#trying to do engineering and music at the same time does not leave a lot of room for playing videos game
obliviousriki · 2 years
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I finally finished Future Connected. The game has been out for over two years at this point
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afyrian · 4 days
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line one - the sound booth guy m.list
    "you are on line one, what would you like to talk it out with me about?"
  sitting in front of a microphone, you feel your gaze boring into the glass. just beyond the tinted window sits sakusa kiyoomi, your new sound engineer. he's looking down at the tapestry of instruments in front of him, prodding at different dials and knobs. pursing your lips, you listen in as a slightly distorted voice echoes through the call.
  it vibrates, a light sound of crackling in the background. "uh- hello? hey, i was just calling for some relationship advice. my, well not quite girlfriend, friend... well she recently started talking to another person," the voice waivers slightly as they get to the more difficult situation that they're going through.
  "and i think she likes them, but we've gone out a few times. i really want to full time date her, but i'm just worried she'll leave me for them. trying to sound vague, sorry," it rattles through your headphones and into your ears. 
  biting your lip, you let out a short and succinct sigh. raising the volume just slightly so the caller could hear. "well, line one, so you think she likes them? but has she flat out told you, or are you attempting to read through the lines?"
  "she never told me, but she laughs constantly. we don't talk as much because she spends a lot of time talking to them. i'm just feeling heartbroken, y/n," the volume nearly peaks as they get closer to their phone, sakusa immediately fiddling with a dial to keep it to a reasonable volume.
  your fingers start playing with a small fidget toy off to the side, the stress ball-like toy squishes beneath the pressure. the worst types of you advice you give out always come from the romance topic. whether it be wondering how to propose or how to get over a breakup, you always feel out of your depth. love isn't your topic of interest, typically. 
  "right, obviously when you start getting left out, it hurts. but your best bet is always going to be to talk it out. but with her, obviously," you laugh a little, trying to lighten the mood some for the caller and others listening, "you'll never know what's really happening until you ask. and if she does want to be with them, then that's her loss. you are worth more than situationships, caller!"
  across from the window, you can see sakusa nodding to himself. narrowing your eyes, you wonder if he's agreeing with what you're saying, or simply listening to music in one year. leaning back into his chair, he finally looks up, meeting your eyes. your gaze shifts back to your desk, hoping he didn't see you practically staring.
  "thank you.." their voice grows quiet, a second of dead air starting, your heartbeat racing as you wonder what to say next.
  "you're welcome, caller, trust me when i say that the right partner will come to you about this stuff. so exude the energy you want to be given, and if it doesn't work, just know, you will find someone it does work with," you try to keep the same energy throughout the whole conversation despite the slight exhaustion you're starting to feel.
  "you're right.. i'm going to go talk to her now and figure it out! thanks again, y/n," the line clicks, the caller leaving to figure out their life.
  "of course. now before we get on to the next caller, it's time for our regularly scheduled song of the hour. this first one is going to be 'do you want to do nothing with me?' by lawrence. this soul-pop band will really get anyone longing for domestic bliss," you tap against the desk, eyes gazing at your laptop.
  pressing a finger against the mouse, you press play, letting the song play through the station. taking off your headphones, you let out a deep sigh, peering at the empty coffee cup. it harbors a ring where the coffee was, the homemade pale mug covered in brown stains. wrapping your fingers through it, you walk into the sound booth. 
  "that was great, we typically take a few minute break to get a snack, some coffee. which i would definitely recommend because these early hours can be a bitch," you shrug, standing in the sound booth's entrance. 
  the door rests against you, foot pushing against it occasionally as it falls back towards you. sakusa nods, looking across the board, "i have a few snacks in here, plus an energy drink in the mini fridge. so i'll he fine until the next break."
  "alright, your loss, sakusa. i'll be back in a minute, if the song ends-"
  "play a similar song and hope no one notices," he finishes your sentence, not realizing that you learned that very phrase from atsumu. 
  narrowing your eyes, you nod, smiling to yourself. backing out of the booth, you walk into the main hallway, walls lined with photos of famous hosts within the company. atsumu’s headshot rests loud and proud in front of his recording studio, a light placed right above it. closing your eyes, you take in a deep breath. 
  letting a jitter coursing through your body come to a quiet feeling. resting in the back of your lungs, you walk through the hall of fame, pushing open the door to the break room. inside shows even more photos of crew members. the sound engineers all stand together behind a booth, sakusa included.
  he’s standing in the back, hands in his pockets. a soft smile, one you’d like to see in person, lines his lips. he sits in another photo, atsumu standing behind his chair, hands on sakusa’s shoulders. now, he’s smiling widely, nearly laughing in the photo. narrowing your eyes, you wonder if you’ll ever get this way with him. if you’ll befriend him in such a way. 
  “who’s that?” a familiar voice rings through your ears.
  yachi stands in the doorway a few feet away from you, a fabric measuring tape draped along her shoulders. oh right, you think to yourself, she’s doing fittings this week for promotional material. “my sound booth guy, sakusa. he came from atsumu’s show. just starting to notice that he’s pretty deep in this business,” you purse your lips, nearly forgetting about your coffee. 
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taglist (open): @eggyrocks @causenessus @applepi25 @softpia @bakery-anon
@jadeoru @yessimo @lale-txt @writing-for-the-hell-of-it @sugacor3
@quikhs @todorokiskitten
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euphroseia · 1 year
Unrequited love, what about it?
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Minho x gn!reader
Word count: 2.5k
Genre: non-idol!au, high school au, fluff, angst
Warnings: none that i can think of (please tell me if i missed one!)
a bit self-indulgent, a bit not. i listened to this song while i was writing this. if you want, you can listen to it too as you read ^^
Unrequited love, they say. 
But for you, it was all just admiration from afar, making that person an inspiration for your poems, or maybe the muse to your art.
You first laid your eyes on him during your senior year at high school. The school’s dance team captain, who’s not just known for his exceptionally good performance with what he loves doing, but also the good-looking and caring senior everybody admires. 
Running through the hallway with your friends for a class you’re all gonna be late to in five minutes, leads you to the direction where the practice room is located. You heard music playing and at first you thought no one was inside, then you took a peek at the small glass of the door; someone was there slow dancing, trying to figure out the rhythm of the music that was playing at a low volume. You can’t help but to watch more because of the way his body was just swaying around, like it was flowing with the sound of the music. Then he turned around and there you saw him—Lee Minho, what a sight for sore eyes, indeed. 
That moment was cut short after your friend dragged you, reminding you that you’re almost late for your class.
From that moment, you noted to yourself to always take that route at the exact same time every day.
You thought you’d be fine with admiring him from afar. Watching the dance team on every competition they joined, peeking through the door of their practice room, and taking the long way to your classroom just so you could pass his classroom and see him—until it wasn’t enough.
You knew you had to do something to bring you two closer. Knowing he’s smart, you studied hard just so maybe you could be classmates for the next semester.
Unrequited love, they say. 
But how can that be love when you only want to watch him at his element? Your friends beg to differ. They say all you talk about was him. “How come he still looks that good even when he’s sweating a lot?” that, “Have you guys seen the way he smiles and laughs?” this, and the list goes on.
You just can’t help it. How could you? He’s good, great even, with what he does. Always on the top of the class, respectful to everyone, and very patient with teaching the dance steps to his team members. 
How can you not love a guy like him, right?
Did you just say love? You never even noticed it. People said at that rate of admiration you had for him, it’ll only be a matter of days that you’ll fall for him; and fall you did—hard, head first, no turning back.
Lucky you, in your last semester as a high school student, your school shuffles the class sections, and just like an answered prayer, you and Minho are in the same class. On top of it all, both of you were elected as the class officers; him as the president and you as the vice president.
Having to do a lot of tasks together as officers of the class brought you closer to each other. Meetings with the officers of other classes sometimes end up late at night. He’d walk you to your bus stop and wait until the bus arrives and leaves with you in it. He would sometimes ask you to watch the dance team practice a new choreography, or help him learn it alone. And at times like that, your brain short circuits and your heart beats faster with the thought of being alone with him.
These interactions made you fall for him even more. Seeing the guy for more than just his looks, and experiencing first hand how good of a person he actually is.
Unrequited love, they say. 
For the way you look at Minho is totally different from how he does to you. They say you look at him as if he’s someone you’d willingly risk everything you have for him, and if you’re being honest, they might just be right. On the other hand, they said he looks at you as how a best friend would do—adoring you and being proud of the things you achieve. Platonically in love with you but never romantically.
Your feelings for him gets deeper as months go by. Today, it was one of those late nights after a meeting with the other officers. Everything’s getting busier as your graduation approaches. As usual, Minho walks you to the bus stop. 
Your bus arrives and he pulls you into his arms and you gladly welcome the warmth of his hug. It has become a habit of the both of you to hug each other before you part ways. This time, he held you a little longer, and if you’d allow yourself to be a bit delusional, you swear you could feel his lips press a kiss on top of your head. 
When you let go, you looked up at him and saw him smiling just as widely as you. “I’ll see you tomorrow, yeah?” he said. “Of course,” you answered and waved him goodbye as you ran towards the bus. 
Unrequited love, they say. 
And for the first time, you agreed to them. For you watched it unveil before your eyes as he falls in love with the girl that’s part of his team. The way you see yourself in him as he looks at her with admiration and love. Like he’s willing to give everything to her—just as you would to him.
Your physics teacher is not coming today, he informed Minho through a message just a while ago. So, you have the whole period as free time to do anything. You were scrolling on your phone, watching different videos or reacting to funny memes shared on your newsfeed when you felt someone sit beside you. Not really in the right state of mind to talk to him after you heard the gossip about the “none-other-than Minho” dating his prettiest co-dancer, you decided to just continue scrolling through your phone. 
“Hey, Y/N,” he called to which you just hummed in response.
“Can you tell me your opinion about this?” He asked and showed you a bouquet of flowers flashed on his phone screen from a popular shop on instagram. 
“It’s pretty. The colors of the flowers compliment each other the same way the wrap does to them.” You said as you really liked the flowers he’s showing you right now. “Why? What’s with the sudden question about flowers?” You asked, knowing exactly you’ll only hurt yourself from the answer he would say.
“Oh, do you remember Reigne?” You would ignore it if given the chance, but you can’t. Not when you notice how lovingly he said her name. Not when he had to pause a little just to smile after her name fell from his lips. “I heard her and her friends talking about how beautiful these flowers are. I’ve thought of giving it to her after our performance this Saturday.” There it is, the sting of pain in your chest. Of course, it’s for her. What else did you expect?
“I bet she’ll love that and make her heart beat faster once you give that to her,” you said in all honesty, because it’s Minho. Who wouldn’t love to receive a bouquet of flowers from him? Who’s heart wouldn’t flutter when you realize the flowers he’s holding were especially for you?
His smile widens and you see the twinkle of his eyes—pure of love and excitement to the thought you had just given him. “You think so?” He asked, smiling giddily.
“I know so,” you respond and return his smile. 
“Okay!” He exclaimed and hugged you “Thanks, Y/N, you’re the best,” he said as he went back to his proper seat.
Unrequited love, they say.
When you can watch him become happier each day even if you’re not the reason behind his smiles, then, what about it?
You were fine with watching him from afar just months ago, it wouldn’t hurt to be on the sidelines of his life for the rest of it. 
But Saturday came, the day you dreaded the most as it reminded you of his plan. You wouldn’t miss a competition your best friend worked hard for just because of your silly, little, one-sided feelings for him. You hate to be that kind person, so you wouldn’t be that kind of person. You’d want to support him, even from afar, just like before.
They were great, you knew that, everybody knows about that already . After all the competing teams have performed, you had expected their win. So, you went outside to get some fresh air; it was hot inside after all, considering that many people came for this is the last competition for this season. 
You heard the name of your school and their dance team gets proclaimed as the champions. You smiled to yourself from the thought that you saw that coming. It was his last competition with this dance team, of course, he would do his best for them to win this—and win, they did.
You stayed outside a little longer than you expected, you saw everyone leave the venue and go home. But for some reason, you stayed there and it was getting dark already. You heard little noises from afar, as if your feet had their own brain, they walked to the direction of the noise. 
There you saw Minho, the one you’ve been admiring from afar, the man behind all your love poems, the one whose nose you try so hard to perfect when you sketch him as he sleeps, the person you tried so hard to deny that you love, yet fail miserably—your best friend.
You witness as he takes a deep breath and moves forward little by little to the person in front of him. It was Reign. In his hand, he holds the bouquet of flowers. Oh, so this was how he planned it. You thought to yourself as you watched Minho approach her carefully and give the flowers to her.
Everything unveiling before you wasn’t that surprising at all, after all, he told you about this plan already. It was you who said she’ll like the flowers and indirectly said, she’d love Minho as much as he does to her. Yet, what you didn’t expect was to see him kiss her. You had learned to accept that your feelings would never be reciprocated by him, but that doesn’t mean it didn’t hurt. Because a few months ago, when you tried to dance with him in the practice room alone, when you looked at each other a little longer than necessary and faces were too close to each other, you thought that you could actually kiss him at that moment.
That night, you cried so much you actually thought your heart was breaking. You convinced yourself that time would pass and all of this was just part of your silly, little inevitable part of life as high school students.
Unrequited love, they say. 
You don’t agree nor deny it anymore. 
You just want it all to be over and move onto the next chapters of your life.
Your graduation passed just like the blink of an eye. You and your batch mates are all gathered at the school for the traditional final class picture before you all part ways and go to college or work. You honestly didn’t want to go. You almost didn’t go to your graduation because you didn’t want to see Minho anymore. Thinking about how effective it would be to forget your feelings for him if you avoid him. But, of course, you can’t do that. You have done so much to have come this far. Setting aside your feelings and goal of eliminating them, you attended the graduation. 
