#tuberose essential oil
Exploring the Aroma of Jasmine Grandiflorum Absolute
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Jasmine Grandiflorum Absolute is renowned for its captivating fragrance and therapeutic properties. Extracted from the delicate blossoms of the Jasmine Grandiflorum plant, this absolute offers a rich and complex scent profile that has captivated perfumers, aromatherapists, and enthusiasts for centuries.
Origins of Jasmine Grandiflorum:
Jasmine Grandiflorum, scientifically known as Jasminum grandiflorum, is native to regions such as India, Nepal, and Pakistan. The plant produces small, white, star-shaped flowers that bloom at night, releasing their intoxicating fragrance. Historically, jasmine has been revered in various cultures for its symbolic significance and therapeutic benefits.
Extraction Process:
Jasmine Grandiflorum Absolute is extracted through a meticulous process to capture its aromatic essence. The flowers are harvested by hand at dawn when their scent is most potent. These delicate blossoms are then subjected to solvent extraction or enfleurage methods to obtain the absolute, ensuring that the fragrance remains intact and true to its natural form.
Aroma Profile:
The aroma of Jasmine Grandiflorum Absolute is often described as intensely floral, sweet, and slightly musky with warm, exotic undertones. It possesses a rich, heady fragrance that is both calming and uplifting. The complexity of its scent profile makes it a prized ingredient in perfumery, where it adds depth and sophistication to countless fragrance compositions.
Therapeutic Benefits:
Beyond its enchanting fragrance, Jasmine Grandiflorum Absolute is revered for its therapeutic properties. In aromatherapy, it is valued for its calming and antidepressant effects, helping to alleviate stress, anxiety, and insomnia. Its aphrodisiac qualities make it a popular choice for enhancing romantic moods and promoting intimacy.
Jasmine Grandiflorum Absolute finds versatile applications across various industries:
Perfumery: It is a coveted ingredient in high-end perfumes, imparting a luxurious and long-lasting floral note.
Skincare: Due to its skin-nourishing properties, Jasmine Absolute is incorporated into skincare products such as creams, lotions, and serums, offering hydration and promoting skin elasticity.
Aromatherapy: When diffused or used in massage oils, Jasmine Absolute creates a soothing atmosphere and promotes emotional well-being.
Spiritual Practices: Jasmine's spiritual significance makes it a popular choice for meditation, rituals, and ceremonies, where its aroma is believed to enhance spiritual connection and inner peace.
The allure of Jasmine Grandiflorum Absolute lies in its exquisite fragrance and therapeutic benefits, making it a cherished ingredient in various applications. However, to experience the true essence of Jasmine Absolute, it is crucial to source it from reputable suppliers. With a commitment to quality and purity, Get Natural Essential Oils offers a premium Jasmine Grandiflorum Absolute that captures the essence of this revered botanical. Elevate your senses and enhance your well-being with the enchanting aroma of Jasmine Grandiflorum Absolute from Get Natural Essential Oils.
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reviewsandotherstuff · 8 months
Fall Scents for The Home
Happy Fall, everyone! Sweater Weather is here, and I could not be more excited to share the scents, candles, and diffusers I am loving this Fall.     Fall is always a very special season for me. It marks new beginnings, hope, and bittersweet endings. There is something beautiful, cozy, and nostalgic about this season. I guess that is the essence of Fall for all of us ‑ the beauty of a restart, a…
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krscblw · 8 months
ghoul perfume associations pt. 2 (halloween edition)!
halloween ghouls! a little bit murderous, a little bit monstrous. is the slight scent of blood from the perfume or did the ghouls just get back from a hunt? who knows.
(i thought it would be fun to make a Halloween/fall edition of the ghoul perfume list I made before, so here it is! for most of these the first scent is a little bit out there, and the second is more wearable/lighthearted.)
cw: themes of death and injury, a lot of talk about blood and murder
Notes: clean linen, lavender, marshmallows, blood. Aeon smells clean and gentle, but that cleanliness is tinged red and metallic on the edges. 
Plutonian -- Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab
“Soapy cleanliness sullied by blood and ashes.”
