#tubular eddy
hearmeoutworthypoll · 1 month
You know what, another Monster Prom character but rarer this time:
Tubular eddy
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A radical 80’s/90’s mascot with attitude. Discourages gambling
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ofcourseitsafurry · 2 years
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lasulipoint · 8 months
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teenz doing teenz stuff
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mitjalovse · 5 months
You early success gives you the riches and even the freedom to do anything you wish, yet you keep trying to escape from that triumph to no avail, you toil your pieces. I mean, Mike Oldfield had one of the funniest careers – there are some rumours he retired, so that's why I shall be using the past tense –, if you ask me. He kept trying to run away from Tubular Bells, yet he was pulled back in to paraphrase Coppola. Still, Tubular Bells II should not be seen as a legacy sequel. Sure, he doesn't reach the original, yet look at the disc as a variation, not a continuation. Maybe that's why he sounds relaxed on the album, since he's working in the environment he's familiar with. While the latter actually served him well later on, he didn't always succeed in deploying that.
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love-byers · 1 month
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the first time i saw this, when i was NOT a byler shipper, i thought el was running TO mike. i thought we were getting a sweet moment where el runs to mike and he puts an arm around her or hugs her.
then i realized she was running away from him. 
and i was like, why?? they're supposed to be the couple why does she not want his comfort??
and even after will calls her out on doing mike wrong by lying to him, even after she sees that mike is attempting to talk to her and comfort her, that he's not angry at her, she still tells angela to lie to mike. more lies. that's how much she cares about keeping up the persona. had angela lied to mike, el would've continued lying to him the entire week. something she knows in her heart is wrong and not fair to mike.
this is a theme in s4. putting who you want to be seen as before being honest with your bf/gf. going above and beyond to preserve your lie, to be seen as who you want to be.
chrissy does that with jason. who she portrays herself as is completely different than who she really is and what she's really going through. jason has absolutely no idea chrissy is struggling and refused to believe chrissy would buy drugs, because chrissy didn't want to tell him. who knows how jason would've reacted if chrissy was honest, we don't know because chrissy didn't trust him enough to tell him. that's not love at all, that's sad.
this is a point in s2 as well. murray calls nancy out for being afraid to be her true self, and she stays with steve because she doesn't have to be her true self around him. she is her true self when she's with jonathan, and that's why they worked together. that's love.
the exact same thing happens with chrissy. the first time we see her genuinely smile is when she's with eddie. she's sweet and charismatic, and had she lived she totally would've gone to eddie's show, something you never would've expected from her, something her boyfriend, the person she pretends to love, would NEVER do.
robin and steve reinforce this too
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you fall in love with the person who makes you feel accepted, the person who makes you feel like you can be who you are. the person you trust with your true self.
mike and el don't trust each other enough, they don't understand each other well enough.
they would have to change their behavior towards each other by leaps and bounds, and we're already at the last season. there is no time for that. stranger things isn't a multi season show about the complexity of romantic relationships and the healthy way to resolve problems. there is no time for that in just about any movie or show, especially a sci-fi show. you know what's way easier and way more likable? pairing your character with someone they naturally click with, who bring out the best in each other and for some reason can't help but be their authentic selves when they're with each other.
did it with jancy, like i said earlier
did it with lumax. when lucas and max talked on the bus max found herself spewing about things she'd never even said out loud before, and she had to stop herself. something about lucas just made her feel comfortable, like she could be herself and tell the truth. she trusted him.
"You're nothing like your brother, okay? You're cool and different, you're super smart, and you're like, totally tubular."
jopper too! joyce constantly had to hide things from bob, she was insecure about their family not being normal.
"This is not a normal family."
