#trylogia archive
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Daniel Olbrychski (b. 1945) as Andrzej Kmicic & Małgorzata Braunek (1947-2014) as Aleksandra Billewiczówna in Jerzy Hoffman's "Potop" ("Deluge", 1974).
Vintage Polish press photos from 1974.
I would give my life for the Polish films 😀
It is a fan account, existing only for promoting Polish & Ukrainian cultures. Copyright belongs to the Photographers (J. Troszczyński & Others).
#trylogia#trylogia sienkiewicza#andrzej kmicic#aleksandra billewiczówna#oleńka billewiczówna#potop#deluge#henryk sienkiewicz#daniel olbrychski#małgorzata braunek#jerzy hoffman#potop 1974#polish films#polish movies#polish literature#polish press photograph#vintage press photograph#trylogia archive#trylogia sensem życia#trylogia posting#miesięcznicowo Panowie Bracia#to chyba dobry powód by przebudzić się ze snu zimowego#i dokochać Jędrusia i Oleńkę
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Ao3 pozwoliło mi wreszcie przekroczyć swe święte progi, prezentuję Państwu zatem pierwsze moje opowiadanie z uniwersum Pana Wołodyjowskiego‼️
#ao3 fanfic#pan wołodyjowski#trylogia#henryk sienkiewicz#krzysia drohojowska#krzysia x ketling#pisanie#dzięki ao3 za talon#dopiero się rozkręcam
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With Blood and Sweat (1106 words) by JaneXemylixa Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Trylogia | The Trilogy - Henryk Sienkiewicz Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Andrzej Kmicic/Rekuć Leliwa Characters: Andrzej Kmicic, Rekuć Leliwa Additional Tags: Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Topping from the Bottom, Fandom Kombat 2013, Drunk Sex Summary:
pan Kmicic walks all over his enemies, friends and rules, always getting what he wants, especially when drunk; war turns men into savages
Found this shiny pearl in the murky depths of AO3′s trylogia tag (written 11 years ago! but added to the site later), and wanted to spread its radiance to all interested parties - by translating to English, as I usually do. Wish it could be in Polish, but oh well.
(I am now thouroughly invested in this ship, too. These miserable bastards… Hoping someone else will catch this fire and burn with me a while.)
#trylogia#trylogia sienkiewicza#the deluge#potop#andrzej kmicic#kmicicowa kompania#(still don't speak polish but some things are inherently fun to say and type)#rekuć-leliwa#i write a lot#fic translation
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Trylogia | The Trilogy - Henryk Sienkiewicz, Ogniem i Mieczem | With Fire and Sword (1999) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Jurko Bohun & OC, Jurko Bohun/Helena Kurcewiczówna, Jurko Bohun/Jan Skrzetuski Characters: Jurko Bohun, Original Character, Jeremi Wiśniowiecki (mentioned), Helena Kurcewiczówna (mentioned), Jan Skrzetuski (mentioned), Michał Wołodyjowski (mentioned), Jan Onufry Zag��oba (mentioned), Bohdan Khmelnytsky (mentioned), Horpyna Dońcówna (mentioned), several Cossacks, and a whole bunch of animal spirits Additional Tags: this should be tagged Bohun & Steppe or Bohun & Death, it really is that weird, Historical Inaccuracy, steppe cultures fantasy, why - oh why - doesn't this genre exist?!, Hurt/Comfort, Healing, Bohun needs a shaman in his life, no musical instruments were damaged in the making of this story Summary:
Death should have found him at Zbaraż. It most definitely should have found him in the dungeon at Ternopil. Yet, here he is, having dragged himself off on his horse once again, onto the Steppe, to the place where he came from and that must take him back.
