#tu y pense
lolochaponnay · 2 months
Une femme constate que le robinet de salle de bain fuit, elle dit à son mari: -Chéri, le robinet salle de bain fuit, tu penses à le changer Le mari lui répond: -Pas ce soir, je suis fatigué et puis d'ailleurs je ne suis pas plombier ! Le lendemain la femme refait la remarque à son mari: -Chéri, le robinet fuit, tu y pense -Pas aujourd'hui et je t'ai déjà dit que je ne suis pas plombier! Le surlendemain le femme constate que rien n'est fait et elle redit à son mari: -Chéri, tu pense au robinet? -Oui oui demain promis! Le soir l'homme rentre chez lui et constate que le robinet ne fuit plus, il demande à sa femme: -Tu as fais réparer le robinet? -Oui le voisin me l'a changer! -Ahhh oui? et en échange de quoi? -Il voulait soit un gâteau soit une gâterie! -Et tu lui as fait quoi? -Une gâterie -Tu ne pouvais pas lui faire un gâteau!!! -Non! Je ne suis pas pâtissière !
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randomnameless · 7 months
So considering how feudal nations work and if one is willing to focus on the lesser nobles, actual people (so not just showing Edelgard loyalists but those who dislike her too) and if Ludwig manage to escape capture, it would be reasonable to have a civil war happen?
I think it can since Hubert wouldn't just be able to get the network system of his father after murdering him, and the nobles of Adrestia are the worst in terms of opposition to social mobility and primitive form of gender equality, so the lack of civil war is stupid.
I base my thoughts on how France (I'm French too) had the Vendée rebellion and subsequent massacre and how devotion to the Church fueled support to the Spanish nationalists.
Adrestia is somehow the least interesting nation because of how it lack any of the noticeable internal strife shown, and Hubert being so effective at killing dissidents despite being only 20 (before the war) and having been at odd with many of the Seven who would actually have networks on their own is really Mary-sue ish.
I was a Edelstan at first (though I don't think too extreme) , but the more I see things, the more CF, SB and Edie annoy me (though the toxic fans are key in me stopping from preferring Edie).
Cher compatriote,
Thing is, Fodlan has been shown to be... not so feudal at all, especially the Empire.
I mean, Ludwig is jailed by word of the newest Emperor, when Ludwig is the PM and Edel was only the Imperial Princess at that time.
If we assume PM is just a big title (like the Fraldarius being Dukes) and in a feudal setting, Ludwig would have had a lot of lesser Houses and feudal Lords under his authority - the Emperor jails him? I can't see his bannermen - especially since this imprisonment isn't in reaction to anything he did (recently?) - just stand still and continue with their lives - how come no one reacts "wrongly" when he is jailed, in his territory, or the people affiliated to his name (maybe cousins, cadet branches, or what not)?
FWIW, Ludwig managed to escape and sort of mount a small army of men in SB... But that's nowhere what I would expect from the former PM - when we are told he was the one running things at the end of Ionius' rule - to have/raise, the number 1 of the country drops to a nobody by the heir of the puppet ruler, and apparently, the only ones number 1 can have to help him is 15 guys ?
I mean, Ferdie can have his Aegir personal battalion when he ends his paralogue (i know, it's a gameplay mechanic!) - can't we imagine the Aegir Astral Knights would have been something else than 10 dudes following Ferdie in gameplay, and be instead an entire battalion Ludwig could have used to defend himself, or at least run away with? Or imagine those knights tried to locate and liberate him from his prison in Enbarr?
Adrestia is so not developed that, as you say, it ends up being the most boring place of the three (even if I'll argue on this point : both Adrestia and Leicester are completely empty and without interest, but at least, Adrestia had some history landmarks to imagine things, when the Alliance has... Gloucester and his sheep, I guess?) - but at the same time, it could have been much more : Adrestian Emperors claim to descend from Jesus... but there's an Archbishop around (who is actually Jesus and not their ancestor (or is she?), but that's a secret!) so, to everyone who is supposed to buy the official story... Why should the CoS be administred/ruled by a random archbishop, when Jesus' direct line is still alive and kicking? Why should the Emperors share Fodlan - that was liberated by Seiros herself from corrupted people in the North ! - with the descendants of those corrupted people in the North?
The game instead gives us MAGA "Make Adrestia Great Again" with a resentment for the CoS that isn't explained (in Nopes, it's suggested the Emperor who disbanded the Southern church already was pissed with the Central Church!) and we can only guess it's either about Faerghus existing or something else...
I confess my only interest in Adrestia stems from the country being seemingly, during the WoH and post WoH the country were people are happy and peaceful etc "country of a blue lord", and then, 10 years after the end of the War of Heroes, instead of having some "and Renais was rebuilt and Ephraim became the new King of Restauration and helped everyone" we have "and then Lycaon dies mysteriously and the political situation is so "stable" that his successor duels for her throne", complete with a novel having in the background "and Adrestia still didn't leave the Roman Ludi and had northerners being torn apart by beasts as a form of entertainment"* which is, uh, very very very far removed from Marth'n'Tiki finishing their adventures and returning home.
As you pointed out, Adrestia, for what is developed in-game or mentioned about the place, is incredibly bleak and involves child prostitution, heavy class divide and an extreme misoginy in the current times... when it was created/overlooked, at least in the beginning, by Rhea herself ! When Rhea's current home is a rather peaceful place, Adrestia by comparison is a chamber pot, so what the frick happened there? 1000 years are 1000 years, but damn.
We don't have any intel about it - only mentions here'n'there that Hubert and Supreme Leader (but mostly Hubert because he can be criticised in game having a very... biased view of events and refusing to reconsider, but in the end, Adrestia... cannot be developed or have a civil war, because Adrestia isn't the focus of the story - from what we have, we already know it's a bleak place before and after Edel's coronation so... Her goal is to bring reforms to the world, but it's fitting enough that she doesn't deal with her own turf before bringing "reforms" to the rest of Fodlan.
There's also the very doylist reason of Edel having to be marketable, so in Houses, we cannot have people rebel on-screen for what happens in the Empire, else the Emperor... will not sell. Hell, Nopes had to have her brainwashed to have people react to Agarthans killing her randoms right and left, while the Nobles aren't doing a thing - always hammering the fact that "she's brainwashed so it's not her doing this or condoning this by not moving her army to protect her people it's Thales's fault".
Hubert being hyper-competent is an assumed trait at this point lol, unless he really really works with the Agarthans who lend him their tech and spy reports and whatnot. FE isn't a "realistic" as, say, ASOIAF, but without Hubert, Adrestia doesn't function and Edel's plans don't work so Hubert is both a McGuffin plot device (apparently he can pinpoint shambala because Thales fire nukes? Without access to any satellite?) and the character we all love.
Given how Supreme Leader planned her coup coronation and subsequent attack on GM - especially since Leopold already was in her pocket during the mock battle - I'm pretty sure Hubert, or Leopold's army or hell, some of her "allies" already envisaged this, and had either Aegir's "close allies" Hubert'd or monitored.
Or worse, imagine a scenario where Aegir runs to his friend Varley to explain him what happened, how the Emperor sent an army against him to usurp the throne and how they must warn everyone and Leopold to raise the army against her... Only to have Varley reveal he is now the Bishop of the Southern Church, and Leopold sided with her since the beginning...
I know it's not comparable, but Seteth (or some nuns?) mentions how he hasn't heard a thing about the faithful in the Empire... so either they were killed because they were practicionners of the Seiros faith, or because they rebelled/protested against the war and were, uh, disposed of (tfw the games never care about telling us who were the humans used to create the various imperial demonic beasts we see).
FWIW, I have a plotbunny idea where someone pretending to be Hresvelg bastard - with a crest of Seiros - wants to ask for Nopes!Rhea's help to support his claim to the throne, since Supreme Leader declared her war against the Church, he can put an end to it if he becomes Emperor, right? The CoS is torn between accepting "it would create at least some instability in the Empire, so the Kingdom could breathe a bit and maybe use this opportunity to finally fend them off if the Emperor calls back her troops in Enbarr" and "the CoS doesn't meddle in the affairs of humans like succession issues and only does so if it's to prevent a war but here you want us to create a civil war??"
*it's a novel so historical accuracy isn't that high, and yet, even if it's a porn book, why adding this detail in the background - just like people listening to music - I doubt it was written by a Faerghian writter so what, was this detail "northmen were slaughtered by beasts in the background and it was very funny lol" added just as a background thing, like fish being served as a meal ("historical" detail that might have been true!) or...?
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leregirenga · 9 months
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Siempre pensé que tu y yo caminariamos juntos de la mano. Que mi vida junto a ti estaba escrita. Te imagine, tal vez, en mis locos desvaríos en una eternidad plena, maravillosa, feliz, y también por que no; llena de pasión y romanticismo.
Hoy ya no estás. Y dime, que hago yo con todo estos sentimientos; con todo este amor y con todas estas ganas de besarte hasta la locura?
Leregi Renga
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norellenilia · 2 years
Eldarya, A New Era - Episode 15
Originellement publié ici le 3 décembre 2022.
Cet épisode avait tellement peu d’intérêt que je sais même pas quoi mettre en phrase d’intro.
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Vous le savez si vous lisez mes avis, j’évite autant que possible les jugements trop tranchés, mais là vraiment c’est pas possible : j’ai beau chercher, je ne comprends pas l’intérêt de cet épisode. Alors je suis presque sûre que parmi les justifications on pourra trouver des trucs du genre « dilemme moral sur la Garde et ses méthodes » ou bien « le développement du background de Nevra » mais vous vous en doutez déjà, je ne suis pas convaincue. Pour bien des raisons. J’ai dépensé 2580 maanas et on m’en a extorqué 940. Let’s go dans le désert, c’pas comme si je m’étais pourtant réjouie d’avoir quitté la fournaise de l’été :’) CDC TO : Valkyky le Dragon de Feu CDC ANE : Personne, route de Mathieu
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Sans transition, nous arrivons dans le désert, et d’emblée Erika nous dit qu’il est très difficile d’estimer combien de temps s’est écoulé depuis le départ du QG à cause de l’horloge biologique d’Eldarya toute cassée. Moi ce que je remarque, c’est que ça permet surtout de pas avoir à se creuser la tête pour faire une chronologie ou un semblant de carte, parce que pourquoi on s’emmerderait à faire ça sur une histoire dans un monde inventé, je vous le demande. C’est un truc qui pose problème depuis le début de l’histoire, mais je crois que même quand on arrivera à la fin de l’épisode 20 je saurai toujours pas placer Balenvia et le Temple Fenghuang l’un par rapport à l’autre. Aussi pourquoi Erika a embarqué son familier pour la mission alors qu’il est encore plus inutile que Leiftan ?? Le truc il sait que japper et réclamer des friandises elle voulait en faire quoi, l’offrir en casse-croûte aux vampires ?? Erika repense à sa nuit torride avec Mathieu et au fait que tout le monde tire la gueule parce que Nevra et Karenn continuent de penser qu’il a rien à faire dans cette mission… Oui, en effet ?? Même en mettant de côté l’affaire Templiers il a pas spécialement besoin d’être là, il a pas un rôle déterminant, au contraire en tant qu’humain « pure souche » s’il y a bien quelqu’un qu’il fallait vraiment pas emmener c’est bien lui mdr, mais bon comme il est apparemment im-pen-sable de passer un épisode entier sans les 4 CDC au même endroit, bah voilà. Alors que désolée mais si on a pas Mathieu en CDC, 90 % de l’épisode 14 se passe sans le crush, donc bon quelle serait la différence si ni Mathieu ni Leiftan n’étaient là dans cet épisode, surtout alors qu’à la fin on rentre au QG ? Ensuite, c’est là qu’on commence à arriver en terrain miné. Lance essaie de rassurer Mathieu, qui lui répond qu’il fait une dissonance cognitive par rapport au fait qu’il n’a eu qu’une tape sur les doigts avec la Garde là où il aurait pris 30 ans de taule sur Terre, parce que sur Terre on envoie les gens en zonz pour rien, du coup limite une partie de lui aurait préféré être puni parce que ça fait plus sens même s’il préfère être libre évidemment, et si Erika comprend où il veut en venir, elle n’est pas d’accord parce que ça n’aurait aidé personne qu’il passe 30 ans en prison et c’est plus logique de le maintenir dans la Garde. PAR OÙ COMMENCER.
