#ts4 kit review
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llama--plumbobsims · 2 months ago
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I would like to say a very belated thank you to @trillyke for making the Sweet Slumber Party kit specifically for Lennie and Maisie
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alltimefail-sims · 1 year ago
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You've all seen the Goth kit styled beautifully by other creators... but what if I showed you it straight up?
No cc, no pairing with items from other packs... this is what we're left with. Alternative heading: Idk how some of ya'll have made this kit look so good, but let's talk about it.
My thoughts... ↓
Right off the bat: I don't like most of the swatches on these items and I don't think I would constitute most of the swatches as "Goth." For example - what is that weird blueish-purple swirly tablecloth looking swatch on every item? More than that though, I think the biggest issue with this kit is that the items themselves don't pair well with each other.
We'll start out with the makeup: we only got 3 makeup items with this kit and I don't feel strongly about any of them personally. I will say that the runny makeup swatch is kind of cool and unique but idk how often I'll personally find a use for it. (Sidenote: because all the makeup is slider compatible I do think he lack of swatches is okay. Also, storytellers might find the runny makeup item useful if they slide the opacity down because then it would look like more natural, runny makeup after crying. Just a thought!) It is peculiar to me that 2/3 makeup items are locked for fem frame only and I'm wondering if this was just an oversight. Regardless, I'm noting that as a negative - if you want to use the lipstick or eyeshadow on a masc frame sim you need to uncheck masc frame in the makeup category of CAS for it to show up.
I HATE the egg-head hoodie, especially because 1. it could have been such a cool item that I would have used a lot if it didn't give sims a dramatic gnome pointy head and 2. it's unusable on fem frame sims due to the bug eye issue which everyone has already pointed out but I'm going to point out as well because... wtf?! I am also not a huge fan of the earrings and necklace that came with the kit due to the fact that they're just really clunky-chunky and the necklace felt like a late addon to me as most of the outfits had a high neck, so pairing the choker with the majority of outfits from this pack didn't actually look good. I was shocked there were no tattoos, no hats, not a single hairstyle (my biggest complaint about this kit and CAS kits in general as we always need more hairstyles), no facial piercings, not even a nail polish. And, as always, masc frame sims were short-changed in comparison to fem frame sims.
One positive note is that I think a few of these items could pair well with items from other packs and, of course, some amazing cc that's out there as you've probably already seen some creators do. (But, again, that's not what I'm personally reviewing so really that's neither here nor there, but I wanted to note it nonetheless.)
Here's a list of the items I personally liked:
The trench coat full-body outfit in both frames (sans some swatches).
The Tripp style shorts - I think I will use these a lot (and I think the recolors will be great).
The very first outfit I showed above in the fem frame (mesh shirt and shorts) is workable.
The plain leather jacket top in both frames (versatile, simple, lays on all bodies well and recolors will be nice).
The t-shirt with a mesh shirt or fishnet shirt underneath.
I suppose I also like the bracelet and gloves that came with this pack, but that's just because they were simple and inoffensive lol. Idk how the sims team could have possibly screwed up those items. I'll use them at some point though I'm sure, so that's a very weak win I will give them.
All of that to say...I don't like this kit nearly as much as the Grunge kit. Most of the items are middle of the road at best and poorly executed at worst. I didn't have unreasonably high expectations for this kit, but I still think it could have been done better and I think it's okay to want better as a community (especially because not everyone can use cc, so this might be the only goth stuff they have to work with). If EA can't execute something well, they just should do it. This is why I don't agree with the "did you all expect EA to give us a well-done Goth kit?" crowd because yes, actually, I did! We should expect them to at least do the bare-minimum and do their research so they can deliver on a concept that they proposed to us in the first place and will be making money off of... but I digress!
I still stand by the fact that nearly everything looks super chunky and dated - if someone told me all of this came out with the base game or an older pack like Realm of Magic, I would believe them.
Here's a closeup of the makeup:
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I'll say it again: the hoodie thing is bananas to me. Idk how they didn't catch that before releasing the damn kit but that's a careless mistake that would be funny if it wasn't so expected.
