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truthseekerastrology · 4 years ago
#LeoSeason starts off with a bang with the #AquariusFullMoon, exact tonight at 10:36 pm EDT!! Astrologer Donna Cunningham, author of the classic text, "Moon Signs: The Key To Your Inner Life," writes that full moons are “internally polarized, to resolve an emotional tug-of-war.” . . Tonight’s Full Moon sets the stage for us to take a guilt-free break from humanitarian concerns. Find some time and space to connect with friends and make play, imagination, creative expression and romance a priority. We can’t bring about the world we want if we don’t take time to recharge our batteries, Truthseekers. . . NEXT UP >> Sunday, July 25, 2021: Luna enters Pisces at 11:29 pm EDT . . #suninleo #leoseason #mooninaquarius #fullmooninaquarius #bigideas #friends #freedom #community #flashesofinsight #bookasession #bookareading #11thhouse #chironchronicles #wespeakourhoroscopes #moonbelike #planetsinmotion #billhybelsquotes #donnacunninghamastrologer #TruthseekerTransitAlert https://www.instagram.com/p/CRscCLXoDP_/?utm_medium=tumblr
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seeinglifethruglass · 10 years ago
Facts yo: When you start to love and make yourself happy is when u start to see things for what they are.
My superior temporal gyrus
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truthseekerastrology · 4 years ago
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#AquariusMoon ♒️♒️be like… “For me making music is part social, part interaction, part collaboration.” — Norah Jones . . Today, at 10:08 am EDT, Luna returned to Aquarius, in the wake of Neptune stationing retrograde in Pisces yesterday at 3:22 pm EDT. . . Last month, while Luna was in Aquarius, the question I posed was about bringing structure and form to flashes of insight that inspire and enlighten those who are in your sphere of influence. How is that going for you, especially as Saturn continues its retrograde journey through Aquarius, and separates from a second square to Uranus in Taurus ♉️ (exact June 14, 2021 at 6:02 pm EDT)? . . Well, over the next few days, Truthseekers, ask yourself: In the pursuit of and execution of my big idea, what’s my level of tolerance for others in my space who may have big and unconventional ideas of their own? Can I see the benefit of collaborating and cooperating or do I only see them as competitors? Is there room for growth in my thinking about these questions? Do I want to make music, or just make a lot of noise? . . NEXT UP>> Sunday, June 27, 2021 at 12:21 am EDT: Venus enters Leo ♌️; Monday, June 28, 2021 at 1:50 pm EDT: Luna enters Pisces ♓️. . . #sunincancer #cancerseason #mooninaquarius #bigideas #friends #freedom #community #flashesofinsight #bookasession #bookareading #11thhouse #chironchronicles #wespeakourhoroscopes #moonbelike #planetsinmotion #norahjonesquotes https://www.instagram.com/p/CQlmBKyDDXn/?utm_medium=tumblr
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truthseekerastrology · 4 years ago
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#AquariusMoon ♒️be like… “Female friendships that work are relationships in which women help each other belong to themselves.” — Louise Bernikow . . This evening, at 8:20 pm ET, Luna lands in the fixed air sign of Aquarius, and after the flurry of activity over the last two and a half days, she is wondering if her friendships and community connections are on solid ground. . . So much has happened since the volatile and contentious Leo Full Moon a couple of weeks ago and now we’re at a place where it seems difficult to make out the contours of our present circumstances. Nevertheless, now’s the time to set some new intentions in line with the upcoming Aquarius New Moon (exact on Thursday, February 11, 2021 at 2:06 pm ET). . . Questions may emerge around setting and maintaining healthy boundaries; balancing the need to freely express oneself with how much of our hopes and dreams is appropriate to share with others; and (re)learning how to calibrate and manage our emotions. In all things, remember to be gentle with oneself. Remember that those with whom we choose to voluntarily associate are merely a reflection of our inner reality. . . Truthseekers, there’s no better time than now to get (re)acquainted with the part of yourself that needs and deserves to thrive. At the end of the day, the burden of responsibility rests on each of us to create and maintain the conditions that are necessary for us to do so. Sometimes we are blessed to walk with others in joy and shared purpose, but at the end of the day, we belong to ourselves. . . #suninaquarius #aquariusseason #mooninaquarius #moonsquareuranus #moonsquaremars #saturnsquareuranus #friends #freedom #community #flashesofinsight #saturninaquarius #venusinaquarius #jupiterinaquarius #northnodeingemini #gemininorthnode #darkmoon #bookasession #bookareading #11thhouse #mercuryretrograde #mercuryrx2021 #chironchronicles #wespeakourhoroscopes #louisebernikowquotes https://www.instagram.com/p/CLF9ByYn3cQ/?igshid=aemwv2avfosd
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truthseekerastrology · 4 years ago