Sleepy Ghost -- Poesie Perfume
“Haunted by insomnia? Let this friendly ghost lull you to sleep with the blissful combination of marshmallow and lavender. You’ll be dreaming in no time!”
marshmallow pillows sprinkled with natural lavender essential oil and absolute for sweet dreams
Notes: amber, wood, blood. Aether smells warm and golden, resinous and a little bit spicy, like the ideal fall day spent lounging in front of the fireplace. But every so often you catch the edge of something that smells suspiciously like blood… 
Blood Amber -- Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab
“Slivers of warm, pulsating blood forever crystallized in golden amber resin.”
The Dead Rise -- Poesie Perfume 
“I did not sleep well, though my bed was comfortable enough, for I had all sorts of queer dreams. There was a dog howling all night under my window, which may have had something to do with it; or it may have been the paprika. — Jonathan Harker’s journal”
dark roasted coffee beans spiked with fresh cardamom pods, cubes of brown sugar, ambroxan, cedar
Notes: leather, smoke, spices, rot. Alpha smells aggressive and dangerous – and he is. Of all of the ghouls, Alpha is the most likely to admit to his hobby of hunting unsuspecting Abbey visitors for sport. 
Eau de Ghoul -- Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab
“Dessicated skin coated in blackened ginger, cinnamon, and mold-flecked dirt, with cumin, bitter clove, leather, and dried blood.”
Hellfire -- Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab
“A scent celebrating Sir Francis Dashwood’s Order of the Knights of St. Francis of Wycombe, also known as the Hellfire Club. A swirl of pipe tobacco, hot leather, ambergris, dark musk and the lingering incense smoke from their Black Mass.”
Notes: dark fruits, musk, metal. Cirrus smells alluring enough that you can almost ignore the way her nails are a little too sharp, her smile a little too wild. Her idea of flirting is offering to help you hide a body, and you’re not sure she’s joking.
The Enterprise of the Night -- Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab
“Inspired by the opening pages of Circle of Blood. The scent of vice and darkness: flashing neon, oil-tinged petrichor, fading perfume, smeared lipstick, and the faintest touch of gunpowder residue.”
The Witch Queen -- Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab
“Wild plum, red musk, tuberose, calla lily, heliotrope, pimento, ylang ylang and beeswax beneath a dark haze of sinister purple-hued incense smoke.”
Notes: florals, sugar, poisonous chemicals. Cumulus smells sweet, sugary in a way that gets stuck to your gums and makes your teeth ache. She has the face – and scent – of an angel, but something about the way her eyes follow you makes you uneasy. 
Shelley, Byron, and Keats -- Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab
“Uncompromising idealism, haunted romanticism, fatal ennui, and a heady amount of scandal and vice: red roses and pale carnation with a draught of laudanum, smears of opium tar, a hint of absinthe, and mercury ointment.”
Tiny Phantom -- Poesie Perfume
“You see it there in the glass, a tiny phantom - a glimpse of white in an otherwise dark room. But there’s no need to scream, and there’s no need to faint -- the thing in the darkness is you.”
innocent pink roses, marshmallow buttercream, pale white musk, antique mahogany
Notes: dark fruits, smoke, ash. Dew smells like the remnants of a house fire that may or may not have been set on purpose. He smells like if you knew what was good for you, you wouldn’t let him out of your sight. 
Djinn -- Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab
“Myths surrounding the Djinn paint them as many things: benevolent champions of mankind and slaves to mad sorcerers, malicious incubi / succubi and energy vampires, or malevolent harbingers of madness and disease.” 
The scent of black smoke, of crackling flames, and smoldering ashes.
Silent Hill -- Spirit and Venom
“The combination of foggy air, deep fire smoke, dark pomegranate, and hints of overturned dirt and honey. Welcome to Silent Hill!” 
Notes: black tea, brimstone, incense. Ifrit smells dark and clinging, slinky in a way that sets you on edge. He smells like going to sleep and knowing you won’t wake up. 
