#trying to do your roots on tour
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fetabathwater · 2 years ago
If you're playing, Band name and Development from the Infamous ask game for your MC please! ~ @whowhatifs
questions here!
Band name: How did they and the others come up with the band name? Has the name changed since it was founded?
Answered band name here (but it's Relentless Caller kdsjfh)
Development: How did you come up with your character? Is their design still evolving? How do you think they might develop through the story?
I did a few runs through the demo enough to get a feel of the game and choices, flicking through a few eh names I use for like. Mobile games LMAO also trying out like the stage name and style and stuff. Used a generator for the band name lolllll and it was the first one that came up and immediately stuck with me I didn't bother trying again. As for name, Ms Jennifer's Body if you're out there. Also definitely influenced on style and approach with Envy The Clash at Demonhead (who was influenced by Emily Haines). I'm just mashing some fave things together and then producing an MC who has anxiety and depression and still in love with her ex.
For now.
Who knows what's gonna happen in the rest of the gaaammmmeeeeeee I'm ready!!!!!!!!! Fuck me up emotionally please.
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mochinomnoms · 4 months ago
say you can't sleep, baby, I know
NSFW!Trey x Reader
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You're doing this on purpose, aren't you? You're trying to rile him up, right? He's supposed to be the responsible, big brother of Heartslabyul, he tries so hard. So, so hard to stay out of trouble and have a normal day-to-day life. Trey used to pride himself on his levelheadedness and restraint, but that all went out the window into a swan dive into the lake when he saw you in his bed in that damn one-piece. “Happy Birthday Trey~”
[wc} - 5,258
[cw/tags] - afab!gn!reader (im sorry folks it's all i know how to write still), NRC is a university in this, domesticity kink, birthday sex, breeding kink (sue me), oral (giving & receiving), trey can be a little mean as a treat
[notes] - i apologize for the person i've become after seeing trey's new b-day card. it does things to me and this is 100% self-indulgent for me. also, tried to use very neutral descriptors for reader so tell me how that went and if it reads well! lastly, the outfit the reader wears is based on sabrina carpenter's outfits from her short n' sweet tour, specifically the baby doll one!
Written while listening to “Espresso” by Sabrina Carpenter, I recommend listening to it while reading :)
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Let’s consider exactly the type of person Trey is.
Ever since he’s started school at NRC, he’s always taken a bit of a parental role in Heartslabyul, even before he became vice housewarden. Even Cater would joke about it when they first became friends:
“You’re, like, a total big bro! O-M-G, no! You’re like a dad friend! I’m totes willing to bet that the incoming freshmen are gonna slip up! Call you Dad or something!”
Evidently, when Riddle came into the picture and Trey was appointed his vice, Cater was proven right. He didn’t mind it too much, despite what others might think. 
He liked the familiarity of it, being the oldest at home, it translated well into his position at Heartslabyul, and it came with the added bonus of being able to minimize any chaos that arose. 
That was his main goal, especially with Riddle’s temper during his freshman and at the beginning of his sophomore year. Honestly, he had phenomenal conflict resolution skills, and he just wanted to make his life as easy as possible. 
Everyone at this school liked to make that difficult, though, especially the freshmen of this year.
“Oh fu—I mean sh—dam—fuc—shi—FIDDLESTICKS!”
“Dude, just say fuck, why you gotta say the corniest shit—OW—Treyyy! Deuce hit me!”
Deuce had a guilty look on his face as Trey looked up from his notebook to raise a brow at the two.
“W-well, Ace cussed, so he has to put money in the swear jar!”
“Aw what! Come on Trey!” Ace whined, shoving Deuce’s face to the side as the latter grunted and started pulling at his cheeks and arm. “Riddle’s not here, he’ll never know, so I don’t gotta! Don’t make me!”
Trey simply smirked and gestured to the jar on the fireplace mantle, helpfully available to everyone in the lounge. 
“You know the rules, bud, two thaurmarks for the f-bomb and a .50 cent for the other.”
Ace tossed his head back and groaned, begrudgingly dragging himself over to the jar as he dug around his pocket for change.
“Don’t be rude to your father, Ace.” A few giggles and snorts vibrated amongst the small group studying in the lounge as you wagged a finger at Ace, Grim squinting angrily at the book in your lap. 
Your lips quivered as you hid a laugh, jokingly chastising the ginger. 
“No need to be a brat.”
Trey had to withhold a snort at that comment, rich coming from you. He knew better than anyone that you could be as much of a brat as you were another parental figure.
“Oh ha-ha, very funny, Prefect. What, does that make you, Mom or Dad 2?” Ace stuck his tongue out at you as you grinned and focused back on Grim. 
“Okay Grimmy, so remember, what alchemy recipes need mandrake root?”
Watching from the corner of his eye, Trey watched fondly as you murmured soft words to Grim. It reminded him of his Mom talking to his siblings after a nightmare, or of his Dad after one of them would get hurt in the kitchen. 
Soft, soothing, parental. You’d make an excellent parent one day. 
Trey felt himself get warm at the thought, adjusting himself in his seat and looking back at his musicology notes. He couldn’t sing very well, but he can memorize notes, and that’s what the upcoming exam was focused on. 
That’s what he needed to focus on, not the way you cradled Grim against you like a parent with their child. Focus on his alchemy flashcards, and not the way you cleaned up the mess on the table so you could bring everyone a tray of snacks he’d prepared earlier that day. Focus on the history textbook in front of him, and not the way you cleaned up the lounge as it got later and later.
It wasn’t fair. It was so unfair how well you fell into the role. Cleaning and humming, one of his spare aprons on you as you wiped down the tables of crumbs and stacked a pile of dishes. It was unfair how sweetly you murmured to the few remaining students, and told them to go to bed and rest up. 
They obliged, probably half asleep at this rate, since it was an hour until midnight. Ace and Deuce had retired a while ago, the latter leaning on the former as they haphazardly stumbled to their room. 
Riddle had dropped by after his housewarden meeting, satisfied by the study group, but ultimately stuck to his very strict evening routine. 
Now it was just you two. Even Grim had been tugged along with Ace and Deuce earlier, not unlike a rag doll slung over their shoulders. 
“Trey? Honey, when are you going to sleep? It’s almost midnight.” His eyes fluttered tiredly as he felt your hands slide over his shoulders and a kiss pressed against his temple.
He felt warm again, heat pooling in his belly. You were so unfair. 
“You should go to bed soon, come on, I’ll take care of you.”
He can think of a few ways you could ‘take care’ of him. 
“It’s fine, why don’t you get Grim and head back to Ramshackle? Curfew is in 30 minutes, you know?”
You rolled your eyes, sighing into his ear, making a tingle go down his spine.
“Okay, but please go to bed soon? I left you a little birthday surprise in your bedroom~”
Trey perked up at that, eyeing your mischievous grin as you waved your fingers goodbye, going down the hallway to the dorms to grab Grim.
To be honest, he’d forgotten that his birthday was tomorrow, he’d been so focused on his midterms that it just slipped his mind. Well, he can’t say he’s not excited to see what you got him, especially since you’d been not too subtly probing him for preferences.
He groaned, running his hands over his face and sighing, heavy and exhausted.
“Ugh, just a bit more and I’ll retire for the night.” Trey reassured himself, eyes straining as he looked between the books in front of him. 
The words on the papers blurred after a bit, the sound of the grandclock lulling him further into sleep, his head nodding off until a ping from his phone started him awake.
It was Cater, his Magicam user popping up on his screen. 
cay-cay_diamond: hbd trey!! 🥳🎉🎉🎉grats on being an old man now!
Blinking at the clock, Trey realized that it was now a few minutes past midnight, so it was technically his birthday. He’s lucky that Riddle followed his own sleep schedule so rigorously, or else he’d be getting a scolding for breaking curfew.
luckyclover: Old? I’m only like 4 months older than you cay-cay_diamond: yeah. old. cay-cay_diamond: anyways! enjoy the gift in ur room!!! i helped (name) pick out the wrapping 😘😘😘
Trey hummed, a small smile on his face as he imagined the two of you bickering over wrapping paper and messily wrapping up a box with a bow. You did seem very excited for him to find it earlier, maybe you two picked something out together. 
He was curious on what exactly you got him and why you hadn’t waited to give it to him at his actual birthday party. And why did you need Cater to help you…you’d always shoo him away when he’d tried helping you with gifts for other’s birthdays. 
Stacking his books into his left hand and walking towards the junior dorm rooms, Trey looked at his phone as it pinged again. 
cay-cay_diamond: on that topic thooo…u should rly go 2 ur room and get ur present! the poor thing! they’ve been w8ing very patiently 4 u~ luckyclover: Waiting? (Name)??? cay-cay_diamond: 🤭🤫😉
Trey sighed, shaking his head and tucking his phone away and digging out his room keys. It was times like these, deep into the night, when he was thankful for having his own room. He felt a bit bad now, you probably fell asleep in his bed waiting for him. 
Though, the thought of you clutching one of his pillows, maybe in one of his sweaters to keep warm, made him smile. Then he could come in, gently take your clothes and shoes off to get you more comfortable, and dress down himself to slip in right behind you.
As he finally managed to get to his room, he heard shuffling as he turned the keys. Trey smirked, noticing that only his rose lamp remained on, and all the drapes to his canopy were now closed. 
He could just barely make out the shadow of you moving behind them, hearing you gasp and the bed squeak, making him let out a soft laugh under his breath.
“You’re breaking curfew, you should be asleep you know? You're such a troublemaker sometimes.” Trey teased you as placed his books on his desk, tossing his hat onto its stand and slipping his shoes off to throw them into his wardrobe and grab his slippers. 
He yawned, the late night really starting to sink into his body as he started undressing, his jacket and vest getting hung back up in the closet as he worked on his sash and unbuttoning his pants.  
“Only like a third of the time!” You whined, the bed softly squeaking as you followed his movements behind the canopy. “Besides, I really wanted to give you your present. Don’t you want to unwrap me?”
Trey paused at the purr in your voice, narrowing his gaze as he saw your hand ever so slightly move the curtain at the end of the bed to peek at him. You were still mostly shrouded in darkness, but there was a very soft glow coming from inside the canopy, so he could just barely make out your mischievous smile.
Though, you quickly frowned, eyeing him up and down out of concern. 
“Not if you’re too tired though, you have bags under your eyes, Trey. Do you just wanna go to sleep?”
Giving you a weary smile, Trey finally tossed his sash to the side and reached for the curtains, pushing them to the side to finally take a look at your “mysterious” present. 
“In a bit, let me see what you got me…”
Trey’s breath hitched, he suddenly felt very wide awake as his eyes roamed up and down your body. 
From the corner of his eye, he could see that you set up string lights along the top of the canopy for ambiance, making you look like you were almost glowing. Though it wasn’t that that made him lose his voice. 
You were sitting on the edge of his bed with your legs curled underneath you, dressed in the most darling sage-green, sheer baby doll dress. The dress's puffy sleeves and hem were lacy, matching the lace on the stockings. 
Holy shit you were wearing stockings.
“Ha, I wanted to surprise you, I thought you could use a stress reliever.”
You're doing this on purpose, aren't you?
“I should’ve realized that you’d be tired from studying for midterms, sorry.”
You're trying to rile him up, right?
“But, still, do you like it? I wrapped myself up just for you~”
He's supposed to be the responsible, big brother of Heartslabyul, he tries so hard. So, so hard to stay out of trouble and have a normal day-to-day life. To behave.
“In any case,” You shifted onto your knees, the dress splitting in the middle, the only thing keeping it together being a small bow at the base of your neck, revealing the lack of undergarments, just your bare skin underneath. “Even if you’re too tired and just want to sleep, I just wanted to say…”
Trey leaned in as you wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him in, batting your eyelashes and ghosting your lips over his with a teasing smile. Your hands caressed the back of his neck, a thumb rubbing soothing circles, making him melt. 
“Happy Birthday Trey~”
It’s now that he noticed that you even added a gloss to your lips, and he could smell the warm perfume on your neck as you pressed your lips to his, tongue swiping over his mouth, asking for permission to enter. Obliging, Trey sighed into the kiss and tangled his tongue with yours, his hands slipping underneath the baby doll and squeezing at your waist.
He really should go to sleep. He has to wake up early for the party. He has to dress in his birthday robes. He has to make sure that the others don’t burn down the kitchen or damage his expensive bakeware as they made his cake. 
But the way your skin felt under his gloved hands, skin meeting skin, lace, skin, and lace again.
How could he be expected to sleep now?
Trey used to pride himself on his level headedness and restraint, but that all went out the window into a swan dive into the lake when he saw you in his bed in that damn one-piece.
Humming in delight against your mouth, Trey slid his hands down, as you curled into his body in response, and squeezed at the fat of your thighs before picking you up. 
A yelp left your mouth as he picked you up and tossed you up the bed, pulling off his shirt and tossing it behind him as he crawled on top of you.
His tongue darted out to wet his lips as he saw the way the dress fell open to expose your body, your chest moving up and down as you watched him with a giddy smile. 
“Oh! I guess you’re not that tired—ah!”
You gasped as Trey grabbed your calves, tugging you up to place the back of your knees on his shoulders. He leaned in to press a chaste kiss to your right thigh, smirking against the lace. 
“I was tired. I should be asleep,” Trey murmured against your stocking laced skin, pressing kisses as he went farther and farther down. “Resting—kiss—Up—kiss—but no.”
He gave you a half-hearted glare, which you responded with a smile and lacing your hands through his hair as he pressed another kiss to the bend where your thigh met your sex. 
“You broke curfew, you wanted to keep me up with your little ‘present’, you know I’d get in trouble for hiding you out in my room.”
Trey gave you a bite on your thigh, groaning as he felt your hands tighten in his hair, moving back to press a soothing kiss to the mark he left.
“Are you trying to get me in trouble? Throw me in the doghouse?”  “Cause I’ll make sure you come right with me, after a little taste of my birthday treat.”
The same time he ran his tongue up your sex, Trey could feel you shiver and pull on his hair as he ate you feverishly, like a man starved from food or water for ages. 
“Mmm! Trey!” You threw your head back, bringing one hand up to slam a hand over your mouth to muffle your cries, the walls here weren’t known to be sound-proof. 
He should probably care a bit more, especially when you let out a particularly high-pitched squeal as his tongue began fucking into your hole. 
“Trey! Oooh, Trey~” 
Bringing a finger to join his tongue, Trey smiled against your skin as you squeezed your thighs around his head, using his free hand to push his pants and underwear down to palm at his dick. 
“Trey—aaaah—wait, let me—mmph—Honey—” You let out a shuddering gasp, pulling his head up from your sex. Trey locked eyes with you, leaning into the hand you slid down to cup his cheek and caress his lower lips, wiping the slick and drool from the corner of his mouth.
“Yes? Honey?” Removing his hand from inside you to cover your own hand and kiss your palm, Trey smiled and hummed, “I like that, you know, reminds me of a husband coming home to his spouse.”
Pressing kisses up your body, soft and tingly, up your neck, and back to your lips where they belonged.
“Hmm, I really like the sound of that, (Name) Clover.” You murmured against his lips, smiling as you wrapped a leg around his waist to bring his dick closer to your sex, rubbing against him as you both sighed into each other’s mouths. 
“Is that what you want? You want me to be a cute little spouse? Dress up in a cute apron? Greet you when you come home from work?”
So focused on the softness of your lips and the wetness sliding against his dick, Trey didn’t even notice you twisting your body to turn him onto his back, the back of his head hitting the back of his pillows as you sat on top with a cheeky grin. 
“Hm? How would my husband want me to welcome him home? A hug? A kiss? Mm, what about…me?” Trey watched you with flushed cheeks as you kissed down his body, mimicking his earlier actions as you helped him tug off the rest of his clothes. 
“Oh, how nice it would be for you to come back to a warm, clean home with a spouse…” Looking up at him through your eyelashes and giving him a kitten lick to his tip. “...ready to give soft wet holes for you to fill~”
Giving him a vision into that sweet, sweet future, you swallowed his tip, down his shaft, and started sucking. 
Trey lolled his head back into his pillow, letting out a breathless moan as you bobbed your head up and down his length, your hand working the rest that didn’t fit into your mouth. 
“Fuuuuck. That does sound nice—mmh!” Reaching his hand down, you immediately took one of your hands to lace it with his, squeezing it as you hummed around his cock. 
“My lovely spouse—nnnngh—their pretty mouth—unnnh—soft holes—aaaah—all for me to come home to every day, what a dream~”
A particularly harsh suck made Trey arch his back and squeeze your hand harder, a giggle vibrating his dick as you pulled off. 
“Hehe, is this your way of proposing? Kinda dirty to do it with your dick on my mouth.” You giggled, pressing kisses and quick licks along his shaft. 
“That’s okay though, you and I both know that deep down, you’re a bit of a pervert. Right?”
Trey scoffed, tugging you up with a bemused smile. “Yeah? How can you tell? Thought I hid that pretty well.”
A soft laugh escaping you, you held both of his hands, bringing them up to press kisses on his knuckles, making the green-haired man sigh fondly. 
“The way you look at me sometimes, like you’re undressing me. It makes me feel all warm and tingly, especially when I piss you off.”
Both of you let out a breathless moan as your wetness rubbed against his hard dick, grinding against one another as the tip occasionally caught against your hole, making you shiver. 
“Is it bad that sometimes I wanna get you mad so you’ll fuck me real mean? Is it bad that I want you to use me? To fuck your stress out with me?”
A lump forming in his throat, Trey let go of your hands to pull at the string holding your flimsy baby doll together. Eyes half lidded, he pushed the fabric off your shoulders, watching it pool at your elbows as you placed your hands on his chest to steady yourself as your grinding turned into vigorous humping against him, making you both gasp in pleasure. 
“Ooh, Trey, honey, baby, hubby~ Won’t you use me? Be a little mean? Pleeeease? Fuck me, fill me up like I know you want! Pleeeeease Trey? Pretty, pretty please?”
Lips smashed against yours as Trey bolted up, groaning into your mouth as he grabbed your hips in an almost painful grip. 
He picked you up once again, throwing you on all fours, covers tangling against your knees and hands, as he ripped your dress off and tossed it. 
Trey’s left hand placed itself on your hip, while his right pushed down on your back, following up your spine to the base of your neck where he pushed you down to shove your face into the sheets, forcing you into a doggy pose.
“So you do like getting me in trouble, little brat. Fine, I’ll be mean.” 
Trey lined his dick against your throbbing hole, leaning down to press a tender kiss to your ear and moving the hand on your neck to wove with your right, squeezing it reassuringly. 
“Squeeze three times if you need me to stop, otherwise, I’m going to fuck that brain right out of your pretty little head, since you don’t seem to be wanting to use it.”
In one, swift move, Trey slammed his hips to your ass, sinking nearly half his length into your warm, waiting hole. 
“FUCK! YES—MMMPH” Burying your face into the sheets to muffle your cries, Trey did the same into your shoulder, shivering at your tightness around him. 
Setting a rhythm, hips smacking into your ass, Trey worked the rest of his cock into you until he could hear the smack of your ass against his hips, the sound echoing with the creak of the bed.
Your tightness around him was heavenly, as was the sight of you sinking further into the bed and arching your ass to sloppily meet his thrusts. Straightening again, bending your arm back so that your hands could remain intertwined.
His left hand caressed your back and the fat of your behind, before bringing it down in a harsh slap to your ass, making you yelp and squeeze his hand in a vice grip, though you also tightened around his cock. 
Rubbing a soothing circle against the reddening skin, slowed his thrusts, making you whine and push against him. 
“Haaah, that okay? Feel good?” Trey murmured, smiling at the frantic nod and wiggle against him. “Want me to keep going?”
“Mmmph... yessshh... mmmore, mmmore... pleeeashh, honey~” Your sounds were muffled as you bit into the blanket, getting higher and higher as he obliged, not one to deny you after all. 
Every other thrust was met with a slap to one cheek, then the other, the skin turning redder and redder with his handprints marking you. The harder he went, the more and more slack you went, until he was eventually just fucking you like his personal toy. 
Though, you did offer yourself as his present, didn’t you? So it was only fair that he got to use his present as he wished, and right now, he wanted to feel you cumming around him. 
Ceasing his smacks, making you whine, Trey instead melded his body against yours, the weight both overwhelming and comforting, as his left hand instead moved to your sex to rub you to completion. 
Trey watched as you gasped for breath, completely burying your head into the bed to muffled your screams as you came around him, trembling and squeezing him. 
The feeling of your walls pulsating around his shaft was becoming dangerously addicting, and he was very greedy for more of that. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck! I’m so close! You can give me another one, right?”
Slipping his arms around your waist and pulling you up, Trey adjusted you so that you sat on his dick, kissing the side of your neck for reassurance as he let go of your hand to quickly slide his arms under your knees. 
From all his years of tossing bags of flour and sugar, from kneading dough, from all the labor he’s done as a baker, picking you up was like child’s play. 
