#trying to be proud of that. i’ve already cried a lot today and i’m gonna cry tomorrow probably. i can’t sleep and that isn’t helping
lambentplume · 5 months
ik no one’s awake but hi i’m graduating tomorrow. i didn’t get any of the fancy stoles or cords because my grades were bad and i didn’t participate in extracurricular anything towards the end. but i am going to walk and i have completed the necessary requirements to earn my bachelor’s degree. please clap
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mode-lfy · 12 days
Minji - Wait for me
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Minji walked around in the cold weather, her hands in her pockets, walking for a while before sitting under a street light. She looked at her phone, November 14.
She closed her eyes, giving herself a little rest and waited…
“Next up in the selection, Y/n, Seoul FC.”
“I GOT SELECTED!” Y/n shouted, jumping in joy before hugging his grandmother and mom. They cried, so happy that their boy had achieved his dream.
“ I’M GOING TO THE WORLD CUP.” Y/n knelt in tears, hands covering his face, not believing what he just heard from the television screen.
“Go share the news, with Minji.” His mom said, hugging him, so proud of her son.
“I will! I will be back soon!” He rushed out of the house.
“Do you think he will be back soon?” His grandmother asked.
His mom smiled, “Not so soon, they gonna celebrate for abit first”
“Minji, where are you?” Y/n called,
“I am at my dorm”, Minji answered,
“I’m coming,” Y/n said, entering his car.
“ This late at night?” Minji asked, wondering. Really, she was trying to stay calm and act cool.
“I’ve got news to share with you,” Y/n said, excited, smiling to himself.
“Okay, I will wait for you,” Minji said, standing up and holding herself.
“Bye.” Y/n prepared to hang up and drive.
“Y/n.” Minji said, not wanting to hang up.
“Congratulations, I love you,” Minji said, happy for Y/n.
“I love you too. Wait for me.” Y/n said.
Once Y/n arrived, he saw Minji already waiting outside for him. They both looked at each other and ran at each other. They hugged each other tightly, sharing a moment they could only understand and feel. The feeling of achieving a dream they worked so hard for, a dream that everyone thought was impossible.
Y/n held Minji’s hair, resting his head on hers.
“Thank you for being with me.” He said.
Minji looked up towards him, kissing him. “I should be the one saying that.” She looked at his eyes.
Y/n held her hand, “Let's go have some supper.”
They bought some side dishes and drinks at the convenience store before going to a streetside stall somewhere. There, they were greeted by a familiar face.
“Ah, you two are here again.” The owner, a grandmother, greeted them.
“You two have been here since you guys were in high school; what will you do if I am tired and stop operating this stall.” She joked.
“You shouldn’t retire, you still have a long way to go. Your food is the best!” Minji joked.
“Where would we go for our late-night dates,” Y/n added on, earning a playful punch from Minji.
“What would you like today?” The grandmother mixed the food around.
“Grandmother, I got something to share with you,” Y/n said, holding Minji’s hand.
“What is it?” She asked.
“I got selected by the national team.” He said, shyly.
“He will be going to the World Cup!” Minji added on, proudly.
“Oh my, that’s great!” The grandmother clapped happily.
“I know you can do it. Take whatever you want today, It’s on me!” She said, celebrating Y/n’s achievement.
“Are you sure? We eat a lot.” Y/n joked.
“You better do! You need the energy to train and perform your best!” Minji teased.
“She’s right!” The grandmother said, handing over a bowl to them.
“I will do my best,” Y/n said, looking at Minji, thankful.
The young couple finished their supper and took a walk around the neighbourhood.
They were enjoying and cherishing the moment they were sharing.
“Minji” Y/n stopped and looked at Minji.
Minji looked at him, curious about what he had to say.
“Thank you, I wouldn’t have achieved my dream if it weren’t for you.” He pulled her into his embrace.
“I should be the one saying it, you fool.” Minji, tiptoed, hugging him tighter.
Y/n stopped the hug for a moment, “I promise I will stay with you, one day, hopefully, I will be able to marry you.” He held her hand.
Minji blushed, taking her hand and looking away.
“What are you talking about?” Minji said shyly.
“I meant what I said,” Y/n said, turning her to look at him.
“Just as you were there when I played a match, I will be there when you perform.”
“Once our careers are stable and we have made a name for ourselves, I will propose to you.”
“So, please… wait for me,” Y/n said with all his sincerity.
“I will wait for you,” Minji said.
“You know… what I thought when I signed the contract? My first ever contract?”
“What is it?”
“I thought of you. If it weren't for you, I wouldn’t be able to do this.”
“I love you.”
“Sometimes, I look out at the sky at night, sitting alone. I just want tp be with you. Sharing this peaceful moment with you.” Y/n said, holding his phone, lying down.
“I will be having my first performance on Friday. Will you come to watch me?” MInji asked.
“I will be having my first training with the national team,” Y/n answered, sighing.
“So you will not come to watch my first performance?” Minj teased.
“I’m sorry.” Y/n apologised.
“Then… on Friday night, let’s have a date. To celebrate your first training with the national team and my first performance.” Minji suggested.
“You are not upset?” Y/n asked, confused.
“This won’t be the only time we are going to have conflicting schedules, nor is it our first time.”
“Good luck with your performance! You got this!” Y/n cheered Minji.
“You, too, show them what you can do in your first training! First impressions last.” Minji said, sending Y/n a heart.
“Remember, tonight at our usual spot.” Minji reminded him.
“I will. Wait for me,” Y/n said.
“I love you.” Both of them said.
Y/n drove peacefully towards the training venue, playing Minji’s group music. It was a proud day for both of them.
Minji was going to perform with her members for the first time in a concert.
He was going to train with the national team for the first time, and soon enough, he would play his first game with the national team.
He couldn’t wait for them to share their achievement with each other tonight.
Minji sat alone for a long while… It’s been 30 minutes past the time that they were supposed to meet.
Minji continued sitting for a while before she started texting Hanni.
“What are you doing now?” She asked.
“I’m eating some food and talking to my parents. Aren’t you supposed to be with your boyfriend?” Hanni questioned.
“He hasn’t arrived yet,” Minji asked, kicking her legs as she sat waiting for Y/n.
“Have you called him?” Hanni asked.
“I have, but the call didn’t connect.”
“Maybe, he forgot? He’s too tired or something?”
“Never mind, I’m going to his house.I need to check on him.” Minji said.
Once Minji was near his neighbourhood, she saw a police car parked. As she continued walking, she saw another parked on the road in front of Y/n’s house. The door was unlocked, she could hear some crying and screaming inside the house, and Minji started to be a little afraid. Her senses were starting to be numbed, all the noise were starting to die down in her ears. She couldn’t feel anything, an unknown sense of fear was taking over Minji…
As she entered the house, she saw some policemen inside, one of them was supporting Y/n’s grandmother, who was crying and almost on her knees. His mother was sobbing but managed to take a seat.
After a few seconds, Minji gathered up the courage to speak. “What happened? Is Y/n alright?”
“Y/n’s dead!!! My grandson is dead!” The grandmother shouted, crying in pain.
“Miss, what’s your relation with Mr Y/n?” Another policeman asked.
“I-I a-am his girlfriend,” Minji answered, struggling to compose herself.
“Miss, I’m sorry to inform you that Mr Y/n was involved in a car accident this afternoon. He was on his way when a truck collided with his vehicle head-on. The truck was-” The policeman continued talking, but Minji didn’t finish listening to his words.
“He died on the spot.” The policeman ended.
“We will send the case file to you, 2 days later, November 16, I’m sorry this happened.” The policeman holding Y/n’s grandmother, said, attempting to comfort her.
Minji couldn’t find herself to open her mouth, she was helpless.
Minji opened her eyes, remembering Y/n the last time she saw him.
“Wait for me. One day, I will score a goal and dedicate it to you.”
“One day, I will marry you, so wait for me.” Y/n smiled, sitting beside her, holding her hand.
“Are you alright?” Hanni asked, walking towards her.
“I’m fine. I just wanted to take a walk outside.” Minji said, looking up at the night sky.
It was 17 March, yet Hanni knew…
For Minji, who couldn’t recover from that day…
Her calendar remained where Y/n’s stopped…
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bigboytimes · 2 months
My husband loves me so much I actually am going to die of love rn or something or explode
I see all our pictures of us together and of him that he sent to me!! Only to me!! And all my screenshots of his pretty face when we call and ugh he was so sweet to me today I’m just overwhelmed by how i feel about him like im looking at him like yes, THIS is the boy I would give up everything for, THIS is the boy i will always be beside, THIS is the boy who is MINE, this one right here!!!! Yes!! I got the best one.
He is so kind, forgiving, understanding, always helps me when I am upset, always there for me. He understands that I have big emotions and that I need to work on that but he is always forgiving of me when I mess up even when I’ve hurt him and idk it’s so valuable to me that he’s willing to try to understand me and forgive me because that takes a lot of grace and a lot of effort especially when you’ve been hurt.
I’ve gone kind of crazy in front of him once I was angry about a freaking rubix cube and I nearly bashed my head into a wall like I usually would but he helped stop me and calm me and like I realized how crazy I was acting in the end but like he deals with so much from me and so much from everyone else he takes on a caregiving role for me especially but also sometimes for his friends who are in need of help, he is an actual angel, and I just want everything to go well for him, I’ll pray for him tommorow, I want him to have happiness in his life and less bad things happening to him because he doesn’t deserve any of it, I know I can take steps to be easier to deal with and make his life easier but like he is actually dealing with so much rn and I’m proud of him for how strong he is and AUGHHH he’s the BEST!!!!
And like he got me dinosaurs and a toy excavator and dump truck because he knew I would like them and I did I play with them all the time (now they’re at my moms and I’ll be there again SOON I guess), and he gave me all the reassurance and all the affection when I needed it and he’s helping me finally feel loved for like the first time ever really, like actually feel it, that thing I was looking for and hurting myself over, is right here now, it’s finally mine, and it’s just such a huge shock to me in some ways, like holy shit I’m actually loved, I’m not just pretend loved, I’m not just being taken advantage of, I’m not just like “obligation loved”, like I’m actually finally really loved and supported it’s insane, he will even make a sticker chart with me like I want and play into my weird fantasies, and be my big brother for me, he diapered me before and I just remember the time he did it and I cried at the amount of love you have to have for someone to like facilitate something so intimate and so special and so embarassing and odd!! That’s the love he has for me. And when I complained about my computer he was just instantly like “well get you a new one” xD it’s not even time to replace it yet and he’s already offering his help, how cute!! And he kept warning me today about the reasons he might be busy or have to call me later and it’s really sweet like it makes me feel bad that I was such a spazz to him again and I don’t like creating anxiety in him that I’m gonna do that again… but it was sweet that he would give me advance notice of like hey I gotta do this so I can’t talk to you yet that was nice.
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butterflyyeo · 3 years
pairing — han jisung x reader
genre — angst (?)
tw — slightly suggestive (?)
wc — 3035
a/n — yall idk wtf this is im trying my best to get better at writing angsty (???) stuff so im really sorry if this is absolute trash T^T. feedback is appreciated !!
you hadn't seen your brother, chan, for a long time, six months to be exact and of course you missed him dearly. when he called to tell you that he was coming home for a while you nearly cried of joy, however, the happiness faded when he mentioned that he'd be bringing his band mates, that meant changbin... and han jisung.
it wasn't exactly a secret that you didn't get along with jisung, and you never knew why. he always just irked you a bit, and on purpose too. it was constant bickering between the two of you, fortunately, chan and changbin had learnt to tolerate it. speaking of changbin, you actually quite liked him and he was rather fond of you too. chan knew this, in fact, chan saw all the underlying tension between you and the rest of 3racha. he was thankful that he was your brother, but he didn't have to intervene, he was fully aware that you could handle these things on your own. unless of course you asked for help, and in that case, he would go to war for you.
a sturdy knock hit the door a few times and you ran to the door, unlocking it.
"channie!!" you leaped onto him and hugged him tightly. he dropped his bags down to the floor just so he could hug you back. "i've missed you so much!" you said as you hopped down and picked up both of his bags.
he grinned, "i've missed you too, y/n."
your smile dropped almost instantly as you saw jisung leaning against the doorway, a smirk across his face that just made you want to slap him. faking a smile, you greeted changbin, "hey changbin! good to see you." he gave you a sincere nod and smile before picking up his suitcase. "now chan, shall i put these in the guest room?" you asked, chan was already going through the fridge, looking for food.
"mm." he mumbled. you took it as a yes and heaved his bags to the guest room, dumping them beside the bed. as you turned around to help changbin with his luggage, someone blocked your way.
"you didn't say hello to me?" jisung questioned, though, it sounded more like a statement.
huffing, you responded, "why would i?"
"because you love me," he said as he leaned in close. "and you missed me."
"you must be confused." you shrugged and pushed past him. that was too close for comfort. you thought as you walked out and picked up changbin's last bag.
"hey y/n," chan began, "what's for dinner?"
you sighed, "i'm gonna have to go shopping chan, i don't have enough food for all of you." you went to put your shoes on and a jacket too, since it was getting late and more chilly outside. "who wants to chauffeur me to the grocery store?" you joked.
"anything for you, my love." jisung said teasingly as he held his hand out to you.
"uh, i'd rather not." you swatted his hand away. "c'mon changbin, let's go!" you said while dragging changbin up from the sofa. he groaned, but honestly he didn't mind so much. he was just being a big baby.
the car trip was short and quiet, mainly because changbin was tired from all the travelling they had done to get to your house. plus, their schedule has been so full lately, they were lucky to have this time off.
wandering through isles, you began picking up ingredients and placing them intro a trolley.
"you really missed us?" changbin began, "me and chan of course..." he trailed off but a playful smile tugged at his lips.
"of course i am! jisung on the other hand..." you rolled your eyes, pushing the trolley along.
he chucked, "you really still hate each other? after all these years?"
you huffed, a little too obnoxiously, "yes. i do still hate him. and i'm sure he despises me too. i don't even know what it is... it's just... the way he treats me. he acts like he deserves my friendship, which he doesn't. it's something you earn."
"remind me to never piss you off." changbin laughed as he put a bag of chips in the trolley.
once you had everything you needed you put it through the register, changbin insisted he paid, since you were letting the three of them live with you.
shortly after you arrived home, you began cooking. while he wasn't the best, changbin offered to help as best he could. you actually thought it was really sweet. he passed you utensils, condiments and he even set the table.
meanwhile, chan was fast asleep in the guest room and jisung was showering in the provided ensuite. you turned to changbin and high fived him, "we're all done! i should wake up chan. you can start eating if you want." proud of his efforts, changbin sat down and began to eat.
gently pressing the door open to the guest room, you whispered, "chan? dinner is ready." you walked over to him and was about to softly shake him when jisung walked out of the bathroom, only a towel around his waist. his tousled wet hair dripped little drops of water down his chest and it was rather overwhelming to see him so exposed.
contrary to your thoughts, he couldn't care less, he enjoyed watching the way you panicked and blushed heavily. if this is what it takes. he thought.
"oh! um, jisung. i'm so sorry, i was just coming to tell chan that dinner is ready, i should've knocked or-" you blurted out in a quiet voice, weary of chan waking up.
jisung let out a low chuckle, "it's fine, y/n. i'll wake him up once i've dressed."
"thanks," you said as you went to leave, "wait... no snarky comment?" you puzzled.
he said nothing, just winked at you as you closed the door.
you joined changbin at the dinner table, sitting across from him. "how's the food?" you asked as you took a bite for yourself.
"y/n it's amazing! you're seriously a great cook. man, i wish i was this good." he said as he took a small bite of the spaghetti you had prepared.
at that moment, chan dawdled out the door and jisung closely behind. they joined you at the table and also began eating.
"don't worry about it binnie, i can teach you to cook, years of living on my own without chan seems to have payed off a bit." you joked.
"binnie?" jisung questioned the nickname you had given to changbin, whilst changbin sat there furiously blushing. he tried to hide it by lowering his head but that honestly seemed it give it away more.
"sounds cute." you shrugged, not thinking much of it.
chan cleared his throat, "okay so here's the plan for tomorrow," he began, taking another bite of spaghetti, "changbin and i have to go talk to JYP about an upcoming show we are doing, so we could be gone all day with that. there's lots to plan."
"wait a second, why am i not going? i'm apart of 3racha too." jisung stated.
changbin replied, "did you get the email from him?"
jisung shook his head, "well, no but-"
"then you're not coming." changbin grinned cheekily, knowing this upset jisung.
when everyone had finished with their meal, changbin stood up and collected all the dirty dishes, only to begin washing them in the sink. you quickly tried to stop him, "oh, changbin! don't worry i can do that." you said as you tried to take over, but he refused.
"no. you won't. dinner was great! you've done enough for today, if we are gonna be living here for the next few weeks then i might as well be of some use." he smiled at you before nodding to the tv, signalling for you to relax.
tired as ever, chan come over and kissed your head goodnight before going back to sleep. by now it was nearly 10pm, you had a late dinner but that was because they arrived later than expected.
you sat down on the sofa and began browsing movies. you decided to watch your favourite, even though you've seen it a million times. once he was finished with the dishes, changbin joined you on the sofa to watch the movie, you quickly filled him in on all the little details of the plot.
jisung was still sitting at the dinner table, scrolling through his phone, he was contemplating coming to join the two of you in watching the movie, but decided against it when he saw changbin put his arm around you. rolling his eyes and scoffing a little too loud, jisung stood up and went to the guest room he was sharing with chan. he tried his best not to slam the door but somehow that didn't happen.
"huh, wonder what's up with him?" changbin asked, looking at the door wide eyed. "i'll go check, sorry, i'll be back in a sec." he followed jisung into the guest room, you heard changbin quietly ask if he was okay.
what started as a whispered discussion soon became a hushed argument, you were worried that soon they would start yelling at each other. luckily chan was a deep sleeper, he also slept with earphones in, so you were pretty sure he wouldn't hear any of it.
the minutes passed and their quarreling continued, you debated going in there to try and make some peace but you decided against it, this seemed to be something personal between the two of them. instead, you switched off the tv and the lights, and went got ready for bed. as you were about to close your eyes you heard the jingle of keys and the sound of the door opening and closing. whoever it was, you knew they could take care of themselves, they were both adults and probably just needed some space.
when you woke up, it was around 7am. you quickly threw a hoodie on over your shirt, feeling a bit cold and walked into the living space to see changbin, sleeping softly on the sofa. it only just occurred to you that there wasn't enough beds for all of you in your current living situation.
you gently peeked into chan's room to see him sprawled out, sleeping a deep sleep. you smiled to yourself, knowing that he got all the sleep he deserved. the empty bed in the room didn't go unnoticed however.
it was jisung who left last night. and he didn't seem to be back yet.
slightly worried, you decided to cook up some bacon and eggs for when the boys woke up.
"morning y/n." you turned around to see changbin leaning against the kitchen counter.
you smiled, "morning! sorry if i woke you up, i'm just making some breakfast, you've probably got time to shower if you want to before you eat."
