Summary: Katie Blair grew up trying to be the perfect daughter. She always struggled to be the prim and proper little girl her parents wanted. Big personality as a kid, but now at 25, she's the shy admiral's daughter who just keeps her head down and tries to get through law school. So what happens when she's had enough and with help from a certain Lieutenant, she gets out.
Warnings: Emotional abuse, trauma response, abusive parents, smut.
Word Count: 6.1k
Chapter 16 | Masterlist
I shook the entire ride to the venue. Jake held my hand in the backseat of the Bronco, calming me with his words. “I told you I wouldn’t let anything happen to you and I won’t.” He whispered into my ear before kissing my hair. “You promise?” I joked. I knew he was serious but I needed to lighten the mood, to get this weight off me. “I swear, darlin’.” His arm rested across my shoulder and held me close until we arrived. “Stay here.” He told me before him and Bradley slipped out, walking around to mine and Natasha’s side. Jake opened my door and kindly helped me out. “Careful with her, man.” Bradley said as he tossed the valet his keys before wrapping Nat’s arm around his. The hotel was a gorgeous stone structure towering over everything around it. We walked inside and all I saw were dress whites and ball gowns. “There are a lot of people here.” I said, squeezing his arm a little tighter. He just rested his free hand over mine and nodded. “There are. But it’s okay, no one here will say anything to your parents, coop or anyone else that would tell them.” I furrowed my brows as we stepped into the elevator. “How do you know?” I asked, looking up at him. “We may or may not have gone around to everyone who's attending and asked them not to say anything.” Natasha answered. I just stared at them, mouth gaping in disbelief. “You did?” I asked quietly and they all nodded. 
They all went out of their way to make sure that no one would tell my parents where I was. This is what having real friends was like. I was broken out of my thoughts as Jake tugged me from the elevator and into a grand ballroom. It was extravagant to say the least. “So what exactly is this ball for?” I asked. “The fiftieth anniversary of Top Guns' founding.” My eyebrows shot up and I stopped walking. “He’s not here. He may be Fleet Commander, but Admiral Simpson is the air boss. He runs Top Gun. Plus your dad is in a meeting back on base with the rest of the brass.” I took a deep breath just as a familiar face stepped closer. “Hey Mav.” Bradley said, pulling Maverick into a hug. Once he let go he came over to Jake and I. “Hi, Katie.” He said before pulling me into a quick hug. “Hi, Mav.” I said. “I’m glad you decided to come. Hangman here has been talking about this non stop for weeks.” He said and I raised a brow at Jake. “Oh, really now?” He nodded, a blush creeping up his neck. 
“You should’ve seen him when he came in after you said yes.” Mav laughed. “Okay, why don’t we go sit down in our seats.” Jake said, gently pulling me away. He walked us over to a table where everyone else was. “Hi guys.” I greeted. Bob quickly stood, hugging me gently before kissing my cheek. “You look beautiful.” He said and I gave him a small smile. “Thank you.” As he stepped away Payback pulled me into a hug, then Fanboy, then Coyote. “It’s good to see you. Hangman’s been hiding away with you. We haven’t seen him much outside of work.” Coyote said as Jake pulled out my chair for me. I felt my face heat up at his words. “I’m sorry.” I muttered, my fingers playing with the skirt of my dress, rubbing it between my thumb and pointer finger. The feel of the soft material was almost calming. “Eh, don’t apologize. It’s been good for him.” Fanboy said and everyone laughed as Jake waved them off. “Alright now, I haven’t changed that much!” He said. “I wonder how Katie’s class is going?” Payback asked. “I should call Katie and check in with her.” Coyote said. “I can’t wait to get home and listen to Katie do her homework. She’s so smart.” Fanboy added and I turned to Jake. 
He had his head downcast, not looking at me or anyone else as a red color climbed his neck. I smiled, grabbing his hand from his lap, intertwining our fingers. He picked his head up and I met his eyes. “You’re so sweet.” I whispered before leaning over and kissing his cheek. Everyone oohed at us and it was my turn to blush. “How is school going, Katie?” Bob asked. “Good. Midterms are creeping up fast, but Jake has been a big help with studying.” I said, my hand resting on his arm. “What? Does he give you a kiss every time you get an answer right?” Payback teased. We haven’t done that, but I can’t say I haven’t thought about it. Maybe now that the idea has been put in his head he’ll try it. “Actually he’ll quiz me while we make dinner, or while we’re cleaning.” They nodded and Jake, still holding my hand lifted it, resting our intertwined fingers on the table. 
We heard a noise behind us and turned to see Cyclone taking the stage. “Good evening.” He said, holding up what seemed to be a glass of scotch. “It’s wonderful to have you all here to celebrate the founding of the Navy Strike Fighter Tactics Instructor program, or as we all know it, Top Gun.” Everyone cheered, the noise startling me. I jumped slightly and Jake laid his hand on my back. Cyclone launched into a long speech and as soon as he was finished, food was brought out. Waiters set our food in front of us and I looked at Jake. “You didn’t tell me this was a dinner.” I said and he gave me a sheepish look. “You kind of gave me last minute notice. But I got you the chicken.” I looked down at the food in front of me, it looked good and that’s when I realized how hungry I really was. 
We ate and talked, it was just a nice evening. Not long after we finished eating, Jake got up to go speak to someone but I still kept looking over my shoulder, waiting to see my parents and Bob must have noticed. “Come on.” He said as he stood, holding out his hand. “What?” I asked and he smiled at me. “You need a distraction. So let’s dance.” I stared at his hand for a minute but slid my hand into his. He led me out onto the dance floor where the other couples were. He held my right hand in his, my left rested on his shoulder as his free hand rested on my waist. “You’re tense.” He said and I scoffed. “You would be too if you were in my position.” I said. He just chuckled and smiled at me. “I would be. But you have nothing to worry about.” I huffed. “I know you keep saying that but-” “Even if they did show up, we wouldn’t let anything happen.” I smiled at him. “That means a lot.” I said as we danced. 
Everytime the song changed I was dancing with someone new. I made it through almost the entire team when Bradley took the next dance. “I’m glad you came.” He said as he took my hand. “I’m actually glad I came too.” I told him. I was finally relaxing, not as tense as I was earlier. “Maybe soon we can take you to The Hard Deck.” I furrowed my brows. “Isn’t that the bar you guys like to go to?” I asked and he nodded. “Mav’s girlfriend Penny owns it. I actually think she’s here somewhere. I’ll have to introduce you when we see her.” I nodded in agreement. “I’d like that.” I told him. Halfway through our dance Jake came over. “Mind if I cut in?” He asked and Bradley stepped away, heading back to Natasha as Jake took my hand. “You look like you’re enjoying yourself.” He said and I nodded. “I am. Thank you for the invite.” I said and he chuckled. “Thank you for saying yes.” I smiled up at him before laying my head on his shoulder. His hand rested on my back, his thumb rubbing up and down, calming me even more. We quietly danced and when the song was over he looped my arm through his. “Let’s go get a drink.” He said and I nodded, letting him lead me towards the table full of champagne. 
“Here darlin’.” Jake said, handing me a flute. “Thank you.” He grabbed his own glass, clinking it with mine before he kissed my cheek. “Well don’t you two make a cute pair?” I froze at the voice behind me. Jake’s hand tightened around my waist. “What are you doing here, Coop?” He asked. Jake set down his glass, turning us to face him. He kept a hold of me, tucking me into his side. “What? Am I not allowed to party too? Maverick gave Richardson and I quite a bit of work specifically to keep us from attending.” He swayed slightly and he had a glassy look in his eyes. “Are you drunk?” Jake asked and he scoffed. “It’s a party! I figured I’d indulge a little.” He said as he took a step closer and I immediately gripped Jake a little tighter. 