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Trop de choses à décortiquer en si peu de phrases
Alors pour commencer avec un truc simple : dire qu’on envoie les gens en prison pour rien, euuuuh c’est un peu oublier que c’est pas n’importe qui qu’on envoie en prison pour rien. Le petit dealer de banlieue qui se prend 10 ans vs le mec riche et connu qui agresse sexuellement ses fans mineures mais qu’on laisse traîner sur YouTube et les plateaux télé pendant des années hein, BON. Ensuite, oui hashtag la prison pour personne, je connais, je soutiens, je comprends le concept. Je suis pas du tout une spécialiste du militantisme anti-carcéral (et je mettrais ma main à couper que le scénariste non plus lol), mais je sais que le but de la prison, c’est censé être la réhabilitation. On en est loin, très loin, le système carcéral en France (et pas que) est d’une horreur sans nom, faut tout raser et recommencer, on est d’accord. Mais est-ce qu’on serait pas également d’accord pour dire qu’il y a une nette différence entre passer 30 piges en taule dans un système comme le nôtre et être viteuf sermonné et renvoyé en mission super importante dès le lendemain alors qu’on a caché des informations vitales à ses supérieurs et manqué de faire tuer tout le monde ???????? Vraiment c’est tout ou rien ici, l’histoire se prétend nuancée mais c’est toujours un extrême ou l’autre, les super gentils vs les super méchants, l’horrible prison à la française pendant 30 ans vs on va te surveiller un chouille mais reprends ta vie comme si de rien n’était, c’est pas parce que vous insérez des pseudo-discussions de morale pendant la moitié de l’épisode que ça en fait une histoire nuancée hein, c’est que des mots, parce que ce que vous nous servez au final c’est polarisé au possible et la nuance on s’assoit dessus. Donc oui le garder avec nous ça me semble TOTALEMENT illogique, si vous voulez être logiques, oui c’est la suspension, il aide au refuge ou j’en sais rien, mais il reste pas dans la garde, on le renvoie pas en mission comme ça direct, ça renvoie quoi comme message, ça ? « Oh bah faites les plus grosses conneries que vous voulez, si vous montrez ne serait-ce que le moindre signe de remord on vous pardonnera et on fera comme si rien ne s’était passé ! UwU » Et venez pas me dire que « bah s’il recommence c bon il sera puni è_é » Chrome il a fait TROIS GROSSES FAUTES et il est chef de l’Ombre… Vient ensuite le discours de Leiftan, qui parlotte sur le système moral des terres d’Eel différent de celui d’Erika et Mathieu, que ça n’aurait aucun sens d’enfermer Mathieu, ni même Leiftan, ils sont déjà surveillés, et de toute façon même si Leiftan voulait comploter contre la Garde avec qui il ferait ça, etc. J’ai beau chercher, je vois pas le rapport ??? Encore une fois c’est partir du principe que la prison = on t’enferme dans un trou et c’est marre, alors oui c’est l’image qu’on a dans les films et séries d’inspiration médiévale et c’est basiquement ce qu’on a chez nous, mais personne n’a dit qu’il fallait qu’ils soient enfermés dans une cage jusqu’à ce qu’ils aient compris que faire des trucs pas bien c’est pas bien, en plus ils ONT des systèmes de punition autres que l’incarcération, Purral a fait des TIG, y’a des mises à pied et des suspensions, c’est pas comme s’ils avaient le choix qu’entre les geôles de la Garde et « bah on le laisse dehors tu veux qu’on fasse quoi sinon ? » Et j’en sais rien y’a des milliards de raisons pour lesquelles Leiftan pourrait vouloir comploter contre la Garde, on sait toujours pas pourquoi il l’a fait en saison 1 alors c’est pas trop tard pour trouver des raisons, et des gens avec qui le faire y’en a une palanquée on va littéralement chez des vampires qui aiment pas la Garde et on a été chez Tenjin, de quoi il parle ??????????
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Ce que vous écrivez n’a pas de sens mais qu’est-ce que vous racontez, bon sang de bois ???
Après il parle de Lance, que Hua l’a libéré parce que désespérée, alors corrigez-moi si je me trompe, hein, mais il me semble que les emmerdes elles ont recommencé à peu près en même temps que quand le Cristal a recraché Erika et Leiftan, pas un an à peine après la fin de la saison 1 ??????? Et encore une foiiiiiiis, personne a parlé de laisser Lance croupir dans une cellule pendant 7 ans sans rien faire (et mdr ils avaient pas des bracelets/talismans/machin mes fesses anti-magie là ? J’sais plus), punaise y’a besoin de vous faire un dessin sur le panel de possibilités qui existent entre « l’enfermer dans une cage moisie pendant 7 ans » et « le ressortir au bout d’un an pour en faire le chef de la garde obsidienne alors qu’a priori on est pas encore en période de crise » ?????????? Surtout que le ressortir de son exil ou je sais pas quoi en début de saison 2 PARCE QUE ça commence à puer du fion, là ça aurait eu du sens, on l’aurait fait revenir parce que c’est un dragon, il aurait eu une raison et une occasion de se racheter, nous en tant que lecteurs on aurait vu une progression du personnage, ça nous aurait évité que tout le QG nous casse les pieds à coup de « tolérance et de pardon » sans nous laisser souffler, TOUT LE MONDE y aurait gagné. Quant à l’excuse de « chaque épée compte, » si vous voulez mais Mathieu il a rien de particulier, et le suspendre temporairement ça va rien changer, pour l’instant on est pas sur le point d’entrer en guerre, y’a une menace latente, certes, mais le laisser dans son coin en attendant qu’on en ait besoin et arrêter de l’envoyer dans toutes les missions giga-importantes c’est pas non plus 30 ans de prison, quoi ??? En plus de toute ça fait 15 épisodes qu’on nous saoule avec le fait qu’il est dans l’Absynthe au lieu de l’Obsidienne, on sait tous qu’il est pas censé faire partie des cogneurs en cas de baston >_> Pour ce qui est de « heureusement que ni toi ni Leiftan n’avez été traités en ennemis ça a permis de gagner la bagarre en fin de saison 1 » je… Erika elle a atterri près du Cristal, c’était un signe et ils auraient été particulièrement stupides de l’ignorer. Leiftan, ils ont bien été particulièrement stupides et naïfs de lui faire confiance aveuglément. Alors oui, il a eu un retournement de veste en scénarium et Sa Majesté la Grande et Belle et Généreuse Huang Hua la Superbe a détecté avec son radar à bonnes ondes qu’il avait soudainement changé d’avis alors que deux jours plus tôt il insultait tout le monde, on s’en souvient. Mais c’est pas parce que le pôle scénario a pris des décisions tellement bêtes qu’elles devraient servir d’exemples de trucs à pas faire dans les manuels pour apprendre à écrire des scénarios qu’il faut les justifier par des raisons tout aussi bêtes 15 épisodes plus tard ??? Ici on pourrait faire dire à Lance « oui la situation était désespérée mais ça restait irréfléchi d’un point de vue stratégique de faire revenir le gars qui a tenté de tuer tout le monde y’a 5 minutes sur la base du ressenti de Hua, » ou encore mieux quand vous avez écrit l’épisode 30 ça aurait pu être « écoute Leif on a pas le choix, t’as fait des trucs impardonnables mais on a besoin de ta force de frappe contre Lance, on t’a à l’œil on n’oublie pas, un seul faux pas et on te catapulte dans la stratosphère, » POINT. Et pas les dialogues sur « hanlanlan faut le pardonner regarde il a aidé à enterrer les corps sa veu dir kil se repent >w< » En plus il a servi à quoi exactement dans la bataille ?? A part pour le pseudo-échange ?? Erika limite elle se serait battue toute seule ça aurait suffi ?? Par contre Mathieu qui dit que techniquement il fait plus partie de la Garde, hein ????? Mais je croyais qu’il n’avait qu’une simple mise à l’épreuve, pas une suspension ?????????? De quoi vous parlez ???????????? DANS CE CAS QU’EST-CE QU’IL FOUT LA ALORS ?????????????????????????? Ça fait même pas 10 minutes d’épisode, il me reste une heure à commenter, je vais tourner chèvre, heureusement la leçon de morale numéro 1 est finie.
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Erika veut en apprendre plus sur Yaqut et interroge Nevra. L’une des premières choses que nous apprenons sur le lieu est qu’il s’agit en fait d’un réseau de grottes.
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Désolée j’ai des flashbacks des grottes de Balenvia
Bon apparemment j’ai menti, la leçon de morale est pas finie, cette fois on parle de l’intérêt de la punition. Ici Nevra nous explique que, comme lui et Karenn sont des gosses de riches, dès qu’ils faisaient une bêtise, Papa payait pour qu’ils ne soient pas punis, du coup ben… Ils recommençaient. Et devinez quoi, Nevra a longtemps été un abruti imbu de lui-même et adepte du harcèlement des jeunes femmes, et Karenn continue d’être une gosse pourrie gâtée qui supporte pas qu’on lui reproche son comportement déplacé de grosse fouineuse. J’suis d’accord avec le raisonnement de Nevra sur le fait qu’une punition envoie aussi un message. Mais j’suis d’accord aussi sur la visée éducative, et faudrait pas l’oublier. Et je parle pas de châtiment corporel comme une fessée ou des coups de fouet, dans les deux cas c’est de la violence physique et là, oui, pour le coup, ça ne sert à rien, ça n’apprend rien à part la peur (la team « j’ai eu des fessées j’en suis pas mort-e c’est bon mdr » je vous écoute pas), encore une fois y’a des nuances entre frapper un enfant qui a fait une bêtise et ne rien faire ??? Donc la justification débile pour Hua de « je veux accueillir toute personne prête à se battre pour la Garde malgré ses erreurs passées » pour moi ça tient pas debout. On parlait de réhabilitation tout à l’heure, la Garde c’est déjà la structure de réhabilitation. Accueillir d’anciens criminels pour qu’ils servent à défendre Westeros Eel je veux bien, mais on fait quoi si des gardiens commettent des fautes ? Je le répète mais le message que ça leur envoie, et que ça envoie au reste du monde, c’est « bof, il a tué des collègues et a comploté contre nous ? Pas grave, il a dit désolé donc on pardonne et on fait rien, au pire il sera désolé la prochaine fois aussi ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ » Et pour moi l’exemple le plus flagrant c’est Chrome au final, ils ont eu du bol qu’il soit pas fondamentalement méchant, parce qu’il aurait pu se dire « bof, tant pis si je continue de commettre des erreurs, ils me passeront tout si j’ai l’air désolé hihi » et faire les pires trucs pour Leiftan et Lance. Quant au radar de Hua, qui sait s’il est faillible ou non ? Est-ce que ça lit dans les pensées ou ça sonde ton cœur ou jsp quoi pour voir si t’es cro méchant ou si t’as du bon en toi ? Parce que du coup rien ne dit que c’est 100 % fiable, en fait. Retirer toute idée de punition constructive, SURTOUT dans une structure de réhabilitation, et UNIQUEMENT basé sur un détecteur de mensonges personnel auquel tout le monde a décidé de se fier sans se poser de questions, c’est au mieux d’une bêtise sans nom, au pire de l’inconscience. Et en termes d’écriture, que ça serve une fois ou deux pourquoi pas, mais quand ça devient un ressort scénaristique pour s’extirper d’une situation inconfortable, c’est de la paresse. Nous avons ensuite enfin une scène avec un peu d’intérêt entre Mathieu et Erika qui ont une discussion à cœur ouvert, et j’ai enfin l’impression qu’il se passe quelque chose entre eux, à 5 épisodes de la fin de la saison, il serait peut-être temps. Après de longues descriptions découpées en tout petits morceaux indigestes, nous voici enfin arrivé-e-s à la cité de Yaqut.
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Nous sommes accueilli-e-s par la môman de Nevra qui commence par nous annoncer que le pôpa de Nevra mange à présent les pissenlits par la racine. C’est la pagaille depuis que les humains ont décidé qu’ils ne voulaient plus servir de repas aux vampires, qui maintenant perdent la tête à cause de la soif. Alors que tout le monde sait qu’à la créa de perso ils avaient qu’à mettre des points dans « Troupeau » pour avoir des humains à disposition et donc une réserve sans fin de sang, il suffit de boire modérément sur les humains pour pas les tuer et prendre soin d’eux pour qu’ils durent :’) J’ai pas trop de trucs à dire sur les passages qui suivent mais je reviens juste sur le moment où Nevra et Karenn se disputent sur la réaction à avoir face à leur mère ; Chrome leur dit de se disputer plus tard au cas où ils mourraient maintenant, et Karenn s’énerve en mode « oui euh c’est gentil mais ton conseil n’était pas sollicité et donc pas bienvenu » alors s’tu veux bichette hein mais en vrai pour le coup il a raison mdr, ils auraient eu tout le temps d’en parler après, et surtout en privé. Môman nous raconte à quel point Yaqut est dans le caca tout en pleurnichant qu’elle veut pas renoncer aux traditions de tuer des humains pour les manger. Je veux bien entendre qu’en temps de crise les traditions ça sert de repère mais madame faut savoir faire des compromis dans la vie. Surtout quand de base vos traditions sont mal branlées. On commence aussi à parler d’Orgelz, le chef de clan. Il semble être l’antagoniste de cet arc. Au vu de ce qui est dit, et comme c’est un vampire et qu’ici on part plus sur le mythe du vampire séduisant que sur Nosferatu, je suppose que nous allons avoir à faire à un homme charismatique et intelligent, malgré le fait qu’il soit réactionnaire et bloqué dans un fantasme illusoire l’empêchant de quémander l’aide nécessaire pour sortir Yaqut de son pétrin. J’ai hâte ! Enfin un méchant digne de ce nom !
