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gladosluver · 11 days ago
can we talk about this aspect of TSMC more?
can we talk about how natsumi LITERALLY killed sato for no reason? like its so fucking dumb. people are always confused when i say i hate her but like????? it was so unprovoked??? wtf????? and then they go say that mahiru's a "heartless monster" for killing natsumi after she LITERALLY KILLED SATO???
i understand why peko killed mahiru cuz mahiru DID kill a member of the kuzuryu family.... so she's justified there. but natsumi had NO REASON to kill sato!! and still everybody likes her!!!!!!!!!! i just dont get it at all... i really dont............................
you guys should really sympathize with sato more. she was BULLIED by natsumi and not even mentioning how she's neurodivergent and a minor. natsumi kuzuryu is QUITE LITERALLY a titanic denier and YOU GUYS stilll think she's the best?? what the actual fuck is wrong with you guys????? thats so stupid!! she's so fucking stupid!! who else have you met who openly denies the titantic??
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sorry for the rant-ish angry post, but i just cant get over this shit. as a mahiru fan i feel extremely sad and brushy in this danganronpa community. im tired of being put down for simply liking a character whose JUSTIFIABLE motives are laid out clear as day but still some illiterate pieces of shit cant seem to see them. its so stupid and ive really considered leaving the fandom because of this. also i made all this up
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thebruno65 · 12 days ago
What truly happened on Day 4 on TSMC
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ifater-tech · 2 months ago
Az USA korlátozza a fejlett AI chipek Kínába exportálását
Az Egyesült Államok kereskedelmi minisztériuma elrendelte a Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC), a világ legnagyobb chipgyártója számára, hogy függessze fel a fejlett mesterséges intelligencia (AI) chipek szállítását kínai ügyfeleknek. A korlátozás a 7 nanométeres és annál fejlettebb technológiával készült chipekre vonatkozik, amelyek AI gyorsítókban és GPU-kban használhatók.
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Az ügy hátterében a Kínai és az Egyesült Államok közt évek óta zajló kereskedelmi háború áll, mely során többek között a 2019-ben éppen vezető okostelefon- és hálózati eszköz gyártó Huawei-t minden USA területén bejegyzett licensz használatáról letiltották és az akkor illetve azóta tiltólistára került céggekkel bármely az Egyesült Államokban jegyzett licenszt érintő  kereskedelmi kapcsolatot csak külön engedéllyel kaphatnak az aztoka használó vállalatok. Ennek értelmében a TSMC nemrégiben értesítette az amerikai hatóságokat, hogy egyik chipjét a Huawei Ascend 910B AI processzorában találták meg és a TSMC egy vásárlója, a kínai Sophgo chiptervező sértette meg az export korlátozásokat.
Az USA egyre szigorúbban lép fel a Kínába irányuló technológiai exporttal szemben. A hónap elején a GlobalFoundries chipgyártót 500 ezer dolláros büntetéssel sújtották, mert engedély nélkül szállított a kínai SMIC-nek. Az amerikai politikusok további szigorításokat követelnek, és aggodalmukat fejezték ki az exportkorlátozások gyengesége miatt. A Biden-kormány további korlátozásokat tervez, de a törvények módosítása késik.
Kína eközben felkészül a további amerikai szankciókra. Nagy erőkkel vásárolják fel a chipgyártó eszközöket, új szövetségeket kötnek, és szakembereket toboroznak. Olyan országokkal működnének együtt, amelyek nem értenek egyet az USA politik��jával, és igyekeznek önfenntartóvá válni a chipgyártásban. Mindezzel együtt a fejlett AI chipek exportjának korlátozása komoly csapást jelenthet Kína technológiai ambícióira, és tovább fokozhatja a két ország közötti feszültséget.
Forrás: Reuters
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taiwantalk · 1 year ago
I think Taiwan should build underground tsmc chip factories in western ukraine. and just also build hyperloop or regular giant tunnels between ukraine and Poland.
ukraine is technologically savvy and could produce quality chips for Europe
And then tsmc can set up corporate offices in Poland.