“Your daddies been looking for you.” He said tauntingly as he pointed at me. I swallowed the fear creeping up my throat “Well he can kiss my ass for all I care. I’m never going back.” I said as I glared at him. “Ooh! You grew some nerve since you left!” He swiped a glass of champagne from the table, taking another step closer. “It’s okay. It won’t be hard to beat it out of you.” Jake attempted to move me behind him but I stopped him. “I’m done being fucking scared of you and everyone else. I’m not gonna let you do shit to me and neither is Jake!” He just laughed in my face. “You think Hangman is gonna stop anyone?” He asked loudly, drawing attention. “Kate, baby. Do you remember your very first conversation with him?” He asked and I furrowed my brows. “After Iceman’s funeral?” It took me a minute but I remembered. “I paid him a hundred bucks to talk to you.” I narrowed my eyes at him. “He wouldn’t have talked to you if I hadn’t paid him. He even came back and told us all about how he thought you were weird and he would never speak to you again for even a million bucks.” A lump formed in my throat and tears threatened to gather in my eyes. 
“Go ahead, Hangman. Tell her about it.” I whipped around to face Jake and he flinched from the angry look on my face. “Darlin’-” “Is it true?” I seethed. His face fell and he sighed. “Is. It. True?” My hands were fisted at my sides, shaking slightly. “Yes. The first part is true-” I reared my hand back before flinging it across his face. The skin on skin contact echoed across the room and people stopped to look at us. Jake’s eyes were wide and his face was turned away from me. “How fucking dare you! I just- I can’t-” I just screamed at him, not able to form words. With that I turned and stormed away from him, gripping my skirt tightly in my hands. I shoulder checked Coop as I passed him, sending him into the table. Tears streaked my face as I walked through the doors, slamming them open and storming down the hall. Once I rounded the corner I took a deep breath, a sob taking up my exhale. I leaned against the wall, my head knocking into it but I didn’t care. It’s the same. It’s always the same. 
I gave myself a minute before I took a deep breath, halting my tears. No more crying, I’m done with the tears. I stood straight, wiping beneath my eyes. “Fuck.” I muttered, turning to walk down the hallway but screamed out as someone pulled my hair. “You think you can ruin my reputation and get away with it?” My blood ran cold as my fathers voice hissed in my ear. My hands were behind my head, gripping his hands but I brought my right one down, ramming my elbow back into my ribs. It was weak but enough for him to loosen his grip. I yanked my head away from him, surely losing some hair in the process. “I’m done pretending to be your perfect daughter! Fuck off!” I yelled. His hand flew out and he grabbed my neck. My hands flew up and gripped his wrist, hoping to pry his hands off of me but it was no use. He jerked me towards him, staring into my eyes. “You think you can run from me?” He asked. I glared at him before spitting in his face. He yelled before squeezing my neck. I thought he would choke me but he threw me to the ground instead. 
I managed to catch myself, keeping my head from bouncing off the floor. “YOU WILL RESPECT ME!!” “HEY!” I looked up, seeing Bradley and Bob rushing over. I managed to stand, stopping them from attacking him. “I have no respect for you. I don’t think I ever have. You’re weak! Tossing me around like I’m some kind of ragdoll because you can’t control your own rage! I’m not the one who’s going to ruin your image, you are!” He stepped forward, reaching out again but a voice stopped him. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” Natasha rounded the corner, holding up her phone. “You’d lose your position if this got out.” She said, coming to stand next to me. “And if you put another hand on Katie, it will get out.” She said, smirking. “Lieutenant Trace, you delete that right now or I will have you dishonorably discharged.” She just smirked at him. “I’ll release this and you’ll be court-martialed within twenty-four hours.” With all the evidence I have against him, it could cost him his entire career. 
“So why don’t we just all walk away from this?” She asked with a smirk. I nodded. “Good idea. I'm tired.” I said, turning on my heel and walking away from them. “This isn’t over!” My father yelled and I just gave him the finger. I walked back into the ballroom and Jake rushed over. “Katie, darlin’ please. What happened?” He asked when he noticed my hair. “Just a run in with my dad.” I said and he stopped me as he gently grabbed my biceps. “Where is he?” He asked, his green eyes darkening. “Don’t worry about it. Natasha took care of it. Besides, I’m weird aren’t I? You also haven’t been paid a million bucks so why are you talking to me?” I pushed past him and headed over to the table which had my small bag. “You okay?” Fanboy asked and I sighed. “No. I’m sure Jake will explain at work.” I said before turning and walking away. I felt bad for being rude to them but I couldn’t talk about it. “Let’s go.” I said to Jake as I walked past him. We squeezed into the elevator with Bradley and Natasha and I stood quietly not even looking at him. Once we stepped outside the cool air felt good but my rage was bubbling inside, threatening to explode out of me. 
Jake attempted to help me into the Bronco but I smacked his hand away. Opting to gather my skirt and hoist myself into the back seat. I slid clear across the seat putting space between Jake and I. "Darlin'?" I held up my hand. cutting him aff. "I'm not speaking to you until I know I won't knock your teeth in." I was so angry I probably could've broken his nose, but that wouldn't make me feel better. Or would it? I shook my head. No. It wouldn't. Bradley drove us home in a loud silence. Everyone wanted to say something, I knew it but I wasn’t up to talk to Jake or about my father. Once we arrived Bradley got out before I could and opened my door. I let him help me out and before I could walk away he pulled me into a hug. “You call me if you need anything. Okay?” Even though I was angry, his words brought tears to my eyes. “Okay.” He kissed my head before he let me go. I turned for the door which Jake had already unlocked. I stormed past him, into the house and headed for the stairs. 
“Darlin’-” “Just… Just stop.” I said, looking up at the ceiling to keep the tears at bay. “I just… I should’ve known better, you know?” I said as I took a deep breath. “It’s always the fucking same.” My head snapped to him and he looked so… sad. “Did you get off on it? Did it give you some kind of thrill to make the weird girl think you cared? Because that’s sick if that’s the case.” My voice became harsher and he physically flinched. “No! Darlin, I would never.” I glared at him. “Is that why you won’t have sex with me? You think I’m weird?” I snapped as I narrowed my eyes at him. “What? No!” He said with a confused look on his face. “Then why? I want fucking answers Jake!” I said as I slapped my hands together. “Why did you say all those things and why won’t you fuck me?! So help me god if I don’t get answers I’m packing my shit and I’m out!” “I never said those things! Coop lied! I actually enjoyed our conversation till your bitch of a mother interrupted us. You can ask Rooster, Phoenix, anyone and they’ll tell you that I came back and said how awful your mother was and that I felt bad for you. But then Coop got in my head and that’s why I was an ass!” 
“Fine. I’ll text Nat. She’ll tell me the truth.” I texted Natasha and asked her what exactly Jake said after our first conversation. “You think I’m lying?” He asked astounded. “I don’t know! I don’t know anymore, Jake! I thought I knew you but I guess not! You can’t even tell me why you won’t sleep with me! I have been trying for weeks and you just brush it off!” He groaned out, throwing his hat across the room before he rounded on me. “YOU WANNA KNOW WHY I WON’T HAVE SEX WITH YOU?!” “THAT’S WHAT I’VE BEEN ASKING ISN’T IT?!” I yelled. “I wanted your first time to be special! There! You happy? I didn’t want it to feel like a quick fuck! I’ve been trying to come up with some way that I could make your first experience special!” I furrowed my brows in confusion. “My first time?” I asked and then it clicked. “You think i’m a fucking virgin?!” I yelled and he seemed shocked. 