Folding your knees up to your chest so he could hold you, back flush to his chest, was nothing for him. Everything for you, though, your over sensitive hole squeezing down on him again.  
“FUCK! I caaame! Treytreytreytrey—” You dug a hand into his arm, tossing your head back and lolling your tongue out with a dumb, drooly smile on your lips. 
“A-almost there—nngh—just squeeze if I need to stop—I’m so close~”
Smashing his lips against yours for an open mouth, wet kiss, Trey pounded faster into you, determined to feel your walls pulsate again, this time as he filled your insides up like one of his pastries. 
Then, an awful, perverted thought filled his head, like a devil was whispering in his ear. 
Why doesn’t he fill them up with his kids? Don’t stop until his cum is drooling out of their hole, and go again to make up for the lost seed. He already wants them to be his spouse, why not add a few little ones to that picture?
Trey was losing any bit of restraint that he may have had as he was now determined to fullfill his fantasy. Even if you couldn’t do it, magic made anything here possible, and right now is good practice anyway.
“I’m—aaaahhh—I’m gonna come inside, okay? Fill you up, yeah?”
Digging your nails into his skin, you nodded against his mouth and whined. 
“Yessssss! Fill me up! Inside! Gimme a baby Trey! I wanna make you a daaaaddy~”
Squeezing your legs further against your chest, Trey pounded faster and faster, trembling as he reached close and closer to his peak. 
Warmth flooded his body, tingles, and he swears sparks, flying over his skin as he felt you clamp down on him for a third time. 
Your voice squealed higher and higher, any previous attempt to be quiet for naught as you practically screamed.
Trey shuddered as he finally came, cum flooding your warm insides as you went limp in his arms. 
Panting for air, both of you remained still for a minute, the bed feeling stuffy with the curtains still closed. After another minute, Trey pulled you up and off of him, shaky as his now limp dick left your warm, comfortable embrace.
Doing his best to gently place you on the bed, Trey let out a breathless laugh as you collapsed on the bed like a rag doll, blinking your eyes tiredly at the ceiling of the canopy. 
“Haah, sorry, I went too hard there, huh?”
You shook your head, giving him a tired smile and reaching a hand for him, which he took and brought up to kiss. 
“It was good, really, good. You liked your present?”
Snorting and nodding, Trey carefully scooped you up to move your head onto the pillows and gently roll off your garter stocking, thumbs rubbing soothing circles as he did. 
“Yeah, I did. Come on, let me get you a shirt.”
You whined as he pulled away, exhaustion starting to steep into him as he tied back the curtains to the canopy to let the stuffiness out. Trey picked up the baby doll he’d tossed earlier, placing it into his wardrobe drawer as he dug out a shirt and sweatpants for himself and a shirt for you.
As he closed the drawer, he noticed your backpack hidden underneath it, digging in it to grab you some underwear. You had packed a pair of pajamas, apparently, but…he’d rather see you in his clothes. 
“Hmm, honey? Come to bed…” You whined, hands reaching out for him impatiently as he slipped on his clothes, crawling over to you and helping you slip your underwear and his shirt on. 
“I’m here, I’m here.”
Trey slowly blinked, eyelids heavy as he scoop you up to place you two under the covers, the soft mattress making him practically become one with the bed and you as you nestled into his chest. 
Your legs tangled with his as Trey wrapped his arms around you and tucked your head under his chin. He could feel fatigue and sleep quickly taking over him as your voice vibrated against his chest, soft and sleepy. 
“Happy birthday honey, I—yawn—love…you…”
A different kind of warmth, soft and sweet, filled him as he squeezed you tighter against him, murmuring back. 
“I love you too…”
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*Riiiing* *Riiiiiiiing* *Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing*
An irritating, loud noise filled Trey’s ears as he groaned, half-awake as he turned over to smack his hand on his phone, silencing the alarm. 
“Aah…Noisy…hhggh.” Trey groaned, rolling over, careful to not crush you under him to blindly reach for his glasses. 
Plastic and glass finally under his palm, Trey slipped his glasses on his face, ultimately throwing himself back into bed next to you, who’d begun shifting awake.
“Mmm, honey?” 
Grunting in response, Trey threw an arm over his eyes, irritated at the sun seeping through the window into his eyes. 
You chuckled, a yawn escaping you as you decided to move closer and slip a hand under his shirt to rub at his chest, pressing kisses into his neck as well. 
“You’re so grumpy in the morning. Come on, you've got a big day ahead.”
“…Ugh, I do?”
Snorting at his response, Trey grunted as he felt you move, peaking under his arm to see you resting on your elbow. You had puffy, dark circles under your eyes from the little sleep you managed to get. 
“Birthdays are a pretty big deal, right?” Smiling at him, Trey squinted an eye and groaned, squeezing his eyes shut in protest.
“Ugggh, yeah…”
Hearing you hum, Trey groaned in surprise as he felt you straddle his waist and caress his neck and cheeks, making him remove his arm to blink up at you. 
Your hair was a tangled mess, sticking up in all sorts of places. The bags under your eyes more noticeable under the night. His shirt dwarfed you. You were a hot mess, all things considered. 
He probably wouldn’t say it out loud, with how cute you were last night, but he thinks you look most beautiful like this. Better than any frilly, skimpy, or tight outfit.
“Come on, Birthday Boy, want me to give you a little pick me up?”
Kissing him with a smile, Trey moaned into the lazy, sloppy morning kiss, tilting his head back as you pressed kissed down his neck, deciding to work on leaving a love bite at the nape of his neck.
Trey’s phone chimed, making him sigh as he reached for it, letting you continue your love bites and kisses, 
Squinting at the few messages, it seemed like a few of his friends and classmates were already sending him birthday wishes. Though, a message from Cater made him blot up, a sudden shock of alertness running down his spine. 
“Ah! Trey, what is it?”
cay-cay_diamond: morning!! happy bday 2 the bday boi again! thought i let u no tht u owe me a favor, had 2 cast a silencing spell on ur roum last nite. totes ruined my beauty sleep! cay-cay_diamond: also i know u got ur lil cutie 2 distract ya, but liek dont b l8 2 ur bday breakfast, grimmy might eat it!
“Shit, we were too loud, Cater had to cast a silencing spell on the room.”
You made an ‘oh’ shape with your mouth, giving Trey an apologetic smile. 
“Sorry, but at least you enjoyed it, right?”
Trey smiled, more awake now, and nodded, sharing a sweet kiss with you. 
“Definitely. You might have to consider making your go-to gift for now on, it’s gotta be my favorite one I’ve ever gotten.”
He solidified that statement with one more, firm, assuring kiss with you, before having to leave your sweet dream into the real world. 
At least he could have one part of that dream with him at his side from now on: you. 
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comments and reblogs appreciated 🩷
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cursedcola · 1 year ago
Prompt: "Will You Marry Me?" - Proposal Headcannons Characters: Everyone :) Part(s): Heartslabyul, Savanaclaw, Octavinelle, Scarabia, Pomefiore, Ignihyde, Diasomnia( pt.1 Here!)(pt.2) Fandom: Twisted Wonderland Warning(s): None. I mean, unless you don't want to marry any of them. Just don't read if that's the case. Note: These are all if he is the one proposing btw. Also, I went overboard. So much that I exceeded the character limit and need to post Diasomnia in 2 parts. I have favorites I guess :/
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Malleus experienced more firsts over the course of three years than the duration of his life. His first board game session, his first group trip with peers, his first taste of carnival food, his first sleepover, his first true friend - so, so many firsts. All a byproduct of one person walking into his life and taking a genuine interest in him.
You were the first houseguest he personally invited over to Diasomnia. Not for a tour, not for business, not on behalf of another - no. You were Malleus' houseguest, there to visit Malleus and spend time with Malleus. The snacks prepared were for you both to share. The lounge seating reserved for your company. His first time hosting for fun.
You were the first person he ever got a present for outside of his family. How quick your birthday had come, and how startled he became to find he cared. You were older. Growing so quick and changing at an alarming pace. He could see it in your features and mannerisms. Malleus knew that humans aged at a much faster rate than fae. Silver sprouted like a beanstalk. Yet you were blossoming like a flower in spring. How long until you'd wither?
Malleus cared. Not out of curiosity, but something deeper. Malleus did not want a servant to pick your gift, not even his closest companions. He desired to adhere to human custom and do the task himself. He did not trust another to pick something meaningful and to your preference.
You were the first to make him laugh. Your humor being like none he had heard before. Others tend to correct themselves in Malleus' presence, or try to cater to 'his' taste. Even those closest to him, often sharing a joke that flies over his head without any explanation. You did no such thing. Your humor was curious, and perhaps a bit crude. The jokes did fail to land with him, but he still found them funny regardless.
You were the first to make him yearn. Malleus had felt loneliness before. He's been bound in it's searing clutches and taunted. Yet his rooted longing never compelled him to change. He never felt jealous. Until your smile became another's and he felt a hot pit in his stomach. One different than his fiery magic.
You were his first desire.
Malleus fumbled and panicked. He had finally found a friend, yet he wanted more. The realization striking him deep. The first want he had no guarantee of obtaining. Yet his need for you was strong. He could not lose you. Malleus begun to value your presence. Your joy. The new life you breathed into him. He held it as dear as his family. You became his fondest treasure.
Malleus needed to ensure that you would never be taken from him. That you would never change.
You were also his first failure. On the dawn of your second year and his graduation, Malleus proposed. He had forgone all customs and jumped straight to marriage. Love to the fae was a lifetime bond. No power could chain you to him stronger than matrimony. Which is why he demanded your presence in the gardens after the ending ceremony. He decorated according to your tastes, with colorful lanterns and firefly lights strewn across the plants.
He saw the hope in your eyes. The way they sparkled with affection and pride bloomed knowing that he was the cause.
“Malleus….It’s so beautiful. Did you prepare this just for me?” You ask, clutching your hands to your chest. He smiles, reaching into his breast pocket and pulling out a black velvet box in the shape of a rose.
“I’m happy to see you like it; however, I hope this offering pleases you more”
Malleus opens the box to reveal a ring. Your eyes widen owlishly and he interprets it as a good sign. Until you step back.
“Oh Malleus….I can’t accept this. We aren’t even dating!” You deny his unspoken proposal with a shaken tone Malleus’ is unfamiliar with. Not from you.
“Why not? I love you. Is that not enough? Do you not love me?”
He fails to understand why you declined. He spent countless hours studying human customs and expression. No. Studying you. He was confident you returned his affections. So why? Why not leave this place and join him?
You explain to him that you’re incapable of marrying someone you haven’t spent time with romantically. That you do care about him. That you liked him and did feel for him. That you could love him, but not so suddenly. You have friends at NRC and didn’t want to leave. Not to mention how him marrying a human, especially with no warning, would cause so many political problems.
Of course he had already taken all this into consideration. He didn’t care about all that, yet bit his tongue from speaking his mind. Another first for Malleus.
“What if I abide by your terms? Would you allow me to court you properly?” He cuts into your sea of reasons not to be together. They weren’t his concern. Only you.
This gets you. He clearly wasn’t listening. Love blinded the average person, and Malleus’ heart bled. You consider his offer, and agree to his courtship. It would be difficult to maintain considering your distance and his status. Yet they were fickle matters to Malleus.
You were his first failure, yet he didn’t mind. There was no true victory without a bit of labor.
The change that he so feared, it became something Malleus adored. Every time he would whisk you away from NRC, or return for a visit - you were different. You had a new story to share, or had changed your appearance. At first he began to panic once again at how quickly you seemed to evolve without him.
And one day he realized that you would keep changing. He’d see a new you forever. All these new versions. A constant spark and longing that made him realize how precious each one was. They would come whether he bid them to or not - so he had to cherish them. Every version of you was one he loved and lost. Yet the fact that another would emerge kept his heart complacent.
You were his first kiss on a dewy fall morning. You were his first heartfelt dance, dressed in shimmery black satin and pearls that he gifted. You were his first goodnight kiss, and first morning embrace. You were his first comfort after tragedy struck and his first sympathetic heartache. You were everything.
It was no longer about chaining you. He loved his firsts. He would forever remember them.
His first goodbye.
On the cusp of your 3rd year coming to a close, Malleus prepared the ring from two years prior. He would gift it to you after your graduation. It would be yours whether you accepted the meaning behind it or not - the ring could go to no one else.
An announcement arrives to him the week prior via pen and paper. Hand written by you and oh how he so loved your letters. Malleus opened it with calm delight, yet as his eyes traveled across the words he forgot how to control his strength. The paper alit in flames.
‘The Headmaster found a way to send me home. Would you come for a visit?’
The letter was not so blunt, but that’s all he could comprehend. Malleus was not ready to say goodbye. He once thought his greatest fear was to watch his flower wilt, yet now it must be cut to make a bouquet.
As much as it tore him apart, Malleus had to let you go. He couldn’t root you to soil forever. His hands unconsciously drift to the velvet rose box tucked safely in his breast pocket.
It’s only natural you’d be the source of some of Malleus’ lasts. He would never love another.
He joins you days before your ceremony. You explain to him the procedure to return, and he bites his tongue once again. He encourages you, and is happy that you’re happy. The ring burns a hole where his heart lies yet he continues on with grace, ignoring the cautious behavior of your peers whenever he’s around. The only opinion he cared for was yours, and he’d stay as long as you needed.
Malleus missed the way your heart sought his. The way you gave him chance after chance to ask you to stay. How you clung to him despite the roles normally being reversed.
“I guess this is goodbye. I’ll miss you,” you whisper, holding Malleus’ hand and glancing at the glowing portal behind him. Malleus smiles, his eyes softening as he leans forward to kiss your forehead.
“I will never forget your heart,” he murmurs against your skin, and reaches into his breast pocket with fluid movements. Malleus places the velvet rose box in your hands, cradling them gently with both of his.
“This is yours. I had it made for your finger alone, and only you will be the one to wear it. My heart belongs to you. Let this be my final selfish wish, but I hope you will think of me when you look upon it”
Malleus doesn’t understand why you break down. The way you clutch the box to your chest and look at him with such pain. He thought you wanted to go home. Is it not what you waited so long for?
He cannot be strong when you’re crying. How can you be so cruel. He won’t be able to -
“I want to be with you. I love you,” you whisper yet he hears it perfectly clear.
Malleus’ heart stutters and he clutches your shoulders. With one hand he tilts your chin up to look at him. Your eyes splotched with red irritation and glassy with sorrow. He wipes at their edges with his thumbs, cupping your cheeks ans looking at you for any sign of doubt. Any insincerity or fear. Your expression from years prior still lives rent free in his mind…he would not risk your happiness for his selfishness.
He finds nothing and pulls you in his arms. For the first time, Malleus sheds tears born from love. From relief. He wraps his arms protectively around you, and tucks his chin over your head.
“If you love something, let it be free. If it was meant to be yours then it will come back willingly. This is a saying of humans, is it not? I could not have you at the cost of your happiness. You do not deserve such a tainted love…but if this is truly what you desire, then I will not cease my efforts. You are mine, and I will eternally be yours,”
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{Malleus’ ring is hand crafted by the royal blacksmith. Some would assume that there is a ring passed down through generations of the Draconia bloodline. There is not. The fae do not follow such traditions, yet Malleus would not instill all his values onto you. If it is a ring you need, then it is a ring he will get. He decides to reforge a gem plucked from his mother’s staff. The ring is made especially for you, with a teardrop-cut of magic-infused emerald as the focus point. It’s enchanted to reject any hand other than your own, and morphs to the size of your finger. It is subtle, made of pure gold, and a symbol of union between fae and mankind.}
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"One should never make a vow of eternal love lightly. Take it from someone with ample life experience"
Lilia often imposes advice without any prompting. The musings of an old man normally went in and out of people's ears anyways. Sometimes it takes experience to learn, and no matter how we try to warn our children - fate is fate. They will go through the motions just as the people before them. Especially when it comes to trials of the heart such as love and loss.
Lilia knows both intimately. They've forged the man he is.
Philia: Love of friendship and equals. His peers, his comrades in arms, his fellow fae. The friends he has lost through death and distance. Those he fought to protect.
Storge: Parental love. To raise the son of his closest friends, and the blood of his sworn enemy. Lilia has fought through loss to feel the gratification of fatherhood. Lilia loves his children.
Agape: Love of man. This one took work. It took losing all he had, and then losing more. Hundreds of years of healing and trying to be better. Even in his final stretch Lilia is still learning this love.
Eros: Passionate, unconditional love. Lilia has felt this once, and only once. The wound still fresh with a dribble of salt steadily halting the healing process. To feel eros is a beautiful thing, but to have it ripped away is enough to kill.
Lilia experienced his fair share, and now enjoys watching those in the prime of life seek out love. He doesn't engage in romantic gossip, but enjoys watching others live their lives. One of his biggest curiosities being you, oddly enough.
This is because you've shown no interest in feeling love of any kind. Being the nosy man he is, Lilia finds your dismissal of others a bit concerning. He's not the most open person himself, yet you're a young human. This is when you should be wild! Surely you must feel something, considering all the 'escapades' you've been on with other students. The best way to bond is over shared trauma - he's not endorsing it. Just stating a fact.
"It's nothing personal. I'd rather not get too attached considering my living circumstances, if you catch my drift" you say in response to his prying.
He indeed 'catches the drift' and sees a bit of himself reflected in you. You were not unkind, yet also not overzealous. You did not push others away, yet also made an effort to protect yourself. For all the kind deeds you've done, Lilia knew better than to think it a case of bleeding heart syndrome. You remind him of how he was when deciding to raise Silver - afraid and very good at hiding it for the sake of others.
He decides to step in against his better judgement. If anything to repay the kindness you've done Malleus and his two youngsters. He couldn't watch you waste the precious life you’ve been given huddled away in isolation. Lilia would become your confident, as he is the most equipped to endure inevitably bidding farewell. If anything he will encourage you to forge stronger bonds of your own accord without fear.
He does an outstanding job at being the extrovert adopting an introvert. His favorite hobby being to startle you - popping out from random places like trees, bushes, the ceiling, your closet, etc. So much that you grow accustomed to his antics and expect them. Going so far as to always carry hard candies in your coat pocket as a peace offering.
He invites you to play online video games, go shopping, and sometimes pops by your dorm with Malleus. However his visits soon become solo, sensing that his adopted son didn't enjoy his 'nightly stroll' with his best friend being invaded. Lilia didn't mind - it meant that he'd get your company all to himself! There was nothing like watching a few horror flicks and tormenting Grimm after them. You even had a guest room in case he felt too ‘lazy’ to fly home.
On your birthday, he bakes a cake and leaves it on your kitchen windowsill. You found it, and even thanked him 'happily' later that day. He never said he was the chef though....you must have quite a keen sense of taste! That or he must be so talented that you know his cooking by heart!
Lilia felt a sense of relief, seeing your mannerisms shift from neutral to happy as time passed. It was hard work ebbing away at those walls of yours. It's not good for humans to be stressed. It lessens their already short lifespan.
He really should step aside. Let you befriend more humans and people that will support your journey. Except he doesn't want to. Philia's taken root in his heart - you're now a friend. An actual one.
So...he doesn't let go.
You join the college's boardgame club, and Lilia feels honored that he's the first you ask to play with. Each time you sought his company made him feel young again. Thrills did tend to follow your wake after all.
You often spent many evenings teaching Malleus, Silver, and even Sebek about your world. Not something Lilia planned for, but seeing you open up about it put his mind at ease. The different cultures, history, trends - Lilia listens in happily as well. Going so far as to learn some of your favorite recipes. He wants to cook them right away, but agrees to wait for your company. You grew nervous when he brought the topic up, possibly because you didn't want to be left out? Surely, that must be why.
Soon comes another January 1st - Signifying a new year and also Lilia’s birthday. The night prior he was out on the prowl, flying free throughout campus, watching people party and celebrate. Normally he’d spend this evening having fun of his own, but being caged at a school left him little chances to be free. Jumping across rooftops and sneaking around doing parkour was a trip down memory lane. The fireworks and lively people made for an excellent atmosphere.
By chance he happened on your rooftop, and decided to pop in for a quick respite. Slipping in through an open window was child’s play, as was avoiding your paranormal houseguests and popping in and out of rooms.
His keen hearing picks up your voice coming from the main bedroom - and normally he wouldn’t invade a personal space but the door was open. So obviously it was an invitation. He sticks to the ceiling and crawls to a shrouded corner with a mischievous grin.
How unsuspecting you were - dressed up in fancy clothes and muttering to yourself while in front of a floor length mirror. Lilia thinks you’re going to a party and is prepping to tag along -
“Alright. I can do this,” you mutter and turn around to pace the floor. A neatly wrapped present is clutched tight in your hands - wrapped in ivory paper with a sparkly pink ribbon. Lilia freezes just when he’s about to jump down, and clings back to the wall. “Just give it to him. Give it and tell him how you feel,” you turn towards the mirror, holding the box out, “Hello there Lilia. Yes, this is a birthday present. Yes, you’re a year older, how exciting! By the way I really like you so would you want to go on a date?” You fall silent, cringing in disgust at your reflection before sitting on the bed, “Ah. That was such dogshit”
Lilia exits as swift as he entered. The night air whips against his skin as he transforms into a bat and is already on the way back home. The implications of what he just witnessed weighing heavily on his mind.
