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truthseekerastrology · 4 years ago
#LeoSeason starts off with a bang with the #AquariusFullMoon, exact tonight at 10:36 pm EDT!! Astrologer Donna Cunningham, author of the classic text, "Moon Signs: The Key To Your Inner Life," writes that full moons are “internally polarized, to resolve an emotional tug-of-war.” . . Tonight’s Full Moon sets the stage for us to take a guilt-free break from humanitarian concerns. Find some time and space to connect with friends and make play, imagination, creative expression and romance a priority. We can’t bring about the world we want if we don’t take time to recharge our batteries, Truthseekers. . . NEXT UP >> Sunday, July 25, 2021: Luna enters Pisces at 11:29 pm EDT . . #suninleo #leoseason #mooninaquarius #fullmooninaquarius #bigideas #friends #freedom #community #flashesofinsight #bookasession #bookareading #11thhouse #chironchronicles #wespeakourhoroscopes #moonbelike #planetsinmotion #billhybelsquotes #donnacunninghamastrologer #TruthseekerTransitAlert https://www.instagram.com/p/CRscCLXoDP_/?utm_medium=tumblr
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truthseekerastrology · 4 years ago
“Today is a good day for war to end.” — Deepak Chopra . . Truthseekers, the First Quarter Moon in Libra ♎️♎️♎️was exact this morning at 6:11 am EDT! Astrologer Donna Cunningham, author of the classic text, "Moon Signs: The Key To Your Inner Life," writes that this lunar phase represents "internal conflict, directed outwardly." . . This morning’s set up involves Luna mixing it up with the Cancer Sun-Pluto (rx) in Capricorn opposition that is perfecting right now (it will be exact this evening at 6:46 pm EDT). . . Has a contentious situation between two people you know or care about, been stressing you out? Are you itching to step in as a third party to try to help them resolve their conflict? Why? Is it because you believe and feel that your involvement will help bring the conflict to an end? Or is this really about your internal discomfort with conflict in general? Interrogate your motives, my friends. . . Truth be told, some people just like to beef, and will do almost anything to keep conflicts going, even if it costs them everything they say they want. And that’s all there is to it. Or is there? Either way, wait and watch… Luna enters Scorpio this afternoon at 2:37 pm EDT. . . #TruthseekerTransitAlert #sunincancer #cancerseason #libramoon #bookasession #bookareading #7thhouse #firstquartermoon #donnacunningham #chironchronicles #wespeakourhoroscopes #moonbelike #planetsinmotion #deepakchopraquotes https://www.instagram.com/p/CRbT2hFBM5W/?utm_medium=tumblr
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truthseekerastrology · 4 years ago
“It is okay for people you love to leave. For them to come and go. She taught it to me over and over.” — Peter Heller . . The Cancer New Moon is exact on the East Coast this evening of July 9th at 9:17 pm EDT. Astrologer Donna Cunningham, author of the classic text, "Moon Signs: The Key To Your Inner Life," writes that New Moons represent "prophetic visions/visionaries who sacrifice for the whole." . . This Cancer New Moon gets its energy from Jupiter (rx) and Neptune (rx) in Pisces, Uranus in Taurus, and Chiron in Aries (which goes retrograde on July 15th). All of these big planetary contacts with this highly sensitive, self-protective, Sun-Moon blend are asking us to take a closer look at the ways in which we seek out emotional security and stability and how these pursuits play out, for better or worse, in our relationships to others, starting with those in our families of origin? . . Over the next couple of weeks, are you willing to take some risks as a higher expression of love and nurturing? Can you see yourself releasing people or situations that you’ve grown accustomed to protecting? Are you open to the possibility that others may perceive your care as a bit possessive and smothering and that your small sacrifices might refresh the relationship and take it in a new direction? Can you live with a sense of helplessness in the face of allowing others to be who they are supposed to be? At the end of the day, we should be willing to take that extra step to respect and love other people and their choices, even if it hurts us a bit. You got this, Truthseekers! . . NEXT UP >> Luna enters Leo tomorrow, Saturday, July 10, 2021 at 8:19 pm EDT. . . #sunincancer #cancerseason #TruthseekerTransitAlert #bookasession #bookareading #4thhouse #chironchronicles #wespeakourhoroscopes #NewMooninCancer #donnacunningham #chironchronicles #wespeakourhoroscopes #planetsinmotion #moonbelike #peterhellerquotes https://www.instagram.com/p/CRINNzQruH2/?utm_medium=tumblr