"serious? man, what did we do to deserve you?" changbin said looking at you sincerely.
you laughed lightly, "nothing, now go! and please wake chan up when you get out."
he just chuckled as he walked away and closed the guest room door behind him. you wondered if you should make enough breakfast for jisung, would he be back soon? if he wasn't, he could just re-heat it, you thought.
the last few pieces of bacon finished cooking so you begin buttering the toast, you made a lot knowing that chan has a big appetite and there was a good chance they wouldn't have time to eat today. your train of thought was interrupted once again by changbin.
"anything i can do to help?" he asked, he was dressed quite smartly, but you understood as he was going to console with JYP himself.
"nope! i'm just about done, plus, you wouldn't want to dirty your clothes," you said as you began serving breakfast.
"ah okay, i woke chan up, he wanted to have a shower so he shouldn't be too much longer." he said, "can i?" he asked, pointing to one of the cups of steaming hot coffee you set on the counter.
"of course!" you said. a question burned in the back of your mind and you wondered if you should ask or not. "uh, changbin..." you began.
changbin knew exactly what you were about to say, "he's okay, y/n. he just wanted some space." his eyes stared at the wall blankly. there was more to this than needing space.
"so.. why was he upset then? you guys had a pretty heated argument.."
changbin's eyes met yours, "i'm sorry you had to hear that." he took a sip of coffee, "we just had a bit of a disagreement, it happens all the time... you see, the thing is-"
"good morning to my favourite people!" chan said as he waltzed out of the guest room, also looking rather sharp.
you and changbin smiled at his enthusiasm, "morning!" the two of you chimed back.
"breakfast made? hot coffee? you seriously are the best sister in the world! it's like we're staying at a five star hotel." chan said picking up a mug of coffee.
you laughed, "i'm your only sister."
he shrugged, "still the best," he took a sip and hummed, looking around the room, "hey, where's jisung?"
"i don't know. i heard him leave last night." you said, placing two plates of food at the dinner table.
chan sent a red hot glare at changbin, knowing exactly why jisung would've stormed out. changbin looked away sheepishly.
"okay, well, breakfast is ready! eat up, you guys have a busy day." you said sitting down in front of a plate.
chan and changbin began discussing things for later with JYP, while you just sat their mindlessly eating your breakfast. you still couldn't help but wonder where jisung had went, and why he wasn't back yet.
you had completely zoned out and was just picking at the scraps of your plate when chan spoke, "well that was seriously great y/n! what a good way to start the day."
you smiled at your brother, "ah, it's the least i can do, maybe you could ask JYP if you can dedicate a song to me in return."
the three of you laughed and you began to clear up the plates while the boys finished getting ready. shortly after, they said their goodbyes and closed the front door behind them. although the door muffled his voice, you heard chan say to changbin, "you seriously fought over that again?"
you sighed to yourself, what were you going to do all day? you decided to finish cleaning up and have a shower.
you let the water run until it was warm before stepping in, you had to remember to be mindful because you often got carried away and distracted in the shower and lost track of time.
which is, exactly what happened, before you knew it you had been half an hour. shit, you thought. as you wrapped a towel around your body, you remembered jisung and how you saw a little too much of him after he showered. you blushed furiously just remembering it. that's when you realised that your feelings for changbin were just a deflection of the feelings you have for jisung. you're ridiculous, you thought. he hates you, despises you, enjoys making fun of you. you quickly ruled out the possibility of him ever returning the feeling and finished dressing.
you spent the day multitasking some of your studies while watching movie after movie, trying to be somewhat productive. your stomach suddenly growled and you checked the time, "must be time for lun-" you said aloud, "oh, it's 5pm." you laughed at your silly sense of time and how you had got carried away all day. but you soon frowned, 5pm and jisung still wasn't back?
since the boys weren't home you made yourself a light meal and sat at the dinner table alone, listening to some background music. it was actually quite relaxing. the evening golden sun shone through the window as you finished eating. you quickly began washing up your plate, when you heard the door creak open.
"oh, chan you're home! i just finished eating, but i can make something for you and changbin just give me a min-" but when you turned around to greet them, it wasn't chan or changbin. it was jisung. "jisung."
"are you gonna admit that you missed me this time? or do i have to leave for longer?" he smirked but you just sighed in relief. you hated to confess that you worried you wouldn't hear his stupid comments for a long while.
you spoke quietly, "of course i missed you. i was worried sick."
"oh? worried now?" he toyed.
"yes, worried! i heard you arguing with changbin and then you left!" you exclaimed.
his face turned away at the mention of changbin's name, "well sometimes changbin and i argue, it's normal."
you scoffed, "that's what he said."
"he told you?" jisung asked.
"no, he didn't tell me what you fought about, but it would seem that it isn't the first time because i heard chan scolding him after they left this morning." you admitted.
"they're not back?"
you shook your head, "nope," jisung looked away, "look, i just had dinner but is there anything you want?"
"yeah." he began.
"what would you like?" you asked.
"you." jisung said bluntly, catching you off guard. "and changbin wants you too."
it all made sense now. "oh, i, i see.." you said, quite taken aback. "jisung, it could ruin everything, we'd be playing with fire."
"i don't care, y/n." he said taking a few steps closer.
"but, chan is my brother." you said.
"he's my best friend." jisung countered, coming closer again.
"what about changbin?" you asked.
"he's also my best friend." at this point, jisung was standing face to face with you.
"hang on a second," you took a step back, hitting the counter, "i don't owe you anything." you whispered, pressing a finger to his lips.
he smirked, "but i owe you everything."
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capesandshapes · 3 years
All You Had to Do Was Stay (Post Reveal/ Pre Relationship) (1/4)
Thanks to LNC for the title!
Three years ago, Marinette revealed her identity to him. Three years ago, he promised to wait in a hotel room for her. Three years ago, she opened the door to find it empty.
Now she's expected to play nice with him, since she's the maid of honor and he's unfortunately the best man. But old habits die hard, and old feelings die harder.
"This is a wedding, not a death march, Marinette."
Things that need to be done before Alya Cesaire could marry Nino Lahiffe:
1. Designs combining both Martinique culture and Réunion style needed to be made for the whole wedding party. Everyone should get to have a say in what they wear.
2. The video of Alya dancing overenthusiastically to the cupid shuffle needed to be removed from Lila Rossi’s Instagram, lest Nino’s nana see and wonder what type of woman he’s marrying.
3. The cake tasting needed to be had. Marinette needed to make sure that her parents didn’t go overboard and keep the couple for the whole night. Even if Alya was practically their daughter. Even if they begged. Even if papa cried.
4. A totally unique and unreplicable combination Bachelor and Bachelorette party needed to be planned.
And, lastly… The most difficult of all:
5. Marinette somehow needed to be able to stand in a room with Nino’s best man, Adrien, and hold a conversation for more than five minutes. Even if, three years ago, he found out her identity, left Paris, and broke her heart.
“Easy,” Marinette groaned, sinking further into her barstool as she closed her notes app, her head touching the counter of the bar. She’d already crossed off the top two of the list items, and yet…
“I’m not asking for a miracle,” Alya began, obviously knowing what she was thinking about. She was the one to ask Marinette out that night, wanting to find out her progress… and also to check in on her wellbeing. It was obvious that she felt bad, she knew how things went between the two and how Marinette originally thought they would go. But she couldn’t just ask Nino not to have Adrien be his best man. “Five minutes, that’s all I’m asking. Just five minutes in a room together. You quickly plan the bachelorette party, since we know that you’re far too organized not to, give him the run down, and then leave. Back to your life, back to doing whatever it is you do now.”
“Sit at home. Alone,” Marinette supplied.
Alya grimaced. “It’s for the best that Luka got married, Marinette. You couldn’t keep playing that game. All that kiss and tell was gonna kill you some day.”
Marinette groaned, somehow sinking further into the wood of the bar. Anymore and she’d become part of the grain.
“Plus, Juleka’s in a better mood with you now,” Alya said, obviously looking at the other young woman as she undoubtedly danced on the floor with Rose. Marinette’s habit of coming back to Paris and making out with her brother had obviously put a strain on their relationship, even if Luka insisted that things weren’t committal and he was totally fine with only seeing her twice a year. “Who knows, maybe Nino will have a handsome cousin and you’ll fall madly in love.”
Marinette raised the side of her head to cast Alya a glare from one eye.
Alya didn’t falter. “So, he’s back. After spending three years in New York, Milan, Hong Kong, and Tokyo. I get it, it’s life changing, it’s world ending, it’s all the things you don’t want and more—especially after how things ended,” Marinette groaned, Alya carried on, “but, you know who else is back? Max, Rose, unfortunately Lila, and Kim. Good old Kim. All your friends, everyone who you’ve known for years, everyone who has missed you as you flitted in and out of Paris! Sure, you found out that Adrien was Chat Noir, went to his hotel room, thought you were finally going to get together, and then opened the door to find it empty—but you know, life happens! And when you least expect it, it keeps going on and on and on and on!”
Marinette turned her face back to the wood.
“I really did try to get Nino to change his mind,” Alya said flatly. “I begged.” Marinette doubted it, but…
“Why couldn’t he just stay in New York?” Marinette mumbled.
“Because Nino is his best friend.”
“Why couldn’t Nino go to New York,” Marinette said, “or Adrien done a zoom call for the wedding.”
Alya snorted. “Okay, that’s it,” she said, grabbing Marinette’s arm. “Adrien’s landing today, nothing’s going to stop it, you just have to clear your head and power on.” She leaned into Marinette’s view as her friend finally turned her head, insistently stating, “you were Ladybug for god’s sake. Even if no one else knows it, you do. I do. You gotta suit up, lovebug, and face the day, lest another evil butterfly come flying by.” Never mind the fact that there hadn’t been an Akuma in years.
Not since Gabriel Agreste was arrested.
Marinette rolled her eyes, finally lifting herself off the bar.
“There’s my girl,” Alya said. “Now, finish your dirty shirley, order another drink, and come do karaoke with me. I’m a hundred percent certain that I saw Say You’ll Be There on the song list, and you know that I’ve been singing Spice Girls since I was in diapers.”
Marinette stumbled into her apartment at one am. Not drunk, she didn’t get drunk, not out in public at bars. In friends’ apartments, maybe. She was still a bit tipsy which was, in its own way, dangerous. But she could fight through it, maybe.
Kicking off her heels, she looked at it, the studio she called home and had once been so proud of a few years back, the same studio she’d lived in ever since she was a fashion design student. The same one in which she’d left Chat knocking on her balcony door when she struggled to stay asleep, and eventually relented to let him in time and time again before he knew who she was.
“Someday, I’m going to move,” she grumbled, beginning to pull the bobby pins from her hair. She wouldn’t, of course, not for a long time. Rent-controlled apartments were rare, and while she pretended that the history that practically stained her hardwood floors was something she would rather forget, she was a nostalgic young woman. She’d be there for at least another five years, or until she was finally well and truly over Chat.
Five years would probably come first.
She passed by the photos washi taped to her walls, the ones where fourteen-year-old kids gave toothy smiles and eighteen-year-old young women gave winks while leaning into blond young men. If she was so concerned about history, she’d have to get rid of those first.
She sighed, finally removing the last bobby pin from her hair and letting it fall down her back, placing the black pin in one of the many bowls around her apartment placed for that very reason. Adrien would be in Paris by then, she was sure. He was probably sound asleep in the Agreste mansion.
“Welcome home, kitty,” she said sarcastically, beginning to climb the steps to her lofted bedroom, a space that was not unlike her childhood room.
This wasn’t how she expected things to be.
Of course, this wasn’t how anyone expected things to be. If you asked anyone, they told you how the story ended. Ladybug and Chat Noir finally got together, they were hiding in Paris somewhere, they were in love. They probably had kids, a dog, a hamster—normal jobs and normal lives. That was what the people of Paris wanted. She thought that that was the ending they would get.
She thought that when she went to the hotel room that night, he would be there. She thought that he was happy to know who she was. She thought that he loved her.
She thought wrong.
Marinette always thought wrong.
She thought she could get over him. She thought making out with Luka was a solution, one that she could keep trying every time she went to Paris. She thought that she would miss Adrien more than Chat, the promise of love more than sitting in her bed and watching subtitled anime while he mouthed the English translations.
By now, she thought she’d be waking up to someone else. That maybe she’d have a steady life, someone to wrap their arms around her in the morning.
Adulthood hits hard.
“Adrien Agreste,” she said, flopping back in her bed and pulling open her phone. She wasn’t above social media stalking.
There he was. Gold hair, tanned skin, too many muscles to know what to do with. Landed in Paris four hours ago, his Instagram posted a picture of him with his arm around Nino. His eyes were still kind, his smile still flawless. Her heart still pounded.
“Jerk,” she muttered, letting her phone fall down beside her. “I didn’t need you anyway,” except for all those times she did. Like when she put the earrings back in the box and said goodbye to one of her closest friends. She could have used him then.
She could have used him a lot of times.
Her eyes stayed glued to the ceiling, her chest rising and falling with every breath. There was no sound, no doting kwami, no laughter from her parents, and no Alya playing with her hair. Just her.
“Now I’m going to see you and fall in love with you all over again,” she said, wishing she could steel herself against the inevitable.
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amazingmaeve · 4 years
Sweater ↠ Draco Malfoy
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Draco Malfoy Masterlist // Harry Potter Masterlist
Draco Malfoy x Slytherin!Fem!Reader
Summary: Y/N and Draco have been best friends ever since their first year. She’s been harboring feelings for him ever since their 3rd year. But when a girl comes to Hogwarts taking Dracos attention, Y/N thinks back to when he gave her his sweater
Request: Hi cod you please write a Draco x reader based off of the song heather by Cohan Gray where Draco and the reader are close and a new girl comes along who she thinks is a lot prettier than her? Maybe a lot of angst with some fluff at the end.
Requested by: Anonymous
Warnings: Angst, fluff, swearing
AN: Heather by Conan Gray
Y/N hated her potions class. Snape was a very hard teacher to get good grades. But one thing about thing about the class was good.
Draco Malfoy.
Also known as her best friend and her crush for years. She met the Malfoy boy in their 1st year when they were both sorted into Slytherin.
Y/N was so happy she met him. Draco helped her with everything. Schoolwork, social life and even her family life. Though Y/N helped with his home life since Draco didn’t have the most stable family.
When Y/N began liking him she tried to make it more obvious so Draco would know she liked him. But Draco was an oblivious to all of her soft touches on his arm, kisses to his cheek and Y/N even flirting with him.
Y/N thought he would catch on and either admit his feelings or tell her to back off.
But nothing.
Draco didn’t notice any of Y/N’s tactics. It angered her and saddened since she felt like she loved him. Romantically and platonically.
So Y/N stopped after a couple of weeks not wanting to give their friendship up because of her feelings. But that didn’t stop the feelings she had for him.
Y/N ignored the butterflies in her stomach when she was around him and just went on normally.
But there was this one time where Y/N thought he felt the same about her.
It was a cold and chilly night on the astronomy towers were Y/N and Draco sat on one of the benches.
The two were talking about their days and just sitting comfortably in the silence.
“God I hated potions today,” Y/N grumbled wrapping her arms around herself trying to get warmer.
“You hate potions everyday,” Draco scoffs while smiling.
“Yeah but more so today,” Y/N corrected herself turning to face the Malfoy boy. “How can you stand Snape,” She asks curiosity running through her eyes.
Y/N picked around the skin around the nails. It was a nervous habit she had.
“Just doesn’t bother me as much as my father does,” Draco stared and Y/N looked at him with sympathy in her eyes.
Y/N put her hand on his to comfort him. Draco cringed noticing how cold she was.
“Merlins your freezing Y/N,” Draco could hear her shivering.
“It’s fine it’s just a chilly night,” Y/N smiled squeezing his hand. Draco took his hand off hers and took his sweater off.
“Lift your arms,” Draco instructed which made Y/N look at him confused. “Just do it,” Draco said annoyed. Y/N rolled her eyes lifting her arms as he put the sweater on her.
“Draco no you’ll freeze then,” Y/N put some of her hair behind her ears since it was all in her face and couldn’t see straight.
“I’m fine I don’t want you to die from hypothermia,” Draco stayed and sat back down. “And plus we are probably gonna have to go in soon,” He mentioned.
Y/N smiled at Draco who smiled back. Y/N could feel her heart rate increase as she felt really giddy spending time with Draco.
The two Slytherins talked for another half an hour when Y/N noticed the time and mentioned it.
“Merlins beard I didn’t notice the time,” Y/N looked at the time in shock. They’ve been talking for so long she didn’t notice she should be in bed.
“Let’s get to bed before the prefects come for our necks,” Draco jokes making Y/N laugh.
As they entered to common room out of breath Draco said goodnight to Y/N who stopped him before he left.
“Wait Draco your sweater,” Y/N whispered not wanting to wake the people up. She was about to pull the clothing off but Draco stopped her.
“No keep it looks better on you love,” Draco winked at Y/N who felt like she was out of breath.
Y/N could feel a smile cross her lips as she got to her dorm and got ready for bed. Y/N hugged his sweater as she went to bed thinking Draco felt the same about her.
But he didn’t. At least Y/N thought so.
The next day a new girl came to the school. And Y/N could see Draco get memorized by her.
Her name was Aurora. She was insanely beautiful and incredibly smart. But Y/N thought nothing would come out of it and everything would go away.
But it didn’t.
Everyone kept talking about her. Especially Draco. Y/N thought Draco was in love with the girl and when he talked about her Y/N wished she were in Auroras position.
Draco admired the girl and whenever they talked it was always about Aurora.
Y/N kept her hatred for the girl hidden since she wanted Draco to be happy. And plus she only dislikes Aurora because of the way Draco felt about her.
Y/N noticed she was a really sweet girl which made it harder for Y/N.
Y/N also noticed her and Draco haven’t been spending much time together. And it was a surprise to Aurora and Draco talking on the couch all cuddled up.
Y/N had tears in the corner of her eyes. She ran up the tears hoping she didn’t get noticed.
She crashed on the bed letting out the tears that were so desperately trying to escape. Y/N grabbed the sweater of Dracos from the under her pillow and hugged it while she cried.
Y/N really thought she had something with Draco. It also felt like she was losing her best friend.
Y/N was usually in the place of Aurora since her and Draco cuddled often. But what made it worse it seemed like Draco didn’t care that Y/N wasn’t around as much.
Over the next few days Y/N tried talking to the blonde only getting interrupted by Aurora who gave her a sweet smile.
Y/N would walk off with a frown clutching her school books.
She thought about just talking to him about her feelings but decided against since she had a feeling in the pit of her stomach.
At night Y/N would usually be sleeping with Dracos sweater since it was the only thing of Dracos she had. And now since they were apparently having problems it comforted her.
One day a few weeks later Y/N got detention from Snape since Y/N talked back to him in class which angered him. But Y/N was sitting on the couch in the Slytherin common room when Draco barged in.
“I heard what happened with Snape to day,” Draco soothingly stayed and sat next to Y/N who rolled her eyes. Why is he talking to her now after weeks of not talking? “Are you ok,” He asks warily.
“I’m fine,” Y/N said in a monotone voice trying to focus on her charms essay that was due in a few days. Y/N was biting her lip which was another bad habit she had.
“Are you sure I know how bad Snape can tick you off,” Draco tried to comfort the girl who had an angered expression on her face.
“Why don’t you just go and hang with Aurora and leave me the hell alone,” Y/N seethed at the boy who’s eyes widen.
