#trying to make a skill that's basically just two normal attacks
theoryofweirdness · 2 days
What if Dipper and Mabel Pines were in Super Smash Bros?
This is something I wrote several years ago and it's just been sitting on my drive. I posted it on Ao3, but recently became aware that Tumblr might be a better platform. So, here goes my first real post on this site.
Ever wondered what it would be like if Dipper and Mabel from Gravity Falls were playable characters in Super Smash Bros.? Well, wonder no longer, because here's my extensive idea for what their moveset would be like. Though sadly, I don't have art of this, since my digital art skills are... lacking, at best.
I also haven't 100% figured out all the nuances like how much damage every move does, so if anyone has any balancing-related suggestions (for that or anything else, really).
General Overview
Statistically speaking, the Mystery Twins would be fairly weak, with relatively low average damage and launch power, as well as being lightweight and not particularly fast. This makes sense as they are both (physically, at least) completely ordinary just-barely-teenagers with none of the inherent supernatural powers of most of the other child characters like Ness, Lucas, the Inklings, or the younger Links. Even though they are older than the younger Links (not sure about Ness/Lucas/Villager), the Links have the Triforce of Courage making them stronger and granting them the combat prowess of previous Links, Ness and Lucas have their supernatural PK abilities, etc. 
The Mystery Twins make up for this statistical weakness with versatility due to their variable moveset. Many of their special moves are also able to temporarily either nerf opponents or buff themselves to even the odds. They are also significantly stronger when working together, since for most moves, they’ll attack at the same time, but even together, their raw damage wouldn’t be particularly excellent. The Mystery Twins would be a very difficult fighter to play effectively, but I’m hoping they’d also be a very fun one. I am aware that this fighter would be a nightmare to program and animate, but this is my imagination, so such paltry concerns as “budgets,” “programming,” and “animation time” mean NOTHING!
We'll start with their special gimmick, since that's key to understanding how this character works:
Mystery Twins Forever: This is basically the fact that they’re a two-part fighter, like the Ice Climbers, and work in much the same way, though with one notable difference. Using their D-Special when neither twin is KO’d will switch which twin is in front and under direct control (same as pressing [L] in Gnome Gemulets), changing most other moves. 
Because of this, they essentially have two different movesets (similar to Zelda/Sheik from Melee and Brawl), meaning there’s a lot of versatility to this character, though of course it’s dependent on both twins being around. Though they are a single fighter, each twin is a separate entity and can be independently KO’d, just like the Ice Climbers. Try to avoid this, as it will both limit your move choices and make an already complex and statistically inferior fighter much weaker. 
A KO’d twin respawns only after the other is also KO’d, or after using a Final Smash. If the current active twin is KO’d, you lose a stock (or point) and both respawn. KO'ing the non-active twin will not affect points or cause stock loss, but does replace the remaining twin's D-special with a different move.
On the fighter select screen, you can decide which twin will start as active, much like Pokémon Trainer can choose the starting Pokémon.
Special Moves
[B] Neutral Special (Dipper) - Growth Ray: Dipper turns the size-altering flashlight’s blue Growth Ray on himself, increasing his size for 10 seconds, with the same effect as the Super Mushroom item. Others very close to Dipper (such as Mabel) can also be affected. There is a 20% chance that Dipper fumbles the flashlight and points the growth ray forward (with the same hitbox as the normal shrink ray), not affecting him at all, but potentially growing other fighters who touch it.
Duration: 10 seconds
Backfire chance: 20% (1 in 5)
[B] Neutral Special (Mabel) - Shrink Ray: Mabel turns the size-altering flashlight’s pink Shrink Ray on enemies, creating a short-ranged cone in front of you that shrinks enemies hit by it, causing the same effect as the Poison Mushroom item for 10 seconds. There is a 10% chance that Mabel fumbles the flashlight and shrinks herself (and Dipper, if he's there) with the same hitbox as the normal Growth Ray.
Duration: 10 seconds
Backfire chance: 10% (1 in 10)
This move is of course based on the size-altering flashlight which Dipper created in s1e11: Little Dipper, though its function seemed both too powerful and too confusing to put into a single move, so I split its two options between the twins, on the grounds that Mabel also uses the flashlight in that episode, and it is her magic item in PinesQuest, in which case shrinking is the only thing it does.
Both rays have slight startup lag to take out the flashlight and aim it, so you can’t just surprise someone with a sudden growth. No other fighter can so easily buff themselves or nerf opponents, but overuse of this powerful move is inadvisable, as that gives enemies more chances to take advantage of it (though in team battles, you could also grow your teammates!), and also provides more chances for it to backfire. However, this is the main means by which the Mystery Twins’ low stats are directly compensated. The move can’t be used again (by either twin) until its current duration wears off (no matter what happened). Use it strategically!
[<B>] Side Special (Dipper) - Memory Gun: [EN] Dipper fires a short-ranged blue energy projectile (about the same range as Z-Suit Samus’s charged Stun Pistol N-Special) that deals small flinching damage. It also makes the target temporarily forget how to use their special moves, disabling them for 8 seconds. This can be reflected and also absorbed. The ray will have no effect on subsequent hits aside from the light damage until the disabling effect wears off. If the ray hits a fighter while they are performing a special move, it won't take effect until that move is over.
This move is based on Dipper’s use of the memory gun in s2e07: Society of the Blind Eye and s2e15: The Last Mabelcorn, and the fact that he evidently had it in his backpack all the way from s2e07 to s2e13: A Tale of Two Stans.
Damage: 2%
Duration: 8 seconds
[<B>] Side Special (Mabel) - Leaf Blower: [WI] Mabel uses a leaf blower to suck in objects and blow wind. Hold {B} to suck in air. The sucking grab box is visible, similar to King Dedede’s Inhale N-Special. She can’t suck in other fighters unless they've been shrunk down, but she can suck in projectiles and non-heavy items. If she sucks in a projectile, item, or shrunken fighter, the suction stops, and the object will shoot back out of the leaf blower when [B] is released, again similar to King Dedede’s Inhale, and with a similar sort of speed boost.
If Mabel doesn't suck in anything after 3 seconds or if you just tap {B}, she’ll blow wind in a cone straight out in front of her, causing a visible windbox similar to the Gust Bellows item, but smaller and weaker. Mabel can move left and right and jump once while holding the leaf blower. This move is based on Mabel shooting Jeff the gnome leader out of a leaf blower in s1e01: Tourist Trapped.
[^B] Up Special (Dipper) - Magnet Gun: Dipper fires a beam from Ford’s Magnet Gun (which he uses in s2e17: Dipper & Mabel vs. The Future) which can grapple onto ledges when used in the air. On the ground, it’s fired straight forward by default, but can be angled slightly up or down. In the air, it’s always fired at a 45° upward angle but will autocorrect toward ledges within a wide radius of the end of the beam. The magnet beam appears instantly at full length (though it will be interrupted by walls that can't be grappled onto) and can’t be reflected or blocked, but can be dodged.
If the beam hits an enemy, Dipper will either pull them toward himself as a command grab, or him towards them, depending on the difference in weight between Dipper and the target. If the enemy weighs more than him, he’s pulled toward them; if he weighs the same or more, the enemy is pulled toward him. When Mabel is present, she holds onto him and they collectively weigh twice as much for this move.
If Dipper is pulled toward another fighter, he'll automatically footstool jump off them upon contact, pushing the enemy down while gaining height himself. The same will happen if an enemy is pulled toward him while he is in the air.
If Dipper is on the ground and pulls another fighter toward himself, this special move can be canceled immediately into a grab when the enemy enters his reach, making this move potentially the longest grab in the game.
This move causes no damage.
[^B] Up Special (Mabel) - Grappling Hook!: [PH] Mabel fires her grapple gun upward, acting as a tether for recovery, which can also cause damage with decent launching ability. It’s a long tether that can grab onto ledges, basically the same as Joker’s default U-Special. On the ground, the hook is fired at a slight upward angle and has significant end lag as it retracts. In the air, it’s fired at a 60° angle by default but can be changed with directional input to 90° (straight up) or 45°. The area in which it will autocorrect to ledges is smaller than for Dipper's magnet gun. The hook can be reflected, but won’t bounce back at Mabel if it is; it just falls to the ground and must then be retracted.
Damage: 12%
Dipper’s Magnet Gun is better at horizontal recovery and can be very useful for combos, but doesn't actually deal any damage and its effects are very conditional. Mabel’s Grappling Hook is better for vertical recovery and actually deals damage, but has a lot less combo potential and more end lag. If both twins are present, they’ll hang onto each other and both be moved by either version of this move.
[vB] Down Special (both present and within reach of each other) - Tag Out: You switch which twin is under direct control. This can be used in the air (but only if the twins are within reach of each other) and is accomplished quite quickly, but does still leave you open for about a second. The newly active twin's Zodiac symbol (Dipper: blue Pine Tree, Mabel: pink Shooting Star, Stanford: red Six-Fingered Hand, Stanley: gold Mackerel) will appear on the damage counter, and will also flash in the air overhead when switching. If one twin is KO’d, this move changes (see below).
[vB] Down Special (Dipper alone) - Enter the Mindscape: [MA] Dipper casts the Mindscape projection spell from Journal 3 (seen in s1e19: Dreamscaperers, though in Smash it’s quicker, and he won’t say the words as that would give him away), causing his physical body to collapse, but entering the Mindscape as a ghostly, nearly invisible psychic avatar (inspired by what happened to him when Bill possessed his body in s2e04: Sock Opera). In this form, he can fly around freely with directional controls and pass through all parts of the stage, though speed is limited. The astral projection is intangible and immune to physical-, fire-, ice-, earth-, water-, sound-, toxic-, and wind-based damage, but not to magic-, electric-, or energy-based ones. However, Dipper’s real body is completely immobile and open to attack.
Pressing [B] again will immediately return Dipper to his real body. If you do so while overlapping an enemy fighter, that fighter will take heavy damage and become dizzy (like with a shield break; this is due to Dipper entering their mind and inflicting psychic damage). However, there is some end lag when you return, so don't get too cocky.
This attack cannot be blocked or countered. Fighters with higher damage will be stunned longer. If either Dipper’s real body or astral projection is hit, he’ll immediately return to normal (with end lag) though he’ll only be launched if the physical body is hit. You definitely need to keep an eye on Dipper’s real body when using this move, as well as watching out for attacks that can actually hit his astral projection, since they’ll deal 1.5x damage.
Dipper will be automatically returned to his real body after 12 seconds, but returning this way cannot affect enemies and will cause Dipper to become dizzy instead. If Dipper successfully hits someone or lets the move time out, there is a 20-second cooldown before he can use this move again.
If this seems a bit ruthless for Dipper, put it down to him seeking revenge for Mabel.
Duration: 12 seconds
Damage (non-launching): 25%
Immunity (x0 damage): PH, FI, WA, IC, EA, WI, SO, TO
Vulnerability (damage taken x1.5): EL, EN, MA
Cooldown: 20 seconds
[vB] Down Special (Mabel alone) - Attack Glitter: [WI] It’s pretty but it hurts! Mabel blows (or possibly coughs up?) a cloud of glitter into the air in front of her (based on the attack glitter used on Soos in s2e11: Not What He Seems). The glitter cloud floats in the air for 8 seconds, causing small, non-flinching tick damage over time and slowing down other fighters moving through it, similar to the Swirlix Pokéball summon (“I got glitter in my eye!”). 
Hold {B} before releasing to gather more glitter and create a larger cloud. Though each cloud only lasts 8 seconds, there’s no cooldown (Mabel always has glitter), so she can make more than one at a time. 
Damage (per tick): 1%
Normal Moves
If both twins are present, they will perform their neutral attacks at the same time, allowing you to set up “team” combos if positioned properly.
[A] Jab (Dipper): [PH, EN] A basic but quick 1-2-3 punch that can be used for jab-locking but is very weak until the third hit, which is enhanced with a glowing blast of power from the Gnome Battle Cuffs. Launches on the final hit.
This is Dipper's basic ground combo in Rumble’s Revenge, with the added power boost on the last hit being based on his charged-up attack from Gnome Gemulets.
Damage (1, 2):
Damage (3):
[A] Jab (Mabel): [PH] A one-two spammable swinging punch (similar to Villager’s Jab). It has slightly more reach than Dipper’s jab, as well as better damage per hit, but it's slower. Can launch on either hit at higher percentages. This is Mabel's basic ground combo in Rumble’s Revenge.
Damage (1, 2):
[>>, A] Dash Attack (Dipper): [PH] A fast side kick that launches diagonally upward at a slight angle. This is Dipper's dash attack in Rumble’s Revenge.
[>>, A] Dash Attack (Mabel): [PH] A straight punch that's stronger than Dipper's kick, but launches at a lower angle and has more end lag. Same as her dash attack in Rumble's Revenge.
Smash Attacks
When the twins are present and within reach of each other, they’ll perform a combined Smash Attack.
[<<A>>] Side Smash (Dipper): [SL] Dipper slashes downward with the Manotaurs’ bone spear (seen in s1e06: Dipper vs. Manliness, also his strength item in PinesQuest). Has less forward reach than Waddles, but a wider vertical hitbox, a sweet spot at the spear tip, and also less start and end lag. This is one of Dipper’s only moves that’s potentially stronger than Mabel’s corresponding one, if you land the sweet spot. Similar to Marth's S-smash.
Damage (min, sweetspot):
Damage (max, sweetspot):
Damage (min, normal):
Damage (max, normal):
[<<A>>] Side Smash (Mabel): [PH] Mabel sends her pet pig, Waddles, charging forward a short distance (based on Mabel's ground combo finisher in Rumble’s Revenge, which is itself based on her siccing Waddles on Robbie in s1e10: The Time Traveler’s Pig). Distance increases slightly with greater charge. Waddles moves the full distance whether you hit someone or not, before turning around and running back to Mabel for a hug. The run back is a sourspot that's much weaker. Waddles does not count as a projectile and cannot be reflected (he would never hurt Mabel).
The alternate costume of Stan (#8) uses Shanklin the Stab Possum from Lost Legends Part 4: Pines Bros. Mystery instead, to the same effect.
Damage (min, forward):
Damage (max, forward):
Damage (backward):
[<<A>>] Side Smash (Combined): Both twins perform their respective S-smash, with the active twin facing forward and the inactive twin facing backward.
[^^A] Up Smash (Dipper): [SO] Use awkwardness as a weapon! While charging, a lamb costume appears on Dipper and he performs the Lamby Dance. When released, he cuts to the end pose, causing a semicircular burst of music notes above and around himself that will damage and launch enemies. This is based on Dipper's ground combo finisher in Rumble’s Revenge, which is itself based on Dipper doing the Lamby Dance for the ghosts in s1e05: The Inconveniencing.
The hitbox is similar to Samus’s U-smash, but all at once instead of individually. Only the notes are a hitbox, but it’s pretty wide even on the sides, However, it's on the weaker side for a Smash attack.
Damage (min):
Damage (max):
[^^A] Up Smash (Mabel): [FI] Mabel fires a blast from a confetti cannon (used against zombies in s2e01: Scary-oke) directly overhead. Similar to Ivysaur’s U-smash, it can hit very slightly in front but is much better for anti-air. It’s stronger than Dipper’s embarrassing dance, but with a lot less reach. 
Damage (min):
Damage (max):
[^^A] Up Smash (Combined): [FI] The twins perform both U-smashes at the same time, as Mabel gives an explosive confetti finish to Dipper's dance, combining the power of Mabel’s cannon blast with the reach of Dipper’s music notes.