#TruthseekerTransitAlert: The Last Quarter Moon in Aquarius ♒️♒️ is exact today at 3:51 pm EDT!! . . Astrologer Donna Cunningham, author of the classic text, "Moon Signs: The Key To Your Inner Life," writes that this lunar phase represents "emotional conflicts turned in on the self." . . Truthseekers, what inner emotional turmoil might you be experiencing today? Can you look to your friends for support, relief, or solutions? Or maybe there is a friend that you may need to confront regarding your discomfort? Whatever it might be, tread carefully, and try not to lose your cool. . . #sunintaurus #taurusseason #mooninaquarius #moonsquareuranus #moonconjunctsaturn #moonsquaresun #lastquartermoon #moonsquarevenus #moonsquaremercury #moontrinenorthnode #moonconjunctjupiter #mercurytrinepluto #venussextileneptune #bigideas #friends #freedom #community #flashesofinsight #bookasession #bookareading #11thhouse #lastquartermoon #donnacunningham #chironchronicles #wespeakourhoroscopes #aquariusmoonbelike (at On the Moon) https://www.instagram.com/p/COakqiYtVoY/?igshid=ajlazukemi7p
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truthseekerastrology · 4 years ago
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#AquariusMoon ♒️♒️be like… “Tolerating imperfections is the price of freedom.” — Thomas Sowell . . Today, at 3:30 pm EDT, Luna returns to Aquarius. Last month, while she was in Aquarius, the question was about animating big ideas. What have you learned since then, specifically about bringing structure and form to flashes of insight that inspire and enlighten? . . Well, over the next few days, Truthseekers, ask yourself: In the pursuit of and execution of my big idea, what’s my level of tolerance for imperfections in myself and others? Do I embrace and accept imperfections with loving kindness, or reject them with a degree of ruthless inconsideration and thoughtlessness? How does either contribute to or deplete from the clarity and solidity and independence of thought and deed that you claim to value? . . NEXT UP: . Monday, May 3, 2021: Sun square Saturn in Aquarius, 6:01 am EDT; Last quarter moon (Sun square Moon), 3:51 pm EDT; Mercury enters Gemini, 10:15 pm EDT . Tuesday, May 4, 2021: Luna enters Pisces at 10:08 pm EDT . . #sunintaurus #taurusseason #mooninaquarius #moonsquareuranus #moonconjunctsaturn #moonsquaresun #lastquartermoon #moonsquarevenus #moonsquaremercury #moontrinenorthnode #moonconjunctjupiter #mercurytrinepluto #venussextileneptune #bigideas #friends #freedom #community #flashesofinsight #bookasession #bookareading #11thhouse #chironchronicles #wespeakourhoroscopes #thomassowellquotes https://www.instagram.com/p/COYeN0OHWcT/?igshid=1cmue0g0l1qec
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truthseekerastrology · 4 years ago
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#AquariusMoon ♒️♒️be like… “Everything begins with an idea.” — Earl Nightingale . . Today, at 9:03 am EDT, Luna returns to Aquarius. Last month, while she was in Aquarius, the question was about breakthrough 🤯 moments. How did that go? . . Well, over the next few days, Truthseekers, ask yourself: What’s my big idea 💡? Can I articulate it? If I had to, can I pitch it to others with the level of clarity, power, authority, enthusiasm and courage that I feel in my gut for it? Am I prepared to run with it, rock with it, roll with it? Can I make the world fall in love with it as much as I do? . . If not, what the heck am I waiting for? . . Next up: Luna enters #Pisces, Wednesday, April 7, 2021, 4:30 pm EDT . . #suninaries #ariesseason #mooninaquarius #moonsextilemercury #moonsquareuranus #moonconjunctsaturn #moonsextilesun #moonsextilevenus #moontrinemars #moontrinenorthnode #moonconjunctjupiter #bigideas #friends #freedom #community #flashesofinsight #waningmoon #bookasession #bookareading #11thhouse #chironchronicles #wespeakourhoroscopes #earlnightingalequotes https://www.instagram.com/p/CNSQcjLBfXR/?igshid=1liu3chl2s1vj
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truthseekerastrology · 4 years ago
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#AquariusMoon be like… ““The other side of every fear is a freedom.” — Marilyn Ferguson . . Today, at 2:40 am ET, Luna returns to Aquarius for the next two and a half days. Have you been actively avoiding your breakthrough moment, because on some level, you fear being truly free from what has been holding you back? Ask your friends what they think and be prepared to hear some insights that may surprise you. . . #suninpisces #piscesseason #mooninaquarius #moonsquareuranus #moontrinemars #saturnsquareuranus #friends #freedom #community #flashesofinsight #saturninaquarius #venusinpisces #jupiterinaquarius #northnodeingemini #gemininorthnode #darkmoon #bookasession #bookareading #11thhouse #chironchronicles #wespeakourhoroscopes https://www.instagram.com/p/CMMJ-tDh_WF/?igshid=qm8nva5h66oj
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truthseekerastrology · 4 years ago
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#AquariusMoon ♒️♒️be like… “A word after a word after a word is power.” — Margaret Atwood . . Luna returns to Aquarius the second time this month at 12:03 am EDT. Previously, I asked how you were doing in terms of tolerating imperfections in yourself and in others. Now, with Mercury having hooked up with Venus in Gemini yesterday morning at 1:15 am EDT before stationing retrograde at 6:33 pm EDT, it’s a good time to turn our attention to the notion that our (unedited) words and ideas have tremendous power when we allow them to flow unimpeded from the Source. . . In other words, stop second guessing yourselves and getting in your own way, Truthseekers! Enjoy the rest of this long holiday weekend! . . NEXT UP - Tuesday, June 1, 2021: Luna enters Pisces at 5:07 am EDT . . #suningemini #geminiseason #mooninaquarius #bigideas #friends #freedom #community #flashesofinsight #bookasession #bookareading #11thhouse #chironchronicles #wespeakourhoroscopes #margaretatwoodquotes #mercuryrxingemini #planetsinmotion #moonbelike https://www.instagram.com/p/CPe6YPsr009/?utm_medium=tumblr
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