Today, you really didn’t want to come. Not because you didn’t want to see Minho, but because of what will be the outcome of your plan. You bought the book he’s been talking about to you that he didn’t want to buy because “it’s a waste of money” he said. So you bought it, it’s your money you’re wasting and not his in the end. There, you inserted a poem you made for him. Thought that maybe through this, you’d be over him.
The picture taking was over and all that’s left to do was to give him your present. 
“Hey, Min,” you called for him when you saw him standing in the middle of your classroom. 
“Hey, Y/N,” he smiled as he turned around and opened his arms inviting you to hug him.
You approached him and hugged him tight. You wanted to savor this moment, scared that it might be the last. When you pulled away, you handed him the small paper bag.
“Got you a little something. A parting gift, you may say,” you said, looking down as you fiddle with your fingers.
“What’s this?” He opened the bag and saw the book. “I-thank you, Y/N!” He said and pulled you in another hug. “I didn’t get you something though, how about I treat you to eat?” He suggested and you’d love to say yea. But you can’t. It’s selfish, you know, but you think it’s for the best.
“I’d love to, Min, but I really have to go now.” Tone a bit down, expressing that you really regret not being able to accept his offer. “I hope you read that well,” you said and looked into his eyes. 
Hugging him one last time, and then you waved him goodbye as you ran out the door trying not to spill the tears that’s been threatening to fall when you looked at him.
Still a bit shocked by how fast you ran outside, and he swore he saw your eyes watered. He was left there standing alone again in the classroom as he removed the book from the plastic it was wrapped with. He remembers talking about it to you but never expected that you would get it for him. He opened the book and noticed something was inserted between the center page of it.
It was a small card, he’s familiar with the handwriting in it; it was yours. He read what’s written on it and he didn’t even notice he was crying until he saw the tear fall on the card. 
If they ask me to talk about love,
I’d talk about us.
Or more lovingly, from my perspective, I'd talk about you.
I’d tell them how I see stars in your eyes when you talk about the new dance step you learned.
The way you’d smile so brightly, I almost thought I was facing the sun.
The way you passionately do something you love, and show everyone you’re great at it.
The way you excel at everything, but will never forget to still be kind and humble.
If they ask me to talk about love,
I’d say your name in the blink of an eye.
Minho, how lovely your name is.
Even if that’s just how I’ll always be,
I’d tell everyone how amazing being your friend is.
Unrequited love, they say. In an unrequited love, I would choose to stay.
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bunnyley00 · 11 months
Late Night Drive
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pairings: fem!reader x dabi
genre: fluff
word count: 816
warnings: none. (just some quick fluff i thought of after listening to Love Lockdown one too many times.)
It takes your boyfriend letting you know he'd hit you with his car to know that he truly does love you.
Monotonous. Today was monotonous, yet maddening all at the same time. Anxiety has a funny way of keeping the mind and body separate, running both ragged until patience runs thin and all signs of energy are depleted. Today was no different, just another day at a 9 to 5 for minimum wage. 
The end of your shift didn’t come fast enough, and the sound of the time clock beeping at your senses when you clocked out was music to your overstimulated ears. Mumbling a weak ‘bye’ to everyone, you made your way out to the parking lot. God, it was really cold outside, the parking lot empty save for the cars of the very few colleagues inside the building. You could see your breath as it left your parted lips, the wispy fog white in your dark surroundings. Just as you reached for your phone, you heard his car before you even saw it, the sound of him accelerating up the quiet street gaining your attention. 
He pulled in slowly, stopping in front of the doors. His all black, matte Mercedes was comforting to see. You wasted no time, getting in the passenger’s seat with a loud sigh and closing the door. You fastened your seatbelt around your body, looking over at him. He was smirking.
“What’s so amusing, Bacon Bits? Do you find my suffering funny?,” you jest, raising an eyebrow.
“You look like you want to get hit by a car every time I pick you up from this place,” he easily spoke up.  The bags under your eyes practically screamed this fact to him, the dark circles visible even in the dimly lit interior of the car.
“Maybe I do,” you murmured, taking your work hat off and squirming in the seat as he pulled off. You took your apron off, as well as your shirt, leaving you in your black cami and blue jeans.
“You can get out and I can help you out with that.” Dabi jerked his head in the direction of the hood of his car, readjusting in his seat as he flew past cars on the fancy residential streets.
“Nice try, Dabi. You wouldn’t hit me even if you wanted to. How are you gonna get my blood off of your car?,” you scoff.
“Valid.” You hit him with a small smile. “You dick. No, ‘Of course I wouldn’t hit my beautiful girlfriend with my sports car. I love her too much.’?”
“I think you put beautiful in front of the wrong word,” he said dryly, softly caressing the inside of the driver door. The sight made you roll your eyes. 
“I hate you.” 
“You love me.” 
His voice was soft, and it contributed to your warmth in the leather covered seat. 
You both grew silent as he made his way onto the interstate. You closed your eyes, laying your head back against the seat. Feeling the car accelerate, you listened to the hum of the engine. 
“Where are we going?” The question was nearly inaudible. 
“Food,” he said plainly, letting the sun roof down. Despite the cold, you didn’t complain. You opened your eyes to look up at the night sky, the chill knocking whatever fatigue still lingered in your body for the time being. 
You watched a slender finger touch the monitor on the dash, music erupting through the speaker. The bass shook you like a rock disrupting the surface of a pond, the ripples of sound seeming to travel though your body as he weaved in and out of lanes on the oddly empty freeway. 
‘I’m not loving you, way I wanted to. What I had to do, had to run from you. I’m in love with you, but the vibe is wrong. And that haunted me all the way home.’ 
You shifted your gaze again to look at him, eyes bored yet focused at the same time. His blue irises looked like they were glowing under the passing lights on the interstate. He switched gears again before getting comfortable, putting his hand on your thigh. He gave it a small squeeze, and it meant more than whatever he could’ve said at that moment. 
Stomach full and body pressed against his, you let your hand travel up to his white hair, playing with the ends of it. 
“Maybe you’re right,” you say quietly, and he pulls back his face to look at you in the dark. 
“About, Dollface?”, he asks in return, voice raspy from his half asleep state.
“I do love you, idiot.” 
He says nothing in response, pulling your figure closer to kiss you. “Mmhmm, yeah,  that’s nice. Ow- quit hitting me.” 
“I love you too. Now go the hell to sleep before I make you.” 
<3 - leyley
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gyunglitter · 10 months
the links
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- just you dicking around with txt college!au besties
warnings: not edited, kinda long, mentions of gym bros, bitchless behavior, drunk fighting, mentions of camp rock, cursing, prolly should’ve put that last before the other lmao, partying, suspicious tampering with drinks
tags: txtxreader (platonic), non-idol!au, college!au, txt, lag, tomorrowxtogether, lesserafim, hansohee, drabble fics!, bulletpoint fics!
notes: bro i’ve been sitting on this for a while, but since i got sick, i finally had the time to actually write this—not very drabble fic of me, but i hope yall enjoyed it :) feel free to send in asks/requests abt this au!!
⚤ masterlist
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just how did this rag tag group get together?
tbh with yall
the losers club took a while to actually get established
we’re talkin the end of the winter semester babes
to be fair tho☝️🤓
each of you were either awkward, antisocial, or autistic
but you all came around eventually
through small and simple means, the hottest friend group came to be!!
yeonjun + taehyun:
met in calc 101 in the winter semester
taehyun needed the class for his major
but yeonjun accidentally stumbled in on the first day and felt too awkward to leave
he tried to play it cool like he totally belonged
but taehyun could tell right when he sat next to him and his gigantic water bottle and protein shake
it only sealed the deal when yeonjun asked to borrow a pencil
“thanks! oh wow…i don’t think i’ve seen a pencil like this”
“it’s a mechanical..?”
“aha, yeaaaaaah…”
they really looked like 🤨 and ✌🏽🤪✌🏽
the both of them simultaneously felt transported back to their high school days
with yeonjun’s jockiness and taehyun’s brutal deadpan
the two intimidated the HELL out of each other😭
they were extremely awkward despite trying to act like they weren’t they totally were
but that hour of calc was pure torture
yeonjun made sure to stay far away from the engineering building after that lmao
it was only when they accidentally ran into each other at the gym that they bonded
after yeonjun almost dropped the bar on himself and his initial spotter got distracted
he swore he was gonna quite literally off himself at that moment
yeonjun was surprised to see the small kid from calc save him from his death with only ONE arm
an arm that was as big as HIS HEAD?!?! :O
after that, the two saw each other very often and became the ultimate Gym Bros🔥💪🏽
which took a lot of emotional work on both ends after their traumatic high school days
but taehyun STANS yeonjun and his diligence to zumba!
while yeonjun admires taehyun’s pull game when they go to the club together!
they became an unlikely platonic match made in heaven :D
soobin + hueningkai:
this friendship was DESPERATE
to be fr
soobin was LONELY :(
he’d be starting his third year of college and had yet to find his forever-friends his therapist promised he’d make once he made it to college!!
it wasn’t until he met his double at the Video and Audio Enthusiasts club meeting
a club created solely to use the conputer and projector room from 5-6pm every thursday to watch jujutsu kaisen without the faculty knowing
soobin had been apart of the club since his sophomore year when it started, but there was only so much socializing he could do with the same three people who come
at least until a very green freshman!kai walked in!!
it was kai’s first semester and first week away from home
and boy was he nervous
his older sister who had just graduated from the same college forced him to sign up for clubs in order to make good friends
she held his precious molang plushie hostage until he came back with proof of signing up for at least one club :(
all these ppl pitching why their club was so great with their bright posters, over enthusiastic campaigners, and loud music blasting from portable speakers???
kai just wanted to go back to his room and down the tub of mint choco he left in his mini fridge
but alas
the things he does for molang !! >.<
he signed up for the audio and visual enthusiasts club solely bc there was only one person manning the table
and she was knocked out
so when he signed up, he skedaddled out of there with the intention of showing up to one meeting before staging a dramatic but undeniable leave of absence
for the rest of the year >:)
little did he know his first day would bring him an adorable, lanky man who would never leave him alone!!
fr tho
soobin saw this 6’0 child who gave off “i WILL bit you” vibes and said
“he’s mine”
and the rest was history tbh
you never really see one without the other with the way they leech on to each other
the two of them honestly are complete angels together
beomgyu + you:
if soobin and kai are angels, yall are the goddamn devils💀
you guys actually met your freshman year
you shared a lot of the same generals, but didn’t interact that much
mainly bc beomgyu was typically either gaming or sleeping in
meanwhile you always showed up to class zooted
unlike your classes that focused on your major, your generals were classes you couldn’t care less about
and your grades sure did show for it😬
your parents and teachers were worried you were gonna flunk out after your first semester and lose your scholarship
it wasn’t until the two of you were thrown together for a group project that things changed
forced proximity trope🥵
but not for the reasons you’re thinking!!
instead of working together, pulling all nighters, and trauma bonding together
you guys were the only ones slacking during all of the group meetings
the both of you succeed in pissing the other members off as yall constantly showed up late, distracted each other with origami cranes/airplanes/SMASH, and once got the group kicked out of the library for trying to secretly smoke a bowl behind the stacks
but you blamed that on beomgyu and his weak lungs
safe to say, you and beomgyu did a great job of alienating yourselves from the other members in your group
(fun fact: soobin was one of them—he HATED yall)
but you two ultimately bonded after skipping one of the meetings when you bumped into each other on campus and decided to go to the arcade down the street instead LMAO
after successfully beating him at the racing games and letting him win the sharpshooter games, the two of you were inseparable!!
especially since yall flunked that class and had to take it again the next semester lmao
you almost lost your scholarship
but for the rest of your classes, beomgyu helped you cram for your exams!
turns out your stoner-gamer-boy-bestie used to be student body vice president in high school??
he helped you pass the rest of your classes your freshman and sophomore years, in exchange you let him collect all your scarabs😭
hueninkai + taehyun:
this friendship is so cute omg
this came during winter semester, after kai established a friendship with soobin and restored some of his self-confidence
and with all his new, interesting classes finally catering to his curious nature
kai had started to branch out of his shell and thrive in the college environment
he still didn’t have any friends besides soobin, but he faced everyday with a bright smile :)
and then there was taehyun
fall semester had not been kind to him, having no time for socializing quite yet :(
poor taehyun at the time was exhausted from his ridiculous workload and would show up to class half dead each morning
the two shared a life skills class and were seat mates
kai noticed taehyun’s state each morning
which wasn’t too hard since taehyun was slumped over his desk every morning and only woke up when class started
and sometimes not even then
in response, kai had kindly made a habit of bringing taehyun a coffee each morning and leaving it on his desk :(
not only that, kai was always just a natural energizer!
with his positive attitude and earnest countenance, taehyun couldn’t help but feel ready to take on the day as well !
as thanks, there never failed to be a copy of the answer key to whatever test was coming up on hueningkai’s desk the next day
taehyun really is THAT man🥵
ngl hyuka felt like he had a sugar daddy of sorts at the beginning
but the two have the sweetest friendship after that!!
they’re genuinely so grateful for each other and balance out really well
yeonjun + you + beomgyu:
a friendship that started off contractually
it was the winter semester of your sophomore year and you were in a bit of an artistic drought
the last time your work had taken off was a complete accident
you’d been high off your ass and posted a hodgepodge of the last 10 screenshots in your camera roll, smartly titled “Hell is A Teenage Girl”
it gained so much attention for its authenticity and now you had no idea how to follow THAT up :(
your bestie beomgyu constantly offered to model for you
but you could never take him seriously after he showed up to your house in lingerie so you could “picture him like your french girls”
“that’s not even how it goes, headass”
“it’s called taking ‘creative liberties’, birdbrain—and you’re supposed to be the artist?”
