#tsubakihara manager
Being Tsubakihara’s Manager
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Tsubakihara x GN! Manager
Warnings: pure fluff
AN: sorry it’s been a while since I posted BUT 👀 I still have a dream to write at least 1 set of HC’s per team because I know each one of these bbys has a fan somewhere. It’s me, I am the fan.
You can’t tell me these aren’t some seriously blushie boys
They will simply perish the moment they find out they have a manager
Literally, they could have no clue who you are but once they find out, watch out
Instant protection squad!
They have like six second years so never fear Yn, you are secure
Coach Osado is actually the one who recruited you
He knew you were a good student and capable of managing a team
When he asked if you still needed a club and you responded “yes”, the deal was sealed 🤝🏻
The first person he’s gonna inform is our amazing third year setter, Echigo
That poor boy is exhausted
Literally carrying the teams moral on his back 😅
Needless to say, he’s stoked about having a manager!
However, Coach Osado and Echigo decide not to inform the rest of the team of you
Because there’s nothing better than a good surprise right?
Right : D
So on your first day, you walk into the gym and the boys are already warming up
They stop and look towards you 👀
Freaking so noisy istg-
They watch as your beauty lights up the space, and they all just stare at you
Literally 👁️👄👁️
Someone better make sure to get a mop because there is drool everywhere!
You smile at them and wave, walking over to Coach as Echigo stands and walks towards you both
Teradomari is super confused 🤨 and looks to his friend for answers
Too bad his friend is Maruyama, who is probably definitely simp #1 on Team YN
“Dude don’t stare at them! We don’t even know who they are!” Tera gritted out as Maru snapped from his thoughts
Literally just these goons all ogling you
Hope you don’t have social anxiety Yn 😅
All the second years, Tsukioka, Mikawa, Iwamuro, Atema, Maiko and Kaikake are silently thanking whomever sent you walking into the volleyball gym
Our precious Angel, Himekawa is just staring at you, face blush red as he watches you laugh at something Echigo says
Suddenly Echigo and you approach the team, a huge smile plastered on your face
“Guys this is Yn, our new manager,” he spoke as suddenly the gym went dead silent
Before ultimately erupting into chaos
“Our manager- as in our teams manager?!?” Maru shouts, standing up before running at you and Echigo for a group hug
“As in the collective groups manager?” Tera added
“Like YN’s gonna be at all the practices manager?” Maiko interjects
Echigo 👉🏻😐🙄 yes
“Wait wait- like YN’s gonna travel on a bus with us to tournaments and stuff?” Tsukioka promoted
You this whole time 👉🏻😅
Coach Osado 👉🏻 rethinking this entire decision
“YES- yes YN is our manager!” Echigo finally said, moving his hands in a circle to indicated that he was including everyone
“I’m really happy to be joining you! Thank you for this opportunity!” You smile as the boys instantly die on the spot from how adorable you are
“I think I’m gonna faint!” Maru shouted as you quickly ran over to him
“Do you need water or something?” You said, concerned as his eyes widened and locked with yours
Thankfully Tera became conscious during this process and quickly intervened
“Umm I think he’s ok Yn, here I’ll show you around,” he said, grabbing your arm as you waved to the boys and began about your first day as the teams manager
Now I wish I could say they chilled out, but they in fact, did not 😬
Sure they didn’t almost pass out every time they see you but man did they adore you
They all clamored to help you in anyway they can
There is no way coach has any issues getting these boys to practice
“YN come help me with spikes!” Mary shouts
You 👉🏻 ok 🥰
“No YN I need you to help me with my cross court shots!” Teru interrupts
You 👉🏻 sure 😃
“YN is going to be too busy helping me with serving!” Tsukioka interjects
You 👉🏻 okey dokey 😅
“I need the most help Yn!” Kaikake whines
You 👉🏻 on it 🫠
Good thing Echigo is there to straighten everything out
“Whoa whoa ok that’s enough fighting over Yn! You guys should learn how to practice on your own!”
You 👉🏻*instant relief* 😌
“Besides Yn is going to be too busy helping me with setting to help any of you,” Echigo adds 🙃
“YOU ALWAYS HOG YN!” Maru shouts as Tera and the entire team join in
You 👉🏻 🧍😀
Despite all their fighting, they do agree on one thing
And that’s protect Yn at all costs!
Seriously you probably have better security detail than most politicians YN
Especially at tournaments
Because these boys aren’t only nervous about the game
But now they have to worry about protecting their innocent Yn from boys 😱
At the qualifiers for nationals, these boys are already on edge
You’ve tried to calm them down by giving them words of encouragement by man are they tense
Coach suggests that maybe it would be beneficial for them to eat something to calm their nerves which you agree
But oops- it looks like you forgot the bentos on the bus
Darn it 😏
Oh well, nothing a short brisk walk won’t fix
Only they boys don’t know you have left them because they are too nervous to even function
And while you are on your adventure, there’s a few players who have been paying extra attention to you
High school hormones 🙄
So when they finally see that you’ve escape the guard and are now alone, they decide to pounce
“Hey there! I didn’t know Tsubakihara had such a pretty manager!” On of the boys said
You just blush and continue to walk, knowing you need to feed your boys
“Man I wish we had a cutie like you on our team,” another one of them says as to you
You continue to ignore them because you have a goal!
Back in the gym, it’s Himekawa who first notices your absence
He’s so nervous that his nervous are almost working for him and making him way more vigilant
He looks around confused before Atema finally says something
“What’s up dude?”
“Umm where did Yn go?” Himekawa asks as suddenly everyone looks up
It’s like the nerves just melt away as they all suddenly start to panic
“Omg YN’s lost! We lost our manager!” Maru shouts
“YN was just here a few minutes ago calm down!” Echigo says as coach interrupts
“I sent YN to get some bentos to calm you boys down,” he says as the boys eyes widen
“Like alone?!?” Teru questions
“There’s so many boys here! We have to find YN!” Iwamuro yells as the boys take off in search of you
By this time, you’ve made it to the bus and the now super annoying boys are still following you 🙄
Like please take a hint we have a job to do ok!
Just as you are about to say something, the doors slam open and your entire team comes running out
Literally it’s like that scene where Ukai runs to save Takeda from Inarizaki’s coach
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“LEAVE OUR YN ALONE!” Maru shouts as the boys and you just stare
The boys 👉🏻😐
You 👉🏻🙄
They block you from the other boys as they puff out their chests and assert their dominance
“YN are these hooligans causing you issues?” Tera asks as you stare at him
“I’m fine,” you say
“Why are you bothering OUR manager?” Maiko questions
You 👉🏻 really I’m ok 😅
“We were just making sure nobody hurt them. They were walking all by themselves,” one of the annoying boys said
Oof- that really hit a nerve
“We knew right where Yn was the entire time!” Maru shouted
The team 👉🏻 🤨 we did?
“Yeah we trust Yn to do things on their own!” Atema added
The team 👉🏻 we do?
“So why did you come running-” you started before being interrupted
“Well would you look at the time! Sorry we have to go warm up now!” Tera shouted, pushing you away as the other boys grabbed the lunch boxes and you headed back inside
Once inside the boys deflated, feeling relieved that they had found you safe
“You know, those guys are who we play first,” you smirked 😏
The team 👉🏻🔥👄🔥
Oh it’s on now!
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ineedhaikyu · 9 months
Chapter One
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Summary: How does Asahi find himself in these situations? He wasn’t the tough and scary guy everyone made him out to be. Why can’t someone just give him a chance? That’s what he thought until he met her…
Word Count: 5.4K
Warnings: So much FLUFF! Dealing with self-doubt and anxiety. I didn’t write Atsumu’s slang dialogue but maybe I’ll edit in the future.
A/N: My contribution to Asahi x Reader content. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BEST BOY!! GIF credit to @akaashikoutarou
Today is the day. January 5th. Everyone’s hard work and determination will be put to the test on this day. A day where volleyball teams from all over Japan, the best from each prefecture, will meet with one another and have a chance to battle on the orange court. 
Today marks Day One in the All Japan High School Volleyball Championship. Otherwise known as the Spring Tournament.
The victor of each battle will be one step closer to reaching the summit, a place that is only reserved for one winning team. 
But until then, each team must go through the wringer and the emotional ties that come when playing the best of the best. Not only are the team members fighting for themselves to place a respectable standing in the tournament, they are also carrying the weight of their school’s pride and honor on their shoulders. The pressure that the Spring Tournament has always been great, but it’s even greater for those teams who are participating for the first time.
Teams such as the Karasuno High School Volleyball team.
A twelve member volleyball team from the Miyagi prefecture. For the past few years, Karasuno has fallen from their powerhouse status, but it seems that has all changed. Because now, here they are competing in the Spring Tournament for the first time in years.
Their methods of offense and defense were amazing to watch. It was almost too beautiful to describe but then again the concept is all the same: just keep the ball in play. 
The third-year manager tore her gaze away from the orange court to meet with the familiar brown eyes of Miya Atsumu, the second-year setter of their volleyball team. 
“Hey Atsumu.” She greeted the popular setter with a smile before scanning the area around them. “Where’s Osamu?”
“That scrub is probably stuffing his face.” He huffed as he stood next to her. His eyes peered down at the active court. “What are you even doing here?”
(Y/N) followed his gaze and smiled. “Just want to check out the competition. I’m curious as to who our next opponent will be.”
“Who’s playing?”
“Tsubakihara Academy and Karasuno High.”
Atsumu furrowed his brow at the mention of the latter school. He’s sure that Goody-Two Shoes setter came from there. 
“Are they any good?”
He waited for her answer but when he didn’t receive one, the twin looked at her. Usually the older girl always had an answer for his questions, however silly the questions were. It was something Atsumu liked about (Y/N). No matter what silly antics he, his twin, and the rest of the volleyball team partook in, (Y/N) was always there to keep them in check. It was something Aran and Kita, her best friends, valued her for and the coach couldn’t agree more. 
Of course, there were times she played along with their shenanigans. It was why she got along so well with everyone on the team. As a manager, the girl knew there were times to be serious but also to just enjoy the moments with the best team she ever had. Even the annoying moments of Suna and the Miya twins prying into her non-existent love life. Take the conversation she had with them from last week.
“You rejected another guy, (Y/N)-senpai.” Osamu commented as he ate his lunch. “How many is that now?”
His twin answered for her. “I’m pretty sure that makes him Unlucky Schmuck #5. But that guy didn’t even have a chance.”
“Oh?” (Y/N) stopped taking her notes and decided to indulge in the conversation. “And why’s that? Kenji’s a nice guy.”
“Easy because he’s boring. You don’t want to date a boring guy, do you?”
“The most interesting thing about him is that he’s on the basketball team.” Osamu piped in, reaching over the table to get some of her chips. “He’s not even on the starting line up.”
“His last post was just a picture of the ocean.” Suna piped in, his eyes showed so much disinterest in Unlucky Schmuck #5’s profile account. He showed his phone to her. “See?”
“So? That doesn’t mean he’s boring. Besides, I like the ocean. That’s why I liked his post.”
Suna rolled his eyes and turned off his phone. He leaned all his weight over (Y/N)’s shoulder. “That’s because you’re nice.”
“Sometimes too nice.” She grumbled as she jerked her shoulder so Suna could get off her and then slap the gray haired twin’s hand away from her chips. She looked back at Atsumu and said, “But I’m still waiting for the right guy to come around.”
The setter grinned. “Then quit waiting because I’m right here.”
Osamu and Suna scoffed, which irked Atsumu. “Aren’t you Unlucky Schmuck #1?”
“Am not!”
“Got the video on my phone if you want to relive it again.” Suna smirked as he taunted Atsumu with a wave of his phone. The video was pure gold. No way was he going to delete it. He needed all the memories, especially embarrassing moments of the Miya twins.
“Well, I’m glad you three are so interested in my love life but I already have my hands full dealing with you guys. I don’t need a jealous boyfriend on top of your crazy fangirls. My anxiety would not be able to handle it. Besides, nationals are literally next week. ”
The twins pouted in unison when the manager mentioned their fangirls. 
“Then get a guy who’ll understand. I’m sure there’s someone-”
“I’m right here-!” Atsumu exclaimed but was cut short when his twin hit the back of his head and at the same time Suna kicked his foot. “Quit abusing me!”
Suna ignored him and continued on. “Whoever this schmuck is, he’s going to be the luckiest guy in Japan.”
