#try not to miss me too much jkjk
Tumblr's very own @cal-puddies is attending the show tonight so please feel free to join me in manifesting some good old-fashioned slutty stage behavior tonight 😏
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smellrain · 6 months
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in which: Jack has liked you for years, but so far you have been oblivious to his feelings. Will the guide he made with the help of his teammate make you fall for him? Or will it end up destroying your friendship?
tags: written, mention of use of alcohol, slight angst. (masterlist for this au) (my masterlist) <prev. part: prologue I next part: ch. 2>
notes: [4.3k] First of all: thank you for your kind words after the prologue yesterday! Very happy that so many of you liked it. There is an analysis post about this chapter here that you might want to check out after! I hope you enjoy :) & come tell me how you liked it!!!
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It had been a long day at work for you. The data your boss had assigned you had taken you a lot longer to work on than you’d expected, which meant that you actually, genuinely missed your last lecture of the day. You had texted a barely-even-friend that attended the same elective about her notes but you hadn't gotten a text back so far. 
Standing in front of your door now, you leaned the crown of your head against the outside of it and took a deep breath in. You had missed the key hole not once but twice now and the anger that welled up inside of you was completely unwarranted, so you knew you needed to mentally take at least one step back. 
Four seconds in, seven hold, eight out. In and out. You blinked once and the dark of the wood was an unwelcome reminder of reality. Still, unlocked the door, this time succeeding on the first try. 
The hallway was quiet, but you had expected as much. One of your flatmates had a nightshift at the clinic she was working at while the other was sleeping over at her boyfriends. The blissful silence you had looked forward to this morning seemed suffocating now. 
It didn’t matter. It was fine like this, you were fine.
After turning on the kitchen light, you walked to your room, put down your bag and fell down onto your bed, face first. The scratchy fabric of your bedcover was not nearly as nice as the sheets you had dreamed of all day long. 
For a while you let your eyes fall closed, not asleep, but resting nonetheless. You just wanted to rinse the day off of you, but you were too hungry to even think about showering. 
With a groan you peeled yourself off your bed, sat at the edge of your mattress while an inexplicable urge to cry welled up inside of you. Your day had been really shitty and your were really, really hungry.
But you got up anyway and walked towards the light in the kitchen that shone through through the space of the door to your room.
The music you’d put on in the background helped but it didn’t quite scratch that itch for conversation, for company. When you saw your phone light up from where you had left it on the counter, you hoped it might be the classmate you had texted. 
You rinsed off your hands to see who had messaged you. 
Jack (worst Hughes brother): hey what r you doing tn? You: currently making dinner why what did you do what do you need Jack (worst Hughes brother): nothing  wait why did you assume i did/need sth anyways: can i come over soon?
The shower. You still had to shower, but soon for Jack usually meant at least half an hour. It  should be enough time and besides it was just Jack, no reason to put in more effort than necessary. 
You: because you always text me when you need my help sure, I might be eating by then, have you eaten? Jack (worst Hughes brother): I did like 5min ago wait no ignore that, you’re telling me I could have had some of yours??? jkjk see you soon
You liked the last message and turned the heat off your stove. Shower first, you reminded yourself, even as you mourned the loss of the start of your dinner that you had been frying on the stove. 
When he knocked at your door you were still sitting at the small kitchen table that could barely seat two people. “It’s open,” you said, loudly. 
From the sounds you could hear him open and close the door, take off his shoes and leave his bag in the hallway. When he finally came into your view, you couldn’t help but smile. Strange how that worked, considering you had almost cried half an hour ago. Food really worked miracles sometimes. But then again he had always had that kind of effect on you, making you smile despite yourself. 
“That’s not very safe of you,” he had said but he was already smiling, “having your door unlocked.”
“Hey you, fancy seeing you here.”
There was a warm feeling curling itself around your ribcage at the look at him, “hey yourself. I left it open because I knew you were coming over, don’t worry about it.”
“Alright,” he conceded, “did you watch the game yesterday?”
“‘Course I did,” you said, eyes following him as he took a glass from the cabinets and filled it up. There was something intimate about that, the ease he carried himself with, him knowing where to find your glassware and feeling comfortable enough to do so while carrying on with the conversation. 
There was something in you that ached at the feeling, at having someone that comes home to you. At having someone that just feels that comfortable with you, that you live your life alongside with. 
It’s not like you were lonely, you had wonderful flatmates and good friends, but there was just something different about this feeling, about this longing. Or maybe that was just the effect he had on you, inexplicable as always.
“Good, otherwise I would have felt stupid after my goal.”
You had seen the new ritual he did sometimes that he had been asked about by the media sometimes. He had done it a few times now, more often over this past year. He was approached by his teammates first, but then he was still for a bit, putting his hand on his chest and raising it up after, usually waving once. The warmth that had seeped into your bones crept up to your face, “you did that for me?”
The one time he talked to an interviewer about it, he had said it was a new good luck charm he was trying out.
Because of the small table the two of you sat close and his knee kept bumping into yours, but you hardly paid it any mind. It was comforting, having him here, this close in the low light of the kitchen, cradling one of your glasses in his hands. 
Admitting something he hadn’t told anyone else.
“Yeah, of course, had to show my appreciation for my number one fan somehow.”
You laughed a little, “you are such an idiot.”
The smile he gave you in return crinkled up the skin at the corner of his eyes and you wanted to trace that fold with your thumb. What were you even thinking? “I know.”
So you just swatted his shoulder and got up to wash your dish. “Did you guys go out and celebrate?”
Jack turned in his seat, his body facing your back from where he was still sitting at the table, “yeah. It was a really small bar in the middle of nowhere, Nico said he didn’t want to be recognised, despite the win.”
You hummed in response. The constant scrutiny must have been affecting them all after these past few games. “Cool. Did it actually work or,” you trailed off, not really sure how to finish your question. 
“Sort of, I mean we took a few pictures when we came in but it was a lot better than usual.”
“I’m glad then,” you said and turned back around to face him, “I’m glad nothing too exciting happened.”
At the word exciting his expression morphed into something odd. “What?” you asked.
“Nothing,” he answered but he wasn’t meeting your eyes anymore. 
“You can tell me, you know you can,” you reminded him, now getting closer to him again. You were usually able to get out every last secret of his if you just asked the right questions. 
“I know,” he assured you, now pulling you a little closer by your hip and resting his hand there. He had always been touchy like that, arms slung over your shoulders or around your waist, hands holding your wrist to pull you through crowds, thumbs circling your ankle when you rested your legs in his lap. 
“But it’s really nothing, I just got a little drunk,” he assured you, but you didn’t really buy it. 
Still, you had no real reason to press, knowing that it just made him close up further. He would end up telling you, just not now. “Okay.”
The two of you went back to your room soon after, deciding to watch a movie. You didn’t tell him that you were really, genuinely tired, because you knew he could tell. He always could, somehow, even if you yourself weren’t all that aware of it. Funny how that worked.
You sat down first and then patted the spot next to you on the bed, but for a split second you saw him hesitate. That hurt, just a bit because you had thought that the two of you were close enough for it to not matter anymore. 
Still, he leaned against the headboard next to you, his shoulder softly knocking against yours and your worries disappeared at that. You must have imagined it.
“Any preferences?”
“Ratatouille,” you said immediately, not even knowing where that request came from. 
He smiled, “I do like a girl that knows what she wants.”
For some reason you blushed at that, at the barely even there implication of being his. You really were going insane today. “Is that okay for you?”
“Sure,” he said, “let's watch the rat be a better cook than the two of us combined.”
You typed the website and clicked play on your screen and settled your laptop down between the two of you, one knee on each side of the bottom of it. 
You were suddenly keenly aware of the fact that you didn’t even own a tv, that you were watching a movie from your laptop when he could be at home, watching it on a screen that was at least double the size of this.
It was a stupid thought, so you brushed it off. He was a professional athlete, you were a college student. There was something fundamentally different about your current lives, as intertwined as they were. 
The movie started soon after, so you pushed all of that to the back of your mind. At first the two of you ran a semi-steady commentary about what was going on but soon after you were both too engrossed in the story to think about anything fun to say. 
When a sharp sound came from the screen you realised that you had your eyes closed. Sleepily you blinked your eyes open again. It must have been for a few minutes, at least because you weren't sure what was going on anymore. 
“Tired?” he asked, a knowing glint in his eyes. 
You let your forehead fall against his shoulder, this time on purpose. It was a welcome contrast to a few hours ago when you did the same thing against your front door. His shoulder was softer because of his sweatshirt and he smelled nice. Like the shampoo he used, like his laundry detergent. You wondered when that smell had become intrinsically his and not someone else's' like a friend of yours that used the same deodorant. 
You kind of wanted to drown in it, but you held yourself afloat anyway. He wasn’t yours, you weren’t his. The two of you weren’t like that.
“Had a hard day at work,” you mumbled, a little more tired now than you’d been just moments ago. His presence did that to you, calmed you down when you didn’t even know you were high to begin with. 
He lowered your shoulder a bit which made it more comfortable for you to rest your head on it. “You could have said no, you know that, right?”
But you had wanted to see him once you had seen his message. “I know.”
“Good,” he answered, as if it was as simple as that and remained quiet after that. 
You tried to turn your focus back to the movie, you really did, but before you knew it your eyelids were drooping again. 
Then you were woken up again, this time by Jack. 
The movie must have finished in the meantime because he had moved his arm, closing your laptop. You rubbed your eyes tiredly, trying to form a coherent thought but the only thing on your mind was the warmth of him next to you, the dream that just barely slipped out of your grasp. 
“Sorry,” you said.
He turned to you, surprised. “What for? If anything I should apologise, I kept watching even when you were tired.”
“You know I don't mind that,” you said. “I just wasn’t very good company today. Sorry.”
Jack knocked his shoulder against you with a little more purpose so you  turned to him. “Nope, none of that. I don’t mind, I got to see you, which is all I wanted anyway.”
How could he just say something like that? As if words like these didn’t bore themselves under your skin, living there forever, etching themselves into the white of your bones.
This casually, as if it didn’t just make your heart flutter the same way it did when you were eighteen, back when you had loved him. Still, in your barely illuminated room, late at night you let yourself linger. Let yourself pretend that his words held meaning. 
Let yourself pretend that the two of you were different.
You thought about the thousands of times you must have seen him just like this, in the dark, looking back at you. 
It was a weird memory that came to you, just then.
Back when the two of you had first met you had been crushing hard. It wasn’t really surprising, now looking back. You had never really gotten a lot of attention by boys growing up, so when he went out of his way to talk to you, you really had no choice but to fall for him. 
