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wonderstruck-babies · 7 years ago
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It’s Some Bunny’s Birthday!
September 10th we celebrated our beautiful daughter’s birthday. It’s almost been a month since then and this post is finally going up. This time of year is always busy for us. Asami’s birthday in September and Mika’s birthday in October. 
This year Asami birthday theme was...any guesses? That’s right! Bunnies! She’s been obsessed with them lately so we decided to make her birthday theme about them. My favorite thing about Asami’s birthday was the cake! It was BEAUTIFUL! Each layer was a different flavor of cake! It cost a pretty penny but it was totally worth it. The look on her face when she saw it was priceless <3.
We invited a few of our close friends over and some kids from Asami’s swim class from over the summer. The party was at this cute little park . This park had some of the softest grass I had ever felt. So soft in fact I found myself with the rest of our party guess going shoeless. 
Everyone had such a wonderful time and the weather was wonderful. Even though the day’s leading up to her birthday might have been stressful it was all worth it for my little bunny!
(Thank you every bunny  @ourgatherednest​ @clannad2​ @dream--catching​ and @wholelotofimagination​ for attending Asami’s birthday)
*DISCLAIMER* Since the triplets birth all poses on this blog have been my own. This particular post however uses some other simmers poses. Thank you fellow simmers for your beautiful poses
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milenaslittleloves · 4 years ago
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First Cuddle With Baby and My Birth Story
Yesterday we finally got to hold little girl for the very first time and it was such a magical moment. It was very different from the first time we were able to hold Noelle. When we held Noelle, we knew everything was going to be ok and that she would be coming home with us the very next today. With this little one, we don’t know when she’ll be coming home or if she’ll have any cognitive delays due to her premature birth. What we do know is though, she is simply perfect. 
Onto my birth story then...
During the evening on the 28th of November I started to feel dull pains in my stomach but I thought nothing of it to be honest. I have PCOS and Endometriosis, so often suffer stomach pain. But as the night wore on, the pains got worse and worse. I took so painkillers but they didn’t help and the pain simply got worse. At around midnight I went to the toilet and ending up throwing up from the pain. Nathan came rushing in and said we were going straight to the hospital. I didn’t argue, I was in so much pain.
At the hospital, I was quickly taken to a cubicle and examined. The doctor asked if there was any chance I could be pregnant. I said no because of my conditions. Because the pain was in my stomach he performed an ultrasound an to my utter shock he looked at me and said: ‘you’re definitely pregnant and by the looks of it, in labour’. I could not believe what I was hearing and cried but I can’t be! He said I definitely was and that he needed to do a pelvic examination. He determined that I was already four centimetres dilated and said that this baby was coming now.
I was taken up to a labour and delivery suite, where a nurse helped me into a gown and put a monitor on my stomach to monitor the baby’s heartbeat. At about 2am my waters broke and then, around 3am I got the urge to start pushing. A midwife guided me through her breath and every push and finally after half an hour of pushing she was finally out. They lifted her up and announced that she was a girl. But then I realised she wasn’t breathing. They rushed her over the neonatal warmer bed and started working on her. Eventually they got her breathing and rushed her from the room. I didn’t know what was going on but I was so worried about my baby girl. I wanted to go with her but I wasn’t allowed as I had started to haemorrhage. I told Nathan to go with her and a make sure she was ok.
Although they were able to stop the bleeding, I wasn’t able to see her straight away because the doctor wanted to monitor me for a few hours and those were the longest hours of my life. I wasn’t allowed to see her until two o’clock that afternoon. And once I got to the NICU I didn’t want to leave her side. She looked so tiny and delicate laying in the incubator, hooked up to the ventilator and all those wires. But perfect under all that.
Now, she’s doing really well and we’re hoping to try her on the breast really soon, which means one step closer to coming home!
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wonderstruck-babies · 7 years ago
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I know somebunny who just turned two......
                                                 -September 10,2017
               ~Asami’s 2nd Birthday Party Pt.1~
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wonderstruck-babies · 8 years ago
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Why We’ve Been MIA ~08.16.17~
Getting straight into it, the reason you haven’t seen a lot of us is....Asami’s birthday is next month! I know what you’re thinking. “You’ve been MIA since last month” but I go all out when I plan my children's birthday’s so it takes me months to plan. I’ve already bought most of the decorations and sent out half the party invites. I’ve promised myself and Asami that her party will be better than last years (Her last birthday was crap but it’s hard planning a event when you're pregnant especially with triplets).  But this time of year is really busy for us not only because of Asami’s birthday but also Mikaela’s is in October and so is me and John’s anniversary. So don’t be surprised if I dissapear after this post for awhile. 
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productif · 8 years ago
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Amal’s strong contractions slowed down a little to be able her to get up from the birthball and get changed into the hospital gown, She wanted one last picture of her bump at 42 weeks.
The final picture of amal’s bump, she says she will not miss it lol
She’s  dilated half way!
Safaa xxx
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productif · 8 years ago
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Amal is refusing to move off the birthball...she needs to get changed into her gown and get this going!
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productif · 8 years ago
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 ♥ Amal is IN LABOR!
Hey, Safaa here. Amal’s sister! She can’t blog right now as she is in labour haha...obviously. 
