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moonshinebindery · 9 months ago
Book No. 23
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À tête-bêche binding of can’t start a fire without a spark by veryrach (that’s me) and this gun’s for hire by @bittercape, a fic and its sequel that demanded being bound together. They’re also bound as tiny books because bits expressed a desire to put one in their mouth - I don’t know if this has yet been attempted.
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I bound two copies of this typeset, one for me and one for bits. Their copy is bound in the leftover paper I had from the endpapers of another fic of theirs I bound a few months ago. I like the geometric pattern and the colour scheme, but I wish I’d figured out better titling; the red is nice and shiny but the cutout didn’t come out as I’d hoped.
My own copy is bound in a plain black cloth cover with silver writing, but I may redo that as I feel it wants something a little more visually interesting; we’ll see.
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I also made a little slipcase for bittercape’s copy, because I have been wanting to try and make one for ages, and this little book wanted protecting in the post. I designed the case in Affinity Photo and cut it on the Cricut - I didn’t work out the measurements as precisely as I would have liked, but it was *just* close not to need redoing, I think. There’s a smidge too much wiggle room, but it’s functional:
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fuckyeahfanfictions · 25 days ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: DCU (Comics) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Tim Drake/Jason Todd Characters: Tim Drake, Jason Todd Additional Tags: Obsession, Morally Ambiguous Tim Drake, Character Death, (It's the Joker), Comic Book Violence, Unhealthy Relationships, Codependency Summary:
“Bring me the Joker’s head on a platter,” Jason says, and he doesn’t mean anything by it, not really. It’s the kind of thing he jokes about when he’s overwhelmed, and he’s overwhelmed by Tim a lot. Tim’s intensity makes Jason turn flippant, makes him counterweigh the seriousness with comments about his own torture and death, like that will somehow lighten the mood.
Jason says all kinds of things, for all kinds of reasons. He doesn’t expect anyone to listen.
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kbirbpods · 2 months ago
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[Podfic Link] | Length: 2m, 30s (w/out music) or 3m, 40s (w/ music)
Original Work: flying in a dream by @bittercape [ao3: bittercape]
DCxMarvel: Bucky/Clint/Jason | Rating: Teen & Up Audiences
Jason has always had a fraught relationship with sleep. As long as he can remember, at least. He’s never felt safe enough to truly relax, and sleeps lightly enough to wake at the slightest noise or movement. He’s always got a knife under the pillow and a gun within easy reach. So this is unfamiliar, is the point he’s getting at.
Notes: Part of my series [podfics of] snow on the beach & podded for @polypodweek 2025!
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capriciouswrites · 2 months ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: DCU (Comics) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Jason Todd/Slade Wilson Characters: Jason Todd, Slade Wilson Additional Tags: Marking, Consensual Permanent Marking, Soft, Tattoos, Tattoo guns, minor blood, Edging Summary:
“Wanna mark you,” he slurs, letting Slade take his weight easily, as they traverse the city to wherever Slade has decided the safest destination is. “Permanent like, s’you can see you’re mine.” 
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safelycapricious · 4 months ago
🔪 ⇢ what’s the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
I feel like weirdest is doing a lot of heavy lifting here. What is weird, really? I will say I've spent an absurd amount of time mapping out how long travel across Westeros would take (by foot, by boat, by horse, by dragon), the vast majority of which never makes it into a fic (but I know how long it takes them and that's the important part!) I've also looked up when certain foods started being regularly sold in specific countries, for throw away lines and --
oh wait, googling the average volume of sperm per ejaculation is probably the winner here.
❄️ ⇢ what’s your dream theme/plot for a fic, and who would write it best?
There are so many things I don't want to write that I want to exist in the world (and then the handful that I throw my hands up about and go FINE FINE I'LL WRITE IT). But I don't know if I just have one? of either theme/plot or author -- like, there are so many awesome writers out there and each of them would do something different with the same theme/plot (and some are more to my taste than others). But hm, okay, right this instant what I'd really like is a Jason-centric longfic of Witcher!Jason. If anyone wants to write it I'd be thrilled tbh.