Liking him had become addicting. 
You could still remember the moment you thought he might like you back and the very same moment you knew it wasn’t, probably ever, going to work out between the two of you.
It was at a party, after you had just graduated. You had just come out of the bathroom, alone because your friend was finally, finally talking to the guy she liked. 
Then you picked up a friend’s voice somewhere down the corner, most likely from the kitchen. “C’mon your turn now. Who are you crushing on,” Aaron had said. They must still be playing a weird mixture of truth or dare and some other game you had already forgotten the name of.
Your mind immediately went to Jack, the way his hand had brushed yours when he had gotten you a drink earlier that night. 
“I don't?” Jack answered, slightly laughing, but there was an air of unease in his voice that you couldn’t help but notice. 
“C’mon, Jack don’t be like that,” someone else interjected, and suddenly you were a lot more invested in the conversation than just a moment ago. It was always like that when it was about him. 
“There are always so many girls throwing themselves at you, surely you want one of them,” you could hear the other guy’s jealousy from miles away but you weren’t sure if the others picked up on it too. 
“I’m serious, I barely have time for my friends already, let alone a girlfriend.” Jack said and there was this tiny spark of hope rising in your chest. Maybe you could change that. Maybe you could be the exception. 
“True,” Aaron agreed calmer than usual. You thought he might be noticing the tension waving off of the other guy. 
“There is no shame in admitting it,” the other guy doubled down, “what about that one girl? Short, brunette, on the track and field club.”
Oh god, he was describing your friend, the one you had just left with her crush. “Nah, wait I think she has a boyfriend, but what about her friend, the one that Kevin hangs out with.”
You. Shit, he was talking about you. Did you really want to hear Jack’s response? What if he said he didn’t like you? But what if he did?
“She is my friend too, you know,” Jack said, “but she is pretty, I guess.”
He guesses? That kind of really stung. You knew that there was nothing all that memorable about you, but it’s not like you were ugly. A thousand different insecurities that you thought you had worked through rose to the surface and you didn’t have the strength to push them back down. 
You had to escape, now, without being noticed and without listening to anything more. Still, your ear couldn’t help but pick up on the rest even as you pushed past that guy that sat behind you in math.
“Jack, don’t be like that,” the other guy insisted, “don’t you want to go up to her and just fuck her? I mean her ass-”
Humiliation. For some reason you felt humiliated and violated. You knew about locker room talk, but you had never wanted to be part of it. Tears were beginning to well up in your eyes and suddenly you could feel every single person that had touched any part of you today, suddenly questioning if it really was accidental. 
You had to get out, now. The static in your ear was loud and the bass vibrating through the soles of your feet seemed to turn it up even more. You had run away, texting the friend you came with some kind of bullshit excuse for leaving. 
The asphalt outside on the sidewalk was cold, but you sat down on it anyway. You just wanted to cry. Everything seemed so overwhelming and important all at once and you had no idea how to deal with all of it. 
Soon you were leaving high school for good, your friends were moving all across the country, you were so fucking lonely and the guy you had been crushing on for a better part of a year didn’t even think that you were worthy to look at. 
You drew your legs closer to your body and folded yourself up as much as possible. Growing up seemed scary all of a sudden. There was that one Lorde lyric that said that too, that you couldn’t quite pinpoint.
Suddenly people were streaming out of the house, all at once. You wiped your tears, looking up at what was happening. In the stream of people you couldn’t make out any of your friends.
Then you heard your name being called. It was Kevin, still standing at his door. He held Jack at the others shirt collar, as if he was holding up a particularly unruly cat that had gotten in trouble again. 
Your eyes must not have been red because when you came closer neither boy commented on it. “Get him home,” Kevin said and dumped a heap of Jack right in front of you. 
Jack glared back at where Kevin disappeared back into the house, eyes murderous. You had never really seen him act like that, especially to a friend. But then again how well did you really know him?
A beat of silence. You really wondered what on earth had happened for the party to just end. You shifted your weight on your feet. “Do you have a car?” you asked eventually. 
Jack brushed past you, “yeah. I’ll drive you home, didn’t drink anything.”
You followed him, but on the short walk back to his car neither of you said anything. 
The stereo remained off all the way back to your place. After you had stopped looking at him to try and figure out what had him in this bad of a mood, you looked outside. The neighbourhood was so familiar, and the horribly sad feeling from earlier came up again. 
You really needed some kind of distraction. “Thank you for driving me home.”
For a second he remained quiet and you really thought you were going to be ignored. He had always had a bit of a dramatic streak at times. “Of course.”
His expression remained scarily blank. “Can I ask what happened with Kevin?”
“Nothing,” he said, his gaze staring firmly ahead. Then, “I don’t like his friends.”
What kind of response was that? “Okay,” you tried, carefully, “then why did you come?”
“I didn’t know I didn’t like them before tonight,” he said. 
Then you looked at the way his hands were gripping the wheel, specifically at his knuckles. Wait- “did you punch one of them?”
He laughed, and the sound bounced off the small enclosure and some kind of happy feeling made your heart swell, even though you had been apprehensive about him just moments ago.
It was a lot longer than your comment had warranted. You really were a bit concerned about him. Should he be driving if he acted like this? “I might have.”
Before you could ask why, because you had never seen him actually punch anyone, he continued, “in my defense, he started it.”
“That’s a shitty defense,” you said, “that just means you have to be the one to take a step back first.”
He only shook his head in response but you were happy he was back to acting like that Jack you knew. “You would have punched him too, I just know it.”
“Sure,” you replied. You had never punched a person because you didn’t like them and you didn’t think you’d start anytime soon. 
“Trust me, you would have,” he said and left it at that. 
The two of you arrived at your place soon after, so you thanked him and left. 
The rest of the summer between highschool and college was spent getting over him, which you eventually succeeded at when he introduced his now ex-girlfriend to you and your friends. 
In college you went out on a few dates, but none of them ended up going anywhere. That was fine to you, because it just meant that you were prioritising other things now, like your studies and your friends. 
There wasn’t even anything all that similar between that memory and your current situation, but you drew the comparison anyway. His jaw was more refined now, his hair longer and his eyes seemed different now, a bit more mature maybe. Or maybe just a bit more tired. 
“What are you thinking about?” he asked. 
It must have been a bit strange, you just looking at him. “You,” you replied honestly. “Do you remember that one party, way back, after high school where you punched someone?”
He groaned and leaned his head back against the wall, his throat exposed. Your gaze lingered there for a bit before returning to his face. Some kind of feeling almost bubbled to the surface at the sound and the matching sight.
“I do.”
“I never actually figured why you did that.” When his gaze remained firmly on your ceiling, you continued, “I feel like now enough time has passed for you to admit why.”
He smiled a bit. “There was this other guy, right? The one I punched, I mean.”
You nodded. 
“He was being a real dick about one of my friends, and when he didn’t stop talking about her I just kinda wanted him to shut up. Moved before thinking about it.”
“Asshole,” you commented, not about Jack. 
“Right?” he turned his head so that he looked back down to you, “after that one punch I came back to myself but before I knew it Kevin had dragged me out by my collar, shouting that everyone had to go.”
“He must have wanted to avoid a full on fight,” you said. 
“For sure, can’t even blame him.” With a mischievous gleam in his eyes he said, “but it felt really good to finally shut him up.”
You laughed, thinking that the entire situation was a lot more dramatic than it really had any reason to be. The laugh turned to a yawn by the end. 
“I should leave,” he said but you had the weird urge to ask him to stay. 
“Sorry, I’m a lot more tired than I thought,” you said instead.
“Don’t apologise for that,” he said, getting up. He ended up offering you a hand to help you get up as well even though you really didn't need it. You took it anyway. 
He picked up the bag that he had left at the door, opened it and turned to you. “I had fun.”
You smiled, “me too.”
“Good,” he offered you a smile in return. You saw his hand reach out and stop for just a second, but before you could ask him about it, he held it against your temple and leaned down to give you a kiss on your forehead. He lingered in your orbit for a bit longer than the duration of the kiss, just hovering above you. 
“See you soon,” he said, waving, and you replied the same. Then you closed your door and locked it. 
You didn’t need to hold your hand against your cheek to feel it burn. What was that? He had never done that before. He had never done anything like that before, ever.
You stumbled to your bathroom, and went through the motions of brushing your teeth and going on the toilet. When you finally crawled under your sheets, you let yourself sink down into them. 
Still, you were too tired to properly dissect the entire interaction so instead you closed your eyes. You drifted to sleep, your mind focusing on the tips of his ears that had seemed a bit flushed when he closed the door behind himself. 
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taglist: @alwaysclassyeagle @hughescomplex @lupinslibraries @megaluke @cixrosie (send me an ask to be added!)
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can you write relationship headcanons for hyugo please? he's so underrated oh my god- btw love your blog, i'm so happy there's more people in the tkatb fandom <33 thank you for your service!!
My Exaltation (Hyugo x MC/Reader - Relationship HCs)
Thank you for the ask, Anon! And especially thank you for the kind words! :D
- Signed by biggest-geo-oogami-enjoyer Exaltation: a feeling or state of extreme happiness. Trigger Warnings: NSFW and sexual mentions (nothing too crazy though).
A/N: (Check down the bottom for more info: but here's the server skeleton I've made: Link: TKATB Server).
I see Hyugo as somebody very affectionate, like a puppy. (He literally gives puppy-dog eyes like c’mon). Also is capable of becoming as feral as one.
Definitely will be the type to walk up to you randomly and beg on his knees request to do something, considering I feel like part of the reason he has so much on his plate is due to the fact he can't stand having the same routine day after day. He needs spice. And you'll happily oblige.
Also very protective. Hell, this guy killed someone(s), so he’d be more than willing to defend you if it comes to that. Owns weapons 110%. Is also very capable at using them.
Hides all his suspicious activity from you. Not because he doesn't trust you, but mostly due to the fact he doesn't want you to get involved.
When If you move in together, he will make sure to enroll you in self-defense/weapon training classes (or he'll teach you himself, who cares about the law he's committed about 56 crimes in the span of a month /jkjk).
Is alarmingly strong, for someone of his stature and build, he often ensures to work out, because, well, he never knows when someone will come after him now does he?
Is paranoid about your safety 25/8, he's alert and vigil every waking moment. Ever since the cinema incident, he's been freaking out internally. (What if they find out about you? What if you go missing too?). Will hide it though, he can't afford you to be scared of him, now can he?
Crime hustles aside, Hyugo is genuinely a very loving and #goldenretriever boyfriend. Will use petnames as much as humanely possible, usually the flirty ones like 'darling'.