"It could be."
though bob had good intentions, the message of the show is not trying to be normal when you aren't. whatever it is about you that makes you weird or different, whatever you've been through that changed you, stay true to it. dont bottle it up and try to be someone else. all of vecnas victims in s4 were doing this, and it didn't end well for them.
they even did it with dustin and suzie. dustin constantly tries to impress max with his teeth, then in season 3 he says suzie thinks kissing is better without teeth. he doesn't have to be insecure about that or try to impress her. she likes him for him.
mike isn't comfortable being his true self around el either. he's insecure about his interests, he feels like he has to act older and cooler to impress her.
you shouldn't be with the person you feel you have to impress. you should be with the person who relieves that pressure, who makes you feel like being the authentic you is enough.
jonathan and nancy, lucas and max, joyce and hopper, dustin and suzie,
cough WILL AND MIKE cough...
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the-buck-diaz · 2 months
No because if buck got pregnant he would follow all the advice Tía Pepa and abuela had for him. He'd sign up for prenatal yoga and birthing classes. He would download one of those apps that tell you if your baby is the size of a blueberry, a peach, etc. He'd read soo many baby and parenting books and use Eddie as one of those big tubular pregnancy pillows because he's clingy. The ultrasound pictures would go on the fridge and he'd get a kick out of decorating a nursery. That man might even learn how to knit blankets and little hats. I just know he'd love having a baby shower!!!
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Hi, I love your blog!!! It's so tubular to talk to fellow Stranger Things and Byler enthusiasts and you really get the characters. I wanted to ask, when do you think Mike and Will started liking each other, when do you think they realised it, and how oblivious are they to each other's feelings? Also any opinions you have on Mike's sexuality and his feelings for El? I'm aro-spec ace and way too fixated on analysing the platonic/romantic nuances of relationships, and it would be so cool if you could break those down in Mlvn and Byler. Make the answer as long as you like, I could talk about Byler for hours! This blog is totally sweet!!! Oh, any Byler headcanons you have too, sorry for such a long ask, lmao.
Sorry, i haven’t been checking my inbox and completely missed this ask 😭
I think Will has had a crush on Mike pretty much since he can remember, but it’s around s3 that he starts to realise it, with everyone growing up and having to see Mike in a relationship. He represses it throughout the summer, and it’s in s4 that he’s consciously aware and accepts it. Will is still dealing with his own internalised homophobia though, and fully believes that Mike will never reciprocate, hence him giving away his feelings in the painting scene and essentially resigning himself to helping fix Mike and El’s relationship, since he wants them to be happy and thinks this is how that can be accomplished.
Mike is more complicated, but I do believe that he realised he was in love with Will/gay/bi/however you interpret it in the s3 finale. Just the flashing between his and Will’s faces as the van drives off, focusing on him looking back at the Byers house and hugging Karen, and also him looking like he’s having a *realisation* when El says she loves him (while kissing him in front of an open closet with “The First I love you” playing - the song which also plays when Robin comes out to Steve in the episode prior). He’s aware of it then, but I think he seriously represses it and also doesn’t think Will is gay. It’s cool to see him leaning back into his more nerdy interests and being influenced by Eddie to be more carefree in s4 though, since we see him start to shed the idea of being “normal” and conforming (which is a big theme for Karen and Nancy too. That damn Wheeler family 😭)
I’m still torn as to whether I see Mike as bi or gay. Pre-s4 i was firmly in the gay Mike Truther camp, but I can see them going either way and I think there is evidence to support either reading. S1-3 he comes off as possibly being bi, but s4 it seems like he’s been written as gay. Either way, i hope they do it justice, as it will recontextualise his actions and his relationship with El differently depending on what his sexuality actually is.
Regarding El, I do think that he and El have work to do if they want to have a proper friendship after they break up. I don’t think they’re immediately going to fall into being besties, since they don’t share a lot of interests, and we don’t actually see much of their dynamic as friends, since the romance overshadows it. Regardless, they care deeply for each other and I’d like to see them start to make up for lost time and form a friendship.
And finally for headcanons, we know Will gives art to Mike, so I imagine Mike also gives Will little stories and stuff he writes. After the stuff with Vecna is over, i love to think of them starting a comic series together, maybe taking inspiration from their own experiences with the UD and their friends. They’d probably go to the same college too, and would move to a city, but still live a relatively quiet life and maybe adopt a dog. I think Mike would also start to listen to some of Will’s music. We know he calls Should I Stay or Should I Go “that weird song” in s1 and if we take his playlist as canon he seems to personally prefer synth music to rock, but I think he’d probably listen to some of Will’s faves to feel closer to him. They’d both also love 90’s music, and we see that there’s a guitar in Mike’s room in s4 (probs Eddie’s influence) so maybe he’d try to play something for Will.