The Chapel -- Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab
“In the center of the room, a groveling figure is crouched before a woman draped in purple-black clerical robes. The woman’s eyes are filled with righteous hellfire, and she extends a hand in benediction to the man who has fallen prostrate at her feet. He murmurs, “Libera Te Ex Caelum”, and she gestures for him to rise. As he gets to his knees he winces in pain and moans in a strange expression of ecstasy, and you see small horns growing from his skull.”
Black incense, bitter wine, brimstone, bile, and blood.
Darkness -- Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab
“Bottled gloom; the essence of oblivion. Blackest opium and narcissus deepened by myrrh.”
Notes: water, herbs, blood. Mist smells herbal and cold, like the transition of fall into winter. She smells a little bit sweet, a little bit metallic, a little bit dangerous. Her scent reminds you of rain so heavy and cold you can barely take a breath. 
Frostbite with Polar Bear Attack -- Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab
“Slashes of sleet punctured by a coppery gout of blood.”
Villa Diodati -- Poesie Perfume
“A stately house on the edge of Lake Geneva, ringed by Swiss Alps so picturesque they look painted on the sky, in 1816 Villa Diodati hosted a group of travellers whose time there would forever be marked in history. As storms raged outside, in its candlelit rooms Mary Shelley conceived of her mad scientist and his iconic monster. Down the hall, poor Doctor Polidori (who was hopelessly in love with Mary and possibly Byron), was penning a little story that would inspire another little story. Bram Stoker’s Dracula. You may have heard of it.”
pungent wild rosemary and fresh balsam pine, crystal clear lakewater, dry, dark vanilla
Notes: greenery, earth, poisonous mushrooms. Mountain smells like crushed leaves, like little brown mushrooms, like the change in the air when the calender hits October. He smells earthy and damp, as if he spent the day digging holes… for plants, of course. Right?
Sinister Groundskeeper -- Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab
“A menacing figure in grassy overalls and mud-flecked boots, with a wheelbarrow full of sharp yet rust-stained implements. At least, it looks like rust…”
Clods of moist soil, crushed dandelions, and the coppery clove-tang of dried blood.
Death Cap -- Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab
“A lethal poison bundled up in a dainty, innocent little package that was oft times found in ancient witches’ flying ointments and astral projection balms. A warm, soft, ruddy scent, earthy and mild.”
Notes: peach, rose, blood. Nimbus smells sweet – slightly earthy, slightly metallic – but overwhelmingly like peaches that are so ripe they fall apart in your hands. She smells like the thorn bushes that shrikes impale their prey on – but there aren’t any corpses in her garden. Probably.  
Sentence First, Verdict Afterwards -- Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab
“Off with her head: white roses, tea roses, climbing roses, blood red roses, and a cluster of thorns, blood-spattered and sword-sharp, with clove bud and tobacco flower.”
Astaroth -- Fantome
“Ripe peaches, pumpkin flesh over a bed of red musk, honey cakes drizzled with white chocolate, & roasted pistachios.”
*i headcanon nimbus as a earth/air multi
Notes: wood, amber, ink. Omega smells like the ghost of a once-warm sitting room. He smells like amber, like polished wood, like seeing something out of the corner of your eye and feeling watched for hours afterward. 
Quintessence of Dust -- Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab
“The passing: beeswax and smoke, yellowed paper and well-worn leather books, droplets of spilled ink, faded incense, blood-tinged salty tears, and the metal of the knife that skewers that illiterate zombie philistine’s portrait.”
Parlour -- Fantome
“Parlour is an atmospheric fragrance that is inspired by a 19th century Parlour at the height of the Spiritualism movement. Conjuring the dimly-lit rooms filled with dusty spirt boards, sweet wood, and magic.”
A darkly polished mahogany rapping table, spirit boards, sweet rosewood chests, burning incense, and a hint of vetiver
(i have this one and i love it sm, it's the best woody scent in my collection)
Notes: seawater, ozone. Rain smells like the ocean right before a storm: murky, almost-sweet, hair-raising. He smells like swimming in deep water and feeling something grab your ankle a little bit too tight for you to believe that it was just kelp. But it had to be, surely there isn’t anything else down there… 
Cthulhu -- Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab
“A creeping, wet, slithering scent, dripping with seaweed, oceanic plants and dark, unfathomable waters.”