That's the Goth Galore kit in its entirety! These were just my opinions, so keep that in mind. You can love this kit and disagree with me and that's okay! But for those of you wondering what it looks like in game with no cc/reshade/or any embellishments before you buy it, I hope this little overview was helpful!
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corrienteallita · 2 months ago
If anyone would like to watch my review of the Sweet Slumber Party Kit then you can find it on the youtube:
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xandezsims · 1 year ago
Sims 4 Castle Estate Kit: An Honest Review
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Xan here. I do a fair amount of historical builds, fortresses and castles included—but having to hand-draw parapets as half-walls, the lack of appropriate windows, and the mismatched wall textures regularly drive me up the wall. So when I heard they were releasing the castle kit, I was hype. But, then it came out, and the collective response online seemed to be an overwhelming ‘meh’. Still, I’m committed now, so I bought it to check it out.
And I sort of agree? But I also
don’t. Stay with me, I’ll explain.
First of all, here’s what you get with the kit: 25 items: 1 wallpaper, 1 floor, a foundation, 2 fences, stairs, railing, pillars, 2 wall trims, spandrel, and 2 wall decors, plus windows and doors.
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I have a few observations.
Let’s start with the worst bits:
The Bad:
The swatches are
underwhelming. There are seven, five with variations. The white and black are standalone. The tan (left) and cream (right) are almost identical in some lighting. There’s also one tan swatch with greenery on it, not seen elsewhere. (It has flowers. Why would there be flowers on a castle wall? Maybe that’s just me.) Rest assured, it matches nothing else in the game but the floor that came with it. The brown is
very brown—but there’s a good thing about it, I’ll get there.
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So. The spandrels. They look okay up-close, if a little jagged sometimes. But the jaggedness blooms like mold when you zoom out. (At least on my PC.) Probably not using these.
We did get a new foundation, though it doesn’t quite seem to match the walls, due to the light border. Unfortunately, as usual, we did not get a new platform to match it. It’s like EA forgot that feature

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Nitpick with the wall emblem we got: the “clean” swatches are the knight helmet, and the “dirty” ones are a goofy heraldry. No option to have clean heraldry or dirty knight helmet. Also, note that the black and white come with dirty swatches, but we didn’t get dirty walls.
And this is really petty, but these beautiful windows? These ones, here?
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Only come with two—count ‘em, two—stained glass swatches, in either gray or tan. That’s all you get. So that black cathedral with stained glass windows you wanted? You’re out of luck. Not fond of the art either. It’s cute, but that means I won’t use it. (Sidenote: that tiny window is not 'an arrow slit', EA.)
That was a lot. Now let’s get to:
The Good:
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The windows and doors themselves are amazing. Just look at them! They’re appropriately grand for a castle, and they included sizes for all wall-heights. The best ones are locked to the tallest wall, but for a reason. They’re enormous. Probably the biggest ones we got.
The crenelation fence is a Godsend. (No more drawing half-walls for hours!) It’s adaptive, meaning it changes where the bigger support is based on how long the fence is, where it’s bent, etc. And it looks phenomenal. The wall trims are ornamental as hell, but they are also very cool.
Fun bonus: despite the stereotype regarding EA swatches not matching, the stone textures do sort of match some of the walls we already have! (Shown: Get Together, Bowling Stuff, Fitness Stuff, Jungle Adventure, Cottage Living; Castle Estate walls at the bottom.) This means you can mix and match the new trims, parapets, pillars, windows, doors, all of it, to a degree. And it works pretty well!
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Final Verdict: Is it Worth it?
So, when I first got it, I wasn’t super sold. Then, I ran a test on a build I was struggling with and
well, you saw the cover. Needless to say, for five dollars, that’s not bad.
If you’re a historical builder or just really want some grand objects to use, it’s worth the money. There are issues, and the low price tag doesn’t excuse that, but it doesn’t change the fact that the Kit itself is pretty good.