If you are a clothesnapper, expect him to start stealing back, eventually both your wardrobes will be swapped. You both don't care though, because both your horny asses will be relishing in the smell of each other in secret teehee.
Will be pulling the biggest 'Aww you look so adorable!!!!!' face known to man the first time you stole his clothes (probs a sweater or overshirt). Will tease you about it.
Makes puns 24/7, actually a master at them, it's kind of unnerving.
If you're ticklish, do not, under ANY circumstance, let him find out. You will be on the verge of dying each time he tickles you.
Hyugo's heart melts if you wanna watch his favourite movies with him: "Uh...Oh my God! MC! The new *insert movie title* came out...wanna watch it together this Sunday?" *insert massive puppy dog eyes, a cutesy little pout and two slender hands clasped together in a praying motion*
You agree, because...of fucking course you will.
Doesn't care enough to cook most of the time, but will try for you. :]
If you're cooking (or baking desserts), he'll spawn right behind you and hug you.
Will make you game with him, you don't have a choice, this guy needs action in his life (totally not like he doesn't already have any right-)
He's the little spoon, loves being smushed into your tits/pecs pressed against your torso, it means he can hear your heartbeat. It means he can fall asleep knowing you're safe.
NSFW (I am aware these may seem short. But. uh. I'm rusty cut me some slack).
I see Hyugo as a power bottom, or even a switch. (Emphasis on the 'power' part, this guy is strong).
Is capable of serving cunt/cock scarily well. Like you have no clue how he got this good.
Don't pull his hair too hard, a bit'll make him whine groan, but he doesn't seem the type to be into hair pulling unlike Sol and Crowe teehee
More funny during sex imo, depending on how intimate it is. If it's a sudden need then he'll be silent as the grave and going all out on dishing his horniness out, but if you're both chill and happy then he's much more jovial.
Masterful at aftercare, will murmur praises for how good you were, how much he loves you, etc. into your collarbone.
You are everything to him, his lover, his vehement source of peace, and his exaltation.
A/N: So, @hayooni mentioned that we should probably have a Discord server or something, so I made one. It's pretty mid so far, and I'm definitely going to hand off admins to other people who're superior when it comes to Discord server making, but hell, how about we make sure this community is as nontoxic and interconnected as possible. We're the OGs and veterans of this fandom; we might as well make it a fucking good one.
Link: TKATB Server
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pa1nkill3r · 7 months
Day 2,557 [G.W]
[Pairing:] George Weasley x GN!Reader
[Summary:] A boy comes into the joke shop with his mother; It felt all too weird for the one-eared owner to feel so at ease, something he never felt for the past 7 years.
[Warnings:] angst, sad, major character death (not Fred obv), reincarnation, grief, mourning, swearing
[a/n:] Scrolling through facebook and getting videos of children talking about their past lives really intrigued me. This is my first fic and it might be bad so please don’t bully me, I’m sensitive <3 (jkjk but I am open for constructive criticism!)
[a/n; March 2024] I wrote this draft back in 2021 or 2022 I believe, waiting desperately for the opportunity to finish and post this. That time never came. Now, 2 or 3 years later, I gravely admire my vocabulary, creativity, and passion for writing back then. Honestly speaking, moving schools killed my spark and I am desperate to get it back. For now, I am working on reviving that spark within me by going back to where I started. Even though the HP fandom isn't as active as it used to be, I would still like to share this piece I made because I am so, so proud of my younger self.
╰┈➤✎*+:。.。⋆·˚ ༘ **ੈ✩‧₊˚ˏˋ°•*⁀➷
There was something about Y/N wearing white that George loved so much. He always got so giddy and cute which in turn made their eyes roll and mouth grin.
The way Y/N looked sitting at the Great Hall with their white sleeves rolled to their elbows, one hand under their chin and the other twirling a spoon while their eyes dragged along their charms textbook, cramming in as much information as they could for the upcoming test that afternoon. 
Or that time at the Yule Ball when they thought it’d be funny to wear an all white ensemble because: “What?...I wanted to feel like a bride at their wedding.” whilst having the best night with George, their “groom”.
Even small moments like when they would steal a shirt from George’s drawer and wear it to sleep. He loved every single bit of it, even if it cost him many shirts.
He truly never got enough of them wearing white. So seeing them in a casket wearing that same color 7 years ago, looking so peaceful and so… dead. That killed him. That’s the last time he will see them in white; That’s the last time he’s going to see them at all. 
That was the last time he could actually feel their hand rather than just dried oil on linen canvas, framed in oak and hung atop his bed. How he wished their eyes could roll one more time at how stupidly in love their boyfriend is with them, especially in white.
Voldemort’s reign of terror had ended, as well as the lives of many others, and maybe even George. They were a horcrux he never made, his life force created by deep love and affection rather than the hunger for immortality.
It never got easier even after 7 years, he simply just got used to it. 
He got used to the feeling of an empty bed. He got used to gripping onto a cold body pillow instead of a warm figure and a heartbeat with Y/H/C hair disturbing his lips. He got used to counting the days since their death which gravely disturbed Fred, his twin. He got used to waking up everyday and checked off a box from the calendar with an absurd amount of numbers on it. 
Admittedly he is doing better than he did 7 years ago. No more jumping from every small sound and drawing out his wand in the middle of the night. No more vivid dreams of several dead bodies laid across the Great Hall. No more crying himself to sleep. No more missed dinners. No more grieving. 
He’s longed for them longer than he has actually been with them. But his love never faltered. Not once. 
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Day 2,557
It's now exactly 7 years since the Battle of Hogwarts. And in a month it would be the 7th anniversary of his obituary for Y/N on the Daily Prophet, a suggestion made by Percy to try and help his grieving brother. It helped, but not really. 
The small May 2nd, 2005 box wrote “Baby Vic’s Birthday!” in bold red ink. George moved the yellow paper star that stuck gently onto the calendar with paper tape as Fred walked into his room. Envelope in his hands, bread between his teeth, and a beautiful haughty looking owl on his shoulder.
“Fun to finally see you up, Georgie!” Fred greeted sarcastically as George hummed in response. “Bill just sent an owl that little Vicky’s turning 5!"
"That is usually how birthdays work, Freddie." George joked, grabbing his wand and with a flick, his bed is magically fixed. "I'm not a dumbass, you know?" Fred chuckled lightly as he handed George the letter from Bill and Fleur, "They're hosting a party for her at the Burrow at 5."
He took the piece of parchment and flattened it by his desk before pulling it closer to his face, his back mindlessly pinning itself to the wall. 
Dear Fred and George, 
Bill here, As you should know, it's baby Victoire's 5th birthday today and we would really like love to have you two come by the Burrow at 5 pm. 
Vic really misses you both. Uncle George this, Uncle Fred that. She’s going to be like you two one day, I’m tellin’ ya. She loves listening to stories you tell her, especially the ones about Y/N and Tonks. She thinks that they’re the coolest people ever and that she wished she could meet them. I simply told her that one day she would, but it’ll be far far away from now. 
Hope to see you later! Please owl back immediately, Vic’s got Ginny’s temper.
xx Bill
“I’ve already owled them my ‘happy birthday’ letter before Chouette came.” Chouette, the owl cooed at the mention of her name. Slightly shuffling her feathers therefore lightly tickling Fred's neck, making him shiver. The haughty owl flew from Fred's shoulder to George's making the younger twin chuckle. 
"Seems like Chouette is telling you to take a bath, mate." George laughed as the back of Fred's hand flew to his forehead. "I got us crepes and bread for breakfast! And you go on and call me stinky?" Fred exclaimed dramatically. 
"How 'bout you be a dear and write to Bill and Fleur that we are going to Vic's party, alright?" 
"Yeah, yeah, I'll do that." George agreed, taking out a roll of parchment from his desk drawer as well as a quill and a bottle of ink. "While I eat my breakfast and write this, will you be a dear and take a bath!" Fred cackled at his younger brother's statement. Though in a bit the sound of water dropping down the shower head echoed through the small flat above the shop.
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School owls poured in as numerous Hogwarts students wanted to take advantage of the annual “54% off ‘End of War’ sale” at Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes held in memory of the fallen 50. Because in Fred and George’s philosophy, “...We might not be able to save them, but they can save our customers over 50% off of all our products!”
It seemed insensitive but it’s the thought that counts. They wanted to make sure that their passing didn’t go to waste, even if it is counted as a discount to the famous Diagon Alley shop. 
Mr. Weasley and Mr. Weasley were rather busy picking up and shipping out their joke products, sending it to the owls who were perched up in a little area at the back of the store, nibbling on insects Verity; a part of their staff had handed them before sending them back to the school her bosses previously dropped out of. 
It was nearing lunch time when everyone wearing magenta robes stocked up the shelves again, having been sending out owls since 8 in the morning when they heard a clanging from the front doors, signaling that a customer had finally came; A middle aged woman looked starstruck whilst holding onto a young boy that’s slowly getting out of her grip, having the same eagerness as his mother.
It wasn’t unusual for customers to react this way coming into the Weasley’s joke shop. The boy’s eyes sparkled while the mother looked in admiration. The mother crouched down to hold onto her son, keeping him from running while his mouth spilled with words. 
“Mum, we have to get something for Mia!” the boy cried out eagerly, eyes darting towards every single corner of the store. George’s mouth upturned into a sloppy grin whilst listening to the boy. 
“Marty, that’s sweet of you, but we already got the quill she wanted.” The mother said quietly, running her hands over the boy’s shoulders, easing it. “And it’s your birthday...” George didn’t know what came after that as he took the chance and walked towards the small family with a big smile on his face, quickly followed by Fred. 
“Heard it’s a little man’s birthday.” inclined George, hands in his pockets and head down turned. The mother looked up and stood from her spot, giggling slightly as she kept a hold of her son’s shoulders. “What’s your name?” he asked, now being the one to crouch down in front of the boy.
The boy tilted his head to the side, eyes slightly strained. He looked both confused and hyper focused at the same moment. Though weird, George thought nothing of it. After all, he was a kid, the man he’s looking at has one ear, and the hyperfixation was quickly ended by the slight shake of his shoulders. The mother looked down at her son, silently telling him to introduce himself. And so he did. 
"I'm Martin! I turn 6 today!" the boy said enthusiastically,bringing a smile on George's face. Being around Martin felt odd, it felt so unapologetically peaceful and rather… familiar. 
"SIX?!" Fred loudly piped in. "Well now that's big, little man!" 
The mother was slightly startled by the appearance of the ginger's twin, though the same cannot be said about Martin who simply smiled absentmindedly. 