🎨 ⇢ link your favourite piece of fanart and explain why you like it
I'm easy, my favorite fanart is going to be any fanart of something I've written -- and I've been very lucky! With mini-bangs and people just being awesome. It just makes me so happy when something I've written causes other people to make things! (Also love love love podfics! Equally would love translations but I haven't seen any yet, maybe someday!)
always accepting asks, this one is here
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jaso7 · 4 months ago
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Motersports au
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araydre · 4 months ago
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a long time ago I said to @bittercape that I'll draw a thing. well, finally I did. art for their amazing story just a shot away from you.
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flowerparrish · 2 months ago
Last Line Challenge!
I was tagged by @crystalshard (thank you!!)
Last line I wrote:
It might not even happen, but the chance of it is so powerful that Clint can’t do much but say, yeah, okay, and build himself a little house on the edge of a fairy ring, deep in the forest, and settle in to wait.
Zero pressure tagging: @wolfjackle @wanderingjedihistorian @bittercape @safelycapricious @mightymightygnomepriest @there-must-be-a-lock @betrayedbycinnamon @artaxlivs & anyone who wants to do this!
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gunabug · 6 months ago
Fic Search!!
Looking for any well written JayRoy fics, especially along the lines of the Batfam realizing that JayRoy is a thing. (Bonus points if Dick takes psychic damage from it) . They can be funny or serious, just so long as there's at least a hopeful ending. Thanks!
I've already read (and enjoyed) :
Oh by AlexaAffect
Dick Grayson and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Two To Three Weeks (But Who's Counting) by dietpudding
another try not to cry christmas by fadinglight123
P.S. To anybody saving this for their own recs, these are also some favorite JayRoy fics, they just don't have the theme of the Batfam finding out. Enjoy!
raised in the tall grass by SafelyCapricious
4 am at Denny's by bittercape (JayRoy + Slade!)
And everyone thinks I dodged a bullet, but I think I shot the gun by Daisyapples
the halfway home for washed-up sidekicks by moth_tille (JayRoy + Kyle!)
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bittercape · 7 months ago
TJA Sequel Exchange Masterpost
What is a sequel exchange, you may ask?
Well, when you have a ship-focused server full of writers and artists, there will be so many people who want more of that one specific fic (or, as it turns out, so many specific fics). And what better way to motivate people to write than an exchange?
Here's what we did (in alphabetical order):
@araydre made this gorgeous art for Skalidra's fic More Chances Than Deserved:
set in chapter 3, Jason and Slade sparring before Billy arrives
@arkhammaid wrote Fangs and Claws (sinking into me) , a new work in the Fangs and Claws series for @bittercape:
Theory says both the Alpha and Omega must consent to entering a mating dance for it to even have a chance in being succesful. Reality proves once again that theory can be fucking bullshit.
@bittercape wrote Midnight at City Hall, a sequel to 4am at Denny's for @safelycapricious:
“What’s wrong?” he asks, because obviously something is wrong for Roy to be calling like this. “Jason,” Roy says, sounding a little faint. “Stay put,” Slade says, and then he calls in the big guns.
@darbydoo22 wrote Happy Birthday Steve, a sequel to Sit By the Fire for astranne:
Dick Grayson introduces the family to his boyfriend, Steve Rogers, during the Wayne family’s annual Fourth of July party.
@katzynia wrote Piece by piece, a sequel to Every piece of you for littledevilbean:
A month after their last encounter, Slade shows up to see how the life has been treating Jason. And to show him a thing or two.
@lisholoz drew Slade in Red Hood's gear as a sequel to Jason in Deathstroke's armour:
Boyfriend hoodie? Pfft. Steal your BFs vigilante gear
@littledevilbean wrote Bad Habits (and how to share them), a sequel to in the office ( 𝘶𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘭𝘰𝘤𝘬 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘬𝘦𝘺) for @notherdeadrobin:
In Slade's defense, it wasn't like he was trying to create a pattern.