“please…just put some clothes on. i can’t take you seriously when your balls are in my face”
you were struggling to come up with anything after that stunt
until you saw your muse in him
the him being yeonjun, who came straight from zumba and was currently downing a bowl of ramyeon from the caf
you shared no classes, interests, or mutuals
but one thing you had in common?
you both thought he was hot!!
you had cornered him with the abrupt confession that he had the most "photograph-able" face and you needed to shoot him for a new project of yours
(with compensation, of course)
yall looked like 🫵🙂📷 and ⁉️😗🍜
yeonjun reluctantly agreed since he was broke and needed more ramyeon money
the shoot started off kind of uncomfortable since you two were incredibly awkward
but you eventually warmed up to each other with your terrible jokes that made him die laughing!
you never would've pegged him as a pun-lover, but you were certainly not disappointed :)
as the shoot finished up, you ended up going out for ice cream together
to which beomgyu crashed and ended up fighting with yeonjun about everything under the sun
it all started with yeonjun’s preference for mint choco, that everything started to go up in flames lmao
you were sure yeonjun would want nothing to do with the pair of you after that night
your work blew up once again and yeonjun got many modelling offers!!
with the newfound clout given to yeonjun, came an unlikely partnership between you two as you brought out the best in each other’s works
and with you, came beomgyu as a package deal
the two eventually ended up bonding as time went on and they discovered they shared many interests
but you were the glue to hold them together for a while since they never failed to get on each other’s nerves
tom and jerry fr🙄
after a draining week of school and his zumba class getting cancelled, yeonjun decided he wanted to go to a party
he needed a drink and a good excuse to dance since his feet were happy and his hips were in need of speaking their truth
lucky for him, there was supposed to be a CRAZY RAGER this weekend
yeonjun was told it was thrown by some uppclassmen named jackson wang or something?
but he couldn't go alone--he'd look like a loser
which he's NOT >:(
so he brought his gym bro, taehyun!
but then the two were faced with the predicament of looking like much worse
homosexuals!! :0
god forbid two men hang out in public
so taehyun brought his other bestie, kai!!
but mans hates large social gatherings and would rather drown in his toilet than watch the musclemen pull the pretty girls he was afraid of
so he brought the also bitchless soobin along to keep himself entertained :D
meanwhile you were also getting dragged to the party by beomgyu, whose band had gigged it, since he needed emotional support!
the event had started off fine!
beomgyu was killing it with his band
soobin and kai were awkwardly curbing girls' stares and suspicious drinks sent their way with queries as to a foursome
yeonjun was in the middle of a mosh pit, getting absolutely wrecked
taehyun was getting danced on by not one, but TWO girls
and you were currently crowd surfing despite having no recollection as to how you got there
you were honestly not vibing since you had a slight fear of heights
and an aversion to sweaty men in closed spaces
so when you were eventually put down, you stumbled your way back to the kitchen to get a breather
and maybe a shot while you were at it—god knows you need one to get through the rest of the night
however, your plans halted once you caught sight of your beloved ex-group partner from biochem!!
“woah hey, soobie-boobie?!” you hollered
cue soobin, who was in the middle of a heated rant about the band refusing his request of playing “meant to be” by bebe rexha, freezing with a soulless look in his eyes
it was you
you (+beomgyu, btw) were the reason he had to pull multiple all nighters to complete your part of the project you failed to do the previous year
mans nearly lost the will to live during that project
he’d hated yall with a passion and did NOT fail to snitch after the project was submitted
it was bc of him that you had to retake that class and almost get your scholarship revoked
of course, nobody knew it was him, since he was a sly motherfucker and blamed it on kim chaewon instead
but he planned on taking that secret with him to the grave, since he would rather take a nap on the freeway than deal with confrontation
but he had no reason to, by the way you were calling for him with the dopiest smile on your face
he hoped he could get away with ignoring you since it was so loud
but then you let out a screech that pierced the heavens
he closed his eyes to block out the sight of you now standing on the counter and waving your arms like crazy
if he couldn’t see you, then you didn’t exist
but, unfortunately, soobin wasn’t the only person with eyes and ears
“hey, hyung, i dunno if it’s just me, but i think that girl might know you!”
soobin opened his eyes to see kai waving back at the girl for him
soobin wanted to die when he saw you take that as confirmation to join them
“hey! long time no see!!” you greeted as you took a seat with the pair of them
hyuka easily took to you while soobin tried his best not to look utterly disgusted
“so how do you two know each other?” kai asked
“soobin and i were paired for a group project last year!”
soobin frowned at you, but you were none the wiser as you entertained the curious kai
“oh cool!! what class was that?”
“honestly, i have no clue! i was high half the school year, thank god soobin was there to help me and my other friend for that project!”
soobin scoffed at that, causing both you and kai to look at him questioningly
“was that a cough?”
“did you need a drink?” you innocently offered one of the many drinks the boys had discarded
soobin shook his head vigorously at that, making you shrug
“welp, more for me then!”
kai and soobin were too slow to stop you, and watched in horror as you finished the drink with a pinched expression
“holy shit, are you okay?!” soobin asked
but you were preoccupied with the upset feeling in your stomach
“ugh, what the hell was that?” you tried to stop yourself from burping, but you could feel yourself getting lightheaded
“ah man, i knew those drinks weren’t safe” kai winced, watching as you nearly fell out of your seat before soobin caught you
soobin groaned at the prospect of having to take care of you, but lifted you up a bit while you babbled and whisked yourself out of his hold
“hey, im fine—i actually feel great! we should go dance!”
and you were off, dragging an innocent kai with you to where the rest of the party was dancing to the band
not wanting to be left alone after you so rudely took his only friend, soobin ran after the pair of you
meanwhile kai, who had been dragged with you, felt like he was gonna have a panic attack in the face of all these people you dragged him toward
he felt like he was getting swallowed up in a sea of drunk, horny young adults
which, technically, he was
you were none the wiser to the boy’s fears as you started dancing
to hueningkai’s absolute horror, you were actually doing the camp rock stomp dance from the second movie
part of him wanted to ask you to drop a tutorial
the better part of him made him want to crawl in a hole and die
for the both of your sakes’, he blamed your behavior on the alcohol and spared you more embarrassment by turning away from you and looking for help
and his saving grace came in the form of his lord and savior, kang taehyun
mans was a lil busy with a few of the drunk and horny young adults himself
but what kai wants, kai gets!!
so when he called for his friend, taehyun came without a complaint
he also miraculously had a glass of water in hand, just in case kai got thirsty
“what’s wrong? do you need to go home?” taehyun worried, shoving the glass into his friend’s hand
kai was grateful for his friend
thank god he wasn’t too drunk to be helpful!!
kai merely shook his head at his friend’s questions, and started to drag him back to you
“there’s a girl who got roofied, and she’s doing the camp rock stomp dance—we have to help her!”
but when kai got to you, he found a mess
that mess being you and soobin squealing around while yeonjun was running away from another guy who looked drunk out of his mind and pissed as hell
how yeonjun and soobin got there? and who this other guy was?? and HOW the three of you managed to piss him off???
kai and taehyun had no clue
but they could tell things did not look good for yall
soobin was currently hiding behind a disoriented you, using your inebriated self as a shield
meanwhile yeonjun was narrowly avoiding haphazard punches thrown at him, practically dancing away from them
“what do i do?! what do i do?!?!” yeonjun screamed
“DRAG HIS ASS!” taehyun yelled, right before socking a random guy in front of him
“WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!” kai screamed, leaping away from the new, unprovoked beatdowns taehyun was causing
“fighting my demons!”
maybe taehyun was a little too drunk to be helpful :/
kai scrambled towards you and soobin, who had backed away from the initial fighting pair
“what the hell happened? i wasn’t even gone for two minutes!!”
“i found y/n right after you left, who had saved yeonjun from the mosh pit—”
“—mans was getting his shit blended in there—”
“we were about to come find you, when y/n grabbed some random guy’s ass—”
“—to be fair, i thought he was kai—”
“and when the guy turned around to fight her, she blamed it on yeonjun!!”
“well, duh! i’m just a lil girl!!”
kai blanched at you, while you pouted up at him
you were all like 🥺 👉🏽👈🏽
you had such a sweet look on your face tbh, that kai and soobin almost cracked
before you turned around barfed into a potted plant
things literally could not get worse
it took the three of you a second to realize where that yelling had been coming from
but you finally found the source when you looked on stage and found beomgyu filming the fights going on
“fuck me, he’s here too?!” soobin whined
and while beomgyu had gotten your guys’ attention, he had also gotten a few others’ as well
“hey, you got your friend filming me? i’m here on scholarship!”
the big guy yelled, grabbing yeonjun to hold him still as he went to punch him again
“oh fuck,” yeonjun muttered
beomgyu fumbled around with his phone and guitar, going to brandish the instrument in one hand like a weapon to help out his friend
but luckily didn’t have to when a pot smashed against the attacker’s head, knocking him out cold
the partygoers watched as the big guy dropped to the floor, right in front of yeonjun
yeonjun looked in disbelief from his side of the fallen body
over to you on the other side, your hand still raised in the air from its defensive attack
“holy shit!” beomgyu gasped
“holy shit!” you gasped back
the party was silent for a second
before everyone erupted in cheers!! :D
and everyone stood up and clapped
people around you were jumping around and back to partying again
meanwhile the rest of the group came back to you
“are you guys okay??” kai asked
“i think i just shit my pants,” yeonjun breathed, clutching onto his chest
he looked as white as a ghost, but he didn’t get any injuries
luckily, the guy was too drunk to properly do any damage to yeonjun
but he was still afraid at the possibility!!
you merely nodded at kai in acknowledgment, before leaning tiredly on the person nearest to you
which happened to be taehyun, as he kept you upright with his non-bloodied hand
and then there was beomgyu, who ran over to yall with his phone in the air
“oh my god, i got the whole thing on video!!”
“did i look cool?”
you asked him tiredly from your position
“kind of, you’ve got a bit of barf on your chin, but i could probably photoshop it out later!”
“let’s gooo!! :D”
the two of you fist bumped, before yeonjun turned to you
“thanks for knocking that guy out, y/n, you saved me”
“but she was the one who got you in that mess—”
“of course, yeonjun! what are friends for?!”
you unknowingly interrupted soobin, causing everyone in the group to clap at your selfless words
"come on, let's all get out of here and get some ramyeon--on me!" yeonjun pulled out his daddy's credit card
causing the rest of the group to cheer
soobin’s eye twitched at yall SO HARD
“are you fucking with me rn?? SHE’S the reason this all happened—?!”
but soobin was drowned out by your guys' cheers as you all headed for the door
"come on soobin, before that guy wakes up and tries to go for round two!"
kai shouted, dragging soobin along and stepping over the guy that was still passed out
"oh, what the hell," soobin gave in, internally praying for the strength to tolerate you and beomgyu for the rest of the night
"woah wait a sec," beomgyu said deliriously, looking at soobin like he just realized he was there
"soobie boobie? when the fuck did you get here?"
soobin, on cue, gave the heaviest eye roll known to man
"i've BEEN here, motherfucker!"
…and the rest was history!!😅
after that, yall just kind of gravitated to each other until suddenly
your snapchat streaks were too high
you’d gone grocery shopping for each other’s favorite snacks
and your moms all knew abt each other and would constantly ask abt you
yall were in too deep and decided to just kind of stick together after that :)
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I decided to watch helluva boss and imma do 2 separate posts for seasons 1 and two (why did I write it like that…?)
Season one
God I love this show. The writing is way more my speed than Hazbin hotel on Amazon, I enjoyed the writing in the pilot, but once Amazon took over the humor just didn’t really land for me, and tbh the plot took over and I started focusing more on that, and in general I’m more partial to the rapid fire YouTube dry comedy and this sentence is a friggin mess- I found HB SO FREAKIN FUNNY
Dude when he goes “FUCK, a new hole” I lost it
“Just try and sue us”
“We’re rich and we’re hot”
“I can just buy all the things!”
“You should commit die”
“Hehe, Trumpet!”
These are just my kinda lines, I don’t know how to explain it, I was wheezing all throughout the season
The music OH LORD when I say I’ve listened to stolas’s lullabye, lulu land, cotton candy, and house of ozmodius like 100000 times I’m… exaggerating but like you get the point the music here is friggin fantastic I also really like how a lot of the music is diegetic, I think that’s a fun touch. I don’t remember whether this is the case in Hazbin, but in this one it was like… I don’t know, it made sense that they were singing when they were singing… am I articulating myself well? I don’t care, iykyk if not, no prob
The animation is great, Viv loves them spinny shots and I am here for it. The amount of genuinely amazing action scenes is super impressive, and even the chill scenes have a ton of personality
The voice acting might be what steals the show for me, idrk anyone’s names cept Alex Brightman but BLITZS VA NEEDS AN AWARD, also slight tangent but I don’t know what it is with stolas’s va but he sounds a lot like a bird in the same sense that Gary Oldman sounded a lot like a bird in Kung Fu Panda 2, what is it that casting directors recognize in actors that screams bird?! Because both of these men are just SO BIRD DOES ANYONE GET WHAT I MEAN moving on, Ozzie’s voice was also effing PERFECT it slid silkily over me like… silk butter or smtg it was the perfect lust voice, I loved it. Everyone else was also great, but they were extra great.