“He better be good at volleyball.” Atsumu grumbled, his head on the table. “That’s all I’m asking.”
Osamu joined his twin’s line of thinking. “Preferably from a powerhouse. The guy can’t be from a weak team. And cook some good food.” 
(Y/N) rolled her eyes at the Miya twins. Of course, they would say something like that. She looked back at Suna and asked, “Do you have a requirement for my future significant other?”
Suna thought for a moment before answering her question. “As long as he cares for you.”
“Thanks Suna.” 
“But the moment he hurts you,” Atsumu began.
“He has to deal with everyone on the team.” Osamu finished his brother’s sentence.
(Y/N) grinned at their protectiveness. “Thanks Unlucky Schmuck #1 and #2.”
“Hey!”/ “Don’t call me that!” The twins exclaimed in unison causing the middle blocker and manager to laugh once more.
End of Flashback
“Earth to (L/N) (Y/N)! Can you hear me, manager? This is future champion setter, Atsumu, speaking! Talk to me!”
(Y/N) blinked and tore her eyes away from the orange court. “Huh? What did you say?”
Atsumu narrowed his eyes and leaned close to (Y/N)’s face, causing the girl’s face to heat up. She quickly stepped back and looked away from the twin’s observant gaze. 
“What?” She asked him.
“Who were you looking at?”
“No one in particular. Just Karasuno's team in general.” 
She answered way too quickly and they both knew it. Atsumu grinned at his senpai’s poor attempt to lie. “Someone caught your eye?”
“Shouldn’t you be practicing your sets?”
“Oh no, don’t you avoid my question, (Y/N). Besides, my sets are perfect.” He turned his focus on the volleyball players that were still competing below. “Who’s the guy? Better not be that Goody-Two Shoes.”
(Y/N) furrowed her brow. “I don’t know who you’re talking about.”
“Karasuno’s #9. Kageyama Tobio.”
She looked at the roster and found the person Atsumu was talking about. She then looked back at the match that was still playing. 
“Wait a minute. Is this the same Goody-Two Shoes that you met at the National training camp?”
Atsumu huffed and nodded. His eyes narrowed at the impressive set Tobio just did. “Yeah, that’s him alright. Piece of work that guy. Always setting the ball exactly how the spiker wants it. Such a Goody-Two Shoes.”
“Oh my god, Atsumu. He’s just a first year student. Give him a break.” She paused for a moment before she asked, “Did you actually call him a Goody-Two Shoes?
The Inarizaki setter was just about to answer when he saw the familiar glare on his manager’s face. “Of course not.”
“You’re such a liar.” She scolded him as she flicked his forehead. “You always have to psych someone out and cause trouble.”
“Whatever! It’s not like I hurt his feelings. I was just telling him the truth. Ain’t nothing wrong with that.”
Just as she was about to reply, there was the familiar sound of a volleyball being slammed to the ground. Soon after, the announcer’s voice echoed throughout the stadium. “And Karasuno’s ace, Azumane Asahi, just did a flawless service ace!”
(Y/N)’s eyes searched for the mentioned ace. #3. The third-year wing spiker. A guy with long brown hair styled in a bun. He looked older than the rest of the team with his tall and strong build and with the service ace earlier, Azumane has proven himself that he’s the ace of the team.
He looked intimidating, just like how Aran would be when he was on a roll. But for some reason, Karasuno’s ace, didn’t scare her. 
‘It’s his smile. He has a beautiful smile.’ (Y/N) thought as she watched the ace high-fived his teammates. ‘It looks like he’s enjoying himself… Having the time of his life.’
The pair of students watched the match until it reached its conclusion with Karasuno winning the second set. Which means they’ll advance to the second round where they’ll face their own team. Tomorrow’s match: Inarizaki vs Karasuno. It will be an interesting match that would guarantee to excite the crowd.
“Well, at least we know who we’re going to beat tomorrow.” Atsumu’s eyes shimmered in excitement, knowing tomorrow’s match will be a battle between setters. He couldn’t wait to prove to everyone who the better setter was. “Come on, (Y/N), let’s get out of here. The team is probably waiting for us to go out for lunch.”
As Atsumu led the way, (Y/N) looked over her shoulder where her eyes landed on the members of Karasuno’s volleyball team cheering for joy. The ace’s smile was infectious as she felt her own lips smile as well. 
“Hey, Atsumu. You go ahead. I want to buy another T-shirt while I’m here. I’ll catch a bus to the hotel.”
“You sure? I can wait-” Atsumu’s stomach decided it was the perfect moment to announce its hunger out loud. 
(Y/N) laughed as the setter tried to cease his stomach’s rumbling. “Just go, ‘Tsumu. I’ll be fine on my own.”
“Fine! But hurry, will you? You know how ‘Samu gets when he’s hungry.”
The two parted ways. It always surprised her how large the crowd gets during intermission. She had to dodge and weave to avoid the hurdle of students carrying band instruments. She was successful and luckily the T-shirt stand was right there. There were so many options to consider and she was just about to make a selection when there was a sudden loud CRASH. 
The noise caused her to stiffen in fright, she looked behind her to find someone had dropped a pair of cymbals.
“Can someone pick those up?” A girl asked her bandmates.
“I got them.” A bright-eyed boy volunteered.
(Y/N) remembered to breathe to calm her nerves as she gave the worker of the T-shirt stand a wobbly smile. “Can I have-”
“Hey, you! Look out!”
While the boy meant to be helpful, everything went downhill from there. When the boy bent down to pick up the cymbals, he accidentally bumped the nearby bass drum causing it to fall out of its little wagon. The large drum began to roll away, causing the crowd to panic. 
(Y/N) looked behind her and saw that the drum was heading right towards her. She was just about to move when she felt a warm hand grabbed her wrist and pulled her out of the way. She watched as two guys her age, one with dark hair and the other with silver hair, stopped the drum from crashing into the T-shirt stand. 
“A-Are you okay, miss?” A male’s voice, deep with concern, asked her. “Are you hurt?”
“Y-Yeah. Thanks for that-” (Y/N)’s ability to talk disappeared when she saw the face of her hero. It was Karasuno’s ace, Azumane Asahi. 
And he looked even more handsome up close. She had to step back - not because she was scared of him but because she could feel her heart going into overdrive being so close to the guy she was beginning to have a crush on.
‘He’s talking to you, dummy! Talk back!’
“Oh, um, yeah! Thanks again.” (Y/N) gave him a smile. “You’re Azumane, right? From Karasuno? I just watched your match. You were amazing, especially with that service ace.”
Asahi’s POV
A girl was talking to him. 
A pretty girl. Willingly talking. To him. 
It was enough to cause his brain to short circuit. He waited for the girl to come to her senses and realize that she was supposed to be scared of him, like how everyone else he came across. But to his surprise, the pretty girl was still talking to him. She didn’t have an ounce of fear in her eyes and the gentle smile she gave him made him feel better about himself. And to make matters even better, she was giving him compliments.
And he wasn’t the only one who noticed.
Daichi and Suga came up on either side of him and saw the girl. Asahi didn’t have to look at them to know his friends were giving each other a knowing smile behind his back.
The two introduced themselves to the girl who in turn introduced herself.
“My name is (L/N) (Y/N). I’m from Inarizaki High School in Hyōgo. I came here with my team.”
“You must be really good if you made it to Nationals.” Suga complimented.
She shook her head. “Oh no. I’m just the manager for the volleyball team. I was just telling your ace here how good your team is during your match.”
“We were nervous at first but we managed to get through this round.” Daichi told her. “The other team surprised us with that underhand serve.”
“Really? You manage to adapt to it very well.”
“We couldn’t have done it without this guy!” Suga slapped his hand against Asahi’s back. “Would you believe me if I told you he was single?”
“S-Suga!” He shouted in embarrassment. “W-Why w-would you say that?!”
“Oh come on, Asahi,” Daichi placed his hand on his shoulder. “It’s not like he’s lying. Besides, we're all single too.”
“Y-Yeah but that doesn’t mean she is.”
“Sorry to break the news but I’m single just like you.” 
He was shocked to hear that the girl in front of him was actually single. She was breathtaking. Literally. And she was so nice to him.
“My team thinks otherwise. They keep pushing me to have a boyfriend, but I have my hands full managing them and their crazy fangirls. A jealous boyfriend isn’t something I need, you know?”
“Oh, well, that’s reasonable. Maybe you need to find someone who’s understanding,” Suga elbowed his side. “Right, Asahi?”
“U-Um yeah?” What is Suga up to?
“It’s a good thing there are guys, like Asahi, in the world. He’s actually quite sensitive. The only time he feels confident is when he’s on the court.”
“Daichi, what are you doing?” He whispered, the heat from his neck began to crept onto his face. Is his face red? Can she tell?
“Oh, no. Look at the time. Daichi, we need to go.” Suga announced, grabbing the captain’s shoulders and pushing him in a random direction. “We have that meeting with the coach. Right now. Remember?”
“That’s right, Suga.” Daichi gave him a knowing smile, a smile that he knew meant trouble. “Asahi, why don’t you stay here with (L/N)? Make sure she’s safe from any more runaway instruments.”
“It was nice meeting you two! Good luck tomorrow! You’re going to need it. The boys of the Inarizaki team love a good challenge. Don’t disappoint them.”
“Right back at you.”
He watched as his friends walked away, leaving him alone with the girl who caused his anxiety to skyrocket to a whole new level. Not even Kiyoko made him feel like this.
“You're lucky to have such good friends, Azumane.” She told him, her voice bringing him out of his thoughts. “I bet there’s never a dull moment when you three are together.”
He laughed as he rubbed his neck out of habit. “Been that way since we were first years. Though the first and second years bring all the crazy.”
“I know exactly what you mean. The second years on the team love making my life crazy. I love them but sometimes they can be a bit much. Especially during Nationals. Speaking of which, is this your first time?”
“Yeah. And with this being my last year, I guess I should be grateful that I’m even here.”
He was so lost in his own world of self-deprecation that he didn’t notice what she was doing. Not until her fist punched his chest. It wasn’t gentle or strong, somewhere in between, but her touch didn’t surprise him. 
It was her eyes that surprised him. They seemed to shine with determination and, for some reason or another, inspire confidence. Even her voice was firm.
“Don’t sell yourself short, Asahi. Your team didn’t get here by chance. You all earned a spot here. You deserve to be here.”
Was it possible for a heart to beat so hard against a person’s ribs? Maybe it’s a medical condition? Because never before had he felt so anxious yet empowered. He wondered if (Y/N) could feel his heart underneath her hand. 
“I’m not saying you should just get over yourself because we all have experienced some level of negative emotion in our lives, right? And it’s not as easy as turning a page in a book. Trust me I know. So believe me when I say this, it’s okay to express those feelings. Maybe one day, you’ll find solace in someone.”
There was another feeling. He couldn’t find a label for it, but he could describe it. A warm sensation that bloomed from his chest to every cell in his body the moment she said his name. Not his surname. His actual name. Asahi. His brain felt as though it had melted inside his skull. But by some miracle, he found his voice again.
“You… You think so?” He asked her. “About me being here?”
Why was he asking her this? Just a few minutes ago, she was a stranger. She could just lie to make him feel better but he had a feeling (Y/N) wasn’t like that. 
“Are you kidding? I saw it with my own eyes.” She stepped back and mimicked a serve. The smile on her lips complimented the excitement in her eyes. “I’ve seen a lot of players these past three years, all of them possessing some kind of amazing skill. But you’re… Special.”
“Because I’m the ace?”
She smiled up at him. “That’s part of it, but if I’m being honest here I think you’re special even without the title of ace. The match from today proved it to me and I’m sure you’ll see it soon enough.”
“See what?”
“Your true self-worth.”
Normal POV
(Y/N) watched as Asahi mulled over her words and she hoped it gave him some confidence. While she didn’t know him all too well, Asahi looked like a nice enough guy. A bit self-conscious about his abilities, but hopefully she helped him loosen the strangling roots of insecurity that surrounded him.
Why did she care so much in helping him? Well, he did save her. The least she could do is give him some encouragement. She frowned at the thought. No… There must be something else she could do to give her thanks…
Her eyes wandered to the T-shirt stand and an idea was formed.
“Hey Asahi-san, let me buy you a T-shirt. It’s the least I could do since you saved me and all.”