@marquisedesaad wrote Turning the Advantage, a new work in the Taken Advantage series for @paprikadotmp4:
Dick and Bruce investigate in the aftermath of Jason's abduction. Meanwhile, Slade turns the situation to his advantage.
@marirah wrote two fics for darbydoo, candlelight and good morning, new works in the of Year of the OTP/Year of Jason and Slade 2023 (combined) series:
Dick and Tim have a date night in
Jason and Slade (and Peter and Damian) start to adjust to their new apartment
@safelycapricious wrote BE TRUE?, a sequel to BE MINE? for GavotteandGigue:
In an event that honestly Jason doesn’t foresee, the next day doesn’t bring him the chance to go out and figure out what the fuck Deathstroke is thinking. Not just because the idiot hadn’t cleaned up the crime scene and Bruce had taken the “BE MINE, RED HOOD?” as a threat instead of a courting gesture. But also because his cramps are persisting. Which is just. Fucking. Perfect.
Life happens, so there are a couple more sequels coming in a later reblog, but in the meantime: read, look, and remember to keep your fancreators fed and watered (commented, reblogged and kudos'd).
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dc-marvel-crossovers · 10 months ago
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The pool noodle flotilla launches in two weeks! More information here.
For our purposes, a “pool noodle” is a relationship tag that comes up with less than 30 hits on Ao3. Platonic (&) relationships count! Any and all crossover pairings with under 30 existing fics are welcome.
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Our first theme is "the big three: aliens, androids archers, and (tech) wizards." Hackers, Paleolithic weapons, interplanetary romance, etc.
Prompts for new fic:
Robin Hood AU 
Mia Dearden & Kate Bishop
Eddie and Venom work at the Daily Planet 
Tony and Roy in rehab
Venom finds a new host 
Kree identity shenanigans
“I’m a doctor, not a _” 
Oracle & Jarvis 
Clint and Dick knew each other in the circus 
Starfire meets the Marvels 
If you'd like to participate, but not as a writer, you can make fanwork for an existing fic! We have an Ao3 collection here of pool noodle fics whose authors have given permission for art, podfic, playlists, and moodboards inspired by their work.
Below are a few that specifically fit this theme, for fanwork and/or just for your reading enjoyment! Please feel free to share your own recs and tag us, or submit rec posts here for us to publish during feedback week.
Soft target by @bill-longbow - Clint Barton/Roy Harper, G
The Beverage Comrade by @sishal01 - Clint Barton/Roy Harper, G
Love at first bark by @bill-longbow - Clint Barton/Roy Harper, G
Make It Up As We Go Along by @there-must-be-a-lock - Clint Barton/Roy Harper, teen
Shoot Off by @there-must-be-a-lock - Clint Barton/Roy Harper, explicit
To Have (and to owe) by @sammialex - Clint Barton/Roy Harper, explicit
my surprise, one hundred stories high by @capriciouswrites - Clint Barton/Jason Todd, G
Hawksnest by TheologyDiscography - Clint Barton/Jason Todd, teen
Draw & Release by @artaxlivs - Clint Barton/Jason Todd, explicit
a magnificent slice of stardust by @bittercape - Tony Stark/Roy Harper, teen
Star Spangled by @there-must-be-a-lock - Steve Rogers/Roy Harper, explicit
(just like a puzzle) with no pieces missing by @mightymightygnomepriest - Frank Castle/Roy Harper, explicit
Vanilla by @there-must-be-a-lock - Clint Barton/Slade Wilson, mature
coddled, not shirred by @bittercape - Eddie Brock/Venom/Jason Todd, explicit
Coming Night by @bittercape - Venom/Tim Drake + Jason Todd/Roy Harper + Clint Barton/Dick Grayson, explicit
These open doors by @bill-longbow - Clint Barton/Bucky Barnes/Roy Harper, mature
Got Lost In The Game by @there-must-be-a-lock - Clint Barton/Roy Harper/Jason Todd, explicit
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moonshinebindery · 1 year ago
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Book No. 1:
A bound copy of Baguettes At Dawn, by @bittercape and @mightymightygnomepriest (that’s me!).