This would not be the first time someone has caught feelings for him. You don't go 700 years without any suitors - he'd always turn them down with careful consideration.
Except he doesn't want to this time. That's the major issue.
The flight home was long, with purposeful detours until he felt tired enough to retire. A familiar bitter ache stung his heart. He'd only felt this disappointment once prior, and swore off letting it bud again.
Lilia was in love too. He recognized the passion growing long before this moment, and against his better judgement let it fester.
"Seems I'm not as equipped to handle this as I once believed" he says to no-one and moves to play some online games instead of sleeping.
Lilia once felt a love he couldn’t express through anything other than fealty and devotion. It was a darker time where there was no promise of future. He swore not to endure that pain again - yet this is similar yet also different. The love is blooming effortlessly. His devotion is growing. The desire is there and so is the fear. All the same feelings yet without the dire weight of external forces adding pressure. This time it’s his choice to follow through. There’s no bigger force at play stopping him. Not even your mortality, considering how his lifespan is almost at its close.
Yet for all his years of wisdom, the thought of putting his heart out was still as frightening as the first.
In truth, Lilia had ulterior reasons for pursuing your companionship other than worry or repaying a debt. Your behaviors did remind him of his past self. That was no lie. He simply felt affection blooming upon your first meeting and thought having your friendship would morph it into something more tame. He had a habit of drawing in lost souls - what was one more?
Now the affection is stronger, and you return it.
Heavens, was he being given another chance? After all these years.
You return it. It's requited. He needn't hide it for the sake of someone else's happiness. Lilia could be selfish, if only he let himself.
The next day, Lilia finds an ivory box with a sparkly pink ribbon outside his door. A neatly written letter is attached, with the words 'Happy Birthday' written on the front. His name is written on the tag in black ink, with your name signed as the sender.
Lilia picks it up and undoes the wrapping with nimble movements. Inside is an assortment of treats that he wanted to try from your home, and a neatly folded letter atop them. It details exactly what was expected, a perfect explanation of your feelings that's entirely different than the nervous display he intruded upon.
He looks around the hallway, checking to see if you’re nearby before disappearing without a trace. Nothing but an open door showing that he left.
Everything after is a blur. While doing the dishes back at your dorm and trying not to think of the present - Lilia appears out of nowhere, startling you for what was probably the first time in months. His typical cheeky grin and snicker were nowhere in sight.
He says one thing, “Are you certain?”. The words held a heavy meaning for the both of you.
Asking if he’s willing to go for one last chance. To take one final risk or simply be satisfied with all he’s accomplished thus far. It asks if you’re willing to do the same - to risk everything you’ve built in one fell swoop.
You nod, and Lilia smiles. Not an impish smirk or a snarky grin. A true, soft smile that is full of released tension. He happily hugs you from behind as you finish working in silence, gradually slipping back to his playful ways yet not entirely. He would remain the out of touch peepaw that you so loved to tease him as, but a bit of his youthful spirit was being revived. His inner self being healed, perhaps.
He loves you, and the world hasn’t split in two. It was his time.
From then on he had no reservations in loving you. This was a new form of eros. A new passion filled with joy and living for the moment - versus the weight of time holding him back like it did when he was younger. Nothing changed in your dynamic other than he now had the strength to let himself love freely.
Which is exactly why he wastes no more time. Just as he told you off hand long ago, one should not make a vow of eternal love lightly. He’d take his own advice and seek his own happiness for the first time in hundreds of years.
On a random night with no inkling of warning, Lilia drags you out of bed to the Ramshackle rooftop in nothing but your nightclothes. It wasn’t the first time he’d ask for a midnight escapade - just for the thrill and surprise, most of the time. He loved to keep things exciting.
Except he was being far too gentle. Far too nostalgic. He sits you down on the edge of the roof and puts his cardigan over your shoulders. Not a word passes between you as he tucks it snug around your shoulders - his hand tracing the line of your cheekbones, down your arms and to your hands. He cradles them gently, never taking his eyes from yours.
Then something foreign glimmers against your finger. In an effortless motion, he slipped the ring on without pause. You can’t help but stare at the gem in thought, looking between it and Lilia’s thoughtful expression over and over.
Lilia nods, taking your hand in his and running his thumb over the ring - admiring it against your skin.
“I’ve lived many years. Lead many lives. I thought I had accepted my nearing end, yet I find myself wanting more. I want to grey with grace at your side. To enjoy mundane evenings - greet you come morning and kiss you to seal a day’s end. I want my last life to be at your side, if only you will have me”
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{A blood red garnet placed inside a blossom frame. Lilia’s ring is made of silver, and gives the illusion of a red rose in a bed of vines. Red is the color of passion, devotion, and unconditional love. Red roses hold this very meaning in the language of flowers. Lilia has felt this before - but you are his fated. You have chosen him simply for the person he is - not who he needs to be. He can finally be free and at peace. Your love is something he can selfishly hoard and it gives him the desire to enjoy life. He feels full. Happy. He hopes that this ring shows that he wants to live for the moment by your side, eternally}
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ozzgin · 6 months ago
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I've kept my promise and returned with dino smut. Switch it to a dinosaur hybrid if you're too afraid of the full package. Content: gender neutral reader, NSFW (gangbang), monster dinosaur smut
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"You've got to be kidding me."
You kick the wheel and walk away, trying to steady your breathing. This can’t be happening. Behind you, the guide continues to tinker with the car engine. He has a reassuring smile plastered on his face, but you can tell from the cold beads of sweat that he’s just as terrified.
You are stranded in a desert filled with dinosaurs. Scientific miracle? Sure. Presently your death sentence, too.
“Don’t walk too far from the vehicle, (Y/N), otherwise I can’t reach you in time if something happens.”
“What, you have a black belt in dinosaur fighting or something?” you scoff at the man.
“Now listen, do you think we didn’t anticipate these scenarios? I am equipped with this little guy here”, he says, pulling out a small, electric device. “Has enough juice in it to shock a T-Rex.”
Maybe he has a point. The Jurassic Park proudly dons a reputation of flawless service and guaranteed safety. Surely they must be equipped to deal with something as insignificant as a car breaking down in the middle of a guided tour.
You attempt to smile back, gathering some courage. In your newfound peace you didn’t really notice that the massive rock behind the car has moved, or that it was never a rock to begin with.
A wide row of razor teeth engulfs your official tour guide, and the enormous mandible closes with a loud snap. The upper half of the man detaches in a surreal, surgical cleanliness. You stare, mouth agape. It takes you a second to process the execution you’ve just witnessed, but the ear-shattering screech swiftly wakes you out of your trance.
Escaping from an entire pack of ancient predators feels rather futile, but that doesn't stop you from crawling up the steep hill, hoping the damned creatures can't follow. Had you known your comfortable car ride required survival skills, you would've worn a different pair of pants.
What's even more ridiculous is the nature of your perpetrator. Of course, you tell yourself, you had to trust a company that can't differentiate between the Cretaceous and the Jurassic. What's one or two million years? What's one or two dead humans in the grand statistics of their park?
You finally reach the top of the hill, and trip over some overgrown roots. Your collapse is cushioned by the scarce bushes patching the ground. Suddenly, you feel the branches vibrating against your burnt cheeks. Dear Lord, futile indeed. The heavy, bulky legs of the Carnotaurus approach you in a chaotic trample, nonchalantly stepping over your last bits of hope.
Knees scraping against the rocks, you close your eyes and shield your face, bent over like some beggar awaiting punishment. You're petrified. Did the guide feel anything when his innards stretched and tore under the unforgiving mouth?
The rough, scaly skin of the monster brushes against the back of your thighs. There it is! Flesh coming undone, bones giving in to the...wait. What are they doing, exactly? You subtly tilt your head, trying to catch a glimpse of the strange event.
It seems that your resigned position has given them different ideas. The horned beasts investigate your scent with peculiar interest. A brief altercation ensues, in which they lock their horns together and their tails swing around threateningly, nearly crushing you in their blind aggression. You cry out and try to distance yourself from the thundering scene, but a clawed foot pins you back into the ground.
You suspect your present captor is the winner of the conflict, standing above you triumphantly as the others wait aside. Is this the part where you become a grand meal? Its enormous teeth graze your clothing, and the threads come undone.
In a most unexpected turn of events, it's you who ends up stuffed. You don't know what pain to focus on: your back hurts from the rhythmic swaying, bare skin grating against the parched earth; your privacy is burning from the sudden, invasive stretch, as the creature buries itself deeper with each hungry pound.
Eventually, a familiar knot begins to form in the pit of your stomach. The thrusts become smoother, your legs weaker. Shameless moans begin to roll out of your drooling mouth, and you hold onto the Carnotaurus' rugged hips. Its mouth is slightly open, panting and groaning, blowing hot air against your already feverish body.
Your own high is interrupted by a thick, hot wave of fluid abruptly crashing against your inner walls. The beast detaches itself from you, leaving you heaving, dripping and sighing in disappointment. The least you could've gotten from this erotic absurdity was a decent orgasm.
Your naked body is suddenly shrouded in shadow. You look up to see a different member of the pack positioning itself between your legs. Glancing at the others, a horrifying, perverted thought occurs to you: they're taking turns, fucking you relentlessly.
Perhaps you will get your chance, after all. Or multiple.
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littlegrapejuice · 6 months ago
Il Predestinato | CL16
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Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Reader
Summary: Meeting Louis Tomlinson and Charles winning the Italian GP at Monza on the same day? What more could you ask for?
Author's Note: as both a 1d and f1 fan, how could i not write smth ab louis being in the ferrari garage for the weekend🤭 also those pics fucking annoyed me bc tumblr was being a bitch so i just made a collage or else i would've thrown my phone through the window
Louis. William. Tomlinson. Was in the Ferrari garage for the Italian Grand Prix at Monza. You had been ecstatic to hear the news from Charles back on Friday, and had been thinking all weekend about how to act once you would be in front of him. However, you were as nervous as excited to meet your favourite singer and it didn't help when Charles's PR manager told you both that Louis had arrived on Sunday.
Charles was requested during a certain time slot to speak with him, which he was glad to do so compared to previous celebrities that he had met as Louis was someone you held in high regards, meaning that Charles was intrigued to see why.
You didn't know whether this was the best moment for you to try and talk to Louis, or if you should wait for the start of the race, or even until after the race to meet him. For now, you were simply engrossed in a conversation with Arthur about the Formula 3 and Formula 2 races that had happened a couple hours ago, discussing the latest winners.
You knew Charles was on the other side of the garage with Louis, probably having small talk and taking pictures, but you were unaware of the conversation they were now actually having.
"Saying it once again but it's good to have you here today with us," Charles told Louis.
"My pleasure to have been invited honestly," the singer replied. "Being in the Ferrari garage at Monza is crazy, massive thank you to your team. I'll be rooting for you today, mate."
"Thanks for the support." Charles glanced at you then thought for a second about how to start the topic, until he decided to just wing it. "Is it alright if I introduce you to someone while you're here? My girl's a big fan of yours and I know she's been thinking all weekend about how to stage your meeting."
"Yeah, no problem." Louis nodded with a smile, always down to meet a fan. "Bring her there, I absolutely don't mind at all."
And this is what Charles did, as he called out your name with his signature accent that you had grown to love over the years. Expecting to see him alone, you didn't think Charles would call you while he was still talking with Louis. Therefore, you hesitated for a second about whether to flee your boyfriend and favourite singer. However, when Louis turned to face whoever Charles had called, he gave you such a warm smile that there was no way for you to ignore the man now. So you calmly walked towards them, deeply breathing in and out as a means to compose yourself.
"Great of you to join us", Charles told you with a smile. "I'll leave you two alone for a bit and come back later, okay?"
"Alright man," Louis replied with a nod. "See you later!"
"I- what?" Charles where the fuck are you going? You thought as your boyfriend just waved at you before going to replace you in the conversation you had been having with his brother. No turning back now...
Louis Tomlinson, former member of One Direction and now in a successful solo career with two albums that led to sold out tours, was in front of you. He didn't know whether to talk first, but decided upon it as he was used to the state you were starting to be in.
"Hi love," he gently began. "You alright?"
"Yeah, hmm... sorry, oh my God..." You were so embarrassed right now, not even able to form a proper sentence in front of your favourite artist. "Hi! Yes I'll be fine, I think."
"It's just me, little ol' Louis. We're simply having a chat so nothing to panic about, yeah?"
Sharply inhaling, your answer was a nod, before you slowly exhaled. Okay, this is only Louis Tomlinson. This is my favourite singer, but we're chilling. All good, you repeated in your head.
"Is it fine if I hug you?" You eventually asked as you felt more relaxed.
"Of course love," he agreed before opening his arms. "Come 'ere."
People often said that Louis hugged his fans like a mother did, as a way to protect them and to show how much he cared for them. You didn't think it was entirely true until now.
This was probably one of the most reassuring hugs you've ever had, as you just felt calm and serene. Your mind suddenly stopped stressing over the fact that you were hugging the Louis Tomlinson, and you were now just enjoying the contact. Louis could sense you had become less stiff during the hug, and thought it fine to slowly remove his arms from around you.
"Feeling better now?" He inquired as he kept his hands on your shoulders for a few seconds before putting them back in his pockets.
"Yes, thank you. Sorry, I thought I would be ready to meet you but I guess my brain wasn't entirely agreeing."
"All good, don't be sorry about that." He smiled again, and the only words that came to your mind to describe it were gentle and warm like the sun. "So, what can you tell me about you?"
"Oh, hmm, I don't really know..."
"Any favourite songs?" He suggested with a teasing tone.
"Absolutely, yeah, of course!" And that was it, you were quickly back to your usual self as Louis himself was allowing you to rant about him. "So, from the first album I'd say Only The Brave. Could've made it longer", you added with a laugh, "but still an amazing song. And for the second one, I think Holding On To Heartache. Makes me cry everytime I listen to it, but it's always worth it."
"Wow, do you not like any happier songs of mine?" Louis chuckled. Damn, you made Louis Tomlinson laugh.
"Of course I do!" You retorted. "Silver Tongues is a masterpiece, great way to end the shows. And also every song you wrote for the band is a banger so there's that too."
"You went to one of the shows then?" He wondered. "I hope you did, wouldn't want my new favourite fan to have missed tour."
"I did, yes." Being jokingly called his 'new favourite fan' shouldn't make you blush like it did, but hey! This is still your favourite singer in front of you. "The Paris show, for both tours. I'm never getting over it, feels like I imagined it all."
"Paris, wow that takes me back. Those Saturdays lights man, they were insane."
"That's how you know you always have to come back there every tour, yeah?" You teased with a smile, over the moon when Louis confirmed that France would never leave his concert map. "I'm so happy you put this show on the live album by the way, that's like a fever dream to be somewhat featured on it."
"You liked it?" He asked, to which you nodded. "Got the album alright?"
"Oh, I didn't buy it yet but I'm planning on getting the CD don't worry."
"Forget that", Louis told you. "I'll get you one along with the vinyl and the whole package, yeah? Tell you what, I'll get in touch with your boyfriend's manager to send you all that properly. Sounds good?"
"Yes, oh my God, absolutely. Thank you so much!"
"Least I can do for you, we'll stay in contact." A look behind you notified Louis that Charles was walking towards the both of you, probably meaning that goodbyes were in order. "Very nice to meet you, I hope we'll see each other again."
"Thanks for taking the time to speak with me, I really appreciate it. Enjoy the race!"
Sharing a last quick hug, Louis left you so that he could go mingle somewhere else, before you felt a new pair of arms hugging you from behind.
"Sooo, how was meeting your favourite singer?" Charles asked.
"Amazing, thank you so much. I don't think I would've come talk to him by myself," you admitted.
"I'd be a monster and the worst boyfriend ever if I didn't push you to him. Who knows when you'd have another opportunity like that?"
"True. Now there's only one thing that could make me even happier than meeting Louis," you told Charles.
"Really?" He raised an eyebrow at you.
"Yeah," you nodded. "You on that top step after the race."
"That I can do, I guess."
"You guess?" You scoffed in reply. "Louis Tomlinson is in that garage, so you better win this Leclerc."
"I will", Charles assured you with determination in his eyes. "Do not worry even once about me, I will."
And he did. He won in Monaco, his home race. He won in Monza, his team's home race. In. The. Same. Season.
You couldn't be prouder of him. From the first lap, you had been holding your breath when Charles managed to squeeze into P2 while Oscar overtook Lando.
Since then, it had been a rollercoaster of emotions for you and Charles's family with whom you were watching. You had been especially nervous when Charles got undercut by Lando, but it got better when you witnessed your boyfriend taking back the lead of the race later on.
You were scared when you saw the gap between Charles and Oscar getting shorter. Oscar had relatively new hard tyres compared to Charles who had his for the last forty laps or so.
But everything ended well. Charles crossed the finish line, P1 at the chequered flag. A Ferrari victory at home, at the temple of speed.
From then on, everything was a blur. You were a crying mess as Arthur hugged you. Everyone was cheering around you, celebrating a second victory of the Prince of Ferrari at Monza, five years later.
You didn't realise when Arthur pulled your hand and brought you with him to see Charles, the entire Ferrari team coming along. And when he drove his car to the P1 spot, everyone cheered once again. You knew you were far from being the loudest, still too emotional to actually process what happened.
Charles ran to his team, noticing you and Arthur in the middle of the red ocean. He hugged you both; happy tears pouring down everyone's cheeks.
The rest was another blur until you were looking up, with dried tears on your face, at Charles. As he had promised you, he was on the top step of the podium. Victory looked good on him, it always did. He seemed so relaxed, mouthing along to the Monegasque anthem, before the Italian one resonated and then all hell broke loose. Celebrations were in order, both for Charles and Ferrari, who had once again made Italy proud.
You had been the proudest though, you assured Charles the next morning when you woke up in each other's arms. You both stayed in bed longer than usual, just basking in the peace and quiet you were getting compared to yesterday's fervour.
"It still feels like a dream," Charles told you.
"Dreams are made to be achieved", you softly replied. "You're making yours come true, as you should."
"I hope we are on the right path again now."
"Of course you are." Truth be told, you were waiting to see what would happen during the next races to be sure of it, but if Charles was trusting his team right now, then so did you. "This was such a wonderful weekend."
"Because I won or because you met Louis?" Charles asked with a laugh. "Which happened thanks to me by the way, you coward."
"Because you won, don't worry. Although Louis was a great bonus," you added. "I'm sure he was your lucky charm, you should invite him again."
"And lose my girlfriend to him?" He scoffed at your suggestion. "No way. You are my lucky charm, the only one I need."
"I'll be there for all your next wins then," you confirmed.  Whenever you need another one."
A comfortable silence then took place between the two of you, before Charles broke it:
"Would you rather be at his concert or a race?"
"Charles!" You exclaimed as you thought about how ridiculous he sounded.
"Would you, though?"
"Maybe..." Maybe not, you mentally added.
"You're kidding?"
"Unless you keep asking stupid questions like that, yes I'm kidding. Races can't be changed but it's easy to decide that I'll go see him elsewhere," you explained. "Don't worry, you're still my favourite."
"Favourite artist?"
"I can do favourite pianist, but that's it."
"I'll take that, I guess. Right now, I'm the one in bed with you so..."
"And I wouldn't wanna be anywhere else", you said. "I love you, Prince of Ferrari, Il Predestino; wait no, Il Pres- no... Il Predestinato! Is that it?" You asked, a look of hope in your eyes.
"It is yeah," Charles confirmed with a chuckle. "Let's be glad I'm not dating you for your Italian."
"Yeah, yeah... you love me too much to care about how shit my Italian is."
"I do love you very much", he replied before kissing you. "Even if you obsess over British men who disbanded almost a decade ago."
"Hey! That's low, and mean!"
Charles apologised as you threatened to punch him for his previous words, laughter now echoing in your hotel room. Those were moments you would never trade for anything else, not when you had the opportunity to witness Charles's highs after so many lows. His happiness made yours, and you would stay by his side for as long as he'll want you.
It's you and me until the end.
