#ttte tornado
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etherealstrike · 6 months ago
I made these ttte character profiles, enjoy🤣
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(these were made on an app called twinote, basically a fake twitter)
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nelllia · 5 months ago
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Day 3 - Trust, Day 4 - Great race
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askyoungiron · 6 months ago
Young Iron Character Discord Shenanigans
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No, I will not provide context for any of these.
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hazel-of-sodor · 5 months ago
Day 3 A-Express Run
Day 3 A-Film
Other Stories
Other Days
Tornado simmered happily in the sun, waiting for it to be time to depart. She’d finally got to visit the North Western, Gordon’s home, and she loved it. Steam still reigned her, her older brother still their premier express engine, and she was going to get to pull an express. Not a special, not an excursion, not even a commuter train, an express. The very thing her class had been designed to do 
Her first day would be spent double heading with Gordon to learn the line, but afterwards she would be allowed to haul trains herself.
To their right, Flying Scotsman sat with her own train, loaded with all kinds of camera equipment, set to record their run. Apparently this run was a big deal for more than her. 
Surrounded by her adopted siblings and cousins as she was, she often forgot she was the first mainline steam engine built entirely in mainland Britain since Evening Star herself. All the other new builds had been built at least partly by Crovan’s Gate, and this was her greatest test.
Could she actually haul the trains she was designed too?
She would have been concerned, but all the other engines were certain she would excel, that she was as well built as any of the original Peppercorns, if not better. They were all convinced Gordon would be needed to keep her in check. She'd been slightly hurt that they thought she'd be irresponsible enough to require that, but they’d all laughed kindly and told her she would understand when she got to speed. Apparently running at express speeds was something one had to get used to, no matter how responsible a new engine was. She guessed they would know better than her.
The last coach doors slammed shut, and the signal dropped. She tensed, waiting for the whistle to blow.
It was time.
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redwryvernwrites · 5 months ago
Day 13 - Leaves | Traintober 2024
Young Iron, Tornado underestimates the hazardous nature of leaves.
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thatcheeseycandle · 5 months ago
T2024: Day 15, Stars | TC-LRAU
That could've gone as messy as it did, but for the record, it shouldn't of had happened. It's been said to not let those two be in the same environment, or else that would be the result. Right?
Either way, she’s just grateful that they were escorted out of there, back to the museum, but it still worries her. She’s heard from Nadi how they feel about Scotsman, yes, but honestly she didn’t expect them to act on it so suddenly, especially during an event such as this.
Though they did have a point when bringing up his actions as of recent. She couldn’t blame them, they were quite questionable. Questionable in a way where those sort of things happening to an engine such as Scotsman felt nerve wracking. 
And it was also odd on how it even happened in the first place. It wasn’t right, how could the NRM let such a thing happen if it did happen? It felt impossible, honestly, and if it did happen Truro or Coppernob would’ve known about it one way or another. It felt wrong to let it happen, and even the thought of it felt wrong. It felt out of place.
Was it to deceive or was it unfaithful reality? Perhaps she’ll have a chat with Henrique about it. Though for now, her mind was mainly set on Nadi. 
She cursed Scotsman under her breathe as she glanced over to where she saw him and Gordon would speed pass through, her mind drifting off to the memories of the Flying Scotsman in his 2000s overhaul, otherwise known as the Decade Overhaul. A time where most of it went down hill for him and for Nadi.
Recalling how neglectful and suspicious he was, oh that little shit–
“Evening star, what a surprise,” a voice came from behind her, cutting off her train of thought.
“Ah, hello Ms. Lode Star.” Evening Star
“I thought you would’ve accompanied my fellow Great Westerns in the Museum at York, even more seeing as I’ve heard the fifth King’s attitude has not withstood time as much as he’s claimed it to have.”
“Don’t say it like you haven’t started to age a little yourself, Lady Lorraine. I myself have heard what you’ve been up to from those diesels,” she jabs back at her. “But, I’m also getting to that point in age as well. We’re all growing old and the only way to go through it is with acceptance.”
Lorraine would give an acknowledging hum to that as she looks to where Evelyn had, spotting the engine that had just arrived starting to form up a little crowd around them.