"I knew you before." said Martin, eyes targeting the younger twin. George smiled and kept close to the boy, keeping the conversation going. "Really?" he asked with vivid curiosity, he did not recognise the boy or his mother but fueling a child's imagination wouldn't hurt anyone. 
"How?" piped in Fred, now also crouching beside his twin, "And why just him?" he asked comedically, pointing to his brother. 
"Since we were 11." Answered Martin with no signs of struggle on his face. The red haired owners looked at each other, though more in disbelief than in confusion. 
"Thought you said you were 6, Martin?" George asked with a kind look on his face. The boy’s mother shook her son’s shoulder harder than she did the past few times, mumbling “Marty, what did I tell you?” in tired disbelief.
“M’sorry mum.” Martin said with a pinch of sincerity before turning back to face the bigger man in front of him. “I was 20 before I became 6.” “Marty.”
Chilling, the owners thought. As they were 20 at the time of the battle of Hogwarts. 
“I’m so sorry Mr.--”
“Weasley.” Fred replied as the confusion simmered throughout his twin brother. “S’really nothing to worry about Mrs.--?”
“Edevane. But I truly am sorry, he’s just a very imaginative little kid. Always has stories of his quote-unquote ‘past life’.“ she explained, making the kid become a bit mad. “But mum, it’s true!-”
“Marty, how about we look around the store, alright? Mr. and Mr. Weasley could show us around perhaps?” Mrs. Edevane hinted to the twin owners, relief gracing their legs as they were now able to stand on their feet. 
“Yes, we can certainly do that! Come along Marty, tell us more about this ‘past life’ of yours.” Fred’s arm wrapped around the small boy’s shoulders, showing him around the color filled shop. “Sorry about that Mrs. Edevane.” he added mischievously, “Here at Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes, we like to encourage creativity and imagination.”
“--As it is the reason we got here.” George finished, giving Mrs. Edevane a kind smile as they start roaming around the shop. “Uhh. Mr. Weasley.” Her fingers tapped onto George’s shoulder. His head whipped around and mouth about to open when suddenly the 6 year old spoke; “Mum, Mr. Weasley’s name is George. This one’s Fred.”
The utter shock that went through the twin wizards was clear as day. No where in the shop did it say the owner’s names. Even their name tags; The little badge pinned on their suits merely wrote ‘Mr. Weasley’. Fred, being the initiator that he is, leaned forward. “Now how can you be so sure, Marty?” he teased, “What if I tell you that you’re wrong?”
Martin simply smiled, angling his head a bit to the side again. “Mr. George has a longer face, down turned eyes and eyebrows, he’s a bit taller than you, Mr. Fred. You have a squarer face and shorter features than him.” he explained smoothly and innocently. As if it’s something he’s observed over the course of his whole life.
“Ma’am, I’m afraid your son’s a genius.” George joked, even if he’s visibly disturbed, though nonetheless intrigued. Nobody has ever differentiated them this way, even their own mother. Though one person did. The one he cherished most. The mother smiled, holding onto her son once again. 
“I’m no genius.” Martin spoke, a shy smile gracing his small little lips, so identical to the person’s portrait above George’s bed. He even said their typical response to their mind being praised. 
“-- I just quietly observe.”
Martin spoke but George merely whispered. A shiver ran through his spine, heart pumping, cold sweat dripping from his forehead. It could’ve all been a coincidence. One big coincidence served on a silver platter, garnished with confusion and terrifying accuracy. 
“Mr. Weasley?”
He snapped back, giving the woman a sign to continue. “Uh, I just wanted to ask... err. Why that big of a discount? Why is it 54% off of everything? That doesn’t really sound like a good marketing strategy, doesn’t it?” She asked curiously. 
“Well Mrs. Edevane.” George started, seeing as Fred and little Martin were still going around the shop. “Remember the last wizarding war?” Mrs. Edevane shook her head. His smile faltered a bit but still kept his composure. “We’re, what you call it? Muggle--born?” Her eyebrows furrowed while her teeth sinked into her bottom lip. “Well, my daughter... err. Just started her first year and that McGonagall woman said that she’s a ‘muggleborn’.” 
They truly didn’t know who they are.
“-- What I’m trying to say, Mr. Weasley, is that we, or at least I, am not magical. Nor is my husband.” He nodded, breathed in a bit as his mind tried to ease itself. The boy couldn’t have known who he is as they wouldn’t have known anything about the prophet, or could they?
“Well, Mrs. Edevane. 7 years ago at this date. The second wizarding war has ended. My brother-in-law defeated... him.” It was still hard to say his name, even years later. “V-Voldemort.”
She looked curious but silently let him continue. “Uh, remember when. Uh-uhm that bridge collapsed in muggle london? 7-8 years ago? A big hurricane happened? When a lot died like-” It was hard to explain. Truly. It was hard to live through it again.
“Like that Emmeline Vance lady?”
“Yes, exactly!” He exclaimed. “It was all caused by him. By wizards! Dark wizards!” Her previously bright face now looked horror struck. It was all making sense. “Seven years ago, this day. Everything ended at Hogwarts. As well as the lives of 54 on our side.” He wanted to mention one very special loss, but figured that she doesn’t need to know about it. She was just a muggle mother who brought her son birthday shopping. “We wanted to commemorate them.”
A sincere look graced upon her face, out of pity. “Is there any chance that you’ve seen anything from the ‘Daily Prophet’, Mrs. Edevane? Or your son?” He asked, breaking the uncomfortable silence. She shook her head, now gracing a look with pure confusion. “A-Anything. Like a paper? A newspaper with moving photographs? Or maybe a-a Quibbler?”
She shook her head. “Why’re you asking Mr. Weasley?” His mouth opened, about to burst out his concerns and held in grief to a complete stranger when; “George!”
It was Fred, hand resting on his twin’s shoulder as the six year old boy beside him just stood. “-- Can I talk to you? I need to talk to you.” He said, fright gracing his features and panic in his voice. 
George nodded, bidding a quick goodbye to the mother and son who came in a few moments ago and calling for one of their faculty to give them the tour they wanted.
Fred pulled his twin to an empty corner of the shop. Sound muffled by the stacks of products ranging from fireworks to extendable ears. “That boy George.” Fred panted. Voice shaking. “He knows too much. Is there a chance that you put anything about how Y/N saved me?”
“Briefly. Why?” His heart was about to pop out of his chest at any moment. Any moment now his heart would be a new WWW product. 
“He explained everything! Everything George! Knew things that he shouldn’t have!” Fred said, terrified. “What did he say?” asked George. Croaking out whatever’s left in his heaving lungs. 
“He said that he saved me. Me and Percy! From the explosion! I didn’t think much of it at first, George! I knew that you wrote that in their obituary. But he just kept going.” Frightened. They were both frightened. “Everything they did. He knew.”
“How accurate was he?”
“Very. George. Disturbingly accurate.” Back straightened and composed, Fred stood back, eyes darting back and forth from his brother to the entrance of the shop. “He knew that they transfigured the rubble to sand. He knew that they cast that ring of fire shit they did. The diabolica thing to ward off the death eaters? Yeah. He named the spell. HE NAMED THE SPELL, GEORGE!”
“I heard you the first time!” George yelled back. Disturbed, yet he felt at peace. He could have the last goodbye he’s always wanted. “We need to talk to the boy, Fred.”
His twin nodded fervently, about to walk away from the corner when he felt an arm tug on his elbow. “Oi, how can we do it without worrying the mother?”
“Give whatever he wants for free. It’s his birthday after all. Now come on!”
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strwberri-milk · 1 year
Would you please write Diluc or Kaeya. They see their lover dance in the rain, and their lover finally sees them. Their lover offers them to dance with them if they'd like.
TYSM. Btw your writing is so smooth, the words just seem to flow.
thank you!! the writing flows probablyl bc i black out when i write LMAO jkjk but i do try to enter a flow state to just get everything out which is why. i have weird errors i never catch lol also where i work i gotta go outside a lot and the other day there was a massive storm and me and my friend decided to just go fuck it and walked back in the storm bc here there's no guaruntee the rain will lighten up and we didnt wanna get trapped on the island where we were at the time and came back up to the main store just. soaked. it was awful i couldnt even wear my shirt anymore
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Diluc, as per usual was caught up inside with some work. With the heavy rain he knew his work as the Darknight Hero would be severely impeded so he wasn't planning on going for a patrol this evening, leaving him more time to spend with you. He was just trying to finish his paperwork at this point for the day so he could spend the rest of the evening with you without worrying about anything else.
You had found a way to entertain yourself without Diluc, hearing the slight roll of thunder in the distance and preoccupying yourself with a small impromptu picnic on the steps to the manor while you waited for the rain to come down.
In about an hour Diluc heard the sound of raindrops hitting against the ground. The rain was slight and barely coming in so he decided to keep his window open for the fresh air to come through, almost missing the sound of your laughter on the ground.
He stuck his head out, trying to look for you when he saw you just happily dancing around in the rain. You were singing to a song in your head, swaying to the beat you imagined as the rain comes down. It didn't drown you out with how soft it was coming down, but he was getting worried that you'd get cold from being outside and wet.
Diluc was about to call out to you when you looked up and met his eyes with a huge smile. He couldn't tell you no now with how happy you looked. Instead, he comes down and opens the door, watching from the doorway as you skip around.
He should have expected you to march right up to him, pulling him under the rain and making his already unruly locks even worse. He sees the curling up as you pull him around to the number you've made up, sighing good-naturedly before pulling you into his arms.
You're a little surprised until you feel the heat of his body get a little warmer, the slight glow of his vision telling you that he was using it to keep you warm. His arms wrap around your waist, making you slow down to the rhythm of a smooth waltz and keeping you there, nice and cozy. Now, the two of you can dance as much as you want to without Diluc having to worry about you freezing.
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Kaeya was inside trying to make some dinner. You were supposed to be running some errands for him when he discovered some of the ingredients he wanted to use were missing. Thankfully they weren't anything too major but he was hoping that he could have them in a timely manner to ensure everything tasted as perfect as he wanted it to.
He didn't expect to hear the door open for just a split second, groceries getting plopped onto the ground before you run out of the house again. He goes to investigate what you're trying to do, seeing you laying in the grass for a bit as the rain just starts to come down.
Curiously, he continues to watch what you'll do as the rain comes down harder, cringing a little as he realises it's taking you a while to get up. Hopefully, you don't track too much mud into the house later, but if this is how you want to have fun he's not going to stop you.