That’s all I can think of for now, but I hope this is fun to read and I answered everything well enough! Sorry for leaving it so late lol
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inutaffy · 2 years
winter byler hcs i have (that aren't christmas related)
will likes warm apple cider and mike likes hot chocolate. it is a source of debate within the party. (lucas and el are on will's side, max and dustin are on mike's.)
mike gets karen to bake cookies for the byers and then only gives them to will. (sugar cookies ofc)
mike is appalled when will dips them in milk (he believes it kills the flavor)
they cannot ice skate for their lives, so at the rink theyre just holding on to each other constantly. every lap or so, one of them trips and they both fall over each other
mike loves making snow angels <3 he drags will outside in the HARSH cold. terrible boyfriend behavior
"Paladin to Cleric, do you copy?" "I copy Paladin. What's up?" "Look outside :)"
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mike runs warm its true he told me, so he holds wills hands between his all the time
mike catches a cold and stays home a few days and will shows up with banana bread (mikes fav), tea, and star wars (curtesy of robin)
(ive said this hc before. multiple times but iys mine so) mike and will making a ginger bread house but everytime will looks away mike eats a gumdrops. its time for decorations and will looks at him like 😒
late night escapades but its only like 6pm and pitch black outside
max and lucas wrap their scarves around each other
byers-hopper siblings making a snowman together!!
el tries snow. she likes it!
eddie invites them to their first high school "party" (its a bonfire before winter break. hella people are there tho.)
mike sips 1 (one) beer and spits it the fuck out. eddie dies laughing
willel making muffins for joyce + jonathan as a thank you (apple cinnamon. el is extremely messy in thr kitchen. its her charm)
lesbian el meeting a girl at the ice rink <3 shes punk <3 she plays hockey <3
The party sledding competition. max wins obvi. (2nd dustin 3rd lucas 4th will 5th el 6th mike <- claims his sleigh broke)
dustin is group organizer. if dustin says we're having a snowball fight at dawn. we are having a snowball fight at dawn.
el has to have the fluffiest hat and fluffiest gloves and the fluffiest jacket in the room or she will die
max starts bitching and complaining abt the cold and lucas and dustin start making fun of her cali background "totally tubular!!
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wetsteve3 · 2 years
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Things were pretty mellow regarding Japanese mid-size bike development in the mid-1960’s. There were two-stroke 250’s, 350’s and a 500 from three makers and Honda started offering the CB450 about 1965. Then in late 1968 we opened our copies of Cycle and Cycle World to photos from European industry motorcycle shows and saw the Honda CB750! Four megaphone mufflers, the brilliant engine sticking out from under the candy apple tank and that glorious machined brake rotor up front. If you were riding around 1969, even if you loved British bikes or Harleys, you couldn’t help but stare.
In that era the 750cc bike, a “45,” was king and what was road raced and dirt tracked in most places. In fact the Dick Mann ridden Honda CB750 won the Daytona 200 in 1970. But Honda realized riders might want something a bit smaller, more manageable. In 1972 they offered the CB350F and CB500 Four, both in-line fours mimicking the big CB750 though with vertical cylinders. Later each was punched out to 400 and 550ccs respectively. The 350’s and 400’s were sweet, but typical of in-line fours of the era, you had an 8500 to 10,000 RPM redline and you’d better use it to get some acceleration. The CB400F’s remain very collectible with their 4 into 1 pipe and decked seat, production Cafe Racers of sorts. The more docile four pipe 350F is collectible too, but the exhaust systems are very prone to rust through and maybe one in five good bikes have stock exhausts any longer.