“What does this have to Aurora,” Draco narrowed his eyes taping his foot against the floor.
“Well we’ve barely talked these last few weeks because you were to busy trying to get in her pants,” Y/N shouted. They were lucky everyone was as at Hogsmeade.
“You can’t be serious,” Draco huffed and got up where Y/N was now standing. “Wait are you jealous,” He asked realizing something.
“No why would I be jealous of a girl who’s trying to steal my best friend,” Y/N sarcastically stated rolling her eyes.
“Can’t believe you’re jealous,” Draco muttered smirking to himself.
“Oh so your proud of yourself for basically ignoring me for weeks,” Y/N hissed anger bubbling in her stomachZ
“No just proud you were jealous,” Draco crossed his arms around his chest feeling happy with himself.
“Of course you don’t care,” Y/N scoffed. “I guess you don’t care that I’ve loved you for years and have tried everything to get you to see it but just one girl comes and bats her eyelashes and you fall to the ground,” She ranted to the boy who’s cocky expression changed to a shocked one.
“What,” Draco asked in a whisper.
“Never mind just go find Aurora I’m sure she’s looking for you,” Y/N ran her hands through her hair. She gathered her things up shoving her shoulder with Dracos going up to her room.
As Y/N sat on the bed she felt a weight lifted off her shoulders as she admitted her feelings.
For the rest of the night she finished her homework trying to get Draco out of her mind and it seemed to work until she got an owl from Draco.
‘Come to the astronomy tower in 5’ - Draco
Y/N debated whether she should go for a minutes. It would embarrass her if she went and he rejected her.
But she couldn’t run anymore so she decided to go.
“What do you want Draco,” Y/N sighed as she entered the astronomy tower with a tired expression on her face.
“I wanted to talk,” Draco whispered leaning his arms on the railing and looking up at the sky not facing Y/N.
Y/N walked up next to him and state, “If you’re just going to reject me can we get over it because I’m already emb-,” Y/N was caught off by Draco grabbing her waist and putting his lips on hers.
Y/N was flabbergasted at first but wrapped her arms around hip molding her lips with his. Y/N’s wanted to do this for years.
“Draco we cant,” Y/N said out of breath putting her hands on his chest removing her lips from his.
“Why not love,” Draco smirked as pushed some of her hair behind her ear then caressing her cheek with his cold hand.
“Aurora,” Y/N just stated.
“Aurora and I aren’t dating we were just friends and she helped me make you jealous,” Draco explained.
“You were trying to make me jealous,” Y/N’s eyes widen. “You jerk I cried over you,” She pushed his shoulder away feeling angry at him.
“I’m sorry I just wanted you to admit your feelings,” Draco apologized putting his hands back on her waist. “Will you forgive me,” he asked leaning his forehead against her.
Y/N thought about it for a second before giving him a soft smile.
“Of course I can’t stay mad at you,” Y/N teased leaning up to kiss him.
After the kiss Y/N leaned her head on his chest listening to his heartbeat the thumbing calming her.
“Still have your sweater.”
“I know love.”
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stxrryrobin · 3 years
TW emotional abuse, self harm, suicidal emotions
my dad constantly bullies me saying every single day “how are u gonna make it in the world if u can’t even do (blank)?!” It will literally happen when I’m just vibing or whatever. He knows I deal with depression and anxiety and am in the process of trying to get better, thus some days are harder than others. On those days I have my mum help me with some stuff. I’m also a huge germaphobe so he takes it out on me for not doing everyone’s dishes.
Well today was another day of “how are u gonna make it in the world if u can’t even do (blank)?!”
I was fed up and done with it. I told him to stop bullying me and he just sat there with no emotions while I cried and screamed after dealing with 17 years of him constantly hurting me and bullying me and him never admitting to it/him calling me the bad guy/him never feeling sorry or having emotion when I cry. I was DONE. So I went off on a tangent, telling him he can’t treat me like this anyone.
And look who decides to come down stairs! My brother who is 20 years older than me and has been homophobic to me in the past! (I also hardly even know this dude. He’s just sorta here)
I heard him telling my mum in the other room that he agrees with my dad (he’s not even his dad either. My dad actually hates my brother) and I was fuming at this point. It was 17 years of being bullied and torn down and made to seem crazy for feeling hurt all coming out at once. It was all hazy, felt like I was floating and in a dream. It didn’t even feel real. So of course I went over to my brother (cuz hey, there’s nothing to lose when I don’t even feel present! Not true) and asked if he wanted to start now.
He went on about how he agreed with my dad and how his dad said the same thing to him (mind it he hates his dad and doesn’t talk to him). So I said how he doesn’t even like his dad so now he’s applauding his parenting? He then went to say how his dad was way worse than mine is. I then stated that just because his dad was worse I’m not allowed to feel hurt by mine? And then he said I’m twisting his words and he slammed the door shut.
Mind it, this whole time I’m screaming and all they see is this crazy women. When in reality I’m just someone who has been pushed around my whole life, sick of taking it, and the people who have treated me like shit won’t listen to me.
Soooo that was my evening! I feel so out of it. I was sobbing for hours. My mum and I even started looking for a new house, despite it not even being a possibility. I was suicidal for a few hours and I’ve never felt like that before. Also not proud to say I scratched my arm up quite a lot to try to numb the pain. I just feel so lost and depressed. I know my life will get better soon. But I’m always stuck with them for family. And it sucks. I’m already nervous to leave home and now I have two people pig piling on me to say I’m not gonna make it in life. I feel like shit. I feel depressed and stuck. I feel lost and hazy. I just need a hug and someone to tell me it’s gonna be ok. I need advice on how to get through this.
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inseongsfoxybae · 4 years
Pairing: Boyfriend Hwiyoung + Female Reader; established relationship
Genre: Smut
Warnings: Semi-public sex, rough sex, blowjob/face fucking, oral, fingering, unproteced sex (reader’s on birth control), creampie
Words: +1,9k
Requested by anon: Hi bby, I hope I am not asking for much, but can you please do a smut scenario with Hwiyoung where the reader teases him while they are around their family or the boys and he goes home to teach her a lesson, in short I am asking for a rough sex with Hwiyoung hehe. xoxo
Author’s message: Hey, bb! I had a great time writing this, so I hope you like and enjoy it a lot ❤❤ Foxy kisses 😘
P.S: As english is not my mother language, it may contain misspelled. Also, sorry for any other mistakes :)
Synopsis: Who says you can’t make someone else’s special night yours as well?
help 🥵
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After dating Hwiyoung for the past two years, you were part of his family already and his parents and older sister simply treated you as one of them. They loved having you around in their house, whether for a quick dinner or a family trip on weekend.
And today all of you were together on a special night. Your sister-in-law’s boyfriend would finally propose to her, so he and her parents prepared a garden party with all their best friends and closest relatives to create a cozy and romantic mood.
You and Hwiyoung were the first one to arrive, so you could help them to finish the final details. The garden was so beautiful, all lit up and decorated with flowers, their sweet fragrance filling the warm air of that sunset as the guests were everywhere. 
You glanced at Hwiyoung and caught him staring fondly at you, a soft gummy smile showing off his lips when your eyes met. You slowly got closer to him and snake your hands around his waist, pecking his neck. 
“Like what you see?”, you asked teasingly at him, fingers tracing soft patterns over his clothed chest. 
“I love it”, Hwiyoung answered, brushing his nose on your cheek. “And I can’t wait to get home and have you all for me”, he whispered very close to your ear, making you shiver in places you couldn’t deal with at that moment. 
Honestly, you’ve been a little needy all day, but you shrugged it off and focused only on your event, trying not to spoil such a special day for your boyfriend’s family. But now you knew Hwiyoung felt the same way and you were willing to tease him the best you can, so maybe you could earn a reward when you got home later.
During dinner, taking advantage of the long towel covering the table and falling on her legs, one of your hands slowly slid up over Hwiyoung’s thighs, rubbing softly his covered muscles, feeling him tensing when your fingers got too close to his crotch. 
“What do you think you are doing, babe?”, he murmured against your ear, faking a smile to the people around you. 
“Just what you want, love”, you whispered back, smiling genuinely while enjoying his nervous expression. 
Your hand kept traveling up and down his thigh, hovering over his hardening cock, but never touching it for real. You deliciously watched his clenched jaw and tension face, knowing he was using all his strength to not fuck you right there and then. And, at the same time, you felt your arousal soaking your pussy, begging to be touched, to be filled. 
The fiance-to-be called all the guests to the center of the garden, claiming that he had an important announcement to tell you. Of course all of you knew what was about to come already, but you still have to fake surprised faces because of your confused sister-in-law. 
You and Hwiyoung stayed behind in that crowd of curious eyes and your eager boyfriend took that chance to wrap his arms around you and pulled you close to him, hands roaming all over your waist and hips, tracing the curves of your body in that tight dress. 
“Oh? What is this?”, Hwiyoung wondered, feeling nothing under your clothes. “No panties?”, he silently exclaimed into your ear, hips traveling down your neck and shoulders. 
“I’ve wanted you all day”, you breathed quickly, wiggling your hips against his hard dick that was poking your butt, eliciting a groan from his throat. 
Hwiyoung’s hands gripped your hips and still them against his crotch, slowly rubbing your ass on him, low moans escaping from both of your mouths as the crowd cheered for the couple in the center of the garden. 
“Youngkyun”, you gasped, trying to muffle your pants to a minimum.
“I want you too, babe. And I can’t wait any longer”, he breathed behind your ear and pulled into the house, immediately locking his lips with yours when you entered the room. Hwiyoung messily led you to his bedroom, breathless at the feeling of you unbuttoning his shirt on the way. 
You plopped into the bed with him hovering over you, faces just inches away from each other while his hand traced the curves of your clothed breasts and stomach, eyes attentively watching your teeth biting your bottom lip. His slenders fingers slid under your dress and found your dripping pussy, your juices were going down your inner thighs at this point.
“I’m gonna wreck you tonight, babe”, Hwiyoung growled with a devilish smirk on his lips before grounding his face into yours, hungrily kissing you as your head was spinning in anticipation. 
“Kyun”, you managed to breath when he parted for air, “the guests might hear us”. 
“So you better keep quiet”, he groaned, “or they’ll know what a little dirty girl you are”. 
His hoarse low tone made you shiver, the thought of being heard or caught turned you on even more, as you pulled Hwiyoung closer to your body. 
“So fuck me already”, you teased, hand reaching to palm his throbbing dick against his trousers. 
Hwiyoung got up and wasted no more time to take off his clothes as you did the same with your dress. He pushed you on the bed again and crawled up on you until his hard cock was the same level to your face. You gave him a long lick and pecked his leaking tip before swallowing all of him you could into your mouth, bobbing your head up and down, his breathy moans a sweet melody for you ears. 
One of your hands reached to stroke what you couldn’t take, as the other one massaged his balls. All the pleasure made Hwiyoung started to fuck downwards into your mouth, making tears roll down your cheeks and mix with the drool that scaped from the corners of your mouth. 
Your blows met his thrusts in a faster pace now, his deep moas and heavy hisses filling the dimly lit room. His movements were getting sloppy and you could feel his dick twitching inside your front.
“M’gonna cum”, he growled and with one last unforgiving thrust against your throat, his hot seeds filled your mouth, making you choke and cough with the thick liquid, but you swallowed all of him anyway. 
Hwiyoung pulled his member out of your mouth, a long strip of drool and cum connecting them as you stared at him with a proud smile on your face. He smirked and moved to the space between your parted legs, ready to return the favor. 
“That’s my good girl”, he mumbled very close to your heat. “I think you need a reward now”, he said, giving a generous lick to your soaked pussy and kissing your swollen clit, your juices covering his lips and making him even prettier and hotter.
You wanted to moan loud, having your throat screaming his name shamelessly, but you didn’t want the guests to ruin your private party, so you tried your best to control your moans. Poor your bottom lip, being mercilessly abused by your teeth. And poor sheets, being grabbed with all the strength of your wrists. 
Hwiyoung’s tongue licked, sucked and circled your clit harshly, making you see stars under your shut eyelids. His long fingers teased your entrance, two of them slowly thrusting into your dripping hole, your juices making his movements easier. 
He wanted to hear your moan loud, screaming his name, cursing freely into the cool air of the room. However, he didn’t want to be caught fucking you so good on his sister’s party. 
Fucking you… His favorite activity during steamy nights, when he could let himself get lost in you, when he could feel you closer to him, in every way possible, when he could forget all his worries and exhaustion. 
His head got lost in those thoughts, causing the ministrations of both his tongue and fingers to increase against your pussy. You could barely hold out your moans at this point, struggling hard to keep them stuck on your throat. You felt the knot into you tighten and your body squirmed as your orgasm was near. 
A sequel of heavy breaths and a long mewl broke free from your mouth as you came undone over Hwiyoung’s fingers, legs shaking hard as your head was cloudy. Hwiyoung crawled up over your body to kiss you, your juices covering his lips and mixing with your saliva as he made you taste yourself into his mouth. You could feel his dick hard again against your stomach and pulled him closer, making him landing on top of your sweaty body. 
“Fuck me for real now, Kyun”, you moaned into his lips, hips slowly bucking up to grind against his cock. “I want you in”. 
“You will regret this, babygirl”, he groaned against your skin, his mouth now attacking your sensitive neck. 
“Wreck me”, you breathed a last time before squealing at him harshly penetrating you, not giving you any chance to adjust to his size. 
His thrusts were fast, deep, rough while his teeth abused the soft skin of your neck and shoulders, leaving purple love marks on the way. Both of your heavy breaths and low moans echoed into the room. Your mouth took a good bite of his shoulders to muffle your uncontrollable cries, nails digging into his muscled back, breasts bouncing with the violence of his thrusts.  
Occasionally, Hwiyoung slowed down his movements and you could feel his prominent veins pulsing into your pussy. In one of these breaks, he changed your positions, so now you were on top of him, legs straddling him, chest against chest, as he picked up a pace of merciless upwards thrusts. 
You felt his dick twitching into your hole. He felt your walls clenching around his member. At this point, neither of you could hold back your moans and cries anymore - all the pleasure and the cacophonous sound of his body slamming against yours were driving you both crazy. 
A few rough deep thrusts later and you clenched helplessly against him, your waters washed over him. The feeling of your orgasm pushed him over the edge too and he came into you, his hot cum filling you up to the brim. 
Hwiyoung pulled out to make it easier for you to recover your breath, both of your fluids slipping down from your pussy to inner thighs. You laid down beside him and he put an arm over your waist, softly rubbing your back as you snuggled closer to his sweaty chest. 
“How do you feel?”, he broke the silence when you came back to your senses. 
“So good”, you sighed, finally feeling satisfied for the day. Both of you giggled, tired and relieved, cuddling for a little longer before you made out the party happening out there. 
“Maybe we should take a shower and get back to the party”, Hwiyoung talked as if he was reading your mind and you nodded.
“Nobody heard us, right?”, you suddenly wondered before getting up off the bed. 
“Of course not. All of them are too busy enjoying the lovebirds out there”, he chuckled. 
You took his hand and walked into the bathroom to wash yourselves and get ready to face the world out there again. As soon as you left the house and reached the garden, your sister-in-law came closer and smirked at you.
“Enjoyed the night, lovebirds?”, she teasingly whispered to you and both of your hearts jumped into your rib cages, watching some awkwards smiles in your direction.
And the two of you knew at this point: you fucked up. 
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yeahimaloser · 4 years
hi !! congrats on the 100 followers :D would you be able to write #11 from the fluff prompts for hawks ?
“I’m so proud of you.”
Hi, Thanks so much for requesting!
I just wanted to say how thankful I am for all of you! Whenever I see someone has commented, reblogged, liked, or just read my stuff makes my day!
I did this for 100 followers, but in the span of like 2 weeks, I now have 200! It really means the world to me so thank you! I plan to do something extra special for 300, and I’m so excited about that!
I’m sorry if this was a bit sappy, I just really wanted you guys to know! Thank you all so much for everything!
No pronouns mentioned
Warning: fighting, hurt Keigo, Keigo having a breakdown
Summary: after Keigo hasn’t seen you in so long, he’s finally had enough.
Requests closed
Word count: 2k
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It was such a long week for Keigo, he was so tired. All he wanted to do was cuddle up to you, feel your lovely body, taste your sweet lips. Was that too much to ask? To hold you close to him, to feel you with him. He was sure you would soothe him from his hollowness, he could be himself with you. He could just be Keigo. And he loved that you let him, you supported him and let him be with you, he didn’t need to be Hawks. He could be who he was, even if who he was was a broken shell of a man. So to say he missed you would be an understatement.
It had been hard for him, for him not to see you in a week. But it was for a mission, so he was forced to. But his hunger for you grew and grew till you consumed his every thought. Till you were all he wanted, all he could think off. He wanted to soak in the luxurious warmth of your skin, to bask in your presence, to be spoiled with your loving kisses. To hear your lovely voice, to feel your heavenly fingers work their way through the knots of his hair. He just wanted you.
But, today was the last day of his mission, and then he would fly at top speed to see you again. To feel you again.
But the universe had other plans for him.
He was called in to help against another villain attack, his sidekicks told him that it seemed to be a bad one. A lot of civilians got hurt in the attack. And although all he wanted to do was fly home to you, to hold you to him, he took off into the open air. Still thinking about your warm embrace.
When Keigo landed, he was met with villains attacking him from every corner, he wasn’t prepared. His mind just wasn’t in it.
A villain with some sort of strength quirk hit him square in his gut, sending him stumbling. Luckily, one of his sidekicks managed to subdue the villain. So Keigo turned to the other one, grabbing one of his bigger feathers to stop the villain.
However, he let his rage get the better of him. He was just so angry, he missed you so much, he wanted to feel you again. He couldn’t think straight, it was too hard, it was too much.
So he fought, he fought so he could see you again.
But he was sloppy.
He got cuts on his wings, bruises on his body, his face was bleeding and raw. He hurt. But he still fought on, he fought through the pain. He had to.
Even though it hurt he didn’t stop, he couldn’t. He had to finish this, he needed to get it over with so he could see you again.
When the fight was over, his need was too much. He brushed everyone aside, saying how he was fine. Telling the paramedics that his wounds were skin deep and that he would be ok.
And even though his wings hurt, he still flew to you. He still whipped through the air at top speed in order to feel you again.
He was so close he could feel it, how close he was. He was almost there, he was so close. Just a few more seconds.
A few more agonizing seconds.
When he finally burst through the window of your home, he was finished.
His body hurt, his mind couldn’t keep up with the pain he felt. Yet, it was his heart that kept him going, telling him that he would see you. And so, he pushed through it. He walked through the window, the window you would keep unlocked for him.
You were watching the TV when you heard him enter, you had been watching the news. You knew you shouldn’t have, it would only make you more anxious than you already were. It would only make you worry about Keigo, wondering if he would come back to you ok. But still, you watched it. You watched him get hurt and beaten, the entire time holding your breath. You tried to stop, but your mind told you to keep watching. That you needed to make sure he was ok.
After a week of not seeing him, you realized that he didn’t look the best. His hair was disheveled and he looked like a mess. He had eyebags that made you so worried about how he had been dealing with his mission. Was he doing ok? All this just made you even more anxious.