(Now all I need is for them to give us a privy. If you live in a castle, you shouldn’t have to pee in a bush.)
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sulsulcel · 9 months ago
EA... what are you doing?!
The quality is not at all what you'd expect from a massive corporation... but I unironically love this pack. It's still really bad though. Really. Really. Bad.
Is it worth my $5 though? Yes! BALLOONS! And fog! OMG!
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magnoliidae · 2 years ago
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Thank you to the EA Creator network for the code to check out the Book Nook Kit. I haven't had the time I want lately to play and build in ts4 that I would like but I really wanted to take some time to do a quick little cc-free set-type build cc-free with this new Kit since I uh very much love building libraries.
Further review of my quick look at the pack under the cut if you're interested - but my main takeaway is that I'm underwhelmed with the color swatches for the bookshelves and I should, as such, note that the colors in my screenshot above have been adjusted.
I really really wanted to like this Kit so much. The initial promo images didn't inspire me (at all) libraries are one of my favorite things to build in ts4, and I was really hoping the items in this pack could replace some of the CC that I use. That will almost definitely not be the case, however.
My main gripe is with the bookshelves. I enjoyed some of the clutter items and will never turn down a good stack of books, though I do have to admit i didn't look too closely at the other large furniture items because they simply don't fit the style in which I tend to build. The shelves, however, came kind of close to being what I had hoped, but ultimately there's just too many small things that bug me about them that I don't see them being worth the cost of the pack.
Those issues with the shelves were: 1) The snapping - I'm really not into this trend of wall items snapping. If you're someone who really likes to finesse positioning I think you'll probably understand how difficult this becomes with snapped items. TOOL alleviates some of these issues but TOOL should not be a necessity for paid packs (and also bugged out when i was trying to move a piece not on the wall, so maybe a moot point, altogether ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ). I've also only just noticed that I kept the book swatches all the same because I kept having to replace them to fix placement issues and obviously forgot to adjust that. Oops! :')
2) No base - The shelves just look, to me, so awkward and off without a base for them to sit on the floor. If you look at most shelves of this type, like Ikea's billy bookcases which these have a very similar vibe to, the bottom shelf does not sit directly on the floor, but is instead slightly elevated off of it:
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Like, I understand that removing that element from the equation makes the stacking/snapping effect easier to pull off, but :///
3) The Color Swatches - I didn't check 100%, but I think the swatches do match up to The Immaculate base game display shelf which is nice. But just ughhhhhhhh. I really hated the wood colors on these. They all felt cold and institutional. I really wanted there to be a warm mahogany-esque swatch for good dark academia vibes but, alas. For full transparency this is my image before I photoshopped the colors to be closer to the vibe that I wanted:
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Before-> After. It wasn't the absolute worst and got some of the vibes I wanted, but also like. meh.
All in all, this kit was a bit of a disappointment to me. I can see some of my issues being fixed with recolors - but at that point I might as well just be using other CC items?? I'll also recommend some of my current favorite bookshelf items I have in my game > These bookshelves by MLys - these basically never ever leave my game even when I'm going super CC-light. > and this modular library set by SSTS (which admittedly has some of my same issues with snapping items in ts4 - but it's free and has seriously BEAUTIFUL swatches and details and so. I cannot complain even the smallest single bit. It's gorgeous and I can only hope to one day build a library worthy of the set, lol)
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hyawehb · 2 years ago
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La premiÚre Roadmap de 2023 des Sims a été révélée ! 
Je suis plus qu’excitĂ©e par cette annonce puisqu’elle tease trĂšs trĂšs fortement sur du gameplay FAMILLE ! 
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Ce teaser est trÚs intéressant car il annonce :
- Une grosse mise Ă  jour (les nourrissons) ;
- Deux kits (dont les images semblent ĂȘtre un sous-vĂȘtements et un autre avec un dentifrice qui rappelle les concepts art partagĂ©s au Behind the sim Summit) ;
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- Une nouvelle extension (avec comme indice une dent ressemblant Ă  un ours, sisi je vous jure !) ;
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- Un live le 31 janvier.