Circe Individiosa -- Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab
“Salt-spray dotting an azure cove, its waters swirling with noxious poisons and venom drawn from dreadful roots: a cascade of blackcurrant and crystalline blue-green waters infused with theriac accord, bruised henbane accord, white gardenia, pear, cedarwood, emerald mosses, tuberose, and bitter almond.”
Notes: summer fruits, spices, smoke. Sunny smells like the end of summer, right as it turns into fall. She smells like roasting marshmallows, like sticky heat, like biting into a late-summer strawberry and finding it rotten inside. 
Tongue Wall -- Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab
“Fleshy and fruity: guava musk, slick strawberry lip gloss, and blood-tainted digestive juices.”
Zombie -- Possets 
“You really need a big dose of toasted marshmallow and oude, a bit of burnt stick, and the unmistakable fragrance of the crisp autumn air. The obvious combination, wouldn't you say? Resinous and foody at the same time. Smoky, sticky fun.”
**i headcanon sunny as a fire/air multi
Notes: smoke, musk, patchouli, blood. Swiss smells like darkness so thick that there could be something right in front of you and you would have no idea – or maybe right behind you. He smells like earthy resin, wine the color of blood, and curling smoke. Something about his scent leaves a metallic tang in the back of your throat.
Dead for Filth -- Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab
“Raw Patchouli, opoponax, and a coppery dry blood exhale.”
Nosferatu -- Black Baccara
“A rustling of leaves appears before the footfalls as a group of pale vampires emerge from the autumn darkness. They bring with them the aroma of archaic earth, deep red wine, tobacco smoke, and red roses.”
dark patchouli, deep red roses, aged red wine, dirt, tobacco smoke, and fireplace embers
***i headcanon swiss as a fire/water multi
Notes: dust, ozone, dry rot. Zephyr smells like a house long abandoned: dusty, faintly sweet, a little bit like rotting floorboards. It’s a scent that draws you in as much as it pushes you away – like a haunted house that has become so lonely, it will do anything to make you stay. 
Yorick -- Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab
“Grave dirt, bone, decay, angel’s trumpet, and moldering scraps of shroud: the essence of finality.”
Attic Ghosts - Paranormal Perfumes
“Attic Ghosts is an antique, timeless Victorian mansion. The house on the hill. Flickering lights in the hallways, shadows in the windows. Footsteps. Apparitions. A locked door to the attic.”
dusty wood, chestnut, smoke whisps, vanilla absolute, orange blossom, rose petals, jasmine, vetiver
if you got this far, thank you for reading! this one was SO fun to make, i hope y'all like it too. (and as always i would love to talk more about this/hear other people's thoughts!!)
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positivexcellence · 2 years
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towwn:  🌍 eco-friendly candles🕯 need a new way to get lit? call it eco-aromatherapy or sustainable scents, but one thing you *won’t* find on this list is paraffin wax (made from petroleum #fossilfuel) set in plastic. keep swiping to find some of our favorite earth-friendly carbon-neutral + recyclable candles to light up this season. @flamingo_estate this l.a.-based home goods co. is a modern apothecary committed to high quality, all-natural social + eco-responsible goods and regenerative practices. the heirloom tomato-infused candle is juicy, sweet, fragrant & reminiscent of an italian garden. @goodandwellsuppyco produced with 100% soy wax, essential oils + clean-burning balsa wicks, the recyclable, vegan, ethically-sourced candles invite scent memories of 30 u.s. parks, including zion, yellowstone & the grand canyon. @pfcandleco want a quintessential fall candle? try the l.a.-based co.’s favs: apple picking (mulled cider + cedarwood) or teakwood & tobacco (leather, smoke and wood). these 100% domestic soy wax, complex scents burn for 40-50 hours. @nette.nyc this ethical, sustainable candle co. uses natural production practices that aim to prevent waste, ensure efficiency & reduce pollution. their chai milk and #supernatural scented candles are perfect for fall. @voluspacandles phthalate-free & made from a “green” blend of coconut wax that includes soy + apricot, these containers can be endlessly reused. the 100% cotton wicks burn with less soot and are non-toxic & pesticide-free. try relaxing cedar chip or sultry tuberose. @waxbuffalo these woman-owned, clean-burning, hand-poured small batches candles are made in lincoln, nebraska. brand loyalists include sweet tobacco + blood orange as favorite scents. @carriere_freres these eco-friendly candles from normandy are 100% recycled & fsc certified. made of pure vegetable wax, derived from organic rapeseed, the candles feature absinthe, waterlily + more scents to conjure an enticing olfactory experience. @rukske hand-poured into reusable onyx glass holders, the l.a.-based brand sources luxe fragrances & natural oils, including orange, musk, cedar + more to create favs like hidden cali & willow.