So I have appointed myself to take pictures for her to look back on when she has recovered and is in baby bliss. 
Right now she is in pain moaning and groaning and can’t sit still anywhere while my mother and Hassan try to calm her. Since she never logs out of anything I shall be updating the blog with her labour pictures this will be a nice suprise for her.
SO far, Amal went into labor at 7:00am. She was sleeping and her waters broke. Since contractions from then were real far apart she has been bored and tired laboring for pretty much the whole day.
It is now 6:15pm and her contractions are getting worse. As seen in the pictures above. She is refusing to move from the table. Hassan called the midwife and she says to bring her in!
I’ll update once She’s there!
Safaa xxx
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wonderstruck-babies · 8 years ago
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Sibling Love <3
It recently occurred to me that I haven't posted about Asami in a while so I decided to capture this sweet little sibling bonding time she had with Yuichi this morning. My sweet little loves.
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wonderstruck-babies · 8 years ago
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Just The Two Of Us ~03.3.17~
How are you sweeties doing today? I hope wonderful. Today was pretty calm. I know shocking right? What is calm when you have a hyper 4 year old, a tantrum loving 1 year old, and 1 1/2 month old triplets. But today was calm because  Mikaela went to work with his dad (it’s amazing what you can do when you’re the big man/the son of the big man in charge) Asami went to her grandparents house which was nice they have a big backyard for her to play in and lots of animals. Me I stayed home with the triplets. We had fun we did tummy time for the first time today. Yuichi and Saskia seemed to enjoy it Daichi on the other hand just screamed bloody murder. During the triplets nap time Saskia refused to go to sleep so we just had some Mommy Daughter time. She was so sweet and quiet during my work out and didn’t even make a peep when I spent a good 40 minutes doing some online shopping and bill paying. We spent a good two hours together just enjoying each others company. I swear at one point we had a legit conversation about how awesome her siblings are. Saskia is just the sweetest baby ever. 
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wonderstruck-babies · 8 years ago
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Chunky Monkeys! ~02-25-2017~
My little babies. Their legs and arms are always moving a 1000mph. Yuichi’s leg was moving so fast the poor thing looks deformed in this photo.
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wonderstruck-babies · 8 years ago
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The Triplets Nursery ~02.10.17~
It’s currently a work in progress. I want to keep the theme/decor simple. I don’t  want their room too cluttered. So most of their toys and such are stored in the playroom.....and my room....and the living room...just like Asami’s and Mikaela’s lol.
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wonderstruck-babies · 8 years ago
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The Triplets Are 1 Month & 1 Day! ~02.11.17~
I can’t believe it’s already been 1 month since these sweet ones came into our world. Things haven't been easy since their arrival but they have been beautiful. I can’t wait to see what you 3 little miracles become!
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productif · 8 years ago
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36 ♥
Visiting the new baby!
Got the chance to visit my close friend Ibtissam for once, she is always making her way down to me so it’s about time I visit her for a change!
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I told her on the phone on my way to her that tea is just fine and to not feed me as I am trying to watch my weight since I’ve gained so much since turning 8 months pregnant... But as usual she doesn’t listen! 
Got to see her adorable 7 month son Mounir again, Happy baby as usual and also saw her newest addition, Niyah! She’s recently turned six weeks! I feel bad since it took me so long to see her but she is so adorable, Looking like her mummy :’)
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I spent the whole day with Ibtissam I also got hands on experience with dealing with a newborn and another baby, I honestly don’t know how she does it since her husband is always away for work she pretty much juggles everything on her own. I assisted her with naptime, Niyah is a very docile, quiet baby where as Mounir is an attention seeker and whenever ibtissam is breastfeeding Niyah or snuggling her he wants the same treatment too. 
Good thing I bought Mounir a bouncer, he highly enjoyed it and even fell asleep still bouncing away as Ibtissam was settling Niyah down.
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Hard not to take loads of photos of her babies, they are so adorable and making me so impatient for my own to arrive :’( 
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I know I am going to have a hard time not staring at my own baby while he naps, Don’t get how Ibtissam isn’t glued to her own with a camera in their face!
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wonderstruck-babies · 8 years ago
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3 Weeks Postpartum ~01.31.17~
I’m not really allowed to work out yet (Does caring around a 4 year old and a 1 year old count as a workout tho? Cause it sure does feel like it!)  but I have been eating clean and I worked out during my pregnancy so I feel as though I’m doing good. John has been really supportive and helpful throughout it all and I’m really grateful to him. I can’t believe it’s been 3 weeks since I’ve had the triplets. They’ve really calmed down a lot. Except for Yuichi he craves more attention than the others but it’s no problem for me I love me some bebe cuddles!
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wonderstruck-babies · 8 years ago
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They laid like this for two hours. Mikaela just hoped in there and starting talking to her about random things. Ugh they’re so cute my little sandy brown haired babies!
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productif · 8 years ago
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It’s officially February 1st! I can’t believe my baby will be here next month :’) ♥
Time has flown by so fast although I have had some down times and problems throughout this pregnancy, It’s all worth it. I am so amazed with what my body can do and how much I am already attached to my little blessing.
I can’t thank my wonderful husband enough for being so attentive through everything, Don’t know what I would of done without him!  ♥
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♥ 5 weeks left to go  ♥
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