Anyone remembers when i said i had no idea if/when I'd ever write for a driver again🧍🏻‍♀️ well that was acc quick to happen lmao
Ig it's a bit addictive to write when you easily find material that helps create the content you wanna put out here - not only did charles win fucking monza but louis was there so that felt like a sign from the universe and i had no choice but to comply
Fun fact, otb and hoth truly are my fav songs from each album (i even have a tat in relation to hoth bc this song means sm to me and i fucking sobbed when i heard it live) + i did went to the paris show for each tour
Anyways, hope y'all enjoyed it and ig this time i really don't know when I'll write again - maybe next gp depending on who wins and/or what happens during the lil break so bye bye for now❤️
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urhoneycombwitch · 7 months ago
Ok ok hear me out I have a different idea now after reading your phone sex blurb
What about after Eddie comes back from his tour they're out with friends and some other girl is chatting him up, trying to rub up on him in front of reader. And she wants to stake her claim but she can't because he's not hers, not technically; and he isn't into the other girl's attention because he just wants reader, but he can't be too earnest about that bc it'll scare her off.
Do I want them to grind on the dancefloor or have sex in the bathroom? Yeah maybe
foreword: more roommate!Eddie x reader filth. secret situationship fucking at a party style. ty anon <3
wc: 1.8k
cw: secret FWB, Reader with breasts + vagina, femme pet names used, fingering (R receiving), the return of Eddie Cums-In-His-Pants Munson, wee bit angsty, lots of hidden longing
This party is the most sound your apartment has ever heard- speakers thrumming bass lines through the floorboards, drunken friends’ laughter echoing off walls.
You and Eddie planned ahead, started plotting weeks ago to bribe various neighbors in the building to avoid catching a noise complaint- scratch brownies for the floor below, some pre-rolls handed off across the hall, party invites extended to whoever was in earshot.
Informal karaoke kicked off around midnight, as the room rose in heat from extra bodies and alcoholic flush; Robin and Steve are bringing down the house on the other side of the bathroom door, charming the crowd with a belligerently intoxicated rendition of a Beastie Boys hit.
Eddie’s got you pressed against the sink, your ass to the unforgiving marble of the counter while he teases his teeth over the skin of your neck.
“No marks,” you whisper, fist seizing up at the root of his hair, tugging. He stifles a moan into your skin while you continue to tell him off, voice just under the protective layer of music. “It’s bad enough there’s only one bathroom in this place. Someone’s bound to notice we’re both gone-”
Eddie suddenly drops to his knees, nosing at the strip of skin above your jeans that he lifts your shirt to reveal. Your breath stutters, and he grins before popping the button with his teeth, chocolate eyes eclipsed by the black-lust of his pupils.
“No one’s gonna hear you, ‘cuz you’re not gonna make a sound. Got it?”
The gush of arousal that meets Eddie’s fingers is invitation enough. You rock into his hand, and he angles his fingers up- you take two of them like a dream, as if your cunt had just been waiting to be filled by those long, dexterous digits, cold rings quickly warming to the skin-temperature of your thighs.
“That’s it,” Eddie mumbles, never more mouthy than when he’s face to face with his favorite pastime. And then, as if reading your mind- “Been waitin’ for me all night, hm? Poor thing. So wet…”
Outside, the song rises into a fast guitar solo bridge, quickening along with your breaths. Hoping there’s enough sound barrier, you brace yourself with one hand on the counter while the other buries itself into the heat of Eddie’s scalp.
Soft, dark curls slip between your knuckles, your thumb brushing gently under the layer of bangs to touch the bare skin of his forehead. It’s too tender, too endearing for what the moment calls, in direct contrast with the way Eddie’s plunging into you, the insistent, budging slope of his nose near the pounding apex of your thighs.
“Becca’s gonna notice.” Your thumb tracks a path to Eddie’s temple, so now you’re just cradling his head as he fingers you into oblivion. “You know- ah- Becca? The girl from down the hall that you invited, specially?”
If it wasn’t for the public setting, you’d take more time to calculate which buttons of Eddie’s to push; as it stands, you’re sort of flailing around in the dark, hitting random ones and seeing what lights up.
Seems to do the trick, though- in one fluid motion, Eddie shoves your jeans the rest of the way down and takes one of your knees over his shoulders, giving himself enough room between your legs to dip forward and latch onto on your clit.
His plush lips suck, fervently, in time with the rhythm of his curled fingers, managing to hit into that gummy spot that buckles your knees.
“Well Becca- isn’t- here, right now,” Eddie says, around lapping mouthfuls of you, hand on your hip near-bruising with the force it takes to keep you upright. “Besides, she invited herself.”
“I dunno… you seemed pretty excited to see her.” The muscles of your abdomen clench, then release, your head tipping backwards to thunk against the mirror.
There’s an arch in your spine, now, enough space for Eddie’s hand to migrate from your hip to low back, pulling you more insistently onto his tongue and fingers.
In response, the spot behind your navel tightens again, pleasure swelling with the music. It’s irritating that Eddie thinks you’ll drop the subject in favor of an orgasm, so you aim for another button, lashes fluttering at the ceiling, voice stretched thin as your resolve- “She gonna stay the night? Use the same bathroom you’ve finger-banged some other b-”
The wet, hot pressure on your clit disappears, a whine of protest crawling from your throat before Eddie can smother it with his palm. Luckily, the living room speakers are kind of shitty, crackling with feedback as the song reaches fever pitch volume.
Eddie’s fingers still within you, stretching to depths that make your eyes roll back as he rises to cover the length of your body with his own. His hand is big and warm over the lower half of your face, breath an angry huff by your ear as he growls, low- “It’s probably in your best interest to not finish that sentence.”
It’s some consolation that you have the option to bite. Tempting as that is, you let your glare speak for itself, brows knitting together as Eddie draws back to look at you.
There’s a bead of sweat running down the side of his jaw, disappearing into the curls he’s let loose for the night. The eyeliner you’d carefully applied for him pre-party is blurred from the humidity and exertion, a rosy flush in his cheeks to match.
Eddie crowds your vision, close enough for you to note the tiny freckle under his left eye twitch, and for a moment, everything is just him- all you can see, hear, touch, smell, dopamine flooding in a head spin of hormones that respond despite your best efforts to tamp them down.
The background noise fades away, and it’s just you and Eddie, panting and straining against the other. A squelch, as he adds a third finger, your breasts pushing into the solid expanse of his chest as you squirm up, mindlessly seeking release.
“Be good and come ‘fore this song is over,” he’s saying, thick fingers scissoring, your resounding moan stifled by his palm. “Then I’ll kick everyone out and let you come again.”
It’s the promise of another that undoes you, thighs shaking with the growing wave, lashes tickling Eddie’s knuckles as your eyes slam shut.
He keeps all the points of pressure that you need, plus more- hips pinning the frenetic rolls of your torso, tips of his fingers coaxing bright spasms from the channel of your cunt, forehead pressed like an anchor to your own as your body sings.
The whole time, he’s talking you through it, deep timbre just for your ears with rasping praise and encouragement. “Oh, fuck, sweetheart, that’s it. That’s it. Good. Let it all out. S’just me here, yeah? Just you and me. Fuck…”
By the time your hearing returns, Eddie’s dotting soothing kisses up the curve of your neck, apparently trusting you enough to let his hand drop from your mouth. You take a few deep, shuddering breaths, hand still buried in Eddie’s hair like a lifeline.
He doesn’t seem to mind, taking his sweet time pulling out of you, disentangling himself with lingering touches to any remaining bare skin.
While he tugs your shirt back into place, you turn to face the mirror, smoothing over flyaways and making sure you look somewhat presentable. You let Eddie’s hands roam as your heart rate stutters, working itself back down to normal while he refixes the button of your jeans.
His chin settles on your shoulder, arms twining around your middle; you let him take some of your weight, relaxing into his hold, eyes catching his in the mirror as you ask, quietly, “You want me to wingman for you? She seems nice. And it’s never a bad idea to sleep with someone who lives in your building.”
Eddie snorts, your dry attempt at a joke working wonders, grin on its way to devastating greeting your reflection. “You seriously think I’m the one who needs help? After the time I just showed ya?”
“Well based on my limited data-” your hips grind backwards without warning, and Eddie stiffens, smile slipping from his face as your own wicked grin takes over- “-I’d say you’re the one who came in his pants just from touching me.”
You wriggle in his arms to turn around, noses bumping, lips hovering in a not-quite-kiss as you whisper, “Say please and I’ll run and get you some new pants. Hand-delivered.”
Even with the wall of party noise, there’s a distinctive click as Eddie’s jaw ticks. He acquiesces, though, stopping somewhere just shy of grateful to grit out, “Please.”
You hum, pleased and thoughtful, leaning out of his space to lift a brow- “I think Becca’s into blue-collared boys.”
This fact, you’re basing off the one time you saw a UPS guy at your neighbor’s door. Sounds a lot better if you act like you know what you’re talking about, though, as if the list of things you know about Becca is longer than black hair and occasionally receives packages.
Distance, safety, one and the same, even though what your body begs for is to get closer, to soak all your senses in Eddie again. You wind a particularly pretty curl of his around your index finger. “Those khakis you wore once to Robin’s grad party and then never again- bottom drawer?”
When Eddie nods, he fixes you with a glare, nostrils flaring like he’s about to tell you off.
Before he can, though, you’ve wriggled from his grasp, reaching for the door handle with strict, hissy instructions about locking it after you’re gone and only opening for your special knock.
He obeys, deadbolt sliding into place, door swallowing the noise of the party in your absence.
It’s just Eddie now, leaning into hands over the sink, breathing hard like he hasn’t already blown a load three minutes ago.
The entire length of his middle fingers shimmer in the light, still coated with your arousal.
Eddie’s mouth waters. He thinks about you; how for a second, you were the only thing on his mind, how rare that is, for him to be so singularly focused.
Then he thinks about Becca. And stupid tight fucking dress pants.
The sink water gushes to a start as he jerks the handle on, sudsy hand soap scrubbing away at the smell of you, carrying it down the drain.
By the time you’re back, dreaded pants in hand, Eddie’s fixed an easy smile on his face, bickering at the ready. Almost normal, and certainly familiar.
It’s just simpler to keep some distance. Close quarters aside.
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Being Team Japan’s Manager:
The Team Crushes on Their Manager
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Team Japan x GN! reader
Warnings: fluff, swearing
AN: this was due approx. 570 of you ago but nevertheless, here we go ���
Where do I even start?
Probably from the beginning because that’s when it ALL started
It was your first day as Team Japan’s new manager
No other job prospects huh Yn?
You were filled with hope and a renewed sense of purpose 🤩
You’d always loved Volleyball whether you played it, watched it or read a very specific manga surrounding it 👀
It was safe to say you were a fan!
The job seemed relatively straightforward
You’d come to work, take care of a bunch of world class athletes, clock out and repeat
Easy right?
You walked into the building on your first day and it started almost immediately
There is no easing into this job YN 😌
“Well hello there gorgeous,” a very untoned blonde who seriously needed his roots retouched whistled
“Umm hi! I was wondering if you could-” you started to say before being unfortunately interrupted 🙄
“You want my autograph don’t ya sweetheart?” The blonde smirked, conveniently pulling out a sharpie that seemed to manifest from thin air
“Oh no, I’m looking for-” you try to say again before again being interrupted
“ATSUMU!” A voice shouted as you saw a rather angry looking man with black spiky hair marching up to you and the blonde, “what did I tell you about harassing guests?”
“I wasn’t harassing ‘em!” The blonde, known as Atsumu shouted back
Meanwhile you are just standing there like 🧍
“If you weren’t harassing them, then why do they look like they wanna run for their lives?” Another tall man with curly black hair replied, approaching from behind you
“SHUT YER TRAP SAKUSA!” Atsumu yelled again as the spiky haired man spoke
“If you both don’t get your asses back into that gym right now!”
Atsumu rolled his eyes before responding, “yes Iwaizumi” and turning to leave
But not before shooting a very unsolicited wink in your direction 🙄
“Stop making people feel so uncomfortable,” Sakusa berated as he and Atsumu argued back to the gym
“I’m so sorry about that. You must be Yn?” Iwaizumi asked turning to you as you smiled back widely
“That’s me!” You giggled as Iwaizumi’s eyes widened and his face turned pink at your sheer adorableness
Iwaizumi is just happy that you seem excited
He’s tired Yn, help him please
Iwaizumi begins showing you around the gym while various, rather large men walk past you
You excitedly ask questions, smiling and laughing
The guys are all like 👀👀👀👀👀
They’d heard about a new prospective manager starting but dang, you were way cuter than they imagined
After the tour you made your way to the gym with Iwaizumi to finally meet the team
As you stood there, adorable and bubbly, they all just stared at you like a bunch of creeps 😅
You remember in Season 2 when Yachi joined Karasuno and Suga had to tell Noya and Tanaka to stop staring…
Yeah that’s exactly what’s happening right now 😂
Iwaizumi is giving everyone his death glare because there is absolutely no way he’s letting anyone ruin this for him!
Iwa rn 👉🏻 🔥 👄🔥
Of course you notice them all looking at you but you simply think it’s because you are new
Delusion is always the solution Yn
“And finally, this is Yn, our new manager. I expect nothing but respect and kindness from you guys!” Coach yells as you smile and wave a greeting
“I’m so excited to work with you all!” You say, smiling bright as your eyes sparkle with excitement
This was the first of many incidents that sealed your fate
Now some of the team members fell hard for you immediately
*cough* ATSUMU, BOKUTO, HINATA *cough*
While others took a while to warm up to you
They all thought you were cute and sweet sure but it was your actions that spoke the loudest
For example…
“Hey Sakusa, I heard you are particular about laundry and hygiene, if you could please tell me the products you prefer so I can accommodate you? Oh and I’d you’d like, I can wear a mask around you to make you more comfortable!” You excitedly spoke, standing 6 feet apart from Sakusa so as to not be right in his space
Sakusa rn 👉🏻👁️👄👁️
“Umm sure I can text you a list and you don’t have to wear a mask if you aren’t comfortable,” he responds, honestly shocked because who are you
You wave your hands and smile, “oh no it’s really ok! I’m very accommodating!”
It was safe to say you’d captured our precious Sakusa’s attention
But it doesn’t stop there
“Hey Suna, I noticed you left your arm guards in on the bench yesterday! I washed them for you last night oh and I recorded a video of Atsumu flubbing a serve and accidently hitting Kageyama. I can send it to you if you’d like?” You laughed as Suna just stared in awe
Who the heck were you and why were you so amazing!
Not only that but you provided help to Aran and Ushijima when it came to taking diligent notes about the teams progress
Made sure Kageyama had plenty to eat and got enough sleep
You measured down to the very millimeter for jump heights, making sure Hoshiumi knew exactly where he stood against the other players
You stayed late to help Komori and Yaku with their receiving practice
You came early to unlock the gym for Atsumu, Bokuto and Hinata because lord knows they can’t be out of the gym for more than 8 hours 🙄
You even made sure the guys all followed Iwaizumi’s strict training regime to ensure they all stayed healthy and in the best shape!
It was easy to see why they all had fallen for you!
Competent, pretty, kind, amazing and funny? A perfect combination!
It had been about 6 months and you’d more than proven your worth as a manager
You’d even spent time outside of practice with all of them both individually as well as in groups
Surprisingly they’d all managed to keep their little crushes on you to a minimum
They respected you and didn’t want to mess up anything
When I say “they” I actually mean “most of them”…
Because, ya know, some people just can’t stop themselves 👀
It was safe to say they all knew each other had a crush on their precious manager
But for the sake of teamwork, most of them kept it to themselves
However, there is some people who can only hold it in so long
“I’m thinking about asking YN out this weekend,” Atsumu boldly and nonchalantly says
And just like that, the entire locker room halts
“Excuse me?” Yaku says, staring at Atsumu like he’s about to commit a felony
“What? YN is such a cutie and so awesome! Is it really a surprise that I’d ask them out?” Atsumu replies
All eyes narrow on the setter as he looks back confused
“And what makes you think YN even likes you?” Suna jokes as the rest of the team nods
“Awe come on! It’s pretty safe to say Yn has a crush on me, look at all the stuff they do for me,” Atsumu continues
“So? YN does that for all of us. Plus, maybe another one of us wants to ask them out?” Sakusa adds as Atsumu narrows his eyes
“Ok then, who wants to ask YN out?”
Literally all hands shoot up as the guys look around at each other, eyes wide as the realization sinks in
Soon the shock wears off and they narrow their eyes at each other like a duel in the Ok corral is about to go down 😑
“Well there’s no way all of us asking out YN would be a good idea. We’d probably scare them away!” Komori mentioned
“Nah, if Atsumu hasn’t scared them yet, pretty sure we’re safe,” Aran remarked as Atsumu looked at his friend, offended by his remarks
“What if we draw lots?” Hyakuzawa questioned
“That’s not really far to YN tho, what if they have a particular interest in a member?” Yaku answered
“First one to ask Yn out then?” Hakuba remarked
“Oh yeah, just a bunch of grown ass men running up to YN screaming ‘YN GO OUT WITH ME!’ That sounds like nightmare fuel!” Hoshiumi replied
“Ok so then we let Yn decide,” Iwa added, coming through the doors having just listened to the conversation, “we do our best to win YN’s affections and we let them decide.”
The team all nodded in agreement, ready for the challenge of winning their precious YN’s heart
The next morning, the gym felt different
You could tell immediately the moment you stepped in
“Good morning YN, I bought you coffee!” Iwaizumi smiled, handing you a cup of your favorite pick me up
“Thanks Hajime! I really needed this!”
“Hey Yn, I thought maybe you’d wanna have lunch with me today? My treat,” Yaku interrupted
“That would be awesome Mori!”
“Here Yn, I know how much you love these flowers so I got up early to go to the market to get some,” Sakusa flushed, pushing the flowers in your direction
“Wow thanks Kiyoomi! They are beautiful!”
Were these boys being weird? Sure
Were you gonna fight it? Absolutely not
Now these shenanigans continued for a few weeks and at first they were innocent
But then bringing you coffee, flowers or the occasional chocolate morphed into full blown outings
“Hey YN, I’m going to the art museum this weekend? You wanna come?” Komori asked as your eyes lit up
You loved art!!
“Hey YN, I’m gonna grab sushi tonight after practice, you wanna come?” Gao would ask as your mouth salivated
You loved sushi!
“Hey YN, I’m planning on going to the dog park with Hirugami tonight, you wanna come?” Hoshiumi would ask
Dogs? Say less!
“Hey YN, there’s a new cat cafe that just opened up, you wanna go with me?” Suna would declare
It took you a while to catch on that there was something strange going on with these guys
While the putting seemed innocent, their motives definitely were not
After a while, you’d finally gotten sick of it all and just asked
It was after practice, the gym was quiet
And there you were
“What is up with you guys taking me on all these dates for?”
… there to ruin it
Their amount of wide-eyed staring and red faces gave them away quicker than a smoking volcano
You sighed, knowing you had to tell them the truth
“Listen guys, I like you all but only as friends and coworkers ok?”
They all collectively sighed, having all been rejected at the same time
You felt bad but at the same time, they needed to know your feelings for them were platonic
“Hey we can still go out and have fun but it’ll only be as friends ok? Plus I have a boyfriend already.”
Their eyes all shot up at you, wondering who exactly it would be
“Wait you had a boyfriend this whole time?” Atsumu questioned
Yep :D
“Like before you even started working with us?” Yaku asked
Yep : D
“Ok then how come we’ve never met him before?” Sakusa demanded as you smiled
“Oh you have, he talks about you guys all the time!” You respond as everyone but Iwaizumi looks confused
“YN you’re not dating him, please YN anyone but him!” Iwa shouts, running up to you and shaking you as your grin devilishly
It seems to finally hit the others as their eyes go from shocked to horrified in a matter of seconds.
Before they can even process his name, they hear a “yoohoo Yn-Chan” radiate throughout the gym
Surprise an Oikawa ending 😅 if you didn’t see it coming, do you even know who I am? I will always work that man into everything possible!
944 notes · View notes
artist-issues · 11 months ago
I remember during the making of Tangled, the filmmakers said they had to work hard to design Rapunzel’s tower to be beautiful and seem like a cozy, fun environment, while also making Mother Gothel seem sweet and loveable, if manipulative.
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Because, they said, if the environment is too much like a prison, and Gothel is too much like a villainess, the audience wouldn’t believe in Rapunzel as a character. They’d think she was either stupid or cowardly, to stay in such a nasty situation without trying to escape sooner. But if her circumstances seem just livable enough, just sweet enough, that you can see some of the appeal, then you wouldn’t blame her for waiting so long to leave.
Why didn’t they do that with Wish?
Why didn’t they think that relatability through?
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Nobody is really feeling compelled to root for the everyday Rosas citizens during the movie. You don’t feel like rooting for Asha’s cause, or even Queen Amaya’s. Because you think to yourself, “why did it take the townspeople so long to ask the question ‘why can’t we just have our wishes back?’”
Asha comes up with those culture-breaking questions, inexplicably, in the first twenty minutes of the movie. It takes the rest of the townspeople about 24 hours to suddenly start asking that, too.
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So why don’t you root for them?
Because when something bad happens to them, part of your brain goes, “why didn’t they see that coming, though? Why didn’t they ask questions? That one’s a little bit on them.”