It was also just so fun? Like in hazbin there’s very little just… shenanigans to enjoy, nothing wrong with that because it’s not that type of show, whereas this season is jam packed with them. Like I’ve heard that everyone hated episode 4, but like I don’t know I loved it😆 I just found it to be good old fashioned chicanery, and I liked the chaos and stupidity of it, made for some entertaining TV. This story engine is just mad entertaining for me.
I also enjoyed the writing of most of the characters (Millie, Moxxie, Loona, and Octavia still leave a bit to be desired imo, but whatever, they can’t all be winners and there’s nothing wrong with them) Blitz kinda reminds me of a Barney Stinson type character, which I really enjoy, and I also really like how his boss persona kinda infects everything he does while simultaneously being what’s screwing him over, his nature is kinda like a snake swallowing its own tail, which is tragic and beautiful, and Stolas compliments him well by being, not an enabler, but… I don’t know a clever way to say this… Stolas is a wreck in the best way and he just works. He’s short sighted, like extremely so, like how he thinks sleeping with Blitz will fill his emotional void so he does it but it just drives them further apart so it’s like he’s in a hole and in order to get out he’s gonna dig to pile up dirt so he can climb out but he’s an idiot and that’s a stupid idea and I loved his whole arc. Very enjoyable stuff drama.
Kinda random but whoever Viv’s foli artist is also deserves an award, the sound effects in this show are pristine and it’s incredible (yes I’ve seen the scene where the gun sounds go off a few seconds too late, and yeah, mistakes happen, but every bone crunch sounds and other stuff like that being so enunciated in an indie show is extremely impressive)
Anyhoo, very fun, very emotional, nice to look at, very funny, yada yada- altogether great season 1.
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Crimson Lust ❙ TP Knock Out x f!human reader ❙ NSFW 18+
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Word count: 1700+
Warnings: Smut ( self touching ), possessive behaviour and car fetish ( I have no idea what else to call it lol ). NSFW 18+.
Notes: Who doesn't love the beautiful red medic? These robot x human pairings are a lot of fun. This was an interesting write to do. Thanks for requesting and hope you like it. 🥰
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To watch street racing gives you a whole new feeling that rushes through you. The speed, the roar of engines, the smell of burning rubber, it was a drug you didn't want to shake off.
At the race you will attend you will try to get a free ride in the race, seeking if any of the drivers are interested in your company. All that has to be done is for you to wear a tight fitting dress and you have them wrapped around your finger.
For the last couple of years you did this and you never want to change or shake off your obsessive thrill. Though it does change a little when you meet him. The gorgeous red Aston Martin.
Turns out he has secrets too and what was meant to be a simple free ride in a race turns into you being thrust into a world where now giant alien robots walk among earth.
Knock Out he calls himself, cute name you thought, oddly enough.
At first he seems curious about you, then it grows into fascination, and quickly jumps to obsession. He likes you, and doesn't want you riding in anyone else's car ever again. He becomes possessive even when you honestly don't mind.
Being owned gives another odd warmth in your belly. A need for attention from him has corrupted your mind. It doesn't matter which race you will attend, he always finds you.
Tonight you walk into the high beamed area where people gathered, talking loudly, cars roaring and heavy music thumping that rocks through your heart. You let out a delightful hum, loving the feeling.
As usual you wear one of your dresses, a crimson red, on purpose of course. You are expecting to find him here just like the last time. You are aiming to please him and last time you remember he asked you to wear more red just for him, and you do.
Wearing plump red cherry lip gloss, rose blush, and dark red heels, you complete the look.
There are guys who approach you offering a good time. In another life you would've been flattered, but you've found something so much better now.
The familiar sound of the Aston Martin grabs your attention and smiles warmly as the car drives up beside you, the passenger door opening for you to climb in. The windows are tinted so dark that it is near impossible for anyone to look in. Perfect.
"My my, is this all just for me?" You hear Knock Out ask through the radio and you can sense a smug grin in his tone.
"You asked for it last time honey." You answer casually as you got comfortable. "I missed you."
"Did you know? Well, how about something for me? Go ahead, I want to feel it again." He didn't beg but you can hear it in his voice, the desperation.
Letting out a flattered giggle you lean forward across the dashboard. Your hands slowly smooth their way across the surface, pressing your finger tips a little more firmly to rub him before using your lips to kiss him on top, softly dragging your tongue across the same area, teasing him and slowly moving away again.
You can feel him shudder under your touches making you smirk softly in delight. You enjoy having that effect on him.
"The race is about to start darling." You say through a silky voice.
"Excellent." You hear him purr in return.
At the starting line you are already shivering in excitement as Knockout lets out a couple of loud revs beside the others. You bite your lips feeling the excitement burn through you right down to your core.
At the go, the racers take off. Your back hits back against the leather seat as you grip against the side door and seat, a shaky aroused breath leaving you as the speed gets into your head.
Your breathing picks up as you feel your very core warming more, becoming moist so quick. Yeah, you get turned on with street racing, but the effect is so much stronger with Knock Out. He knows how to drive and put on a performance.
The seat starts warming up making you glance over the console of the car, feeling yourself smirk knowing Knock Out is watching both the rode and yourself.
"Do it." His given order is clear. You know what he wants.
Slowly your hands glide up across your breasts over the fabric, tugging the tub down ever so gently and revealing them for the show you were putting on. The fabric only sits before your breasts as you bring your hands back up, touching them softly and pinching each nipple as you bite your lips through a fruity moan.
You can hear Knock Out moaning through the rawr of his engines as he drives, picking up speed as he passes other drivers without struggle.
Your hands then slowly snake down across your belly and thighs, where your bodycon dress ends and move the fabric up higher. You wear no undergarments, never for Knock Out.
"Primus." You hear him say next, not fully understanding the meaning of it but you don't question either. You simply go with it.
Spreading your legs you show him a better view of yourself, hands smoothing over your inner thighs. You have slid down a little in her seat to bring yourself closer towards the consol, where you know he is viewing you from.
You bring your hand back up towards your lips and suck at two fingers, wetting them and giving a teasing view for Knock Out before dipping them back down towards your aching core.
Letting out a soft sigh of pleasure you start to play with yourself, spreading your core and rubbing at your clit gently as your back arches under your touches. You truly knew how to touch yourself, and only you can ever make you feel like this.
You are curious though just how Knock Out might touch you, and that is something to learn perhaps another time. For now, it is time for you to put on a show as he races.
Gently slide your heels off from your feet and pop them up onto the dashboard so you're able to spread your legs more in view. Your back is arched, body exposed, and fingers rubbing at yourself in excitement.
You can feel every vibration from Knock Out against your body, adding the sensation to your growing arousal as you also feel his speed picking up more. He's going so fast!
Your other hand comes up to your breast, massaging gently and twerking at your nipple as your other dips a finger into her depths.
"Oh god..." You moan out in delight, curling your finger against your walls as you move your thumb around your clit. "A-are you winning?" You manage to ask him.
" I always win." He answers through a satisfied hum. "I assume that pleases you?"
"Yes...yes!" You can't help but raise your voice, your fingers working fast at yourself.
Your toes curl as they rest up against the dash, tingling pleasure sparking through every inch of your body, two fingers now pumping into yourself.
"Such a delightful sight you are." You hear Knock Out say, a casual chuckle leaving him. "Do you imagine it's me inside you?"
It sounds silly, impossible, but you do. Everytime you touch yourself you imagine it's Knockout fucking you, no matter how unrealistic that might sound. You crave his robot alien dick.
"I do...Everytime!" You finally admit, working your fingers more firmly and even twisting your nipple making you cry out in bliss.
"Perhaps one day we can...experiment." You hear the grin in his voice, and it gets you so fucking horny even more.
He pushes the pedal as you add a third finger inside yourself, pumping you hand as you twerk your nipple more firmly, heavy breaths leaving your plump lips with your hips raised off the seat more. You're close, so fucking close.
Your juices leak from you, coating your hand and running down your skin and ass. With your eyes closed you could see it, his alien dick in your view. You've never seen it from him before but you can only imagine how magnificent it would look like.
"Knock Out....Knock Out...I'm fucking close!" You chant his name as you warn him, seeking his permission.
"We're almost there darling." You are not allowed to cum until he finishes, that was his rule, and you always follow.
He never loses and you know he's almost there. It won't be long before you can finally cum for him, your beautiful alien robot friend, your addiction, your wild fetish.
"Eat my dust!" Knock Out yells through a booming laugh at the other drivers as he crosses the finishing line.
Within seconds you fall apart, letting out a loud cry of bliss as you clamp around your pumping fingers and arching your hips even further as you cum hard.
After the buzz has calmed down you slowly lower yourself back on the seat as you also move your weak legs back down. Heavy breaths leave you, skin heated and sweaty, tired eyes holding such beautiful lust and calmness all at once. You feel amazing.
The race is over but Knock Out isn't going to stop driving, and he loves watching you after the thrilling experience.
"You always know how to put on an exquisite show." Knock Out says through the radio, and you can hear the faint smugness in his voice.
"You know I'm the best. You're not going to find anything better." Is your response as you fix your snug dress back down and up again.
"How about a casual drive? Think of it as a treat from me for being so good." Again, smugness.
"Treating me like a pet?" You can't help but ask through a smirk. "It is a rather beautiful night. Do you mind dimming the lights inside darling?"
He does as you ask, even moving your chair back for you, followed by soft and slow techno music making you smirk softly again.
"Such a romantic you are."
"You love me."
You don't answer him. All you do is lean into your seat and listen to the music, eyes staring out into the night sky. Knock Out wasn't human, but does that mean what you two had growing couldn't expand further?
Your thoughts slowly drift and sleep takes over shortly. You feel safe with Knock Out, always. You know when you wake up you'll be back home and in your bed.
Your red knight in shining armour will always take care of you.
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winterhawkbigbang · 2 years
Winterhawk Big Bang 2022 Masterlist!
We've come to the end of posting, and are so happy to confirm that all expected fics were completed on time this year! There were 11 fics created for this year's bang, with an amazing assortment of related artworks created to go with them! This list has gathered them together, in alphabetical order by author's name. They are also all collected on AO3 here.
Through the fire by asamandra
Art by mightymightygnomepriest / veryrach
“O-kay,” Bucky said, and extended the o for a few moments. He looked at Peter. “What was that?” “You have no idea who that was, right?” He asked. Bucky shrugged and shook his head. “No. Should I?” “Have you ever watched the Olympic games? That’s Clint Barton!” Peter said. He tried not to roll his eyes when Bucky just stared at him, but failed miserably. “Do I have to google him?” Bucky asked now exasperated.
Running Out of Mind by aww_writing_no
Art by noxnthea
Clint Barton was finally living a blissfully uneventful life as a biosystems engineer on the space station BOBs2 when an unexpected encounter finds him on the run with a stranger who strangely doesn’t feel like a stranger. Bucky Barnes spent the last seventy years in cryosleep after crashing into an asteroid and woke up to find himself being chased by the same group he was on the run from seventy years ago. The problem is he can’t remember what they want with him or why he has all these memories that don’t make sense.
Boris the Soviet Love Hammer by bittercape
Art by amoredition
One of the early things Bucky discovers about himself (apart from a tendency to cope with trauma through dark humor) is that apparently, he has a competence kink a mile wide, which is not helpful considering the fact that he now lives in the same building as Clint Barton, who is not only hotter than the sun but far more competent than expected. Fortunately, Tony is there to “help” as Bucky tries to survive watching Barton on missions, fighting robots, doing DIY - in other words, just living his highly competent life. Featuring: Clint in purple booty shorts and body glitter PowerPoint presentations Maiming of robots Unhealthy coping mechanisms Snarky commentary
Two Snipers at the Theater by buckybarnesdeservestobehappy
Art by PanoramicSubDrop
When Bucky Barnes finds Clint Barton in a dumpster in Brooklyn, he’s not sure why anyone in the Avengers accepts Hawkeye as part of the team. Still, Bucky’s lonely, so when Clint offers Bucky his extra ticket to see Rogers: The Musical, the two head to the theater. Horrified by the portrayal of their friends and colleagues, the two leave the theater, get drunk, and stumble back to Bucky’s apartment together. Bucky realizes there’s a lot more to Clint than dumpster diving and a smart mouth and that being grumpy isn’t as easy to do when he’s genuinely comfortable. In fact, he might even be happy.
TSEGI by deluxemycroft
Art by noxnthea & Pietray/Quicksillver
When Thanos Snaps, half the universe does not decay into dust. Instead, they turn and begin to attack the other half. Caught in the aftermath, Clint Barton makes his way to Wakanda to try and help, only to end up with more than he bargained for.
Off Leash by FestiveFerret
Art by shadowdustcosplay & noxnthea
Clint has returned from serving overseas to an empty apartment with no job, no friends, and no life. A chance encounter in a dumpster at 3am solves the no friends problem in the form of a one-eyed golden retriever called Lucky, who then promptly solves the no job problem by inadvertently introducing Clint to the idea of walking dogs for a living. Except there's this unfairly hot, unfairly competent, surly, sexy, maddening competition in the form of one Bucky Barnes, and Clint isn't sure if he wants to throw a tennis ball at his head, steal all his clients, or start humping his leg. Possibly all three.
The Moon sings a lullaby by hopelessly-me
Art by amoredition
Bucky and Clint were living their best lives- they had successful careers, just adopted their daughter, and had amazing friends. They had the world in their hands and nothing could bring them down. Until Clint came home with a letter from NASA, offering him a stint on the ISS; it was both his dream come true, but it couldn't have come at a worst time- their daughter wasn't even six months old yet. Nonetheless, Bucky urged him to go- when else would he get a chance like that? Now Bucky had to navigate how to be a parent on his own while his husband was hundreds of miles away from Earth.