[vvA] Down Smash (Dipper): [EA] Dipper casts a spell from the Journal that summons two zombie hands out of the ground on either side of himself, which can launch enemies directly upward. Similar to Megaman’s D-smash, though somewhat weaker. Based on Dipper summoning zombies during s2e01: Scary-Oke.
Damage (min):
Damage (max):
[vvA] Down Smash (Mabel): [BL] Swing a golf club in a wide-reaching attack that hits from back to front, covering nearly a complete circle around Mabel, with only directly overhead being uncovered. It doesn’t reach as far outward as Dipper’s zombie hands, but is faster and can actually launch enemies quite hard. This is one of Mabel’s only attacks that’s faster than Dipper’s corresponding one. It’s based on Mabel's mini-golf skills showcased in s2e03: The Golf War.
Damage (min):
Damage (max): 
[vvA] Down Smash (Both): [EA, BL] Instead of causing damage, the zombie hands summoned by Dipper’s spell will hold enemies still, then Mabel swings her golf club to knock them out of the park, breaking the zombie hands and gaining a damage bonus as the trapped enemies can't defend themselves.
If both twins are present, they will perform their tilts at the same time, similar to Ice Climbers. 
[<A>] Side Tilt (Dipper): [PH] Two quick slices with a fireplace poker, based on Dipper's duel with Wax Sherlock Holmes in s1e03: Headhunters. This move is fast and has decent reach, but it’s not particularly strong. It’s useful in combos or as a “get off me” tool, but not for launching.
Damage (per hit): 
[<A>] Side Tilt (Mabel): [PH] Swing a karaoke machine for a strong attack that can launch enemies quite well, but has both start and end lag. Based on her use of the karaoke machine as a “surprisingly good weapon” against zombies in s2e01: Scary-Oke.
[^A] Up Tilt (Dipper): [PH, EN] Dipper jumps slightly forward with an uppercut. (This is a combination of the only time Dipper actually hits Rumble McSkirmish during their battle in s1e10: Fight Fighters, and his charged attack in Gnome Gemulets). It’s similar to Megaman’s U-tilt, having a sweet spot at the very start of the move (indicated by a flash of energy from the Gnome Battle Cuffs) and significant end lag. This is one of Dipper’s only moves with more end lag than Mabel's corresponding one. In fact, it's one of his only moves with significant end lag at all.
Damage (sweetspot):
Damage (sourspot):
[^A] Up Tilt (Mabel): [PH] Spin a stretchy sleeve overhead to multihit enemies, based on the charging-up animation for her charged attack in Gnome Gemulets.
Damage (per hit):
[vA] Down Tilt (Dipper): [PH] A very short and weak but fast and spammable kick that barely flinches enemies, much like Ness or Lucas’s D-tilt. It isn’t based on anything in particular, there’s just not that many actual times when Dipper fights things, so I’m pulling from other child characters.
[vA] Down Tilt (Mabel): [PH] Mabel curls into a ball and rolls forward a short distance, similar to King Dedede’s D-tilt, though much weaker.
Air Attacks
If both twins are present and within reach of each other, they’ll hold onto each other and use a combined air attack, improving both hitboxes and damage, though often at the cost of end lag.
[A] N-Air (Dipper): [BL] A basic aerial kick with a lingering whole-body hitbox, similar to Mario’s N-air (and many others). Based on the first hit of Dipper's aerial combo in Rumble’s Revenge.
Damage (initial kick):
Damage (lingering hotbox):
[A] N-Air (Mabel): [BL] A basic spinning move, similar to DK or Ness. She never does this in any medium I’m aware of, but it certainly seems like her style. Hits once but is stronger than Dipper's lingering kick.
[A] N-Air (Combined): [BL] Mabel grabs Dipper’s arms from behind and spins him around right as he tries to use his normal kick attack, resulting in a spinning kick with greater than normal reach and a sweet spot on Dipper’s foot, though it does now have some landing lag (Dipper was not prepared for this).
Damage (middle):
Damage (sweet spot):
[A>] F-Air (Dipper): [BL] Dipper swings his hat in an arc from high to low, which somehow actually does damage. It's fast and has a wide hitbox, but is pretty weak. Based on the final hit of Dipper's air combo in Rumble’s Revenge. For alternate costumes without a hat (such as tuxedo and Gideon's suit), he’ll suddenly be holding his normal pine tree hat for this move. The Ford alts use an explorer-style pith helmet.
[A>] F-Air (Mabel): [BL] A diagonal downward punch, similar to Little Mac’s F-air. Not as big as Dipper’s hat swing, but with more damage. Based on the first hit of Mabel's air combo in Rumble’s Revenge.
[A>] F-air (Combined): [BL] Dipper’s hat swing carries enemies downward into Mabel’s slightly delayed punch, which becomes a sweet spot that can spike diagonally.
Each hit does the same damage as when performed individually.
[^A] U-Air (Dipper): [BL] Dipper swings the Journal overhead from front to back. It’s a wide attack, similar to some other fighters’ “headbutt” U-airs, and can be used for juggling, but isn’t very strong, at least in comparison to other U-airs with similar hitboxes like Ness's.
[^A] U-Air (Mabel): [BL] A back-flipping kick, similar to Mario's U-air. The twins' U-airs aren't really all that different.
[^A] U-Air (Combined): [BL] The respective air attacks collide in the center for a strong launching blow, similar to Sonic’s U-air.
[<A] B-Air (Dipper): [BL] Dipper kicks backwards with both feet, similar to Mario’s B-air. Not based on anything, really.
[<A] B-Air (Mabel): [BL] Whip a stretchy sleeve backward for a long, but somewhat weak attack, similar to her Z-air.
[<A] B-Air (Combined): [BL] Dipper holds onto Mabel’s stretchy sleeve while she flings him back, creating a sweet spot as he kicks outward. 
Damage (sourspot):
Damage (sweetspot):
[vA] D-Air (Dipper): [BL] A downward axe kick. Can spike enemies at the start of the move and has more reach than Mabel’s stomp, but isn’t as strong. This is the second hit of Dipper's air combo in Rumble's Revenge.
[vA] D-Air (Mabel): [BL] Stomp downward with both feet, which has more startup lag than Dipper’s kick, but is also stronger and has a longer-lasting hitbox, kind of like a smaller version of Captain Falcon’s D-air. This is Mabel's aerial combo finisher in Rumble’s Revenge.
[vA] D-Air (Combined): [BL] Similar to their combined F-air, Dipper performs his attack slightly ahead of Mabel and can hit foes into hers.
[Grab] Z-Air (Mabel only): [BL] Mabel whips a stretchy sleeve forward for a decent-reaching, though weak attack. Unlike most Z-airs, this cannot grab ledges.
Grabs and Throws
If both twins are present, the throws are changed; otherwise they are the same for either twin.
[Grab] Grab (Any): A basic short-ranged grab.
[Grab, A] Pummel (Both): Mabel ties up the enemy in her stretchy sleeves while Dipper punches them in the face (or whatever else is at his eye level).
[Grab, A] Pummel (Single): Holds the enemy with one hand and punches them in the face (or whatever) with the other. Easier to escape than most grabs. Based on grappling in Rumble’s Revenge.
[Grab, >] F-Throw (Both): [PH, EN] Mabel grips the foe with her sleeves and Dipper punches them outward (obviously making use of the Gnome Battle Cuffs), causing the foe to snap back into a second, stronger punch that knocks them out of Mabel's grip. This throw hits twice, but does take a while.
Damage (total):
[Grab, >] F-Throw (Single): [PH] Weakly toss the enemy forward. This is based on throwing enemies in Rumble’s Revenge; it's the least effective attack.
[Grab, ^] U-Throw (Both): [PH, EN] Dipper uppercuts the tied-up enemy into the air, then Mabel whips them back into the ground. Hits twice.
Damage (total): 
[Grab, ^] U-Throw (Single): [PH] A basic and weak upward toss.
[Grab, <] B-Throw (Both): [PH, EN] Mabel spins the enemy around a full circle with her stretchy sleeves, which can hit other enemies, similar to Mario’s B-throw, while Dipper charges up the Gnome Battle Cuffs, then punches them out of Mabel’s grip and backwards over her head. This is the twins’ strongest throw in terms of launching.
[Grab, <] B-Throw (Single): [PH] A basic and weak backward toss.
[Grab, v] D-Throw (Both): [BL] Dipper curls into a ball on the ground, then Mabel shoves the enemy, causing them to trip over him. Leaves the enemy prone. Based on when Wendy does this to Ghost Eyes in s2e18: [Weirdmaggedon].
[Grab, v] D-Throw (Single): [PH] A basic and weak toss onto the ground that pops the enemy upward.
(Speed and jump height are stated as an approximate comparison to existing fighters.)
Walking, running, and jumping animations, as well as idle animations, are taken from Gnome Gemulets.
[<>] Walking: Despite being light, the Mystery Twins aren’t particularly fast. They're probably similar to Lucas and Ness.
[<<>>] Running: Still not particularly fast, but better. If both twins are present, they’ll hold hands while running.
[^] Jumps: 2, a bit below average in height.
Wall Jump: No
[v] Crouch: They kneel down.
[v, <>] Crawl: Yes
[Shield, v^] Spot dodge: There’s nothing approximating dodging in any of their games, so these will probably just have similar animations to those of the other Smash fighters that share their proportions (Ness, Lucas, Villager, Inkling).
[Shield, >] F-roll: See above
[Shield, <] B-roll: See above
[Shield, <>v in air] Air dodge: See above
Ledge roll: If both twins are present, they’ll pull each other up, though the animation takes the same amount of time no matter what.
If both twins are present, they will perform a different, unique taunt on the Up and Down Taunts. For the Side Taunt, if both are present, they’ll do both at the same time.
Up Taunt (Both): A simple high five. This is a double reference, first to their end-of-level victory high-five in Gnome Gemulets, and second to Stanley and Stanford’s “high six.”
Up Taunt (Dipper only): Pumps arms up and down in a victory celebration while saying “Yeah-ha-ha!”. This is Dipper's end-of-level victory screen in both Rumble’s Revenge and the Take Back the Falls mobile game.
Up Taunt (Mabel only): Jumps up and down in joy. 
Down Taunt (Both): Awkward sibling hug (pat, pat). Seen in both s1e01: Tourist Trapped, and s2e19: Escape From Reality.
Down Taunt (Dipper only): Dipper pulls out a magnifying glass and inspects something on the ground. References both the theme song and Dipper’s general investigative nature.
Down Taunt (Mabel only): Mabel snuggles with Waddles, just like in the theme song (and plenty of other times throughout the show).
Side Taunt (Dipper): Dipper opens his journal and writes something in it. The first time this taunt is performed on [name of as-yet-undecided Gravity Falls stage], it starts a Journal Entry on whichever other player is both next after you in the player order and not on your team. These will be similar to the Palutena’s Guidance conversations, opening a text box that resembles a page from the Journal at the bottom of the screen, where Dipper reads his observations about that fighter, with commentary from Mabel and occasionally other characters as well. I’m not sure whether I’ll ever actually write these out (suggestions welcome).
Side Taunt (Mabel): Mabel takes out both a sock puppet of herself and a puppet of either another Gravity Falls character or a random other fighter currently on-screen and plays around with them. The second puppet can be any one of Dipper, Ford, Stan, Soos, Wendy, Gideon, Pacifica, Robbie, McGucket, or other fighters present on-screen. If a Pokémon Trainer is present, the puppet can be of them or any of their three Pokémon.
Idle Animation: Same as in Gnome Gemulets (I don't remember what it is).
Stage Entry: The twins fall out of a dimensional rift, like the one Mabel falls into in Lost Legends Part 3: Don't Dimension It.
Origin Symbol: The Zodiac Wheel (duh). No, it’s not too complicated. What are you, a cop?
Kirby Hat: Since there are two potential N-Specials here, there are also two Kirby hats, as Kirby only inhales the active twin.
Dipper: The Pine Tree hat (duh). (Growth Ray)
Mabel: Mabel's hairstyle, with a Shooting Star clip on the headband. (Shrink Ray)
Palette Swaps/Costumes
All of Dipper and Mabel's palette swaps are alternate outfits that they (or others) wear throughout the show.
1) Dipper and Mabel’s most iconic appearance.
Dipper: red t-shirt, dark blue vest, Pine Tree hat, gray shorts, black sneakers, holds Journal 3 (unless otherwise specified, he’s holding Journal 3 in all of these).
Mabel: purple skirt, pink headband, magenta Shooting Star sweater, black flats.
2) Fancy dress outfits from the ball in s2e10: Northwest Mansion Mystery.
Dipper: tuxedo, brown dress shoes, no hat
Mabel: fluffy pink dress (if Peach, Daisy, and Rosalina can fight in ball gowns, so can Mabel), weird hat thing, high heels, uses a feather boa instead of stretchy sleeves.
3) Mystery Shack employees/Anti Gravity AU inspired.
Dipper: Soos's dark green Question Mark t-shirt, cargo shorts, and cap.
Mabel: orange headband, white t-shirt, Wendy's green flannel jacket, boots, uses a rope lasso instead of stretchy sleeves.
4) Secondary antagonists inspired.
Dipper: Gideon's light blue suit and Pentagram cape, holds Journal 2.
Mabel: Pacifica's purple shirt, skirt, jacket, boots, and hairstyle, uses a purple scarf instead of stretchy sleeves.
5) Pool outfits from s1e15: The Deep End.
Dipper: red swim trunks, white t-shirt, whistle, sandals, red-and-white “Night Patrol” hat.
Mabel: pink one-piece swimsuit with a yellow star on the chest, flip-flops, uses a jump rope instead of stretchy sleeves.
6) Goodbyes, based on the series finale. Dipper: same as #1 but with Wendy’s trapper hat instead of his regular one, and holding the blue Pine Tree Journal.
Mabel: red birthday cupcake sweater, pink skirt and headband.
7) Outfits from s2e13: Dungeons, Dungeons, and More Dungeons; Dipper: elf costume consisting of a green tunic and cape, pointed ears, no hat, replaces S-Smash spear with a sword.
Mabel: orange Ducktective sweater and headband, blue skirt.
8) Original Mystery Twins/Relativity Falls AU. Stanley and Stanford as kids, with their appearance from s2e12: A Tale of Two Stans/Lost Legends Part 4: Pines Bros. Mystery. Ford takes Dipper’s place, Stan takes Mabel’s. They have different voice actors and lines than the younger twins (applies to #12 as well).
Ford: white t-shirt, brown jacket and shoes, dark green pants, holds Journal 1, replaces Dipper's hat with a light brown pith helmet.
Stan: red-and-white striped t-shirt, jeans, missing tooth, band-aid on face, brown shoes, uses a rope lasso instead of stretchy sleeves and Shanklin the Stab Possum replaces Waddles for the S-Smash.
Additional Alternate Costumes (just for fun)
9) Evil versions. They have different voice lines and facial expressions. Dipper: Dippy Fresh, the twisted, ‘90s-stereotype version of Dipper created by Mabeland in s2e19: Escape from Reality, has a different voice actor.
Mabel: Anti-Mabel from Lost Legends Part 3: Don't Dimension It, wearing a black sweater with an x-eyed cat face on it.
10) Outfits from Dipper vs. Manliness. Dipper: Manotaur loincloth and tattoos; Mabel: Yellow skirt and headband with black lightning bolt sweater.
11) Trick-or-treating costumes from s1e12: Summerween.
Dipper: peanut butter costume
Mabel: strawberry jelly costume, Waddles wears his brown business suit costume.
12) “Modern” Stan twins; same as #8 but wearing downsized versions of their “modern” attire.