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Ça va changer des méchants précédents !
On parle un peu du portail et des humains qui l’ont ouvert il y a un siècle, et Môman nous dit qu’elle sait pas trop comment fonctionnent les portails. J’ai envie de dire, rien d’étonnant, personne ici ne sait vraiment comment ils fonctionnent, pas même les gens qui les ont imaginés vu que ça change d’un épisode à l’autre. Là déjà à plusieurs reprises on parle du portail qui s’ouvre, se referme, se rouvre etc, du coup est-ce que les ingrédients super rares/pas si super rares dragon pas dragon on sait plus, ils sont nécessaires pour activer un portail et après il s’ouvre et se referme un peu comme on veut, ou bien ils sont nécessaires pour ouvrir un portail et on retombe sur les grands paradoxes des transports de bouffe etc tmtc ? Et apparemment les vampires non plus ne consignent pas leur histoire ; c’est pratique, si aucun perso ne s’intéresse à l’histoire de son monde, comme le dit Erika, pas besoin de se creuser la tête pour l’écrire ! On a juste à dire « jsp on a pas d’archive lol » Imaginez si y’avait pas eu d’archives d’il y a 3000 ans à Minas Tirith, Gandalf il aurait jamais su que l’anneau de Bilbon c’était l’Anneau Unique è_é On a ensuite un résumé de l’histoire du pacte entre les vampires et l’Ordre, puis on nous explique que personne n’a soupçonné que l’Ordre était un peu louche, parce qu’ils étaient trop obnubilés par le sang humain, après Maora fait preuve d’une condescendance sans limite et Nevra décide de résoudre ses mommy issues quand elle se met à insulter Erika et Mathieu, en lui mettant le nez dans son caca, pour parler poliment. Ce qui restera, de mon point de vue, le point d’orgue de cet épisode. C’est dire. Enfin, nous obtenons une entrevue avec Orgelz, le chef actuel du clan.
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En arrivant dans la salle du trône, nous sommes accueillis froidement par le bonhomme, dont l’aura et la palette de couleurs me rappellent vaguement quelqu’un…
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Je dois vous avouer que le nom « Orgelz » me fait inévitablement penser au mot « orgelet » et j’ai considéré l’idée de le surnommer ainsi, mais je pense que vous serez d’accord avec moi pour dire que « Gaston » ça rend quand même mieux. M’enfin de toute façon, on a eu notre dose de méchants Disney avec Naytili ou même Tenjin, aucun risque que la comparaison avec le méchant de La Belle et la Bête soit prémonitoire, haha ! Notre ami n’est donc pas super jouasse à l’idée d’avoir la Garde chez lui. Et très rapidement, il aborde des points intéressants, à savoir que de son point de vue, la Garde d’Eel ne veut rien d’autre que s’imposer partout où elle le peut à Eldarya, sous des airs moralisateurs, tels des colons prétendant apporter la connaissance aux peuples dits « barbares » qui n’ont pas la même culture qu’eux. Si bien sûr ici il est surtout question d’empêcher le peuple de Yaqut de crever de faim suite au fait que leurs victimes ont décidé de se rebeller, dans le principe, le but est de semer le doute dans la tête du lecteur. Malheureusement, Orgelz tombe très vite dans la paranoïa pure et simple. Ça passe encore, après tout il est sur les nerfs à cause des réserves de sang qui s’amenuisent, il en est pas encore à nous faire une Tenjin à juste vociférer dans tous les sen– « T’FACON T’ES JUSTE LA POUR VOLER MES HOMMES ARRÊTE DE ME MENACER JE VAIS T’EXÉCUTER AU LEVER DU SOLEIL SALE TRAÎTRE ET BIM » … Nan vraiment c’est mort je l’appellerai Gaston, dorénavant. Sans déconner, c’est littéralement un Tenjin 2.0, le mec s’exprime en criant, en menaçant, il se croit imbattable et il est parano au possible. Je dirais même que c’est pire que Tenjin, parce que vous lui donnez des expressions du visage complètement décalées, comme celle avec le nez retroussé et les crocs sortis, ou celle de stupeur où il a vraiment l’air de sortir d’un dessin animé, tous les autres personnages ne le prennent pas une seconde au sérieux et s’adressent à lui de manière ostensiblement moqueuse, j’crois que vous avez même pas essayé d’en faire un personnage un tant soit peu effrayant. Le monologue de Mathieu sur les armes me fait plus peur que les élucubrations de Gaston. Par conséquent son discours sur la Garde retombe comme un soufflé, on va en reparler après mais du coup là y’a même pas de dilemme, tout est fait pour qu’on soutienne la Garde à 100 % et qu’on se dise que l’autre là il est complètement fou et teubé et que si les vampires restent avec lui ils sont condamnés. Il suffit de brandir la carte « on a un dragon, » un coup de lumière d’Erika et la garde d’élite de Gaston s’effondre, mais comme il est fou, même super fou, bah il déclare qu’il va aller lui-même sur Terre, vu qu’Eldarya n’est plus accueillante pour les vampires ! Wouloulouh qu’il est fou, regardez comme il est FOU, est-ce que quelqu’un a eu envie de le prendre au sérieux ? Nan parce qu’il est COMPLÈTEMENT TARÉ !!! Du coup pour essayer de le dissuader, tout le monde y va de ses descriptions horrifiques de la Terre pour qui viendrait d’un monde comme Eldarya, aux antipodes du monde actuel. Après tout, dit Erika, l’image qu’ils se font de la planète bleue date d’un temps où imaginer une cathédrale était de la science-fiction, donc bon. Mais au bout d’un moment, s’il veut rien entendre, parce qu’il est fou au cas où vous auriez pas remarqué, on va pas s’éter– … A-Attendez une minute, quoi ? « Un temps où imaginer une cathédrale était de la science-fiction » ??
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Arrêtez tout, c’est l’heure de réviser nos leçons !
Rappelez-vous : à l’épisode 14 de The Origins, le cours d’histoire nous apprend que le Grand Exil a eu lieu 100 ans après la mort de Jeanne Au-Secours l’Arcadienne. Jeanne, elle est morte en 1431. Donc le Grand Exil, c’était au milieu du 16ème siècle, on est d’accord ? Alors déjà, pourquoi l’autre cruche elle dit que leur image de la Terre c’était il y a 1000 ans si le Grand Exil c’était y’a 500 ans seulement ??? Et ensuite, les cathédrales c’était pas de la SF même en 1431 ??? Rien que la cathédrale de Notre-Dame de Paris la construction a commencé au 12ème siècle ??? Et même y’a 1000 ans les cathédrales existaient déjà, juste c’était pas forcément des monuments qui ressemblaient Notre-Dame de Paris ??? Bon, Nevra expose son marché aux vampires, et comme ils ont un choix cornélien à faire entre une mort quasi-certaine et l’aide assurée de la Garde, Gaston finit par céder, surtout quand il voit que ses loyaux sujets sont un peu frileux à l’idée d’une escapade sur Terre.
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Alors que nous entamons le voyage de retour en compagnie de vampires en état de manque de notre substance vitale, Nevra souhaite parler avec nous de ce qu’a dit Gaston à propos de la Garde. Lui-même se dit que finalement, Gaston a-t-il si tort que ça lorsqu’il prétend que la Garde n’agit que pour elle-même et en conquérante ? Après tout, ils sont effectivement repartis avec la majorité des vampires de Yaqut, qui vont devoir ensuite suivre les règles et les coutumes de la Garde, tout comme Gaston l’avait prédit… Nevra doute, il ne sait plus comment se positionner sur la question, et demande conseil à Erika, qu’il considère comme étant plus extérieure que lui à la situation. Franchement c’est ça qu’on veut, une ambiguïté morale, des doutes, une réflexion, une remise en question !!! Je suis contente qu’on ait ça, après le fiasco d’Ashkore, enfin on va descendre la Garde de son piédestal, enfin on va arrêter de considérer Hua comme un parangon de vertu, enfin… « NAN MAIS AU FINAL LA GARDE EST COOL LA GARDE EST BELLE LA GARDE VEUT JUSTE QUE LES FAËRIES VIVENT EN PAIX PARTOUT A ELDARYA LA GARDE EST GÉNÉREUSE ET DÉSINTÉRESSÉE ET HUA C’EST LA MEILLEURE HUA PRÉSIDENTE !!! » Sérieux on dirait un clip de propagande de l’armée russe, tous les arguments de Nevra sont « démontés » par des poncifs à la noix sur le fait que t’façon les valeurs de la Garde sont trop cool, que les chefs sont de toute façon désintéressés donc autant continuer à les écouter parce qu’ils ne veulent que notre bien à tous,  et le dialogue est coupé par la scène suivante mais m’est avis qu’Erika allait dire quelque chose du genre « peu importe si t’apprends des sales bails sur la Garde toi tu sais ce qu’elle vaut donc les écoute pas. » En gros, peu importe ce qu’il se passe, la Garde a raison, sa Grande et Superbe cheffe a raison, toute critique est infondée, toute ambiguïté morale est à proscrire, pas de ça chez nous, c’est les Gentils contre les Méchants, un point c’est tout. Vient ensuite l’attaque des familiers, qui marque la fin de l’épisode.
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Bon sang de bois, je comprends pourquoi j’avais tant repoussé l’écriture de cet avis. Il ne se passe quasiment rien, la moitié de l’épisode est consacrée à des leçons de morale qui se résument à « la Garde a de bonnes valeurs et toute critique à son égard est infondée car la Garde c’est les Gentils de l’histoire et toute erreur doit non seulement être pardonnée mais aussi oubliée comme si elle n’avait jamais été commise, » et l’autre moitié à converser avec un pseudo-méchant tellement pathétique que ça tient de la parodie d’une parodie. Alors oui ça a mis Nevra en avant, j’admire ce personnage dans son rôle de chef, mais alors qu’il aurait pu être le vecteur d’une remise en question de la Garde et de Hua qui sont constamment considérées comme intouchables, ses doutes légitimes n’ont servi qu’à remettre une couche sur l’adoration quasi-obligatoire de l’institution. Toute ambiguïté est écartée, toute réflexion sur les erreurs passées et présentes de la Garde est repoussée, il est apparemment impossible d’émettre le moindre doute sur la perfection de la Garde. Alors qu’il serait pourtant tout à fait envisageable d’avoir une Garde noble et belle et généreuse, tout en ayant conscience de ses défauts, de ses failles et de ses erreurs, de les prendre en compte pour l’améliorer ; et là, la seule erreur reconnue c’est qu’ils ont pas prévenu Erika du retour de Lance, et encore, aucune réflexion sur ce qui aurait pu être fait à la place, et entre nous c’est franchement pas la pire erreur à mentionner… Bref, un épisode affreusement creux qui parle beaucoup pour ne rien dire, à part pour s’auto-congratuler. A l’heure où j’écris, l’épisode 16 est sorti il y a quelques jours à peine, mais je ne l’ai pas encore joué. J’espère qu’au moins, il nous apportera un peu plus que des personnages vides et des injonctions à l’adoration de la Garde.
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J’ai besoin de repos, maintenant.
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skinnylove82 · 1 year
Trigger warning : âmes sensibles s'abstenir, sujet de mort et humour très noir
Mon oncle est mort ce 2 juin 2023. Il s'est suicidé. C'était pas un homme bien, c'est pas triste, c'est d'ailleurs un soulagement même.
Il refusait de prendre ses médocs ou de se faire soigner dans tous les cas (bipolaire sévère (mais grosse tendance à la violence et big manipulateur cf post précédent) et il arrêtait pas de dire à ma grand mère qu'il allait se pendre (mais tuer sa femme avant, quel homme gentil ! 🥰).
Ce que je trouve un peu hilarant par contre c'est que cette semaine il lui a demandé si elle avait une corde pour aller se pendre et elle lui à répondu "j'en ai une là si tu veux". Il a rigolé sur le coup mais il ne l'a pas prise.
C'est marrant mais la blague a mal vieillie 😬
PS : il aurait gentiment tenter de la tuer elle et son mari ainsi que sa soeur qui vivent dans la même maison, si elle avait osé appeler les pompiers ou prévenir quelqu'un, quel gentil fils fils franchement 😍
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soffies · 2 years
Estoy del veterinario y hay un póster que dice "¿cuando fue la última vez que desparasitaste a tu perro?" y casi se muero, pensé "se podría reformular mucho mejor eso" y era porque había leído "desparasitaste" como "desapareciste".
0 notes
itsprashimusic · 20 days
Monaco and Monza
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Summary - Charles, his favourite person (and their puppy) before, during and after the most important race wins of his life.
Pairings - Charles Leclerc x fem!Reader
Warnings - no use of y/n, google translate French and Italian, r can make decent conversation in French and Italian, possible inaccurate timelines, it is hinted that R is not from France or Monaco, honorable louis tomlinson appearance bc I am a former louie girlie, R has blue light glasses, cuss words. Happy reading🩵
W/C - 3.9k
A/N - i write all my female Rs with a desi in mind. Written in 2nd pov. I wrote R with a mindset and likes similar to mine, you are free to skip this fic if you don't like it.