Cloth and paper case with hand-drawn endpapers, and a hand-painted spine. I was delighted to find such thematically appropriate paper from Paper Tree Nook, even though it really clashes with the endpapers.
The spine was a mistake; you can see the test I did with a stencil, which didn’t work all that well. I then free-handed the spine on the final copies, but it wasn’t much better, although it did have the advantage of looking more organic I suppose.)
I was pleased with some of the small details in the typeset, including the small coffee bean scene breaks you can see on the third picture.
Two copies bound in total; one gifted to bittercape and the other kept for personal use.
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lemonlimelea · 3 months ago
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✨@hprecfest day thirteen - a rare pair
As a big multi-shipper I love a rare pair, so there are a few fics I want to rec today! enjoy!
✨Just Another Teenage Epoch - Ron Weasley, 1999 by ThreeSidedOrchid
(Ron x Harry, M, 3k)
Ron wants to be an Auror, and he wants to not grow up, and he really wants other people to stop kissing Harry.
✨the press of heat by earlybloomingparentheses
(Luna x Ginny, E, 1k)
It's summer, it's late, it's hot, and Ginny Weasley and Luna Lovegood touch each other for the first time on the front porch.
✨The Mark of a Good Man by @bixgirl1
( Draco x Albus Severus, E, 16k)
After the life Draco Malfoy has lived, there aren’t many things capable of rendering him completely speechless, and he’s pleased to discover that even Albus Potter — writhing naked under the sheet of Draco’s bed and gasping face-down into Draco’s pillow — isn’t an exception to the rule.   Draco's never claimed to be a good man.
✨On the Edge by bittercape
(Pansy x Hermione, E, 1k)
There are many ways to relieve tension.
✨Bright Sides and Clean Sweeps by shopfront
(Harry x Ron x Hermione, G, 1k)
After the war, Harry Potter manages to cause a minor scandal every time he turns around. In his opinion though, the best one is the first time he does it deliberately.
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kbirbpods · 7 months ago
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[Podfic Link] | Length: 6 minutes, 20 seconds
Original Work: unglued, thanks to you by @bittercape [bittercape]
DC/Marvel: Bucky/Clint/Jason | Rating: Mature
“Thing is,” Clint says, in a manner like he’s imparting age-old wisdom, “you’re objectively hotter with a bit of scruff.” “Gee, thanks,” Bucky says and rolls his eyes. Over by the stove, Jason makes an odd noise like he’s choking. “You got some input, smartass?” Bucky adds. It’s seven in the goddamn morning and he’s awake against his wishes. He didn’t get up to have his looks critiqued.
Notes: part 4 of the [podfics of] snow on the beach series
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capriciouswrites · 8 months ago
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Spread the self-love~
Aw thanks lovely. @bittercape Five huh? Okay, lets go with these (but tbh I reread a lot of my stuff, I'm my biggest fan.)
be unbroken or be brave again, Game of Thrones, Sansa/Oberyn but mainly Sansa/Happiness tbh ~14k. Pretty much exactly the story I wanted to tell, just very proud of myself.
i see the ramen bowls fly, Naruto, Team 7. ~1.7K I think this is my best "unreliable narrator", just love it.
sing me to sleep; i want to go, Agents of Shield, Jemma/Grant. ~8K. Just pleased with the feeling of this one, has weight.
birds fly (why can't I?) DCU/Marvel crossover, Natasha Romanov/Jason Todd, ~9K. I just think it's neat.