“You’re not?” It was a quiet question, his neck flushing pink with embarrassment. “No! It’s been over two years but I’ve had sex before! God Jake! I’m twenty-five!” He shrugged. “I didn’t know! You seemed so sheltered that I didn’t think you ever slept with anyone!” I scoffed. “Oh I did, and it was all to piss off my father!” I snapped back and it was like the tension in the room snapped. The air didn’t feel as heavy but I still felt so angry. My heart was racing and my adrenaline was pumping. I felt like the only way I was gonna calm down was to run or something. Jake’s face fell and I could tell he was sorry but I still wanted to knock him out. My phone buzzed and I looked at it seeing Nat’s response. It was my turn to feel bad. I huffed, rubbing my face with my hands, not caring if I ruined my makeup. “I’m sorry.” Jake said and it almost made me more angry. “I’m still mad at you.” I didn’t really have a reason to be now, but my anger didn’t just go away. I guess that’s where my father and I are alike. “You were right, Coop lied but I’m still angry.” I kicked off my heels and went upstairs. “Where are you going? Katie, I think we should still talk.” I scoffed. “I don’t think we should talk until I’ve calmed down because you have no idea how bad I want to fucking throttle you!” 
I stormed into my bedroom and attempted to slam the door but he stopped it. “Throttle me?” I whirled on him. “Yes! I want so badly to just hit you! I’m so damn angry I feel like I could kick holes in the walls!” I squeezed my hands, attempting to keep them by my side. “I feel like I could run a goddamn marathon!” I yelled. “Deep breath. How can I help?” “You can’t!” I yelled, jerking my harm from his grasp and turning away from him. “Just leave me alone!” It was quiet for a moment and I attempted to calm down when he suddenly turned me to face him and his lips crashed into mine. I squeaked and pushed on his chest until he released me and my hand came up, slapping him in the face for the second time tonight. “Do it again.” I furrowed my brows in confusion. “What?” “If you wanna hit me, hit me. If you want to knock my teeth out, do it. Anything that’s gonna make you feel better.” His hand came up, knuckles brushing against my cheek. “Fuck it out of me.” My chest was heaving and I was breathless. “What?” Now he was confused. “Fuck me, Jake.” He stared at me before he grabbed the back of my neck and pulled me into a heated kiss. 
My hands came up gripping the front of his dress whites a moan escaping me as he bit down on my bottom lip. “Fuck.” He backed me up until my back was pressed against the wall. ”Jake.” I whined. My hands drifted lower until my fingers brushed the button on his pants. “Uh uh.” He said, grabbing my hands and pinning them by my head. He kissed just under my jaw and my back slightly arched off of the wall. “I’m gonna take my time with you, darlin’.” My breath caught in my throat at his words. “You gonna be a good girl for me?” He asked, his hand gently gripping my throat and I grinned at him. “Why don’t you find out?” He just grinned at me before he slammed his lips into mine again. He let my hands go and I tossed them around his neck. I squealed when he smacked my ass. "Jump." I didn't hesitate before jumping and wrapping my legs around his waist. He pressed me back into the wall, causing a moan to escape me. "The bed." I whined against his lips "You want the bed?" He knew that's what I wanted, he just wanted to tease me. I nodded, lips pressing against his cheek before moving to his jaw. "Alright darlin’." He pulled me away from the wall and walked over to the bed before carefully laying me down. Like magnets our lips found each others again. I arched my back, my chest pressing into his. "My dress." I moaned, the fabric of my dress rubbing against my nipples. "Oh no. The dress is staying on." He sat up on his knees and I could tell just how hard he was. “Oh it is?" I asked, looking up at him through my lashes. He ran his hands along the sides of my thighs before gripping them and lifting. 
I bit my lip and held his gaze as he leaned down between my legs. I watched in anticipation and gasped as his nose nudged me through my panties. "You're soaked." He said as he brought his hand up, a knuckle pressing into me before he tugged the fabric to the side. "This thin little thong did nothing to hide it from me." I moaned as he ran a finger through my wetness before slowly pushing into me. I whined, hand reaching behind my head and gripping the pillow. "C'mon darlin. Tell me how it feels." I moaned, hips rolling into his hand. "Good." I gasped as he added a second finger. “Jake. Stop teasing." I begged and he chuckled. "This isn't teasing. This is foreplay. I have to get you warmed up." He sat up, leaning over me. His free hand came to rest on the side of my neck, his other hand continuously pumping in and out of me.
"You're not leaving this bed until I've pulled every orgasm I possibly can from you." His words struck something deep in my belly and I moaned, arching up into him. “You're going to cum on my fingers, my tongue and my cock. By the time I'm done with you, you won't even remember why you were mad in the first place." With that he lowered himself between my legs again, fingers still working inside me. But I cried out in shock as his tongue roughly licked my clit. His eyes met mine before he gripped my thighs, separating them until the sides of my knees pressed into the mattress. His tongue flicked my clit before he added a third finger and I whined. "Can't wait to bury my cock in you. You're so fuckin' tight darlin'.” He curled his fingers and after a few thrusts he brushed one spot inside me and everything went hazy. "Jake." I moaned out. "I know. You're so close, darlin’." He licked my clit again and my body jolted. "Cum for me, Katie." A fire started in my belly and it felt like flames erupted as Jake wrapped his lips around my clit and sucked harshly. I wanted to close my legs but he pulled his fingers from me and used both hands to pin my knees on the bed. 
“Jake!" I squealed, but he didn't stop. He continued to suck until my hands gripped his blonde locks and my legs shook. He stopped sucking and I took a deep breath. I thought he was done, but was startled when his tongue prodded my entrance.  He slipped his tongue in, licking me as he buried his face in my pussy. I was still gripping his hair as I rolled my hips against his face, riding his tongue. After a moment he pulled away and sat up. He smiled at me as my chest heaved. He leaned over me, hands resting next to my head. His left hand moved to rest on the side of my neck. "Good girl." Those two words had me preening for him. "So good for me." He kissed my neck and I dragged my heel along the back of his calf. "You gonna take my lock like a good girl too?" I nodded. "Yes." I moaned out. I reached between us, feeling how hard he was in his dress whites. He groaned before grabbing my hand, intertwining our fingers and grinding his clothed length into my bare core. "Jake, please." He groaned and sat up. "I don't think I could ever tell you no." He went to take his jacket off but I sat up, stopping him. "If my dress stays on, so does the uniform." He stared at me for a minute before he grinned. He reached and unbuttoned his pants, I leaned back on the bed again and I couldn't help but spread my legs wider. He freed himself from the confines of his boxers and I stilled. I forgot how big he was and how heavy he felt on my tongue. He leaned in, kissing me again. I tasted myself on his tongue, a taste I never imagined I'd enjoy. My hands rested on his biceps as he lined himself up. "You sure?” I nodded, rolling my hips. "Please." I've been waiting so long, I am not above begging. He pressed his forehead to mine as he pushed in. I bit my lip, feeling the head of his cock slip past my entrance. He pushed farther in and I could feel my walls stretching to accommodate his size. "You okay?" He asked, thumb brushing my cheek. That's when I noticed the tears. 