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Before Monaco
An hour had passed on the three hour flight from Imola to Nice. Charles was asleep and Leo was curled up in your lap. Sitting in an oversized top and sweatpants, you were quite comfortable while doing some work. You work for a company that allows you to work remotely, which is a huge blessing considering your longtime boyfriend travels the world every other week.
The tiny pup yawned big as he woke up from his nap. You scratched him under the chin. Leo moved around in your lap, found another comfortable spot and went right back to sleep just as Charles also moved to find another comfortable position to nap in. You smiled to yourself and continued working.
Soon the plane landed in a private airport in the French city of Nice. Your bags were handled by the hired help, and Charles insisted on carrying your laptop bag for you. This left you walking along his side with Leo in your arms, still sound asleep. The boat ride to Monaco didn't take long and the drive to your shared apartment went by in a blur.
It felt nice being home during race week. You left Leo in his bed and joined Charles in the living room. Coming up from behind you hugged him while softly asking, "Qu'est-ce que tu penses?" (what is on your mind?). Even after all these years you still cringed at your accent.
"The race" he replied.
You sighed as you remembered the dnfs, mechanical failures and team errors that Charles had to endure. Year after year, the pain just kept getting worse as you watched from the grandstands and eventually the garage.
"You should focus on the positives. The team has been performing well and this season has been different than the last 3, there is hope." you weren't sure if what you said was the right thing. You kissed him on the cheek and moved around the couch to come and sit next to him.
"It is not easy when every other time I have had hope, it has been ripped away and torn into tiny pieces," Charles said while looking defeated. You felt sad seeing him like this. You just held your arms out and let him fall into your embrace. With the couch being big enough for two people to sleep on it, soon you and Charles fell asleep, still in the hug.
During Monaco
Photographers snapped photos of you and Rebecca, Leo's leash entwined with your hand. The two of you were spotted outside the Ferrari hospitality an hour before qualifying. Charles was busy with his engineer and strategist and asked you to give him some alone time. So, you thought a small walk around the paddock with your puppy and good friend would be beneficial.
Eventually the crowd of fans surrounding you and Rebecca who wanted to see Leo was getting quite large, so you politely said goodbye to the fans, picked up the pup and made your way back to the Ferrari motorhome. You got a text from your boyfriend.
Can you come to my drivers room?
You entered the room and put Leo down, allowing him to calm down and drink some water from his very own water bottle and attached bowl. "Darling, do you need something?" you asked Charles as he looked tense.
You moved closer to him. Charles caught you by surprise when he pulled you even closer and hugged you extremely tight. "Je ne me sens pas bien," (i don't feel good) he whispered. "C'est bon. Tout ira bien. It's ok, you'll be ok." you quietly kept repeating to him until Leo began demanding attention with his big brown eyes and soft whines.
Charles wiped the few tears that escaped and picked him up with a new smile adorning his face. For a moment, it was just the three of you, your perfect little family. There was a knock at the door, followed by a Ferrari team member informing Charles that he was required in 5 minutes. Charles placed a wet kiss on your forehead.
"Thank you for supporting me the way you do. I love you so much, mon cœur," (my heart) he said, his lips still on your forehead. The pair walked out of the room and split ways. You had the hired help watch Leo for the duration of qualifying in a private room.
You sat with Charles' family just as the Sky Sports camera panned on you. You smiled when you saw yourself on the monitor and gave a small wave while sitting next to Charlotte.
Even though you knew that Charles would easily clear Q1, you could not help the anxiety that made its way throughout your body. He crossed the line and made it to Q2. With the next session, your anxiety worsened. But within 15 minutes your nerves eased.
Q3. This was it. As the minutes slowly turned from 12 to 2, you were feeling sick. Charles' sleek Ferrari flew over the finish line and your hands flew to your mouth. Pole Position. At his home race. At your home race. The cameras focused on you to get your and his family's reaction.
At parc ferme, Charles ran over to his team who hyped him up even more. He signed the wheel and posed for the photos, the smile never leaving his face. Even after finishing up his media duties and making his way back to his family and you in the motorhome, his smile remained ever present. You swore he never hugged you tighter than that.
Race day. The day that actually mattered.
You entered the paddock a few steps behind Charles, Leo once again in your hold. You didn't get a lot of time with Charles, considering he was the man of the hour after securing pole. The two of you shared a moment together before he had to head out for the national anthem.
"Comment te sens-tu, chérie?" (how are you feeling, darling?) you asked him while he changed into his race suit. He looked up and the look on his face gave you your answer. You smiled and he continued wearing his suit. There were butterflies in his stomach. That meant he felt nervous, hopeful, anxious and confident all at once.
Charles was out on the track, and you once again joined his family in the motorhome. At that point though, it would be more appropriate to call them your family. You and Charles have been together for a long time. The pair of you had seen each other at their lowest and highest. When Charles lost his father and when for nearly a year you could not get a job. When news of Anthoine's death reached Charles, he was on holiday with you and your family in another country. Your family gave him the comfort he needed. When you got news that your parents contracted covid, there was nothing you could do sitting in your apartment in Monaco. Pascale was like a second mother to you.
The race began. You found a place to sit and watch the race. Charles was in the lead. A huge crash. A totaled redbull and a red flag. You felt the butterflies creeping up from your stomach to your throat. The race resumed and continued. Piastri was close to Charles, but not enough to threaten his position. It felt like time slowed down during the final lap. You had an earbud plugged in one ear and could hear Crofty's iconic last lap commentary.
The number 16 Ferrari flew past the checkered flag and fireworks flew out from the sides of the track. Charles' family members were already hugging each other and some of the team members who were there. But you didn't move. Tears were flowing down your face and a smile was etched on your face. The first person you moved to hug was Charlotte, the older woman was like an elder sister to you.
The camera's stream kept cutting from Charles out on the track to you and his family in the motorhome. Everyone quickly left the garage and made their way to parc ferme. You saw Charles pull up and stop in front of the 1st place stand. You watched from the back as he ran to his team, Arthur and Lorenzo pushed their way to the front. After getting weighed, the team moved to allow you to come to the front where Charles walked towards you.
Normally, you and Charles would keep the pda on the lesser side when cameras were around, but not this time. The forever smiling face, messy-haired and slightly teary-eyed boyfriend of yours pulled you directly into a powerful kiss. His left arm was around your back while his right hand was half on your face and half on your neck. You could hear and feel all the cameras going off around you.
Charles broke the kiss but kept your foreheads connected. You held both of his hands. "Tu l'as fait," (you did it) you repeated in all the languages you knew while nodding your head. You could see the tears welling up in his eyes again. He quickly blinked them away, "L'ho fatto," (i did it) he said in Italian quickly kissed you once again before hugging you.
You stood below the podium and watched as he received the trophy he had been waiting his entire life for. You were still crying. The tears would not stop, and they only got worse when Charles made eye contact with you after he was presented with the medal. He mouthed the words I love you. So much. Thank you. You could only hold your hand to your heart in response.
After Monaco
Even after a full day, you could still smell the fragrance of champagne wafting off of Charles.
You and Charles had celebrated his win on Sunday night in a club. He was practically glued to your side the entire night. No matter who he was talking to, either he did it while having an arm around you or holding your hand. By the end of the night, you were left with a very clingy and very drunk boyfriend. With Joris's help, you got Charles into the car. He drove the both of you home.
Back at the apartment, Charles seemed to have sobered up a bit after you made him eat some food.
"Did I ever tell you how much I love you?" Charles was lying down on the bed and was lovingly staring at you.
"All the time," you answered while changing for the night.
You finished changing and joined Charles in bed. Leo who was previously perched near Charles' feet climbed onto you and snuggled up on your chest.
Charles got your attention by saying your name, "I want you to understand what I mean when I say this. I love you. I appreciate you so much, even I cannot comprehend it. You have supported me throughout my years in Formula 1 and Formula 2. You have stood by me all these years, even when you had to sacrifice your job and sleep schedule for me. Je veux que vous compreniez la profondeur de ce que je dis." (i want you to understand the depth of what i am saying).
His eyes kept moving around but eventually rested on your face. He looked into your eyes when he finally spat out what he truly wanted to say.
"Mon cœur, mon âme, ma vie, je veux passer le reste de ma vie avec toi. Veux-tu m'épouser?" (My heart, my soul, my life, i want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?)
I took you a second to process what Charles said. You looked down and saw him holding a simple gold band with three small diamonds set in it. His free arm was laid across your stomach under Leo, who woke up when he sensed his mom feeling strong emotions.
Tears filled your eyes, your heart began beating faster and you were sweating a bit. Leo moved to the bed and was now licking the tears that fell from your eyes. You felt like you couldn't speak, but you very much knew what your answer was.
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Before Monza
The summer break was perfect. You used your paid leave and were fully able to enjoy your time with the entire family. The photos of Leo that Charles posted to his instagram were adored by the fans. Your insta account remained private, but you still posted the dog nonetheless.
Neither of you announced the engagement just yet, wanting to keep it to yourselves for a while. Fans got curious when they saw a new ring around that special finger after Charles' win in Monaco, but since it was quite simple and small, they thought nothing much of it. You were known for wearing many different rings on the same finger, so people thought it was just another ring you fancied.
Unfortunately, after your long break, you were required to come back to the office for a few days for important meetings with the higher-ups of your company. That meant you missed the race in Zandvoort and Charles podium. But you made it up to him by joining him in Monza, his adopted home race.
Walking in the streets of Monza with a loved Ferrari driver was always quite the experience. Leo loved the attention from all the fans, he was a born extrovert. You and Charles had lunch at one of your favourite restaurants. The both of you sat in a relatively private section of the restaurant.
"I missed you at Zandvoort," Charles said before eating a morsel of his favourite pasta. "I'm sorry I couldn't be there. I tried to leave as early as I could, but by the time the meeting finished it made no sense to come," you said wishing you could have been there for him. Ever since Monaco, the team had been struggling. It brought back painful flashbacks of 2022 and 2023.
Things were not the best between you and Charles during the week you were out for work. The timings never seemed to match, when he had the energy to talk you were too burnt out, and doing all of this while also planning a wedding was not easy. It put a small strain on your relationship which seemed like it was reaching its breaking point during this weekend.
During Monza
You spent the rest of the week working. In between the free practice sessions, you were spotted with a pair of blue-light glasses on and bent over your laptop and a notebook. Leo was either sleeping in his carrier by your feet or was with Arthur or Lorenzo.
You barely saw Charles the entire weekend. He was either busy with his engineer and strategist or was filming content. It only made the strain in your relationship even worse and left Rebecca having to hear your side of it for most of the weekend considering both the boys were quite busy.
It was only before qualifying that you managed to get a moment with Charles at all.
"Charles, I know this is an important race for you, but we need to talk," you sternly said leaving no room for arguments. Charles was about to protest but you simply pulled him by the arm to his drivers room.
"Pourquoi tu ne me parles pas?" (why are you not talking to me?) you folded your arms while facing him. "You have been avoiding me ever since Thursday!"
"Oh, I'm sorry. I thought you were too tired and 'fagged out' to want to talk," he replied sarcastically and with air quotes. "Je ne comprends pas pourquoi tu dois te comporter comme ça!" (I don't get why you have to behave like that!) Charles started walking around angrily and went off rattling away in French at such a fast pace you could not understand what he was saying.
"Just stop!" you yelled. "Just tell me why you are angry at me," you said, softer this time, almost in defeat.
"I don't like it when you are so busy with your work that you do not have time for us," Charles whispered after a long pause.
"And how do you think I feel when you are so busy with your work? I am required to go to the office at least every six months. You travel around the world every other week. You have less free time than I do, but have you heard me complain? So, instead of getting angry that I had to leave for one week to discuss plans for the company's future with the CEO, you should be happy that it was only one week out of the 52 in a year."
By the time you finished speaking, Charles had his hands over his face and was standing quite far from you. He whispered something inaudibly. With a confused look on your face, you moved closer to your fiancé. Upon feeling your body heat in the cold room, he removed his hands from his face and repeated his words.
I'm sorry.
The both of you wrapped yourselves in an embrace and for 5 minutes were only apologising and promising to do better in the future. You left the room after giving him a kiss. You headed down to the garage wanting to watch quali with Arthur who was watching Leo while you worked.
The timer began the countdown into Q1. Normally you would've been feeling quite nervous, but you were distracted by the charming british singer sitting next to you. Being a young girl during the height of One Direction was something else entirely. Your childhood dreams of meeting your favourite singer from the famous boyband had now come true.
Soon it was time for Q3 and you got a photo with Louis who by the time Q3 began, just like the rest of the world, fell in love with Leo and his photos. Charles put in great laps, but ended up only p4 alongside Russel.
Charles finished with his media duties and met up with you inside the motorhome. You were on a work call when he walked into the room. Leo was in the corner of the room scarfing down his food as if he hadn't eaten in years, his ears flopping all over the place.