On peut voir sur le teaser un arbre avec des cadres (pour les annonces) qui fait fortement pensĂ© Ă  un arbre gĂ©nĂ©alogique. On pourrait rĂȘver d’une mise Ă  jour de l’arbre gĂ©nĂ©alogique des sims et aussi la possibilitĂ© d’avoir des tantes/ oncles/ cousins, etc. dans le CAS ! (qui serait un vĂ©ritable game changer !). 
On peut voir dans le fond à gauche un pont. Celui-ci me fait penser au concept art que nous avons lors du  BEHIND THE SIMS SUMMIT. Et cette image avec la femme se baladant avec son porte-bébé et son enfant/bambin sur un vélo fait beaucoup pensé à Générations.
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Enfin en bas de l’image nous avons l’inscription “Les retrouvailles des Michaelson- San Sequoia 2023″. Les retrouvailles font penser Ă  une fĂȘte de famille. Quant au San Sequoia on pourrait imaginer une autre ville type San Myshuno. Ce serait gĂ©nial d’avoir une nouvelle map type ville ! Ca changerait et se serait super agrĂ©able de commencer dans les appartements d’une nouvelle ville !
N’oublions pas non plus le header twitter du compte des Sims français que je vous ai mis en haut de ce poste qui dit bien “une histoire de famille”... Ca sent bon, non ?? hein ??
Personnellement je vois bien la mise Ă  jour la semaine prochaine ou la suivante. Le live de fin du mois prĂ©senterait l’extension qui pourrait arriver dĂ©but mars... et qui serait (croisons les doigts) une extension GĂ©nĂ©rations, basĂ© sur du gameplay famille intergĂ©nĂ©rationnel ! 
Et vous, vous en dites quoi ?
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mawhil · 3 years ago
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Very Chic Clothing!!!! / Sims 4 / Moonlight Chic Kit Reaction Video
The Moonlight Chic Kit came out recently for The Sims 4 and I went through and took a look at all the CAS items available in the pack! The clothes are really cute, it has some great colour swatches and textures, just a few disappointments but overall I like it! You can watch the whole video here: https://youtu.be/ZFXavxfQwNw
Moonlight Chic Kit EA Post: https://www.ea.com/en-gb/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/packs/kits/the-sims-4-moonlight-chic-kit
Sims 4 Gallery ID: MaWhil
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joliebean · 2 years ago
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#alex thank you again for gifting me this kit (yes im gonna thank you on all platforms) 😭💞
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Let It Be Me Mini Set by Joliebean
This month has been hectic for me. My birthday was two days ago, plus I caught a cold (I'm still ill đŸ˜­đŸ˜„), a lot of other irl stuff.. I wanted to make this dress for awhile and now when I feel a bit better I gave it a shot. It's a prom and weddings season, I think it will suit perfectly for such occasions. I also made a new texture for it to make it look more silky. A long slip dress will look perfect anywhere and anytime.