She couldn’t see the nameplate as clear as she would’ve liked to, but she could identify that this engine was most likely one of those Southerners, specifically a School class with how the smoke deflectors and running board looked.
It was certainly another surprise considering she was not told that there would be any other Southerners arriving in the exhibition here other than the ones that have already arrived.
Perhaps they were the surprise that was supposed to come later in the day, she’d have to have a word or two with this engine to find out.
But Evening Star on the other hand, she just couldn’t help but let her thoughts about Nadi keep flowing in like a tsunami.
Considering their history and relationship with Scotsman, they would not let it go as easily as most people would think. It concerned her, what if Scotsman says something out of hand like the last time? What if Nadi starts a scrap with him? At least one or two people, both engines and human, will get hurt in the process if ever.
Lorraine looked over to her as she noticed the thoughtful expression on Evelyn’s face and couldn't help but inquire, "You seem deep in thought, dear Evelyn. What's on your mind?"
Evelyn sighed, glancing over at Lorraine. "Just thinking about Scotsman and all the trouble surrounding him lately. It’s been quite the whirlwind, hasn’t it?"
Lorraine nodded sympathetically. "It certainly has. I’ve heard bits and pieces, but it seems the situation is more complicated than some of us had realized."
"Indeed," Evelyn replied. "The tension with Nadi and the sudden actions during the event.. it's all been a bit too much. Scotsman’s behavior has been questionable, and it’s causing a lot of unrest."
Lorraine looked thoughtful for a moment, pushing aside her opinions before fully understanding the situation. "Do you think it is something that can be resolved? Or is it one of those things that will just keep simmering beneath the surface?"
Evelyn took a deep breath, gathering her thoughts. "I honestly think we need to address it directly. Maybe it’s time we sat down and had a proper discussion, clear the air. Nadi’s been holding onto a lot, and it’s practically eating away at both of them."
"I can understand your concern," Lorraine said thoughtfully. "But perhaps it's an opportunity to address these issues head-on. Sometimes, facing the problem directly can bring about resolution."
Evelyn smiled slightly. "I was thinking the same. But it’s not just about the past grievances. It’s also about setting a tone for how we move forward. Scotsman needs to understand the impact of his actions, and Nadi needs to ."
Lorraine nodded in agreement. "That sounds like a sensible approach. Communication is key in these situations. And you have my support, Evelyn. We’re both in this together, after all. Don't you recall that night?"
"Thank you, Lady Lorraine," Evelyn said after a while, feeling a weight lift off her shoulders. (Or footplate-) "It’s good to know we have each other’s backs, especially concerning Nadi unlike most engines. Let's hope we can find a way to give both of them a satisfying conclusion to their long lasting tension."
Lorraine gave an encouraging smile. "We will, Venus. Sometimes, it takes a bit of turbulence to find smooth tracks again. And remember, it’s not just about Scotsman and Nadi. We all need to work together to keep the harmony." Evelyn nodded, appreciating Lorraine’s wisdom. "You're right. It's a collective effort. Maybe we can set up a meeting with everyone involved, create a space where everyone can express their feelings and concerns."
"That sounds like a brilliant idea," Lorraine agreed. "And perhaps we can also include a neutral party, someone who can mediate and ensure the conversation stays productive."
Evelyn’s smile grew. "I think I’m looking at that someone right now, don’t you think?” She remarked, getting a soft chuckle out of Lorraine.
As they shared a moment of mutual understanding, the vibrant atmosphere of the museum seemed to lighten, a small but significant step toward resolving the underlying tensions.
With the Great Western’s support, it lifts her spirit, Lorraine always proves time and time again she’s as loyal as she was when they united as true friends for the first time.
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lorainedoesthings · 8 months ago
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weirdowithaquill · 1 year ago
Traintober 2023: Day 14 - Young Iron
Ivo Hugh has some Advice for a Young Engine:
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The young engine had only just arrived on Sodor, crossing over the Vicarstown Bridge and steaming onto the fabled rails of Thomas and his friends. She’d heard all about them from her driver, fireman and the trust members – the engines who lived on the Island of Sodor were legendary! All she wanted to do was meet each and every one of them and gush over how incredible it was to finally meet the engines who had so greatly influenced the preservation movement.
