#ts4 bake
pokebowl31 · 2 months
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let the gentle flutter of the curtains and the aroma of freshly baked cookies inspire you to create culinary magic in this serene seaside retreat!
-bon appétit!
by Celeste
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rebouks · 22 days
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Byrd: Dad? Oscar: Morning, bud.. miserable day, huh? I’m not looking forward to packing up in the rain. Oscar: Did you sleep okay? Byrd: Erm… Oscar: GO GET YOUR HEARING AIDS! [Byrd fidgeted guilty, implying that he’d lost yet another pair] Byrd: [sobs] Why do I have to be deaf without them, papa-.. s’not fair. [Oscar held Byrd tightly, stroking his back until his sobs subsided somewhat] Oscar: LET’S SEE WHAT WE CAN DO… [Oscar plonked Byrd outside as he rummaged through his bags, eventually producing a backup pair of hearing aids] Oscar: Better? [Byrd nodded gratefully, burying his snotty nose in his father’s hair as he threw his arms around him] Oscar: Maybe you ought to think twice about learning SSL. Byrd: What’s the point? No one else knows it. Oscar: Robin does, and we all know bits n’ pieces, don’t we? [Byrd grumbled disinterestedly] Oscar: I think it’s long overdue, pal-.. what if we all learn it together? Properly this time. Byrd: I guess… Oscar: All I heard was yes. Byrd: Are you deaf too? Oscar: [snorts] C’mon, we’ll probably find the other pairs as we clear up. Wren: Daaaaad, it’s raining! Oscar: The faster we get goin’, the faster we’ll be in the car-.. I bet Wren can pack up faster than you. Byrd: [gasps] NO WAY! [rain pattering]
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biffybobs · 1 year
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Meet the bakers!
Mikaela lives in Windenberg with her husband Boris, and their dog Janka. She has a large collection of novelty earrings, and swears she once saw Paul Hollywood coming out of her local Greggs with a sausage roll.
Dale is studying physics at the University of Britechester. He loves baking for his dorm mates, and once bribed his tutor to give him an A+ with a particularly moist chocolate sponge.
Pierre grew up in Tartosa and now lives with his family in Copperdale, where he works as a High School maths teacher. A keen painter in his spare time, he loves making his food look a whole lot better than it tastes. Style over substance here we come.
Natasha learned all of her baking and cooking skills from her Grandmother, who she now cares for in a tiny apartment in San Myshuno. She is having the time of her life away from the city and just hopes Granny has enough leftovers to keep her going if she ends up never returning.
Charlie started baking literally 5 minutes ago. Did they make this cake? Did they heck. But now seems as good a time as any to learn, right?
And lastly Valentino is an adorable little shit with so many skill points he probably should win the Bake Off hands down but where would the fun be in that? Also he really hates garlic.
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puretopia · 11 months
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pre spooky party things!
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aurorangen · 5 months
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The first baking session with Mrs Kobayashi and some wise words were told about the journey of baking. Riku also came over for a surprise visit and he got the chance to try Suzume's first bakes!
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apricote · 1 year
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🤍 adelia's dream kitchen wip 🤍
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fizzytoo · 3 months
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quick stop in san sequoia to visit the grandparents (ft. andrew learning that his family's love language is food)
1st image, location icon: Rosie's on Old Salt St., San Sequoia
5th image, moodlet: Emotion: Happy +1 Sweet Treat (From Sneaking a Treat) "Andrew has no idea how, but the candies from the elders he know are always plentiful, always taste better than other candies, and are always given at the perfect moment."
12th image: "i didn't know he loved corn dogs like that"
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touchmypixels · 2 months
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cerubean · 1 year
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some casual gameplay w/ the mancusos
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goldenhour-s · 11 months
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naserian and hemani planned a big spookfest feast for their parents this year 🎃🍁🍂
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biffybobs · 2 months
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Birthday twins! The cake wasn't quite the same without a sprinkling of cat hair but we tried our best.
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windslar · 9 months
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aurorangen · 5 months
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The day of Suzume's first blind date had finally arrived and the person she met was Naoki Ito! During their walk to the restaurant, Suzume tried to engage in his conversations and asked questions about him. Naoki was happy to be given this much attention and felt attached to Suzume already. "He's a bit clingy..." Suzume said in her head then she heard a girl giggle behind them "Otosan?" His kids were there.
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She had no idea what was happening to Naoki's marriage, but his kids seemed cheerful about both their parents and she got the impression he was happily married. In the nicest way possible she said it was best to end the date and stay friends (really she wanted to get out of there). And that was how the blind date was over before it even started 🫣
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matchalovertrait · 5 months
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Artists and chefs don't necessarily make skilled bakers.
Dulce: Ángel, I don‘t think we should serve these cakes at Mami and Dad‘s birthday party. The expectations are higher as the kids of a baker.
Ángel: I think they look good.
Dulce: If we were in a video game, only a level 1 baker would be able to make your cake.
Ángel: Oh yeah? Well, yours looks like from a low-effort game that depends heavily on its modding community.
Dulce: Oh god. We‘re screwed.
Ángel: You know? I say screw the expectations. They‘re cute cakes... especially mine. It has real strawberries.
Dulce: Well you know mine can’t have real ones. Dad likes the artificial strawberry taste instead of actual strawberries.
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dead-lights · 3 months
gobc || starting 7/12!
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This story is my answer to the question "what if a bunch of premade occults agreed to participate in a televised baking competition in the interest of inter-occult communication and reconciliation???" a weirdly specific question with a very long answer.
reasons you should read my thing:
it is silly, campy, and over-the-top; if you like the sims you probably like those things
premade occults are delightful and i am very mean to some of them
i've watched enough baking shows that i can pretend i know what i'm talking about, with mixed success
i did the whole thing in blender because i hate myself but don't hate you
i did the entire donut tutorial and am therefore a 500% expert on modeling food in blender
caleb, lily, and L are the judges - don't you want to see them hanging out together?
elle devampiro's eyebrows because oh my god
Episode 1 starts airing TOMORROW at around noon PST! New posts twice a week after that.
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fizzytoo · 1 year
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celebrating birthdays at grandma and grandpa’s!
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