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truthseekerastrology · 4 years ago
Hey Truthseekers, welcome to July! The Last Quarter Moon in Aries ♈️♈️♈️ is exact this afternoon at 5:11 pm EDT, and remember, as above, so below. . . Astrologer Donna Cunningham, author of the classic text, "Moon Signs: The Key To Your Inner Life," writes that this lunar phase represents "emotional conflicts turned in on the self.” . . Truthseekers, it’s time to pump the brakes and seriously consider the ramifications and impacts of asserting our individual ego needs and desires at the cost of other people’s right to emotional self-determination. What may be reflected back to us ain’t gonna be the prettiest image, so proceed with caution. . . NEXT UP >> Saturday July 3, 2021, Luna enters Taurus at 8:27 am EDT . . #sunincancer #cancerseason #mooninaries #bookasession #bookareading #1sthouse #chironchronicles #wespeakourhoroscopes #lastquartermoon #donnacunningham #moonbelike #planetsinmotion #TruthseekerTransitAlert https://www.instagram.com/p/CQzJg0ZrEZj/?utm_medium=tumblr
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truthseekerastrology · 4 years ago
#CancerSeason kicks into high gear with the #CapricornFullMoon ♑️ ♑, which is exact this afternoon at 2:40 pm EDT!! Astrologer Donna Cunningham, author of the classic text, "Moon Signs: The Key To Your Inner Life," writes that full moons are “internally polarized, to resolve an emotional tug-of-war.” . . Today’s Full Moon is activating the highly emotive Cancer-Capricorn polarity. Think of a somewhat messy tug of war between two competing energies - one focused on the drive to channel the emotions into the maintenance of inner security and stability; the other focused on investing (emotional) capital into achievement and worldly success. . . The timing of today’s full moon perfects on the heels of yesterday’s Venus-Pluto opposition (exact at 7:39 pm EDT), which is also activating the Cancer-Capricorn polarity. Something along family or career lines - think relationships, values, or financial/money issues - may be extremely out of balance. Someone, maybe a sibling or close family friend, may have pointed out to you that your efforts in one direction or the other have been counterproductive and at worse, unsustainable. . . Truthseekers, whatever situation emerges over the next couple of weeks may be in desperate need of your focused attention, practical, emotionally grounded solutions, and/or decisive action. Are you willing and able to set aside your pride regarding the role you played in how this situation has unfolded? Can you find a new way to productively communicate about this situation with the people that are closest to you? In the end, it’s time to recognize and acknowledge things for what they are, roll up your sleeves, and move things back to a workable middle ground. . . NEXT UP >> Friday, June 25, 2021: Neptune in Pisces stations retrograde at 3:22 pm EDT; Saturday, June 26, 2021: Luna enters Aquarius at 10:08 pm EDT . . #sunincancer #cancerseason #fullmoonincapricorn #career #success #ambition #bookasession #bookareading #10thhouse #chironchronicles #wespeakourhoroscopes #donnacunninghamastrologer #planetsinmotion #moonbelike #TruthseekerTransitAlert https://www.instagram.com/p/CQg2maohM3m/?utm_medium=tumblr
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truthseekerastrology · 4 years ago