Hold Your Nerve by Inktastic1711
Art by bittercape
Clint has been doing just fine since the Blip. He sees Kate, he shoots arrows, he eats pizza. Until Bucky starts hanging around. It's not the first time a former assassin has turned to Clint for friendship, so he lets Bucky into his life. Not everything goes according to plan. AKA, the One Where Clint Gets Accidentally Kidnapped
The One Where Clint is Bucky's Weakness by JinxQuickfoot
Art by Rufferto
There’s only one choice he’s being given, and he’s not making it, he’s not, even though he knows the words she’s going to say next, knows the only threat she can make that will spur him into action. “Choose one, or we hurt both.” -------------------------------------- When Bucky, Clint, and Steve are captured by HYDRA agents, their leader enacts her brutal method for bringing back the Winter Soldier.
Deep in the shadows (into the light) by Lacerta
Art by PanoramicSubDrop
Bucky Barnes has a bloody past that should never see the light of day. He has wrongs to avenge and he won't stop until the last of HYDRA is wiped out, for both his and Clint's sake, and for the safety of other creatures as well. Bucky Barnes has a new best friend, Steve. Bucky has a wolfdog carrying a human name. He doesn't talk much about his private life and whatever it is that keeps him canceling plans at the last minute. Now, if only the two lives of Bucky Barnes stayed separate, wouldn't that be nice?
don't care what you did (as long as you love me) by mightymightygnomepriest
Art by bittercape & VexedBeverage
When Bucky Barnes returns to New York after being deprogrammed in Wakanda, The Avengers are shocked to discover that he and Clint have already met. Clint’s not delighted to have this previously-unknown part of his history dragged up after all these years, but he also doesn’t want to keep secrets from his teammates, so he agrees to tell them the story of how he met the Winter Soldier. After a job goes south, 21-year-old Clint finds himself stranded. In order to get out of town, he takes a job as a tribute act while trying to lay low. Unfortunately, this brings with it a whole new set of problems, including learning dance routines, uncovering whatever super-sketchy business his new bosses are into, working out how much body glitter is too much body glitter, and figuring out why he keeps getting butterflies in his stomach whenever the super-hot bodyguard-slash-dance instructor looks at him. Behold as The Amazing Hawkeye ignores good advice and makes terrible choices! Gasp as our favorite archer juggles spying with rehearsals! Marvel in wonder as he explores his burgeoning sexuality!
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acergi · 2 years
Okay let me actually write about this a little bit cause it will probably come up in my writing. Some headcannons for post cannon:
Luz + Hunter spend the week in the Boiling isles and the weekend in Gravesfield. They both want to go to Hexside, which would require them being there during the week, but also have some sort of attachment to the human realm, so they wouldn’t avoid it completely.
There are probably days will Luz spends the day in the BI and then goes back to the HR at night, days that Camila comes and stays in the BI for the night as well (or the day if she has a day off). Camila wouldn’t always be in the BI on a day off or every night Luz is there because of Vee, who seems like she wants to stay in Gravesfield for the time being. This schedule is probably a big fluid, especially because Luz will probably have a working portal at the end (she has a key in Dana’s Nucleus gallery art)
Hunter stays at the Deamonne during the week, and the Noceda’s during the weekend with Luz. He was really happy in Gravesfield, but doesn’t seem to want to completely leave the Boiling Isles. He also probably has plenty of sleepovers at a friend’s house (also befriending King and Hooty). Best of both dadrius and Hunter Noceda
Eda starts teaching more people about wild magic. Maybe she teaches at Hexside, maybe she runs a camp at Knee, idk. Something where she teaches the next generation about wild magic (I really want to write about this but I’m still working it out)
Raine takes a pretty large role in reshaping the government. They are far to deep in now to stop. They tried to get Eda in too, but she said no. They also teach a free music class on the weekends to anyone who wants to take it (all ages). A lot of people do.
Darius (and maybe Eberwolf) also play a big part in the new government. Someone has to create a new system, and Darius has the public speaking abilities that Raine and Eber don’t. Hunter gives him books on government systems from the Human Realm (since Belos probably destroyed all remnants of previous governments), which he uses to help create something for the BI
Lilith becomes one of the lead historians, trying to correct the history of the BI from Belos’ lies. She also possibly mentors Hunter down the road (I think he may end up doing the same, or at least dabbling in it down the road). She refuses to take a large role in the government though because of her time as head of the Emperor’s Coven, and her realization that she was an ineffective leader and a figure head. She really likes her work in history, and writes a bunch of books about various topics, including Deadwardian life and architecture
Willow plays professional Flyer Derby, becoming one of the most popular players in the BI.
Gus becomes the ambassador to the Human Realm. He does not reestablish connection with the giraffes
Amity is unsure of what she wants to do in the future, so for now she just spends time with her friends. Maybe she opens a bookstore, or goes into engineering, who knows (she certainly doesn’t)
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loversys-x3 · 1 year
Alright before we get started I just wanted to screw around a little with the Security Breach DLC trailer's reveal of Eclipse. Basically having cementing at least one of the fire endings as canon. Thus, throwing a fucking wrench into my original rewrite of Security Breach to have Mint as canon. This won't be anything cohesive, just a few headcannons.
Things that have stayed the same:
- Sun still tends to not leave the Daycare area (or what's left of it) if he can help it, but this time out of fear. Mostly because the rest of the building is unstable and collapsing in on itself at random intervals. Moon is a little less obligated to roam, but he does stray out at a small range.
- Sun and Moon are still contained within one body.
- Afton Virus has been dealt with in only two animatronics ( Moon and Music Man (maybe Freddy if you squint)), but Mint is still responsible for debugging it out of Moon.
- Moon is still a little shit thanks to the ✨theatre programming✨
- Gregory is not homeless, he's got Mint as a human dad figure.
- Mint is still mutuals with the really horny engineer Y/N from that one fic.
- Post Afton fight fire, Mint becomes unemployed. They still do their mechanic work at home with various hobbyist projects. This comes in handy when they find their boyfriends later.
- Mint and the animatronics are still friends! It breaks their heart to see what had happened to them after they return to the Pizzaplex.
Things that diverged from the original spitballings:
- Mint does not have time to run back in to get Sun and Moon out of the burning pizzaplex safely. They know this and cry heavily on the night of the fire in the parking lot. For more than just them, but it's a major reason they were upset.
- Despite the fire, a lot of the innards of the Pizzaplex are left intact, minus the fact the building has collapsed slightly into the ground.
- Mint is the only one that was able to exit the building that night. Gregory and Freddy end up trapped in the sewer / depths and somehow make their way back up into the main pizzaplex.
- In the parking lot, they get a transmission on their Fazwatch from Gregory from under the building. It's heavily distorted, but it's a sign that he's alive. Mint cries more due to this, but is relieved he's alive.
- Mint returns to the pizzaplex the next day, strapped up in the equivalent of hiking gear in search of their son Gregory, their boyfriends Sun and Moon, their friends consisting of the main animatronic cast, and some surviving mechanical equipment to take home and fool with.
- Unknown plotpoint detected, I'm not sure what's driving the DLC's story yet so I can't really write on where Mint fits into the story.
Probably very very very canon divergent spitballs:
- Mint finds Cassie first, and discovers she's in contact with their son via transmissions. Mint helps Cassie stay alive in the ruins for a while until they encounter the daycare area. Out of mutual interest of finding where Gregory is so the group can leave.
- Once at the daycare, Mint literally breaks down and weeps when Eclipse bursts the door open to greet the two.
- Despite the daycare attendants' damaged appearance, that doesn't stop Mint from embracing them immediately. They physically try to comfort Mint, but are also a little shaken up. As both parties thought they had died.
- Cassie is noticably confused, and beckons Mint to continue on their ventures, but Mint refuses and apologizes profusely. They stay behind with their boyfriends.
- Cassie continues the DLC on her own after resting up at the daycare/doing the section there if that's applicable.
- Mint examines their boyfriends' body for injuries and cries a little more. Is a little concerned about the fact one of their feet is missing, constantly asks if they're in pain and if they can do anything to help.
- Mint spends hours helping them repair a handful of damaged internals with some of the tools they packed. Having jerry-rigged one of the various generators in the daycare to be used as a power supply for their soldering iron. Sadly, they cannot do much about their outer shell at that moment.
- Mint asks if they know where their foot went as they had hoped they could reattach it, the answer was yes. However the metal was crushed beyond repair without some specialized process being involved. Defeated, Mint packs it into their backpack in hopes that once they leave they can do something about it later.
- Sun and Moon can still walk relatively fine without it, but seem to crawl on all fours for long distances. It leave behind a distinct metal scraping sound either way.
- Mint discusses their next course of action with Sun and Moon, undecided if they want to visit their old workshop, get them back up to the surface so they can be safe at Mint's home while they continue the search for Gregory, or drag them along to go find Gregory and return later for looting. They decide on the latter and leave the area together.
- The rest of the DLC plays out as vague as that sounds. IDK where to go from here. Mint, Sun, and Moon find their son big whoop. What happens to everything else? Idk yet, we'll see.
- Low-key hoping Mint just dedicates their post-DLC livings to just working with horny Y/N to restore the ruined animatronics to their former glory. Fazbear Entertainment and Vannie DNI.
And uh yeah. That's all I got. The DLC hasn't actually come out yet, and even the trailer makes it unclear if Freddy is even "in-tact" (as much as he could be due to his wear and tear by the Afton Ending). There's a lot of things up in the air rn and I absolutely cannot wait for Steel Wool to release the Ruins DLC. I'm going to be eating so fucking good when it comes out istg.
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camaro-hargrove · 8 months
No One Will Find You
word count: 2.4k
tw: major character death
Billy has been acting strange in the past few weeks. Giving her stuff that he thinks she’d like, old band shirts from California, his old Atari games that he doesn’t play anymore and some cassettes he thought she’d enjoy listening to.
The car rides had been quieter, no singing and the loud music turned down. He’d look at her a lot more, start to say things before cutting himself off before he could start a sentence.
Then one day instead of driving home, he’d driven to the quarry and sat there ignoring Max’s questions about why they were there and Billy finally says something that haunts her.
“If Dad” he coughs “If Neil ever says I’ve run away, don’t believe him”
“Why would he say that?” she asks
“The car is in his name” Billy ignores her “If he says I’ve run away and taken the car that’s a lie. I can’t afford to leave now and he knows that”
“Max” he closes his eyes and takes a deep, shuddery breath “If Neil ever says I’ve run away, you need to tell the police”
She’d been silent after that. She slowly nodded, Billy’s word sinking in and scaring her. Billy seemed scared too but was trying to hide it.
Billy disappears on a Friday, one month and nine days after that conversation.
Max thinks nothing of it. It’s a Friday night so Billy was normally out until the early hours of the morning and sometimes didn’t return home until Sunday night. He’d picked her up from school like he always does and then after dinner when she’d gone to her room, she’d heard the camaro’s engine and the car peel out of the driveway.
Billy and his car didn’t come back on Saturday or Sunday.
Neil ends up driving her to school and Max is quiet the entire ride. Neil is too and seems to not be worried at all about Billy’s whereabouts. The radio is droning on about the freezing weather Hawkins is going to experience in the upcoming weeks.
She keeps her eyes trained on the scenery outside, the same scenery Billy complains about nearly every single time.
They reach the middle school and Neil turns into a parking space. She sits there before asking the one question that’s on her mind.
“Where’s Billy?”
“He ran away”
Max’s heart skips a beat as she nods and exits the car. She walks away slowly, not turning her back for a second and she hears Neil pull out and drive to work. Her mind is in a fog as she walks through the hallways of happy conversations and smiles softly as she passes her friends on the way to her locker. They follow her like they always do.
“No skateboard today?” Lucas asks
“No” Max tries to shrug it off “Billy didn’t take me to school today”
“Is he sick?” Will questions, always the polite one out of them
“I don’t think so” Max pauses “Neil said he ran away”
If Billy hadn’t told her when he did, she’d probably be cheering. Billy wasn’t the best brother, sometimes he was but as he got older it was more strained. He always talked about wanting to go back to California, to see his friends and find his mother. Some fantasy that he’d created that she’d take him with open arms and they’d live happily ever after on the beach away from Neil.
Billy’s voice keeps replaying in her head. You need to tell the police. It was weird hearing Billy say that. Billy hated them, always calling them pigs and purposefully pissing them off. Especially in a town like Hawkins where everyone knows everyone. Hopper always asked how he was and if he was ever going to pay the speeding fines that are stacking up or if he’s going to have to break up another fight. So for him to say the police should be involved if he ever goes missing, well, something is definitely wrong.
She doesn’t know how to actually go to the police without raising suspicion from Neil or her mother. She doesn’t really see El much and they’re what Max would say ‘nearly friends’ in that they’re friendly when around others but it’s kind of awkward when it’s just them two.
The days go by and Billy hasn’t returned. She stays awake most nights looking out the window just in case he walks up the driveway but he never does. The long nights allow her to think back to so many times where alarms should have gone off that something was wrong but she was too naive to even acknowledge it.
There was one time when Billy didn’t do the dishes and Max was sent to her room but she heard the sound of glass breaking and just thought someone had dropped it on the floor.
Another time, back in California, Billy left her alone so he could say hi to some people he knew across the street. He was supposed to be watching her while their parents ran an errand and when they came back Billy still wasn’t watching her. Neil had marched over and placed a rough hand on his shoulder and steered him back to where she was. He was muttering into Billy’s ear and when they were close enough she was able to hear Neil say ‘and so help me god, no one will find you’.