The 350F rolling chassis is pretty typical for the era, a mix of tubes and stampings. Like its big brothers, it has a disk brake in front, and drum in the rear, free standing tach and speedo, flip gas cap, dual seat. As 350cc bikes, this 350F, the CB/CL 350K3 and SL350 Motosports were sold in dealerships side by side in this era. The F was sold 1972 to 1974. Of all the Honda fours, the 350 is likely the smoothest running, essentially vibration free.
This 1974 Honda CB350F with an aftermarket four-into-one exhaust was donated to the National Motorcycle Museum by Suzi Bellville and Hall of Fame inductee Eddie Fisher and we’re happy to have it on display.
Specifications: Engine: In-Line Four-Cylinder SOHC Type: Air-Cooled, Wet Sump Bore & Stroke: 47mm x 50mm Displacement: 347 cc Ignition: Battery & Coil Carburetor: Four 22mm Keihins Horsepower: 34HP / 8000RPM Redline Starting: Kick & Electric Clutch: Wet, Multi-plate Transmission: 5-Speed Final Drive: Chain Driven Frame: Tubular Steel Cradle Suspension: Hydraulic Fork / Swingarm, Dual Shocks Brakes: 260mm Disk Front / 179mm Drum Rear Wheelbase: 57.5 Inches Wheels/Tires: 3.00 x 19 / 3.50 x 18 Weight: 352 Pounds, Dry
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Scott: Bridge the generation gap by combining old and new slang into one!
Eddie: Tubular AF!🤙
Michael: Mood to the max!
Geoff, annoyed: Groovy, I hate it.
Chris, just as annoyed: If she breathes, she’s a square.
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ashleyfanfic · 2 years
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I posted 1,993 times in 2022
That's 559 more posts than 2021!
56 posts created (3%)
1,937 posts reblogged (97%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,259 of my posts in 2022
Only 37% of my posts had no tags
#stranger things - 226 posts
#eddie munson - 226 posts
#eddissy - 208 posts
#hellcheer - 177 posts
#bridgerton - 145 posts
#eddie x chrissy - 136 posts
#jonerys - 136 posts
#strangerthingsedit - 92 posts
#bridgerton spoilers - 87 posts
#daenerys targaryen - 87 posts
Longest Tag: 79 characters
#[𝖦𝖺𝗅𝗅𝖾𝗋𝗒];; 𝖳𝗁𝖾 𝗉𝗂𝖼𝗍𝗎𝗋𝖾𝗌 𝗂𝗇 𝗆𝗒 𝗁𝖾𝖺𝖽 𝖺𝗋𝖾 𝗀𝗋𝖾𝖺𝗍
My Top Posts in 2022:
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This is Jon and Dany from Legend’s of Winter’s Peak for my best friend, @justwandering-neverlost. You’re the best person I know and I love you dearly. I need a gif of Sheldon giving Penny all the baskets for Christmas going “it’s not enough”! This is just a little token of how much I love and appreciate you and all the ways you’ve made my life better. Thank you for your endless patience and help and just amazingness.
29 notes - Posted December 1, 2022
I want to vomit every time I see timothee chalamet as Jon Snow. You people are high.
33 notes - Posted June 2, 2022
Jonerys Remix 2023
Hey guys! So, I know we skipped the last two years, but this year, I think we're gonna do it again.
But I want your input! I want to make it as fun and engaging as possible. I want people to sign up and look forward to the posts and possibilities! With that in mind, here are a few considerations that I've been bouncing around with @justwandering-neverlost I will post a list of couples that are based off the ultimate winner. This isn't based on a poll or anything like that. Feel free to give your opinion in the comments and I will evaluate from there.
ALL FAIRYTALES - Now, this falls under what's your definition of a fairytale. You have your Grimm brothers, your Hans Christian Anderson, and even folklore of different civilizations. Everyone's remix would be based off a couple that falls under this umbrella.