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Hey Truthseekers, the 2021 Summer Solstice is upon us, which means it's #CancerSeason ♋️♋️♋️!! Shout out to all the solar #Cancers out there, gearing up to celebrate another trip around the Sun. As a #CancerRising individual, I’m right there with you, striving to transform into the emotionally secure but FIERCE beacons of nurturing and loving light that the world needs right now. . . For those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, the passage of the Sun from Gemini into Cancer takes place late tonight, Sunday, June 20, 2021 at 11:25 pm EDT, marking the midpoint of the current astrological year. . . I’d like to revisit what I wrote in March in my Spring Equinox 2021 essay: "It behooves us to spend this year getting out of our heads and reconnecting with our heart space. It starts with devoting some time to conversations that honor and hold space for the full range of emotions needing to be expressed, including grief, anger and disappointment - if we intend to make it through to the other side. Our collective future success truly depends on it." . . How’s that been working out for you so far, Truthseekers? Have you encountered any surprises or unexpected insights? How have your values shifted as a result? Has your understanding of reality expanded? . . As we continue this journey, I encourage you to keep your heart space open and receptive, even if you feel like closing yourselves off emotionally. If you find yourself vacillating between cautious optimism and extreme exaggerated bouts of enthusiasm, grant yourself some grace to feel it all profoundly. . . Don’t get discouraged. Don’t choose to give up. Don’t lose faith. Remain focused, patient and persistent in the pursuit of your goals. If you feel that your needs aren’t being met in the manner in which you anticipated, try another way. Trust that you will eventually overcome any barriers or obstacles that stand in your path. . . #summersolstice2021 #cancerseason #cancersun #scorpiomoon #jupiterretrograde #moonbelike #chironchronicles #truthseekertransitalert #planetsinmotion #beyourbestselves #openyourheart #difficultconversations https://www.instagram.com/p/CQXPaE8oLLP/?utm_medium=tumblr
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truthseekerastrology · 4 years ago
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#VirgoMoon♍️♍️ be like…“Self-awareness is a key to self-mastery.” — Gretchen Rubin . . On the heels of the #FirstQuarterMoon, Luna leaves Leo, and enters discriminating Virgo this afternoon at 4:58 pm EDT. It’s time yet again to practice a bit of discernment and sort through the practical details of our lives. . . So, Truthseekers, as Venus and Saturn blend energetically this evening at 9:58 pm EDT and #TaurusSeason winds down, let’s take advantage of this Virgoan energy to calmly and maturely sort through the details of the last 30 days. What did you learn? What in the way of your values continues to work for you, and what are you prepared to leave behind? Let me know in the comments! . . NEXT UP: Sun enters Gemini on Thursday, May 20, 2021 at 3:29 pm EDT (and immediately squares off with Jupiter in Pisces, May 21, 2021 at 11:03 am EDT); Luna enters Libra, May 21, at 9:34 pm EDT . . #planetsinmotion #truthseekertransitalert #sunintaurus #taurusseason #mooninvirgo #bookasession #bookareading #6thhouse #humility #service #health #diet #exercise #selfimprovement #chironchronicles #wespeakourhoroscopes #selfmastery #selfawareness #gretchenrubinquotes https://www.instagram.com/p/CPEZzIJDRYu/?utm_medium=tumblr
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truthseekerastrology · 4 years ago
“In order to create lasting security, you must learn to stand in your truth.” - Suze Orman . . Truthseekers! The New Moon in Taurus ♉️♉️ is exact today at 3:00 pm EDT (and Neptune in Pisces is in the mix to give it a supportive boost). Are you ready to set some intentions that will strengthen your resolve to stand tall in your truth? Astrologer Donna Cunningham, author of the classic text, "Moon Signs: The Key To Your Inner Life," writes that the new moon represents “a subjective but powerful projection of the self into action.” . . With that said, what imaginative, spiritual and inspirational aspects of your inner self are you ready to begin projecting out into the world over the next two weeks? Are you ready to take a risk, even if it hurts to do so? Are you willing to face down challenges from others? How much