You cut the call frustrated, removing your glasses from your face and placing them on your head. "Est-ce que tu vas bien?" (are you good?) he asked while holding you from the side and kissing your temple. You nodded and just packed up your things while Charles gathered his things as well.
The grandstands were filled with a sea of red and occasional yellow. Your outfit consisted of only red, yellow and black. Charles had left for the paddock earlier, so you made plans to have breakfast with Rebecca and leave for the paddock together.
You walked around before the race with Leo on the leash in front of you, Rebecca by your side. "So, how is wedding planning going?" she asked, her beautiful scottish accent making you smile. "We are still looking at venues. All we know is that it's going to be sometime in August of next year."
The drivers would soon be called for the national anthem. So, you went back to the Ferrari garage looking for your soon-to-be husband. You found him sitting next to Arthur, water bottle in hand. Leo instantly ran towards him and began climbing up his dad.
"Just do your best. Give it your all. Je t'aime tellement." (i love you so much) you sent Charles off with a hug. Leo was fast asleep in his carrier, so you joined Arthur down in the garage. You put on the large red headphones and waved at the camera when you saw yourself on the broadcast.
Halfway through the race, it hit you that Charles could possibly win. It was a stretch considering he was attempting a one-stopper. But as lap after lap went by the possibility of that dream coming true seemed more and more likely. His tires were probably gonna look like chewed-up bubblegum by the end of the race, but if he managed them just right...
He did it. He fucking did it. The roar of the Tifosi was stronger than ever. Unlike his last win, this time you were not seated. You were jumping up and down, cheering as loud as you could, matching the energy of the Ferrari team members around you. Some of them hugged you.
While Charles was finishing his cool-down lap, the mechanics and other team members rushed out to greet Charles in parc ferme. You stayed close to Arthur, knowing that you could possibly get pushed in the wrong direction. With a hand around your back, he guided you to the front where you could see the beautiful red car pull up.
Charles came running toward the team, moving quickly to try and hug everyone possible. As he moved from Arthur to hug you, from the corner of your eyes you could see more cameras making their way towards you. FLASH! And that was how one of the iconic photos of Monza 2024 was born. Charles' arms wrapped around you and he had his visor up, his eyes filled with so much emotion. You were smiling widely in the photo and had your hands on either side of his helmet. But the part that made the photo iconic was that your left hand was facing the camera, and in that, you had tucked away all of your fingers except the one with your engagement ring.
Winning the Italian Grand Prix as a Ferrari driver is always special, so you watched the podium celebration from inside the motorhome, wanting him to enjoy the moment with the team and the Tifosi to the fullest.
After Monza
For the next two days, the streets of Monza were filled with Ferrari flags being either hung from somewhere or people waving them around. It seemed like every other Italian was asking for an autograph from Charles or a photo with him. But it wasn't just Charles and Ferrari who were the talk of town. So were you.
That photo of you and Charles just after the race had gone viral. At first, people were freaking out, wondering if the two of you were really engaged or if it was a joke. Only when Charles reposted the photo to his story did fans really start freaking out.
Congratulations were pouring out of everyone's mouth who had seen the photo or heard of the news. You didn't mean for the news to overshadow Charles' incredible win on 38-lap old tires. But it didn't. As a matter of fact, the win and engagement news gelled well together, neither taking away from the other.
The night before the team would be heading to Maranello you and Charles laid in the hotel bed, Leo fast asleep on his own bed. "I'm sorry for not asking if you'd be fine with me announcing our engagement," you said in a soft voice while drawing shapes on his torso. Charles, who had you wrapped around his side, kissed your forehead and said, "Je suis content que tu l'aies fait," (I am glad you did it).
The next morning Charles posted a photo of a formal dinner the two of you had with not just his but also your family where the engagement was announced. Of course, Leo was in the center of the photo.
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A/n - honestly idk what i even wrote. i am tired af and just needed to get this out of my system. Hope you enjoyed reading🩵
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bippiti · 7 months
catalyst clc16 x rockstar! reader
after the release of your new album, life has been hectic as you've been running around doing shows. only problem is you seem to have only one person on your mind. little do you know he's having the same issue
an part two! any feedback is appreciated and please like + rb!
if you want a visual guide for the band .
part one next part
tags @bloodyymaryyy @guiseppetsunoda @maxverstappendefender @charizznorizz
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liked by king, charles_leclerc and 42,836,364 others
yourig thanks for coming out london! nyc see you soon x
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user ughh i wish i couldve come :((
yourig next time lovee💜
user sounded so good
user anyone else gonna talk about the album afterparty???
user who cares bro😭 theyre adults and tbh they would be a power couple
user right?! ive been thinking the same thing, shes not a good influence on him
user im sorry do yk y/n??? how would u know that lmfao
king looking good!
liked by yourig
user where is the fit from???
user i think vivienne westwood!
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you sighed, scrolling through your comments. it had been almost a month after your albums release, and some people still were bringing up the hug with charles. i mean, seriously it was just a hug. it wasn't like you guys had made out or anything.
both your label and ferrari were sponsored by celsius, and your management had met with one of ferraris pr heads. they had agreed to work together to promote the new album, and had picked charles because he was a fan of your music.
you clicked instantly on the first day of set, but it also helped that you spoke fluent french (you had an obsession with indila when you were younger and forced yourself to learn it) the lack of a language barrier, coupled with the fact that you guys had similar interests made it inevitable that you both would become friends.
after the album launch party, you were exhausted. you had woken up at 4am for promo shoots, and had been running around all day before singing your whole album (which was around an hour long) to the attendees. it was fun, and you wouldnt trade your career for the whole world, but man you were tired.
as you were heading out, you spotted charles and you both stopped to talk
"tu as bien fait là-dedans" he said, smiling as he pushed his hands into his pockets (you did good in there)
"merci! les heures de pratique m’ont aidé. je pense que je pourrais oublier les paroles si j’essayais" you smile as he laughed (thanks! the hours of practice helped. i dont think i could forget the lyrics if i tried)
"en pratiquant son art on devient artisan" (practice makes perfect)
you nod, turning as you hear your bandmate siobahn call for you
you look back to him, saying your goodbyes and quickly hugging him before running after her.
that was it. just a friendly hug. it's not like he liked you, and if he knew you liked him, you doubt he would still be friends with you.
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liked by yourig, pierregasly and 305,387 others
charles_leclerc i won. maybe next time @/pierregasly 😘
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user just realized pierre had a chance to fork the king and the rook in
user not y/n liking this...
user so cute😍
pierregasly i almost had it
charles_leclerc of course you did
user my fav french men
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after having checkmate charles sat back, smiling smugly as he looked at pierre try and fail to make a move. giving up, he raised his hands in defeat.
"quand vais-je jamais te battre?" he said sighing as he chuckled (when will i ever beat you)
"peut-être dans une autre vie" (maybe in another life)
scoffing, pierre changed the subject.
"so i heard you're with some rockstar these days"
"i most definitley am not"
"sure, sure. you might not be dating her but i can tell you like her"
charles paused, having a mini crisis. ok. so maybe he did like you. he couldn't help it, honestly. throughout filming ,and even after he had grown to really admire you. not only just as an artist, but as a person as well. he honestly hoped you'd be able to meet up afterwards, but he hasnt been able to see you since. between his preseason training and your concerts, you both are rarely free, let alone in the same country.
he told all of this to pierre, who listened quietly, nodding along before telling him his masterplan. he was gonna help him out, what kindve friend would he be if he didnt?
hearing the notification sound go off on your phone, you picked it up. your eyebrows raised as you read it
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part 3??
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mistexpi · 3 months
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30 Juin & 7 Juillet, oubliez pas de VOTER !
✨ Tu retrouves pas ta carte électeur ? > Tu peux simplement voter en présentant ta carte d'identité !
✨ Tu sais pas dans quel bureau tu dois voter ? > Cherche "bureau de vote" sur le site service-public.fr , puis la page "Liste électorale, bureau de vote… : comment vérifier son inscription ?"
✨ Tu penses qu'on est pas à une voix près ? > Pour les législatives, chaque voix peut compter, la dernière fois ça s'était joué à quelques voix près dans certains endroits 😮
✨ Tu penses que voter ça sert à rien/que tous les politiques puent ? > En vrai, c'est quand même mieux de mettre toutes les chances de son côté plutôt que de faire le tri ? ✌️ Voter empêche pas de continuer à faire tout le reste à côté ❤️‍🔥
(et oui les politiques puent et la gauche est loin d'être parfaite et y a des bonnes têtes à claques, mais le programme est un bon début et on sera là pour leur foutre la pression 🔥 )
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libraryraccoon · 7 months
I saw the Floyd request and I thought of rook hunt in hasbin hotel.
Rip Alastor his privacy he now became the hunted the both speaking French .
Imagine rook talking about angel dust his inner beauty is making him feel loved every day saying something positive.
And Charlie and vaggie getting put on romantic dates by rook and lucifer and rook seeing them ta about how beautiful love is.
Gender : GN
Pronouns : no real pronouns used(sometimes they/them)
Character : Alastor, general headcanon
Message from Raccoon : I was also thinking of a rook!reader while writing the Floyd!Reader tbh.
TW : ROOK!READER, a little suggestive
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The Demon Of Hunt, a very strong overlord who knows everything about everyone. A predator whose prey are doomed to die.
They aren't a demon you want to mess with, you don't want to be their prey.
In their lifetime a very famous hunter living in a small village, in their death The Demon Of Hunt, the hunter everyone is afraid of.
He met you when he was still killing overlords.
“Now, isn’t that a rather crude way of killing ?” You asked behind him.
How long have you been behind Alastor ? He has no idea.
“Oh ! And what a beautiful deer tail you have there ! C'est magnifique !” You say, touching Alastor's deer tail; ignoring the fact that you had just seen him kill an overlord.
He straight up hated you.
But he also found you interesting, especially when you could see through all his attacks.
Boring, but entertaining.
After that, you didn't let him go.
You followed him, stalking him, wherever he went.
Like a predator with its prey, observing it before killing it.
When he left for 7 years, he finally thought he had lost you…
You followed him.
For 7 fucking years he had to stay with you.
Even 8V>× didn't want to make a contract with you after seeing how weird you were.
Not to mention all the times you talked about love…
*add a disgusted Alastor*
You interfered in his life and never left, even though he tried to reject you.
And let's not even talk about your strange comments…
"Oh ! I wonder what red deer would taste like for dinner ! Or maybe a red wendigo ! Qu'en pense tu, Alastor ?"
“Red deer ?” *remembers that he is, technically, some sort of red deer/wendigo as a demon.* "Ha ha ! Stay 100km/h away from me."
When you arrived at the hotel, Alastor finally felt free ! After all his years of being the stolkant, you finally left him alone !
Well, not always, after all you would never leave your prey friend alone for too long, but you weren't with him all the time.
Alastor won't lie, not being with you 24/7 after so long was weird…
He finally had privacy-
100% complained to Rosie about you.
“And they never gave me space !” -Alastor
"Really ?" -Rosie
"Well, I'll give him some time alone. For the bathroom." -Rook!Reader, arriving out of nowhere behind Alastor.
Although Alastor considers you as a menace, there are times when he is grateful to you and to be your friend.
Like those rare times of weakness, when you helped him feel better, reassured him. It was the rare times he was grateful to have you as a friend.
I just know that when you want to talk about something private/you don't want others to hear you, you speak French.
Although sometimes you just do it to piss off other people.
"Mon cher cerf préférer ! Al' ! Je viens de découvrir quelque chose sur Vox, tu vas pas y croire !"
"Je vais préparer le thé, après tu me racontera."
You turn all Overlord meetings from boring to interesting meetings.
During meetings, you had the habit of telling everyone's secrets (except Alastor's secrets, bestie privilege), and always the most interesting ! Like this time you said you saw Carmilla decapitate an exterminator !
*After the song Respectless.* "Actually, mes chers amis, it is possible, or not, that I saw Carmilla decapitate an exterminator with her shoes. C'était un combat splendide !"
General Headcanon
You don't let anyone have privacy.
They know it, but they can't say anything.
Angel Dust suffered the most of that, he saw you during one of his shoots watching him in the shadows.. It was terrifying.
“Just try to be sexy.” -Valentino looking at Angel Dust during a shoot.
"Oh, mais mon cher, he's sexy enough like this ! Take off the underwear and people will love it !" -Rook!Reader behind Valentino, coming out of nowhere.
"MOTHERFUCKER-" *Add Valentino's scream of terror.*
You comforted Angel after each shoot, cheering him up in a more or less suspicious ways.
You call Angel Dust by his real name, Anthony. You are the only one in the hotel who knows his real name and calls him like that.
Angel Dust is sort of happy that someone thinks of him as Anthony and not Angel Dust.
Valentino hates you, as do all Vees and all the demons.
Lucifer found you weird the first time he meet you, and knowing your reputation, it was normal, but in the end you got along really well.
You 🤝 Lucifer = make Charlie and Vaggie have romantic dates by candlelight.