Ford: red turtleneck, brown trench coat, black pants, shoulder bag, holds Journal 1.
Stan: black Mr. Mystery suit, red string tie, eyepatch, and Mackerel fez, uses a rope lasso instead of stretchy sleeves. 
13) Outfits from the Woodstick Festival in s2e09: The Love God. Dipper: dark red v-neck shirt, vest, jeans, sunglasses on forehead, no hat, holds Journal 3.
Mabel: Rainbow-striped pride sweater, purple skirt.
14) Outfits from s1e13: Boss Mabel.
Dipper: Mystery Junior suit (similar to Stan's #12), combed hair, eyepatch, no hat.
Mabel: blue business suit and glasses, Stan’s Mackerel fez, uses a rope lasso instead of stretchy sleeves.
15) Campaign manager outfits from s2e14: The Stanchurian Candidate.
Dipper: red “Team Stan” t-shirt, no vest, yellow visor.
Mabel: red-and-white striped sweater and headband, blue star-spangled skirt.
16) Inspired by my Reunion Falls AU fanfiction One Day Reunited.
Dipper: dark brown jacket (same as #8 Ford), red t-shirt, hiking boots, cargo shorts, no hat, holds blue Pine Tree Journal
Mabel: purple “Love Yo’self” sweater, yellow skirt, purple headband.
17) Reverse Falls AU version #1. They have different facial expressions and voice lines.
Dipper: similar to #4 but also with an amulet, holds Journal 2.
Mabel: light blue dress, amulet on hair band.
18) Reverse Falls AU version #2. Dipper and Mabel are replaced with Reverse Gideon and Pacifica, respectively. They have different voice actors and lines.
Gideon: Similar to Dipper’s #1, but with a light blue shirt instead of red, plus white hair and freckles.
Pacifica: tie-dyed shirt, ripped jeans, hoop earrings, bracelets, uses a scarf instead of stretchy sleeves, replaces Waddles in S-Smash with a chicken.
19) Gravity Rises AU inspired. Dipper and Mabel switch roles, Zodiac symbols, and movesets. They have different voice lines.
Mabel: blue-and-white Pine Tree t-shirt, brown pants, orange hoodie, holds Journal 3.
Dipper: dark blue t-shirt with a yellow Star over yellow long-sleeve shirt, black shorts, no hat, band-aid on face, sleeves of his shirt stretch just like Mabel’s sweaters.
Victory 1: Lower down from the top of the screen on Mabel's grappling hook, just like when they destroyed Gideon's robot in s1e20: Gideon Rises.
Victory 2: Do the short victory dance that happens when you solve certain puzzles in Gnome Gemulets, finishing with a high five (or high six, as the case may be).
Victory 3: Awkward sibling hug (pat, pat), same as the D-taunt. Yes, even the Stan and Ford alts do this.
Like most of their moveset, the Mystery Twins’ Final Smash changes depending on which of them is present when it’s activated, though after using any of these Final Smashes, a missing twin will respawn. This is the only way to cause a missing twin to respawn without being KO’d.
Dipper only - Quantum Destabilizer: Dipper fires a straight shot from Ford’s Quantum Destabilizer, the super weapon with which he unsuccessfully attempted to destroy Bill Cipher in s2e18: [Weirdmaggedon], though it will certainly prove effective against Smash fighters. This is very similar to Dark Pit’s Final Smash; the narrow beam travels the length of the screen and will heavily damage and launch anyone hit by it, resulting in an instant KO if it takes a fighter’s damage above 100%.
Mabel only - Imagination Unleashed: While mounted upon the dolphin-man-hallucination-monster Aoshima and karaoke singing either “Don’t Start Unbelieving” or “Taking Over Midnight” backed up by the music of her totally-a-different-art-style dream boys Xyler and Craz, Mabel unleashes her disturbing extraordinary imagination in a glittery tidal wave of rainbows, waffle soldiers, cat faces, stickers, flying sweaters, random stuffed animals, and of course, shooting stars. This is very similar to Wii Fit Trainer’s Final Smash, and is based on Mabel’s Mystery Power attack in Rumble’s Revenge.
Damage (per hit):Both - Unite the Zodiac: A large image of the Zodiac Wheel, albeit missing the image of Bill Cipher in the center, appears around the twins. Any enemies it touches take Bill Cipher’s place in the center of the wheel. After a cinematic of the ten members of the Zodiac united around the wheel, a white pillar of cosmic energy erupts from its center, obliterating anyone inside. This is always an instant KO on anyone it catches… damage doesn't matter, no exceptions.
Since the Zodiac Wheel Prophecy was unsuccessful in the actual show, it’s unknown what would have happened had it worked, so I’m free to interpret it however I want for Smash. I don’t necessarily think this is what would have happened, but it works quite well for a Final Smash. The initial capture hitbox is a ring around the twins, and its limits are pretty obvious.
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thatonebjp · 2 months
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Go fuck yourself
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remxedmoon · 2 months
What are your thoughts on ISAT's magic system?
okay long rambly post incoming. for the record like 90% of this is pure unfiltered headcanon. and almost all of this is about colors. sorry if this is hard to follow!!! i need to get this all out of my system.
oh also! a lot of this is based on a really good post by @/chronologically-challenged that shows off the differences between each character’s craft style! go check that out it’s really good
okay!! so!!! colors. this is just my own thing, but i personally like to color code the different types of craft!
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don’t worry about those middle tones yet just put a pin in those
there’s still a little bit of color variety within craft types (for flavor), but generally, rock is blue, paper is yellow, and scissors is red. i’m not going to lie to you i only did this because the splatoon testfire had these colors. it’s also why my triplets designs are colored like that!
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i think these colors also just fit the descriptions of these crafts? red feels like a more aggressive and active color, which matches how piercing craft is generally more focused on dealing damage, blue tends to be calmer, which matches protective craft being more supportive , that kinda thing. something something children’s hospital. yellow is a bit of a wildcard here lol, it just looks nice with the other two.
putting aside the colors for a mo! don’t worry those’ll come back soon. i’ve also been thinking a lot about how dual craft types work, though this is a little more speculative. i’m entirely basing this on how mira works. basically, one craft type seems to be more ‘dominant’ over the other. while mira is both paper and scissors, she’s still weak to rock, her basic attack is scissors, and her scissors skill (jolly round rondo) does much more damage than her paper skill (artsy silent burst). she behaves more like a scissors type, with an extra affinity for paper. which i think is interesting!!!
in terms of colors, i think this would manifest as mira’s craft being tinted orange, as a mix of both her craft type’s colors! this is partially what those uncategorized colors are for. while her scissors attacks are only slightly tinted, her paper attacks would be a lot closer to orange! and this would apply to other dual crafts as well. a rock/paper type would have more greenish attacks, a rock/scissors type would have more purply ones, etc etc.
i think this color mixing would also apply to single craft types trying to use a craft type that isn’t their own, though it’d prolly become less pronounced the more a person ‘gets used’ to using that craft type, so to speak. in a while rockodile would be pretty solidly purple, while rock bottom is more of an indigo color, and odile’s craft skills probably only slightly tinted as well.
ok!!! that was a lot about colors. i’m really fucking normal about colors. onto craft styles!! this is still kinda about colors tho sorry. also, again, go check out @/chronologically-challenged’s post if you haven’t already, it’ll prolly explain this better than i will
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for a tl;dr on that post, each country has a different way of using craft. the forgotten island has lightless craft that tends to manifest as stars and zigzags, vaugarde has big, rounded bursts of grey craft (with smaller circles around it), and ka bue’s craft is more diamond shaped/triangular and tends to be on the lighter side.
this is also the part i’m a little less sure about. i haven’t drawn these out in my normal style!! so a lot of this is subject to change. sorry about that!
anyways. i wanted to preserve the island’s lightless craft while still making it colorful, so i decided to give it a sort of. halo effect? i guess? i wanted it to vaguely resemble the ring of light around a black hole or a solar eclipse, but that is a lot harder to do with the zigzag shape of the craft + my color limitations. and as i’ve recently learned, glow effects look really weird with my pixelly art. so this is all just flat colors 😓
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shhh don’t mind the art here i’ve totally posted it before 🩶
vaugarde is pretty simple comparatively!! the craft is a sort of midshade ingame, so i just made the main color the normal craft colors. not much to say here!
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and ka bue is in a similar boat! i did kinda draw it in my odile sprite redraw, but i didn’t really look at references so it’s kinda boring looking there. not much to say here either!!
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and!! as we can see from the king’s special attack art, craft styles can kinda mix together. king’s style follows the general shape of vaugardian craft, but keeps the shade and stars from the forgotten island! i think it’d be fun to play with that a little more teehee. i imagine these are a lot more variable depending on how engrossed someone is in a culture, hence why odile’s craft doesn’t borrow from vaugarde’s style. unless she does? it’s not like we see other ka buans using craft in game. who knows.
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also because i forgot, some extra bonus doodles of that craft color mixing i mentioned earlier! yipee!
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and that’s it!!! there’s probably some other stuff that i am. currently forgetting. but this post is absurdly long enough!!! thank you so much for the ask i’m so sorry for autism blasting you about isat and color theory. am i still cool. here’s all of my craft doodles as compensation for reading this giant infodump. i’m so so sorry.
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captainuranium543 · 1 month
Fairy tail headcannon a nobody wanted at all😊
- most of the dragon slayers+erza eat bugs regularly and it's gross AF to everyone
-Natsu because he grew up in the woods and they were like the number one abundant source of food, same for Wendy but she stopped for a while because Carla told her it was nasty (as soon as she joined the fairy tail guild she reverted so incredibly fast)
-gajeel pretends to thinks it's gross but secretly he really likes the taste he just doesn't wanna have that in common with natsu
- erza and Erik because in the evil slave tower where everyone was starving if you found a bug you ate it before anyone else could grab it from you.
- sting did not do that growing up but started when natsu told him it was good, he does not agree but does it anyway so natsu thinks he's cool
- rogue only tried it a couple times because frosch wanted to try it to be more like a frog and rogue is nothing if not supportive
- laxus grew up normal and thinks all of them are disgusting
- Lucy has the WORST financial skills. Legit they are awful. Everyone thinks she's always broke cuz of the tpd (team property damage) constantly making them lose their reward to repair bills but (while that is a factor) when Lucy sees smth cute that would look great in her apartment she just cannot help herself. Lucy will be so careful trying to save her money then she'll see a new set of stationary and goes "haha rent what rent"
- the hand me down game at fairy tail was fucking insane when they where kids. For levy and lisanna basically everything they owned had been passed down like 6 times already
- that red shirt natsu wore in the flashbacks? Before him it was erza's, and before her it was canas, and before her it was laxus.
- gray wears almost exclusively white jackets because jackets are expensive and if he loses them he would rather they be easy to spot so he can find them again rather then have to buy a new one
- sometimes people will invite erza places for the scary dog privilege when they dont want to be bothered by strangers. Erza has no idea thats the reason she just thought people really liked walking with her through rough parts of town in the middle of the night.
- Carla and lilly have insane beef, for no damn reason. Like both of them are fairly polite so neither will say it openly but every conversation between the two is the most passive aggressive petty insult battle you could imagine
- freed, levy, Lucy and later jellal have a book club where they all meet up and talk about whatever they're reading and play Scrabble and talk a lot of shit about their annoying ass friends.
- happy sometimes comes but he is under no circumstances allowed to bring natsu(he knows what he did)
- when erza met seigrain/jellal in the magic counsel she first tried to attack him, when that proved to be a bad idea she later started specifically destroying stuff under his jurisdiction to make sure he had to deal with as much paperwork as possible
- for her modelling, Mira used to use a very light spray of holy water to remove body hair because it burns it off💀
- wendy romeo and chelia are actually best friends like they are constantly hanging out together just to go do stuff
- erza and Erik hate each other for no reason at all. Like over that year that she worked with crime sorciere they where ALWAYS BEEFING. Every time they were near each other erza was thinking insults she knew he could hear and Erik was fighting for his life not to strangle her to death.
When erza became sclass she used to sit on the 5th step of the stairs because Mira wasn't allowed on those stairs yet and it really pissed her off. She was like, just barely out of reach, so Mira would stand at the bottom the stairs yelling death threats at her and erza would be like "whattt I'm not doing anything I don't even know what your talking about in literally just sitting what are you so mad about"
- when Warren invented cellphones, despite all of them looking like modern smartphones, freed somehow managed to get one that looked exactly like a Blackberry and refuses to get a different one
- Mira used to cut her siblings hair and because she didn't know any good haircuts yet her 2 options where 1- bald or 2- bowl cut. Hence lisannas horrifying cut as a child
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pamsimmer · 8 months
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My very first challenge and I'm excited? haha
When I was looking for occults challenge to play I found a lot of witches and vampire type of things, but I don't quite remember seeing a werewolf one.
These three occults are my favorites (unfortunately I kind of ignore the others because you know... meh, not as fun to play with them. But maybe one day I'll try to make a mermaid challenge)
Down here you're gonna find the rules and guidelines for each gen. You don't have to follow strictly the rules if you don't want to, I know it can be annoying sometimes. And also I made it short for those who prefer shorter challenges (like me).
I just hope you have fun!
[edit: a friend made the graphic rules and it looks amazing. if you prefer it like this: HERE]
You must reside only in the occults’s worlds, but preferably in Moonwood Mill (You can always kick your family out and pretend you’re living in another place hehe)
Start as YA, any gender
You can use cheats if you want.
Heir must be a werewolf
Normal or Long Lifespan
You don’t have to max all these skills, but it would be nice if you at least worked on them all your sims lives
When I put ( / ) is because you can choose what you prefer or if you don’t have said pack you can choose the base game one.
Requirements: Werewolves, Snowy Scape, Get Together, Get To Work
GENERATION 1: Waxing Crescent
You grew up close to the Moonwood Collective, they are basically your family and you learned how to be a good sim and not hurt others. You prefer to lock yourself up than to behave like an animal in front of others. You always loved art/writing and your hobby is to play piano. You don’t like the spotlight because of your werewolf tendencies, so you chose a more “reclusive” career.
Traits: Proper/Snob, Bookworm, Good
Aspiration: The Emissary of the Collective
Skills: Charisma, Piano/Painting, Writing
Career: Painter or Writer (It can be the freelance career if you prefer)
Volunteer with family (or alone) at least once a week
Your partner can be any gender, can be human or even another type of occult, as long as the heir is a werewof.
Get married to your partner and never divorce. You two were made for each other
GENERATION 2: Waning Gibbous
Your parents wanted you to be as perfect as they are, but you’re not them. You have your own personality and your own desires. You’re a rebel. You love being a werewolf and you feel powerful when you show others who you are. The only thing you got from your parent was the love for music, but you are more of a guitar type of sim. And you want to be the leader of your own pack.
Traits: Mean, Active, Kleptomaniac
Aspiration: Wildfang Renegade
Skills: Mischief, Fitness, Guitar
Career: Criminal or perform only odd jobs and have a part time job
Meet your friends at the bar every weekend
Have a “fight club” club
Get pregnant/get your girlfriend pregnant as a teen (if your sim is a boy: don’t assume the responsability / if your sim is a girl: give the baby to someone else. you can keep the child close to you if you want to play with them later, in case it’s a werewolf)
Get married as a Young Adult and divorce before become an Adult. You can find love again, but if you don’t, that’s okay. (preferably die alone :)
One day your sims is gonna teach their teen kid (the heir) how to fight. You’re take them to Greg and let them fight Greg… alone.