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scentsperfumes · 10 days
Perfume Oil vs. Perfume: Which Is Right for You? Factors to Consider When Choosing Your Signature Scent. 
Choosing the perfect fragrance that resonates with your personality and fits various occasions can be a daunting task. At Scents, the Perfume Specialist, we believe in helping you find the signature scent that encapsulates your essence and embarks you on a journey of olfactory bliss. Here, we dive into the nuanced world of Perfume Oils and Perfumes to help you make an informed choice.  
What are the factors to be considered when choosing your signature scent?  
Longevity: If you're looking for a fragrance that lasts longer throughout the day, perfume oils might be your best bet. Their concentrated nature allows the scent to linger for hours, making them ideal for those who don't want the hassle of reapplying.  
Sillage: Considering how far you want your fragrance to travel is crucial. Eau de Parfums and Eau de Toilettes have a wider reach, courtesy of their alcohol content, making them noticeable in social settings. Perfume oils are subtler, making them perfect for close encounters or when you prefer your scent to be more personal.  
Skin Sensitivity: For those with sensitive skin, alcohol-based fragrances might be irritating. Perfume oils are generally more skin-friendly due to their natural ingredients and lack of alcohol.  
Price: Perfume oils are often more economical in the long run. Given their concentration, a little goes a long way, providing more value per application than traditional perfumes.  
Versatility: The final scent of perfume oils can vary depending on your body chemistry, offering a unique scent that is your own. Traditional perfumes retain their initial scent, providing consistency in fragrance.  
How to Choose the Best Fragrances?   
Perfume is made by blending fragrance oils with a solvent, usually alcohol, to dilute and stabilise the scent. A higher alcohol concentration gives the perfume a powerful immediate impact, but depending on the base notes, it may cause the scent to fade more quickly. On the other hand, perfume oil is a concentrated form of fragrance without alcohol or additives. This concentration allows the scent to last longer on your skin and gives you a more authentic scent experience as it interacts with your body chemistry. Here are some of the options by Scents the Perfume Specialists 
JPG Le Beau:
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This masculine fragrance is further enhanced by the mild, peppery notes of Sage, which meld beautifully with the sweet and luminous floral aromas of Orange Blossom and Lavender, adding a mysterious yet enchanting quality.  
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At the heart of this captivating fragrance is a bouquet of orchids, roses, freesia, African Orange Flowers, and jasmine, creating a deeply fragrant core.  
Lacoste Pour Elle Elegant:
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Symbolising the self-assured and independent spirit of the Lacoste woman, this scent fuses citrus and floral notes to produce a buoyant and distinctly feminine fragrance, perfect for the summer season.  
Si Intense:
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It starts with the tantalising juiciness of Blackcurrant Nectar, seizing your senses with its luscious fruity charm. Progressing into the scent's core, a fusion of rose damascena and Davana essential oils blooms, introducing a tender and emotional depth.  
Gucci Bloom:
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Crafted to celebrate the genuine essence, vibrancy, and plurality of womanhood, this fragrance features jasmine absolute, natural tuberose, Chinese honeysuckle, jasmine bud extract, and iris as its core elements.  
Discovering Your Signature Scent with Scents  
If you like classic perfumes or perfume oils, you can find a variety of fragrances at Scents the Perfume Specialists. They offer a selection of scents for men, from gift sets to individual choices. You can explore their collection to find the fragrance that best suits you. 
FAQs: -  
The Science Behind Attraction: How Perfume and Cologne Can Enhance Your Appeal 
The Power of Scent: How Perfume Can Influence Your Mood and Behavior.   