He pushed in farther and I gasped. "Talk to me, darlin’." I struggled to find the words and when I finally did it was only two words. "So big." He chuckled before kissing his way across my jaw. "I know. I know, but you're doing so good for me." He slowly withdrew before pushing back into me. It wasn't long before he found a steady rhythm, hips rocking into mine. I gripped my thighs, pulling my legs back against. my chest. Jake leaned forward, broad shoulders keeping my legs back as he kissed me. "Gonna cum for me, darlin’? " My moans were growing louder as the trimmed hairs at the base of his cock rubbed against my clit. "Jake." I was writhing beneath him, my second orgasm coming in quick. “Fuck!” I yelled out before clinging to him. He kissed me as my orgasm washed over me, his hips not stopping as I fluttered around him. “Squeezing me so tight, darlin’.” He said, moving to kiss my neck before slowing his thrusts, eventually stopping. “You okay?” He asked and I nodded, pulling him into another kiss. “Take it off.” I said, starting to unbutton his jacket. I needed him out of his uniform, totally naked. “Woah,” He gently grabbed my hands. “We got time, darlin’.” I just leaned up, kissing him. “Sooner we strip, the more time we have.” He immediately sat up, pulling out before he stripped. He had to unzip my dress for me and he carefully pulled it off of me, laying it across the chair in the corner. He wrapped his arms around my waist, pressing kisses to my shoulder. 
“I’ve been dying to get my hands on you. Especially since you decided to lay out topless.” His hands came up, pawing at my breasts. He took one of my nipples between his fingers, rolling it harshly, making me hiss. “Mm, I did that for you.” I said breathily, pushing my ass back into him. He turned me around, picking me up again before gently laying me on the bed again. He lined himself up, slowly pushing in again. I know we just finished, but I felt the burn of the stretch all over again. “Jake.” I moaned as he bottomed out. “Look so pretty underneath me.” He muttered, lips dragging across my chest. “Jake.” He picked his head up, looking at me. I brought my hand up, cradling his face as he looked at me. “Don’t be gentle with me.” I said and he raised a brow. “You sure? Just a few minutes ago you had tears rolling down your cheeks.” He said and I nodded. “I like it. When you’re not gentle with me.” He searched my eyes for any kind of hesitation, but when he found none, he nodded. I pulled him into another kiss just as he started thrusting into me. I moaned into the kiss and was surprised when he pulled away, sitting up. His large hands held my hips, his thrusts becoming harsher. “Fuck! Jake, yes!” I moaned out, my hands reaching out, resting on his knees. “Look at you, my good girl taking my cock so well.” I never knew words could affect me this way, but all I wanted was praise from him. 
He grabbed my legs, moving them to one shoulder as he fucked me. “Ngh, Jake!” I whined. “So full.” He took up every free space inside me and I wanted him impossibly closer. I sat up, pulling him into another kiss. “Stop.” Immediately everything stopped and he looked at me with wide eyes. “You okay? Did I hurt you?” I pushed him to sit up by the head board and crawled into his lap. “Not in any way I didn’t like.” I reached behind me, lining him up before I sunk down around him. “Fuck, Katie darlin’. You’re so tight.” His head fell back against the headboard as I stilled. “I love the way you feel inside me, Jake.” I moaned in his ear, lips attaching to his neck. His hands held my waist before he gripped my ass attempting to move me. “Bounce on my cock, darlin’. Be a good girl for me.” I did as he said, slowly finding a rhythm that had us both moaning loudly. My hands rested on his shoulders, head falling back as I gasped and moaned. “I’m gonna cum.” With that he held me still, fucking up into me. “I’m not done with you yet.” He said before he lifted me off of him and laid me on my back again. 
He grabbed my ankles, pushing my knees by my head again. “You’re gonna take my cock like a good girl and you’ll cum when I tell you too.” I don’t know if I could do it. But I wanted to, I wanted to try. He entered me in one thrust and I moaned loudly, hands gripping his wrist as he held my legs back. He was brutal in his thrusts and I encouraged it. “Jake! Right there! Oh god!” I threw my head back, hardly able to form a coherent sentence. “You like that?” He leaned down closer, letting go of my legs, allowing me to wrap them around his waist. He gently cradled my neck, no pressure as he stared into my eyes. “You like taking my cock?” I moaned, tears flowing down my cheeks. “Yes! Fucking love it!” I yelled out and he smirked, leaning down and taking one of my nipples between his lips. I buried my fingers in his hair, keeping him there as he buried his cock in me. “Jake, I’m gonna cum!” I yelled out and he smirked. “Cum around my cock, darlin’. Make a mess for me.” Seconds later my back was arching off the bed, toes curling as he buried himself inside me. He pulled out and I sat up. “C’mere.” I reached for him, leaning down as I jerked him off. “Oh shit. YOu don’t have to darlin’.” I shook my head, tongue darting out to lick the tip of his cock and that’s all it took. 
Hot ropes of cum shot out of his cock and landed on my face. I closed my eyes, letting him coat my face as he threw his head back, throaty moans leaving him. Once he was done I opened my eyes and looked up at him. Our chests were heaving and I sat up. “Goddamn.” He muttered, sitting up on his knees and pulling me into a kiss, not caring that his own cum was covering my face. “Let’s get you cleaned up, darlin’.” He smiled at me, getting up and going to my bathroom and grabbing a warm wash rag before he came back, wiping my face clean before he cleaned between my legs as well. I laid back on top of the covers before Jake stood, grabbing his uniform. Panic settled in my chest as he headed for the door. “Jake?” I asked as he reached for the doorknob. He looked at me, eyebrows raised. “Will you… will you stay?” I fully expected him to say no, but relief settled in me as he smiled and walked over. “Of course. Let me put my uniform away.” I nodded and he walked out. I pulled the covers down and crawled under them, waiting. Five minutes went by before he came back, smiling at me as he crawled under the covers next to me. “How do you feel?” He asked, turning on his side and propping himself up on his elbow. “Better. A lot better. Thank you.” I said, looking at him. He leaned down, kissing me gently. “Do you regret it?” I asked and he quickly shook his head. “No. I never could.” His thumb brushed my cheek and my eyes fluttered closed. A yawn hit me and he chuckled. “Let’s get some sleep.” He said, sliding down in bed and pulling me into him. “Honestly, I could go again.” He just chuckled. “Not tonight.” He said as a yawn of his own hit him. “Trust me, this won’t be the last time.” I closed my eyes, pressing back into him. He placed a kiss on my shoulder before kissing the back of my head. “Goodnight, Jake.” I muttered. “Goodnight, darlin’.”
Taglist: @wkndwlff @alltimereverie @cherrycola27 @daisydaisygoose @rosiahills22 @deanoheartspie @cornishkat @high-speed-r @fogle97 @mygyn @ohgodnotagainn @emma8895eb @senjoritanana @kmc1989 @sandaltoesocks @mayhemmanaged @dempy @itsdesiree86 @sunderland-6 @jstarr86 @brooke-stinson @rachkon @topguncultleader @bethbunnyy @topgun-imagines @clancycucumber230 @seitmai @kkrenae @djs8891 @shanimallina87 @wildxwidow @eugene-emt-roe @hisredheadedgoddess28 @littlewhiterose @formulapierre @wade-wilsons-chew-toy @bethabear12 @halstead-severide-fan @gg-trini @memeorydotcom @schreksdoubledeckerhomechecker @inthestars-underthesun @praline357 @fanboyluvr @greaser9902 @felinegrate @lemmons1998 @thegoddessc @lynnevanss
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thatlovinfeelin · 1 year
Half a Heart - One - Jake Hangman Seresin
Blaire Montgomery moved away from all she ever knew at eighteen to conceal a secret. Now nearly fourteen years later, her secret is finally out of the bag when her and her thirteen year old daughter, Lucy, quite literally run into Jake Seresin, young Lucy's father. All three lives are forever changed due to one fateful encounter, and two hearts are once again made whole.