courage are you willing to muster up to stand strong against the doubters and haters? . . With Mars in Cancer squaring off with Chiron in Aries at 7:53 pm EDT and later, making an opportunity angle to innovative and unconventional Uranus in Taurus at 10:47 pm EDT, it’s time to put on your armor, face your fears, throw caution, fear and doubt to the wind and get cracking! Others are watching how you move, and will be healed, as a result! You are needed in the world, more than you know. REMINDER: The replay of Episode 1 of the #SoulisticWellnessPHL podcast with co-host @VeganChefKali is up on the Truthseeker Astrology YouTube channel. Check my profile for the link, and be sure to comment, like, share and subscribe!! We are working hard on Episode 2 for #GeminiSeason in a few weeks, so stay tuned for more information on that! . . #sunintaurus #moonintaurus #moonsextilemars #moonconjuncturanus #taurusnewmoon #moonsextileneptune #moonsquaresaturn #moonsquarejupiter #moontrinepluto #2ndhouse #bookasession #bookareading #chironchronicles #wespeakourhoroscopes #donnacunninghamquotes #moonsignsthebook #truthseekertransitalert https://www.instagram.com/p/COvl-EhrZ9p/?igshid=q0yq849kzgav
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truthseekerastrology · 4 years ago
#TruthseekerTransitAlert: The Last Quarter Moon in Aquarius ♒️♒️ is exact today at 3:51 pm EDT!! . . Astrologer Donna Cunningham, author of the classic text, "Moon Signs: The Key To Your Inner Life," writes that this lunar phase represents "emotional conflicts turned in on the self." . . Truthseekers, what inner emotional turmoil might you be experiencing today? Can you look to your friends for support, relief, or solutions? Or maybe there is a friend that you may need to confront regarding your discomfort? Whatever it might be, tread carefully, and try not to lose your cool. . . #sunintaurus #taurusseason #mooninaquarius #moonsquareuranus #moonconjunctsaturn #moonsquaresun #lastquartermoon #moonsquarevenus #moonsquaremercury #moontrinenorthnode #moonconjunctjupiter #mercurytrinepluto #venussextileneptune #bigideas #friends #freedom #community #flashesofinsight #bookasession #bookareading #11thhouse #lastquartermoon #donnacunningham #chironchronicles #wespeakourhoroscopes #aquariusmoonbelike (at On the Moon) https://www.instagram.com/p/COakqiYtVoY/?igshid=ajlazukemi7p
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truthseekerastrology · 4 years ago
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OUT OF OFFICE ALERT (read below)! Hey Truthseekers... I'll be out of reach starting tomorrow, Saturday, June 19th at 10 am EDT through Monday, June 28th, for some much needed rest and relaxation and time to attend to other concerns. I'll return on Tuesday, June 29th at 10 am EDT. . . In the meantime, all #truthseekertransitalert, #moonbelike, #planetsinmotion and #soulisticwellnessPHL posts and stories will continue to run as scheduled on all social media platforms. . . Thank you so much for your support, patience and understanding, and I'll see you very soon! . . #phlpodcasts #bookasession #bookareading #supportblackbusinesses #healththroughfood #healthandwellnesspodcast #healthiswealth #youarewhatyoueat #supportblackwomen #blackownedbusiness #astrologyhealth #veganlifecoach #astrologylifecoach #astrologyguidance #philadelphiafoodies #weliveourhoroscopes https://www.instagram.com/p/CQQy9peN60I/?utm_medium=tumblr
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truthseekerastrology · 4 years ago
“It pays to keep an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out.” — Carl Sagan . . Set aside your to-do lists, Truthseekers - the First Quarter Moon in Virgo ♍️♍️♍️♍️ is exact late this evening at 11:55 pm EDT!! . . Astrologer Donna Cunningham, author of the classic text, "Moon Signs: The Key To Your Inner Life," writes that this lunar phase represents "internal conflict, directed outwardly." With the Sun and the Moon both in Mercury-ruled signs (Gemini and Virgo, respectively), and Mercury continuing to retrograde through Gemini, the internal conflict is centered around having to revisit a sensitive matter that we thought we understood. Doubts may arise as a result. . . Truthseekers, the