“Oh, you don’t have to do that. Really. As long as you're okay-”
She shook her head, grabbed his hand, and led him to the T-shirt stand. “Come on, please. You can choose whatever shirt you like. Consider it a gift.”
“G-Gift?” Asahi stammered and she couldn’t help but find his stammering cute. “From you?”
A small chuckle escaped her lips. “Yes from me. It wouldn’t make sense if it was someone else. Let me do this for you.”
Asahi contemplated for a moment before agreeing. The worker of the T-shirt stand, who watched their interaction the whole time, was extremely kind to them as (Y/N) picked her choice as well. Asahi stood awkwardly by, waiting for the transaction to be finished.
“You two would make a cute couple.” The worker said, quiet enough so only she could hear. “You should go for him.”
“You think so?” (Y/N) asked as she discreetly peered over her shoulder to look at the guy who made her feel all warm and fuzzy. 
“Believe it or not,” The worker handed her the two bags, hers and Asahi’s, “Before the whole chaos started, you already caught his eye. His two friends tried to get him to talk to you but I guess he was too nervous.”
(Y/N) smiled widely at this. Maybe he liked her too? She hoped so because the feeling was definitely mutual. Only one way to find out...
“Hey, do you have a pen and paper I can use?”
Turns out the two third-years were heading in the same direction. By some cosmic fate, Asahi and his team were staying at the inn right next to the hotel she was staying in with her own team. So during the whole bus ride there, they got to know more about each other.
Asahi learned about (Y/N)’s favorite foods, hobbies, and even her future dream of attending the university in Tokyo. He laughed at the stories she shared about the Inarizaki team members. And (Y/N) was happy to learn more about him. She learned that he was close to the libero of his team, he has taste in fashion, and that his birthday just passed four days ago.
All too soon, they reached their destination. They walked side by side until they reached the point where the path forked, one way led to her hotel while the other led to Asahi’s inn.
She turned to face him and flashed him another smile. “Thanks for your company, Asahi-san. It was really nice getting to know you.”
“Same here, (Y/N)-san.” Asahi replied, his voice no longer nervous around her. “And thanks again for the shirt. I’ll make sure to take care of it. I want it to last for years.”
“It’s no problem. After all, you did save me.” Her fingers rubbed the plastic material of her bag out of nerves. “Well, I should get going. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Y-Yeah, see you.” 
Asahi’s POV
With her back turned, there was sudden pull in his heart, as if begging for her to stay.
“(Y/N)! Wait!”
He was surprised to hear his voice sound so firm but she brought that feeling out of him. He didn’t want her to leave. Not yet. He enjoyed talking to (Y/N). She was so understanding, kind, and ever so confident. Their time together felt so short but at the same time so long. Those moments with her… He wanted more of those moments. 
And the moment his eyes met with her hopeful ones, he knew he had to at least try to ask for her number.
“Yes, Asahi?”
Oh, god. She looked so pretty… He wondered if (Y/N) knew the effect she has on him. The initial confidence he had was beginning to fade, but he steeled his nerves and took a deep breath.
“I was wondering, i-if it’s okay with you, that w-we could-”
“(Y/N)-SENPAI!” A guy with blond hair called out to her.
Right next to him was another guy, identical to the first only with silver hair, yelled, “WE’RE WAITING FOR YOU! I’M STARVING!”
‘They must be the Miya twins.’ He thought.
(Y/N) sighed before answering back, “Give me a minute!” She turned back and offered him a sheepish look. “Sorry about that Asahi. What were you saying?”
Over her shoulder, he saw the Miya twins frowning at him all the while staring daggers in his direction. His confidence, the little bit he had in supply, disappeared into thin air. He stammered out a reply, “Never mind. U-Um… Get a good night’s sleep. T-Take care of yourself.”
(Y/N)’s smile melted. Was that disappointment in her eyes? But she quickly recovered and offered him a bittersweet smile, “Oh, um, thanks Asahi. Good luck tomorrow.”
“Bye.” She turned around and began to make her way to the twins when stopped in her tracks. “Oh, and Asahi-san?”
“Yeah?” He felt his heart hitch up to his throat when they made eye contact once again. Her eyes were a lovely shade of (E/C) filled with warmth and kindness. 
“Don’t be so hard on yourself the next few days. Remember what I said. Your team is lucky to have you as their ace. So do your best tomorrow. I’m sure you’ll do great.” She glanced down at the plastic bag containing the shirt she bought for him. “I hope you like the shirt. Consider it a birthday gift from me.”
And with that, the girl he developed to have feelings for walked away, but not before she gave one last smile that made his heart expand three times its size. 
“Asahi! You’re back!” Nishinoya’s loud voice echoed throughout the room where Karasuno's team was staying. “Is what Daichi and Suga are saying true? You met a girl?!”
Tanaka joined in his friend’s interrogation. “Yeah, Asahi! Daichi didn’t want to say anything but Suga said you saved her life!”
“Was she pretty?”
“What school does she go to?”
“What was she like?”
“What’s her name?”
“We need details!” The two second-years yelled out in unison. Their eyes shimmering in excitement as they waited for answers. 
“Uh, w-well…”
“Alright, that’s enough you two.” Daichi grabbed their shirt collars and pulled them back. “Give Asahi a break. He’s had an eventful day.”
“Yeah, come on, Asahi, let's get you a drink from the vending machine.” Suga offered, his hand already pushing him out of the room.
“I’m not thirsty-”
“Yes, you are.” Suga interrupted. “Our treat. Well, Daichi’s treat since he’s buying.”
The trio of third-years walked downstairs and true to Suga’s words, Daichi bought them a round of their favorite drink.
“Okay, spill! Don’t leave out a single detail. I want to know everything.” Suga pressed, just as Nishinoya and Tanaka were a few minutes ago.
“Suga, calm down.” Daichi told him. “You're worse than Nishinoya and Tanaka combined.”
“Oh, come on, Daichi,” Suga complained. “You want to know just as badly as I do.” 
“Ok, fine.” The captain admitted before turning to the ace. “So how did it go with (Y/N)?”
“Details.” Suga reminded him. 
So he told his friends everything that happened when they left them alone. How she raised his spirits, believing in his self-worth as an ace. How her words inspired him. How she made him feel nervous one moment and confident the next. How she bought him a new shirt as a gift.
“She sounds awesome for you, Asahi.” Suga complimented. “And if I remember correctly, doesn’t she fit your description of your ideal dream girl?”
“I mean- Yeah. She’s great but-”
Daichi interrupted him. “But what, Asahi? You're both single and you’re definitely interested in each other.”
“How do you know that? I mean she did say she wasn’t looking for a boyfriend.”
“She said she didn’t need a jealous boyfriend.” Daichi reminded him. “You’re the most sensitive guy I know.”
“Is that a compliment?”
“This time it is.”
“Seriously, Asahi,” Suga placed his hand on his shoulder. “Why do you think I highlighted your star qualities? You take other people’s feelings into account. She helped build your confidence. And you just told us, how you had a great time talking to her where it sounds like she did too. You’re literally perfect for each other.”
“You think so?” He asked, sounding hopeful. “I do like her. Do you think she likes me?”
“Dude, she wasn’t scared of you, she held down a meaningful conversation with you, and she even bought you a shirt.” Suga listed, his grin growing by the minute. “(Y/N) likes you.”
The small flame of hope in his heart, fueled by his friends’ words, began to burn brightly. He couldn’t wait to see her again. Even if she’ll be on the sidelines on the opposing team’s side, he’ll still be happy.
“So what will you do next, ace?” Daichi asked, crossing his arms. Suga did the same thing as they waited for a response. “Will you let this opportunity slip away?”
“No way.”
His friends grinned, happy to see their glass-hearted friend sound so confident.
It was nightfall. Everyone took a rain check and turned in early, knowing that the next day will be just as hard as the first. The only person not asleep was him. He volunteered to shower last as it gave him the chance to relive the afternoon.
How was he going to talk to her tomorrow? Will she want him to talk to her? His team is playing against hers tomorrow… If they win tomorrow, will she be angry and ignore him? 
Shaking his head at the thought, he finished his nightly routine. He decided to wear the shirt (Y/N) bought for him. He grabbed the bag and unfolded the shirt. Carefully as if it was woven by the most precious fabric in the world. In his mind, the T-shirt was a treasure given to him by an angel.
For some reason, he recalled (Y/N)’s words, ‘So believe me when I say this, it’s okay to express those feelings. Maybe one day, you’ll find solace in someone.’
He hoped she believed that to be true because he might have found that someone. 
The sound of paper falling caught his attention. At first he thought it was just the discarded T-shirt tags, when his eyes landed on a simple piece of folded notebook paper in the sink. He picked it up, unfolded it, and his heart stopped for the third time? Fourth? Maybe fifth?
In clean and elegant handwriting, the note displayed:
I hope this isn’t weird of me to do this, but I didn’t want to lose this chance. So this is me making the first move because while I try to play it cool, you make me nervous. (Hard to believe, right?) Anyways, this is my number: XXX-XXX-XXXX. 
We can just talk if you want. You seem like a cool guy and I still want to get to know you. If you don’t, I’ll understand. Anyways, I’ll cut this note short. Good luck tomorrow! Don’t hold back against Inarizaki. 
P.S: I hope your friends were telling the truth earlier.
Normal POV
(Y/N) ditched her cards the moment she heard her phone let out a small ding, signaling a new message.
“Hey, you can’t just do that in the middle of the game!” Atsumu’s voice called out.
She ignored him as she jumped on her bed and grabbed her phone. Her heart was racing as she quickly unlocked her phone, but then it expanded at the sight of the message that read:
Hey, it's Asahi. Is this (Y/N)-san?
Her face broke into a wide smile. Her thumbs danced over the keyboard as she typed out a reply:
Asahi! Yeah, it’s me. I’m glad you found my note.
She watched as the three dots appeared, signaling that Asahi was typing. God, he has no idea the effect he has on her.
It was a nice surprise. A bit of a shock, but it’s very much welcomed. The shirt fits by the way. I think it’s my new favorite. 
Another message appeared after the first and she felt every atom in her body seemed to explode after reading it.
By the way, my friends were telling the truth. I can’t wait to see you tomorrow.
This was the first page of a story where two individuals found solace in one another.
Next: Chapter 2
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futureacesquad · 1 year
Captain Squad Headcanons
Warning: LONG post.
They all hang out on Skype the most because y'know...different prefectures lol.
The Miyagi captains see each other a lot tho!
The current second-year captains especially exchange advice a lot since they're newest to it.
Shibuya (Tokonami Captain; I'm just guessing here): Guys I think I accidentally started a disagreement between the first-years and I feel really bad about it, what do I do?
Futakuchi (Date Tech Captain): Look, I start 90% of the fights on my team so...
Towada (Ougiminami Captain): Our team just settles it in a death match.
Terushima (Johzenji Captain): We don't really fight per say, the gym just accidentally gets set on fire on occasion.
Komaki (Kakugawa Captain): Why do I feel like I'm the only one who actually has it semi-together?
Fr tho all the captains envy Komaki so much because his team is literally the only decently-sane one among them.
Like the biggest problem he has to deal with other than teens being teens is Asamushi getting too fired up sometimes and Hyakuzawa accidentally hitting his head on doorways.
As for dynamics among them...
There is a mutual agreement to keep Kuroo and Daishou separated at all times because the power of petty exes is too much for them (Iizuna is in charge of making sure they're at least 6 feet apart when possible).
The ONLY time those two have ever agreed on something was when some asshole started insulting their first-years.
The guy still gets nightmares about it.
Oikawa and Ushijima are also kept apart most times, though Oikawa's getting better at understanding him while Ushijima is starting to get why Oikawa feels the way he does.
They like to bitch about their fellow year-mates too.
Daichi complains about Suga's chaoticness and Asahi's timidness.
Kuroo complains about Yaku at any opportunity (though rarely Kai).
Oikawa loudly whines about the "disrespect" he endures from all the third-years (barring Yuda, the one who was crying with pride for all of them).
Daishou is fed up with how unhelpful his third-years are when it comes to any life advice (he doesn't have it together, but nobody else does either, sooo).
Bokuto likes to join Oikawa in his protest against "cruelty against captains"; the one he complains most about is Konoha, but the rest of them are still talked about very frequently.
Nakashima always follows up his complaints with something positive about them. Daichi is both jealous and in awe of this (little does he know it's a technique developed to stop Takeru from decking his siblings sometimes).