Her travels brought her to their Works, where her boiler, firebox and several other important parts had been machined before being sent back to her home in Derby. It was huge! It made her warehouse workshop home look like an ant next to an elephant – the Sudrian Works were built almost as if they wished to impress, with the original works sitting primly at the front, with several acres-worth of expansions behind them, stretching far beyond what the young engine could see. The signal in front of her was red, and she was shunted into a siding beside a small raised retaining wall.
“It’s grown a lot,” chuckled a voice from beside her. The young engine looked down, and her eyes nearly bugged out of her smokebox! Beside her was the smallest engine she’d ever seen!
“What are you?” spluttered the young engine. The little engine frowned – the young engine began to worry she’d somehow offended it.
“I’m Ivo Hugh,” huffed the engine. “Have you never seen a narrow-gauge engine before?” The young engine gasped.
“Like Skarloey and Rheneas? I’ve read about you all! Or at least… some of you. Were you in a book?” Ivo Hugh flushed red and let off steam crossly.
“I was too in a book!” he exclaimed. “I was in New Little Engine!” The young engine winced.
“Oh, I’m so sorry! I don’t think we have that book back home. It’s nice to meet you, little Ivo Hugh. My name is Tornado, and I’ve come to Sodor to help out while Henry is being repaired!” Ivo Hugh smiled.
“It’s no problem,” he said kindly. “And I’m sorry I got so cross – Duke would have my bunkers if he heard!” Tornado chuckled – she had read all about the famous old engine who had been buried underground. Oh, the stories that Sodor held were so exciting! And there were more that she’d never been able to read too!
“I’ve never worked in regular service before,” admitted Tornado suddenly. Her signal was still set to danger, and she was curious. “Do you have any advice?”
Ivo Hugh considered the question – there was a lot he could say, like remembering all your passengers so a refreshment lady didn’t chase you down the line, or to not be tricked about backing signals like Percy was, or even to be polite to the elder engines because they would get her back – especially Gordon, who was not above getting even, even in his old age.
But no, there was one piece of advice that Ivo Hugh could think of that stood out above all others. Something he’d been told by three different engines: Edward, Thomas and Skarloey, who heard it from their mentors, who’d learnt from their mentors, all the way back to the first steam engines. One piece of advice that linked all engines together, across Britain, across Europe, across the world.
“Engines must always look after the people who catch their trains,” he said. “They are our coal and water; without people, there are no trains for us to pull and then we have no purpose. You can ask any engine, and they’ll tell you the same. I learnt from Skarloey, who learnt from a little old engine called Neil, who supposedly learnt it in Glasgow from an engine who’d learnt it from Rocket himself.”
Tornado gasped – she’d heard of the famous Rocket, who had won the Rainhill Trials and brought about the rise of steam. He was legendary! Even the diesels spoke of him in reverent tones.
“Thank you,” said the young engine. “I’ll remember that.”
“Oh, and Tornado,” Ivo Hugh added. “Don’t copy the engines from the books. Most of them are as silly as you can get! The other day, Thomas himself had to be brought up to the works because his tank had sprung a leak! I don’t even know how he managed to do that…”
But Tornado could only turn to stare at the workshops excitedly, as if hoping that she would catch a glimpse of the famous Thomas the tank engine. Beside her, Ivo Hugh sighed. It was always the same with the engines from the mainland: they had this weird hero-worship for Thomas that lasted right up until the blue tank engine opened his mouth.
Oh well, Tornado would learn soon enough. She was headed for Tidmouth after all – her owners truly were throwing her right into the thick of it, sending her there. He just hoped a kinder engine like Edward or Bear was there to receive her, or he might be seeing Tornado arrived back at the works in a very different manner to the way she arrived!
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ttteskits · 2 years ago
Okay but imagine Gordon finding out about and meeting Tornado for the first time. Like he and Scotsman could be talking while Scotsman is doing his centenary tour and stops on Sodor and drops in something about Tornado. Gordon's eyes widen, he's gone years with the knowledge that all but one of his family are dead but one. Now one has been built, has been around for fifteen years and he's never known.
"Gordon, are you alright?"