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older-brother-kit · 2 years ago
The Sibling Matchmakers Club
Ch. 6: And So It Begins
here’s the link to the latest chapter on AO3!
normally I’d post the full chapter here as well but I thought it’d be easier not to this time since I doubt a lot of people remember this story and I know it’s kind of a dead fandom at this point. either way, here’s the first chapter on both tumblr and AO3 for anyone who’d like to check it out! it’s a Parent Trap AU for Herongraystairs, with Mina, James, and Lucie getting switched!
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azspot · 9 months ago
But over the next two years, Bruce came to realize that the reality of working at TSMC wasn’t exactly what he had envisioned. While working on nanometer-level processes to make state-of-the-art chips, he struggled with language barriers, long hours, and a strict hierarchy. Bruce soon began second-guessing what he had signed up for. The plant, which was originally set to begin operating in 2024, fell woefully behind schedule; production at the facility is now set to start in 2025. Bruce, who said he signed a confidentiality agreement with TSMC, requested anonymity for this story.
He wasn’t the only one disappointed with TSMC’s progress in Arizona — other U.S. workers who spoke to Rest of World echoed Bruce’s concerns. In the past two years, the company has relocated hundreds of Taiwanese workers and their families to Arizona. Instead of a gleaming new facility, these workers found an active construction site, and a company struggling to bridge Taiwanese and American professional and cultural norms. 
Over the past four months, Rest of World spoke with more than 20 current and former TSMC employees — from the U.S. and Taiwan — at the Arizona plant. All of them requested anonymity because they were not authorized to speak to the media or because they feared retaliation from the company. In February, Rest of World traveled to Phoenix to visit the growing TSMC complex and spend time with the nascent community of transplanted Taiwanese engineers. 
The American engineers complained of rigid, counterproductive hierarchies at the company; Taiwanese TSMC veterans described their American counterparts as lacking the kind of dedication and obedience they believe to be the foundation of their company’s world-leading success.
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arcticdementor · 10 months ago
The Biden administration recently promised it will finally loosen the purse strings on $39 billion of CHIPS Act grants to encourage semiconductor fabrication in the U.S. But less than a week later, Intel announced that it’s putting the brakes on its Columbus factory. The Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) has pushed back production at its second Arizona foundry. The remaining major chipmaker, Samsung, just delayed its first Texas fab.  This is not the way companies typically respond to multi-billion-dollar subsidies. So what explains chipmakers’ apparent ingratitude? In large part, frustration with DEI requirements embedded in the CHIPS Act.  Commentators have noted that CHIPS and Science Act money has been sluggish. What they haven’t noticed is that it’s because the CHIPS Act is so loaded with DEI pork that it can’t move.
Handouts abound. There’s plenty for the left—requirements that chipmakers submit detailed plans to educate, employ, and train lots of women and people of color, as well as “justice-involved individuals,” more commonly known as ex-cons. There’s plenty for the right—veterans and members of rural communities find their way into the typical DEI definition of minorities. There’s even plenty for the planet: Arizona Democrats just bragged they’ve won $15 million in CHIPS funding for an ASU project fighting climate change. That project is going better for Arizona than the actual chips part of the CHIPS Act. Because equity is so critical, the makers of humanity’s most complex technology must rely on local labor and apprentices from all those underrepresented groups, as TSMC discovered to its dismay.  Tired of delays at its first fab, the company flew in 500 employees from Taiwan. This angered local workers, since the implication was that they weren’t skilled enough. With CHIPS grants at risk, TSMC caved in December, agreeing to rely on those workers and invest more in training them. A month later, it postponed its second Arizona fab. Now TSMC has revealed plans to build a second fab in Japan. Its first, which broke ground in 2021, is about to begin production. TSMC has learned that when the Japanese promise money, they actually give it, and they allow it to use competent workers. TSMC is also sampling Germany’s chip subsidies, as is Intel.