Ushijima doesn't like to complain about his teammates much bc he doesn't really see the point when you could just tell them they're being annoying dicks.
Iizuna's complaints usually aren't too bad and far between, but on days when Itachiyama loses practice matches due to the team's attitude...whoo boy.
Suwa is like...so calm? And his complaints are always so minor? And always with a completely patient expression? And the captains are so confused in the beginning because their only prior personal experience with Kamomedai is the few Hoshiumi interviews people manage to get and that kid sure as hell isn't this calm.
And then one day Nozawa is making provocations worthy of Futakuchi and he comes in complaining and everyone's just like there it is.
Echigo's pretty chill too, since Tsubakihara isn't a particularly rambunctious team, but some days Teradomari gets completely slandered for the dumbass moves he pulls during practice on occasion (he's trying to show off to the underclassmen; spoilers, it's not working, but Himekawa politely claps for him at least).
Kiryuu always feels really bad about venting even when it's clear he needs to (he was the one who put in the "no insulting the second or first years" rule since he felt it was unfair to the underclassmen), but he's getting better.
Him and Oikawa trade mental health tips sometimes.
The previous captains like to drop in sometimes.
It's canonical that the Date Tech third-years can't leave their underclassmen alone, so they show up most often.
The two Komakis confuse everyone to no end.
Ikejiri and Komaki H (Tokonami's old captain) show up the most for their team.
Ikejiri is delighted to catch up with Daichi (they start having monthly catch-up sessions with Yui too at one point).
Okudake and Akimiya drop by sometimes to make sure their second-years haven't convinced anyone to commit major arson or join a gang.
Moniwa, Okudake and Akimiya are highly respected by everyone for dealing with the hazardous sassy disasters known as the Date Tech, Johzenji and Ougiminami second-years.
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hq-analysis · 1 month
Haikyuu!! Chapter 247: Day 02
I really like the cover for this chapter. It’s a good choice by putting both Kenma and Hinata together. The rivalry between Karasuno and Nekoma are truly important for all of them. Ukai pretty much gets it. (While I cannot help laughing at the snickering Kuroo and stink-eyed Daichi, these two captains probably takes the whole rivalry more seriously than the rest)
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It is what motivate them to keep going and aiming for the previously impossible dream. I believe that’s not going to change anytime soon with Karasuno facing their greatest hurdle yet.
Inarizaki High School. Previous runner up of the Inter High and Miya Atsumu’s school. Honestly, the way Ukai describes the team really gives us the sense of how formidable this team is. I wonder what kind of strategy Ukai comes up with. But I cannot help be amused by certain people’s reactions.
Kageyama and his matter of fact explanations and obliviousness to the reaction to his words.
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The Idiot Duo™ simplistic and optimistic approach (feat. unimpressed Tsukki, that’s one hell of side-eye).
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And surprise, surprise, there are two Miyas!
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Are that different hair color and parting line intentional I wonder? What’s up with the twins in sports? Daiya has twins as a battery pair too.
While all of those are interesting, the highlight of this chapter for me is the Ukais. I’ve been wanting to see more of these two. I wonder what the old, experienced coach of a grandfather thinks of his unexpected coach of a grandson, who manages to get to the Nationals in his first year as a coach. Now that put it down in words, Ukai is as surprising as his players. The old Ukai even points out how bad he is as a player, but at the same time he notes how good he is as a coach.
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While he’s still rough at the edges, Ukai’s really getting the handle of this coaching thing. He can stand his ground as seen from the above panel. He quickly picks up that Takeda is gonna get steamrolled and immediately intervenes. He is likely the youngest and the least experienced coach around, but here he’s asking an experienced coach to help with their warm-up instead. He’s as gutsy as his players, honestly.
What also catches my attention is the championship bracket.
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There should be 6 rounds in total CMIIW, and Karasuno will meet Nekoma in third round and Itachiyama in sixth round or in the finals.
Somehow… I doubt Karasuno will get that far. I’m not being pessimistic, I’m just being realistic. The first round against Tsubakihara has pretty much established how high the level of skill of the high school teams in the nationals. While Karasuno managed to win straight two sets, it doesn’t change the fact that they’re still scraping by (I’d say the same for Nekoma, too). They have the potential of growth, and they have grown through the matches against strong opponents, but there’s so much growing you can do during matches or even a championship. Then there’s that edge gained from sheer stubbornness and persistence usually in form of momentum or luck.
The third round match against Nekoma will be the most difficult match for Karasuno because of what it means for both Karasuno and Nekoma. The fulfillment of a promise, the long-awaited match, the settlement of the score, and the appeasing of the old coaches. There’s so much riding on a single match that I don’t doubt that both teams will give their all, throw their heart and soul into that game. They are not likely to think to play it safe, and to think of long term. They will push themselves to the limit. Whoever ends up winning the battle of trash heap, they will be completely drained. They will struggle to pick themselves up, not only mentally but physically. If they manage to do so in the fourth round, there’s a chance they can forge ahead, but winning the championship? Well….
That’s just a thought really. I trust Furudate-sensei to have everything planned, and so far Sensei hasn’t led us (or probably just me) astray. So I’ll just enjoy the ride. I wonder how good the second strongest team in Japan is.
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kawaii-night666 · 2 months
Ch 8- K.T. turns into a girl!
As morning comes by Tobio woke up first to do the usual as saw reflection on mirror sadly…still a girl. Tobio sigh then saw the managers woke up done the same as Tobio as Hitoka smile then reply “Morning Kageyama.”
Tobio nod then reply “Morning Yachi.”
Tobio and Hitoka walk side by side to go where the cafeteria is as Tobio think ‘Maybe I can help the managers with the food, after all there’s a lot of us here.’ Tobio nod and follow Hitoka as she turns her head and saw Tobio following and asked “Kageyama you coming with me?’ as confusion across Hitoka face.
“Ah, y-yes I want to help cook as well.” As they made their way to the kitchen
“Really you know how to cook!” reply Hitoka
Tobio flush a bit then said “yeah.”
Yachi seems surprise but yet again when she came with Kiyoko to help Tobio with the situation she realises that there was no one in the house besides Tobio like it was empty she does want to asked but doesn’t want to force Tobio to say anything if it makes Tobio uncomfortable.
Inside the kitchen as the rest of the managers who making onigiri and other food as they saw Hitoka and Tobio as they smile to them which Tobio nodded in greeting and Hitoka who return the smile back.
“Can I also help out too?” Tobio question while the other except Hitoka who seem shock then smile a bit.
“Off course you can, more the merrier.” Reply Misaki
“This taste so good, can I at least take a bite only a little.” Said Shirofuku who talk to Suzumeda who rolls her eyes at the other.
Tobio find some ingredients and wanting to make something light for everyone so they won’t puke like Hinata who puke over Tanaka when went to first practice match with Aoba Johsai as Tobio shake their head remembering that time when they want to smack Hinata to stop being nervous. As Tobio now concentrate to make miso soup, tamagoyaki, steamed rice and grilled fish. The girls asked Tobio beforehand as Tobio told them what they need to do as they can’t help about the aroma even the look at it like it came from five-star restaurant.
Tobio and the managers complete as they place in some tray to put so they can make it like a buffet in the cafeteria.
The boys come in through the cafeteria their noses hit with aroma as their stomach growls as they flush as they saw the food ready and saw Tobio with the girls sitting in one table together.
“THIS IS LIKE A BUFFET!” Shouted Bokuto with excitement even everyone seems excited even the coach and Takeda seem surprise as when they went inside as well.
As everyone got their breakfast as they say ‘Gochisōsamadeshita’ as they all dig in as their taste bud seems happy with protein and light to be ready for practice with other teams.
Takeda finishes and goes to the girls and Tobio “I’m sorry girls if I didn’t help, breakfast was delicious.”
The managers smile as they saw Tobio who looks away shyly as Kiyoko comment “It was Kageyama who help and decide to cook it as well.”
“Shimizu-san!” reply Tobio
Takeda smile then said “Thank you Kageyama for breakfast! It was delicious and very kind of you. I’m sure the rest would be shock to hear who made this.” The boys who agree with Takeda (who are ears dropping) while they have mental image of Tobio wearing apron in kitchen and serving them food even feed them as they shake their own heads of the image in their heads seeing Tobio as a wife and cooking their meal.
Time moves forward as everyone came in the gym to see which team to go against and what gym they be in as well.
For the first round the team of who going against which are Aoba johsai- Johzenji in gym 1, Date tech- Ubugawa in gym 2, Fukurodani-Kamomedai gym 1, Karasuno-Nohebi in gym 1, Shinzen-Inarizaki in gym 2, Nekoma-Shiratorizawa in gym 3 and Itachyama- Tsubakihara in gym 3. Things are just getting interesting, Tobio can’t wait to play against Nohebi even though they have watched their games through some videos even one against Nekoma.
Author-san: Chapter 8 guys woohoo!
Things getting interesting each time I write
Tobio: Someone end my suffering
Author-san: Jeez no need to be like that
Tobio: Can't help it
Author-san: I know
Miwa: Wow okay
Tobio: But I don't get why nee-san is here
Miwa: Rudee
Author-san: Oof
Sadly in this story Miwa not in there only when the chapter is finish
Like what we doing now
Tobio: That makes sense
Miwa: I feel loved
Author-san: Yess queen
Tobio: Stop just stop
Miwa: Aww Tobi your jealous
Tobio: No
Author-san: Oof
Don't worry Tobio myself and your fans love you
Tobio: (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)
Miwa: Omg you use kamemojis
Tobio: shush nee-san
Miwa: But its so cute
Right author
Author-san: Yes Miwa, Tobio is adorbale
and cute
Tobio: Noo
I want to keep my image here
Miwa: Oof you mean you being moody and grumpy
Tobio: \\\\٩(๑`^´๑)۶////
Author-san: Oof
Miwa: See you in the next chapter
Tobio: Have a good day/night
Author-san: Peace out✌️
Tobio: Seriously that's going to be our ending/intro
Miwa: I like it
Tobio: Off course you do
Author-san: Whaaa it makes it look damn cool
Tobio: haha no
Author-san: Whyyy
Tobio: Because I said so
Author-san: But I'm the author tho
Tobio: Doesn't change my mind
Miwa: Then you can come up with something
Author-san: Oof Miwa got you there Tobio
Tobio: I thought your on my side
Author-san: Like I said
I'm on neutral party
Tobio: 😒
Miwa: 😂
This is the highlight to my day
Tobio: Glad to see you find this entertaining
Author-san: Oof
Miwa: Besides that how's everyone
Tobio: Who are you talking too
Miwa: Well us
Author-san: This is only us three here so
Tobio: Yeah don't think about adding them on here
Miwa: True
It be chaotic
Author-san: We're chaotic enough
Tobio: That's true
Miwa: Don't forget amazing, unique, cute, handsome/beautiful as well
Author-san: The whole package 😎
Tobio: Oof
Author-san: Omg Tobio you
Tobio: No shush
Author-san: You said Oof
I feel proud
Tobio: 😐
0 notes
theheightofdishonor · 3 years
Sometimes, it’s minor details like how the first set Kageyama manages to properly sync during the Tsubakihara match is his and Hinata’s quick.
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dokifluffs · 4 years
Kissing His Forehead | Himekawa, Nishinoya, Bokuto
Pairings: Himekawa X Reader (gender neutral), Nishinoya X Reader (gender neutral), Bokuto X Reader (gender neutral)
Genre: fluffyyyy 🥺
Author’s Note: Based on a question I got and I couldn’t resist and it’s time to widen my circle of who i write for tehe
Warning: spoilers to season 3 of the show in noya’s!! 
Kissing Their Foreheads | Hinata, Aone, Tsukishima // Kissing Their Foreheads | Oikawa, Kuroo, Osamu // Kissing Their Foreheads | Akaashi, Atsumu // Kissing Their Foreheads | Kenma, iwaizumi, Sakusa
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The stadium was huge, filled with hundreds of people on the audience, all cheering and rooting for their favorite teams
The ceiling was higher than Aoi could ever imagine, lights brighter than ever now that he was standing here at nationals after only seeing older teams play here on tv
He made it with his team, tsubakihara academy
His heart raced rapidly in his chest, filling his ears, it almost blocked out the sound of the announcers as they announced the girls’ teams
He waited outside with all the other teams in line waiting to be announced
The pressure was killer as all the teams lined up and half of them would be gone after today
He wanted to win, he wanted to be the number one team in the nation
But his hands were shaking just before it started
Everyone around him looked so stoic, some so tall and proud in their jerseys
Why couldn’t he be the same as the others?