You were confused when he had left the scene, he was still so hurt, still so damaged. Why didn’t he let the paramedics take care of him? His wings looked so bad. Why was he flying?
When he entered your home, you stood up immediately. But then you saw his face, and you knew he needed you.
But Keigo couldn’t do it anymore, he was so tired, he was so done.
His knees hit the floor, he couldn’t even feel the pain. His mind was so foggy, his heart racing. His thoughts were so loud, he wanted it to stop, to make it all stop. For it to all go away. He wanted you to clear all his pain, for you to kiss it all away, to make it all better.
He knew you couldn’t, that it was humanly impossible, but you were damn near close to the cure of all his pain. The way you would hold him to you, the way you would talk to him, the way you would care for him.
You practically ran to his side, worried that he was hurt too badly. That he was in too much pain.
But when you kneeled down to help him, he just pulled you down to him, trapping you in his embrace. Putting his head in the crook of your neck, nuzzling himself into you. His wings, or what was left of them, wrapped around the both of you. Keigo just wanted to be closer to you, to feel your warmth, your love, he wanted to feel you.
You wrapped your arms around him, telling him silently that you were there, that you were here for him. That you would always be.
You knew how hard it was for Keigo, he had a hard time opening up, opening his real self up. so when he opened himself up to you, you knew you had to be there for him. And you didn’t mind, you loved him, you loved him so much. You wanted him to understand that he deserved love and that he deserved happiness and a place to feel himself. And if that was with you, you were content with that. You were glad it was you, you wanted to help him, to be there for him.
Because you loved him.
As you ran your fingers through his hair, he shuddered at your touch, holding you tighter. It was as if he thought you would disappear on him like you would leave if he didn’t hold you tighter. But you wouldn’t, you would stay with him no matter what.
Finally, you spoke, “Keigo, I’m here. I’m right here sweetie.”
But Keigo didn’t speak, he just took a shaky breath.
You thought for a moment, something that Keigo loved was praise. Especially when it came from you, he told you once how it mattered so much more when it came from you. Because it felt real.
“I saw you on the news,” you said, smiling a bit, “I’m so proud of you.”
That's when he lost it. The loneliness, the hurt, the heaviness of it all. He let it out, he had to. It bubbled over, spilling into his consciousness, spilling into his heart.
He cried into you, and he couldn’t stop. He sobbed into your neck, letting it all out, letting his emotions take over his body. He was just so tired, so exhausted from it all. From not seeing you, to not being himself with anyone but you. He felt so vulnerable with you, and he needed it. So he just cried, he let it out, the loneliness, the sadness, the helplessness.
And you let him, you wanted him to. You hated it when Keigo felt that he needed to put on a mask for people, for you. You wanted him to know that it was ok to be upset, you wanted him to be able to feel. To be able to let his emotions go, to let it out.
You stroked his head gently, praising him, telling him it was all ok, how you were right there with him. How you would never leave him, how he was good and kind. How he deserved happiness, how he deserved to cry.
Finally, Keigo pulled away from you, wiping the tears that clung to his cheeks, “Sorry, Y/N, I didn’t mean to-”
You kissed his cheek lightly, “Don’t apologize. I’ve told you, it’s ok to be upset, it’s human Keigo. It’s what you are.”
Keigo sniffed, still clearly upset, “Yeah, but I'm a hero. I’m supposed to put people's minds at ease. I’m supposed to be strong for people, for you. I’m not supposed to break like this.”
You stroked his cheek lightly, trying to reassure him, “Keigo, out there you're a hero. Out there your Hawks. but here, you're just Keigo. My Keigo. You’re yourself, your human, you’re vulnerable, you’re normal here. I will never expect anything more from you. I just want you to be ok, that's all I ask.”
You embraced him again, letting his head land on your shoulder, “Kei, honey, let’s go to bed ok? And we can cuddle and go to sleep. You’ve had a long day, lets get some rest.”
But as you got up, Keigo pulled you back down, “No! Don’t leave!”
It was insecurity of his, he was scared you were going to leave him, that when you let go you would be gone. And even though you’ve told him time and time again, he still clung to it. To his fear of abandonment, his fear that you would leave him when you let go. You never asked why he had those thoughts, you just wanted him to feel safe with you.
“Keigo, I’m not leaving. I promise,” you kissed him reassuringly, “I’m right here, I’m just gonna change and we can go to bed.”
“Do,” Keigo looked away, embarrassed, “do you have to? Can we just go right to bed?”
You smiled sadly at him, even though you haven't changed into your comfortable clothes, and even though Keigo smelled, you knew he needed this.
So you nodded, “Ok, Kei. We can.”
When you both climbed into bed, Keigo was attached to your hip. But you didn’t mind, if this was what reassured him, you would let him.
You looked up at him, and as you did he leaned into you, whispering lightly on your lips, “Can I kiss you?”
You smiled, “You don’t even have to ask.”
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Ok, I think that’s all the requests I have :) thank you again to everyone
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kn1feinthec0ffee · 3 years
new team - shoyo hinata
shoyo hinata x fem!reader
summary: you teach hinata some skills in middle school and to pay you back, he guarantees you a spot on the karasuno volleyball team.
word count: 1,737
notes: i rlly rlly liked writing this bc i love my boy hinata and this just flowed so naturally and i’m rlly proud of it :’)
i also usually write gender neutral reader bc i’m nb and i wanna cater to as many ppl as possible and make them feel valid, but it was kinda necessary to the story for reader to be fem in this one
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after setting a ball to your friend, you noticed a short boy by himself in the corner of the gym with bright orange hair, setting and receiving against the wall. you made your way over to him, observing that he actually wasn’t too bad.
“oi, redhead,” you called out playfully. he turned around with a look of confusion on his face, as if to say ‘me?’ “yeah you. i couldn’t help but notice you’re playing all by your lonesome over here. any particular reason for that?”
his cheeks tinged pink at the callout, but he responded nonetheless. “w-well there’s not enough boys for the school to create a boys volleyball club, so i’m trying to get as many hours of practice in at school as i can.”
you nodded in recognition of his situation. “well, sorry to say you won’t get very far if the wall is your only opponent. but you’re certainly welcome to practice with me when my practice is over. if you’re interested, of course.”
“woah, really? you’d do that for me?” he asked in astonishment, eyes going wide as saucers.
“of course i would. i may not know much about you, but i can tell you have a passion for the sport, and it’d be a real shame for that to fizzle out,” you smiled genuinely. “i’ll help you practice...”
it took him a moment to realize you were waiting for his name. “oh! hinata! shoyo hinata.” he introduced.
“well shoyo hinata, i’m y/n l/n and i look forward to practicing with you.” you grinned. a whistle blew behind you, pulling you from your conversation with the boy. “sorry, i’ll see you later!”
sure enough, you found him waiting out by the baseball field, spinning a volleyball in his palm. after a short while of practicing, you realized you had underestimated this kid and the power he can pack in his spikes. it was clear he needed to improve in his receives, but he was in remarkably good shape for playing against a wall every week.
the two of you quickly became good friends, shoyo becoming your number one supporter - aside from your parents, of course. he attended all your games, cheering obnoxiously loud when it was your turn to serve.
over the summer from 8th to 9th grade however, the two of you didn’t see each other nearly as often as you used to. you had to admit it made you sad; the sweet redheaded boy had carved a special spot in your heart and you missed him dearly.
you attended karasuno high school, hoping to join the girls volleyball club and make some new friends. upon examining the club applications, much to your dismay, it appeared that such a club didn’t exist.
volleyball was your passion, and it hurt that you had no way of pursuing it anymore.
hanging your head in defeat and crumpling up the paper, you heard footsteps approaching rapidly from in front of you. before you could look up, a body suddenly collided with you, nearly knocking you over with the momentum they had built up.
“y/n!” a familiar voice cried out. you quickly realized the voice belonged to hinata, who’s arms were currently wrapped around you.
“hinata! i can’t believe you go to school here! i’ve missed you so much!” you squealed, hugging him back.
he pulled away, a look of surprise on his face. “are you kidding? i can’t believe you go to school here! you oughta be wherever the best girls volleyball club is! speaking of that, have you joined yet?”
you glanced down to the crumpled paper that still pressed against your palm. “well that’s the thing, it’s not even a choice on the club application form. unfortunately, i don’t think karasuno has one.”
shoyo gasped dramatically, jaw falling open in shock. “so what are you gonna do? you can’t just not play anymore, you’re so good!”
you smiled at the compliment from the boy, but your expression grew sadder. “thanks, shoyo, but i’m not sure what i can do. this seems like it’s out of my hands.”
a look of determination painted his features as he grabbed you by the shoulders. “no, i’m not gonna let this happen to you. don’t worry, y/n, i’ll find a way for you to play.”
he ran off, leaving you alone with your thoughts in the deserted hallway.
despite having absolutely no idea what he was planning, you trusted the boy. you knew he had your best interests at heart and would do anything to help you succeed, and you adored him for that. you just hoped whatever method he had to allow you to play wasn’t too embarrassing for you; you weren’t too keen on begging some team to let you play for them, but you had a feeling hinata’s plan wouldn’t involve that.
“please?” hinata begged.
“a girl? join the team? i don’t know hinata, you’d have to run it by the coach.” daichi uttered hesitantly.
“but you’re the captain, daichi, you have the final say!” he reminded him.
daichi sighed. “yeah, you’re right. what’s so special about this girl?”
he watched as hinata’s eyes lit up in excitement when he spoke about her. “well she was the setter in middle school, but that was only because no one else was good enough to play that position. she’s really versatile and she taught me practically everything i know about spiking! she’s also got some mean overhand serving skills; she’d be a great addition to the team! please, daichi, pretty please?”
he looked down at the boy to see him glancing up with a pair of puppy eyes, intent on winning him over. daichi felt he was powerless to do anything but give in, though his description of you did sound pretty great if he was being honest.
“alright, i’ll talk to the coach and see what he thinks. bring her to our next practice and introduce her to everyone.” he said, not missing the bright grin that donned the redhead’s face at his words.
“thank you so much, sir! you won’t regret it, i promise!” he ran back towards the basket of balls to practice serving once more.
“where are you taking me, shoyo?” you muttered. “can you take your hands off yet?”
he had cornered you back in the main building, insisting you accompany him to some unknown destination he had in mind. since then, he had been walking directly behind you, his hands covering your eyes.
“i’ll show you...” he waited until you took a few more steps. “now!”
you blinked your eyes open to find yourself outside of the gym building. “the gym? what are we doing here, hinata?”
you turned to him and he grinned. “volleyball practice is about to start.”
“volleyball - as in boys volleyball? what am i doing here? am i here to watch you practice?”
he donned a soft smile at your confusion. “no, you’re gonna practice.”
your eyes widened. “i am? i don’t even have any athletic clothes, shoyo, i just have my uniform!”
“i wouldn’t worry too much about that today,” he pushed you towards the doors. “i’ll just be introducing you to everyone today.”
“introducing...? what is going on here, hinata?” you questioned. he pushed the door open to reveal a large group of mostly tall boys, all staring down at you.
most of them looked friendly and approachable, but several of them looked rather intimidating. “everyone, this is y/n. y/n, this is your new team.” shoyo announced.
you gasped, turning towards hinata. “m-my new team? you got me a spot on the team?”
the look of gratitude in your eyes had him blushing a bright pink and he scratched the back of his head nervously. “it was nothing, really. y-”
he was cut off as you hugged him tightly, thanking him for allowing you to continue the sport you loved. “you don’t have to thank me, it’s not a huge deal or anything.”
“are you kidding? it’s a huge deal! i can’t believe you did this for me!” your smile nearly reached your ears.
he walked you around the gym, introducing you to his teammates. sugawara and asahi were incredibly sweet, even offering to set you a few balls to test your spiking abilities, though you declined since you were still wearing a skirt.
the intimidating one you saw earlier - tsukkishima, you had learned - was not as sweet as the others you had met and seemed rather distant, though you hoped that would fade as you got to know him.
tanaka and nishinoya were full of energy and practically gushing over you even though they hadn’t yet witnessed your abilities.
the one shoyo introduced as kageyama shot you a nasty glare. “what position did you play?”
“setter,” you murmured, slightly on edge from the look of intensity in his eyes. that intensity morphed into fury after your words, intimidating you further.
you quickly remembered this was the incredible setter hinata had mentioned several times before. “o-oh! don’t worry, i don’t plan on taking your spot or anything, i’m sure you’re far better than i am!”
“good.” you smiled at him nervously. “if you’re good enough, maybe i’ll send you a couple sets.”
and of course you met daichi, the captain to whom you owed your spot on this team. he was very friendly and personable and you suspected he was the type to give inspirational speeches before games.
kageyama pulled hinata aside, practicing quick attacks with him, leaving you with daichi.
“hinata talks about you quite a bit, y’know,” daichi murmured, catching your attention.
“he does?” you queried. “all good things, i hope.”
the captain smiled down at you. “he speaks very highly about you and your skills. i think he’s got a bit of a bias since you taught him what he knows, but i don’t doubt you’ll really prove yourself on the court.”
your eyes went wide at the faith he already had in you, despite never seeing you play. “thank you, daichi, that really means a lot.”
the boys divided themselves into teams, starting a practice match as you and daichi observed from the sidelines. your eyes found hinata in the back row, who gave you a wide grin and a wave.
you waved back, your heart warming at the gesture. you had only just met the boys, but you couldn’t wait for the next practice.
i might make this a series? maybe?? maybe not?? idk but let me know what u think :D
tags: @aestosia​ @elysianslove​
not working: @akaashis-keiji @bloodydestiney 
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vanillasakura · 3 years
RDRSW21 Day 2- Epilogue
Title: I Learned it All By Heart
Words: 2098
Pairing: Abigail/Sadie
Warnings/Notes: NSFW
(Title from comme tu dis by Pomme)
I'll try to believe in myself. Like you say that you believe in me
“He almost loo.. Loo-kehd? No, that’s not a word.”
“You sure you don’t need any help, Ma?” Jack asked, looking at Abigail from across the kitchen table.
“I’ve got this, thanks though. I know this one, I know I do, it just always trips me up.”
“I can just read it to you, if you want. Or if you’d prefer that I wait until Miss Gaskill is able to come over, I don’t mind at all.”
“Jack, I wanna read what you wrote. I know I can’t offer as good advice as Mary-Beth, if I can even offer any at all, I just need to work on my readin’, or I’ll never get it at all.”
“That is true.” Jack clicked his tongue. “Do you want me to give you a hint?”
Abigail sighed. “Sure, that might help.”
“Two os next to each other don’t always make an ooo sound. Sometimes, like in the word ‘good’, they make-”
“Looked! ” Abigail exclaimed triumphantly, grabbing the pencil she kept next to her and writing down the word, its pronunciation, and Jack’s hint in her journal. She knew the alphabet by now (largely thanks to a mix of help from Jack, Charles, John, and, whenever she could make the trip west, Mary-Beth), but still struggled with bigger, more complicated words. Still, Jack told her she was doing great, and she supposed that was true, given that she could read through most of his old penny-novels now.
“Anyways, where was I.. ‘He almost looked like someone you would expect to find in a bib… bib-li-cal story, but this was not the bib … oh, bible, this was real life. This was a real man, and one who had lived... through his fair share of hardships, if the scars and the lines that marred his face were anything to go by.’ Jack,” Abigail put the paper down for a moment, looking her son in the eye, “this is amazing so far. I could never formulate words the way that you do.”
“Thanks Ma, I appreciate it.” Jack smiled, and Abigail did too. She was blessed that, despite all of the hardships he had gone through, Jack was still a happy and polite kid. He still loved reading more than anything (she doubted that would ever change, but why should it, when it provided him a way to pass his time and gave him a way to be happy?) and had been working on writing since he was eight or nine. Ever since John had run into Mary-Beth about six months ago, however, she had been coming out to Beecher’s Hope every few months, not only helping around the farm, but also doing her best to work with Abigail on her reading and giving Jack pointers on his writing. Honestly, as long as Jack was happy, Abigail was content. She wasn’t alone anymore, like she had been for so long, she had a wonderful lover, a husband who cared for her even if the romance had faded away, and said husband’s lover to lighten up her life in ways she had never dreamed possible for someone like her.
“You two been okay while I was gone?” The door swung open, and Abigail turned around to see Sadie walking in, a pleasant smile on her face.
“Sadie!” Abigail cried, getting up from her place at the table and running over to the other woman, practically throwing herself into her arms and kissing her cheek gently. 
Sadie chuckled, smoothing her hands over Abigail’s hair. “Oh come on, Abi, I didn’t leave you alone for that long, only eight hours or so.”
“Still, I missed you.” Abigail insisted, pulling back a bit to give Sadie some space. “D’you need anything? I bet you’re exhausted.”
“I’m alright, just need to rest a bit is all.” Sadie walked over to the table, peaking at the paper in front of Jack. “You still working on your story?”
“Yep. It’s coming along pretty well, too. Miss Gaskill said she should be able to make it over in two weeks or so, so I’m trying to get three more chapters written before then.”
“Ooh, Mary-Beth’s on her way? That’s great news! I hope John and Charles will be back from… wherever the hell they are before then so we can have a real party.”
“I’m hopeful they’ll be back too. It’s always great when everybody’s here.” Jack smiled.
“That it is.” Sadie agreed, moving to sit down in the empty chair to Jack’s left.
“Oh, I figure we should tell you; Ma’s been getting a lot better on her reading!”
“Hm, is that so?” Sadie glanced in Abigail’s direction, a small smile forming on her face as their eyes met.
“I mean, I suppose.” Abigail blushed, embarrassed by the attention. “
“Suppose? Ma, you got through three pages of my work in about fifteen minutes, and that’s including the time you took to write down the hard words and your notes and such. You’re doing amazingly well! Just wait until Mr. Jones and Pa and Miss Gaskill all find out, they’re gonna be blown away!”
“I’m pretty blown away too.” Sadie said, her eyes still locked onto Abigail’s. “You should be proud of yourself. Readin’ ain’t easy.”
Abigail somehow felt herself turning redder, and spun on her heel to go and work on sewing. She heard Sadie laugh behind her, the sound ringing out like brazen bells.
Abigail watched as Sadie changed into her nightdress, entranced. She was gorgeous, her sun-kissed figure nearly glowing in the low light. Something about the way that she went about unbuckling and unbuttoning every piece of clothing was enough to put Abigail in a spell. She still didn’t know how she had gotten so lucky so as to be with a woman so wonderful as her.
“I meant it when I said I missed you, y’know.” Abigail said.
Sadie turned around pulling her nightdress over her head. “And I meant it when I said I was proud of you.”
The comment had Abigail blushing again, biting her lip as she tried to avert her gaze from Sadie’s piercing eyes.
“I’m serious, Abi.” She walked over to the bed, taking a seat on the edge next to her. “Let me compliment you, please.”
“It ain’t anythin’ that really warrants a compliment. It’s pretty straightforward, I just need to get around to doin’ it more often.” Abigail laughed. “If I had started a bit earlier, I would probably be literate by now. And if I had more time I could dedicate to it, I’d be a hell of a lot closer.”
“I’d already say you’re pretty damn near literate now.” Sadie pressed a kiss to Abigail’s temple. “You can read Jack’s old books without a problem, and with someone’s help, you can read bigger works, like his work in progress.”