She supposed that’s what happened now, that Neil made good with his threat and that no one was going to find Billy.
The next morning, Neil drops her off at school again and she walks into the school and then waits for Neil to drive off. When he does, she slips back outside and hides from her friends so they won’t tell on her for running off.
The school is a decent drive from the town centre so it takes a while for her to walk. Eventually she makes it, out of breath and red in the face which clashes terribly with her hair. She stands at the edge of town and adjusts her backpack straps and stands up straight. She walks with purpose to the police station and takes a deep breath before entering.
It’s busy for a Thursday morning. Phones are ringing, the coffee maker is going and the fax machine is beeping.
She walks to the receptionist who’s drinking a cup of coffee and stares at her until she looks back at her.
“Yes?” she asks “Shouldn’t you be in school?”
“I need to talk to Chief Hopper” she says
“Why do you need to talk to him?” she asks, her desk tag says Flo. “What is so urgent you need to speak to the chief and no one else?”
“I’m a -” Max hesitates, she doesn’t know if Flo knows about El or not. “My parents know him, I have a question”
“I see” Flo clearly doesn’t believe her but in a twist of fate, the chief steps out of his office and does a double take when he sees Max.
“You’re Max, aren’t you?” he asks. Max nods. “Why aren’t you at school?”
“I need to talk to you” she makes eye contact with him “It’s an emergency”
Hopper must be thinking it’s upside down related and maybe it is, Max doesn’t know. She just has a terrible feeling it has something to do with monsters on the surface and live in her house.
Hopper closes the door behind him and sits down at his desk, gesturing for Max to sit in the chair across from him.
“What’s wrong?” he asks, hands clasped in front of him.
“My brother is missing”
Hopper has heard a lot of things but hearing that Billy Hargrove is missing isn’t something he’s worried about. The kid screams trouble. From the many unpaid speeding tickets to the fines for loitering in places he shouldn’t be to that memorable time at the Byers. The kid being missing doesn’t worry him, troubled kids run away all the time. But Max is clearly worried, biting her lip and leg shaking.
“Missing” he repeats. He leans back in his chair. “And what makes you think Billy is missing?”
“He hasn’t been home since last Friday” she rubs at her arm. “Hasn’t been acting like himself”
“Yeah” Hopper shakes his head “Max, I’m going to be real with you. Billy is probably just staying at a friends house”
“But he has no friends” Max blurts out.
“If he’s ‘missing’” Hopper uses air quotes “How come your folks haven’t reported it?”
Max looks visibly uncomfortable, like she’s debating whether or not to answer him truthfully. She runs a hand under her eyes and looks up, tears brimming in her eyes.
“Because I think his Dad is the one who killed him”
Killed. She’s gone from missing to killed. He listens as Max goes on a spiel about how Billy has been acting weird and giving away some of his things to her. That he drove her to the quarry and told her that if Neil ever said he ran away that she had to go to the police because he couldn’t run away. The car isn’t in his name and Neil takes all his money so there’s no way he could survive on his own.
He’s concerned now and has started taking notes. He nods as Max keeps talking, saying Billy has been abused for years and that Billy was so sure Neil would kill him one day.
Neil works night shifts most of the time so he’s home when Hopper pulls up in his squad car, Callahan and Powell close behind. He knocks on the door and waits impatiently for someone to answer the door.
Neil answers it and is shocked to see the police on his doorstep.
“Officers” Neil says politely “What can I do for you today?”
“It’s Chief, actually” Hopper replies. “We are under the impression that your son is missing”
“Billy?” he asks “No, you’re mistaken. This is something Billy has always done”
“Right” Hopper nods “But we have a history with missing kids and well, we just want to make sure he returns home safely”
“Of course”
“So, you won’t mind if we have a look around” Hopper smiles “We can get a better understanding on where he could have gone”
“Actually I do-”
“We have a warrant” Hopper shoves past him and steps into the lounge and takes a look at the photos on the wall. Lot’s of Max, some of the Hargrove Mayfield wedding. None of Billy “Nice place you have”
“This Billy’s room?” Powell asks, nodding his head towards a room. Neil has been glaring at him ever since he entered the house.
“Yes” Neil grits his teeth
“Weird that there’s a lock on the outside of the door” Hoppe flicks it “Normally it’s on the other side”
“Billy is a troubled child”
“Of course he is” Hopper opens the door and enters a baron room. Only the bare necessities present. “Boys will be boys”
“Are you sure you have a teenage boy?” Callahan asks looking around “Pretty clean for a teenager”
“Billy knew to keep his room tidy”
“Mhmm” Hopper hums “I’m sure”
Hopper walks around the entire house even going down into the basement to find that there’s a pile of blankets near the wall, like someone sleeps down here. He’s seen enough at this point and he walks back up to the main room where Callahan, Powell and Neil are standing silently.
“Don’t worry, Mr Hargrove” Hopper pats him on the shoulder “We’ll find your son”
It’s dark in the forest. It’s not even fully nighttime but it sure feels like it when they’re this deep in the forest. There’s a boat out on lovers lake and another at the bottom of the quarry. It feels eerily similar to when Will Byers went missing.
The flashlight light bounces off everything and casts shadows that make his double check what he’s looking at. He scans the ground for anything unusual. It’s the third day he’s in the forest searching and nothing has been found yet.
His walkie buzzes and he immediately answers.
“Hopper” he says and let’s go, waiting for a reply.
“We got a body at the quarry” the staticy voice replies “Over”
Hopper swears audibly and turns around to make the trek back to his truck and drive over to the quarry. He knows that Billy won’t be alive when he gets there but he can kid himself that Billy didn’t drown and had climbed up onto the forest edge at the bottom.
The red and blue lights cast shadows and stain everything in its path. The medics are crouched down near the shoreline, a body bag set in front of them.
He braces himself, takes his hat off and walks over.
There in the bag is the dead body of Billy Hargrove. Body pale and decayed, he’s been dead this whole time by the state of his body. There’s a hole in his forehead and Hopper nearly throws up at the sight.
“He was probably dead before he even hit the water” someone says.
Hopper straightens up as they close the bag and load Billy’s body into the ambulance. Hopper heads back to his truck and turns on the sirens, carelessly driving out of the quarry and speeding over to the Hargrove household. He pulls up and barely stops the car before he’s marching across the front lawn and banging on the door.
Susan answers the door, eyes wide and shaken when she sees who it is.
“Mrs Hargrove, is Neil Hargrove here” he asks, not beating around the bush.
“I-I-Yes he is” she stammers out and steps aside, like she’d been expecting this to happen.
“Neil Hargrove” Hopper grabs the man by the arm, yanking him up from the couch and turning him around and cuffing him. “You’re under arrest for the murder of William Hargrove. You have the right to remain silent, you have the right to an attorney. Anything you say can and will be held against you”
Neil struggles in his grip but Hopper is determined. He can see Max standing in the entrance to the hallway, tears falling down her face. There’s a crowd outside, drawn from the sirens and lights who witness the arrest of Neil Hargrove, many with shocked faces.
“You’re going to go away for a long fucking time” Hopper threatens
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callsign-joyride · 2 years
Mayhem | Bob Floyd
Summary: After the first day of training, Bob decides that he needs to talk to you. You run into Hangman along the way, and Coyote confirms some suspicions.
Pairing: Robert "Bob" Floyd x Mitchell f!reader (callsign: Mayhem)
Content warnings: Cursing, slight angst, Hangman being a menace
Spotify playlist | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
A/N: If you want to join the taglist for this series, all you have to do is leave a comment!
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Training for the day had been over, and you were just getting out of the shower when Bob texted you. All it said was that he needed to talk to you and the number of his dorm. You sighed and put comfortable clothes on before grabbing your bag and heading in the direction of the dorms.
It was just your luck that Hangman was walking in the direction that you just came from.
"Y/N? What are you doing here? Bradshaw's on a food run."
"Well, right now, I'm walking down this hallway. What does it look like I'm doing?"
"Phoenix's room is in the other direction."
"Shut up."
Hangman kept on walking, and you were soon in front of the door to Bob's room. A few moments passed between you knocking and Bob opening the door, but he welcomed you into his room.
"So, what did you want to talk to me about?" You asked, as you put your bag by the door and kicked your shoes off.
"Why didn't you tell me that your dad is training us for this mission?" Bob asked.
It took everything in you not to let out a laugh. Someone told him and while you weren't 100% certain who it was, you definitely had your guesses.
"Um, because I didn't know that he was going to be training us. You know how it is. No one tells anyone anything. I don't talk about missions with my dad. Deployment, maybe. But missions? We could both lose our careers over that."
"Well, Hangman thinks you'll get selected to fly."
"You can tell Hangman to kiss my ass. I don't know who called all of us back, but I can't fly the mission if my dad flies. It's too risky. Why does he care, anyways? Fly boy thinks he's better than everyone else here."
"Yeah, you're right about that. Uh, I also wanted to ask if you wanted to go out sometime? My treat."
"Sure. I should probably get going, though. I told my dad I would meet him for dinner. I'll text you," you said. Bob nodded his head and grabbed your bag for you before opening the door. You made it to the parking lot before Coyote stopped you.
"Coyote, I would love to stay and chat but I'm running late to dinner and I'm kinda pissed."
"That's what I wanted to talk to you about. It seems like you would rather die than be in the same room as Hangman. What's that about?"
You dropped your bag and turned around.
"You can't tell anyone, got it?"
"Two years ago, we got deployed to Spain. We were there for six months. God, this is embarrassing. While we were there, we had a friends with benefits thing going. That was for, like, the whole time. I caught feelings and let's just say that it didn't end well. This is the first time I've seen him since."
"Is that why you and Bob...?"
"Oh my God, no! I ignored Hangman all of last night."
"Well, he didn't ignore you. He's been trying to put the moves on you since you walked into The Hard Deck."
You wanted so badly to cry. Even though Coyote didn't say it, you knew that Hangman told Bob. Of course he did. I'm gonna kill him. Without a word, you picked up your bag and made it to your car. You sent the, "On my way," text to your dad before starting the engine and blaring your music. You waved to Rooster as you drove by him in the parking lot and really started to hit the road.
"I don't think it's a good idea for me to fly in the mission. Like, at all," you told Maverick as you helped him do the dishes after dinner.
"Why? You've got the qualifications and you did really well during training today."
I'm gonna regret this.
"I slept with Hangman."
"You what?"
"Remember like two years ago when I got deployed?"
Maverick nodded his head.
"It was during the entire deployment. That's basically why I hate him, because it didn't end well. I don't thnk it's even a good idea for me to continue training."
"Listen, I'm not mad at you. It's too early to say anything about who I'm picking for the mission, but I won't put you in the air with him. You should finish training, though. I don't know the consequences of quitting training but I can ask Ice when I see him tomorrow, okay?"
"Okay. Wait, did Ice make you do this?"
"You know I can't tell you that. Oh, and please don't date or hook up with anymore of your colleagues."
You're kind of too late for that piece of advice.
A few hours passed and you laid in your bed, texting everyone. The group chat was talking about who was going to the gym with who, and you were texting Bob about the date.
@peaches-1999 @paintballkid711 @tallrock35
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hmslusitania · 3 years
Paint it Black
@evanbucxley @arrenemris you guys wanted petty, jealous Eddie stuck in an elevator with Taylor during the blackout, right?
Eddie Diaz has been involved in his share of awkward dinners.
This one takes the cake though. It starts with him showing up at Buck’s loft by himself, and Buck opening the door with that stupid puppy-dog confused tilt to his head that makes Eddie want to do something drastic.
“Where’s Ana?” he asks.
“We broke up,” Eddie says. “Figured it would be weird to invite her to dinner after that.”
“Oh, I didn’t know,” Buck says, which yeah, Eddie knows because Eddie hadn’t told him yet. “I’m sorry, man.”
Which makes…one of them.
The night gets worse when Taylor shows up with her latest story of her investigation into – Eddie misses the details, but he’s discovered that Taylor’s voice somehow is at the exact right pitch that he can’t quite hear it most of the time. Weird how that works.
Buck, bless his fucking heart, feels none of the tension in the loft. Or if he does, he doesn’t react to it. He stays chipper and upbeat and positive and doesn’t comment when Eddie and Taylor trip over each other to help him with making dinner or pouring drinks or to sit beside him on the couch while the food cooks.
But, like, the spot on the couch beside Buck is Eddie’s spot, and if it’s not Eddie’s it’s Christopher’s.
And Eddie…loses the fight.
Taylor’s tiny, and for just half a second, he entertains the utterly absurd idea of just picking her up and moving her, but it flits out of his head almost as soon as it arrives. It’s quickly followed by an unfortunate realisation that it must be easy as anything for Buck to just pick her up and move her when – which is then immediately erased by the second-hand memory he acquired from Captain Mehta that Buck had been able to just pick Eddie up and toss him into the engine like he was a sack of potatoes – which –
He’s saved when dinner is ready, but he feels Taylor’s eyes on him the whole way through the meal.
Annoyingly, they end up leaving at the same time. Buck and Eddie have a shift in the morning, and Taylor has a story to cut before some deadline or other. Eddie would rather not walk out with her, would rather not share the elevator with her – he briefly considers legging it for the stairs but they’re at the other end of Buck’s floor and the elevator is right there and it would be absolutely blatant what he was doing – but if the alternative is knowing she’s staying the night at Buck’s, he’ll deal with the elevator.
They’re both quiet while the doors slide open, the soft whisper of the brushed stainless-steel brushing against the dust guards the only sound besides the simmering mutual animosity between them. They step into the elevator, which smells vaguely of Pinesol, and Taylor presses the button for the ground floor with a shiny lacquered red nail.