He clenched his trembling hands, squeezing his eyes shut to focus on his breathing to gather himself
It was almost time. They were about to be called
His eyes shot open feeling the sudden nudge in his arm, turning to see you
You wore a special badge only tsubakihara’s manager had
“Y/N? What’re you doing down here?” His voice cracked through the lump in his throat
“I have to go to the audience section soon but I just had to do this.”
Before he could even ask what, you gently cupped his face, tilting his head down and pushing his hair up, making a clearing on his forehead
You pressed a long kiss right below his yellow headband
“You’ll be okay,” you pulled back, your thumbs rubbing over his dusted pink cheeks, burning beneath your touch. “Good luck, Aoi.”
“I’ll see you later,” you waved as you went off, returning the badge to the team manager, leaving the special area
Aoi’s Heart couldn’t stop racing but for a different reason now- for you
He felt a great wave of confidence wash through him as the doors opened, making way for his team as they followed the previous team standing beside them, walking proudly on the bright teal colored floors
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You couldn’t believe your eyes
The gym roared as the karasuno student section roared at the major win they had just achieved
Karasuno had best Shirstorizawa with the third top ace in the entire country, ushiwaka
The third years celebrated on the court, the rest of the team breaking down, clumping and jumping onto each other in a giant pile
It finally happened
Karasuno would be going to nationals
The shiratorizawa student section and team has gone quiet in disbelief at the outcome where only a smal percentile actually believed Karasuno would win
The great powerhouse school was defeated
You could feel your own eyes watering at the notion, your own heart pumping at watching this intense game that had everyone gripping the edge of their seats
You watched alongside Yachi and tanaka’s sister as Karasuno was announced the winner, representatives for Miyagi in the tournament
Your legs carried you faster than you imagined as everyone began to gather their belongings to head back to the bus to make their way back to Karasuno
“Noya!” You called as you made it down to the court level, running to him
“Oh, Y/N!” Tanaka and Noya called as you sped to your best friends
“Congratulations!” You took a hold of Noah’s head and out of emotions pressed a kiss to his forehead and turning to Tanaka for a hug
The team watched amazed, seeing how Nishinoya would react after knowing he had the biggest crush on you forever
With the adrenaline from the game still pumping in his body now mixing with his feelings for you and how you just k i s s e d him, he almost imploded right then and there
“You all did so well,” you congratulated the team, giving a double high five to Hinata as he bounced higher above you, getting tired remarks from tsukishima, asking how he still had this much energy
Turning back to Noya, he was as frozen as a statue
“Oi, Noya, come on. We have to go,” Tanaka smacked his back. “You’re riding the bus back with us, right?”
“Yep!” You beamed. “Should I give him another one?” You waved your hand above his eyes
“YES!” He boomed.
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The volleyballs hit the ground with loud booms as you watched from the sides, still amazed at how strong Bokuto was
However, none of is straights we’re going in or they were all getting blocked by Nekoma’s captain, Kuroo
The gym the four of you were in was humid from the summer heat that had been beaming down all day
“Damn it!” Bokuto collapses to his knees with a thud
Akaashi let out a sigh already pointing out which number weakness this was
Bokuto’s mood was already pretty down after the training day today, having missing most of his shots or the other team blocked him or was able to dig up his hits
Today was just an off day and he couldn’t help but blame himself
Akaashi and Kuroo took a break as Bokuto balled himself in the middle of the court, hugging his knees
You handed them their towels and water bottles
“Was it really that bad today?” You asked as Akaashi sat himself down beside you
“Nothing worked.” He shook his head
All the compliments and tactics Akaashi and the team usually used to bring out the best in Bokuto was proven to be useless
“Would you please?” Akaashi looked to you, pleading with his eyes
“Leave it to me,” you bounced out of your seat on the bleachers
“Ko~ta~ro~” you sung his name as you came from behind and lightly chopped his shoulders as you walked around him, kneeling down until you were in front of him
He looked at you with the saddest eyes, his hair droopy
“Why’re you so mopey, baby?” He pouted, tilting your head the same way he did
“You’re the ace. This is just a little bump, right?” You cupped his cheek and rubbed your thumb over it
“Remember your ways of the ace.” You held up the shirt of his you wore, reminding him who he was and the principles he followed
“You’ll always be my ace, Kotaro,” you said low enough for it to be just between you two but with the gym silent with Kuroo and Akaashi watching your ways from behind, they could hear just a little bit of what you said
You leaned close and pressed a kiss to his forehead and cheek that instantly boosted his mood
Before you could even react, Bokuto kept from his little ball and tackled you into his arms, turning his body so his back landed on the floor with you on top of him
He smothered your face with kisses, showering you with his love
“What a simp,” Kuroo scoffed as he set his things down
~~~~~ Thanks for reading! Masterlist for more! Please do not repost anywhere else!
Tags (let me know if you wanna be tagged for all my haikyuu posts): @yams046  @mazey-chan  @sunboikyo00  @kara-grayson04​  @fortheloveofbakugo​ @tsumtsumsemi​ @osamuonigiri @1-800-wholesome @yamagucci​ @realityisoftendisapointing@plantisnotplant @k-eijiakaashi​ @pink-panda-pancakes​ @differentballooncollection​ @osamusamusamu@therainroguefanfiction​ @euphorihan@turquoiselace​ @macaronnv  @oxmaddy​ @mrkoala4prsdnt​ @curiouslilbeast​ @oyasenpai​​ @plantisnotplant​
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kiyoors · 3 years
Girl I see you crushing hard on Himekawa 😘
Gush to me about him 💖 tell me everything
first off: thank you for letting me gush♥️♥️♥️ bc lord knows I NEED TO GET SOME STUFF OFF MY CHEST ABOUT THIS PRECIOUS BOY
ksjdjdnck okay can we just talk about his lil head band first?? like all of the Tsubakihara team wears one and i just fine that so frikin adorable !! like 🥺🥺🥺 and the perfect bow he ties at the back? it has me MELTING. like, could you imagine him being nervous before a match and he asks you to tie it for him instead? and he’d be so shy about it too, and, god forbid you ever find out about it, but he sees it as a good luck charm too!!!
and like going off of that: he has this boyish charm to him that i absolutely ADORE. like. you don’t understand how sweet i find it when a guy gets nervous about something or someone they like, and i feel like he’d be the kind to be that way. which hngg it just stems off to him having a crush and he’s so shy and doesn’t really know how to manage it,, like, all he knows is that he likes you and wants to be close to you and he finds that he’s able to hold on to these small bits of courage in him by just asking you to be with him. like yes, you make him nervous, but you also give him the strength to pursue you, too.
and aND AND once he does get to confessing and the guaranteed awkwardness of the first few dates (which btw is so endearing to me too bc he’s trying) you’ll get to see him grow and flourish and gain confidence in himself. and he comes so be this easygoing, confident guy who, really, has no need to project himself bc his presence is just so steady and gentle that you can’t help but want to orbit around him, be as close to him as possible.
not to say that he isn’t absolutely whipped for you tho ohmygod.
even after years of being together, he’ll still blush when you kiss his cheek, or his brow, just under the cute headband you tied for him; his heart will still skip a beat every time you reach for his hand or curl yourself at his side. he absolutely looses it every time you look at him with this gentle, loving look in your eyes bc holy shit, it’s for him. it’s all for him. and you’re just helping him dig a deeper hole for himself bc there is no way, no universe, in which he doesn’t love you more.
he’s so gentle. like, borderline careful around you, and it’s mostly because of the insecurity that used to plague his younger self. he’s gotten a lot better, but there are still nights when he cringes when looking back at his past mistakes and beats himself up for not having known better. he can be hard on himself like that. but you’re right there next to him, ready to soothe him, kissing his jaw and willing him to forgive his younger self for all the missed opportunities. he likes it when you trace tiny hearts and incoherences on his chest with your index finger, running your hand through his fluffy hair; it helps him remember that, while his younger self did make a lot of mistakes, he also managed to secure the one person that’ll bring him happiness forever: you. and for that he’ll be eternally grateful.
he’ll get the biggest, blushiest smile whenever he thinks of you too. like, his heart is going a million a minute and you’re running towards him, jumping into his arms and he can’t help but laugh because you are the source of all his joys, dreams, and aspirations. like you make him want to be better for you, and he’ll be truly trying so hard, because you deserve the absolute best.
he’ll remind you every chance he gets. not really in words, but in the little things he does for you, remembers about you. he’ll know exactly where you need him, his big, steady hands at you waist, your back, your cheeks (ahem other places too but this is supposed to be soft n wholesome👀), he’ll kiss you softly, and if he’s really wanting to desperately tell you, remind you, of just how much you mean to him, he’ll whisper it to your ear like it’s some ancient truth of the universe that cannot be disproven. he’s as sure as the air that he breaths: he loves you.
in conclusion, himekawa is the absolute love of my life and ohmyfuckingod i’m gonna cry where can i get one in real life
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silversoulstardust · 4 years
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(no spoilers so no worries)
  there’s so SO MUCH going on in this photo I don’t even know where to begin??
 The fact that all teams that interacted with Karasuno are here
 Including Tsubakihara who only had a brief encounter during the first round of Nationals
 I MEAN. How can you forget cutie pie like Himekawa?? he’s just so cute.
 Even the snake team that only fought Nekoma are here. too
 Alumni cheer squad + Shouyou’s friends from middle school!
 Akane and Alisa. Breathe if you agree.
I’m not sure who’s having much more fun: the players in the court or the coaches on the court side
Is that Wakunan’s captain as the umpire I see?
Nobody cheered for Karasuno as hard as Suga. Nobody.
Bokuto is probably bragging about ‘our’ Tsukki’s blocks to Iwachan. 3rd GYM LOVE Y’ALL PLEASE STAN
Semi, Yahaba and Akaashi are listening to Oikawa talk. He’s probably talking crap like a swindler trying to swindle moms group
I love you Oikawa, but fundamentally, you’re trash
 Fukurodani manager stealing onigiris yALL THIS GIRL LOVE FOOD SM
 Osamu-Atsumu recreating a soul leaving its body and ascending to heaven. They both share one (1) brain cell
 If Tendou were in Inarizaki, Kita would suffer
 Aran would have to go along with Tendou’s antics too
 Hoshiumi got to play with his childhood idol the small giANT AHHHHHHHHH
 Kakugawa bois vs Datekou bois. Leggo!!!
Kageyama setting!! Hinata spiking!! Kuroo blocking!! Kenma digging!! so much going on in the court too
 I just…love them so much?? they’re dorks who just want to play volleyball and I can’t seem to have enough of them TT__TT  Thank you Furudate-sensei for the last 8 years. It’s been an amazing ride. I hope the fandom lives on.
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Hello ur my favorite account😭! Can I request a HC with Tanaka, Noya, Tsuki, & Kageyama where u guys are dating but at a tournament, u run into ur ex boyfriend ( who is a huge douchebag) and is saying a bunch of garbage about u? How would they react? , how would it impact their playing style cause get this- karasuno is playing against ur ex boyfriends team🤭🤭🤭🤭
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jealous bfs tanaka, noya, tsukki kags,
hey I’m gonna mash these two requests! I hope you enjoy this was a lot of fun to write!
also favourite account?? me?? 🥺🥺
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➣ characters included : tanaka, noya, tsukki, kageyama (separately) x fem!reader
➣ headcannons
➣ warning : a lot of swearing 😳 like there’s a lot, your jerk ex talking crap, scary bfs
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ryūnosuke tanaka
- karasuno had made it to the nationals, and right before their game against Tsubakihara, lil ol Tanaka had to use the bathroom
- a horrible decision really, just ask hinata
- he walks in and hears your trash ex talking crap abt you
“Yeah, can you believe it? I saw my ex here, Y/n. I think she’s the manager for her team? Karasuno. Is she really that desperate for attention from other guys?”
- Tanaka is p i s s e d like, no one gets to talk about his precious love without experiencing the wrath from Ryūnosuke Tanaka
- So mans just straight up walks to your ex, “gently” taps him on the shoulder to get his attention, and starts defending your honour
“Y/n? Y/n L/n? The most beautiful, gorgeous, precious girl in the world? That Y/n?”