it can creep up inside you (and consume you) The Punisher, Karen/Frank, ~1.7K I just really like the world building here tbh
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sasheneskywalker · 7 months ago
Weekly Batman/DC Fic Recs (3)
This week I mostly have recs about Tim and Jason. There's an outsider's perspective on Tim and Bernard's relationship, a social media Bruce/Tim fic, and a Duke-centric oneshot. I've also found a great fic focused on Jason coming to terms with being asexual and aromantic, an explicit Slade/Jason oneshot, and a Slade/Jason fic set during the Under the Red Hood Arc. And we have a DCU and Deadpool crossover with Wade Wilson pretending to be Slade Wilson. Hope you enjoy the recs <3
overdue for a revival by cv_angels When Laura moves back to Gotham, the last thing she expects is to end up roommates with Bernard Dowd.
A glimpse into how Tim and Bernard come back together after their time at Louis Grieve High School, as told through the eyes of one Laura Fell.
T | No Archive Warnings Apply | Batman - All Media Types, Robin (Comics) | Bernard Dowd/Tim Drake, Darla Aquista & Bernard Dowd, Darla Aquista & Bernard Dowd & Tim Drake
look around, round, round by future86 u/FezOn · 2 hr. ago
[Blurry image of two blurry figures, ears and cowls identifying them as Batman and Red Robin. Red Robin is bent over a vent on top of the building, with Batman behind him]
Top comments
u/RiddleMeThis Obviously fake
u/Plsrtyr Has the image disappeared for any of you guys?
T | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings | Batman (Comics), Batman - All Media Types | Tim Drake/Bruce Wayne
Big Damn Heroes by Zahri The call came in just after lunch. 246S. School shooting.
Duke hasn’t worked one as the Signal, yet.
(It’s different, from this angle)
T | No Archive Warnings Apply | Batman (Comics), Robin (Comics), We Are Robin (Comics) | No Relationships
Think of Me by Luvo “Any…life updates?” Bruce asks hopefully.
“Like what?”
“I don’t know. Do you maybe…is there a girl?”
Jason feels his face heat. He does his best to ignore Tim, Steph, and Cass snickering as he asks, “Seriously?”
Bruce looks down. He looks back up.
“A boy?” he tries.
Jason’s fork clatters to his plate. “Dad!” he hisses.
T | No Archive Warnings Apply | Batman - All Media Types, Batman (Comics) | Connor Hawke & Jason Todd, Cassandra Cain & Jason Todd, Tim Drake & Jason Todd
Jobs of Different Kinds by Skalidra Slade's expecting his latest job to be a mostly boring one. It's a smaller city, outside the main spheres of vigilante activity, and the only potential threat his employer's told him about is a rival 'gang.' It's a way to spend time between his more interesting assignments, though, and it's a decent paycheck.
Of course, finding one of the Gotham birds flying around will certainly liven things up.
E | No Archive Warnings Apply | DCU (Comics) | Jason Todd/Slade Wilson
name the drama and I'll play the part by wednesday The night feels deceptively calm and pleasant, and Jason knows nights in Gotham are never that. At least never both at the same time. Maybe it’s echoes of Vertigo’s powers still messing with Jason’s senses. But he has shit to do, so he’ll just shake it off as he goes.
For better or worse, his night doesn't quite go as expected.
T | No Archive Warnings Apply | DCU (Comics) | Jason Todd/Slade Wilson
five, six, just for kicks by bittercape “Good evening,” Jason says, because he does have manners when he wants to use them. “Talia al Ghul sent me for training.”
“Right,” the man says. “You’re here for training with Deathstroke.”
“Yeees,” Jason says. This seems more than a little eccentric. “And you are Deathstroke?”
“Yes indeed!” the man says. “It is I, Deathstroke!”
M | No Archive Warnings Apply | DCU (Comics), Red Hood: Lost Days, Deadpool - All Media Types, Deathstroke the Terminator (Comics) | Jason Todd & Wade Wilson, Jason Todd & Slade Wilson, Jason Todd/Slade Wilson
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