– Oy, dark Earth. Be kind to that Cossack. For I fear, you might be the one living being that won’t turn him away…
#ogniem i mieczem#jurko bohun#fanfiction#it's an older one#but I've just realised I've never put it on my blog#it has tons of steppe descriptions and Bohun's non-binary babusya with shapeshifting abilities ;)
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First lines meme--tagged by @imakemywings, thank you!! 💖
List the first lines of the last ten (10) stories you published. Look to see any patterns you notice yourself, and see if anyone else notices any. Then tag some friends.
Ngl my first thought was have I published 10 stories? (I write so slowly most of the time!) The answer is yes, however. Whew
OK, most recent to 10th most recent:
1. Distraction, Finrod/Sauron, Silmarillion (3rd in a series): The gilded manacles settled around those wrists like bracelets, fitting fast and strong as steel.
2. Staying, Finrod/Sauron, Silmarillion (2nd in a series): “So you require my personal attention in this too,” Sauron said.
3. Bargain, Finrod/Sauron, Silmarillion (1st in a series): The wolves came for them.
4. two tunes are playing, Renarin/Rlain, Stormlight Archive: “You did what?” Adolin said, incredulous.
5. your elements reassembled, Dalinar/Kaladin, Stormlight Archive: Kaladin, Dalinar said, remembering the young man holding on to the outside of the tower, feet slipping as he fell into the harsh, slanting rain.
6. Broken Ice (series you’ll write everything with your eyes), genderswapped Azja Tuhajbejowicz/Adam Nowowiejski, Trylogia: It was so boring.
7. But will you be good to me?, Horpyna/Helena Kurcewiczówna, Trylogia: Bohun’s laszka had taken fever and Horpyna silently cursed her luck as she prepared the girl a tisane.
8. the hawk & the falcon, Jurko Bohun/Jan Skrzetuski, Trylogia: It hadn’t been uncommon for lesser Ruthenian nobles to look at Bohun with a kind of respect on the streets of Kyiv and Bratslav.
9. post equitem sedet atra cura, Jurko Bohun, Trylogia: He remembers only the rush of blood in his veins, the way his hot-burning heart seemed to stop entering that gorge, dark with demons, the unbridled souls of unquiet bones—the way he, collapsing, cursed the mutilated body of the witch that had held them back, something red-clawed tearing at his chest that felt like if it were ever released it would turn into a sob.
10. just as a killed soldier believes he lives in paradise, Jan Skrzetuski & Żeleński ft. Jan/Helena/Bohun and past Jeremi relationships, Trylogia: 1st technically: "Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart." (Proverbs 3:3) 1st in text (Curtin With Fire and Sword translation): Near the gate a bloody sight struck the eyes of the soldiers. 1st I actually wrote: There had been reports from the peasants they’d captured of remnants of the shattered Cossack army around Beresteczko, haunting the site of their defeat and massacre like so many ghosts.
What we have learned: I may be a little dramatic, really like messing around with Finrod/Sauron (😅), and some of these sentences are not at all the first I really remember from the piece. I could have sworn But will you be good to me? started with the “Only touch her with your hand...” quote I slid in there probably because I remember it from the fic description and am very proud of that fic description...? Trends potentially suggest my first lines are getting shorter/more direct too? Also, it doesn’t make the cut because it’d be the 11th, but I just went to check on it out of curiosity and i’m eve, i want to try (Jan/Bohun) begins with the line “The deepening night brought no rest” which might be the sexiest and goth-est out of these so I’m giving it an honorary mention.
It was a lot of fun revisiting these stories, thank you for tagging me! I tag @tuulikki, @sparklingdali, @ladygavroche, @knight-of-skyloft, @slavicafire, @priscellie, @cosmereplay and whoever else wants to do this!
#imakemywings#fanfic things#my posts#ask meme#tagged in#also there's no pressure at all i would just be curious to see how y'all's would look <3
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let it be fear
Fandoms: Ogniem i Mieczem | With Fire and Sword (1999), Trylogia | The Trilogy - Henryk Sienkiewicz, Game of Thrones (TV), A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Jurko Bohun/Daenerys Targaryen
Jurko Bohun
Daenerys Targaryen
Jan Skrzetuski
Jan Onufry Zagłoba
Jeremi Wiśniowiecki
Bohdan Chmielnicki
Michał Wołodyjowski
Alternate Universe
Queen Daenerys Targaryen
Matka smoków walczy o wolność kozaków
Jurko ma koleżankę, która pragnie władzy.