“Uh, yeah? Who are y—”
“Hi I’m the new boyfriend, and let me just tell you...”
- Tanaka goes oFF he’s not letting this douche bag of an ex get his way, he straight up just goes on a 2 hours speech about how perfect you were
- and how much of a douche your ex was
- Eventually, Hinata finds Tanaka in the bathroom (since his stomach was actin up lol) and goes to alert the other guys + you
- So, the whole gang is here, Daichi and Suga have to drAG Tanaka away from your ex while Noya hypes him up
- You have to calm him down and ask him why the hell he was yelling at someone in the bathroom
“Your ex was talking shit about you, I’m not just gonna let them do that”
- You’re immediately like 🥺🥺 Tanakaaaa you didn’t have to do that omg I love you sm
- When it’s finally time play these guys Tanaka is surprisingly calm, like it’s actually terrifying
- Oh and you bet Tanaka’s going all out he is on fire, he’s landing every spike and you can practically hear the impact on it
- Right after he lands a spike he celebrates with his team and stares directly at your ex who’s shooketh 😳
“Yeah take that! You regret breaking up with Y/n now?”
“Tanaka stOoOoP omg—”
- After Karasuno wins he gives you the most passionate kiss, in front of your ex and you pull away blushing
- Your ex just rolls his eyes and goes to pack up with his team while Tanaka’s looking all smug and Noya’s hyPED
yuu nishinoya
- The boys were getting ready for the match against Johzenji, and were just doing some basic warmups
- You had to help Kyoko and Yachi with something so you weren’t in the gym at the moment
- But your asshole of an ex was talking shit about you, very loudly 😳 and very obnoxiously too
- This mf, instead of practicing and doing fricken warmups, he’s talking crap abt you, and you weren’t even in the vicinity!
- But your boyfriend was, oh and he heard everything, every single word that came out of you ex’s mouth
“Pfft yeah she’s still annoying as ever, not surprised she’s dating the dude that’s 5’2”
- Ohh big mistake bud, not only did you insult his perfect Gf, but his height as well? Like dang pick one or the other dude
- So, Noya can’t take it anymore he’s been holding back bc he’s supposed to be warming up for the game but at this point he just couldn’t
- He straight up runs over to the other side of the gym to knock some sense into the jerk
- Tanaka follows not to stop him (although he is a bit worried 😳) but to hype him up bc that’s his best friend’s gf you don’t get to do that
- Asahi is scared shitless so Ennoshita has to keep the horny tornado in check, while Suga is conflicted
“What the hell did you say? Don’t you dare insult Y/n again! This is why she left your sorry ass! Who are you talk shit about my beautiful girlfriend I’ll fight you right now—”
- Ahem well, as you can see he’s very pissed off and uh he ends up getting scolded by coach Ukai
- except at the very end of him scolding he gives noya a few pointers on how to defend your gf without showing bad sportsmanship
- You witness the whole thing and just go up to Noya to calm him down a little
“Thank you, but you didn’t have to go off like that,”
“Yeah I did, Im not letting that douche talk shit about my crazy hot girlfriend”
- noya stop this isn’t the time 😳🥵
- During the game he is extremely focused and there’s this terrifying aura that’s escaping him
- Like Asahi might actually shit his pants just standing next to him
- Karasuno absolutely destroys Johzenji bc Noya is not letting that ball drop on their side of the court
- After the game, like Tanaka Noya straight up kisses you in front of your ex, leaving you a blushing mess as Noya gives him a smug look
kei tsukishima
- aHEM um, alright get ready folks bc this is a scary one
- So it’s Kagugawa vs Karasuno and Yamaguchi is sort of wandering around with Hinata right before the game probably to try and cool their nerves 💀💀
- When they hear your someone talking abt you
“My ex is here we’re vs her team, I know yeah, she’s probably so annoying”
- Dude Yamaguchi and Hinata have never ran faster in their entire lives, they immediately go to tsukki and it’s just a scream fest
“yeAH!! and he was all like ‘she’s probably so annoying’”
“mHM AND—”
“okay I think I got it, where are they?”
- shits about to go down, when Tsukki gets mad, he doesn’t lose is cool, instead he keeps a level head and strategize on how to completely destroy his opponent
- so Yams and Hinata drag him to where your ex was and point him out, and he’s stILL on the phone
“Mhm, yeah she’s super annoying”
- Oh Tsukki is pissed off, he has this intimidating aura coming from him as he approaches the dude that’s shitting on you
“You’re the ex? Yikes...😬”
- Tsukki will wait for what he has to say and the whole time he just has the biggest smirk on his face, like it’s about to go down
- Yams and Sho are hyped uP but they’re waiting behind the door bc they’re babies and they’re scared
- Mm Tsukki does not hold back, he straight up roasts this dudes ass, mans just releases all the salt that’s stored in him
“Mhm yeah, that’s pretty pathetic”
“Heh lame”
“Wow...I can’t believe she really dated you”
- Yeah that’s not that much salt
- Tanaka find the three of them in the bathroom and as much as he wants Tsukki to keep going, they have to get ready for the game
- During the game, your ex tries to spike and he’s instantly shut down my Tsukki and his 6’3 ass, It’s quite hilarious 😌
- Anyways, Tsukki blocks your ex every single time wiTH A SMIRK, mans is not holding back on this bitch
- He says it’s bc he was predictable
- Later, Karasuno beats Kagugawa and Tsukki hardcore glares at your ex like it’s pretty scary since Tsukki is one to act all sassy rather than mad when he gets irritated
“You don’t talk shit about her, ever”
- You watch all of this happen and you immediately ask your boyfriend if something was wrong bc you’re a tad bit worried
“We just had a disagreement that’s all”
tobio kageyama
- Um another scary bitch please do not talk trash about his gf when he’s around
- He’s probably filing his nails away from his team bc he needs his peace and quiet and doesn’t wanna get bullied by Hinata and Tsukki
- When he hears a guy talking very loudly to his friend, now usually he’d ignore them or move spots but like this dude is talking abt you
- So, he stays for a bit and listens to what he has to say. Who even is this dude? Why does he know you? Why is talking to loud like please shut the f—
“Pfft yeah my ex is here with her volleyball team, I talked to her earlier and oh my god she’s exactly the same when I first dated her”
- I’m not sure if that’s a roast sorry I’m bad at these
- Oh now Kags is pissed, see he was already a little irked that this jerk was your ex but he was also talking trash abt you? Nahh
- He throws his nail file on the ground and stomps right up to this douche to smack some sense in him
“Yeah she’s hella annoy—”
“Why don’t you shut the fuck up?”
“Who tf—”
- So Kageyama is also unusually “calm” about the whole situation which makes it even more terrifying
- Kageyama will most likely go off and tell this dude that he has no business talking abt his gf like that
- he’ll focus more on dissing the dude and let me tell you this dude’s roasts h u r t
- like his insults are like 90% swear words
“goblin lookin ass”
“long titty no nipple lookin ass”
“get outta here you abominable fuck waffle”
- Imagine this scary ass dude coming up to you, telling you to shut the fuck up, then realizing this is Tobio Kageyama, The King of the Court, the incredible setter that has precise aim, the 2nd half of the freak duo, going off on how you should stfu abt his gf
- oh and you’re facing him on your next game
- and he absolutely obliterates your sorry ass
- his sets are perfect, he blocks every single fuckin spike you make, and when you think he’s going setting to #10 think again bc he will do a setter dump
- basically he’s on fire and tear the other team to shreds it’s kind of scary actually, hinata was sweating buckets when kageyama served since he looked so terrifying at the moment
- after the game, kageyama would want to leave immediately he doesn’t want to see your ex anymore
“You doing okie? Did something happen with you and him before the game?”
“Yep, but it’s nothing don’t worry about it”
- kags you have that creepy smile again stop you’re scaring y/n
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🪶Being Karasuno's Manager 🪶
Miss Manager's Glow Up Pt 2:
Heading to Nationals
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Karasuno x Female Manager
Warnings: Swearing, so much simping
AN: This is an Anon request!
Extra: This glow up series had me DYING!! YN deserves all the men bowing down 🤸‍♀️
🌠 Please Like, Reblog and/or Share to help support my writing 🌠
All praise the glow up QUEEN 👸
Could you seriously be anymore perfect 🥰
Well, as it turns out, yes you absolutely can 💅
After last summers epic glow up, Karasuno thought they would have it easy
They made it through training camp and even the prelims with their three stunning managers
Seriously I think having you, Kiyoko and Yachi as managers is more stressful than playing a 5-set match against Shiratorizawa 🤣
But alas, life shall never be easy for Karasuno
Because when winter break approaches, you once again head out of town
You've got family and friends to visit and it's winter break ❄️
Suga may have joked about you having a glow up before you even left
"Now YN don't come back even more gorgeous this time"- Suga
Ennosita says "as if she could"
Famous last words 🙃
Daichi told them to shut up because they are going to jinx it
Spoiler alert: they totally jinxed it
Over your winter break, your complexion cleared even more, your body filled out, you changed your hair and even updated your clothing
You really didn't think it was much of a difference
That is, until you show up at volleyball practice a few weeks later
It's the first day after Kags, Hinata and Tsukki come back from their training camps
Everyone is ready to prepare for nationals
You strut in like nothing happened
The first to notice you is definitely Asahi
He does a double take and his eyes widen 😳
Ennoshita sees you next and palms his face 🤦‍♂️
Suga sees you and his mouth drops open 😲
Tanaka and Noya are too stunned to speak
Kiyoko is rubbing her hand on her face "not again"
Hinata is still trying to figure out who you are 🤣
Daichi is flaming mad 🤣
You 👉🏻 no you didn't 😐
"IT WAS IMPLIED YN"- Daichi, royally about to lose his mind
Yachi is trying to calm everyone down
She's got to defibrillators going on Noya and Tanaka
Tsukki and Yams are simply observing
Kags is berating Hinata per the usual
Dacihi is now in a relaxation yoga pose because you've done stressed him out YN!
"Ok everyone calm down"- Kiyoko, the voice of reason
"Yeah we dealt with this once, we will deal with it again"- Suga
And oh boy was it dealt with 😅
Literally it started .02 seconds after you walked into the stadium for nationals
Bokuto and Akaashi found Hinata and subsequently you 😏
"Holy crap YN!"- Bokuto literally drooling 🤤
Akaashi is so happy he won't have to worry about emo Bokuto for the first match
"You look amazing YN! Maybe you should come watch us play our first match?- Akaashi, knowing fully well what he's doing
You 👉🏻😊😍
"I wish I could Bokuto but I have to help Karasuno! But I'll come watch you when our first game is over ok!!"- You
Then suddenly Komori from Itachiyama appears next to Kags
"Hey Kageyama- ✋️ who is this?" 👀
Even Sakusa is coming out of his corner to look at you YN 👏🏻 👏🏻 👏🏻
He's just like ❤◻️❤
Thats my mask face with heart eyes leave me alone
Oh but the fun doesn't stop there 🤣
Nekoma appears and Lev is right there to hype you up
"Damn Yn you want to be our manager for nationals"- Yaku 😏
Tanaka and Noya are now forming a human shield around you
You simply roll you eyes, smile and wave
Then you walk away 🚶‍♀️
And you can bet EVERY SINGLE ONE of those guys is watching you 👀
Call the secretary service, YN's in the building 🗣
Oh but that's not the end of it YN
During the first round match against Tsubakihara Academy, those guys watched you the whole time 👀
Heck they even wanted to see Karasuno score just to see you celebrate 😍
Please they may have lost but they all got a wave from you 😍👋🏻
That was WAY better than any participation award 😅
Not YN literally having all the men at Nationals simping over her 🤚🏻
Oh but it gets better
Because when a certain blonde sets his eyes on you, we'll let's just say it's all over
You were sorting Bentos for the team when you suddenly backed into a wall 🧱
Oh but it wasn't any wall, oh no no it was Atsumu, the setter for Inarizaki
You probably wish it wad a wall instead 😒
He's smirking at you and you are smiling back 😁
"Oh im so sorry! I didn't see you behind me"-you
"No worries gorgeous, I was actually looking for you"- Atsumu
You look to the left and to the right and then point your finger right at yourself
"Me" 🤦‍♂️ yes YN you
Atsumu nods and smiles
"I was wondering if I could maybe get your number?"- Atsumu
Your cheeks heat up because seriously 😲
Just as your about to answer Atsumu, Osamu and Suna approach
Suna and Osamu stop and stare
Suna and Osamu 👉🏻😐😳😲
You 👉🏻😁👋🏻
Atsumu 👉🏻😑😠
"And who is this?"- Suna
"Mine"- Atsumu growls
Whoa whoa whet- 😃
"I saw her first"- Atsumu
"I think she can decide for herself who she's more interested in"- Osamu
"And it's definitely not any of you"- Sakusa and Komori
Jesus YN look what commotion your glow up has created ✨️
"Oh is that so?"- Atsumu
"YN!!! HI- MIYA 😡"- Bokuto with Akaashi
Bokuto is now stomping over to you, chest puffed out 😭
Send up a flare signal or something YN
"Bokuto get away from YN"- Kuroo and Kenma
"Shut up Kuroo! Yn loves me! Don't you YN?"- Bokuto
"You don't have to answer that YN"- Akaashi
Oh my god, is everyone here?