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Blaire Montgomery walked along the street, hand in hand with her daughter, laughing at a joke that the young teenager just told. Together, they made their way across the board walk of Virginia Beach, towards their intended lunch destination. 
“Mama, just once, you really should try it.”
“Nope, not going to happen Lulu.”
The younger girl, Lucy or Lulu, just frowned, but continued walking alongside her mother. They were best friends, maybe something stronger than that. Blaire was just a child herself, not even nineteen when she had Lucy. They grew up together, making their bond stronger than anyone could ever really understand. 
Lucy didn’t know who her father was, and probably never would. Blaire was counting on never seeing the man again. Which seemed funny, considering they lived in a military dominated area. But she never imagined that the man would be stationed here. 
She was eighteen when she found out she was pregnant, just after graduation. There was no way she could tell the father, not when he was planning on being so much more than just the small town boy he was. She didn’t want to hold him back, she couldn’t be the reason he never saw his dreams come true. So she lied to him and broke up with him. Blaire even went as far as moving shortly after, so he would never know. 
Her own family didn’t know who fathered her beautiful little girl, though she was sure they had their ideas. She would never confirm or deny them, only changing the subject whenever they asked. It helped that she hadn’t heard from him in nearly fourteen years too.
She grew up, she moved on. Going on a few casual dates here and there, but never anything serious. It was hard to be serious with someone when she had Lulu to look after. Even now that she was old enough to be left home alone and take care of herself, it was hard. Blaire couldn’t really think about bringing any man home who wasn’t the man she gave her heart to all of those years ago. 
Because the truth was, she might have broken up with him, but she never really got her whole heart back. 
“I’m staaaaarrrrvinnnggg,” Lulu said, dramatically dragging out the word. 
“Which is why we’re going to get lunch before we keep shopping,” Blaire reminded her daughter, “C’mon, just a few more minutes.”
“I’m going to die before we get there,” Lulu whined, “Die of starvation. Wither away to nothing right in front of you.”
“God, how did you get so dramatic?” Blaire questioned, “I swear I was never this bad when I was your age.”
They rounded the corner, restaurant now in sight and Lulu let out a loud sigh and tugged her mother along faster. They were seated almost instantly, making Lucy extremely happy. They ordered appetizers and fell into a comfortable conversation about school. 
Lucy was in middle school now, which seemed almost impossible to Blaire. It was hard for her to realize that her daughter was growing into a fine young woman and was almost an adult of sorts. 
“So Liam Mackey tried to ask me out yesterday,” Lulu said, taking a bite of a mozzarella stick. 
Blaire had to keep herself from choking on her water, “Oh really? What did you say?”
She was hoping her daughter said no. She wasn’t ready to deal with dating yet. Middle school drama was one thing, but boyfriends and heartbreaks were something else entirely and Blaire might just have a heart attack if she had to navigate that part of parenting right now. 
“I told him no, obviously,” Lulu rolled her eyes, “He asked out Marlee Parks two days ago, I’m not some sloppy second choice.”
Letting out a deep breath, Blaire reached for her water again and took a large gulp, “Well…good for you for knowing your worth.”
“Liar. You’re thrilled you don’t have to deal with me having a boyfriend yet,” Lucy teased. 
“You’re right,” She sighed, “So no dating till you’re thirty, okay?”
“What about you? You’re like thirty and you aren’t going on dates.”
“Okay don’t make me ground you.”
“You wouldn’t dare,” Lucy countered, sticking out her tongue.
Blaire sighed again, knowing her daughter was right. She wouldn’t ground her. Blaire wasn’t one to ground or really punish her daughter at all. Not to say that she didn’t when she had to. But she hated every minute of it. 
When their food came, Lucy wasted no time digging in and eating every bite she could. Blaire almost had to laugh. Her daughter loved food, so much it was almost comical in fact. She was like her father in that regard, the man could eat like no one else. No one except maybe his daughter. 
“We’re still going shopping, right?” She questioned. 
“Yes, we’ll go shopping after lunch,” Blaire laughed.
“Good,” Lulu smiled before taking another bite. 
“Slow down before you choke, honey.”
Lulu made a face and continued to wolf down her food. Blaire couldn’t do anything but laugh at her little girl. Her sweet daughter. It was hard for her to come to terms with the fact that soon enough she would start really asking questions about her father. 
So far she’d been able to dodge any question Lucy asked about him. Somehow, it had been easy to lie to her. But Blaire knew that time would soon be over, and she would have to tell her daughter the truth sooner or later. Which meant finding him and telling him the truth too. 
They both deserved to know. Blaire knew that. But the thought of them knowing made her chest hurt. She couldn’t imagine the look on his face when he found out, she didn’t want to imagine it really. But she knew that time was running out. 
“C’mon kiddo,” Blaire said, putting money down on the table, “Let’s get going.”
They were hand in hand again on their way out, when Blaire ran into a strong body. She stumbled back. The man in front of her reached out, catching her arms to steady her for a moment. 
“Mom, you okay?” Lucy grabbed ahold of her mom too. 
“I’m fine honey,” Blaire replied, giving her daughter a small smile. 
“Blaire?” The man questioned, eyes widening. 
His head spun, the little girl, who wasn’t so little, called her mom. Which meant if this was Blaire, she had a daughter. A teenager by the look of it. He swallowed hard. He knew those eyes, because they were his own. 
“Holy shit.”
“Mom?” Lucy questioned before looking between her mom and the man. 
She saw it then, the way her eyes matched his. How they had the same cock to their head. Lucy was a smart girl, maybe too smart for her own good. She could see it in the way her mother looked between her and the man. In the way her mom held onto her hand even tighter. Lucy couldn’t help it, she was staring into the eyes of her father, and it seemed like he didn’t quite know it himself. 
“Holy fuckin shit,” Lucy mumbled. 
“Lucielle Grace!” Blaire hissed. 
But then it was his turn, staring into the face of the girl who looked just like him, and the woman he loved more than life itself, “Holy shit.”
That made three. Mother, Father, and daughter, all stunned to be in one another’s presence at long last.
In a panic, the second she heard the man speak her name, sounding so broken and shocked, she grabbed her daughter and pulled her out of the restaurant, not stopping to look back.
He followed them of course, forgetting the lunch date he had. He would apologize to his old friend later. This was more important, this was Blaire. His Blaire. The one girl he could never get out of his head. The one that he still carried a photo of whenever he flew. Because she was his, even if she broke his heart almost fourteen years ago.
"Blaire!" He called, trying to catch up with her.
She slowed when she saw her car come into view. He would catch them there and then there would be no more running away. She licked her lips and stopped, grabbing her daughter's other hand.
"I need you to go wait in the car," She told Lulu, not looking away from her green eyes.
"Mom who is that guy?" Lucy was worried that he was some creep, here to try to hurt her mom.