LET'S GO TO THE MOVIES - All couples come from movies. But Ashley, what about movies based on books or tv? Well, you'd have to use the movie as your main source material. Not your only source material, but your main. TOTALLY TUBULAR 80'S - Guys, my love for the 80s knows no bounds. The movies, the tv, the music. So, you'd pick a movie or show made in the 80s and use a couple from that. Now, just to give you an idea of what I mean, Raiders of the Lost Ark was made in the 80s and is fair game. It would give you a pretty broad range, especially considering the Princess Bride and the Neverending Story were all made during that time, you have a pretty wide berth to choose from. PERIOD DRAMAS - Guys, we don't have enough of these. The Rennaissance, Regency, Gilded Age, Turn of the Centry, The Roaring 20s, The Groovy 60s and 70s. Pick your couple and set them in or use their time period. Let your imagination flow and transport us to a different time, with different circumstances. LEAVE IT AS IT IS - Why mess with something that works? No limitations obviously work better, so why start putting them on now? You want the ability to change your mind or couple and not make the work so hard on yourself with having to stick to a theme. I get it. Letting things keep as they are isn't outside the realm of possibilities, but I will take suggestions for couples to add to the list as a lot has happened in a short span of time since the last. So, please, don't be shy! Let me know what you think! I look forward to hearing from you!
55 notes - Posted October 25, 2022
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Hi guys! So, here it is, the official announcement post for the Jonerys Remix 2023!
RULES All fics must be completed. If you choose to upload a chapter at a time and have them revealed individually, that’s fine as long as fics are uploaded, in full, by 31 May 2023.
Please don’t choose a couple you have already done, but you are allowed to choose a couple that someone else has done.
Two pieces of art and two fics per couple
If you need an extension close to the due date, please message me and let me know.
The pieces for the remix have to be new fics/art and not a chapter of something you have already begun posting
Make sure you tag your posts Jonerys Remix 2023 when posting to either Archive of Our Own or Tumblr. All fics, in order to qualify for submission, must be posted under the group Jonerys Remix 2023 on AO3.
Do not post your fic/art anywhere else until they are revealed to the community.
All fics/art will be revealed on a specified day.
You may claim more than one couple for fics and art.
Now, as for the important dates: (bolded dates have been changed)
5 December 2022 - Announcement Post and Releasing of the list
2 January 2023 - Claiming of couple(s)
1 May 2023 – all fics due to be posted on AO3
10 May 2023 – Fics will start being revealed
THE LIST Make sure you reblog to spread the word. And remember, this is a first come, first serve in terms of claims. So, make sure you have your first, second, and third choice included. If you have a couple you’d like to do that you don’t see on the list, please let me know through PM here on Tumblr. The list is subject to change.
Any questions or comments, please feel free to PM me.
57 notes - Posted December 5, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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I Am A Man On Fire, You A Violent Desire
Chapter 13 - I Want You To Stay
Summary: The fallout from Bran’s revelation and a return home.
Yeah it’s been a while! Hope you like it!!! Thank you to @justwandering-neverlost for the gorgeous moodboard and the beta read!!
102 notes - Posted July 6, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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loverofmarsss · 2 years
I don't wanna be your friend, I wanna kiss your lips..
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Left: Steve Harrington
Right: My ST oc, EJ Henderson.
I'm used to writing with OCs, but I can try doing the y/n stuff if yall want me to!
Also hello! My name is Mar! I'll be creating a masterlist soon!
TW: fighting
[For the sake of this story, the teens are still in hs in season 4 with the party. Sorry!]