Are there even any games being played right now?
Apparently there's room for more at this gathering 🤗
"Whats happening over here?"- Hoshiumi and Hirugami
Because why not
They stare at you 😳
The theme of this headcannon is just staring 👁👄👁
Welp the good news is it can't get any worse right?
"WHAT IN THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?" -Daichi being flanked by Suga and Asahi
Everyone's heads snap to them 👀
"See YN this is exactly what I was talking about!"- Daichi
🌳 🌳🌳🌳🌳🐜🌳🌳🌳🌳🌳🌳
👆🏻accurate description of your predicament right now
"We are going to have to get you a backpack harness YN"- Suga
"Oh maybe just not bring her along?"- Asahi
Daichi is still staring at all the guys as they watch you being pulled away by Suga
You turn around to smile and wave 👋🏻 goodbye
Every single one of them falls in love with you 😍
Let's just say, after that, Karasuno gets attention for more than just Hinata and Kags Quick 😏
Suddenly the Karasuno section gets much bigger 👀
Inarizaki steals glances at you while you stand with Yachi
Everytime you scream, shout, jump up and down to celebrate, they all die a little inside 💀
Seriously chill YN ✋️
Suga thinks about telling you to chill but your celebrations and the way everyone is watching you has lit a fire in Karasuno 🔥
Seriously Daichi is boring holes into Atsumu everytime he looks at you 🔥 👄 🔥
Asahi's spikes are matching the force of Aran's with how bad he wants to hurt Inarizaki
Tanaka and Noya are growling everytime someone glances your way
There are several guys hovering around you and Yachi
But you pay no mind to them YN 💅
You lose your mind when Hinata receives Aran's spike
"HINATA THAT WAS FANTASTIC!"- You, jumping up and down and completely losing your mind
Atsumu is now trying to figure out how to get you to transfer to Inarizaki 🤣
When that final whistle sounds and your boys win, you scream and run to them
You hug and kiss every single one of them on the cheek
You are crying and smiling and so freaking happy 😭😭😭
Inarizaki is sulking but you look at them, giving them all a smile and a wave 👋🏻 telling them they all did an amazing job!
Their over it real quick 🥰
Seriously the power your smile holds YN
After the match, Suga walks up to Daichi
"I guess Yn's 2nd glow up wasn't so bad"
"She's never allowed to come to tournaments again"- Daichi
He doesn't mean that YN- at least, I hope 😅
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animebw · 4 years
Binge-Watching: Haikyuu S4, Episodes 8-10
In which the big game begins, and we finally check in on this franchise’s most underutilized star player.
Game Day
One thing I’ve noticed about Haikyuu is that because it hews so close to the reality of high school volleyball, its story follows a fairly reliable structure. We start with a training arc where the characters pick up new skills and increase their team cohesion, those skills are put to the test in a practice game or two where they learn to operate with these new conditions, and then we’re off to the tournament where any loss means failure and everything they’ve learned will be pushed to its limit. With the end of the match against Dateko, we’ve finished the second step of that three-step process, and now it’s time for the finale: the Spring Tournament! Our boys have finally made it to nationals, and it’s gonna be a fight like none other. We’ve barely gotten ten minutes into the first match and the excitement is already building to a fever pitch. God, I missed this. The uncertainty of playing in a new gym, the tension of starting off on the wrong foot and struggling to recover, the way the pressure mounts as each mistake pushes the prospect of victory further and further away, the rebounds as everything starts clicking and the boys start pulling themselves together, the amazing individual moments like Hinata’s last-minute headbutt save and Kageyama’s cell-shaded view of the playing space around him as he recalculates his plays... yeah, this is the good stuff. If the animation can pick up the slack and do justice to the showdowns to come, we’re in for one hell of a tournament arc here.
It also means that we’re due for another example of Haikyuu’s greatest strength: humanizing the opposing team to the point where you could imagine watching a show where they’re the protagonists and enjoying it just as much. We don’t know too much about Tsubakihara yet; all we know is that they made nationals last year and bombed hard, a mistake none of them are eager to repeat. But you can tell the seeds are already being planted for us to get invested in their struggle just as Karasuno fights to overcome them. The regularity with which this show pulls this particular trick off is astounding, and I have no doubt, it won’t let me down here. So with the last flourish of an orchestral rendition of the OP to set the mood... let the battle begin!
Run With the Wind
But before we get to the fireworks, there’s one more thing I need to shout out: WE FINALLY GOT A KIYOKO EPISODE! AT LONG LAST! God, if you only knew how desperate I’ve been to get into the head of everyone’s favorite manager. Especially since Kiyoko is so often reduced to being an object of lust for Tanaka and Nishinoya to leer over, we have been sorely lacking for insight into what makes her tick as a person and what she hopes to gain from managing this unruly team. But the day has finally come for that oversight to be cleared up. As we learn, Kiyoko used to be a runner on the track team, but she just couldn’t consistently get over the hurdles like everyone else did. She banged her legs again and again, leaving countless scars, until she could no longer keep up with it. All the time and effort she poured into it flushed away, leaving her with nothing. So when Daichi approached her and asked her to manage the volleyball team, she accepted more out of convenience than anything. At least it was something that would fill the void that suddenly opened up in her life. But a funny thing happened as she saw the team struggle and grow; she actually began to care about them. This wasn’t just some meaningless time-filling job anymore; she was part of the team in a way she never was as a runner. Even if she was standing on the sidelines, Karasuno Volleyball was as much her home as it was Daichi, Hinata, or anyone else. And now, she can fight on her own battle line, pushing her friends to victory in the ways only a manager can.
That’s a great sentiment on its own, but what truly makes it sing is how it ties into her relationship with Yachi. Karasuno didn’t have a manager before Kiyoko joined, so if she graduated and left nothing behind, they would just go back to the way they were. And maybe in the past when she didn’t care, that would’ve been fine. But now that she cares about this new community, she knows this is a tradition she has to keep going. Once she graduates, someone’s going to need to fill her shoes and keep Karasuno running strong. And it’s beautiful seeing that tension play out between her and Yachi. Yachi’s still a little overwhelmed by all this responsibility and prone to freaking out (”Sorry for commenting on your wardrobe! I’m going for a run!”), but Kiyoko believes in her just like Daichi believed in her so long ago. She trusts her young protoge to grow into the role before her. There’s a particularly fantastic moment as Kiyoko runs off to find Hinata’s shoes where she tells Yachi: ”I won’t be gone long, but you’ll probably feel a little lost when I’m not there. But... you’ll have to get used to that.” It’s an acknowledgement that someday soon, Yachi’s going to have to bear this responsibility on her own, and she needs to be ready for that. And Yachi, scared but determined, promises her that she’ll step up to the plate. God, we have had far too little of their relationship throughout this show. Every little snippet we get is just wonderful. But even if I had to wait three and a half seasons for this episode, it was absolutely worth it. Never mind the fact I just remembered why I kinda used to ship them in past seasons: “Tomorrow night, after we win our first game, let’s come back to this bath.” Like, goddamn, that’s some quality tenderness right there. 
Odds and Ends
-”Alright, diving drills!” “Daichi, we won.” dkjfhskjdfhsdkf
-That’s a great strategy. Is your opponent good at reading you? Overwhelm them with information so they have too many possible attacks to watch out for.
-Lmaaaaao, Tsukky’s so extra he doesn’t want anyone interrupting his monologue.
-”Wow, Kageyama learned encouragement!” alsdkjaldskja
-”How long are you gonna be here?” “Don’t worry, we’re free all day today!” I like the Dateko seniors.
-Aaaaw, Kinoshita’s a cutie.
-”Maybe I’ll grow some facial hair too.” pfft
-”It’s no fun if you don’t try other options once you know they exist.” I like Nishinoya’s fighting spirit.
-oh my god Hinata teaching his little sister volleyball drills is everything
-Daichi’s phone alarm is a barking dog and all is right with the world.
-”Don’t worry. Even if the gods don’t help us, we’ll be alright.” I mean, I’d say we have our very own goddess right here, so hey.
-This one shot of Kageyama jogging is so Run with the Wind it’s scary.
-”I’m asking if you’ll die if you stay still.” Daichi’s a savage sometimes. Tuna, I swear to god.
-”Sweet! We’re totally gonna see a house ghost here!” oh my fucking god Tanaka I love you
-Okay, but using essentially recap footage from previous seasons just makes me miss the old animation that much more.
-”You really think I can keep up with them?” Cut to: Tsukky on a bicycle. Good lord, that was funny.
-”This is where the Little Giant competed!” “Actually, it isn’t.” “Shut up, I’m talking about the mood!” adkfhsdkfdskjf
-Eeegh, no, none of that, Nishinoya.
-My boy Yamaguchi! Hitting them jump float serves!
Game on, lads. See you next time!
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strawberrykake · 4 years
20 Qs Haikyuu tag
do tumblr fandoms do tags like these? idek i just feel like making this
Did you read the manga first or watched the anime first?
Did you finish the manga?
When did you start watching haikyuu?
Who was the first character you simped for (like a crush)?
Who is the current character you’re simping for?
Fav season out of 1,2, and 3?
Fav ship(s)?
Which team would you be manager for?
Kiss, Date, Marry: Iwaizumi, Akaashi, Sugawara
Do you actually play volleyball irl?
Favorite Haikyuu Captain?
Middle Blocker, Libero, Setter, or Wing Spiker (in general...which position do you like best?)
Favorite game with Karasuno?
Which character is the most intimidating to you (or if you met them irl)?
Who has the best hair?
Which character do you KNOW you’re gonna fight with (like whenever you see each other it’s ON SITE/ lowkey friends tho)?
Which team has the best audience cheer?
Who are you asking to prom?
Favorite and least favorite team jersey?
Which haikyuu character is most similar to you, in terms of personality?
my responses:
1. Did you read the manga first or watched the anime first?
saw the anime first
2. Did you finish the manga?
no (im at the part where they just won their first nationals match against Tsubakihara)
3. When did you start watching haikyuu?
July 2020 (actually started the first episode way earlier this year but i got bored //dont attack me it was only the first ep// then i watched more and got more interested)
4. Who was the first character you simped for (like a crush)?
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At first, I was so adored by Asahi and sugawara. But then Kuroo started hitting diff when i saw some fanart :P Kuroo was basically the first character i was like “DAYUMMM”
5. Who is the current character you’re simping for?
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What character am i not simping for? HSHDJ but Tsukishima is def my #1 crush rn
6. Fav season out of 1,2, and 3?
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It changes. Rn, i really like season 2 bc of “ONIKU NIKU NIKU” (and many other golden moments). Also a lot of growth for the karasuno boys in this season.
7. Fav ship(s)?
KageHina, BokuAka, AsaNoya, KurKen
8. Which team would you be manager for?
Wtf this is the hardest question...um...Karasuno?? Fukurodani? Shiratorizawa?? I really can’t choose.
9. Kiss, Date, Marry: Iwaizumi, Akaashi, Sugawara
Kiss Iwaizumi, Date Sugawara, Marry Akaashi
10. Do you actually play volleyball irl?
No, but i’ve played it just for fun with friends before (ah good times)
11. Favorite Haikyuu Captain?
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Ushijima (⁎⁍̴̆Ɛ⁍̴̆⁎)
12. Middle Blocker, Libero, Setter, or Wing Spiker (in general...which position do you like best? ik there are more positions)?