“I appreciate it Sadie, I really do, I just don’t know if it’s somethin’ that really warrants this much.”
“Well I sure as hell do.” Sadie reached her hand out, rubbing it softly in circles on Abigail’s thigh. “If anything, I think this kind of progress deserves a reward, don’t you?”
Abigail made a happy noise, resting her head on Sadie’s shoulder. “Not sure I’d say that much, but I’m the last person to be complaining.”
“Good.” Sadie reached her free hand out, turning so she faced Abigail and letting it rest on her cheek. “Because I’m gonna force you to be proud of yourself.”
Abigail wasn’t sure just who leaned in first, all she knew was that their lips eventually met and they were kissing, slow and warm and relaxing. Sadie slid the hand on Abigail’s cheek back, letting it tangle in her hair as she undid her braid. All the while, the hand on Abigail’s thigh kept stroking.
They broke apart momentarily, Abigail lifting her night dress up and over her head, casting it somewhere off the side of the bed. Sadie’s face lit up, and she eased Abigail down onto the mattress gently, kissing her once more, catching her bottom lip and nibbling gently.
“‘M gonna make you feel so good, Abi.” Sadie drew her hands up and along Abigail’s breasts, smiling at the breath that caught in her throat as she did so. “Just like you deserve.”
“Mm, why don’t you show me then, instead of tellin’ me?” she teased, unable to help herself. “Don’t you think that would be better?”
“Hm, maybe you’re right…” Sadie traced the outline of Abigail’s left nipple, smirking at the shaky gasp she let out. “Need to get you nice and wet for me first, though.”
“Then touch me where I need it.” Abigail sighed again as Sadie kept teasing her nipples, spreading her legs in an attempt to entice her lover. “Sadie…”
“Fine, you do deserve it after working so hard today.” Sadie let one of her hands dip down between Abigail’s legs, finding her clit and massaging in slow, steady circles. “This feel good?”
“Yes.” Abigail breathed out, arching her back into Sadie’s touch. “Don’t stop, please.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it.” Sadie eased herself down, using her left elbow to support herself as she leaned over Abigail and whispered in her ear. “You’re so smart, d’you know that? You pick up on things so quickly, you always take the time to teach yourself about things, you think things through logically…” Sadie trailed off, scraping her teeth along the side of Abigail’s neck. “It’s attractive. It’s so attractive, Abigail. You’re so attractive.”
“Were you thinkin’ that earlier?” she asked, smiling as pleasure fizzed through her. “You sure were lookin’ at me like somethin’-- fuck, Sadie -- somethin’ was on your mind.”
“I sure was. Damn near wanted to kick Jack outta the house and take you right there on the table. But that’s not all. You wanna know what else I was thinkin’ about?” Sadie’s breath fanned down Abigail’s neck.
Sadie pulled back a bit so she could get a better look at Abigail, smiling down at her as though she were the only thing in the world.
“I was thinkin’ about how lovely you are. How cute you are when you blush, how perfect you always are… you’re so attractive, Abi. You always have been.”
Sadie’s words drew a moan out of Abigail, who began to grind against her fingers. “Sadie, my love…”
“Shh, I gotcha. I’ve always gotcha.” Sadie moved her finger down Abigail’s slit, circling her entrance once, twice. “I think you’re wet enough now, my darling.”
Abigail had to bite down on her lip to try and keep herself at least somewhat quiet as Sadie slid into her, stroking at that soft spot. “Sadie, goodness…”
“I know, that feels really good.” Sadie added a second finger, leaning in and capturing Abigail’s lips with her own once more, this kiss more heated than any previous one.
Abigail felt her legs begin to shake as she neared her peak. She pushed Sadie off of her lightly to try and warn her, but Sadie was already a step ahead, moving her mouth down to Abigail’s neck and sucking gently on a spot her collar would cover.
When Sadie’s thumb pressed into her clit, both of her fingers crooking just right, that was all, the coil in Abigail’s stomach coming undone as Sadie covered her mouth with hers, lips and tongues crashing together as Abigail rode out her high. She couldn’t remember the last time she had come this hard for seemingly no reason, but she wasn’t about to complain, not when everything felt this good.
Sadie pulled back as Abigail began to calm down, her breath hot and heavy on Sadie’s forehead as Abigail pulled her flush against her chest.
“That good, Abi?” Sadie asked, kissing the top of a breast lightly.
“Stop sellin’ yourself short.” Abigail panted, running a hand through Sadie’s undone hair. “That was amazin’ and you know it.”
“You really did deserve it, Abi. I’m so proud of you.” Sadie kissed Abigail’s breast again, wrapping an arm around her. Abigail hummed.
“I’ll take your word for it, then. If every time I do well on somethin, this is the reward I’ll get, I’m gonna be readin’ until I pass out from exhaustion.” she laughed.
“Just keep it at, Abi. I know you’ve got this, and you’re only gonna get better. You’ll be literate one day, and that day just keeps on gettin’ closer with every bit of progress you make.”
Abigail sighed happily. “Let’s both look forward to it, then.”
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anders-hawke · 3 years
Bridges and Buffers
AO3 | @today-in-fic | 1,449 words
The airport is loud but the thoughts in Dana’s head drown it out. She hasn’t seen Charlie in three years, since she attended Melissa’s Halloween party and he was in town. Missy isn’t with them anymore; she can’t act as a buffer between them, a bridge. They have to interact on their own now.
Missy and Charlie were always closer, leaving Dana to spend time with Bill, which was akin to spending time with a small replica of their father. Dwelling on the past isn’t going to fix the present, though. Not when Dana can pinpoint Charlie’s shock of red hair from her vantage point on the second floor of the airport, leaning against the railing. Baggage claim is on the first floor, so she takes the escalator down and meets her brother by the entrance to baggage claim.
Dana gives him a tap on the shoulder with a tremulous smile on her lips as he turns around. “Charlie.”
“Dana.” He hugs her, and she replies in kind.
“It’s good to see you,” she says, as if the past twelve years are something other than what they are.
Charlie nods. As long as the next few days don’t go to shit, everything will be alright.
Of course, things do go to shit. Dana makes it through her memorial speech without devolving into sobs and hugs Charlie as he makes his way behind Missy’s grave to give his own. Unfortunately, their mother tries to get him alone to talk when the funeral’s over.
“He’s not interested, Mom,” Dana says, one hand on her mother’s forearm.
“He’s my son, Dana. I have the right to talk to him.”
“He’s not interested. Don’t do this.” Both women are in tears. “Let him be.”
“What’s going on here?” Bill comes up and stands next to them, eyes flicking from Dana’s hand on their mother’s arm to his sister’s eyes.
“Nothing, Billy. Dana and I were just having a chat.”
Margaret gazes at Charlie for a moment before she hangs her head and walks away.
“What was that about?” Bill asks, looking over at their brother with mild suspicion. He’s bent down as if they’re going to share secrets between siblings.
“None of your business, Bill,” Dana says, walking around him towards Charlie, who’s been waiting by her car.
The eldest Scully sibling lets out a mirthless laugh and sidesteps her, putting a hand out so that she has to stop. “I think it is my business. I don’t want to be left out of shit that happens in this family again! I have a right to know!”
Dana shakes her head and looks up at her older brother, anger building up inside. “This isn’t about you, Bill!” she eventually exclaims. “You—you always viewed this as a slight against you when it has nothing to fucking do with you! Charlie is who he is and it shouldn’t matter who he loves because what actually matters is family! And—and that is something that, as much as I’ve denied it and hate to admit it, you and Dad and Mom have never truly understood. And for a long time, I didn’t, either. But Missy understood that. She understood that family comes first and that love should be unconditional.”
Bill’s lips are pursed and his eyes look sad, as if he feels regretful, but he doesn’t say anything as he steps away from Dana. She takes a moment to compose herself before heading over to Charlie, head held high. “I want to go to Missy’s place,” he tells her, and she nods, starting the car.
Missy’s apartment is barren of all her personal touches now. Dana and Charlie sit on the floor, backs against the couch, and pass a cigarette between them, as well as a bottle of booze. Neither of them bothered to check what it was.
“Can I tell you something, Day?” he starts, blowing out smoke.
“Sure.” Dana takes a swig from the bottle.
“You fucked up.”
To her credit, she doesn’t even look phased. She can’t say she’s surprised that he’s bringing this up. “I know.”
“Well, you continued fucking up, so if you were intending to isolate yourself from your little brother, you sure as hell succeeded.”
Just because she expected it doesn’t mean she’s immune to the sting of Charlie’s words, though.
“I’m sorry,” she whispers, trying not to cry. If she cries, it’ll look like she can’t take valid criticism, and their relationship is on the rocks already.
Dana takes the cigarette back and thinks of how Missy stopped dating part of the way through college. She thinks of how Missy cried to an unprepared Dana when they were seventeen and nineteen, respectively, about how she was broken because she didn’t love her boyfriend—or any of the other guys she’d dated. She thinks of the girl in her algebra class with the kind eyes and kissable lips; the guy she sat next to in her  AP Physics class and the notes they passed; the girl she kissed as a freshman in college; and all the girls she’d wanted to kiss but didn’t out of fear.
“Can I tell you something, Charlie?” Dana asks.
“Go for it.”
She takes a drag and blows it out. “I like women,” she says, voice shaking. “I also like men.” She’s ashamed that she’s crying despite her best efforts not to. “I thought there was something wrong with me... And you know how I practically worshipped Daddy...” Dana’s breath hitches as she stares at the wall. “I was scared, Charlie, and I thought, Well, there’s lots of people like you, but I’ve never heard of a person like me.”
He places his hand over hers and takes the cigarette away, putting it out in the tray. “Danes, there’s lots of people like you. I know that you’re gonna say something about knowing that based on statistics but seriously—I know lots of people like you, just like I know lots of people like me, and lots of people who aren’t like either of us. Be proud of who you are. This is D.C.—I’m sure there’s places that’ll appreciate your sexuality, and people who’ll appreciate it, too.”
Dana doesn’t say anything immediately, choosing to lean over and hug Charlie instead. “Thank you.”
“You should visit me in Seattle, meet my fiancé.” He sighs and takes a sip from the bottle. “Missy was so excited when I told her. We’ve got a little pupper named Benjy. You’ll love him. You’ll like Marcus, too.”
She nods, taking the bottle when he passes it to her. “I will. I’ll bunch together some vacation days to take a week off. You can show me around and I’ll tell Marcus embarrassing stories from when we were kids.”
Charlie lets out a chuckle and leans his head on Dana’s shoulder. She leans her head on his and looks out the window at the night sky. “D’you think Daddy’ll accept us up in heaven?” she asks.
“I wouldn’t know. I have my sights set elsewhere.”
“Missy did, too.”
She heads into work on Monday feeling hollow now that Charlie’s flown back to Seattle. “Morning, Scully,” Mulder greets. Dana gives him a feeble smile as he vacates his chair with a gesture for her to sit in it. “Boy, do I have a case for us, Scully. We’re going to Kansas tomorrow.”
At her lack of response after she sits down, he drops the cheery act. “Sorry,” she whispers, letting her head fall into her hands. “I don’t—”
“No, it’s fine—”
“My brothers were in town for Missy’s funeral, and...”
“You don’t have to explain. We can stay in town for a while if you’d like.”
“I don’t know...” To Dana’s great shame, she begins to cry. “I’m sorry.”
“Oh, Dana...” Mulder murmurs, brushing his hand through her hair before pulling her into an awkward hug. She sniffles and tries to calm herself down, letting her tears stain her partner’s shirt. “You should take a day off. It’s fine if you need time to process, to—to find yourself again.”
At his words, Dana peels her face away from his shoulder and makes eye contact for a brief moment. Mulder’s gaze is too intense to hold for long, though, so her own skitters away. “I don’t know if I ever knew myself in the first place, Mulder. I’m not the same person I was when I met you.”
He reaches out and tucks her hair behind her ear, tenderly stroking her cheek with his thumb. “And I’m not the man I was when I met you, but that doesn’t mean I lost anything along the way. I’m still a bachelor chasing lights in the sky.”
Dana lets out a watery laugh at that and wipes away her tears. “And I’m still here to make sure you don’t injure yourself along the way,” she tosses back.
“You always are. And, who knows; maybe our sisters are hanging out in the afterlife together. I think they would’ve gotten along nicely.” Mulder shoots her a sad smile and takes her hands in his. “Take some time off. I promise I’ll manage for a few days without you.”
She gives him a small smile and, after a moment of deliberation, leans forward to press a kiss to his forehead. “Thank you, Mulder. I’ll see you in a few days, then.”
They stand up and Mulder steps away so she can walk back to the coat hanger by the door. “Just a few days, Scully,” he repeats, giving her a small wave as she adjusts her coat and leaves the office, bag in hand.
Dana sits on her couch, freshly-showered with a glass of wine in one hand and her phone in the other, holding it to her face. Someone answers from the other end and she starts, setting the wine glass down. “Yes, hi! I’m Dana Scully. I’m looking for Nancy Dasilva? No, no, just give her my number, if you could, and tell her that I asked her to call me. Thank you.” The conversation ends, and Dana replaces the phone in its cradle with an exhale, a small smile on her lips.
Missy was right when she told her little sister to loosen up and have fun. It feels liberating to be acting on her feelings after so adamantly repressing them. She just has to hope that they’re reciprocated, now; but Dana can make an educated guess that they are.
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marmosa · 4 years
short fuse.
Fred Weasley x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 4.6k
Warnings: zero proof reading, ha sorry 
A/N: hey guys, so i’m swamped with work rn so my writing process is totally stunted, so i’m sorry about the wait for a new fic. aside from that, i hit 118 followers??? that’s absolutely insane to me that 118 people wanna stick around to see more of my work, it makes me undeniably happy and so proud. So thank you, thank you, thank you. i wanna celebrate somehow, but i’m running dry on ideas. i shot a soulmate!au fred by my best friend and she was keen on it, so i’m leaning towards that, but i do want to celebrate in a way that caters to you guys. so my inbox is open for suggestions and requests while i handle personal obligations. sorry this was a bit of a long a/n, but i just wanna thank you all again so very much for choosing to stick around. it means a lot to me. thank you and enjoy <3
“I haven’t got a single clue as to what you’re talking about, she says! That’s a load of rubbish if I’ve ever heard it!”
[y/n] finally laxed and looked up from her hand, furrowing her brows as she continued to blow a soft gust of air onto the drying layer of nail varnish. Her eyes trailed along with Fred who was pacing around her dormitory, his face flushed in anger as he ranted on about some girl in his potions class who happened to piss him off earlier that morning.
“You’d think after Snape chewing our heads off about a less than perfect presentation she’d at least pull some of her weight! And I’m no academic mind you, but I would really prefer to avoid another one of my mum’s howlers this week,” he huffed, finally sitting down in one of the loveseats with an aggressive thump.
“If it’s angering you this much I suggest you either speak to Snape, but he’s insufferable so chance are that’ll bust. How do you feel about me hexing her?” [y/n] offered, offering him a small consoling smile, trying her best to lighten his mood.
It didn’t seem to work as the cloud of frustration continued to thunder above his head, the crease in his forehead more prominent than ever. He dragged his hand down his face and let his head loll back with a grunt, “I appreciate the offer but if I’m forced to another insufferable detention with Snape I’m going to do something awful.”
“What happened to the Fred who spends detention pranking Snape until he’s decided to stop giving you detention simply to avoid having to deal with your pranks again?” [y/n] queried, looking back up from the thumb she’d just fixed up.
“He went and died,” Fred grumbled, sinking further into his chair and frowning.
“Oh shove it, come here,” she waved him over, giving him a demanding stare when he remained deflated in his seat, “I said come here!”
He groaned like a petulant child and slid out of his chair, dragging all his weight as he shuffled over, plopping down onto the floor with a thud strong enough to shake the nail varnish container, earning himself a narrow glare from [y/n].
“Let me paint your nails,” she hummed, grabbing his hand and placing it in front of her without so much as a nod of confirmation.
He remained silent as she got to work, coating his nails in a fine layer of a lovely light blue, humming a small tune to herself as he continued to have the anger peel off him ever so slowly. As soon as she finished the first hand he silently gave her the other, resigning to blow a small gust of air onto the drying paint.
“You’ve gone all quiet, d’ya like getting your nails done?” she mused, grabbing one of the many q-tips spilled across her surface to wipe away at the still wet polish that dripped off the side of his thumbnail.
“Wouldn’t you like to know,” he mumbled, back-tracking when she squeezed his hand to emphasize that she was just asking him a genuine question, “a little, yeah.”
“Well then you should ask me to paint them more often! I think I did a pretty good job and look-!” she held up their hands together, pressing hers right under his just enough to where you could still see his nails, “we match!”
Fred couldn’t carry his anger anymore, a smile finally creeping its way onto his lips, his eyes crinkling at the edges as he returned the kind gesture. His heart decompressed, his posture relaxing as he blew off his remaining steam.
“See, all better- ah! Don’t move yet, they’re not dry,” she chastised him, bringing his hands back down flat against the surface, earning herself a shocked grimace from him, “sorry, I’d just hate for it to smudge.”
“S’alright,” he blew out a breath of air, his eyes scanning her appearance as she fussed over his nails just to make sure they were still intact.
He felt another smile coming on as he admired her. A concentrated crease in her brow, her hair out of place from the morning past, robes long discarded as she got comfortable despite the school uniform. It was impossible, he thought, to not be in love with her.
“What’re you lookin’ at Weasley? Planning to kill me in cold blood are ya?” she teased, finally content with her scan of his nails.
“If you keep biting at me with all that sass, maybe I will be,” he replied, sticking his tongue out playfully and scrunching his nose.
“Well if you wanna keep coming to me to vent you’re going to have to get used to sass. Besides I’ve known you for ages, this isn’t new, is it?” she queried, cocking her head to the side.
“It certainly isn’t,” he shook his head, “doesn’t mean you should keep doing it. But I rest my case.”
“Good, because we’re gonna be late to class, come on now.”
“I like the color mate, where’d ya get that fancy thing done?”
Fred looked up from the parchment in front of him, glancing over to Oliver who’d seemingly already finished up with his charms notes, “oh, it’s uh, [y/n]’s. She painted them for me before class.”
“Nice. Hopefully it doesn’t get ruined at practice today, which is after class don’t  you forget it,” Oliver added, nodding his head as if he’d just aided Fred in avoiding a perilous fate.
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” Fred chuckled, rolling his eyes at Oliver’s typical attitude.
Oliver seemed content with that answer and went back to his work leaving Fred be. Before he could focus back on his work he felt a piece of paper pelt the back of his head, anger twitching in his temple at the annoying gesture. He glanced behind him and saw the crumpled paper on the floor, looking around the class to see a group of Slytherin quidditch players sitting around laughing amongst themselves.
Fred glowered at them and picked up the paper, unfurling it to see a few insults and some shitty grade-level doodle that insinuated Gryffindor was going to lose the upcoming match later that week. Anger bubbled within him once more as the small gesture relit the fuse [y/n] had supposedly managed to completely put out earlier that day.
Without so much as a side glance he stuck his arm out just enough to where the Slytherin’s could see it and Flitwick couldn’t, muttering a small incantation and feeling the paper burst into flames and reduce itself to ashes in his palm within seconds.