And you don’t really feel that feeling you got with Mother Gothel, where you were like, “Oh yeah, I can see why the main character trusted this villain; the villain really seems to care about the hero, if you didn’t know what she was after.” You don’t;t get that same feeling with Magnifico. Because the whole idea of what he does—by erasing people’s memories and yelling at them and having no moments with regular folk where he’s warm and personal and building trust—is so malicious that we don’t believe the other characters couldn’t see it.
We COULD HAVE believed it. If they’d added in good writing and character moments to make it believable.
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When Magnifico interacts with the people who trust him and are duped by him, he’s up on a stage, flashing superpowers they don’t have and then disappearing back into his tower after only granting one wish. He’s not on the welcome tour with Asha. He doesn’t know his own palace staff by name. He’s done nothing to build the trust all the side-characters unquestioningly give him. So even at the end, when everyone’s like, “aw, we wanted to believe in Magnifico,” we don’t feel it. Because didja? Why? Everyone could see that coming.
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Meanwhile Mother Gothel tells Rapunzel she loves her most every time she leaves. She laughs with her. She reinforces every conversation they have with the idea that she’s desperate to protect Rapunzel. She brings her her favorite soup as a surprise and remembers the ingredients. She goes to get white paint on a very long trip so Rapunzel can paint. She compliments her strength and beauty—even if it’s backhanded. She calls her “dear,” and “darling.” She knocks thugs out with sticks, returning even after she argued with and supposedly ‘gave up’ on Rapunzel, all to supposedly’ protect’ her. So when Rapunzel realizes it was all an act, and she’s wrathful and furious and grabs Gothel’s hand, we DO feel it. Because we believed that Rapunzel really didn’t see this coming, so the shock stings worse. We don’t blame Rapunzel, and we do blame Gothel.
Just another example of what #NotMyDisney forgot about themselves.
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incendiobrock · 11 months ago
The Driskill Hotel {Chris Sturniolo}
Summary: fem!reader x bf!Chris go to Austin, Texas with Matt and Nick to film a video for Sam and Colby's channel at the Driskill Hotel. The reader is very sensitive to the supernatural and gets convinced to do the elevator ritual alone... What could possibly go wrong? ;)
Warnings: anxiety/panic attacks, ghostly encounters, fear of elevators, language, FLUFFFFF
A/N: I know this video is from awhile ago but I've had this idea and couldn't stop thinking about it. I started my page with imagines like this for Colby x reader and so I wanted to throw it back to my roots and make a Chris x reader (because I'm a die hard Chris girl)
Part 2??
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You had been a fan of Sam and Colby for years, enjoying their content and being fascinated with their supernatural findings. There was always a part of you that was convinced you had a special connection with the supernatural, feeling extremely vulnerable and tethered to their world. Maybe it was due to your empathic nature, or maybe you were a undiscovered medium that hadn’t tapped into your powers.
You never tapped into your "abilities" because you were scared of what could possibly come from speaking to the dead. But when Nick, Matt, and Chris (and yourself) got asked to join in for an XPLR video on Sam and Colby's channel, you all knew that you couldn't pass it down. This is what led you all to Austin, Texas where the historic, haunted, Driskill Hotel was located.
The night had started somewhat normal, you all walked through the hotel with a tour guide where she explained the history of the building as well as the ghost inhabitants. Throughout the tour you would catch glimpses of shadow figures on the wall, hearing inaudible voices, and being extra sensitive to smells like cigar smoke and roses. The fear was definitely building inside of you when you observed that none of the rest of the group seemed to be experiencing the same things you were. You did your best to hold it together, knowing the triplets were excited to be included in the video, and not wanting to ruin your own experience of an inner fangirl being on an XPLR trip.
As the tour wrapped up and the night went on, Sam and Colby began to lead the investigation portion of their video. You stayed glued to Chris' side, feeling comfort in his presence, even with everything going on around you. Chris held an EMF reader in his left hand as his right hand was busy interlocking your fingers, running his thumb over your knuckles soothingly. He couldn't tell if you were nervous or if you were just trying to hone in on filming the video since you were all a guest to Sam and Colby's channel.
You and Chris stayed slightly behind the group as you made your way over to the elevators on the main lobby for the next part of the video, the elevator ritual. The elevators had already been acting up earlier in the night, not wanting to take you guys up to the floor you had requested. Elevators weren't necessarily your favorite inventions, a slight irrational fear of being stuck in one or one falling with you inside.
"Matt, the ghosts seem to really like you. Maybe you should be the one to do the ritual." You heard Sam say, observing how the EMF in Matt's hand continued to light up to red as they crossed through the grand lobby. As you passed by the receptionist desk you saw the figure of a tall man dart across the wall, making you subconsciously squeeze Chris' hand out of fright. "What's up baby? You okay?" Chris asked softly, pausing in his tracks to check up on you.
"Did you see that?" You asked him back, hoping that maybe you weren't going as crazy as you thought you were. Chris furrowed his eyebrows, glancing around the rotunda, trying to see whatever it was you were talking about. "See what?"
You let out a shaky breath, your palms becoming clammy as all the supernatural sensitivity was beginning to catch up to you. The hand that was holding onto Chris' disconnected as you rubbed the sweat on your pants, "I keep seeing shadows on the walls..." Chris frowns at your reply, wrapping his arms over your shoulders and pulling you into a hug. His lips pressed a firm kiss on your forehead, "I won't let anything hurt you, I promise."
"Chris! Y/n! You guys coming?" Colby asked, staring at you two from down the hall where they had stopped in front of the elevators. "Yeah we're coming, sorry!" Chris responded, gently pulling away from the hug and instantly wrapping his hand back in yours. As you stood in front of the elevator doors Sam explained to the camera, and to all of you, what the elevator ritual would consist of.
"y/n, will you do the honors?" Sam questioned, pulling your out of your trance and causing your jaw to drop open. "Huh? What?" You stuttered, not registering what he had elected you to do for this ritual.
"Do you want to do the ritual?" He rephrased, looking at you with big, hopeful eyes. Your body tensed at the thought, not only did elevators terrify you, but you had already been experiencing paranormal things the whole night. "You don't have to if you don't want." Chris said, breaking the short silence that filled the room, knowing you were already on edge and trying to stand up for you in case you were wary about doing it. "Uh, yeah, I think I could do it... I would just need to write down the order of the floors." You said, uncertainty filling your voice.
"Awesome! I'll text it to you." Sam said, beginning to type up a message to send to your phone. A lump began to form in your throat as you awaited the notification being sent to you. Chris gently rubbed your lower back, doing his best to calm your anxiety without bringing too much attention to your state, understanding that you didn't like when others were aware of your intimate emotions. Your phone vibrated in your hand, looking down to see the message;
Sam: 4, 2, 6, 2, 10, 5, 1
"Okay it's exactly midnight, you have to start now." Colby said, pressing the up button and watching the elevator door open. You took the camera from him, not saying a word as you faced the elevator. You swallowed the lump in your throat, knowing there was no way you could back out of this now. Stepping into the elevator you instantly felt chills run up your spine.
"Now remember, when you get to the fifth floor a lady might join you. If she does then when you try to come back down to the lobby the elevator will actually go up to the tenth floor, that's how we will know it worked. If it comes back down to one then the lady didn't enter and the ritual failed." Sam said, reminding you and the audience how things were supposed to go.
Shakily, your finger made its way up to press the number four, officially beginning the ritual. The door slowly shut in front of you, keeping eye contact with Chris until you couldn't anymore. The elevator rose and the door opened, nobody was there. Floor two, nothing.
Sixth floor.
Second floor, again.
Tenth floor.
Then finally, the fifth floor. Your breath caught in your throat as the elevator door opened unusually slow, revealing an empty hallway. 'This is just a game', 'It's not real', you tried reminding yourself as your heart beat uncontrollably inside your chest. You waited for a couple seconds before pressing the button for the first floor, praying that this stupid ritual hadn't actually worked. The doors shut and the elevator began to descend back to the first floor, allowing you to let out a breath you didn't even realize you were holding. "I guess the ritual failed guys," You lightly giggled talking into the camera, feeling relief wash over your whole body.
"Woah!" You yelped, almost dropping the camera as the elevator slightly dropped, the lights inside flickering. The screen above the door signaling that you were on the third floor. Before you knew it the elevator came to a halt, stopping dead in its tracks on the third floor.
"What? Oh no, no, no, no, no..." You whispered, panic rising inside of you as you dropped the camera to the floor and made your way to the control panel. You smashed the button for the first floor over and over again, hoping the elevator would start to move again. Nothing was happening however, the buttons not even lighting up when you pressed them. You began to reach into your back pocket for your phone, pulling it out to call Chris.
The dial tone played as you dropped to the floor in a seated position, legs shaking beneath you. After three rings Chris' voice filled your left ear, "Hey babe, why did you stop on the third floor? We were waiting for you to come back down-" He said quickly before you cut him off.
"Chris! The elevator is stuck! I don't know what to do, I'm freaking the fuck out!" Your breath became labored as you heaved in and out, feeling like no matter how much air you inhaled it wasn't reaching your lungs correctly. "Woah, woah. Okay, calm down please! Just breath alright? Listen to my breathing!" Chris instructed, knowing you were on the verge of a panic attack.
He let out slow, steady breaths of air while your vision began to blur with tears. Your head started to heat up and your ears began to ring, "I-I can't Chris... I can't breathe!" You huffed, clenching your hand over your aching heart.
"The elevators stuck, somebody go try and find someone to help!" You faintly heard Chris yell to the other boys, holding the phone away from his ear so it wasn't directed to you. "Yes you can, I believe in you babe. Nick is going to get some help, okay? Just hang in there." He continued to comfort you through the phone, coaching your breath back to normal as Nick found an employee. After five minutes, which felt like an eternity to you, the elevator doors where being pried open. The elevator had stopped just barely off center to the second floor, making the door inoperable on your side.
When the doors were finally opened you couldn't help but let the tears you had been containing fall, all the overwhelming fear catching up to your eyes. The employee held out a hand for you as you jumped the three foot distance onto the second floor lobby, landing slightly unsteady as the tears blurred your vision. Chris rushed over to you, faster than you had ever seen him move before, pulling you deep into his embrace.
"There, there, I got you. I got you, don't worry." He said, running his big hand through your hair. Your arms wrapped tightly around his torso, scared that he might disappear if you didn't hold him close. Tears stained his jacket sleeve as you buried your head into his shoulder. You both stayed like that for awhile, the others watching as you crumbled into Chris' arms.
Once you had finally cooled down, you all sat on some couches that were in the main lobby. You drank some water that Nick had brought for you as you stayed by Chris' side, his arm wrapped over your shoulders. "Y/n, I am so so sorry that the elevator got stuck. I had no idea that was going to happen and I feel horrible. I didn't realize you were scared of elevators." Sam apologized to you, feeling guilty that he had put you in this position in the first place.
"Sam, it's not your fault! How would you have known the elevator was going to get stuck?" You said sincerely, appreciating his apology even though he had nothing to do with the unfortunate situation.
"If you guys need to call it a night and go back to your hotel, we completely understand." Colby said, offering to end the night where it was instead of finishing out the investigation. "No, it's okay. I'm good now, really. There's no need to scrap the rest of the video just because of me." You reassured, wanting the boys to finish the video they had put so much effort into already.
"Are you sure?" Chris asked you.
"Yes, I'm sure. Now who's ready for the Estes Method?"
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lilirari · 1 year ago
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🧋 everyone thinks pedri should stop pining for you because you 'don't give a f*ck' about him but they don't know what your actual relationship with the footballer is.
💌 pedri gonzález x fem! joao felix's bff! reader (social media au)
🌟 cw : pedri being a total simp, cheesy pick-up lines, translated spanish & portuguese sentences, timelines don't matter
💭 author's note : this is for my beloved pookie @leclercloml ! ilysm <3 idk if the ending parts make sense but please just bear with it 😞
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instagram 🎥
📍 new york city, usa
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liked by pedri, joaofelix79, jennaortega and 13,193,299 others
yourinstagram the wind was a paid actor
view all 17,929 comments
pedri 😍😍😍
pedri eres la chica más hermosa que he visto en mi vida.
pedri i ought to complain to spotify for you not being named this week's hottest single
-> spotify complaint received 😉
-> user59 oh spotify's definitely on the pedri x y/n agenda
pedri do you happen to have a band-aid ? i just scrapped my knees falling for you
-> yourinstagram deserved fall down again
-> user44 poor pedri but this is kind of funny 😭
jennaortega my favourite girl (⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠³⁠˘⁠)
mikkykiemeney 🫶🫶🫶
saraguendogan gorgeous !!!
user45 the way two of the most popular barça wags are in her comments.. joão really must've introduced her to everyone in barça by now 😭
joaofelix79 minha linda melhor amiga 🥰
-> yourinstagram te amo joao 🫶
user33 babe wake up pedrizz gonzález is in the comments of y/n's post again
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📍 ibiza
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liked by pedri, joaofelix79, ferrantorres and 15,364,748 others
yourinstagram i love pink <3
view all 20,273 comments
pedri and i love you 🥰😘
-> yourinstagram ew
pedri ¿dónde has estado toda mi vida? 😍
pedri if beauty was a crime, you would've been sentenced for life in prison
-> user11 omg this is actually so good y/n please accept his love 😞
emmamyers 🩷🩷🩷
ferrantorres ❤️
liked by yourinstagram
joaofelix79 my prettiest girl 🫶
-> yourinstagram joao best boy !!!
user34 pedri should just stop trying to win y/n's heart man she clearly has no interest in him he's just wasting his time..
user50 i want a friendship like y/n and joão's 🥹
user96 is something going on between y/n and ferran ?? 🤔
user23 wait i'm a new barça fan and i came from x after seeing a post about pedri commenting on this girl's post.. who is she exactly ?
-> user22 she's y/n l/n, an upcoming model and also the bff of joão félix ! ^^
-> user23 ooh she's so pretty i get why pedri wants her lol
user82 huh ?? wasn't y/n in new york like literally yesterday ? how is she already in ibiza 😭
-> user25 queen's working so hard fr 😞
user75 pedrito i know you'll get the girl of your dreams someday i'm rooting for you !!!
liked by pedri
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📍 lisbon, portugal
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liked by pedri, joaofelix79, frenkiedejong and 20,182,838 others
tagged mikkykiemeney, saraguendogan, annalewandowska, taia_belloli, joaofelix79
yourinstagram on a trip with my girls (there's an imposter among us)
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pedri quisiera ser joyero para poder apreciar un diamante como tú todos los días 🤍
-> yourinstagram bro please stop before i block you 🧍‍♀️
-> user77 pedri i think you should listen to her y/n can be absolutely ruthless 😭
pedri ok but why did joão get invited and i didn't ?
-> yourinstagram bc you're not one of the girls ???
-> pedri and joão is ??
-> yourinstagram yeah !!! ☺️
-> joaofelix79 i was forced to tag along against my own will, hermano 😞
mikkykiemeney had so much fun with you, love ! 🫶
annalewandowska thanks for inviting me, angel ❤️
joaofelix79 who's the best tour guide & chauffeur ??
-> yourinstagram you are !! 🥰🥰 thanks for making this trip fun and memorable, amor 🫶
-> joaofelix79 yeah yeah i accept thanks only in cash and credit
saraguendogan 💋💋
taia_belloli mi novia 🥰
user43 wait does this mean y/n is a barça wag ?
-> user19 i don't think so but i also won't be surprised if she's dating one of the guys
-> user01 nah, i think she just got really close with the wags because of félix
user45 MY WIVES 💅
user55 can pedri please just give up on pursuing y/n.. she's CLEARLY not interested in you bro
-> pedri 🙉
-> user39 shut up man he clearly doesn't give a fuck about what people like you are saying
user26 no bc are we sure joão and y/n are not dating ?
-> user34 yep pretty sure
-> user84 they sure are sus for two best friends who call each other 'amor' and say 'ily' to e/o all the time
-> user07 i'm sure it's just in a platonic way, man
-> user02 what ? can't two people of the opposite gender say ily and still be only friends ? this is just a healthy friendship bro
user43 y/n please notice pedri and treat him properly challenge 😞🙏
user46 AHHH i hope joão showed them all the best places in lisbon ❤️🇵🇹
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📍 paris, france
🎼 my love mine all mine : mitski
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liked by joaofelix79, oliviarodrigo, gigihadid and 33,127,289 others
yourinstagram bts for the photoshoot of a new magazine cover for vogue ! oh, and i got some flowers today ;) 💐
view all 42,569 comments
joaofelix79 nice flowers
joaofelix79 who's that man though 👀
-> yourinstagram idk you tell me 🫣
jennaortega already omw to pre-order 1000 copies of the magazine
-> yourinstagram please i love you 😭🫶
gigihadid perfection 🫶
-> yourinstagram love u gigi
heidiklum 🤍🖤
konichan7 🥰
adrianalima xoxo 💋
_ferminlopez 🤭
-> user77 ariana what are you doing here
user34 some of the biggest names in the modelling industry are here in the comments... y/n really has come so far i'm so proud of you girl 🥹
user27 here for y/n's famous era !!!
user97 our prettiest princess !!! we love you y/n 💌
user05 don't be shy y/n show us a picture of the man in the second slide
user72 the song... the picture... the flowers... HAVE WE LOST Y/N TO A MAN ???
user55 um guys where's pedri ?
user95 pedri's @ is not there in the likes...
user33 no cringey pick-up line comments from pedri and he's not in the likes either.. what's happening..
user67 i'm guessing that man must be her bf ??
user15 well ig at least we all know that the man with her is not pedri since he's nowhere to be found 🤷‍♀️
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📍 barcelona, spain
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liked by pedri, joaofelix79, louispartridge_ and 40,932,389 others
yourinstagram hi barcelona
view all 45,693 comments
joaofelix79 what are you doing here
-> yourinstagram came to visit you bestie 🥰🥰🥰 i missed you sooooo much
-> joaofelix79 what a liar 🙄
oliviarodrigo love u girlie
alejandrobalde 🤍
liked by yourinstagram
taia_belloli you are glowing, sis !!!
jennierubyjane pretty in white ♡
alexiaputellas 💓💘
user13 my sunshine !!! 💛☀️
user04 what's balde doing here 😧
user82 BALDE ??? HELLO ????
user75 pedri in the likes but still no comment...
user16 what is happening with y/n and the barça boys
user30 damn i kinda miss pedri's comments 😭
user27 has pedri finally stopped trying to rizz y/n up ??
-> user08 i hope so.. he doesn't deserve her she seems so annoying
-> user89 how exactly is she annoying ??
-> user08 she's always dismissing/ignoring his comments and being mean to him what a bitch
-> user89 i don't think she's actually being mean though.. and if he isn't bothered by the way she acts then why are you ?
-> user75 please stop calling y/n names and trying to make her a villain she's an absolute angel
liked by pedri, joaofelix79, jennaortega and others
user66 the way we see different barça players comment on her post everyday 🧍‍♀️ guess today's man of the day is balde
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yourinstagram 10 minutes ago | pedri 2 minutes ago
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seen by joaofelix79, pablogavi, frenkiedejong and 17,929,199 others
y/n's dms 🏷️
☆ joaofelix79 replied to your story !
husband ??? 😰😱
☆ user56 replied to your story !
☆ user69 replied to your story !
please tell me that's just a beyonce reference and you don't actually have a husband.. 🥹
twitter 🫖
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imessage 💬
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mi esposa 💌
i think it's time
mi esposo ❤️‍🩹
wait really ? are you sure about this ?
mi esposa 💌
yeah 100% sure i'm ready
mi esposo ❤️‍🩹
alright then
mi esposa 💌
it's been a good run, hasn't it ?
mi esposo ❤️‍🩹
it sure has...
3 years ain't that bad
mi esposa 💌
frfr !!
we're a bit too good at this 🤭
mi esposo ❤️‍🩹
i second that
mi esposa 💌
i'll drop a head's up now
see you on the other side 🫡
mi esposo ❤️‍🩹
let's go give the world a shock, mi amor 🫶
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📍 tenerife, canary islands
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liked by pedri, joaofelix79, jennaortega and 50,199,143 others
tagged pedri
yourinstagram i'm guessing this wasn't the type of news y'all were expecting, huh ? jokes on all of you bc pedrito and i have actually been together for three years now. we were just a bit too good at hiding our relationship 🤭 anyways happy three years together, mi amor, and also happy 6 months of our marriage ! te amare por siempre, my golden boy 🤍
view all 60,000 comments
pedri my gorgeous girl
pedri te amo, mi vida 🫶
liked by yourinstagram
pedri te voy a denunciar a la policía por robarme el corazón
-> yourinstagram oh no ! i can't be behind bars now — i've got my whole life ahead of me ! 😰
joaofelix79 ahh finally !!! keeping your relationship a secret was probably the hardest thing i ever had to do in my entire life
-> yourinstagram you're the absolute best joão thank you 🫶
-> joaofelix79 as i've said before, i accept thanks in only cash and credit
-> yourinstagram sending you some money rn
-> joaofelix79 😁😁😁
jennaortega my favourite couple !!!