13. Favorite game with Karasuno?
Karasuno vs. Shiratorizawa (bAki bAki ni OrE nAnI wO)
14. Which character is the most intimidating to you (or if you met them irl)?
Kenma, Sakura, Semi, and def Kiyoko
15. Who has the best hair?
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Bokuto, Hitoka (her cute lil stars 🥺), Kenma, Nishinoya
16. Which character do you KNOW you’re gonna fight with (like whenever you see each other it’s ON SITE/ lowkey friends tho)? lol idk where these questions are going
Oikawa, Kunimi, Atsumu (I love them but this is bc of our personalities, they’re THAT friend yk???)
17. Which team has the best audience cheer?
Dateko (GO GO LETS GO DATEKO is so catchy)
18. Who are you asking to prom?
Tsukishima <3. If he says no (•ˋ _ ˊ•) . . . Yamaguchi
19. Favorite and least favorite team jersey?
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I really like Fukurodani’s black, white, and neon fits. My least favorite is Wakutani Minami’s (i don’t hate it tho).
20. Which haikyuu character is most similar to you, in terms of personality?
I am like a mix of yachi, yamaguchi, and sugawara.
i tag everyone who wants to do this and loves haikyuu!! BYE gtg do homework now.
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ishipkuroken · 5 years
Regarding the Haikyuu!! S4E11 volleyball match Karasuno Vs. Tsubakihara
So me and my bestie were chatting about the technical parts because we played volleyball together for three years, and we've made it a tradition to watch the new episode together over video call, and here are some of our thoughts/explanations:
Underhand serves. It's one of the first things you learn, and it looks easy but there is a certain form you have to have: arms straight, don't throw the ball, just kinda drop it as the other hand comes up to hit it in a straight line towards where you want it to go, your whole body has to follow the movement. Himekawa panicked and threw the ball then hit it, rather than swing his arm and "drop" the ball onto his palm or fist. (If yours ball have a tendency to go too far, it's better to serve with the palm of your hand, and if you have difficulty clearing the net it's easier to serve with your fist closed, it adds a significant boost) (<- this helped me crack serves after 1.5 years of not getting them over the net on a normal sized court)
When you expect an overhand serve, and instead are caught off gard when a "slow" underhand serve comes your way, and two people call the ball and it just ends up dropping on the floor because you think the other person has got it but no one has 😂
The lights... when you're not used to playing with spotlights, it's really blinding, plus you have to adjust to a high ceiling (if the ball touches the ceiling it's counted as out, so we're used to not raising the ball to our full potential)
Setting (especially behind you) and no one being there. You're so proud you managed to perfectly set for the spiker and you misjudged or you're not in sync and miss the ball, it's so disheartening argh!
Even if the ball is going faaar away from the court after the first touch (or a one touch), you should totally run and try with all your might to get it, because as my old coach used to say, "if you don't try you'll 100% fail, but if you do try you can 100% succeed" (this happens all the time when you're a newbie, after a while you almost instinctively chase every single impossible looking ball, because chances are you'll at least be able to lift it enough for someone else to send back)
The back and forth is the most exhilarating part of a match, when you receive, set, spike, the other team receives, sets, and spikes back... until someone makes a mistake, basically, and you're so into the game and working as a team... that's when you realise what volleyball is really meant to be like.
The most stressful part is the match point, when you're at 24-23 and it's your turn to serve... everyone is looking at you, waiting for you and hoping you don't mess up lol it's literally so much pressure aaaah. This is when you're most likely to mess up purely because of psychological reasons lol.
So yeah, I really liked this match, I found it accurate and relatable!
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nagissimo · 6 years
Haikyuu Birthdays List
♈ 03.21 - 04.20 25 Kunimi Akira (Aoba Johsai #13) WS, year 1 ••• April 3 Watari Shinji (Aoba Johsai #7) Li, year 2 3 Hyakuzawa Yuudai (Kakugawa #9) WS, year 1 4 Ojiro Aran (Inarizaki #4) WS, year 3 5 Ukai Keishin (Karasuno) S, Coach  5 Haiba Alisa (Nekoma) 8 Kai Nobuyuki (Nekoma #2) WS, Vice Captain, year 3 12 Teradomari Motoki (Tsubakihara #4) WS, year 3 14 Onaga Wataru (Fukurodani #12) MB, year 1 16 Hoshiumi Kōrai ( Kamomedai #5) WS, year 2 18 Terushima Yuuji (Johzenji #1), WS, Captain, year 2 ♉ 04.21 - 05.20 ••• May 4 Shirabu Kenjirou (Shiratorizawa #10) S, year 2 5 Tanaka Saeko (Karasuno) 20 Tendou Satori (Shiratorizawa #5) MB, year 3 ♊ 05.21 - 06.20 30 Misaki Hana (Johzenji) Manager, year 3 ••• June 6 Kindaichi Yuutarou (Aoba Johsai #12) MB, year 1 10 Iwaizumi Hajime (Aoba Johsai #4) WS, Vice Captain, year 3 11 Kawatabi Shunki (Wakutani #2) WS, year 3 13 Sugawara Koushi (Karasuno #2) S, Vice Captain, year 3 ♋ 06.21 - 07.22 21 Hinata Shouyou (Karasuno #10) MB, year 1 ••• July 1 Daishō Suguru (Nohebi #1) WS, Captain, year 3 5 Kita Shinsuke (Inarizaki #1) WS, Captain, year 3 9 Koganegawa Kanji (Datekou #7) S, year 1 20 Oikawa Tooru (Aoba Johsai #1) S, year 3 ♌ 07.23 - 08.22 ••• August 1 Michimiya Yui (Karasuno #1) WS, Captain, year 3 2 Sarukui Yamato (Fukurodani #3) WS, year 3 4 Numai Kazuma (Nohebi #4) WS, year 3 8 Yaku Morisuke (Nekoma #3) Li, year 3 13 Aone Takanobu (Datekou #7/#1) MB, year 2 13 Ushijima Wakatoshi (Shiratorizawa #1) WS, Captain, Ace, year 3 17 Narita Kazuhito (Karasuno#7) MB, year 2 20 Nakashima Takeru (Wakutani #1) WS, Captain, year 3 21 Ginjima Hitoshi (Inarizaki #5) WS, year 2 22 Goshiki Tsutomu (Shiratorizawa #8) WS, year 1 ♍ 08.23 - 09.23 24 Towada Yushiki (Ougiminami #1) WS, Captain, year 2 29 Washio Tatsuki (Fukurodani #2) MB, year 3 30 Sakunami Kousuke (Datekou #13) Li, year 1 ••• September 4 Yachi Hitoka (Karasuno) Manager, year 1 
26 Moniwa Kaname (Datekou #2) S, year 3 9 Kuguri Naoyasu (Nohebi #12) WS, year 1 20 Bokuto Koutarou (Fukurodani #4) WS, Captain, Ace, year 3 ♎ 09.24 - 10.23 27 Tsukishima Kei (Karasuno #11) MB, year 1 29 Fukunaga Shouhei (Nekoma #6) WS, year 2 30 Konoha Akinori (Fukurodani #7) WS, year 3 ••• October 5 Miya Atsumu (Inarizaki #7) S, year 2 5 Miya Osamu (Inarizaki #11) WS, year 2 9 Echigo Sakae (Tsubakihara #2) S, Captain, year 3 10 Nishinoya Yuu (Karasuno #4) Li, year 2 16 Kozume Kenma (Nekoma #5) S, year 2 18 Noboru Akimiya (Ougiminami #1) former Captain 19 Chigaya Eikichi ( Shinzen #7) MB, year 1 ♏ 10.24 - 11.21 24 Amanai Kanoka (Niiyama #6) WS, year 2 30 Haiba Lev (Nekoma #11) MB, year 1 30 Ouhira Reon (Shiratorizawa #4) WS, year 3 ••• November 1 Inuoka Sou (Nekoma #7) MB, year 1 WS, year 3 4 Maruyama Kazuki (Tsubakihara #1) 8 Kamasaki Yasushi (Datekou #1) MB, Vice Captain, year 3 10 Futakuchi Kenji (Datekou #6/#2) WS, year 2 10 Yamaguchi Tadashi (Karasuno #12) MB, Pinch Server, year 1
♐ 11.22 - 12.21   11 Semi Eita (Shiratorizawa #3) S, year 3 17 Kuroo Tetsurou (Nekoma #1) MB, Captain, year 3 ••• December 5 Akaashi Keiji (Fukurodani #5) S, Vice Captain, year 2 7 Kyoutani Kentarou (Aoba Johsai #16) WS, year 2  15 Obara Yutaka (Datekou #12/#3) MB, year 2  16 Shibayama Yuuki (Nekoma #12) Li, year 1  19 Mika Yamaka (Nohebi) year 3 ♑ 12.22 - 01.19 22 Kageyama Tobio (Karasuno #9) S, year 1 26 Ennoshita Chikara (Karasuno #6) WS, year 2 31 Sawamura Daichi (Karasuno #1) WS, Captain, year 3 ••• January 1 Azumane Asahi (Karasuno #3) WS, Ace, year 3 6 Shimizu Kiyoko (Karasuno) Manager, year 3 10 Takeda Ittetsu (Karasuno) Sensei 19 Himekawa Aoi (Tsubakihara #14) WS, year 1 ♒ 01.22 - 02.18   23 Komi Hariku (Fukurodani #11) Li, year 3 25 Suna Rintarō (Inarizaki #10) MB, year 2 27 Hanamaki Takahiro (Aoba Johsai #3) WS, year 3 ••• February 10 Sasaya Takehito (Datekou #3) WS, year 3 14 Yamagata Hayato (Shiratorizawa #14) Li, year 3 15 Kinoshita Hisashi (Karasuno #8) WS, year 2 17 Ōmimi Ren (Inarizaki #2) MB, yaer 3 ♓ 02.19 - 03.20 19 Ikejiri Hayato (Tokonami #4) WS, year 3 22 Yamamoto Taketora (Nekoma #4) WS, year 2 ••• March 1 Matsukawa Issei (Aoba Johsai #2) MB, year 3 1 Yahaba Shigeru (Aoba Johsai #6) S, year 2 3 Tanaka Ryuunosuke (Karasuno #5) WS, year 2 8 Tsukishima Akiteru (Karasuno) WS 13 Riseki Heisuke (Inarizaki #14) WS, year 1 13 Yamamoto Akane (Nekoma middle) year 2
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haikyuu-is-madness · 6 years
We also can't forget the rest of the teams that played against Karasuno stealing Hinata, and Karasuno stealing Hinata back from the rest of the teams.
Haha ok! and there will be a separate answer for  Karasuno stealing Hinata back, so this is just the other teams
Terushima started it
shirmpy is just so much fun, he would fit right in
Hana says not to do it
they do not listen
a team full of Hinatas, plus the actual Hinata, what could go wrong?
Hinata matches their energy, but he has no real structure, so he doesn’t do too well
it’s not until the team gets into their serious play mode that the team is super cohesive
amazingly, it was Takeru who stole him
he wanted to leave a legacy for his team
he really wanted the next little giant to come from his team, and since it can’t be him anymore, he has decided Hinata will take up that mantle
Towada did it at first, just to get back at Karasuno
But also because he know wants to win, he doesn’t want to feel that defeat anymore
they all agree that Hinata will help with their new goal
their setter, Natsuse, is the only other 1st year so he sticks close to Hinata, becoming fast friends
their reason for stealing Hinata is actually the exact same as Ougiminami
but it was the libero who stole him, Sakurai is the sneakiest
and Hayato keeps quiet about how this feels like personal payback at Daichi
Komaki, the setter, steals Hinata
once he hears how Hinata stood up for and helped Hyakuzawa at the training camp, he knows he needs that kid on the team to help their newbie
Hyakuzawa is beyond thrilled
he gets to hang with his friend all the time
plus Hinata manages to explain things in ways he can understand (and the fact Hinata praises him for every little thing is really nice too)
and now he has another first year on the team too
amazingly, it was Himekawa who stole Hinata
Echigo was not pleased
but Himekawa pleaded his case, how Hinata’s style matches theirs pretty well, so the captain eventually caved
Teradomari and Echigo are both a good solid influence over Hinata
It was Suna who stole Hinata
the team managed to keep it a secret for a total of 37 minutes before KIta found out
he immediately returned Hinata to Karasuno, with his apologizes 
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