The doors close again and the shimmering, irritable silence fills the space. No elevator music in Buck’s building, which is probably for the best.
“So,” Taylor says as the world’s slowest elevator descends. “Is it personal or are you just jealous?”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Eddie says. The elevator has faux wood panelling, not mirrors, so he can’t tell if she’s looking at him or if she’s staring straight ahead like he is.
“You either hate me on a personal level, because I’m me or something,” she says. “Or you hate me because you’re in love with Buck.”
Eddie gets as far as a spluttered, indignant, “I am not in love with—”
And then the elevator lurches. Stops. The lights flicker and then die. The emergency lights do not kick on.
“Well that’s comforting,” Taylor says, dry.
Eddie pulls out his phone. Usually, it’s still connected to Buck’s wifi by the elevator, and the connection’s gone. So it isn’t just the elevator.
“There’s a button in here that calls the fire department, right?” Taylor asks, pulling out her own phone and shining it at the elevator panel. She presses the button that should connect them directly to the department, and nothing happens.
“Depending on how wide the power outage is, it might have knocked out dispatch,” Eddie says.
“Great,” Taylor says. “You’re a firefighter, you can get the doors open, right?”
“With a Halligan and a fully functional shoulder?” Eddie asks. “Sure.”
She huffs. “Do you think it’s just this building or wider?”
“How would I know?” Eddie asks.
“So helpful, thank you.”
“What do you want me to do, Taylor? Use my magical powers of divination to figure out if we’re in a building-wide, block-wide, city-wide, county-wide blackout?” Eddie snaps.
He can’t see her face in the shitty half-light of their respective phone screens, but he hears her roll her eyes.
“It’s because you’re in love with him, right?” she asks.
“For fuck’s sake, Taylor, I’m not in love with—”
“Because he’s in love with you,” she interrupts as though he hasn’t spoken. Eddie’s heart stops. “It’s weird, I’ve never really had to vie for someone’s affections before. I can’t say I’m a fan, but, see, he thinks you aren’t an option.”
“He told you this?” Eddie asks and hopes to God his voice sounds normal because it does not feel like it.
Taylor snorts. “He didn’t have to. Do you guys have any idea what you’re like when you’re around each other? It’s obvious to anyone who even meets you in passing, and I know both of you and have a journalism degree. It’s not difficult math.”
“Then why are you dating him?” Eddie asks, swallowing back the lump that’s just jumped into his throat that feels suspiciously like his heart.
“Because I like him,” Taylor says. “And because I like a challenge.”
Before Eddie can say anything rude about Buck being worth more than a challenge to someone, she sighs.
“I’d say you’re going to have to fight me for him, but it’s not going to be much of a competition,” she says.
“You really think my chances are that bad?” Eddie asks and he hates how sad he sounds, even to his own ears.
Taylor doesn’t get a chance to answer before Eddie’s phone lights up with a picture of Buck and Chris together and Buck’s name in bright letters. In the sudden illumination, he sees the annoyed, resigned expression on her face.
“That answer your question?” she replies, and Eddie answers the phone.
“Hey, did you make it out or are you stuck in the elevator?” Buck asks.
“We’re stuck in the elevator,” Eddie says. “No idea what floor. Maybe three?”
“Cool, don’t go anywhere,” Buck replies and hangs up before Eddie can ask where, exactly, they might go.
An awkward silence hangs in the elevator in the wake of the phone call.
Until, finally, Taylor says, “For what it’s worth, if I had to lose to someone, at least you’re as pretty as I am.”
Eddie is still searching for some kind of response to that – coming up absolutely blank – when the elevator doors slide open. Buck, illuminated by a headlamp, waves at them and pockets his keys.
“You have an elevator key?” Taylor asks while Buck pulls her out.
“Fire marshals and captains get ’em,” Buck says. “They’re standard across production lines.”
“Fire marshals have to give them back,” Eddie points out.
“Eh, when I was a probie, we got an elevator rescue and Bobby told me to go open the doors, and so I stood there trying to pry them open for like five minutes before he walked up to the elevator panel and unlocked them with his key,” Buck says. “Chim and Hen laughed at me for about a month every time we got near an elevator. So when I did my turn as fire marshal, I may have made a copy.”
“Of course you did,” Eddie says. He rolls his eyes and is grateful for the darkness so Buck can’t see exactly how fond he must look.
Taylor catches him, though, and for a tense second, Eddie thinks she’s going to say something about it. But Taylor Kelly is a lot of things, but “quitter” isn’t one of them. It might not be a fair fight, and the outcome might be rigged in Eddie’s favour, but he understands then that she’s going to make him fight for it. Fight for Buck.
No worthier fight, really.
“We should check in, see if they want us on shift early,” Buck says, already pulling his phone out to text or call Bobby.
“And I should go investigate,” Taylor says. “I’m sure my station is missing me.”
“Okay,” Buck says. “Do you want my headlamp for the stairs?”
“I’ve got it, but, thank you,” Taylor says. She stretches on her toes to kiss him goodbye – much more thoroughly than she had when they left Buck’s apartment. She arches an eyebrow at Eddie once she’s let go of Buck and Eddie narrows his eyes right back. “See you boys later.”
She flips on the flashlight on her phone and waltzes off to the stairs.
“We should tell all my neighbours to stay inside,” Buck says.
“Sounds like a plan,” Eddie says, shooting a text to his abuela and Chris to ask them to do the same. He doesn’t know yet if the blackout’s reached their neighbourhood, but it’s a better policy.
“So what did you and Taylor talk about while you were in the elevator together?” Buck asks in between knocking on his neighbours’ doors to announce LAFD please remain inside your homes.
“We, uh, came to an understanding,” Eddie says.
“Oh! Good,” Buck says. He pauses. “What about?”
“Don’t worry about it,” Eddie recommends. He nudges Buck with his shoulder and gets a grin in response. “Let’s check in with Bobby and see if they need us or if they recommend we just stay inside and stay safe, too.”
“No one I’d rather weather a lockdown with,” Buck replies, as if the second she stepped into the stairwell, Taylor also disappeared from his head. “Well, except maybe Christopher.”
Eddie laughs, and thinks in Taylor’s direction, may the best person win.
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bigasswritingmagnet · 3 years
Uncle Bob
Fandom: Psychonauts Rating: G Summary: Bob Zanotto does have roots, if he'd like to reconnect to them. Lili has a plant question, and Bob's got an answer.
"Ok, see the bolt your hand is on?" Helmut asked.  
"Not that one. Go left. Left. Left. More left. Less left--"
Bob looked away from the block of grease and rust that was the Feel Mobile's engine, and leveled a flat stare to the brain ball beside him.
"You mean right?" Bob said. It was hard to feel annoyed or upset with someone when you forgot how to breathe every time you remembered that they were alive, but he was  definitely  about to manage some exasperation.  
"This would be so much easier if I had hands. I could just point!"
"Helmut, if you had hands, you could do this yourself," Bob said. "Why don't you wait until we get back from Grulovia?"
"I can't wait that long! Look at the state it's in!" The ball rolled forward until it thunked gently against the side of the bus. "My baby."
"What if you got Otto to help you instead?"
"Oh no no no, not while I don't have the hands to stop him from making "improvements" while he's in there."
Bob had to give him that one.
"We can do this!" Helmut insisted, with such enthusiasm Bob couldn't help but smile. "We're a great team. Just put your hand back where it was and move it very slowly left until I say stop."  
"Hey guys!" Rescue came in the shape of Raz rounding the corner and waving. "Whatcha doin'?"
"We're fixing the Feel Mobile!"
"We are trying to fix the Feel Mobile," Bob corrected. "But I don't know anything about engines, and Helmut doesn't have hands. It's a process."
"Fortunately, I am excellent at instructions," Helmut said. "Just because I don't have eyes doesn't mean I can't see you rolling yours, Bobby."
"What brings you out to our neck of the woods?" Bob asked.
"We had a plant question," Raz said, triumphantly. There was a brief pause.   
"Is that the royal 'we', or...?" Helmut asked. 
Raz looked at the empty space at his left. He looked at the empty space at his right. He looked back up the way he came. He gave Bob a slightly embarrassed smile and held up a finger, backing away.
"Gimme one second."
Bob tossed the wrench into the tool kit and stood, a process that was a lot more involved than it used to be.
"Jeez, you sound so old," Helmut teased.
"I am old, you--" The words cut off short, caught in Bob's throat at the flash of dark pigtails zipping back behind a tree. Bob looked away, wiping his hands off on a rag, but he couldn't stop Raz's words from drifting into his ears. The kid had lowered his voice, but not low enough.
"You can't be shy, you're you. ...What? ...Why wouldn't he?"
"Bobby?" Helmut asked, softly.
"It's Truman's daughter," Bob said, gruffly, focusing very hard on getting the grease out from around his nailbeds.   
What must she think of him? The last time he'd seen her she wasn't even walking yet. She'd only know him as the crazy old hermit who lived on top of a thorn tower and hated everyone. Or worse, as the drunken mess who screwed up so many missions his own nephew had had to put him out to pasture before he got somebody killed--
Something bonked insistently against his ankle.
"Hey. Hey. Stop that," Helmut ordered. "You're great and she'll love you."
Another bonk, this one so hard it actually hurt.
"You're. Great. And. She'll. Love. You."  
"Of course he'll like you! ...My psychic senses tell me so. ...It'll be fine, I promise."
Lili stepped out from behind the tree. She looked exactly like the pictures Truman had sent, minus the usual glazed look that came with a school photo. She was clutching a terracotta pot to her chest, one far too large for the sullen, drooping stalks that protruded from it.
"Hey there!" Bob said, trying to sound as cheerful and un-evil-hermit-that-lives-in-the-woods as possible. She approached slowly, but at least didn't look like she was on the verge of running away.
"Hi," she said, softly. "Um...Raz said you might be able to help me with my amaryllis. I've been trying to get it to bloom again. I let it go dormant twice, but it still won't put out any buds."
Bob reached out, and then hesitated. Lili released the pot, which floated over to Bob and hovered. Bob examined the plant, curious. He was impressed, to say the least. Second bloom or no, there weren't a lot of ten year olds who could successfully winter an amaryllis at all, let alone twice in a row.
"No fungus, no pests," he muttered. "Soil seems fine. Is it getting the right kind of light?"
"In the window, sunny and south facing," Lili said, with more confidence. "I checked the soil acidity, I used filtered water, I tried different kinds of plant foods, I tried playing music, I tried talking to it--"
"Yelling at it," Raz corrected.
"I was only yelling because talking wasn't working," Lili said, narrowing her eyes at him. Bob cleared his throat to hide his chuckle.
"Welp," Bob said. "I figured out your problem."
"You did?" Lili's eyes lit up. "What is it? What should I do?"
"You got a dud bulb," Bob said. He prodded the limp leaves, which looked like tangled green shoelaces. "You should just toss it."
Bob gave her a large wink, then continued loudly.
"Yep. That's amaryllis for you. They're weak, give up easy."
The leaves twitched.
"I never bothered with them, honestly. They need so much hand holding, and as for looks, well..."
"You're right," Lili said, nodding sagely. "They're just not pretty enough to justify all the work I've been putting into them. Maybe I should just dump them and grow tulips instead."
"Honestly, you're better off with roses--"
The stalks shot up, straight as arrows and quivering with indignation. Lili laughed in delight as first one, then two, then three pink bulbs swelled and unfurled into three perfect flowers.
"I can't believe that worked!" she cried.
"...did you just use reverse psychology on a plant?" Raz asked, nonplussed.
"Yep. Nothing like spite to put a little color in a flower. Amaryllises are divas," he told Lili. "You need to treat them carefully, but don't coddle them. Make 'em work for your attention." He took the pot in his hands and held it away, leaning down to mutter "And they hate roses."  
"It's a plant," Raz said, in the same tone.
"You get used to it," Helmut said.
"But it's--"
"Let it go, kid. Trust me."
Bob handed the pot to Lili and opened his mouth to ask Helmut to explain just what that was supposed to mean...
But the girl took the pot in both hands and beamed up at him with a smile like the sun, and said "Thanks Uncle Bob."
It made it very hard to think of anything to say other than 'sure thing, kiddo.'
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A fluffy 'Dean WinchesterXTrans!Male' Reader one-shot where you had come out to Dean, and Dean decided he's going to do everything he can to support you.
“So,” Dean began. His heart was pounding. He rather be facing any number of ghosts and ghouls to avoid fucking this part up. Hell, he’d even take a few demons over this. Anything over these tense emotional moments. Still, he was glued to the bed, hand holding yours. He loved you. He wasn’t going to let anything get in the way of helping you.
“Y-yeah?” You stumbled over your words. You had no idea how your boyfriend was going to handle the news. Tears were threatening to fall over your cheeks as you kept your eyes glued to the floor.
Dean swallowed. Dammit, his brother mentioned something like this in the past. Why couldn’t he remember now? “Well in that case, I suppose we better get you some comfier clothes. C’mon.” He stood up, offering his hand to you. Looking up, you saw that same smile dance across his lips, the same smile you fell in love with. “Wouldn’t want my boyfriend to be uncomfortable.”
Your heart skipped a beat as you jumped into his arms, relief and love washing over you. Dean just chuckled, quietly as he shifted to wrap his arms around you, squeezing you against him. “Thanks Dean…Thank you so much.”
“Of course. You have a different name you like to be called now?”
“Y/N now- I uh, kinda picked it out when I realized I just-”
“Y/N is perfect babe.” His lips left a light little peck at your nose. “C’mon. Sammy’s with Bobby looking for another job, let’s take the day to get you feeling as good as possible, hm? I just had that great poker payout-”
“I thought that was for silver bullets-”
“Pshh. I can win another game or too.” Dean went to smile, but it quickly drooped into a frown. “Your clothes...do they make you feel-” He tried to find the right word.