-> yourinstagram my maid of honour 🥹🫶
pablogavi ❤️
gigihadid still in awe over this look of yours you really are the prettiest bride
mikkykiemeney 😍😍😍
annalewandowska my babies 🥹🥹
fcbarcelona the best couple 🫶
ferrantorres ❤‍🔥
user81 .... girl what
user12 three years... THREE YEARS ?????
user04 not only have you been together for three years but URE FRICKING MARRIED ????
user46 HUHHHHHHHHHHH 😧😧😧😧😧😧
user57 we are all fvcking clowns
user68 another day of blaugrana being an entire circus
user38 THREE YEARS ???? but félix joined barça only this year.. huh how did you guys meet i'm confused
-> yourinstagram pedri and i have actually known each other for a long time now 😭 most of you may just know me as joão's bff but only some people know that i'm friends with pedri's brother hehe so we got to know each other through fernando :)
user07 goodness idek how to react to this
user29 wait so you were just pretending to hate pedri in your previous posts... but why ?
-> yourinstagram oh it was just a bet we made when joão joined barça this year. most of you knew me only when joão joined barça and pedri and i had already been working on our marriage plans by then. we've hid the facts about our relationship for three years now but marriage is a huge thing and there was no way we could hide our wedding for years so we just wanted to see how long it would take for the paparazzi to catch up on the news lol. to help hide our marriage a little longer, we just pulled an unrequited love act on my instagram posts and i pretended to ignore him irl too for fun 🤭
-> user57 this is absolutely insane... you guys are geniuses
-> yourinstagram technically no one since we both thought the news wouldn't get out until next year but we're spending our honeymoon in barcelona rn and we just got a bit too bold in public and sadly got caught 😞
yourinstagram ok correction you guys we never really hid our rs tbh i guess you guys just never knew me or like paid much attention to things so it just got really easy to date him without having to deal with the media 🤷‍♀️
-> user03 now that i think about it... i feel like you've appeared in a few of the gonzález family photos, y/n 🤔
-> yourinstagram yes i have ! but if i remember correctly, most people just thought i was fernando's gf or sumn 😭
-> user99 omg we were so fucking blind 🧍‍♀️
-> user67 well we just never expected pedri to have enough rizz to pull a beauty queen like you ig
-> pedri HEY
-> yourinstagram LMAO FOULLLLLL
user44 i love how y/n just spilled the whole tea to us 🥹 she's so iconic
user21 what is with joão and money though LMAO
-> joaofelix79 if barça doesn't have enough money to buy me, then i'll provide them the money instead
user16 i hate you both so much for lying to us for so long but also congratulations on getting married !!! 🥹
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liked by yourinstagram, pablogavi, _rl9 and 69,239,839 others
tagged yourinstagram
pedri feliz aniversario, mi vida 🤍
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♡ translations of pedri's pick-up lines !
“eres la chica más hermosa que he visto en mi vida.”
: you are the most beautiful girl i have ever seen in my life.
“¿dónde has estado toda mi vida?”
: where have you been all my life ?
“quisiera ser joyero para poder apreciar un diamante como tú todos los días.”
: i would like to be a jeweler so i can appreciate a diamond like you every day.
“te voy a denunciar a la policía por robarme el corazón.”
: i will report you to the police for stealing my heart.
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© LILIRARI, 2023 ★
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xeeljii · 6 months ago
k or h for the prompt list??
Thanks for the letter! -`♡´-
ᯓᡣ𐭩 K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
ᯓᡣ𐭩 H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
CW: 18+, f! reader, handjob, man boob & belly appreciation (ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ꕤ.゚
praise — Joost comes back from tour, exhausted would be an understatement, he is completely burnt off, not just physically, which you can clearly tell by the way his shoulders slump, but mentally as well, it has been a hard one and you wanted to come but life happened in the middle. Sadly there was only so much you could do through the phone and while he was understanding you could clearly hear how with each passing day his voice got quieter, dimmer and more tired. 
But finally he was back at home, back to you and the moment he passed the threshold of the door he all but melted into you arms refusing to let go even for a second. He is uncharacteristically quiet but you do your best to let him be and he will talk when he is ready. You have his favorite meal ready, he eats silently but hums softly as you tell him about what you did on his absence, he likes that, the sound of your voice is always like a soothing balm to his tired heart. When he finishes you run him a bath and follow right behind inside the bathroom offering to wash his hair, you help him undress softly slowly revealing every inch tender skin to your eyes, you have missed him so bad you feel heat settle at your core just at the sight of his plump skin so pale and covered in tattoos and beauty marks. 
He lets you, sees the way your eyes linger over him, on the hair of his chest, on the fat of his belly. Your fingers melt on the flesh of his hips as you go to pull down his boxers you kneel in front of him and hold eye contact the whole time, maybe he just spent weeks performing for others but now you are performing for him and his dick twitches happily at the sight remembering just how much he had missed you. You raise again and grab at his neck pulling him down to kiss him, one hand holding onto his broad shoulders, he feels so tense still. 
"I missed you." You confirm it for him, that you miss him as much as he does because you know sometimes when you are part for too long he gets in his head a little too much and starts thinking things that aren't real.
He chuckles softly, you know him so well.  "Me too schat."
He grabs at your hips pulls you closer and takes a deep kiss from your lips, just trying to reclaim all the time he has missed your soft touch, your sweet taste, it is like he has been wondering the dessert for years and he finally has water again.
After a minute you pull away softly and motion him to get in the bath, he does. The water is so warm it immediately has him relaxing, you sit behind him on a small bench you have ready and start washing his hair, he melts into your touch closing his eyes as you scratch at his scalp and shampoo the soft strands of hair between your fingers, the roots are darker, the ends are still so light it is cute in its own way. You take your time with him not rushing and just letting his worries melt with the warm water as you rinse his hair.
He is rested against the edge of the tub his breathing is so heavy you think he must have fallen asleep you don't want to wake him just yet when the water is still warm, so you move your hands to his shoulders and softly start massaging.  The muscle is tense, you can feel knots under your palm, your eyebrows knit in worry, there is so much strain still contained in his body, you wish you could make it all go away. You work your hands on his warm flesh softly, slowly with just the right amount of pressure so you won't disturb his sleep and right when you feel him calmer you place a kiss on the top of his head. 
"I really missed you so much." You whisper against his hair inhaling the soft familiar scent of him. 
Your hands travel down his shoulders caressing softly at his chest, the skin is so supple and wet, you feel his pecs are so soft and plump under your hands, he must have gained some weight and it is all the more appreciated when you feel how easily your fingers dig into the flesh. You splay your palms on his broad chest applying the softest pressure just to feel how tender it is under you, the hair there is wet and shiny, you run your fingers through it so lightly appreciative of the feel,  you move your hands lower, your digits grace his nipples softly perking up at the touch, he is so pretty it hurts. You start kneading at his pecs softly then harder, you are fascinated by the give of the skin, your fingers go to catch a nipple and you pet at it softly just like he usually does to you pulling at the thin skin just the smallest amount so it won't hurt but cause pleasure. All of a sudden you hear him whimper and you move your hands away realizing how lost you got in your fun.
"You are feeling me up while I sleep." He mumbles, his voice is deep like when he wakes up in the morning. "Who was the pervert again?" He asks with a self satisfied smirk on his lips. 
"You weren't really asleep were you?" You say mortified you got caught. You place your hands around his shoulder and hide your face on the crook of his neck. 
He chuckles softly "No, not really, don't worry." He turns his head slightly to place a kiss on your temple. "But keep going it felt good." He adds. You nod and peel yourself off him. 
Your small hands return to where they were, you start playing with his nipples more boldly it pulls the smallest sounds out of his pretty mouth, the softest sighs and most tender groans, the way he feels on you makes you want to bite down on his shoulder and you do, he hisses at that but you kiss over the skin and lick apologetically as one of your hands leaves his chest to travel south. 
"You feel so good" You whisper against his hair, you feel his heart pick up at your loving words. 
You feel the tender flesh of his belly so soft and so warm under the water you squeeze at it lightly and chuckle when he whines, he feels so good you feel yourself dampen on your panties at this alone, you wonder if this is also how he feels when he touches you. 
"You are so pretty." You say softly pulling on his nipple, his chest expand when he groans. 
"You are so hot Joost" You lick at the shell of his ear. 
"You are so perfect for me, you were made for me." Your hand travels even further down you press your palm on his soft underbelly feeling the coarse hair on your skin before you grab his hardening length on your hand. 
"You are the best, you worked so hard." You wrap your fingers around him feel him twitch at the added tightness. 
"You did so good." He lets the sweetest sound escape him, almost like a mewl. He is so hard, you can already feel his pulse through his cock and you have barely moved it is your words alone that seem to be pushing him over the edge.
"I love you." You say as you start to pump him harder in your palm, he is breathing heavily, his chest is moving fast as he tries to keep it together. You are stroking his ego so good he will cum way too fast. 
"I love you too." His words are so labored and deep you feel him twitching oh so sensitive against your skin when you twist your hand around his tip.
"I thought about you all the time." 
"Yes?" He ask whinny little voice as his hips raise to meet your fist, the water moves it sounds like waves crashing on the beach. 
"Yes, y ou are the only one for me." You start kissing on his neck as you still grope at his chest, he is feeling things he didn't think he could, the touch feels electric it has to be you he has never felt like this before. 
"Close?" You ask so sweetly against his ear, he nods dumbly, he feels like you are speaking him from right inside his head, the way he only ever thinks of you you might as well live there. 
He nods, bites his lip, feels heat building up from his core so fast. 
"Cum Joost, cum for me". You kiss at the start of his hairline. "I love you so much." You whisper and he melts, thick ropes of white heat shoot from him, you feel his hot dick twitching against your soft hand as you still stroke him through his climax, when it gets too much you feels him pull away and you let go softly pulling your hand from out of the water. 
You wrap your arms around his middle below his armpits you still want to feel his heartbeat under your palms, proof that he is really here and you didn't just dream him up.
"You are gonna have to shower again sorry." You say placing a kiss on his shoulder. 
"Join me this time." He grabs at your hand and pulls it to his mouth placing a soft kiss over your pulse, you nod smiling so happily to have him back right now you will indulge him as much as he pleases and probably some more just for good measure.  
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gothlcsan · 1 year ago
Puppy Rockstar ; CHOI BEOMGYU
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PAIRING rockstar!beomgyu , fem!reader
SYNOPSIS beomgyu is the bassist of your band, he’s always been clingy with you and he would do anything to make you his
WARNINGS switch!gyu, kissing, spitting, fingering, choking, biting, improper use of instruments, cock slapping, angst, swearing, beomgyu is EXTREMELY possessive, let me know if i missed anything > <
♫ our song - ella mai
a/n day twenty of kinktober. i missed yesterday so i decided to make this one a little longer. i hope you enjoy. this was briefly proofread so i apologize for any mistakes! if you enjoyed please consider liking and reblogging! > < ~ ♡
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The first day you met with the band, you instantly became aware of Beomgyu’s existence. Which was hard to miss considering the way his eyes fixated on you the very moment you walked into the little garage. The band had money considering they were gearing up to start a small world tour but they claimed staying to their roots kept them grounded, meaning you’d practice in the small garage that smelt just as old as it looked. Their previous drummer has quit only a week prior, not giving you much time to learn and perfect their songs but they had faith in you and your talent, you nodding at Beomgyu as you settled behind the drums. The stool was a bit shaky, having to plant your feet firmly onto the ground to steady yourself. Going through the set list and tweaking things as you went, you sigh in relief as the practice ends a few hours later, feeling the hair on the back of your neck stand up. Glancing up you see Beomgyu staring at you who’s been doing so for nearly the entirety of practice, coining him in your head as a doppelgänger of Death Note's L.
“Hi?” You slightly dragged out the word, trying to hint that you were confused and slightly weirded out by his intense stare. He raises an eyebrow in response, smiling faintly, and turning around to put away his bass and bid everyone goodbye before leaving. You shrugged with a slight shake of your head deciding he was a strange one, attractive, but strange.
Tour begins and it’s chaotic but better than you had imagined. You were getting used to being on the road in the tour bus, the tiny bunks that nearly trigger your claustrophobia, becoming accustomed to using Beomgyu’s snoring to aid your sleep. However, one thing you hadn’t expected was to accidentally overhear Beomgyu relieving himself underneath you. His tiny moans being just the slightest bit muffled (presuming by his hand), your body going stiff as you hear him sniffle, your name rolling off his tongue. You try to convince yourself you misheard him, that you were exhausted and sexually frustrated yourself that’s why you heard your name. Hearing your name a second time causes your entire body to inflame into a blush, covering your mouth to stifle the surprised and turned on moans that threaten to expose you to being awake. The lewd sounds of him chasing his high makes the hair on your arms stand up, body radiating heat due to your flushed skin, eyes squeezed tightly shut to ground yourself. You go stiff when you hear him carefully getting out from his bunk, relaxing both your face and breathing to not give yourself away by the slight chance he’d check to make sure you weren’t awake. He doesn’t do so, hearing the small door to the bathroom open and shut, the sound of the sink running giving you enough time to let out the breath you were holding in. Moving to lay on your side you nearly laugh out of shock at the reality of the situation hitting you like a truck.
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The next morning to pretend nothing is out of the ordinary, well as normal as you can considering every time Beomgyu would glance at you, you’d look away just as fast. His gaze suddenly felt heightened due to last night's accidental invasion of privacy (not that you meant to listen but he did moan your name so is it really your fault?) Practice goes smoothly, trying to ignore Beomgyu as much as possible, focusing on Taehyun who stood in front of you, swaying back and forth on his feet leaning on his microphone stand.
“After tonight’s show do you want to grab drinks? The bar seems to have pretty cool drinks in honor of us gigging there.” Taehyun asked, you gasping as your reply is caught off by Beomgyu yanking him by his jacket collar. You watch as Taehyun is dragged away, looking over at Soobin and Kai who only shrug and go back to packing up their gear.
“What the hell is wrong with you, dude?” Taehyun yelled as Beomgyu threw him against the wall, his arm pressed against Taehyun’s throat. Beomgyu’s expression was deadly, his voice practically a snarl as he spoke.
“Don’t you ever flirt with her again, you understand me?”
“What? Beomgyu seriously-“ Taehyung is cut off by Beomgyu pressing his arm firmer against his throat making him flinch in pain.
“I will choke you out with my guitar string, don’t try me.”
Beomgyu lets go of Taehyun who drops to the ground gasping for air, Beomgyu kicking water in his direction before going back into the bar, walking past you to grab his case and head to the tour bus without a word.
Whatever they argued about before the show seemed to have settled as you all prepared for the show, doing the last and final soundcheck. You kept a close eye on the two of them deciding if you had to break up a fight you’d take one for the team. Getting to the last song, Taehyun comes over to you whilst singing, smiling up at him and giving him a wink which he returns. You jump as Beomgyu turns his amp up, now playing louder than Taehyun’s microphone, glaring at the two of you. Taehyun walks over to Beomgyu and tells him to turn it down, not being able to hear what they were arguing about over Soobin and Kai still practicing. You watch as Beomgyu yells at Taehyun to fuck off, walking off the stage to the break room, you running after Beomgyu saying you’ll handle it. Knocking on the door you let Beomgyu know it’s you when he says to screw off, the door nearly getting ripped off it’s hinges when he swings the door open.
“Can I come in?”
He doesn’t give you an audible reply but he steps out of the way for you to get inside, closing the door behind himself as he leans against it watching you.
“Is something bothering you?”
“I don’t know what you mean.”
“Gyu, I can tell something is bothering you. You’re on edge and it’s not common to fight with everyone, especially Taehyun like you’ve been doing.”
He goes to accuse you of being on Taehyun’s side instantly shutting that theory down stating you weren’t picking sides, you just wanted everyone to get along and put on a good show. He’s quietly staring at his boots and you knew he felt sorry for his actions, telling him to come sit down on the couch with you. Sitting down you give him a firm hug telling him to take a second to breathe and then you’d both go back out and he could apologize to Taehyun. He hesitantly agrees, you telling him he did a good job, your fingers instinctively playing with the ends of his hair as you hugged him. A tiny noise from Beomgyu sends you back to reality apologizing as you let go of him, his tiny laugh bouncing off the walls as he replied it was fine. He asks if you’d braid his hair out of his face, agreeing as you told him to face away from you. Running your fingers through his long hair to get it to sit away from his face, you massage the scalp, fingertips scratching the back of his ears. A satisfied moan comes from him which makes you instantly think of the night prior, your hands freezing as a flustered blush blossomed on your cheeks. Quickly regaining your composure you start braiding his hair, securing the end with the hair tie that always sat around your wrist, giving his shoulder a soft pat letting him know it was finished. Beomgyu studies it in the small mirror giving you a smile saying it looked great, then saying he was ready to head back if you were. Agreeing, you stand up and turn off the lights on your way out, smiling as Beomgyu apologizes to Taehyun, both of them agreeing there were no rough feelings.
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“Oh my god, what is that Gyu?”
You walk up to Beomgyu after you had changed into your show clothes, eyes fixated to the prong collar around his neck. He lets you touch it, your eyes and fingers steady as you asked him if it hurts, shaking his head saying it would probably only hurt if it got yanked on.
“They really have you looking like a mutt.”
Your eyes widen at your own words, going to apologize instantly, changing your mind as you notice the blush on his cheeks, looking back down at the collar.
“Not that it’s a bad thing, of course.”
He chuckles at your sudden shyness, letting you stand straight up and walk to your drum set, placing your sticks against your forehead as you tell yourself to get it together. Luckily enough the show is a great distraction from everything until it wasn’t, Beomgyu eyeing you up and down every opportunity he had. His blatant flirting as he walked towards you, mouthing the suggestive parts of the songs, giving you winks before turning away to work the crowd. After the show and meet and greet, you ask Soobin if he’d put your drums away, you’d pay him back later you just had something you needed to do. He tells you it’s not a problem, thanking him sincerely before marching up to Beomgyu. He notices you giving you a smile before his eyes fall into confusion asking you “what” repeatedly as you grab him by the collar, making him gag.
“Follow me. Now.”
He does so, practically all but running to match your pace as the collar tugs into his skin. You slam the break room door behind you, pushing him into the dark room hoping he made it to the couch. Flipping on the light you stared at Beomgyu who looked at you, rubbing his neck where the collar has pinched.
“No Beomgyu, what the fuck was that?”
“I’m not following?”
You scoff, a frustrated laugh coming from you as you point your drumsticks at him.
“I pretended to not hear you when you moaned my name last night, I tried to act oblivious to you hating anyone who seemed a little too friendly with me, what is your fucking deal?”
Beomgyu is frozen, his expression a mix of horror, shock, and excitement? He doesn’t reply to which makes you groan in frustration, just desperately wanting an answer to your questions. However, he doesn’t speak, your grip tightening around your drumsticks as you match up to him. His eyes don’t falter from yours as you raise the sticks up meeting them back down against his crotch making him gasp in pain. He doubles over on the couch, your brain snapping back into reality instantly asking him if he’s okay, Beomgyu looking up at you with a smile.
“That hurt you know.”
He catches his breath, sitting up and looking down at his jeans, throwing his head back with a sigh.
“Beomgyu did you seriously just?”
He nods, your face turning red as you turn around fast. Beomgyu had just cummed from you hitting him, and why did that fact excite you? Going to apologize, you tell him to not speak, needing a moment to wrap your head around the situation, taking a deep breath as you turn around on your heel.
“Let’s talk later, yeah? I’m tired.” You said, letting him finish up as you walked to the tour bus, waving at fans as you got ready for bed. You laid awake, staring up the ceiling of your bunk as you heard the other members climb into theirs, not yet hearing Beomgyu get in. Soft whispering pricks your ears as you move to get a better listen, chewing on your bottom lip as you recognize Beomgyu’s voice. You couldn’t tell who he was talking to, maybe Yeonjun? Lying back down quietly as you hear them exchange good nights before heading to their bunks. The soft rustle of Beomgyu settling in makes you hold your breath not that you need to, closing your eyes in hopes of heading to sleep first.
“I’m sorry.”
Beomgyu’s voice is barely an audible whisper, choosing to not respond hoping he’d go to sleep if he figured you weren’t awake. The sound of his rustling puts you at ease taking that as he is heading to bed, having to cover your mouth once more as you hear the softest sighs coming from him. Heat burned in the pit of your stomach listening to him, Beomgyu saying your name as if it was nothing to him, clenching around nothing at the sounds. He sounded delicious, your hands trembling as you greatly considered sneaking him into your bunk, imagining his long slender fingers replacing your own fingers that found their way into your shorts. You stayed quiet and still as possible, thanking the bumps in the road that hid your shaking limbs as you pumped your fingers in and out of you with each moan that came underneath you from Beomgyu.