When the rain starts to pour a little you finally get up, practically frolicking around the yard as he recognises you dancing around. He smiles to himself, still watching from the safety of the inside of the house as he hears the sound of your muffled laughter.
it takes you a while but you finally notice that he's just been watching you for the last little bit. When he doesn't make a move to come outside with you you pout a little, gesturing for him to open the door. When he finally does, you continue to motion for him to come outside, Kaeya doing so a little hesitantly. He just doesn't like the feeling of wet clothes if he can help it, at least able to slip on some waterproof boots.
You try to get him to dance with you, taking his hands in yours as he follows your slightly erratic movements. He's just trying not to accidentally use his vision, thinking that accidentally giving you hypothermia would not be fun in the least.
After his initial reservations are assuaged, he pulls the most romantic moves. He kisses you softly in the rain, twirling you around before pushing your body into a deep bend. You swear if he weren't there to catch you you'd just fall onto the ground.
His strong hold keeps your body afloat as the two of you dance, Kaeya whispering the sweetest things he can muster as you keep each other warm in the chill of the rain.
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sagittato · 10 months
This is my first post and it’s gonna be low effort because I swear I can’t get this off my mind—
Do people from twisted wonderland realize how much Azul Ashengrotto could potentially look up at Vil Schoenhiet??? ONLY @jxnebuggy ACKNOWLEDGES THIS IN HER fem!twst FANFICS AND IT DRIVES ME INSANE!!!
Vil is a successful, confident, drop dead gorgeous fashion icon. He has a whole business for cosmetics because he’s so gorgeous. He’s very skilled in potion making, so much so bro makes his OWN makeup. He has a strict diet he follows and it’s clearly gving him the results he wants. Vil Schoenheit is everything Azul wants to be!! On top of that, Vil is Azul’s bloody UPPERCLASSMAN.
And does everyone forget how Azul literally info dumped about the man in Book 5 Chapter 2?? Nobody talks about it. They’re too busy headcannoning Sebek or Riddle or Floyd to be neurodivergent af (jkjk)!! Such a shame Vil told him to stfu but in his own pretty, 3w4-coded ways😔😔
Azul has shown before he will invest inhumane amounts of time into things he thinks are important. An example of this is in his birthday jackect card, he talked in a fair amount of detail about the quality of the pillow Ace gave him. He could do this because he researched ON pillow qualities.
It’s likely when he was trying to step up his game with success or diet, he stumbled upon Vil, researched the frick out of this guy, and lo and behold became a fan of his.
Some honourable mentions are when he made a deal with Vil in his ceremonial robes. I haven’t seen it because I wanna save the feeling of raw happiness with these two characters interacting once I get the card. If we didn’t see Azul show any sort of fan behaviour when Vil made that deal then I firmly believe he was kicking, giggling, twirling his hair off camera behind closed doors over it. Then I do hear in the second Camp Vargas event, Azul and Vil had some more interactions! I thiiiiiiink they were getting competitive with each other??? That changes nothing from my ignorant eye. It’s NRC. Everyone is really competitive and will turn on each other’s backs faster than Leona can fall asleep (bro’s actually depressed, I swear).
Anyway, I think it’s only right I list my headcanons now for them:
Azul gobbles up any dietary/beauty tips Vil has
Azul uses Vil’s makeup brand that’s probably vegan
He also collects Vil’s magazines and puts them all in a box hidden away in his closet or under his bed
Vil probably finds him annoying💀💀💀 (what can I say? he has a reputation for not stfu around higher class people)
Elaborating on that, Vil does respect his success but I bet he can see the unhealthy greed that lies under it all. Thus, that’s prolly a reason why he would try to distance himself away from Azul.
BADLY wants to collaborate with Vil because Mostro Lounge profits would soar if they did. Knowing his bold arse he probably made the request at least thrice and Vil shut him down each time. He’s obviously not gonna stop because we all know him. (never back down never what—)
Yes, I know he canonically looks up to Ursula, but I think he would like someone… yknow… alive to look up to.
Keep in mind I’m only on Book 5 Chapter 29 as of this moment so it’s totally possible I missed some things! Leave your opinions, headcanons, or anything else in the comments, I’d love to see them! Do leave spolier warnings though. That way I can decide whether I wanna spoil things first myself or not.
EDIT: I already fixed it but did I really just say book 6 😭😭😭 i meant book 5 i am so sry hdgdhjjjdhdjj
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l3viat8an · 1 year
Hiiiii!! Did y’all miss me? Jkjk- but I wanted to say sorry for ghosting!! basically I found out my now ex bf was cheating on me and I spent most of the week crying- over a real guy?? like gross 🙄 I should know better- and trying to get him completely out of my life after three years that’s a lot oh shit 💀 didn’t and really don’t have the motivation to do much of anything yet- but I’m back!!
‘n uhhh yea!- That’s the shitty explanation of why I kinda disappeared 💀 Like I said I still don’t have much motivation but I didn’t wanna abandoned y’all 😭
I don’t really want like comforting or anything!! honestly I don’t even wanna think about him at all rn :) which is kinda why I came back lmao I need fun distractions ‘n missed y’all and talking about hot demons jsjsjsj
‘n asks!! Ahh there’s so many- I’ll look at the chitchat ones and answer them!!
Other asks / writing ideas are just gonna sit tho. I just don’t feel like doing too much yet-
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ofmermaidstories · 16 days
1. Not really....? It's hard to figure out my actual thoughts on it but I guess, Self-inserting for me feels like it's designed for one person in mind (whoever is being inserted) when x reader can be anyone? And from what I've seen, the content is a bit different.
2. Probably? Definitely. But will I be the person criticizing it? No... I'm not really the type to be vocal about my grievances outside of the occasional personal aside. I usually just don't trust what I have to say is constructive. But I do love hearing what other people have to say.
3. Everything
Jkjk, um.... I'd say my motivation and writing style? (That doesn't fall under everything, right?) I just don't write very effectively. Like- I have a story in my head, but actually putting it down in writing, I kinda just wing it? Like write as I go. Which is fun for developing character lore, or short stories. It leads to a lot of stop and go with longer works, and the problem with that is that it looks clunky! If I'm an a completely different state of my mind than I was when I started a piece the words I put down don't really flow well with what came before. So I have to read and reread what's already been written and play mediator by finding a way to transition from one feeling to the next.
I mostly write for friends or for fun, though, so it's forgivable.
the content being different for self-inserting vs x reader is such an important distinction!! like. also in how you engage with it, too? like—i’m always interested in self-shippy stuff from a, best friend at brunch kinda way, you know? like “YESSSS tell me more, omg, you guys are sooo cute together 🥹” whereas if someone is like, bits&pieceing about an idea for a x reader setup, i’m engaging with it as a reader, like, oh, i am interested in whatever this this piece or fic is trying to lure us in with.
i keep running into i guess… fan-only spaces, for varying Big Fics? and they’re always so interesting to scroll through, because it’s just either people gushing about Said Fic, or like, recommending similar ones, OR it’s someone starting a conversation (a tiktok is the example i’m thinking of) being like, “deku wouldn’t wear fishnets” and then like, everyone who’s had similar grievances just like, jumping in LOL. none of it—the universal loving and the dismissal—is like.. in any way truly critical? it’s just people who’ve found each other agreeing over varying things. true constructive criticism (at least in fanfics) is hard… because you do have to seperate yourself from, “is this just not for me” vs. “i see and understand where this story is trying to land, but i don’t think it makes it” and even then you kinda have to… justify it, you know? like, is it not landing because it’s missed the mark, or do you just wish it did something different? and what i like about fanfic is that we (ideally) afford each other the—generosity of forgiving things, LOL. and i guesssss my original question is more… does becoming a mega, fandom-defining fic mean the fic then loses the privilege of that generosity? i think it must create a distance between it and the fandom it’s from, in a way… it sort of takes on the same… almost for-granted quality we might have with a published book? are we removing ourselves from it, by holding it up? HMMM. questions questions ig LOL.
with no. 3—flow is hard!!! 🥺 do you have any like, rituals or anything to get yourself back into the mindset you had, before picking up the piece again? if i leave off in the middle of a scene or whatever that needs to stick to a specific mood i listen to my playlist for the fic, or whatever. 🥹 it kinda helps to limber everything back up again. but—i mean!!! as long as you have fun with it, in the end. 🥺 the process of writing takes up so much time… we need to enjoy it, in some small way. especially if the end result is for friends and fun. 🥹
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heeracha · 2 years
ep 42. / ep 43. — the one with the letter. / ep 44.
end of the line. — p. jongseong
synopsis: thinking it was a hotline for people who just need someone to talk to, jay calls. but why did a clueless student answer? with jay’s phone call has a time limit, you, the clueless student, insists on staying with him until the end of the line.
pairing: jay x f!reader
content/genre: college au (wow shocking), slowburn, fluff, angst and crack, smau.
warning(s): friends teasing friends, yk affectionate teasing, swearing, tell me if i missed something !!
note: here's the playlist <3 and that is the end of eotl ! jkjk,, um i'll update again later at night ofc HAHAJBSDHJA but no frfr we're nearing the end im screAMING,,, i'll leave u guys love letter giving jay <3
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“come in,” you say as you heard a knock on your door. the door opens, sunoo comes in with a smile. you were laying on your stomach, giving him a weak smile and sunoo noticed how you were probably crying all day.
“you miss him?” sunoo asks and you nod. “then talk to him.”
you shake your head and he sighs, nodding. he can’t really blame you. the one person you never thought would lie to you did. plus, he was a jerk for how he rejected you. but all in all, you were still incredibly in love with him.
“you need anything?” you ask.
“i just wanted to see how you were doing.” he says and you sniffle.
“great.” you say and sunoo sighs. 
he takes something out of his jacket and gives it to you. you look at it, seeing it was an envelope. it was probably from jay. you sigh, taking it from sunoo. “you send him the things i say, don’t you?” you ask.
“once or twice.” sunoo answers. “also, he would always ask me how you’re doing.”
you hum, sniffling as your tears stream down your cheeks. you sigh, looking at the envelope. “there’s a pint of mint choco in the freezer.” you say.
“it’s okay.” sunoo declines.
“it’s just fair for making you go back and forth because of us.” you softly chuckle and sunoo chuckles, opening your fridge and taking it.