Maybe he was one of the Tinder dates gone wrong. The ones that Blaire always seemed to be too quiet after she came home from them. Or maybe he was one of the good dates that Blaire blew off because of Lucy, because she was too scared to bring anyone else into their lives.
"Please Lu, go wait in the car," Blaire begged, "It's okay, I promise."
The man was getting closer, almost reaching them when Lucy finally agreed and made her way to the older 4runner parked in a far space under a tree.
Blaire only had a moment before he was on her, grabbing her shoulder to gently turn her around. She didn't force herself to look up at him, knowing she wouldn't be able to handle the look in his eyes when she did.
He was always much smarter than he liked to let on, he had to have put the pieces together. He had to know that he was just staring into the face of his daughter.
God...his daughter. Even thinking it made Blaire shiver. This was never supposed to happen. That's why she moved to Virginia, far enough away from Annapolis or Texas.
"It's you," He breathed out, holding her at arm's length, "God, Blaire, it's really you."
She keeps her eyes tightly closed, too afraid to open them. She want to look at him though, she's aching to see the man he's become. How much he's changed from the boy she once knew. But she still can't bring herself. She can't even speak.
"Say something, please," he begs her, bending down to try to catch her eye.
"Jake," She breathes out, almost like a sigh. It cuts him to the bone to hear her say his name again.
"Who was the girl?" He asks, even though he somehow already knows exactly who she was.
Her eyes open now, looking up to meet the same green eyes that her daughter has. His brows were furrowed in the exact same way, just like the way he was cocking his head to the side. They were so alike and yet they never officially met.
She swallowed the thick lump growing in her throat, "That was my daughter."
He breathes out, like he'd been kicked square in the gut, "She had my eyes."
That's all he could think to say. Because every time he blinked he kept seeing her looking up at him with the eyes that mirrored his own. The same way he had his mother's eyes, and she had her mother's eyes. There was no denying there was some semblance between the two.
"Blaire," he said urgently, "She had my eyes."
"I don't-"
"How old is she?" He asks, taking a step forward.
"Thirteen," Blaire nearly winces as she says it.
He does the math in his head. It'd been nearly fourteen years since they last saw one another. She broke up with him out of the blue and moved away weeks later, never to be heard from by any of the Seresins again. Now here she is with a thirteen year old who looked just like her, aside from small little details. Like how she had freckles dotting her nose, just like Jake and his sister's had when they were younger.
"Is she mine?" He asks her, almost afraid of the answer.
"Jake, please," She begs so quietly.
"Blaire, is she mine?" He asks again.
She licks her dry lips and tried to gather the courage. This was never meant to happen. She was never supposed to see him again, and he was never supposed to know about having a child. Jake Seresin was supposed to go about his life without her tying him down with a little girl. But it seemed like fate had other ideas
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luvhughes43 · 7 months
soft morning with blair and nico
nicos arm wraps itself around blakes waist and tugs her closer to him, to which she happily obliges. "good morning," she whispers, pressing a soft kiss to nico's shoulder blade.
"morning," he mumbles, running a comforting hand up her bare back. "do you have any plans for the day?" he asks, his accent thick as he tries to wake himself up.
blake scoots up and rests on one of her elbows before leaning in and kissing nico on the side of his mouth. he looks up at her grinning, and when his dimples appear she can't help but giggle. she gets a little delirious in the mornings, and his dimples - nicos come to learn - is one of her favourite features.
"can we stay in bed today," she hums softly, and this time she places a kiss to the other side of his mouth.
"if you kiss me on the lips then we can do whatever you want," nico replies teasingly, but blake just tosses her hair over her shoulder as she kisses him squarely on the lips. it's a little messy, but they find a nice rhythm, and soon enough blake is sprawled across nico as he leans against their mounds of pillows.
when they break apart, blake rests her head against his chest. she studies his breathing - one deep breath in, one out - and she relaxes.
"i love you," nico whispers, kissing the top of blakes head who's still resting happily on his chest.
"i love you more," she tilts her head, placing a soft row of kisses up his neck.
"impossible," nico replies, and when blakes suddenly level with him he doesn't hesitate in kissing her.
the rest of the day is spent wrapped in sheets, needy kisses placed anywhere they can reach, and just enjoying each others company before their schedules get busy again.
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cas-kingdom · 2 months
NCIS gang with your OC, watching a horror movie for Abby's bday? <3
It was Abby’s idea, of course. No one else would have opted for a horror movie marathon the moment the sky got dark – in fact, Ducky had requested they change it to an ‘80s English comedy night – but it was Abby’s birthday, and so it was Abby’s choice. Horror movie marathon, it was.
Gibbs had offered to host the little party – Emmie said it was for the sole purpose that he could run down to his basement if he got too scared, to which he’d aimed a light head slap, and she’d ducked expertly out of the way.
So, four NCIS agents, two medical examiners, a forensic specialist, and a teenage girl sat, cramped but cosy, in Gibbs’s living room, surrounded by about twenty blankets and pillows, at least three bowls of popcorn (one of which Tony was keeping safely guarded in his arms), closed curtains plunging them into utter darkness, and a flashlight on the floor in suspiciously close grabbing distance from Gibbs, who had, as expected, protested very audibly against the turning off of all lights.
There weren’t enough seats for everyone, but Tony and McGee didn’t care about the bean bags they’d been assigned. Emmie was squished between a practically bouncing Abby, and Ziva, who, after about twenty minutes into the movie, fell promptly asleep against the side of the sofa. Ducky and Palmer were on the two-seater, while Gibbs sat rigidly in his armchair.
The movie was The Blair Witch Project. Abby was ecstatic, reciting lines the moment the movie started and tugging at Emmie’s arm when a ‘good bit’ was about to come up, which usually meant she needed to cover her eyes. Tony and McGee were fixed on the screen, the former giggling like he was watching a romcom while the latter seeming interested solely in the particulars of the film’s special effects. Ducky occasionally spouted the odd horror movie fact, and Palmer…well. He was just happy to be there.
And Ziva was asleep, so Ziva didn’t care what was going on.
Emmie rarely watched horrors. There was the odd time Abby managed to rope her into one on one of their routine sleepovers, but they tended to be more…placid. Ones she could cope better with, at least. Gibbs, meanwhile, rarely watched movies, let alone horrors, and every time Emmie glanced over, just to see if there was anyone else in the room who was actually as terrified as her, he looked about ready to bolt.
“Oooh, Em, this is a good bit!” Abby said for the tenth time, shaking Emmie’s arm.
Emmie promptly pulled the blanket up to her chin.
“Ha, McGee, that’s you after a night out,” Tony quipped with an immature giggle, pointing a finger at the screen.
“Hilarious, Tony.”
“I do believe that the director of an ‘80’s horror was once charged with murder because one particular scene was so well—"
Even Ducky stopped mid-sentence as the room filled with the eerie sound of kids’ voices coming from the TV.
“Oh…” Tony shuffled backwards on his beanbag. “Oh, God…”
Abby grinned in pure excitement, her eyes fixed on the screen.
McGee’s face contorted into something almost painful.
Palmer was looking anywhere but the screen.
Gibbs pressed himself further back into his chair, hand mere inches away from covering his eyes.
Ziva snored.
And Emmie…
The moment the kids’ voices got louder, she let loose an adamant “nope” and shook herself free of Abby to execute her escape. Clambering ungracefully over Ziva, who somehow stayed asleep, she jumped none-too-gently from her sofa to her dad’s. Gibbs, in need of support as much as his daughter, didn’t spout much more than an oof at the sudden weight before wrapping Emmie in his arms and conveniently hiding his face behind hers.
