romacrunch · 3 days
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oh my, i’m on the once-ler site, just ten years late. here’s a bad drawing
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romacrunch · 3 days
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she’s worth waiting for.
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romacrunch · 4 days
this is my first post on this site, and:
do you know how much this feels like the first page of a sketchbook? this is the one that proves to you that you can be creative and great for the whole book, or if someone is looking at it: it’s their first impression of that part of you you channel through your art. it’s disgusting to see that go to waste by messing up a line, right? well, i did the maths. literally everyone is scared of doing it. no matter whether i see a masterpiece on someone’s first page, i know that the person who made it must have put so much thought and care into it. we all strive not only as creatives, but as humans, for perfection. but, we never attain it — that’s what brings us here, either finding an escape from our journeys on a blogging site, or trying to share our creativity with others.
if you think this is a whole load of cringe, my blog is literally titled ‘roma’s random rants’. you cannot stop me, for now i am here! and i shall find my way back to creation and artistry from the dark paths of art block!!! muahahaha!!!
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