(Feed generated with FetchRSS) source https://archiveofourown.org/works/34585537
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Rating: General Audiences Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Category: Gen Character: Jurko Bohun Additional Tags: Childhood, Orphans, Adoption, Folk Music, Pre-Canon, Backstory, Bittersweet, Sad and Happy, Baby Orphan Bohun
#yuletidetrylogia#ogniem i mieczem#with fire and sword#trylogia#jurko bohun#someone help this child#my fic
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Chapter: 17 - Praga
Fandom: Ogniem i Mieczem | With Fire and Sword (1999), Trylogia |Rating: MatureWarnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive WarningsRelationships: Jurko Bohun/Jan Skrzetuski, Jurko Bohun/Helena Kurcewiczówna, Helena Kurcewiczówna/Jan Skrzetuski, Jan Skrzetuski/Helena Kurcewiczówna/Jurko BohunAdditional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - Ballet, Self-Hatred, Angst and Humor, Enemies to Lovers, Exes to Lovers, Substance Abuse, Power Imbalance
#ogniem i mieczem#trylogia fanfiction#pas de trois#pdt#jan skrzetuski#helena kurcewiczówna#jurko bohun
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This picture of the castle in winter is gorgeous! I'm so looking forward to seeing more of these treasures from your journeys - you don't have just one treasure trove (your Trylogia archive) but several ;)

@wanderer-on-the-steppe, for a more "nerd" atmosphere, I have looked today for my old postcards from my past journeys through Ukraine, I have found nearly all of them, and you will see them, one by one! So welcome to the Bohun's World!
@trylogia-po-prostu, specially for "Pan Wołodyjowski" Loving Souls, many of them will be from Kamieniec Podolski [Кам'янець-Подільський].
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iamareptile July 12, 2020 at 06:52AM
by iamareptile
Lambert i Ciri, ostatni wiedźmini, spotykają się w Kaer Morhen. Co wyniknie z ich rozmów, bólu, który dzielą, i tęsknoty? Czy są zdolni do szczerości po tym wszystkim, co przeszli?
Words: 14785, Chapters: 9/9, Language: Polski
Series: Part 1 of Wilcza trylogia
Fandoms: Wiedźmin | The Witcher - All Media Types
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon, Lambert (The Witcher), Triss Merigold, Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, Yennefer z Vengerbergu | Yennefer of Vengerberg, Eskel (The Witcher)
Relationships: Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon & Lambert
Additional Tags: Emotional Hurt/Comfort
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When the film director, Jerzy Hoffman is smoking and Bohun is bored, Bohun’s horse Damar is having a really great time, being very sociable…
Behind the scenes of the “With Fire and Sword”. The firing range in Biedrusko near Poznań (Poland), spring 1998.
From my old collection of press cuttings/photographs from the Polish Press (1997–1999). It is a fan account. I don’t benefit from it. Copyright belongs to the Photographer.
#ogniem i mieczem#with fire and sword#polish press#polish film#film set#jurko bohun#aleksander domogarow#trylogia#henryk sienkiewicz#archival photos
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thanks to the tag, but uh-oh... i just realized some of them weren't touched in years 😱 5 at least
Gra Wyobraźni timeline
Svantevit ENG
Reed900 The horrible, terrible, absolutely not recommended, summer vacation in murder county - aka Midsomer Murders
*H!GH~DRE△Ms* 2.0
Gdyby Lydia przeżyła
Miesiąc deszczy
The Quarry
Wycome Archives
Zapomniani & Egzule & Lore
Anaris in Tirashian
Księgi Addan
Lato w Usher
Odegnanie Zimy
Sześć monet
Satinalia Andersa
Meredith x Samson
Bestia // Ucieczka od bólu, fyou cahir!