You never got along with your parent. You actually hate them. You prefer to be alone, you’re like a hurt puppy that attacks others who tries to come closer to you. But you’re very sweet on the inside. And finally one day you find the love of your life and you have a beautiful family together.
Traits: Loner, Gloomy, Hot-Headed
Aspiration: Lone Wolf
Skills: Gardening, Handiness, Fishing
Career: Gardner or Fisherman (and perform odd jobs)
If you chose gardner: go fishing every weekend, if you chose fisherman: have a garden
Live off the grid, at least until you get married (after that you can go back to society again if you want to. But it’s not mandatory)
Have at least two kids
You grew up in a loving family. You have so many plans for your life, but you don’t want to be a werewolf forever. You spent your teenager years reading werewolf books and you got the Lunar Epiphany and learned how to make the cure. Maybe you’re the one who breaks the family’s curse, right? and you want to be a super parent because your own parent inspired you.
Traits: Genius, Family-Oriented, Loyal
Aspiration: Cure Seeker
Skills: Logic, Parenting, Baking/Gourmet Cooking
Career: Doctor/Astrounaut
Find love when you are already a human and be the best parent you can be!
Go out on dates at least once a week with your partner, and when you have a child go out at least once a week with your family.
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onyourowndaisymae · 2 years
obey me dateables (+ luke) playing minecraft with you
this came to me last night like a prophecy from the god of silly geese
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prompt: you've somehow convinced these guys to play minecraft, a human world game, one night, just the two of you. but how exactly does that experience go?
[brothers version]
{established relationship, obey me x reader (minus luke, who is platonic ofc)}
oh you-- oh you thought the future king of the devildom was going to be a fearsome warrior slashing down hordes of monsters coming to attack the two of you? or a masterful builder constructing a wonderous homestead for you two to retreat to at night?
nah, this man is a certified flower picker.
diavolo basically uses this as an excuse to play domestic family simulator with you. he's at his happiest when he's picking flowers and planting them around your shared house (you've got to share a house with this man or he'll give you the most pitiful expression) or decorating to any other extent, like carpets or paintings or lights. he just loves making your little home together!
he's also just as willing to do anything you request of him. you need him to mine for cobblestone? he's your guy! need someone to fish for you? right away, mc! you have to show him exactly how to complete said task, but once you do, he's happy to help.
definitely puts your beds together and gives you a dumb, happy grin. the characters are as close as the two of you now! speaking of which, do you have any plans? will you spend the night at the castle? he can push back his morning meeting tomorrow if you promise you'll stay.
he's just so happy to spend time with you. your shared little cottage and virtual world are just another artifact of your relationship. maybe some day the two of you can have a domestic setup like this in real life, too.
this man is good at everything he does. obviously, he's going to pick up the controls and mechanics surprisingly fast. you'd think he'd made the game himself with the ease he gets around.
your shared house is beautiful. he actually originally made two separate houses, one for each of you. but when you looked confused and told him you assumed you'd live together, he immediately gets to work on a bigger, prettier house for you to share. the only thing that gives him away is that pleased little twitch of the corner of his mouth as he resists a smile.
with as good as he is at the game, barbatos isn't super keen on what is actually "good" and what is just normal game stuff. he finds diamonds within 15 minutes of his first trip into a cave and, when you applaud his efforts, he turns to you and very plainly asks "is that... good?"
everything he finds goes in a communal chest at your shared home. you tell him he doesn't have to do that, but he insists-- it's in his nature. he doesn't tell you that every little comment you make when you spot new, valuable resources in the chest makes his chest warm. always happy to serve, this one.
monster killing machine. nothing will hurt you in this game. they can't even get close enough-- barbatos is always there, at your tail, protecting you from stray arrows or sneaky creepers trying to get you.
oh, you're taking on the challenge of trying to teach him how to play a video game? good luck. kiss your sanity goodbye now.
he is terrible with the controls. simeon fares a little better with a controller because it's made for gaming only. god help you both if you're on a computer. wasd? never heard of her.
despite his piss poor technology skills, he's surprisingly pleased with the way this is all going. he feels a little bad that you have to babysit him in-game but appreciates your attention nonetheless. any mistake is met with a sweet laugh-- what a good sport.
he finds your patience endearing, and vows internally to get better at this game so that you'll want to play it more often. he's already plotting to rope solomon and luke into helping him improve.
and just like any good softie, he's terrible at in-game combat. he dies so many times. he doesn't really understand what's happening when he starts getting attacked. most of the time, the creature will hit him from behind, so he literally thinks he's dying for no reason. you have to explain to him that he's gotta-- simeon just turn around, you're-- dead. he's dead already.
his strengths in lie much more simple pursuits. give this man a farm to tend and he'll be perfectly content being a cute little malewife house husband. he secretly gathers the ingredients for a cake and surprises you with one after you return home from collecting wood to expand your house. he's beaming next to you in real life; who wouldn't kiss all over that cute face of his?
speaking of old ass men-- this man is a menace in your minecraft world.
he gets the controls pretty quickly. pros: you don't have to spend much time teaching him how to play. cons: he is confident enough in his survival abilities to just... disappear. what's that mc? you wanted to build a house together? too late. he's fighting against three endermen deep in a mine an entire biome away.
you're going to have to do a lot of the communal work yourself. build the house, gather resources, find a reliable source of food and materials-- solomon will stroll right in and steal them from your chest. if he's feeling generous, he'll leave behind the rare resources he got his hands on during his journeys. which is nice, of course, but he still stole three whole stacks of wood planks like a jackass and took off before you noticed.
you end up making it to the nether together. he says he'll protect you, and for the most part that is true. however, sometimes he's preoccupied and you get attacked while he's not looking. if you die, he'll laugh at you (yet still save your stuff and give it back when you return). if you survive, then it's onwards into the depths of hell!
when he gets bored, he starts terrorizing you. this is as basic as moving things around the house to as obnoxious as blocking you in with dirt or wood and covering you up as you try to escape. he thinks this is hilarious, by the way. but he knows you, and his antics cease before you actually get pissed off.
luke tries very, very hard to be good at this game. he gets a A for effort... and a C- for skill.
somehow, someway, he falls into every. hole. imaginable. you'd almost think they're spawning in front of him with how frequently this happens. you're playing rescue now... and again... and again... and he did it once again. he also gets lost very easily, so it's best to keep him with you at all times.
you guys decide to share a little house together and it's very cute. you've got your own separate rooms, then a kitchen and living room to share. he is very insistent that it has to look like a real house, with a real kitchen and everything. humor him and help him out-- he'll reward you by always making sure you have food.
every activity in this game is now a group activity. safety in numbers, he says, in the middle of the day with no monsters in sight. it doesn't really matter anyways. he'll follow you wherever you go. he'll even enter that super scary cave you're in so he doesn't have to face the monsters alone.
luke is very scared of being attacked by any mob in the game. he's specifically built his room on the second floor of your house so they can't get him. if he is somehow face to face with a monster, then he's yelling, incoherent as all hell, panic-building a dirt protection chamber around himself (he won't actually kill them because he feels too bad). if you're within reach, then he'll cover you too. if not, good luck with that monster! he will root for you, obviously, but you're delusional if you think he's going out there to help you.
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mushies-stories · 1 year
involuntary experiment
Jonathan Crane X F!Reader
Summary: Scarecrow uses a new toxin on himself and the reader, a hero who decided to seek him out alone this time in hope of bringing him down. this is literrlly porn and some plot aha
Wanrings: SMUT 18+, no use of Y/N, dubcon, Drugged, Dom/sub dynamic if you squint, multiple orgasms, dacryphilia, pnv, unprotected sex, cream pie, oral(Mreceiving), fingering(Freceiving) pet names, over stimulation, No use of Y/N, over all soft Crane? Squirting, mild science experimentation, claiming? Kinda… I think that's it XD
word count: 4564
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You had been after Scarecrow for a while now but his dumb little henchmen always seem to buy him just enough time to pull some kind of toxin out, forcing you to retreat or suffer in fear. So you figured this time you would catch him off guard, you knew who he really was and his face wasn't a secret unlike yours. 
Follow him after his deal with some other low life, remember that low life, then follow him back to whatever hole he thrived in. easy.
It really was easy. You followed him down to the basement of some abandoned building on the out-skirts of gotham. You waited silently as he unlocked the rusty metal door and slid it open then made your move. In an instant you were kicking him into the room that turned out to be a basic lab. You thought the kick would have knocked him on his ass, instead he stumbled a little and dropped his briefcase but managed to collect himself rather quickly. Quick enough that when you went to attack again he was swinging his body around and stopping your arm from hurling your fist into his jaw. 
You were stunned for a moment, surprised that he was even able to block you. His henchmen normally did the heavy lifting. His free hand was reaching into his jacket pocket and pulling something out. Shoving him you freed your arm and backed up. You stayed alert just in case but you knew he wouldn't hit himself with his own toxin. His mask was in the briefcase across the room. 
You eyes him as he pulled the canister out, he stared back with a tight smirk. “Oh, you decided to give me a house visit? How special.” He snorted. The liquid in the canister wasn't normal, this one was a pale pink. 
“Well I figured it was time to put an end to your madness, Dr. Johnathan Cran.” you said and shrugged. 
His smirk grew. “That so? Growing tired of chasing me then?” He took a step closer and straightened up in defense. “You know, I was waiting for an opportunity to try this new toxin out.” he said, shaking the canister with another step and taking his glasses off in the process, placing them in his jacket pocket. 
You stepped back, wanting to keep space between you. “That so? How are you gonna do that without your mask?” you said, glancing at the case that sat on the ground between you both. “Because I can bet I'll get to you before you make it to that mask.” you stated, ready for him to make a move.
A low chuckle left the man. His piercing eyes staring into you with no regard to your threat. “See, the thing is.” he began, taking another step. “I don't want the mask this time. I've seen this on people alone, how they suffer alone in their cells at arkham. I want to see what happens when two people are under the influence together.” he said, undoing the cap and tossing the smoking can between you. 
Smoke filled the room immediately and during the coughing fit the smoke caused, you watched him. He was clearly affected by the smoke, coughing along with you but stayed perfectly skill in place. You weren't sure why he wasn't making a move.  “What is this?” you choked out. 
You both slowly composed yourself as the smoke settled and fresh air became available. “It’s an aphrodisiac, laced with a little truth serum.” he said, a grin growing on his face as your eyes winded at his words. “The more sexual desire creeps in, the stronger the effect.” Jonathan said factually.
You shook your head in disbelief. “That's insane.” you said quietly.
He stood straight, cocky. “Perhaps. But tell me this, have you ever thought about how id fuck you? Late at night have you ever thought about how well my cock would stuff your pussy?” His words were sudden, lewd and they had an instant reaction on your body. 
You shook the feeling of heat on your face away. “What are you talking about?”
He chuckles and steps closer, leaving only a couple feet of space left. “Does your pussy ache at the thought of me fucking you?” he stepped closer when you didnt flinch back and then closed the gap when you only continued to stare at him in disbelief. The toxin was making you more compliant, more willing to let him be closer to you. A hand came to cup your cheek, the skin there felt like it was on fire from the contact. “Tell me, how do you feel?” his head tilted with an almost knowing grin as he looked down at you. 
You blinked slowly, your brain starting to fog up. You wanted to fight back, say something to wipe the smirk off his face but those thoughts swirled with the ones just like he was saying. You had the occasional thought about him, knowing what he looks like helps. It was a few times and everytime you felt disgusted by it, he was a deranged madman who drugged people. You looked up at him with pleading eyes, wanting nothing more than to hide as you felt your body tip more into desire for the criminal in front of you. 
“Well? Speak up. Is your pussy getting wet for me right now? Feeling hotter and needier, need me to fuck you all better?” he asked softly, almost caring while his thumb stroked your cheek. 
A small whimper escaped past your lips. Every word he spoke awoken a new spark in your brain that killed off all logic and left only a scorching burn of desire between your legs. You nodded slowly. “Y-yes.” you whispered, eyes barely keeping focused on his own that watched you with eyes that must look similar to your own, blown out and full of growing lust. 
“Good girl.” He cooed. Stepping away he dropped his hand from your face and nodded once. “Undress, and don't forget to take the mask off.” He ordered. 
You hesitated a moment, you started with your shoes but your hands froze before they could move to your shirt. feeling embarrassed now at the order as your brain attempts to wrap itself around what's happening. But he was watching you so intently and the gleam in his eyes was enough to push your brain to move your hands to the button and zipper of your pants and undo them. You slowly slid them down along with your belt and tools with shaky hands and kicked them aside. Then you went for the shirt and tossed them in the forming pile next to you. “Dr. Crane… my head feels…” you tried to express how you felt as your body and mind gave further in, the hesitation leaving you as you exposed yourself to him, now taking your bra off and sliding your panties down and subconsciously rubbing your thighs together. 
He smirks at how you now called him by his title “Oh sweet girl, I know.” his hand came back to cradle your cheek, this time thumbing the hem of your mask. “Why don't you take this off as well, clear your head up a bit.” His smile could have been mistaken for sincere. He slid the mask over your head and his smile grew when he saw your full face. “Well, I've been missing out huh?” 
Before you could even register just how exposed you were, his lips were on yours. The kiss wasn't harsh but it wasn't gentle, it was needy and hungry. His hands found your hips and pulled you flush against him. You clutched the front of his suit jacket as his lips worked against your own and you could feel just how hard he was with his bulge tightly pressed between your bodies. You couldn't help the small gasp you let out that became an invitation for Jonathan's skilled tongue to work its way into your mouth to further the pleasure. Even a kiss was making your sex pulse. You peered over at the canister at your feet but before those thoughts of the toxic’s involvement could form in your head you were swept away by Jonathan biting your lower lip. All desire to fight was lost and replaced by the need for Johnathan to fuck you untill your pussy was ruined. 
When you pulled away with shaky breaths Johnathan didn’t look as composed as he had before. It looked like the aphrodisiac was finally taking its full effect on him as well. He brought both hands up to cup your cheek, forcing you to look up at him. “I want to feel these lips, pretty girl, can you do that?” he asked. You nodded and he let you sink down to your knees. You wasted no time undoing his belt and pants, pulling them down enough to let his cock spring free before you. You couldn't help but rub your thighs together at the sight. You took him in your hands and pumped a few times, causing the man above you to let out a few shaky breaths. Pre cum adorned his cock head and was slowly dripping down his length. “Like it sweet girl?” he asked, looking down at your blown out eyes. 
You nodded and leaned in to lick a fat strip along his cock before slipping your lips around the leaky tip and sucking it like a lollipop. I deep groan rumbled through Johnathan. “Been wanting to taste your cock.” you confessed breathlessly before sliding down his cock and hollowing your cheeks around him, immediately starting a slow pop of your head.
Jonathan brought a hand to tangle in your hair, making sure it stays out of his view as you sucked him off. “Fuck baby.” he groaned “iv thought about your mouth on my cock so many times.” you moaned softly around his cock, continuing to suck him, the need to taste him and make him cum driving you to bob your head faster. “Just like that sweet girl, oh fuck just like that.” he leaned his head back, hand lax in your hair as you worked him. 
One hand fisted pumping his shaft while the other went to gently grope his balls. You moaned around his cock at the heavy set and squeezed them. Jonathan groaned and gripped your hair. He  pushed you down further until you were gagging with the tip of his cock hitting your throat. You struggled around his massive girth and you had to bring both hands up to hold into his pants to keep steady. “Fuck, baby..” he grit out between breathy groans, his seed shooting into the back of your throat. “So good baby, make sure to take all of it.” you struggled to maintain focus while he rutted himself into your mouth. “Fuck this aphrodisiac makes everything so sensitive.” he huffed.