Steve Harrington × Henderson!OC
Ellie Jane, otherwise known as EJ, was always the weird kid at school. I mean, she did a lot of weird shit back then. She wasn't proud of it, but people didn't care. Her only friends were Robin and Eddie so far. So she got to know Steve and Nancy from that. She already knew of Steve Harrington from her brother though. I mean, the guy basically was like a big brother figure to Dustin. Yeah, Dustin loved his sister.. he just didn't tell EJ that often, which honestly made her feel shitty. But that's enough backstory for now. EJ walked through the halls, looking around to find Eddie since Robin was sick today. Little did she know Eddie was behind her, ready to scare the living crap out of her. He then yelled "whatcha doing?" from behind her, making EJ jump. She then turned around and smacked Eddie's arm. "I could've socked you in the face, dummy!" She said, looking at him. Eddie laughed before looking up at Steve, seeing him looking at them. "Hey, I think Steve's getting jealous" He said. EJ raised an eyebrow before sighing. Him and Robin kept telling her Steve liked her, but she didn't believe it. "Oh please. He doesn't even acknowledge my existense half of the time" She said. Dustin then came over as Eddie went to Steve. Eddie looked over at Steve and sighed. "Harrington, you might wanna make a move 'fore it's too late. She doesn't even think you acknowledge her." Eddie said to the boy with tubular hair. "I know.. I just don't know what to do to tell her.." Steve said, messing with his yellow sweater now. "Well, you better find out, cause lots of guys have been checking her out since her glowup or whatever.." Eddie said. Steve sighed. He knew who one of the guys were. Yep, the Tommy Hagan had been checking out EJ Henderson, despite her reputation and having a girlfriend. And Steve wasn't having any of that. Meanwhile, EJ talked to her brother until Carol came over, making both Steve and Eddie come close to make sure EJ didn't get hurt. "What the hell do you want, Carol?" EJ asked, crossing her arms. That's when things got ugly. Carol punched her in the jaw, making EJ stumble back. Steve caught her before she fell to the ground though. EJ had blood coming from her lip, but that didn't stop her from pulling away from Steve and punching Carol in the eye. She smirked as Carol looked at her. "You bitch!!" She yelled before the fight turned into a brawl. Eddie tried to pull her out of the fight, but EJ was too fast when she was in a fight. "EJ!!" Dustin yelled, snapping EJ out of it. Carol took that as an opportunity to slam her head on the ground, knocking EJ out. Steve's eyes widened and so did Eddie's and Dustin's. Eddie pulled Carol off of EJ while Dustin and Steve made sure she was still breathing. Luckily, she was. The two took her to the nurse, who asked a bunch of questions about the girl's case to make this happen. Dustin left after Steve set her on the bed due to class starting soon. Steve, on the other hand, didn't care about missing class. He wanted to make sure the girl was okay. When she finally woke up, Steve let out a sigh of relief. "Thank god.." He mumbled. EJ looked at him, asking the boy how she got here. "Well, after Carol knocked you out, Eddie got her away from you & me and Dustin took you here." Steve said. The nurse gave the girl an ice pack for her head and asked Steve who Carol was. He explained and soon, she was sent to the office. "Lucky for you, all you have is a painful knot on the forehead." The nurse said to EJ. EJ let out a small laugh before the nurse let them go to class. As soon as they were out, Steve took her hand and rushed off somewhere. They went to the locker room.. EJ raised an eyebrow before Steve kissed her, making EJ blink before relaxing in the kiss. After a bit, Steve pulled away and so did EJ. EJ paused for a second before pulling him back to her by his collar, kissing him again. When they pulled away for the second time, EJ looked at him. "I guess Eddie was right" She said, laughing. He rolled his eyes and hugged her.
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thinger-strang · 2 years
bill and ted came out in '89 and you cannot tell me that a) steve didnt love and adore that movie, hed be obsessed, b) that robin wouldnt immediately fall in love with joan of arc and c) that billy and eddie wouldnt jokingly quote lines from that movie to piss steve off
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crossfitbreezus · 4 years
anyways stan Eddie Kingston
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mitjalovse · 6 years
Sequel albums, such as The Fall Of A Rebel Angel by Enigma, are not that rare, but they're not as prevalent as movie continuations. Moreover, most of these LPs tend to update the sounds of their predecessors. Tubular Bells II, for instance, does that, though I would claim the disc is more of a remake than a follow-up to Mike Oldfield's groundbreaking release. Listen to the inauguration of the record to hear what I mean. Yes, the tune basically revamps the original introduction to fit the early 90's sonic landscapes, yet the song works despite the piece being a remodel. While Oldfield adds enough tricks, to make the composition feel different from the precursor, you still recognize the melody. Unsurprisingly, this approach is used by many musicians to do their own music prolongations.