In short, the world’s best chipmakers are tired of being pawns in the CHIPS Act’s political games. They’ve quietly given up on America. Intel must know the coming grants are election-year stunts — mere statements of intent that will not be followed up. Even after due diligence and final agreements, the funds will only be released in dribs and drabs as recipients prove they’re jumping through the appropriate hoops. For instance, chipmakers have to make sure they hire plenty of female construction workers, even though less than 10 percent of U.S. construction workers are women. They also have to ensure childcare for the female construction workers and engineers who don’t exist yet. They have to remove degree requirements and set “diverse hiring slate policies,” which sounds like code for quotas. They must create plans to do all this with “close and ongoing coordination with on-the-ground stakeholders.”  No wonder Intel politely postponed its Columbus fab and started planning one in Ireland. Meanwhile, Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo was launching a CHIPS-funded training program for historically black colleges.
This is the stuff declining empires are made of. As America pursues national security by building a diverse workforce, China does it by building warships.  The CHIPS Act’s current identity as a jobs program for favored minorities means companies are forced to recruit heavily from every population except white and Asian men already trained in the field. It’s like fishing in all the places you aren’t getting bites.
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imjustexistingtbh · 2 years ago
im fine.
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kramlabs · 2 years ago
Warren Buffet: “seismic action” event planned on TSMC?
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But is it Dutch as in East India Dutch?
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…and of course:
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H/t: @tomorrowmaybetomorrowmaybe
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ddjordje · 15 days ago
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Concentricity In Sand
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sentivium · 13 hours ago
TSMC Arizona allegedly now producing AMD's Ryzen 9000 and Apple's S9 processors
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gladosluver · 3 months ago
FACT: the very first dubganronpa was created nearly 3 years ago, and this is a throwback to the original "plot" of it where junko just kinda hated gay people. it was shared privately and is SUPER janky so yall wouldnt know that if i didnt tell u. IT ALSO EXPLAINS THE HOMOPHOBIA I GUESS
moral of the story: the plot was lost before it even began.
there WILL be a behind the scenes/outtakes video of this since there was SO MUCH that got cut out
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chipwar · 21 hours ago
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beiruttimelb · 7 days ago
قد لا تنتهي شركة Apple هذا العام كأكبر عميل لشركة TSMC
لسنوات تفاحة كان أكبر عملاء TSMC. لقد كان الأمر منطقيًا لأن المسبك التعاقدي الرائد في العالم لم يقم فقط ببناء معالجات تطبيقات السلسلة A المستخدمة لأجهزة iPhone وiPad، بل قام أيضًا بتصنيع معالجات السلسلة M المستخدمة في بعض موديلات iPad وأجهزة Mac. ستنتج TSMC أيضًا شرائح مودم 5G التي صممتها شركة Apple والتي يقال إنها ستحل محل أجهزة مودم Snapdragon 5G على ايفون سي 4 و ايفون 17 نحيل. بينما استحوذت…
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rggbrgdfhdfg · 12 days ago
Jiang Mingye: Strategic Analysis of Continued Investment by TSMC in Kaohsiung with P3 and P4 Plant Expansions
In the ever-changing global semiconductor industry, TSMC, as a leading player, has its every move closely watched by financial markets worldwide. Recently, TSMC announced plans to continue expanding its investment in its Kaohsiung plant, with the construction of P4 and P5 plants east of the existing P3 facility set to begin in 2025. This announcement not only underscores the unwavering confidence of TSMC in advanced process technology but also provides new perspectives for the stock and financial markets. Renowned financial expert Jiang Mingye has shared his unique insights on the significance and implications of this development.