You swallowed and began coughing and gasping for air as soon as he pulled out and released his hold on you to rake through his own hair. Regaining a little brain function you noticed his dick was still hard and still leaking precum. Then you felt the tingling in your core increase and you could feel just how wet you had gotten with hardly any touching. “Dr. Cane… will you fuck me now?” you asked, looking up at him with doe eyes. 
His hair was now disheveled and red tinted his cheeks. He brought you up with a hand on your chin while the other traveled to your hips, rubbing circles on the hot flesh with his thumb. “But I wanted to taste your dripping cunt and taste your cum sweet thing.” He said, his eyes showing how much he really was affected by his own desires right now. Letting go of your hip, his hand traveled to run a slender finger through your folds.
You gasped as the sudden stimulation. His fingers continued to work through your folds and soon started teasing your entrance. “Bu-but I want to feel you inside.” you whined out as his fingers pushed into your tight pussy.
He pumped into you a few times before pushing his palm down against your clit, adding to the stimulation and causing your pussy to clench around his digits. “If I can't now then you'll just have to let me after I’ve cleaned you up and the toxin wears off because if i fuck you now im filling you with my cum over and over until I have nothing left to give you.” he voice was low, filled with meaning and truth.
With the mix of his hand fucking your pussy relentless and his dirty words, you were reeling, hanging onto him as your legs began to shake. You tried to nod between soft moans while trying to keep your eyes open, the pleasure starting to feel too good as heat pooled in your stomach. 
“Tell me sweet girl, want me to fuck you full of my cum, want to wake up still stuffed and leaking all over?” he said, digging his palm into your cunt. “Use your words, let me hear you.” he said, moving closer to your face as you quickly came undone in his hand.
You nodded faster and let out a shaky breathless moan as his motions of pounding his fingers and grinding his palm into your sex intensified. Tears pricked the corners of your eyes as you tried to maintain focus on his blown out pupils. “Yes, yes please. Just fu-fuck me Dr. Crane!” you squealed out as your orgasm hit you. 
His hand wrapped itself into your hair, bringing you to rest your head against his chest. He let you grind into his hand while you settled from your high.
He listened to your moans dye into soft whimpers as your hips stilled with his fingers still buried in your cunt. “So good baby, you sounded so good for me.” He praised, finally pulling his hand away from your leaky hole. You flinched when he brought his index and middle fingers to your lips. “Open up and taste yourself.” he encouraged. You parted your lips and let him press his slick fingers against your tongue. 
You moaned around his fingers as you sucked your own release off of them. Then you looked up at the mad scientist with needy eyes. “Now? Please Dr. Crane? Will you fuck me now?” you asked though you were already pulling his jacket off his shoulders and unbuttoning his shirt. Your brain could only focus on him, your need for him to stuff your pussy.
His eyes softened and he allowed you to tug the shirt off. You began to kiss and bite his exposed flesh along his collarbone and jaw. “Fuck, alright baby. C’mer.” he grunted, picking you up by the thighs and within a few long strides he was laying between your legs on the couch that sat along the back wall. “Gonna be a good girl and take my fat cock?” he asked, rubbing his cock along your folds.
You gasped as he smeared your slick on his cock. “M’ready! Please put it in~” you begged and wrapped your legs around his hips to bring him closer. “Need you so bad, please.” 
His cock twitched against your heat. “Fuck, so needy for me.” he smirked and poked your tight hole with the tip of his cock. “Dripping wet and begging for my dick, what a dirty girl.” He teased and slowly sank into you. His hands held your hips in place as he bottomed out and you shook gently under him, legs squeezing his hips. You let out a loud and needy whine as he stretched your pussy open. He stilled inside and came to lean over you, arm next to your head caging you in. “don't worry, I'll take good care of you.” he cooed, rolling his hips into you and smirking at the face of Ah it caused you to make.
You hadnt had sex that felt this good before, his dick felt like it was made for your pussy. When he started a moderate pace to allow you to adjust a moment you could feel the slight curve of his cock. The veins on his cock dragging along your inner walls had you practically mewling under him with how good you felt. 
He chuckled and started a faster pace, making sure to bottom out with every thrust. Your pussy was sucking him in and squeezing him just right he could tell he was already close again. His thrust picked up so he pounding into you with precision and where it felt best and you were a moaning mess on his cock. Your hands came to hold his shoulders as he fucked into you. With your head pressed back into the couch cushions you lost yourself in his movements, so good you couldn’t tell that you were building to another orgasm until it was right there and the only warning you gave was a desperate moan and jumbled words. 
Johnathan groaned and leaned his head between your shoulder and head, his cock twitched before his hot load filled your gummy walls. “So tight baby, your pussy’s so good baby.” he praised as his hips rocked into you, making sure to fuck his cum deep and keep it there. He leaned up to look at you, a soft smile played at his lips. “Like my cum filling you up?” he asked, stroking some hair away from your face.
You smiled at him. “Feel so good. m’ warm and full.” you admitted. Your legs tugged him closer, not wanting him to pull out, you still felt so needy, you needed more. “Can I have more Dr. Crane?” you asked sweetly. 
His smile turned darker, more mischievous. “Oh baby, do you need me to fuck you tell your little pussy is dripping full of my cum?” He rolled his hips again teasingly. You nodded, breath caught in your through with how deep he was, and again his dick was still totally hard. “You were just begging me so well sweet girl, even calling me Dr.Crane like a good girl. You can do that again right?” he smiled and waited as he continued to roll his hips gently, just enough for a little friction. 
You nodded and cleared your throat. “Please, need you to fuck me full Dr. Crane.” you rushed out. His words had a way of causing the deepest reaction from you. You needed him so desperately you didn't understand anything but him right now. “Please, I need it.”
“Need it that bad? Tell me whose pussy this is then, tell me baby girl who do you belong to?” his eyes were fixed on yours, his face turned more serious. Your eyes widened at what he was saying, he wanted you to be his and his alone. The implication should have probably frightened you, made you struggle away but it didn't. You wanted him to ruin you, have you in every way. “Well?” he pressed.
“Yours, Dr. Crane.” you said softly and pushed yourself against him with a little whine. “All yours.” you conceded. 
With a low groan he slowly began to thrust into you again, pulling back almost completely to fill you up again. “That's it, all mine.” he sank his back into the crook of your neck and littered it with sloppy  kisses and the warmth of his tongue and teeth grazing the now new overly sensitive spot on your body. A hand came to roam over your breasts, squeezing one and pinching at your nipple before repeating the actions to the other. You whined and your hands came to tug at his dark hair. He smiled against your jaw before nipping at it. The thought of his marks adorning your chest and neck tomorrow made you feel even warmer.
You held tightly to him now that he was pounding into you with a firm hold on your hips. Your whole body was  responding to him perfectly and he just knew exactly where to hit that spot that had your legs shaking and eyes rolling into the back of your head. “Fu-ck, gonna cum!” you managed to squeak out, every thrust taking your breath with it. The only acknowledgement from Johnathan was his free hand snaking up your chest and his hand wrapped itself tightly around your through. He pulled back to look at you as his hips snapped into you faster, his eyes transfixed on watching you come undone under him. Your eyes fluttered to maintain focus on his face as the all too familiar sensation took over. You shook as you felt your release practically poor out of you with how stuffed you were. 
“So good, so fucking tight.” he said with a low groans as he thrusted into you, not giving you a moment to catch your breath after your climax. His eyes are fixed where your bodies connect, watching his cock ruin your pussy. “Fucking perfect. My pussy. My girl.” he grunts between thrusts. You held onto him, arms locked around his neck. He fucked into you desperately and he was still hitting you so deep you couldn't help the lewd sounds coming from you. Your sweet little whimpers and moans encouraging him to fuck you faster. He grinned down at your fucked out face, tears streaming down your cheeks as your body became sweetly overstimulated. He could feel and hear your slick coating your lower bodies.
It was becoming overwhelming for you, his cock hitting the right spots over and over without stopping while his ships slammed into you. “To much! Too–aahh much please!” you begged for release, still to cling to him.
“Sshhh baby you can do it, give me one more. Squeeze my cock like that one more time.” he encouraged through low groans. He brought the hand down between your bodies to run fast circles on your clit. “You can do it, cum again for me. Such a pretty thing when you cum.” The sounds of your fluids mixing filled the room along with breathy moans and gasps from the both of you. 
You cried out a moan and screwed your eyes shut. He was going to force another orgasim from your abused cunt and there was no stopping him, you could feel your stomach tighten and pussy flutter uncountably around his girth. “Fuck! Please ple-” you groaned out as another orgasm shook through your body, your pussy spasming around his cock as he continued to stroke your sweet spot through your climax. You felt his cock shoot another full load of his hot cum deep into your waiting pussy.
“Good girl.” he cooed, slowing his relentless pounding as your pussy pulsed around his cock. “So good baby, you did so well, are you ready for your treat?” he asked and you nodded, your chest heaving as you looked up at him and his still hard cock twitched at the sight of tears pricking the corners of your eyes. He smirked at the thought of you being so overly stimulated and crying for him. Then with you still impaled on his throbbing cock, he wrapped his arms around your back and brought you to sit on his lap with his legs now firm on the ground.
Your back arched and you let out a strangled moan as he managed to sink just a little further into you. You could feel his cum leaking from your spent hole and down his dick, your mixed fluids soon began drenching his pants as he bounced you on his cock. “Dr. Crane, so much cu-um.” you whimpered, trying to hold yourself up with shaky arms. “So full, there's so much.” you babbled out between moans. You were cock drunk and it was evident as your eyes streamed with tears
Johnathan couldn't blame you however, he was right there with you, your pussy was constantly clenching around him like you were always on the verge of another orgasm. “You can handle a little more right? I mean look how much has already spilled out?” he said, gazing down at where your bodies connected. You followed his eyes and the sight alone sent a shiver through you. Slick and cum oozed around the base of his cock with every thrust into you. “Your pussy feels so good Babygirl, squeezing me so tight. Do you want to cum again?” he asked, bringing a hand down to rub against your overly sensitive clit as his hips rutted up against your own. 
You whined and your arms folded in on you, no longer able to hold yourself up. You were so tired but he felt too good, your pussy responded so well to his touch you couldn’t help when another orgasm began to wind itself up. “To mu-uch, feels weird Dr. Crane” you practically screeched into his chest and blinked away tears that threatened to fall.
His hips continued to hit your tender bundle of nerves while his hands simultaneously slammed you down into his cock and abused your throbbing clit. “Good, that's it, let it feel good and make a mess for me.” he encouraged, feeling his own release creeping up. His words relaxed you and you soon felt the wave slam into you within seconds. Your body tensed and your legs shook around him as you self liquid drench his lower stomach and under your bodies. You cried into his chest, tears now rolling down your cheeks. “Fu-cuk, that's it. Squeezing me so well to take my fat load.” He groaned, leaning his forehead against your shoulder and rutting into you as he emptied his balls into your sloppy hole.
You pulled back and looked at him, eyes tired and pussy still fluttering around him. Your mind and body were so tired but your pussy shuddered at the thought of him pulling out. “Can we stay like this?” you asked hopefully. 
He smiled softly at you and brought his hands to cradle you upper and lower back. He leaned back more and pulled you to lay on his chest. “Don't worry sweet girl, I got you.” he coles while stroking your back and gently rocking his hips up. 
you whined softly against him. “Some toxin, you can keep coming after all of that.” you noted, almost frightened since your pussy was pusling and raw some rought he was already fucking you. 
He chuckled and rolled his hips gently again, starting a steady rhythm that was actually relaxing and had you curling into you as your eyes fluttered shut. “I know, and thankfully I have you to take it all for me, I did say I’d give you everything.” he held you firmly against him, his hips picking up speed but staying gentle and as calming as he can manage. “I'll take good care of you.” he whispered into your ear. You sighed and gave in, relaxing fully into him as he used your pussy to get off again. You didn’t want to fight it, even this, being a ragdoll for him to fuck into was wonderful. 
To say the mess you woke up to was almost alarming. you, laying on his chest with his soft cock still buried in you with mixed fluids still soaking your bodies.
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sunny-speaks · 1 year
Hacker! Ren Headcanons
Basically just hc’s abt what ren does in his free time watching u, yk, normal stuff
Character(s): Ren/[REDACTED] from @14dayswithyou and mild mention of Harper from @/campwillowpeak
A/N: Definitely check out Camp Willowpeak if you have the time! Great VN in progress!
Trigger warnings: Minor panic attack after ‘And it is the worst feeling in all of Corland Bay.’
Um, mention of NSFW and kinks etc. Minors DNI !
Ren spends every waking hour of the day trying to be as close to you as he can possibly muster.
He just wants to be there with you in some shape or form!
The best days for him are the weekends, you don’t have to work and you can stay home all day if you choose to!
Some of his favorite things to watch you do is watch your anime, read fanfiction and a bunch of other things that help with his research.
When you indulge in your fixations, it helps Ren change himself accordingly to whatever you like at the moment!
You like science-y guys? Luckily for you, he took Biology and Chemistry in high school!
Totally not to figure out how to kill people effectively or clean up bloodstains, what???
You like artsy guys? He makes these amazing collages and collections of photography! Also took painting and art in high school!
Once again, totally not because he wanted the best drawings/paintings of you or the best high quality photos for his shrine, whaaat???
But having you read fanfiction is much more interesting to him.
He can see the types of characters you like to read about, your favorite genre, your favorite pairings, your favorite character dynamics…
Whether you prefer sunshine characters with a dark side, characters who look like they could kill you but are actually cinnamon rolls, two idiots + one brain cell, it’d all help him further his agenda of manipulating you to love him making him perfect for you!
And if you go into the NSFW section? He is frothing at the mouth.
This is his chance!! He can figure out what you prefer in the bedroom and win you over with his seduction skills! (not that he needs any ofc… have u seen him??? His dick is like 10 inches, that's a seduction skill on its own…)
(and maybe sometimes he takes advantage of the cameras around your place to listen in and watch you do some… intimate activities)
Whether you like submissive guys or dominant guys or service tops or brats, Ren is all for it! If you’re into some kinky shit, he might not be too into it, but he’ll give it a try for you!!
But if you share one of his massive kinks (ex. Breeding, marking) dude, you are so fucked.
Ren is straight up praying to his shrine that he can be the only one to fulfill your desires because, whoa, he would be soo good to you if you gave him a chance. He would literally cry if you wanted him to do whatever he liked to you.
Also you both like the same shit??? You were clearly meant to be!!
He sees you scrolling on social media and calling yourself delulu? (just like him ong) Don’t worry, he’ll be there so you can fufill your delusions!!
You’ll never have to be delusional again now that you have him!!
Ren saw you scroll through your Tumblr feed, seemingly spending hours lurking on this one account of… Camp Treepeak, or something. It irked him when he saw you focusing on this one character who had you swooning.
So what if that dumb brunette was 6’9’’??? So what if he was a pyromaniac??? He was just a dumb game character, Ren was real! Besides, Ren was more than sure that those missing 4 inches of height between and that fictional guy went somewhere… else.
You didn’t know what you were missing out on!! Ren was right there, always waiting for you to notice him! If you gave him even the smallest chance, he’d swoop in and make your life a living romance visual novel if you wanted!
He could be anyone you wanted him to be! At all! If that’s what it takes for him to be yours, he’d do it in a heartbeat!
(I have brought this up before lmao) Would absolutely be down to try and cosplay any character you aggressively rave about to Moth.