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nervousgardenerkid · 2 years
eddie and steve are both definitely the best bfs to go shopping with
steve 10/10 shares your enthusiasm (and sometimes gets more excited over stuff than you do). you can calmly point out a cute dress has pockets and steve will lose his shit because HOLY SHIT DECENT POCKETS <333 (tries to make you try on the ugliest shirts known to man because they have one in his size and he wants matching shirts. you compromise by getting them as sleep shirts because he’s cute but not cute enough to make you wear that ugly ass shirt)
eddie complains about shopping at first but gets really into it. you could be going in to get a decent shirt and maybe a skirt and you’ll leave with an entirely new closet because eddie despite wearing the same hellfire club shirt to school basically everyday has EXCELLENT taste i feel this in my soul. does try and sneak in the occasional band shirt into your pile of clothes to try on but it’s okay because those shirts are sick as fuck and pair really nicely with the black skirt he picked out—
in conclusion i love them both they’d both offer to hold your shopping bags for you and be your biggest hype men <3
OKAY YES HELLO SHOPPING MY FAVE FORM OF THERAPY!!!! let's just pretend starcourt didn't burn down for the sake of this also this is set in 88 cause that's when hot topic was founded and eddie is an early hot topic enthusiast fight me on this.
shopping with steve means there's never going to be a dull moment. he would go in there claiming he needed one thing, and one thing only. next thing you know his arm is full of shopping bags.
"babe! check out this shirt!" he said taking it off the rack and holding it up. The yellow shirt had TOTALLY TUBULAR written across the chest in a bright pink color.
"jesus steve, what is it with you and these bright colors?"
he ignores your question gasping and pulling out the same shirt.
"babe! they have your size."
you shook your head. "absolutely not, no way in hell am i wearing that!"
"okay! your total for today is $15.86." the cashier said with a smile. you grabbed the bag that was on the counter and grumbled out a "thanks" while steve handed her the money.
"we're gonna be the most tubular couple in all of hawkins." he said while throwing an arm around your shoulders. you didn't even try and fight back the giggle that bubbled out of you. you gave him a kiss on the cheek and held the hand that was dangling off your shoulder.
"what does that even mean?"
shopping with eddie now??? you have to DRAG that boy to the mall with you. but once he sees hot topic he shuts up and makes the most out of the trip
"babe we've been here for an hour! when can we leave i have to start planning for d&d next week!"
you ignored him walking into hot topic knowing he'd shut up the moment he stepped foot inside his favorite store. the dark aesthetic and loud music made you feel like you were back home with eddie just hanging out.
you walked towards the t-shirts just grabbing ones you thought looked cute. eddie would throw in a couple of shirts here and there, he'd even take some away claiming those colors wash you out.
"okay i'm gonna try these on now!" you said while kissing his cheek.
"try this one first!" he said tossing a shirt into the pile you had in your arms.
"don't tell me what to do munson." you teased. you made your way to the dressing room setting the clothes on the little bench. you stretched a little before you took off your shirt and tried the one eddie wanted.
you rolled your eyes when you looked in the mirror and saw the familiar def leppard album displayed on you. you loved the band, but you didn't need anymore band shirts at the moment. you tilted your head looking in the mirror. you did look really good, and if you tied a knot in the shirt just like that,
you let out a soft damn as you adjusted your skirt and shirt. damn eddie munson and his great taste in clothes. you heard a gentle knock on the door followed by a "everything okay sweetheart?"
you opened the door and did a twirl.
"what do you think? i think it's cute oh! i can pair it with my- eddie!"
he cut you off by pushing you back in the dressing room. his lips were on yours as his hands gripped the shirt that was on your body. he was kissing you like he would never kiss you again, you let out a whimper when his cold hands went under the shirt and met your warm skin.
"buy the shirt. please buy the shirt." he said as he took it off and tossed it to the side. you nodded your head wrapping your legs around him as he lifted you up and had you against the wall.
"looked so pretty wearing my favorite band on you, can't imagine how pretty you'd look with my band on you."
it's safe to say you guys got banned from hot topic.
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