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ladivafashions · 7 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: SEA & SAND 4 oz Scented Votive Candles Set of 3 Evergreen Eucalyptus GIFT.
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tokoneriz · 8 months
PARFUM WANITA Original - INFLUENCE LOVABLE | WA 0895-2806-9192 | tamanparfum.com
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INFLUENCE LOVABLE PARFUME adalah parfume EAU DE PARFUME (EDP) - 50ml memiliki kadar konsentral essential oil tinggi ini membuat wanginya tidak mudah menguap, TAHAN HINGGA 12 JAM, di formuliasikan KHUSUS UNTUK WANITA dengan wangi yang mewah & unik dari 3 NOTES yang menjadi ciri khas yang tidak dimiliki parfume lain.
3 notes unique point dalam parfume influence :
Bersifat paling ringan dan langsung tercium saat parfum disemprotkan. Aromanya yang paling pertama memudar karena struktur molekulnya yang ringan. Top notes yang paling umum dalam parfum yang sangat disukai kaum hawa adalah Red Fruits & Jasmine.
Middle notes atau heart notes bakal muncul setelah top notes menguap. Dikatakan heart notes karena karakter utama sebuah aroma parfum diciptakan si bagian �inti� ini. Aroma ini bertahan lebih lama dibandingkan top notes dan punya pengaruh kuat terhadap base notes. Middle Notes yang paling umum dalam parfum wanita yang disukai wanita Biasanya, aromanya merupakan Tuberoses & Vanila.
Base notes merupakan aroma akhir yang jadi kesimpulan dari sebuah aroma parfum pria. Aroma inilah yang akan bertahan di kulit lo selama berjam-jam setelah lo menggunakan parfum. Wanginya akan menempel lama pada kulit dan pakaian selama berjam-jam setelah semua notes yang lain menghilang. Base Notes yang yang paling umum dalam parfum wanita antara lain adalah Vertiver & Tonka Beans.
ORIGINAL BPOM - Rp 149.000 / Botol Kemasan 50ml
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Tuberose Absolute's most well-known advantage is that its sweet, flowery, and relaxing scent alleviates symptoms of stress, anxiety, and depression. It provides a soothing impact on the neurological system, which aids in the relaxation of the mind. It promotes relaxation and delivers comfort throughout the body. It soothes an agitated mind and a bad mood. Organic Tuberose Essential Oil has a relaxing smell and a sedative impact on the nervous system. It promotes better sleep and reduces insomnia by increasing relaxation and a calm disposition, which are two essential criteria for pleasant and sound sleep. It improves blood and lymph (White Blood Cell Fluid) circulation in the body, which addresses a variety of problems.
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phoolofficial · 9 months
Get Tuberose Incense Cones from Phool
Phool Tuberose Incense Cones are made from sacred temple flowers and pure essential oils. 
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Did you know, in traditional marriages in Hawaii, the bride wears a garland made of Tuberose and it is a popular decor flower in Indian weddings as well. Bring home this tropical fragrance with Phool Tuberose Incense Cones. 
Check out the Incense Cones Collection at Phool
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secretdew · 11 months
Unlock the Magic with Immortal Romance Refreshing Spray
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In the fast-paced world we live in, a refreshing escape is something we all crave. Imagine a captivating and rejuvenating experience that lingers on your skin, a magical concoction that transports you to a world of elegance and serenity. Introducing the Immortal Romance Refreshing Spray - a delightful blend of fragrances and essential oils that will leave you enchanted and revitalized.
Embrace the Enchantment - What is Immortal Romance Refreshing Spray?
The Immortal Romance Refreshing Spray is more than just a fragrance; it's an invigorating elixir that redefines your sensory experience. Infused with a harmonious fusion of Lavender, jasmine, tuberose and cacao notes this spray offers a mesmerizing bouquet that lingers throughout the day.
Unravel the Allure - Key Features and Benefits
1. Long-Lasting Fragrance
Immerse yourself in the captivating allure of Immortal Romance as the fragrance gracefully envelops you, leaving a trail of enchantment wherever you go. The carefully selected ingredients ensure that the scent lasts for hours, keeping you fresh and rejuvenated all day long.