While he absolutely detests Moth for being the one that you go to with this stuff, he can’t deny that it's useful for him to tap into the call, mute Moth on his own end and listen to you go on and on about whatever you’re rambling about at the moment.
Your voice is so pretty, like a canary… Birds remind him of freedom in some way, some days Ren would like to keep you captive, hide you away from the world.
But then he looks at himself in the mirror and he sees his father stare back.
And it is the worst feeling in all of Corland Bay.
He hums to himself, listening to you talk on and on to Moth but can’t help and think, ‘Wouldn’t it be nice if I was the only one they ever sang to?’ and it sends Ren into a spiral of dark thoughts he immediately dry heaves at.
He’s trying so hard to focus on your melodic tone before he pants over the sink, body shaking. No, no, no, no.
No. He is not psychopathic. You are not something he can own. You are not his. That is not his decision. You have your voice. You are your own person.
“Hey, you alright?” Your calming voice shakes him out of his stupor. Of course, it did. It helped him get through nightmares, through hungover evenings where he just wanted to be with you, past his job when he felt demotivated.
Subconsciously, he knew you were just talking to Moth, but he couldn’t help but respond. “Y-yeah. I think so.”
“Mm, I feel that.”
Wow, maybe if he squinted, the two of you could be having a conversation! If it wasn’t for that lingering thought of his bastard dad, he would’ve been giggling on the couch, kicking his feet and twirling his hair.
…He was really getting into his Ren persona, wasn’t he…?
“Look, cheer up, things get better. I mean, my job’s no walk in the park, but it’s about the small wins!” He could hear the grin in your voice, you always managed to bring your emotions through audio, “Like, like! The other day, some guy on the street saw my subtle Attack on Giants jacket and stopped to me and said―”
“ ‘Yoo, is that AOG?’ “ Ren repeated the same words with a small smile on his face. He remembered how you reined in your expression before your face lit up as soon as you were by yourself.
You sighed and chuckled at whatever Moth had replied. “No, I am not a huge nerd. I simply have good taste. Oh yeah, remember how I told you about that one skater boy–” and your voice faded to background noise again.
Ren took a couple deep breaths to calm himself. He wasn’t his sperm donor, he’d be better. For you.
And the rest of his nights would be spent, adoringly adding to your shrine and his collection of your items.
Then he would lay in bed, clutching a pillow, wishing it were you he had to cuddle with but could settle for the plush, soft object until he finally won you over.
(personal headcanon that ren has one of those like, duck filled pillows he hugs instead of his stuffed toys which he leaves on display. Sometimes all the body parts just get in the way and he just wants to hug something soft… :(( like you :(( )
Which he would… one day.
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writingseaslugs · 2 years
Diasomnia: Injured Reader
Disclaimer: All characters in this series are aged up. For more information about my version of this world and the type of reader you can expect, please do a quick read of THIS post.
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Injured Reader Headcanons
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Malleus Draconia
Malleus isn’t used to being injured at all. He had a very good upbringing with guards making sure nothing could hurt him. Not to say it never happens, but it doesn't happen often. Still, he studied healing magic in-depth and is pretty good at it. Injuries are just something he knows how to treat, but personally it isn’t something he deals with often.
Malleus nearly had a heart attack when you got injured. The small yelp you made had him on high alert as he rushed over to you. Last he had seen you, you were picking a flower. Did it have thorns? When you opened the palm of your hand, he realized what the cause was. A bee stinger stuck out of your hand. He’s going to make sure you’re not allergic before taking your hand and asking you how bad it hurts. He’s concerned and is ready to find the beehive and destroy it himself.
Whenever you get injured, the first thing he’s doing is using his magic to fix the problem. The immediate relief is always a needed thing and makes you feel better. However, he’s not going to end it like that. He’s now in his overprotective mode and will be carrying you to his room for a while. He wants to keep an eye on you and make sure you don’t get yourself hurt again. If you get hurt in his presence, he finds it as a personal failure on his end.
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Lilia Vanrouge
Lilia is a veteran, and therefore has both had to heal his own serious injuries, as well as other people. Not to mention raising kids made him pretty used to dealing with small injuries. He’s good at what he does and knows far too many healing spells. If he ever got bored, he could open his own clinic and be the best doctor in Briar Valley. Not like he’s going to, but that’s how skilled he is.
Lilia at first couldn’t believe it when he watched you get injured. Then he found it all too amusing and had to stop himself from laughing. He had taken you to the beach and everything was fine, until you saw a jellyfish. Or so you thought it was just a jelly. Your intrusive thoughts convinced you that you needed to step on it, and that was your first mistake. It was a Man-O-War and you were in pain. Of course Lilia was concerned…but honestly he couldn’t stop laughing as well.
He’s going to heal you right up after assessing the injury. He doesn’t use his healing magic on anyone, so you’re a special exception. He’s also going to be giving you a kiss to make it all better, and then put on a plaster that has some stupid design. He’s still a father at the end of the day and a pretty goofy guy. Not to mention he adores how flustered you get, as well as your confusion as to why he put a Band-Aid on your cheek when you injured your foot.
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Silver was used to injuries due to training. When working with swords, it was inevitable that someone was going to get injured at some point. Lilia had him train to use some basic healing spells for these occasions, as well as made sure he could treat them without magic. He normally never has to treat anyone else, but he has the skills to do so. 
Silver at first didn’t realize you were injured. You two had fallen asleep on his bed and at some point, you rolled off the edge and landed right on your collar bone. You groaned in pain for a while until Silver finally registered that you might have broken something. He’s going to wake up pretty fast and feel a short adrenaline rush as he thinks the injury is more serious than it is. 
If you get injured at night and try to assure him you’re fine, he’s not going to believe you and insist on getting it checked. Doesn’t matter if it’s the middle of the night, Lilia was probably awake and playing video games anyway. He will carry you all the way over to his father’s room and ask him to check on you. If you’re fine, then good news, you can go back to sleep or whatever you were doing. If not, then Lilia might use you as a practice dummy to help Silver improve healing magic. He’s going to apologize if it’s the latter and then take you back to his room for some much needed cuddles.
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Sebek Zigvolt
Sebek, like Silver, has sustained a lot of injuries over the years. He also knows how to treat them, but not to the same degree. He’s a bit more clumsy and uses too much pressure when bandaging things up. He also tends to overthink things when using healing magic and then ends up ruining the spell. He still will try his hardest, but he isn’t the go-to guy.
Sebek felt horrible when you got injured, since it was kind of caused by him. You were reaching for a book on a high shelf when he called out to you. He was going to offer to grab it for you, but by that time you had kinda gotten a hold of it. His loud voice made you flinch and the book, which happened to be a very thick hardback, fell right on your head. This caused Sebek to scream your name and cause the ringing in your ears to worsen, but he was just worried and startled that you had gotten injured in the first place.
As an apology, he’ll carry you straight to the nurse. He would also offer to take you to the young master since he’s adept in healing magic, but it’s up to you. If you go to the nurse, he’s going to be by your side and probably have to be scolded by the nurse for being too loud when you have a head injury. He’ll take good care of you and talk in a gentle voice after… at least until you’re all better.
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Beta Fishies: @epiphyllous, @mint-moushi
Are you a fan of Diasomnia like me? I bet you are if you read my content (we love the boys in this household). Want to support a visual novel that will feature Diasomnia dorm, has multiple routes and endings, as well as some spicy visual scenes? Check out @twstfournights and if you want info, check out their announcement post!
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Hey can I request a headcannon of the ancient Heroes reactions and feelings towards a new hero in the neighborhood with the powers and identity of Spider-Man.
Bonus points if you add references towards the villains.
Absolutely??? That is like so cool!!!
Characters: Cacao, Pure Vanilla, HollyBerry, Golden cheese, white lily, and bonus villains at the end >:3
Prompt: Headcanons(platonic)
- Another ally is always welcome in his books.
- he will however request that you try to not fly around on your website in his kingdom, he already has to deal with snow.
- he thinks your skillet is very interesting, he had to hone his skill to be able to anticipate attacks, but for you it’s natural!
- When you come in front the ceiling upside he freaks out a little worried that you might hit your head. He’s still got those fatherly instincts.
- I feel like if you picked him up, he’s kinda just have this face of utter terror. I mean he’s a large guy, and you’re like. A normal cookie, how the hell can you pick him up???
- overall he’s pretty neutral to you, he’s kind sure but he more want to see what you can do in the field!
- Holly thinks it’s very cool!
- a new hero to fight against dark enchantress cookie! How wonderful!
- will ask if you can carry her around!
- and then will carry you around.
- you know that one captain America and spider man thing? Where he catches caps shield, yeah that’s totally how you two met.
- Holly is happy to call you a close friend!
- Very grandmotherly towards you! She’ll make you your favorite meal, and tell you tales of when she was out adventuring with her friends, or pitaya dragon cookie!
- calls you “Petite araignée” means little spider in French!
Pure vanilla:
- he worries a lot, you flying around?? What do you get hurt??
- he’ll heal any of your wounds! Be it from a fight or mising a web on a building!
- His kingdom is 100% one of the most fun to swing around in!
- he loves that such a young person can be such an amazing hero! He’s very proud of you!
- even though he’s happy you’re a hero, he will try to keep you away from the front lines! He doesn’t want you to get hurt, or worse, crumble.
- very worried grandpa.
Golden cheese:
- she is more then willing to invite you to her golden kingdom, a young hero to stop any people who disturb the peace? Perfect! Then bring cheese can just focus on the gates.
- would definitely want to try and deck you out with new gear, new web shooter, and gadgets.
- she’d start to count you as one of her treasures! You help protect people along side burnt cheese! How noble!
- will try and add gold to your suit.
- you and her totally swing/fly around together.
- she’d try and teach you mid air tricks! I mean you must be flashy! A good hero can always let people know who they are just by their look!
- basically like Tony and Peter Parker
White lily:
- she wants to know how your body can produce the webs.
- sure some cookies have magic, but most of them learned! Or have a type of soul jam! But you? You got bit by something and then suddenly have powers?? How??
- will ask specimens of your webs.
- white lily is normally a quiet cookie, but when it comes to the science of cookies, be prepared for hundreds, of thousands of questions.
Bonus round!!
Dark enchantress cookie:
- a new cookie to cause issue in her plans?
- when she sees your spiddy sense working she starts trying to find a way to get around it.
- maybe pomegranate can cast something.
- licorice could maybe overwhelm you with licorice beasts?
- No no that won’t work…she’ll find out something. Soon enough.
Shadow milk:
- oh a little spider!
- soon to be caught in his web!
- he will mock you as you fight
- you’ll never be as strong as him!! Why don’t you just give up!
- he’ll try to grab your webs and treat you like a puppet, when you break free he whines saying you’re no fun!!
- run away little spider. Hopefully you don’t get caught up in your own web :)
Hope you like it <3
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teyvats-worst-hero · 2 years
Diluc Ragnvindr is a Fucking Menace
(A fight style analysis for @moonilit )
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And you know what I’ve gathered from this?
1. He’s a menace to society and needs to remember that fire kills people
His burst is a giant fuck-you phoenix flying directly across the battlefield. Diluc. Diluc do you THINK???? That is SO much collateral damage! That’s SO FUCKING DANGEROUS!
This supports my own personal theory that he’s totally not used to fighting near… Well, people. And residential buildings. And… Things in general.
He’s used to being hunted through the snowy wastes of Snezhnaya by the Fatui and their harbingers. That is not a place where you’re thinking of collateral damage! That’s just survival!
Even though there are other characters with huge bursts, they usually don’t share the intent of clearing a battlefield. Diluc’s burst pushes you back. It’s unusual! It’s utilitarian! It’s specifically meant to compensate for being outnumbered or overpowered.
This whole “utilitarian use of elements to push mobs of enemies away from you” thing reminds me of a certain…. Someone.
(Which is incredibly fitting for an early game player. You’re likely to get these two characters during the part of the game where you’re constantly overwhelmed by even basic enemies.)
2. Sick hops
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Speaking of being outnumbered and overpowered, this guy can hop 20 feet in the air, do a sick flip, and land in running form approximately 4 times per fight. Incredibly anime of him I must say.
Usually a guy relying on pure firepower and brute strength wouldn’t be so acrobatic. But yet again, I look at his coming-of-age murder crusade and I go “yeah that checks out.” He was running away and trying not to get skewered for like two years.
He seems especially well versed in ice, because in the next scene, he’s encased in ice and melts himself out in seconds.
Isn’t that adorable? Kaeya gets the fire trauma and Diluc gets the ice trauma!
3. Former Cavalry(?) Captain
His normal, charged, and skill attacks seem to be closer to what he just learned. He swings are heavy and brutal. Exactly when you’d expect from a local anime vigilante.
You can’t use a fucking GREATSWORD on a fucking HORSE. It makes even less sense than Kaeya. I cannot see Diluc “You killed my father, prepare to die” Ragnvindr learning to use a bow or a polearm as a kid either. He would fucking break them. Like Noelle.
I wanna see that interaction
But this leads into my theory that “Cavalry Captain” is legitimately just a front for the position of “Spymaster.” It would make a lot of sense actually. Only deeply trusted individuals, highly skilled in intelligence work with significant connections, seem to get the title. And why is it that two Cavalry Captains were chosen, or at least, were likely to be chosen, as the third in command? That’s so specific and weird.
Diluc likely never needed to learn in-depth cavalry techniques to become Cavalry Captain. That wasn’t his job. Therefore, he is not a bow or polearm user, and he appears to work best in melee combat.
In Conclusion:
Diluc Ragnvindr is used to fighting for his own life in the snowy wasteland, not working around collateral damage and moral quandaries about vigilantism.
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Star Rail mechanics for beginners
Characters have two attributes:
Their Path
Their element
Characters can equip two sorts of items:
Characters can upgrade three things:
Their level
Their upgradeable abilities (basic attack, skill, ult, talent)
Their Traces (extra skills + extra damage multipliers ability tree)
This is all you really need to keep track of.
Q: Can you dodge?
A: No. Shield up and/or use a healer. Shields are really good.
Q: Can you assassinate enemies?
A: No, but attacking them first does damage them when the fight starts.
Q: Is the turn-based combat fun?
A: I found it fun, it’s not so complex that it’s hard to understand, it’s pretty and it’s relatively dynamic. Try it out~
Further details below.
Acts both as a weapon class and an analog for a dnd class style battle role. Preservation characters have Tank like abilities and so on.
The damage type your character does, as off launch thats one of seven:
Each enemy has multiple weaknesses among these. Enemy with a weakness to an element usually resists it less and their Toughness bar gets damaged every time they’re hit by their weakness. (It’s like a second white HP bar.)
Once the Toughness bar is empty, they suffer from an element-specific effect (Frozen if you broke it with ice, Burn with fire, etc), their action is delayed, and they’re stunned for a turn.
A character can equip up to one, and their level can be upgraded. They add extra stats to any character and each have a Path assigned. Only a corresponding Path will activate the extra effect a Lightcone has.
A Hunt character with a Hunt lightcone will activate the extra effect (ex: Basic attack damage 20%), but this will not happen if the Hunt character equips a Preservation lightcone. However, the Hunt character will benefit from the extra stats in both cases. (ex: HP +300, ATK + 200, DEF + 400) .
Lightcones are primarily gained in gacha but there’s a few other ways to obtain them, like level up rewards or shops. They come in 3*, 4*, and 5*.
Identical lightcones can be fused up to four times (for a total of five levels), which increases their extra effect.
They’re equippable items that have stats and set bonuses with extra effects. Set bonuses in CBT3 were at 2 and 4 relics of the same set.
