naminethewriter · 10 months
One's Hometown, One's New Home
Chapter Two: Coffee and Mothman
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Summary: Janus’ hometown is a usually quiet place where everyone knows everyone. So when someone new moves in, they’re usually the hottest topic of local gossip. The newcomer then comes by the library Janus works at, he can’t help but chat with him a little. Doesn’t hurt that he’s good looking as well.
Content Warnings: Cryptids mention, Mothman mention
Janus walked into Dan’s Bean Stop the following Sunday, expecting nothing but buying a nice frappe. So, when his eyes fell on Virgil hiding away in one corner, sitting alone at his laptop, he was pleasantly surprised.
“Hello Janus! You’re looking well!” Dan, the owner, greeted as he stepped up to the counter. Dan’s son Evan had been in Janus’ class during school and they had been good friends. Janus had been to their house often enough for Dan to become a person he was comfortable around.
“I am, thank you. Enjoying the horrible weather on my day off.”
Dan chuckled at his obvious lie, there wasn’t a cloud in the sky today. “As you should! Now, what can I get you.”
“Caramel frappe, please.”
“To go or you sticking around a bit?”
Janus’ eyes wandered back over to Virgil, who hadn’t seemed to notice him despite Dan speaking rather loudly.
“I think I’d like to sit down a little bit.”
Dan raised his eyebrow. It was unusual for Janus to stay, though not unheard of.
“Got it. That’ll be four dollars.”
Janus paid and left Dan to prepare his drink. He gingerly stepped over to Virgil’s table, trying to be obvious enough about it so the other didn’t startle. His effort was in vain however, since Virgil was too absorbed in his laptop to notice his approach. Janus cleared his throat when he stood directly in front of him and Virgil jumped.
“Fucking shit,” he cursed, gripping at his chair. “Don’t sneak up on me.”
“I wasn’t sneaking! I even went out of my way to be noticeable. It’s not my fault you didn’t pay any attention to your surroundings,” Janus huffed and sat down. Virgil stared at him without blinking for a long moment and Janus noticed the dark bags under his eyes.
“You’re from the library, right?”
“You forgot me already, I’m hurt!” Janus declared dramatically, with his hand over his heart.
Virgil rolled his eyes but couldn't suppress a small smile. “I’ve met a lot of pushy people every day since I moved here, you’re not that special.”
“How curious. I was told I was ‘a special kind of guy’ all throughout college.”
“What do you want?” Virgil sighed, abandoning their banter.
“Simply some company for a drink. If you don’t want me here though, I will leave. I’m not trying to force myself on you.” Janus watched Virgil closely for his reaction and while he looked a bit torn for a moment, he finally shook his head.
“No, it’s fine. I should take a break anyway.” He underlined his statement by closing the laptop and Janus’ eyes fall onto a few stickers that hadn’t been as visible until that moment. The ones he found most interesting were a progressive pride flag and another that said ‘Be Gay, Do Crime.’
“What are you working on, if you don’t mind me asking?” he asked as Dan approached with his drink.
“Interrogating the new guy, Janus? Cut him some slack.”
“But how else will I find out if he’s a government spy? Mothman could be in danger!” Dan laughed loudly, pat Janus on the back and left them alone.
“Mothman? Really?” Virgil asked, amused.
“What? Don’t believe in cryptids? I would have guessed you the type that did.”
“Oh, I do believe in cryptids, especially Mothman, but there’s no way in hell he’s anywhere close to here.”
“And why is that?”
Apparently that little question opened the floodgates since Virgil’s eyes lit up and he started rambling about why the climate around their little town was not at all what Mothman would prefer. Janus sipped his latte and listened.
“You know quite a lot about Mothman,” Janus stated when Virgil finally winded down almost ten minutes later.
“Yeah, well… I didn’t have many friends in school, so I did a lot of research.” Virgil seemed uncomfortable with the topic, so Janus didn’t pry further, though he did file away the bit of information to maybe bring up a later time when they’re more familiar with each other.
“I hope you can consider me a friend then.”
Virgil flushed lightly. “I’d like that. Thanks, Janus. I was really nervous about moving to a new place alone since I generally don’t have a great track record of making friends, so… yeah. Thanks.”
“You’re welcome, Virgil. I don’t know why you would have problems though. I think you are a very intriguing person to talk to, but I guess I’m just a better judge of character than most.”
“Oh, shut up,” Virgil muttered, his face getting redder. “I’m insufferable.”
“Right, an absolute pain to be around. That’s why I came to your table on my own accord and let you infodump about Mothman for ten minutes.” Janus rolled his eyes playfully and Virgil smiled.
“Sorry. I’ve been told I have a problem with self-deprecation.”
“No need to apologize. I will call you out on it, however. Annoy you until you stop.”
