leonidasdraconic · 10 years
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this was something a friend wanted me to do and i thought the idea was awesome since his other friend made a Eugene gamzee mash up. I'm glad at how this turned out :D my first time drawing sparks << they look awesome to me, really happy with this one :D
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dogshape · 11 years
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wyrmforge · 11 years
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froslasss · 11 years
truxtondogyuun replied to your post: truxtondogyuun replied to...
Megane snugglin is a highlight of the day~
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Ambun is the best to snuggle ~ 
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leonidasdraconic · 10 years
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chibi's of truxton and eugene ^w^ I wanted to draw Truxton and then I just felt like doing Eugene since everyone needs a friend x3 these characters are property of LAPFOX TRAX
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isoprene-daydreams · 11 years
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truxtondogyuun replied to your post “truxtondogyuun replied to your post: i like how at this point...”
Lady GSG and First Lady Amber pass a decree: maid outfits and thigh-highs for everyone. You must be wearing one or the other, or both, at all times.
Amber/GSG 2016
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psiwind · 11 years
ooooooh amber doesn't follow me anymore. considering all the asks i've sent recently never seemed to went through, i'm gonna assume she's ignoring me.
Guess I'll stop trying to send asks then.
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the-beginning-story · 11 years
Top 5 magical girls (any series)
Mami, Sayaka, Homura, Kyouko, Madoka
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froslasss · 11 years
truxtondogyuun replied to your post: someone love me  ...
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eeee~ -cuddles~
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leonidasdraconic · 10 years
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A cool cover art design I'd love to see on a Truxton ✖ Eugene collaboration album one day ^w^ we can all dream can't we...lol
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loruleanhilda · 11 years
Excuse me miss you're being way too cute I'll have to take you in for excessive cuteness
wh ere am i being taken too oh no /////////////// (=;ェ;=)
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isoprene-daydreams · 11 years
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truxtondogyuun replied to your post: i like how at this point there’s almost as many...
That’s the best way to do things. Maid outfits for everyone.
god bless maid outfits
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gooberfist · 11 years
url: don’t get it | not bad | nice | good job | love it omg | who did you kill
theme: not my type | ehh | decent | I like it | pretty amazing | I’m stealing it
icon: don’t get it | not bad | nice | pretty | flawless omg | brb killing myself
posts: not my type | not bad | nice job | love | perfection | give me your password
following: no sorry | just followed | yes | you mean stalk what
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the-beginning-story · 11 years
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truxtondogyuun replied to your post: truxtondogyuun replied to your post: ...
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