“Ah, youthful love ! Que c'est beau !”
“I miss the love of youth..” (in a dramatically way)
Did I mention that you and Lucifer are and always will be drama queens ?
You and Lucifer are just THAT bestie duo that everyone wants to be.
I can so see you having these dinners for two in fancy restaurants while being platonic. You say the most romantic things, speaking in French, and Lucifer joins you in those moments, doing the same.
"Oh, mon chéri, you look beautiful tonight ! Even more brilliant than usual !"
"Oh, I should be the one to tell you that ! You look beyond stunning tonight in that costume !"
You are trending on the networks.
Every. Fucking. Days.
On the networks, there are 3 teams; those who ship Lucifer x Rook!Reader, those who ship Alastor x Rook!Reader, and those who say you are a hopelessromantic and/or aromantic.
They have hilarious debates that you love to join for just fuck all and everyone.
"Well, it's true that Monsieur Alastor is quite handsome, but Lucifer ? Oh, je ne sais même pas ou commencer a son sujet !" -Rook!Reader on the networks screwing up between the teams, always changing the place between Lucifer and Alastor.
You are a star in all the circles of hell fr.
One day, Charlie asked you if you were dating her father after seeing what you were doing/writing on internet.
You answered some shit like "As much as I would love to be with him, je ne pourrais qu'en rêver. He is far too good and handsome man for a simple sinner like me."
Vaggie doesn't trust you, not in a million of eons.
Sir Pentious asked if you had a death wish after he saw you touch Alastor's deer ears…
"Oh, to die by the hand of such a magnifique et servant gentleman ! What an honor that would be !"
Sir Pentious has never seen Alastor back away from someone so fast before-
Niffty like you. You regularly complimented her on her work and her beauty.
Husk, on the contrary, doesn't like you.
He had to endure you and Alastor's shit for too long, 7 years without both of you wasn't enough.
You intrude into people's intimate moments.
And by people, I mean Husk and Anthony.
Imagine Husk and Angel Dust, just being quietly alone, a super romantic moment, and then, you pop in between the two…
But sometimes when you compliment them (one time per day), they like you.
I like to think that the Tik Tok hell version is like the one of the living, with people doing random ship. And Rook!Reader live for that.
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barcalover86 · 1 year
Mi culpa- Pablo Gavi (a)
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Summary: You and Gavi had a huge fight right before his game, and he tells you that he doesn't want you to make it to the game and you get into a car accident.
I saw this on tik tok, so credits to whoever had this idea first. Enjoy!!
2nd Masterlist
"He said he would be here, mama."
"Y/n, sweetheart, it's been 2h. He is clearly not coming anymore."
"I'll call him again"
"You've already called him multiple times. He won't answer. It's ok, you can go to his game."
"But he said he would be here! Maybe something happened to him."
You started to panick at the thought of losing Gavi. You've been together for a long time, and you just couldn't imagine your life without this boy by your side.
He promised you that he would come to your family lunch. Everyone was there waiting for him. Your cousins, parents, uncles, grandparents.. everyone.
You texted him constantly, hoping for at least an answer, but he wouldn't pick up his phone. He never did that, and you were now on the edge of crying in front of your family.
You were so embarrassed when people would ask you about where he is. You at first tried to say that he is only at some training or the traffic is wild now.
It had come to a time when no more excuses could be make.
"Don't you want to eat something?"
"No, papa."
"He is for sure, alright. Maybe he couldn't make it, but forgot to tell you."
"No, he wouldn't do this."
You sighed before apologising to everyone about Gavi and telling them that you are going to his house to see what's the problem.
When you arrived there you saw Gavi preparing to go to the game. When you saw him alive and all save, anger started to feel in all your body.
"Qué te pasa?" (What is wrong with you!?)
When he heard your voice, he smiled, but right after he saw your face, it faded away.
"No me digas que no sabes de lo que hablo" (Don't tell me you don't know what i'm talking about)
"No, realmente no lo hago."
After you realised that he forgot about this lunch, you felt like you could kill someone right there. He promised to you and knew how important it was for you.
"No puedo creerlo" you said it more to yourself. How could he forget?
"Por favor, dime de qué estás hablando." (Please tell me what you are talking about.) he said it with a shaky voice.
"Te olvidaste de mi almuerzo familiar!! ¡Me prometiste que estarías allí y sabías lo importante que era para mí!" (You forgot my family lunch!! You promised me that you would be there and you knew how important it was to me!)
When he remembered about the lunch, he stopped doing whatever he was and tried to come to you to apologise, but you just walked out of his embrace.
"Te he llamado varias veces durante horas, Pablo! Por jodidas horas! No tienes idea de lo avergonzado que me sentí allí de pie, esperándote mientras todos preguntaban 'dónde está tu novio!?' Pues yo tampoco lo sé!" (I have called you several times for hours, Pablo! For fucking hours! You have no idea how embarrassed I felt standing there, waiting for you while everyone was asking 'where's your boyfriend!?' Well, I don't know either!)
"Y lo peor es que pense que te habia pasado algo! Estaba entrando en pánico porque te perdí y tú estás... aquí!? Haciendo.. nada!? (And the worst thing is that I thought something had happened to you! I was panicking because I lost you and you're…here!? Doing. Nothing!?)
"Lo siento mucho. Lo olvidé por completo, pero por favor tienes que entenderme también. Tengo un juego difícil esta noche y mi mente estaba en eso. Lo siento mucho" (I am sorry. I completely forgot, but please, you have to understand me too. I have a tough game tonight, and my mind was only on it. I'm really, really sorry.)
He was sad and you tried to understand him, but just couldn't. It was something that is hard to forget.
"Deberías haberme dicho esto antes de prometerme que estarías allí." (You should have told me this before you promised me you'd be there.)
He rolled his eyes. He was in no mood for a fight now, and he really had to go to the stadium.
"Entiendo, es mi culpa, pero por favor, olvidémoslo. Tengo un juego para asistir-" (I understand, it's my fault, but please, let's forget about it. I have a game to attend-)
"Solo te importa ese juego!" you said it, now really angry. You were about to cry, but tried to keep as calm as possible.
"Bueno, por supuesto. ¡Ahora mismo es más importante!" (Now it's more important)
"Qué?" you said it shocked. You really had enough of this.
"Como has oído, sí. Tengo que concentrarme en ello." (As you heard, yes. I have to concentrate on it.)
"Entonces el juego es mas importante que yo?"
"Ahora sí"
You felt like you could throw yourself from a bridge now.
You nodded your head and were about to leave before saying the last thing he ever heard from you.
"Entonces no quiero arruinar tu noche." (Then I won't ruin your night.).
He rolled his eyes once again.
"Estás siendo tan dramático. Realmente espero que no llegues al estadio. No soporto tu estado de ánimo esta noche." (You are being so dramatic. I really hope you don't make it to the stadium. I can't stand your mood tonight.)
When you heard him say that, you smiled sadly. You never thought that you two would become like this. You still wanted to come to his match. You knew that he didn't mean it and that your support was really important for him.
Pablo felt horrible after you left. He never shouted at you, and doing that made him devastated. He tried to forget about your fight. He had a match to win tonight.
You went back to your house without saying anything more. Your parents asked you if you talked to your boyfriend. At that moment, you didn't even know if you were together anymore. All this was so confusing and you needed to clear your mind for a bit.
You threw yourself on the bed and slept for some good minutes.
When it was only 30 minutes before the game would begin, you changed (still wearing his jersey) and went to your car to drive yourself to the stadium.
You still hadn't eaten anything and you were starting to be a bit dizzy.
It was already night outside, and the traffic was absolutely full. When you were right next to the stadium, someone bumped hard into you, making pieces of your car to be thrown away. You only saw white, and you fainted.
While the game had started, sirens of ambulance started to be heard everywhere. People were confused and curious, the game being forgotten.
After the first half ended, Xavi went directly at Gavi, shouting his name.
"Gavi!!! Gavi!! Ven aquí!"
"Qué pasa?"
"Tu chica está en el hospital... en coma. Ve con ella ahora mismo. Tienes que estar allí con-" (your girl is in the hospital in a coma. You have to go there, be with-)
"Qué!? No- por favor, Xavi, no-"
"Lo siento mucho"
"No, no"
Right now, Gavi started to cry. It was his fault and only his. He had to take you here himself. Now he lost you forever.
He hurried up to the hospital you were at, leaving the game behind. He ran like he never had.
When he arrived, he asked everyone about you. Every nurse that was around was asked about your condition by Gavi. He was really panicked and when he saw your family standing there, he cried harder.
He started to say that it's all his fault and that you two fought. He couldn't lose you knowing that the last thing you talked was something bad.
Your family tried to console him, knowing how a good boy he is. Nothing was working. He wanted to see you, he had to see you.
He stayed there all night on that chair. He didn't sleep at all, wanting to be the first one that knew about your condition. He prayed all the time, hoping for you to wake up.
He just couldn't live without you.
He cried like he never had. Days had passed, and Gavi was still there at the hospital. He saw you only for some seconds, and it was enough for him to make him cry harder.
Your parents and his would bring chlotes to him and food. He just didn't want to leave that seat.
His eyes were all red and puffy while your mother was hugging him close to her heart. She would tell him nice stuff in his ear, trying to calm him down a bit.
He knew that if you would die, he wouldn't be able to forgive himself for it.
Everyone was praying for you because everyone loved you. You were a sweet person, someone who went through hell in this life, but every time, you chose to be a kind-hearted girl. You were the one that was there for everyone, the friend that you wouldn't get bored with.
Every person would want a friend like you, and every boy would love a girlfriend as you.
"Gavi!!! Gavi!!!! Everyone is cheering for this incredible boy! Spain, champions of the world!! All this because of this talent of Pablo Gavi!!"
"You did it, amor! Congratulations!!!!!"
"Mis chicas..." he said while taking your daughter from your hands and kissing your lips.
"Te amo.." he said, and you smiled.
"Te amo, y/n".
He said while holding your hand on the hospital bed.
"Despertar... por favor" (wake up.. please)
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lqvesoph · 2 years
his rival's sister (pt.1)
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gif by @smithrowed
paring: charles leclerc x drivers sister!reader
warnings: smut, making out, fingering, kinda public sex, google translate used for languages other than english
this is a two-shot, 2nd part here
this is purely fiction!!
"We need to be careful", you mumbled in between kisses. Charles gave an agreeing hum and continued to roam his hands over your body.
The two of you stood in the small Ferrari garage where the tyres were kept, your back against the wall.
You grinned. "I'm serious", you chuckled, holding his cheek, to prevent him from kissing you. "Yes, I know but no one is going to see us here", the monegasque smiled, leaning in again to kiss your neck this time.
You automatically tilted your head to give him more space. Your hand, that previously rested on his shoulder, moved up to grip the short hair in the back of his neck.
Charles slowly bit into your skin, making you squirm and push yourself closer against him. A tiny whimper left your lips at the feeling of his hot breath on your bare neck.
"Shhhh", he whispered laughing, holding his finger in front of your lips, when suddenly the door opened.
The look in your eyes quickly turned from pleasure to fear. Charles turned his hand around, so that his palm was now pressed against your mouth, keeping you from letting out any sound.
Your felt your breathing become heavier. Hundreds of thoughts running through your mind at once, until you felt Charles' other hands up high under your skirt, dangerously close to your center.
"What are you doing?", you asked but it sounded so muffled that not even you could figure out what you just said. "Shhh, mon amour, ne parle pas (Don't talk)", he whispered in your ear, licking the spot under it after.
You quietly moaned into his hand, while one of his fingers stroke over your clit. You cursed yourself for not wearing underwear. Yes, this was obviously the intention behind it but you didn't plan it to be with someone walking past.
"Si mouillé pour moi déjà (So wet for me already)", he groaned, sliding his finger through your folds. "Charles", you tried to say but his hand on your mouth made it only sound like a desperate moan.
"Shhh attends un peu, je ne peux pas te donner ce que tu veux quand il y a du monde autour (Wait a little, I can't give you what you want when there are people around)", he murred, sucking on your neck and leaving a little purple patch.
You desperately tried to shake your head to tell him that you couldn't care less if there are people around or not. Your obvious despair made him chuckle.
"Tu penses que tu peux rester tranquille? Pendant que je te fais jouir? (You think you can stay quiet? While I make you cum?)", Charles mumbled and slowly dipped one finger inside you. You opened your mouth against his palm and a little moan escaped.
Charles pulled his finger out of you again.
"Arrête de pleurnicher et reste tranquille si tu veux ça (Stop whining and stay quiet if you want that)", he spoke a little harsher.
You could tell the teasing also touched a nerve inside him, the thrill of you having to stay quiet or else you would get caught. You could also feel it, as his middle was pressed right to your leg.
Charles started to insert his finger once again and this time you tried to stay quiet. "I can feel you clenching around me, mon amour", he groaned.
You circled your hip as a sign for him to move. Charles nodded and pushed his finger fully into you before pulling it out almost completely. He continued this movement while his thumb caressed your clit.