They come in 2*, 3*, 4*, and 5*. The maximum level of a relic changes with its rarity. As off CBT3, none of the Relic set were rarity locked, so you’ll be able to upgrade any of them by swapping out for rarer pieces.
A character can equip up to six relics, split into two subtypes of relics: sets with 4 relics and sets with 2 relics. You don’t need to worry about this. Just know they add stats to your character and give extra bonuses when in a set. Easy.
These are NOT gacha-locked, they’re fully farmable. Farming can be automated and you can borrow a friend’s character for it too, so it’s not too tedious and also an opportunity to experiment~
Characters are leveled up with exp materials and other materials you find or fight for. User level locked due to materials becoming accessible over time.
Upgradeable Abilities
There’s four abilities you can upgrade (and one you can’t, Technique).
Upgrading an ability makes its multipliers go up, but doesn’t change how it works.
It takes material and money for each, all of which, to my knowledge, can be obtained just by playing the game normally (I think one of the rarest ones is in the free battle pass though).
These upgradable abilities are:
Basic attack
Upgrade them to make them better. That’s really all there is to it.
Regarding how they’re used:
During your turn, you may consume a skill point to use a skill, or use a basic attack and gain a skill point.
Skill points are shared by the whole team.
Attacking and getting hit gives your character energy. When energy is full, Ultimates become available. These can be used at any time, even during the enemy’s turn.
Talents activate without your input whenever their conditions are fulfilled but may have use limits.
Traces are skill trees with two sorts of bonuses you can unlock:
Stat bonuses (ex: HP +4%)
New abilities
You can upgrade Traces over time with materials and money. Each unlocked node of the Trace only needs to be bought once, so it’s a good idea to keep an eye on whether you can buy a nice one.
(As a word of personal advice, unlock at least one, preferably two ways to remove debuffs from allies before chapter 2, it’ll make your life easier during a certain boss fight… March 7th and Natasha have cheap Traces that let you do so.)
For character information and cost calculation you can use this website, but beware of spoilers as it’s a database.
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chaosduckies · 7 months
Restoration (Chapter 1)
Finally! Finished the first chapter! It’s also my first official g/t story. Enjoy!
Word count: 3,500
CW: Mentions of Death, Fear, and panic attacks (they don’t actually happen)
1- Nathan 
Don’t you wish that sometimes you could reverse time? Whether you never wished to be born, or if you just did something really embarrassing. You want to know what I would do if I could reverse time? Make sure my parents did move away from our little home in the country sooner. We all had loved it. With no loud noises and no people to tell us that we were weird. Just me, my parents, and the most beautiful view of coniferous trees ever. And that was stripped away from us. 
We had heard nothing but the dreadful screams and the cackling in the back of our minds. The only glimpse we had of out new home was the wicked smiles of our torturers. The only thing we were allowed to see were bodies being ripped in half. No longer the sight of the maple leaves turning orange during the fall, no longer the sight of a sunset. Nothing. Nothing but a red, bloody void.
Terrible right? How could I describe something you don’t even know? It’s not that hard. Just two words. Human trafficking. Where humans are taken away from our home and forced to make entertainment for beings with no hearts. They didn’t care what happened to anything that was below them in the food chain. That didn’t care how a “lesser” being felt. Because who would want to know about how a seven year old cried about seeing their own dad being ripped in half, huh? Who cared about how many times you’ve broken someone else’s bones? Who cared how much you traumatized a kid who used to have their whole life ahead of them? 
That was how I lived more than half of my life. Fearing everything that could and would hurt me. Scared of what would happen the very next day. Scared of the unknown truth that was my life. Even if my mom had kept reassuring me that everything would be okay. Even when my dad was long out of our lives, but never forgotten. Even when she was on the brink of death herself… 
Then, there was a glimmer of hope. And all I remembered were gun shots and my mom screaming and dragging me underneath something. Hidden away from the people that were trying to help us. After my mom had finally realized that those people were there to help, she asked me to go out and get them to come help her. I remembered seeing her bloody leg. I remember her tying a piece of string around to stop it from bleeding anymore. And I remember being scared to go. What was I supposed to do? I was just subdued to years and years of torture and all of a sudden I’m supposed to trust the same people that hurt us? 
The only reason I gathered up enough courage was because my mother had practically begged me and passed out afterward. I couldn’t leave her there to die like dad. And so what I thought would be our imminent doom yet again, was our hope for surviving. The people here helped get my mom to get better, and fixed up my multiple broken bones and wounds. They sent me to a program that taught basic skills before I could be placed into an actual school. Everything was going great. I had my life ahead of me. Then, the papers forcing my mom and I to transfer to a co-ed city arrived. 
Our little utopia was crumbling to the ground. Living in the same city as giants? Hah. No. I’d rather die than be around those monsters again. They’d just hurt us. And for some odd reason, my mom was smiling. Genuinely smiling even after reading the notice. She never looked mad, upset, or even the slightest bit scared. She smiled and cheered that we could have a normal life again. That I could have the childhood I never had. 
I admit, I believed this could be a good change as well. I could be around other people my age. Maybe make friends? And so began this great journey of trying to act like nothing had happened. Like my mom and I weren’t just subdued to torture for the last 8 years. No one would know, and no one would care. 
Today stated off as any normal day. I got dressed, brushed my teeth, ate breakfast. Nothing out of the ordinary. Just the first day I was cleared to go to an actual school. After moving away from the hospital and coming over to the co-ed city, I kind of thought this was a good idea. I mean, who’s to say that it’ll tun out like it did in the country? For all I know I won’t even have to go to school with giants. I could just go to an all human school or something. That’s what I was hoping for on the way here. But, now that my mom and I have been here for nearly a month, I’ve learned that wasn’t the case. 
I was going to school with humans and giants. Whether I liked it or not. 
My mom tried to reassure me, saying that there were more rules set up in a city rather than in the country. That wasn’t what I was worried about though. I was more worried about what would happen if I was alone. This was a completely new place that I’ve never been to. Who know’s what could happen? 
The bus came to pick me up and some other younger kids who were laughing at something on their phones. The atmosphere had completely changed. It was thick, and heavy. Maybe it was because it was early in the morning? Or maybe it was because everyone dreaded the day? I mean it was Monday after all. Whatever was making them look so drained and tired was obviously not good. Making my nerves rise like crazy. 
I sat down near the front of the bus, trying to avoid the other kids my age. There was just something about them that had me on edge. It’s not like I didn’t want to to make friends, it’s just that I had to be careful who I place my trust in. Especially when I was going to a school made for people much, much bigger than me. 
It was hard to keep my mind off of the fact that I would be walking along with giants again, but unless I wanted to undergo a panic attack on my first day, it was best to just ignore everyone and everything. At least until I could work up the courage to walk without my legs losing balance or without running away. Which will probably happen today. I’d be surprised if I could go three minutes without freaking out. 
The school was around a ten minute drive from my house. Plenty of time to really set into perspective where I was going. I checked my phone to make sure I would be able to call my mom in case something went wrong, made sure I had my schedule, and soon enough we were all exiting the bus. 
In front of me was a huge building. This was the human entrance to the school. Giants was on the other side so I at least didn’t have to deal with that until later on in the day. Hopefully. Compared to what I was guessing the giant side of the school, the human side was extremely tiny. Overall, the place looked very nice. They had well-kept flowerbeds on the outside with a couple benches outside for I guess when students came here before the doors open. 
When you walked into the building, there were lockers lining the walls up until you reached the doorways to the main classes. People were crowding all over, trying to meet up with their friends or just trying to get to class early. It all felt too much for me. I wasn’t used to being around so many people at once and it was really overwhelming me. Meanwhile, I still needed to figure out where the heck my class was in this mess. Somewhere in this hallway hopefully… 
After wandering around aimlessly for ten minutes, I finally found the classroom, thankfully in the human school. The only problem was that I had all eyes on me. I was not used to this however. One or two people? I could deal with. But with and entire classroom full? It just made my nerves go all over the place, and of course I didn’t show it at all. Staring at the tiled ground and finding the one empty seat on the far left of the class between two girls who both glared at me like I just interrupted their very important conversation about how their makeup looked. I mean I did, but I was too afraid to apologize now that they already hated me. 
Overall, the first half of the day was okay. No one talked to me and I didn’t talk to anyone. Mostly because there were so many whispers and mentions of me that had me thinking they were already talking bad about me. Why was all the attention on me? I was probably the most uninteresting person ever. I even heard someone say that I wasn’t going to last a week in this place, which seemed right if I were being honest. 
The bell rang, releasing us for lunch, and I just followed the crowd that started flooding the halls. I wasn’t hungry. At all. It’s just that I don’t know where I’m going in this huge place. The human side of the school looked really small compared the the giants’ side, but it’s really big inside. 
The cafeteria was shared between both giants and humans. Why was I barely finding this out now? I had zero idea. It would have been helpful to know that beforehand so I could mentally prepare myself, but now I didn’t have anymore time and I was currently standing right in the middle of the floor searching for a place to hide. 
Of course there were human tables nearby, but I had no idea which group of people sat at which. The last thing I needed was for someone to get mad at me over a table. That would be pointless. So, here I was. Definitely not on the human side of the cafeteria, and instead standing right in the middle of a walkway for giants. Can I add on that? I was too frozen in fear to move. 
Sure, there were other humans walking along where I was, but they could actually move. I had no idea how they could when people that were as tall as skyscrapers, some even taller, were walking along with them. I don’t get it! Even more odd, humans were going around the giant tables and climbing into something that took them on top. 
So this place did have commodities for humans. There apparently were elevators that took you on top of the giant table to human tables on top. That only took me forever to figure out at that moment, but that’s what was going on. So everyone was friends here or something? Well, maybe not everyone since there were other humans sitting on their side.
After taking a good five minutes to gather up my thoughts, I finally was able to walk away from being in the middle of the floor and in a corner table where no one was currently sitting. The farthest table away from the giants. And it seemed like no one was going to sit here anyways. I can’t believe that I didn’t run away. I mean I was just frozen in fear, but that doesn’t count! 
  Lunch was loud. Mainly because the giant’s voices were so loud and I hated the fact that no one minded but me. These other kids have been here for who knows how long so I was guessing they were just used to it. It made sense in my head. 
Th day went on. The second half of my school day was mainly in the giant’s side, which I dreaded, but they made a separate hall to get there. One that avoided being stepped on I was guessing. The classrooms here were huge of course, and they had humans on a separate desk all together. To avoid what you may ask? I had zero idea. 
It was going alright until my last period. I had successfully avoided giants all day (To some extent) and then my last period came tumbling down right on top of me. First, there was no desk in the back that had the human-sized ones. Second, humans were taking one of those elevators like at lunch to get on top of a giant’s desk acting like they weren’t just a hundred feet up in the air. Third, but last, the teacher was approaching me. Did I mention she was a giant? 
“You must be Nathan! Nice to meet you!” She had greeted, crouching down and holding her hand out. Did… did she want me to shake her hand. Er… finger? Oh heck. My heart was beating fast as I stared at her outstretched hand. Um. What do I do? And suddenly those same eyes came onto me. Peering right through my body. Again, why did all the attention come to me? 
I reached out a shaky hand, trying to keep my legs from buckling underneath me, and lightly placed my hand over the tip of her finger as she gently shook it. I gulped, expecting for there to be more, but she smiled softly and sadly at me. What did that mean? Should I be worried? What class was this even? I just read on my paper to come to room 135. 
“Hm… now who doesn’t have a human partner?” She turned her head up, looking for any raised hands. I couldn’t see anything. Heck, I could barely even look up. There were still a couple eyes on me, and I couldn’t help but feel the acid from my stomach leave a nasty taste in my mouth. Just a couple more minutes and you can go home. I had to remind myself before the teacher smiled and told me to follow her. I did, just a little ways from her, trying to ignore the stares that were practically stabbing me in the back. 
I couldn’t help but hear whispers again. Where was she taking me. Wait let me rephrase that. Who was she taking me to? By the looks of it giants and humans were randomly paired up for some odd reason. On my way to whoever’s desk I was going to, I couldn’t help but dread this. What if I fell off? What if the person who’s desk I’ll be on forgets I’m there and knocks me off? What if they don’t like me? Questions swirled in my head, but I knew I wasn’t going to get answers right now. 
The teacher stopped, turned down to me and smiled. Was she waiting for me to do something? Oh wait. Elevator, right. Multiple sets of eyes were on me once again as the elevator slowly went up. Nerves built up inside of me. Anxiety. Heck, maybe even a panic attack. I felt dizzy, but I would survive. There was only thirty minutes left of the day. I could survive. Yeah. 
The elevator stopped, opening a little gate to the open desk with a huge journal on it. I gulped, taking my first steps. The first thing I noticed about this guy was that he didn’t look as welcoming as the teacher. He gave me “Quiet Kid” vibes. Not to mention that he was dressed in mostly black. 
Replayed in my mind was the sick smirk and laughter coming from my captors. If this guy got ahold of me I would be dead. I was so sure of it that I tasted the vile in my mouth and my knees nearly buckling right from underneath me. But, I couldn’t help but wonder why he was wearing a nervous look on his face instead of the usual sickening grin. 
“Ryker, Nathan. Nathan, Ryker. I’m sure you’ll both get along well.” The teacher cheered, heading to the front of the class and taking role call. Leaving all alone with someone who looked like he would rip my body in half. Just great. As soon as I had stepped out of the elevator, I was once again frozen with fear. This time at a much closer radius than I would have preferred. Because now I was definitely in arms reach of him. Not something that I’d like to be near.  
My eyes fell to the ground as tears threatened my eyes. Too bad I wasn’t going to let anyone see them. I slowly walked over to the human desk, seeing that it was father from the edge than I had thought and there were railings so it would pretty hard to fall off without actually trying. 
The teacher smiled while standing up from her chair, “Welcome to Human and Giant Interactions for those of you who don’t know. I’m Mrs. Kay. Some people are taking this class willingly, or they just need the credit to graduate, but I would still love to get everyone involved and take this class seriously.” She had explained. What. I don’t remember putting this on the extracurricular format. Then again the hospital did say these kinds of classes would benefit for me. So did they really have to put this class on my schedule? Life really did hate me. A lot. 
This class went by painfully slow. It was mainly just videos on current events with humans and giants, and then Mrs. Kay asking us questions to which only the people on the front desks had answered. Not that I even wanted to answer a question like that. But it was mostly hard to focus when you had someone who could very easily push me off the side of the desk without even trying. I mean, I never once looked behind me the entire class period. Only hearing him flip pages in his notebook from taking notes like everyone else in the room. 
One other thing I had noticed was that rarely anyone had talked. For a class that was supposed to bring humans and giants together, it really didn’t seem like it. Then again, I had no idea wha they really did in this class. Maybe she just doesn’t like talking? Or people didn’t want to get in trouble or something? They were too tired? That would make the most since it was the end of the day. 
It felt like forever before the final bell had rang. I rushed down that stupid elevator thingy and hurried out the doors to the bus stop so I wouldn’t have to dread this until tomorrow morning all over again. 
My mom was still at work, so I just cooked some dinner for myself, made her a plate and stuffed it in the fridge and went to my room. This was going to hard to get through, but if my mom thinks it’ll help then I believe her. I mean, what other choice did I have? 
As soon as I heard the front door open, I saw my mom sighing while putting up her purse. I walked to the kitchen to heat up her dinner, earning a quiet chuckle form her. It sort of made me sad to think that she’ll never smile the same way again. Heck, she can’t even stand it when people touch her after what had happened. But at least we’re both still alive. 