The Slytherin’s had gone and picked a poor day to get on Fred’s nerves as it didn’t take long for another few pieces of paper to be pelted at the back of his head. Unfortunately he had quite literally had it, his stool scraping behind him bringing everyone’s attention to him in the silent class as he thundered over to the Slytherin’s.
He approached them with fury biting into every step he took, his arm surging forward as he grasped the collar of one of the upper year players, a nasty glare painted onto his features.
“You’ve got something you wanted to say to me you slimy bastard?” Fred seethed, his other hand clenched at his side, ready to swing had things decided to take the turn he was anticipating.
“Yeah, didn’t you read the papers?” The Slytherin boy replied smugly, not frightened enough for the immanent danger he was in.
“I would’ve, but none of you are literate enough to form an understandable sentence,” Fred bit back, his brows set heavy on his face, anger practically rolling off him in waves.
The other boy didn’t seem to enjoy having his intelligence insulted, his own chair scraping behind him as he stood up, though it was comical to onlookers just how much taller Fred was than he.
“What’d you say to me, Weasley?”
“I said you’re a piece of shit who’s dumb as rocks.”
That was it. Fists started flying and a ruckus had immediately begun, some students cheering while others called Flitwick’s attention, begging him to intervene in the situation. Being as tall as he was, Fred didn’t have much difficulty tackling the other boy to the ground, taking a sharp swing to his face that landed with a uncomfortably loud thump. The kid cried in pain at that and was finally overtaken by his fighting spirit.
It want on like that for a while, the other kid managing to get in a few hits too, punching Fred in the mouth and landing a nasty kick to the stomach, before Professor Flitwick and another teacher who’d been panic called in finally stopped the brawl.
“Mr. Weasley, enough!” McGonagall snapped, standing in front of him as Oliver and two other Gryffindor’s corralled him to the side and away from the boy who was groaning in pain on the floor.
“But professor he-,”
“Forget detention, you need to be taken to the infirmary this instant! Wood, escort him there immediately and please try not to track blood in the corridors,” McGonagall sighed, exasperated with having to deal with yet another issue, turning on her heel to go attend to the obviously more battered student.
As Fred’s adrenaline finally subsided, pain started to seep into his face and chest, the feeling of fresh blood spilling out of his nose finally registering to him.
“C’mon mate, we’ve got to go before it gets worse,” Oliver insisted, trying his best to forcefully move Fred who was rooted in his place without hurting his injuries.
“Yeah, yeah, right,” Fred nodded, a far away quality to his voice as he and Oliver left the class to head to Madame Pomfrey’s.
“Is Fred here? Where is he? Oh, Fred!”
He looked up from the cup of medicine he’d just downed, his face recoiling in disgust at the flavor, eyes sealing shut as he forced it down. When he’d finally recovered from the rancid taste he saw [y/n] barreling towards him, panic glued to her features, her robes billowing behind her.
“Hey, [y/ln],” he grinned, setting the glass down and wincing in pain as he went to uncurl his hands, the knuckles still split open and raw as he waited to have them wrapped up.
“Don’t ‘hey [y/ln]’ me, what were you thinking?” she chided, grabbing a nearby chair and pulling it to the side of his bed, “you look terrible.”
“Hey,” Fred pouted, endeared at her display of worry for his wellbeing, “But you honestly should’ve seen the other guy.”  
“I did and as mad I want to be, you did do quite a number on him. But your hands! Oh dear me,” she sighed shakily, jumping up to go collect some gauze, tape, and disinfectant.
“They’re not that bad,” he mumbled as she grabbed one of his hands, guiding it in her direction ever so gently.
“You always say that,” she clipped, taking a cotton ball out of its container on the nightstand and soaking it in disinfectant, “now just brace yourself, it’s going to sting.”
Before Fred could get a word out he was hissing in pain, collapsing his shoulders inward as his body shivered with the sting. She cooed sweet words under her breath, quickly replacing the cotton ball with gauze to protect the now freshly clean wound. After repeating the same process over again she set his now wrapped hands in his lap, discarding of the used things and returning the tools to their designated spot.
“All better,” she smiled, reaching forward and squeezing the uninjured part of his hand kindly, rubbing her thumb over the tightly wound gauze.
Fred’s heart swelled as he watched her, the fight feeling all the more worth it to have her fawn over him, “Yeah, all better.”
“Madame, he should be free to leave shouldn’t he?” [y/n] asked as Madame walked over, a tray of tools and medications in her hands.
“I’d wish it so. Mr. Weasley please remove your shirt so I can get a good look at your injury,” Pomfrey instructed, setting her tools down on the nightstand, “and [y/n] please move to the other side so I can get to work.
[y/n] passed him a wide-eyed glare as she maneuvered to the other side of the bed, her worry quickly being shoved to the side as he revealed his toned abdomen right in her face. Had circumstance not have been so worrisome, she probably would’ve been all over him, however the school infirmary was the last place she was going to do something like that.
She cast her gaze down, pretending to occupy herself with picking at her nails as she desperately tried to focus on anything but him. She could see him looking at her quizzically, but she still refused to cave and play into her not to so pure thoughts.
“Alright, luckily there isn’t more than a bit of nasty bruising and some small fractures. I’ll go get you another dosage of medication but it’ll require that you stay the night in the infirmary,” Madame Pomfrey nodded, lifting her tray and scurrying away, continuing onto the next ailment she had to attend to.
“Stay the night, rubbish,” Fred groaned, letting his fall back against the railing of the bed with a small thunk, his chest rising and falling softly as he stared at the ceiling.
“Don’t get any bright ideas, you’re staying here or I’ll give you different reason to,” [y/n] deadpanned, folding her arms across her chest as she finally looked up at him.
“And what will you do? Hmm?” He smiled smugly, sitting back up and folding his arms over his chest, his muscles flexing with the movement.
“I-,” her brain ran blank as she quickly averted her gaze, her leg bouncing conspicuously fast, “I don’t know. Something bad probably.”
“Something bad,” he repeated with a lilt, quirking his head to the side, “ is that ‘something bad’ bothering you, [y/n]?”
Her eyes proceeded to grown wider if that was at all possible as she fumbled to find a witty response to snip back at him, but it was no use, she was all hot and bothered and at a loss of words. She resigned herself to a small shake of her head, casting her eyes down to her lap.
“Oh,” he hummed, a smugness practically dripping from his voice, “I get it, you like what you see don’t you?”
“Okay you know what, I think you’re in good hands and you’re going to be just fine on your own and now that I know you’re not dead, I’m going to head back to my dormitory now!” She jumped up, her chair scraping across the floor with an uncomfortable screech as she turned on her heel to leave.
“Now hold on-,” he interjects, grabbing her wrist the best he could with his restricted mobility, tugging her back slightly, “I was only kidding, you know that. I appreciate you coming to check up on me.”
He watched her decompress, her eyes glancing down to where he held her wrist with a tiny smile pulled onto her lips, “Of course, any time Freddie. Now if you’ll excuse me, I actually must go for homework purposes, but I might be back later. Take care.”
“Take care!” he called after her.
Fred cozied himself into the covers, the gentle pitter patter of the rain outside the many infirmary windows becoming the background to his thoughts as he tried to fall asleep. With a sigh he rolled onto his back, folding his hands over his chest as he found himself uncapable of falling asleep.
He was bored out of his mind, usually when he found himself in similar circumstances in his dorm he had something on hand to occupy his busy brain. However the infirmary didn’t really provide much to do unless he wanted to get up, steal a stethoscope, and start playing a one-sided game of doctor.
Before he could roll back onto his side and pull the covers closer to his chin to try and force himself asleep, a small outburst of noise drew his attention. As alertness spiked in him, he quietly reached for his wand on his nightstand, wrapping his hand around it and drawing it back under the covers, his mind starting to recite as many defense hex's he could think of.
As he prepared himself to turn around he felt a hand clasp his shoulder and before he could start screaming to try and grab everyone and their mother’s attention, another hand placed itself over his mouth followed by a shushing command.
He turned his head and felt a sudden wave of relief flooding over him as he registered the faux perpetrator, his heart then picking up pace for the same reason.
“Hey,” [y/n] smiled softly, he eyes sunken in a sleepy sort of way. “I’m gonna move my hand, don’t scream.”
Fred rolled his eyes, but nodded none the less, “you could’ve given me a heads up that you were coming, I would’ve tried harder to look more presentable.”
She looked up from her open bag at her side, her brows pushing together as she stared at him with a confused yet amused look, “you look just fine, Freddie. What’re you on about?”
Fred struggled to bite back a laugh, shaking his head as he pushed himself up into a sitting position, the blanket bunching around his waist, “Nothing, nothing- hey, what’d you even come here for anyway? Couldn’t resist being away from me for so long?”
“You wish, Weasley,” she rolled her eyes, thanking her lucky stars that there was a chair nearby and she wouldn’t have to make any extra noise bringing it over, “I’m here to paint your nails.”
“Oh,” he glanced down at his hands, noticing she was, in fact, right about the presumed notion that he needed a repaint, “Are they still gonna be blue?”
“Well, I brought the lot of the varnish with me, I was just going to let you pick,” she smiled, setting the bag down into his lap.
His face beamed as he rolled the tote bag down, revealing the pile of nail varnish containers, a childish grin spreading out on his face as he browsed the collection. [y/n] smiled to herself and prepped the nail varnish remover to get rid of the cracked and chipped polish already on his fingers.
“Can I mix ‘n match?” he quipped, holding up two colors to the moonlight to get a better look at them.
“If you’d like,” she shrugged, “it’s up to you.”
“Sick! Can I do one hand black and one red?” his voice buzzing with excitement.
“Certainly, hand them over and we can start,” she chuckled, taking the two colors and setting the rest at the foot of the bed
She pulled one of his hands to her gently, swirling the cotton ball over his nails to remove the polish. A giggle escape her when he scrunched his nose at the bitter smell of the acetone, the fumes making him blink rapidly as he got used to it.
“Well that’s mad, it feels like that stuff should’ve melted my fingers off,” he breathed incredulously, shaking his head to get rid off the weird buzz that had fanned over his brain.
“It certainly does and unfortunately the effects don’t change, you can never really get used to it,” she sighed, grabbing his other hand, continuing to wipe away at the blue.
The two feel back into silence as she feel into her focused stupor, her lips pursed to blow a small gust of wind to dry the remaining acetone while she shook a bottle of varnish in her other hand. Fred watched her with wide, adoring eyes, absolutely enamored with how dedicated she was to the task at hand. He let her continue on without interjecting, for the first time that night the silence was inviting and he quite enjoyed just hearing the clink of the cap against the bottle and the intermingling of their breaths.
“You have nice hands,” she noted absentmindedly, capping the black varnish and beginning to help it dry, missing the look Fred gave her at the suggestive nature of her compliment.
“Thanks,” he hummed, redirecting his attention to the shiny layer of red on his right hand while she continued to blow air onto his left.
“Of course,” she hummed, “now let me see both of your hands, I don’t want it to be messy.”
Fred complied and shifted his body so he was facing her, setting both his hands in her own while she inspected his nails, her focus so dedicated to her task that she yet again missed the adoring look he was giving her. A smile quirked at his lips as she absentmindedly ran her thumb over his hands, triple-checking that the varnish was indeed dry.
“Well, I suppose that does it,” she nodded, satisfied with her handy work, “d’ya like it?”
“More than anything,” he beamed, “are you going to leave now?”
“Only if you want me to, I don’t have classes tomorrow morning so I have no problem staying up,” she shrugged, secretly wishing he’d request her company.
“That’d be lovely, I was having trouble sleeping anyway,” he nodded.
“Same here. I can imagine it was only harder for you with your injuries,” she noted sadly, glancing over at his still wrapped hands, the gauze looking like it was fresh.  
“It’s not too bad, Madame Pomfrey gave me some painkillers so I’m doing alright. Besides it’s not so bad since I have you,” he added, fiddling with the folded covers around his knees.
Her eyes widened a bit as she processed his confession of sorts, her heart picking up pace in her chest at his vulnerability, her next words coming out in a hush, “That’s sweet, Freddie.”
“I’d hope so,” he whispered, raising his brows as he bobbed his head in an awkward sort of nod.
[y/n] reached forward again and took one of his hands into hers, boldly lifting it to her lips and pressing a chaste kiss to his bandaged knuckles, squeezing his wrist gently. It was all too much for Fred, she’d been too kind all day and here she was sitting in front of him now, kissing his hand and smiling at him all too innocently for how badly he wanted to kiss her then and there.
But he was at a loss of words and she was at a loss of restraint, trailing her lips up so she could press another kiss to the inside of his wrist and then the small divot of his elbow, slowly but surely pulling him forward towards her. Fred didn’t mind it though, he leaned into her with every advance, his breath coming to a stand still in his throat as she neared his face.
Her chair pushed behind her with a faint scraping noise as she stood up to accommodate for their height difference, his hand now intertwined with her own down at her side as she looked him straight in the eyes. The tension in the air was palpable and though she had been taking the initiative all day, he didn’t need anyone to tell him twice just what he needed to do.
“Can I kiss you?” he asked barely above a whisper.
“You most certainly can.”
Though he felt himself surge forward with urgency, the entire thing was as slow and sultry as they could get it. Their lips molded together softly, gentle kisses passed between each of them, quiet endearments passed between each pause for breath before going in for more. Fred cupped the back of her head with his free hand, hers doing relatively the same as she lifted her knee to his side so she could stabilize herself.
The kisses quickly became deeper, not necessarily desperate, but long and drawn out, both of them wanting to melt into the other for eternity. [y/n] wished so desperately that the circumstance were different enough to where she could curve into him, be able to feel over his arms and chest and relish in every inch of him that she’d fallen in love with. Fred similarly thought the same, his hand squeezing hers every so often to remind himself that she was there and this was happening and she was his.
When they pulled away, [y/n] pressed her forehead to his, letting their hands unwind so she could cup his face and he could caress her hips. Their breaths mingled in the buzzing silence, heart’s thumping in their ears as they relished in one another’s presence. She turned her head to the side to pepper kisses against his cheek, tilting it downward to trace loving kisses along his jawline too. He let out a breathy chuckle, feeling bad that he couldn’t just pull her into his lap and show her as much affection as she was showing him, but he knew deep down their current options were limited.
“I adore you Freddie,” she whispered, pressing a kiss to the divot where his ear met his jaw, her fingers moving to card through his hair.
Fred couldn’t believe how utterly at a loss for words he was. It was so unlike him to not have a witty word or two to put in, especially after such a moment that begged for its tension to be resolved. But after the rough day he’d had, he thought it fine to let himself receive rather than give, even if just this once.
“You’re amazing, [y/l/n],” he chuckled softly, moving his hands so they were rubbing her back gently, her shirt riding up every so often with his movements.
“As are you,” she hummed, finally pulling back to admire her lover’s face, her thumb tracing over his jaw, nose, and lips, an adoring gaze melted onto her features.
“Thank you. For all you’ve done for me today,” he added, wanting to emphasize just how appreciative he was of her, knowing he’d hopefully be able to truly make it up to her later.
“That’s what you do for people you love, right?” she smiled, biting back a giggle when his face drew into one of bashfulness.
“I suppose so,” he returned the smile, pulling her face back down for one more savored kiss, a sigh escaping her as she melted into his embrace once more, “now what do you suppose we do for the next couple hours, that is if you intend to stay?”
“Well see,” [y/n] shrugged, “now scoot over that chair is ghastly, I don’t want to sit in it anymore.”
“And were back,” Fred chuckled, obliging her request to make room for her on the bed.
“Oh it’s nothing,” he shook his head.
“Yeah, nothing, sure,” she rolled her eyes, crossing her legs under her as she got comfy across from him.
“It is nothing!” he scoffed, kicking her before crossing his legs underneath him.
“I warned you what would happen if you kept giving me sass didn’t I,” he quirked a brow, folding his arms over his chest.
“Maybe you did, maybe you didn’t, we may never know,” she lilted, batting her eyelashes innocently.
Fred exhaled and lolled his head to the side, unable to hide the grin on his face, “whatever, now, I bet you’re wondering how the fight went!”
“Oh yes! But spare the nasty details, I can handle it, I’d just prefer not to.”
“Whatever you say, love.”
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morganaspendragonss · 3 years
if your looking for a bth prompt what about used in sacrificial ritual where tk gets abducted on a run and carlos is the lead detective on this case of people getting murdered as sacrifices and they arrive in time to save tk but the ritual involved cutting limbs off and tk ends up losing a leg? perhaps w lots of fluff at the end? <3<3
anon, i cannot tell you how excited this prompt got me. i’d been toying with a very similar idea for weeks and this was the push i needed to actually write it - with certain modifications to fit your idea. (i promise it has a happy ending!)
i’m super proud of how this came out, and i hope you like it as much as i do!
@911lonestarangstweek day 7:  Free choice!
Two months ago, TK vanished, snatched while out on his evening run. Carlos will do anything to get him back, even if that includes running himself into the ground.
ao3 | 4.9k | cw: kidnapping, depictions of violence, death and injury, forced amputation, career-ending injuries
It’s been two months.
Two whole months since TK left for his evening run with nothing but a shouted goodbye and a promise to be home soon.
Two months since Carlos hadn’t even turned around, because apparently the dishes were more important than his husband.
Two months since they found TK’s shattered phone and wallet, abandoned in the park next to a pool of blood.
Two months since Carlos’s world came crashing down around him.
He blames himself - how could he not? He’s been the lead detective on this case for months; he’s the one who’s so far failed to catch the guys who have mutilated and killed so many people, and now might do the same to his husband. More to the point, he’s the one who is supposed to protect TK, and it’s clear he’s resoundly failed in that department.
His captain had tried to take him off the case, once they’d found out that TK had become the latest victim. But Carlos had informed him in no uncertain terms that he was going to keep looking for his husband, even if he had to go above his head to do it. 
They’d allowed him to keep the case, but Carlos knows he’s being watched. They think he’s having a breakdown and, the thing is, Carlos isn’t entirely sure they’re wrong.
He hasn’t slept in their bed since the night it happened, when he got woken up at two am to the sound of his ringtone blaring through the room.
“Reyes,” Mitchell had said, tone heavy. “I… Shit, Reyes. You gotta get here. There’s another one and I… I really didn’t want to be telling you this over the phone, but…”
She’d paused, and Carlos had sat bolt upright in bed, suddenly all too aware of the empty space next to him. And, in that moment, he’d known; even so, he’d still choked out a quiet, “No.”
“I’m sorry, Carlos. I truly am.”
He’s been living in a daze ever since, work and TK the only two things on his mind. He eats when he has to, barely sleeps, and never hangs out with their friends anymore, which he almost feels guilty for. They’re suffering too, Carlos knows this, but he can’t afford any distractions right now. If he were to be out somewhere and ends up missing the one chance he has to get TK back, he’d never forgive himself.
He’s just about to leave for another shift when there’s a loud, insistent knock at the door. Carlos rolls his eyes and goes to yank it open, about to tell whoever it is to leave him alone.
Only to come face-to-face with a very determined looking Grace Ryder.