In the Storm
Maya x Lester - dd4
Kompletnie niepotrzebna trylogia o Coulsonie i Lang
Gwiazda Poranna, czyli jpd muszę przestać myśleć
kylux iluzja władzy
Geralt x Iorveth
German fic - Erland & Brecht
Najdłuższa vergeńska zima
Przekręcone sny, złośliwość marzeń
Roderick loves Adda but also Jacques
Trust Issues - Fix-It - “I hate you.”
The Malice of Dreams
Slama's oc x that nilf spy
Wild Hungover '77
@ceraunos tagged me to do this and it seems like a good way to get nudged into working on things, or at least justifying their existence.
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Send me an ask with the title that most intrigues you and i’ll post a little snippet of it or tell you something about it!
kisser, swimmer
dogtags tie hand
This is a real grab-bag of new stuff, older stuff, and dusty old stuff, but what’s stayed true over the years is that I am trashgarbage at titling documents.
Who likes to do these kinds of things? @kueble @major-trouble @maya-the-yellow-bee slash anyone who thinks this is interesting. Please teach me how to appropriately title documents.
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Jurko Bohun’s Covers
(from the Polish Press, 1998–1999)
#jurko bohun#aleksander domogarow#bohun#ogniem i mieczem#with fire and sword#polish press#trylogia#polish cinema#archival photos
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@tucbilo, you have reminded me, that once upon a time something like that have been created!
The aquarelles-caricatures by the Polish artist, Andrzej Kowalczyk, originally published in the literary journal “Przekrój” in 1999.
It is a fan account. I don’t benefit from it. Copyright belongs to the Artist.
#ogniem i mieczem#with fire and sword#jan skrzetuski#helena kurcewiczówna#jurko bohun#archival#polish film#polish press#polish illustration#trylogia#not my art
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‘With Fire and Sword’s Heroes (Helena Kurcewiczówna / Izabella Scorupco, Jurko Bohun / Aleksander Domogarow, Jan Skrzetuski / Michał Żebrowski, Horpyna / Ruslana Pysanka, Michał J. Wołodyjowski / Zbigniew Zamachowski, Rzędzian / Wojciech Malajkat) on the Polish Press Covers from 1997–1999.
Święta polskie za pasem, „Ogniem i mieczem” i reszta „Trylogii” zapewne w TVP, więc – by uświęconej tradycji stało się zadość – prezent dla wszystkich Polskich Fanów: wybór archiwalnych okładek z naszymi Ukochanymi Bohaterami.
„Halo! Aktualności z życia gwiazd” 28(109), 8-14.07.1997.
„Magazyn Gazety Wyborczej” 51(250), 19-20.12.1997.
„Kobieta i życie” 15(2439), 11.04.1998.
„Antena” 20, 18.05.1998.
„Kobieta i życie” 4(2481), 30.01.1999.
„To & Owo” 7, 13-19.02.1999.
„Cinema” 2(42), 02.1999.
„Machina” 2(35), 02.1999.
„Zwierciadło” 2, 02.1999.
„Kobieta i życie” 9(2486), 6.03.1999.
#ogniem i mieczem#with fire and sword#polish press#polish cinema#trylogia#archival photos#jurko bohun#aleksander domogarow#helena kurcewiczówna#izabella scorupco#jan skrzetuski#michał żebrowski#horpyna#ruslana pysanka#michał wołodyjowski#zbigniew zamachowski#rzędzian#wojciech malajkat
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Jurko Bohun & Jan Skrzetuski.
I know, I know the image quality is really horrible here, but originally this photo has the size of a postage stamp and has been printed on a very poor paper. But… we see them both here full-length, don’t we?
#jurko bohun#jan skrzetuski#ogniem i mieczem#with fire and sword#archival photos#trylogia#henryk sienkiewicz
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