Outside he remains the same calm and pompous engine but inside he's leaping for joy.
When Tornado does eventually (and inevitably) comes to Sodor after months of Gordon begging, even threatening another strike, the big engine's eyes begin to tear up. She's so much like Scotsman. After the Fat Controller introduces her to her big brother, he presses his buffers to hers because he finally has another younger sibling to raise, to love. He promises that she can double head the express with her every day.
When her visit is up, Gordon just cries because of how much he loves her and misses her.
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uselessalexis165 · 2 years ago
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tried making some ttte memes (70)
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mythicalsanctuarysodor · 1 year ago
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Not an inktober thing, but I've been wanting to draw a more modern centuar for awhile now, so a storm is brewing!
It's Tornado 🌪!
An industry mythic born in the late 2000s, Tornado was actually an accidental creation. His biological father Hal o' the Wynd had donated sperm and there was a mix up in paper work, so imagine a unassuming couples surprise when they see an unusual image during a routine check up.
After tracking down Wynd, he was informed of the situation. But the timing wasn't that grate as he and his siblings weren't exactly looking to be parents yet. Except one, Blue Peter.
Blue ended up taking in the young Peppercorn, teaching him well and introducing the extended family, growing particularly close with Gordon and Scotsman, who were ecstatic to be uncles and to see a new industry mythic be born.
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nelllia · 9 months ago
Fan comic for @tornadoyoungiron
Scene from In pursuit of self, Chapter 13: When it rains...
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askyoungiron · 11 months ago
I like how some engines like Sir Nigel Gresley, call Duchess of Hamilton, ‘Ham’
HAMILTON: Only close friends get to call me 'Ham'. If you're not personal with me you can shove off.
HAMILTON: I will make an exception for Tornado because she is as cute as a button.
SCOTSMAN: You don't let me call you Ham. 😞
HAMILTON: Because you're an annoyance. And you upset Mallard.
BITTERN: Since when do you care about Mallard?
HAMILTON: We spend everyday in each others company, it's hard not to care about him after a while.
BITTERN: He's a complete asshole!
HAMILTON: Not if you look closely. There's parts of him that are good, just hidden.
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hazel-of-sodor · 1 year ago
Day 14-The Best Day
Traintober 2023
Other Stories
Day 14-Young Iron
The Best Day
Tornado chuffed happily through the snow, playfully blasting snow away from her. The electric trains that normally ran commuter services through London had failed, the third rail that delivered electricity had frozen over with ice, leaving their passengers stranded. Her trains were going the same way so she had offered to pick up the passengers stranded along the route. The electrics had been most grateful, like all engines they dreaded failing their passengers. Tornado was happy to help, not only did she get to run in the snow, she got to pull regular passengers! She loved pulling enthusiasts, but there was just something real about pulling regular passengers who didn't care whether she was steam or not, they just wanted to reach their destination.
She happily raced up and down the line between London and Dover, collecting passengers as she went. It was very funny to see people double-take as she pulled up to the platforms, many snapping pictures of her.
It was wonderful, the snow spraying to either side as she raced along. She wished she could truly stretch her wheels, to use the speed she could feel in her frames, but she dutifully listened to the speed limits instead, wanting nothing to ruin this amazing day. The snow more than made up for it anyway.
Her crew let me have her fun, reminding her of the right whistles for stations, telling her when it was safe to let off steam and when it would soak the platform. Her firewoman even bought her a hot chocolate. Tornado discovered she loved hot chocolate. When she had pulled the final train, the line's manager came to thank her, passing on thanks from the engines whose passengers she'd saved.
It was well past dark when Tornado reached her shed, tired but triumphant. As a reward for her performance, her crew revealed she would get to visit Gordon on Sodor soon. Tornado fell asleep with a smile on her face, exhausted but content.
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redwryvernwrites · 10 months ago
Young Iron
In Pursuit of Self - Chapter 33 | Proteus
The mythical engine, Proteus, reveals himself.
ARCHIVE OF OUR OWN | Fanfiction.net
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ttte-in-the-sky-au · 2 months ago
New fic out on AO3! This one's about Tornado, Mallard and Coppernob!
Calm After the Storm
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