“i’ll be going to jungwon’s.” sunoo says and you softly mutter a bye. sunoo exits, closing the door and you turn, laying on your back as you open the envelope and take the letter from inside.
hi bubs,
it’s jay. your honey and who ended up being your cute guy. but i’m probably not anymore. i’m sorry. for a lot of things. for dropping the cupcake on your shirt, for hiding the truth that it’s me, for lying, and for making you cry almost everyday. if i could go back, i would tell you right away. i panicked so much, i didn’t know what to do or say. like i said before, i like you to the point i can’t even talk.
everything i said about you to you, they were real. my feelings are real. no matter how much i try to stay away from you, i just keep gravitating to you. in a very funny way, too, we can both agree. i just didn’t want you to think i was a fool, so i stayed away, but the universe had other plans. and i did not only make a fool out of myself, but also became the biggest jerk and hurt you.
i know you never want to talk to me ever again, and i won’t force you ever. i will stop contacting you from now on, give you your peace of mind. just promise me one thing, you will take care of yourself. just know, y/n, i will always be cheering for you. don’t leave anything just for me, okay? you have no idea how much i played on my mind if we’re together, and no one wants this more than i do. i’m sorry for making you think i was upset when you got in, but truth is i’m very happy for you and i know you will be happier in the new university. i know, it’s only 15 minutes away from here and i sound insanely dramatic , but i know you would never want to see me ever again.
i love you always, y/n. always have, always will.
jongseong will always support you, y/n.
jongseong and y/n. not honey and bubs. it’s when it really sinks in you that it’s jay that you have been talking to. your cute guy, your honey, the one that’s always there for you when you need someone. 
you take in a deep breath, sniffling as your soft cries were the only thing that could be heard. you love him so much, you wanted to talk to him, but you weren’t ready to do so. maybe this is it already. 
no more bubs and honey.
could you actually go through it without jay?
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soaps-mohawk · 3 months
RORY! Good golley miss Molly, chapter 25 was far beyond what I had expected. The build up and the porn that bloomed from it had me SWEATING in a 60 degree room as I’m laying in my bed trying not to squirm around in joy because broken leg.
I WANT TO KISS YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS WONDERFUL FEAST YOU ARE GIVING US, and I have to ask will we be getting any more domestic pack bonding? Or have them go out for a day on the range? Price (while closely holding onto reader behind her back all nice and close) can teach the hand guns, soap and Gaz can help with the auto rifles (M16, M4 those sort of weapon systems and maybe soap can slip in a gernade launcher) and Ghost can show reader the snipers and long range weapons (while totally not laying on top of reader as she’s trying to look down then scope and growling in her ear “there’s a good girl” when she hits the target) ooooor maybe even a civilian laser tag or paint ball outing.
Sorry my brain is just mush after this chapter and I’m eagerly awaiting for more of this delicious food! Love ya hun and remember to take care of yourself both body and mind!
~ Battle Rattle anon
Hi Battle Rattle anon!!! It's been a while!!! How have you been???
Omg not a broken leg 😭 that's awful. Leg injuries suck so much.
Hehe thank you, thank you I'll gladly accept kisses for the hard work I've put into these last couple chapters 😙😂 jkjk I love it. It's been fun going back to my roots a bit.
Oh yeah, we'll be getting a lot of fluffy domestic pack as well as some serious smut for a little bit.
It's funny I did have an idea where the guys teach the reader to shoot (but she knows how kind of already because her dad would take them out shooting) and she's actually a decent shot and they all claim it's just luck 😂 that visual of Simon though teaching her to use a sniper rifle 🤤 yummy
Take care of yourself too and rest up that leg 🥺
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cafalla · 8 months
Game Informer Magazine (November 2019, Issue 319) Scans
I try to focus on mainly scanning older items, but I found this Game Informer magazine and couldn't pass it up.
I mean gosh, anything pre-Covid may as well be a relic, right? (jkjk)
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Unfortunately the front cover is a bit damaged, but I still really love this art collage of Pikachu and the Sword and Shield starters!
Here's some scans from this issue that I like!
Starting off, here's the fanart page.
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These fanart/personal creation corners are my favorite pages in hobby magazines. It makes me so nostalgic for being a preteen and wanting to make and submit my own art in hopes of it being featured!
When I was about 13, I was obsessed with DeviantArt. My dad showed me how to use the scanner so I could scan my own art and post it (on the family computer, of course). My sister came to me one day and asked me to scan her comic that she wanted to submit to the in-game Club Penguin newspaper/magazine.
I didn't play Club Penguin much (I was a Neopets girl), but I fondly remember her being so proud of that comic. I helped her scan and submit it, and asked her every day if it got put into the paper. I don't think it ever did, but it was a fun time waiting to see if it would.
Speaking of Neopets, I also really loved the Neopets paper. I'd spend hours browsing backlogs of the paper to look at the fanart and read the fanfiction that was posted there.
Good times!
I thought this League of Legends art was super neat, but the whole premise of this article is hilarious to me.
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Like...ok, Riot/League. iykyk.
I'm a fairly new League of Legends player - I started playing after watching Arcane. My bf has been an on-again off-again League player, but I was always too intimidated to get into it. I actually got into it first from Team Fight Tactics, and then started playing ARAM, and only recently started dipping my toes into Summoner's Rift.
Anyways, as much as I love the game, people can be SO mean. So just seeing the article title and thinking of all the rudeness I've seen in-game is pretty funny. I know a lot of good people play and work on this game though, so I appreciate the optimism and work to make the community better.
Granted, this article isn't only about League of Legends. But I think having them as the front cover for the article is kind of hilarious.
As a Pokémon fan, I thought this top ten page was a fun look at past gym leaders, especially considering the cover story for this issue is about the new (at the time) Pokémon mainline games.
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The judging criteria is not clear at all. That's ok, there doesn't need to be a reason to do a top ten list - I'm assuming these are just this guy's favorite gym leaders. It is refreshing to see some leaders who don't normally wind up on these kinds of lists though, like Wulfric, Maylene, and Korrina.
This is really wanting to make me go back and play Let's Go! Pikachu lol.
Ok, so admittedly I knew nothing about Baldur's Gate 3 until the day it came out and I was like 'What the heck is this game everyone on my friend's list is playing?"
My bf ended up buying it for me and we played it co-op. Definitely deserved all the hype and praise it got.
So color me surprised when I was flipping through this magazine from 2019 and saw mention of Baldur's Gate 3.
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There's a whole interview in here with the founder of the BG3 game studio. I knew this game was in development for many years, but I just completely missed the hype leading up to it.
Now some scans from the main cover story about Pokémon Sword and Shield.
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These aren't all the scans from the spread, but I just wanted to show some of them off! I love multi-page stories about things where they feel almost like scrapbooks with how the graphics are arranged.
Here's a preview about the Final Fantasy VII Remake.
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I've never played a Final Fantasy game, and though I'd love to someday, I'd have no clue where to start. I do love the character designs and I thought this game looked beautiful when it was announced.
And some more previews for various games.
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Little Town Hero was actually on my radar at the time, as it gave big Fantasy Life vibes (and I LOVED Fantasy Life). Also, I just learned from this article that Toby Fox was brought in to compose? Amazing.
I looked it up and it's available on Steam, but disappointingly the reviews seem pretty mixed. I'm gonna add it to my wishlist and grab it when it goes on sale.
Here's a couple of reviews from the review section.
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And an ending fluff page about creepy Pokémon pokedex entries.
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And that's it for this one!
The full magazine is available to read over on my Internet Archive account.
Thanks for reading!
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elisedonut · 9 months
fic author interview
Thank you for the tag @mirrorofliterature I'm tagging whoever feels like doing it!
How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
42,741 words.
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Raspberry Muffin Flintley - 139 
at least we're trying Flintley - 104
Rhododendrons and False Indigo Harry/George - 102 (why its only been up a week wtf)
Anyone But You Draco/Percy - 98 
Storytime Naps Perciver - 96 
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yeah! unless it's just asking me to make more then i tend to get annoyed and ignore it but i don't get very many at the moment so i tend to stay on top of it pretty well
5. What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
Deceased. i guess? it's really the only one I got
i don't write angsty stuff much
6. What's the fic you've written with the happiest ending?
most of what i write barely even has AN ending I do a lot of open endings
i think the closest I've gotten to a complete story story have been A Shell for a Mate and Camera Cutie and they both end pretty happy
7. Do you write a cross-overs?
I have not as of yet! if I ever do it's probably going to be an isekai type scenario because it seems like the most fun to me
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
I still have not shockingly
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Sometimes im not very good at it and am still learning on that front most of it tends to cut before smut really happens or is just jacking off
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
12. Have you co-written a fic before?
Also no.
13. What's your all time favourite ship?
I'm a big multi shipper so don't really even have one within one single fandom and you want an overall??
right now 99% of what i think about is Percy ships
14. What's a WIP that you want to finish but think you never will?
hmm if i say all of them do i lose my writer card?
but i do have alot of things I've started because the mood hit that i just can't see myself going back to like i have 3k for an amnesia memories au that has just been gathering dust since that original sprint of inspo hit
15. What are your writing strengths?
??? i come up with fun concepts i think? or at least they're fun to me
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
the writing part really I come up with far more ideas then I would ever be able to write hence why I still post alot on here but also like making the idea an actual story story and not just a small slice of a story
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in fic?
I'm too lazy for it overall.
18. What's the first fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter so far it's the only fandom I've written for
19. What's a fandom/ship you haven't written for yet but want to?
I'm not sure i ofc have a list of Percy ships i want to try which is currently
Dudley, Seamus, Justin and then ofc the two that constantly give me trouble when i try to pair them with Percy, Remus and Harry
but like outside of Percy ??
i have fandoms but most are dormant as of now like i love Idolmaster and stay caught up on the music but the idea of writing fics for it is like eh if anything it would be Makio/Soichiro tbh i miss them
I finished rwrb and enjoyed it a ton but with the firstprince being canon my brain just doesn't care that much to even seek out content for it because that's how my brain works
its canon so i don't feel the need to read (or by extension write) like 1000 different scenario's for them to get together
like people who stay fully invested in canon couples are powerful because my interest in them in a fanon sense goes out the window every time
i feel like if i ever did do something with rwrb it be an isekai since they are both into HP so it be a very typical get transported into your favorite series story i think that would be fun
i will never do it but fun idea
the ships i like for Danganronpa would probably get me killed/j
like i am with Percy now i was a big Chihiro multi shipper in my DR days before settling on ChiMaru as my favorite for them
20. What's your favourite fic that you've written?
controversial pick but Secret Fantasy 
i put so much work into it KNOWING no one was going to care about it because it's incest but i care about it damn it!! its the longest fic ive written as of now and i had so much fun with it and still think about it alot
less controversial pick is Camera Cutie  because I'm Colin kick at the moment though it is a bit more like messy since it was a pretty early one
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cl00udyyanan · 2 years
the zodiac based matchup has intrigued me, could i request kazuha and scaramouche/wanderer? i’m a scorpio
sigh... another scaramouche huh? jkjk now i haven't even done the research while typing this and i don't have the highest hopes im sorry.... i think with kazu it'll be better since you're both the same signs but we'll see
scorpio and scorpio
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okk our fave blond boy,, off the bat you two are ATTACHED AT THE HIP. literally don't leave eachothers side, beidou makes fun of yall saying you guys are cojoined bc yall are always right there ("whatever you need to tell kazuha, you can tell me too!" type vibes, ya feel) its kinda cute??? ig.... lol even though kazuha is a traveler, no matter where you go as long as its together, its home. yall do anything and everything together. you can talk about anything or anyone (gossipers much?) both are so loyal to eachother and fight for eachother really. i mean you both are scorpios, you have to be the perfect match huh?