35 swatches
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nisyms · 2 years ago
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Review: https://youtu.be/lanD39chBYQ
Skin Defaunt: https://www.patreon.com/posts/31097930
1- https://squea.tumblr.com/post/658066345068560384/dusty-skinblend-by-squea-a-little-skinblend-i
2- https://www.patreon.com/posts/sophie-skin-body-42081236
3- https://www.patreon.com/posts/cellulite-44112566
4- https://makesims.tumblr.com/post/181883570060/adams-apple-skin-detail-update-692020-i (alguns itens corrompidos, e sĂł tirar os devidos da pasta e abrir o jogo normalmente)
5- http://pyxiidis.blogspot.com/2018/03/about-face-facekit.html
6- https://www.patreon.com/posts/face-kit-no-2-72457009
7- https://alhajero.tumblr.com/post/183845459620/a-little-bunch-of-lips-to-play-with
8- https://www.patreon.com/posts/eye-shape-43135636
9- https://cakenoodles.tumblr.com/post/186423310143/pastry-carthi-so-i-took-a-moment-to-gather-my
10- https://www.patreon.com/posts/sage-skinblend-38986182
11- https://tamosim.blogspot.com/2015/10/ts4-basic-10-eye-bags-set-for-all.html
12- https://www.patreon.com/posts/42027501
13- https://www.patreon.com/posts/41976841
14- http://kismetsims.blogspot.com/2020/02/skin-details.html
15- https://www.patreon.com/posts/tinsel-60273570
16- https://www.patreon.com/posts/26767102
17- https://www.patreon.com/posts/3d-lashes-ver-7-71352406
18- https://www.patreon.com/posts/57269237
19- https://www.patreon.com/posts/skintone-tints-36100569
20- https://squeamishsims.tumblr.com/post/185846308452/booboo-blush-by-squeamishsims-so-ive-tried-so
21- https://imadako.tumblr.com/post/117255677276/skindetailfacemask-01downloadmediafire-for-all
22- http://pyxiidis.blogspot.com/2018/02/to-bone-nosemasks.html
23- https://ellesmea.tumblr.com/post/112327479637/body-moles-hey-im-back-sorry-to-have
24- https://www.patreon.com/posts/49743536
25 e 26: https://www.patreon.com/posts/43670743
27- https://simulationcowboy.tumblr.com/post/176038369702/so-ridgeport-wanted-some-more-eye-highlights-so-i
28- https://sims4nexus.com/?p=3906
29- https://maxismatchccworld.tumblr.com/post/638278892042469376/spookysims-hello-here-is-a-small-collection-of
30- https://katverse.com/2019/05/09/philtrum-skin-detail/
31- https://squeamishsims.tumblr.com/post/187383156947/soft-eyes-by-squeamishsims-these-were-originally
32- https://rheallsim.tumblr.com/post/632322442171383808/whispy-hairline-yes-i-know-wispy-is-spelled
33- https://simfileshare.net/download/2567246/
Sombreamento no nariz e sobrancelhas: https://simfileshare.net/download/3503677/
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murfeelee · 3 years ago
Simblr Asks - TS3
I saw these questions here, and I’m in a procrastinating mood.
1. are you going to buy the new pack (cottage living) when it comes out? Thoughts on Cottage Living:
Should’ve been a Game Pack. Another display of EA cramming TS4 with crap that’s as big as the ocean, but with the depth of a frikkin puddle. How TF an EXPANSION PACK came without any new skills or careers is beyond me, but Cottage Living did it, so hey. Speaking of hay, at least the cows & chickens are better. They’d better be, for $40. Thank god for the Llamas though, otherwise I would’ve never been interested in this dang pack.
2. do you p*rate your dlc or buy it legitimately?
Fortunately for me, half the TS3 content I have I won in contests & giveaways, or it was Gifted to me. The rest I bought on DEEP sales, cuz eff buying anything from EA at full price. And I got TS4 when EA gave it away for free, cuz patience is a freaking virtue. But there's definitely some garbage out there (*cough* Kits) I legitimately think you’re morally obligated to Yo Ho Ho.
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3. what’s your favorite world?
EA: Shang Simla (World Adventures). CC: Boroughsburg (Potato-Ballad-Sims). My wish is to have a world/save that incorporates BOTH--an Asian Boroughsburg, or a futuristic/modern Shang Simla, but Japanese.
4. if you use a queue, how many posts per day do you set it as?
1 post on my main blog, 2 on my personal/inspo blogs, and anywhere from 1-5 on my CC finds blogs (depending on how much CC there is to catch up on).
5. do you watch sims on youtube?
Plenty. I miss Lazy Game Reviews--I think he’s effing done with EA & TS4, which is equally hilarious and sad at the same time. The Red Plumbob is probably my fave right now. I watch Pleasantsims for nostalgic TS2 content. And I watch A LOT of TS4 simmers, out of morbid curiosity to see just how bad the Kits and packs are.
6. what are your thoughts on the most recent pack? (dream home decorator)
Strong contender for Y’all Hear Sum’n? on Kenya’s scale. ïżœïżœ
7. how many packs/kits do you own?