2. Natural and Nourishing Ingredients
Our commitment to quality drives us to use only the finest natural ingredients. The Immortal Romance Refreshing Spray boasts a unique blend of essential oils that not only offer an enchanting fragrance but also nourish and revitalize your skin.
3. Travel-Friendly Packaging
The compact and chic design of the spray bottle makes it an ideal companion for your on-the-go lifestyle. Slip it into your bag or pocket, and indulge in moments of refreshing magic whenever you desire.
4. Versatility in Use
Immerse yourself in the captivating allure of Immortal Romance as the fragrance gracefully envelops you, leaving a trail of enchantment wherever you go. The carefully selected ingredients ensure that the scent lasts for hours, keeping you fresh and rejuvenated all day long.
Experience the Magic - How to Use
Unlock the captivating magic of the Immortal Romance Refreshing Spray with these simple steps:
Hold the bottle about 6-8 inches away from your body.
Close your eyes and gently press the nozzle to release the enchanting mist.
Allow the fragrance to settle on your skin and let the magic unfold.
Spread the Love - Perfect Gift for Loved Ones
Share the enchantment of Immortal Romance with your loved ones. Whether it's a special occasion or simply to brighten someone's day, this refreshing spray makes for a thoughtful and cherished gift.
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lovelypol · 1 year
India Fragrance: Aromatic Essence of Tradition and Diversity
India Fragrance: Aromati India has a rich heritage of fragrances that dates back centuries. The country is known for its vibrant and diverse cultural tapestry, and fragrances play a significant role in various aspects of Indian life, including religious rituals, personal grooming, and home ambiance. This article explores the world of fragrances in India, encompassing traditional scents, natural ingredients, perfumes, and their cultural significance.
Traditional Fragrances: Traditional Indian fragrances are deeply rooted in the country's culture and traditions. These scents are associated with rituals, spirituality, and personal well-being. Some popular traditional fragrances include: a) Incense: Incense has been used in India for centuries and holds a special place in religious ceremonies and meditative practices. Fragrant incense sticks, cones, and powders are commonly burned to create a tranquil and sacred atmosphere.
b) Attar: Attar is a traditional Indian perfume made from natural ingredients like flowers, herbs, spices, and essential oils. It is highly concentrated and often derived through a steam distillation process. Attar is worn as a personal fragrance and is prized for its long-lasting and captivating aroma.
c) Floral Essences: India is known for its diverse range of flowers, and their essences are used in perfumes, room fresheners, and natural oils. Fragrant flowers like jasmine, rose, and tuberose are commonly associated with their alluring scents and are used in various forms, including flower garlands and essential oils.
Natural Ingredients: India's abundant flora and fauna offer a treasure trove of natural ingredients for fragrance creation. Many Indian fragrances incorporate botanical elements, spices, and herbs to capture the essence of the country's natural diversity. Ingredients like sandalwood, vetiver, cardamom, saffron, and turmeric are commonly used to create unique and captivating fragrances.
Perfume Industry: India has a thriving perfume industry that caters to both domestic and international markets. Perfume brands in India offer a wide range of products, including perfumes, colognes, and body sprays. These fragrances blend traditional Indian notes with contemporary scents, appealing to a diverse customer base. Indian perfumers are renowned for their skill in creating complex and long-lasting fragrances.
Cultural Significance: Fragrances hold cultural and spiritual significance in Indian society. They are used in religious ceremonies, festivals, and celebrations, creating an atmosphere of auspiciousness and joy. Fragrances are also an integral part of personal grooming routines, with individuals adorning themselves with perfumes or applying fragrant oils on their bodies and hair. Furthermore, fragrances are believed to have therapeutic properties and are used in aromatherapy and Ayurvedic practices for relaxation and well-being.
Scented Home Ambiance: In India, creating a fragrant home environment is valued. Incense, scented candles, and room fresheners are commonly used to infuse living spaces with pleasant aromas. It is believed that fragrances can uplift moods, purify the air, and create a welcoming atmosphere for guests.