“Good lord,” Ducky said as the scene continued.
“Uh, I need the restroom.” And that was McGee gone.
“Wait for me!” Palmer quickly followed.
Abby rolled her eyes. “You’re all a bunch of babies.”
Ziva blearily cracked her eyes open. “Babies? How—lovely,” she slurred before promptly returning to sleep.
NCIS Masterpost
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evilfloralfoolery · 5 months
Along Came Fire - Avery/Blair, Pt. 2
A lot more snz and misery in this lol. Avery showing her true colors. Blair being unbearably into it. Both of them wondering about the other. Plz enjoy my hasty edit! :)
By the time the heaters in the stadium get the memo, the set is over and Blair has had just about enough of this frigid bullshit.  
He’d managed to fend off whatever fuckery his sinuses were concocting during the performance, but now, it’s gotten to the point where no amount of shallow breathing and nose rubbing will do the trick. His body has just had enough of him.
And the feeling is fucking mutual. 
Blair cringes against his knuckled fingers with a flash of teeth. "HhhRISSCH! –RIIHHHSSCHuh! EKTSSCH! UhhhCHHSSSH!" He pauses, breath a hitching, ragged heave. "Hhh–RIISSSCCHHiiiuuhh!"
"What, you're not going to try for an even six?”
He stops with the miserable, wet sniffling and glances over his shoulder.
It's her. Just standing there with a laminate around her neck, like she belongs there. No idea where she’d gotten the pass, but he’s not going to ask questions, especially not with the way she’s looking at him right now.  Kind of like how the Blond Wonder looked at him, but with a more curious sort of concern rather than outright, overly empathetic gawking.
Hard not to stare back at that mane of hers with all the red, orange, and yellow competing for space, a vibrant cascade of fire that has the nerve to call itself “hair.”
“Hey.”  She waves a hand in front of his face with a bit of a laugh. “Are you okay in there?”
He offers her a slow blink in tandem with the realization that he has said nothing to indicate an answer.
“I am,” he says.  “Just too damn cold.” One eyebrow arches high.  “Are you?”
She tilts her head. “Cold?” 
“Okay,” he clarifies. 
“Oh! Yeah, I’m fine.” She combs her hair away from her face with one hand and laughs. "I’m pretty sure I left puncture wounds on that idiot, so there’s that."
Probably.  He hadn't missed how aggressive she'd been. Kind of a firecracker for such a slender chick.
"Yeah, well. Guys are assholes." He offers her a smirk.  "But I'm a bigger asshole." 
"Good quality, if you ask me." Her smile is a sly mirror of his own.
“Damn straight.”  He tugs at the knot on his bandana out of habit.  “Avery, right?” 
“Yep.” She pokes him in the chest with one finger.  “You didn’t tell me you were the bass player.”
Cue the smartass eyebrow arch. “You didn’t ask.”
“I don't usually introduce myself and then be like, ‘so, do you play the bass?’ ”
“Why not. Good conversation starter.” 
She flicks a piece of his hair with a pop of her fingers. “You're weird.”
He’ll take that.
But what he’s not going to take is any more shit from his sinuses.  Sort of.  Goddamn it.
She does the curious, cocked head thing again at his abrupt change of energy and asks the obvious question.  “Something wrong?”
“Nothing. It’ssss uuhhh-hhhheh!” He holds up a hand to politely silence furthering questioning, breath catching in his throat with a choppy attempt to draw in enough air. "Heeh-hh. . . Hh'RISSSCHU! Hkg–CHISSSHUHH! Fuck."  He rubs at his nose with a sniffle. "Hhngh, sorry. The cold fucks me up."
"I can tell," she says as he sneezes again with twice the force and less control. 
Goddamn it. 
"God bless," she says in this voice that's somewhere between concerned and a bit. . . something else. 
Interesting . . . 
"Stick around and you'll get sick of saying that real fast," he says. 
She laughs, but doesn't refute him. She does, however, close the distance between them unexpectedly.  "Hold on." A hand reaches up to adjust the apparently lopsided bandana tied around his head. "You're about to sneeze this off." 
"Heh, thanks."  He fiddles with the knot on the thing and tightens it. "Wouldn't be the first time." He regards her with a slow, assessing tilt of his head.  “Feel like sticking around?”
Her eyes are the lightest shade of honey gold he’s ever seen.  And to think she asked him about contacts.
“Sure,” she says. “You might need someone to fix that bandana again.”  A faint hint of super white and slightly pointed teeth peek from behind her lips,  which is so absurdly attractive to him, he shoves a hand in his pocket to keep it to himself. 
But that still leaves him with one.  Which he holds out to her.
It only takes her a second to decide to fork over her fingers, which slide into the width of his palm like something delicate and precious.  Compared to Blair, most people are on the smaller side, but while Avery is tall, she's particularly slender of frame, a fact that is emphasized by the tight black pants and matching bodysuit with strategically placed fabric slashes she’d chosen for the gig. It highlighted the fuck out of her multi-colored hair.  Like autumn leaves in a jeweled pit fire. 
“Hungry?” he asks as he leads her down the rowdy expanse of the corridor where musicians and techs alike are loudly congratulating themselves over the success of the show.
“I could eat something,” she says.
So could he. 
The booth is a semicircle, not one of those across the table deals. And she sits close to him, so close that her leg presses against his thigh. 
He's not sure what he's done to elicit that kind of contact, but he wants more. So, he does the cheesy movie thing and drapes an arm across her shoulders, casually at first, but when she willingly curls closer against his side, he ups his game with an upper arm squeeze. 
Damn, she smells good. Like spring rain and oleander. 
"Are you still cold?"
He nuzzles her thick hair. "Not as much." 
Mainly because she's a fucking furnace, like a personal space heater. No complaints from him. 
Well, except for the goddamn prickling the "defrost" is causing in his sinuses. No, dammit. He's not unwinding his arm from her lithe body. 
He unrolls the napkin-wrapped silverware and snaps the thing open, but doesn't quite make it. 
"HhhRISSCH! ISSCCHUH!"  His lip curls away from his teeth in a snarl of irritation and he clamps the napkin over his mouth and nose. "AahhRISSCHuh! IKGSSSH-U!"  He sniffles and dabs at his nose with a hint of a smirk. "Hnnnh, sorry I'm so goddamn sexy." 
She laughs in a high, almost tittering way that is reminiscent of something he can't quite place, but he likes it. 
"I think I can handle you." She hooks a piece of his hair that escaped his bandana behind one ear. "God bless." 
Her breath tickles his ear and coaxes the hair on his arms to stark attention. 
"Hmn, thanks." His voice drops to a lower, darker version of itself. "You want a steak?"
"Sure," she says. "Purrs" is a better word. "I like meat." 
The way she says that is hotter than it has any right to be.
"Yeah?" He rubs at his nose with the back of his hand. "How do you like your meat?"
Her lips brush the line of his jaw with scantist touch. "Extra rare." 
Okay, fuck it. 
He shifts his body just enough to slide a hand into her hair and leans in close, pausing just shy of capturing that mischievous mouth of hers. Makes her wait for it. Teases her with a faint exchange of breath.  But when the tip of her tongue darts out to just barely flick his lower lip, he’s over it.  
And damn, can she kiss.  It’s electricity and fire, the slow, smoldering promise of something far more urgent, but deftly restrained. His body finally gets the message and switches on the heat until his skin is feverishly hot.  Sharp nails dig into his shoulders just enough to make temporary, pointed crescents in the flesh and he sits back against the vinyl seat as the kiss recedes, the faintest wisp of smoke curling from his lips. 