“Grace,” he sighs, irritation dissipating. “Can this wait? I’ve got a -”
“I know you don’t have an official shift today, Carlos,” she interrupts, folding her arms. “Just like I know you’re working yourself to death, and I’m not going to stand for it anymore. You’re coming out with me, no arguments.”
Carlos shakes his head. “Grace… I can’t.”
“Oh, yes, you can.” She clicks her tongue, levelling him with an unimpressed stare. "You should be thanking me; Judd was planning on bringing the entire crew down here to stage a full intervention. Now, I managed to talk him out of that one, convinced him the last thing you need right now is a house full of people, but I will not hesitate to go back on that. So you've got two options. Either you go back upstairs and get changed and I'll take you out for coffee, just the two of us, or I'm gonna unleash my husband and the full force of the 126 on you. Choice is yours, Reyes."
He sighs, wearily meeting her eyes. "I'm not getting out of this, am I?"
"No, sir, you are not."
Carlos closes his eyes and hangs his head, knowing just how stubborn Grace Ryder can be. “Alright,” he says, though his every nerve is screaming at him for it, “you win. Give me a minute.”
She smiles encouragingly at him. “I’ll be here.”
The coffee-shop Grace takes him to is mercifully empty, both of people and memories. He wonders if she did this on purpose, but figures it’s more a stroke of pure luck, his first in months. It’s a nice place; he’ll have to remember it for when - if - they get TK back.
Grace quickly returns with their drinks, placing a sandwich in front of Carlos, too. “Don’t even argue,” she warns. “I won’t hear it.”
Carlos forces a smile. “Thanks, Grace.”
They sit in silence for a while, Carlos keeping his gaze turned to the table, picking listlessly at the sandwich. He can feel Grace’s eyes on him, feel the tension in the air between them, and part of him wishes she’d just come out with it already.
The other part wants to run for the hills, but he’s pretty sure Grace would catch him before he got too far.
Eventually, she sighs, setting her mug down and leaning across the table. “Carlos, we miss you,” she says softly. “I know it’s tough, but you’ve barely spoken to any of us since it happened. We’re worried.”
“I’ve been busy.”
“No.” She shakes her head, voice still unbearably gentle. “You’ve been keeping yourself busy. There’s a difference. And that’s okay, up to a point, but you haven’t given yourself a break in two months and that is not okay. You know TK wouldn’t want you to be doing this.”
“You say that like he’s dead.”
Grace sucks in a sharp breath. “Sweetheart, you know that is not what I meant -”
“Maybe you’re right,” he cuts in, ignoring the pain in his chest as he finally looks up at Grace. “It’s been two months; you know as well as I do what survival rates are for missing persons, even in normal circumstances.” His breathing trembles and he squeezes his eyes shut, images of the bodies they’ve found so far flashing through his mind. His voice is barely a whisper when he speaks next. “You also know that the third month is usually when the bodies appear. We’re running out of time, Grace, and I don’t - I don’t know if I believe any more.”
“Carlos Strand-Reyes, I did not just hear you give up on that boy.”
He smiles humourlessly. “Not on him, Grace. On me.”
A long silence follows his words, though Carlos can feel the disappointment and worry rolling off Grace in waves. He should probably feel guilty for ruining a perfectly fine day, but he’s just so tired. He’ll do anything to have TK by his side again, but each day that passes is another day that TK slips further and further away from him, and it’s difficult to hold on to hope.
“I’m terrified,” Carlos admits quietly, tears pricking the back of his eyes. “Any day now they’re going to tell me they’ve found another body, and it’s going to be him, and I won’t be able to handle seeing him like that. You don’t know what they do to them, Grace, it’s - it’s -”
His breath hitches, and suddenly Grace is next to him, gathering him in her arms as he breaks down in sobs against her chest. She shushes him, running a gentle hand through his hair and, for a brief moment, she makes it easy to push away memories of sightless eyes and missing limbs and slit throats.
Grace holds him close, murmuring assurances Carlos doesn’t really hear, until he’s cried himself dry. Then, she pulls back, swiping her thumbs under his eyes, unshed tears shining in her own.
“You’ll get through this, Carlos,” she says, wobbly smile on her face. “No matter the outcome, we’ll all be here to help you get through this.”
Carlos nods, but, privately, he thinks she’s wrong. If TK dies, he’s not sure he’ll be able to find a way through that, no matter how many people are by his side. Because the only one he really, truly needs, won’t be there. 
Carlos rubs his eyes, his vision blurring as he stares at crime scene photos, as he has been doing for the past however many hours. He must have gone through these thousands of times over the past eight months, and yet he’s still drawing a complete blank as to clues that could help them find the killers.
They’re always too careful, never leaving any DNA on scene, never caught on camera, never seen by witnesses. There’s not even much of a common denominator between the victims, aside from the fact that they’re all young - the oldest being 38 - and they were all alone when they were taken.
The only consistency in this entire thing is the bodies. Official cause of death is always a deep cut to the throat, accompanied by at least one limb being cut off when the victim was still alive, sometimes more. They never find the missing body parts, which bothers Carlos more than it probably should.
He rubs his eyes again, blinking hard to try and stay awake. He didn’t sleep well last night, which is nothing new, but the past two weeks have been exhausting. After Grace’s coffee outing, the 126 have been stopping by regularly, one or two at a time, to check up on him and make sure he’s doing okay. Carlos appreciates it, he does, but he doesn’t have the energy for it these days. 
He’s so tired that he doesn’t notice Mitchell walking up to his desk before she’s standing right next to him, casting a shadow over his papers. Carlos looks up, and dread washes over him at the grim expression on her face, the tense set to her shoulders.
“We’ve got another one.”
Carlos makes a noise halfway between a choke and a sob. “A body?” he whispers, looking up at her fearfully.
“A disappearance,” Mitchell corrects, and Carlos doesn’t even feel guilty for the relief that floods him at that. “Industrial estate across town, one of the workers got nabbed when he went for a smoke. Same MO, no witnesses - it’s them.”
He nods, praying that Mitchell doesn’t notice the way his hands shake as he gathers up his papers. If she does, she doesn’t say anything, though he catches her exasperated head shake when he turns back to face her.
“Let’s go.”
The crime scene is, as always, pristine, and Carlos can’t help but be frustrated, even if this is what he’s come to expect. The case had been wearing on him even before TK was taken, but now it feels like every dead end is a spit in his face, like the universe is taunting him directly.
He’s about to wrap up the scene when a young officer comes barreling towards him.
“Detective!” he yells, panting. “Detective Reyes!”
Carlos stops, raising an eyebrow as the officer skids to a halt in front of him, hands on his knees as he catches his breath. “You okay?”
“Yeah. Yeah, I’m good,” he gasps. Straightening, he clears his throat, pointing across the street. “There’s a hidden speed camera over there.”
Carlos blinks. Of all the ground-breaking news he imagined might warrant such dramatics, speed cameras weren’t one of them. 
The officer heaves a long-suffering sigh, which, under any other circumstances, might be amusing. “We’re not sure yet, but, looking at the angle, we think it covers the place the guy got taken from,” he explains, and Carlos’s eyes widen. “If it does, we might be able to get some ID, maybe even a license plate. I know they’ve always been careful not to get caught on camera before, but they might not have known about this one. It’s a chance, Detective.”
Carlos breathes out shakily, mind reeling from the officer’s words. It’s a chance. An honest-to-god chance. “Have we pulled footage yet?”
“Doing that now.” The officer grins boyishly, and Carlos feels a small smile tugging at his own lips. He can’t let himself get too invested in this; there’s every chance that it’ll turn into yet another false lead. And yet.
Something like hope lights up Carlos’s chest, and he dares, just for a second, to believe in it.
It works.
It fucking works.
They don’t have an ID - the killers are at least smart enough to cover their faces - but they do have a plate, which they’ve managed to track to a warehouse on the outskirts of town. Carlos taps the steering wheel of his cruiser anxiously; they’re parked in some trees just out of sight of the building, and he itches with the desire to jump out and go.
Every second they wait here is one more second in which TK is still with them, suffering, dying. He chews on his lip, then turns to Mitchell.
“We clear on the plan?”
She raises an eyebrow. “I am. Are you?”
“What -”
“I know what this means for you, Reyes,” she interrupts, not unkindly. “I know what might be waiting for you in there. Now, if it were up to me, you would be benched. It’s too personal, and you’re way too close to it. But, since it’s not, you’ve gotta promise me that your head is screwed on tight, you hear me? We’ve got a good plan, and it’ll work, but it’s only good so long as we are all following it. So, you tell me. Are we clear on the plan?”
Carlos swallows thickly, glancing back in the direction of the warehouse. Mitchell is right - he is too close to it, and he’d be thinking the same thing if the situation were in reverse. He just… He can’t fathom being anywhere but here right now.
He can do this; he knows he can.
He has to, for TK. 
“Yes,” he says firmly, meeting her eyes. “We’ve got this.”
She nods. “Alright, then.” Her gaze shifts past him and she jerks her chin up. “There’s the signal. Let’s move out.”
It’s almost too easy, in the end. The suspects are woefully unprepared for an ambush, and Carlos doesn’t even need to fire his gun, which is always a good thing. They find the guy who was taken today in the same room as his kidnappers, a little worse for wear, but not too injured, all things considered.
Carlos wants to be happy about that, but he can���t. Not when TK is still nowhere in sight.
Mitchell takes over managing the scene and questioning the hostage. He’ll have to remember to buy something for her in thanks when this is all over; she’s been a rock over the past three months, often covering for Carlos with their supervisors when things became too much.
He glances around at the swarms of police and paramedics filling the warehouse, feeling oddly detached from it all. He’s itching to go looking for TK, but there’s only so far he can push things - though he’s being no help here, he has to maintain an appearance if he wants to not get fired.
That appearance being, the calm and collected detective, which is the furthest thing from what Carlos is right now.
His hands tap restlessly at his thighs, his senses dialled to eleven with anxiety, which only spikes when he sees an officer making her way towards him, a grim look on her face.
Please, god, no.
Carlos moves to meet her, but he’s not able to form the words for the question he needs to ask. Fortunately, she takes pity on him.
“We’ve found your husband, Detective,” she informs him.
Carlos swallows around the lump in his throat, trying to tamp down the fear. “Is he...?”
“Alive,” she says, and Carlos could cry with relief. “But he’s in bad shape. I’ve been told not to let you back there.”
He stares at her, dumbfounded. “I appreciate the concern, but my husband has been missing for nearly three months,” he says tightly. “It would not be a wise idea to keep me from him any longer.”
She hesitates, biting her lip uncertainly, but eventually relents under Carlos’s hard stare. “Alright. Follow me.”
Carlos is led down several corridors until they stop outside a door, guarded by two other officers. The woman who brought him has a whispered argument with them, but Carlos pushes past her to glare at them, his patience at an end now that he knows that TK is mere feet away from him.
“I told her to bring me here,” he says. “That man in there is my husband; I’m going in there one way or another.”
The two officers exchange a glance, then wearily sigh and nod, stepping to the side. Carlos doesn’t bother to thank them before rushing inside, coming up short at the sight of three paramedics crouched around a body on the ground. He can’t really see much of TK yet, but he feels frozen in place, his mind suddenly rebelling at the thought of having to witness what three months of captivity have done to him.
He shakes his head and wills his feet forward, feeling like he’s walking through treacle as he rounds to TK’s side. Bile rises in his throat and he can’t stop the gasp that escapes him when he finally catches sight of his husband - it’s worse than anything Carlos had imagined, and he’d imagined a lot.
TK’s completely naked; the paramedics have lain a sheet over his lower half, but it does little to hide his emaciated state, his entire body outlined with sharp corners where his skin seems almost shrink-wrapped to his bones. Carlos can count every one of TK’s ribs, and the hollow of his cheeks is deeply pronounced. His torso is discoloured from bruising and he’s horribly still and pale - Carlos would think he were dead if not for the barely there rise and fall of his chest.
That’s not the worst of it, though. Carlos’s eyes travel down TK’s body, cataloguing his injuries, before sticking on his left leg.
Or, rather, the space where his left leg used to be.
Carlos barely refrains from throwing up, his stomach turning at the bloody mess in front of him. This isn’t… In the back of his mind - in his nightmares - he’d known that this was a possibility, but he’d never prepared himself for actually seeing it. He doesn’t know if he could have prepared himself, even if he’d tried.
He’s broken from his horrified staring by one of the paramedics, now standing in front of him. Strange - Carlos hadn’t noticed him moving.
He sighs, obviously disapproving of Carlos’s presence here, but his expression holds nothing but sympathy. “Your husband is lucky we got here when we did,” he says. “But I can’t make any promises, and he is nowhere near out of the woods yet. To be perfectly honest with you, Detective, it’s a miracle he’s still breathing right now. He’s severely dehydrated and suffering from starvation - it looks like his kidnappers were giving him just barely enough food and water for him to survive. I’m also worried about infection in his leg, plus there might be injuries we can’t see yet. We’ve done everything we can for him here, but we have to get him to the hospital as soon as possible. I’m assuming you’re going to ride with us?”
Carlos immediately nods. There’s no way he’s going to remain here, even if he knows he won’t be able to stay with TK when they get to the hospital. He trusts Mitchell to handle things, and he wouldn’t be of much use anyway, even more so than before. Not after everything he’s seen, everything he’s heard.
The paramedics get TK loaded on a gurney and Carlos follows them out, eyes locked on TK’s still form. He brushes a hand through TK’s limp hair, forcing back the tears burning in his eyes.
“Hold on, my love,” he whispers. “I’m here; you’re safe now.”
He hopes, somehow, that TK hears him.
“Oh my god.”
Carlos looks up from the bed at the sound of Owen’s voice. His father-in-law has a hand over his mouth, shock written all over his face at the sight of TK - what little that can be seen underneath all the bandages and machines he has hooked up to him. Carlos had done his best to prepare Owen for what he’d face when he arrived, but it had been an impossible task. He’d barely been able to get the words out, for one, but there was no explaining just how bad things are.
Nothing will ever be the same. Not that Carlos had ever expected that it would, but when (if, he reminds himself) TK wakes up, it will be to a completely different life than the one he had walked out of all those months ago. 
The physical injuries alone would be bad enough - and, god, he’ll have to do so much at home to make it safe for TK - but he’s more worried about how this will have affected him in other ways. Carlos can’t imagine the level of trauma his husband has suffered, and he just prays that they can find a way to get through it.
Owen’s face crumples as he makes his way across the room, collapsing heavily in the chair on the other side of the bed. He reaches out as though to touch TK, but snatches his hands back just as quickly, expression stricken. “Oh my god,” he repeats.
Carlos lets him be for a few moments, allowing Owen to process what he’s seeing at his own pace. He turns away so that he can have some semblance of privacy, though he can’t ignore the soft sobs he hears. It’s almost as though they’re mourning TK, even though they now have proof he’s alive, which is more than can be said for the last three months.
Eventually, Owen sniffs, and turns to address Carlos. “Have they… What did the doctors say?”
“Nothing concrete,” Carlos answers, focusing his gaze back on TK. “If he makes it through the next few days, then they think he’ll have a chance, but that’s a big if, Owen. There was so much damage. His organs weren’t functioning properly, he has a head wound from when he was first taken that never really healed right, and his leg… It had become infected where his kidnappers cut it; they had to take some more in surgery to stop it from spreading any further.”
He tears his eyes from TK to meet Owen’s gaze, almost wishing he hadn’t when he sees his own pain and grief reflected back at him. “It’s bad, Owen,” he chokes out. “I don’t know… I don’t know what I’ll do if…”
He shakes his head, the words sticking in his throat. Not that he really needs to say them; they’re both thinking the same thing.
“The doctors probably told you, but they’re restricting visitors to two until he’s more stable,” Carlos continues, eyes dropping back to the bed. “I know the team will want to see him, but do you think you can hold them off for a while? Just for a couple of days, until we know more. I don’t want to keep them from him, but I just…” He trails off, guilt welling up in him even though he knows this is what’s best. “I know it’s a selfish thing to ask, but I think it’s for the best, for everyone.”
“I understand,” Owen says gently. “I’ll let them know. And… I’ll do my best to prepare them, for when they do come and visit.”
Carlos nods his thanks and the two lapse into silence, broken only by the hiss of the ventilator and the beeping of the heart monitor. Proof that TK’s still with them, but each noise sends another bolt of pain through Carlos’s heart.
He squeezes his eyes shut, finally allowing the tears to fall down his cheeks. “I’m so sorry, Owen,” he sobs. “I’m so sorry.”
Owen gasps. “What for?”
“I was supposed to protect him! This was my case, I’m the reason he got taken, the reason he might not make it. He could still die, and it’s all my fault!”
Carlos drops his head into his hands, chest heaving from the force of his sobbing. Distantly, he hears the scrape of a chair on linoleum, then Owen’s hands are on his shoulders, turning him into an embrace. Carlos falls into him, not caring about the almost childlike way he clings to his father-in-law.
“You found him, Carlos,” Owen whispers, rubbing circles on Carlos’s back. “You found him. Any chance he has at making it through is because of you. That’s what matters now; it’s the only thing that matters.”
It’s several more weeks before Carlos’s prayers are finally answered.
TK was declared stable some time ago, the doctors saying that, barring any unexpected complications, they should expect him to wake up. They hadn’t said anything about what the damage might be once he did wake, but Carlos hadn’t wanted to ask; at this point, he can’t focus on more than one thing at a time, else he knows he’ll fall apart.
He’s practically lived at the hospital since they brought TK in. He’s pretty sure Owen, his parents, and the 126 came up with a rota for making sure he wasn’t starving himself, because it was always someone different who attempted to pull him away from TK’s room for food or sleep in an actual bed. Carlos resisted as much as he thought he could get away with, but he’s not stupid. He knows he needs to keep his strength up if he’s going to be of any use once TK wakes up.
It happens early one morning, when the sun is just beginning to filter through the blinds. Carlos is already awake, keeping a vigilant watch over his husband, though he doesn’t quite believe it when TK’s eyelid twitches.
He holds his breath, waiting, and, just when he’s given it up as a trick of exhaustion, it happens again, both of his eyes cracking open this time.
“TK?” he breathes, half-rising from his chair. He reaches out and grabs TK’s hand, which moves - actually moves - in his, and tears spring to his eyes.
It takes a few more minutes before something like awareness creeps into TK’s face, his eyes fully opening for the first time in weeks. Carlos just sobs at the sight, drawing TK’s attention to him, at which point his expression turns to shock and disbelief.
TK’s mouth moves, but he can’t force out any words, causing panic to flash over his face and his breathing picks up. Carlos leans forward, squeezing his hand and stroking his cheek.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay,” he says softly, reassuring him. “You’re okay, I promise, everything’s going to be okay. You’re in the hospital. I’m here, and you’re safe. God, TK, I swear I’m never going to let anything happen to you ever again, I swear it.”
TK shakes his head, still not understanding, so Carlos reaches to press the call button. He forces a smile for TK’s sake, though his mind is crowded with worries about what their next steps will be. It’s going to be a long time before they can even think about going home, he knows this, but everything is so uncertain now.
Carlos wants to believe that there can be some sort of normality in their future, but, right now, it seems like a distant dream.
Time passes.
He brings TK home.