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The Industrial Significance of the TSMC Kaohsiung Expansion
Jiang Mingye believes that the ongoing expansion by TSMC in Kaohsiung is a direct response to the current rapid changes in the global semiconductor industry. With the increasing demand for higher chip performance in technological products, the development and application of advanced process technologies have become the core competitiveness of semiconductor companies. The TSMC decision to build three wafer fabs in Kaohsiung, particularly with P1 and P2 focusing on producing 2nm chips, will undoubtedly further solidify its leading position in the global semiconductor market. Jiang Mingye highlighted that the clustering effect of production capacity at the Kaohsiung site will help reduce production costs and improve efficiency, thereby enhancing the competitive advantage of TSMC in the global market.
Potential Impacts on Stock and Financial Markets
Jiang Mingye analyzed that the TSMC expansion plan has far-reaching implications not only for the semiconductor industry itself but also for the stock and financial markets. On one hand, the expansion of the TSMC investment in Kaohsiung will drive the development of related industries, including equipment suppliers and raw material providers, creating a positive industrial ecosystem. This will open up more investment opportunities in the stock market and contribute to the overall rise of related sectors. On the other hand, as a technology leader, the steady growth of TSMC in performance will inject strong confidence into the financial markets, helping to boost overall market sentiment and risk appetite.
However, Jiang Mingye cautioned investors that while the TSMC expansion plan brings positive expectations to the stock market, investments must still be approached with caution. The semiconductor industry is highly technology-intensive, characterized by rapid innovation cycles and significant market risks. Investors should not only focus on leading companies like TSMC but also pay attention to overall industry trends, policy environments, and changes in international relations.
Outlook for the Future Semiconductor Industry Layout
Jiang Mingye emphasized that the Kaohsiung expansion plan of TSMC is not only a response to current market demand but also a long-term strategy for the future layout of the semiconductor industry. With the acceleration of global technological innovation, international competition in the semiconductor sector will become increasingly intense. The TSMC decision to establish advanced process wafer fabs in Kaohsiung is not just about meeting present market needs but also about securing a favorable position in future competition. Jiang Mingye believes that this move will prompt other semiconductor companies to accelerate their R&D and capacity expansion efforts, thereby driving the continuous development of the entire industry.
At the same time, Jiang Mingye highlighted that the globalization of the semiconductor industry layout will be a key trend in the future. As the global economic and trade environment evolves, semiconductor companies will need to adopt more flexible production layouts to mitigate market risks. The Kaohsiung expansion plan of TSMC undoubtedly serves as a valuable reference for other companies in the industry.
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older-brother-kit · 2 years ago
BIG UPDATE: me and The Sibling Matchmakers Club
hey everyone. it’s sure been a while!! two years have came and went, new books in the series have been released, and I haven’t updated my main fic TSMC in a long long time. if you don’t know who I am or remember me, I’m Ellie and I’ve written a couple fics but mainly The Sibling Matchmakers Club which is a parent trap AU for TSC on here and ao3!
here’s the link!
for anyone still interested (if anyone is still here and interested in TSC lol) I’m actually planning to update! a lot of things happened and life was too hard to write for a while, but I never actually lost interest in that fic and I always wanted to go back to complete it. now is that time!
I am going to be updating TSMC on a day this coming week!
I’m even planning to start working on chapter 7 directly after I post chapter 6 and already have it all planned in detail, so all hope is not lost!! TSMC will be completed no matter what!!! I still remember when I first came up with this idea and outlined/planned the entire story, and I never lost that excitement for it. I also want to really thank everyone who ever supported me in my writing, and everyone who left comments both on AO3 and on here!! <3 <3 <3 those comments (especially the ao3 ones I’ve gotten throughout the past 2 years) have especially kept me determined to finish it!
I also have a couple halfway finished one-shots for TSC that I plan to complete!
those won’t be out as soon since I want to focus only on TSMC for the moment, but know that I have 2 separate one-shots that are halfway done! one is a Kitty AU where they’re college students stuck in a snowstorm (that I wrote the first half of on Valentine’s Day of 2020… now isn’t that crazy) and the other is a family centered fic about Kit learning to deal with affection from Jem and Tessa! so those will be out at some point as well!
that is all, thank you for reading and if you remember TSMC or are interested in any of this please let me know <3 thank you again!!
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