Conclusion: Fragrances in India reflect the country's cultural diversity, traditions, and deep-rooted connection with nature. From traditional scents used in religious rituals to perfumes that blend traditional and modern notes, fragrances play a vital role in Indian life. The use of natural ingredients and the country's rich floral heritage contribute to the creation of captivating and unique scents. Fragrances not only add a sensory dimension to personal grooming and home ambiance but also hold cultural and spiritual significance. They are an integral part of India's vibrant tapestry, captivating the senses and leaving an indelible mark on the country's olfactory landscape.
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Blushing Orchid Cold Process Soap DIY - Making Gorgeous Soap at Home
Blushing Orchid Cold Process Soap DIY – Making Gorgeous Soap at Home
This blushing orchid cold process soap DIY is another great soap that can be made at home. For this soap, I selected the blushing orchid fragrance oil from Brambleberry. It is one of my favorites from one of their earlier collections. This scent is very perfumy, romantic, and sophisticated. It has notes of tuberose, lime, rose, clove, coconut, balsam, and musk. If you prefer using essential…
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ultra-maha-us · 1 year
Extra Income on Perfume, Soap and Candles Making
Every situation in life provides an opportunity for those who can through see beyond the challenging problem. With the unstable global economy and country credit crunch, uncertainty in jobs and inflation, every little in the form of extra income will go along way to act as a supplement. One of the many ways you can generate extra income for yourself is by perfume, soap and candle making.
Rather than walking through high street shops looking for very expensive gourmet perfumes, soaps and candles, you can design your very own personal perfumes fragrances that suit your personality and at the same time make money selling it to other people. It is easier than you think.
You can make perfume by combining different aromatic compounds and solvents with specific eco-friendly essential oils fixatives. This combination will in turn produce a nice smell on your body and in your environment. Plants, flowers, leaves and bark are all very important natural sources of aromatic compounds. The basic thing to know is that different parts of different plants give different aromas. Orange tree, blossoms and leaves offer orange oil and petit grain while bark of cinnamon and cascarilla have a special fragrance.
Flowers mainly are the major sources of varied types of aromas like jasmine, rose, tuberose, mimosa and other citrus trees. Time has call for you to make a change and stop using expensive over the counter perfumes, soaps and candles. Stop wasting your time and start making extra income on perfume, soap and candle making today.
Come to think about it, just imagine the personalized gifts you can create for your friends and family. In the book 'The Beginners Guide to Perfume, Soap and Candle Making' Irene Palmer explained the three main categories of ingredients necessary for making perfumes. They are pure grain oil, Essential oil and Water.
You may like to know that essential oils as in use in making perfumes belong to three different categories. What you do is to mix equal quantities of each these oils in your perfume. The categories are.
Base oil or Base
These oils have the strongest scent among different oils in use in your perfume. Their scent lingers longest. Popular base notes include vanilla, sandalwood, Cinnamon, Lichens, Mosses and Ferns.
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ladivafashions · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Sea & Sand 4 oz Scented Votive Candles, Set of 3 Evergreen Eucalyptus.
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aulilifestyle · 1 year
The extremely moisturizing ingredients in this face spray prevent dry and dull skin. Dazzle is the only option for instant cooling effects and cooling down your skin in the heat. It keeps you radiant throughout the day thanks to its distinctive texture and ingredients. It functions as a toner and primer, maintaining the skin's moisture balance and pH level. It serves as a makeup setting spray and keeps your makeup looking flawless for longer.
After cleansing and drying your skin, spray it with the Dazzle facial mist. To get even coverage, spray your face and neck 5 to 6 times. After using a hydrator, use your skin repair product. It functions as both a toner that gives you a smooth texture for applying makeup and a setting spray that prolongs the glow. Use it as often as you'd like during the day to feel fresh and radiant. suitable for every type of skin.
Tuberose Extracts + Rose Water + Hibiscus Flower Extract + Essential Oils + Aloe Vera Extracts + Distilled Water
24 Months
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mikkisworld · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: PASSION TUBEROSE YLANG YLANG AROMATHERAPY 3-WICK CANDLE by Bath and Body Works.
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