key here is to try to maintain a degree of mental flexibility and grace, despite having to continue to face a great deal of uncertainty about our ability to read a situation that may be near and dear to us. The mind may be especially restless and agitated in its search for clarity and honesty since last week’s potent Gemini New Moon Solar Eclipse. Maybe you’re having some trouble getting to sleep, or maybe you’re finding it difficult to focus on the tasks at hand. . . Give yourself permission to relax into a space of uncertainty and in all things, keep an open and supple mind. It’s okay to not know what you don’t know right now. Also, give yourself permission to be okay with other people not having the answers, either, but don’t close yourself off completely from being persuaded to a different perspective. Remember - we’re all in the same boat. . . #TruthseekerTransitAlert #suningemini #geminiseason #virgomoon #bookasession #bookareading #6thhouse #firstquartermoon #donnacunningham #chironchronicles #wespeakourhoroscopes #moonbelike #planetsinmotion #carlsaganquotes https://www.instagram.com/p/CQP0mqYJe4b/?utm_medium=tumblr
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truthseekerastrology · 4 years ago
“Too hot to handle, too cold to hold!” — Randy Savage . . The Gemini New Moon ♊️♊️♊️ Solar Eclipse - aka the “Ring of Fire” solar eclipse - is exact this morning at 6:52 am EDT. Even if you aren’t able to view it, you will most certainly feel this one deeply, Truthseekers. . . In addition to this lunation peaking this morning, a little more than 12 hours later at 9:12 pm EDT, Mercury retrograde will connect with the Sun, marking the midpoint of this transit. Transit Neptune in Pisces is part of this energetic setup as well. And finally, Mars is at the fateful 29th degree of Cancer, coming off of his standoff with Pluto retrograde in Capricorn. . . Astrologer Donna Cunningham, author of the classic text, "Moon Signs: The Key To Your Inner Life," writes that New Moons represent "prophetic visionaries who sacrifice for the whole." . . When the truth is coming in hot, what do you do? Deny deny deny? Pour gasoline on the flame? Set it aside? Immolate the messenger who happened to see it coming well before now, even if it’s a family member, like a sibling? Something to consider over the next 6 months, my friends. See you on the other side. . . NEXT UP >> June 11, 2021: Luna enters Cancer at 3:21 am EDT; Mars enters Leo at 9:23 am EDT . . #suningemini #geminiseason #TruthseekerTransitAlert #ringoffire #bookasession #bookareading #3rdhouse #chironchronicles #wespeakourhoroscopes #newmooninGemini #solareclipseingemini2021 #donnacunningham #chironchronicles #wespeakourhoroscopes #planetsinmotion #moonbelike https://www.instagram.com/p/CP796WvIaav/?utm_medium=tumblr
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truthseekerastrology · 4 years ago
#TruthseekerTransitAlert: The Last Quarter Moon in Pisces ♓️♓️♓️♓️ is exact this morning at 3:25 am EDT!! . . Astrologer Donna Cunningham, author of the classic text, "Moon Signs: The Key To Your Inner Life," writes that this lunar phase represents "emotional conflicts turned in on the self." . . Truthseekers, what inner emotional turmoil might you be experiencing today? Could it have something to do with your dreams clashing with reality? Or perhaps you are struggling to find inspiration in the midst of conflicting information coming at you? Maybe it’s difficult for you to connect with others, or maybe you’re struggling to disengage from an unhealthy group dynamic. Whatever it might be, tread carefully, and try not to lose your cool. Trust that a resolution - and the requisite healing you seek - is headed your way. . . NEXT UP >> June 2, 2021: Venus enters Cancer, 9:13 am EDT; June 3, 2021: Luna enters Aries at 1:58 pm EDT . . #suningemini #geminiseason #mooninpisces #sunsextilechiron #bookasession #bookareading #12thhouse #chironchronicles #wespeakourhoroscopes #intuition #sacrifice #selfundoing #lastquartermoon #donnacunningham #chironchronicles #wespeakourhoroscopes #planetsinmotion #moonbelike https://www.instagram.com/p/CPm_2HdtfrF/?utm_medium=tumblr
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