You moved your hips to meet his at every movement. You desperately whined into his hand.
The voices became louder with every second. Right when Charles added a second finger, two people dressed in Ferrari attire passed you and Charles, you recognized them as his engineers.
You were hidden behind a few stacks of tyres but still feared they could see you. And if Charles hadn't added that second finger you probably would've thought way more about all the possibilities.
You grabbed his hair tighter and pushed his face to the swell of your breast where your blouse was unbuttoned at the top and he began to lick and suck again.
His fingers pumping inside you, combined with his mouth on your skin and the feeling of his hard dick rubbing against your thigh, pushed you over the edge.
You moaned a little louder against his hand and slumbed against the wall after, thankful for Charles steadying you.
You hadn't had time to tell Charles but you felt the smirk against your skin when you released on his fingers.
His hand still firmly pressed over your mouth didn't help your heavy breathing, you needed air.
"L'hai sentito? (Did you hear that?)", you heard one of his engineers ask, making you gasp. Your italian was broken but you understood the few words.
"Shhhh", Charles mumbled against your ear, panting quietly. Both of your chests rose and fell almost in sync.
"Probabilmente non è niente (It was probably nothing)", the other guy said before they left the small garage again.
That's when Charles put his hand down and let you fully fall against him. "Fuck", you moaned, you clit still throbbing from the orgasm seconds ago.
Charles had the most smug grin on his face when bringing his fingers up to his mouth to lick your juice off them.
You could've cum right there again. Instead you slapped his cheek. "They could've caught us", you whisper-yelled.
"Don't act like you didn't enjoy the thrill", Charles smirked, holding strong eye contact with you. "I-", you started but Charles shook his head.
"Don't even try to deny it, your body spoke against you already, mon amour", he said before shortly pressing his lips on yours.
"I need to get back to the garage", Charles murred, adjusting your skirt and buttoning your blouse again.
"You really want to sit in the car with a hard-on?", you whispered seductively, tracing the hem of his jeans and dipping your fingers into his boxers underneath them.
"No, I don't but I fear we don't have enough time for that right now", he mumbled with closed eyes. You smirked when you saw the goosebumps arising on his skin, loving the effect you had on him.
"I should be in my suit and ready for FP3 already but after that...", he left his sentence unfinished and looked at you with a raised brow.
"Count on it", you whispered and pulled him down to you for one last kiss before you had to let him go again.
He smirked and stepped away so you could lift yourself off the wall.
You legs were still a little shaky but you managed to walk. Charles was already by the door and checked if there were people around. Thankfully there weren't.
"I'll see you later", he whispered. "Drive safely", you replied, stroking over his arm. Charles nodded.
You looked each other in the eye for a few seconds before he leaned down to meet your lips again. "One more", he mumbled, making you smile. "Okay", you chuckled.
"Last one", Charles said and kissed you again. "Charles! You need to go", you laughed and playfully pushed him away. The boy lifted his arms in defence and stepped back while laughing. "Already gone", he laughed.
You shook your head with a smile on your face and made your way to the other motorhome.
"Where have you been?", a voice asked when you stepped inside. "Oh, you know, just taking a walk around the paddock", you lied.
He nodded and stepped closer. "Be careful out there", you told him, where upon he laughed. "Zal ik doen, zus (I will be, sis)", Max said and pressed a kiss to your hair before leaving to go to his garage.
@im-an-overthinker @buendiabebeta @hungryhungarian @eve-eh @ohthemisssery @kenopsiababe @starlightoctavia @sawendel @enjoymyloves @lechefian @alireads27 @justmemewriting
tell me if you want to be added to the tag list here <3
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basilepessoart · 3 months
Suis-Je Normal ?
Suis-je Normal était un site connu vers 2 010 - 2 017. Je ne sais pas quand il a été effacé, j'avais arrêté d'y aller après des harcèlements délirants par le cinglé "Jasmine Silice" dont j'ai parlé des heures depuis avant-hier soir, réapparu pour moi sur Fb avec encore un pseudo (Cléophyre Tristan).
Un de mes textes d'hier explique qu'il a fait plus que nous suivre depuis qu'on a quitté SJN, ce alors que nous étions sous pseudo.
L'ordure a été contactée il y a 12 ans environ par les n°s 2 et 3 (Maryse et Philippe Guéno) du réseau pédo-sataniste mondial dirigé par "un certain type de 80 ans avec une tête atroce", pour effectuer un grand nombre d'actes totalement criminels, allant jusqu'à la complicité de pédo-satanisme. Anne me dit d'en rester à "complicité", mais c'est quoi poser des crocs de boucher chez les Guéno en sachant à quoi ils vont servir ? Faire croire que Maria Luisa Romeu était devenue une harceleuse psychopathe alors que c'est son ex-mari, plus tard devenu pédo-sataniste, Oliver Lores, ayant violé Anne et tué des enfants chez les Guéno, aujourd'hui "froid", qui la forçait et/ou pénétrait ses sites pour poster des images atroces ? Jasmine Silice, en quintet avec le pédo US, Lores, et les parents Guéno. Il utilisa pour cela notamment la mort de mon frère unique Julien Pesso, assassiné par le gang Guéno et 2 autres personnes à 34 ans en 2 009 à Paris, des centaines de fois, en quintet avec les autres ordures, voire en sextet de l'enfer avec le pédo US. Le harcèlement non-stop durant des années du pédo US ? Il est également largement derrière. Et lui aussi grassement payé par les pédo-sat. En 2 001 et 2 012 nous fûmes 6 environ à alerte Stéphane Bissol, créateur de SJN, sur la psychopathie de Silice, d'une violence littéralement inouïe. Bissol reçut environ 50 mails.
J'ai vécu dans la folie maternelle lorsque ma mère glissa dans la folie vers 1 992, tout en restant par ailleurs remarquable. Pourtant la folie de Silice était pour moi du jamais vu. Nous savions qu'il était dangereux. L'ultra-veule Bissol bottait systématiquement en touche lorsqu'il daignait répondre, ou renvoyait "les camps" dos-à-dos. Sa responsabilité dans les faits qui suivirent est gigantesque, quoi que sa veulerie en pense... BP.
P.S : Silice et le pédo-sat US utilisent les mêmes méthodes : textes interminables et complètement faux, brisant la création et/ou la personnalité de leurs cibles. Sur SJN, Silice louait le "trolling" comme une pratique acceptable et amusante. Il faisait également l'apologie de...la pédophilie et de l'inceste, sur des pages entières, sous les yeux globuleux de Bissol.
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allsouls-emma · 1 month
hii so i was wondering if you could write for leon x y/n ? maybe one where she is also french? if that’s not too much to ask🤍
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✧Les Ondes de l'Amour✧ ─ Léon Marchand x Y/N
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Hello Anon, Thank you for your request! I'm not fluent in french, only learning I have is from secondary level education. I hope this is to your expectation, x
Warnings: Not fluent in French, Established relationship, creative intervention to fit plot.
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The golden sun cast a warm glow over the pool at the Centre National de la Natation in Paris. The air was thick with the scent of chlorine, and the rhythmic splash of swimmers practicing their strokes echoed around the massive facility.
You were sitting by the side of the pool, your legs dangling in the cool water as you watched the elite swimmers glide through the water with precision. Among them, your eyes were naturally drawn to one in particular—Leon Marchand.
Leon had captured the world's attention with his incredible talent, and today, he was training hard, as usual. Every stroke, every kick, was a testament to the hours of dedication he poured into his sport. But when he saw you sitting there, a smile broke through his usually focused expression.
You waved, a small gesture, but it made his heart skip a beat. As he finished his lap and surfaced, he swam towards you, water streaming down his toned muscles. The way he moved, graceful yet powerful, never ceased to amaze you.
"Tu t'amuses bien, chérie?" Leon asked playfully, resting his arms on the edge of the pool beside you.
("Are you having fun, sweetheart?")
You smiled back at him, your eyes reflecting the warmth of his. "Comment pourrais-je m'ennuyer en te regardant? Tu es impressionnant, comme toujours."
("How could I be bored watching you? You're impressive, as always.")
He chuckled, shaking his head. "Tu sais bien que je le fais mieux quand tu es là."
("You know I do it better when you're here.")
There was a teasing tone to his voice, but you knew there was truth behind it. Your presence always seemed to bring out the best in him, something you both silently acknowledged.
"Alors, tu es prêt pour les championnats?" you asked, tilting your head slightly as you looked at him.
("So, are you ready for the championships?")
"Je le suis. Mais seulement si tu es là pour m'encourager," Leon replied, reaching out to gently brush a strand of hair behind your ear.
("I am. But only if you're there to cheer me on.")
You blushed slightly, the soft touch sending a flutter through your heart. "Bien sûr. Je serai là, juste à côté de toi, comme toujours."
("Of course. I'll be there, right beside you, as always.")
"Ça me rassure," he said softly, his gaze locking with yours. For a moment, the world seemed to fade away, leaving just the two of you in this intimate bubble of calm.
("That reassures me.")
Leon leaned in closer, his voice barely above a whisper. "Tu sais, Y/N, quand je suis dans l'eau, je pense souvent à toi. Ça m'aide à me concentrer, à me pousser plus loin."
("You know, Y/N, when I'm in the water, I often think of you. It helps me focus, to push myself further.")
Your breath hitched slightly at his words. Leon was not one to open up easily, but with you, he always seemed to find the courage to share his thoughts and feelings.
"Je pense à toi aussi," you admitted, your hand moving to rest on his, still slick with water. "Tu es une source d'inspiration pour moi."
("I think of you too. You're a source of inspiration for me.")
"Alors, nous nous inspirons mutuellement," he said with a soft smile before pressing a gentle kiss to your hand.
("Then, we inspire each other.")
The moment was broken by the sharp sound of a whistle, calling Leon back to the pool. He sighed, looking over his shoulder before turning back to you.
"Je dois y retourner," he said, a hint of reluctance in his voice.
("I have to go back.")
"I know," you replied, giving his hand a reassuring squeeze. "I'll be right here, cheering you on."
With one last lingering look, Leon pushed off the edge, diving back into the water with renewed energy. As you watched him swim away, your heart swelled with pride and affection. You knew that no matter where life took you both, you would always be there for each other—your love as steady and powerful as the waves that Leon so expertly conquered.
Later that evening, you and Leon returned to his apartment, a cozy space filled with reminders of his journey as a swimmer. Framed medals and photos adorned the walls, telling the story of his accomplishments. The scent of dinner filled the air—a simple but hearty meal of pasta and grilled chicken, something quick and nutritious to fuel his intense training.
As you sat down at the small dining table, Leon poured you a glass of sparkling water, the bubbles fizzing softly. "Tu as bien aimé l'entraînement aujourd'hui?" he asked, settling into the chair across from you.
("Did you enjoy the training today?")
"Oui, c'était impressionnant. Tu es toujours tellement concentré," you replied, twirling some pasta around your fork.
("Yes, it was impressive. You're always so focused.")
Leon shrugged modestly, a small smile playing on his lips. "J'essaie. Mais c'est plus facile quand je sais que tu es là pour me soutenir."
("I try. But it's easier when I know you're there to support me.")
You reached across the table, placing your hand over his. "Je serai toujours là, Leon. Tu n'as pas à t'inquiéter pour ça."
("I'll always be there, Leon. You don't have to worry about that.")
He squeezed your hand gently, his eyes filled with a mix of gratitude and affection. "Ça compte beaucoup pour moi, tu sais?"
("That means a lot to me, you know?")
You smiled, feeling a warmth spread through you. Dinner with Leon was always filled with easy conversation and quiet moments of connection. Tonight was no different, but there was an added layer of excitement in the air. Tomorrow, you were both heading to Toulouse to have dinner with his parents—a step in your relationship that felt both significant and special.
The next day, after a smooth train ride, you arrived in Toulouse. The city had a different pace from Paris, more relaxed and warm, much like the Marchand family itself. Leon’s parents had invited you to their home, a charming house just outside the city center. The garden was in full bloom, with vibrant flowers adding a splash of color to the cozy surroundings.
Leon opened the front gate for you, leading the way up the stone path. As soon as you stepped inside, you were enveloped in the comforting aroma of home-cooked food. His mother, always gracious, greeted you with a warm hug, while his father shook your hand with a smile.
"Bienvenue, Y/N! On est tellement contents de te voir," his mother said, guiding you into the living room.
("Welcome, Y/N! We're so happy to see you.")
"Merci beaucoup. Je suis ravie d'être ici," you replied, genuinely touched by the warmth of their welcome.
("Thank you so much. I'm delighted to be here.")
Dinner was a lively affair. The table was laden with a spread of delicious French dishes—ratatouille, coq au vin, and a fresh baguette that Leon’s father had picked up from the local bakery that morning. As you all sat around the table, the conversation flowed easily, filled with laughter and stories.
Leon’s parents were clearly proud of him, but they were also keen to learn more about you. They asked about your work, your family, and your hobbies. The warmth in their eyes made you feel like you were already a part of their family.