I will never buy or even bother pirating those dumba$$ Kits, EA can eff right off. Anyone can do clothes & clutter for free; what 👏  is 👏  the 👏  point 👏 , other than a total effing cash grab.
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8. what’s your origin id? is it the same as your url?
I only ever sim offline.
9. is your simblr your sideblog or main blog?
Main blog. Then I realized how expansive Tumblr is, and created 1001 sideblogs for stuff I do outside of simming.
10. do you have a cc finds blog?
Plenty, plus extras I don’t even advertise the way I probably should. U_U
11. are you wcif friendly?
Yes. I understand that some people are shy though, which is why I try to add CC Credits to my gameplay posts, with links to the CC I use. But I’m so effing lazy that sometimes I don’t. 
12. what’s your favorite sized household to play with? (ex. 1 sim, 4 sims)
Because my gameplay is often tv or video game inspired, my households are often massive (a dozen+ sims). Sometimes I break off the nuclear unit from the auxiliary characters (often my top 4-6 characters), and have them in my active household to control them directly, while I let the other sims roam free in another house(hold) or something.
13. if you have c&d, do you play with pets?
I love the Pets EP. I can't decide which I like more: cats, dogs, or horses. The horses are 100% essential for my historical gameplay, I can’t even. And I like that we can directly control the animals--I actually wish we could do more with the small pets, too (reptiles, birds, fish, etc). IMO, TS4â€Čs C&D is a crying shame, and MFPS can go straight to hell. TS3â€Čs unicorns would like a word with MFPS.
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14. what lifespan do you use?
Young Adult, though I use Kids a lot more now, thanks to PuddingFace’s Enhanced Witches Mod letting kids use magic.
15. if you own a lot of packs, how many of them have you actually played through?
Everything in TS3, though I’ve never been able to play through all the content. Even in Supernatural there are things I haven’t done yet. I have no intention of owning even 1/3 of TS4â€Čs packs.
16. what do you do as you play sims? (ex. listen to music)
Listen to music--I have specific playlists for specific gameplay.
17. which sims challenges have you tried?
I don’t do challenges, I cheat too much.
18. do you like the new(ish) hair swatches?
Eff swatches; they don’t hold a candle to CASt. Hair in TS4 is 100% garbage. That clayfied crap makes my blood boil. The only time I even marginally like it is when people do those rainbow recolors; those are super cute.
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19. post the latest screenshot you took 📾
That’s top secret information; I have CC sets I’m preparing for upload.
20. what is the cc/ingame hair that looks the most like your own?
That’s never been made.
21. who is your favorite sim of yours and what is their story?
Sakura Rain is my Japanese cherry tree fairy from the future.
Nasir ibn Hema is my smol hissing Syrian from the past.
22. if you use cc, are there any cc creators that you have like ALL of their items?
Luna & Silfantasy.
23. what’s one pack you think is underrated?
TS3: Into the Future Expansion Pack. TS4: Vintage Glamour Stuff Pack.
ITF is hands down the most unique pack EA ever made. If you like sci-fi, there’s no way you can pass up on it, ITF adds waaaaaay too much good content & gameplay. But there are so many simmers that hate fantasy in general, as a rule, and they crap all over Supernatural, too. So ITF got a lot of heat mostly cuz it was the very last EP, and the very last chance simmers could get something they wanted. But considering the lack of futuristic gameplay we tend to have, it was high time EA did a pack like ITF for once.
As for VG, that was when I first started realizing that EA was doing something drastically different with the SPs in TS4. It’s a sad state of affairs that the SPs in TS4 are becoming some of its most interesting content, particularly since they’ve started adding in new lifestates, gameplay, and premium content. That was never the case in TS3, and very very rarely in TS2. Even though people scoff at the Butlers & Bar Globes, I love that kind of content, particularly for historical gameplay.
24. what are your favorite sims stories/legacies?
I really like the holiday stories @danjaley​ does; over at 3 Hazelnuts.