“Can’t wait,” Virgil said dryly and Janus laughed.
“Would you be open to come by for dinner sometime? I could use the company.”
“You live alone? I wouldn’t have pegged you the type.” Virgil raised an eyebrow, watching Janus intently. He in turn just shrugged.
“It just happened to work out that way. If you’d like to hear the story you could buy me another drink.”
“If you continue talking like that, it will sound like we’re on a date.”
“I wouldn’t mind that.”
Until that point, Janus hadn’t been seriously flirting with Virgil, even if he couldn’t deny that he was interested in him on a more than platonic level. It seemed that Virgil had a different opinion, as he suddenly went ridged and reached for his laptop.
“I think I have to leave now.”
“Wait, Virgil!” Janus stood as the other hurriedly got up and shoved his laptop in his bag. “I didn’t mean to upset you, I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine, you’re fine, I just— I have somewhere to be, excuse me.” He didn’t let Janus say another word before he quickly left the shop. Janus watched him through the glass front until he was out of sight.
Had he really misinterpreted their interactions that badly?
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an-anxious-bitch · 4 years
Hahahaaaaa sitting outside on the sidewalk barefoot with only your phone, a sketchbook, and a small bag of fidget thingys because you almost had a mental breakdown for LITERALLY NO REASON checkkkk :’)
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Slightly less sad times
Here, it took a while but I managed to drag Logan and Patton into a picture together! Aaaah, look at how flustered Lo is!!! Hopefully this cheers you up a bit :)
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((Admin Edge says: Crappy scribbled art by me! I did it digitally on the app ibisPaint X. Feel free to question anyone pictured here about anything you see ;) For example, the little blue flecks and lines on Patton’s neck and face-))
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ts-cryptid-au · 4 years
Meet The Character: Virgil Graden
⚠️ Attention! This post is under construction and will be constantly edited until it is complete. Thank you for understanding! ⚠️
Alias: Anxiety
Species: Vampire
Gender: Demimale
Pronouns: He/him, they/them
Romantic/Sexual Orientation: Pan, demiromantic, demisexual
Age: 21 years old
Height: 5’2
Personality: Secretive, stubborn, hard-working, motivated, easily frustrated, distrusting, irritable, sarcastic, cautious, belligerent, fiery, innovative, responsible
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loganhill · 4 years
I woke up today to find this series of asks in my notifications, all sent to me by @an-anxious-bitch between 1:57 A.M. and 2:06 A.M.:
I will repeat that these were all sent between 1:57 A.M. and 2:06 A.M.
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Coffee is asking Remus to boop Anx now -Vigil
No please don’t-
He’s not as dumb as he seems but he’ll still actually do it just for fun because he likes teasing Anx...
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coffeeeslutt · 4 years
Hello Remy anxiety is currently asleep in Dee's arms so Anx is either going to be angy that he was woken up or he'll be asleep and carried.
oh, thanks for letting me know, luv! i guess i’ll have to get out to help them then.
tumblr didn’t give me the notification that dee posted anything about anx being asleep until just now as i’m typing this... why, tumblr-
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Remus! How was your window-hopping experience? -Vigil
Fun! Although I think Anx is mad at me now- also Dee yelled at me a lil bit but it’s fine :3
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stayathomo24 · 4 years
Ok fine now ima go adopt Anx
Oh- Um just a warning, I can’t guarantee they’ll be happy about that... they’re not in the best mood today and they refuse to tell me why...
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Wanna see my kity?
Ooh, sure!
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Hey y’all ready for another big brain au? You should be. Pintroverts werewolf/vampire. Nico hates the vacuum cleaner. Thomas eats garlic bread anyways. They can both sleep anywhere in any position, which has lead to several nights where on of them is behind the tv and the other is under the couch.
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authorized-trash · 4 years
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I’m bored waiting on info about the fandom games so i made a doodle of an old au of mine :)
Idk if im just tired but I thought this was hilarious lmao
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an-anxious-bitch · 4 years
Welcome back Virgil! How was everything? -Vigil
And uh
And also exhausting
For fuck’s sake I need to fix my sleep schedule
I just ✨don’t feel like it✨
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We are late to meeting Pat and Lo because a certain Anxiety stayed up until 4 am and then slept in and now we have to wait for him to get ready and I might just lose it-
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ts-cryptid-au · 4 years
Yep! 5’2 lil bean!!! Don’t call him short to his face though... he knows how to fight!
Contrast this with Logan, who is 6’0...
By the way, thanks for the ask! Even though the blog is unfinished, getting interaction on it already makes me super happy! Thank you so much! :D
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loganhill · 4 years
Well have you considered asking anx if they're okay?
No, I have not, because I did not know if they were awake. My plan was to wait until I knew they were online, then contact them, which is what I have done... and now I find out they have not slept in three days.
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