“Fuck, need you so bad.” Beomgyu whispered, the heat running down your legs at his lewd confessions. Considering the consequences of sneaking into his bunk bed, you swear under your breath, turning to face the wall whispering Beomgyu’s name. He falls silent before faintly replying with a breathy, “yeah?” You tell him to make room, checking to ensure everyone’s curtains were shut, slipping down from the bunk quietly, crawling into Beomgyu’s fixing the curtain. The space was small for one person, the two of you being nearly sandwiched together sharing the tiny space. Sudden shyness falls between you two, quickly breaking it by pulling him into a kiss, he returns it with a smirk, a moan vibrating from deep in your throat. He tasted sweet, slightly salty and bitter, sighing against his lips as his hand greedily started taking off your pajama shorts. You giggle as he kisses down your throat, his fingers rubbing slow circles against your clit.
“So wet for you.” You whisper into his ear, gaining a possessive growl from him, his selfish and greedy nature stuffing his dick into you. Gasping into his neck you moan into the soft flesh as he grabs your ass, using it to help him thrust into you, deeper with each stroke. He felt incredible dragging against your walls, his girth making it difficult despite already having had prep yourself, biting his shoulder as he slowly picked up pace. Your vision blurred as you got lost into it, your moans being muffled into his skin and kisses, clinging to him in hopes of getting more. Beomgyu didn’t disappoint in the way his thrusts reached places you didn’t think were realistically possible, your head thrown back as he kneaded your ass like fresh dough. Wrapping a hand around his throat, you added enough pressure to make him groan, his dick twitching in you causing a surprised moan to fall from you. You matched his thrusts, your hips sore from gyrating them, hand tightening instinctively as the red hot heat deep in the pit of your stomach grew.
“Need to cum, please.” Beomgyu begged into your ear, you nodded fast telling him to cum on your thighs, Beomgyu pulling out and painting your thighs, the sight making you blush. His fingers push past your messy folds, long slender fingers hitting your reeves until you clench around them thighs convulsing as you cum around the pretty digits. Both of you are doing your best to hide your panting, sharing soft kisses as Beomgyu helped you put on your shorts after cleaning you up with spare wipes he had. Poking your head out to check if the close is clear, you bid Beomgyu goodnight before sneaking back into your bunk.
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The next several stops you find yourself sneaking into Beomgyu’s bunk, sharing kisses as he takes off your edge, a slight pain growing in your chest. You loved the sex, you didn’t love how much you loved it, the friends with benefit pact you two had unspokenly formed making you ache. It was becoming impossible to ignore that you were slowly (well.. not too slowly) gaining feelings for Beomgyu but it was hard to tell if he felt the same. At the very least he didn’t make it unbundling clear if he had feelings outside of the late night sex.
You were resting your head against the booth table, the other members deciding on getting burgers next door, you wanting something more soupy. Beomgyu had agreed to go with you so you weren’t by yourself, listening to him sit next to you finishing his ramen. Paying for both your meals, you tell Beomgyu to finish up, you want to step outside for some fresh air. He tells you to be careful and he’ll meet you out there, telling him not to rush as you walk out. The cold air hits your face which you welcomed, leaning against the brick wall, planting one foot against it to keep yourself in place. Thankfully it was later in the evening so you didn’t have to worry about fans potentially running up to you, most likely heading to the venue for the concert. Checking the time on your phone you knew you guys had two hours until concert time, popping a piece of gum into your mouth as you relaxed waiting for Beomgyu. A few minutes later the bell on the restaurant door goes off, opening your eyes seeing Beomgyu walk up to you, asking if you were reading to head back to the venue. Nodding, you send a text to the band chat along with your manager, walking in silence next to Beomgyu. He stops randomly in his tracks, looking at him with a confused expression as you ask him what’s up. He asks for a piece of gum, going to fish out the half empty pack out of your pocket as he tells you not that kind.
“Well, this is all I got. Beggars can’t be choosers.”
Beomgyu slowly walks towards you until your back is flush against the wall, you gasping as your back hits against the brick.
“What are you doing?”
Beomgyu places his fingers around your chin, bringing your face closer to his, not breaking eye contact once.
“I want the piece in your mouth.”
Staring at him you tell him to stop being a dumbass, laughing until you realize he was serious about this, going quiet.
“You’re serious?”
Beomgyu responds with a little smirk accompanied by a nod, you swearing under your breath as you wrap your arms around the back of his neck. Clasping your hands together you press your lips against his, the kiss is nothing special as you pass the gum into his mouth, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand when he pulls away. He smiles in triumph turning away as he continues to walk down the street, you following close behind shaking your head.
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The show goes off without a hitch but you cannot shake off your feelings from earlier. Bidding everyone goodnight as you head off to the break room to grab your bag, you make note of Beomgyu following close behind. He shuts the door behind himself and you ignore him as he talks, his arms wrapping around your waist as he whispers in your ear.
“I missed you.”
“We literally just played a show together.” You muttered, grabbing your back and moving to leave. He stops you, nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck.
“That’s not what I meant, silly.”
Beomgyu kisses up your neck, biting down on your lip before the emotions coursing through you snap, angrily pushing Beomgyu away from you. You ignore him as he calls after you, accidentally shoulder checking Yeonjun who comes out of the bathroom, roughly pushing the exit door open as you mindlessly step out into the pouring rain. You didn’t care where this alley led to, you just needed to get away from the venue, away from Beomgyu. Seeing a lit up bar sign you decide on your destination stopping in the middle of the alley as Beomgyu yells at you.
“I love you, you know?”
You whip around giving him a glare, sarcasm thick in your voice as you yelled back.
“Yeah, love you too.”
Turning back around you go to take another step, Beomgyu telling you to stop moving, his voice barely audible over the heavy rain.
“No, I’m in love with you.”
Facing him again your face is a mix of hurt, confusion, your shoulders hanging in defeat as you shake your head. You weren’t in the mood for this, not for his pity, not in the mood for the lies he’d try to take back the moment the two of you were in the tour bus and he got what he wanted. You watch him as he sprints up to you, throwing his arms around you as he pulls you into a kiss, your body relaxing into his naturally. Part of you wanted to shove him away but he was warm, his lips molding with your own, curling your fingers around the soaked ends of his hair.
“Tell me this isn’t a lie, please.”
You needed reassurance, needed to know you weren’t going to make the worst mistake of your life on a shred of hope. Shaking his head he promises he isn’t pulling a joke on you, laughing against his lips as he says he’s obsessed with you. Telling him to prove it, you squeal with a laugh as he lifts you up, your legs wrapping around his waist as he pins you against the alley wall, kissing you with such vigorous you almost swore your lips would be ripped off. Keeping your fingers tight in his hair, you jump as you hear hooting and hollering from down the alley, Beomgyu pulling back to tell the band mates to fuck off, you groaning in shyness into his shoulder.
“Let’s head to the tour bus to grab dry clothes. We have an off day tomorrow, let me grab a hotel so we can be alone.”
You feign being hurt, shaking your head accusing him of only thinking with his dick, Beomgyu smacking your ass as he carries you back into the venue.
“No, I meant we can be alone so we can makeout without the guys mocking us the entire time. Clearly you’re the one thinking with your dick.”
You look at him with a “oh really” type of expression, Beomgyu calling you cute as he opens the door, pushing past the guys and manager who just shakes his head, telling the guys to shut up and get onto the bus. Thankfully the bus pulled closer to the venue than earlier, climbing onto the bus long enough to grab extra clothes and necessities, blushing the entire time as the members poked fun at you and Beomgyu. Listening to the painfully embarrassing “use protection” talk by your manager you pull Beomgyu by his wrist telling everyone goodnight as you two grab a cab, leaving to head to the hotel.
The hotel itself is nice, the blush on your cheeks not fading as Beomgyu wraps his hands around yours, guiding you to the elevators. The ride up is quiet, humming as Beomgyu presses tiny soft kisses against your neck, telling him to behave himself.
“Yes, ma’am.” He says with a proud smirk, walking down the long vitrified tiled hallway to your door, unlocking it with the keycard heading inside. The room is massive, definitely much more than the two of you needed. Nonetheless it was beautiful and modern, stripping out of your wet clothes instantly to fall into bed, giggling as Beomgyu came behind you to smack your bare ass. He calls you a tease, hooking his finger around the thin band of your panties, snapping it back against your skin causing you to flinch, calling him a jerk for doing so.
“You know you like it.” He replies back, stripping down to his boxers before climbing into bed next to you, allowing you to cuddle into his side. You were spent from the emotionally taxing day, yawning loudly as you lay your head against his chest. Beomgyu runs his fingers through your hair, returning the favor by rubbing small circles against his stomach using your thumb. His warmth radiating off his chest against your own makes you hum in satisfaction, doing your best to cuddle closer craving his body heat. Being able to relax with him solely without the extreme confinement of a bus bed makes it easy to nod off, Beomgyu telling you goodnight as you faintly snore against his chest.
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Waking up realizing you have the prettiest boyfriend, being the drummer of a super successful band, how could you not be the luckiest girl in the world?
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circeyoru · 1 year ago
The Spirit’s Favourite Human _ Part 2
SURPRISE! I can't take the suggestion out of my head and written another one. But it's long................................................
[Human!Alastor x Spirit of the Forest!Reader]
Part 1
Part 2 (here)
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Maybe you shouldn’t have put your hand in his offered one after several more of his visits to your forest to ‘chat’ with you. Because now you found yourself clinging to Alastor’s side as the lack of nature elements frightened you, it was odd to hear the sounds of humans chatting over the chirps of the birds or the bellow of the trees. The only comfort and safe haven you had was Alastor and you stuck to him like roots to the soil
Alastor didn’t mind the closeness of you hugging his arm, not at all. He loved it since you hardly came close to him, even during his visits to the forest, as those birds would come to you for any gossip that he couldn’t understand. Though it was wonderful to hear you speak to him in his mind, it was like you were everywhere around him
What he minded was how onlookers would stare at you and your perfect form. You’re clothed, yes, but it was off and revealing. He didn’t even notice until he was with you in the streets with people around and not the creatures of the forest
He placed his coat over you as he led you to the boutique. Picking a bunch of clothes that he thinks would look good on you. But they were too formal. So he had to change to another shop
You caught onto what he wanted to do and looked around while he took a break at a bench. A flowery shop drew your attention as you pulled Alastor along to see what was inside. It was another boutique with more comfy and casual wear that he wouldn’t like. He was going to bring you away but the look on your face stopped him and he let you pick whatever
The moment you stepped out from the changing room, he felt his heart drop and his body freeze over. Oh, you looked so divine he didn’t think it was possible. Flattery came from his lips like a song dedicated to you. The blush on your face was a good look on you, but don’t hide that expression from him. He brought everything you tried on and then some, he was glad you didn’t have the concept of money else you’d be declining his gifts and the bags that decorated his free arm like jewellery 
Last destination was his home. He noticed that look you had, it was wonder and curiosity. He knew you liked it when you dragged him around and had him open doors and fiddle with other objects that fancied you. There was one place you hated. The library or study he had
You suddenly bend over and place your hands over your ears as screams and cries come at you. Alastor thought the radio he had on was too loud and left to turn it off. When he left, you stepped forward, looking for what the screams and cries were directing you to. The books, the papers, the shelves. It was all made from the trees that gave you home
When Alastor returned, he only found you amidst the flying books and papers he used for his radio show. Your fury was another side he rarely seen, your lips moved and your eyes glowed as you glared, not directed at him, but he felt your rage. “Humans. Hurt. Home.”
So you knew some words and expressed yourself. He understood, the trees were hurt and turned to another form by humans. He only had that idea to try and soothe your pain and anguish. He’ll show you his basement that you have yet to pry into. He was going to let you find out during your fun tour of his house but it seems now’s a better time
He led you out of the study, ignoring the paper cuts that accidentally got him. He shut the door as he disregarded the state of the room you turned into. Had you been someone else, he’d bring them to his basement for another reason entirely
“Humans aren’t your woodland friends, my dear.” Alastor spoke as he opened the hidden doorway, lighting the way before the two of you began your descent. “You’ve seen my work and helped me in the forest. But before you pushed down those bodies…” He showed you the room where his tools lie and the heavy smell of iron remained. “I bring them here, if I could, to make them cold.”
Your raging emotions seemed to simmer down. Right. Cold. Death. That’s what you can associate. Alastor kills his kind, no different to the predatory birds that would eat other birds. The place Alastor calls home was like another forest. A place where the strong survive
Those trees lacked a spirit like you to protect them, you’ll protect your home. You weren’t a gentle spirit that would let humans cut down your friends in your home. Your duty was to protect the forest and its residents
You turned to Alastor, he was a human yet you weren’t angry with him. Not even when he hunted deers and other animals in your home. Well, he didn’t go over the line. You’ve seen other hunters that were disrespectful. No, Alastor honoured his prey to the best of his abilities
You cupped his face by his cheeks, healing his paper cuts and restoring his energy. “You. Protect. You. Good human.”
His smile melted to a smaller and more comfortable one as he leaned against your hold. “You’re a blessing in my lonely life, my dearest spirit. I’ll protect you as well.”
So started your life with Alastor in his human city. The first thing he taught you was communication in the human tongue. He found out the easiest way to teach was through songs and singing. You had some basic knowledge of words. But he was beyond surprised to see you imitate questionable phases and movements, saying that you watched other humans and listened to try and learn some
He added more targets to his list after that
You were a quick learner. Easily managing the new human knowledge that Alastor taught it, you chalk it up to his voice and demeanour being pleasant to you and you didn’t think it was useless to you since you liked Alastor and wanted to stay with him
Of course, you weren’t always in town with him. You had your duties back in the forest. And Alastor understood that. He’d bring you bodies of humans to bury and offer as nutrients for the forest. In turn, you offered him something you didn’t realize you were doing. A connection and care that he missed after his mother’s death
Alastor and your relationship became the talk of the town. The once famous and popular radio host that seek no relationship had someone that can invade his personal space without being shoved aside! Big news!
Someone had came up to ask the closest of your relationship with Alastor once while you were out shopping for some plant seeds to add to Alastor’s backyard so you could be alerted if the situation need be. But Alastor hadn’t taught you much about relationships, since it’s was closeness. You’d agree you and Alastor was close
“Is Alastor courting you?”
Courting. Alastor had mention it was done to someone close to another, and you and Alastor were very close that he’d share with you those ‘dark secrets’ as he called it. So you nodded and said ‘yes’ then left
When the news went to Alastor, he thought someone found out about his plans to formally court you. There was a reason why he didn’t teach you about relationships. He wanted to surprise you since nature was your ally and you’d know everything after getting a topic, it was like you knew all. To his surprise, you were the one that said yes before he had the chance to propose his courting to you
“My darling, you never cease to amaze me.” Alastor came back to you that night and hugged you like no tomorrow. You were confused but welcomed the touch. Then came Alastor’s explanation and your blushing to the next realm. “You’re not planning on backing down from your claim, now, are you?”
There was not much change, but Alastor did bring you out more often and showed you off more, even on his radio show. You can’t help but smile and blush at his praises. But his listeners would be envious of you two, sometime Alastor would have some comments coming in to tell him to get a room or move onto the next topic. That gave both of you a good laugh
That aside. You were the perfect accomplice. Your powers completed what he lacked. While his current methods were satisfactory and allured the police from pointing fingers at him, with you by his side, it was even better! Bodies can go missing for weeks and no one would know, only the missing posters increased, but not the number of murdered victims. He gave him a sense of thrill, power, and control every time he had to report it on his show
You sometimes couldn’t understand why Alastor would reveal where some of the bodies were on his radio, saying it was a tip from someone anonymous and pointed the police to find the body that was somewhere else (ones that wasn’t buried in your forest)
Still, as long as Alastor was happy and your home was safe. You didn’t mind. There was a term for this. Not just the romantics that Alastor announced to those around him. No, it was something you never showed to the other humans. Maybe to some children that would visit the forest, but never to this extent
“Favouritism.” You spoke as you caressed a black rose, sitting by the open window that gave you a clear view of your forest. A bird came by with a note in its beak, you recognized the cursive to be Alastor’s writing. You smiled as you kissed the petals of the rose. “My favourite human.”
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Note: This would be the stuff that happened before that ask I answered
Another thing. You guys love the {Demonic Companion} one huh. Question, should I do a masterlist to include links to the posts? Or is without one okay? Or should I wait till there's more stories posted?
(″ ´ワ` ″)
Circe Y.
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joocomics · 1 year ago
1:06 am
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pairing: bf!jiung x fem!reader
genre: smut wc: 1.1k
cw: bf!jiung goes from vanilla to rough, sub!reader, oral sex (m!rec), face fucking, spanking, praise kink mixed with light degradation, hair pulling, light face slapping (f!rec), name calling, implied orgasm denial
[ p1harmony masterlist | general masterlist ]
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Jiung savours every second of your orgasm.
His hypnotising voice coos praises at your ear, as you pulse around him rapidly from experiencing the first climax from his cock in three weeks. He’s never heard your voice brake like that before, and he holds his breath for a moment in order to not miss a single note from it. While he was on tour you made sure to keep each other entertained by exchanging a few audio messages when you both felt too touch starved, but your moans in those footages weren’t slightly close to this.
“There you go, princess…” his lips place another praise in the form of a gentle kiss on your jawline. “You did so well for me, angel. You always do.” He moves his lips lower where your skin is warm and sticky when your arched back finally lays down.
You keep humming although your rush begins to wind down, as Jiung continues to peck at your neck through wet nibbles and compliments that slip from his tongue like honey.
“Think you can give me one more, baby?” He asks, feeling his chest flutter at your cute sounds. He has a slight idea of what the answer might be from the way the rolling of your hips resumes. “I missed you so much.”
You keep him close with legs around his hips, and nails scratching his back, as you practically melt into the bed from the pleasant feeling of his weight and cologne creeping in the air - two things that always bring you comfort and security, you missed it so much.
Now is the time to ask him; to request what you’ve been craving to try with him for the past weeks you’ve been away from each other. You’ve thought about doing it through a call or a message almost every time you got off to another one of those videos, but you couldn’t get yourself to do it.
You tell him you missed him too, bringing your hands up to his shoulders.
“Can we try something different?” You speak out and his eyes blink at you curiously. “Can you be more rough with me?”
“Rough?” Jiung remains silent for a few seconds before leaning forward in your neck again. “Elaborate, baby.”
“You know…” Your voice comes out airy, as his tongue traces the shape of your ear. “You can treat me like a whore instead of a princess this time. See if you like it.”
Jiung wonders where did this come from, but he decides to leave the questions for later.
He’s not one to deny you what you want, and his mind quickly thinks of a way he can fulfill your desire along with his own.
“On your knees then.”
Excited, you quickly kneel in front of him, skimming his hand going around his shaft.
“Use me as you want, baby,” you gush impatiently, “please.”
“So needy…” He tilts his head, amused by the way you anticipate his next move. “What am I gonna do with you?” He tugs your roots, forcing you into his crotch with your ass up in the air. “Go on, take it.”
Jiung pushes you roughly, shoving his size down your throat. Instead of letting you do it on your own, his fingers all tangled in your hair keep your head steady, and he begins to fuck your mouth in a way you’re almost sure he hasn’t fucked your pussy in a while.
“Ah, shit…” His voice cracks, as his tip reaches a spot in your throat it has never before. “Fuck, feels so good… s-so fuckin’ good, stay just like that.”
You hold on Jiung’s thighs for support letting him mercilessly take over your mouth, as he babbles overwhelmed. The bucking of his hips is rogue; the strength makes you numb, but that doesn’t stop your cunt from clenching.
“How’s that feel, huh?” He speaks over the choking lewd noises erupting from your mouth. “Is this what you wanted?”
He pulls you away, leaving your mouth hanging open and empty, only strings of drool that were connected to his erection now swing from your lips. He checks out your face closely after you rise up to nod.
“Feels good,” you mumble already lightheaded. You smile at him with your dazed eyes and glistening lips. “I like it so much.”
Jiung gives your cheek a light slap, and kisses your wet lips deeply. So many thoughts are clouding his mind and they’re all about how crazy he is about you.
“I like that too,” you whine before your tongues swirl around each other.
He pulls back and flips you over, making you lay on your stomach.
Your ass receives a nice amount of slaps that fill the silence of the room, and an unexpected string of spit that gets spread between your cheeks and mixed with your arousal.
Right after that moment, Jiung inserts himself into you with a single strong push through your walls, making you yelp into the cushion and kick your feet behind him.
“Here you go, doll… giving it to you like the filthy slut you are.”
It didn’t take him long to get used to watching you in this new light, not at all. Knowing that you trust him enough to give yourself to him like this; reminding him once again that he's the only guy who can have you, see you, feel you in this state, helps him unlock something new in himself too.