WRONG! you both are too controlling! kazuha is more calmer than the average person, but he has a possesive and jealous nature that is very strong, he doesn't act out on it initally but the after math is terrifying. you can see him staring red daggers into you from afar, silently plotting against you when he's mad. he may seem intimidating, but just go over and kiss him and hug him a bit and he'll be ok he's just a bit jealous. its possibly the same for you, when you miss him you may not say anything at first, or you'll go all out and beg for him to come to you. even demand. thats where your downfall is, yall are too emotional with eachoter.
this relationship is the one, everyone talks about. you guys are the couple thats lowkey toxic but you guys are toxic together. the good moments make up for all the bad ones and all you guys need to do is kiss and make up a bit,, come on itll be ok.
compatibilty: 84 basically perfect for eachother
capricorn and scorpio
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sigh,, scara. actually you guys can basically trust eachother no problem. you both have the same goal in the relationship, which is to feel something. you both need that sense of touch and to feel love and man, you two can bring it. if you need a hug, even though he's hesitant, he's gonna give it to you. if he needs a nice peck, just give him one and he'll be satisfied for the whole day really. ya'll are cute together truly. you guys have a respectful communication, wherest you can give eachother space when its needed and love when its wanted. you guys help eachother grow and try not to give a negative atmosphere to the other. you don't want to bring eachother down, and you can spend good quality time together. its a nice peaceful love.
that its, its peaceful when you guys aren't fighting. its not a loud angry fight, its quiet and scary. like watching to cats prepare to pounce on eachother, just hissing at eachother and throwing fake paws. you two have emotional issues (he's got mommy issues when know that for sure) you both can't help eachother with it all that well so your relationship is mostly a physical one, where you think thats enough but. you both need that emotional support that you just cant give him all too well.
this relationship is kinda,, sad. its love and thankfully it has nothing to do with how you treat eachother, its how you both feel inside. hopefully you're both able to work on your confidence because i promise, when you both learn to love yourselves, you can love eachother. (i means this! ik this is fake but i hope you love yourself!) in the end, you both feel guilty, feeling this relationship isn't enough for the other,but its an enjoyable one. so even if it does end, you love eachother sill no matter what.
comaptibiltiy: 62
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leafiebeanie · 1 year
sooooo, in lieu of the kny x oishii milk collab that's happening now, seeing kyo posing with the familiar packaging sparked a milky memory from a few years back ( ´ ▿ ` )
leafie's story time under the cut 🤭🤭
i was visiting jpn for the first time near the end of winter and the early beginnings of spring 2018 (so around late jan to early feb), and i've heard good things about japanese milk right
so first thing i did after landing in japan and checking into the hotel, i went to buy some milk from the konbini—first one i went to was family mart.
i got the oishii brand milk (true to its name, it's super tasty and i miss it every time i want to drink milk)
and you'd think that i would drink it immediately after buying it bc i was so excited to try it—but i had the brightest idea of drinking it after i took a shower. yknow, like how i saw them do in some animes (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
so i popped the milk in the fridge and went to take a hot bath
now, i'm a very forgetful person, and if it's out of sight, it's literally out of my mind (⇀ ↼‶) truly gone like my mans who left to buy milk from the milkstore and never came back jkjk
after my shower, i decided to look up places to go the next day and started making some plans with my family. then i went to sleep bc the eight hour flight had me tuckered out—man, it was lights out as soon as my head hit the pillow xDDDDD
i had a great night of sleep, all while my milk sat forgotten in the fridge 😅😅
and so you might think, okay well, surely you drank it when you remembered it the next day after another hot shower, right?
we had to check out of the hotel the next morning bc the actual hotel we were gonna stay at was further from the airport and closer to town
my milk was left behind in the fridge, unopened and forgotten 🥲🥲 (sometimes i wonder if the hotel staff found my milk and drank it themselves, but i doubt they would—bc common sense tells you it's extremely dumb and reckless to be drinking something that someone else left behind even though it looks like it's never been opened, bc there's always a chance that it's been tampered with)
anyway, sentiments for my forgotten milk aside, of course i have brilliant memory and remembered it only after we had checked out of the hotel and were halfway on the train to the next hotel (눈_눈)
i cursed myself for letting my milk slip away from me—but no matter, i can always get more today, or so i thought
so, when my parents were busy checking us into the second hotel, i went off to get another oishii milk packet from another konbini—this time i went to lawsons
and this time, i was determined to remember to drink it, but i was also stubborn and still wanted to drink it after i took a hot bath
obviously, i could've just bought two so i could just drink one now, and then the other after my bath later, right?
leafie is dumb and stubborn (not a great combi, let's be honest), so please keep that in mind as you enjoy the rest of this silly memory xD
and it was around noon, i think? or early afternoon when we got our rooms—and it was the perfect time for exploring town, so i tossed the milk into the fridge and left to akiba
believe it or not, all the excitement i had for the milk was gone bc i was busy being even more excited (ง ื▿ ื)ว about getting to explore akiba and harajuku (but regrettably, i was travelling with family, so i could only glance at the entire troves of bl mangas and doujins longingly for a whole 1.5 seconds bc it would be suspicious if i stared too long (ノ_<。)ヾ(´▽` )
but i digress, anyway—the sun sets so early in japan, like woah, it got dark so soon and most of the restaurants were closed when we were finally to eat (and while i am a foodie at heart, i somehow don't get hungry at all while i'm travelling ( ´ ▿ ` )), so we just grabbed a quick bento from the konbini and passed out on our beds soon after we got back to the hotel
side note: the orange juice from family mart is so so so so so so fresh and good omg, i miss it almost as much as i miss the milk tbh
so day 2 passed just like that, with a day well spent and feet well walked, and wallet slightly lighter than when i left the hotel that day (my coin purse grew heavier though, as i collected the loose change from breaking 1000 yen bills)
then come day 3—i was going to be in japan for slightly over a week, 9 days; so you might think, oh c'mon leafie, surely that's plenty of days for you to drink your goddamn milk!
again, no
day 3 was harajuku day, and boy was it raining when we got there
wearing two fuzzy jackets and two shirts were, understandably, quite a lot of layers when you're gonna be walking around a lot, plus the humidity from the rain and my tendency to sweat buckets—you can imagine that i looked like a wet rat that had just crawled out from the sewers x'DDD
my bangs were plastered across my forehead, i looked like a mess, and i wasn't used to the weather (i live in a tropical country where its either sun or rain xD), sweaty inside but cold outside :(((
but then it snowed a little at night!! though it wasn't like big big snowfall where you had fluffy snow everywhere, it was my first snow!! and it was fun just watching little ❄️ snowflakes ❄️ drifting down from the skies under the dim streetlamp
i'm sure you can already guess—i was too engrossed with the snow to remember my milk, all alone in the fridge
but i went to bed happy that night ☺️☺️
and then day 4 was... well, we don't talk about day 4, my family had a little argument bc some wanted to go back to harajuku for more shopping and some wanted to see new places
in the end, we went to the aquariums to see the fishies! took a few pics with the uhhh, bug looking creature that lives at the bottom of the ocean
it's a bit unsettling, but it was cute nonetheless
i sort of wish that i bought the stuffed toy version from the gift store tbh—i got a seal instead
this is starting to be more about the trip than the story about me forgetting my milk, so let's reel it back in and skip to day 9, the final day of my trip
note that i STILL haven't drank my milk despite having had 8 other days to do so 🤦🤦🤦
the return flight was in the evening, but we had to check out of the hotel at noon, so basically we spent the rest of the day at haneda airport
i had just reached the airport when i realised that yet again!!! i had forgotten my milk, left it in the fridge of the hotel and then checked out _:(´ཀ`」 ∠):_
knowing that this was really my final chance to taste the milk, i ran to the konbini and bought the milk for the third time now, and this time! this time!!! i drank it straight away
andit was so good!!! so tasty, ive never had a milk so good before in my life—really made me regret not drinking it earlier—i could've had one for each day i was there!!!!! but nooooo, i just had to be stubborn and forgetful hahahahhahaha (눈_눈)
and that's the end of my little milky story
so guys, if you want to drink the milk, just do it! (b ᵔ▽ᵔ)b
don't be me and say that it has to be done in the perfect manner bc you will miss that opportunity xD or almost miss it, really
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m1ckeyb3rry · 9 days
AYO MODEL ERA MIRA?? CONGRATS!!! Hmu if you ever make one of those subscriptions like Chris Prince I’ll come to your meet and greet (don’t scam me) LMAO
the get possessed part actually has me sending the process is insane LOL im just imagining you getting into the zone like “mmm yes I love flirting with women I am that top dog im a super sexy defender yes that’s me”
IM CRYING THE SHOE THREAT??? Thats literally Barou just throwing the shit Nagi and chigiri left around the floor back in their faces it matches him sm….shoeliver is truly the best duo name ykw is funny when I first typed liver it autocorrected to lover (even though liver is a word….) LMAO truly meant to be
HAAH snuffy the only responsible adult so real no it’s ok mikages stubble grew into that full beard from stress and aging dw abt it yk when you get to the wedding arc you should design wedding invitation graphics (if you want LOL) I bet they’d go hard
STOPP I lowk forgot Nagi’s the love interest for a second uuhbdjsns no swerving no swerving…..but slightly sweaty rolled up sleeves Karasu….but REAL AEGISLASH TAKE ME TOO SHSHSH
Barou’s too underrated people are missing out on his potential omg (and I’m not even talking about in soccer LOL)
Wait speaking of how far are you from 1k rn I lowk forgot…just trying to see the odds of that pokemon event coming true if so I’m fr going to start brushing up
FR what’s worst is the people I see theorycrafting and analyzing saying Nagi’s gonna get kicked out and I’m like are we reading the same series here??? Like GUYS cmon let’s use our brains a little please I’m begging…..I’m crying “I forgot I liked chigiri” LAMOSAOSK yeah it does suck though because a big majority of his fans feminize him like crazy (esp when they ship him with Kunigami and turn him into a damsel in distress) yeah I think the move is just stay away from the crazy twitter side of the fandom LOL
IM GONE THE SPONGEBOB LFMAOAO stop the Barou edits go too hard wtf…but NO PLEASE KEEP THEM COMING LMAOO I appreciate all the content and lowk my fyp lost its way I don’t get much bllk there as I used to so I need this
DHSHSHS FR bro “can I say something controversial” and it’s just straight facts because people are fr just setting themselves up for disaster and like doomposting like guys cmon…..as if we didn’t all survive whatever the hell was going on in jjk s2 animation too (some scenes were so bare bones but we all lived)
SWOLE ERA Barou would be proud first it’s the graphic now this LMAOA out of curiosity what’s your go to routine?