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25. if you could change certain small thing(s) about ts4, what would it be?
Where do I even effing begin, EA.
Thanks for reading!
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alltimefail-sims · 9 months ago
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I was originally planning to do a whole section on the April SDX hair drop in my "Urban Homage" kit overview, but that's already a little longer than I originally anticipated... so here we are!
My thoughts under the cut ↓
I am never going to be mad at a free update, especially when they give us new hairs or update old hairs that have been driving the struggle bus for far too long. I personally love the color additions in both hairs and think the swatches are the perfect amount of vibrant and eye-catching.
I know people wish we had a color wheel or that the ombre additions could at least be in a different section (added on as an accessory like cc hairs do or even using the system we got with Cats & Dogs) but for now... this is what we got, and for what we got... I think these combinations are well done and effective. After I tried the duo-tone puffs on Ta'Nia, there was simply no going back to her original hairstyle (the braid buns from the Growing Together EP), and while I personally never used the old basegame braid style on the left due to it feeling dated and half-baked in the way that all basegame hairs do, I feel the duo-tone version refreshed it in a way that gave it new life! I'll get a lot of use out of both of these hairs, and I'm hopeful that they will fix the fact that toddlers have the color dyed puffs, but children do not...đŸ€Š. We already know it's not TS4 without some kind of bug or mistake though lol.
All in all, I'm more excited for the new hairstyle that they plan to drop in July (why so long from now ughhh) but the update on these hairs are a welcome addition to my game.
As always, I'd love to hear your guys' thoughts! Urban Homage review to come either late tonight or tomorrow afternoon!
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sandsstorms · 2 years ago
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I posted 252 times in 2022
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#rb - 160 posts
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#me. the chitchatter - 18 posts
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Longest Tag: 138 characters
#yeah. there were only like two shades of brown back then and blond aparently was to light for her? dunno. dunno how my mind worked on 2018
My Top Posts in 2022:
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trying on the HSY clothes on Helen + the new @adelarsims hair!
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56 notes - Posted September 20, 2022
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Savannah Price's Pastel Lookbook 🍡
I loved @jius-sims new sneakers collection and was on the process of giving the Prices a makeover, so I took the chance and made Savannah some pastel looks inspired on them
Look 1 đŸŒŒ
hair | earrings | outfit | socks | shoes
Look 2 🐾
hair | glasses | earrings | hoodie | graphics overlay | pants | shoes
Look 3 🍑
cap | hair | glasses | necklace | white tee | dress | shoes
Look 4 đŸ‘Ÿ
hair | headband | earrings | top (Moonlight Chic Kit) | skirt | socks | shoes
general accessories: rings | smartwatch | nails
the last one is the -double trouble- post look 😉
57 notes - Posted November 8, 2022
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you've got your mother's eyes
66 notes - Posted August 22, 2022
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See the full post
86 notes - Posted August 14, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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97 notes - Posted August 1, 2022
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valerysweetsstudio · 3 years ago
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I posted 9 times in 2021
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#the sims 4 industrial loft kit
My Top Posts in 2021
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25 notes ‱ Posted 2021-03-20 21:50:22 GMT
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18 notes ‱ Posted 2021-07-26 20:55:19 GMT
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15 notes ‱ Posted 2021-08-08 23:02:04 GMT
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14 notes ‱ Posted 2021-02-23 22:50:19 GMT
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8 notes ‱ Posted 2021-10-07 16:05:05 GMT
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iplaysims4 · 3 years ago
They Keep Dropping All These Unnecessary Kits. Can We Get Open Hoods Or Something!?! Give Us Something That Is Actually Gonna Change The Gameplay And Add Some Excitement To The Game. Who Want Neighborhood Stories!? We Got Mods For That...
And even still with some game plays I’ve seen or reviews, I’d rather say, Mods still bring more excitement to this game. I need something that is going to make me happy like when Toddler’s was released. Open the hoods or the lots so that our Sims don’t run into a loading screen when coming from across the street. I mean...Sims literally walk to their house then the loading screen pops up. If a modder can create a open world mod, I’m sure the creators for TS4 can def open the hoods at least. And where are the cars!!! Our Sims hold convo’s about cars and such but they are teleporting still. Releasing all these clothes kits that could’ve been released with a pack.