“Smells amazing Nate.” She complimented, using her same soft and broken voice. She grabbed one of the plastic plates from the cabinet and getting herself a cup of tea. 
“How was school?” 
What was I even supposed to say to her? That it was terrifying every second? That I barely even survived the day without going under a panic attack? I couldn’t tell her that. She’d be so worried about me she wouldn’t worry about herself. I couldn’t do that to my mom. 
“It was good.” I put on my best fake smile and made her plate. 
“That’s good. There were no troubles?” 
“None so far.” 
“Thank you for doing this Nate. I just want you to have a normal childhood. I couldn’t have you at that hospital any longer.” She sadly explained, planting a soft kiss on my cheek. 
“I know mom. I’ll be fine.” 
She gave me a warm smile before taking her plate and sitting on the couch with the tv on. She didn’t need to know that I was practically forcing myself to even be around other people. It would put too much stress on her. For now, I’ll just force myself to endure whatever decides to throw itself at me. 
And first chapter officially done. To be honest I wrote this just for the fun of it. Who knows, maybe I’ll actually make this a series instead of abandoning it? Don’t know.
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pinkgy · 6 months
My Top Best L Cards in the Game and Why
This top makes no sense, tbh i don’t use my brain when selecting cards and artifacts, I strictly only use L cards and L artifacts and that’s it.
And I absolutely despise those cards that have a super short range, and you will notice.
Chapter 6 is coming probably next month, and this is my contribution so y’all can be unbeatable ;D
I see that people in tumblr mix S and A cards with L cards and make super strong combinations, I don’t do that because I don’t know how to, and that’s something you will also notice
1. Bloodshed Beelzebub
Best card ever, no one can top this card.
This Beel by itself carries a whole battle, i use it as a tank, and it’s not a tank, it has a large range (even tho the card is described as a short range) and the ultimate attack it’s literally all you need to win ANY battle when used at the right time of course.
If you level up his passive skill beel replenishes HP, and if you pair the card with its respective artifact, it’s unbeatable.
I love this card sm
- Level up his Ultimate Attack to at least level 3 or 4
- If you don’t have his artifact (Cracked Sunglasses) you could also level up his Passive Skill.
- Level up the card to at least lv 89 (if you can)
- You can use him as a tank sometimes, but if you’re not, try to position him in a centralized area during battles.
2. Satan Bath and Satan Selfie
They are pretty much the same for me, so I decided to put both of them in the second place.
Satan Bath is a bit better tho.
They have a very large range, you can place them really far away from where the enemies spawn and they still attack them the moment they appear.
They both have really good Ultimate Attacks, and their Passive Attacks are both really good too.
These two are basics and they are saviors when you’re just starting in the game.
I usually place them as far as I can from the enemies’ spawning point so both satans can slowly weaken the enemies.
- You don’t have to level them up to 89 or even 90 for them to be super effective, you are good to go if you have them at 70.
- Their artifacts are OK, they are a slight plus, it’s nothing revolutionary so you don’t have to stress out if you don’t have them.
- Leveling up their default attacks is super helpful, I would recommend having them at least at lv4
- Their Ultimate Attacks are good at lv 2 or 3 at most, they are good by themselves.
- If you want to level up their passive attacks, prioritize Satan Bath, his is really good.
- Their HP is shit tho, there’s worst of course, but theirs is really bad, never use them as tanks.
2.5. Leviathan Selfie and Leviathan Attacker
Hear me out
I know many don’t like Levi’s cards because of their HP, but HEAR ME OUT
The sole reason his selfie card is this high is because of only one reason.
His artifact
Beat artifact in the game ngl, when I pulled those damn gloves for the 2nd time in the lesser key gacha I almost cried.
The card by itself is okay, and his ultimate attack is okay too.
I only have him in my regular deck because of his artifact.
Summarized, when you have his artifact there’s a chance where the enemies disappear.
The chance is low tho, but it has saved me sooo many times.
It also includes boss monsters.
Bloodshed Leviathan is also reaaaaally good.
His Ult attack kills anything excluding boss monsters, which is really helpful during those battles where you have to beat like 50 enemies.
His passive attack is meh, he becomes invincible for like 6 seconds every minute, which is not a lot.
His hp is decent at his highest and his attack power is pretty normal too, a bit better that the other Levi’s
For me the Bloodshed cards are the most solid cards in the game.
- Enhance Selfie Leviathan’s artifact
- Bloodshed Levi works normally at lv 70, but if you want to keep if in your deck I would recommend that you level him up at 89.
- I don’t have his artifact in my Erolabs account :( If someone in the notes can point out its characteristics so I can rank it I would be really grateful.
- He has a decent range like all Levi cards.
3. Attacker Leviathan and Attacker Beelzebub
They are in the same place not because they’re similar, but because I couldn’t decide which one was better.
Attacker leviathan is a bit better because it has a larger range, a better attack power and a better passive skill but Attacker Beel has a better Ult Attack and a Better HP.
I don’t have their artifacts so I can’t say how they are, if someone knows I would be super grateful if you could say it in the notes of his post.
I have both of them in my regular card deck, tbh I only have attacker Beel because his Ult Attack is reaaaaally good, it’s similar to the one from Bloodshed Beel.
I could say that Beelzebub has the best Ult Attacks in the game if Selfie Beel didn’t exist.
I’m going to replace Attacker Beel when I (hopefully) get attacker Satan.
Depending on what you want, you can decide which one you like the most, for me they stand equally.
- Leveling up Beel’s Ultimate Skill is gooood.
- Leviathan’s Ultimate Skill is really good because it his the enemies twice, it’s okay, nothing revolutionary.
3.5. Beelzebub Butt and Leviathan Bath
Come to think of it, this Beel might be better that Attacker Beel.
His Artifact is amazing, and his Ult Skill is also really good.
And his Default Attack is also pretty decent.
Butt Beel a decent card in general.
And about Bath Leviathan, he’s decent too, not too amazing, not too deficient.
I don’t have much to add, I barely use them.
- I wouldn’t prioritize this card in terms of leveling up skills and other things, but he’s a good base meanwhile other cards get released.
- I looooove his artifact.
- And if you can and if you have some extra tears, level up the Ult Skill.
- If you pair his Ultimate skill with Bloodshed Beel’s Ult Skill, you’re unstoppable.
- Leviathan Bath has a very good Default Skill, again, if you have some extra tears I recommend you to Level up this skill.
4. Mammon’s
As I said at the beginning of this post, I hate those cards that have a very short range, and all mammon’s are like that.
They work well as tanks, but Bloodshed Beel is a better tank than them.
And their attack power is terrible
I just don’t like them, I’m sorry.
Bath mammon is a bit better tho, but just a little bit and only because of his Ult Attack.
- I don’t use this cards, but if you have no other choice, level up Mammon’s Bath Ult Skill, it’s really good in comparison of the others Ult Skills.
- That’s it, again, I don’t like his cards (but I love him)
5. Selfie Beelzebub
Hear me out, when I started playing Whb I got this card in the quiz, and he saved me during my beginnings.
I’m attached to this card, I’m sorry.
It feels wrong to say this, but I hate this card so much.
It was good at the beginning, but it got overwhelmed by the newer cards.
If I’m being honest, all the selfie cards got overwhelmed, I can only save Selfie Satan.
- Don’t
- Jk, if you have no other option, his Ult Skill is … okay.
- There’s better of course, many better, but there’s worse too.
6. Attacker Mammon and Attacker Satan
I’m putting them here because I don’t have this cards yet, but when I (hopefully) do someday, I’ll edit this post.
I can’t wait to get Attacker Satan, I looooove his cards and this artifact looks really good.
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And Mammon’s artifact has to be one of the best artifacts in the game so far.
7. Christmas Gabriel, Raphael and Michael
Please bring them back.
They’re also here because I don’t have them.
I don’t use them, sorry, I’m not intelligent enough to learn how to use them efficiently.
I will edit this post when I get other cards.
This is just my opinion y’all, but I would like to hear yours, let’s help each other :D
Also, this is my current deck.
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I perfectly demonstrates that I don’t know how to play the battles.
Hope this helped !
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hiii!!! i just came across ur blog and i would love to get a bg3 matchup if that’s ok!!!
gender - female
pronouns - she/they
sexuality - pansexual! i’m fine with being matched with any gender!!
appearance - i’m 5’0 and have small bone structure, so overall just small lol . i have long platinum blonde hair and hazel eyes! i like dressing cute and wear a lot of skirts n stuff!! i also have rlly big glasses
mbti - infp
personality - i am very shy!! i rlly like talking to ppl, im just bad at it and it makes me nervous. im also a pretty anxious person, so i usually stick to whoever im with in public or around ppl (literally stick, i will hold on and not let go). overall im a very quiet and gentle person!!
likes - i play wayyyy too many video games (bg3, ff7, ow2)! i also spend a lot of time painting and i rlly love art!! while im painting i usually rewatch my fav shows (hxh and attack on titan)!!
dislikes - vegetables >:/ i also dislike ppl who don’t understand that socializing is hard for me, and will try to push me into social situations i’m uncomfortable in. i’m also extremely scared and hate any body of water :c
extra fun fact - my fav color is pink :D
characters i don’t want - no shadowheart if that’s ok!! nothing against our girl but i don’t like her romantically!!
bg3 extras :D
race - human
class - druid!!!!
~~~~~ MATCHUPS ~~~~~
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Gale Dekarios
~~~~~ HEADCANONS ~~~~~
Gale is a big softy but wants to be Alpha Male so bad.
He will happily allow you to hold on to his arm, and he will try to act all big and tough when he is a schoolgirl inside.
When he first met you, he thought you were too timid to be the leader of the group. However, your quick thinking proved him wrong.
He loves spending lazy days between battles with you in the fields, teaching you about magic and how he learned it.
Gale always keeps a hand on your lower back when out in public, or he will intertwine your fingers.
Mans is jealous; he will be a big baby if you cling to anyone but him on your outings.
Will literally throw a fit by yanking you into his presence.
He loves watching you commune with nature and the world and is interested in your magical abilities.
Will bend over backward for you. It is gotten for you in a heartbeat if you want or need anything.
He wants you to feel worshiped and treasured. I mean, the only love he has ever had was with a god, so this is only right....right?
When you comfort and remind him he is enough without the lavishing gifts, he is overwhelmed but so happy.
He happily and willingly gives up Mystra for you, not caring about godhood or kingdom.
He loves being with you all the time, and when the illithids are handled, he makes you a permanent fixture in his tower in Waterdeep.
~~~~~ BLURB ~~~~~
You and Gale were sat out in the open fields just before Baldurs Gate. The Iron Golems proving to be more of a hindrance than initially thought. The team decided to take a breather and devise a plan to get around this issue. However, working on magical skills with Gale was probably more of a distraction, especially with how cute his focusing face was. Sitting quietly watching him enchant a simple thorns spell was fascinating.
Once he had gotten the hang of the basics of a ring of thorns, you congratulated him and wrapped your arms around his midsection. Gale was taken aback, but a quick laugh and warm arms wrapped around you soon replaced every thought in either of your minds. You two had been like this since he saved you from an arrow to the back, so close yet so far. When Elminster told you he was to die, you lay in his arms, crying your eyes out, begging him not to go through with it.
Enjoying the warmth of the hug, you two soon moved to cuddle in the grass, pointing out odd-shaped clouds. You knew you should be planning how to get into Baldur Gate, but this was so nice. Gale was a new normal for you, and you hated to think it could go horribly wrong in any passing days; you wrapped your arms tighter around the man and kissed him on the cheek before burying your face into his neck. Gale had already made up his mind and would fight till his last breath to have a forever with you.
~~~~~ EXTRA ~~~~~
(Everyone was celebrating the defeat of the elder brain. A few rounds of drinks had flowed, and many were a bit tipsy.)
Astarion: Cheers to our fearless leader, who took us through these trials and allowed us freedom!
Everyone: Cheers!
Shadowheart: Cheers to our new-found friendships, which, though strained, ended up being the best thing to come out of this horrible experience!
Everyone: Cheers!
Gale: I, too, have an announcement to make! Y/N, I want you to know that since the day you saved me from that rock, you have stolen my mind. You are perfect; please marry me.
La'zek: 20 copper. He is the furthest gone of all of us, and he won't remember in the morning.
Y/N: Oh, come on, it's cute, but yes, Gale, we should try again when you aren't the color red of the setting sun.
Gale: MMMMkay *hicups*
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Hey girl/boy Heyy so what if yan!flamehashira!Senjuro with a demonslayer+lovebreathinguser!reader who even tho is energetic, has a heart of literal shiny gold with pure intentions she is gullible, straight up reckless/impulsive with no such knowledge of what fear is?? (Reader is based of a kny oc i have lolz + we making Senjuro become a flame hashira because why the hell not + (cue Senjuro almost having double heart attacks the moment his s/o literally fucking JUMPS into an ongoing battle with a demon like it's nothing)
I’m a girl, thank you! Cutee! Okay! So I assume Senjuro takes up the mantle from Kyojuro! I like the idea!
Yandere! Flame Hashira! Rengoku Senjuro
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Senjuro may have spent years and years to become the new Flame Hashira after his beloved big brother was taken away from him, but all his intense hardwork means nothing to him now…
Now that you’ve showed up, Senjuro’s world has changed for good. Introduced as Mitsuri’s cute friendly Tsuguko! He can barely function in his position anymore as he falls deeply in love with you
After the meeting, Senjuro just can’t stop thinking about you and his growing obsession gets so bad that he needs to see you to quell his overwhelming desires of you. It’s get so bad that it’s painful, he needs to find you and figure out why he feels this way
Senjuro gets the closer and closer to you since he has realised he wants to get to know you. He wants to make you more than his friend and it breaks his heart that you suggest looking for a boyfriend of your own
Senjuro is fascinated by the way you perform your master’s Love Breathing. You look so beautiful and skilled, it makes his flame-coloured eyes shape into love hearts. You’ve taken his heart and ran away with it, his love for you is devoted entirely to you
Senjuro abuses his Hashira position quite a lot, all so he can be besides you. He has lots of experience and talent under his belt, you’d happily follow his orders, right? Sure, you’re working under Mitsuri, but he is much better. Ignore her, he can fight and cook. Isn’t that nice?
Senjuro shares quite a lot of Yandere traits with Kyojuro. He is scary, he is switchcard-like inbetween normal and Yandere, he is passive-aggressive, he is willing to threaten and scare his rivals with his katana to ensure nobody will touch you
Senjuro simply loves your pure shiny heart of gold, you never have bad intentions. Your every action is thought-out to benefit people and he adores such a wonderful woman like you. He keeps note on your behaviours so he can fit into his delusional fantasies, make a picture of mental image of you
Senjuro basically explodes when you jump into battle independently. You can handle yourself very well, but that doesn’t mean he will let go of his overprotective nature because he won’t. He loves you too much to let you die, especially with how reckless you are
You’re gullible with a complete lack of fear and that strikes Senjuro with so much stress and concern over your safety and life is forcing his hand into constantly monitoring you. It’s killing two humans with one katana; it helps him collect needed information on you and makes sure you won’t ever be in danger without him knowing
Senjuro is obsessive and possessive over you, that it’s scary. He clings onto your hand and pulls you away from the general public, trying to smoothly verbally manipulate you into paying attention to him solely. He can’t stand you merely looking at somebody else, he wants your eyes on him and he’ll do anything to get those eyes
“Darling-tea, don’t push yourself too far. Those… civilians lives and this career isn’t worth your sweat nor blood! How about we go inside and I’ll make us your favourite refreshments? You’ve done more than enough, I’m proud”
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