“Goddamn.” His eyes flutter shut for a moment and he exhales a breath from the depths of his chest, as if he’d been holding it for hours. 
Nails drag down his forearm in a light, affectionate scratch.  “Been a while?”
“Oh yeah,” he says.
A long fucking while. 
The seated dinner had turned into “fuck an hour wait, room service is better” and man, had he made the right choice.  
The idiots in the kitchen had forgotten the steak knives and rather than ask some underpaid kid to go seventeen floors down to get a couple, Blair and his “date” had opted for the more barbaric option. 
Just pick the shit up and eat it. 
Now, watching Avery snack on that rare slab of meat was hotter than any porno could ever be.  There is something primal about the way she takes small, but efficient bites of the steak, the way she sort of tears off a chunk and licks her fingers afterwards.  And when he doesn't eat the entirety of his own steak, she finishes it for him. 
Where the hell had she put it all?  The woman is a slender wisp of a person.
If that’s what she actually is. 
It's the same thing with Caspian.  A flash of something wild. That “otherness.”  He’s seen it before. Plenty of times. 
“I don’t usually do this, you know,” she is saying as she licks the last of the blood and juices from between her fingers. 
“And what’s that?”
She flashes him her super pearly whites.  “Eat meat with strange men.” 
He chuckles and it morphs into a bit of a cough, reminding him that the surge of heat between them earlier hadn’t been enough of a catalyst to jumpstart his body into actually doing anything about his damn "illness."
Her expression morphs from playful to concerned and she sets the plate on the nightstand.  “You sure you’re okay?”
“Yeah.”  He wipes at the edges of his nose with a clean napkin and winces.  “Still too goddamn cold, I guess.”  
That fucking nose ring.  Not like he could just take the bastard out without some pliers.  Special ones. 
Avery moves closer, but he holds up a hand to stop her progress, his breath hitching in ragged, uneven catches.  
“Hhheh—!  RISSSCCH–UHH! ISSCCHHU!  Mother. Fucker.”  He growls to himself and drops the napkin in favor of the box of tissues that she’s now offering him.  
Fuck it, he’s taking the whole box.  
“Thanks,” he says in a tone that is way more grumbling grouchiness than he means it to be.  
But she’s obviously not put off by that because she’s suddenly right beside him, her hand on his thigh, even though he’s gross as hell whilst taking care of his dripping sinuses. 
“Sorry,” he says with a sigh.  “Was hoping this shit would just let up or fuck off.” 
“Stop apologizing.”  She rolls her eyes a little and he’s reminded of the same exasperation Caspian uses for Miami, which is more than a touch amusing. “I’m not worried about your cold or whatever it is.”  She tosses all of that flaming hair over one shoulder.  “I like a guy that can be a hot mess and own it.” 
Blair laughs.  “Jackpot, then.” 
“You can lie down, you know.”  She pats the top of his free hand.  “It won’t hurt my feelings if you’re tired.” 
After tossing the tissues into the trash, he slips her fingers into his palm and scratches his thumbnails over her knuckle.  “Mmn, I’m not that tired.” 
She leans in for a kiss and he affords her the opportunity with eager reception. Doesn't stop her when she presses herself against him again.  In fact, he pretty much pulls her into his lap and she’s happy to be there, given the way she’s kicked off her boots and settled in.
“I’m not contagious,” he says.  
Her hands slide over his chest and clutch the fabric of his shirt.  “Wouldn’t care if you were.” 
“Want me to take this off?” He tugs at the edge of his shirt.
“No,” she says.  “I want to take it off.” 
If his eyebrow arched any higher, it would disappear into his hairline.  “Okay.”  He leans back against the bed frame and lets go of her hips.  “All yours.” 
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drymushroomfics · 4 months
Eggsy's Plan
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a/n: This is just a quick little one shot. Enjoy!
     Harry knocks, waiting for his closest friend to answer the door. His face falls when the door opens and Eggsy appears.
"What are you doing here?", he asks, clearly annoyed.
"Trying to talk some sense into Blaire.", Eggsy whispers.
"About what?"
They get cut off by Blaire.
"Harry...", Blaire says, smiling.
She pushes Eggsy out of the way and hugs him. Harry's been gone for a couple of months on a mission. He hasn't had any contact with anyone from Kingsman except tech.
"I've... I've missed you.", she says.
He wraps his arms around her to return the hug.
"Let's go inside.", Harry says, feeling nervous.
She nods and lets go of him.
Blaire, Eggsy, and Harry all sit in the living room. Harry tells them about his mission.
"Merlin  told me you'd gotten shot. I was worried sick... Always getting shot...", Blaire says.
Her words tug at Harry's heart. Eggsy keeps looking in between them as they talk, knowing that he has to get them together. He's thought up this plan and is decided to do it now.
"So um... I wanna show you something.", Eggsy says, interrupting them.
"What are you talking about?", Blaire asks.
"I added something to your bunker."
"My bunker? Why?"
"Thought it needed a nice touch. C'mon."
They both curiously follow Eggsy down underground.
"Here we are.", he smiles, letting them step in front of him.
There's a small frame on the wall that says 'gotcha'.
Before they can turn around, Eggsy's running up the stairs locking them in.
"Eggsy! What the hell are you doing?!", Harry yells.
"I'm tired of watching you two aimlessly stare at each other like love sick puppies! You're both awkward and weird and you need to work this out. I'm determined!", Eggsy replies before walking away.
Harry feels his face turn red as he walks back down the stairs.
"Well... It seems we're stuck.", she smiles, knowing well that a Kingsman could get out of here easily.
"This is childish.", Harry says.
"Harry... He's just trying to help."
"Why? So I can be humiliated..."
"Humiliated... Why would you be humiliated?"
"You've never looked at me as anything more than a friend. I've made my piece with that."
She stands up, walking over to him.
"For someone so intelligent, you can be quite daft."
She pulls him down by his suit jacket to kiss him.
"I've been in love with you since the moment I met you.", she smiles.
"I... When Valentine shot me, the last thing that flashed through my mind was... you... I knew that I loved you... I never thought I'd get the chance to tell you.", he admits.
She finds herself grinning from ear to ear as he leans down to kiss her again.
"We might be in here a while... He probably will expect us to take a long time.", she smirks.
Harry notices the bed in the corner and blushes.
"I think I have a few ideas on how to pass the time.", he smiles, taking her hand and pulling her onto the bed with him.
She pushes off his suit jacket. He lets it fall to the floor before pulling off her top. He leans down and starts to kiss and suck at her neck. She lets her head fall back, enjoying the feeling of his touch. Her hands blindly manage to un-do his tie and unbutton his white button-up shirt. She pushes his shirt down and off his arms. The shirt falls behind him. They lay back on the bed, allowing him to crawl on top of her. She moans when his right hand starts massaging at her covered breasts.
"Holy shit! I leave you guys alone for ten minutes and you're fuckin'!", Eggsy says.
Harry, flustered, covers Blaire with his discarded shirt.
"I hate you.", Blaire says.
"At least my plan worked. You should thank me."
Blaire picks up the closest thing to her and throws it at him. He quickly runs back up the stairs.
Harry laughs.
"Maybe when we're alone.", Blaire says.
He nods.
"Maybe another few minutes though.", he says, pulling her close to him.
She bites her lip as he leans in to kiss her.
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