- Karasu anon
YESS MODEL ERA INDEED dw if i do become famous i’ll be like yukimiya and expose scams not create them like chris prince 🤩 jkjk it’s really not for anything huge HAHA so no fame or scamming for me quite yet…tbh i only applied on a whim (i happened to have the photos they required for the application on hand [one of then was my linkedin pfp though icl] so i was like why not) ngl i was surprised when they emailed me back and told me they added me to their book but yk yolo!! might as well try it and see what the vibes are
HELPPP repeating my aiku affirmations while i work on the oaeu…“i am a rizz lord…i hate italian people…women want me fish fear me…i’m the goat” HAHA have to get in the mindset fr
shoeliver my magnum opus number one bllk ship name number one duo etc etc no one can compare!! PLEASEE barou is so mom coded it makes sense i can def see him threatening to throw his shoes at his kids nagi zantetsu chigiri when they’re being annoying/misbehaving HAHAHA
wait wedding invitation graphics would actually go crazy i don’t even think either wedding is ever shown in the epilogue (because of all of the time skipping) but maybe a side story of snuffy just dealing with everyone’s messes at either the tullireo or nagiy/n wedding might be in order sprinkled amongst the epilogue chapters 🤔 either that or i’ll make barou funeral invites but that’s more morbid…
AEGISLASH PLEASE ASSIST KARASU ANON AND I IN GOING ON A DOUBLE DATE W (still alive not possessed) BAROU AND KARASU POKÉMON AU VERSION 😭🙏🏻 nah because the visual is insane karasu’s face card is too lethal…reader’s crazy for not falling in love with him immediately ‼️ like girl you don’t even meet your actual man for an entire arc you’re telling me you don’t have the teensiest crush on karasu until nagi arrives in all of his lazy pajama wearing glory??? /j (mostly abt nagi wearing pajamas he’s a little better than that) nah but me personally the moment i see him taking care of his little baby birds i’m folding LMAOOO karasu with his fletchling would genuinely cause me to malfunction (wait imagine tullia gets him to babysit the pokémon she breeds when he has free time so his alternate clothing style is him in a white t shirt [so we can see his glorious biceps] jeans and a green apron with the black falconer’s gloves as usual and we just get a scene of him walking around bottle feeding a baby pokémon while talking on the phone about official gym business HFJSKSJD i fear i need him)
nah because barou is too underrated for what he brings to the table!! hoping we see a rise in barou nation after s2 as well although if not we’ll def see his non-dude bro fanbase (because lbr all dude bros love barou) expand after nel is animated he looks GORGEOUS in the game against bm!!
i’m like 60ish followers away but randomly the number will go down so i could not tell you how long it’ll take before i reach 1k 😭 i also might post the event a bit early just so people can be prepared for it HAHAHA we’ll see if i even do pokémon!! maybe i’ll end up with smth different who knows i’m very indecisive unfortunately so i probably won’t know until the last minute what i’m going to do
when people think nagi will leave the manga and be kicked out for good i’m like ah yes the character with his own spin-off is definitely the one they’re axing HAHAAH nagi + rin + barou are the only ones besides isagi that i can say for sure will be relevant until the end just because of the nature of their dynamics w isagi and the way their characters are written 😭 NAH BECAUSE I STAY FORGETTING CHIGIRI HIMSELF IS ACTUALLY COOL he can’t help his stans yassifying him/using him as an excuse to hate on other characters…wait also this is a pet peeve of mine but whenever people call chigiri a princess unironically i’m like 😟🤨 because i am 100% sure that the other blue lockers do NOT mean it as a compliment necessarily LMAOAOA like chigiri straight up gets mad when people who aren’t his friends/close teammates call him princess/missy (depending on the translation) i’m pretty sure it’s meant to be an embarrassing/teasing nickname not a nice one (karasu and otoya using it should be MORE than enough proof for that theory)…chigiri official arts have set the fandom back one million years they overly yassfiy him bro is simply NOT like that in the source material!!
THE SPONGEBOB HAD ME CRYINGGG lowkey what if i said me though 🤔 jkjk…unless??? OKAY YAYYY I WILL KEEP SENDING YOU SILLY LINKS AND EDITS HEHEHE today i will offer you a nagi + chigiri edit because it feels thematically appropriate to the convo LMAOO
no because people fr have such rose colored nostalgia tinted glass bruh jjk s2 was lowkey really bad at times too?? truly bllk is not as horrible as everyone is making it seem it honestly in terms of coloring and art style alone has a lot of depth and vibrancy and life i think people need to relax a bit like this isn’t violet evergarden things will not be perfect and that’s okay!! it’ll still be fun if you go into it just to enjoy it for what it is
LMAOO i’ve been going to the gym for a while but i never lift heavy enough to get swole i will leave that for my bfs 🤩 i start off on the treadmill for anywhere from 10-30 minutes depending on what i’m doing…if it’s an answering asks on the treadmill kind of day i’ll go at the 6 incline at a 2.5-3mph pace until i’m done clearing my inbox (usually 30ish mins plus or minus 5) and if it’s a day when i just want to be in and out i do a 15 incline at a 3mph pace for 10-15 mins!! after that i lift weights but nothing crazy/above 50lbs 😭 i’m not trying to be jacked so i’m not trying really hard to hit a PR as long as i feel like i worked out!! some of my fav exercises w weights are squats, romanian deadlifts, and the lateral pull-down machine!! after lifting i’ll do yoga to stretch out the muscles i used that day 😄 i go to the gym like twice a week and then horse riding once a week so i work out in a dedicated way only 3x per week and the rest of my steps come from walking around in general HAHA
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staysuki · 3 years
🥀 beautiful words | lee felix penpal fic / smau
pairing: reader x felix | penpal mates(?) to lovers
genre: fluff, semi-angst, smau, penpal au
word count: 812 (text transcript included at the bottom for those who can't read the image font!)
warnings: college angst, burn out
synopsis: with a friend you've met through a penpal site, you didn't know that a deeper connection could be shared through such caring words.
networks: @ficscafe
a/n: didn't put the mastertag for this one because it's a bit different! just wanted to try this out 🙈.
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i have been doing well, what about you? i'm still getting used to this penpal thing but i think it's very cool! it's been so nice talking to you and getting physical letters in the mail makes me feel excited every time i see it! thank you for giving me the chance to experience this, though i hope i get to see you in the future as well.
this may sound a bit bold but sometimes i think of being able to hear your voice through your writing, i'm sure you're as beautiful as the words that you send me through paper.
dear felix,
such a smooth talker, and as for me, sometimes i wonder whether you’d be just as bold in person, or scratch that, maybe even just in texts— but you know, we’re too cool to do that.
i’m doing well too! just been hanging out with my friend all throughout the semestral break. getting your mail has become the highlight of my weeks so you’re not alone in that regard! though we’ve been writing to each other for quite a while now, i’m surprised your penmanship still hasn’t improved jkjk.
so is this friend a boy or…? just kidding. i’m happy to hear (or read hehe) that you also enjoy receiving my mail. i’ve also been hanging out with my friend, changbin, because he has a beach house— loaded, right? it’s bizarre how some people can be so rich. what’s even more bizarre is that i get to benefit from it as well just because we grew up together. i hope you’re enjoying your semester break with your maybe-or-maybe-not-guy friend!
i won’t lie, i’ve been stressing out in uni lately so this was a much needed break, talking to you helped a lot as well, i’m glad i found you when i did.
p.s. my handwriting is superior. it has personality.
dear felix,
is that jealousy i’m seeing? booooo! unfortunately for you, jisung is indeed a guy, but don’t worry (even though you don’t even have anything to worry about because you and i are not dating), but jisung is already taken— by literally every girl on campus. he’s quite the charmer as well (except for me). i’ve known him since before he went through his post high school glow up so i don’t there would be some sort of attraction here. also, he’s enjoying his college boy popularity so i don’t think he’d even commit some time soon.
also, i’m sad about your troubles, i’m here to listen if you need someone. it’s literally why we started doing this in the first place so rant away! i’m also glad to have met you.
so is jisung more charming than me or…?? jkjk, but yeah. uni sucks. maybe it won’t suck if i’m able to pursue the thing that i actually like which is culinary arts, specifically pastry making. but nope, thanks to my parents, i have to pursue business. ughh, it makes me feel so burnt out.
but same goes for you, if there’s anything that’s troubling you, i’ll do anything to cheer you up.
also, about that dating thing, maybe i could do something to change that ;)
dear felix,
ahh, i guess my week won’t be complete if you don’t try to shoot your shot at least twice.
it’s unfortunate that you can’t pursue your passion, i remember the last time you sent brownies alongside the letter, it legit made my day. it tasted so good! i won’t pressure you to keep sending me sweets but i do miss them :((( but don’t worry, even if you’re stuck in business right now, i’m sure everything will work out.
counter-offer: graduate in business and start your own pastry cafe, i’d even be your first customer.
i’m fortunate enough to have freedom over my major but my friend, jisung, is in the same dilemma as you. he’s a music nut but unfortunately is stuck in pursuing nursing. i see his breakdowns from time to time (not the good rap kind) and it breaks my heart everytime. i can only imagine what you’re going through, i hope you have a good support system you can rely on but if not, i’m happy to be that person.
i’m sad to hear about your friend as well, i can empathize very well. about that café hmmm, maybe i’ll do some compromise with my father about that it sounds like a plausible idea and i can’t believe i haven’t thought about that. even more of a reason that i adore you so much.
changbin is a great friend and listener as well, so i’m lucky to have him.
but i would love to be able to rely on you. is that your way of saying that you’d finally be willing to meet up with me?
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