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hyawehb · 5 years ago
Moschino Stuff Pack- Avis
J’ai testĂ© le kit Moschino et voici mon avis global ! 
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CAS: 2/5
Je suis assez Ă©tonnĂ©e du peu de vĂȘtements pour un kit fashion que l’on appelle Moshino. Lors de la prĂ©sentation des Gurus, nous avons vu le CAS homme qui prĂ©sentait 4 hauts, 1 tenue complĂšte et 2 bas. Je trouvais ça juste. Mais le CAS femme comporte 4 hauts, 2 tenues complĂštes et 3 bas. Il est Ă  noter qu’on a quand mĂȘme pour une jupe, une seule couleur ! J’ai trouvĂ© ça vraiment abusĂ©. 
Finalement pour une fois il y a une Ă©galitĂ© (Ă  peu prĂšs) entre femme et homme. Par contre, aucun vĂȘtement ou coiffure pour les enfants. Comme d’habitude, ce sont vraiment les grands oubliĂ©s quoi qu’il arrive !
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Build Mode: 3/5
Je trouve le mode construction vraiment pas mal ! Les meubles sont trĂšs modernes, donc pas vraiment mon style mais c’est trĂšs subjectif. Dans tous les cas je trouve qu’ils ont une belle texture, de belles couleurs et ils peuvent ĂȘtre facilement intĂ©grĂ©s avec les autres extensions, gamepack, kits du jeu !
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J’ai adorĂ© les fenĂȘtres et les papiers peints. Je les trouve gĂ©niaux pour les chambres d’enfants notamment et les couleurs sont vraiment cools. 
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Gameplay: 4/5
Je suis ravie de ce kit sur ce point. Je trouve que pour un kit, nous obtenons pas mal de choses niveau gameplay. La photographie est une compĂ©tence que l’on a dĂ©jĂ  je vous l’accorde, mais elle est complĂštement revisitĂ©e dans ce kit. La photographie est plus profonde, les photos sont plus rĂ©alistes et nous obtenons une nouvelle carriĂšre !
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Je me suis beaucoup amusĂ©e Ă  prendre les photos de mes sims. J’ai encore pas mal de choses Ă  voir pour bien apprĂ©hender le fonctionnement. Il faut savoir qu’il est indispensable d’avoir le trĂ©pied pour faire des photos avec poses, mais qu’il n’est pas obligĂ© d’ĂȘtre photographe de carriĂšre ! 
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J’ai plaisir Ă  dĂ©couvrir la carriĂšre freelance de photographe. En fait j’aime vraiment ce principe de carriĂšre. Je trouve qu’il nous offre le moyen de bosser quand on veut, d’ĂȘtre libre et de prendre plaisir Ă  faire des actions pour le travail. J’ai installĂ© mon coin photo dans le garage de ma maison, j’ai hĂąte de faire les essais de photo en famille. Je suis un peu déçue qu’on ne puisse pas prendre des photos avec pose en selfie par exemple.
En conclusion, je trouve que le kit est pas si mal. Il rentre dans la moyenne des kits fournis par EA. On voit par contre qu’ils ont vite compris que le partenariat avec Moschino n’était pas trĂšs bien reçu par le public. La vrai star du kit ce n’est pas Moschino, c’est la photographie. Du coup, je pense que je n’aurai pas appelĂ© le kit ainsi. A cause de ça, il est clair que la majoritĂ© va se plaindre du CAS et que ça desservira le vrai contenu du kit, qui lui est vraiment cool !
Bref, si vous aimez le cĂŽtĂ© fashion, la carriĂšre en photographie ou mĂȘme les photos de famille, c’est un kit pour vous ! Sinon, ça peut attendre un peu ou ne pas ĂȘtre dans votre jeu d’ailleurs ! 
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