As the evening wore on, Leon’s mother brought out dessert—a tart au citron that was as beautiful as it was delicious. Over the sweet treat, the conversation turned to lighter topics, and you felt completely at ease.
"Leon nous parle souvent de toi," his mother said, her eyes twinkling. "Il est tellement heureux quand tu es là."
("Leon talks about you often. He's so happy when you're around.")
You blushed slightly, glancing at Leon, who was smiling softly at you. "Je suis heureuse aussi, surtout quand je suis avec lui."
("I'm happy too, especially when I'm with him.")
His father raised his glass, a gesture of celebration. "À vous deux. Que votre bonheur continue de grandir."
("To you both. May your happiness continue to grow.")
"À nous," Leon echoed, clinking his glass against yours with a loving smile.
("To us.")
After dinner, you and Leon took a stroll through the garden, the cool evening air refreshing after the warmth of the house. The stars were beginning to twinkle in the night sky, and the sounds of the city felt far away, leaving just the two of you in a peaceful bubble.
"Merci d'être venue ce soir," Leon said softly, his arm wrapped around your shoulders as you walked.
("Thank you for coming tonight.")
"Merci de m'avoir invitée. Tes parents sont adorables," you replied, leaning into him.
("Thank you for inviting me. Your parents are lovely.")
"Je savais qu'ils t'aimeraient," he said with a smile, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. "Comme je t'aime."
("I knew they'd love you. Just like I do.")
Your heart swelled at his words, and you stopped walking, turning to face him. "Je t'aime aussi, Leon. Plus que tu ne le sauras jamais."
("I love you too, Leon. More than you'll ever know.")
He cupped your face in his hands, his touch gentle and warm. The soft glow of the garden lights cast a golden hue on his features, highlighting the tenderness in his eyes. "C'est tout ce que je voulais entendre," Leon whispered, his voice filled with emotion.
("That's all I wanted to hear.")
Slowly, he leaned in, his lips meeting yours in a kiss that was both sweet and passionate. It felt like time stood still, the world around you fading into the background. In that moment, nothing else mattered but the two of you and the love you shared.
When you finally pulled away, your foreheads rested against each other, both of you breathing softly in the stillness of the night. Leon's thumb brushed gently across your cheek, as if trying to memorize every detail of your face.
"Je veux que tu saches que je suis sérieux à propos de nous," Leon said, his voice barely above a whisper. "Je ne peux pas imaginer ma vie sans toi."
("I want you to know that I'm serious about us. I can't imagine my life without you.")
You felt tears prick at the corners of your eyes, overwhelmed by the depth of his feelings. "Moi non plus, Leon. Je suis tellement heureuse de t'avoir trouvé."
("Neither can I, Leon. I'm so happy to have found you.")
The night felt almost magical as you both stood there, wrapped in each other's arms. It was as if the universe had conspired to bring you together, and now that you had found each other, there was no turning back.
Eventually, you made your way back inside, where Leon's parents were relaxing in the living room, enjoying a quiet moment with their coffee. They looked up as you entered, their smiles warm and knowing.
"Ça a été une belle soirée, non?" Leon's mother asked, a twinkle of affection in her eyes as she glanced between the two of you.
("It was a lovely evening, wasn't it?")
"Oui, c'était parfait," you replied, exchanging a meaningful look with Leon.
("Yes, it was perfect.")
His father nodded, setting down his cup. "Vous êtes toujours les bienvenus ici. N'oubliez pas que cette maison est aussi la vôtre."
("You're always welcome here. Don't forget that this house is also yours.")
Touched by their kindness, you smiled and thanked them both. It was clear that Leon's parents had embraced you as part of their family, and that meant more to you than words could express.
As the night drew to a close, you and Leon said your goodbyes and made your way back to his apartment. The journey was quiet, both of you lost in your thoughts, but it was a comfortable silence, one filled with the contentment of knowing that you were loved and cherished.
Back at the apartment, you curled up on the couch together, Leon’s arm wrapped around you as you rested your head on his shoulder. The day had been long but fulfilling, and now, in the quiet comfort of his home, you felt at peace.
"Je pense que mes parents t'aiment plus que moi," Leon joked, breaking the silence with a playful smile.
("I think my parents love you more than they love me.")
You laughed softly, tilting your head to look up at him. "C'est parce qu'ils savent que je vais bien m'occuper de toi."
("That's because they know I'll take good care of you.")
He grinned, leaning down to press a kiss to your forehead. "Et moi de toi."
("And I of you.")
The rest of the evening passed in a blissful haze, the two of you simply enjoying each other’s presence. As you drifted off to sleep in Leon’s arms later that night, you knew without a doubt that this was where you were meant to be—right beside him, in a life filled with love, laughter, and the promise of a beautiful future together.
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babybadger · 11 months
Charles takes you to Monaco for the first time and youre scared because you dont fit that lifestyle
The flight to Madre
When you met Charles as an intern at Ferrari, you never would have imagined that 2 years later you would be at the airport waiting on his private plane to go meet his entire family. This was stuff of fairytales- of fan fiction. He had spent the whole morning trying to comfort and reassure you that everything would be fine with his family and the trip but you still weren’t convinced.
You were both cosied up on a couch on your phones waiting on the announcement that your plane was ready when you suddenly locked your phone and stared at the door infront of you. “Whats got your brain rattled behind those pretty little eyes?” Charles questions as you continue to stare at one of the blank walls in the private lounge. “Does your mum have a favourite colour?” Charles looks slightly taken aback. He removes his arm from round your shoulders and leans slightly away from you to get a full view of your face. His eyebrows crease as he looks at you confused. “Okay out with it, what’s really going on? Why are you asking such a question?”
“I just realised I haven’t packed much red stuff. I don’t know I just wear it so much at ferrari and all my long gowns are red for ferrari events so i don’t really buy summer stuff in red cause red in like my work colour but then i saw a tiktok saying meet your mother in law in her favourite colour so she has a good first impression. But you’ve never told me her favourite colour so what if it’s red and I don’t have any clothes that are-” “Mon amour, calme-toi, tu penses trop à ça. She’ll love you, you’ve met arthur and enzo. You have nothing to worry about I promise.”
You giggle through the worry, “Cha you know i have no idea what you’re saying in French. My A in my exam when I was 16 in school means very little in a conversation with- oh my god does your mum know i don’t speak French? You need to teach me French on the plane!”Charles giggles in return as he looks in front of you to see the airlines crew member coming towards you telling you the plane was ready. You both stand up, Charles picking up both of your backpacks in one hand and using the other to wrap round your waist and pull you into him as you walk.
“Well I can’t teach you the whole language in one flight my love, but I can teach you some phrases to impress mi madre. That’s mum by the way.” Charles laughs as you roll your eyes. “I know that my love, I just don’t want your mum to ask me questions and I look stupid because I have no idea.” Taking your seat in front of him on the plane you sigh. “Y/N baby, she’s so excited to meet you. When she facetimed yesterday she asked what she should cook because she wanted to make sure you liked her cooking. You two are as bad as each other, stop being so stress babe.” You smile and lean over the table “It’s stressed babe, stop being so stressed.” He mimicked you leaning his elbows on the table, his face centimetres from yours. “See no one can be perfect, especially in a second language.” A smile spreads your face and you close the gap creating a very gentle kiss.
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salty-croissants · 9 months
Bullfrog and Rayman/Ramon x reader : mistletoes
Woo , Christmas special baby !!
Since tomorrow I’m gonna be away to spend time with family , I figured it would be best to post this today since I’m gonna be way too tired to write when I get back :,)👍
I love the ideas of the boys and the reader being soft during the holidays , it just really brings me joy ^^ 
Anyway , I hope it turned out okay , and make sure to have a wonderful Christmas 🎄❣️
Details : use of gender neutral reader ; 
established relationships ; 
presence of slightly suggestive themes , but mostly lots of fluff ❤️
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Bullfrog 💚
Let’s start by saying that given how constantly vigilant Bullfrog is , it won’t be easy to try to sneak a mistletoe above him : 
he just has a way of knowing each and every one of your movements , so … 
Yep , better get ready for a challenge . 
< Hm ? Is that a mistletoe you’re holding , mon amour ? > 
< Aw noo - I thought I got you this time ! > 
He will probably apologize to you a lot for “ruining” your surprise , trying to make up for it with some extra affection and cuddles …
This frog is just an absolute sweetheart , and he’ll use any excuse he can use to show you just how much he loves you :,//)
< Honey , it’s okay , really ! You don’t have to feel bad about it ! 
I know you can’t help but be careful about what goes on around you , you’re being way too hard on yourself . > 
< Heh , merci y/n … you always know what to say  ~ > 
When you eventually manage to lure Bullfrog in the living room and tell him to look up , you’ll find that all your careful planning was definitely worth it just to see that lovely smile on his face …
< Well , look at that … tu m'as surpris , y/n ~ > 
Now come closer … it’s time I reward your hard work , ne penses tu pas ? ~ > 
Honestly he’ll take any excuse to kiss you , but this occasion feel even more special … You went out of your way to prepare such an adorable surprise for him , so you better believe that you and Bullfrog won’t be leaving your spot under the mistletoe for quite some time ;//) 
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Rayman 🧡
Rayman is probably the most smooth and romantic man alive , so he will probably plan for a mistletoe surprise way ahead of you , from the very beginning of the holidays in fact .
Sometimes you can see him carrying Christmas lights around , and you can’t help but have the feeling that he has something in mind … 
< Hold on , let me help you with that Ray … why do you need these many lights anyway ? > 
< Ah , you’ll have to wait and see , honey : I think you’re gonna like it ~ > 
If there is one thing that Rayman loves is creating atmosphere , so the night you eventually go back to his lounge to find it all decorated ( with also tons of gifts for you , cause let’s not forget how much this guy loves to spoil you ;//> ) , you can’t help but feel an overwhelming joy at the thought that he did all of this just to make you smile …
< Heh , I take it you like my little surprise , hm ? ~ >
< Like it ? I love it Ray , it’s amazing ! 
You’re such a sweetheart , thank you so much ~ > 
< No need to thank me , it’s really the least I could do for you y/n !
Though if I were you , I’d take a look at the ceiling for a second … > 
As soon as you look up and see a mistletoe hanging above the two of you , the way you blush in realization is enough to make Rayman’s heart skip a beat …
He just can’t get enough of how beautiful you look right now , your cute features  illuminated by the lights he placed all over the room .
< Heh , I … wanted to make you a mistletoe surprise at some point too , but I think you’ve handled it way better than me , hun . > 
< Don’t worry my love , there’s plenty of time for another one … I’ll gladly take any chances I can get to kiss you , so that’s definitely not a problem for me ~ > 
His incredibly cheesy , adorable comment makes you chuckle , and when you lean forward to meet his lips you can hear Rayman sigh softly while kissing you back , almost like he had been looking forward to that moment all night …
You’re honestly anything he could ever ask for , and if he had the ability to stop time he would be more than happy to do it here under the mistletoe , alone with his beloved ❤️
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Ramon 🖤
He isn’t … feeling very festive :
while he does his best to smile when he’s around you , Ramon’s mind is crowded with worries about Eden , about getting the both of you caught , but since you know him better than anyone you were quick to catch up to that . 
< Hey , it’s okay if you don’t feel like doing much for the holidays , y’know ?
We can just stay here and relax . > 
< Yeah , but … I don’t know , I would’ve liked to do something special for you , but we can’t go anywhere without risking to have those assholes notice us … > 
< Ram , we don’t have to … the best gift I could’ve wished for is already here , right next to me , so please don’t worry about that , okay ? > 
< Heh … that was very smooth y/n , not gonna lie ~ 
Seriously though , thank you … it means a lot . > 
Despite what you told him , Ramon is still very determined to find a way to show you his appreciation for everything you’ve done for him , so the moment he finds a mistletoe hidden in a box an idea crosses his mind : 
it may be small , but it might just work . 
< Hey y/n ? Could you come here ? > 
< Coming Ram ! Just give me a second , I was trying to see if we had enough ingredients to make some Christmas cookies … > 
As soon as you reach the living room , you get the feeling that there is something different about it , even though you can’t exactly pin point what it is …
However , when you look up and see the mistletoe hanging on the ceiling you realize what’s going on .
< Aw , that’s so cute love ! I - mm — > 
Before you can even finish your sentence , Ramon’s hands get a hold of you , gently pushing you down to lock your lips in a loving , passionate kiss …
You didn’t really expect that to happen , but you’re definitely not disappointed … not one bit .
< … here … take this as my gift for you , my love ~ 
I know it’s not much , but - > 
< Ramon , sweetie … > 
The moment your hand caresses his hair he immediately melts under your touch , his eyes never leaving yours as you smile tenderly at your boyfriend .
< It was perfect ~ > 
That was the start of a night filled with displays of affection , and while holding you in his arms in your bed Ramon can’t help but feel like the luckiest person in the world , even though you’re both wanted by Eden’s police forces …
For once , those worries can’t seem to torment him , and he couldn’t be happier . 
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