“Dysphoric? Well I mean a bit. I didn’t exactly have time to choose great clothes when I ran off with you Dean.” Before you could even finish your sentence, Dean was digging through his duffle.
“I was going to drop them off somewhere, they feel a little small.” Dean grinned, poking his head back up. In his hands were an AC/DC shirt and an old pair of jeans. He even pulled out his spare hunting boots. “Might not be the most practical all the time, but we’ll get you some stuff today.”
You tried not to cry once again.
Few minutes later, you found yourself wrapped up in your boyfriend's clothes, in the passenger seat of the car. AC/DC rang out through the speakers. You couldn’t help but smile.
“You...really don’t mind Dean?”
“Mind? Why the hell would I mind?”
“Well you were into me as a-”
“I am into you, period.” Dean smiled a little. “Masculine, feminine, It makes no difference to me. You are still you. So, clothes we’re doing. Not half assed Walmart clothes either, we’re gonna get you some good hunting gear.” You couldn’t help but chuckle a little at that. “Masculine fake IDs from now on, easy enough. Anything else you need?”
“At the moment, I’m not sure...I kinda like what Sam does with his hair so I don’t think I’ll cut it off yet. It isn’t as long as his at the moment anyway.” You giggled at the scrunch in Dean’s nose at the mention of his brother.
“Cute guy with a ponytail never hurts either. Ah. Here’s the shop.”
“Dean this is a mall-”
“Yeah, sporting goods, including guns, bullets, as well as various clothing stores to get you what you need. Plus crowds to blend into. Malls are great Y/N.” He turned into the parking lot, picking a spot somewhere in the middle. “Plus, the impala doesn’t stick out too much here.”
Dean slipped out of his side, opening the door for you before you were even unbuckled. His calloused hand still felt tender as it grasped yours tightly, pulling you towards the store.
Your boyfriend was right after all. The crowds were seamless and the selection would be much greater.
“I’m thinking, we hit the sporting goods store, get some food and supplies. Take our time with it. Then just meet up with Sam and Bobby for the job, sound good Y/N?”
“Sounds perfect Dean.” Your smile was glued to your face as you leaned against his arm walking into the shop Dean had picked. “Is this where you got all your flannels and things?”
“Most of em, yeah. Why? You like that one?” He winked as he saw your cheeks turn a little pink. Sure, you loved the flannel. It made you feel more you, it also smelled like the man you loved more than anything.
“Well it’s nice and warm and-” You tripped over your words again. “Just really nice hunting clothes ya know? Like durable enough you have some protection, it’s also warm enough for nights but I can always open it ya know.”
“Great. So a couple flannels. Some jeans that won’t trip you up. Shirts.” Dean guided you to the clothing area of the store, whipping out his cellphone.
“Dean? Something the matter?” He doesn’t often look at his screen with that much concentration.
“Nope. I was just looking at a size chart.” He matched his screen to a couple of the tags. “These your colors?” He held out some forest green flannel and a black shirt.
“To start with, yeah! Although lighter colors are still nice. I don’t want anything thinking I’m your little brother if I match your style.”
“My style is functional and timeless. Plus, if I had a nickel for everyone who thought Sam and I should-” He scowled as you laughed. You couldn’t help but pick up those books when you saw them. Plus, as prank wars broke out it definitely gave you an upper hand.
“Alright, I concede your style is wonderful Dean.”
“Damn right it is.” He smiled a little. “But I get it, c’mon. Let’s walk around and see what catches your eye.”
The two of you scoured the store from top to bottom. Dean’s arms quickly became laden with fabric as you both approached the fitting rooms.
“Find everything you need sir, and-?” The guy in charge of the rooms spoke.
“Sir.” You introjected. Your heart rate spiked a little. Dean’s hand rested on your shoulder as he nodded to the cashier, as if confirming what you said.
“Of course, right this way. Here is your room, sir.” Without batting an eye the cashier escorted you back to try on your new wardrobe.
“Give 'em hell babe!” Dean called after you, taking his seat. He fiddled with his phone. Sam had finally convinced him to upgrade, and this one had a camera on it.
Quickly, pulse racing, you put on the first outfit of clothes, and slipped outside to model for Dean. Your nerves subsided when met with that goofy grin of his, and you couldn’t help but match it.
“You look amazing.”
“I feel amazing.”
“Wanna try more?” Dean snapped a photo. “That’s gonna be my new cell wallpaper.” You stuck your tongue out to him, a look he cheekily returned.
You went through this a few more times. Different mixed and matched outfits and hunting gear. Dean flirting with you every time you slipped into his sight. Soon you had a week's worth of clothes, with some extras to wear during a wash. Eventually you made it towards the food court, carrying the bags. You both went immediately to the burger stand and sat down.
“Fucck~” Dean’s eyes were closed in bliss. “I forgot how amazing these burgers were.”
“God we ate at gas stations so much I had forgotten food could be juicy.” You were devouring your burger as ravenous as Dean was. Oblivious to the look he was giving you.
Dean just smiled, chewing as he looked at you. It had only been a few months since you were traveling with him. Demon blooded kid like Sammy, you wanted to be able to help. Truthfully you were thankful they accepted.
Dean sometimes kicks himself at night for almost saying no. He had fallen for you, hard, the first time you rode in the back of the car. The way your eyes lit up as his own music started to play. The way you got along with Sam. He had fallen hard. You were perfect in his eyes now as you were then.
“Dean?...” Your voice was quiet, head against the window. After eating Dean had loaded you and your new things into the impala before starting to make your guy’s way to Bobby's place.
The excitement of the day had driven your eyelids to a close by this point. The soft rumblings of the engine were lulling you to sleep. Dean’s hand found yours once more, with a gentle squeeze.
“Yeah babe?”
“I love you Dean…”
“I love you too Y/N.” His words were the last things you heard before finally succumbing to sleep.
Dean drove on, hand never leaving yours. He had found the best boyfriend in the world, and he intended to keep things that way.
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chasingpj · 3 years
“Buen provecho, mijo.”
pairing: leo valdez x gn reader
requested?: yes!
warnings: a little angsty, discussing the death of a parent
category: fluff, one-shot, a slice of life
a/n: this has been sitting in my drafts forever. i'm so excited to finally have it posted and i hope you guys like it!
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Leo’s shivering body is engulfed in a soft duvet until the crown of his head. His brown curls sprawled on the stark white cloth are the only evidence of his presence, the sheets swallowing his body so well that it appears to be stacked messily and not holding a groggy Leo.
Despite your protests of wrapping himself up like this, he couldn’t help it. The chills that came with his fever were too much to ignore, which says a lot; Leo’s rarely cold. You’d be able to keep him warm, he considers, and there’s a deep urge to hold your frame against him. With a weak groan, he shifts in the tunnel of sheets.
Stupid Flu.
The last thing he’d want is to get you sick. Having your shared bed all to himself for the past few days as he persists through the discomfort of illness has been lonely. At first, it was a little fun. Getting a break from your occasional kicks and shifts that would wake him up throughout the night was nice, but he began to miss it after a while. Those pesky sleepy habits were worth it as they came with the comfort of your presence, the sweet scent of your body, and the softness of your skin. He ached at the absence of your company even though you were literally in the next room over.
He wondered what you could be doing having that this ache for you isn’t a new occurrence. Just a few minutes ago, he had called your name only to receive a “one second!”
So he waited, and well, it’s been much longer than a second.
As if he summoned you with his thoughts, the creaking of the door hinges catches his attention, drawing a soft hum from Leo’s lips. Feeling too weak to lift his head, he instead tugs down the duvet just enough to reveal his puppy brown eyes that sag with fatigue. “Lee, I have a surprise for you.” The ringing sound of your sweet voice makes his mouth curl up in a smile. Leo furrows his eyebrows, eyes averting from your pretty face as he notices your hands are hiding behind your back. “What is it, cariño?” He croaks, flinching at the dull soreness in his muscles as he pulls himself up to rest against the headboard.
“Close your eyes,” you demand with a giddy tone, and Leo complies with a short laugh. “Don’t peek!” A clinging of metal follows the sounds of pattering footsteps and a giggle of excitement before he receives the okay to open his eyes again.
Through thick eyelashes, he's met with stretched-out arms, presenting a deep blue bowl of soup on your palms. “It’s Caldo de Pollo!” The nostalgic aroma hits his senses the moment you confess what it is. He leans in, getting a better view of chunks of potato, carrots, corn, and chicken that peek through an orange broth. The sight makes his mouth water, and to your surprise, his eyes too.
The dish reminded him so much of his mother. Suddenly, he was a kid again. His small eyes watch Esperanza place a bowl filled to the rim of the familiar dish on the table in front of him.
“Buen provecho, mijo.”
Leo grinned, revealing the gaps of teeth that haven’t grown in yet. "Gracias Mama," he chimed, swinging his stubby legs in his chair. For a second, there is a look of caution across his mother’s face as Leo picks up his spoon and shovels the soup into his mouth. But as it becomes clear that neither the hot liquid nor the sweltering heat of the day bothered him, she relaxes and settles in the chair across from him.
His mother’s eyes filled with adoration, a soft giggle comes from her lips as Leo, too hungry to care, has dampened his shirt in the midst of eating. In his memory, the image of her is hazy, but he can make out the rosy tint on her lips as she smiles at him, her long nose, her silky hair that's usually pulled up in a ponytail, cascading over her shoulders.
The memory is more vivid than any of his dreams. He could make out the glow of the setting sun from the curtains. Under his forearms, he could feel the stickiness of the plastic cover over the table cloth. Every detail of his childhood home was exactly where he remembered it.
One of Leo’s biggest fears is that one day he’d forget his mother’s face, her voice, the little memories he had of her. Already, day by day, the recalling of his mother’s comforting scent becomes weaker. Sometimes, he’d get a whiff of it when he’s on a quest or when he’s alone. He’d like to think that those moments meant that his mother was watching over him, that she truly wasn’t all gone.
Though this soup, the one you’ve presented in your arms, confirmed that the remaining pieces of her existence didn’t solely live in his memory but in everything. She lives in the stars that she was always so fond of. She lives in the Tejano music she used to sing along to when she worked or cleaned. She lived in the running engine of everything he’d ever created. She lives in this soup, the same soup she made him when he was sick or often, to his dismay, in the middle of the summer.
He never needed a moment to freeze in time to remember all that was his mother.
Leo’s eyes glisten with tears. The silence, the bleakness of his expression, made you look down at the soup yourself. You didn’t think your soup looked bad at all, especially not bad enough to bring Leo near tears. You even plated it nicely, garnishing the soup with cilantro and a lime wedge.
"Is it wrong? Bad? I had to look up the recipe, and I-"
"No, no. It's just- it reminds me of my mom." He smiles sadly at you, and you frown, taking a seat beside him on the bed. His expression softens, eyes studying your face. What did he do to get so lucky? "You made this for me?"
You nod. "I thought I should make you soup since you're feeling so sick today." You balance the bottom of the bowl in one hand as the other reaches over, pressing the backside against his forehead. A tsk leaves your lips; the heat radiating off of Leo's forehead was much warmer than usual. "I was looking at soup recipes, and I came across a recipe for Caldo de Pollo. Try it; I think you'll like it!"
Leo reaches over with weak hands, grasping the bowl of soup before bringing it to his chest. He leans in to take in the aromas.
“I didn’t poison it,” you joke. A watery laugh comes from Leo, the vibrations sending a few tears down his cheeks. Your stomach flutters at the sound, but your heart aches at the sight of his tears. You hated seeing him cry. Your thumbs gently wipe away the stray tears on his face as he admires you. “I don’t know. I’ve seen you burn a lot of things in the past couple of years,” he teases. You cross your arms over your chest, not having enough times when you didn’t burn any food to defend yourself so you wave him off.
“Whatever,” you huff playfully. Leo chuckles as he brings the spoon full of broth up to his lips, and you shift in your place. You’re filled with anticipation, hoping that the recipe was authentic enough. “How is it?”
The flavors of the soup are almost the same as his mother’s, and he hums, a soft sigh of satisfaction leaves his lips.
“It’s amazing, mi amor.” The pet name you love rolls off his tongue slow and smooth. You sit up proudly at the praise, taking in Leo’s lovestruck expression. Before you know it, the other leans in for a kiss, and you scrunch your face. A scoff of playful offense leaves Leo’s lips.
“Why would you kiss me?” Leo whines with a cute pout. As much as you want to kiss him, you knew you shouldn't. “You’re sick,” you remind him, and he dramatically sits back against the wall, playing with his spoon.
“Kiss me, and then we can be sick together.” Leo wiggles his eyebrows, trying to convince you with a smile that drops the moment you shake your head.
“No way. Keep your cooties to yourself.” To your surprise, Leo sticks his tongue out at you. The action makes you snort as you rise from the bed. “I won’t kiss you, but I’ll sit and eat with you.” Leo shrugs, the solution is not as satisfying as a kiss, but he’ll settle with spending time with you. With a nod from him, he watches as you disappear past the doorway to get your bowl of soup.
In your absence, he takes a few more sips, the memory of his mother flickering in his mind. There’s a familiar gloominess that lingers at the fact that he will never be able to hug his mom or see her face again but being aware that her presence will always remain brings a sense of closure that Leo didn’t know he needed.
In his darkest hours, there was always a glimmer of hope that kept him moving forward. There was always a feeling that things would get better in time. This dull light, the voice that told him to pick himself back up, perhaps, it was his mother being true to her namesake all along.
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