It’s hard, so much harder than he thought, but they have a whole team of people willing to help out as much as they can. Paul and Grace often bring food, usually stopping to talk for a while afterwards. The others - most often Marjan and Judd - sometimes come by and take TK out in his wheelchair for a while, giving Carlos time and space to relax or tidy. Letting TK out of his sight was difficult at first, and he still gets anxious watching him disappear out the door, but he knows that the 126 would do anything to keep him safe.
He just has to trust them, which he does, implicitly so. 
Owen’s also a frequent visitor to their house, staying overnight a time or two in the beginning. Carlos is grateful for it; he doesn’t know how he would have coped if not for Owen’s steady presence while they were still figuring out their new reality.
TK struggles a lot, even with simple things these days. The head wound caused brain damage, leading to migraines and he has problems with speech and carrying out tasks. It breaks Carlos’s heart to see him, but he forces himself to keep up a front, only letting the emotion out when he’s alone - or, rarely, with one of the 126.
He suspects TK knows anyway, but they don’t talk about it.
It’s a long few months of recovery, of pain and exhaustion and frustration. But it’s all worth it, because it means that TK is alive. It means that Carlos has him back, and they can work on getting better together.
It means that, one golden morning, Carlos wakes up to see TK’s beautiful green eyes already open, watching him intently. He reaches out to caress TK’s cheek, then leans in and presses a gentle kiss to his lips, lingering for a long moment.
And, when he pulls back, TK smiles.
And it feels like everything is going to be okay.
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crossovereddie · 4 years
Thoughts on 11x06
I had to come back to type this after the episode. I was gonna wait to post until more people are active but everyone’s safety is more important than notes. This was really hard for me to watch. It took me two hours because I kept needing a break. It’s a tough one yall. It’s heartbreaking and really brought out issues I didn’t know I was still dealing with until I reacted so badly to some stuff. Take care of yourselves and I’m here if you need to talk. I’ll have timestamps for major tws in another post coming right after this. I just gotta go back and get the end of those scenes. I only go the time they started.
Okay. So. There’s some trigger warnings that I’ve reblogged earlier. This recap WILL have thoughts about those triggers. If you think you’ll be triggered just message me or send me an ask and I’ll give you the non triggering recap. Stay safe please.
Kev and v intro. They’re having sex behind the bar
I’m extremely nervous for some reason I might not be able to get through this
Bike heist!!
Mickey is unimpressed
Lip telling Mickey what to do yes please
Fucking Mickey omg
Again Mickey is unimpressed
Lip :(
Frank is falling the chick he’s boning Monica
Not sure that’s her real name
Wait yeah it is
Frank??? Has to get to work???
Wait her name isn’t Monica
Oh shut now I get what’s happening
“Can I speak to Pope Francis please” LIAM 😭
Poor baby
Lip cooking breakfast. Hot.
I forgot about camis baby
I actually beep bad for lip and Tami
We already heard this argument with Mickey and Ian get new material writers
Yeah don’t tell Carl that traitor
HIS SMILE!!!!!!!!
Poor Liam he’s terrified
“I was hoping the fucker would just die” :(
Shut up Debbie
Mickey is beautiful
Leave Mickey out of it debbie goddamn
I cant fucking stand her
Frank just observing his kids and smiling
Same frank
“And the smartest” lol
Someone save Liam
“I want Sandy”
We all do kid
Fucking manipulative little I CANT STAND DEBBIE
Sandy deserves better
I hate the Milkovichs!!!!
How did smart sensitive sweet beautiful loving Mickey come from this disgusting family????
My heart hurts so him
“Homo sexy” dear god
Mickey is too good he deserves so much better
I love him so much
Let him be happy
Mickey has the biggest heart
They’re actually talking and not fighting
You’re so funny and smart and beautiful don’t forget that baby
And no one is fazed lmao
“He’s actually my uncle and my dad” I fucking hate this show
I forgot Carl makes legit money now
Wtf kinda school is this
This is so fucked up
The twins are so adorable
“You guys” I hate that but also she’s acknowledging Mickey as “hers” and he’s family :(
Okay this horrifying comment
I hate that it’s just nonchalant
Debbie just keeps talking.
Let’s move on
Mickeys face when she says “butt naked”lmao
“Talk to you for a minute?”
“Yes. Please”
Mickey is unimpressed by lip once again and I’m smiling
They love each other they’re secretly best friends ITS A FACT
“Blue like my balls” fucking frank lol
They’re going in on Frank’s storyline now
Boss Mickey at it again
Terry’s home
The way his face falls im sick
My heart is racing
Mickeys face is breaking my heart
Great now I’m crying
Mickey got emotional
Ian sensed it and touched his neck all fucking sweet
Okay I had to take a little break because I started crying
I love him too much
Fucking Noel is so damn good
My heart is fucking breaking
“Frank’s not a homophobic psychopath who tortured you for years”
Please Mickey deserves better
I don’t wanna hear any Ian slander either.
In this house we protect my son and my son in law I will fight you
“Let’s get the fuck outta here. Lip you coming?” 😭
That was so hard to watch yall. I’m not gonna lie to you. My parents weren’t half as shitty as terry but growing up feeling unloved your whole life fucks you up anyway and that brought out some emotions and feelings I didn’t realize I still dealt with. I had to pause for a good while and cry.
Leave Sandy alone debbie
Terry is disgusting
Okay the homophobic language he uses is definitely triggering so I’ll time stamp that too
Debbie you selfish bitch
Everyone leaving terry outside it’s a yes from me
I honestly can’t concentrate on the other scenes now I’m sorry y’all
I try to cover everyone’s scenes but it’s hard for me today
I’m not okay
Liam is too innocent poor kid
We need more scenes
Tumblr media
They’re besties
Mickey is beautiful
he really hasn’t called him Philip the entire episode wtf
Ignoring Debbie
Now I want fries
Carl is cringy
Mickey drove them home and pulled a gun
Honestly again another heartbreaking scene
Ian’s trying to make him stop
Terry is disgusting and also a coward but we’ve been knew
Noel is the most amazing
Mickey gets teary but doesn’t cry bc I cried enough for the both of us
He’s the strongest bravest ever and I’m so proud of him
I need a hug
My heart hurts so much y’all
I just want him to be happy
I’m a fucking mess
I can’t handle Lip being emotional too
Oh I thought lip wanted to sell the house for himself only but at least they all get their share
Horrible music choice
I wanna tuck Mickey in with his favorite tv show on(911) make him his favorite food to eat in bed and not let anyone but Ian around him for a good 72 hours
The way Ian is looking at him
“Would you take care of me if I was paralyzed?”
“....yeah. Yeah”
“Top you whenever I wanted” “asshole”
His smile is back that’s all I need in life
“That was big of you” “he’s an asshole...I wanna be better than that”
Ian’s like “back of the head? Gotta grab and hold my boy”
V spitting truth
I want terry to fucking suffer
Don’t do it frank
“Nah” LMAO
Frank loves his son in law
Sandy I love you
I need to hold her
No debbie I LOVE HER
Carl scene was so awful I feel so bad for him this girl is a fucking psycho
That was an actual rape scene what the fuck
Mickey making frank laugh
Debbie explaining? Really?
I hate her
“How long is this gonna take? I’m fucking starving Lip” WHY WONT YOU CALL HIM PHILIP
“We could get on with our lives” well that hurt more than it should’ve
It’s really the end soon huh? 😢
According to captions Ian says “we’re in”
Frank reads his diagnosis
Carl goes to report his rape
That took me nearly two hours to watch. Yeah I usually pause to type but I had to take long breaks after the hard scenes. It was a really hard episode to watch. A lot darker than it has been. I’m not really okay right now. It was emotional but a really good episode overall.
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wittykitty21 · 3 years
Falling Together
//Shanexfarmer HarveyxFarmer Sebastianxfarmer??
TW !! Talk of self harm, suicide, drinking, abuse, death!!
Chapter Two; Warm and Cold Welcomes
As I walked into the Stardrop Saloon, Emily immediately ran over and hugged me. 
“You’re here!! You’re really back! I knew it was you the second I felt your energy hit the earth here.” She beamed. I hugged her back, I felt so accepted and warm here. She began introducing me to everyone, including a hot lean alternative guy with black swooped over hair, grey eyes and dressed all up in black along with a girl with purple hair and dressed in a black shirt with a frog printed on it. I assumed he was Robin’s son she had previously told me about. 
“Heyyyyy Guns n Roses, nice taste. I’m Sebastian and this is Abigail. Abigail smiled and  waved a little shyly  at me. Sebastian continued,“ Sure mom’s told you about me. What’s your name?” he looked flirtatious towards me, but before I could tell him, a flash of blonde hair ran over to me and i was immediately lifted at least two feet off the ground into a hug. 
“EVIEEEEE!!!!! I can’t believe its you!! We have so much catching up to do since we last made mud pies together. ” He smiled and put me back down. Me being slightly startled from his energetic golden retriever personality. Sebastian was laughing at the startled expression I had. 
“Awww Sam, missed me pushing you over and you crying when I beat you in video games? “ I smirked. 
“You know it! I’ve gotten pretty good over the years, you owe me unlimited rematches. And - Hey, I don’t think you’ll be able to push me over anymore, short stack. “ Sam was around 6′0 ft, and I had stayed at a measly 5′3 and a HALF since I was 13. I was happy Sam was the same overly optimistic ray of sunshine he had been since a kid. 
“Jeezzzz Sam give her some breathing room. Sorry about him, he’s always like this” Abigail chuckled. 
Sebastian slid back into the conversation, “So, Evie, is that your real name or is that your nickname?”
“Oh, yeah. I just go by Evie. My full name is Evangeline Eliza Jones-Destriu. I hate how long my name is.... and the fact my parents chose to hyphenate my last name.”  I smiled weakly. 
“Well a cute name to match a super cute girl with awesome fashion sense! “, exclaimed Abigail. “You have to show me where you get your clothes from.”
“As long as you show me where you got that frog shirt from, frogs are like one of my favorite animals.” I said excitedly.
After playing a little bit of pool with my new friend group, everyone else from the town started pouring in. I went up to Marnie, who was talking to Lewis. As I approached she immediately recognized me and hugged me. 
“Evangeline!!!! Oh my goodness. You’ve become quite the beautiful young woman. You look so much like your grandpa. I’m sure hes so proud of you for taking over the farm. I’ll be here to help you as much as you need getting started. When Shane gets here you should say hello to him.”
“Shane? “ I squinted a little, confused. 
“My nephew, you two were best friends whenever you spent the summers here.” she said a little worried. She noticed the bruise too, I tried to hide it behind my hair but I was starting to think it was inevitable. 
“I’m sorry Marnie, I have memory problems. I’ll talk to you more about it in private when we catch up, but if you point him out to me I’m sure I’ll remember his face. I’m just not good with names. “
Marnie seemed a little sad that I hinted at the fact life hadn’t been very easy for me. “He’ll be here in a bit, he’s almost always at the saloon after work. He’s usually over there near the fireplace and bar. If you want you can come over for dinner on Sunday, I’m sure you havent had a good home cooked meal in a while since living in the city.”
I smiled widely “I’d absolutely love that. I was just telling Lewis today about how much I missed your cooking.”
As I said that, a man in a tattered up hoodie, dark black-purple hair, who was quite broad shouldered and had a dad body walked inside the saloon. He looked void of emotion and tired. Emily wasn’t phased by this, she smiled and treated him like everyone else in the warm happy way she did. He looked almost angry at her for her being nice to him. That’s when Marnie said “Well there he is, that’s my Shane.” 
Maybe he just had a bad day, I thought. I thought about getting him something to eat to maybe cheer him up a bit. After all, I knew all about having bad days. So I walked over to Emily, and he peeked up at me, seeming annoyed. This built up anxiety in me, but my therapist said I needed to overcome my fear of upsetting people after all I’d been through. So I asked Emily, 
“Hey what’s Shane’s favorite food?”
“Oh, he loves pepper poppers. Um.... Evie, hes a little..... rough around the edges.” she smiled “but he has a good heart. He has a goddaughter named Jas, and he took her in.”
I nodded, and she handed me a plate of the spicy food. I walked over cautiously to him, he smelled like beer and whiskey. I slid the food beside him and he looked up at me kind of dazed, probably from the alcohol.
“Hey, I’m new in town, I don’t know if you remember me but I’m-”
“What the fuck do you want? I don’t fucking know you, so piss off and leave me alone.” He spat at me and didn’t even look me in the eyes. I stood back shocked, feeling tears well up. Emily went pale, Marnie, Sam and Sebastian saw the look of hurt on my face. I immediately turned around and went back to Emily. 
“Hey you okay? I’m sorry, he’s not normally that harsh. Here,” She said as she handed me a bottle of wine. “its on the house. I should’ve told you he’s uh, an angry person.”
I couldn’t speak, the feeling of panic and tears welled up in my throat and I knew it was visible on my face. I just looked at her and nodded. “I’ll be alright, thanks Emily. I just wasn’t expecting that. I’m gonna head home.” 
I took the wine and Marnie tried to stop me and talk to me, she saw the tears starting to come down and gave me a quick hug. As I turned to leave I felt like i was being watched, and I locked eyes with him. A sudden wash of recognition and regret hit his face. He saw he made me cry and i knew now he knew who I was. He put down his beer and looked like he was about to walk over. I almost ran out the door, and started sprinting towards the forest with the wine in hand. As soon as I knew I was out of earshot, I broke down. I looked for the pond my grandfather used to take me to when I was sad. 
---Back at the Saloon while Evie is in the woods, Shane POV--
Marnie walked over to Shane. “What has gotten into you? You grew up with that girl!!!! You made her cry after she wsa just trying to be nice to you.”
“I-I didn’t recognize who she was until she left. I’m going to find her and apologize, I’m sorry Marnie. I’m just--” he sighed. God. I always fuck up. He thought.
Marnie patted him on the shoulder “I know Shane. Just-- try to remember you’re not the only one who’s been through a lot. Okay?”
He nodded and left the Saloon to find and apologize to Evie. 
--Back to Evie in the woods, Shane POV--
I sat down at the edge of the pier and downed the entire bottle of wine. I hadn’t imagined something so small would make me relapse. The alcohol made me feel warm so i took off my long sleeve shirt and kept on my large band tee. The bandages and stitches itched with my mistakes. So I took them off. They probably needed a little air anyways. The vertical cuts that were held together with thread still looked pretty bad and they bled a little as I unraveled the wrapping, but they were at least mostly closed up with scabs. Around the wounds were bruises from Daniel, my ex -fiance. I could still see the finger marks were he had grabbed me on my arm. I cried somewhat loudly and just laid and looked up at the stars for a while. I started feeling dizzy, and tired. And the comforting numbness washed over me as everything faded into darkness. I thought I heard someone walking towards me but I didn’t care. They could kill me and I’d die happy right there. 
--Shane’s POV finding Evie--
I knew where she was going, the same place she went when she snuck out of her gradfathers when she missed her dad. I heard loud crying, like someone was in pain. It had to be her, I was already tipsy and quickened my pace towards the loud cries. Suddenly it stopped. Oh Yoba. Oh no. Why did it stop? 
I didn’t want to frighten her, so I tried to walk a little loudly. I saw a figure laid out on the pier, close to the edge of the side, she was about to roll off into the pond. “Evie? Hey.”
No response. Oh fuck. As i got closer I saw the empty wine bottle, and i felt a pang of guilt and worry. 
Wait. What the hell? I turned on my phones light and shined it on her, she passed out from drinking. But- what was...... 
I saw cuts on both her wrists that were obviously a previous suicide attempt, they were stitched together, but she also had dark bruises of all colors on her arms, and she had cried off her makeup, revealing a darkened eye as well.
I felt like I had just walked in on a crime scene. I never thought I’d meet someone more messed up than me, much less a childhood friend. What the hell happened to her? I tried shaking her awake and calling her name but she didn’t wake up. More panic and anxiety came over me. I picked her up gingerly in my arms to bring her to the clinic, she was so small and soft. She smelled like strawberries and vanilla. Shane studied her features. She had the same freckles, same button nose, same long eyelashes and dark hair as he remembered her having as she had when they were little. She was gorgeous too. How could anyone hurt such a beautiful fragile girl? What the hell is wrong with me? Why am I thinking this way? Get a grip Shane. 
I called Harvey, “Hello?” A groggy mans voice answered. 
“Hey uh Harvey, the new farmer girl, she’s actually a childhood friend of mine. I found her passed out drunk on a pier and she looks like she’s already been in bad shape. I can’t wake her up, I’m bringing her as we speak. She already has stitches and-- She’s just in a really bad way.” Shane’s voice quaked a bit at the end of his sentence.
“Okay, oh Yoba, thats not good. Hurry here as fast as you can okay? I’ll get things ready for her so I can immediately work on her. Is she breathing? “ The words Harvey said made me panic more. Fuck. I didn’t even check to see if she was fucking breathing. I looked down and she was breathing gently and normally.
“Yeah she is, I think she’s just really drunk. I’m not sure.” I said back.
I carried her in, set her down on the hospital bed. Holy fuck. I hadn’t noticed how bad she really was hurt. She hid all of it with clothes and her long hair. She looked like she had been beaten over and over again over the past month. Even her eye and jaw had small bruises that had healed. Who did this to her? Then I saw the cuts. They were worse in the florescent lighting. Those were definitely on purpose. 
Harvey looked pale at the sight of her. “Okay, here, see if she has any emergency contacts on her phone. I’m going to get fluids into her. Aside from that, looks like all of this was from previous incidents.” and he closed the curtain leaving shane in the little area next to the room. She didn’t have but a few contacts saved. One of them was Daniel, as I selected his contact I noticed the number had been blocked. The picture of him was a guy with blonde hair and blue eyes, the athletic type. Looked like a general douchebag. A text came in from a random number.
“What the fuck? You think you can just run away from me? Restraining order is just a piece of paper. I’ll find you. I know you’re probably shacked up with some scumbag, you whore. Not even your father wanted you, your mom died and its your fault. You’ll never find anyone better than me.” It read. That had to be him. The whiskey helped fill me with rage, I typed the number into my phone and left to the lobby to call it. 
It rang a couple of times before a condescending voice answered,
“Come crawling back already psycho? You should’ve done a better job at trying to off yourself bitc-”
I cut him off, “Don’t contact her ever again. Or I’ll fucking kill you.” I hung up. And blocked the number. Why was I doing this? She was practically a stranger to me now.
I shook my head and left her phone with Harvey. I needed to sleep. I’d have Marnie call Harvey tomorrow to check on her. I looked at her one last time before I left, I remembered we’d have sleep overs, and she still slept curled up on her side. 
I went home and told Marnie, she shook her head.
“I’m sorry, Shane. I should’ve told you. Her father deserted her, he mother fell into drinking and killed herself. Evie found her when she was 18. Her grandfather died the same year. She has no one. I don’t know why she has bruises, but I suspect thats why she came here so far away from the city. Please be kind to her. ” She looked worried. 
“I-I...... yoba. I had no idea. She hadn’t-” I said then Marnie interuppted me.
“She didn’t come here probably because I wanted to run away from whoever hurt her that bad.”
I hardly slept that night, I got up for work in the morning and looked at the clinic on my way. 
I’m so sorry Evie. I need a fucking drink. 
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