“So fuckin’ wet,” Jiung cusses through a sharp chuckle. “You’re loving this, aren’t you, pretty slut?”
“Yes, y-yes, don’t stop…”
Gradually Jiung begins to get more and more entranced by your desperate muffled whines, and he leans forward to press your face even further into the pillow.
“You sound even more beautiful like this,” he grunts over your shoulder, pounding as fast as his hips allow him to while the corners of your eyes drop their first few tears.
Soon enough, his hand leaves the back of your head, and you gasp for air, after peeling off the stained pillowcase.
With a new type of hunger, your flesh gets groped again to the point it now starts to sting, before Jiung lifts your hips up.
This new angle, in addition to the same rapid speed, has you rolling your eyes back.
“Fuck, Ji—“ you mewl, feeling the pressure in your core close to bursting. “Please, wanna c-cum, p-please, please…”
“Ah, baby...” your boyfriend forces you to bend, so his hand can get a hold of your neck while he speaks a few words at your ear. “You didn’t think this through if you think you can cum whenever you want while acting like a whore.”
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! please do not repost, copy or translate my works
! please keep in mind that english is not my first language. i apologise in advance for any mistakes i’ve might missed
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edsbug · 4 months ago
i couldn’t kiss you enough
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pairing: rockstar!eddie munson x gn!reader
summary: eddie has lost you, now he’s stuck remembering everything he misses about you (wc: 1261)
contains: angst, hurt/no comfort, eddie smokes, drug abuse, addiction, heartbreak, loneliness, this is sad i’m sorry
Eddie leaned back on the worn leather couch in his hotel room, a cigarette dangling loosely from his lips. Smoke curled lazily upward, but it wasn’t enough to dull the ache in his chest or the gnawing emptiness that had taken root. The room was quiet except for the soft hum of the city outside, the distant rumble of traffic, and the occasional car horn. The night was alive out there, but inside, Eddie felt a hollow stillness, a void that had only grown since you left.
He'd been trying to drown out the silence for weeks now — drugs, booze — but nothing worked. He'd thought that he could handle it, that the numbness would save him from feeling the weight of your absence. But every night, the memories clawed their way back.
He remembered the night he met you. The memory played out like a scene from a film he wished he could crawl back into. The crowded bar, dim lights, the air alive with anticipation, and there you were — standing in the back with that knowing smile. When your eyes met his, something in him shifted. You saw him, truly saw him, like no one else ever had. From that moment on, you became everything.
But now, as he stared at the ceiling, all those memories felt like shards of glass. Every smile, every touch, every moment felt like a fresh cut. He could still feel the ghost of your body curled up next to his, the way you fit perfectly against him, your warmth chasing away the cold. God, he missed the way your fingers used to trace lazy patterns on his skin, how you'd talk to him in the dark about anything, everything, and nothing at all.
The nights were the worst. Alone in bed, Eddie felt your absence like a weight on his chest, crushing him slowly. The loneliness was suffocating, creeping into every quiet moment, and he couldn’t shake the darkness that pressed in, thick with memories. He played the moments over and over — the fights, the silences, the way you’d slowly started pulling away. He wondered when exactly he lost you, if there had been a single misstep that sent everything crashing down.
Or maybe it had been a slow unraveling he was too blind to notice until it was too late.
The thought hit him, a bitter whisper in the dark: maybe it was his fault. His habits, the late nights, the endless tours, the drugs to numb himself from facing parts of himself he didn't want to see. There was always something he was running from, though he'd never put a name to it. Maybe it was the fear that he wasn't enough — not for the band, not for you, not even for himself. The edge he'd told you he needed to take off felt sharper some days, a constant reminder of something hollow inside him, something he could never seem to fill. He'd promised you, time and again, that it was under control, that he was fine. But maybe it had been more than that. Maybe the numbness was the only thing holding him together — and the very thing that pushed you away. How many nights had you cried yourself to sleep, hoping he’d notice, praying he’d care enough to pull himself back before he lost you?
But he hadn’t noticed. Not until it was too late.
Eddie could still hear your voice, full of hurt, telling him you couldn’t do it anymore. That you couldn’t keep watching him fade. He had begged, promised he’d change, that he could be the man you needed, but the look in your eyes had told him everything — he’d already lost you. The realization twisted the knife deeper. He had driven you away, piece by piece, until all that remained was the echo of what once was.
Eddie exhaled a long, shaky breath and glanced down at the cigarette smoldering between his fingers, its ember glowing faintly in the dim light. The ash was dangerously close to his skin, a tiny burn barely noticeable beneath everything else he was feeling. He leaned forward, pressing the cigarette into the overflowing ashtray on the table, watching as it hissed and went out. The sight of it — a small, suffocated end — felt like a quiet metaphor for everything he’d been living through.
Eddie’s hand found his guitar, fingertips brushing the familiar strings, and for a moment, he hesitated before lifting it onto his lap. The weight of it pressed against him, heavier than he remembered, the same guitar you used to strum absently while waiting for him to finish writing. He could almost hear the faint echo of your soft humming, half-formed lyrics spilling from your lips as you waited, always patient, always there. But now, each string felt like a reminder — a silent lament of the things he should have said, the apologies he left unspoken, the hours he should have spent with you instead of slipping away into everything else.
His fingers began to move, almost instinctively, picking out a melody that felt like sorrow made sound. The notes were slow, haunting, and filled the room with a resonance that seemed to echo off the walls, filling every empty corner with his grief. It was a song he hadn’t written yet but knew by heart — a song for the love he’d lost, for the moments he’d never get back.
As he played, memories slipped into the spaces between the chords, coloring each note with flashes of you. The late-night talks on the fire escape, sharing secrets under a blanket of stars. The quiet mornings, coffee in hand, when everything felt easy, untouched by the shadows that would later come. Those moments felt so distant now, like scenes from someone else’s life.
His hand slipped, the wrong note jarring him back to the present. Frustrated, he swore under his breath, fingers trembling as he started over. He felt raw, as if each note stripped him down further, peeling away the layers he’d wrapped around his hurt. With every chord, he was forced to confront the truths he’d buried under booze and pills.
Maybe he hadn’t been enough for you, hadn’t tried hard enough to keep you close. Or maybe he’d simply never understood how to be loved the way you’d tried to love him. That scared him — that thought that he might never be enough for anyone, not even himself. He wondered if that was why he’d run from you, even when he was right there beside you, slipping into his vices and losing himself night after night.
The guitar slipped from his lap and clattered to the floor, but he didn’t reach for it. Instead, he buried his face in his hands, breath shaky, trying to push down the storm of emotions that threatened to break through. He’d been so used to hiding, so used to numbing himself that he’d forgotten what it was like to actually feel, to sit in the wreckage of everything he’d tried to run from.
As he sat in the silence, guitar abandoned at his feet, he felt a quiet realization settle in — a painful truth he’d been too afraid to face. No matter how much he wanted to pick up the pieces, to claw his way out of the emptiness, he knew that, deep down, the best of him had left with you. And as he stared at the empty space beside him, he whispered to no one, voice breaking, “Come back.”
But the silence answered back, as it always did.
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vivalas-vega · 9 months ago
unexpected / bradley 'rooster' bradshaw x reader
howdy y'all - we've got another rooster fic. i feel i've neglected this man too much on my blog and wanna start writing for him more so here we are with a fleet week fic inspired by my own journey onto a navy ship yesterday!!! (the similarities between my fic and the real deal start and end with waiting in line. my guide was cute but let's just say he was no bradley bradshaw). it was very cool and educational and if your city does fleet week i highly recommend checking it out! this fic will have maybe three parts total. anyways hope you enjoy :)
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unexpected / bradley 'rooster' bradshaw x reader
follow my taglist blog and turn on notifications to be updated @vegaslibrary
word count: 3.2k
warnings: slight language, naval inaccuracies!! (even tho I just did my own fleet week tour I still don't know shit, I'm just a girl)
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The ocean breeze filtered through your hair as you stood off to the side, eyes fixated on the impressive carriers in front of you. The sun felt hot on your skin and excitement was buzzing through your veins as you listened to your best friend in your ear… well, half-listened.
“We’re brunching! Come on, meet us at Malibu Farm,” Maggie said and you sighed.
“I told you it’s Fleet Week, I’m already down here,” you replied and you could feel her eyes roll on the other side of the phone.
“I would be supportive if you were trying to bag one of those Navy hotties but come on… bottomless mimosas and all the dirt on Stephanie’s breakup are better than some boats,” she said.
“I will see you for drinks tonight,” was all you replied before hanging up. You’d tried (very unsuccessfully) to convince some of your friends to come with you, telling them about how cool these carriers were and how you only got the chance to see them up close and personal once a year but they had zero interest… you were the only one in your circle who found this sort of thing interesting, and you would have been bummed except for the fact that you were more than okay doing things by yourself.
It wasn’t uncommon for you to go to a concert or a museum solo, you actually enjoyed it… you loved hanging out with your friends but it was nice to not be tied to what the majority of the group wanted to do (or didn’t want to do), and as you waited in line you were actually a little glad none of them had taken you up on your offer. If Maggie were here she’d be ogling the cute officer who appeared to be getting ready to take your group on board, and she’d spend the whole tour trying to flirt with him instead of listening to what he had to say. 
You were content to wait in line as long as it took, taking in the beautiful ships to your left before switching to people watching, you knew this week drew all kinds of visitors and you found it entertaining to see such an eclectic mix of people all in one space… there were the obvious ex-Navy types, returning to their roots and reliving the glory days, there were couples who looked a little out of their element but excited for something new to do as a date, and families with kids… you even spotted an entire elementary class on a field trip. Spare your friend group, most people were more than interested in the opportunity to spend a day aboard multi-million dollar vessels and you were one of them.
Across the way Lieutenant Bradley Bradshaw was chatting with his teammates about how much they wanted today to be over… it wasn’t that he hated Fleet Week, because he did enjoy it for about the first hour, but after that it became tiresome to give the same spiel over and over and over. They’d all tried to get out of it, Natasha had even gone so far as trying to manifest a deployment, but according to the higher ups there was no excuse for the Navy’s best and brightest to not make an appearance at an event happening so close to their home base. 
But then he saw you and he couldn’t help but smile as he watched you seem so enamored by everything around you… you didn’t hold an ounce of annoyance over the fact you’d been standing in that same spot going on half an hour now, something he’d seen from other visitors a dozen times already, and when a gust of wind kicked up your hair and sent it fluttering around your face you gave a half hearted attempt to tame it, but really you were just enjoying the breeze and the sun on your skin and he knew he had to know your name. He watched Jake getting ready to take your group aboard and he had to know if you’d abandon the formal tour in favor of letting him take you up instead.
You were eavesdropping on a conversation between a sailor and a kid just ahead of you, a soft smile on your lips as you listened to just how excited both parties were to be talking about the ship in front of you and you were so focused on them that you didn’t notice a person approaching you, not until his shadow cast across your face and when you turned you saw a man who nearly knocked the wind out of you… he was tall and solid, arms straining against the short sleeves of his khaki uniform and you thought that no one should look good in that color yet here he was proving you wrong. His golden brown waves glistened in the direct sunlight and he had a slight smirk beneath a mustache that you really wanted to hate, but you really didn’t… he was handsome, potentially one of the most handsome men you’d ever seen, and here he was standing directly in front of you and you looked up at him expectantly, waiting for him to say something.
“Lieutenant Bradley Bradshaw, ma’am,” he introduced, extending his hand for you to shake which you did as you gave him your name and a smile. “What brings you out today?”
“A bizarre fascination with ships the size of planets,” you replied and he laughed. It was warm and a little rough around the edges, much like you’d appraised him to be in your short interaction, and you wanted to hear it again.
“Well, my day wrapped up not too long ago and I couldn’t help but notice you waiting for a tour…” he started, leaning in slightly with a mischievous look on his face as if he was about to tell you a secret, “and between you and me, your tour guide is a dud.” he finished and you looked towards the man, tall, blonde and oozing charisma and you had a feeling Bradley was lying to you as you watched him charm the entirety of your group with one sentence… but you weren’t feeling too keen on calling him out on his fib.
“Oh no, is that so?” you replied, disappointment lacing your tone.
“Mmhm,” he hummed. “I think you oughta let me take you up, make sure you get the tour you deserve,” he propositioned and you nodded, a smirk tugging at your lips.
“I think that might be for the best… for the sake of a thorough Navy education and all,” you said and he nodded, gesturing towards the ramp and he held out his hand for you to take as you pulled yourself onto the steep landing. His hand was warm in yours and all-encompassing as he held it and made sure you made it safely before letting it fall back to your side and you were almost a little disappointed when he did.
He led you into the cargo hold, a massive room filled with so many things your eyes had a hard time adjusting at first. You trailed alongside him as he explained everything to you, sparing no detail as he went and you were particularly fascinated by the boat that was rigged to be deployed at a moments notice, positioned right in front of a hatch door, and he told you it was primarily there for search and rescue missions as he rattled off information about how long it takes to get it down into the water and pointed out the crane used to move it around as needed.
You listened with rapt attention as you continued through, you added a quip or a question here and there but mostly you were hanging onto his every word as he pointed out things like their freezer and the gym, and you realized you might have been content to listen to this man read you his grocery list and you had to make a conscious effort to focus on the words themselves and not just the voice that was speaking them. As you made your way up a steep and narrow stairwell, so much so you might have described it closer to a ladder than stairs, he stayed right behind you where he could catch you if you fell and you tried to ignore the fact that his diligence almost made you want to fall.
“There’s a lot up here,” he said as he led you down a hallway lined with doors, “but it’s mostly just bunks and offices. We’re not technically supposed to show you this, but… I won’t tell if you won’t,” he added as he pushed one of the doors open and you pretended to lock your lips and throw away the key as you peeked inside, taking in the modest living quarters with multiple twin beds.
“So, this is where you sleep when you’re deployed?” you asked and he nodded, brow furrowing when you looked at him, clearly skeptical about something as your eyes trailed him top to bottom before returning to the beds in front of you, “how do you even fit?” you followed up and immediately you flushed, not meaning to ask that at all but it was the first thing that popped into your head and it flew out of your mouth before you could stop it.
“Not comfortably, sweetheart,” he replied with a laugh and you smiled softly at the term of endearment as he shut the door and nodded for you to follow. He talked about the photos lining the walls, telling you who was who or what was what in the ones he recognized before you went up another stairwell and before you could walk through the door frame in front of you he placed his hands on your shoulders, stopping you in your tracks.
You turned your head to look at him, an unasked question on your face, and he gave you that addictive smirk of his, “now this is the really fun part that very few people get to see,” he prefaced and you felt anticipation brimming as he kept his hands on you and guided you forward.
“Just breaking all the rules today aren’t you, Lieutenant Bradshaw?” you replied and he wanted to tell you that you could just call him Bradley but one look at the mischief in your eyes told him you knew that… you just liked calling him Lieutenant and he liked hearing it too much to stop you. When you turned your attention forward you were faced with two beautiful jets right in front of you and you faltered for a moment, stunned by the sheer impressiveness of the aircrafts.
“Holy shit,” you muttered, careful of your step as you approached one of them and Bradley tried to commit that look of awe on your features to memory, his heart stuttering at the sight. You instinctively reached a hand out before snapping it back, realizing you probably shouldn’t be touching things with price tags you couldn’t comprehend.
He chuckled, “go ahead, it’s mine so do your worst.” 
He thought you might get whiplash with how quickly you turned to face him, “yours? How have we made it through this whole tour without you mentioning you’re a pilot?”
“Thought I’d keep you on your toes,” he replied as you returned your focus to his jet, hand trailing along the smooth metal as you walked around it.
“I never thought I’d get to see an F/A-18 in person… at least not one that’s active,” you sighed, and now he was certain his heart had stopped in his chest. “Tops out at what, twelve hundred?” you asked and he blinked in surprise, only able to nod in response because he didn’t quite trust his words right now. He knew he liked you as soon as he saw you, so much so he was taking you on his tenth tour of the day when all he’d wanted to do previously was go to the bar, but now he was worried he was in a little over his head as you appreciated his jet, having identified it immediately without any help from him. “God, this is incredible, Bradley,” you said, maybe a little breathless from how excited you were and before you knew it he was disappearing, leaving you standing at the nose with a confused expression.
You laughed when he returned, rolling a ladder to the side of his jet and beckoning you over. He hadn’t anticipated you to know anything about planes, or really have any interest beyond the first minute of being in front of it, but now that he knew otherwise he wanted to show you everything. He held onto your hand as you took each step, trailing right behind you just as he had in the stairwells and when you got to the landing he started pulling the canopy back and you let out another soft gasp.
“Can you get in trouble for this?” you asked, turning to look at him. You knew private tours with high ranking pilots were not standard for Fleet Week, and you also knew this wasn’t an area most people would be allowed in, and you worried for a brief moment what would happen to him if anyone caught you.
He shook his head, “you’re accompanied by a Lieutenant, we’re fine,” he answered, smiling as you leaned over slightly to look inside his cockpit and his heart was thudding in his chest at the sheer wonder in your eyes. He started pointing out all of the controls, telling you what they did and why, and he answered your every question just as he had with the rest of the ship. “Sweetheart, I’ve gotta be honest… I’ve never met anyone who gave a damn about these jets that didn't work in or around them already.” 
You pulled your attention back to him with an incredulous look, “how could they not?” you asked, and you wanted to keep your gaze on those pretty brown eyes that were locked on you, but the novelty hadn’t quite worn off yet and you looked back inside the jet. “I mean… this is next level engineering wrapped up in a pretty package, what’s better than that?” He thought you were beautiful when he saw you standing on your own with your hair blowing in the breeze and the sun kissing your skin, he thought you were beautiful when you laughed at his dumb jokes in the cargo hold, but right now he was certain he’d never seen anything more beautiful than you slightly bent over and leaning into his cockpit as you truly appreciated the one thing he loved most in this world.
“Please let me take you on a date,” he blurted out, unable to stop himself and you looked at him a little surprised. You’d been hoping since he approached you that he’d ask, but you couldn’t help but laugh a little at the unexpected timing.
“Ask me again after the tour,” you replied with a smirk and though it vaguely sounded like rejection he couldn’t help but smile. If you wanted to make him work for it then he absolutely would. You asked him a question about the gauges and he told you exactly what they measured, and when you finally made your way back down the ladder he even let you sit on the second to last step as he wheeled it back to its place.
“Bradley!” you squealed when he whipped it around, hands bracing on the poles on either side of you and you were a little breathless when you were suddenly facing him, looking up at him as his strong hands gripped just above your head as he continued pushing you through the open area.
“Just wanted a better view,” he replied and you flushed at the compliment. Even though it was only two steps he still offered you his hand as you got off and of course you still accepted it, lingering for a moment before dropping it. He took you back through the carrier a different way than you’d came so he could show you absolutely everything, still narrating as he went. Truthfully, there wasn’t much difference on this route than the other but it was longer and he wanted to drag this out. He knew as soon as you stepped off the ship he wouldn’t have any reason to keep you longer than he already had, and he wanted to postpone that moment as long as he could. 
When you entered the now familiar cargo hold you couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed, you didn’t want your time with Bradley to come to an end but it seemed it was inevitable as he led you down the ramp and back onto solid ground. Your eyes were bright when you turned to face him and you still had that smile on that hadn’t seemed to leave your face all day and it was another sight he wanted to commit to memory. You had surprised the hell out of him, turned his boring day around the second he saw you and he knew with certainty he couldn’t get enough of you… and you were in the exact same boat. You knew when you got here today you’d have a good time, that the other man Bradley insisted was a dud still would have given a good tour and you’d have gotten exactly what you came for but the man in front of you exceeded every one of your expectations and then some, and you weren’t looking forward to the moment you had to go back to your car and not have his eyes on you anymore.
“Bradley, that was…” you sighed, “that was incredible, I don’t really know how to thank you for that.”
“Let me take you out,” he replied easily and you flushed, the tour was over and he was wasting no time in asking you out again, and this time you let him. 
You nodded, “I’m free tonight.” His grin was wide as he fished his phone out of his pocket for you to input your number, and you couldn’t help but mirror him when he told you to put your address as well so he could pick you up… if this was anyone else, if you hadn’t just spent the afternoon with him catering to your every query and whim, you would have told him no. You would have said you could meet him somewhere, but you trusted him. The few hours spent together showed you that you could, and that wasn’t lost on Bradley. If you’d said no he wouldn’t have even blinked, he would have suggested something else that made you more comfortable, but you didn’t say no… and that caused his chest to tighten as he looked down at your beautiful smile.
“I’ll pick you up at seven,” he said, leaning in to press a chaste kiss to your cheek and you felt your skin tingling as he pulled away. “Wear something comfortable.”
You nodded, a little curious as to what he could have planned but you could just tell if you asked he wouldn’t say, and you were more than happy to let this man surprise you. “I’ll see you tonight, Bradley.”
“And I’ll be counting down every second.”
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